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Available Dialer Prefixes. Use ALT P from dialing directory to edit. %2d) %s Select> Auto-dial Prefix Editor Escape sequence: %sHangup Code: %sPrefix 1: %sPrefix 2: %sPrefix 3: %sPrefix 4: %sPrefix 5: %sPrefix 6: %sPrefix 7: %sPrefix 8: %sPrefix 9: %sPrefix 10: %sRedial Delay: %d ST-TERM Compuserve 'B' File Transfer Packets Transfered : Data Bytes Sent : Data Bytes Received : Total Bytes Sent : Total Bytes Received : Total Errors : Last Status Message : Initialization error Unsupported File TypeFile Creation Error Initailization Error Initailization Error Press any key to return to Terminal ModeTransfer CompleteHOST aborted transferSending NAK for block %dTransfer cancelled by ALT-T or ESC hitError opening send fileCan't send packet. Transfer Aborted!Transfer Complete%6d %6d %6ld %6ld %6ld %6ld Auto-dial Editor Name: %sPhone: %sSpeed: %dData bits: %dStop Bits: %dParity: %cPassword: %sAccount Number: %sTimer Start: N YTimer Reset: N YBilling rate: %dComments: %sEnter system name (25 characters)Enter system phone number (14 characters)Enter new baud rate 300 600 1200 2400 4800 9600 Enter new word length (7 or 8)Enter new stop bits (1 or 2)Enter new Parity(N,E,O)Enter system password (20 characters)Enter system account number (20 characters)Start connect timer upon connection? (Y/N)Reset connect timer upon connection? (Y/N)Enter billing rate in cents per hourEnter any comments about this record (40 characters)NY Directory of *.*No files found.

files found. %ld bytes free. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec AMPM: , 19 ^Z=Finished ^N=Next field ^P=Previous field ^G=Delete char ^,;srKERMIT SENDNo files to sendSend failedKermit send completedKERMIT RECEIVEReceive failed.Kermit receive completedCannot create %s%-5d%-5d%-6ldCannot open file %s%-6ld%-6ld%-5d%-5d%-6ldKermit aborting with following error from remote host: %s ST-TERM TERMINAL KEY COMMANDS Auto Dial Functions Capture Functions ALT-3 Auto Dial Directory ALT-C RAM Capture Toggle ALT-A Send Account Number ALT-E Erase RAM Capture ALT-^A Send Password ALT-S Save RAM Capture Terminal Functions File Functions ALT-B Send Break ALT-F File Directory ALT-K Keypad Toggle ALT-N Set Path ALT-M View Macro Keys ALT-R Receive File ALT-V VT52/VT100 Toggle ALT-U Upload File ALT-W Wrap Toggle ALT-ESC Edit File ALT-^S Status Screen ^-ESC Edit Buffer ALT-P Printer Log Toggle ALT-Space Clear Screen Timer Functions Clr/Home No Scroll Toggle ^@ Send Null ALT-O Toggle Timer/Clock +ALT-^R Toggle Timer On/Off ALT-UNDO Execute Program ALT-^C Clear Timer Macro Key Editor F1: %s F2: %s F3: %s F4: %s F5: %s F6: %s F7: %s F8: %s F9: %s F10: %s ALT-F1: %s ALT-F2: %s ALT-F3: %s ALT-F4: %s ALT-F5: %s ALT-F6: %s ALT-F7: %s ALT-F8: %s ALT-F9: %s ALT-F10: %s Press any key to return to Terminal Modebhmrsxyz192009600480024001200600300FHNOEST-Term Main MenuA - AutodialerM - Macro key EditorALT-S - Save Setup fileALT-O - Load Setup fileRS232 ConfigurationB - Baud RateD - DuplexE - Remote EchoL - Line FeedsP - ParityO - StOp BitsW - Word Length@ - Strip bitUpload/DownloadC - Disk Capture (Xon-Xoff Download)U - Upload fileR - Receive fileAlt A - Toggle Amodem mode* - Set Atascii TranslationTime Functions^E sEt Time^R staRt Timer^P stoP Timer^C Clear TimerDOS FunctionsALT-F - Format FloppyALT-E - Erase FileALT-C - Copy FileALT-R - Rename FileALT-L - List FilesALT-T - Type fileALT-P - Print fileALT-D - Change Default driveALT-N - Change directory Timer cleared! Connect timer stopped! Connect timer started! Enter name of setup file to load: Amodem/FoReM XL Xmodem active Modem7 Xmodem active Atascii Emulation mode on Atascii Emulation mode off Enter command or for Terminal Mode Enter setup save filespec: Aborted! File %s already exits. Ok to overwrite? No Yes Error writing setup file %s Setup file %s written. Error opening %s Error reading setup file %s Setup file %s installed. 1278YXmodem Send%-ld%ld%d:%d %d:0%d YXmodem Receiver s Ready to transfer. Press ALT-T from TERMINAL Mode to begin. axrybk2fszAvailable Upload Protocols[1] - Ascii[2] - Xmodem Checksum[3] - Xmodem CRC[4] - Xmodem 1K CRC[5] - Ymodem Batch[6] - Kermit[7] - Compuserve B[8] - FoReM ST/PC 4K block Fmodem[9] - SEAlink Windowed Xmodem[0] - Zmodem[T] - Toggle tight timing. Now Loose.Tight.Select protocol> XRYBK2FSZAvailable Download Protocols[1] - Xmodem Checksum[2] - Xmodem CRC[3] - Xmodem 1K CRC[4] - Ymodem Batch[5] - Kermit[6] - Compuserve B[7] - FoReM ST/PC 4K block Fmodem[8] - SEAlink Windowed Xmodem[9] - Zmodem[T] - Toggle tight timing. Now Loose.Tight.Select protocol> Capture enabled. Cancel first! Enter save filespec: %s already exits. Append file? %s already exists. Ok to overwrite? Capture enabled. Cancel first! Enter filespec to send: Macro Key Status F1: %s F2: %s F3: %s F4: %s F5: %s F6: %s F7: %s F8: %s F9: %s F10: %s ALT-F1: %s ALT-F2: %s ALT-F3: %s ALT-F4: %s ALT-F5: %s ALT-F6: %s ALT-F7: %s ALT-F8: %s ALT-F9: %s ALT-F10: %s Press any key to return to Terminal ModeRename FileOld Name:New Name:File not found Cannot rename to existing file Aborted... Error occured on rename. Function aborted. Function sucessful. New filename is %s Delete FileFilename: Aborted... Error occured on delete. Function aborted. Function sucessful. One file deleted. Format FloppyDrive: (A,B): Sides: (1,2): Invalid Entry. Format Aborted... Ok to format drive %s? No Aborted... Yes Formatting...Side: %d Track: %-3d Error occurred during format. Side: %d Track: %-2d Error occurred during format. Error %d occurred during boot sector write. ,statCompleted! Set Default DriveDrive: New default drive: %c Set DirectoryDirectory: Invalid directoryPrint FileFilename: Printing... Error opening %s Aborted... Type FileFilename: Error opening %s Aborted... Copy FileSource file :Destination File:Aborted! *.*Copying %s --> %s %d files copied. File not found File %s already exists. Ok to overwrite? NO YES Error %d on creation of %s Error %d opening %s Error writing %s. File deleted. Enter new baud rate:300 600 12002400 4800 9600 19200Invalid baud rate. Not changedEnter new Parity(N,E,O):Enter new Word Length(7,8):Enter new Stop Bits(1,2):Enter new Remote Echo: T = On F = OFF Enter new Line feed after Carriage Return: T = On F = OFF Enter new Strip High Bit: T=On F = OFF Enter new Duplex :H = Half F = FullCurrent RS232 configurationBaud Rate : 300 600 120024004800960019200Word Length : 87Parity : NoneEvenOdd Stop Bits : 12Duplex : FullHalfRemote Echo : On OffLine Feeds : OnOffStrip Bit : OnOffST-TERM 3.5rbSealink: Can't read %s Ready to send. Waiting on Remote.Timeout abort%-5d/ %d:%d / %d:0%d %-6ldEnd of TranferEnd of FileNak abortACK %dCRC CHECKSUMNAK %d%-5dInitSEAlink ReceiveCRC CHECKSUMNAK block %d %-5sEOT received^X abortTimeCreated %s Error creating file%-6d%-6ld%d:%d %d:0%d Disk error abort%-5d%-6ld/ %d:%d / %d:0%d DupACK End of FileShortCRCCheckwbuf writeST-TERM STATUSRS232 SettingsCurrent Setup : %sBaud Rate : 300 600 1200240048009600Word Length : 87Parity : NoneEvenOdd Stop Bits : 12Duplex : FullHalfRemote Echo : On OffLine Feeds : OnOffAtascii Emulator : OnOffTerminal Type : ANSIVT52File TransferFilename : %sAmodem Mode : OnOffTerminal StatusCapture : OnOffBuffer Size : %ldBytes Remaining : %ldPrinter logging : OnOffDialer StatusName : %sPhone Number : %sReset Timer : YesNoBilling rate : %d $/hrPress any key to return to Terminal ModeSystem time: %s on %s Connected : %ld minutesCost : $%-10.2fwppwU33ss77wx Not enough memory to run ST-TERM ST-TERM.SETANSI (VT100) mode VT-52 mode ST-TERM.INIrST-TERM.EDIrCapture OFF - Buffer Full Must first SAVE and TURN OFF Buffer Capture! Enter filename to edit: Error Loading Editor Terminal Mode ST-TERM.BUF Error creating temporary file ST-TERM.BUF Error Loading Editor ST-TERM.BUFTerminal Mode Buffer now %ld bytes Wrap off Wrap on BREAK COMM Cleared VT100 mode VT52 mode Capture file closed No transfer selected! wb Error opening %s Saving to %s ab Error opening %s Appending %s Capture OFF - %ld bytes free. Capture ON - %ld bytes free. Buffer erasedEnter save filespec: CON:PRT: Error opening file %s. Error writing %s. File saved. %ld bytes. Print spooling on Print spooling off Must first SAVE and TURN OFF Buffer Capture! Enter Command: Terminal Mode Exit, Are you sure? No Terminal mode Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Enter time (hh:mm:ss): Enter date (mm/dd/yy): AMPM: , 19 System time set to %s on %s Invalid time entry. Format hh:mm:ss or hhmmss. Invalid date entry. Format dd/mm/yy or ddmmyy. ST-TERM 3.7 Matthew R. Singer(c)1985,1986,1987 Commnet Systems50 Eaton RoadFramingham, MA 01701Terminal Mode - Press Help-> Menu Alt H-> Key Defs Undo-> Exit Change upload setup? No Error opening %s. Upload aborted. Uploading. Press ALT-T to abort. Aborted! Aborted! Transfer Complete! Upload SetupCharacter spacing: %ldEnd of line spacing: %ldPrompt character: %dEnter time in 1/60th seconds to delay between charactersEnter time in 1/60th seconds to delay after CREnter 0 if prompted uploadEnter decimal ascii value of prompt characterEnter 0 if no prompt/ %d:%d / %d:0%d CRC CHECKSUM%-5ld%-2dAborted by ALT-TDuplicate block numberOld style Amodem block count encounteredAborted by ALT-T%-6ldCHECKSUM Error%-6ldCRC ErrorTIMEOUTError creating %sAborted by ALT-TTransfer aborted. Disk write errorTransfer aborted by senderTransfer aborted. 10 transmission failuresTransfer aborted. Disk write error/ %d:%d / %d:0%d Aborted by ALT-TCRCCHECKSUM%-5ld%-2d%-6ldBlock check errorTransfer abortedTransfer CompletedError reading %s. Transfer abortedAborted by ALT-TTransfer aborted by receiver.Receiver is not CRC able. Using CHECKSUM modeReceiver is CRC able. Using CRC modeTransfer abortedTransfer CompletedST-TERM File TransferProtocol :File List :Current File Name :File Size :Block Check :Transfer Time :Bytes Transfered :Blocks Transferred:Blocks In File :Error Count :Last Error/Message:Transfer completePress any key to return to Terminal Mode ͦͫͱ͹VT52VT100PRT OFFPRT ON MCAP OFFMCAP ON DCAP OFFDCAP ON STRIP OFFSTRIP ON %2d:%s%-5s | %1sD %-5s %s%s%s | %-9s | %-7s | %-8s | %-8s | %06ld |%06ld%2d:%sFmodem Send BatchYmodem Send BatchSEAlink SendZmodem Send%-5ld%-5ld%d:%d %d:0%d Transfer completeFmodem Receive BatchYmodem Receive BatchWaiting on Remote...%ld%-6ld%-6ld%d:%d %d:0%d Completed! 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L"20   P@*.FPBLD .$  .6*" .J0.$nBF\ @$@ (  .,04 , 6&0&2> 0  @J$  $"  ,$ 0| T4 Our Addess is now: Commnet Systems 50 Eaton Road Framingham, MA 01701 617-877-0257 ST-TERM 3.7 Added: Zmodem protocol ALT-UNDO will call a shell to run a command. The capture to memory must be saved and OFF before a shell command or the Editor command is envoked. ST-TERM 3.6 The Memory capture buffer has been extended use all available free memory. ST-Term 3.5 The 4 drive access limit has been changed to 16 drives Upon connection from the auto-dial, if the connection baud rate is different from the baud rate in the autodial file then the baud rate is changed to the connected baud rate. ST-Term 3.3 features ST-TERM now support SEAlink and Fmodem protocols. ST-TERM.INI This file is a list of commands to send to the mdem when the program is booted. ST-TERM.EDI ST-TERM can now call any TOS editor to edit a file or the capture buffer. Use CONTRL-ESC to edit the capture buffer or ALT-ESC to edit a file. The file ST-TERM.EDI contains one line which is the full path name for the editor to run. Information on ST-TERM 2.2 additions Additional Terminal Mode Keys. Press ALT-H for list. Sequence Dialing. You can now tell ST-TERM to dial up to 9 numbers until it connects with one of them. Information on ST-TERM 2.1 additions New enhancements include: VT 100 emulation User set screen/text colors Full status screen 64k capture buffer Double sided disk format Wildcard copies Enhanced Autodialer Xmodem CRC Ymodem and Ymodem Batch protocols This file contains information about ST-TERM version 2.0. ST-TERM 2.0 has ANSI (VT100 subset) emulation. Pressing the ALT and V keys will toggle between VT52 and Ansi modes. In ansi modes, ST-TERM is suitable for use on DEC VAX systems and most other systems expecting a DEC VT100 terminal. ST-TERM supports the VT100 control set with the exception of: Double width / Double height Bold, Blink, Underscore LED's Alternate Character sets Smooth scro lling 132 column mode The state of the emulator is saved in the setup file. If no setup file is loaded, ST-TERM will default to ANSI mode. Some systems such as Compuserve, allow you to connect at 8 bit even parity, but they output with the high bit set. The rs232 setup now has a STRIP BIT mode to handle this. There are now 2 methods of text capture supported by ST-TERM. From the terminal mode, alt-c and alt-s control the 64K capture buffer. Alt-S allows you to save captured text to any disk file, or to the screen or printer. From the main menu, the C command enable the Capture style ascii download function. You will be prompted for the name of a DISK file to save the download file to. Pressing ALT-T from the terminal mode will activate the text download. Pressing ALT-K will end the download. Files may be appended by repeating the ALT-T, ALT-K sequence. Note that the only limit on file size is the amount of free space on the disk. ST-TERM now supports Xmodem CRC, Ymodem and Ymodem Batch protocols. Protocol support is now done from a sub menu after pressing Receive or Send from the help menu. Two key commands have been added to the macro key functions. The character sequence will send a form feed character. The character sequence will send an escape character. This is very useful when using VAX TPU and you wish to emulate a VT200's function keys. Eight additional special keys have been added: SETTING THE SCREEN COLOR ST-TERM 2.0 allows you to set the colors for the text and background colors. These color selections are saved in your setup file. To cycle through the colors, use the Shift and up cursor key to change the background color and Shift and left cursor key to change the text color. %ST-TERM 2.1 )by "Matthew R. Singer (c)1985 Commnet Systems " Copyright Notice: This software program is copyright 1985 by Matthew R. Singer. All rights reserved. No part of this software program or its associated documentation may be duplicated in any form or by any means without the express written consent of the author or Commnet Systems. Disclaimer: Neither Commnet Systems, nor Matthew R. Singer make any representation or warranties with respect to the contents herein and specifically disclaims any implied warranties or merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction .* 3 Getting Started .' 4 Running ST-TERM .' 4 Exiting ST-TERM .& 4 Terminal Special Keys .! 5 Printer Logging .$ 5 Null Key .+ 5 Break Key .* 5 Clear Comm Key .% 5 No Scroll Key .& 5 VT52 / Ansi Mode Toggle . 5 Wrap Around Toggle .! 6 Status Key .) 6 Text Capture .* 7 Macro Key Commands .$ 8 Main Menu Commands .$ 9 Autodial .* 10 ( Paging Through the Directory . 11 Dialing a Phone Number . 11 x Transmitting Account Number and Password . 11 Manual Dialing .$ 11 Automatic Redial .! 12 Editing a Phone Number Entry . 12 Dialing Prefixes ." 14 Communications Setup . 16 Macro Key Editor ." 18 File Transfer Functions . 19 Ascii Upload .# 19 Xmodem/Ymodem Send / Receive . 20 Kermit Send / Receive . 22 Amodem File Transfer Mode . 23 Atari 8 bit ATASCII Emulation Mode . 23 Timer Functions .# 24 DOS Functions .% 25 Copy File .% 26 Erase File .% 27 Format Floppy ." 28 Rename File .$ 29 List Files .% 30 Type File .& 30 Print File .% 31 Set Default Drive . 32 Set Default Directory . 33 Setup Functions .# 34 Save Setup File . 34 Load Setup File . 34 Keypad Codes For EDT Editor (ANSI mode) . 36 Keypad Codes For EDT Editor (VT52 mode) . 37 INTRODUCTION: ST-TERM is a smart terminal emulator for the Atari ST series of micro-computers. Some features of ST-TERM include: VT100 (subset) / VT52 terminal emulation with full keypad support Full control of RS232 settings with baud rates to 9600bps Remote host echoing Connect timer/billing calculator Automatic phone dialer featuring 400 entries Auto redial 10 Dialing prefixes Long Distance services support Printer logging Clear Comm key Break key Atari ATASCII emulation File transfers utilizing XMODEM / XMODEM CRC YMODEM / YMODEM BATCH AMODEM KERMIT ASCII Throttled ASCII Prompted ASCII 20 macro keys with ability to load from disk Setup files for storing RS232/Macro keys DOS function without leaving the program Format disk Delete file Copy file Rename file List files Change default drive Change default directory Type file Print file ST-TERM 2.1 3 GETTING STARTED: Your distribution diskette contains 5 files: ST-TERM.TTP is the main terminal emulator program ST-TERM.SET is the default setup file containing information about the RS232 settings and MACRO keys ST-TERM.NUM is the phone number directory for the  autodialer ST-TERM.PRE is a list of dialing prefixes for the autodialer READ.ME contains the latest information not found in this manual RUNNING ST-TERM Insert your distribution diskette in drive A. Double click the icon for drive A to open its directory window. Double click the icon for ST-TERM.TTP. A window will open prompting for a command line parameter. This parameter is the name of an ST-TERM setup fdile which is used to tell ST-TERM your selected RS232 settings and macro key definitions. If you do not have any custom setup files, ST-TERM will default to the file ST-TERM.SET. If this file is not found, ST-TERM will default to 1200 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit and no parity checking. Once loaded, ST-TERM will display a title screen and copyright notice. You may then begin your communications session. This is called the "Terminal Mode". EXITING ST-TERM UNDO - The undo key will exit ST-TERM and return to the desktop. ST-TERM 2.1 4 TERMINAL MODE SPECIAL KEYS PRINTER LOGGING ALT P - Pressing the Alternate key and the P key simultaneously will toggle printer logging mode on/off. When on, all input and output while in Terminal Mode will be echoed to the printer. ALT HELP - Pressing the Alternate and HELP keys simultaneously will perform a screen dump to the printer. NULL KEY To send the null character (ascii 0), press Control and 2. BREAK KEY The ST computer has no break key. To send the break signal to the remote computer, press the Alternate key and the B key simultaneously. The break signal is defined as a .233 second space on the communications line. CLEAR COMM KEY The ST computer responds to Xon-Xoff protocol for terminal communications. If a random Xoff character is received due to a noisy phone line, the terminal emulator will appear to freeze. To overcome this problem, ST-TERM implements a CLEAR COMM key to clear out a stray XOFF. This key is the CLEAR/HOME key. NO SCROLL KEY The ST keyboard does not include the VT100's NOSCROLL key. This key has been impLemented with the INSERT key. Pressing the INSERT key will alternately send XOFF-XON to the host computer. VT-52/ANSI TOGGLE Selection of VT-52 or ANSI emulation mode is accomplished by pressing the Alternate and V keys simultaneously. To have ST-TERM come up in the emulation mode of your choice, you must save the current setup file after selecting the emulation mode. See SAVE SETUP FILE COMMAND. ST-TERM 2.1 5 WRAP AROUND TOGGLE When ST-TERM is first run, end of line wrap around is off. When incoming text exceeds the length of an 80 column line, the additional text is not seen. Pressing the Alternate and W keys simultaneously, will toggle on/off Wrap Around. When on, text longer than 80 characters will wrap around to the next display line. STATUS KEY Pressing Alternate, Control and S simultaneously, will display the current status of ST-TERM. ST-TERM 2.1 6 TEXT CAPTURE From the Terminal Mode, three key combinations control saving text to and from the 64K capture buffer.  Pressing the Alternate and C keys will toggle data capturing on/off. When on, both input and output are saved to the capture buffer. The status of the capture buffer may be seen with the ALT-CTRL-S Status command. Pressing the Alternate and E keys will clear the contents of the capture buffer. Pressing the Alternate and S keys will save the contents of the capture buffer to the designated file. Entering PRT: as the save filename will output to the printer instead of a disk file. Entering CON: will output the buffer to the screeBn. When the buffer is saved to a disk file, the contents of the buffer are cleared. ST-TERM 2.1 7 MACRO-KEY COMMANDS ST-TERM supports macro keys. Using the M command from the HELP menu, you can create up to 20 macro definitions. These macros are lines of text which may be sent to the remote host computer by pressing only 1 or 2 keys. These macro definitions are bound to the 10 function keys and the function/Alternate key combinations. To send a macro you have created to the remote computer, press the function key corresponding to the defined macro. See MACRO KEY EDITOR command. From the Terminal Mode, pressing the Alternate and M keys simultaneously will display the defined Macro Keys. Press the key to return to Terminal Mode. ACCESSING THE ST-TERM MENU HELP - The help key will enter the command menu mode. From this mode, you may enter DOS commands, set the time, configure the RS232 port, and send/receive files. ST-TERM 2.1 8 MAIN MENU COMMANDS Pressing the HELP key from the Terminal Mode enters the Menu Command Mode. ST-TERM will display a menu of commands. To activate a command, press the letter or Alternate/Control key combination corresponding to your selection. ST-TERM 2.1 9 AUTODIAL COMMANDS A - Autodial The file ST-TERM.NUM is read for a listing of computer dial up numbers. This file contains information regarding the name, telephone number, and RS232 setup for computer systems. ST-TERM will display a list of the first 10 entries in the Autodial file. ST-TERM 2.1 10 PAGING THROUGH THE DIRECTORY There are two ways to page through the Autodial Directory. The plus (+) and minus (-) keys will go forward and backward respectively 10 entries at a time. To go to a particular page number in the directory, press the # key. ST-TERM will ask you which page to go to. Enter a number from 1 through 40. DIALING A PHONE NUMBER To dial a number on the current dialing directory page, press the letter corresponding to the selected entry. Once the selection is made, ST-TERM will: 1) Hang up the modem 2) Set the RS232 settings to the values saved for this number 3) Dial the number ST-TERM will wait 60 seconds for a connection to be made. A connection is either ST-TERM reading the carrier detect line of the RS232, or the modem returing "CONNECT". TRANSMITTING ACCOUNT NUMBER/PASSWORD If a connection is made from the autodialer, ST-TERM places you back in the terminal mode. From within the Terminal Mode you can send your saved password and account number with 2 keystrokes. Pressing the Alternate and A keys will send your saved account number to the remote computer. Pressing the Alternate, Control and A keys will send your saved password to the remote computer. MANUAL DIALING To manually enter a number to dial using the current dialing prefix, press the M key. ST-TERM will ask for the number to dial. ST-TERM 2.1 11 AUTOMATIC REDIAL Pressing the R key will tog[gle automatic redialing of a phone number. When a dialed number is busy, ST-TERM will automatically redial the number in 5 seconds. During a redial, press any key to abort. EDITING A PHONE NUMBER To edit one of the entries in the Autodial directory, enter the letter corresponding to the entry while holding down the Alternate key. ST-TERM 2.1 12 ST-TERM will display a form for the following fields: Name: System name Phone Number: System phone number Account Number: Your account number Password: Your password Billing Rate: Connect time in cents/hour Timer Reset If YES, then connect timer (reset to 0 at autodial (connection Comments Any text you want Baud Rate RS232 configuration Parity Duplex Word Length Stop Bits Use the cursor left and right arrow keys to move within a field. Use , control P (previous field) and control N (next field) to move among the fields. Press control Z when done making changes. Control G deletes the character to the right of the cursor. Backspace or Delete - deletes the character to the left of the cursor. Note: The autodialer only works with modems that are AT command set compatible. Your modem must be set to send back result codes. If your modem has built in automatic redialing, it should be turned off to prevent conflict with the ST- TERM autodialer. ST-TERM 2.1 13 DIALING PREFIXES Pressing the P key at the autodialer menu will display the entries in the file ST-TERM.PRE. These are commands sent to the modem to dial before the actual phone number is sent. This can be used to store an access number for MCI or other long distance services. For example, a prefix might be ATDT 555-1212,,,12345. The default prefix is ATDT for touch tone dialing of Hayes compatible modems. EDITING AUTO DIAL PREFIXES To edit a dialing prefix, press ALT P from the autodial menu. A form will be displayed: ST-TERM 2.1 14 Escape is the character sequence to place your modem in command mode. For a Hayes compatible modem, this is normally 3 plus signs (+++). Hangup is the character sequence to tell you modem to hangup the phone line. For Hayes compatible modems, this is normally ATH0. Note: For Avatex modems, this field must be blank. The other remaining entries are dialing prefixes to be sent when a number is dialed. Use the cursor left and right arrow keys to move within a field. Use Return, Control P (previous field) and Control N (next field) to move among the fields. Press Control Z when done making changes. Control G - deletes character to right of cursor Backspace or Delete - deletes character to left of cursor ST-TERM 2.1 15 COMMUNICATIONS SETUP FUNCITONS B,D,E,L,O,P,W - Change Communications Settings. A form will be displayed with the following fields:  Baud Rate (300,600,1200,2400,4800,9600) Duplex (Full, Half) Z Word Length (7 bit, 8 bit) Stop_bits (1, 2) Parity (N,E,O) Remote echo (on/off) Line feed after CR (on/off)  ST-TERM 2.1 16 Command B: Set baud rate. Acceptable values are: 300,600,1200,2400,4800,9600. Command D: Set duplex. Acceptable values are F or H. In Full duplex mode, characters typed locally are not echoed to the screen. In Half duplex mode, characters typed locally are echoed to the screen. Command E: Remote echo. Acceptable values are T or F. If remote echo is true, incoming characters are echoed back to the remote computer. This is used for two terminals connected together. Command L: Line feed after C/R. Acceptable values are T or F. If true, ST-TERM will send a line feed after every carriage return. Command O: Set stop bits. Acceptable values are 1 or 2. Command P: Set parity. Acceptable values are N,O,E  (corresponding to None, Odd, Even parities). Command W: Set word length. Acceptable values are 7,8. ST-TERM 2.1 17 Macro Key Functions M - Macro Key editor A form will be displayed for the editing of macro keys. These keys correspond to strings to be sent to the remote computer when the key is depressed in terminal mode. The definitions will not be saved to disk for future runs of ST-TERM unless the SAVE SETUP command is used from the HELP menu. F1: . . F10: ALT- F1: . . ALT- F10 Use the cursor left and right arrow keys to move within a field. Use Return, Control P (previous field) and Control N (next field) to move among the fields. Press Control Z when done making changes. To insert a carriage return in the macro, use the character sequence (must be uppercase). To insert a line feed in the macro, use the character sequence . To insert a form feed in the macro, use the character sequence . To insert an escape character in the macro, use the character sequence . To insert a time delay of 1/2 second in the macro, use the character ` (reverse apostrophe). Control G - deletes character to right of cursor Backspace or Delete - deletes character to left of cursor Additional macro keys definitions may be loaded by using the ALT O LOAD SETUP FILE command. ST-TERM 2.1 18 FILE TRANSFER FUNCTIONS U - File Upload You will be prompted for the name of a file to send to the remote computer. If a valid filename is given, you will then be given the opportunity to select a file transfer protocol. ST-TERM supports Xmodem, Xmodem with CRC error checking, Ymodem (1K block Xmodem), Ymodem Batch and Ascii transfers. If an ascii transfer is seleted you will be allowed to change the ascii upload parameters. If you select to change them, a form will open. ST-TERM 2.1 19 This form has three entries: character spacing end of line spacing prompt character. These three parameters configure how rapidly the upload takes place. Many mini and mainframe computers can not take a full speed transfer. Character spacing is a delay between each character sent. This changes the effective baud rate of the transfer. This time is entered in 1/60 of a second increments. If you enter a 2, there will be 1/30 second delay between each character sent. Line spacing is a similar delay at the end of each line in an Ascii file. This is useful for computers such as VAX. If this entry is 0, it sets up to a prompted mode. In prompted mode, ST-TERM will pause at the end of each line of text, and wait for the specified character. This value is the decimal equivalent of the required ascii character. To specify XON, which is used in most IBM mainframes, enter 17. Once the setup parameters have been set, they will be retained across runs of ST-TERM only if the setup file is saved (ALT-S from main menu). Once returned to terminal mode, pressing ALT-T will begin the transfer. At any point during the transfer, pressing ALT-T again will abort back to terminal mode. Send file with Xmodem/Ymodem protocol You will be prompted for the name of a file to send to the remote computer. If a valid filename is given, control will return to terminal mode. Pressing ALT-T will begin the transfer. If connected to an 8 bit ATARI system, you must have first enabled Atari Xmodem mode with Alt-A from the HELP menu. During the transfer, pressing ALT-T will abort the transfer. ST-TERM 2.1 20 Receive file with Xmodem/Ymodem protocol You will be prompted for the name of a file to receive from the remote computer. If a valid filename is given, control will transfer back to terminal mode. Pressing ALT-T will begin the transfer. If connected to an 8 bit ATARI system, you should have first enabled Atari Xmodem mode with Alt-A from the HELP menu. During the transfer, pressing ALT-T will abort the transfer. ST-TERM 2.1 21 Get file with Kermit protocol Enables Kermit receive and returns to the terminal mode. From terminal mode, pressing ALT-T will start up the Kermit receiver. The sending Kermit supplies the filename to be saved. Once the transfer has begun, pressing ALT-T will abort the transfer. The file will be saved on the default drive. Transmit file with Kermit protocol You will be prompted for the name of a file to send to the remote computer. If a valid filename is given, control will return to terminal mode. Pressing ALT-T will begin the transfer. Kermit can transfer files in batch. When asked for the file to send, you can separate filenames with a comma or semi-colon. Additionally, filenames may contain the wildcards * and ? to send a group of files. Example:  Filespec: c:\dric\*.bat,b:test.c;c:a??.* ST-TERM 2.1 22 AMODEM MODE ALT A - Toggle Amodem/Modem7 Xmodem. When connected to an 8 bit Atari BBS, you need to use this command to set the Xmodem system to be compatible with Atari modified Xmodem. When in Atari/Amodem mode, the final block of an Xmodem transfer contains the length of the file. When in Modem7 mode, the final block is padded with ^Z's to be compatible with CP/M and IBM based systems. * - Toggle Atascii emulation mode. For connecting with 8 bit Atari BBS's, this mode will interpret inverse video, and certain editing keys, such as cursor control, backspace, delete character, delete line, and carriage return as used in the ATARI 800. While in Atascii emulation mode, pressing ALT-RETURN will transmit a standard Ascii carriage return. ST-TERM 2.1 23 TIMER FUNCTIONS ^E - Set system time You will be prompted to enter the current time and date. This is to be used if the system time was not set from the desktop control panel. ^R - Start timer Start the ST-TERM timer, which is used to calculate the  cost of connect time on a service such as Compuserve. The connect time and billed amount are displayed on the status screen. (ALT-CTRL-S) ^E - Stop timer Stop the ST-TERM timer. ^C - Clear timer Reset the timer ST-TERM 2.1 24 !DOS FUNCTIONS All DOS functions open an input form. To edit these forms: Use the cursor left and right arrow keys to move within a field. Use Return, Control P (previous field) and Control N (next field) to move among the fields. Press Control Z when done making changes. Control G - deletes character to right of cursor Backspace or Delete - deletes character to left of cursor Control Z terminates input ST-TERM 2.1 25 ALT C - Copy file A form will open requesting the source file name and its new destination name. If either field is blank, the function will be aborted. ST-TERM accepts the wildcards * and ? for the copy command. ST-TERM 2.1 26 ALT E - Erase file A form will open requesting the name of the file to delete. Entering a blank line will abort the function.  ST-TERM 2.1 27 ALT F - Format floppy disk A form will open requesting the drive letter to format and the number of sides to format. Only A and B are valid drive designators. Entering a blank line for the drive designator will abort the function. There is no confirmation requested after the entry has been completed by pressing control Z. ST-TERM 2.1 28 ALT R - Rename file A form will open requesting the old filename and its replacement new file name. If either field is left blank, the function will be aborted. ST-TERM 2.1 29 ALT L - List files (directory) The directory for the current drive\path is displayed. ALT T - Type file on screen A form will open requesting the name of the file to display. If the field is left blank, the function is aborted. During the display of the file, Control S will pause output and Control Q will resume. ST-TERM 2.1 30 ALT P - Print file A form will open requesting the name of the file to print. If the field is left blank, the function is aborted. Make sure your printer is online before using this  function. ST-TERM 2.1 31 ALT D - Set new default disk drive A form will open requesting the letter designator of the new default disk drive. If the field is blank, the function is aborted. ST-TERM 2.1 32 ALT N - New directory (folder) A form will open requesting the new default path on the default drive. If the field is blank, the function is aborted. ST-TERM 2.1 33 SETUP FUNCTIONS ALT S - Save new setup file A form will open requesting the name of the disk file to save the current configuration to. This file contains the RS232 settings and Macro key definitions. To load a saved setup file, use the ALT - O command, or specify the setup file on the ST-TERM parameter line when first run. When first run, ST-TERM loads a setup file named ST- TERM.SET. ALT O - Load new setup file A form will open requesting the name of a setup file to load. This file must have been saved using the ALT - S command. The Macro keys and RS232 settings will automatically be set when the file is loaded. ST-TERM 2.1 34 For technical assistance, bug reporting or suggestions for future enchancements, please contact: Commnet Systems 7348 Green Oak Terrace Lanham, MD 20706 301-552-2517 or 301-552-2573 (bbs) Atari and 520ST are trademarks of Atari Corporation DEC, VAX, VT100, VT52 are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation IBM is a trademark of International Business Machines Inc. MCI is a service mark of MCI Communications. Hayes is a trademark of Hayes Microcomputer Products Inc. ST-TERM 2.1 35 Keypad codes for EDT editor ANSI mode +-+-+-+-+ | ^ | DOWN | | |  | | | | | <- | ->| | | | | | LEFT | RIGHT|  | UP | v | | |  +-+-+-+-+  DELETE Delete character  LINEFEED Delete to beginning of word  BACKSPACE Backup to beginning of line  CTRL/A Compute tab level  CTRL/D Decrease tab level CTRL/E Increase tab level CTRL/K Define key  CTRL/R Refresh screen  CTRL/T Adjust tabs  CTRL/U Delete to beginning of line  CTRL/W Refresh screen  CTRL/Z Exit to line mode  7 7 7 +-+-+-+-+ | ( | ) |/FNDNXT |*DEL | | GOLD | HELP | | | | | | FIND | UND L | +-+-+-+-+ |7PAGE |8 SECT |9APPEND |-DEL W | | | | | | | COMMAND| FILL | REPLACE| UND W | +-+-+-+-+ |4ADVANCE|5BACKUP |6 CUT |+DEL C | | | | | | | BOTTOM | TOP | PASTE | UND C | +-+--+-+-+ |1 WORD |2 EOL |3 CHAR | | | | | | ENTER | |CHNGCASE| DEL EOL| SPECINS| | +-+-+-+ | |0 LINE |.SELECT | | | | | SUBS | | OPEN LINE | RESET | | -% ST-TERM 2.1 36 4 Keypad codes for EDT editor VT52 mode 4 DELETE Delete character LINEFEED Delete to beginning of word BACKSPACE Backup to beginning of line CTRL/A Compute tab level CTRL/D Decrease tab level CTRL/E Increase tab level CTRL/K Define key  CTRL/R Refresh screen  CTRL/T Adjust tabs  CTRL/W Refresh screen  CTRL/Z Exit to line mode +-+-+-+-+ |( |) |/DEL L | UP | | GOLD | HELP | | ARROW | | | | UND L |REPLACE | +-+-+-+-+ |7 PAGE |8FNDNXT |9DEL W | DOWN | | | | | ARROW | |COMMAND | FIND | UND W | SECT | +-+-+-+-+ |4ADVANCE|5BACKUP |6DEL C | RIGHT | | | | | ARROW | | BOTTOM | TOP | UND C |SPECINS | +-+-+-+-+ |1 WORD |2 EOL |3 CUT | LEFT | | | | | ARROW | |CHNGCASE|DEL EOL | PASTE | APPEND | +-+-+-+-+ | 0 LINE |.SELECT | ENTER | | | | | | OPEN LINE | RESET | SUBS | +-+-+-+ ST-TERM 2.1 37 4 For toc:\bin\emacs.ttp The first line of this file is the path name of the editor program called by ST-TERM version 3.3's alt-esc or ctrl-esc editor command. _AT S7=60 X1 V1 E1 Q0 +++ATH0ATDTATDT