MYSKO.LZH [1] Mysko Demo by Deez//MIND Design 3D_CUBE.LZH 3D Cube Rout with Omegas 3d rout by DEEZ BIG_SCR1.LZH [2] Big Scroller ROut by DEEZ DEEZ_S_S.LZH [1] Sources coded by Deez // Avalanche REAL.ZIP [1] A demosource by The Viking/MIND (my first one in ASM!!! SHDEBOB1.LZH [3] Shadebobs by Fredrik Egeberg // Deez TRANSDOT.LZH A Spinning-trans-dot source coded by The Viking/MIND Design LANDSCAP.LZH [6] Dots pattern in sinuswaves coded by Fredrik Egeberg // ENDING.ZIP [1] An THK plonk tune by The Viking! MUSIX.LZH [2] 2 Songs By The Viking/MIND Design Made In Megatizer (Ma NORTH.ZIP [3] A chip-tune by The Viking /MIND Design DSP_CODE.LZH [3] Sources for DSP to make a circle and send data to CPU, download if you want an easy example how the DSP works... Coded by Deez... Uploaded by Deez ELITE.HQ [2] / elite hq file dated 9 jan 1997 Uploaded by Faramir DSP_DEMO.LZH [0] A little DSP demo coded by Deez... Uploaded by Deez EXCEL.LZH [0] ExCel ... demo/slide for Falcon 030 by MiND design.. Up LIFEBEAT.ZIP [0] "Life's a beat" by Wildfire Our first release ever ! Life's a beat is a music demo and contains many nice by our ex musician Stormbird. Code: Winter Graphics: Baggio & Wolfman Music: Stormbird ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uploaded by Baggio WFDENTRO.ZIP [0] "Magique" by Wildfire This intro was released at the Aggro 2 party in Helsinki / Finland It was supposed to enter the intro compo, but some silly rules stopped that. Anyway, we worked quite hard with this intro so check it out ! Code: Winter & Peylow Graphics: Baggio & Jim Music: Baggio Uploaded by Baggio WILDFIRE.LZH [0] "4Ktro" by Wildfire Our first falcon release ever. 3rd place at Orneta-97 4k compo. All code by Deez (our latest member) Uploaded by Baggio