O9Nbip N ON  O`  @`/#@%`')+-/1 3@5`79;?A E`GS@U`oL @ ` @ ` @ ` @ ` ǀ ɠ @ ` ׀ ٠  @//Aa  /A!!%a>O`  @`/#@%`')+-/1 3@5`79;?A E`GS@U`oL @ ` @ ` @ ` @ ` ǀ ɠ @ ` ׀ ٠  @//Aa  /A!!%a>RGISTALCYON  &DRVRDEMO  & GST  &CLATTICE  &JMEGAMAX  &PSOUNDS  &WGIST DOC )'GIST PRG @&GIST RSC F&'GFABASIC  U )PASCAL  b )MDISKPLSFLD Bt #DESKTOP INF + BU.  &..  &SNDINT O &<SNDLINK BAT &cSNDSUBS O &H b`  H$y y"|t@||JPg0("(t<fҨ m>"<Rh`2<fҨn""(Rh`<fҨJn r1A0!At (g(Jh"gSh"`"(xҨlDn"D!Ax0(hg00(@02"(tҨxjp`H@|opP@0($"(|<f"Ҩ&Jh&k*mV`*nN"(*Rh$`D<f"Ҩ.Jh.k2m.`2n&"(2Rh$`<fҨ6Jh6kJk`Jnr!A| (:gBJhNgShN`6"(>kҨd!hB>m` (FҨe!hJ>n"D>!A0($h:g> (Ш|H@H@jR@hjp` |o0<@R@@0(P"(<f"ҨRJhRkVmV`VnN"(VRhP`D<f"ҨZJhZk^m.`^n&"(^RhP`<fҨbJhbkJk`Jnr!A (fg(JhngShn`"(ҨjlDn"Dj!A0(Phfg$ (ШH@hjp`<op@JhpjXSPfTBhrJhfPA|`LFR_PRATBLFR_NAMTFLFR_NRATJLFR_DELANNFR_ENVPNFR_ARATRNFR_AVALVNFR_DRATZNFR_DVAL^NFR_RRATbLNFR_AMTfLNFR_RATjLNFR_DELnPITCHpPRIORrVOL_ACCtLVOL_ACCxFR_ACC|LFR_ACCNFR_ACCLNFR_ACCSNDSIZATTACKDECAYSUSTAINRELEASE_sint_on\_sint_of_gi_rw_trap9_isound_insave_arevcloop*endloop.vedVendveverplvado_voldo_lvdo_lv1enddo_lvfedo_vol1do_vol2fed$fea1endfehfea2ferLfed1. JGm|o^BG`RG|l0 @"|Jpf|f809rylB@`p>0 @"|00ryl0`p>0(@0,rnop`P>aT6f0`@0&@T|`6RF|8m9np9nrB)@)@|)@)@)@x)@tJlmlBEJnm4`n  nln`n  nm0n9P>W0@?NT0,@>0@?RWNT`z0eB)@:9@$JlmBD>?<NT`x0dB)@f9@P0G"|>?0W?<NXJnm9nJlf)|t>?PWNT80JL8N^NuNVJnm@ nn80.м @p1@r2.Ҽ"A2BW?.PWNTN^NuNVJnmH nn@0. @"|Jpg*0.м @00.м @1|pN^NuNV0. @"|00rN^NuNVBn` >a0Rn nmN^NuNV.?<&NTaN^NuNVa.?<&NTN^Nu M / haw GGp1S$~Z8{fR?- wqjd_YTPKGC?<852/-*(&$" #4EVgx_snd_xbios_sint_of_sint_on_gi_rw_freqs_mask_snd_on~~snd_on~sndptr ~voice~volume~pitch~priorit~p ~i~tone~noise~dur~bufp L10000L2xL5 L6L4L10001:L3:L7xL10002RL10004TL10005tL10007vL8L1_stop_snL9L12L13L11L10L14\L15,L18L17L16L21L20 L19L22lL23L24L25L26~~stop_s~voiceL288L278_snd_off<~~snd_of<~voiceL30L31L29_get_pri~~get_pr~voiceL32_init_sn~~init_s~iL36L37L35L34L33_div15_install~~instalL38_remove_~~removeL39$$$$$$  XH.  & ..  &DRVRDEMOC & %DRVRDEMOGST &|%DRVRDEMOPRG &!|nDRVRDEMOTOS &=B/* THIS PROGRM WILL INSTALL THE SOUND DRIVER (INTERRUPT ROUTINE), DEMONSTRATE SOUND EFFECTS WITH FIXED DURATIONS AND PRIORITIES AND SHOW TWO DIFFERENT WAYS TO TURN A SOUND OFF. IT WILL THEN REMOVE THE INTERRUPT ROUTINE. THIS OR ANY OTHER APPLICATION MUST LINK TO THE APPROPRATE FILES DEPENDING ON THE COMPILER USED.  THE SOUND DRIVER OPERATES UNDER THE 200 HZ SYSTEM TIMER INTERRUPRT ROUTINE. IT IS INSTALLED BEFORE THE REGULAR SYSTEM AND THEREFORE EXECUTES BEFORE THE REGULAR SYSTEM INTERRUPT. WORD MUST BE DEFINED APPROPRIATELY DEPENDING ON COMPILER. Snd_on will play a sound that was created using GIST and stored as a C source code (see drnoise[], drwho[] and sample[] below) on a channel of the GI chip.  Calling sequence is:  snd_on(sndptr,voice,volume,pitch,priority)  where:  WORD *sndptr = the pointer to the array of parameters known as sound data, e.g., drwho[]. WORD voice = the voice number corresponding to the GI channel number 0, 1, or 2. A -1 tells the sound driver to use any available channel. Any other value will have no result. WORD volume = volume of the sound (0-15) or -1 to use volume stored with sound data. WORD pitch = the pitch of the sound (1-255) corresponds to the semitone number (60 = middle C on a piano keyboard or 262 Hz; 72 = one octave above; this is the same as MIDI pitch numbers). If no pitch is specified, the nominal frequency value stored with the sound data will be used. In this case, the duration of the sound is also determined by a parameter of the sound data. If pitch is specified, the sound will remain on until a sound_off is issued. In other words, if no pitch is specified, it is considered a sound effect. If pitch is specified, it is considered a musical note with an unknown duration and must be turned off after the required duration has elapsed.  WORD priority = priority of the sound (0-255) where the higher the value, the higher the priority. Equal values take precedence over each other. When a sound_off is issued, the priority is reduced to zero during the release phase of any sound.  The voice number used will be reutnred. If no voice was available, -1 is returned (NOTE: type WORD is always returned except in GST which returns type int (32-bits)).   Snd_off will cause the sound to move into its release phase and reduce the priority to zero. If no voice is available, a -1 is returned.  The calling sequence is:  snd_off(voice)  where:  WORD voice = the voice which is to be moved into its release phase (0, 1, or 2). Any other value has no effect. Stop_snd will cause the sound to completely stop. No matter what phase the sound is in (attack, decay, sustain, or release), the sound will end. Unlike snd_off, there is no release.  The calling sequence is:  stop_snd(voice)  where:  WORD voice = the voice which is to be stopped (0, 1 or 2). Any other value has no effect. Get_prior will return the priority of the requested voice. This routine is useful if you have a case where a snd_off might turn off the wrong sound. You can call get_prior and issue the snd_off only if the priority matches the original. The calling sequence is: get_prior(voice) where WORD voice = the voice whose priority is requested (0, 1 or 2).   Init_snds will stop all chanels on the GI chip by calling stop_snd three times with values or 0, 1 and 2.  The calling sequence is:  init_snds()  */ /* #define LATTICE for LATTICE compiler */ #ifdef LATTICE #define WORD short /* otherwise set-up for MEGAMAX or ALCYON */ #else #define WORD int #endif #include  extern snd_on(),snd_off(),stop_snd(),get_prior(); extern install_int(),remove_int(); extern init_snds(); WORD drnoise[] = { 100, 477, 31, 15, 1, 3, -16384, -1, -4572, 12, 0, -1, -1966, 1, -32768, 0, 7864, 0, 1, -4080, -256, -4080, -256, 10, 12944, 0, 0, 10, 12944, 293, -5746, -264, -17086, 282, 10212, -275, -15067, -264, -17086, 40, 1, 7, -16384, 31, 0, -1, 24904, 24, -13107, -1, -4063, 12, 26214, -3, -31457, 10 }; WORD drwho[] = { 100, 477, -1, 15, 1, 3, -16384, -1, -4572, 12, 0, -1, -1966, 1, -32768, 0, 7864, 0, 1, -4080, -256, -4080, -256, 10, 12944, 0, 0, 10, 12944, 293, -5746, -264, -17086, 282, 10212, -275, -15067, -264, -17086, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; WORD sample[] = { 20, 52, -1, 15, 1, 15, 0, -1, -9830, 12, 0, -1, -1024, 1, -32768, 0, 9830, 160, 1, -28, 360, -112, 1442, 6, -90, 0, 0, 1, -24716, 57, 10752, -6, 23743, 5, -18586, -57, -24712, -6, 23743, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; main() { WORD chan_num; long i; /* install_int will install the interrupt routine */  install_int();  /* init_snds initializes all channels by stopping all sounds */  init_snds();  /* No pitch is passed. The duration parameter is .5 seconds and the release is 1 second. The sound will be over in 1.5 seconds. The volume is set to 11. This sound uses all parameters */  Cconws("\n\n\r This sound is a sound effect..."); Cconws("Press RETURN to continue ->");  snd_on(drnoise,-1 ,15,-1,5);  Bconin(2);  Cconws("\n\n\r This sound is another sound effect..."); Cconws("Press RETURN to continue ->");  snd_on(drwho,-1,11,-1,5);  Bconin(2);   /* No pitch is passed. The sound is as before, but the volume is now 15. */  Cconws("\n\n\r Again, but louder..."); Cconws("Press RETURN to continue ->");  snd_on(drwho,-1,15,-1,5);  Bconin(2);   /* Because a pitch value is passed, the sound will remain on until a snd_off is issued at which time the release phase of the sound will be initiated. */  Cconws("\n\n\r This sound will continue indefinitely...\n"); Cconws("\r Press RETURN to issue a snd_off ->");  chan_num = snd_on(sample,-1,-1,96,5);  Bconin(2);  Cconws("\n\n\rWaiting for release...\n\n");  /* get_prior can be used to only turn the sound off if it is the same priority as in the original call, in this case, 5 */ if (get_prior(chan_num) == 5)  snd_off(chan_num);  /* Wait to let the sound release */ for (i=0;i<30;i++);  /* DRWHO will "steal" the channel from the initial sound played because it has a higher priority */ Cconws("\n\n\r This sound will continue indefinitely...\n"); Cconws("\r Press RETURN to interrupt this sound"); Cconws("\n\r and play DRWHO with a higher priority ->");  chan_num = snd_on(sample,-1,-1,96,5);  Bconin(2);  Cconws("\n\n\rDRWHO has now taken over...\n\n"); snd_on(drwho,chan_num,15,-1,10);  for (i=0;i<30;i++);  /* Because a pitch value is passed, the sound will remain on until a stop_snd is issued at which time the sound will immediately stop. */  Cconws("\n\r This sound will continue indefinitely..."); Cconws("\n\r Press RETURN to issue a stop_snd and exit ->");  chan_num = snd_on(sample,-1,-1,96,5);  Bconin(2);  stop_snd(chan_num);   /* remove_int will remove the interrupt routine */ remove_int();  } q/* THIS PROGRM WILL INSTALL THE SOUND DRIVER (INTERRUPT ROUTINE), DEMONSTRATE SOUND EFFECTS WITH FIXED DURATIONS AND PRIORITIES AND SHOW TWO DIFFERENT WAYS TO TURN A SOUND OFF. IT WILL THEN REMOVE THE INTERRUPT ROUTINE. THIS OR ANY OTHER APPLICATION MUST LINK TO THE APPROPRATE FILES DEPENDING ON THE COMPILER USED.  THE SOUND DRIVER OPERATES UNDER THE 200 HZ SYSTEM TIMER INTERRUPRT ROUTINE. IT IS INSTALLED BEFORE THE REGULAR SYSTEM AND THEREFORE EXECUTES BEFORE THE REGULAR SYSTEM INTERRUPT. WORD MUST BE DEFINED APPROPRIATELY DEPENDING ON COMPILER. Snd_on will play a sound that was created using GIST and stored as a C source code (see drnoise[], drwho[] and sample[] below) on a channel of the GI chip.  Calling sequence is:  snd_on(sndptr,voice,volume,pitch,priority)  where:  WORD *sndptr = the pointer to the array of parameters known as sound data, e.g., drwho[]. WORD voice = the voice number corresponding to the GI channel number 0, 1, or 2. A -1 tells the sound driver to use any available channel. Any other value will have no result. WORD volume = volume of the sound (0-15) or -1 to use volume stored with sound data. WORD pitch = the pitch of the sound (1-255) corresponds to the semitone number (60 = middle C on a piano keyboard or 262 Hz; 72 = one octave above; this is the same as MIDI pitch numbers). If no pitch is specified, the nominal frequency value stored with the sound data will be used. In this case, the duration of the sound is also determined by a parameter of the sound data. If pitch is specified, the sound will remain on until a sound_off is issued. In other words, if no pitch is specified, it is considered a sound effect. If pitch is specified, it is considered a musical note with an unknown duration and must be turned off after the required duration has elapsed.  WORD priority = priority of the sound (0-255) where the higher the value, the higher the priority. Equal values take precedence over each other. When a sound_off is issued, the priority is reduced to zero during the release phase of any sound.  The voice number used will be reutnred. If no voice was available, -1 is returned (NOTE: type WORD is always returned except in GST which returns type int (32-bits)).   Snd_off will cause the sound to move into its release phase and reduce the priority to zero. If no voice is available, a -1 is returned.  The calling sequence is:  snd_off(voice)  where:  WORD voice = the voice which is to be moved into its release phase (0, 1, or 2). Any other value has no effect. Stop_snd will cause the sound to completely stop. No matter what phase the sound is in (attack, decay, sustain, or release), the sound will end. Unlike snd_off, there is no release.  The calling sequence is:  stop_snd(voice)  where:  WORD voice = the voice which is to be stopped (0, 1 or 2). Any other value has no effect. Get_prior will return the priority of the requested voice. This routine is useful if you have a case where a snd_off might turn off the wrong sound. You can call get_prior and issue the snd_off only if the priority matches the original. The calling sequence is: get_prior(voice) where WORD voice = the voice whose priority is requested (0, 1 or 2). (NOTE: type WORD is always returned except in GST which returns type int (32-bits)).   Init_snds will stop all chanels on the GI chip by calling stop_snd three times with values or 0, 1 and 2.  The calling sequence is:  init_snds()  */ #define WORD short extern snd_on(),snd_off(),stop_snd(); extern install_int(),remove_int(); extern appl_init(),appl_exit(); extern init_snds(); WORD drnoise[] = { 100, 477, 31, 15, 1, 3, -16384, -1, -4572, 12, 0, -1, -1966, 1, -32768, 0, 7864, 0, 1, -4080, -256, -4080, -256, 10, 12944, 0, 0, 10, 12944, 293, -5746, -264, -17086, 282, 10212, -275, -15067, -264, -17086, 40, 1, 7, -16384, 31, 0, -1, 24904, 24, -13107, -1, -4063, 12, 26214, -3, -31457, 10 }; WORD drwho[] = { 100, 477, -1, 15, 1, 3, -16384, -1, -4572, 12, 0, -1, -1966, 1, -32768, 0, 7864, 0, 1, -4080, -256, -4080, -256, 10, 12944, 0, 0, 10, 12944, 293, -5746, -264, -17086, 282, 10212, -275, -15067, -264, -17086, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; WORD sample[] = { 20, 52, -1, 15, 1, 15, 0, -1, -9830, 12, 0, -1, -1024, 1, -32768, 0, 9830, 160, 1, -28, 360, -112, 1442, 6, -90, 0, 0, 1, -24716, 57, 10752, -6, 23743, 5, -18586, -57, -24712, -6, 23743, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; main() { WORD chan_num; long i; appl_init(); /* install_int will install the interrupt routine */  install_int();  /* init_snds initializes all channels by stopping all sounds */  init_snds();  /* No pitch is passed. The duration parameter is .5 seconds and the release is 1 second. The sound will be over in 1.5 seconds. The volume is set to 11. This sound uses all parameters */  printf("\n\n This sound is a sound effect..."); printf("Press RETURN to continue ->");  snd_on(drnoise,-1,15,-1,5);  getchar();  printf("\n\n This sound is another sound effect..."); printf("Press RETURN to continue ->");  snd_on(drwho,-1,11,-1,5);  getchar();   /* No pitch is passed. The sound is as before, but the volume is now 15. */  printf("\n\n Again, but louder..."); printf("Press RETURN to continue ->");  snd_on(drwho,-1,15,-1,5);  getchar();   /* Because a pitch value is passed, the sound will remain on until a snd_off is issued at which time the release phase of the sound will be initiated. */  printf("\n\n This sound will continue indefinitely...\n"); printf(" Press RETURN to issue a snd_off ->");  chan_num = snd_on(sample,-1,-1,96,5);  getchar();  printf("\n\nWaiting for release...\n\n");  /* get_prior can be used to only turn the sound off if it is the same priority as in the original call, in this case, 5 */ if (get_prior(chan_num) == 5)  snd_off(chan_num);  /* Wait to let the sound release */ for (i=0;i<30;i++);  /* DRWHO will "steal" the channel from the initial sound played because it has a higher priority */ printf("\n\n This sound will continue indefinitely...\n"); printf(" Press RETURN to interrupt this sound"); printf("\n and play DRWHO with a higher priority ->");  chan_num = snd_on(sample,-1,-1,96,5);  getchar();  printf("\n\nDRWHO has now taken over...\n\n"); snd_on(drwho,chan_num,15,-1,10);  for (i=0;i<30;i++);  /* Because a pitch value is passed, the sound will remain on until a stop_snd is issued at which time the sound will immediately stop. */  printf("\n This sound will continue indefinitely..."); printf("\n Press RETURN to issue a stop_snd and exit ->");  chan_num = snd_on(sample,-1,-1,96,5);  getchar();  stop_snd(chan_num);   /* remove_int will remove the interrupt routine */ remove_int(); appl_exit();  } `nV&o + ЫЫO// Bg?<JNA IKd~|Nd|HkNbV. fHm jN`BNNVtNtNtNHzFtN؞XHz]tN؞XHmHxHxHxHxtNtN:HzItN؞XHzftN؞XHmrHxHx HxHxtNtN:HzRtN؞XHz^tN؞XHmrHxHxHxHxtNtN:HzJtN؞XHzktN؞XHmHxHxHx`HxtN=HtN:Hz[tN؞X0n/tNXCf0n/tNnX G-H"nAl` nR``HztN؞XHz?tN؞XHzYtN؞XHmHxHxHx`HxtN=HtN:HzQtN؞XHmr0n/HxHxHx tN G-H"nAl` nR``HztN؞XHz>tN؞XHmHxHxHx`HxtN=HtN:0n/tNXtN tNLN^Nu This sound is a sound effect...Press RETURN to continue -> This sound is another sound effect...Press RETURN to continue -> Again, but louder...Press RETURN to continue -> This sound will continue indefinitely... Press RETURN to issue a snd_off -> Waiting for release... This sound will continue indefinitely... Press RETURN to interrupt this sound and play DRWHO with a higher priority -> DRWHO has now taken over... This sound will continue indefinitely... Press RETURN to issue a stop_snd and exit ->NVJnm2nAn G` F g G=H2nAl>` 0nRn`HmR0nCFN"_-H n"GJPf``0nCfpARAr-H n0P/ nC0P"_l G=H` F=H/.0nCFN"_0P/ nC0P"_m A=HHmR0nCFN"_-H0n / nCr0P"_l AN^Nu0n/tNX nT0P=HN g 0nN^NuHmR0nCFN"F"_-H F=H2nA8l(` 0nRn` nT"H nT0P2` nCp"H0n2 nCr"H0n 2 nCt"H G2 nCtC"H G2 nCx"H G2 nCxC"H G2 nC"H G2 nCC"H G2 nC"H G2 nCC"H G2 nC|"H G2 nC|C"H G2 nC"H G2 nCC"H G2 nCJPm G=HJnmh2nAlo2nA I=H`2nAl0nC =H` nC/Hm2nA I"_0P"_22n FN/ nC0PCN/tNP2n FN"F/ nC2PAN/tNP`F0n"FN=H nC$"H G2 nC:"H G2 nC:C"H G2 nCJPm& G=HHx nC0P/tNP`H0nCN=H nCP"H G2 nCf"H G2 nCfC"H G2Hx2n0nN/C0n0P/tN Jnm nC"H0n2 nC0PN gJ nCt"H G2 nCtC"H G20nC/ nC0P/tNP n"G"H0n20nN^NuNVJn m2n An F` G gPHmR0n CFN"_-H nCr/ n"G"H G2"_20n C//tNPN^NuNVJn m2n An F` G gJHmR0n CFN"_-H n"GJPg" n"G"H F2 nCp"HA2N^NuNVHmR0n CFN"_-H nCr0PN^NuNV G=H2nAl ` 0nRn`0n/tNX`N^NuH$z* z*"|t@||JPg0("(t fҨ mL"<Rh`> fҨn*"(Rh` fҨJn r1A0!At (g2Jh"g Sh"`""(xҨl Dn"D!Ax0(hg80(@02"(tҨxjp`H@ @opP@0($"(| f.Ҩ&Jh&k*mt` *nh"(*Rh$`\ f.Ҩ.Jh.k2m@` 2n4"(2Rh$`( f$Ҩ6Jh6k Jk`Jnr!A| (:gTJhNg ShN`D"(>kҨd!hB>m$` (FҨe!hJ>n"D>!A0($h:gH (Ш|H@H@jR@hjp` @o0<@R@@0(P"( f.ҨRJhRkVmt` Vnh"(VRhP`\ f.ҨZJhZk^m@` ^n4"(^RhP`( f$ҨbJhbk Jk`Jnr!A (fg2Jhng Shn`""(Ҩjl Dn"Dj!A0(Phfg, (ШH@hjp` op@JhpjhSPfbBhrJhfPA|`FSPp1@Jh$g1@$2(66(|CkD6JhPg1@P2(b6(CkDbAtQR0(hhfRFL/::NuA4 C!ICj!Ix An!A!@NuNqNqNqNqNqNqNq!HNu//?<&&MNN\*KNu f$/ /"/ ` /"/NINu@| |J@k f@p @FNsNVHl@tNXtNN^NuNVtNHltNXN^NuNV/- VNtXN^NuNV/./- ZNPN^NuNV/./- ZNFPHx /- ZNPN^NuNVHx$/NP-H fA+H GN^Nu/. /./.N o nN^Nu GN^NuNV n H0@/NX-H n`H G-H F-H`Z F-HA-H`HA-HA-H`4A+HN^Nu`$NRWA`/.Hz@NlP gB nCN-HJg/HxPHxHz/N+H m-H`/.HzNlP g$ nCN-H nC-H`/.HzNlP f/.HzNlP f G` F g2JfA-H` A-H nCN-H`N n"Ff*HxA/.NPHx n/NP"_" g AN^Nu nX/NbX nHh nHh nX"H G""_""_" GN^NuNV n C fHx /.N&P/. /.N&P n C f/.NX g F` G g /.NX n h g AN^Nu n N^NuNV n Jg n R H0@//.NP`N^NuNV/.NBX-H nC f8/.NBX-H nC f n-H`/./.NP nCf8/.NBX-H nCf n-H`/./.NP nN^NuNV n hCf n Cg G` F g AN^Nu nC n "N^NuNV n-HS J o@/.NtX-HCf`$ nR"H n C f``"n G "n nf GN^Nu nN^NuNVJf mN^Nu n hN^NuNV nC G"N^NuNV n h g/.NX g AN^Nu GN^NuNV n h"FN f nCA"AN^Nu n h-HCg nCA" nN^Nu/.NX gX nP"P n hm>/- ^NX nHh n/ nX/HxN* "_" nP"H G"`^/.NX g n/NXN^Nu nP"P n hm/.NX g F` G g AN^Nu nX"P nP$H PR-H nH0@CNN^NuNVHx? n/Hx nX/N-HJo nC n" nC G"`6 nC G"Jf nCA"` nC n" nP"H G" n hN^NuNV n hCN f nCA"AN^Nu/.NXN g/.NX g F` G g n//. 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Press RETURN to interrupt this sound and play DRWHO with a higher priority -> DRWHO has now taken over... This sound will continue indefinitely... Press RETURN to issue a stop_snd and exit ->CON:AUX:PRT:  .  &C..  &SNDSUBS BIN &D{SNDSUBS LNK &I2SNDSUBS GST QC Compiler 01:15 Monday 29/12/86 S.GLOBS.CCODEG$C.NEGC.LNEGLIB$M$C.AND C.OR C.ASRC.ASLC.MULTTRAP9_IN MY_SUPEX REMOVE_I DDIV15TSND_ONSINT_OFF SND_OFFINIT_SND4SOUNDMASKNSINT_ON dINSTALL_ *GET_PRIOFREQSSTOP_SNDGI_RW  M / haw GGp1S$~Z8{fR?- wqjd_YTPKGC?<852/-*(&$" NVJnm2nAn G` F g G=H2nAl>` 0nRn`Hm +-0nCFN -+"_-H n"GJPf``0nCfpA +-Ar-H n0P/ nC0P"_l G=H` F=H/.0nCFN -+"_0P/ nC0P"_m A=HHm +-0nCFN -+"_-H0n / nCr0P"_l AN^Nu0n/tN +-X nT0P=HN -+ g 0nN^NuHm +-0nCFN -+"F"_-H F=H2n5A8l(` 0nRn` nT"H nT0P2` nCp"H0n2 nCr"H0n 2 nCt"H G2 nCtC"H G2 nCx"H G2 nCxC"H G2 nC"H G2 nCC"H G2 nC"H G2 nCC"H G2 nC|"H G2 nC|C"H G2 nC"H G2 nCC"H G2 nCJPm G=HJnmh2nAlo2nA I=H`2nAl0nC =H` nC/Hm +-2nA I"_0P"_22n FN -+/ nC0PCN -+/tN +-P2n FN -+"F/ nC2PAN -+ /tN +-P`F0n"FN -+=H nC$"H G2 nC:"H G2 nC:C"H G2 nCJPm& G=HHx nC0P/tN +-P`H0nCN -+=H nCP"H G2 nCf"H G2 nCfC"H G2Hx2n0nN -+ /CN +-0n0P/tN +- Jnm nC"H0n2 nC0PN -+ gJ nCt"H G2 nCtC"H G20nC/ nC0P/tN +-P n"G"H0n20nN^NuNVJn m2n An F` G gPHm +-0n CFN -+"_-H nCr/ n"G"H G2"_20n C//tN +-PN^NuNVJn m2n An F` G gJHm +-0n CFN -+"_-H n"GJPg" n"G"H F2 nCp"HA2N^NuNVHm +-0n CFN -+"_-H nCr0PN^NuNV G=H2nAl ` 0nRn`0n/tN +-X`N^Nu#4EVgxH$z* z*"|t@||JPg0("(t fҨ mL"<Rh`> fҨn*"(Rh` fҨJn r1A0!At (g2Jh"g Sh"`""(xҨl Dn"D!Ax0(hg80(@02"(tҨxjp`H@ @opP@0($"(| f.Ҩ&Jh&k*mt` *nh"(*Rh$`\ f.Ҩ.Jh.k2m@` 2n4"(2Rh$`( f$Ҩ6Jh6k Jk`Jnr!A| (:gTJhNg ShN`D"(>kҨd!hB>m$` (FҨe!hJ>n"D>!A0($h:gH (Ш|H@H@jR@hjp` @o0<@R@@0(P"( f.ҨRJhRkVmt` Vnh"(VRhP`\ f.ҨZJhZk^m@` ^n4"(^RhP`( f$ҨbJhbk Jk`Jnr!A (fg2Jhng Shn`""(Ҩjl Dn"Dj!A0(Phfg, (ШH@hjp` op@JhpjhSPfbBhrJhfPA|`FSPp1@Jh$g1@$2(66(|CkD6JhPg1@P2(b6(CkDbAtQR0(hhfRFL/::NuA4 CT +-!IC +-!Ix An!A!@NuNqNqNqNqNqNqNq!HNu//?<&&MNN\*KNu f$/ /"/ ` /"/NINu@| |J@k f@p @FNsNVHl d +-tN +-XtN4 +-N^NuNVtN4 +-Hl +-tN +-XN^Nu* Link control file for GI Sound Tool (GIST) * Link control file for GSTC on Atari ST SECTION S.HEADER SECTION S.CCODE SECTION S.RBASE SECTION S.RELOC SECTION S.GBASE SECTION S.GLOB * Force load essential bits of library DEFINE LIB$ = C.MULT * Define dummy symbols DEFINE G$ = C_GLOBBA DEFINE M$ = $8000 * Insert your file here INPUT * * Music driver routines * Sound_on, Sound_off, Stop_snd, Init_snd, Sound_int INPUT SNDSUBS.BIN * Force STD I/O to use GEM, read libraries LIBRARY SXBIOS.BIN EXTRACT STGEM100 FROM TOS.LIB LIBRARY SUPER.LIB LIBRARY VDI.LIB LIBRARY AES.LIB LIBRARY TOS.LIB DATA 4000 J .  &J..  &GSTSUBS BIN &K@SNDSUBS BIN &MSNDSUBS LNK &OQb.\GST\GSTSUBS GST 68000 Assembler22:12 23/12/86SNDSUBSDIV15SOUNDTRAP9_INXSINT_OFF4SINT_ONGI_RWHH$z$ z$"|t@||JPg0("(t fҨ mL"<Rh`> fҨn*"(Rh` fҨJn r1A0!At (g2Jh"g Sh"`""(xҨl Dn"D!Ax0(hg80(@02"(tҨxjp`H@ @opP@0($"(| f.Ҩ&Jh&k*mt` *nh"(*Rh$`\ f.Ҩ.Jh.k2m@` 2n4"(2Rh$`( f$Ҩ6Jh6k Jk`Jnr!A| (:gTJhNg ShN`D"(>kҨd!hB>m$` (FҨe!hJ>n"D>!A0($h:gH (Ш|H@H@jR@hjp` @o0<@R@@0(P"( f.ҨRJhRkVmt` Vnh"(VRhP`\ f.ҨZJhZk^m@` ^n4"(^RhP`( f$ҨbJhbk Jk`Jnr!A (fg2Jhng Shn`""(Ҩjl Dn"Dj!A0(Phfg, (ШH@hjp` op@JhpjhSPfbBhrJhfPA|`FSPp1@Jh$g1@$2(66(|CkD6JhPg1@P2(b6(CkDbAtQR0(hhfLFL/:4NuA. 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][Yes|No|Cancel]@$@$%5d%5.1f%5u@I@I@I@I@I@I??@Y?@Y???@%u msec %5u%5u *.\*.\Vol = %uFreq = %u HzNoise = %uDur = %u msecADSRLFO[3][Can't open|any more windows][ Ok ]@$??@I@I%-2u%5u%5u%5d%5u@$??@I@I%5u%5u%5d%5u%5d%5u@$??@I@I%-2u%5u%5d%5u%5d%5uCint [] = { , }; SND[2][Overwrite existing file?][Ok|Cancel]??CON:AUX:PRT: %d???.B9@@kU?.B9??.B9???.B9@kU@!TD-@!TD-@ !TD-@ !TD-?!TD-@ !TD-??!TD-??@?????!TD-?!TD-??!TD- To<0 $ 'T %'HARDWARE SOUND REGISTERSOkReg 0 =Reg 1 =Reg 2 =Reg 3 =Reg 4 =Reg 5 =Reg 6 =Reg 7 =Reg 8 =Reg 9 =Reg 10 =Reg 11 =Reg 12 =Reg 13 =123123123123123123123123123123123123123123Sustain = %Release = msecADSOnOffRLFODecay = msecCancelOkDelay = msecFreq = HzAmount = %OffRESETOn0%Frequency = HzAttack = msec-300%0%+300%+100%+200%-200%-100%+50%-50%-50%+300%-300%+200%+100%-100%-200%+50%Peak = %Sustain = %Release = msecADSOnOffRLFODecay = msecCancelOkDelay = msecFreq = HzAmount = %OffRESETOn+50%0%-50%+100%0%-100%Attack = msecPeak = %Noise =ok(c) 1986 Synthetic SoftwareG.I.S.T.(G.I. Sound Tool)Version 1.0Software: Lee ActorDesign: Lee Actor & Gary LevenbergExclusively for AnticAttack = msecSustain = %Release = msecADSOnOffRLFODecay = msecCancelOkDelay = msecFreq = HzAmount = %Off50%RESETOn100%0%+50%0%-50%Volume =cyclemsecDurationmsecNOISE ADSRAttack time (msec):__X9Attack % level (-100 -> 100):__X9EnabledDecay time (msec):__X9Sustain % level (-100 -> 100):__X9DisabledRelease time (msec):__X9OkCancel GIST File Edit Play Misc About GIST--- Desk Accessory 1 Desk Accessory 2 Desk Accessory 3 Desk Accessory 4 Desk Accessory 5 Desk Accessory 6 Open... New- Save Save as... Close- Quit ^Q Volume ^V Frequency ^F Noise ^N Single sound Ganged sounds Quiet- MIDI input- H/W registers_(_(p(OkCancelSave file as?????????????????????'0 ??BB!!!BB?? 0&?>!??????????????????????????????????'0 0? ?B#!!!!!!!!!#B?B ?0 0!?>)0  @  0   0&  0&   %&,16nr|&HOV|))"$= @ I R [ d  m  v                    ! #D/ / "$1'; + -  /  1 3/HOR/f/ x/ ;>10 /Lh$Pd  !",H 71%& ' ()*-*+/*# DF/W/lnpr1u; y {  }   /// / ;>1( D `|/1 )/14   & PY k  w  "  D///       1 ; /4/*H/ Z/ s>@ 1$ \ y1j;x CP  0M       !7  ""--5 " ] " - " %  PP        " P    (=Rg | " !!)#'$9%A&S'`" r;' (  #\ #<&$!L##lx.  U)..  U)GISTDRVRPRG V )DRNOISE SND X )pDRWHO SND Z )pSAMPLE SND [ )pDRVRDEMOBAS ] )" `AFJPfN0A "H//) "PJgBAёg|f`  _`BQN\NV.?<&NzTa N^NuNVa.?<&NzTN^NuNVBn` >aRn nmN^NuNVH?*n>. JGm|o^BG`RG|l0 @"|~Jpf|f809y |lB@`p>0 @"|~00ry l0`p>0(@~0,rnop`P>aT6f0`@0&@~T|`6RF|8m9np9nrB)@)@|)@)@)@x)@tJlmlBEJnm4`n  nln`n  nm0n9P>W0@?N8T0,@>0@?RWN8T`z0eB)@:9@$JlmBD>?<N8T`x0dB)@f9@P0G"|T>?0W?<N8XJnm9nJlf)|t>?PWN8T80JL8N^NuNVJnm@ nn80.м~ @p1@r2.Ҽ~"A2BW?.PWN8TN^NuNVJnmH nn@0. @"|~Jpg*0.м~ @00.м~ @1|pN^NuNV0. @"|~00rN^NuH$y y"|t@||JPg0("(t<fҨ m>"<Rh`2<fҨn""(Rh`<fҨJn r1A0!At (g(Jh"gSh"`"(xҨlDn"D!Ax0(hg00(@02"(tҨxjp`H@|opP@0($"(|<f"Ҩ&Jh&k*mV`*nN"(*Rh$`D<f"Ҩ.Jh.k2m.`2n&"(2Rh$`<fҨ6Jh6kJk`Jnr!A| (:gBJhNgShN`6"(>kҨd!hB>m` (FҨe!hJ>n"D>!A0($h:g> (Ш|H@H@jR@hjp` |o0<@R@@0(P"(<f"ҨRJhRkVmV`VnN"(VRhP`D<f"ҨZJhZk^m.`^n&"(^RhP`<fҨbJhbkJk`Jnr!A (fg(JhngShn`"(ҨjlDn"Dj!A0(Phfg$ (ШH@hjp`<op@JhpjXSPfTBhrJhfPA|` THE SOUND DRIVER OPERATES UNDER THE 200 HZ SYSTEM TIMER F INTERRUPRT ROUTINE. IT IS INSTALLED BEFORE THE REGULAR SYSTEM EB AND THEREFORE EXECUTES BEFORE THE REGULAR SYSTEM INTERRUPT. @ WORD MUST BE DEFINED APPROPRIATELY DEPENDING ON COMPILER. 8Snd_on will play a sound that was created using GIST  n Calling sequence is: 6 A=C:Snd_on(L:sndptr,voice,volume,pitch,priority) Where: OH sndptr = the address in memory where the .SND file J (created using GIST) is loaded using Bload. D voice = the voice number corresponding to the iB GI channel number 0, 1, or 2. A -1 e@ tells the sound driver to use any 1B available channel. Any other value e2 will have no result. B volume = volume of the sound (0-15) or -1 to e@ use volume stored with sound data. < pitch = the pitch of the sound (1-255) @ corresponds to the semitone number D (60 = middle C on a piano keyboard or D 262 Hz; 72 = one octave above; this is F the same as MIDI pitch numbers). If no EH pitch is specified, the nominal frequency ,> value stored with the sound data H will be used. In this case, the duration ,B of the sound is also determined by a F parameter of the sound data. If pitch is H specified, the sound will remain on until ,H a sound_off is issued. In other words, if H no pitch is specified, it is considered a F sound effect. If pitch is specified, it B is considered a musical note with an F unknown duration and must be turned off F after the required duration has elapsed. F priority = priority of the sound (0-255) where the eH higher the value, the higher the priority. D Equal values take precedence over each F other. When a sound_off is issued, the yD priority is reduced to zero during the : release phase of any sound. d> The voice number used will be reutnred. If no voice was  available, -1 is returned.  BSnd_off will cause the sound to move into its release phase and " reduce the priority to zero.   The calling sequence is:  A=C:Snd_off(voice) Where: OB voice = the voice which is to be moved into B its release phase (0, 1, or 2). Any 8 other value has no effect. DStp_snd will cause the sound to completely stop. No matter what eF phase the sound is in (attack, decay, sustain, or release), the y< sound will end. Unlike snd_off, there is no release. a The calling sequence is:  A=C:Stp_snd(voice) Where: OB voice = the voice which is to be stopped (0, > 1 or 2). Any other value has no & effect. BGt_prior will return the priority of the requested voice. This F routine is useful if you have a case where a snd_off might turn y@ off the wrong sound. You can call get_prior and issue the 8 snd_off only if the priority matches the original. The calling sequence is: RA=C:Gt_prior(L:voice)  ewhere  hH voice = the voice whose priority is requested (0, & 1 or 2). FInit_snds will stop all chanels on the GI chip by calling stop_snd y, three times with values or 0, 1 and 2.  The calling sequence is:  init_snds() s ->!BE SURE TO REQUEST THE RIGHT AMOUNT OF SPACE! BSound Driver (DRIVER.PRG) requires 3000 bytes to load properly Each sound uses 122 bytes  aEttFE;; FEFE# FE! F EF d Addresses for Sound routines  dEFEFE0FERFE0 FEC FEY Fu E EA:\GFABASIC\GISTDRVR.PRGF M! FEA:\GFABASIC\drnoise.SNDFE F M! FEA:\GFABASIC\drwho.SNDF EF M! FEA:\GFABASIC\sample.SNDF EF M! F E.Install will install the interrupt routine E F EBInit will initialize the sound channels by stopping all sounds s E F E H No pitch is passed. The duration parameter is .5 seconds and B the release is 1 second. The sound will be over in 1.5 N seconds. The volume is set to 11. This sound uses all parameters  $This sound is a sound effect...F$E!!p!!  F)!Continue!! OK !F *%This sound is another sound effect...F$E!!0!!  F)!Continue!! OK !F  F No pitch is passed. The sound is as before, but the volume  is now 15. Again, but louder...Fn$E!!p!!  F)!Continue!! OK !F .Print "Press RETURN to continue ->";Inp(2)  > Because a pitch value is passed, the sound will remain on D until a snd_off is issued at which time the release phase * of the sound will be initiated. .(This sound will continue indefinitely...Fd$E!!!@@!  F0)!Continue and issue a snd_off!! OK !Fi E FWaiting for release...F  e<get_prior can be used to only turn the sound off if it is >the same priority as in the original call, in this case, 5  `  F E F FE$ Wait to let the sound release na: EGj` F a0 FOB DRWHO will "steal" the channel from the initial sound played d( because it has a higher priority o.(This sound will continue indefinitely...Fn$E!!! @@!  F,)!Interrupt and play DRWHO!! OK !F DRWHO has now taken over...F$E!!p!!  Fb EGj` F bz Fu> Because a pitch value is passed, the sound will remain on B until a stop_snd is issued at which time the sound will  immediately stop. )!Continue!! OK !Fn.(This sound will continue indefinitely...Fd$E!!!@@!  F*)!Issue stop_snd and exit!! OK !F E F E E F E F E:! BE SURE TO FREE UP REQUESTED SPACE! !E! FqFE ! +! F dX JF dvF" Not Found !!F!rF F! F.F5555555ՠ5|p6`@jd 6`@6g6ot; @R`   ( Bhd8:.  b)..  b)PASCAL INF c )]DRVRDEMOPAS e )#SNDINT O g ) <DRNOISE SND j )pDRWHO SND l )pSAMPLE SND m )pSNDSUBS O o )H OSBIND O q )DRVRDEMOPRG s )DRVRDEMOO u )<256 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 f: a:\pascal\sndsubs.o,a:\pascal\sndint.o a:\pascal\osbind.o { THIS PROGRM WILL INSTALL THE SOUND DRIVER (INTERRUPT ROUTINE), DEMONSTRATE SOUND EFFECTS WITH FIXED DURATIONS AND PRIORITIES AND SHOW TWO DIFFERENT WAYS TO TURN A SOUND OFF. IT WILL THEN REMOVE THE INTERRUPT ROUTINE. THIS OR ANY OTHER APPLICATION MUST LINK TO THE APPROPRATE FILES DEPENDING ON THE COMPILER USED. THE SOUND DRIVER OPERATES UNDER THE 200 HZ SYSTEM TIMER INTERRUPRT ROUTINE. IT IS INSTALLED BEFORE THE REGULAR SYSTEM AND THEREFORE EXECUTES BEFORE THE REGULAR SYSTEM INTERRUPT. WORD MUST BE DEFINED APPROPRIATELY DEPENDING ON COMPILER. Snd_on will play a sound that was created using GIST and stored as a .SND file. Calling sequence is: snd_on(snddata,voice,volume,pitch,priority) where: snddata : String[112] voice : Integer the voice number corresponding to the GI channel number 0, 1, or 2. A -1 tells the sound driver to use any available channel. Any other value will have no result. volume : Integer volume of the sound (0-15) or -1 to use volume stored with sound data. pitch : Integer the pitch of the sound (1-255) corresponds to the semitone number  (60 = middle C on a piano keyboard or 262 Hz; 72 = one octave above; this is the same as MIDI pitch numbers). If no pitch is specified, the nominal frequency value stored with the sound data will be used. In this case, the duration of the sound is also determined by a parameter of the sound data. If pitch is specified, the sound will remain on until a sound_off is issued. In other words, if no pitch is specified, it is considered a sound effect. If pitch is specified, it is considered a musical note with an unknown duration and must be turned off after the required duration has elapsed. priority : Integer priority of the sound (0-255) where the higher the value, the higher the priority. Equal values take precedence over each other. When a sound_off is issued, the priority is reduced to zero during the release phase of any sound. The voice number used will be retunred. If no voice was available, -1 is returned (NOTE: type Integer is always returned). Snd_off will cause the sound to move into its release phase and reduce the priority to zero. If no voice is available, a -1 is returned. The calling sequence is: snd_off(voice) where: voice : Integer the voice which is to be moved into its release phase (0, 1, or 2). Any other value has no effect. Stop_snd will cause the sound to completely stop. No matter what phase the sound is in (attack, decay, sustain, or release), the sound will end. Unlike snd_off, there is no release. The calling sequence is: stop_snd(voice) where: voice : Integer the voice which is to be stopped (0, 1 or 2). Any other value has no effect. Get_prior will return the priority of the requested voice. This routine is useful if you have a case where a snd_off might turn off the wrong sound. You can call get_prior and issue the snd_off only if the priority matches the original. The calling sequence is: get_prior(voice) where voice : Integer the voice whose priority is requested (0, 1 or 2). Init_snds will stop all chanels on the GI chip by calling stop_snd three times with values or 0, 1 and 2. The calling sequence is: init_snds } PROGRAM File_Test ; CONST {$I gemconst} TYPE {$I gemtype} SndData = STRING [112] ; Path_Chars = PACKED ARRAY [ 1..80 ] of Char ; VAR drwho : SndData ; drnoise : SndData ; sample : SndData ; bytes_read : Long_Integer ; gem_name : Path_Chars ; alert : Str255 ; name : Str255 ; junk : Integer ; chan_num : Integer ; handle : Integer ; close_handle : Integer ; {$I gemsubs.pas} PROCEDURE install_int; C; PROCEDURE remove_int; C; FUNCTION snd_on( VAR data : SndData ; channel : Integer ; volume : Integer ; pitch : Integer ; priority : Integer ) : Integer; C; FUNCTION snd_off(channel : Integer ) : Integer; C; PROCEDURE stop_snd(channel : Integer ) ; C; PROCEDURE init_snds; C; FUNCTION get_prior( channel : Integer ) : Integer; C; FUNCTION f_open( VAR name : Path_Chars ; mode : Integer ) : Integer ; GEMDOS ($3d) ; FUNCTION f_close( handle : Integer ) : Integer ; GEMDOS ($3e) ; FUNCTION f_read( handle : Integer ; count : Long_Integer ; VAR buf : SndData ) : Long_Integer ; GEMDOS ( $3f ) ; PROCEDURE Make_Path( VAR ps : Str255 ; VAR cs : Path_Chars) ; VAR i : Integer ; BEGIN FOR i := 1 TO Length( ps ) DO cs[i] := ps[i] ; cs[ Length(ps)+1 ] := Chr(0) ; END ; PROCEDURE Get_Snd (name : Str255 ; VAR data : SndData) ; BEGIN Make_Path|( name, gem_name) ; handle := f_open(gem_name, 0) ; IF handle >= 0 THEN BEGIN bytes_read := f_read(handle,112,data) ; close_handle := f_close(handle) ; END ; END ; BEGIN IF Init_Gem >= 0 THEN BEGIN {Load sounds into memory} name := 'A:\PASCAL\DRWHO.SND' ; Get_Snd (name,drwho); name := 'A:\PASCAL\DRNOISE.SND' ; Get_Snd (name,drnoise) ; name := 'A:\PASCAL\SAMPLE.SND' ; Get_Snd (name,sample) ; Make_Path( name, gem_name) ; {install_int will install the interrupt routine } install_int; {init_snds initializes all channels by stopping all sounds} init_snds; {No pitch is passed. The duration parameter is .5 seconds and the release is 1 second. The sound will be over in 1.5 seconds. The volume is set to 11. This sound uses all parameters} junk := snd_on(drnoise,-1,15,-1,200) ; alert := '[1][This sound is a| sound effect...][ OK ]' ; junk := Do_Alert( alert, 0 ) ; junk := snd_on(drwho,-1,10,-1,200) ; alert := '[1][This sound is| another sound effect...][ OK ]' ; junk := Do_Alert( alert, 0 ) ; {No pitch is passed. The sound is as before, but the volume is now 15.} junk := snd_on(drwho,-1,15,-1,200) ; alert := '[1][Again, but louder...][ OK ]' ; junk := Do_Alert( alert, 0 ) ; {Because a pitch value is passed, the sound will remain on until a snd_off is issued at which time the release phase of the sound will be initiated.} chan_num := snd_on(sample,-1,15,60,5) ; alert := '[1][This sound will continue| indefnitely...][ OK ]' ; junk := Do_Alert( alert, 0 ) ; { get_prior can be used to only turn the sound off if it is the same priority as in the original call, in this case, 5} IF get_prior(chan_num) = 5 THEN junk := snd_off(chan_num) ; alert := '[1][Waiting for release...][ OK ]' ; junk := Do_Alert( alert, 0 ) ; {DRWHO will "steal" the channel from the initial sound played because it has a higher priority} chan_num := snd_on(sample,-1,-1,96,5); alert := '[2][Ready to interrupt with DRWHO...][ OK ]' ; junk := Do_Alert( alert, 0 ) ; junk := snd_on(drwho,chan_num,15,-1,10); alert := '[2][Ready for last demo...][ OK ]' ; junk := Do_Alert( alert, 0 ) ; chan_num := snd_on(sample,-1,-1,96,5); alert := '[1][This sound will continue| indefinitely...][ OK ]' ; junk := Do_Alert( alert, 0 ) ; stop_snd(chan_num); {remove_int will remove the interrupt routine} remove_int; Exit_Gem ; END ; END. @`  H$y y"|t@||JPg0("(t<fҨ m>"<Rh`2<fҨn""(Rh`<fҨJn r1A0!At (g(Jh"gSh"`"(xҨlDn"D!Ax0(hg00(@02"(tҨxjp`H@|opP@0($"(|<f"Ҩ&Jh&k*mV`*nN"(*Rh$`D<f"Ҩ.Jh.k2m.`2n&"(2Rh$`<fҨ6Jh6kJk`Jnr!A| (:gBJhNgShN`6"(>kҨd!hB>m` (FҨe!hJ>n"D>!A0($h:g> (Ш|H@H@jR@hjp` |o0<@R@@0(P"(<f"ҨRJhRkVmV`VnN"(VRhP`D<f"ҨZJhZk^m.`^n&"(^RhP`<fҨbJhbkJk`Jnr!A (fg(JhngShn`"(ҨjlDn"Dj!A0(Phfg$ (ШH@hjp`<op@JhpjXSPfTBhrJhfPA|`LFR_PRATBLFR_NAMTFLFR_NRATJLFR_DELANNFR_ENVPNFR_ARATRNFR_AVALVNFR_DRATZNFR_DVAL^NFR_RRATbLNFR_AMTfLNFR_RATjLNFR_DELnPITCHpPRIORrVOL_ACCtLVOL_ACCxFR_ACC|LFR_ACCNFR_ACCLNFR_ACCSNDSIZATTACKDECAYSUSTAINRELEASE_sint_on\_sint_of_gi_rw_trap9_isound_insave_arevcloop*endloop.vedVendveverplvado_voldo_lvdo_lv1enddo_lvfedo_vol1do_vol2fed$fea1endfehfea2ferLfed1. 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"   "6      .t**0( 4  @  $ V "    8@F D"2 T &( 0&  >        t  ` $ o"h###,Oc.N//Bg?<JNA Bb3 NNNVNN^NuNVNN^NuNV?.?. ?. ?./.NN^ _O NNV?.NN^ _ONNV?.NN^ _ONNVNN^NuNV?.NN^ _ONNV?./. ?<=NAN^ _ONNV?.?<>NAN^ _ONNV/./. ?.?<?NAN^ _O NMAKE_PATH ?Hz></,HNVA-HPNp=@"np)=@0.nn8><><"n0.2|CO$n2.Ct2Rn`><"n$np*R@2|COr><N^,_X> _PNGET_SND ?Hz></,HNVA-HPNHnHyN><HyBgN3 ><09 J@k<><><?9 pp/"n/ N#><?9 N~3"><><N^,_X> _ONA#A0B1|A01|><NJ@kn><><><CEpQ><AO"Op?"QHyrN><CEpQ><AO"Op?"QHyN><CREpQ><AO"Op?"QHyVNb><HyHyN><><N><><N><><><><><Hy?<CE+p*Q><AO"Op?"QBgN3><Hyr?<CE1p0Q><AO"Op?"QBgN3><><><Hyr?<ChEpQ><AO"Op?"QBgN3><><><><HyV?<CE3p2Q><AO"Op?"QBgN3><><><?9N<?9N3><C0E!p Q><AO"Op?"QBgN3><><><HyV?<CE+p*Q><AO"Op?"QBgN3><Hyr?9?<?<CE!p Q><AO"Op?"QBgN3><HyV?< CxE4p3Q>< AO"Op?"QBgN3>< ?9Nv><><N><N><><HyNN[1][This sound will continue| indefinitely...][ OK ][2][Ready for last demo...][ OK ][2][Ready to interrupt with DRWHO...][ OK ][1][Waiting for release...][ OK ][1][This sound will continue| indefnitely...][ OK ][1][Again, but louder...][ OK ][1][This sound is| another sound effect...][ OK ][1][This sound is a| sound effect...][ OK ]A:\PASCAL\SAMPLE.SNDA:\PASCAL\DRNOISE.SNDA:\PASCAL\DRWHO.SNDbssanfheapheap0basepagedbugflag mainexitdbugini_install_remove__snd_on_snd_off_stop_sn_init_sn_get_pristackchkINIT_GEMDO_ALERTEXIT_GEMclosedbugend4<DLT\dl t t| .  C t#..  C tCONFIG TOS Mt $ MDISK PRG Pt '(SPOOL PRG St )vb`P:NBNA#PNA/9PNuNV.T?< N T.W?< N T.{?< N T.?< N T.?< N T.?< N T.?< N T.?< N T`>N |=@|1m n3n n1fN n2fN n3f$. ?< N TN^NuNV. ?< N T`>N || fN^NuNVBn`. nH"n HA@R RDgp`Rn nmB@`N^NuNVBn`"0. =@ nH|nR n 0m n 9o0.`N^NuNVBn>N |=@ n0mP n9nF nm>?<N T`$>?<N T0.2n@Rn` nfVJng:>?<N T> ?<N T>?<N TSn`>?<N T`R n fH> ?<N T0nB(.N=@ n o 0< `0.``N^NuNV.#?< N T.&?< N T>/<=?<=N \=@l.G?< N TN`h./<*?.?<?N P|*f.e/NDXJ@g.>?<>N T.l?< N TN`BW?.B?<BN P.?< N T`>N |_=@|Dm nPn>?<N T0.|=@.?< N TN=@./<*?.?<@N P|*g*.?< N T.?< N T`.A?< N T>?<>N TNN^NuNV.f?< N T.i?< N T>/<?<=N \=@l.?< N TN`./<*?.?<?N P|*f./NDXJ@g.>?<>N T.?< N TN`BW?.B?<BN P.?< N TNHr -@./<*?.?<@N P|*g*. ?< N T. 9?< N T`. d?< N T>?<>N TNN^NuEMDISK/SPOOL configuration program (c) 1986 MichTron, Pontiac, MI Program By Timothy Purves 1. Config MDISK 2. Config SPOOL 3. Exit Program Selection: E Press p RETURN q EMDISK configuration mdisk.prg Cannot open p MDISK.PRG qMDISK File p MDISK.PRG q is not version 2.0 or later Which drive for M-DISK (D-P): Memory to be allocated for M-DISK: Could not save settings to p MDISK.PRG q File may be dammaged revert to BACKUP copy Settings saved in p MDISK.PRG qESPOOL configuration spool.prg Cannot open p SPOOL.PRG qSPOOL File p SPOOL.PRG q is not version 2.0 or later Memory to be allocated for spooler: Could not save settings to p SPOOL.PRG q File may be dammaged revert to BACKUP copy Settings saved in p SPOOL.PRG q         &  480      $         } &  ``MDISK 0/ yC4`"0/ yC.`0/ yCy f IN <NuBNuB0/ r м @"o0/J@fI0/ " <f "<gJ@g2<QS@fBNuJ@g2< QS@f`.Ap"<QQA0A 0B09 м,/∐3 A_ммnJy gмBg/a"-49 |v+A#r#v#~+|r+| v+|2~abHy?< NA\Oa>?<1NAa4BNAAP/?< NA\OHy?< NA\O?<NATO< f`0