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Hi & welcome to the mixer map for the Akai DPS12 HD recorder. -( This map uses all 4 user maps in the RMG, & 4 Transform pages 2 - 5. Everything is set to channel 16. If you want to change thany other, you have to go through ALL the individual RMG chanels& do so from there, as well as the transform pages. Depending on which port your DPS12 meets NSL (if U have Unitor) place the relevent Transform page numbers the boxes provided in Input Handling which you'll find under the MIDI menu. The Transform page #'s are 2) track level, 3) pan, 4) aux send a5) aux send b. You'll see that 2 & 3 are already placed already.So as you can see, you can only automate 2 _ @ a time. LIf you have anymore questions you can e-mail e @ wayne@loveland.demon.co.uk for further assitance :-) L (m  d                                ! " % & ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 ? @ A B C D E F G H I J g h i                                  E6 E6                        (       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3/15 4/16 DL DR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 DL DR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 *** *** *** *** 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 *** L/R A B < DPS12 TRACK LEVELS >  < DPS12 PAN POSITIONS >  < DPS12 AUX A SEND >  < DPS12 AUX B SEND > << MASTER >>K KKKKK $BD %RIMSHOT &SNARE 'CLAP *CL.HIHAT.OP.HIHAT)TOM 1 -TOM 2 0TOM 3 1CRASH 3RIDE ` Name ` Name ` Name ` Name ` Name VOLUME PITCHWHLMODULWHLBREATH PANNING pTEMPO FOOTPED PROGRAM VELOCITY` Name ` Name ` Name ` Name ` Name ` Name ` Name $BD 1 %RIM &SNARE 1 'CLAP (DRY SD .OP.HIHAT*CL.HIHAT,OP.HIHAT+TOM 1 /TOM 2 2TOM 3 )E-TOM 1 -E-TOM 2 0E-TOM 3 1CRASH 3RIDE 4CHINA 6PILZ 7SPLASH 8BELL 9CRASH :SNARE 3 ;RIDE ESHAKER OROTOTOM1QROTOTOM2THEAVY BDUDRY BD WWHITE SDXSNARE 4 ` Name ` Name $BASSDRUM&SNARE *HIHAT ,OP.HIHAT6HIHAT 2 +TOM 1 -TOM 2 /TOM 3 0TOM 4 9SNARE 2 :COWBELL ;TIMBALE1<TIMBALE2>CONGA 1 @CONGA 2 BRCABASA $BASSDRUM%BD GATE 'BD 3 (BD 4 *SD HEAVY)SNARE 2 +SNARE 3 -SD DRY .SD HIGH 0STICK 1TOM 1 2TOM 2 4TOM 3 5CL.HIHAT7OP.HIHAT<CRASH 8PEDAL HH:OP.PEDAL;OPEN 2 =CONGA 1 ?CONGA 2 ATIMBALE1CTIMBALE2ECOWBELL HTAMBORINISPACESNPKRIDE OSPLASH MWHIP QSHAKER SCOWBELL ` Name `Name `Name `Name `Name `Name `Name `Name `Name `Name `Name `Name `Name `Name `Name `Name `Name D:\NOTATOR\FONTS\FNTNTATTR18.FNTATTR10.FNTATTR24.FNTATSS12.FNTATTR18SP.FNTATTR10SP.FNTATTR24SP.FNTATSS12SP.FNTTTR18LS.FNTTTR10LS.FNTTTR24LS.FNTTSS12LS.FNT     6   ((( 1624   ((( 16C+24    ((( 1632   ((( All   ((( Johannes  ((( 1216    (( 1224   ((( AG 8 A ePSK0I5 I5#C Klqlq mz, 8 " 98#***7*8*`*a**@*, 9 " 98#***8*9*`*a**@*, 10 " 98#***9*:*`*a**@*, 11 " 98#***:*;*`*a**@*, 12 " 98#***;*<*`*a**@*, 13 " 98#***<*=*`*a**@*, 14 " 98#***=*>*`*a**@*, 15 " 98#***>*?*`*a**@*, 16 " 98#***?*@*`*a**@*, 17 " 98#***@*A*`*a**@*, 18 " 98#***A*B*`*a**@*, 19 " 98#***B*C*`*a**@*, 20 " 98#***C*D*`*a**@*, 21 " 98#***D*E*`*a**@*, 22 " 98#***E*F*`*a**@*, 23 " 98#***F*G*`*a**@*  " 98!# 3*'  >Canon BJ-10 DIN A4 180 DPI set DIP 7(AGM) to ON `., e, XQ@ " 98!#0~ttr #r, track " 98!#, pan " 98!#p, aux a " 98!#, aux b " 98!#, master " 98!#p, *UNDO*" 98!#pܷp݁pݵp݁pޥpށpޱpށpߏp߁pߡpppppppp p p p p p p p p p pppppppppppppppppppppppp p p p p p p p pp pp pp pp p p p pp p, " 98!# Welcome to Wayne Anthony-Cole's Akai DPS12 Notator SL's mixer map. This *.SON file contains a mixer map for the Akai DPS12 Hard disk recorder. To 'install' it into your own Autoload.son, go to menu File > Load System & delete all except Notepad, Transform pages, RMG Definitions & Universal Maps. Or to simply check it out before installing, just load it as you would another *.SON file. The reason I wrote it was because NSL has very limited "auto-updating". What I mean by that is, just like NSL's 'True Program' & 'True Volume' functions, they play the correct value from wherever you play your song from. for example, if your last volume event was at bar 20 (& you had more later on) & you then started your song from bar 35, NSL would 'look back' at the last volume event & play at the correct value. With that in mind I created this map because unfortunately NSL doesn't apply this feature to controller events. The same of which is what the DPS12 uses for it's automation, to be controlled via a sequencer. Fortunately, NSL makes this possible with P-USER events. So it was a simple case of using NSL's Transform functions to convert the DPS12's controller events to these P-USER events & visa versa. [Well I say simple, it took me over 20 hours in one weekend of figuring how to do it as I'd never gone THAT deep into it before :-) ]. Define an RMG fader to a DPS12 controller, use the Universal maps to remap the RMG definitions to one of the Transform pages as well as bug check each & everyone along the way MANY times over. Though the result was well worth it :-) To make this map I've used 4 Transform pages, 4 Universal maps & all 4 P-USER maps in the RMG section. I could have used the buttons in the RMG section, but I wanted to see ALL the faders in action & it also enables me to have complete control of events if I was to make on-the-fly adjustments to the data. YES! you can control the automation from the RMG as well as the DPS12 itself :-) You can also 'group' together the RMG faders & create even more mix effects than you could do without it. & the major benefit of being able to edit the data anyway you see fit ! At this point I must also say I have configured this map to my way of working. Don't worry, it's not anything mega radical. It just means I have left out a few controller omissions. They are the 'Input' channels 1,2,5 & 6. This includes all the channels' Track Level, Pan & Auxilaries A & B. My reasons are 1 & 2 are exclusively used as recording inputs, & 5 & 6 are used for the internal FX. The last is due to Akai's routing for the internal FX which I use in 'FX Return Mixed AB' mode. So that leaves 'Input' channels 3 & 4 free for my external mixers' stereo output. The reasons for this is: 1) You combine ALL your studios' output under your DPS12s' master fader. 2) With the above you can automate your fades in & out. With the added benefit of making smooth fader controls in the Hyper Edit screen. Or you can get them ultra smooth using Process Data in the Functions menu ! 3) Your mixes can then be digitally recorded directly to DAT, MiniDisk or stand alone CDR. I have used the Transform pages # 2 - 5 for Track Levels (2), Pan (3), Aux A (4) & Aux B (5). Due to the limitations within the program, only 2 of the transform pages can be used at the same time. To activate them, go to menu MIDI > Input handling. If you have Unitor 2 you will have all 3 Midi inputs available to you. Go the correct input which your DPS12 is connected, & place the #'s of the Transform pages at the bottom. This is your 'Realtime transform' mode. You'll see I have already placed the #'s 2 & 3 (track level & there already for you. More of which you can find out about in your manual. The DPS12 has a 'send mix data' feature, for which is supposed to be played from the beginning of your song. Keeping in mind you can (with this configuration) only Transform 2 sets at a time. You can work around this by recording one set (say 2 & 3 - track level & Pan) in one track, then 4 & 5 (Aux A & B) in another. Go into the 'Edit' mode & delete ALL Control events in both tracks. This should leave only P-USER in the event editor. Then simply merge the 2, & there you have your wholly converted 'send mix data' track. As a suggestion I would leave this track by itself from now on, & use further tracks for automation. Another would be to place these mix events in a pattern that would run in it's own chain in the arrange screen. That way NSL would always have a 'clear' path to ' see' all the events. In fact your Program changes, Volume events, Sysex dumps etc would be a good idea too !! I have set this map for the DPS12 to transmit on Midi Channel 16. What this means is, I had to set the same thing for all the controller messages in NSL i.e. 'Control16'. Once events have been recorded, NSL will not allow you to playback these events on another channel, i.e. to 'override' these events on NSL's main page. If you wish to use another channel, you have to go through EVERY SINGLE CONTROLLER EVENT in the 4 RMG & 4 Transform pages & change the value 16 to the channel you wish to use. If there are any questions or problems you'd like to ask, send an e-mail to me at wayne@loveland.demon.co.uk, & I will do my best to help out.