P4IBM ep@ >> FastCopy PRO 1.2 << by Martin Backschat, Bergstrae 16, D-85120 Hepberg // (c) 1986-94 Martin Backschat  O`!+-/1 3@5`79;=?A C@E`GIMOQ S@U`WY[]_a c@e`gikmoq suy{} @` @ ` @ ` @ ` @ ` ǀ ɠ @ ` ׀ ٠  @` @`!Aa   !Aa!!#A%a')+-//3A5a79;=?A!CAEaGIKMOQ!SAUaWY[]_a!cAeagikmoq!sAuwy{}!Aa!Aa!Aa!Aa!Aaǁɡ!Aaׁ١!Aa!Aa " B b  !"!B!b!!!!!"!""#B"%b"'")"+"-"/#1"#3B#5b#7#9#;#=#?$A"$CB$Eb$G$I$K$M$O%Q"%SB%Ub%W%Y%[%]%_a"&cB&eb&g&i&k&m&o'q"'sB'ub'w'y'{'}'("(B(b((((()")B)b))))*"*B*b****+"+O+b+++++,",B,b,ǂ,ɢ,,-"-B-b-ׂ-٢---.".B.b...../"/B/b/////0/0C0c00 0 01#1C1o1  O`!+-/1 3@5`79;=?A C@E`GIMOQ S@U`WY[]_a c@e`gikmoq suy{} @` @ ` @ ` @ ` @ ` ǀ ɠ @ ` ׀ ٠  @` @`!Aa   !Aa!!#A%a')+-//3A5a79;=?A!CAEaGIKMOQ!SAUaWY[]_a!cAeagikmoq!sAuwy{}!Aa!Aa!Aa!Aa!Aaǁɡ!Aaׁ١!Aa!Aa " B b  !"!B!b!!!!!"!""#B"%b"'")"+"-"/#1"#3B#5b#7#9#;#=#?$A"$CB$Eb$G$I$K$M$O%Q"%SB%Ub%W%Y%[%]%_a"&cB&eb&g&i&k&m&o'q"'sB'ub'w'y'{'}'("(B(b((((()")B)b))))*"*B*b****+"+O+b+++++,",B,b,ǂ,ɢ,,-"-B-b-ׂ-٢---.".B.b...../"/B/b/////0/0C0c00 0 01#1C1o1LED `&"BAD_AD 190 FHISTORY 190 ϸF/DELETE ADS FqBADAD190DOC D.#BAD_CNF PRG Da_BAD_AD_PRG SGуBTFMANULASC suNBTFAX099TTP ru*. &".. &"LED-DOCS b&"LED CFG ,zSLED DLG WLED FLN hzLED PRG W~LED PRN mk} LED RSC 1`LED SCT T LED SYS es76LED_EXAMCFG ,zSLEDKEY r# . &".. &"HYPERTXTENGd&"LED_131 ENG es7w]TLED_131 TXT es7LICENSE ENG p..$ MANUAL ENG zx1REGISTERENG es7vdLEDKEY ár#. &".. &"IDOFAQ HYP cs73LED HYP ds7*ׁLED_1_30HYP ds7KQLED_1_30REF ds7tREADME v  `ao9hfas'.KTNӕ١JϢa:*[M+lk4#+ "_37}=G| w'E}Ⱦ7t$RtW awmx׽}s%\Droޤ L[v[ ?i;67"@Il$據J|pOPRjLq7Lkg 8ck6t(TW9Ey/@DM*6זֽq:gM\yX\Ί;!|#^)&e`0ԏpů8Qf!ᬮϳaT /v% U敧9F`ASf;N&1RLknܶJv).? >xTdR{e'?%{M7쫏UXg+~zw0BDkּ&rwEaA183$!];#")IԪ-qk޺WVk54h>ȘI<됡3K&Kk@{(NFMOrsB4 lǑ=8--| ; The FIRST line will be placed in front of the footline and can be empty. ; Examples: "--|" prints two "-" and the tagline in the next line ; "*** " prints three "*" and a space and the tagline behind the space ; Note: '|' describes a , ';' defines a remark line, max length: 1024 chars ; Die ERSTE Zeile wird automatisch vor jede Fuzeile gesetzt und kann leer sein. ; Beispiele: "--|" druckt zwei "-" und die Tagzeile in die darauffolgende Zeile ; "*** " druckt drei "*" und ein Leerzeichen und die Tagzeile hinter ; dem Leerzeichen ; Beachte: '|' beschreibt ein , ';' ist eine Bemerkungszeile, maximal 1024 Zeichen ; Random footlines follows (please use less comment lines): ; Hier nun die Fuzeilen (bitte nur wenige Kommentarzeilen verwenden): UFP Starfleet Command: End Transmission| I know the depths I reach are limitless| The christmas spirit is not something to drink| Say cheese - fromaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaage| l'Ecole des Bas Artes. You want fries with that?| "Just remember that the last laugh is on you..."| You want it all but you can't have it| I am the end of all your dreams| I often daydream about my inability to fantasize| Come on my friends lets make for the hills| "Dual Pentium-100 - Compiles in a flash, makes great coffee too!"| The new Pentium Overheat, CPU and water boiler in a single chip!| ; And now a very long footline / Und nun eine sehr lange Fuzeile "Sehr sonderbare Leute, diese Physiker. Nach meiner Erfahrung sind |die, die nicht tot sind, irgendwie sehr krank"| Douglas Adams 'Der lange dunkle Fuenfuhrtee...' S.105|"Very strange people these physicists. In my experience, those who |are not yet dead are, somehow, quite ill."| Douglas Adams| LL`7 d=Cp|Tj\@6 G|Vve>QpKRj_7@zMa c#YwRvQx -3=B/ ~DGRiksaUdN=JYZFY}3J'B\C.or=GVs~D}>;X(xTk/x,4H+TwpНVJM2RH-xB^di(KBne76 aYbj _0_6dj^><      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~; Example file for "Shift+F1" feature ; ====================================================================================================================== ; max length --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->| ; ====================================================================================================================== - My standard footer, D:\FIDO\FOOTER\NETMAIL.SIG - Another file, D:\FIDO\DATABASE\INFO.TXT ; ====================================================================================================================== *Hi* |Only *Hi* will be printed! AAMOF As a matter of fact (very rare) AFAIC As Far As I'm Concerned AFAIK As Far As I Know AFK Away From Keyboard AIJ Am I Jesus? AISI As I See It AKA Also Known As ANFAWFOS And Now For A Word From Our Sponsor APA Amateur Press Association ASAFP As Soon As Friggin' Possible ASAP As Soon As Possible AWGTHTGTATA Are We Going To Have To Go Through ALL This Again? AWGTHTGTTA Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Again? AYOR At Your Own Risc B4 Before BBIAB Be Back In A Bit BBL Be Back Later BCNU Be Seeing You BFHD Big fat hairy deal (a la Garfield the Cat (cery rare)) BNF Backus-Naur-Form BNF Big Name Fan BOT Back On Topic BTHOM Beats the hell outta me! BTW By The Way CU See You CUL Catch You Later CUL See You Later CUL8R See You Later CWYL Chat With You Later DDD Direct Distance Dial (as in the phone system) DIIK Damned if I know DILLIGAD Do I Look Like I Give A Darn?! DILLIGAF Do I Look Like I Give A [*CENSORED*] DNPM Darn Near P***ed Myself EOD End Of Discussion EOF End Of File EOL End Of Lecture EOT End of Thread FIAWOL Fandom Is A Way Of Life FIJAGH Fandom Is Just A Goddamn Hobby FIMD Foot-In-Mouth Disease (open mouth,insert foot,echo internationally) FITB Fill In The Blank FTASB Faster Than A Speeding Bullet FTL Faster Than Light FUBAR Fouled Up Beyond All Repair FUBB Fouled Up Beyond Belief FWIW For What It's Worth FYBITS F..k You, Buddy, I'm The Sysop FYI For Your Information GD&R Grinning, ducking & running GIGO Garbage In, Garbage Out GIWIST Gee, I Wish I'd Said That GUI Graphical User Interface HAK Hugs And Kisses HHO 1/2 K Ha, Ha, Only Half Kidding HHOK Ha, Ha, Only Kidding HIH Hope It Helps! HTH Hope this Helps! HUA Heads Up, Ace IAC In Any Case IANAL I Am Not A Lawyer IBTD I Beg To Differ IC I See IITYWIMWYBMAD If I Tell You What It Means Will You Buy Me A Drink? IITYWTMWYKM If I Tell You What This Means Will You Kiss Me? IIWM If It Were Me (Mine) ILSHIBAMF I Laughed So Hard I Broke All My Furniture! IMHO In My Humble Opinion IMNSHO In My Not So Humble Opinion IMO In My Opinion INPO In No Particular Order IOW In Other Words JAUA Just Another Useless Answer JSNM Just Stark Naked Magic KISS Keep It Simple, Stupid L8R Later LAB&TYD Life's A Bitch & Then You Die. LAGNAF Let's All Get Naked And [*CENSORED*] LD Long Distance LLTA Lots and Lots of Thunderous (or Thundering) Applause LOL Laughing Out Loud LTIP Laughing Til' I Puke MSG Message MTBF Mean Time Between Failure MTFBWY May The Force Be With You MYOB Mind Your Own Business NBFD No Big F...ing Deal NFI No Friggin' Idea NFW No Friggin' Way!! NIH Not Invented Here (Very common at Microsoft) NIMBY Not In My Back Yard NINO No Input, No Output OATUS On A Totally Unrelated Subject OAUS On An Unrelated Subject OBTW Oh, By The Way OFTPATHIRIO Oh F..k This Place And The Horse It Rode In On! OIC Oh! I See ONNA Oh No, Not Again ONNTA Oh No, Not This Again OOTC Obligatory On-Topic Comment OTOH On The Other Hand OTOOH On The Other Other Hand OTTOMH Off The Top Of My Head OWTTE Or Words To That Effect PFM Pure F...ing Magic PITA Pain In The Arse PMIGBOM Put Mind In Gear, Before Opening Mouth POTS Plain Old Telephone Service POV Point Of View POWER-PC Performance Optimization With Enhanced RISC Performance Chip PPP Petty Pet Peeve RAEBNC Read And Enjoyed, But No Comment (an APAabbreviation) REXMAN Relax, EXperiment, and read your owner`s MANuals RISC Reduced Instruction Set Computer ROFL Rolling On Floor Laughing! ROFLASTC Rolling On Floor Laughing And Scaring The Cat! ROFLGO Rolling On Floor Laughing Guts Out! ROFLMAO Rolling On Floor Laughing My A** Off ROTFL Rolling on the floor, laughing ROTFLAHMS Rolling On The Floor Laughing And Holding My Sides ROTFLSTCIIHO Rolling on the floor laughing scaring the cat if I had one ROTFLBTCPIMP Rolling on the floor laughing biting the carpet and pissing in my pants RSN Real Soon Now RTFM Read The F*cking Manual! RTFM Read The Farging Manual! RTFM Read The Fershlugginer Manual! RTFM Read The Flaming Manual! RTFM Read The Freaking Manual! RTFM Read The Friggin' Manual! RTFMA Read The Friggin' Manual, Again RTWFQ Read The Whole Friggin' Question (a pers TRIV fave) RYFM Read Your Friggin' Manual! RYS Read Your Screen SAPFU Surpassing All Previous 'Foul' Ups SICS Sitting In Chair Snickering SNAFU Situation Normal, All F*cked Up SNAFU Situation Normal, All Fouled Up SOI Stunk On Ice SOL S*** Out Of Luck SWAG Super Wild A** Guess TANJ There Ain't No Justice (Niven) TANSTAAFL There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch TARFU Things Are _Really_ Fouled Up TGAL Think Globally, Act Locally THANX Thanks THX Thanks TINWIS That Is Not What I Said TLA Three Letter Acronym TNSTAAFL There's No Such Thing As A Free Lunch TNX Thanks TOYM Turn On Your Mind! TPTB The Powers That Be TRDMC Tears Running Down My Cheeks TSR Terminate and Stay Resident TTBOMK To The Best Of My Knowledge TTFN Ta Ta For Now TTUL Talk To You Later TTYAWFN Talk To You A While From Now TTYL Talk To You Later TYCLO Turn Your CAPS LOCK Off (Quit Shouting) WAG Wild A** Guess WDYMBT What Do (or Did) You Mean By That? WGAS Who Gives A [*CENSORED*]?! WIBAMU Well, I'll Be A Monkey's Uncle WMMOWS Wash My Mouth Out With Soap! WNOHGB Where No One Has Gone Before WT Without Thinking WTFZDN What The FUCKK Zit Doin' Now? WTH What the Heck WTTM Without Thinking Too Much WYLABOCTGWTR Would You Like A Bowl Of Cream To Go With ThatRemark? WYLASOMWTC Would You Like A Saucer Of Milk With ThatComment? WYSBYGI What You See Before You Get It WYSIWYG What You See Is What You Get YAOTM Yet Another Off-Topic Message HSX;%~4Bݐ\pzA| 2TPf29?1Y$˜]m XVck@=|NsZ.f{!9k^LJ ޘ#$y=DM4- drK{k7 1{1jLN.TW[6qI>FDSo~ 1VmFԎ6T秌hW)T#J|T\_Slw\R(?z_JMw l*@l[w 7rv,yˣΛO6?ap^c=fvߒQ@w蓾 ½Dqr{fȓ+.N*l YF[o`r!rR`bgn?q`4-/Mf}\ߝ5;C;PVa"ƕ{ﴠYl̢-]$׍eˌ;+賌qYp.gŁF#MÔWdxPy=kDI 8\r{vLog$'}P ˔zhu2,^( >-f,h_?a/v(1 u MOAQVr҇}41#Z~VsÁ6d+2^yYh|pRdm&u}A%71G(itGo[\vb"܊,zfj&kVHkE @ anxWhwXFdh`O0P J7`8,#LTT{I\@טI62P!^M{^i@( H+Y H6Y9ivuO4:Yx[BV`S,T[S~?8p22{A<2ify&ĉpC%,: `!nX*Ub3jr(^fx0SW|#ViJ@6~G?l 0y=VҢkM̡(:'%z)w}-ܝ]k7.16u)ZED_I#ںnRڏ0B30wkA*}I tMqHA@QbXۼHx P1QK&%xŸst "D ,@Efr"Ԟ%gp)TI۹h c[-pdǨօj/߲q16=::_S5n4 ](eo8?vwXzX4K%'kDL*Q!cz)z3h IL+7{׺bTNy*㦇R3nZNMKodj]7]Eڟt'ǯ2t֧ kFMzӗpy!أ"׵z۷rSs4/gq$$u y5X++DϚmA<Ѣ30Na9D]Roz;#۸:#pwY},'E}3jXgW4 ᖱNj%a$ىLS=kQ,݀<녣4s|ݠ0O'Wh >U9$ +arG'rAH>+NٌDQqZ\%m|gxCfsnhV|S0nJxb]Hʱ͗eQd\6 Uԇ 'b2D!cfAHc_0c/5P+wt.dW e+YҠ ك4=uihβ4`6߹Wmp\YV?}~u1,lqN`iZ~EU<_0TDE+[LʊoM2޺8 |eV?HMLF\ɝ :ul​G2﯅Tչbl (] Z%"AYz01*!gs]'yb Hբpy5[3ֿ). bK>:I#tʼn \mcOAJԷԴF鰂ԯzOMR:o?ET8c1YZת,zߘY tҮ/5B`TJ&7XJrҺmKfҕwcZ'FC}?c8ܶ(3jpIӧ::ik7NއAR>u3 -̑tOSX-R47Ѷ7tˠDc2_=vڡڛIfߕNҙW߅޵Nߜބ4oؙ7vcҙ޿uś4 ,K‹,ǙpK/X؟ D}Ҙ߽W|vԔ';ޞߥ0@߹Bۙҋ=%ǁ߹;Fݔۇ6PL߀Fސq۟چr%Շ\YnΞڿ,;҆ڑ?^Պ< Ý`c>ߌ-݉ڄ<z݊ 5Aݏd*ߦ.ص0h߶OSodzڀ+Ÿ]РLZtݲw=/RسnLЩڮ ögIcԳی a԰®ժt=[^ ݹ~DӨۆگӯIПŠfrvߥzR¢,䓉ҬМب)åqԳuأ ިػ6gǭؿ¹M{C<ݽ٨S&,Ǩ+Gݻ=]"Ǯٷ'Awگ0UYAiCA%YDZS7G\Sx@U\[]ŚwX^hBEWřq_V4κn"OG_~JDYwLyKr7/_ZD~d1XE— T[9S)I>$Q8+lIŸ|PxfWd߀FL GZO&eN+8O=)-\#-[4pXRuS_PKfqc-y£SԲsJ08b:нu]rMe’f"k铨jH#(~îhvmA4.jòJzycOu%f-ix)/VvX5QmUDt{c鄙 qo As'z3plpPgcLTdyB0jvG"o~@cw9nbOkdzxRFow (+i*#: . ͖JA>͠Unmv% Ud}>&n`_9EOqU)w˒84j<"iy0'mc>2ݦkE2_%ƉF/ݫX)Z0}y5xwa JEE_MƸ+/L4 `3S(~m$ru4&bzFn%ƘFFEO5/X'UӀӂ΍`a*/0ū:M 1ؖy`I WM]e)4Gȧf\(bIgm Ӭ3yqyt >QɑRIܵYz?t|\D;xQǗyi; v\8?yؚU\pM|eOcԜ3K,)@^fqZI)gK1`cDr@TgR!'F$XGK@yQMW<"%G璡7T*Tܰ"NDU'i]uRB,$\Qyc@DLȊU2~q@SH=-/.PdiDT#lrvtbOLQF} ƒSA4e4\Ӊ&G.hDSg$:A.*u33sj'*FDG*DӧD0D sd%S510)^`DO%>&s&>1g fϩFЈv@e)&U3b*tIXI."cN9->U)M12xC{I0U>AN)DbLcHgH@CRT%4 KB <RABu6>Ftr )&S8 $tS@"$Ν8nTc`T(Fu" QOS'JDtDL)3#4*19:yJV1cƓ&J.b z0<9)cP*9 ThE8DK1ROLLM'F*9t(ت$cqeQFjW{[b4j[?D;X4siG=gE}_w+I=oS*6#3 9l6?ww]saxOr5BM6K&Q%K6okceYU[hئ!L¾&) Released 12.10.96 Short docs.... LEDEY can do thee following tasks... 1. Find your registration key for LED v1.x ->. 2. Patch LED.PRG to not display the LED-box every time you run the program. - If you use this option (NO INOF-button) a fileselector will pop up asking for location of your copy of LED.PRG. If it is a valid LED file (only works on LED v1.31/v1.4x (x = 0 to 3/5) LEDKEY will do a few changes and write the new copy over your old LED.PRG. So always keep a backup of your LED.PRG file in case of _fire_!!!!! As of LED v1.40 a new "non-registration" routine have been introduced in LED. Every now and then the program will display a window for (too) many seconds with a "PLEASE REGISTER" text written all over. LEDKEY will _NOT_ remove this, and it really makes no sense to use this option on the later version of LED. Rather use the NO PID hack to get any use of LED v1.40 and above! There are not many error checking routines with this option, and if it doesn't seem to work, run a clean boot and try again. No messages will alert if the operation went OK or down the drain.... Only way to find out is to run LED.PRG and hope for the best! (Sorry, but I can't be bothered to add these alert boxes.. :) ) 3. Patch a registered version of LED so that it doesn't write registration info in the PID ID header of every message you compose. (Only works on LED v1.31/v1.40/v1.41/v1.42/v1.43/v1.45!) - If you use this option it is vital that you first find your key and make a registered version of LED - and there after run the NOPID patch on LED.PRG. If not - LED will no longer work and you get a lot of bombs trying to start LED. I'm sorry about this, but it was the only way possible to make such a patch. I had to remap some of the routines, and even make a new small routine to be able to "hide" the registration! - As of LedKey v1.30 there is no need to enter the key in before running the NO PID hack as long as you are hacking Led v1.41! I have not bothered to make these changes to the older two hack-routines, as everyone will use the latest release of LED anyway. - Another feature given by this util when hacking LED v1.41-> is a non-restriction on the AkaSysop. Now it is possible to use your alias as well as your real name. Thanks to Phoenix at Heavens Trash for the idea and info on where to look! Known bugs: - PID ID Hacks done on Led v1.31 & v1.40 will not work on STs/Megas due to a small problem with an odd address. The 68k doesn't handle it. I know it's lazy coding... but as this problem is gone on Led 1.41-> I see no reason to do anything with it. :) - Fixed a 'bug' introduced in LED v1.41. A new header ID - XID was introduced in Led v1.41 but it didn't show within LED. In LEDKEY v1.31 this is now fixed! Thanks to Phoenix on Heavens Trash for pointing it out! :) - ST Compability added. Apperently I was wrong... LEDKEY hacks didn't run very well on STs. A small detail had slipped my mind. But now it should work out just fine. This is on the terms that LED only used odd adresses when setting up the IDs. And I assume it does as I have seen no other behavior. - LedKey v1.34 made a faulty hack, leading LED v1.45 not to work at all when running the Register hack on it. This was due to an adressing with one byte position error. Comments: Led v1.43: - The XID flag seem to have been removed from the normal message header flag. It is still listed in the data-array of the program file, but does not seem to be used. If anyone knows about the use of this flag (and also EID & TID) I would like to know the purpose of them. But so far I have seen any of the latter to used in any message. Share and enjoy!!! Mr V. 12.10.96 K-; 셩_o'aXBfTX N#/_':v*!H~ H|+h)D- i s.2\=R[n>1u 3x {i.;Y NC0\X* ȺŗsW? 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Prefix Topline Set cursorFree EditableNo Topline in NetmailNo compression Comment...Show Comment linkNumPad keys#Comment tree uses Mailer [0 - 3] Userlist Fonts...Function KeysSave Options Extras Msg-HeaderMsg Header flagsFile RequestPRVTUSER.LSTFind in USERLISTFind String Find SameHelpMsg Window HelpEdit Window HelpDialogs HelpComment Tree Help Shortcut Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D~ 0Ǣ>孇jY]a~k+ccb): This is a ST-Guide Hypertext (english version). To compile it with STOOL.TOS please add following two lines to KATALOG.CFG: ============( CUT )============== >Manual/Fido Manuals about FidoSoftware. ============( CUT )============== St.Slabihoud 1995 i{W *tN?EHd7|xrpj< HXv)*ǁ۫4ڗ/= 9N7ʔtqj/wUj]j8Q ,WC`NVsj͉F `=#KJ6cUif<@1+^ я8j#/!F?zZo-\z/C?F<Ƭhp="et[lo-.늓|4I𷲤hϺA7etjs$~P'ݼt&wta ijpNú il@TM*g^w&d|.ÆwW'~ՑJILL$j>u"Po ]|ίPh  ;% g{|UTlA9Iey:d4ݐs.%2J!As;5 QB I-2JTU[ Ho ======================================================================== LED support (send new ideas, bug reports and criticism to the address below): Stephan Slabihoud, Johannesstr.5, D-46240 Bottrop, Germany FidoNet: 2:2446/110.6@fidonet.org AtariNet: 51:601/7.6@atarinet.ftn NetworkST: 90:400/410@nest.ftn, 90:400/404.6@nest.ftn Internet: slabbi@kali.rhein-ruhr.de slabih00@marvin.informatik.uni-dortmund.de ======================================================================== BETATEST-Versions can only be used by registered user! Update-Info: ============ Charset conversion: LED 1.29 can display other character sets correctly when the mail contains a CHRS or CHARSET kludge. Note: LED converts Latin-1 codes into the ST font and not into the IBMPC font! The converter uses a best match table that means that not existing Latin-1 characters are converted into similar ST characters. Be carefull when quoting such a mail: When saving a mail with a converted Latin-1 font LED creates a "^CHRS IBMPC 2" kludge (normally it should write "ATARIST" instead of "IBMPC" but that is not defined). Some converted Latin-1 characters do not exist in the IBMPC font, so the receiver of the msg might see some block graphics. When you have installed an IBMPC font (like Myblue) you will be able to see how the mail looks like on the receiver's system. Important note: "Address correction" (and the flag "Fixed address") is not needed as a rule! Especially points or nodes with only one address per zone/ network will NEVER need to make use of this feature! Every tosser known to me (JetMail, IOSmail, Ecu/Llegada) normally ignores the entries LED makes and enters it's own address of sender. Nevertheless, if you have several addresses within a zone/network, you could only use one fixed address until now. This concerned e.g. Z*C's, R*C's N*C's and other's with administrative addresses. "Address correction" now enables them to choose their address as desired and instruct their tosser (atm JetMail only) via the flag "Fixed address" not to alter that (origin) address at export. In echo areas the address correction can be switched on using the statement "-FixedAddress". Note: LED only writes the origin address! The routing (the destination address) must be done by the tosser! When quoting from such an area into the netmail (and "Address correction" for netmail not selected) LED creates no MSGID and origin address. That must be done by the tossser as usual. I.e.: points and nodes with only one address per zone can do without. The other's must decide for themselves whether they need this feature or not... Another important note: Now you MUST define your netmail as FIRST area in AREAS.BBS. The config statement "NETMAIL" is not longer parsed by the LED 1.26 (and higher). ACS-Package: In LED 1.28 (and higher) you MUST define the ExtraExportArea and Bad_Msgs in the AREAS.BBS, otherwise LED does not show them. The "EchoList" for ACS will be created as usual. NVDI 2.5x bug: When using NVDI 2.5x (not NVDI 2.5x ET4000) the scollbar in the AreaListWindow is not drawn. Support-Echos: Information of new LED versions will be given in following echos: ST_FIDO.GER (FidoNet), N.SUP.LED (NeST) and A.SUP.LED (AtariNet). If you have questions about the new LED please write them in one of these echos or use the netmail! ToDo-List: Please send me your ideas how to improve LED (btw the ToDo list is approx. 60kb long now => over 140 different suggestions ;-)). +--------------------+ | V1.31 23.09.95 |\ +--+--------------------+-------------------------------------+ | |\ | Printing of texteffects: ||| | ||| | Because of a new texteffect ('#' = inverse text) the ||| | printertable entries 0x10 (16d) up to 0x17 (23d) have ||| | been changed. ||| | Please adapt your own printerdriver and compile it again ||| | with MAKE_PRN. ||| | Because I do not know any printer that allows to print ||| | inverse characters, all demonstration-drivers will only ||| | print a '#'. ||| | ||| | LEDlight: ||| | ||| | LED 1.31 is also available in a "light" version. The only ||| | difference between the full-version and LEDlight is: ||| | - aprox.200 kb less memory usage ||| | - no Area- and MsgListeWindow avaiable ||| | - Headersorting not possible ||| | - max.3000 msgs per area ||| | - max.3000 lines per msg ||| | ||| | New: ||| | ||| | - "...special flags" in the menubar allows to edit the ||| | "Precessed" field in the msg header. ||| | - "No compression" creates sometimes the "No more lines" ||| | bug. ||| | - Bugfix: When writing to the same person using different ||| | addresses LED has used the wrong address. ||| | - Searching for addresses in the CC dialog works again now. ||| | - Small problem removed with the redraw of the infoline in ||| | the MsgWindow. ||| | - "WM_ONTOP" sets LED's menubar when MagiC is installed. ||| | - NEWECHOS.LST will be written even when you have started ||| | a program with "Execute". ||| | - Texteffect "'#'=Inverse text" implemented. ||| | - Continuous reading of mails with SPACE did not work in ||| | 1.31b. ||| | - Maximum length of RandomTearlines: 1024 characters now! ||| | You can the same "%"-shortcuts in tearlines that are ||| | allowed in toplines. ||| | - Tiny problems in the MsgListDialog fixed. ||| | - It is allowed to use trailing spaces in the first line of ||| | LED.FLN now. ||| | - Following flags can be set in ALT+V dialog additionally: ||| | Direct, Immediate, KillFileSent and ArchivSent ||| | ||| +-------------------------------------------------------------+|| \_____________________________________________________________\| +--------------------+ | V1.31 21.08.95 |\ BETATEST-Version +--+--------------------+-------------------------------------+ | |\ | Configuration folder: ||| | ||| | LED expects to find most of it's files in a folder ||| | called "LED". This folder is searched in different ||| | places (highest priority first): ||| | 1. Defined by the environment "LED": ||| | This defines the path AND name(!) of the ||| | configuration folder, e.g. ||| | LED=D:\FIDOSOFT\CONFIGS\LED ||| | 2. Defined by the environment "FIDOCONFDIR": ||| | LED expects its configuration folder (called "LED") ||| | in that directory, e.g. ||| | FIDOCONFDIR=D:\FIDOSOFT\CONFIGS ||| | 3. When $FIDOCONFDIR does not exist, LED tries to find ||| | its config folder in .\CONFIG ||| | 4. LED tries to find the config folder (called "LED") ||| | in the home directory of LED.PRG. ||| | ||| | Following files are searched in the folder "LED" only: ||| | LED.SYS, LED.FLN, LED.CFG, LED.PRN, LED.SCT, LED.FKY, ||| | LED.DLG, LED.OPT ||| | ||| | Following folders are searched for different config files ||| | (highest priority first): ||| | 1. Folder defined in LED.CFG with following statements: ||| | "AREASpath" for AREAS.BBS ||| | "LEDNEWpath" for LED.NEW ||| | 2. Folder defined by environment "FIDOCONFDIR" ||| | 3. When $FIDOCONFDIR does not exist, LED tries to find ||| | its config folder in .\CONFIG ||| | 4. Folder defined by environment "BINKLEY" ||| | 5. Folder defined by environment "MAILER" ||| | 6. Home directory of LED.PRG ||| | LED searches in those folders for following files: ||| | LED.NEW, BINKLEY.CFG, AREAS.BBS, ACS.CFG ||| | ||| | Follwing files are treated in an especially way: ||| | LED.NEW : If this file is found in the LED folder, it ||| | will be read from there only. ||| | LED.LOG : This (error) file will be created in the ||| | LED folder unless the statement "Logfile" ||| | in LED.CFG defines a different logfile. ||| | ||| | Note: ||| | BINKLEY.CFG is only neccessary when no BINKLEY.CFG is ||| | used. ||| | ||| | LED config file: ||| | The following statements are allowed in LED.CFG: ||| | ||| | SYSOP name -> as in BINKLEY.CFG ||| | ADDRESS address [fakenet] -> ditto ||| | DOMAIN network folder -> ditto ||| | LOGFILE file -> ditto ||| | NETMAIL file -> ditto ||| | HOLD path -> ditto  ||| | SHELL prg -> ditto ||| | ||| | Optionally the following statements may be added: ||| | ||| | AKASYSOP name ||| | AREASpath -> path to AREAS.BBS ||| | LEDNEWpath -> path to LED.NEW ||| | ||| | New: ||| | ||| | - Blockmarking and frequest selection by mouse should work ||| | on each TOS version. ||| | - Bugfix: Msg selection by clicking in the (original) ||| | GEM infoline of the MsgWindow works now when the ||| | systemfont is not used in the MsgWindow ||| | - "CNTRL+SHIFT+RETURN" (delete all msgs with same subject) ||| | changed to "ALT+RETURN". It worked with MagiC but not ||| | with plain TOS :-( ||| | - TB.CFG is not longer supported. ||| | - BugFix: EPSON.PN and IBM.PN did not work. ||| | - Uucp mails will not be quoted with "u>". ||| | - Bad Bug in effect function removed. ||| | - LED can create a system report (menubar->help-> ||| | system report). When you have problems with LED you ||| | should send me this file (if neccessary). ||| | - Only the first selected filename in the MsgWindow was ||| | copied correctly into the FileRequestDialogue. ||| | - When LED detects quote lines at the end of a new written ||| | mail it asks if these quotes should be deleted before ||| | saving the mail. ||| | - LED word-wraped imported files now. ||| | - + deletes one word ||| | + deletes one character with line wrap ||| | (was CNTRL+DEL) ||| | - Mousepointer was hidden when calling a "MsgWindow"-macro ||| | in the EditWindow. ||| | - "sF1" in menubar changed to "^F1". ||| | ||| +-------------------------------------------------------------+|| \_____________________________________________________________\| +--------------------+ | V1.30 21.07.95 |\ +--+--------------------+-------------------------------------+ | |\ | New: ||| | ||| | AREAS.BBS Flags (new in 1.30): ||| | ||| | -IgnoreNewMsgFlag LED ignores the "NeMsgFlag", so it shows ||| | no "*" for this area. ||| | -IgnoreUnreadFlag LED ignores the "UnreadFlag", so it shows||| | no "/" for this area. ||| | -RandomFootline LED creates a random footline for that ||| | area taken from LED.FLN. ||| | -NoRandomFootline LED creates no random footline for that ||| | area. ||| | -FootlineFile LED creates a random footline for that ||| | area taken from (same format as ||| | LED.FLN). ||| | ||| | Systemfile: ||| | ||| | LED needs a systemfile "LED.SYS" now. If this file is not ||| | found in the LED's configuration folder LED cannot be ||| | started. The systemfile contains functions to access the ||| | msgbase headerfile. When the headerfileformat changes you ||| | must only replace this file, not the complete LED. The ||| | systemfile is stored in a compressed format. ||| | ||| | Manual: ||| | ||| | In this package you will find an english manual for ||| | LED 1.30 now (MANUAL.ENG). I want to thank Antony Lacey ||| | for his really good work on this manual. ||| | ||| | - Blockselection in EditWindow using the mouse: ||| | 1. Hold down right mousekey, ||| | 2. Singleclick on left key: Blockstart ||| | Doubleclick " " " : Blockend ||| | - It is possible to select filenames in the MsgWindow now ||| | (single-click ont he filename). These filenames will be ||| | taken over in the F'Request dialog (ALT+Q) automatically. ||| | - "Cntrl+Shift+RETURN" kills all msgs with the same subject.||| | - "NUM 5" selects the first msg in a msg thread. ||| | - Cntrl+^/v jumps to the top/bottom of screen. ||| | - The origin address of the current mail is used as default ||| | for the filerequest. ||| | - Texteffects in subject-line are printed now. ||| | - Bugfix: "Change area" dialog works correctly when ||| | MsgListWindow is open. ||| | - "Indent" changed. LED does only indent lines when this ||| | function is really switches on. ||| | - New switch: "Switches->GEM infoline". Some people dislike ||| | LED's own infoline in the MsgWindow. Now you can tell LED ||| | to use the original GEM-Infoline in that window. ||| | This switch will be active when LED is restarted. ||| | Note: When using the original GEM infoline you might not ||| | be able to click on the msg number in the infoline to ||| | select a msg (if so click under the msg number) and the ||| | actual msg number is displayd '*n*'. ||| | - Bugfix: "Recognize ^CHRS" can be toggeled correctly with ||| | ALT+7). ||| | - LED can create random footlines. If you want to use this ||| | option place a file called "LED.FLN" in LED's ||| | systemfolder. For more information: See demofile. ||| | To use that option for all areas switch on "Switches-> ||| | Random footline" or use the AREAS.BBS command ||| | "-RandomFootline" to use it for specified areas. ||| | It is possible to define for each area its own file with ||| | "-FootlineFile ". ||| | 1. "-FootlineFile " set in AREAS.BBS? ||| | Yes: Take a random footline from . ||| | 2. "-RandomFootline" or switch "Switches->Random..." ||| | set? ||| | Yes: Take a random footline from LED.FLN. ||| | - New Option: "Switches->MsgWindow->...autoclose window". ||| | The MsgListWindow will be closed automatically when a msg ||| | has been selected. ||| | - New option: "Quote->No topline in netmail" suppresses the ||| | topline in netmail area. ||| | - LED allows to define 20 function keys now. FKeys F11-F20 ||| | are called with SHIFT+F. The old functions ||| | can be called with CONTROL+F now: ||| | Control+F10: Clear all unread flags ||| | Control+F9 : All lastread pointers to maximum ||| | Control+F8 : Lastread pointer to maximum ||| | Control+F7 : Print msg with formfeed ||| | Control+F6 : Sort headers by date (current area) ||| | Control+F5 : Change user name. ||| | Control+F2 : Small msginfo ||| | Control+F1 : Shortcut ||| | The functionkey texts can be used in quotes with %01 to ||| | %20 now. ||| | - "^REPLYADDR:" will be treated correctly, too. ||| | - Columns increased by 5 (MsgWindow max 85 cols). ||| | - A maximum of 40 cc's is possible (30 before). ||| | - Bold quoted lines will be printed. ||| | - Userlist-Dialog-Functions rewritten (hope it works). ||| | - Carbon-Copy-Dialog a little bit improved. Found names ||| | will be displays immediatly. ||| | - Bugfix: Shift+F8 with READ does not display the last msg. ||| | - The Forward-Dialog shows the PrivateUserList now when the ||| | name field is empty and the dialog is exited with "OK". ||| | - When searching for a name with "Extras->Find in Userlist" ||| | and the top window is the EditWindow, the name and ||| | address will be inserted at the cursor position (only ||| | when leaving the dialogbox with "OK"). ||| | - New switch: "Options->Quote->No compression" ||| | Normally LED quotes msg as follows: ||| | Original: ||| | | This is an example! ||| | | ^^^^^^^ note this word ||| | Quoted version: ||| | | XY> This is an example! ||| | | XY> ^^^^^^^ note this word ||| | Advantage: Normally no line wrap because spaces are ||| | overwritten by quote signs. ||| | Disadvantages: Tabulars and marks are destroyed normally. ||| | When using "No compression" LED creates following: ||| | | XY> This is an example! ||| | | XY> ^^^^^^^ note this word ||| | - Lines will be quoted correctly. Older versions quoted ||| | "> >" as ">>"; now LED creates the correct quote ">> >". ||| | - Bugfix: When leaving the address-selectorbox with "OK" ||| | using the mouse LED returned a wrong address (0:0/0). ||| | - New parameters %o and %O will be replaced by the complete ||| | from/to name. ||| | - It is possible to use HOME and Shift+HOME in the MsgList- ||| | Dialog. ||| | ||| | Attention! For experts only! ||| | It is possible to call macros about the funtionkeys. That ||| | is not(!) trivial, so be carefull when using it! ||| | ||| | A macro that is only allowed in the EditWindow can be ||| | defined as follows: %[keylist] ||| | and when it is only allowed in the MsgWindow: &[keylist] ||| | macros for both windows can be defined with: $[keylist] ||| | ||| | "Keylist" is a list in the following format: SSAAK ||| | SS=Scancode ||| | AA=ASCII-Code ||| | K =Status (1=RShift,2=LShift,4=Ctrl,8=Alt) ||| | You must use that format exactly! The codes (in hex) are ||| | seperated with commas. LED may crash when making a ||| | mistake! ||| | I will remove that feature when it does not work properly ||| | on all TOS versions. "ALT+Key" actions can not be ||| | initiated (seems to be a bug in TOS). ||| | ||| | Here are two small examples (if you have definied another ||| | interesting macroa please tell me about it): ||| | e.g. for F1: %[21064,30024,2d184,21064] ||| | and for F2: &[1e014,47000,1c0d0] ||| | F1 - Erase text from cursor to end of text ||| | Keys: Ctrl+F, Ctrl+B, Ctrl+X, Ctrl+F ||| | F2 - Select first area (Netmail) ||| | Keys: Ctrl+A, HOME, RETURN ||| | ||| +-------------------------------------------------------------+|| \_____________________________________________________________\| +--------------------+ | V1.29 21.05.95 |\ +--+--------------------+-------------------------------------+ | |\ | New: ||| | ||| | Recognization of CHARSET/CHRS: ||| | ||| | LED converts following charsets into the Atari-ST ||| | character set, when the switch "Recognize ^CHRS" is ||| | selected: ||| | Level-1: ||| | FRENCH,GERMAN,ITALIAN,NORWEG,PORTU,SPANISH,SWEDISH,UK ||| | Level-2: ||| | LATIN-1,IBMPC,ASCII ||| | The CHRS/CHARSET kludge has a higher priority then the ||| | AREAS.BBS statement "-Latin1" or "-Latin1small". ||| | The convertion only works properly when no IBMPC font is ||| | installed (because LED tries to convert all chars into ||| | the normal systemfont). ||| | Tip: Normally you need only the general conversion with ||| | "-Latin1small" to read a Latin-1 mail. ||| | ||| | Configuration folder: ||| | ||| | LED now expects to find most of it's files in a folder ||| | called "LED". This must be located in the same directory ||| | that LED.PRG is in! ||| | ||| | Overview: ||| | ||| | - Following files are searched in the folder "LED" only: ||| | LED.CFG, LED.PRN, LED.SCT, LED.FKY, LED.DLG, LED.OPT ||| | ||| | - The following files will be recognized when situated in ||| | the same folder as LED.PRG, or in the folder that the ||| | environment variable MAILER (or BINKLEY) points to, or ||| | in the folder that "MailerPath" in LED.CFG points to: ||| | BINKLEY.CFG, TB.CFG, NEWECHOS.LST, AREAS.BBS, ACS.CFG ||| | ||| | - Follwing files are treated in an especially way: ||| | LED.NEW : If this file is found in the LED folder, it ||| | will be read from there only; else LED.NEW ||| | is expected to be in the same folder as the ||| | AREAS.BBS file. ||| | LED.LOG : This (error) file will be created in the ||| | LED folder unless the statement "Logfile" ||| | in LED.CFG defines a different logfile. ||| | ||| | New key available in EditWindow: ||| | ||| | CNTRL+F Clear cutbuffer ||| | CNTRL+K Append line to cutbuffer ||| | SHIFT+ALT+Y Hard delete paragraph ||| | ||| | New key available in MsgWindow: ||| | ||| | ALT+7 Toggle "Recognize ^CHRS/CHARSET" ||| | ||| | New key available: ||| | ||| | HELP Calls ST-Guide ||| | ||| | - Tabsize=0 does not crash LED. ||| | - Optionally the READ flag for each msg can be set with ||| | Shift+F8 (set lastread pointer to maximum). Usefull when ||| | using JetMail with 'NoDeleteUnread'. ||| | - Searching for a mail with "Find" sets the READ flag on ||| | all found msgs. ||| | - In "Switches" you can define which keys become 'deadkeys'.||| | So you can enter nearly all characters now. ||| | Switch "'' in [net|echo]area" will be ignored when ||| | entering '' using a deadkey. ||| | - ST-GUIDE will be supported. ST-GUIDE searches for the word||| | under the cursor when pressing HELP in the EditWindow; ||| | HELP in all other windows displays the hypertext LED.HYP. ||| | - Numeric fields can be deleted by pressing ESC in MoveMsg ||| | dialog. ||| | - Searching for addresses in userlists corrected. ||| | - LED recognizes the ">AREA xxx"-(Pseudo)Kludge (written by ||| | JetMail and IMHO IOSmail in the PrivateMailBox-Area). ||| | This kludge will not be quoted (or removed) when quoting ||| | (or replying) a mail (except "Quote to area"). ||| | - "Options->Switches->Use GDOS for printing" allows to ||| | print a msg using GDOS. LED.PRN is not neccessary when ||| | this switch is selected and "Add formfeed" will be ||| | ignored. But when using GDOS it is also not longer ||| | possible to make character conversions for the printer. ||| | Now you can choose: Fast printing with printer font and ||| | usage of LED.PRN, or nice (and slower) printing using ||| | GDOS ;-) ||| | - When selecting "Set cursor" (Options->Quote) LED sets the ||| | cursor (e.g. when quoting a mail) in the first textline ||| | and not in the first msgline! ||| | - When writing a reply in the netmail REPLYTO and REPLYADDR ||| | will be recognized. ||| | - The uucp-gate "To:" will be created in the netmail only. ||| | - Following shortcuts are shown in the status line: ||| | HC - Header cache aktiv ||| | RC - Recognize CHRS-Kludge ||| | TE - Text effects ||| | - Status of buttons in the frequest dialog will be saved ||| | correctly.  ||| | - MAJOR-BUGFIX in VDI init functions. Sometimes LED tried ||| | to open a wrong workstation. That bug is was in all LED ||| | versions so far! ||| | - When using "-Quote_nachricht" LED writes to "Alle" not ||| | "All". People who are using a free defined quote cannot ||| | use that feature. ||| | - When forwarding a msg the "address correction" is enabled ||| | automatically now (so LED can set your origin address ||| | correctly). Also the forward of non-exported msgs will ||| | work properly now. ||| | - Textsearching is up to 50% faster now because of the ||| | implementing of a new search algorithm: ||| | When not switching on "Use allquantor (*)" the search ||| | will be up to 50% faster! It is still allowed to use ||| | the wildcard '?'. ||| | - BugFix: Texteffects will be shown when blockmarks are ||| | shown reverse. ||| | - Shift+F9 asks if NewMsg flags should be reset, too. ||| | - When deleting a msg in the MsgListWindow the cursor jumps ||| | to the next line and not to the next msg! ||| | - Shortcut function improved. Now you can insert complete ||| | files. The syntax is: ||| | - , ||| | Example: "- My footer, D:\FIDO\FOOTER.SIG" ||| | When you select this entry the file FOOTER.SIG will be ||| | inserted. ||| | An entry consists of max. 128 characters now. ||| | The '|' character and all following characters and spaces ||| | before will not be inserted into the text (EditWindow). ||| | - "KeepCopy|Forward" status in MoveMsg dialog will be saved.||| | - "REPLYADDR name " is recognized. ||| | - "Extend Tabs" corrected. ||| | - Quoting functions changed. Try following: ||| | a) Add some words in a quoted line and see what happens. ||| | b) Write something like "HelloWorld> " at the beginning ||| | of a line and then write some lines of text after it ||| | (try it with "Indent" switched on and off and see what ||| | happens). ||| | - Opening of an EditWindow rewritten (hope it works). ||| | - It is not allowed to use relative paths in AREAS.BBS now. ||| | - When forwarding a msg an existing CHRS kludge is not ||| | removed when LED does not create a new one (LED creates ||| | a new one, when "-Umlaute" or "-IOSconvert" is used). ||| | - "-Convert" renamed to "-Latin1small" ||| | LED tries to interprete all Latin-1 characters when using ||| | "-Latin1" instead of "-Latin1small". For german NewsGroups||| | you should use "-Latin1small". ||| | - Problems with the statusline fixed! ||| | - Some functions should be faster (Find,Copy with forward). ||| | - Statusline should not "flicker" now. ||| | - MsgInfo also shows msg flags. ||| | - Proportional fonts are supported a little(!) bit better ||| | in the MsgWindow. ||| | ||| +-------------------------------------------------------------+|| \_____________________________________________________________\| +--------------------+ | V1.28 01.04.95 |\ +--+--------------------+-------------------------------------+ | |\ | BETATEST-VERSION ||| | ||| | New: ||| | ||| | AREAS.BBS flags (new in 1.28): ||| | ||| | -CONVERT Usefull in some (german) Internet- ||| | NewsGroups. Converts following characters ||| | in german vowel-mutations: ||| | 0xfc->'', 0xf6->'', 0xe4->'', 0xdf->'',||| | 0xdc->'', 0xd6->'', 0xc4->'' ||| | Renamed to "-ISOconvert" in 1.29! ||| | ||| | New key strokes: ||| | ||| | p,n Jump to previous/next unread msg ||| | CNTRL T Quote msg -+ ||| | CNTRL N Quote to Netmail +- native ||| | CNTRL J Quote to area -+ ||| | SHIFT T Quote msg -+ ||| | SHIFT N Quote to Netmail +- english ||| | SHIFT J Quote to area -+ ||| | ||| | Config-File: ||| | ||| | "AkaSysop" will only be recognizes when used AFTER the ||| | statement sysop. It is also not longer possible to use ||| | free entries for AkaSysop (thanks to those user who gave ||| | their keys to other unregistered user). Each AkaSysop ||| | entry must begin with the full sysop name, that means ||| | that only suffixes are allowed. Valid AkaSysop entries ||| | are for example: ||| | Sysop Stephan Slabihoud ||| | AkaSysop Stephan Slabihoud {LED-HQ} ||| | AkaSysop Stephan Slabihoud {IC} ||| | and so on ||| | ||| | Searching in userlist: ||| | ||| | Entry: Displays: ||| | *Empty Exit with [OK]: PrivateUserList ||| | +Empty Exit with [Userlist] and valid address ||| | in node field: Search email address ||| | *One character Surnames beginning with X ||| | *Two characters Names with XX as initial ||| | *One word Surname beginning with "word" ||| | +Two words First-/Surname beginning with "word" ||| | ||| | * = shows select dialog ||| | + = aborts searchings when a pattern is found ||| | ||| | - Click in the Statusline should work with all TOS versions.||| | - Special characters are not longer used for "Quote>". ||| | - TextEffects possible in subject line. ||| | - LED uses its own printer-driver (LED.PRN) now. Without ||| | this driver no character conversion is done. More about ||| | the driver you will find in the folder DRIVER. ||| | - LED can print text effects now. To print effects you must ||| | switch on the "text effects" and "...also on printer", ||| | too. It is important to have installed the correct ||| | printer driver. ||| | - A msg with XF_LOCK flag set will be marked with a "x". ||| | - Search in userlist is a little bit faster and uses less ||| | memory. ||| | - Usernames in userlists can be (max) 35 characters long. ||| | - Pressing a key in a user-selectbox or in the shortcut ||| | dialog jumps to the concerning username/shortcut. ||| | - When you press RETURN (or the OK button) without typing ||| | in a username in the To-Field in the "To-User"-Dialogbox, ||| | you can select a name from the PRVTUSER.LST. The file ||| | PRVTUSER.LST must be defined in in the userlist dialog. ||| | - ACS: LED only reads "EchoList" from ACS.CFG now. ||| | - LED does not crash when deleting a mail using Control+ ||| | Return in the MsgListWindow. ||| | - ReplyCrc calculation improved (trailing spaces will not ||| | be included in the calculation). ||| | - Cursor will be set correctly when editing mails (there ||| | a small bug that appeard when using page up/down). ||| | - "ALT+2" (Edit origin) removed. ||| | - "Clipboard" works correct now. ||| | - Some Bugfixes (e.g. redraw of status line, AreaListWindow ||| | does not crash when scolling, full window without redraw ||| | problems and other). ||| | - "Skip scanner" removed. LED will not longer delete an ||| | ExtraExportArea- or Netmail-Copy wenn deleting the ||| | original msg. ||| | - "MoveMsg" completly rewritten. Hope it works :-) ||| | Note: "MoveMsg" copies all kludges and seen-by's, ||| | "MoveMsg/Forward" removes ALL kludges and Seen-By's! ||| | - "ForwardMsg" completly rewritten. Hope it works :-) ||| | - With that version of LED you will get a small program ||| |  that allows to compress userlists (it will cut all ||| | unnecessary spaces in a userlist). ||| | ||| +-------------------------------------------------------------+|| \_____________________________________________________________\| +--------------------+ | V1.27 11.03.95 |\ +--+--------------------+-------------------------------------+ | |\ | New: ||| | ||| | AREAS.BBS flags (new in 1.27): ||| | ||| | -FORCEPVT When this command is defined LED will ||| | set the PRIVATE flag automatically in ||| | echomails (BBS systems). ||| | ||| | - Saving the dialog positions works now. I have disabled ||| | this code, but don't know why?!? When someone has ||| | problems with it, switch of "Save Dialog Positions" and ||| | delete the *.DLG file! ||| | - Some bugfixes (IMHO no new bugs). ||| | - New parameter %s will be replaced by the subject. ||| | - Text effects will work properly with TT- and Speedo fonts.||| | - Text effects improved (99% should be shown correctly now).||| | - Some window redraws are changed again. ||| | - MsgListWindow should work correctly (bombs sometimes when ||| | an area was empty). ||| | - Some minor corrections. ||| | - QBBS reply link will be shown in infoline correctly ||| | works now on all systems). ||| | - When you press RETURN in the To-Field in the netmail area ||| | (without a name typed in), you can select a name from the ||| | PRVTUSER.LST. The file PRVTUSER.LST must be defined in ||| | in the userlist dialog. ||| | - "Change msg" in an empty area does not longer crash. ||| | - "Shortcut" dialog works now. ||| | - "Control+Del" in MsgList-Window jumps to the next ||| | readable msg. ||| | - New button in "Options->Comment tree": "NumPad in comment ||| | tree mode" (was removed in 1.26 and was also switchable ||| | with "Show..:"; now reimplemented because some guys ask ||| | me to do so). ||| | - Shift+Cntrl+L opens ALWAYS the MsgList DIALOG! ||| | - Menu items will be disabled correctly(?). ||| | - LED recognizes "Re^n:" and when you quote a mail 'n' will ||| | be increased automatically. When you want to use that ||| | style turn the switch "...'Re^n:' style" on. ||| | - It was possible to switch on " in netmail" and it was ||| | also possible to save the flag. But when calling the ||| | "Switches" dialog again it was reset. ||| | ||| +-------------------------------------------------------------+|| \_____________________________________________________________\| +--------------------+ | V1.26 13.02.95 |\ +--+--------------------+-------------------------------------+ | |\ | New: ||| | ||| | ########################################################### ||| | In "LED->About LED" you can now enter a "registration key". ||| | User's who have registered already do not need a key, these ||| | are recognized by LED. New user's may enter their personal ||| | key here. ||| | THERE ARE NO RESTRICTIONS WHEN USING LED WITHOUT A KEY!!! ||| | With a key the PID in your msgs will read "LED x.xx", ||| | without it it will be "LED x.xx/unreg". There is no other ||| | difference (except a small logo that will be displayed for ||| | two seconds). ||| | ########################################################### ||| | ||| | - "Address correction (echomails)" removed, as this is now ||| | switchable for each area using a new flag in AREAS.BBS ||| | (see below). "Address correction" for netmail remains; in ||| | addition you can specify that the "Fixed address" flag is ||| | to be set automatically (for netmails). ||| |  ||| | AREAS.BBS flags (new in 1.26): ||| | ||| | -FIXEDADDRESS LED is to set the correct address for this ||| | area resp. show the address selector box. ||| | Furthermore, the "Fixed address" flag will ||| | be set automatically. This statement ||| | applies to echomail only, not to netmail! ||| | -NONEWECHO Only for ACS User: This area will not ||| | be written into NEWECHOS.LST. Usefull for ||| | archiv echos. ||| | ||| | - When switching of "MsgListWindow" or "AreaListWindow" the ||| | corresponding window is closed. ||| | - More than 2^16 user can be read from a user list. ||| | - XF_READ will be set when a msg is entered locally. ||| | - Pressing Shift+F1 calls a dialog (Help->Shortcut) that ||| | displays the contents of the textfile "LED.SCT". When the ||| | top window is an edit window, the selected line will be ||| | inserted into your text. ||| | - Also when no origin name is found in the header, the mail ||| | will be displayed. ||| | - Search in userlists a little bit faster. ||| | - Window handling changed. ||| | - "Smart redraw" in Edit-Window should work now. ||| | - Saving of window positions rewritten. ||| | - Some redraws removed. ||| | - Scrolling works now (when only one msg line is ||| | displayed). ||| | - Saving of msg>64kb is saver now. ||| | - New help texts. ||| | - "Sort header" works correctly now. ||| | - "Kommentar zu"-line will only created when msg comes from ||| | a MausEcho and is quoted into another area. ||| | - The comment tree will be rebuild only once when using ||| | CarbonCopies now (saves a lot of time). ||| | - When starting other programs the memory was not ||| | deallocated. Now it should work even with AREAS.BBS files ||| | with more than 2000 or 3000 areas. ||| | - Now you can change the "From"-name by pressing Shift+F5. ||| | For more details please read "LED config file" (below). ||| | - move msg/forward changed again. The origin address is ||| | always corrected now. The origin name is replaced by the ||| | own name. ||| | - LED creates 4d-frequestfiles (ORT) now and optional ||| | a 4d-flowfile (OFT). Network frequests (5d) are also ||| | possible now. ||| | - When quoting a mail names consisting of more than two ||| | names are not longer cut. ||| | - Quotes "xy>" are also set correctly. ||| | - The destination is shown in the "Select origin" dialog. ||| | - PATH line will be suppressed correctly now. IOSmail has a ||| | small bug that let LED 1.25 show the last PATH line ||| | though PATH lines were suppressed. ||| | - "Switches->Text effects" tries to recognize text ||| | attributes: ||| | _Text_ => Displays "Text" underlined ||| | *Text* => " " bold ||| | /Text/ => " " cursive ||| | Supposition: In front of (behind) a "*", "/" or "_" must ||| | be a space (except: Start/End of line). ||| | The text attributes will be used until end of line. ||| | Text attributes can be combined. ||| | ALT+2 switches that function on/off. ||| | ATTENTION: It is very diffcult to recognize if it is a ||| | control character or not. When someone has ||| | written a better function he should tell me ||| | about it. ||| | - ALT+W in edit window formats a complete paragraph until a ||| | (or empty line) is found. ||| | - Shift+ALT W in edit window formats a complete paragraph ||| | until an empty line is found. ||| | - Some minor redraw bugs removed. ||| | - "'' in echomail" implemented for scandinavian LED user ||| | (especially for Magnus). ||| | - Home/Shift+Home works in MsgList-Dialog. ||| | - Search forward works again (but as slow as in 1.24). It ||| | cannot be changed, sorry. ||| | - Adresses with node=0 and point!=0 are shown correctly ||| | now. ||| | - Sometimes LED has not closed all windows. Fixed. ||| | - Font choosable for Msglist- and Arealist-Window. ||| | - Faster sorting of headers. ||| | - Msgidcrc/Replycrc are not deleted when move-msg is used. ||| | - Changes of ^A switches are shown immediatly. ||| | - Comment tree is built aprox. 400% faster (area with ||| | 1200 msgs: 1.25 needed 12.8 sec, 1.26 needs 3.2 sec; ||| | time measure done on a TT). ||| | - You can use following parameters in quotes and function ||| | key defaults: %f, %F, %t, %T, %a, %d, %D, %z, %n and %% ||| | (double % for a single %). ||| | - It is also allowed to use a parameter '%#' in quotes ||| | (0<=#<=9) where <#> is the number of the function key. ||| | - Parameter %n works now. ||| | - New quoting functions implemented. ||| | - WM_BUTTOMED (MultiTOS) is supported now. ||| | - New switch: "...autoclose" closes arealist-window ||| | automatically when an area was selected. ||| | - New switch: "Always use ^REPLYADDR" for Uucp-Gateways. ||| | - A lot of optimizations (e.g. no resources will be ||| | overwritten when using long areanames). ||| | - Shift+F2 shows a short msginfo. ||| | - All MsgFlags will be shown (except XF_READ) (and when you ||| | use a lot of flags then three lines will be used). ||| | - New option "Edit header flags". ||| | - There is no longer a box above the fileselector. First it ||| | was not above the fs when using a higher resolution, ||| | second it is better to use the extended fileselector of ||| | tos 1.04 (and higher). ||| | - Comment tree is shown in a better way in the status line! ||| | - Now you can click on a msg number in the status line to ||| | select a msg only possible when the comment tree is ||| | shown!). ||| | - LED does not crash when closing a msgwindow and a msg is ||| | edited. ||| | - Forwarding a msg updates the msglist window now. ||| | - Nicer msg forward in netmail. ||| | - MsgMsg copies all ^A lines (when displayed). When no ||| | ^A line is displayed only the MSGID and REPLY is copied. ||| | MoveMsg with forward creates no MSGID and no REPLY! ||| | - "Edit msgheader" works correct when setting MausFlags. ||| | XF_IMMEDIATE implemented. Nicer Dialog now. ||| | When entering a hex number for the flags, the settings of ||| | the buttons will be ignored! ||| | - When all windows are closed it is possible to open a ||| | window using "Area change". ||| | - Window close/cycle is disabled when necessary. ||| | - Window slider handling improved. ||| | - Complete screen redraw when LED is exited. ||| | - "Hide ^MSGID" extended to "Hide ^MSGID/REPLY/REPLYTO". ||| | - "Netmail Address-Correction" improved. ||| | - Optical corrections. ||| | - "Switches->Rescue lastreads" saves the lastread pointers ||| | when exiting an area. The NewMsgFlag is not deleted any ||| | more! ||| | - "Switches->Del new msg flag" causes all NewMsg flags to ||| | be deleted when exiting LED. ||| | - In the "Quote" lines "cr" (Ctrl+M) is allowed. "Quotes" ||| | may now take up more than two lines. ||| | - Some unimportant "Switches" removed. ||| | - "Change msg" and some other functions are faster now. ||| | - Six user lists. ||| | - Font names are being displayed with up to 24 characters ||| | (used to be 16). ||| | - When coosing a font, clicking on the font name will cause ||| | the first font (system font) to be displayed. This is ||| | useful if many fonts have been loaded. (Sorry, couldn't ||| | implement a popup yet.) ||| | - Fixed a capital bug in the GEM routines. It only became ||| | obvious when I compiled LED with a different GEM library ||| | for testing purposes. ||| | - The lastreads are not reset to 1 any more when executing ||| | another program from within LED. ||| | - "Options->Quote" expanded and changed quoting method. ||| | Now you can specify a different text for quoting to ||| | another area. Example: ||| | Native: ||| | "In einer Msg vom %d tippte %f %F (%a) an %t %T:" ||| | to area: ||| | "In einer Msg vom %d tippte %f %F (%a) an %t %T ||| | in Area '%n':" ||| | English: ||| | "In a message of %d %f %F (%a) wrote to %t %T:" ||| | to area: ||| | "In a message of %d %f %F (%a) wrote to %t %T ||| | in area '%n':" ||| | ||| | Note: New key definitions! ||| | ||| | Shift+F10: Clear all unread flags ||| | Shift+F9 : All lastread pointers to maximum ||| | Shift+F8 : Lastread pointer to maximum ||| | Shift+F7 : Print msg with form feed ||| | Shift+F6 : Sort headers by date (current area) ||| | Shift+F5 : Change user name. ||| | Shift+F2 : Small msginfo ||| | Shift+F1 : Shortcut ||| | Cntrl+t/T: Quote in native language (if not set via ||| | AREAS.BBS "-QUOTE...". ||| | Shift+t/T: Quote in other language (if not set via ||| | AREAS.BBS "-QUOTE...". ||| | Alt+4 : Show MSGID/REPLY/REPLYTO ||| | Alt+5 : Show PID/TID/EID ||| | Alt+6 : Show other ^A lines ||| | Alt+7 : "Comment tree" dialog ||| | Alt+H: Edit header flags ||| | Shift+Alt+H: Edit header ||| | Shift+Alt+A: Append Msg (plain) ||| | Shift+Alt+W: Write Msg (plain) ||| | ||| | LED config file: ||| | ||| | As some users would like the LED to reside in a different ||| | directory without having to specify an environment variable ||| | I decided to design an optimal config file for the LED. ||| | The following statements are allowed in LED.CFG: ||| | ||| | SYSOP name -> as in BINKLEY.CFG ||| | ADDRESS address [fakenet] -> ditto ||| | LOGFILE file -> ditto ||| | NETMAIL file -> ditto ||| | HOLD path -> ditto ||| | SHELL prg -> ditto ||| | ||| | Optionally the following statements may be added: ||| | ||| | MAILER path ||| | AKASYSOP name ||| | ||| | - "MAILER" may be used to specify the directory of ||| | AREAS.BBS and NEWECHOS.LST (ACS). ||| | - Now you can use up to four different names (changeable ||| | with Shift+F5). Just use "AKASYSOP" in the same way as ||| | you use "SYSOP". ||| | ATTENTION: WHEN USING BINKLEY.CFG TOGETHER WITH ||| | BINKLEY.TTP you must use the statement ||| | "APPLICATION AKASYSOP" instead of "AKASYSOP"! ||| | The LED is always registered for the person ||| | named in the SYSOP statement. When other user ||| | are working with a registered LED version they ||| | had to pay the shareware fee, too! ||| | ||| | On startup, LED tries to find one of the following files: ||| | 1. LED.CFG, 2. BINKLEY.CFG, 3. TB.CFG ||| | These files are usually expected in LED's directory but ||| | TB.CFG and BINKLEY.CFG may also be placed in a different ||| | directory using the environment variables MAILER or BINKLEY ||| | to point to that directory. ||| | ||| | Note: ||| | ||| | I had to make changes to LED.OPT again, hopefully for the ||| | last time. ||| | ||| | Key definitions overview: ||| | ||| | Alternate: ALT R Read msg ALT B Write clipboard ||| | ALT A Append msg ALT E Execute program ||| | Shift+ALT A Append msg plain ALT L Read clipboard ||| | ALT W Write msg ALT Z Execute shell ||| | Shift+ALT W Write msg plain ALT C Chance msg ||| | ALT X Carbon copy ALT I Indent on/off ||| | ALT T Extend tabs ALT O Switches ||| | ALT J Windows ALT N Quotes ||| | ALT Y User lists ALT 7 Comments ||| | ALT M Fonts ALT K Function keys ||| | ALT S Save options ALT Q File request ||| | ALT H Edit header ALT P Add to user list ||| | Shift+ALT H Edit header flags ALT F Find ||| | ALT U Search user ALT G Find same ||| | ALT 8 Very small font ALT 9 Small font size ||| | ALT 0 Normal font size ||| | ALT 1 Refresh windows ||| | ALT 2 Show text attributes ||| | ALT 3 Show comment tree ||| | ALT 4 Show MSGID/REPLY/REPLYTO ||| | ALT 5 Show PID/TID/EID ||| | ALT 6 Show other ^A cludges ||| | ALT_Fn Start shell ||| | ||| | Control: CNTRL I Info CNTRL Q Quit ||| | CNTRL O Open area CNTRL A Change area ||| | CNTRL W Cycle window CNTRL U Close window ||| | CNTRL L List msgs CNTRL G Goto msg ||| | CNTRL K Kill msgs CNTRL H Heal msgs ||| | CNTRL F Forward msg CNTRL M Move msgs ||| | CNTRL P Print msg CNTRL E Enter msg ||| | CNTRL R Reply msg CNTRL T Quote msg ||| | CNTRL N Quote to netmail CNTRL J Quote to area ||| | CNTRL Z Abort msg CNTRL S Save msg ||| | CNTRL B Block begin/end CNTRL D Del block mark.||| | CNTRL X Cut block CNTRL C Copy block ||| | CNTRL V Paste block ||| | CNTRLKill active msg ||| | ||| | Normal and other keys: ||| | ||| | SHIFT T Quote msg (alternate) ||| | HELP Help ||| | UNDO Redraw window ||| | v Scroll one line down ||| | ^ Scroll one line up ||| | SHIFTv Display next page ||| | SHIFT^ Display prev page ||| | SPACE Display next msg ||| | RETURN Display next/prev msg ||| | ENTER Display next/prev msg ||| | BACKSPACE Display prev page ||| | NUM 1,< Display previous msg ||| | NUM 3,> Display next msg ||| | P Previous unread msg ||| | N Next unread msg ||| | NUM 2,+ First comment on aktive msg ||| | NUM 8,- Origin msg ||| | NUM 6,s> Next comment ||| | NUM 4,> Previous comment ||| | NUM ( Prev msg with same subject ||| | NUM ) Next msg with same subject ||| | NUM ^( Prev original msg ||| | NUM ^) Next original msg ||| | SHIFT< Screen left ||| | SHIFT> Screen right  ||| | NUM + Next area ||| | NUM - Previous area ||| | NUM * Next area with new msg ||| | NUM / Next area with unread msg ||| | NUM # Next area with msg to sysop ||| | HOME Start of msg ||| | CLR End of msg ||| | SHFT F10 Delete all unread and tosysop flags ||| | SHFT F9 Set all lastread pointers to maximum ||| | SHFT F8 Set the lastread pointer to maximum ||| | SHFT F7 Print msg with form feed ||| | SHFT F6 Sort the header file by date ||| | SHFT F5 Change sysop name ||| | SHFT F3 Start SIB.ACC??? ||| | SHFT F2 Small msginfo ||| | SHFT F1 Shortcut ||| | ESC Reread area ||| | ||| | Edit-Window keys: ||| | ||| | ^B Begin/End of block ^D Del blockmark ||| | ^X Cut block ^C Copy block ||| | ^V Paste block ^Z Abort msg ||| | ^Y Delete line ALT Y Undelete line ||| | ALT D Edit To-line ALT N Edit address (Netmail) ||| | ALT S Edit subject ALT V Edit flags (Netmail) ||| | ALT 2 Edit origin ALT A Abort msg ||| | ALT W Format paragraph ||| | ALT F Search text ALT G Continue search ||| | ALT I Indent on/off ALT T Expand tabs ||| | ^DEL Del with linewrap ESC Cut/Paste line ||| | TAB Tabulator RETURN Newline (new paragraph) ||| | HOME Top of msg sHOME End of msg ||| | DELETE Del character INSERT Insert/Overwrite ||| | BACKSPACE Del character ||| | Cursorkeys Cursor movement ||| | Shift <,> Start/End of line ||| | Control <,> Word left/right ||| | ALT W Soft format paragraph (until ) ||| | Shift+ALT W Hard format paragraph (until emtpy line) ||| | ||| | Developer-Information: ||| | ||| | - In further LED versions I will use the lower byte of ||| | mailer[6] to store the number of the "Address" line used ||| | for the origin of the msg. ||| | Is it "0" LED could not found a proper "Address" line or ||| | the user does not use the "Address correction". ||| | The higher byte of mailer[6] is reserved and should be ||| | zero. ||| | This feature is implemented in LED 1.26 but not yet ||| | available (because JetMail crashes when using mailer[6]). ||| | Please send me your opinion about my idea. ||| | Example: ||| | Address 2:2446/110.6@fidonet.org ||| | Address 51:601/7.6@atarinet.ftn ||| | Address 90:400/410@nest.ftn ||| | Address 90:400/404.6@nest.ftn ||| | Writing a mail using 90:400/410 sets "mailer[6] = 3". ||| | So the tosser can get the correct domain without a new ||| | header format. ||| | ||| | - Flags: ||| | ||| | #define F_PRIVATE (1U << 0) ||| | #define F_CRASH (1U << 1) ||| | #define F_RECEIVED (1U << 2) ||| | #define F_SENT (1U << 3) ||| | #define F_FILEATTACH (1U << 4) ||| | #define F_INTRANSIT (1U << 5) ||| | #define F_ORPHAN (1U << 6) ||| | #define F_KILLSENT (1U << 7) ||| | #define F_LOCAL (1U << 8) ||| | #define F_HOLD (1U << 9) ||| | #define F_RESERVED (1U << 10) ||| | #define F_FILEREQ (1U << 11) ||| | #define F_RETRECREQ (1U << 12) ||| | #define F_ISRETREC (1U << 13) ||| | #define F_AUDITREQ (1U << 14) ||| | #define F_DELETED (1U << 15) ||| | ||| | #define XF_READ (1U << 0) ||| | #define XF_ARCHIVSENT (1U << 1) ||| | #define XF_TRUNCFILESENT (1U << 2) ||| | #define XF_KILLFILESENT (1U << 3) ||| | #define XF_DIRECT (1U << 4) ||| | #define XF_ZONEGATE (1U << 5) ||| | #define XF_HOSTROUTE (1U << 6) ||| | #define XF_LOCK (1U << 7) ||| | #define XF_MAUSMSG (1U << 8) ||| | #define XF_GATED (1U << 9) ||| | #define XF_CREATEFLOWFILE (1U << 10) ||| | #define XF_RESERVED11 (1U << 11) ||| | #define XF_RESERVED12 (1U << 12) ||| | #define XF_SIGNATURE (1U << 13) ||| | #define XF_IMMEDIATE (1U << 14) ||| | #define XF_FIXEDADDRESS (1U << 15) ||| | ||| | #define MF_NICHTGELESEN (1U << 0) ||| | #define MF_NOTREAD (1U << 0) ||| | #define MF_ZURUECK (1U << 1) ||| | #define MF_RETURN (1U << 1) ||| | #define MF_BEANTWORTET (1U << 2) ||| | #define MF_ANSWERED (1U << 2) ||| | #define MF_GELESEN (1U << 3) ||| | #define MF_GELESEN (1U << 3) ||| | #define MF_WEITER (1U << 4) ||| | #define MF_CONTINUE (1U << 4) ||| | #define MF_MAUSNET (1U << 5) ||| | #define MF_ANGEKOMMEN (1U << 6) ||| | #define MF_RECEIVED (1U << 6) ||| | #define MF_GATEWAY (1U << 7) ||| | #define MF_KOPIERT (1U << 8) ||| | #define MF_COPIED (1U << 8) ||| | #define MF_MAUSTAUSCH (1U << 9) ||| | #define MF_UNBEKANNT (1U << 10) ||| | #define MF_UNKNOWN (1U << 10) ||| | #define MF_INTERESTING1 (1U << 11) ||| | #define MF_INTERESTING2 (1U << 12) ||| | #define MF_VERERBEN (1U << 13) ||| | #define MF_HEREDITARY (1U << 13) ||| | #define MF_RESERVED14 (1U << 14) ||| | #define MF_RESERVED15 (1U << 15) ||| | ||| +-------------------------------------------------------------+|| \_____________________________________________________________\| +--------------------+ | V1.25 02.01.95 |\ +--+--------------------+-------------------------------------+ | |\ | New: ||| | ||| | - Msglist can be put into a window. ||| | When switching "Switches->...use Comment-Tree" on the ||| | Msglist will be shown using the comment tree. ||| | Does also work without header cache! ||| | - MsgFlags will be shown in a long format (and when you use ||| | a lot of flags then two lines will be used). ||| | - New window functions. ||| | - Fontsize switchable for listwindows. ||| | - New parameter %n. This parameter consists of the name of ||| | the actually area. ||| | - You can use the same parameters allowed in quotes with ||| | function keys (%f, %F, %t, %T, %a, %d, %D, %z and %n). ||| | - New quoting functions implemented. ||| | - Automatically formfeed ("Print msg ^P") switchable. ||| | - Printing of Arealist/Msglist is possible. ||| | - When using AVALON and LED in a multitasking OS you can ||| | start AVALON via the LED requestbox. ||| | - 63 small bugfixes ;-) ||| | - Netmailarea will be shown even if not defined in ||| | AREAS.BBS.  ||| | - Faster forward searching with ALT-F ||| | - When moving msgs the comment tree will be reread now. ||| | - Bugfix: When undeleting msgs no incorrect flag is set. ||| | - Switching on "Switches->Show areadescription" shows the ||| | areadescription in the Areawindow. ||| | - MSGID and REPLY can consist of 200 characeters now. ||| | - Max. 32767 areas allowed in AREAS.BBS. Each area needs ||| | approx. 400 Byte of memory (LED 1.23 and below needs ||| | 200 KByte for 512 areas). ||| | - Now you can choose if you want to hide the MSGID or other ||| | ^A-lines with "Switches->Hide ^A lines...". ||| | - LED uses the "^REPLYTO" statement when "Switches->Always ||| | use ^REPLYTO" is turned on. Usefull for UUCP gateways. ||| | - When LED 1.24 crashes it was a problem with the stack. ||| | I have compiled LED with 'only' 16 KByte of stack, but ||| | it needs up to 19 KByte! Now 16 KByte should be more than ||| | enough for LED 1.25. ||| | - New font selection. ||| | - "Indent" is temporary switched of when a functionkey is ||| | pressed. ||| | - Header can be sorted by date with Shift+F7. ||| | ||| | - LED can use the correct address for netmails and ||| | echomail now ("Switches->Address correction ..."). ||| | This feature is useless with JETmail, IOSmail, ||| | Ecu/Llegada because these tosser put their own address ||| | into the msg header. I have implemented it, because it ||| | might be usefull in future. It works not with ||| | 'Skip Scanner'! ||| | - Now you can tell JETmail 0.99beta11 (and higher) that the ||| | origin address should not be changed by the tosser. ||| | The flag is named "Fixed address" and can be switched on ||| | e.g. with ALT-V. When setting that flag the user is ||| | responsible that the mail gets the correct origin ||| | address. ||| | TIP: Switch on "Switches->Address correction (Netmail)", ||| | so it is possible to select and fix the correct ||| | address when it is necessary. ||| | ||| | - Keys: Window with msglist ||| | ||| | ESC : Update of all flags (new,unread,to sysop) ||| | UNDO,^U : Close window ||| | sHOME : End of list ||| | HOME : Start fo list ||| | s[<>^v] : Side left, right, up, down ||| | BACKSPACE: Side up ||| | SPACE : Side down ||| | RETURN : Select msg (undelete killed msg) ||| | ^RETURN : Kill msg ||| | [<>] : Line up, down ||| | [^v] : Line up, down ||| | NUM+ : Line down ||| | NUM- : Line up ||| | ||| | AREAS.BBS flags (1.23 and below): ||| | ||| | -ORIGIN Origin of area. ||| | -PASSTHROUGH LED does not show this area. ||| | -VISIBLE Only with -Passthrough. Area is visible. ||| | -UMLAUTE Only usefull for germans ;-). ||| | -QUOTE_NON No topline when quoting a msg. ||| | -QUOTE_MSG Topline: "In a msg from...". ||| | -QUOTE_NACHRICHT Topline: "In einer Nachricht...". ||| | -QUOTE_NATIVE Topline: free editable, own language. ||| | -QUOTE_ENGLISH Topline: free editable, english. ||| | ||| | AREAS.BBS flags (new 1.24): ||| | ||| | -MAUS Area is a MausNet area. ||| | ||| | AREAS.BBS flags (new 1.25): ||| | ||| | -INVISIBLE Area is invisible. ||| |  ||| +-------------------------------------------------------------+|| \_____________________________________________________________\| +--------------------+ | V1.24 13.12.94 |\ +--+--------------------+-------------------------------------+ | |\ | New: ||| | ||| | - Now you can jump to an area beginning with a number (in ||| | LED 1.23 and below it works only with alpha chars). ||| | - "Write Msg plain..." and "Append Msg plain..." ||| | implemented. These functions will save msgs without ||| | any header. Usefull for UUE coded msgs or splitted texts. ||| | - 17 small bugs fixed. ||| | ||| | - Keys: Window with arealist ||| | ||| | A-Z,0-9 : Jump to area ||| | ESC : Update of all flags (new,unread,to sysop) ||| | UNDO,^U : Close window ||| | sHOME : End of list ||| | HOME : Start of list ||| | s[<>^v] : Side left, right, up, down ||| | BACKSPACE: Side up ||| | SPACE : Side down ||| | RETURN : Select area ||| | [<>^v] : Line left, right, up, down ||| | NUM+ : Line down ||| | NUM- : Line up ||| | NUM* : Next area with new msgs ||| | NUM/ : Next area with unread msgs ||| | # : Next area with msgs for the sysop ||| | ||| +-------------------------------------------------------------+|| \_____________________________________________________________\| +--------------------+ | V1.24 11.12.94 |\ +--+--------------------+-------------------------------------+ | |\ | New: ||| | ||| | - Arealist and Msglist can be put in a window. ||| | - Paths can be longer than 80 characters (now 128 chars). ||| | - LOCAL flag is set in forwards now. ||| | - New method of saving the window positions. ||| | - Window manager rewritten. Windows can be changed in the ||| | background. ||| | - ALT+I: Indent On/Off, ALT+T: Expand TABs ||| | - Limits: (4 MsgWindows, 2 ListWindows, 5000 Msgs, ||| | 5000 Zeilen, 100 Fonts). ||| | ||| +-------------------------------------------------------------+|| \_____________________________________________________________\| +--------------------+ | V1.23 vom 7.12.94 |\ +--+--------------------+-------------------------------------+ | |\ | New LED author: ||| | ||| | Stephan Slabihoud, Johannesstr.5, 46240 Bottrop, Germany ||| | FidoNet: 2:2446/110.6 ||| | Internet: slabbi@kali.rhein-ruhr.de ||| | ||| +-------------------------------------------------------------+|| \_____________________________________________________________\| oe ]nߓku^7>HxŶYr`bUFP`Oe"0{u-;5 /r>a},Yp &257G}lw?YPsgHǖ@x#cÜ bj[)?˶ylrԼ#xR/,y0llmy}=M4Sڙm<ڳZ~q}gELuz.u6w~JW4٣T~W<R/(m9\sԹ_癡-o@nm_Ac(ʤRTQT5t+%t[8g;z򹻎|ϝmM+iM?z >pYG ,Dwo~Bl* Sa6pbw BIxh7Ԗ9ZxwhGAWh3WF뵨-뗈Qx>` ~Z/?ݽТE8ũwsqڲf?_Ek䌉r}%yb,5dX`ųݹ :6ib7\5M`SM;

qDo9ܪf@ScM2JاxpMo2%7-J~V6Gb7oܼJ"387,E[,BۇE'il}nً< ======================================================================== Die Weiterentwicklung vom LED liegt bei: Stephan Slabihoud, Johannesstr.5, 46240 Bottrop FidoNet: 2:2446/110.6@fidonet.org AtariNet: 51:601/7.6@atarinet.ftn NetworkST: 90:400/410@nest.ftn, 90:400/404.6@nest.ftn Internet: slabbi@kali.rhein-ruhr.de slabih00@marvin.informatik.uni-dortmund.de Wnsche, BugReports, Kritik usw. bitte direkt an mich senden. ======================================================================== BETATEST-Versionen knnen nur von registrierten Usern benutzt werden! Update-Textfile =============== Charset-Konvertierung: Ab Version 1.29 kann der LED nun auch andere Zeichenstze korrekt anzeigen, wenn eine CHRS oder CHARSET-Kludge vorhanden ist. Hierbei ist aber zu beachten, da der LED die Latin-1 Codes in normale ST- Zeichensatzcodes bersetzt und nicht in PC-Zeichensatzcodes. Die Latin-1->ST-Font Konvertierung arbeitet nach dem "best Match" verfahren, d.h. nicht vorhandenen Zeichen werden in hnliche Zeichen konvertiert. Beim Quoten solcher Mails ist somit Vorsicht geboten: Wird eine gequotete Mail mit bersetzten Zeichencode gesichert, so wird eine "^CHRS IBMPC 2"-Kludge erzeugt (richtiger wre anstelle von "IBMPC", "ATARIST" zu schreiben, das ist aber nirgends definiert). Einige bersetzte Latin-1 Codes, die im ST-Zeichensatz vorhanden sind, sind nicht im PC-Zeichensatz vorhanden, so da der Empfnger fr diese bersetzen Zeichen ggf. Blockgrafikzeichen angezeigt bekommt. Wer einen IBMPC Font (z.B. Myblue) installiert hat, kann damit am besten berpfen, wie die Mail u.U. beim Emfnger angezeigt wird. Wichtiger Hinweis: Die "Address correction" (und das Flag "Fixed address") wird i.d.R. nicht gebraucht! Insbesondere Points bzw. Nodes mit nur einer Adresse pro Zone/Network werden dieses Feature NIE bentigen! Jeder mir bekannte Tosser (JetMail, IOSmail, Ecu/Llegada) ignoriert normalerweise die Angaben, die der LED eintrgt, und trgt seine eigene Absenderadresse ein. Hat man allerdings mehrere Adressen innerhalb einer Zone/Network, so konnte man bisher nur immer unter EINER festen Adresse schreiben. Davon betroffen waren z.B. Z*Cs, R*Cs, N*Cs und andere mit administrativen Adressen. Diese knnen nun mit Hilfe der "Address correction" ihre gewnschte Absenderadresse auswhlen und mit dem Flag "Fixed address" dem Tosser (momentan nur JetMail) mitteilen, da er die Absenderadresse nicht mehr verndern soll. Fr EchoAreas kann man diese AdressCorrection mit dem Statement "-FixedAddress" einzeln schalten. Hierbei setzt LED nur die Origin- Adresse (die Absenderadresse). Fr das Routing (die Empfngeradresse) ist weiterhin der Tosser zustndig. Wird aus einer derartigen Area in die Netmail gequotet, so wird (sofern "Address correction" fr die Netmail nicht angeschaltet ist), keine MSGID und keine Absenderadresse erzeugt. Dieses sollte dann der Tosser erledigen. Fazit: Points und Nodes mit nur einer Adresse pro Zone knnen auf dieses Feature verzichten. Den anderen bleibt es berlassen, ob sie es bentigen. Noch ein wichtiger Hinweis: Seit der 1.26 MU die Netmail als ERSTE Area in der AREAS.BBS eingetragen sein. Die Angabe der Netmail im Konfig-File wird vom LED nicht mehr beachtet. ACS-Paket: Ab LED 1.28 MSSEN die ExtraExportArea und Bad_Msgs in AREAS.BBS definiert werden, sonst zeigt LED diese nicht an. Die "EchoList" wird aber vom LED weiterhin erzeugt. NVDI 2.5x Bug: Mit NVDI 2.5x (nicht NVDI 2.5x ET4000) wird der Scrollbalken im AreaList- Window nicht immer dargestellt. Support-Echos: Informationen zu neuen Versionen werden auschlielich in folgenden Echos gegeben: ST_FIDO.GER (FidoNet), N.SUP.LED (NeST) und A.SUP.LED (AtariNet). Ebenso werde ich "ffentliche" Fragen zum LED nur noch dort beantworten (nicht mehr in der ATARI.GER oder anderen Echos)! Per Netmail bin ich aber wie gewohnt zu erreichen... ToDo-Liste: Vorschlge kann man mir gerne jederzeit einreichen (momentan ist die ToDo-Liste brigens ca.60kb gro => ca.140 verschiedene Vorschlge ;-)). +--------------------+ | V1.31 vom 24.09.95 |\ +--+--------------------+-------------------------------------+ | |\ | Drucken von Texteffekten: ||| | ||| | Aufgrund eines neuen Texteffekts ('#' = Inverse Schrift) ||| | wurden die Eintrge 0x10 (16d) bis 0x17 (23d) im ||| | Druckertreiber gendert. ||| | Bitte den eigenen Druckertreiber entsprechend anpassen ||| | und neu bersetzen mit MAKE_PRN. ||| | Da mir momentan kein Drucker bekannt ist, der es erlaubt ||| | inverse Zeichen zu drucken, wird bei allen Demotreibern ||| | nur ein '#' ausgedruckt. ||| | ||| | LEDlight: ||| | ||| | Ab der LED 1.31 werde ich hin und wieder eine LEDlight- ||| | Version mitliefern. Diese Version unterscheidet sich vom ||| | "normalen" LED nur durch: ||| | - ca.200 kb weniger Speicherverbrauch ||| | - kein Area- und MsgListWindow verfgbar ||| | - Headersortierung nicht mglich ||| | - max.3000 Msgs pro Area ||| | - max.3000 Zeilen pro Msg ||| | ||| | Neuerungen: ||| | ||| | - "...special flags" in der Menzeile erlaubt nun das ||| | Headerfeld "Processed" zu editieren. ||| | - "No compression" erzeugte u.U. den "No more lines" bug. ||| | - Bugfix: Wenn zweimal hintereinander an dieselbe Person ||| | mit verschiedenen Adressen geschrieben wurde, wurde die ||| | falsche Adresse verwendet. ||| | - Die Suche nach Adressen im CC-Dialog funktioniert wieder. ||| | - Kleines Problem beim Neuzeichnen der Infozeile des ||| | MsgWindows behoben. ||| | - "WM_ONTOP" sorgt unter MagiC dafr, da die Menleiste ||| | vom LED auf jeden Fall erscheint. ||| | - NEWECHOS.LST wird jetzt auch geschrieben, wenn ||| | zwischendurch ein anderes Programm aus dem LED gestartet ||| | wurde. ||| | - Texteffekt "'#'=Inverse Schrift" implementiert. ||| | - Durchblttern von Mails mit SPACE funktionierte in der ||| | 1.31b nicht. ||| | - RandomTearlines drfen nur noch maximal 1024 Zeichen lang ||| | sein. Dafr sind aber nun alle "%"-Krzel erlaubt, die ||| | auch in den Toplines vorhanden sein drfen. ||| | - Kleinere Unschnheiten mit dem MsgListDialog beseitigt. ||| | - Nachgestellte Leerzeichen in der ersten Zeile der Datei ||| | LED.FLN sind nun erlaubt. ||| | - Folgende Flags knnen nun zustzlich ber ALT+V gesetzt ||| | werden: Direct, Immediate, KillFileSent und ArchivSent ||| | ||| +-------------------------------------------------------------+|| \_____________________________________________________________\| +--------------------+ | V1.31 vom 21.08.95 |\ BETATEST-VERSION +--+--------------------+-------------------------------------+ | |\ | Konfigurations-Ordner: ||| | ||| | LED erwartet die meisten seiner Dateien in einem Ordner ||| | mit Namen "LED". Dieser Ordner wird an verschiedenen ||| | Stellen gesucht (hchste Prioritt zuerst): ||| | 1. Definiert durch Environmentvariable "LED": ||| | Hiermit wird der Pfad und Name(!) des Konfigurations-||| | ordners definiert, z.b. LED=D:\FIDOSOFT\CONFIGS\LED ||| | 2. Definiert durch Environmentvariable "FIDOCONFDIR": ||| | Hier wird in dem angegebenen Ordner der ||| | Konfigurationsordner unter dem Namen "LED" erwartet, ||| | z.B. FIDOCONFDIR=D:\FIDOSOFT\CONFIGS ||| | 3. Falls kein Environment $FIDOCONFDIR existiert, im ||| | Verzeichnis .\CONFIG ||| | 4. Im Verzeichnis, in dem LED.PRG zu finden ist. ||| | ||| | Folgende Dateien sucht LED nur im Ordner LED: ||| | LED.SYS, LED.FLN, LED.CFG, LED.PRN, LED.SCT, LED.FKY, ||| | LED.DLG, LED.OPT ||| | ||| | Folgende Verzeichnisse werden nach verschiedenen ||| | Konfigfiles durchsucht (hchste Prioritt zuerst): ||| | 1. Angabe des Verzeichnisses in LED.CFG durch die ||| | Statements: "AREASpath" fr AREAS.BBS ||| | "LEDNEWpath" fr LED.NEW ||| | 2. Definiert durch Environmentvariable "FIDOCONFDIR". ||| | 3. Falls kein Environment $FIDOCONFDIR existiert, im ||| | Verzeichnis .\CONFIG ||| | 4. Definiert durch Environmentvariable "BINKLEY". ||| | 5. Definiert durch Environmentvariable "MAILER". ||| | 6. Im Verzeichnis von LED.PRG. ||| | Gesucht wird hier nach: ||| | LED.NEW, BINKLEY.CFG, AREAS.BBS, ACS.CFG ||| | ||| | Folgende Dateien werden besonders behandelt: ||| | LED.NEW : Befindet sich diese Datei im LED-Ordner, so ||| | wird diese nur von dort geladen und auch ||| | dort gesichert. ||| | LED.LOG : Diese (Fehler-)Datei wird im LED-Ordner ||| | angelegt, wenn mit dem Statement "Logfile" ||| | kein anderes Logfile definiert wurde. ||| | ||| | Hinweis: ||| | Die Datei BINKLEY.CFG ist nur dann notwendig, wenn kein ||| | LED.CFG existiert. ||| | ||| | LED Config-Datei: ||| | Folgende Befehle knnen im LED.CFG stehen: ||| | ||| | SYSOP name -> wie im Binkley.Cfg ||| | ADDRESS addresse [fakenet] -> dito. ||| | DOMAIN netzname ordnername -> dito. | LOGFILE file -> dito. ||| | NETMAIL file -> dito. ||| | HOLD path -> dito. ||| | SHELL prg -> dito. ||| | ||| | Optional knnen noch folgende Statements benutzt werden: ||| | ||| | AKASYSOP name ||| | AREASpath path -> Pfad auf AREAS.BBS ||| | LEDNEWpath path -> Pfad auf LED.NEW ||| | ||| | Neuerungen: ||| | ||| | - Blockanwahl per Maus und FrequestAuswahl sollte jetzt mit ||| | jeder TOS-Version funktionieren. ||| | - Bugfix: Klickt man in die (original) GEM-Infozeile des ||| | MsgWindows und wird ein anderer Font (als der Systemfont) ||| | im MsgWindow benutzt, so funktioniert jetzt die MsgAnwahl ||| | wie erwartet. ||| | - "CNTRL+SHIFT+RETURN" (Msgs mit gleichem Subject lschen) ||| | gendert in "ALT+RETURN". Ersteres lief unter MagiC, aber ||| | nicht unter TOS :-( ||| | - TB.CFG wird nicht mehr untersttzt. ||| | - Die Treiber EPSON.PN und IBM.PN waren fehlerhaft. ||| | - Uucp-Mails werden nicht mehr mit "u>" gequotet. ||| | - Bsen Bug in der Effekt-Anzeige entfernt. ||| | - LED kann nun einen System-Report erstellen (Menuleiste-> ||| | Help->System report). Bei Problemen diesen mir ggf. ||| | zusenden. ||| | - Die bernahme der Filenamen in den FileRequestDialog ||| | funktionierte nur beim ersten File korrekt. ||| | - Wenn Quotes am Ende der Mail entdeckt werden, fragt LED ||| | nach, ob diese gelscht werden sollen. ||| | - Werden Dateien importiert, so werden diese jetzt ggf. ||| | wortweise umgebrochen. ||| | - + lscht nun wortweise ||| | + lscht ein Zeichen mit Zeilenumbruch ber ||| | mehrere Zeilen (war vorher CNTRL+DEL) ||| | - Mauszeiger war versteckt, wenn ein Macro im EditWindow ||| | aufgerufen wurde, welches nicht dafr bestimmt war. ||| | - "sF1" in der Menleiste gendert zu "^F1". ||| | ||| +-------------------------------------------------------------+|| \_____________________________________________________________\| +--------------------+ | V1.30 vom 21.07.95 |\ +--+--------------------+-------------------------------------+ | |\ | Neuerungen: ||| | ||| | AREAS.BBS Flags (neu ab 1.30 vorhanden): ||| | ||| | -IgnoreNewMsgFlag LED ignoriert das "NeMsgFlag", zeigt fr ||| | diese Area also kein "*" an. ||| | -IgnoreUnreadFlag LED ignoriert das "UnreadFlag", zeigt fr||| | diese Area also kein "/" an. ||| | -RandomFootline LED setzt in dieser Area unter jede ||| | geschriebene Mail eine zufllige ||| | Fuzeile (aus LED.FLN). ||| | -NoRandomFootline LED setzt in dieser Area KEINE zufllige ||| | Fuzeile unter die Msg. ||| | -FootlineFile LED setzt in dieser Area unter jede ||| | geschriebene Mail eine zufllige ||| | Fuzeile aus (Aufbau wie LED.FLN).||| | ||| | Systemdatei: ||| | ||| | LED bentigt nun eine Systemdatei "LED.SYS". Diese Datei ||| | mu im LED-Konfigurationsordner stehen, sonst kann LED ||| | nicht gestartet werden. Die Systemdatei enthlt Routinen ||| | zur Headerdateiverwaltung. Wird das Headerfile-Format ||| | irgendwann einmal berarbeitet, mu nur diese Datei aus- ||| | getauscht werden und nicht das gesamte Programmfile neu ||| | bersetzt werden. Das File liegt in gepackter Form vor. ||| | ||| | Handbuch: ||| | ||| | LED 1.30 liegt nun ein aktuelles Handbuch in englischer ||| | Sprache bei (MANUAL.ENG). Ich mchte hiermit nochmals ||| | Antony Lacey fr die Erstellung dieses Handbuches danken. ||| | ||| | - Blockselektierung im EditWindow per Maus: ||| | 1. Rechte Maustaste gedrckt halten, ||| | 2. Einfachklick auf die linke Taste: Blockanfang ||| | Doppelklick " " " " : Blockende ||| | - Man kan nun direkt Filenamen im MsgWindow anwhlen (ein ||| | Einfachklick reicht aus). Diese werden dann beim Aufruf ||| | des F'Request-Dialogs (ALT+Q) automatisch bernommen. ||| | - "Cntrl+Shift+RETURN" lscht alle Msgs mit gleichem ||| | Subjekt. ||| | - "NUM 5" whlt nun die erste Msg eines Threads an. ||| | - Cntrl+^/v springt nun an den oberen/unteren Windowrand. ||| | - Im Filerequest wird jetzt die Origin-Adresse der aktuellen||| | Mail eingesetzt. ||| | - Texteffekte in der Subject-Zeile werden nun gedruckt. ||| | - Bugfix: "Change area" Dialog funtioniert jetzt wenn das ||| | MsgListWindow offen ist. ||| | - "Indent" gendert. LED rckt Zeilen nur noch dann ein, ||| | wenn "Indent" auch angeschaltet ist. ||| | - Neuer Switch: "Switches->GEM infoline". Da einige LED's ||| | Infozeile nicht mochten, kann man hiermit auf die GEM ||| | Infozeile im MsgWindow umschalten. Dieser Switch ist erst ||| | nach erneutem Start vom LED wirksam. ||| | Wichtig: Wenn die original GEM-Infozeile benutzt wird, ||| | ist eine eine direkte Anwahl der Msg-Nummer u.U. nicht ||| | mehr mglich (in diesem Fall unterhalb der Nummer ||| | klicken) und die aktuelle Msg wird als '*n*' angezeigt. ||| | - Bugfix: "Recognize ^CHRS" kann nun wieder mit ALT+7 ||| | getoggelt werden. ||| | - LED kann nun zufllig Fuzeilen unter eine Mail setzen. ||| | Hierzu mu sich die Datei "LED.FLN" im LED-Systemordner ||| | befinden. Aufbau: Siehe Demo-Datei. ||| | Mit "Switches->Random footline" wird fr ALLE Areas diese ||| | Option angeschaltet, oder man benutzt das AREAS.BBS- ||| | Kommando "-RandomFootline" fr die entsprechende Area. ||| | Mit "-FootlineFile" ist fr eine Area ein beliebiges ||| | File definierbar. ||| | Die Abarbeitung ist wie folgt: ||| | 1. "-FootlineFile " gesetzt? ||| | Ja: Zufllige Fuzeile aus nehmen. ||| | 2. "-RandomFootline" oder Schalter "Switches->Random..." ||| | gesetzt? ||| | Ja: Zufllige Fuzeile aus LED.FLN nehmen. ||| | - Neue Option: "Switches->MsgWindow->...autoclose window". ||| | MsgListWindow wird automatisch nach Anwahl einer Msg ||| | geschlossen. ||| | - Neue Option: "Quote->No topline in netmail" unterdrckt ||| | die Topline in der Netmail-Area. ||| | - LED erlaubt nun 20 frei belegbare Funktionstasten. ||| | F11-F20 werden mit SHIFT+F angesprochen. Die ||| | bisherigen Funktionen kann man nun ber CONTROL+F ||| | erreichen: ||| | Control+F10: Clear all unread flags ||| | Control+F9 : All lastread pointers to maximum ||| | Control+F8 : Lastread pointer to maximum ||| | Control+F7 : Print msg with formfeed ||| | Control+F6 : Sort headers by date (current area) ||| | Control+F5 : Change user name. ||| | Control+F2 : Small msginfo ||| | Control+F1 : Shortcut ||| | Die Funktionstastentexte sind jetzt unter Quote mit %01 ||| | bis %20 zu erreichen! ||| | - "^REPLYADDR:" wird jetzt auch korrekt verarbeitet. ||| | - Spaltenzahl um 5 erhht (MsgWindow max 85). ||| | - Maximal 40 CC's sind nun mglich (vorher 30). ||| | - Fett gequotete Zeilen werden jetzt auch ausgedruckt. ||| | - Userlist-Dialog-Routinen neu geschrieben (Hope it works). ||| | - Carbon-Copy-Dialog optisch verbessert. Gefundene Namen ||| | werden jetzt sofort angezeigt. ||| | - Bugfix: Shift+F8 mit READ zeigte die letzte Msg nicht an. ||| | - Der Forward-Dialog zeigt nun ebenfalls die PrivateUserList||| | an, wenn das namensfeld leer ist und der Dialog mit "OK" ||| | verlassen wird. ||| | - Wenn nach einem User mit "Extras->Find in Userlist" ||| | gesucht wird und man sich im EditWindow befindet, so wird ||| | der Name mit Adresse an der Cursorposition eingefgt (die ||| | Dialogbox mu hierzu mit "OK" verlassen werden). ||| | - Neuer Switch: "Options->Quote->No compression" ||| | Normalerweise quotet LED Msgs wie folgt: ||| | Aus ||| | | Das ist ein Beispiel! ||| | | ^^^^^^^^ die zweite Zeile ist eingerckt ||| | wird ||| | | XY> Das ist ein Beispiel! ||| | | XY> ^^^^^^^^ die zweite Zeile ist eingerckt ||| | Der Vorteil: Ein Zeilenumbruch findet nicht so oft statt, ||| | da Leerzeichen fr die Quotezeichen berschrieben werden. ||| | Der Nachteil: Markierungen oder Tabellen werden u.U. ||| | verschoben. Mit "No compression" wird nun folgendes ||| | erzeugt: ||| | | XY> Das ist ein Beispiel! ||| | | XY> ^^^^^^^^ die zweite Zeile ist eingerckt||| | Der Nachteil hier: Wird die Zeile zu lang, wird sie ||| | umgebrochen. ||| | - Zeilen werden jetzt korrekt gequotet. Bisher wurde aus ||| | "> >" immer ">>"; nun wird ein korrekter Quote ">> >" ||| | erzeugt. ||| | - Bugfix: Wurde die Adressenauswahl mit "OK" ber die Maus ||| | verlassen, so wurde als Adresse 0:0/0 ausgelesen. ||| | - Neue Parameter %o und %O werden durch den kompletten From-||| | bzw. To-Namen ersetzt. ||| | - Im AreaWindow-Dialog sind nun HOME und Shift+HOME erlaubt.||| | ||| | Achtung! Nur fr Experten! ||| | Man kann nun Macros ber die Funktionstasten definieren. Da ||| | dieses aber nicht(!) trivial ist, ist diese Mglichkeit mit ||| | Vorsicht zu verwenden. ||| | ||| | Ein Macro welches im EditWindow erlaubt sein soll, wird ||| | wie folgt definiert: %[keyliste] ||| | und wenn es im MsgWindow erlaubt sein soll: &[keyliste] ||| | Macros fr beide Windows sind definierbar mit: $[keyliste]||| | ||| | "Keyliste" ist eine Liste in folgendem Format: SSAAK ||| | SS=Scancode der entsprechenden Taste ||| | AA=ASCII-Code der entsprechenden Taste ||| | K =Status der Umschalttasten (1=RShift,2=LShift,4=Ctrl, ||| | 8=Alt) ||| | Die Codes (in Hex) mssen immer 5 stellig eingegeben und ||| | durch Kommata getrennt werden. Fehler fhren meist zu ||| | einem Absturz! ||| | Ich behalte mit vor, dieses Feature wieder zu entfernen, ||| | da ich nicht wei, ob es auch auf allen TOS-Versionen ||| | luft. "ALT+Key" Aktionen knnen nicht ausgelst werden ||| | (scheint ein Fehler im TOS zu sein). ||| | ||| | Hier zwei kleine Beispiele (wer noch andere ntzliche ||| | Macros definiert hat, bitte melden): ||| | z.B. fr F1: %[21064,30024,2d184,21064] ||| | und fr F2: &[1e014,47000,1c0d0] ||| | F1 - Lscht den Rest des Textes ab Cursorposition ||| | Tastenfolge: Ctrl+F, Ctrl+B, Ctrl+X, Ctrl+F ||| | F2 - Springe zur ersten Area (Netmail) ||| | Tastenfolge: Ctrl+A, HOME, RETURN ||| | ||| +-------------------------------------------------------------+|| \_____________________________________________________________\| +--------------------+ | V1.29 vom 21.05.95 |\ +--+--------------------+-------------------------------------+ | |\ | Neuerungen: ||| | ||| | CHARSET/CHRS-Erkennung: ||| | ||| | LED konvertiert nun folgende Charsets in den Atari-ST ||| | Zeichensatz, wenn der Switch "Recognize ^CHRS" angewhlt ||| | wurde: ||| | Level-1: ||| | FRENCH,GERMAN,ITALIAN,NORWEG,PORTU,SPANISH,SWEDISH,UK ||| | Level-2: ||| | LATIN-1,IBMPC,ASCII ||| | Die CHRS/CHARSET-Kludge hat eine hhere Prioritt als das ||| | Statement "-Latin1" oder "-Latin1small" im AREAS.BBS. ||| | Die Konvertierung macht nur dann Sinn, wenn kein IBMPC ||| | Zeichensatz installiert wurde (also mit dem normalen ||| | Systemfont gearbeitet wird). ||| | Tip: I.d.R. reicht die generelle Konvertierung mit ||| | "-Latin1small" zum Lesen von Mails vollkommen aus. ||| | ||| | Konfigurations-Ordner: ||| | ||| | LED erwartet jetzt die meisten seiner Dateien in einem ||| | Ordner mit Namen "LED", der sich im gleichen Verzeichnis ||| | mit LED.PRG befinden mu! ||| | ||| | bersicht: ||| | - Folgende Dateien sucht LED nur im Ordner LED: ||| | LED.CFG, LED.PRN, LED.SCT, LED.FKY, LED.DLG, LED.OPT ||| | ||| | - Folgende Dateien werden in dem Verzeichnis gesucht, in ||| | dem sich LED.PRG befindet, bzw. in dem Ordner auf den ||| | die Environment-Variable MAILER (oder BINKLEY) zeigt; ||| | oder wer LED.CFG benutzt, worauf "MailerPath" gesetzt ||| | ist: ||| | BINKLEY.CFG, TB.CFG, NEWECHOS.LST, AREAS.BBS, ACS.CFG ||| | ||| | - Folgende Dateien werden besonders behandelt: ||| | LED.NEW : Befindet sich diese Datei im LED-Ordner, so ||| | wird diese nur von dort geladen; ||| | anderenfalls wird LED.NEW im selben ||| | Ordner gesucht, in dem auch AREAS.BBS steht.||| | LED.LOG : Diese (Fehler-)Datei wird im LED-Ordner ||| | angelegt, wenn mit dem Statement "Logfile" ||| | kein anderes Logfile definiert wurde. ||| | ||| | Neue Tastenbelegung im EditWindow: ||| | ||| | CNTRL+F Clear cutbuffer ||| | CNTRL+K Append line to cutbuffer ||| | SHIFT+ALT+Y Hard delete paragraph ||| | ||| | Neue Tastenbelegung im MsgWindow: ||| | ||| | ALT+7 "Recognize ^CHRS/CHARSET" toggeln ||| | ||| | Neue Tastenbelegung im MsgWindow: ||| | ||| | HELP Calls ST-Guide ||| | ||| | - Tabsize=0 fhrt nicht mehr zum Absturz. ||| | - Mit Shift+F8 (set lastread pointer to maximum) kann nun ||| | optional fr jede Msg das READ-Flag gesetzt werden ||| | (sinnvoll fr 'NoDeleteUnread unter JetMail). ||| | - Wird eine Mail per "Find" gesucht, so wird bei jeder ||| | gefundenen Mail das READ Flag gesetzt. ||| | - In "Switches" kann man nun festlegen, welche Keys zu ||| | 'Deadkeys" werden sollen. So knnen nun fast alle ||| | Sonderzeichen erreicht werden. ||| | Switch "'' in [net|echo]mail area" wird ignoriert, wenn ||| | '' mit Hilfe eines Deadkeys eingegeben werden. ||| | - ST-GUIDE wird untersttzt. Im EditWindow wird nach dem ||| | Begriff unter dem Cursor gesucht, wenn HELP gedrckt wird;||| | HELP in allen anderen Fenstern zeigt den Hypertext ||| | LED.HYP an. ||| | - Zahlenfelder knnen im MoveMsg-Dialog mit ESC gelscht ||| | werden. ||| | - Suche nach Nodenummern in Userlisten korrigiert. ||| | - LED erkennt nun den (Pseudo)Klugde ">AREA xxx", der von ||| | JetMail und IMHO IOSmail in der PrivateMailBox geschrieben||| | wird. Ist diese Zeile vorhanden, so wird diese weder ||| | gequotet (Quote msg), noch gelscht (Reply msg). ||| | - Mit "Options->Switches->Use GDOS for printing" wird eine ||| | Mail ber GDOS ausgedruckt. Der LED Druckertreiber wird ||| | dann natrlich nicht bentigt und auch "Add formfeed" hat ||| | keine Bedeutung mehr. Allerdings kann man auch keine ||| | Zeichenanpassungen fr den Drucker vornehmen. So kann ||| | sich nun jeder aussuchen: Schnelles Drucken mit dem ||| | Druckerfont und Benutzung von LED.PRN, oder qualitatives ||| | (aber auch langsameres) Drucken ber GDOS ;-) ||| | - Mit "Set cursor" (Options->Quote) wird erreicht, da der ||| | Cursor beim Quoten einer Mail auf die erste Textzeile ||| | gesetzt wird und nicht in die erste Mailzeile! ||| | - Beim einem Reply in der Netmail wird jetzt auch REPLYTO ||| | und REPLYADDR beachtet. ||| | - Das Uucp-Gate "To:" wird nur noch in der Netmail erzeugt. ||| | - In der Statuszeile werden nun folgende Krzel angezeigt: ||| | HC - Header cache aktiv ||| | RC - Recognize CHRS-Kludge ||| | TE - Text effects ||| | - Status der Buttons im Frequest-Dialog wird jetzt korrekt ||| | gemerkt. ||| | - MAJOR-BUGFIX in der VDI Initialisierung! Teilweise wurde ||| | ein falsches VDI-Handle bergeben. Dieser Bug ist schon ||| | seit Urzeiten im LED versteckt gewesen. ||| | - Wenn "-Quote_nachricht" gesetzt ist, so wird automatisch ||| | "Alle" anstelle von "All" geschrieben. Wer einen frei ||| | definierten Quote verwendet, kann hiermit nichts anfangen.||| | - Wird eine Msg geforwarded, so ist die "Address correction"||| | automatisch aktiv, damit die eigene Origin-Adresse ||| | korrekt gesetzt werden kann. ||| | Insbesondere das Forwarden von noch nicht exportierten ||| | Msgs funktioniert dadurch jetzt. ||| | - Textsuche um bis zu 50% schneller durch Implementierung ||| | eines neuen Suchalgorithmus: ||| | Wird der Switch "Use allquantor (*)" nicht angewhlt so ||| | erfolgt die Suche nun um bis zu 50% schneller. Das '?' ||| | ist als Wildcard trotzdem noch erlaubt! ||| | - BugFix: Textattribute werden angezeigt, wenn die ||| | Blockmarkierung auf "revers" geschaltet ist. ||| | - Shift+F9 fragt nach, ob die NewMsgFlags ebenfalls ||| | gelscht werden sollen. ||| | - Wird im MsgListWindow eine Msg gelscht, so springt der ||| | Cursor nun zur nchsten Zeile und nicht mehr zur nchsten ||| | Mail. ||| | - Shortcut-Datei "LED.SCT" erweitert. Man kann nun ||| | komplette Dateien folgendermaen aufnehmen: ||| | - , ||| | Beispiel: "- Mein Footer, D:\FIDO\FOOTER.SIG" ||| | Wird dieser Eintrag angewhlt, so wird die Datei ||| | FOOTER.SIG in den Text geladen. ||| | Ein Eintrag darf jetzt max. 128 Zeichen umfassen. ||| | Der senkrechte Strich '|' und alle nachfolgenden Zeichen ||| | und Leerzeichen davor, werden nicht in den Text ||| | (EditWindow) bernommen. ||| | - "KeepCopy|Forward" Status bei MoveMsg wird gesichert. ||| | - "REPLYADDR Name " wird erkannt. ||| | - "Extend Tabs" korrigiert. ||| | - Bearbeitung von Quotes verndert! Probiert einfach mal ||| | folgendes: ||| | a) In einer gequoteten Zeile einfach ein paar Worte ||| | hinzufgen, so da die Zeile "berlauft". ||| | b) Einfach mal sowas wie "HalloWelt> " am Anfang einer ||| | Zeile tippen und dann zusehen, da die Zeile voll wird ||| | und das ganze mal mit eingeschaltetem "Indent" und ||| | ohne. ||| | - ffnen eines EditWindows neu geschrieben (hope it works). ||| | - In AREAS.BBS sind nur noch absolute Pfade erlaubt! ||| | - Wird eine Msg geforwarded, so wird eine bestehende CHRS- ||| | Kludge beibehalten, wenn LED selbst keine eigene erzeugt, ||| | also nicht "-Umlaute" oder "-ISOconvert" verwendet wird. ||| | - "-Convert" umbenannt in "-Latin1small" ||| | Mit "-Latin1" versucht LED alle Zeichen als Latin-1 ||| | Zeichen zu interpretieren (fr deutsche NewsGroups reicht ||| | i.d.R. "-Latin1small". ||| | - Probleme mit der Statusline behoben! ||| | - Der LED sollte nun an einigen Stellen sehr viel schneller ||| | geworden sein (Find,Copy with Forward). ||| | - Statuszeile sollte nicht mehr so oft "flackern". ||| | - MsgInfo gibt Flags mit aus. ||| | - Proportionalfonts im MsgWindow werden jetzt etwas(!) ||| | besser untersttzt. ||| | ||| +-------------------------------------------------------------+|| \_____________________________________________________________\| +--------------------+ | V1.28 vom 01.04.95 |\ +--+--------------------+-------------------------------------+ | |\ | BETATEST-VERSION ||| | ||| | Neuerungen: ||| | ||| | AREAS.BBS Flags (neu ab 1.28 vorhanden): ||| | ||| | -CONVERT Ntzlich in einigen (deutschen) Internet- ||| | NewsGroups. Konvertiert folgende Zeichen ||| | in deutsche Umlaute: ||| | 0xfc->'', 0xf6->'', 0xe4->'', 0xdf->'',||| | 0xdc->'', 0xd6->'', 0xc4->'' ||| | Ersetzt durch "-ISOconvert" in der 1.29! ||| | ||| | Neue Tastenbelegung: ||| | ||| | p,n Jump to previous/next unread msg ||| | CNTRL T Quote msg -+ ||| | CNTRL N Quote to Netmail +- native ||| | CNTRL J Quote to area -+ ||| | SHIFT T Quote msg -+ ||| | SHIFT N Quote to Netmail +- english ||| | SHIFT J Quote to area -+ ||| | ||| | Config-File nderung: ||| | ||| | "AkaSysop" wird nur beachtet, wenn es NACH dem Statement ||| | "Sysop" verwendet wird. Weiterhin sind keine beliebigen ||| | Eintrge mehr mglich (dank an die User, die Ihren Key ||| | weitergaben). Alle AkaSysop-Eintrge mssen mit dem ||| | vollen "Sysop"-Eintrag beginnen, d.h. es sind zu dem ||| | eigenen Namen nur noch Zustze erlaubt. ||| | Gltige AkaSysop-Eintrge sind z.B.: ||| | Sysop Stephan Slabihoud ||| | AkaSysop Stephan Slabihoud {LED-HQ} ||| | AkaSysop Stephan Slabihoud {IC} ||| | usw. ||| | ||| | Suchen in der Userliste: ||| | ||| | Eingabe: Anzeige-Resultat: ||| | *Leer Ende mit [OK]: PrivateUserList ||| | +Leer Ende mit [Userlist] und gltige Adresse ||| | im Node-Feld: Suche nach email Adresse||| | *Ein Zeichen Nachnamen, die mit X beginnen  ||| | *Zwei Zeichen Namen mit XX als Initialien ||| | *Ein Wort Nachname, der mit "Wort" beginnt ||| | +Zwei Worte Vorname/Name, der mit "Wort" beginnt ||| | ||| | * = Zeigt Select-Dialog an. ||| | + = Abbruch der Suche bei erstem gefundenen Pattern. ||| | ||| | - Klick in die Statuszeile sollte jetzt unter jeder TOS- ||| | Version funktionieren. ||| | - Sonderzeichen werden nicht mehr als "Quote>" verwendet. ||| | - TextEffekte nun auch im Subjekt mglich. ||| | - LED besitzt jetzt einen eigenen Druckertreiber LED.PRN. ||| | Ohne diesen Treiber finden bei der Druckerausgabe keine ||| | Zeichenbersetzungen statt. Mehr dazu steht im Ordner ||| | DRIVER. ||| | - LED kann nun auch die TextEffekte ausdrucken! Hierzu mu ||| | die Effektanzeige auf dem Bilschirm UND ZUSTZLICH der ||| | Switch "...also on printer" angeschaltet sein. Damit die ||| | Effekte auch gedruckt werden knnen, mu der richtige ||| | Druckertreiber installiert sein. ||| | - Eine Msg mit gesetztem "XF_LOCK" wird nun mit einem "x" ||| | gekennzeichnet. ||| | - Die Suche in der Userliste ist ein wenig schneller und ||| | braucht weniger Speicherbedarf. ||| | - Namen in Userlisten drfen nun 35 Zeichen lang sein. ||| | - Wird in einer Auswahlbox (Shortcut, Userlist, usw.) eine ||| | Buchstabentaste gedrckt, so wird direkt zu dem Eintrag ||| | gesprungen, der mit dem Zeichen beginnt. ||| | - Wird in der DialogBox, in der der Username (ggf. mit ||| | Adresse) eingegeben wird, nichts eingegeben, wird der ||| | Inhalt der PrivateUserList als Auswahl angeboten. ||| | - ACS: Es wird nur noch das Statement "EchoList" in ACS.CFG ||| | ausgewertet. ||| | - LED bombt nicht mehr, wenn im MsgListWindow eine Mail mit ||| | Control+Return gelscht wird. ||| | - ReplyCrc wird nicht mehr ber Leerzeichen berechnet. ||| | - Cursor wird beim Editieren jetzt korrekt gesetzt (kleiner ||| | Bug der bei Seite rauf/runter auftauchen konnte). ||| | - ALT+2 (Edit origin) entfernt. ||| | - "Clipboard" wird korrekt verwaltet. ||| | - Ein paar Bugfixes (z.B. Neuzeichnen der Statuszeile, ||| | AreaListWindow bombt beim Scollen nicht mehr, FullWindow ||| | ohne Redraw-Probleme u.a.). ||| | - "Skip Scanner" entfernt. Es werden auch nicht mehr ||| | automatisch geschriebene Echomail aus der ExtraExportArea ||| | bzw. Netmail gelscht, wenn die OriginalMsg gelscht wird.||| | - "MoveMsg" komplett neu geschrieben. Hope it works ;-) ||| | "MoveMsg" kopiert alle Kludges und Seen-By's, ||| | "MoveMsg/Forward" entfernt ALLE Kludges und Seen-By's! ||| | "ForwardMsg" komplett neu geschrieben. Hope it works ;-) ||| | - Dieser Version liegt ein kleines Programm von Detlev ||| | Uecker (vielen Dank nochmal) bei, welches Userlisten ||| | durch herausschneiden von berflssigen Leerzeichen ||| | verkrzt. ||| | ||| +-------------------------------------------------------------+|| \_____________________________________________________________\| +--------------------+ | V1.27 vom 11.03.95 |\ +--+--------------------+-------------------------------------+ | |\ | Neuerungen: ||| | ||| | AREAS.BBS Flags (neu ab 1.27 vorhanden): ||| | ||| | -FORCEPVT Ist dieses Kommando gesetzt, so setzt ||| | LED nun automatisch das PRIVATE-Flag ||| | innerhalb einer EchoArea (BBS-Systeme). ||| | ||| | - Dialogpositionen werden wieder gesichert. Aus irgendeinem ||| | Grund hatte ich das auskommentiert. Wei aber nicht mehr ||| | warum!?! Wer Probleme bekommt, *.DLG-Datei lschen und ||| | "Save Dialog Positions" ausschalten! ||| | - Ein paar Bugfixes (IMHO aber keine neuen Bugs). ||| | - Neuer Parameter %s wird durch das Subject ersetzt. ||| | - Text-Effekte funktionieren jetzt auch mit TT- und Speedo- ||| | Fonts korrekt. ||| | - Text-Effekte sollten jetzt zu 99% korrekt angezeigt ||| | werden! ||| | - Einige Window-Redraws erneut verndert. ||| | - MsgListWindow sollte jetzt immer funktionieren (bombte ||| | hin und wieder bei leeren Areas). ||| | - Ein paar optische Korrekturen. ||| | - QBBS-Verkettung wird jetzt auf allen Systemen korrekt ||| | angezeigt. ||| | - Wird in der Netmail als Empfnger nichts eingeben, so ||| | wird nun der Inhalt der Datei PRVTUSER.LST (diese mu im ||| | Userlist-Dialog definiert worden sein, egal an welcher ||| | Position) auf dem Bildschirm zur Auswahl angeboten. ||| | - "Change msg" in einer leeren Area strzt nicht mehr ab. ||| | - "Shortcut"-Dialog funktioniert jetzt korrekt. ||| | - "Control+Del" im MsgList-Window springt jetzt nchste, ||| | noch nicht gelscht, Msg an. ||| | - Neuer Button in "Options->Comment tree": Mit "NumPad in ||| | comment tree mode" kann man nun, unabhaengig von "Show ||| | comment tree", mit den NumPad Tasten im Kommentarbaum ||| | herumwandern. ||| | - Shift+Cntrl+L ffnet jetzt IMMER den MsgList-DIALOG! ||| | - Menpunkte werden jetzt korrekt(?) hell dargestellt. ||| | - "Re^n:" wird erkannt und automatisch beim Quoten ||| | hochgezhlt. Wer selber derartige Replies erzeugen ||| | mchte, kann dieses nun ber den Switch "...'Re^n' style" ||| | erreichen. ||| | - " in netmail" wird im Dialog korrekt bearbeitet. Der ||| | Switch lie sich einschalten und wurde auch gesichert. ||| | Nur beim erneuten Aufruf des "Switches"-Dialog wurde er ||| | nicht gesetzt. ||| | ||| +-------------------------------------------------------------+|| \_____________________________________________________________\| +--------------------+ | V1.26 vom 13.02.95 |\ +--+--------------------+-------------------------------------+ | |\ | Neuerungen: ||| | ||| | ########################################################### ||| | Man kann in "LED->About LED" jetzt einen "Registration ||| | Key" eingeben. Bereits registrierte User brauchen keinen ||| | Key, diese werden vom LED selbstndig erkannt. Neuzugnge ||| | mssen hier ihren persnlichen Key eingeben. ||| | ES BESTEHT KEINE EINSCHRAENKUNG, WENN DER LED OHNE KEY ||| | BETRIEBEN WIRD!!! ||| | Mit Key wird als PID "LED x.xx", ohne Key "LED x.xx/unreg",||| | in die Msg geschrieben. Sonst gibt es keinen Unterschied ||| | (auer eines kleinen Logos, welches fr zwei Sekunden ||| | angezeigt wird). ||| | ########################################################### ||| | ||| | - "Address correction (echomails)" wieder entfernt. Dieses ||| | ist jetzt fr jede einzelne Area einzeln schaltbar mit ||| | Hilfe eines neuen Flags fr die AREAS.BBS (siehe unten). ||| | Die "Address correction" fr die Netmail ist geblieben; ||| | zustzlich kann man nun auch festlegen, da automatisch ||| | das Flag "Fixed address" (in der Netmail) gesetzt werden ||| | soll. ||| | ||| | AREAS.BBS Flags (neu ab 1.26 vorhanden): ||| | ||| | -FIXEDADDRESS Fr diese Area soll der LED die korrekte ||| | Adresse einsetzen bzw. die Adressen ||| | Auswahl anzeigen). Weiterhin wird ||| | automatisch das "Fixed address"-Flag ||| | gesetzt. Dieses Statement gilt nur in ||| | Echomails und nicht fr die Netmail! ||| | -NONEWECHO Nur fr ACS User: Diese Area wird nicht in ||| | die Datei NEWECHOS.LST geschrieben. ||| | Ntzlich fr Archiv-Echos. ||| | ||| | - Wird das MsgListWindow/AreaListWindow ausgeschaltet, so ||| | werden die Fenster nun automtisch geschlossen. ||| | - Es knnen nun mehr als 2^16 User aus einer Userliste ||| | eingelesen werden.  ||| | - XF_READ wird bei lokal eingegeben Msgs gesetzt. ||| | - Mit Shift+F1 wird ein Dialog (Help->Shortcut) geffnet, ||| | indem der Inhalt der Datei "LED.SCT" angezeigt wird. ||| | Befindet man sich im Edit-Window, so kann eine Zeile aus ||| | diesem Dialog in den Text bernommen werden. ||| | - Wenn kein Absendername im Header angegeben ist, wird die ||| | Mail nun trotzdem angezeigt. ||| | - Suche in Userlisten etwas schneller. ||| | - Window-Handling stark verndert (ich hoffe, es ||| | funktioniert). ||| | - "Smart Redraw" im Edit-Window sollte jetzt klappen. ||| | - Sichern von Windowpositionen gendert. ||| | - Ein paar Redraws gestrichen. ||| | - Scrolling funktioniert, auch wenn nur eine Msg-Zeile ||| | dargestellt wird. ||| | - Behandlung von Msgs>64kb nun sicherer. ||| | - Help-Texte berarbeitet. ||| | - Headersortierung funktioniert jetzt korrekt. ||| | - "Kommentar zu"-Zeile wird nur noch erzeugt, wenn die Mail ||| | aus einem MausEcho kam und in eine andere Area gequotet ||| | wird. ||| | - Der Kommentarbaum wird bei CC's nicht mehr jedesmal neu ||| | aufgebaut, sondern nur noch einmal! ||| | - Beim Nachstarten von Programmen wurde der Speicher nicht ||| | freigegeben. Jetzt drfte es auch bei AREAS.BBS-Dateien ||| | mit 2000 oder 3000 Areas keine Probleme mehr geben. ||| | - LED kann nun auch mehrere Namen verwalten (aber nicht im ||| | Zusammenhang mit Adressen!). Einen anderen "From"-Namen ||| | kann man mit Shift+F5 auswhlen. Mehr dazu unter LED- ||| | Config-Datei. ||| | - move msg/forward nochmals gendert. Die "Address ||| | correction" wird immer durchgefhrt. Als Absender wird ||| | der eigene Name eingesetzt. ||| | - LED erzeugt nun 4D-Frequestfiles (ORT) ggf. mit Flowfile ||| | (OFT). Network-Frequests (5d) sind ebenfalls mglich. ||| | - Wird eine Mail gequotet, so werden Namen aus mehr als ||| | zwei Worten nicht mehr abgeschnitten. ||| | Quotes "xy>" werden ebenfalls korrekt gesetzt. ||| | - Im "Select origin" Dialog wird er Empfnger nun mit ||| | angezeigt. ||| | - PATH-Zeile wird jetzt auch korrekt unterdrckt. IOSmail ||| | hat leider einen kleinen Bug, der dazu fhrt, da LED ||| | die letzte PATH-Zeile u.U. immer angezeigt hat. ||| | - "Switches->Text effects" versucht Textattribute zu ||| | ermitteln und anzuzeigen: ||| | _Text_ => Zeigt "Text" unterstrichen an ||| | *Text* => " " fett an ||| | /Text/ => " " kursiv an ||| | Voraussetzung: Vor (bzw. hinter) einem "*", "/" oder "_" ||| | mu ein Leerzeichen stehen (Ausnahme: Zeilenanfang/-ende).||| | Die Textattribute werden nur bis zum Zeilenende ||| | beibehalten. Textattribute knnen auch kombiniert werden. ||| | ALT+2 schaltet diese Funktion ein bzw. aus. ||| | ACHTUNG: Es ist nicht gerade trivial zu erkennen, ob ein ||| | Steuerzeichen vorliegt oder nicht. Mehr konnte ||| | ich nicht machen. Wer eine bessere Routine dafr ||| | hat, bitte bei mir melden. ||| | - ALT+W im Edit-Window formatiert einen kompletten Absatz ||| | bis zum nchsten (oder Leerzeile). ||| | - Shift+ALT W im Edit-Window formatiert einen kompletten ||| | Absatz bis zur nchsten Leerzeile. ||| | - Ein paar kleinere Redraw-Probleme beseitigt. ||| | - "'' in Echomail" implementiert. Normalerweise sind ||| | Umlaute nicht erlaubt, aber die skandinavischen LED-User ||| | brauchen Umlaute (u.a. speziell fr Magnus ;-)). ||| | - Home/Shift+Home funktioniert jetzt im MsgList-Dialog. ||| | - Vorwrtssuche funktioniert wieder (aber genauso langsam ||| | wie vorher). Geht nicht anders, sorry. ||| | - Adressen mit Nodenummer=0 und Pointnummer!=0 werden jetzt ||| | korrekt dargestellt. ||| | - Manchmal wurden nicht alle Fenster geschlossen. Fixed. ||| | - Font fr Msg/Arealist-Window getrennt einstellbar. ||| | - Headersortierung schneller. ||| | - Msgidcrc/Replycrc werden bei move-msg nicht mehr ||| | gelscht. ||| | - nderungen der ^A-Switches werden sofort angezeigt. ||| | - Aufbau des Kommentarbaums jetzt um bis zu 400% schneller! ||| | (Area mit 1200 Msgs: bisher 12.8 sek, jetzt 3.2 sek; ||| | gemessen auf einem TT). ||| | - Einen weiteren schweren Fehler beseitigt, der schon in ||| | (allen?) LED-Versionen vorhanden war. ||| | - In den Funktionstasten-Default-Texten und Quotes sind ||| | jetzt die folgenden Parameter erlaubt: %f, %F, %t, %T, ||| | %a, %d, %D, %z, %n und %% (fr ein einfaches %). ||| | - In Quotes ist zustzlich der Parameter '%#' (0<=#<=9) ||| | erlaubt, wobei <#> die Nummer der Funktionstaste angibt. ||| | - Parameter %n funktioniert jetzt. ||| | - Der Quote-Text bzw. die Arbeitsweise wurde verndert! ||| | - WM_BUTTOMED (MultiTOS) wird untersttzt. ||| | - Neuer Switch: "...autoclose" schliet automatisch Area- ||| | ListWindow, wenn eine Area angewhlt wurde. ||| | - Neuer Switch: "Always use ^REPLYADDR" fr Uucp-Gateways. ||| | - Viele, viele Optimierungen (u.a. werden bei zu langen ||| | Areanamen keine Resourcen mehr berschrieben). ||| | - Shift+F2 zeigt eine kurze MsgInfo. ||| | - Alle MsgFlags werden dargestellt (ausser XF_READ) und ||| | fr Hyper-Flag-Orgien jetzt in drei Zeilen! ||| | - Neuer Menpunkt "Edit header flags". ||| | - Wird ein Fileselektor angezeigt, so wird keine Box mehr ||| | ber den Fileselektor gesetzt. Erstens konnte diese ||| | Position nicht korrekt bestimmt werden (bei Grobild- ||| | monitoren und erweiterten Fileselektoren) und zweitens ||| | kann man dafr auch den internen erweiterten Fileselektor ||| | verwenden (der ab TOS 1.04 vorhanden ist). ||| | - Bessere Kommentaranzeige in der Infozeile des Windows! ||| | - Wird in der Statuszeile des MsgWindows die Kommentar- ||| | verkettung angezeigt, so kann man nun direkt zu der ||| | entsprechenden Msg springen, wenn man auf die MsgNummer ||| | klickt. ||| | - Wird das MsgWindow geschlossen, whrend noch eine Mail ||| | editiert wird, so strzt LED nicht mehr ab (Dank an ||| | Daniel ;-)). ||| | - Bei einem Msg-Forward und nach einer Bearbeitung des ||| | MsgHeaders wird das Msglist-Window jetzt geupdated. ||| | - Msg-Forward in der Netmail optisch korrigiert (leider ist ||| | diese Korrektur nicht in der Funktion "MoveMsg/Forward" ||| | mglich; Nachfrage zwecklos). ||| | - MoveMsg kopiert jetzt alle ^A-Anweisungen (sofern diese ||| | auch auf dem Bilschirm angezeigt werden). Sind die ||| | Anweisungen versteckt, so wird wenigstens noch die MSGID ||| | und REPLYID kopiert. Bei MoveMsg/Forward wird NUR eine ||| | PID erzeugt. Mehr ist nicht 'drin, sorry! ||| | - "Edit msgheader" arbeitet nun korrekt beim Setzen von ||| | MausFlags. XF_IMMEDIATE nun verfgbar. Dialog nun ||| | bersichtlicher. ||| | Werden die Flags als Hex-Zahl eingegeben, so hat dieses ||| | gegenber den Buttons vorrang, d.h. die Einstellung der ||| | Buttons wird nicht mehr beachtet! ||| | - Wenn kein Fenster offen, kann mit "Area change" eine Area ||| | geffnet werden. ||| | - Window close/cycle wird jetzt bei Bedarf gesperrt. ||| | - Kein Nachlaufen des Balkens in Fenstern. ||| | - Screen-Redraw beim Programmende. ||| | - "Hide ^MSGID" erweitert zu "Hide ^MSGID/REPLY/REPLYTO". ||| | - "Netmail Address-Correction" korrigiert und verbessert. ||| | - Optische Korrekturen. ||| | - "Switches->Rescue lastreads" sichert die Lastread-Pointer ||| | nachdem eine Area verlassen wird. Es wird dabei kein ||| | NewMsgFlag mehr gelscht! ||| | - "Switches->Del new msg flag" legt fest, da beim ||| | Verlassen des LED alle NewMsg-Flags gelscht werden! ||| | - Ein paar unwichtige "Switches" entfernt. ||| | - "Change msg" und ein paar weitere Funktionen sind jetzt ||| | schneller geworden. ||| | - Jetzt sechs Userlisten. ||| | - Fontnamen werden mit bis zu 24 Zeichen angezeigt (vorher ||| | nur 16). ||| | - Wird in der Fontauswahl auf den Fontnamen geklickt, so ||| | wird der erste Font (Systemfont) angezeigt. Praktisch, ||| | wenn viele Fonts geladen worden sind (Sorry, aber ein ||| | Popup habe ich noch nicht einbauen knnen). ||| | - Schweren Bug in den GEM-Routinen gefixed. Ist mir erst ||| | aufgefallen, als ich den LED probeweise mit einer anderen ||| | GEM-Lib bersetzt habe. ||| | - Wird ein anderes Programm aus dem LED heraus aufgerufen, ||| | so werden die Lastreads nicht mehr auf 1 zurckgesetzt. ||| | - "Options->Quote" erweitert und Quoten verndert. ||| | Jetzt kann man fr das Quoten in eine andere Area einen ||| | eigenen Text angeben. Beispiel: ||| | Native: ||| | "In einer Msg vom %d tippte %f %F (%a) an %t %T:" ||| | to area: ||| | "In einer Msg vom %d tippte %f %F (%a) an %t %T ||| | in Area '%n':" ||| | English: ||| | "In a message of %d %f %F (%a) wrote to %t %T:" ||| | to area: ||| | "In a message of %d %f %F (%a) wrote to %t %T ||| | in area '%n':" ||| | - In einer Quotezeile ist jetzt auch das "cr" (Cntrl+M) ||| | erlaubt. Auch drfen Quotezeilen jetzt mehr als zwei ||| | Zeilen umfassen. ||| | ||| | Achtung: Neue Tastenbelegung! ||| | ||| | Shift+F10: Clear all unread flags ||| | Shift+F9 : All lastread pointers to maximum ||| | Shift+F8 : Lastread pointer to maximum ||| | Shift+F7 : Print msg with formfeed ||| | Shift+F6 : Sort headers by date (current area) ||| | Shift+F5 : Change user name. ||| | Shift+F2 : Small msginfo ||| | Shift+F1 : Shortcut ||| | Cntrl+t/T: In eigener Sprache quoten (wenn nicht per ||| | AREAS.BBS "-QUOTE..." fixiert) ||| | Shift+t/T: In anderen Sprache quoten (wenn nicht per ||| | AREAS.BBS "-QUOTE..." fixiert) ||| | Alt+4 : Zeige MSGID/REPLY/REPLYTO ||| | Alt+5 : Zeige PID/TID/EID ||| | Alt+6 : Zeige andere ^A-Zeilen ||| | Alt+7 : "Comment tree" Dialog ||| | Alt+H: Edit header flags ||| | Shift+Alt+H: Edit header ||| | Shift+Alt+A: Append Msg (plain) ||| | Shift+Alt+W: Write Msg (plain) ||| | ||| | LED Config-Datei: ||| | ||| | Da einige LED-User den LED gerne in einem anderen ||| | Verzeichnis stehen haben mchten ohne eine Environment- ||| | Variable anzulegen, habe ich mich dazu entschlossen dem LED ||| | ein optionales Config-File zu verpassen. ||| | Folgende Befehle knnen im LED.CFG stehen: ||| | ||| | SYSOP name -> wie im Binkley.Cfg ||| | ADDRESS addresse [fakenet] -> dito. ||| | LOGFILE file -> dito. ||| | NETMAIL file -> dito. ||| | HOLD path -> dito. ||| | SHELL prg -> dito. ||| | ||| | Optional knnen noch folgende Statements benutzt werden: ||| | ||| | MAILER path ||| | AKASYSOP name ||| | ||| | - Mit "MAILER" kann man LED angeben, wo die Dateien ||| | AREAS.BBS und NEWECHOS.LST (ACS) zu finden sind. ||| | - Will man mehrere Namen benutzen (Umschalten mit Shift+F5),||| | so ist dieses hiermit nun mglich. Genauso wie "SYSOP" ||| | verwenden (maximal 4 Namen knnen werwaltet werden). ||| | ACHTUNG: WER BINKLEY.CFG ZUSAMMEN MIT BINKLEY.TTP ||| | VERWENDET, mu anstelle von "AKASYSOP" das ||| | Statement "APPLICATION AKASYSOP" verwenden! ||| | Registriert ist der LED immer auf die Person ||| | hinter dem SYSOP-Statement. Benutzen andere User ||| | den LED mit, so enfllt fr diese *NICHT* die ||| | Sharewaregebhr. ||| | ||| | LED versucht beim Start eine der folgenden Dateien zu ||| | finden: 1. LED.CFG, 2. BINKLEY.CFG, 3. TB.CFG ||| | Diese Dateien werden i.d.R. im eigenen Verzeichnis ||| | erwartet, man kann aber mit Hilfe der Environment Variablen ||| | MAILER bzw. BINKLEY die beiden Dateien BINKLEY.CFG bzw. ||| | TB.CFG auch in einem anderen Verzeichnis ablegen. ||| | ||| | Achtung: ||| | ||| | Das LED.OPT File mute ich schon wieder ndern. Ich hoffe ||| | diesmal zum letzten mal. ||| | ||| | Tastaturbersicht: ||| | ||| | Alternate: ALT R Read msg ALT B Write clipboard ||| | ALT A Append msg ALT E Execute program ||| | Shift+ALT A Append msg plain ALT L Read clipboard ||| | ALT W Write msg ALT Z Execute shell ||| | Shift+ALT W Write msg plain ALT C Chance msg ||| | ALT X Carbon copy ALT I Indent on/off ||| | ALT T Extend tabs ALT O Switches ||| | ALT J Windows ALT N Quotes ||| | ALT Y User lists ALT 7 Comments ||| | ALT M Fonts ALT K Function keys ||| | ALT S Save options ALT Q File request ||| | ALT H Edit header ALT P Add to user list ||| | Shift+ALT H Edit header flags ALT F Find ||| | ALT U Search user ALT G Find same ||| | ALT 8 Very small font ALT 9 Small font size ||| | ALT 0 Normal font size ||| | ALT 1 Refresh windows ||| | ALT 2 Show text attributes ||| | ALT 3 Show comment tree ||| | ALT 4 Show MSGID/REPLY/REPLYTO ||| | ALT 5 Show PID/TID/EID ||| | ALT 6 Show other ^A cludges ||| | ALT_Fn Start shell ||| | ||| | Control: CNTRL I Info CNTRL Q Quit ||| | CNTRL O Open area CNTRL A Change area ||| | CNTRL W Cycle window CNTRL U Close window ||| | CNTRL L List msgs CNTRL G Goto msg ||| | CNTRL K Kill msgs CNTRL H Heal msgs ||| | CNTRL F Forward msg CNTRL M Move msgs ||| | CNTRL P Print msg CNTRL E Enter msg ||| | CNTRL R Reply msg CNTRL T Quote msg ||| | CNTRL N Quote to Netmail CNTRL J Quote to area ||| | CNTRL Z Abort msg CNTRL S Save msg ||| | CNTRL B Block begin/end CNTRL D Del blockmark ||| | CNTRL X Cut block CNTRL C Copy block ||| | CNTRL V Paste block ||| | CNTRLKill active msg ||| | ||| | Normal and other keys: ||| | ||| | SHIFT T Quote msg (alternate) ||| | HELP Help ||| | UNDO Redraw window ||| | v Scroll one line down ||| | ^ Scroll one line up ||| | SHIFTv Display next page ||| | SHIFT^ Display prev page ||| | SPACE Display next msg ||| | RETURN Display next/prev msg ||| | ENTER Display next/prev msg ||| | BACKSPACE Display prev page ||| | NUM 1,< Display previous msg ||| | NUM 3,> Display next msg ||| | P Previous unread msg ||| | N Next unread msg ||| | NUM 2,+ First comment on aktive msg ||| | NUM 8,- Origin msg  ||| | NUM 6,s> Next comment ||| | NUM 4,> Previous comment ||| | NUM ( Prev msg with same subject ||| | NUM ) Next msg with same subject ||| | NUM ^( Prev original msg ||| | NUM ^) Next original msg ||| | SHIFT< Screen left ||| | SHIFT> Screen right ||| | NUM + Next area ||| | NUM - Previous area ||| | NUM * Next area with new msg ||| | NUM / Next area with unread msg ||| | NUM # Next area with msg to sysop ||| | HOME Start of msg ||| | CLR End of msg ||| | SHFT F10 Delete all unread and tosysop flags ||| | SHFT F9 Set all lastread pointers to maximum ||| | SHFT F8 Set the lastread pointer to maximum ||| | SHFT F7 Print msg with formfeed ||| | SHFT F6 Sort the headerfile by date ||| | SHFT F5 Change sysop name ||| | SHFT F3 Start SIB.ACC??? ||| | SHFT F2 Small msginfo ||| | SHFT F1 Shortcut ||| | ESC Reread area ||| | ||| | Edit-Window keys: ||| | ||| | ^B Begin/End of block ^D Del blockmark ||| | ^X Cut block ^C Copy block ||| | ^V Paste block ^Z Abort msg ||| | ^Y Delete line ALT Y Undelete line ||| | ALT D Edit To-line ALT N Edit address (Netmail) ||| | ALT S Edit subject ALT V Edit flags (Netmail) ||| | ALT 2 Edit origin ALT A Abort msg ||| | ALT W Format paragraph ||| | ALT F Search text ALT G Continue search ||| | ALT I Indent on/off ALT T Expand tabs ||| | ^DEL Del with linewrap ESC Cut/Paste line ||| | TAB Tabulator RETURN Newline (new paragraph) ||| | HOME Top of msg sHOME End of msg ||| | DELETE Del character INSERT Insert/Overwrite ||| | BACKSPACE Del character ||| | Cursorkeys Cursor movement ||| | Shift <,> Start/End of line ||| | Control <,> Word left/right ||| | ALT W Soft format paragraph (until ) ||| | Shift+ALT W Hard format paragraph (until emtpy line) ||| | ||| | Developer-Information: ||| | ||| | - Da es immer noch kein vernnftiges 5D-Header-Format ||| | existiert, habe ich mich dazu entschlossen in den ||| | nchsten LED-Versionen folgendermaen vorzugehen: ||| | In dem Feld "mailer[6]" werde ich die Nummer der ||| | "Address"-Zeile abspeichern, die zu der angegebenen ||| | Absenderadresse pat. Steht dort eine "0", so konnte LED ||| | die passende "Address"-Zeile nicht finden (ermitteln), ||| | oder die "Address correction" wird vom User nicht ||| | benutzt. ||| | Dieses Feature ist bereits im LED 1.26 implementiert, nur ||| | noch nicht "freigeschaltet", da JetMail leider abstrzt, ||| | wenn in dem Feld etwas ungleich "0" steht. ||| | Beispiel: ||| | Address 2:2446/110.6@fidonet.org ||| | Address 51:601/7.6@atarinet.ftn ||| | Address 90:400/410@nest.ftn ||| | Address 90:400/404.6@nest.ftn ||| | Schreibe ich jetzt eine Msg unter 90:400/410, so wird ||| | "mailer[6] = 3" gesetzt. ||| | ||| | - Belegung der Flags: ||| | ||| | #define F_PRIVATE (1U << 0) ||| | #define F_CRASH (1U << 1) ||| | #define F_RECEIVED (1U << 2) ||| | #define F_SENT (1U << 3) ||| | #define F_FILEATTACH (1U << 4) ||| | #define F_INTRANSIT (1U << 5) ||| | #define F_ORPHAN (1U << 6) ||| | #define F_KILLSENT (1U << 7) ||| | #define F_LOCAL (1U << 8) ||| | #define F_HOLD (1U << 9) ||| | #define F_RESERVED (1U << 10) ||| | #define F_FILEREQ (1U << 11) ||| | #define F_RETRECREQ (1U << 12) ||| | #define F_ISRETREC (1U << 13) ||| | #define F_AUDITREQ (1U << 14) ||| | #define F_DELETED (1U << 15) ||| | ||| | #define XF_READ (1U << 0) ||| | #define XF_ARCHIVSENT (1U << 1) ||| | #define XF_TRUNCFILESENT (1U << 2) ||| | #define XF_KILLFILESENT (1U << 3) ||| | #define XF_DIRECT (1U << 4) ||| | #define XF_ZONEGATE (1U << 5) ||| | #define XF_HOSTROUTE (1U << 6) ||| | #define XF_LOCK (1U << 7) ||| | #define XF_MAUSMSG (1U << 8) ||| | #define XF_GATED (1U << 9) ||| | #define XF_CREATEFLOWFILE (1U << 10) ||| | #define XF_RESERVED11 (1U << 11) ||| | #define XF_RESERVED12 (1U << 12) ||| | #define XF_SIGNATURE (1U << 13) ||| | #define XF_IMMEDIATE (1U << 14) ||| | #define XF_FIXEDADDRESS (1U << 15) ||| | ||| | #define MF_NICHTGELESEN (1U << 0) ||| | #define MF_NOTREAD (1U << 0) ||| | #define MF_ZURUECK (1U << 1) ||| | #define MF_RETURN (1U << 1) ||| | #define MF_BEANTWORTET (1U << 2) ||| | #define MF_ANSWERED (1U << 2) ||| | #define MF_GELESEN (1U << 3) ||| | #define MF_GELESEN (1U << 3) ||| | #define MF_WEITER (1U << 4) ||| | #define MF_CONTINUE (1U << 4) ||| | #define MF_MAUSNET (1U << 5) ||| | #define MF_ANGEKOMMEN (1U << 6) ||| | #define MF_RECEIVED (1U << 6) ||| | #define MF_GATEWAY (1U << 7) ||| | #define MF_KOPIERT (1U << 8) ||| | #define MF_COPIED (1U << 8) ||| | #define MF_MAUSTAUSCH (1U << 9) ||| | #define MF_UNBEKANNT (1U << 10) ||| | #define MF_UNKNOWN (1U << 10) ||| | #define MF_INTERESTING1 (1U << 11) ||| | #define MF_INTERESTING2 (1U << 12) ||| | #define MF_VERERBEN (1U << 13) ||| | #define MF_HEREDITARY (1U << 13) ||| | #define MF_RESERVED14 (1U << 14) ||| | #define MF_RESERVED15 (1U << 15) ||| | ||| +-------------------------------------------------------------+|| \_____________________________________________________________\| +--------------------+ | V1.25 vom 02.01.95 |\ +--+--------------------+-------------------------------------+ | |\ | Neuerungen: ||| | ||| | - Msgliste kann ebenfalls in ein Window gelegt werden. ||| | Wird "Switches->...use Comment-Tree" verwendet, so wird ||| | die Liste gem des Kommentarbaums angezeigt (der ganze ||| | Spa bentigt allerdings 65 KByte mehr Speicher! ||| | Funktioniert brigens auch ohne HeaderCache! ||| | - MsgFlags werden wieder im Klartext dargestellt und fr ||| | Flag-Orgien jetzt sogar in zwei Zeilen! ||| | - Windowverwaltung nochmals verndert. ||| | - Fonts fr Listwindows einstellbar. ||| | - Neuer Parameter %n. Mit diesem Parameter wird die ||| | aktuelle Area angesprochen.  ||| | - In den Funktionstasten-Default-Texten sind jetzt die ||| | gleichen Parameter erlaubt, wie bei Quotes (also %f, %F, ||| | %t, %T, %a, %d, %D, %z und %n). ||| | - Der Quote-Text bzw. die Arbeitsweise wurde verndert! ||| | - Automatischer FormFeed bei "Print msg ^P" whlbar. ||| | - Ausdruck einer Arealiste/Msgliste, wenn man sich im ||| | entsprechenden Window befindet (^P) ||| | - Wenn AVALON parallel zum LED gestartet wurde, kann Avalon ||| | ber den LED-FileRequest aufgerufen werden! ||| | - 63 kleinere Bugs behoben (fr die nchste Version erspare ||| | ich mir die Strichliste ;-)). ||| | - Netmail wird auch angezeigt, wenn nicht in AREAS.BBS ||| | eingetragen (wohl aber in BINKLEY.CFG). ||| | - Suche mit ALT-F (vorwrts) schneller. ||| | - Werden Msgs gemoved, wurde bisher der Kommentarbaum nicht ||| | mehr beachtet. Dieses funktioniert jetzt. ||| | - Beim Lschen von Msgs werden keine unsinnigen Flags mehr ||| | gesetzt (Grund: Eine Variable wurde nicht initialisiert). ||| | - Mit "Switches->Show areadescription" wird im AreaWindow ||| | auch die Beschreibung der Area angezeigt. Wirksam wird ||| | dieses aber erst, nachdem das Window erneut geffnet ||| | wurde. ||| | - MSGID und REPLY knnen jetzt 200 Zeichen lang sein. ||| | - Maximal 32767 Areas sind jetzt mglich (vorher 512)! ||| | Vorsicht: Jede Area, die LED einliet, bentigt ca. ||| | 400 Byte Speicher (vorher waren dieses fr 512 Areas fest ||| | ca. 200 KByte). ||| | - Mit "Switches->Hide ^A lines..." kann nun gewhlt werden, ||| | ob die MSGID und/oder die anderen ^A-Zeilen versteckt ||| | werden sollen. ||| | - Mit "Switches->Always use ^REPLYTO" kann man dem LED nun ||| | mitteilen, da die Anweisung "^REPLYTO" ausgewertet ||| | werden soll (sofern sie vorhanden ist). ||| | - Falls die 1.24 bombte, lag es daran, da ich den LED mit ||| | 'nur' 16 Kbyte Stack compiliert habe, die 1.24 aber ||| | Spitzenwerte von 19 KByte erreichte :-( Jetzt sollten die ||| | 16 Kbyte Stack aber voll ausreichen! ||| | - Mit Shift-F9 werden jetzt nicht nur die Lastread-Pointer ||| | auf Maximum gesetzt, sondern auch das TOSYSOP-Flag ||| | gelscht. ||| | - Neue Fontauswahl. ||| | - "Indent" wird vorbergehend ausgeschaltet, wenn eine ||| | Funktionstaste gedrckt wird. ||| | - Header knnen mit Shift+F7 nach Datum sortiert werden. ||| | ||| | - LED kann jetzt die korrekte Adresse in den Header ||| | eintragen. Dieses ist fr Net- und Echomails getrennt ||| | einstellbar ("Switches->Address correction ..."). ||| | Dieses Feature wird von JETmail, IOSmail und Ecu/Llegada ||| | NICHT bentigt, da diese Tosser die Absenderadresse von ||| | selbst setzen. Ich habe es aber schonmal eingebaut, falls ||| | es irgendwann einmal bentigt werden sollte. ||| | Dieses Feature funktioniert nicht mit 'Skip Scanner'! ||| | - Mit dem neuen Headerflag "Fixed address" kann (sollte) ||| | man dem Tosser sagen, da er die Absenderadresse NICHT ||| | verndern soll. Dieses Feature wird bisher nur von ||| | JETmail ab der Version 0.99beta11 untersttzt. Mit ||| | eingeschaltetem Flag trgt der Anwender selbst die ||| | Verantwortung dafr, wie die Mail versendet wird! ||| | TIP: "Switches->Address correction (Netmail)" einschalten ||| | und ggf. Adresse mit "Fixed address" fixieren, wenn ||| | dieses notwendig sein sollte. Dieses ist aber i.d.R. ||| | nicht ntig! ||| | ||| | - Tastaturbelegung: Window mit Msgsliste ||| | ||| | ESC : Update aller Flags (new,unread,to sysop) ||| | UNDO,^U : Schliee Window ||| | sHOME : Ende der Liste ||| | HOME : Anfang der Liste ||| | s[<>^v] : Seite nach links, rechts, oben, unten ||| | BACKSPACE: Seite nach oben ||| | SPACE : Seite nach unten ||| | RETURN : Selektiere Msg (gelschte Msg zurckholen) ||| | ^RETURN : Selektierte Msg lschen  ||| | [<>] : Zeile nach oben, unten ||| | [^v] : Zeile nach oben, unten ||| | NUM+ : Zeile nach unten ||| | NUM- : Zeile nach oben ||| | ||| | ||| | AREAS.BBS Flags (schon vor 1.23 vorhanden): ||| | ||| | -ORIGIN Das Origin, kann whrend des Editierens ||| | mit ALT-2 gendert werden. ||| | -PASSTHROUGH Diese Area wird nicht angezeigt. ||| | -VISIBLE Zusammen mit PASSTHROUGH: Area wird doch ||| | angezeigt aber ohne New-Msg Flags. ||| | -UMLAUTE Keine Umlaut-Konvertierung in dieser Area. ||| | -QUOTE_NON Keine Topline beim quoten. ||| | -QUOTE_MSG Topline: "In a msg from...". ||| | -QUOTE_NACHRICHT Topline: "In einer Nachricht...". ||| | -QUOTE_NATIVE Topline: frei editierbar, Heimatsprache ||| | -QUOTE_ENGLISH Topline: frei editierbar, Englisch ||| | ||| | AREAS.BBS Flags (neu ab 1.24): ||| | ||| | -MAUS Area ist eine Mausarea. ||| | ||| | AREAS.BBS Flags (neu ab 1.25): ||| | ||| | -INVISIBLE Area wird nicht angezeigt. ||| | ||| +-------------------------------------------------------------+|| \_____________________________________________________________\| +--------------------+ | V1.24 vom 13.12.94 |\ +--+--------------------+-------------------------------------+ | |\ | Neuerungen: ||| | ||| | - Auch Areas, die mit einer Ziffer anfangen, knnen nun ||| | direkt angesprungen werden (klappte bisher nur mit ||| | Alpha-Zeichen). ||| | - "Write Msg plain..." und "Append Msg plain..." ||| | implementiert. Hiermit werden Msgs ohne Kopfinformationen ||| | und Tearline gespeichert. Leerzeilen am Anfang und Ende ||| | der Mail werden ebenfalls nicht gesichert. Ntzlich fr ||| | Internet-Mails mit gesplitteten UUE-Daten. ||| | - Flags im Arealist-Window werden jetzt aktualisiert. ||| | - Msglist-Window zunchst noch gesperrt. ||| | - 17 kleinere Bugs behoben. ||| | ||| | - Tastaturbelegung: Window mit Arealiste ||| | ||| | A-Z,0-9 : Springe zur entsprechenden Area ||| | ESC : Update aller Flags (new,unread,to sysop) ||| | UNDO,^U : Schliee Window ||| | sHOME : Ende der Liste ||| | HOME : Anfang der Liste ||| | s[<>^v] : Seite nach links, rechts, oben, unten ||| | BACKSPACE: Seite nach oben ||| | SPACE : Seite nach unten ||| | RETURN : Selektiere Area ||| | [<>^v] : Zeile nach links, rechts, oben, unten ||| | NUM+ : Zeile nach unten ||| | NUM- : Zeile nach oben ||| | NUM* : Nchste Area mit neuen Msgs ||| | NUM/ : Nchste Area mit ungelesenen Msgs ||| | # : Nchste Area mit Msgs fr den Sysop ||| | ||| | Wichtig: ||| | ||| | - LED.OPT liegt in einem neuen Format vor. Deshalb mssen ||| | alle Einstellungen erneut vorgenommen werden! ||| | ||| +-------------------------------------------------------------+|| \_____________________________________________________________\| +--------------------+ | V1.24 vom 11.12.94 |\ +--+--------------------+-------------------------------------+ | |\ | Neuerungen:  ||| | ||| | - Arealiste und Msgliste kann in ein Window gelegt werden. ||| | - Pfadnamen drfen jetzt lnger als 80 Zeichen sein (jetzt ||| | maximal 128 Zeichen). ||| | - Maximal fnf Windows werden nun verwaltet (vorher 7). ||| | Dieses sollte ausreichen und spart eine Menge Speicher! ||| | - LOCAL-Flag wird bei Forwards in die Netmail gesetzt. ||| | - Arealist-Window-Position wird gesichert, so erscheint ||| | dieses Fenster immer dort, wo es zuletzt auch gestanden ||| | hat. ||| | - Window-Manager neu geschrieben. Windows sind jetzt auch ||| | noch im Hintergrund bedienbar! ||| | - ALT+I: Indent An/Aus, ALT+T: Expandiere TABs ||| | - Limits: (4 MsgWindows, 2 ListWindows, 5000 Msgs, ||| | 5000 Zeilen, 100 Fonts). ||| | ||| | Known Bugs: ||| | ||| | - Die in ein Fenster gelegte Msgliste funktioniert noch ||| | nicht richtig (<=> ziemlich buggy; am besten noch nicht ||| | verwenden). ||| | - Kein Update der Flags der Arealiste und Msgliste im ||| | geffneten Fenster. ||| | ||| | Wichtig: ||| | ||| | - LED.OPT liegt in einem neuen Format vor. Deshalb mssen ||| | alle Einstellungen erneut vorgenommen werden! ||| | Default-Einstellung der Flags wurde leicht verndert. ||| | ||| +-------------------------------------------------------------+|| \_____________________________________________________________\| +--------------------+ | V1.23 vom 7.12.94 |\ +--+--------------------+-------------------------------------+ | |\ | Neuer LED Autor: ||| | ||| | Stephan Slabihoud, Johannesstr.5, 46240 Bottrop ||| | z.Zt. FidoNet: 2:2446/110.6 ||| | Internet: slabbi@kali.rhein-ruhr.de ||| | ||| | Ich habe die Weiterentwicklung vom LED bernommen, da ||| | Volkmar nicht mehr die Zeit hat, den LED zu pflegen. ||| | Wnsche, BugReports, Kritik usw. bitte direkt an mich ||| | senden. ||| | Alle kommenden Versionen werden ausschlielich von mir ||| | "verbrochen" sein. ||| | ||| +-------------------------------------------------------------+|| \_____________________________________________________________\| +--------------------+ | V1.22 vom 09.07.93 |\ +--+--------------------+-------------------------------------+ | nderungen: V.Wieners |\ | ||| | - "Change Msg" immer noch fehlerhaft. Textteile knnen ||| | verschwinden und wieder auftauchen. Anschliessend evtl. ||| | Error. Sollte jetzt endlich wieder ok sein. ||| | mailer[6] + mailer[7] werden bei "Move Msg" und ||| | "Forward Msg" gelscht. ||| | - Bei "Add PRVTUSER.LST" wird jetzt die zu speichernde ||| | Fido-Adresse mit angezeigt. Der Username wird bei Wahl ||| | von "New" in den nchsten Dialog bernommen. ||| | - Neue MsgFlags: ReturnReceipt, IsReceipt und AuditReceipt. ||| | Mssen vom jeweilige Tosser untersttzt werden. ||| | - Probleme beim Schreiben eigener Msgs, wenn in der Areas ||| | Msgs > 32 Kbyte liegen. Bei Behebung das Schreiben ein ||| | bisschen beschleunigt. ||| | ||| +-------------------------------------------------------------+|| \_____________________________________________________________\| +--------------------+ | V1.21 vom 23.06.93 |\ +--+--------------------+-------------------------------------+ | nderungen: V.Wieners |\ | ||| | - "Change Msg" zerstrt die Dialoge, Msg wird nicht richtig ||| | gespeichert (leerer Header), VDI-Probleme, Bus-Error. ||| | - Schalter "Debug Information" in OPTION/SWITCHES erzeugt ||| | Fehlermeldung im Logfile bei Probleme im Msg-Header. ||| | - Schalter "Protect HDRs" (normalerweise immer an!) testet ||| | die Msg-Header auf Inkonsistenzen ab. Stellt man diese ||| | Schalter aus, zeigt der LED auch leere oder defekte ||| | Msg-Header, so da man diese z.B. lschen kann. ||| | ||| +-------------------------------------------------------------+|| \_____________________________________________________________\| +--------------------+ | V1.20 vom 19.06.93 |\ +--+--------------------+-------------------------------------+ | nderungen: V.Wieners |\ | ||| | - Editierbare Quote-Topzeilen ||| | - unabhngiges Edit-Fenster ||| | - Limits erhht (7 Fenster, 4000 Msgs, 4000 Zeilen,...) ||| | - Kommentarverkettung via CRCs (intern) ||| | - erweiterte Msg-Flags ||| | - ab jetzt Shareware ||| | ||| +-------------------------------------------------------------+|| \_____________________________________________________________\| n>t+QN-۹RI&YYab((#A.>oFFтWP_=EVA`/Yzx@U4K> 唿B>i0t$4 MFI k" @0DSc7s$S DO0SJQLcfH8'HitgOL,A靄HnN.#ZQe_ԑ}0 Ӂt+( =d\̴;܉ٱN}],[p-rhSl^SIQ,wݙAX{. \I%s LED user conditions ================================ Copyright of the programms/documentation by V.Wieners (<= LED 1.22). Copyright of the programms/documentation by St.Slabihoud (>= LED 1.23). All rights reserved. It is not allowed to copy it for commercial purpose without the permission of St.Slabihoud. A non-commercial use is allowed under follwing restrictions: 1. The LED package (incl. ALL files) may be copied as often as you want. Make sure that no modifications have been done with the binaries and documents. The package consists of following files: All files are copyright of St.Slabihoud and V.Wieners except files marked with (*) (these files are (c) of Detlev Uecker): Folder LED.xxx\... LED.PRG - The main program LED.RSC - The resource file LED \LED.PRN - Default-Printerdriver (compiled) LED.SCT - Shortcut file LED.FLN - Footline demofile LED.SYS - LED systemfile LED_EXAM.CFG - LED.CFG demofile DRIVER \*.PN - Printerdriver sources MAKE_PRN.ENG - English manual MAKE_PRN.GER - German manual MAKE_PRN.TTP - Compiler for printerdrivers GDOS_FNT \MYBLUE.ENG - English infotxt MYBLUE.GER - German infotext MYBLUE??.FNT - GDOS-Fonts TEXTE \LED_???.ENG - English updatetext LED_???.GER - German updatetext LIZENS.GER - German license text LICENSE.ENG - This text REGISTER.ENG - English registration info REGISTER.GER - German registration info SHORTER \SPCR_CR.TTP - Utility (*) SP_USER.TTP - Utility (*) SPACUSER.TXT - Utility infotext (*) Folder LED.xxx\TEXTE\... HYPERTXT.ENG\*.* - English hypertexts HYPERTXT.GER\*.* - German hypertexts It is only allowed to take a small fee when copying the package. It is not allowed to distribute LED in software-packages like CD-ROM's etc. without the permission of St.Slabihoud! 2. It is only allowed to distribute LED with all files and documents. 3. When LED should be distributed in a package together with other programs you need the consent of St.Slabihoud. 4. It is only allowed to test LED for a few days when no registration fee has been paid. 5. A registration is not assignable to another person. The shareware fee must be paid for each generated key. Members of the same family can ask me for a special price. Address: Stephan Slabihoud Johannesstr.5 D-46240 Bottrop wa0110V#0΄ڟlTi: /L`D5,pPܬ!%DR ^' lAh0MևF<j?x.TCZtH2w r$ޡs7X $P \"$]g.|,/SUki7''%-7$ brackets, where more than one key is needed they are placed next to each other e.g means ALTERNATE and A key must be pressed together. ii) The left/right arrow keys below the help button are shown as <-, -> and the up and down arrow keys will be called cur up and cur down. iii) Menu Options with '...', e.g 'About...' after them indicate that a Dialog Box/Window will be opened or the File Selector will be shown. Options without this will execute immediately. 1) General Information. ----------------------- Led is an editor for FidoNet messages for the Atari ST & Falcon range of computers. It allows you to read, edit and write messages which are imported / exported by your mailer software. If you are not familiar with your mailer software, please consult the documents that came with it as this manual deals only with LED. 2) Files Needed. ---------------- To use LED you must have the following files ... (LED will not run without these files). LED.PRG The program file LED.RSC The resource file LED.CFG,TB.CFG The Box's, Binkleyterm's , or LED's own BINKLEY.CFG configuration file. LED looks for LED.CFG, BINKLEY.CFG then TB.CFG(The Box). AREAS.BBS List of areas, This should already exist with your mailer software. IOSmail/Jetmail/Marsmail etc. LED.SYS The message header information file. You may also use the following files ... LED.SCT A file containing a list of Shortcut text for use with SHIFT-F1 feature. This list can be changed using an ASCII text editor. LED.FLN A file containing Footlines to use with the Random Footline feature. LED will also create the following files if needed ... LED.FKY This contains any text programmed into the function keys and is generated when the list is saved. LED.NEW This contains the last-read pointers for each area and the new/unread/to sysop message pointers. This can be edited by an ASCII text editor if desired. LED.OPT This contains LED options, number and position of open windows, and fonts selected when LED exits. If it doesn't yet exist, it will be created by LED and can be saved on every exit if desired. LED.DLG Contains the co-ordinates of the flying dialogues. LED.LOG If there are problems, this log will be created. LED.PRN This is a printer driver for LED and allows character conversion when printing. If this file is not present LED will use GDOS for printing. NOTE: LED expects to find all but the following files in a Directory named LED. LED.RSC must be where the LED.PRG program file is. LED.NEW may be in the LED directory or in the same directory as the AREAS.BBS file. If it is in the LED directory, IOSMail, Jetmail etc. will not update this file. LED.LOG may be in a different directory as long as this is defined in LED.CFG using Logfile. 3) Starting the program. ------------------------ If LED cannot find the configuration file(s) or AREAS.BBS it will not run. They .CFG must be in the same directory as LED, but AREAS.BBS can be in a seperate directory as long as it is specified in the .CFG file by the MAILERPATH command, or defined with the environment setting MAILER or BINKLEY. If you are having problems with Binkley's or The Box's config. files, please read the documentation that comes with these programs. If you are having problems with LED.CFG please see Appendix C at the end of this manual. Double click on LED.PRG and the program will open a window showing the last read message. If it is the first time the program has run, no window will be open. The first open window will be a Message Window and can be scrolled, resized as necessary using the sliders/size box etc. as a normal GEM window. More about this window later. 4) Menu Functions. ------------------ Next to most menu options there is a keyboard shortcut option shown. They are included in the descriptions below next to the menu choice. e.g (Control and I keys together) will show information about LED. I) LED. ======= a) About... This is a short information box about LED and includes an option to add your registration Key. LED will function fully without a Key but two things will be different :- 1) When your messages are exported, PID will show LED x.xx/unreg instead of LED x.xx! 2) When you exit LED, it draws a logo and pauses for a few seconds before returning to the desktop or program that called LED. Support the Shareware concept, register your copy of LED. b) ACCESORIES. Start these as you would normally from the GEM desktop. II) File. ========= a) Read ASCII... Import an ASCII text file to the current cursor position in an Edit Window only. When selected the file selector will be shown to choose the file. b) Write ASCII... One or more messages can be written to a file in ASCII format. A dialog box is displayed where you can choose/change the message number(s) to be exported in this way. Click on OK and the file selector will be shown to choose the destination path/name. The text will include header information as shown below:- Msg #11 / 1-14 Time: 28 Mar 95 01:26:12 From: Antony Lacey on 90:102/146 To : Stephan Slabihoud on 90:400/410 Subj: Led 1.27 ---------[FidoNetmail]----------------------------------------------- Hiya Stephan, I forgot to mention in my previous message .... c) Append ASCII... The message(s) chosen will be appended to an existing ASCII file with the header information as above intact for each message. The file selector will be shown to choose the destination file on the first occasion, but if a file has already been chosen then the message will automatically be appended to the previously selected file. d) Write Plain... The message(s) will be written to an ASCII file the same as Write ASCII except the header information will not be included. Example:- Hiya Stephan, I forgot to mention in my previous message .... This can be useful if you want to export a message which has been split into several parts, or UUE coded messages. The fileselector is shown to choose the destination path/file. e) Append Plain... The same as Append ASCII except again no message header information is written. f) Read Clipboard When in an Edit Window, text from the clipboard will be inserted at the present cursor position. g) Write Clipboard The current message will be written to the clipboard. Any program which uses the clipboard can then use the message text. h) TOS Shell Start the TOS shell which is defined in LED.CFG. i) Execute... When selected the file selector will be shown and any TOS or GEM program can be run. When you have finished with the chosen program LED will start again automatically and read the configuration file. This means you can change the configuration file with a text-editor, save it, and when LED starts again it will use any changes straight away provided the text editor was run in the above manner. j) Quit If the Rescue Lastread switch is set (see under Options) the LED will save all the new/unread/msg to sysop pointers for each area to LED.NEW before quitting. If the file does not exist, LED will create it. If the save always LED.OPT switch is set, the number of open windows, their positions, the selected fonts and all other options will be saved to LED.OPT. Again, if the file doesn't exist, LED will create it. III) Area. ========== a) Open... Open a Message Window. This will show the Arealist Dialog box/Window depending on which you use, (See under Options) from where you can choose the area to be opened. The Arealist Dialog box will list the areas as defined in your AREAS.BBS file. (See Appendix A for AREAS.BBS information). The areas will be listed in columns of fifteen areas, and sixty on one page. If you have more than 60 areas, a second page will be used for extra areas, a third for over 120 etc. To choose the area you want to view, use the cursor keys or the mouse. A left click on the mouse, or will select the highlighted area and open a Message Window for that area. The cursor keys will wrap at the end of rows and columns, so if you move the cursor to the bottom of a column and press again, the cursor will move to the top of the next column. With over 60 areas, there will be a small right arrow in the bottom right of the Dialog Box pointing to the next page. Click on this with the mouse, or use < -> > to move to the next page. If you have more than 120 areas, the middle page(s) will have a right and left arrow. Just click with the mouse or use < -> > or < <- > to move between the pages. The Arealist Window is similar except all the areas are in one column. If you have '...use description' on in the Options, then the description as defined in AREAS.BBS will be shown next to each area. Using will move up and down the areas, or use the mouse on the scroll bars in the window. The following keys may be used in the Arealist Window / Dialog box: - Close Window * - Start of list * - End of list - Select Area * - Kill Msg - Line up/down < <-/-> > * - Line up/down * - Scroll window up * - Scroll window down * - Scroll window up/down < <-/-> > * - Scroll window left/right * - Change area * - Info about LED * - Open another area

* - Print Message * - Quit LED * - Close Window * - Cycle through open windows * - Write to Clipboard * - Change Msg * - Execute external Program * - Find string * - Find next (string as defined in Alt F) * - Select Windows in Options menu * - Select Quotes in Options menu * - Select Switches in Options menu

* - Add to user list * - Save options * - Search for a User * - Select User Lists in Options menu * - Execute Shell (F1 to F10) * - Execute Shell Fn <8> - 8 point font <9> - 9 point font <0> - 10 point font You can only have four windows open at any one time, and if you try to open a fifth, you will see a dialog box advising you there are no more windows available. Close one or more and try again. If there is already a window open for the area you choose, it will be made the active window, another window will not be opened. If you have four windows open, you can still use the Arealist Window and MsgList window as these are seperate to the four windows mentioned above! At the top of the Message Window is the Status or Information line. This shows information about Options selected from within LED. It is divided into five 'boxes' by the | character. In the left box will be one or more of the following in brackets ... HC This will show if the Header Cache is selected in the Options menu. TE Will show if Text Effects are being used. RC Will show if the Recognise CHRS kludge is set. In the second box it will show one of two things. i) Original Msg if this is the only message or first in a thread. ii) Reply to: xxx where xxx is the number of any messages (it may include more than one message) that this message is a reply to. In the third box the number of the current message will be shown in bold text. This box will also contain the numbers of any messages to the same person in the current thread. In the fourth will be Replies: along with the number of any replies to the current message. In the last will be one of two things. i) Start of Messages. This is the first message in this area. There may be deleted messages in the message area before the current message, but these are not taken into account. ii) End of Messages. This is the last message in this area. Again, any deleted messages will not be counted. If you click the left mouse button on one of the message numbers (apart from the current message) you will move to that message. Pressing help in the Message Window will show two help screens as a reminder of which Keys may be used. In the Message Window the following Key combinations can be used:- <-,-> - previous/next Msg

, - previous/next unread Msg cur up/cur down - line up / down <1 - 9> - goto msg nnnn NUM <->,<+> - prev/next area NUM <*> - next area with new Msg NUM - next area with unread Msg NUM <#> - next area with Msg to sysop NUM <(>,<)> - prev/next Comment (Msg with same subject) NUM <(>,<)> - prev/next original Msg NUM <1> - previous Msg NUM <2> - first Comment from Original Msg NUM <3> - next Msg NUM <4> - previous Comment NUM <6> - next Comment NUM <8> - Original Msg - Reread Msg header - Display next Msg - Display next Msg - Display previous page - Goto Top of Msg - Call ST Guide - Redraw MsgWindow - Cursor up/down one line < <-/-> > - Display previous/next Msg - Screen up/down one page < <-/-> > - Screen left/right - Quote to Netmail (English) - Quote to area - Quote Msg - Goto End of Msg - List Messages in Dialog only - Append Plain - Edit Header - Write Plain - Change area - Enter Msg - Foreward Msg - Goto Msg - Delete Flags - Info about LED - Quote to another area - Set Flags - List Messages (in Dialog or Window as set) - Move Msg - Quote to Netmail (native language) - Open another area

- Print Message - Quit LED - Reply to Msg - Quote Msg in reply - Close Window - Cycle through open windows - Kill current Msg - Show Schortcut file (LED.SCT) - Short MsgInfo - Change Sysop Name - Sort Headerfile by date (this area only) - Print Msg with Formfeed - Set Lastread pointer to maximum (this area only) - Set ALL Lastread pointers to maximum - Delete all unread / to sysop flags - Append ASCII - Write to Clipboard - Change Msg - Execute external Program - Find string - Find next (string as defined in Alt F) - Edit Header Flags - Select Windows in Options menu - Select Quotes in Options menu - Select Switches in Options menu

- Add to user list - Save options - Search for a User - Write ASCII - Select User Lists in Options menu - Execute Shell (F1 to F10) - Execute Shell Fn <1> - Refresh Windows <2> - Show Text attributes (text effects on/off) <3> - Show Comment Tree <4> - Show ^MSGID / ^REPLY / ^REPLYTO <5> - Show ^EID / ^PID / ^TID <6> - Show other ^A lines <7> - Toggle 'Recognize ^CHRS/CHARSET' <8> - 8 point font <9> - 9 point font <0> - 10 point font b) Change... This will show the Arealist and allows you to choose a new area. Once chosen, it will show any messages in the new area in the existing active window. In effect, it closes the previous area and opens the new, but only uses one window. c) Cycle... This will show each of the open windows in turn. If there are less than two open windows the option is disabled.  d) Close... This will close the current active window. This is the same as clicking on the GEM Close box in the top left of the window. IV) Message. ============ All these options relate to the currently active Message Window or Area. If there are no open areas, all of the options are disabled. The following keys can be used in this window/dialog box :- (Options marked * are ONLY available in the Window, NOT the dialog box) - Update of all flags (new/unread/to sysop) - Close Window * - Start of list * - End of list - Select Msg (undelete killed msg) * - Kill Msg - Line up/down < <-/-> > * - Line up/down NUM <-/+> * - Line up/down * - Scroll window up * - Scroll window down * - Scroll window up/down < <-/-> > * - Scroll window left/right NUM <1> - previous Msg NUM <2> - first Comment from Original Msg NUM <3> - next Msg NUM <4> - previous Comment NUM <6> - next Comment NUM <8> - Original Msg * - Change area * - Goto Msg * - Info about LED * - Open another area

* - Print Message * - Quit LED * - Close Window * - Cycle through open windows - Kill current Msg * - Write to Clipboard * - Change Msg * - Execute external Program * - Find string * - Find next (string as defined in Alt F) * - Select Windows in Options menu * - Select Quotes in Options menu * - Select Switches in Options menu

* - Add to user list * - Save options * - Search for a User * - Select User Lists in Options menu * - Execute Shell (F1 to F10) * - Execute Shell Fn <8> - 8 point font <9> - 9 point font <0> - 10 point font The mouse can also be used with the scroll bars as normal to scroll through the messages. a) List This will show the Msglist Window/Dialog Box depending on which you have chosen (See Options). It is a list of all the messages in the current area. A list of items will be shown ... '#:' message number, 'From:', 'To:', and 'Subject:'. On the left side of the window/box are arrows that indicate if a message is to or from the sysop. An inverted arrow pointing right is to, an arrow pointing left is from the sysop. Messages which have been deleted are shown in faded characters and cannot be selected with the mouse. You can select them with the cursor keys though, and once selected, if you press return, the message will be restored and shown. To choose a message, select it with the cursor keys or mouse, then press return. b) Goto... Displays a Dialog Box in which you can choose which number message to go to. Enter the number of the message and click on OK or press return. If you enter a number which is lower than the first message available, you will be taken to the first available message. If you enter a number higher than the last available message, you will be taken to that message instead. You can call this Dialog Box from a Message Window by pressing any number on the keyboard number block. c) Foreward... Displays a Dialog box which allows you to input the name and address of some-one who you wish to foreward the current message to. You can search in any of the Userlists defined in the Options menu if needed. When you have the correct name/address click on OK or press return, and the message will be sent to the recipient next time you export your messages. d) Move... With this function you can move, or copy, one or more messages into another area. A Dialog Box is displayed which is similar to the Arealist Dialog Box, but has a few extra choices. At the top there are From: and To: boxes which should have the present message number in. If you want to move a different message, or several messages, just change the numbers in these boxes. [ will delete the numbers ] At the base of the box there are two boxes :- 'Keep Copy': Normally, the message will be moved to the chosen  area and the existing message will be deleted. If you choose this option a copy of the message will stay in the original area. 'Foreward': The message gets a new recipient. After you choose the new area, a Dialog Box is shown where you can input their name, and if the message is to be sent by Netmail, the new address as well. e) Print

The currently displayed message will be sent to the printer. You can choose wether to have form feed on or off, (See Options) and you can use to print with form feed if you normally have this switched off. If the printer is not on-line then a Dialog Box will be shown to warn you. f) Set Flag... A Dialog box will be shown which allows you to set any of the following Flags for the current message :- Deleted Crash HostRoute Kill/Sent Hold Locked InTransit Orphan Received Private Archive Sent ReturnReceipt Read TruncFileSent IsReceipt Sent KillFileSent AuditRequest Local Direct MausMsg WithFile Zonegate FixedAddress g) Del Flag... The same as Set Flag except it deletes the chosen Flags. V) Edit. ======== All of these options, except enter message, relate to the current message. Each will open an Edit Window in which you can enter/change the contents of a message. a) Enter Msg Write a message in the currently selected area. the From: line will already contain your name as entered in the configuration file. The following keys/combinations are available in the Edit Window :- - Cut/Paste Line - Tab across line - New line - Delete character under cursor - Delete character to the left of cursor - Insert/Overwrite - Goto Top of Msg - Call ST Guide - Undeletes the last deleted line of text. - Cursor up/down one line < <-/-> > - Cursor left/right - Screen up/down one page < <-/-> > - Start/End of line - Goto End of Msg - Hard format paragraph (until empty line) - Hard delete paragraph (until empty line) < <-/-> > - Word left/right - Change area - Begin/end of Block - Copy Block - Delete Block Marks / Hide Block - Clear Buffer - Info about LED - Add line to buffer - Open another area - Quit LED - Save Msg - End Edit (Shows a Dialog Box for Abort/Save) - Paste Block - Cycle through open windows - Cut Block - Delete one line or - Abort Msg - Delete with wrapping - Use Shortcut file (LED.SCT) or - Abort Msg - Edit To: line - Find string - Find next (string as defined in Alt F) - Indent On/Off - Select Windows in Options menu - Select F-Keys in Options menu - Read from clipboard - Select Fonts in Options menu (NetMail Only) - Edit Address - Select Switches in Options menu - File Request - Read ASCII text - Edit Subject - Expand Tabs - Search for a User (NetMail Only) - Edit Msg Flags - Soft format paragraph (until ) - Carbon Copy message - Undelete line (F1 to F10) - Insert text as defined in Options F-Keys 1 to 10. - Insert text as defined in Options F-Keys 11 to 20. Firstly, you need to enter the name of the person who the message is to be sent to. In Netmail if you press without entering any name you can choose a name from your PrivateUserList. Use to scroll through the list and to select the name you want. Press to select the name highlighted and the name and address will appear on the To: field. There are three ways to enter a name manually :- 1) Enter the initials of your recipient. Press and a LED will search the Userlist(s) (as defined under Options). If the name is found a Dialog Box will be shown with the name and Node number in. If LED finds more than one match then a Dialog box will list the choices. Use the scroll bars to move up and down, and the cursor keys or the mouse to select the name you want. Click on Ok and the name and Node number will be input into the To: field in your Msg. 2) Enter the first and last name of the recipient. You must use the first three letters of each name ... e.g Ste Sla will look for Steven Slabihoud but also Stephan Slater (if there were both in the userlist). If there is more than one alternative LED will show the Dialog Box for you to make your choice. 3) Enter the last name only (minimum 3 characters) of the recipient. The Dialog box will again be shown if there is more than one choice. In an EchoMail area, pressing will enter 'All' as the name or else input the name manually. You can use either of the two methods above to search for a name but the Node number will not be shown. Simply enter the name or initials then click on the name and LED will search the UserList(s) as in NetMail. Secondly you need to input a Subject. Just type in whatever the subject is to be and press . Now you will be in the message editor. Type in your message and when you have finished press to save it or use Save Msg in the Edit menu. If you want to change the name of the person it is to be sent to, or the Subject, click on the line with the left mouse button and a Dialog Box will be shown for you to alter the details. NOTE: In the Netmail area, the PRIVATE flag is automatically set. Also in the Netmail area only, if you press then you will be able to change the Message Flags, e.g send Crash or with a file attached. You can abort the message at any time and it will not be saved. A saved message will be sent the next time you Poll. If you have the text effects set (See Options) you can change the text attributes in messages you send. You can make text bold, italic, or underlined. To do this you must use on of the following characters before AND after the word(s) you wish to change :- * bold / italic _ <-> underlined Any text in between these characters will be changed when you save the message (the effect is not visible in the Edit Window). So you can use this to change a whole line of text, but the second character must be used or else the text will not change. You cannot use the effects over more than one line, so if you want two lines underlined for example, you must use the _ at the beginning and the end of each line to be changed. Example .... This *is* a _sentence_ would appear with the word 'is' in bold, and the word 'sentence' underlined. The text effects can be combined in one sentence, so putting ... This */is a sentence/* would appear withe the words 'is a sentence' in italics AND underlined b) Reply Msg Reply to the current message on the same subject. The address and subject of the current message are automatically entered into your reply and the cursor is positioned in the text area. You can choose wether to add 'Re:' to the subject line to indicate a reply (See Options). Other than this the Edit Window is the same as for 'Enter Msg' c) Quote Msg This is the same as 'Reply Msg' except you can quote the text of the original message along with your reply. You can choose wether to use '>' or 'XY>' in the quoted lines(See Options), or wether to add a heading line such as :- "In a Message of 27th March 1995 ..." All quoted lines will be reformatted in the Edit Window. LED will try to fill out a line as completely as possible, but the line length can be altered. (See Options). Other than this the Edit Window is the same as for 'Enter Msg' d) Quote to Netmail This is identical to to 'Quote Msg' except the message will be written to the Netmail area when saved. Also the recipients address is added in the To: line (as long as the Origin is correct) and the Private flag is set. Other than this the Edit Window is the same as for 'Enter Msg' e) Quote to Area As 'Quote to Netmail' except the AreaList will be shown first for you to choose which area the message will be written to when saved. Other than this the Edit Window is the same as for 'Enter Msg' f) Change Msg A new message will be created with the contents of the current message and you will be put into the message editor. When you save the message the original will be deleted. Other than this the Edit Window is the same as for 'Enter Msg' g) Carbon Copy Only available in Netmail, this allows you to send copies to many recipients while only having to type the message once. You will be shown a Dialog Box where you can enter the names of whoever you wish to send the message to, and the UserList option can be used in the same way as for Entering a message. You can use this at any time during editing of a Netmail. h) Abort Msg or Your editing session is aborted and the edited message is not saved. You will be returned to the message from which you entered your editing session. i) Save Msg Your message will be saved as the last message in the current area, and you will be returned to the message from which you entered your editing session. VI) Block. ========== These functions are only available when you are in an Edit Window. a) Begin/End The current line will be marked as Block Begin, or if one already exists as Block End. The line number is displayed in the Status Line. The selected block is displayed in faded text. It is also possible to mark the block by using the mouse. b) Del Marks Any existing block marks will be removed. Any faded text will revert to normal display. c) Cut The currently selected block will be copied to an internal buffer, and removed from the message being edited. d) Copy The currently selected block will be copied to an internal buffer, but the message being edited will not be changed. e) Paste The contents of the internal buffer will be placed into the message being edited, beginning at the cursor position. If a block has been marked, but not 'Cut' or 'Copied' then the selected block will be copied to begin at the cursor position. f) Indent Auto-indent is turned on/off. Auto indent allows you to set a 'left margin'. To use the auto-indent feature, switch it on in the Edit Window, use the or key to move the cursor a few spaces to the right, now press . The cursor only returns to the next line below the current cursor position (i.e NOT to the first column). The cursor will return to this position each time you press until auto-indent is turned off. g) Ext TAB If Tabs exist, they will be replaced by the number of spaces set in the 'Window...' option under Options. You can use this to alter text imported as ASCII into a message. h) Append a line of text to the buffer. You may add more than one line to the buffer and use to paste them all into a message. NOTE: A block which has been cut will be lost when using this option. i) Clears the buffer. Any cut/copied block or line from will be lost. VII) Options. ============= Here is where you set the Options you wish to use in LED. These are saved in the LED.OPT file, then loaded in each time LED starts. If this doesn't exist then LED uses default values. a) Switches... i) Save always LED.OPT Save the options into LED.OPT file every time LED quits. This saves the window positions and sizes. It means that if you have changed some of the Options while using LED, they will be kept for the next time you run the program. You may want to switch this off if you have had problems and now have everything working ok. ii) Save Dialog Positions. Saves the positions of the Dialog Boxes when exiting LED. The positions are saved to the LED.DLG file. iii) Header Cache (HC) When active, LED will load the header (.HDR) file of the current area into memory. This increase the speed of program operations. (HC) is displayed on the left of the Status Line in the Message Window when Header-Cache is active. iv) Rescue Lastreads This will save the Lastread pointers when you exit an area. This makes sure the NewMsg Flag is not deleted. v) AreaList Window. You can choose to have the AreaList in a window instead of it's Dialog Box with this option. In the window the areas are listed in one column, instead of in multiple columns as in the Dialog Box. vi) ...show description. (With AreaList window only) This will show the description of the area as entered in the -Desc flag in AREAS.BBS. If you have no description entered then it will be left blank in the AreaList Window. vii) ...autoclose window. (With AreaList window only) Closes the Arealist window as soon as you have selected an area. viii) MsgList Window. You can choose to have the MessageList in a window instead of it's Dialog Box with this option. In the window the areas are listed in one column, instead of in multiple columns as in the Dialog Box. ix) ...autoclosewindow. The MsgList Window will be closed automatically when a window has been selected. x) ...use Comment-Tree (With MsgList window only) Shows the messages using the comment tree to sort the replies so they appear with the original message. If this option is not active then the list will appear in numerical order only. xi) Netmail address correction. This allows you to send a NetMail with a certain address (if you have more than one Zone address for instance). This has been tested with JetMail beta 11 (and higher) but may not work with other mail tossers. This feature will not normally be needed. If you have only ONE address for each Zone then it will be better to leave it off. When the 'Fixed Address' flag is set (see ) and this option is active, then the current message will be sent with the address input with the message. NOTE: You must check yourself that the correct origin is used. xii) ...set 'FIXED_ADDRESS' flag This only works if you have the above option active. It sets the Fixed_Address flag automatically in every NetMail message. You must make sure that you have the correct origin in the message yourself. E.g .... if your main address is FidoNet, and you send a Netmail to someone in NeST, you will need to change the origin from Fido to NeST yourself, otherwise it will remain the Fido address. This flag instructs the mail tosser to leave the Origin address as it is and not to alter it. xiii) Hide ^MSGID/REPLY{TO} Hide the MsgID and Reply/To header information. Makes the message text clearer. xiv) Hide ^PID/TID/EID Hide the PID/TID/EID header information. Makes the message text clearer. xv) Hide other ^A lines. Hide the ^PATH lines. This hides the routing information of the message and makes the end of the message text clearer. xvi) Hide SEEN_BYs Hide the SEEN-BY information in all messages. xvii) Always use ^REPLYTO LED will use the ^REPLYTO statement in the message header with this switch on. It will set the correct destination address in the message and sets the correct name of the gate in the To: line of the message. xviii) Always use ^REPLYADDR LED uses the ^REPLYADDR statement in the message header. This will create "To: internet destination email-address" in the first msg line. Note: REPLYTO sets the ADDRESS/NAME OF THE GATE in the msg header, REPLYADDR creates the "To: address" line used for internet addressing through the gate. xix) Always extend Tabs With this switch set, when you import any ascii text file, any TAB characters will be automatically extended to the number of spaces set in the 'Window...' option in the Options menu. xx) Delete new Msg flag. LED will delete all NewMsg Flags when it exits. When started again there will be no '*' shown in the Arealist Window. xxi) Smart Redraw This suppresses some window redraws. xxii) Add Formfeed This will send a formfeed character at the end of a message when when printing using

. xxiii) Show 'CR' Will show any carriage returns (new lines) in a message. xxiv) Add Re: Will add Re: to the beginning of the subject line when you reply to a message. xxv) ...'Re^n' style If your reply is to a message with Re: already in the subject line, this will add 'Re^2 instead of Re: Re: ... if there is already a number in the subject line, then this will be incremented by 1. E.g reply to Re^4 would be Re^5 etc. xxvi) Num-block Graphics This enables you to use Graphics in messages (High-Ascii). The number keys on the seperate number block will draw graphics instead of inputting numbers. The ()/*-+ keys remain the same, also the number keys on the 'main' keyboard remain unaltered. xxvii) Text Effects (/*-) This switches the text effects on and off. These can be used when replying to messages, and will show any existing text effects in the current message. xxviii) ...also on printer. If you have the LED.PRN file you can have text effects shown when printing the current message. This allows you to switch the feature off if you don't wish to use it. xxix) in Netmail-area. When active, the to ae conversion will not be done, so allowing the umlaut to be used in Netmail messages. Normally when the key is pressed, ae is automatically substituted. xxx) in EchoMail-Area. When active, the to ae conversion will not be done, so allowing the umlaut to be used in Echomail messages. Normally when the key is pressed, ae is automatically substituted. xxxi) Recognize ^CHRS Recognises the Charset kludge in messages. This allows other character sets to be used such as French, German, Italian, Portugese, Spanish, Swedish or Uk. Also Latin-1, IBMPC and ASCII character sets may be converted. xxxii) Deadkeys This allows you to use umlauts etc. in echomail messages. When the keys are selected, then if you press that key it will not be shown. But if the following key will allow it then it will put the corresponding character above/below that letter. e.g if you have the " set in Deadkeys .... when you press the " it will not be shown, but if you then press the letter a you will get the character. If you press " then w you will see "w as there is no such character as a w with an umlaut. [Hint ... , works with c and / with o !!] xxxiii) GEM infoline. Some people dislike LED's own infoline in the MsgWindow, refered to as the Status Line . Now you can tell LED to use the original GEM-Infoline in that window. This switch will be active when LED is restarted. Note: When using the original GEM infoline you might not be able to click on the msg number in the infoline to select a msg. If so click under the msg number. The actual msg number is displayd '*n*'. xxxiv) Random Footline. This switches the rendom footline for ALL areas except those with the flag -NoRandomFootline in your AREAS.BBS file. You can add random footlines to individual areas by leaving this switch off and adding -RandomFootline to each area you want it to be active for in AREAS.BBS. (See Appendix A for how to use the flag). b) Window... A Dialog box will be shown with the following options:- i) Maximum Window Columns Here you can set how many columns you use in a Message Window. Any change will only take effect when the window is redrawn or changed. ii) Maximum Edit Columns Here you can set how many columns you use in a Edit Window. As with the Message Window, any change will only show when the window is redrawn or changed. iii) Edit-Window Tabsize. Set the number of spaces you want a TAB character to be replaced with. You can choose between 1 & 9. c) Quote... A dialog box will open to let you choose how your replies will look. i) Prefix: You can choose how the quoted message will be shown, with just a '>' at the beginning of each line, or with 'XY>', where XY is replaced with the initials of the sender. ii) Topline: When quoting messages, you can get LED to add a line to the beginning of the message automatically. Here you choose what language this will be in, English, German, detect which, or none at all if you don't want to use this feature. On the right hand side are options you can use to add names etc. to this line. So if you wish to use the senders name in the top line of your reply you can put '%f %F' ( as the original was from them) on the text line and LED will replace this with the correct name each time it uses this line. You can use the following options: %f Sender's first name %F Sender's last name %a Sender's address %t Recipient's first name (recipient of ORIGINAL message) %T Recipients last name %o Sender's complete name %O Recipients complete name %d Date in format 14 Apr 95 %D Date in format 14.04.95 %z Time 21:13:45 %a Area e.g N.SUP.LED (of the ORIGINAL message) %s Subject %n Text of Function Key n (as defined in Options menu), e.g %1 = text of F1. n may be any number from 1 to 20. iii) Set cursor: This will place the cursor on the first line of the quoted part of the original message.. Without this set, the cursor will be placed at the beginning of the topline of the message. Not very useful unless you want to change your Topline all the time. iv) Free Editable: Instead of using the text in the Topline box, you can use your own text as entered in the lines at the bottom of the Dialog Box. 1.Line: Native / 2.Line: Native to area: Here you can define the text used when quoting to messages in your native language. This is active when the Topline option 'In einer Nachrict...' is selected. The second line is different text used for when quoting to another area, or to Netmail. At present it only works when quoting from an EchoMail area, not from Netmail, from Netmail line 1 is used. There are 2 seperate lines to allow the use of the original area name to be added when quoting to other areas. Of course you would not want this in all messages. 2.Line: English / 2.Line: English to area: The same as above only these are used when the 'In a message...' Topline option is set. Makes it easier to quote in Echomail areas that accept English only. (If you don't normally speak English that is!) v) No Topline in Netmail: This will suppress the Topline when quoting in the Netmail area. vi) No compression: This will prevent LED from removing spaces in Quoted lines .. e.g If the original message contains the following lines: This is an example ^^^^^^^ (This line is the one that is affected) Normal Quoting would show this: XY> This is an example XY> ^^^^^^^ (Note it is not underneath the word 'example', but shifted to the left). With the No Compression feature turned on it will look like this: XY> This is an example XY> ^^^^^^^ (it is now positioned correctly). d) Comment... <7> This opens an additional Dialog Box that allows you to choose the following options. i) Show Comment link in info Line. ( <3> will also show this box) ii) NumPad keys in comment tree mode. iii) Comment tree uses Mailer [0 - 3] i) Show Comment link in info Line. ( <3> will also show this box) Turns the comment tree information on and off. If it is on then the information will be shown in the Status Line at the top of a Message Window. The comment tree shows if the current message is linked to any others. ii) NumPad keys in comment tree mode. Allows you to use the keys on the number pad to follow the comment tree. The following keys are available in this mode: <1> - previous Msg <2> - first Comment from Original Msg <3> - next Msg <4> - previous Comment <6> - next Comment <8> - Original Msg iii) Comment tree uses Mailer [0 - 3] This allows LED to use the comment tree information from the Mailer fields in the Msg header (i.e not the Qbbs fields). This must be used when you are using a 'new' mail tosser such as IOSMail or JetMail. e) Userlist... This will open a Dialog Box which will allow you to choose up to six userlists to search for names etc. You may have your own list (usually PRVTUSER.LST) with frequently used names/addresses in and you may also use a list generated by a nodelist complier (e.g FIDOUSER.LST from BTNC). Double click on a line with the mouse and the fileselector will allow you to chose the list(s) you require. The format for your private list is as follows .... Slabihoud, Stephan 90:400/410 Blackburn, Charles 151:151/0 Areafix 90:102/140 f) Fonts... . A Dialog Box will open which allows you to choose the font and point size for each seperate type of Window. If GDOS is active a small piece of text will show this. To change the font click on the box on the right of the font name. Any fonts which are available will be shown and the font that is used will be the one currently selected. Use the same method to choose the font size with the small box to the right of the point size numbers. There are three other choices that can be made. Quote: Normal or thick. This allows you to choose wether quoted parts of the message appear in normal or bold text. Block: Reverse or Highlighted. This changes the appearence of any chosen block. Only Monospaced Fonts. Only allows monospaced fonts! g) F-Keys... . A Dialog box will open and allow you to enter text to assign to each Function Key. You may enter up to 20 key assignments. The Dialog box also shows you the options you may use to include names etc. in the text. If the text including these options exceeds the length of one line in the Edit Window, it will be wrapped onto the next line. If you wish to include carriage returns in your F-Keys, simply use and this will insert a new line command. IMPORTANT: If you don't want to lose your clever effects, use SAVE! This will save the contents of the Function Keys to the file LED.FKY so you may use them every time you load LED. h) Save . This will save all your chosen options in the file LED.OPT. VIII) Extras. ============= a) Msg-Header... This opens a Dialog Box which shows you some information about the message header. It also allows you to change the header information and write it back to the .HDR file if you require. b) ...flags This will show a Dialog Box with the Flags for the current message in the Msg-Window. You may change any of the Flags and write the changes to the .HDR file. For an explanation of the Flags see Appendix B at the end of this manual. c) File Request... You can use LED to generate file requests. A Dialog Box will open allowing you to enter the node from which you want the file from. Also the name of the file and any password you may need. There are a further two options to select which files are generated and where they are put. Create Dummy Flowfile. If this is selected, a 0 byte .OFT file will be generated as well as the .ORT file with the file request in. Select Domain. If you have more than one Domain that you collect mail from, you can use this to ensure the file request is put into the appropriate Outbound folder. If the folder does not exist then a Dialog Box will be shown to tell you and the file request will not be generated. Click on Make File to generate the files necessary for the request. d) Add PRVTUSER.LST

Use this to add the name in the From: field of the existing message to your Private User list. You can add any address to this file (point addresses, areafix/filefix etc.). e) Find in USERLIST If you need to find the address of someone while in a message, use this option to search the userlists as defined in the Options menu. Enter the required name or abbreviations and click on Userlist (or use the userlist is searched. When you have finished click on Ok or press return to go back to the Window you were in. This feature may be used from any Window, including the MsgList and Arealist windows. f) Find String... This allows you to search for a text string in the current message area. You can specify wether to search in the To:, From:, Subject fields or in the message text for a string. Three options are also available in the options at the base of the Dialog Box: Backwards: This will search backwards in the specified area. Once an area has been searched forwards to the end, this option will automatically be selected for the next search. Inside Current Message: The search will only be made in the currently selected message. Use Allquantor (*): You may use the * as a wildcard for the search. E.g in the To: field, putting Ste* will find Stephen, Steve, Steven and Stephan. You may also search using the following method ... St*en ... will search for the same as above. If you use this the search will be noticeably slower. g) Find Same Search for the same string as selected in Find String. IX) Help. ========= a) Msg Window This shows a list of all the keys available in the Message Window. There are two screens of keys for this window. Click on NEXT to get to the second screen. b) Edit Window. This shows a list of all the keys available in the Edit Window. c) Dialogs. This shows a list of all the keys available in the Dialog Boxes. d) Comment Tree. This shows a list of all the keys available in the Comment Tree. e) Shortcut This is a list of text that can be used in the Edit Window to insert frequently used text. It is similar to the Function Keys except you can't use the options for adding names, dates etc. Any text may be included on each line, there is no set pattern. A short example is shown here ... AFAIC As Far As I'm Concerned AFK Away From Keyboard Antony ... the All At Sea Sysop Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year A maximum of 38 characters is allowed on each line. You may also use ascii text files with the following format: -My footer, F:\TEXT\FOOTER.TXT on it's own line will use the text of the file Footer.Txt. The - is necessary to let LED know this is a file, otherwise the line will be input as it is typed! The text after the - is purely for your own reference and may be left out if desired, e.g -, F:\TEXT\FOOTER.TXT will do the same as the example above. ========================================================================= Appendix A AREAS.BBS ---------------------- Important: The NETMAIL area must be the first area in AREAS.BBS. LED takes the first area to be Netmail. (AutoAddAreas in IOSMail 0.89 sometimes changes the order of AREAS.BBS and puts it at the end of the file) The following is a list of AREAS.BBS flags that LED can use. -Latin1 -Latin1small Converts some German characters (useful for German Usenet echoes). -Desc e.g -Desc LED Support (for N.SUP.LED) Gives the description of a message area as used in MsgList Window -FixedAddress LED will set the correct address for this area. The 'Fixed Address' flag will be set automatically. -FootlineFile LED creates a random footline for that area taken from (same format as LED.FLN). -ForcePVT LED will automatically set the Private flag in echomail -IgnoreNewMsgFlag LED ignores the NewMsg Flag so it shows no '*' for this area in the Arealist window. -IgnoreUnreadFlag LED ignores the Unread Flag so it shows no '/' for this area in the Arealist window. -Invisible Area is invisible. Similar to PassThrough. -Maus Area is a MausNet area. -NoRandomFootline LED creates no random footline for that area. -PassThrough LED does not show messages in this area. The message area is for another system. This can replace the DAREAS.BBS, but use that file if your mail tosser supports it. -QUOTE_ENGLISH Adds the free editable topline in English. -QUOTE_MSG Adds the topline "In a Msg from ... " -QUOTE_NACHRICHT Adds the topline "In einer Nachricht ..." -QUOTE_NATIVE Adds the free editable topline in your own language. -QUOTE_NON No topline when quoting for this area. {These QUOTE_ flags over ride the choices set in the Options, Quote menu for this particular area only}. -RandomFootline LED creates a random footline for that area taken from LED.FLN. If you add a filename in the optional parameter, the footline will be taken from that file instead of LED.FLN. So you may have seperate Footlines for each area. -Umlaut Allows the umlaut to be used in messages in this area. If this is not used will be replaced by ae, by oe etc. -Visible May be used with -Passthrough. Makes the message area visible again in LED. ========================================================================= Appendix B Message Flags -------------------------- This is a list of Message Flags and their meanings. N means allowed in Netmail E means allowed in EchoMail L means only allowed in Local Mail Private NE This message is Private and can only be seen by the sender and Recipient. Sent NEL Message has been exported by the Mail Tosser. Read NE Message has been read. (Shouldn't this be Displayed!). Local NE Message was written on this system (i.e not imported). Deleted NE Message has been marked as deleted (normally only the mail tosser will actually delete it). Crash NL Message will be crashed (i.e not routed through other systems) to the recipient. Hold NL Message will be 'on hold'. The recipient must call this system to collect this message. Direct NL Message will be sent direct to the Recipient (very much like crash). Immediate NL Again similar to crash. ArchivSent NEL Message will be moved to the Archive area after being exported by the Mail Tosser. Kill/Sent NL Message will be deleted after being exported. Orphan N The Mail Tosser has no routing information for this message. InTransit N Message is being routed to another system and is not intended for this system. Received NE The message has been received by the recipient. HostRoute NL Send Netmail through the Host/Hub of the recipient. ZoneGate NL Send Netmail through the ZoneGate. ReturnReceipt N The recipient is to send a Return Receipt. IsReceipt N Message is the return receipt. AuditRequest N Every system that routes this Netmail is to send a Return Receipt. Signature Locked NE Message is locked. It will not be exported or deleted. Fixed Address NEL The Origin address will not be changed by the Mail Tosser. Gated NE Message has been locally gated. With/File N Message has a File attached to be routed with it. Note: some systems will not route attached files. TruncFileSent NL The file will be truncated to 0 bytes after it has been exported. i.e it is NOT deleted. KillFileSent NL The file will be deleted when sent. CreateFlowFile N A flow file is created from the message text. FileRequest N The message is a file request. The filenames are contained in the subject line seperated by spaces. MausMsg. This shows a number of extra flags that are for use in MausNet. They are included so that when Mail Tossers can deal with MausNet mail they may be used. ========================================================================= Appendix C LED Configuration file ----------------------------------- To enable LED to be used in a seperate directory (without using an environment variable) you can use a file called LED.CFG to specify the paths etc. for LED to use. The following statements are needed. Statement | Example ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYSOP name | SYSOP Antony Lacey This must be the same as used for the registration Key. ADDRESS address [fakenet] | ADDRESS 90:102/146.0@nest.ftn This must be the same as used for the registration Key. LOGFILE filename | LOGFILE C:\LED.LOG Needed if you want LED.LOG in any directory other than LED directory. NETMAIL filename | F:\MESSAGE\MAIL\NETMAIL The path and file name, but without the .HDR / .MSG extension. HOLD path | F:\OUTBOUND This should be the Outbound path used by the Mail Tosser as the File Requests files will be put here. SHELL program | F:\PROG\GULAM.PRG If you want to use an external shell from within LED this statement defines the path and name of the program you want to use. The following files are Optional: MAILER path | F:\MESSAGE\ This is similar to the Environment setting and points to the directory where AREAS.BBS is kept. AKASYSOP name | AKASYSOP Antony Lacey {EM} ( To use this option in Binkley.CFG use APPLICATION AKASYSOP e.g APPLICATION AKASYSOP Antony Lacey {EM} ) Can be used to define an alternative Sysop name. It MUST be defined AFTER the Sysop statement. Up to four names may be used, but they must begin with the name as defined in the Sysop statement. i.e the above would be accepted but Antony Jones would not be accepted. Normally used to distinguish between messages posted by the Sysop or posted in an alternative position e.g Echo Moderator The alternative names can be selected by using in the MessageList window. ========================================================================= Appendix D Function Key Macros -------------------------------- Attention! For experts only! (You have been warned!!) It is possible to use macros assigned to the function keys. This is not(!) trivial, so be careful about using it! A macro that is only allowed in the EditWindow can be defined as follows: %[keylist] and when it is only allowed in the MsgWindow: &[keylist] macros for both windows can be defined with: $[keylist] "Keylist" is a list in the following format: SSAAK SS=Scancode AA=ASCII-Code K =Status (1=RShift,2=LShift,4=Ctrl,8=Alt) You must use that format exactly! The codes (in hex) are seperated with commas. NOTE: LED may crash if you make a mistake using this feature!! NOTE: his feature does not allow combinations to be used. Here are two small examples: e.g. for F1: %[21064,30024,2d184,21064]. will do the same as pressing Keys: and again ... and will erase the text from the cursor to the end of the message. and for F2: &[1e014,47000,1c0d0] will do the same as pressing Keys: and will select the first area (Netmail area). 2=:Dqho#Kw_QZ5`Vwlq #X=>z|ڜ<\H@dS sQŶx@˩kJ D6j23ńNE,(܈;H_ \k(B;^)if*,2Da/>] JhoRBWU^aK|D *$DM 50,-) because of the costs of the transfer. My address: Stephan Slabihoud Johannesstr.5 D-46240 Bottrop G e r m a n y 3) Another way is to use the "Direct bank transfer". This is the slowest way to pay and it is very expensive, but if you want to do so, send the money to: Bank: Stadtsparkasse Bottrop Bank code: 424 512 20 SWIFT code: WELA DE 3 D Account: 768 366 (Stephan Slabihoud) Please add DM 10,- (~$7), because of the costs of the transfer. 4) When you want to pay cash, please send the money in a registered letter! You should use (2) or (4), because it is the fastest way. You will get the key(s) crash directly after the cheque/money arrives me. It is more productive to send money for at least two keys (perhaps a friend wants to register, too) or more. But you can get only one key as well. So you must pay the tranfer costs only once! It is very important that you send me your correct name (the name used after the SYSOP-statement in Binkley.Cfg), and your address(es) (if possible: email and snailmail). I need your name to create the key and the address for my "registered user" list. *** Please write your name READABLE! *** ========================================================================== (c) Stephan Slabihoud, Johannesstr.5, D-46240 Bottrop, Germany ========================================================================== GuWw9#,E Ăm:z9A8s CL9 ȓG_Ep|tB2vG pxH [YW. t"z$+s4A5%ۨqQ roM8jd ׀}*F{p5UN+h}4=ƥ}^V1tY TuъT>yB d=:G %+Ɠx Oɚo'LPpF!\%X$z+튜?ݮŽr+Ƭո5YP=QKC9䀦E E*(#u)թqW^EW MVQtW-/ZG "C KlEj6^"xJ;q5aȀvGyWftdB *9fzb iSL&x ^N蹑V& ,LQlz?XPV,f({5a|{i<[j"˪ ݋,XR,^RشE:Y*ܧދs /`L```_@>>>> PURE-C <<<< for ATARI-ST Version 1.0 (C)88-90 Borland International &H f&op`B@#_x3_| k #_ Ј<.@?#_~Jy_|g<"@(I$k,"Jf"JfB// ?<?<JNAO A<~kRrRAfA6<HCBB`6 !jBJ)gHiRC` "fSI "WSAkHiRCBSQJ)gHiRCHy`$ON0 J"LN? 9g @N 9g @NNz?<LNAH0OBC8G_EHoHRHoHo$Ho"BgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgp?CBA.4rpN O.<r@gpNq*JkdNrJ@g?/?/4/2/ NpXO`> Nr:J@g?/4/2/ N`TO`?/?/4/2/ NxXOpFg AN9\@pFgNq*NJ@f2/0N2J4BF+b|JkXJCf NrJ@g0NzJ@g6`JCg2 NrJ@g&>20N4@f2 Nވ@`+bBCJk NrJ@g2 Nވ@`*Jk Nr:J@g2 Nb6@` 2 N(@+b<@bJDgB@`p$_Nu29`64|gxtAg|'gftAg|`gXtAg|~gLtAg|^g@4|g|/g2t@Ag|g&tAg|gt Ag|"g4<Ag |,fpNuB@Nu/|'ff4vAXWf4( N  Eaeiou$,4<D0<`h0<``0<`X0<`P0<`H0<`@|`fZ4vAXWf&4( N  aeiou (080<`0<`0<`0<`0<`|~ff4vAXWf4( N  ANOano<$D,40<`0<`0<`0<`0<`|0<`t|^fZ4vAXWfZ4( N  aeiouN (080<`40<`,0<`$0<`0<`|/f*4| g|/g | g `0<`0<`|f*4| gД|!g| g`0<`0<`|g|"fz4v AXWf4(N  AOUaeiouy@RX.4:F(L0<`\0<`V0<`P0<`J0<`D0<`>0<`80<`20<`,|,f$4| g|#g| g`0<` 0<``0&NuH(QO$H<>6*j8*jzId|`0*F>2*G?A4H…B?@0H@?ANF0g@Ar0NRWRoRoRoAr0NTWSoToSoAr0NNF4/2/0NBAp(N &RE|o\POLNuH8OAC0<QNYp09R`$B@N NFpNpNEiGe"J SNHRId|HoCA0NXOHo Cp SNXOHoCB@ SNXOr0N8r0N*0 Sh?@2/h?AA0rNBo`2/ 0/4/Ro A a,p  wf4/2/ 0NABA0NBA0< N & JNHhpNB@NOLNuH>OB/HyHCvANݚXOICAN$H g"JrpAN0"JrpAN0"JrpAN0 / fH0/o@2/o8G"Jr#p KN0BCKjMj` 0H83:3 t<(>(09jUH2HNv2/HN809jVH2HNv2/HN:2HA4H…BUm$Vm 0F29jUAn4G09jV@o0H tN`PUlxUVlzV0F29jUAo8FSD0G29jVAo:GSE0H t1D t1E0H tNRC|#m`(BC`0H tN0H tNRC|#m JN`(BC`0H tN0H tNRC|#mOL|NuH0O9`g| 29jyj?A49jyj?BHyHCvANݚXOCAN$H g"JrpANf"JrpANf"JrpANfB@AG`B2I"p7"p7"p2)4)6HÇ8Ls@2Hs@R@|#m"Jr#p KNfOL Nu?/BC`\x2H ЀЁ4JA p (<f(0(H<frhgthf p@hfShRDp hgRC|#m(6NuH8OT&H(IN&HE* <"K JN:p JN*&H gB JNG,"J KN"L KNB@C KNJ@gB JOLNuH>OT&HEBAN(HKj f(M,HUC NNݚXOpC NNJ@f(N g"K La*"H JNf"AN(H g"Ka"H JNf"AN(H g"Ka"H JNf "M JN JOL|NuH>O:pN 3yiGT|r|g|uB+|n|e/EvA4N"Hx"| |NXO#HyjHyjHyjHyjrB@N vOI_HlHlHlHTrB@N vO Tl8 ll B@N C`A7rpNFx` 4AiN FJ@f B@N C`AqrpNFx` Ad~BAB@N AdrB@N AdrB@N AdrB@N AdrB@N AdrB@N AdrB@N AdrB@N AdrB@N Adr B@N AdrB@N AdrB@N AdrB@N Adr B@N Adr B@N Adr B@N Adr$B@N Adr B@N AdrB@N AdrB@N AdrB@N AdrB@N AdrB@N AdrB@N AdrB@N AdrB@N AdrB@N AdrB@N AdrB@N AdrB@N AdrB@N AdrB@N Aer B@N AdrB@N Aer!B@N Ae r"B@N Aer#B@N G&d'yd'yd'yd 'yd'yd'yd'yd'yd 'yd$'yd('yd,'yd0'yd4'yd8'yd<'yd@'ydD'ydH'ydL'ydP'ydT'ydX'yd\'yd`'ydd'ydh'ydl'ydp'ydt'yex'ye|'ye 'ye'ydB@ yd~NJNLT ydBh ydBh yd1l ydTh0, ydڐh,H1@( yd1|*aZpNp yd~N N<Aj:jB@Aj NCjANAjNAa"HAHNAa"HANAa"HAHNAa"HANBCAN(HKH gL LN/H <"H MN: MNp MN*/H gBpC MNJ@fvM:JCfAN(H f(HyjC NNݚXOpC NNJ@f(N gX LN/H <"H MN: MNC MNp MN*/H gBpC MNJ@fvJCf.Cj MNC MNpC MNJ@fvJCfCArpNFx`4 MNHUC AHNݚXOar09d|N8r09d|Nr09d|NTBA09d|NbBA09d|N8BA09d|NFI"L LBBBA09d|NBBBA09d|Nr09d|N r09d|Nr09d|N*N$3hb3hd"<o|B@AjNfB`j"<pN/ /"<gNvA͒!f pNN`"<pc/? /"<gNvAk0"NfRpnr(AHB@NfHUC NNݚXOB@C NNJ@f" NN[J@f,CA rpNFx`xCAOrpNFx`bpN ANLHUC NNݚXOB@C NNJ@gLHyHC NNݚXOB@C NNJ@g&NM6B@N C`ArpNFx` NNJ@fNM6B@N `BoHUC NNݚXOB@C NNJ@f "<gNvAb"p L <N| "<gNvAb!x`ZC?A"rpNFxp` "<gNv"ЁA pNz/ "<gNv"ЁA!R "<gNv22BHmB2rA!C#B(rA Ni "<gNv/ "<gNv"5TVr%0%, LxNuHBCNq(r yd~0NJJ@fEjGK_0||Ybn@0;NbbbbbbbbbbHbbrbbb lvbbpHbbFb*bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb6b\nbb*>bRb\N#`Jk "<gNv2f rNM`|Jkv "<gNv2f` rNM`RJkL "<gNv2f rNM`*r NJ`Jk "<gNv2f rNM`Jk "<gNv2f rNM`r NJ`AHN(H gpN`B@ɑN`NFN6`z-gANrpNvb`bNm\`XJkD#-g&AZ/ "<gNv22T  _Nvb`"Ahr NF`-gAZrpNvb`Nn`Jk> "<gNv?rAN9\6`Jk "<gNv2g9 TgpNsf`-g N}` N&4`tJkn "<gNv2fXt BAN(V`HJkB "<gNv2f,t rN(V`Jk "<gNv2f N0b`Jk "<gNv2f N<`Jk "<gNv2gSfBA NHH`JkBA N_L`BG`00H"<gNv2g2f2f 2N`RG|mʾ|m,Nr(NIJ@gpar0 yd~N ,`xJk "<gNv2f22T aT,kB"<gNvAfCeId rNT`Jk "<gNv2f 2N "<gNv22T a,kvN`lJkf "<gNv2fP 2N "<gNv22T a,k(N`Jk "<gNv2f 2NBA aL,kBAN`Jk "<gNv2fBB ydp2<NJ "<gNv?rTC ydpN>BBr ydNJAe4NHh|gb2 N2/ a,kH2/N`:Jk4 "<gNv2f42Lo 2N "<gNv22T aP,kN`Nu`N~&`N}0`Nn`N`Nb`N`NR` N6`Jk "<gNv2fl NJ2< Nv`TJkN "<gNv2f8 N`Jk( "<gNv2f N`Jk N `KF?-4-2-0ANO(:BoJk0| f*pNg N&42< NvB@`tBF>E`60HЀrf(BA02 yd~N ,0HЀ2202a`4VG0HЀ rf</c(<:d"0a4J@gJkBA| NHH`JkNF NW N(NFEGjKI0rZAXWf0(N #+-<>JNTnp  0123456789;<=>?@ABCDGG7HH8IJ-KK4MM6N+PP2TUVWXYZ[\]abcc(d d)e/f*hh8ijj4kk5ll6mm1nn2oo3pqr : Z v| |$p>vH\0r,8DP\htzlZ2F     0  r $B@N9`*Ng` Jk4 "<gNv5s5| JN9\<aL` Jk 4 "<gNv5s5|`Jk@By*4 "<gNv5s5| JN9\<| f 29*g Jk zBF09g,r?4?? 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[Continue | [Set Do you really want to set all|lastread pointers to maximum?|Optional: Clear all 'NewMsg' flags [Cancel | [OK | [NewMsg Do you really want to delete|all unread and tosysop flags?LED.PRG%s%sSCRENMGR (HC,RC,TE,) End of Messages Start of Messages No messages in this Area...***new_window*** n z b g w m a y k u t 1 2 h r14 r15 Local Pvt Fixed K/S Crash Hold Immed Direct Sent W/F TFS KFS FReq Rec RetRec IsRec AudRec InTr Orph Arc/S Lock Gated HostR ZGate Sign CFF Del R10 R11 R12 Maus%30s%31sFrom: %sTo : %sSubj: %sMsg #%d of %d %sExtraExpAreaBad_Msgs on %sOpen Message AreaOpen Areawindow Change Area open_window:|No more Windows available [OK Close Window|Save Changes?[Save|[Abort|[Cancel [OK No more Windows available!|%s.%sHDRa%d %b %H:%M:%S+ %s LED %s corrupted Msg: Area <%s>, MsgNr <%d> start <%ld>: start of Msgtext invalid (<0 or >MSG-File)corrupted Msg: Area <%s>, MsgNr <%d> size <%u>: size of Msgtext invalid (<=0)corrupted Msg: Area <%s>, MsgNr <%d> start <%ld>, size<%u>: start+size of Msgtext invalid (>MSG-File)corrupted Msg: Area <%s>, MsgNr <%d>: From-field is emptyselect_msg:| CRASH!!!|Something wrong in Header-File!|mstart=%ld size=%u| msgfilelen=%ld [Abort select_msg:|Can't read text of Msg [OK sysop%s.MSGr+bw+bopen_area:|Invalid Message AreaDeleting Original-MSG after ChangeMSGID: REPLY:REPLYTOREPLYADDRPIDTIDEIDCHRS:CHARSET:LATIN-1 2IBMPC 2ASCII 2MAC 2VT100 2FRENCH 1GERMAN 1ITALIAN 1NORWEG 1PORTU 1SPANISH 1SWEDISH 1UK 1SEEN-BY%-12.12s %4d %-18.18s %-18.18s %-29.29s%sareas.bbsrPassthroughInvisibleVisibleUnknown userconfig_init:|Cannot open configuration file|%s [OK SysopApplicationAkaSysopconfig_init:|First use Sysop then AkaSysop!|Statement ignored...config_init:|To much sysopsconfig_init:|AkaSysop ignored!Addressconfig_init:|To much addressesDomainAREASPathLEDNEWPathLogfileNetmailHoldShellconfig_init:|Node address not specifiedconfig_init:|Out of memory...|To many entries in AREAS.BBS!|FidoNetmailconfig_init:|Do not know path to mailarea [Abort config_init:|No file with echomail|areas founddesc footlinefile ForcePVTMausFixedAddressUmlauteLatin1smallLatin1NoNewEchoIgnoreNewMsgFlagIgnoreUnreadFlagRandomFootlineNoRandomFootlineQuote_NonQuote_MsgQuote_NachrichtQuote_NativeQuote_EnglishAREAS.BBS: Error in line %dconfig_init:|Path without areaname found** Unknown **config_init:|To much Areas%sACS.CFGEchoList ExtraExpAreaBad_Msgs%s on %sCan't insert line into Cutbuffer| [OK Can't insert CUTBUFFER !|MAX_LINES will be exceededEdit-Window Insert Overwrite Indent Begin: %-4d End: %-4d -,Macro only allowed in MsgWindow! 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[Oops You have no PRVTUSER.LST|defined.Do you really want to |save the Name:|%s|on: %s|into PRVTUSER.LST? [No No | N[ew | [OK , %-35s %s %sPRVTUSER.LST$$$w %-5u%-5u%-5u Search in USERLISTEdit addressForward MsgSearch UserUnknown %-40.40ssel_searchorigin:|No more memory for origin! [OK Select Origin AddressPlease choose an origin!orig_address: CANCEL?select_sysop:|No more memory for sysop!Select Origin NamePlease choose a name!No domain defined!select_domain:|No more memory for domain!Select DomainPlease choose a domain!%sLED.SCTrshow_shortcut:|Memory full!Sorry!LED.SCT not found...ShortcutsFormat error in shortcut:|%sFile not found:|%s*** You are using an unregistered version! ***%2d%-24.24s;<=>?@ABCDSbaRHGKPMcdefghiJjklNmnopqrTUVWXYZ[\]Switch on the 'Header Cache' first!| [OK *...(Not enough memory for HC) (No HC) | No reply linking || Reply to: ?| Original msg * | Replies: none ? |ST-GUIDECan't find ST-GUIDE accessory...| [OK *:\LED.HYPw0a, Qmpjc5dۈ2yܸو L+~|-dj qHA}mԵQӅlVdkbze\Ocl=c ;n Li^`Agqr<KG k5Blۻ֬@2lE\u ϫ=Y&0Q:Qa!V#Ϻ(_ ٲ $/o|XhLaf-=vAq *q3xɢ4 j m=-dlc\kkQlabe0bNl{WeP|b-I|LeMaX:QΣtԻ0JߥA=ؕפmCij4ngF`D-s3 L_ |Pq<'A  Wh% of a^)ɘИ"רY=. \;l  tҚG9w&sc d; mj>zjZ '}DhibW]egl6qnkv+zZgJoC`֣ѓ~8ORѻgWg?H6K +گ L6JAz``ègU1nFiyaf%oҠRh6 w G"U&/ź; (+Z\j1,ٞ[ޮd°c&ujm 6?rgWJz{+ 8Ҏվ | !Bhݳڃn&[owGwZjpf; \ebiaklE x NT9§g&a`IiGM>nwۮjJZ@ f7;𩼮S޻G0齽ʺŠS0$6TW)#gfz.aJ]h*o+ 7 Z-%d %b %y %H:%M:%S JANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEPOCTNOVDEC00%02d.%02d.%2.2sRe:Re^2: Re^Re^%u: %sRe: %s> > %REPLYADDRTo: Out of memory!| [OK GERAUSCHAREA Kommentar zu %s in der Gruppe %s in area '%s'In a message of <%s>, %s (%s) writes%s: In a message of <%s>, %s writes%s: in Area '%s'In einer Nachricht vom %s schrieb %s (%s)%s: In einer Nachricht vom %s schrieb %s%s: Quoting canceled...| [Abort>> * Origin:AVALON %s:/.@%3s%2sYou must register to|use this function:|%s [OK rbDo you really want to delete|all msgs with the same subject?|[Cancel|[Delete Change Area Open Message Area %s %-*.*s %s%s %sNo Memory for new Msg-Header [OK Areas %s %4d %*s%-18.18s %-18.18s %s ERROR: Pointer not declared! 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You may copy it for non-commercial purpose.If you use it regulary and want to support further developmentof this programm, please send DM 40,- toStephan Slabihoud, Johannesstr.5, D-46240 Bottrop, GermanyStadtsparkasse Bottrop BLZ: 424 512 20 Account#: 768366email: 2:2446/110.6@fidonet.org, 51:601/7.6@atarinet.ftn,90:400/410@nest.ftn, slabbi@kali.rhein-ruhr.deGreetings to(D) Joerg Spilker, Daniel Roesen, Jan Kriesten, Gnther Paczia,(NL) Ruud Sint, Ton Ketting, (S) Dag Dao, (GB) Kevin Osborne,Antony Lacey, (USA) Bill ScullThanxSelect Origin AddressTo:On:[Cancel[OKMsg-InfoArea:Msg:Start:Size:Flags:File:Size:*.HDR:*.MSG:[OKThanks for usingMessage Header[JetMailCo[nnectRReserved (7)Reserved (3)[MsgCheckMsgCo[pyReserved (6)[Doormail[FileMgrFI[STReserved (5)Archi[vedC[har ModifyReserved (8)Reserved (4)F[iFo[Cancel[OK/Write/ = unread Msgs* = new Msgs# = Msg to SysopMove MsgOpen Window with Area________9999to________9999to 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Stephan Slabihoud (%f %F)=(%o)Area: ATARI.GER (%n)Time: 17 Dec 94 17:05:47 (%d %D)To: Volkmar Wieners (%t %T)=(%O)% (%%)Time: 17.12.94 (%z)Subj: A Topic (%s)Addr: 2:2446/110.6 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Pattern:123456789012345678901234567890123456123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890GDOS active01234567.012Search MSG #1234to the Clipboard.________9999to________9999____99Maximum Window Columns:Maximum Edit Columns:____99Edit-Window Tabsize:__9(%f %F)=(%o)(%a)(%t %T)=(%O)(%d %D)(%z)(%n)(%s)(%%)(%01 - %20)1.Line: Native / 2.Line: Native to 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RESCHKEQuote nativeQuote englishbased on the sources of LED 1.22 by Volkmar Wieners123456789012345678901234567890123456123456789012345678901234567890123456123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456781234512345678901234567890123456789011234567890123456789012345678901123456789012345678901234567890112345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567812345678AREA:123456789012345MSG:123456789012345__________________________________x_____________________________________xTopic:_________________________________________________________________x__________________xProcessed flags:">e1c%ùxz >5 7=tas8އ,"H e+-=Bad Ad=- 1.90 D:\DOWNLOAD\ D:\AD\MY_AD.AD D:\PACKERS\STZIP.TTP D:\PACKERS\LHARC.TTP D:\PACKERS\ARC.TTP D:\PACKERS\UNARJ.TTP D:\PACKERS\ZOO.TTP 200 ZIP Protected EXTERNAL D:\AD\DELETE.ADS Best Yes Both History: -=v1.0E=- Lucky you who never saw this one... -=v1.1E=- Supported LZH ZIP ARJ and ARC, though all the packers wrote directly to screen and made it impossible to have a nice looking user-interface... -=v1.2E=- First version to hit the beta-testers...very ugly interface and it couldn't repack archives containing subdirectories... -=v1.3E=- Finally made the routine for searching after subdirectories etc. - programmers should know what I mean... Found a way to keep the packers from messing up my screen, still no real interface ... added some routines making the problem with the commandline's length not enough smaller ... added the -=Bad Ad=- info to the advertisment, everyone's gotta know that this kinda program exists, no? -=v1.4E=- Tried to make a nice looking interface, although I'm ALWAYS working in ST-High I think it'll look Ok in ST-Med too. I can't say anything about TT or Falcon030 rez's as I haven't got any of those machines... -=v1.5E=- Speeded up the graphics a whole lot (got BITBLT to work right...) Added the automatic CNF maker, hope you'll be able to configure it a lot easier now...(I'm really proud of that Config program!) -=v1.6E=- Added support for ZOO (works like ARC and ARJ, repack to ZIP) Renamed the config file from BAD_AD.CNF to BAD_AD.16E, to be able to convert different version's config files easier. (The config program will update configfiles starting from 1.5E and upwards automatically, just be sure you don't have ANY file matching "BAD_AD.*" but the old config file in the same directory as the config program!) -=v1.7E=- -=Bad Ad=- now automatically configures itself according to what packers you have - meaning you DON'T have to have all 5 to use -=Bad Ad=-!!! (You should have ZIP support though, coz without ZIP -=Bad Ad=- can only rename .LHA to .LZH ...) To turn a packer off you should enter the config program and select that packer, but instead of inserting a filename using the fileselector you fill in "NONE" as filename. (No dot or extension, just "NONE") If you did that right the config prog will now display "NONE" instead of that packer and -=Bad Ad=- will not try to do things which needed it. Various small bugs fixed, no need to mention them. Added the option to choose if you want all repacks/packs to use ZIP or LZH, this is what you all have been waiting for, now USE it too! (I had LOTSA problems getting LZH to work, but I think it's Ok now, let me know if you have any problems!) -=v1.81=- Finally supports RATSoft! (Not an easy task!) Hopefully sorted out all small bugs from before...hopefully... -=Bad Ad=- won't work on a file already been worked on. (In RATSoft mode only) -=v1.82=- A pure bugfixxer! Somehow v1.81 could get the UPLOADS.DAT files really messed up, different files from different conferences could end up ANYWHERE ... I think I've got rid of this one ... Another thing was just a BIG ****-up by me ... I named -=Bad Ad=- BAD_AD.PRG, though I've written above that NO file named BAD_AD.* should be in the same directory as the configuration file ... sorry for that one, -=Bad Ad=- main program will from now on be named _BAD_AD_.PRG ... -=v1.83=- -=Bad Ad=- will now log its actions to a file named _BAD_AD_.LOG in the directory -=Bad Ad=- is run from. If the LOG file exists, -=Bad Ad=- will just append new information to it, if it doesn't exist, -=Bad Ad=- will create a new one. - Also a new feature ... since TOS is very kinky about its write- protected files, -=Bad Ad=- would report an AES-Error if there were any "read-only" files in the archive, same thing happened if an ad to delete was "read only". No problem anymore. If -=Bad Ad=- encounters any protected ads, it will delete them. If there are protected files in the archive -=Bad Ad=- will still have them protected in the new archive, but it will NOT bomb out 'coz of them. - Since PC, Amiga and Atari now can use deflate/inflate ZIP, I've changed from Imploding to Deflating, resulting in MUCH better ZIP-performance. (Beats the shit out of LZH) - Stupid bug removed in the configuration program. -=v1.84=- The VERY LOW limit of max 100 files/session has been extended to 1000 files, I hardly believe you need more. - Added some sort of "If error then clean up" routine .. not 100% yet though... - Fixed a bug in the "Delete Read-Only ads" routine. Previously if there was both a folder and a read-only ad in the archive the routine wouldn't work. It does now. -=v1.85=- Added an option to choose if you want your own ad to be write- protected or not. Will only be useful on those BBS:es which don't use -=Bad Ad=-. (Or a pure copy of it) - There's a KNOWN bug in this and previous versions. At VERY rare occasions it will mess up the UPLOADS.DAT, making it xxx35 bytes long, I don't know why this happens, and without YOUR feedback and bugtesting I can't find it! Help me!!! -=v1.86=- The bugfix you've been waiting for! I'm 99.99% sure that -=Bad Ad=- now handles the UPLOADS.DATs perfectly! No more "Error, reviving system" errors when validating uploads in RATSoft! - Removed a pause when -=Bad Ad=- exits. - Removed the mystic "blank-line-in-the-end-of-the-config-file" bug. (That one's been annoying me since v1.5E...) - Added .MSA to the files-to-pack list. (Thanx Zaphod B) -=v1.87=- Splitted the config-file into one file ONLY containing configs and one ONLY containing ads-to-delete. Meaning that you can have ONE file with the ads-to-delete but TWO different configs. - Fixed a MAJOR bug concerning the UPLOADS.DATs ... it had nothing to do with lousy programming on my side but a pure mis- understanding between me and Rat Master on the format of them. (The bug caused files with a long description of more than one line to mess up the AREA.x when you validated them!) - Another bugfix .. the routine that checked if a file had been "bad-added" already (RATSoft mode only) wasn't 100%.. it is now. -=v1.88=- (Never released v1.87 officially) - New feature! If you want you can have -=Bad Ad=- to insert the date and time when the file was "bad-added" on the last line in the advertisment! - You can now choose if you want -=Bad Ad=- to use Fast/Normal or Best version of Deflate when Zipping. (Before -=Bad Ad=- used normal) -=v1.89=- Shit ... I released v1.88 too fast ... it will NOT upgrade the config file correctly... Those of you who tried to use v1.88 and didn't make a backup of your configfile MUST write a new one (or edit the one in this archive) to get -=Bad Ad=- working correctly again. You other ones who still use v1.86 can just run this version, it upgrades the config file correctly. - Added some idiot-proofing routines in the config program. -=v1.90=- The first Advertisment in the DELETE.ADS file wouldn't be deleted when repacking .. sorry for that one, it will now. - -=Bad Ad=- still used Medium compression when repacking to ZIP, it will now use the format you specified in the config-file. - You can now choose if you want to use the new way to add BBS-Advertisments (Invented by the author of RATSoft - Steve Hughey) called "BBS_ADS.TXT". (All new advertisments append to the end of that file.) In "Own file" mode -=Bad Ad=- will add your ad as an external file and NOT bother with the BBS_ADS.TXT file. In "BBS_ADS.TXT" mode it will create a BBS_ADS.TXT file and append your ad to it, and if there already existed a BBS_ADS.TXT file -=Bad Ad=- will just append the ad... If you have chosen the option "Both" -=Bad Ad=- will still add your ad as an external file as usual, but it will also append your ad to an existing BBS_ADS.TXT - but it will NOT create one! (Unnecessary!) (-=Bad Ad=- can only use the "BBS_ADS.TXT" mode when REPACKING!) - The config program checks for blank lines when saving the config, this should forever cure that bug that never happened to me after 1.86, but happened to some others... - Removed a stupid bug in the ZOO-repacking technique which made the file to be unpacked the same size as the ZOO-packer itself... (The ZOO-repacking didn't work that is .. ) ! When I repacked a ZOO file containing 298 MiNT sources the ZIP- file created contained 299 files with Bad-Headers according to STZip v2.1. (The 299:th file was my advertisment naturally) I don't know if this is a bug in STZip or not, but I can't see any possibility for it to be a bug in -=Bad Ad=-. If you have any problems with ZOO-archives, contact me! Things to Come!!! This is a list of things my beta-testers want me to include in -=Bad Ad=- (I will include them, and hopefully in this order too...) Sheduled for: (Not a definite list!) 1.91 - Unpack, delete ads, pack. On ALL archives! not just those which you want repacked! (Ex: Delete ads in LZHs without repacking them to ZIP) 1.92 - Random ad-name! Want your own ad to never be deleted by someone else? Then this is it! You specify what characters -=Bad Ad=- can play with, then -=Bad Ad=- will put them at random places in the filename, making it impossible for someone else to have them in their ads-to-delete list! (Ex. HOTWAREZ.NOW could be shifted to anythihg from HOTWAREZ.001 to HOTWAREZ.999 or just SRGERGG.ER to 23ER34.NOW!) - Zip-Comment adding. 1.94 - Two different ads for different filesizes! (Ex. If archive>500Kb, add a "readme-demo", if it's <500Kb, add a normal textfile) 1.96 - Support for RATSoft's AREA.x files, making it possible to run -=Bad Ad=- on whole fileareas! 1.98 - QuickBBS support! This SHOULD be an easy one, if the BBS has a special uploads-directory. (Though I might skip the whole QBBS thing due to stupid letters written to me in FIDO by *Rikard Oesterman*) 1.98 - //Turbo support! Might be impossible to do since there's no way Turbo can tell me what files's been uploaded! (Or?) 2.50 - GEM support .... I've been trying to make -=Bad Ad=- MultiTOS compatible, but ... well ... it's sheduled for the future .. aswell as TT and Falcon support. 3.00 - Smart ad-deleting. Since some stupid SysOps call their ads "Read_Me.Txt" it's hard to put them in the ads-to-delete list, something valuable might disappear in some archives! The "Smart" routine will actually look through the ads-to-delete filenames and search for keywords like the BBS name or something similar. WE_NEED.YOU CALL_US.NOW DO_READ.ME 12GIGS.DOC WEHAVE.IT CLICKME.NOW CHECKDIS.OUT WE-NEED.YOU GOT-TO.SEE -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=Bad Ad=- 1.90 Written by Troed/Sync! Support Board: Sarcastic Existence - +46-451-91002 - 16800 DUAL -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This program is SHAREWARE! If you use it regulary PLEASE send the equivalent of 100 SEK (that's only 14$ or 9!!!) to the following address: (Send ANY currency, I'll always travel SOMEWHERE...) Rickard Troedsson Pl 4091 Verum 28022 Vittsj Sweden As a registered user you'll get all updates LONG before public release date and you'll also get almost ALL your wishes and suggestions included in the next version! I have NOT messed around with pauses or dialogboxes which seems to be today's method of making people pay the ShareWare fee, coz I find it VERY annoying myself! Please ... more users means better -=Bad Ad=- ... (I've been thinking about special-made -=Bad Ads=- for registered users) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NOTE! If you have an earlier version of -=Bad Ad=- already installed you do NOT have to write a totally new config file! Just run the config program from the same directory as the config file and it'll be upgraded automatically! (Those of you who hasn't used -=Bad Ad=- before should just use the config file included in this archive and edit it for your needs) What is -=Bad Ad=- : -=Bad Ad=- Was written by a SysOp (me!) tired of looking at all the BBS advertisments found in archives coming from the other boards, and who wanted a few more users himself... -=Bad Ad=- is written for use with RATSoft ST (see number below for more info) and External use. As an external program -=Bad Ad=- will use the work path you specify in the config program and do its pack/repack/ad job on all files in that folder. You should NOT use -=Bad Ad=- External together with a BBS program coz the BBS program will most likely not recognize the files that has been changed. Together with RATSoft -=Bad Ad=- will use the UPLOADS.DAT files RATSoft creates and edit them reflecting the changes -=Bad Ad=- makes. In RATSoft mode -=Bad Ad=- will NOT use the path specified on the first line in the config program, but the UPLOADS.DATs you specify when choosing RATSoft mode. I myself use two differently configured -=Bad Ad=- programs. (Which ofcoz can't be in the same folder!) One for external use on files I download myself for later including in the BBS, and one together with RATSoft, which runs when a user's logged off. Rat Master told me to use LOGOFF.BAT for this purpose, and I suppose that's what we should do, ex: LOGOFF.BAT OFFHOOK (run RATSoft's OFFHOOK.PRG) cd .. cd PATH\ (path to -=Bad Ad=-) _BAD_AD_.PRG (run -=Bad Ad=-) cd .. cd RATSOFT\ (back to RATSoft) EOF >>>>>>>>>>> If someone supplies me with the necessary info and support I MIGHT do a version for Turbo BBS and/or QBBS, let me know! -=Bad Ad=- can do the following magic things: =- Add Advertisments into LZH and ZIP =- Repack ARJ ARC ZOO and LZH/ZIP < X Kb into ZIP/LZH =- Pack TXT DOC NFO ASC and MSA into ZIP/LZH =- Rename the Amiga standard LHA to LZH =- Delete other advertisments when Repacking (Even protected!) =- Log its actions for later viewing =- Protect its own ads =- Use the new standard called: "BBS_ADS.TXT" appending! How to use -=Bad Ad=- : -=Bad Ad=- uses a configuration file called BAD_AD.xxx, which MUST be in the same directory as the -=Bad Ad=- program file and the -=Bad Ad=- configuration program. In newer TOS versions you can configure -=Bad Ad=- to have the PROGRAM folder active when run, do so! (I use TOS 2.06, if -=Bad Ad=- can't find the config file on your machine, get a new TOS!) Miscellaneous: -=Bad Ad=- uses LHARC.TTP, STZIP.TTP, UNARJ.TTP, ARC.TTP and ZOO.TTP, they're not included in this archive becoz they're ShareWare and should be distributed by themselves. (They're on my BBS) I suppose you can use ZIPJR.TTP instead of STZIP.TTP if you like, haven't tried it myself though! One of these archivers was hard to get, Zoo v2.14 (or as its real name is: ZOO v2.1 4:th release) which seems to be the only Zoo version that QUITS without waiting for a keypress when it's finished! NOTE: If you're a RATSoft ST SysOp, most of these packers are already located in your RATSoft home-directory! (One exception: Most RATSoft SysOps use STUNARJ v2.20, that won't work with -=Bad Ad=-, point to UNARJ v2.30 using the config program) >>>>>>>>>> For more info on RATSoft ST (Best BBS program ever!) dial the >>>>>>>>>> support board! Rat's Nest +1-(909)-989-3381 -=Bad Ad=- has worked flawlessly on my harddisk, using LHARC 2.01L STZIP 2.1, ARC 6.02 ,UNARJ 2.30 and ZOO v2.14 but... Disclaimer: I TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY WHATSOEVER IF YOU MANAGE TO DELETE ALL YOUR FILES USING THIS GREAT PROGRAM! "WORKS FOR ME" /Hunter -=Bad Ad=- repacking technique allows you to repack all those stupid ARJ ARC and ZOO archives into ZIP or LZH, and you can specify the maximum size at which an LZH (ZIP) file be repacked to ZIP (LZH) too! -=Bad Ad=- Can also repack archives containing subdirectories and tell you how many there were! Important: A commandline can't be any size! PLEASE keep the number of subdirectories down to a minimum! If you can't get -=Bad Ad=- to work without problems, try to shorten the names of your subdirectories and put them closer to the root! A tip may be to keep the paths so short that the -=Bad Ad=- configuration program can show them in their full length! IF AN ERROR SHOULD OCCUR: If a fatal error occurs when -=Bad Ad=- is working there might be some problems trying to get it to run again, this is easily solved. -=Bad Ad=- uses a folder in the root-directory called "ZT", if such a folder exists when you try to run -=Bad Ad=- it will probably bomb out. -=Bad Ad=- also uses a folder in the work- directory specified in the configuration-program called WORK. If the folder WORK exists there, delete it. Also delete a file called "L" in the work-path. (Do NOT delete RATSoft's WORK folder though!!!) If you've done all the above, deleted "ZT", "WORK" and "L", -=Bad Ad=- should run with no troubles, if you still can't get it to work, check your configuration and read the WHOLE manual! Last, contact me. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Wow... what a great manual I managed to write! Still, if you can't get this program to work.. call my board ... _______ (roed Sarcastic Existence - +46-451-91002 - 16800 DUAL -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Here I should have written some greetz or something like that, but that would've made this manual far too big for anyone to upload...I'll just say: Thanx: Rat Master - RATSoft is WONDERFUL! +1-(909)9893381 Zaphod Beeblebrox - Betatester, Eagles Nest +46-18-262804 PAK - Betatester, STampede +1-(813)7540685 The Hawk - Betatester, Happy H +1-(813)5964999 KG - Betatester, Data Control +1-(818)5585636 (I can be reached on ANY of these boards too!) ...and to the rest... 0 do0DeZ aLl 0vr 'dA Plz, cep uP He tRaDig! `X^<AON' <1.90AHaBEZpaB/pAHaDR"_a5/pAHaD"_a5paLCraa?6pa>pwa> <~A큤aT <~A큶aT?<NNTS]HH/?<NNTU^HHg:praREZp$a>bpraREZpa>N <aRa*` fAra JWHH/E[paAa rRWHHg E[paAra.AX0B0paGAXa!("maVaHAXa9pa/x"maUNpaB"_a3 < to a5Z"HAHa2a2E[pa@x"maTEYpa?x C큤aHAXa8`A0B0x"maTpaA <1.7Ea5VgpraPE[Zpa?/x"maTpaAn"_a2\ < to a4"HAHa2Ha2*E[pa?^x"maT6E[pa?Hx C큤aH8AXa7A0B0x"maT:pa@ <1.80a4ghpraOE[Zpa>/x"maTpa@"_a1 < to a4"HAHa1a1E[pa>x"maSA0B0x"maSpa@z <1.81a4.ghpraOrE[Zpa>t/x"maSpa@H"_a16 < to a3"HAHa1"a1E[pa>8x"maSA0B0x"maS2pa? <1.82a3ghpraNE[Zpa=/x"maSpa?"_a0 < to a3 "HAHa0a0E[pa=x"maRA0B0x"maRpa?r <1.83a3&ghpraNjE[Zpa=l/x"maR|pa?@"_a0. < to a2"HAHa0a/E[pa=0x"maRA0B0x"maR*pa> <1.84a2gpraME[Zpa"_a/ < to a2"HAHa/a/vE[paJ <1.85a1ghpraMBE[Zpa"_a/ < to a1`"HAHa.a.E\pa<x"maPA0B0x"maQpa= <1.86a1zgxpraLE[Zpa;/x"maPpa="_a. < to a0"HAHa.la.NpraLxE\pa7E\*pa;nx"maPFA0B0Aa3Aa("maPXpaAa6tAa6@ maraH@ m0(aR&<x:<abaAara;a) ma) m0(a&<x:<a.a@a>a:a)`9ra9Aa5Aa5A a5Aa5BmHyHx/-aB/-AN"m ,aF6ANaHgA퀠0B0`4pANa8`p\a*g"HyHxE](p*a6\/apdaGpANa8,p\a*/ <r4<A퀠aƀgd <r4<A퀠ag mCNa0lpraFpPa9a(`8ta8Aa4Aa4A a4Aa4BmHyHx/-aD/-AN"m ,aE8ANaGgA퀠0B0`4pANa7bp\a)g"HyHxE]Rp/a5^/apdaFpANa7.p\a)/ANaRgB <r4<A퀠agV <r4<A퀠ag mCNa/`praEpPa8a'`7ha7Aa3Aa3A a3Aa3BmHyHx/-a8/-AN"m ,aD,ANaFgA퀠0B0`ZpANa6Vp\a(g$HyHxE]Rp/a4R/apdaE `$pANa6 AZa5JB\HH/AZaC gpraApPa4a#lpraApPa4a#ZAZa5a42x "maEf`"AlpIa$gJx "maEEYpa%XgEYpa0Px "maE(`EYpa08x "maE`AlpJa$tgJx "maE0EYpa%gEYp a/x "maD`EYpa/x "maD`vAlpKa$gx "maDE[pa$g\E^pa/x "maDzA@C""AX 24Aa):fAaA큤a8AXa'2a)JfG`A0B0 <r4<Aa(fAajra@pPa3a!a)fGHyHxE^p3a./a <r4<A@aA 00a./E_ p a."HAN,a>LANa@g@AaQra?ANa!RAa/AN(C큤a7tAa&AXa&ANa@gHyHxE_&p.a.J/apa?+@pfNA@C"" <r4<Aa a1"AXa">pa$Rfpax"ma>/EXp a)"HAHa`"_a*g@HyHxE[p a)h"HAra8E_p"a/a <a:aA(0B0x "ma>BaJfTE\/ <r4<Aa.gAaRra5npPa(la6AaRr a5Ta*AZa+AZa.DCZaBmp.a$CZa(JWHH/0-^Q@^HHgA0B0`z0-^H/p.a$CZa( DAZa%a#W^HH/p.a$tCZa(fJVHHgA0B0` p a$JCZa(0rHGGdHGGdSWDуdi?<>0rHGGdHGGdSWDуdi2?<>0rHGGdHGGdSWDуd&2 H@kփAр[SBkփejRAd RdQRBJjDBNutNuCEdSW`?<,>CEdGeH@0r`fJCgz?<0rÐdSWЃdi?<0rÐdSWЃdid?<0ÐdSWЃd&2 H@kփAр[SBkփejRAd RdQRBJjDBNutNu?<0riP?0i?`?<``apEbƽbgPb`LJg&B.C`a8aD*9bfap-I4=|p4aHz*9bg ENp9b` _a &nO:NMbI!BK`$<Nu[1][Error +111][Return]E` g g>Jf`Ar Hjr-D@Hd0H@H 0H@0CNuAJ"H [1][fSEfNu`HQ?< NA\Nu"_K`Mb V,@I!BO:HQ <-H,,`N,&d d3 d# d# # 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Read the manual for more info!Updating config file from -=Bad Ad=- 1.6EC:\PACKERS\ZOO.TTP-=Bad Ad=- 1.7E-=Bad Ad=- 1.80RATSOFT-=Bad Ad=- 1.81-=Bad Ad=- 1.82-=Bad Ad=- 1.83-=Bad Ad=- 1.84-=Bad Ad=- 1.85-=Bad Ad=- 1.86Making DELETE.ADS file-=Bad Ad=- 1.87AdsPlease select the path you want your DELETE.ADS in-=Bad Ad=- 1.88Yes-=Bad Ad=- 1.89-=Bad Ad=- 1.90Own fileDon't recognize the version of your old config file! Read the manual!Can't find ! Must be in the same directory as this program!!!Nono ... no filenames ... only the PATH!!!Nono ... no folders ... FULL path AND filename!Please select the path you want -=Bad Ad=- to work inPlease select your -=Bad Ad=- advertismentMY_AD.BBSPlease locate ST Zip v2.0 or higherSTZIP.TTPPlease locate LHarc v2.01 or higherLHARC.TTPPlease locate Arc 6.02 or higherPlease locate UnArj v2.30 or higherUNARJ.TTPPlease locate ZOO v2.14 or higherPlease enter the MAXIMUM amount of Kb for an LZH<->ZIP repackEXTERNALPlease locate ALL your UPLOADS.DATs, CANCEL to END!Press ESC to cancel, any other key to confirm!Please locate your ads-to-delete listBBS_ADS.TXT Configuration Program, by Troed/SyncPress the character in front of the line you wish to change!!!! Read the manual for more info!Ads to delete at repack [S] Quit and Save [Q] Quit without Save Please enter the full FILENAME.EXT of a file to add/delete from the list! This version of -=Bad Ad=- Config Prog doesn't support more files!  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Please send me the registration fee to show me that you appreciate my work and that you would like to see NEW versions with more FEATURES!!! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Rickard Troedsson Pl 4091 Verum 28022 Vittsj Sweden -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- And please feel free to come with suggestions - I need them! bad_ad.EXTERNALRATSOFTFATAL ERROR! PLEASE CHECK YOUR CONFIG AND READ THE MANUAL CAREFULLY!!!LHAZIPLZHARJARCZOOTXTDOCASCNFOMSA uploaded *.lha*.lzh*.zip*.arj*.arc*.zoo*.txt*.doc*.asc*.nfo*.msaThis version of -=Bad Ad=- will only work in ST-High or ST-Med!Can't find !!! Must be in the same folder as -=Bad Ad=-!_bad_ad_.log run on the Reading Config file!Wrong version of the config file! Check out the manual for more info!Repacking will be done to NormalHOTWAREZ.NOWDONTDARE.TOzt\PRGTOSTTPAPPGTP< Advertisment added using -=Bad Ad=- by Troed/Sync. BBS: +46-451-91002 >Yes-------------------------------------------------- -----zt\*.*ProtectedBBS_ADS.TXTFinished! Hope you'll get a LOT of new users ... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- signing off... Troed/Sync , written by Troed / Sync, BBS: +46-451-91OO2 No subdirectories found in archive... Archive contains subdirectory... subdirectories...work\*.* Deleting other BBS advertisment Couldn't find any BBS advertisments to delete... Creating a BBS_ADS.TXT file & adding advertisment Adding advertisment to the BBS_ADS.TXT file------=Bad Ad=-------=Bad Ad=------=Bad Ad=------ ...zipping... -a -r -ed @l ...lharcing... a -r work\Renaming archive from Own fileLharcing BBS advertisment into Zipping BBS advertisment into -a -edx -r -x -r -ed x work\temp.ttp x//qqq Packing  8  NPN"N"N">">">">">"N*  ZX"X"X"H"H"H"H"H"Z,86j.$B$^64*.fL@*,""H:T, T"08n<6&4\\&0>0TBVpb6 @HV(,>(h(b~X,$@HDRR.&0N0<" * f`((@4T$"B 8~B R( BT-Fax is (c) 1993, Bo Andersson and distributed as FREEWARE This program may be used and distributed freely on a non-profit basis. It may be distributed freely on BBS's as long as users wishing to download it may do so without any ridiculous 1:2 ratio being imposed. The author accepts no responsibility for damage or loss of data caused by use of the program. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** Description of BT-Fax v.0.99 *** BT-Fax is a Class 2 module for the reception of fax pages in conjunction with a mailer (front-end) program. The text format is primarily intended for use with BinkleyTerm. The only requirement for the 'mailer' program is that it must recognize faxes (+FCON) and be able to hand over to another program. BT-Fax is Class 2 command compatible and works with any modem capable of handling class 2. Even Zyxel modems function with BT-Fax. *** Program changes v.0.97 -> v.0.98 *** - Can write NetMail after Fax (successful/unsuccessful). - Can save directly in STraightFax format. - Elapsed time is correctly calculated. This despite the fact that no one has pointed out the fact that time could be shown as 00:02:64. :-D - Shows how a page ended when in QFax mode. - Strips fill bits resulting in smaller fax pages. *** Program changes v.0.98 -> v.0.99 *** - Saving in STraightFax format has been improved. It sometimes happened that fill bits were inserted at the beginning of each fax page. STFax couldn't handle these and, as a result, only a blank page would be displayed. Neither BTFaxCvt nor STFaxFix need longer be used in order to view pages in STraightFax format. This, of course, assumes the use of -s. - The amount of remaining space on the relevant partition is now shown correctly even when you're using more than 2 sectors per cluster. - A couple of minor bugs have been removed. *** Commands *** The commands which can be sent to the program are: -p -p:\path\ Search path to the directory in which incoming faxes are to be saved. If no search path is indicated the pages will be saved to the current path (normally where Binkley is stored). -d -d500 Disk space in kB, default is 300kB. Sets the minimum remaining disk space necessary to start/continue reception after saving each page. Keep in mind that the space remaining on the hard drive may be less than the value entered here after the previous page has been saved. -q Qfax Writes, as does QFax, TM-Fax in the header for each page. QFax doesn't bother with it, but newer versions of the Hackfax viewer require it's presence. -s STraightFax Saves pages directly in StraightFax format (STFax). -m Mail Letters written to a NetMail area will contain the same info as that used in the BTFax logfile. -n NoLog Do NOT write to the Log file. If this command isn't used the log will be written to BINKFAX.LOG using the same search path as the log file for BINKLEY.CFG. -b BitStripOff Normally BT-Fax "strips" fill bits. If this should lead to problems, using -b turns the function off. "Empty" bytes ARE removed but EOL (End of Line) bits are ignored. This does NOT work in STFax mode which requires the fill bits to be stripped. -t Test Nothing is "stripped" at all. The fax page is saved exactly as it's received which means that it takes up more space on your hard disk. This command should, in principle, *NEVER* be used! Neither the order in which these switches are set nor the use of upper or lower case letters is of any importance. The commands can be written with or without the use of spaces. It should be noted that if -s (STFax) is used BT-Fax will ignore the presence of -q, -b or -t on the command line. This due to the fact that STFax must be able to calculate EOL bits in order to display the fax. If both -b and -t are used, the last one entered on the command line is the active one. Incoming faxes are given the file name month-day-hour-min.format-nr: QFax.format becomes mmddhhmm.Fnr and STFax-format becomes mmddhhmm.Jnr. If QFax format is being used one of the following will be included in the Info box: RTC OK The fax page has ended correctly. If anything is missing it's because the fax sender didn't send it! :-D Buff.Full The fax page is larger than 200kB. I've never seen such a page, so if anyone should ever get one I'd like a look at it!! TimeOut C TimeOut in phase C, reception of fax data. Happens if, for instance, the connection should be broken. When -m is used, the following information is taken from BINKLEY.CFG (If BinkleyTerm isn't being used you put a configuration file named BINKLEY.CFG in the same folder as the 'mailer' program and BT-Fax): Sysop Bo Andersson Address 90:1101/113.0@nest Statuslog d:\logfiles\binkley.log NetMail d:\mail\0001 The keyword Fax must also be included in BINKLEY.CFG: Fax d:\binkley\btfax098.ttp -pD:\FAX_IN\ -d500 -s -m saves fax pages to D:\FAX_IN\ in STraightFax format and writes a NetMail. Beginning with v. 3.10-b2, Binkley ST uses a new keyword: Afterfax + program name which is run directly after either the built-in or a separate fax reception module. *** Modem strings *** An init string which seems to work well for most sysops is: Init ATZ|~AT+FAA=1+FLID="YOUR_ID"| Answer AT+FDCC=1,3,0,2,0,0,0,0;+FCR=1|~ATA| Longer init strings than this can be used beginning with Binkley v.3.10a-b3. If you use a shortened FDCC string (for example FDCC=1,3,0,2) you can put everything in init and only have ATA| in the answer string. This allows you to avoid "Ring - OK" every time Binkley answers. +FAA=1 sets the modem to answer as either Data or FAX (Adaptive Answer). The modem then passes on CONNECT xxx (Data) or +FCON (FAX) to Binkley. On Data, Binkley is used as usual and on FAX it turns over to BT-Fax. +FCLASS=x should NOT be used as it locks the modem in EITHER Data OR Fax mode. +FLID is your local ID string. This string is displayed to the person sending to you and can be your telephone number or BBS name. FLID may contain up to 20 characters. You can see how many and which characters your modem can handle by writing AT+FLID=? (from the comms program). If the value returned is (for example): (20) (32-127), it means that a maximum of 20 characters, all of which lie within ASCII range 32-127, may be used. Keep in mind that most modems filter out empty characters (space). +FDCC (DCE Capabilities Parameters) reports what your modem can handle to the sender. The syntax is: FDCC:VR,BR,WD,LN,DF,EC,BF,ST (see Table 1) and should be FDCC:1,3,0,2,0,0,0,0. It's usually enough if you give your resolution and speed: FDCC:1,3 (196 lpi, 9600 bps). If you use FDCC:1,5 (196 lpi, 14400 bps) problems MAY occur. These usually appear in the form of the page being "forced" to 98 lpi or that you get CONNECT at 7200 bps. When changing FDCC, the value should be copied to FDIS. Supra owners have, however, tried using FDIS directly, instead of FDCC and achieved better results. You'll have to experiment a little to see what works best with your own modem. +FCR=1 means that you modem is ready to receive fax pages. FCR=0 would then indicate that you're out of paper. :-) *** The Screen *** This is approximately how BT-Fax will look on your screen: ____________________________________________________________________________ | Transmit Station ID: Free diskspace: 1234 kB | | VR: BR: WD: LN: | | DF: EC: BF: ST: | | FPTS: FET: | | Modem in: Modem out: Page nr: FHNG: -- | | Path M:\ | |____________________________________________________________________________| BT-Fax 0.99 by Bo Andersson 2:203/203.5 and Bertil Jagard 2:203/221.0 FreeWare Transmit Station ID: if it's missing. The sender hasn't sent an FTSI. Unknown The sender has sent an empty FTSI (1-20 spaces). string The sender's FTSI (usually a telephone number). Free disk space: --- kB The amount of free space on the partition where incoming faxes are saved. VR:,BR:,WD:,LN:,DF:,EC:,BF:,ST: See Table 1 for information. FPTS: (Receive Page Transfer Status) Seems to be relatively unused. Most Fax modems seem to have their own "standard" answers. Maybe the problem will be solved in future ROM uppgrades? FET: (Post Page Message Response) This doesn't seem to be completely developed either. Despite all the faxes which have been received, only 2 values have been returned; another page (= FET:0) and no more pages (= FET:2). If anyone's got more information concerning FPTS and FET please contact me. Modem in: What was last received by the modem. The most interesting thing is Connect which is when reception goes into Phase C (receiving faxpage). Modem out: What's being sent to the modem. Page nr: The number of the page being received. FHNG: If FHNG: 00 then everything's functioned correctly. Table 2 shows the meaning of the codes. Path M:\ Shows the search path to where fax pages are saved. *** Table 1 *** T.30 Session Subparameter Codes .-----------------------------------------------------------------. | Label | Function | Value | Description | |--------|---------------|---------|------------------------------| | VR | Vertical | 0 | Normal, 98 lpi | | | resolution | 1 | Fine, 196 lpi | |--------|---------------|---------|------------------------------| | BR | Bit Rate | 0 | 2400 bit/s V.27 ter | | | | 1 | 4800 bit/s V.27 ter | | | (See note 1) | 2 | 7200 bit/s V.29 or v.17 | | | | 3 | 9600 bit/s V.29 or v.17 | | | | **4 | 12000 bit/s V.33 or v.17 | | | | **5 | 14400 bit/s V.33 or v.17 | |--------|---------------|---------|------------------------------| | WD | Page Width | 0 | 1728 pixels in 215 mm | | | | 1 | 2048 pixels in 255 mm | | | | 2 | 2432 pixels in 303 mm | | | | *3 | 1216 pixels in 151 mm | | | | *4 | 864 pixels in 107 mm | |--------|---------------|---------|------------------------------| | LN | Page Length | 0 | A4, 297 mm | | | | *1 | B4, 364 mm | | | | *2 | unlimited length | |--------|---------------|---------|------------------------------| | DF | Data | 0 | 1-D modified Huffman | | | Compression | 1 | 2-D modified Read | | | Format | *2 | 2-D uncompressed mode | | | | *3 | 2-D modified Read | |--------|---------------|---------|------------------------------| | EC | Error | 0 | Disable ECM | | | Correction | *1 | Enable ECM,64 bytes/frame | | | (Annex | *2 | Enable ECM,256 bytes/frame | | | A/T.30) | | | | | (See Note 2) | | | |--------|---------------|---------|------------------------------| | BF | Binary File | 0 | Disable BFT | | | Transfer | *1 | Enable BFT | | | (See Note 3) | | | |--------|---------------|---------|------------------------------| | ST | Scan Time/ | | VR=normal VR=fine | | | Line | 0 | 0 ms 0 ms | | | | 1 | 5 ms 5 ms | | | | 2 | 10 ms 5 ms | | | | 3 | 10 ms 10 ms | | | | 4 | 20 ms 10 ms | | | | 5 | 20 ms 20 ms | | | | 6 | 40 ms 20 ms | | | | 7 | 40 ms 40 ms | |--------|---------------|---------|------------------------------| | NOTES: 1: CCITT T.30 does not provide for the answering | | station to specify all speeds exactly using the DIS | | frame. Implementation of some BR codes (e.g.code 2) | | by an answering DCE is manufacturer specific. | | | | * =Not supported | | ** =RC144AC only | | | | 2: ECM has been implemented in Supra's version 1.200C. | | ECM transmit works correctly, and ECM receive works, | | but does not tell the transmitting machine that the | | fax was received correctly. | | | | 3: BFT has been implemented in Supra's version 1.200C. | | BFT transmit works correctly, and BFT receive works, | | but does not tell the transmitting machine that the | | file was received correctly. | | | '-----------------------------------------------------------------' *** Tabell 2 *** Hangup Status Codes - Shown as FHNG: xx .------------------------------------------------------------. | Code | Cause Description | |----------|-------------------------------------------------| | 0-9 | CALL PLACEMENT AND TERMINATION | |----------|-------------------------------------------------| | 0 | Normal and proper end of connection | | 1 | Ring Detect without successful handshake | | 2 | Call aborted, from +FK or AN | | 3 | No Loop Current | |----------|-------------------------------------------------| | 10-19 | TRANSMIT PHASE A & MISCELLANEOUS ERRORS | |----------|-------------------------------------------------| | 10 | Unspecified Phase A error | | 11 | No Answer (T.30 T1 timeout) | |----------|-------------------------------------------------| | 20-39 | TRANSMIT PHASE B HANGUP CODES | |----------|-------------------------------------------------| | 20 | Unspecified Transmit Phase B error | | 21 | Remote cannot receive or send | | 22 | COMREC error in transmit Phase B | | 23 | COMREC invalid command received | | 24 | RSPEC error | | 25 | DCS sent three times without response | | 26 | DIS/DTC received 3 times; DCS not recognized | | 27 | Failure to train at 2400 bps or +FMINSP value | | 28 | RSPREC invalid response received | |----------|-------------------------------------------------| | 40-49 | TRANSMIT PHASE C HANGUP CODES | |----------|-------------------------------------------------| | 40 | Unspecified Transmit Phase C error | | 43 | DTE to DCE data underflow | |----------|-------------------------------------------------| | 50-69 | TRANSMIT PHASE D HANGUP CODES | |----------|-------------------------------------------------| | 50 | Unspecified Transmit Phase D error | | 51 | RSPREC error | | 52 | No response to MPS repeated 3 times | | 53 | Invalid response to MPS | | 54 | No response to EOP repeated 3 times | | 55 | Invalid response to EOM | | 56 | No response to EOM repeated 3 times | | 57 | Invalid response to EOM | | 58 | Unable to continue after PIN or PIP | |----------|-------------------------------------------------| | 70-89 | RECEIVE PHASE B HANGUP CODES | |----------|-------------------------------------------------| | 70 | Unspecified Receive Phase B error | | 71 | RSPREC error | | 72 | COMREC error | | 73 | T.30 T2 timeout, expected page not received | | 74 | T.30 T1 timeout after EOM received | |----------|-------------------------------------------------| | 90-99 | RECEIVE PHASE C HANGUP CODES | |----------|-------------------------------------------------| | 90 | Unspecified Receive Phase C error | | 91 | Missing EOL after 5 seconds | | 92 | Unused code | | 93 | DCE to DTE buffer overflow | | 94 | Bad CRC or frame (ECM or BFT modes) | |----------|-------------------------------------------------| | 100-119 | RECEIVE PHASE D HANGUP CODES | |----------|-------------------------------------------------| | 100 | Unspecified Receive Phase D errors | | 101 | RSPREC invalid response received | | 102 | COMREC invalid response received | | 103 | Unable to continue after PIN or PIP | |----------|-------------------------------------------------| | 120-255 | RESERVED CODES | '------------------------------------------------------------' These tables have been 'ripped off' from Supra's information about fax modems (In turn, Supra has taken them from Rockwell's manual :-) *** Miscellaneous *** - If you information, documents or anything else about faxes, I'd appreciate it if you'd notify me of the file name and where I might request it. - You can also send me various modem settings (functional or not). Don't forget to mention what modem they're for. It could be of help to someone who can't get things to work. - If you like the program or have suggestions - SEND A NETMAIL! - I'd like to thank those that reacted in some fashion and, above all, to those who have sent me netmail!!!! Greetings from Bo Andersson Questions, suggestions and requests may be sent to: Bo Andersson 2:203/203.5@fidonet or 90:1101/113.0@nest or Bertil Jagard 2:203/221.0@fidonet or 90:1101/104.0@nest `~ >*o - ЭЭ" Ҁ.A// ??<JNAO f?<NNT#)&| a  M|@Sk  c -g `mRQ`Q$H MRo fR` Pgp Dg Ng Mg Qg Sg Bg TgH&|"a |&|( a &Wa <,aFL fS`|R"|(t(Hf )\g|\`S#( (\fB(`FR"|(Na`6RP7`*RP7`RJ97f &|*8,|#~,|#Q~`RP7Q7Q7"|'J`RJ97f P7Q7`RJ97f P7Q7`pr<g0k< n @`"Nu"Nu |(tBAA@?/<)?<6NAPJkF&|#Ga  |)$ 9)"9)I㨰e&|%/` a&|),| a pJ@Nu 9(tgt 9((tg?</ r?<NNAPJ@gH&|"a &|(a &|(ta <,aVL0< |(t Q?<NATR@2 |(t@@:?/?<GNAP |(t fS (\g\#(a`akh 9)"9(NlP7a <a `&|"a&|'a&|(taaʰBYE!gp |)8 +g.0<"|Aaf`(0< |)8"|Daf` |)8"|0<ahf` |)8"|&0<aPf` |)8"|-0<a8f` |)8"|40<a f` |)8"|:0<afD`ȱ fQNu/<?<&NN\#7z7~ 7~(|)8*L0<8Q(|)8/<NMXf/<?<&NN\"97z7~n`/<NMX< gmpNu  fR`(Ka&Lk0 ,gQ|fr`"pr<,g<g @0k@`̗`&|"a&|&ta&|)80<  gQ|&|#QaZ&|)>  fR`p0jpaX`z&|)80<  gQ| |!0< Q&|#[a&|)>  fR`,|!a"&|$a*|Yz?<?<NMXf RE|m`|Fg??<?<NM\`/<?< NA\#)2?<?<NNX/9)2?< NA\` H&|$a`aB |)("y( f0<Q. |' 97g a<` `b*|Q?<?<NMXg|Fg??<?<NM\`&|$a` ?<NNT.t"HԀ0@?<@0@Ԁ0S@kԀI0IAAPvF(HDJDgԹ`ԹRCAl` |(HDJDf1|x"|zS@J@g :MԱX`#( a Nu?<NNT"t |)2HaI0@?aI0axHA0@alI0@4SjtJ"|$|c4<Qa>I0@@Pa. |)&"|iT"|`"|n0<RQNu"y( fpP`Tp y( Ry)609)6|copQ`*a?</<(t?<NNAPg&|"a&|'a&y(a |*8"|(A0< Q"|`0< Q "|l0<Q?</<(t?<<SGSF`HEHElrHE*<ankPHCahkJKHC~fJGfHCaRk4KHC><SG`:HEHEl<<Ry(`H|g|g|g`$/<NMXfV y7f*/<?<&NN\#7z7X737/<?<&NN\"97z7o0<`d/<NMXJy7f<f`~P7pm0<`4By7 y7xf<f37x`H37x<f0a @&|)8a&|%a&|$a|*|YaNu?<?<NMXg|Fg??<?<NM\`Nu&|"a8&|%aL < a?<NNT)aa&|"a&|#a/<NMXJg /<NMX` < aJ97gJ97gaJAk, < a&|"a&|#~a <ax?<NAJp?<,NATz:9)laH( aB |# a k&|$Ha |,,,<afHG| |,< |.$afaHGa`J97f &|$aaJ97g&|$a`J97f |*80<anj20< |*8aLj40< |'baNj0< |'ba,k:`a|k2&|$a,` &|$a |5,kaBfaBA`2JNu??<>NAXJNu//??<?NAO JNu//??<@NAO Nu?<?/<?<BNAO JNu?</?<NNAPJNu 0 0H@B@H@pNu2< H@g0`0< B@H@QpNu2<v"|$nR`QrJf< `0QNu"/<IVcp}*7DQ^fnv~98 lpi,norm.196 lpi,fine2400 bps 4800 bps 7200 bps 9600 bps 12000 bps 14400 bps 1728p./215mm2048p./255mm2432p./303mm1216p./151mm864p./107mm A4, 297mmB4, 364mmUnlimited1D m.Huffman2D mod. Read2D uncomp. 2D mod. ReadDisabled Enab. 64 b/fEnab.256 b/fDisabled Enabled 0 ms/N 5 ms/N 10 ms/N10 ms/N20 ms/N20 ms/N40 ms/N40 ms/N0 ms/F 5 ms/F 5 ms/F 10 ms/F10 ms/F20 ms/F20 ms/F40 ms/FY,'Y,9Y,KY,]Y-'Y-9Y-KY-]*Bad value*+FDCS:+FDIS:+FCFR+FTSI:+FPTS:+FET:+FHNG:OKCONNECT AT+FDR AT+FK xx xxx 19xx@ xx:xx:xx Empty  `B@'d $&;'(ހ3Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec fY7 BT-Fax 0.99 by Bo Andersson 2:203/203.5 and Bertil Jagard 2:203/221.0 FreeWareY+#Transmit Station ID: Free diskspace: kB Y,#VR: BR: WD: LN: Y-#DF: EC: BF: ST: Y.#FPTS: FET: Y/#Modem in: Modem out: Page nr: FHNG: -- Y1# Y)# Y*# Y0# Y0#Y+8 Y+8Y+cY.)Y.KY/]Y/i Y/jOops - Page emtpy ...Bye.. and if you enjoy BT-Fax, please send a NETMail. 1993 Bo Andersson= Total time 00:00:00 = Flushing modem = Checking logfile(s) == Binkley.cfg NOT found = Reading Binkley.cfg = Writing NetMail = -m (Mail) not used = Can't write NetMail = Writing Logfile == -n used (NoLog) == Creating Logfile =Y/FAT+FDR Y/FAT+FK Y/-OK Y/-CONNECT Y/FDC2 ($12)Y/FCAN ($18)>65535Oops, something strange has happened. Code: -Intern Code: Can't continue, you have less than kB diskspace free.Time out Phase B ...Starting Phase C (receiving data) ...Received DLE x ETX, waiting for PPR Code ...Time out Phase C, waiting for PPR Code ...Sidebuffer full, waiting for PPR Code ...End BT-Fax. Received Post Page Message, analysing ...Receiving Post Page Response message, analysing ... BT-Fax notifies you about received Faxpage(s) Saving to file: Path Saved to JFAXID: BINKLEY.CFGSYSOPADDRESSNETMAILREADERSTATUSLOGBINK_FAX.LOGLED.NEWPID: :/.@.HDR.MSG ! BFAX Faxreceiving failed !Received xx pages in total bytes. Time 01-F RTC OK TimeOut C Buff.FullInvalid command: Path not found: Couldn't start. kBReceived: ,L ,   6  .    ,         *  \  $  N 4zD$     n  2  & :        J .  :  . (r       "       $  & &(     26. r# .. &"LEDKEY PRG $hL! 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Z&( ,n2^ Xr N&4Z " 4P$H6NP<  0@X 0d$HHX@2l$2F&(6P    $,.(@ X &>Tf   2 D  V&  ,L@,($$$"x.H &Z( p&.   B 0<R$ .>H2"JfH6 l ,  @ <   & $($L00$$$$ $  08 5 0) L A  h!' )   (  ,  H:d 0 *) "*  + ( 0 D 0 `  $ |  . * *'   $-. /FGHhi j"()):DE FOX adefwxy196788gh/i:; # $A % g hB i 1   ? % &9 ' a b: c t u v Make Key Led Key Generator! Registered - but non-reg PID IDNon Registered - but no INFO box.1996 Mr V. - Please pay for shareware!Exit1234567890123456789012345678901234567890________________________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXUsername:12345678________XXXXXXXXOKYour LED Key is: LEDKEY v1.35 Info! You are on your own with this small LED crakcer.It works as far as I know - and as far as I have tested!Be aware of the limited error-routines in this cracker!It is only designed to use on a singletask OS.You may freely run it under MiNT/Magic, but at your risk!If you use the KEY generator - know that the author might track you down if you are using your realname. If you are using the 'NO INFO' option, a few changes to your LED.PRG file will be done, so keep a backup of your LED.PRG file!!!!!of course!!!Please pay for LED if you use it regular!!! Support SHAREWARE!The 'NO-INFO/NO-PID' crack only works on LED v1.31/1.4x!Please support shareware if possible!!!! LED is worth it!12.10.96 Mr V Happy Trails!!!>ɶ",2_zK-^ȦqBvJa:^ԕ7S )nS\P9EE<5xuʇld[feWkhriCIa(2[rQ0eD:QXqϽG'SVg(pvMC Rެo!soA8"NׇGQtYdz?'l-θW<χwaZf}gO`v3̿awS4ڿiv>vre<=}(:90nצt&P^oVkM ?,W} GsX eXP=.qo;xrdi82Lʩ}, F.{%VNI)@ep:aИ'd{!F v<:@IYhkݴ ycQmx:ZHcpyIW5I$$UK2m{<UV5Ƒ .`rHێF"x*HY>lg q` 뱎ԳmͷTE78~F;L .$>)':%b˰쭾.i }Bϳk]S0SymĔ;5L9G Ϙ$3c%{@Rje 9ҷI8PDMĨh>!k}^ CTNb2Mw;mx@;b7R>+f:ap$!x̏KUaZk ^T=I#a+}{`!Oo6=ܸ릍Cf)IlSqc6Nq @Kvc4i;qR{KZH0cNP\I%.֗Jv{^'H+Gebgjq|qվWq~ѯepQpB@K@zzcs*`ѯ|G溥xq-=/S#'&$}=F#XTJŘU]i KC]%{ Λ.KgSS1!Gr^p< ֨v\0N}L'cP&.U` ZHń!:aO΃]ϡ ,~oNɨ[pE8Glv֓?u'jX.ôo O^tr &' t(AL:IԒI%.)i-=ȃ Li{FTyƼr!%wmqC4: &IDGdc :32rhnDžY$rUJ)Lm^S$$I)I$JRqLc;# u<1Vtn-b8n:SH$^Zy95*||[j?s}s\#Js_8X6ڨ$q|k/ %Fh\LJdA,FRb;$ P_Wz~{cd <PsZS -K(*-op*>$Qa2%)ʬup צA֑ǯȴ8{Z9ZWz7F3׋FdH[ 26@mL PmƬ;ˬs` 1.nEpa~NF l\SRܫHP`{L<2+,#_%+Q6OP6V^ {GuTb)2r5yLI)JfǖIPRpnXAQI) l 6 ? $RHzL{!xY)!( ";cAX.<()1c`B1JOoOͥ_Pӵ"[qH;@cXq2IJ<_LRI8𜥒NZL9LJJs v% $R/c^(a2䱷a:ESBs-uv\IH ;rMUsgԳȳTԑI"&3I&q>uge^O+B c>Lطgu_HhoǴi4F.V#(IV4b`۟s+κ Q *܃|*(#r,Ϻ]nxTaX# S ^8A#2I'2ԒI%+䒙$I%)$IJI$RI$I%)$IJI$RI$I%3e`;O<$JRv2I)~CC\譿E I"I;e$H)I$JRo58rRIIr/";q[V>?v$whȶn6@פb f8 zh7L)c#&Pj78e[w{-NѿgcSk$2IJrI"AEI$)$A=E_v;$Stn+aEXesFBB”c2IRI$``dgUUzV[o PѭȢk]]-sy wvO_X}(s=Kq.UwUΪ8d% iII-0TTO~}Z:^nUe->EE=31)*?KvUp2C\"gVVz]D08kUsc8U{UH=B0eVBBlvMծS@oI%h I.H}MY#G?1tƊ)#Jlc6#=1Ķ$v*)tķ2I)I$JԒI%)$IJI$RI$I%)$IJI$RI$I%)$IJI$RI$I%)$IJI$RI$I%)$IJI$RI$I%)8$&I%.\\dLI)I$JRI$I$$I)I'5da!@SU${q2ju8|QS= H> AIK$I)pH;rI+8-g*eUjf37^cձk8 2 Gڂtke hN I$RI$I%)$IJI$SԒI%)$IJI$RI$I%)$IJI$RI$I%)$IJI$RI$I%)$IJI$RI$I%)$IJI$RI$I%)$IJI$RI$I%)$IJI$S*<t]lkCA4Ju|H(>_^hVYsI?bи1`3) Jm}WƑ]mo {8%S)I')I$JRI$I$$I)I$JRI$I$$I)I$J