Os p @`  O` @`  O`AFX DOC AFX_21 PRG PACKERS DOC  PFXPAK21PRG  REGISTERENG s b\AFX Version 1.1 19.08.91 -H Automatic File eXtractor This program enables any other program to work with compressed files. If AFX is installed, the program is not able to distinguish between compress and uncompressed files. The files are decoded at the time they are loaded. AFX will only decode that part of the files, a programm actually needs, this means AFX needs only a small amount of memory (in this distribution: 24KB). 1. Installation Simply copy AFX.PRG into your auto-folder and restart the system. 2. Compression of files I have planned to use standard lzh-files but this has the disadvanage that LHarc will no longer work with AFX installed. This is because it is impossible for LHarc to read a compressed lz5-file. For that reason, the method is set to -afx-. LHarc 2.01d and newer versions have a special command for AFX. The difference is - every file is packed into itself, so you don't have to specify an archiv. - The method is set to -afx- instead of -lz5-  To compress one or more files, simply use the command "c", eg. after a double click on LHARC.TTP type: c filenames  to compress one or more files or  c -r filenames  to recursivly compress one or more files. For example: If you want to pack ALL .RSC-Files start LHarc from root and type c -r *.rsc  2. How it works If a program opens a file, AFX will intercept this command and looks if this file is stored in compressed form. This means, the file must contain a complete LHarc headers with correct checksum and the method must be -afx-. If the file is compressed, AFX will rememer this and intercept every fread, fseek and fclose-command for this file and translate them into several fread and decode-commands. AFX needs some memory to work, since not all programs like it if the amount of available memory is decrese in an open-command, AFX has its own memory pool. In this version it contains 20 KB -- enough for 2 open files. If you have more than 2 files opened at once, AFX will start to work with system-memory. AFX in its present state is not able to decode and start program-files. For this we have PFXPAK, since PFXPAK has not that much "housekeeping" to do, it works faster than AFX. It is not possible to write on compressed files. Compression can only be done with the whole file. If you change the first byte of a compressed file, you will eventually have changes in the whole file. For that reason, AFX would have to recompress the whole file every time a byte is changed (or it has to recompress it after it is closed). Since comrpession needs much time or much memory, this should be done with a seperate program. 3. Speed All mesurements are made with a Megafile 30 and 4KB Buffersize and an 187KB text-file. AFX is faster if the file has a good compression rate and slower if it has a bad compression rate. Short files or short parts of a large file (less than 10KB) are processed at a speed of about 55KB per second (depending on the file). If the file or the part of the file is larger than 10KB only the first 4KB and the last some hundred bytes of it are read in low speed. The middle part is read in high speed. The test file is read at a reat of about 100KB per second. 4. Future-versions - If a write on a compressed file occures, the whole file should be docoded on disk first. - I am thinking of a new format to increase decoding-speed, eventually increasing code-size. - I am thinking of a special AFX-Packer. 5. History Version 1.1 - 1.0 lookked, if files like CON: or PRN: deliver compressed data. The effect was, that it was possible to type in data, or, the program simply hangs. - Sometimes, AFX will start without delay. - More speed.  Version 1.0 - First working version. Before I delivered this version, I packed all my source-codes and texts and worked with tem a few days.  6. Shareware This is not free software. If you paied a public-domain vendor for this program, you paid for the service of copying and shipping the program, not for the program itself. This means 3that nothing ever get to the autors from this sale. You are allowed to copy AFX and to give it to your friends or a PD-Library. It is not allowed to sell this program. It is not allowed to copy this program without its documentation or without the registration-form. Your version has the same functions as the registered version, so you are able to evaluate it. The difference it, that fseek is a bit slower, you get a message for 5 seconds at start-time and this version does not contain all utilities. If you register, you get:  - A program to modify the buffersizes. Large buffers make AFX work a more speed (if you have the memory). - A faster routine for fseek. - It will start without delay. - A free new version of PFXpak, Fortune and LHarc.  If you like to register, or if you have any questions, please write to Thomas Quester Lampenland 9 2050 Hamburg 80 Germany. `h zA4apJAk6A@ <aaA# AD AF $A4  o<|  PaB?< NA\/ <AFXA"a?< NA\ o<| P$:A* R B(!MEMS(C'J"aar?>L/?<1NAHpa z'$t$g< aXp av aPp an (aFp ad#,/Aah _0< aLp aH`LNu1?Ha0`?Ha0`H@aH@`?|| m||0a0NuH??<NAXLNuH瀀ga`LNuH瀀ga`LNuH瀀 oaJf R</@LNuHB?< NA\/?< A' "$9A #NC#A NA\LNuNs <aIDIRA'Z 0Nu XBRAAFX Nhg O]/9HC0R"H#0)A0#F @?g @=g @>g8 @Bg @Ng @OgD @Ag N @ @Lg @g @g6Jf"L#/:2Nu4f L#NsHHStack-errora`Hz ?<!?<NMPA NuPARX$ A / i .:HSGCFa a|gCQ.`.0) A20A S C>E: QgH"`vAfhACE&QgLA A "`@Ha LNu<NuH(Hg. 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PFXPAK will pack anything as long as it hasn't been packed already. It used to pack only executable files, but now it packs the non-executable ones as well (to be used with AFX). But first... PFXPAK.PRG The button "Komprimieren" means "Compress." After clicking this, you'll get a file selector. Select the file you want to pack and it will pack away. * Make SURE you have enough memory for the program * * to load the file you want packed!! Otherwise * * the screen will be filled with nasty colors, and * * the resulting file will totally crash!! This * * usually isn't a problem... * You'll get another file selector when it's done--select (or type the name of) the file you want it saved to. The button "Entkonprimieren" means "Decompress." After clicking this, select the file you want to decompress (why would you want to do that?) and it will unpack it. Then select (or type the name of) the decompressed file. The button "Fastload" will not pack your file as tightly as normal, but your file will take less time unpacking. As it is, most files take virtually no time unpacking, so this isn't very useful under normal circumstances. You want to save all the space you can, right? The button "Immunisieren" means "Immunize." Hmmm, some kind of virus protection? AFX (Automatic File Extractor) If you pack non-executable files (and you'll want to, especially P.D. games), they will need some help unpacking. To do this, place AFX_21.PRG in your AUTO folder. After bootup, each non-executable file that was packed with PFXPAK will be intercepted and unpacked into memory. (Of course, the executables unpack themselves.) Having PINHEAD in your AUTO folder will speed things up a lot, but as it is, it's very fast. If you want to compress large amounts of non-executable files, use Quester's LHARC201x archivers. The "c" command will do it. NOTE: Remember that when AFX is installed, it will unpack any AFX-packed file into memory. This means that if you copy an AFX-packed file from one disk to another, it'll be written to the other disk uncompressed! It makes sense... It's also kind of a pain, so if you're copying AFX-packed files here to there, don't install AFX. Either that, or send in your shareware fee and get the accessory to turn AFX off... Got all that? Have fun... B. Lancaster ST Base BBS - (602) 285-9246 `, `,LArc's PFX 1.13P 1990 -soft, Markus Fritze g.h` /H*@"m mA$H -(H!Sj JC pl QN , HD , p,m:<0r Q&N~*6<Q~d So:Q` H"CAD@CD@ArTApAQoQ`&-A& LA(HJkf&CH"grאg<fA``+D +E+F.ޅR؃+D؅+D+VC m Sj mJfA, "gr/r$&(*,."A$A&A(A*A,AH~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H`Sf"|`B QL gpNޭ,-lz5-oF/D:\LHARC21J\PFXPAK.PRGß`" uX,o:| " |Ҏ.A/ //<JNAO a>aa #.jpa B#ByR* BgNAA/@4 -f (U uP1HPP'#-lz5F:C/\/f _/ fCJgh8a f\CD #/A, a0aT'~O'a L8Jk&jjT.b _F z&" :&#1PTLjFFJW g1| (Ш TAC E%JggpFΐ0 F,@jƐf @&@$z/DagC,"afx I `<`` QxAag RD|mJDg\p>< SFpp\qfn~A)޸Pn0 Pp0` RB`0:) H|2:)|ApTBfr0 LS@ fTsp0)rPn: tgvRAf0|lCP%RE|RF/Pm آ`RAz)Bnat,0SDJ@g ` Dl:r4KHBmLNuSA`0<pH` 2A1 R@|oB@`C"3m1w>< AjEpPgtsրzrրnIPKP24s g(243 Gf460 C 7061 217 1PKPs0f 7:LsNu5=23P`22VH3C`Ft|}Bʁ5`7yIjL?1O"1fV < Z21 W@ r j ` , HDְ ڰ p:ip0r Q&N~Q~d RESn`, HED@/D@ArTApAAڀn10~R"h!I$@)b4EbђR4"jQo%U1@G2Jg@SMpTSf!|1" $  21 9$@Nu0?<?//NAT*@NNAP~$-6-8-B0,`Bg<~.C~zLi`/_/?@2&ЀJgV^0x?=&>*60J@a.2?D;*҅>>NAX`<<oHNA\IHz#l2L~g.z T zamapH1V0vA Lp2tId Av0Rf016̀"$2A"qC 0H21 A0@A$/"Z"(0!y l*m& l*P0$8&q%%A!Q 5"  Dq%d"q%">&q%В"? &q% !>2*8!A]{`j+!&2*22*\!2 R\:x!n2 \:1- \:"1R#pe11*( G L0Y# Cz b:9*B)<,MAA< ,<p6r#y@k15E##2%ER1%E@!5ER6@5EҔ JJPI(*AJb"1IK>B;1ZzBJ1ZB?1ZTyQm3IQ6R*%%RR^@#(z UYN UpQB #Uw 0 !%U|0%"C 0nan !0+kFCk 0S[ka!L qmbA%'RVcTbS 0r>t\!2+Zz"+} } Zz![R} S>tFrgQT} r} z?1} } ֮z1j~0~0~0U[~0\zBd~09p=uxQpr~0z1?)?*V+?mZ?no??Uz=??쪏@.@/Vr0@?@@zAA@N@Oz P@e@fzg@w@xzKomprimierenEntkcFastloadExitInfoPFX/AFX-Packer Version 2.1>(C) 1991 Thomas Ques!topMarkus F/ritz1ܟŜ>ImmunisiDiese Program ist nicht Public;-DȐin !4 Idee vA, da jedDateien und9me hat,_Fsehr hu !fig benutzt werddahauch etwʐlang->sa=mgeladrfen.jAfr zustnd>kaniohneiѐe VorbjitungautȐtis~Рim Hinѐݡ7grausߒn -- esАIprakTkeWU_Vied m}0zw,UgeߑtHZust9zOnnlnoРgeJVirusbefallVv_}0d$mals WSpeGpr ihn݀Um mitn%daA9n?, mu oAO-OrdninstiW(Sle?). Beiݰݡgrifnauf@-YnetuLampen٠d 97el. (040) 720 54 32050 Hamburg 8EUl:Ze~Aus:T.͔}@ahhMtnǛ@ HHo~p҃l lS_wͣefo+ch.]regBr=¢dUCum i rortabler:M}i n / Ҏ#Äimmswahlkreѐ.spre,—R9fz.B.WZ`neBil~TOS-ȎLksa.fDMZr erhlt.koАt 1(extra.f wird Fig_100%rOrignalgr.000GOKb k#@A~93 # 2)4)6)8)BZBP <3 |` c0000 <*(j 6 H|ar  <2O:- t&xf0ah 0L>NuH@B@H@ N.Bt NA\/ AHm/??NAO >NAXԁCD P`fASx|HMUEX^QLA  G߼`[3][I ?probAy|infectby a v][ab>|continue]DChecksum-misRch,1 H8ʠ|p5V|bt{4BX I+H;|p@0-`f BgNAмk6 mA$H -(Hߙ!(Sj J plN , HDD H p`:<0r >&N~*76<Q~d So: ` ր"CAD@CD@ATApAQo `&-A& LA(HJkf&CH"grאgf ``+D +E+F.ޅR؃ ؅ +VC۠Ϙ茼S2SJf, "gr/r$&(*,."A$A&A(A*A,AH~°`Sf"|?`B >pNoޭq,zr,x1.13 *>P&8J\nȯگ"4FXj|Ŀֿ-lz5-444V4VK < rm "x. ( *D(.D x hV&b:lV4*D%0H : *, * PFX+ / AFX+ Registrierung * *, Date ___.___.___ Name _; First Name _; Street _; City  _ / _/ Land _;   Amount Price Total PFXPAK+ ___ x $US 15 ___,__ AFX+ ___ x $US 15 ___,__ PFXPAK+ plus AFX+ ___ x $US 20 ___,__ I pay the fee of $US _,__ (including disk, and shipping): [ ] Cheque. [ ] cash (money) [ ] per intalment on your account. _K I got AFX [ ] from friends. [ ] form a >mailbox : _. Net : _. [ ] from a dealer : _. _E _E [ ] Any other way : _. _E _E -K My Computer _ Monitor: [ ] BW / [ ] Color Memory _ MB Tos-Version: _ Additional Hardware (Printer, Scanner..): _!