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Abort]\a\boptit2.cbmcannot open windowcannot open windowcannot open windowcannot open windowGame Countries USA USSR Make Policies Events BriefingX -trouble in Contigus  2dd @`USA Score: USSR Score: 0* Two old women* Small groups* Large gatherings* Huge crowds*0* protest* march* wave signs, carry banners* demonstrate*0* in @* at a political rally* during the &'s speech* in the streets*3*. *0* Students* Thousands of citizens* Frustrated workers* Crowds of young*1* present petition* demand action* demonstrate angrily* riot in the streets*0* against high food prices* against police behavior* against government policies* against low wages*3*. *1* Two dissidents* Top critics of the government* Groups of demonstrators* Thousands of government opponents*0* escorted to meeting with &* harassed* thrown in jail* executed*0* by police* by government agents* by / soldiers* by security men*3*. *0* Factory workers* Laborers* Union members* Workers*0* go on strike;* walk off jobs;* lay down tools;* declare strike;*1* march peacefully* little violence* some fighting reported* ---A bloody day*3*. *0* Anti-government terrorists* Members of the %* Insurgents* Radical elements*0* claim responsibility for* announce* carried out* are suspected of complicity in*1* the kidnapping of an American businessman* the recent airport bombing* the attack on oil storage tanks* the assassination of the minister of defense*3*. *0* The minister of defense* An official spokesman* The &* A high official*0* denounces* blames* blasts* criticizes*0* anti-government terrorists* members of the %* insurgents* radical elements*0* for the bombing of a school.* for the current wave of political murders.* for the attack on the American embassy in @.* for the bloody attack on a bus.*0* % terrorists* Members of the %* Radicals* % extremists*0* bomb* detonate bombs on* blow up* use car bomb against*1* power lines;* bridge;* busy intersection;* &'s residence;*0* damage quickly repaired.* nobody killed.* ...a shambles...* two die.*0* Anti-terrorist* Anti-%* Government security* Internal security*0* sweeps* searches* operations* activities*1* will remain low-key,* to be boosted,* a necessary measure,* will become all-out effort,*0* & promises.* / official claims.* observers say.* insurgents vow to carry on fight.*0* Anti-government guerillas* Forces opposed to the government* % fighters* Members of the %*0* launch a series of attacks on* fight with government troops in* carry out attacks on* take control of*1* isolated villages* several remote towns* two provincial capitals* the outskirts of @*3*. *0* Army units* Government forces* Government troops* Soldiers loyal to the regime*0* carry out a sweep for guerillas* attack % positions* battle guerilla forces* hunt % fighters*1*, scoring spectacular success* inflicting heavy losses* with some success* but accomplish little*3*. *0* Guerilla leader* Spokesman for %* Commander of the %* Top guerilla*0* predicts* vows* promises* pledges*1* long, valiant struggle* new attacks* big guerilla offensive* overwhelming victory*0* in Fallaci interview.* to eager audience.*; see page 10.* in store.*0* Reports show* Reporter claims* Fact-finding group asserts that* Study reveals*0* peasants* country dwellers* rural people* villagers*0* endure* experience* work in atmosphere of* undergo*1* some insecurity.* occasional combat.* constant battle.* daily terror.*0* Rebel forces* % soldiers* Anti-government troops* % forces*0* launch attacks on* overrun* fire rockets at* besiege*1* several government patrols* army outposts* large army base* @*3*. *0* Army forces* Government units* Government soldiers* Troops loyal to the regime*0* stage major offensive* fight rebel elements* pound enemy positions* slug it out with % fighters*1*;heavy guerilla losses* scoring minor success* without result* but suffer heavy casualties*3*. *0* / spokesman* The &* Highly-placed official* Government source*0* claims* declares* asserts* reveals*1* total victory* big victory* some success* encouraging signs*0* in recent battle with rebels.* in civil war.* after fierce battle.* against %.*0* Rebel forces* Anti-government soldiers* Troops of %* % units*0* ambush* shoot up* surround* destroy*1* army patrols* government outposts* army battalion* entire division*0*Government*&*Secretary of Industry*Economics minister*0* announces* declares* unveils* releases*0* new* revised* updated* modified*0* five-year plan.* economic plan.* economic program.* 10-year program.*0*Government*@*&*Government*0* takes control of* nationalizes* takes over* buys out*0* more* additional* privately owned* foreign-owned*0* mines.* steel mills.* petroleum facilities.* banks.*0*New tax plan*Tax overhaul*Reformed tax code*Tax reform bill*0* presented to* considered by* debated by* passed by*0* legislators* legislative body* legislature* lawmakers*3*. *0*&*&*&*&*0* promises* pledges* vows* guarantees*0* continued* to maintain* to preserve* to extend*0* free trade.* unhindered business atmosphere.* laissez faire economic policies.* free and open marketplace.*0*Sullen*Frightened*Quiet*Small*0* crowds* groups of people* assemblages* knots of people*0* attend* present at* seen at* reported at*0* &'s speech.* anniversary of revolution.* government parade.* 'spontaneous celebration'.*0*Low*Small*Unimpressive*Disappointing*0* turnout* participation* popular support* popular involvement*0* in latest* in recent* in government* in yesterday's*0* plebiscite.* meaningless elections.* showpiece vote.* plebiscite.*0* Support for* Popularity of* Support for* Popularity of*0* government* &* leadership* &*0* reportedly* said to be* estimated to be* shown to be*0* moderate.* fairly high.* good.* improving.*3*&*0* mobbed by* met by* greeted by* addresses*0* adulatory* happy* cheering* singing*0* citizens.* crowds.* people.* population.*0*!*^*> +*!*0* accuses ? of* castigates ? for* complains that ? is* presents evidence that ? is*1* minding his own business* assisting dissidents* funding the opposition* inciting riots* encouraging assassinations* plotting a coup*3*.*0*/ &*& of ?*/ spokesman*/ &*0* praises* seeks closer ties with* promises better relations with* edges closer to*0* !* ^* !* ^*0* in press statement.* in speech.* in year-end address.* after conference with > +.*0*/ aid package for !*Foreign aid from ? to !*/ economic assistance for !*/ grants and credits to !*0* upped to* increased to* totals* tops*1* nothing* $200 million* $400 million* $1 billion* $2 billion* $4 billion*3*. *0*?*/ &*@*/ government*0* slashes* announces cuts in* reduces* trims*0* aid for ! to* economic assistance for ! to* aid package for ! to* foreign aid outlays for ! to*1* nothing.* $200 million.* $400 million.* $1 billion.* $2 billion.* $4 billion.*0*?*/ &*/ government*@*0* cites diplomatic factors* claims deteriorating relations* refers to 'diplomatic difficulties'* angry with ^*0*, rejects > aid package*, spurns economic aid from !*, refuses part of > economic aid*, returns part of > aid*3*.*0*?*/ &*/ government*@*0* provides !* offers !* rushes !* gives !*1* nothing* $20 million* $100 million* $400 million* $1 billion* $2 billion*0* in weapons package.* worth of military hardware.* in military aid.* in military assistance.*0*/ military aid to !*Military aid from ? to !*/ military assistance for !*/ weapons outlays for !*0* decreased to* declines to* trimmed to* slashed to*1* nothing* $20 million* $100 million* $400 million* $1 billion* $2 billion*3*. *0*@*/ spokesman*/ &*/ government*0* declares* maintains* announces* reports*0* '? cannot accept'* refusal of* rejection of* '? will not take'*0* full complement of > military equipment.* entire package of > military assistance.* complete > weapons aid.* all weapons offered by !*0*!*^*> +*!*0* accuses ? of* castigates ? for* complains that ? is* presents evidence that ? is*1* harboring* assisting* supporting* shipping weapons to* bankrolling* providing massive assistance to*0* # elements.* fighters in the #.* the # underground.* the #.*0*/ government*/ &*@*?*0* agrees to* promises to* vows to* accepts plan to*1* eliminate* slash* roll back* cut* reduce* curtail*0* aid to the > #.* funds for the > #.* assistance to the > #.* weapons shipments to the > #.*0*?*/ government*@*/ &*0* dispatches* sends* rushes* commits*1* nobody* military advisors* first combat troops* several military units* large military forces* massive military power*0* in support of > government.* to help > government.* at request of > +.* to assist > regime.*0*/ troops*/ military forces*/ soldiers*/ combat forces*0* in !* supporting > regime* stationed in !* based in !*1* pulled out* greatly reduced* scaled down* cut* reduced* trimmed*3*. *1*Last > military personnel*Last > military personnel*Most > troops*Many > soldiers*Some military forces from !*0* ejected* thrown out* forced home* asked to leave*0* by ?* by / &* by @* by / government*3*. *1*Nobody*Military advisors*Combat troops*Military units*Large military forces*Massive military forces*0* from ?* sent by / &* dispatched by @* from ?*0* intervene* invade > territory* attack > army units* enter > territory*0* in > conflict.* in civil war in !.* in > civil war.* in > war.*0*/ government*/ &*@*?*0* pulls out* recalls* brings home* disengages*1* all / troops* all but military advisors* most / forces* many / troops* half of invading force*0* from !.* from > war.* from > territory.* from !.*0*/ &*& of ?*/ &*& of ?*1* consults with* publicly condemns* calls on nations to condemn* pressures* exerts intense pressure on* wages diplomatic offensive against*0* > government* !* government of !* !*3*. *0*/ &*& of ?*?*?*0* inks* signs* concludes* agrees to*1* no treaty* diplomatic relations concord* trade agreement* military bases concord* mutual defense pact* total defense agreement*0* with !.* with + of !.* with > +.* with + of !.*0*@*/ &*/ foreign minister*/ representative*0* cancels* tears up* voids* terminates*1* diplomatic relations agreement* trade pact* military bases treaty* mutual defense concord* nuclear defence treaty* all relations*0* with !.* with !.* with > government.* with > government.*0*Angry / &*/ government*& of ?*@*0* cancels* voids* kills* terminates*4* * diplomatic relations treaty* trade agreement* military bases concord* mutual defense concord* nuclear defence treaty*0* with > government.* with > government.* with !.* with !.*0*% soldiers*Small groups of citizens*Smiling crowds*Wildly cheering /s*0* greet* turn out for* line parade route of* attend installation of*0* new &* new &* new &* new &*0* in @.* in capital.* and his inner circle.* and wife.*0*% forces*% soldiers*% fighters*% troops*0* triumphantly* jubilantly* exultantly*, flashing 'V' sign,*0* occupy* move into* take control of* take charge of*0* @.* &'s residence.* / government buildings.* last government stronghold.*0*New Regime*New &*New government*New leadership*1* executes* jails* ousts* replaces* takes over from*0* former &* previous &* former leader* previous leader*3*. *3*And*3* that's*3* the*3* news.* * * * * *Spheres of Influence*USA Solid*USA weak*USSR weak*USSR solid*Major Events*None*Finlandization*Coup d'Etat*Revolution*Prestige Value*Very little*Some*Much*Very much*Insurgency*Peace*Terrorism*Guerrilla War*Civil War*Likelihood of Coup d'Etat*Low*Moderate*High*Very High*Likelihood of Finlandizing to USA*Low*Moderate*High*Very High*Likelihood of Finlandizing to USSR*Low*Moderate*High*Very High*Diplomatic Relationships With*Warm*Cordial*Cool*Hostile*Military Aid Sent Out Of*None*$20-$100 million*$400 million*$1-$2 billion*Military Aid to Insurgents Sent Out of*None*$20-$100 million*$400 million*$1-$2 billion*Troops Supporting Govts Sent Out Of*none*1,000-5,000 troops*20,000 troops*100,000-500,000 troops*Troops Supporting Rebels Sent Out Of*none*1,000-5,000 troops*20,000 troops*100,000-500,000 troops*Economic Aid Sent Out of*None*$200-$400 million*$1 billion*$2-$4 billion*Destabilization Efforts by*None*Minor*Significant*Major*Treaty Relationships With*None*Relations*Military bases*Mutual Defense*Pressure Applied by*None*Minor*Significant*Major*2*The Soviet*Our*The official*Our*2* response* reply* answer* reaction*2* is coming* is being sent* is on its way* will arrive*2* via the North Pole.* over your nothern border.* by ICBM.* by missile courier.*2*The Soviet people*The USSR*The Soviet Union*Our forces*2* will defend* will protect* will fight for* will exert themselves for*2* this principle* this affair* Soviet rights* this matter*1* but would prefer a peaceful outcome.* if necessary.* regardless of cost.* to the last breath.* and emerge victorious.*2*This issue*The matter* This affair* Our policy*2* is* remains* is considered to be* is declared to be*1* of some significance* of great concern* of great importance* of extreme importance* absolutely vital*2* to the Soviet government.* to our government.* to our interests.* to our people.*2*The Soviet Union*The Soviet government*The USSR*The Soviet leadership*1* has considered and rejects the* will not countenance the* is immune to this* is invulnerable to this* contemptuously rejects this*2* empty* hollow* desperate* imperialist*2* threat.* intimidation.* verbal abuse.* American rhetoric.*2*Your action*American aggression*This criminal activity*Such behavior*2* forces the USSR* requires us* leaves us no choice but* impels our government*2* to take* to resort to* to respond with* to execute*1* unambiguous steps.* strong measures.* decisive action.* our military options.* use of military force.*2*This matter*This affair*Our action*The Soviet policy*1* is thought to be outside the sphere of* is rightfully not subject to* does not defer to* will never be subject to* is absolutely not subject to*2* American* imperialist* capitalist* warmongering*2* meddling.* interference.* involvement.* intrusion.*2*The Soviet Union*The USSR*The Soviet government*The General Secretary*1* is disappointed with* deplores* condemns* will not tolerate* is outraged by*2* the American* this imperialist* this criminal* this capitalist*2* action.* behavior.* aggression.* provocation.*2*The Soviet Union*The USSR*The Soviet government*The Politburo*1* does not wish* sees no reason* has no intention* refuses* categorically refuses*2* to change* to modify* to alter* to reverse*2* its current course.* its present policy.* its course of action.* this policy.*2*The peace-loving USSR*The Soviet government*The Soviet Union*The General Secretary*2* has no desire to* refuses to* will not* is not willing to*2* start* initiate* begin* launch*2* a nuclear war.* a nuclear holocaust.* the end of the world.* a suicidal war.*2*The Soviet Union*The Soviet government*The General Secretary*The USSR*2* will appease* will yield to* accepts the demands of* responds to*2* American warmongers* imperialist aggressors* American provocateurs* capitalist warmongers*2* with this gesture of peace.* with a peaceful response.* with an act of cooperation.* with a cooperative initiative.*2*We*The Soviet people*Our leaders*The Soviet leaders*2* temporarily withdraw* defer* postpone* shelve*2* this legitimate* our just* this justified* our rightful*2* complaint.* grievance.* protest.* demand.*2*The Soviet leadership*The Soviet Union*Our government*The USSR*2* will redeploy* will refocus* will reconcentrate* will rearrange*2* its attentions* its efforts* its concerns* its activities*2* elsewhere.* to another area.* to another region.* to other sectors.*2*In the interests of peace,*In the interests of harmony,*As a peace-loving nation,*Despite American obstinacy,*2* the Soviet Union* the Soviet government* the USSR* the Soviet Union*2* will submit its complaint to* will present its case to* will make its rightful protest before* will ask for justice from*2* the UN.* the UN.* world opinion.* the UN.*2*The USSR*The Soviet people*The Soviet government*The Soviet Union*2* will honor* will respect* will accede to* will comply with*2* your* the American* the imperialist* this*2* request.* protest.* petition.* diplomatic note.*2*This matter*This affair*This policy*This action*2* is not vital to* does not directly impact* is not central to* is only peripheral to*2* Soviet* our* the USSR's* Soviet*2* interests.* sphere of influence.* concerns.* correlation of forces.*2*We*Our leaders*Our government*Our leadership*2* did not mean* did not intend* did not wish* had no desire*2* to threaten* to violate* to intrude upon* to infringe upon*2* your vital interests.* American concerns.* your sphere of influence.* American interests.*2*The USSR*The USSR*The USSR*The USSR*1* deplores* deplores* protests* protests*2* this action* this policy* this activity* this outrage*3*. *2*The American government*The President*The government*The President*2* sends* transmits* offers* expresses*2* condolences* regrets* consolation* sympathy*2* for your demise.* for the destruction of the USSR.* to the Russian people.* to the Soviet leadership.*2*American forces*US military forces*American military forces*Our military personnel*2* have been placed on* have moved to* are now on* have moved up to*2* maximum* the highest* a state of extreme* the maximum*2* alert.* preparedness.* defensive posture.* readiness.*2*The President*The United States government*The government of the US*The President*1* accepts the need* is prepared* is willing* will not hesitate* eagerly awaits the opportunity*2* to use* to employ* to bring to bear* to resort to*2* nuclear weaponry.* our full military power.* our most powerful weapons.* our nuclear arsenal.*2*Abusive rhetoric*Idle threats*Irresponsible talk*Ugly messages*2* will not intimidate* cannot sway* will have no effect on* will not deter*2* the government* the leaders* the President* the leadership*2* of the United States.* of the USA.* of this country.* of our nation.*2*We*The President*The United States*America*2* will respond* will react* will respond* will react*1* resolutely* vigorously* with determination* with forcefulness* militarily*2* to this Soviet aggression.* to this irresponsible behavior.* to Soviet terrorism.* to this brutal act of aggression.*2*Our government*The President*The United States*The US government*2* regards* considers* sees* views*2* this matter as* this policy as* this event as* this action as*1* having some importance.* a crucial concern.* important to US security.* critical to American security.* totally non-negotiable.*2*The United States of America*The US President*The US government*The USA*1* is concerned over* is disappointed by* deplores* denounces* condemns*2* this irresponsible* this dangerous* this highhanded* this unjustifiable*2* action.* policy.* behavior.* activity.*2*The United States of America*The US President*The US government*The USA*1* does not understand* regretfully denies* will not honor* refuses to consider* absolutely rejects*2* the Soviet* your government's* this diplomatic note's* this unjustified*2* objection.* reaction.* challenge.* request.*2*The United States*The President*America*This government*2* will not* refuses to* shall not* will not*2* drag the world into* initiate* touch off* launch*2* a thermonuclear war.* Armageddon.* a nuclear holocaust.* nuclear destruction.*2*America*The government*The President*The United States*2* will yield to* will accept* will acquiesce to* will honor*2* this outrageous* this irresponsible* this unfair* this heavyhanded*2* demand.* ultimatum.* claim.* message.*2*We*The USA*The President*The National Security Council*2* will refer* will take* will present* will submit*2* this outrage* this affair* this matter* this dispute*2* to the United Nations.* to the UN.* to the court of world opinion.* to the General Assembly.*2*This dispute*This disagreement*This conflict*This misunderstanding*2* is not vital to* is not a major factor in* does not directly bear on* will not directly affect*2* the security of* the interests of* the concerns of* the sphere of influence of*2* the United States government.* the USA.* America.* the United States.*2*The United States*The President*The US government*The USA*2* will overlook* will not act on* will tolerate* will accept*2* this* this* this* this*2* action.* policy.* behavior.* activity.*2*The USA*The US government*The President*The United States*2* will honor* will abide by* accepts* responds favorably to*2* the Soviet* the USSR's* the General Secretary's* the Soviet*2* request.* message.* diplomatic note.* communication.*2*The USA*The US government*The President*The United States*2* understands* respects* accepts* honors*2* the Soviet* the USSR's* the General Secretary's* the Soviet*2* concerns.* message.* diplomatic note.* communication.*2*This matter*This action*Our policy*Our action*2* was not meant to* should not* must not* was not intended to*2* come between* heighten tensions between* cause difficulties between* generate problems for*2* our two nations.* the two superpowers.* the USA and the USSR.* the two of us.*2*The USA*The USA*The US*The US*2* deplores* deplores* protests* protests*2* this* this* this* this*2* policy.* activity.* action.* behavior.*0* Farrah* Jackie Onassis* Liz Taylor* Michael Jackson*0* predicts future* dying of cancer, claims* searching for* abducted by flying saucers, reveals*0* cure for cancer in sex* impending earthquake in California* reincarnation of Elvis* revolutionary diet plan*3*. *3*End*3* of*3* folder*3*.*0*Market share of*Demand for*Critics' praise for*Public reaction to*0* Racter* Deja Vu* The Perfect Score* The Mist*0* skyrockets;* sets new records;* goes through the ceiling;* exceeds all predictions;*0* Mindscape buys Wall Street.* economy boosted.* analysts jubilant.* President declares day of thanksgiving.*3*Beginning*3* of*3* folder*3*.*3* Go ahead,*3* make*3* my*3* day.*American*Washington*President*Democratic party*Republican party*Soviet*Moscow*General Secretary*Communist Party*human-rights activist*Mexican*Mexico City*Presidente*Insurgency*Insurgency*Honduran*Tegucigalpa*Presidente*Insurgency*Miskito*Nicaraguan*Managua*Junta leader*Sandinista*Contra*Panamanian*Panama City*President*Insurgency*Insurgency*Cuban*Havana*Presidente*Castroite movement*Insurgency*Argentinian*Buenos Aires*Presidente*Insurgency*Peronista*Colombian*Bogota*Presidente*M-19*Insurgency*Peruvian*Lima*President*Sendero Luminoso*Insurgency*Venezuelan*Caracas*President*Insurgency*Insurgency*Brazilian*Brasilia*President*Insurgency*Insurgency*Chilean*Santiago*President*MRPF*Insurgency*Canadian*Ottawa*Prime Minister*Quebecois*Insurgency*Greek*Athens*Prime Minister*'November 17' group*Insurgency*Swedish*Stockholm*Prime Minister*Insurgency*Insurgency*British*London*Prime Minister*IRA*Insurgency*French*Paris*Prime Minister*Direct Action*Insurgency*Spanish*Madrid*Prime Minister*FP-25*Insurgency*West German*Bonn*Prime Minister*Red Army*Insurgency*Romanian*Bucharest*President*Insurgency*Counter-revolutionary*Italian*Rome*Prime Minister*Red Brigade*Insurgency*East German*East Berlin*Party Leader*Insurgency*Insurgency*Polish*Warsaw*Military Commander*Insurgency*Solidarity*Czechoslovakian*Prague*General Secretary*Communist Party*Insurgency*Yugoslavian*Belgrade*General Secretary*Communist Party*Albanikos*South African*Pretoria*Prime Minister*African National Congress*Insurgency*Egyptian*Cairo*President*Moslem fundamentalist*Insurgency*Tunisian*Tunis*President*Insurgency*Insurgency*Moroccan*Rabat*King*Polisario*Insurgency*Algerian*Algiers*President*Kabylian*Insurgency*Libyan*Tripoli*Military Leader*Alborkan*Insurgency*Malian*Bamako*President*Insurgency*Insurgency*Nigerian*Lagos*President*Insurgency*Insurgency*Sudanese*Khartoum*President*Anya-Nya*Insurgency*Ethiopian*Addis Ababa*Secretary-General*Eritrean LF*Insurgency*Kenyan*Nairobi*President*Insurgency*Insurgency*Zairian*Kinshasa*President*FNLC*Insurgency*Tanzanian*Dar es Salaam*President*Insurgency*Insurgency*Mozambiquean*Maputo*President*Makonde*Insurgency*Zimbabwean*Harare*Prime Minister*ZAPU*Insurgency*Angolan*Luanda*People's Leader*UNITA*Insurgency*Japanese*Tokyo*Prime Minister*Red Army*Insurgency*North Korean*Pyongyang*President*Insurgency*Insurgency*South Korean*Seoul*President*Communist Party*Insurgency*Australian*Canberra*Prime Minister*Aborigine Liberation Front*Black Koala Movement*Chinese*Beijing*Party Secretary*Communist Party*Counter-revolutionary movement*VietNamese*Hanoi*Party Chairman*Khmer Rouge*Insurgency*Turkish*Ankara*President*Insurgency*Insurgency*Syrian*Damascus*President*Muslim Brotherhood*Insurgency*Israeli*Jerusalem*Prime Minister*PLO*Insurgency*Taiwanese*Taipei*President*Communist Party*Insurgency*Iraqi*Baghdad*President*Sunni sect*Insurgency*Saudi*Riyadh*King*Shiite extremist group*Insurgency*Iranian*Teheran*Ayatollah*Tudeh*Insurgency*Afghan*Kabul*President*Communist Party*Mujahedin*Pakistani*Islamabad*President*Pushtun*Insurgency*Indian*New Delhi*Prime Minister*Sikh movement*Insurgency*Burmese*Rangoon*Prime Minister*Kachin tribe*Insurgency*Thai*Bangkok*Prime Minister*insurgents*Insurgency*Indonesian*Jakarta*President*Communist Party*Insurgency*Filipino*Manila*President*New People's Army*Insurgency*InsurgWeaponIntrvnStabilCoupPyDipRlnFinlndFinlPyInsecrC~a;~B:$N9t6yY!z4 a3j,nt+8;<u *cF[|@h'bE,r-./\4a567899:;<=1>`?@A-BCDE+FWGHIhJKLMN?OP QRnSTU.VcW\] ^ 7_ ` a Jb c d e ?f tg h i j :k l m n o qt u vLwtz5hCD/hU +i=|@^ )[~/ih;_`98  F  ! !\!!""d""#P##$1$m$$%!%_%&&` & '  'P ' ''($(|(())V))**E*$*%*&*'+#(+)+*,(+,b,,-,.-R/-0-1.,2.y3.4/5//6/f7/80-90q:0;0<1[=1>1?2;@2fA2B3C3bZ3[3\3]40^4_4`4a5Ab5kc5d5e6f6tg6h7i7pj7k7l86m8Qn8|o8p8q97r9ps9t9u:v:Rw:x:y;"z;t{;|;};<<><====#=.=3=x=>>p>}>>>>>>>>?C?y??@@O@@@AASAAAB(BVBBBC0CdCCDD_DDEE@Ep E E F F4 FtFFG G;GmGGH HBHHIINIIIJJS J!J"J#K$KU%K&KKRelationship:enemyhostilecoldcoolneutralcordialfriendlywarmcloseYpY~YYYYYYYYPrestige 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The four levels provideincreasingly complex and accurate representations of the real world ofgeopolitics. People who play this game without reading the manual arewasting their time.aFaabbe0 million$0 million$,000 troops,000 troops00 million$bbbbbNewspaperUSSR ActionsUSSR OtherUSA ActionsUSA OtherMinor Country NewsLast Year USALast Year USSRbbbbc cc'c5Lowest QuartileThird QuartileSecond QuartileHighest QuartilecdctccGross National ProductMilitary SpendingConsumer SpendingInvestment SpendingPopulationMilitary PersonnelLiteracyEnergy consumption per capitaCalories per capita per diemPhysicians per MillionInfant MortalitySchool EnrollmentTelevisions per ThousandTelephones per ThousandProtest DemonstrationsViolent political deathsRiotsArmed AttacksAssassinationsPolitical ExecutionsPolitical RightsCivil Rightsccccddd!d*dHded|dddddeeee#e8eIInsurgency:civil warmajor guerrilla warminor guerrilla warrampant terrorismminor terrorismslight unrestpeacefuleeeeeeffGovt Philosophy: extreme left extreme left far left very left left moderate left slight left centrist slight right moderate right right very right far right extreme right extreme right extreme rightfFfWfffufffffffffffg gMilitary Power: Insignificant Very weak Weak Minor Moderate Strong Very strong SuperPowergrggggggggSphere of Influence: Absolutely USSR Very strongly USSR Strongly USSR Moderately USSR Fairly USSR Slightly USSR Neither Slightly USA Fairly USA Moderately USA Strongly USA Very Strongly USA Absolutely USAhhh'h<hLh^hlh|hhhhhhGovt Stability: About to fall very shaky shaky weak fair stable strong very strongi i0i@iMiUi\iciliuweakening fastweakeningweakening slowlystrengthening slowlystrengtheningstrengthening fastiiiiiiInsurgency growingInsurgency weakeningj j3BeginnerIntermediateExpertNightmarejPjYjfjmInsignificantVery lowLowModerateConsiderableHighVery highUtmostjjjjjjjjY Y ZL Z [< [\*\]8]^^N_hO_P_Q`SbzTbUcDXcYeVvf&wg.xgyhzi{j|jHjxj\a\options.cbmVersion 1.03\a\world4.cbm\a\bitmaps.cbmUSA holds mouse USSR holds mousecUSACanadaMexicoHondurasNicaraguaPanamaCubaArgentinaColombiaPeruVenezuelaBrazilChileSoviet UnionGreeceSwedenBritainFranceSpainWest GermanyRomaniaItalyEast GermanyPolandCzechoslovakiaYugoslaviaSouth AfricaEgyptTunisiaMoroccoAlgeriaLibyaMaliNigeriaSudanEthiopiaKenyaZaireTanzaniaMozambiqueZimbabweAngolaJapanNorth KoreaSouth KoreaAustraliaChinaVietNamTurkeySyriaIsraelTaiwanIraqSaudi ArabiaIranAfghanistanPakistanIndiaBurmaThailandIndonesiaPhilippinesThe Yearly Newsc\a\SavedGameopen failedread error\a\SavedGamecreating fileSavedGame      Ȃ  Ȃ  P    }  8( <USA holds mouse USSR holds mouse LevelUSA USSRgain this year:gain to date:0+700-700 Scores Scores for Scores You have kept the peace. Your scores:You have ignited an accidental a nuclear war.And no, there is no animated display of a mushroom cloudwith parts of bodies flying through the air.We do not reward failure.End\a\SavedGamecreating file\a\SavedGameUSA holds mouseUSSR holds mouse USA USSR In ,USA Gain: USSR Gain: Diplomatic CrisisMilitary CrisisBackChannel DiscussionBackChannel Discussion OK Prestige at Risk: USA Interest:USSR Interest: OK s CloseUp: Net SentUSA ValueUSSR Value{}{}Values in {brackets} are maximum possible0 million$,000 billion$ -- Capital: Insurgency: a  [WHO: dark:USSR light:USA] [WHAT: gray:anti-govt solid:pro-govt]r History of [parallel lines: major event] \a\SavedGame12{: /person/GNP$.0.,,0 } per capita per GNP Lower ValueHigher ValueccJ99N`]QHRBXcTcccZcbbcbbU9,7#-  (B 'c(XcR2<(XP(2$CO>S*d A&kcc "T WVAD~X1  G.-& ^ %  <  ` . 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A: A compiler takes a high level language program and translates it into a free-standing machine language program. An interpreter takes the high level language program and attempts to understand it at that level, or at some intermediate level. ALICE contains an interpreter. An interpreter is usually much slower at running a program than compiled code, but because the interpreter works with the program at a high level when it is running, you can debug a lot more easily. An interpreter can also run a program immediately -- you don't need to compile it first before you can run it. ALICE is the system for you if your programs sit around waiting for the user to do things -- ie. if they don't require a lot of speed. If you need speed, you should buy a Pascal compiler in addition to ALICE. Q: Why can't I just change arbitrary text in my program? A: ALICE is truly different from the text editors you may have edited programs with before. With ALICE, you're actually editing your program as a PROGRAM, not as a piece of text. What this means is that ALICE thinks of your program like a "tree" where program structures are branches that contain other program structures and so on. The valid editing operations in ALICE are the same ones you could use on a tree. Clipping off a set of branches, and possibly grafting new sets of branches in different places. We've made your job easier, though, by providing all sorts of special features to make use of these basic operations. In particular, the ALICE expression parser lets you type in and edit your Pascal expressions as a text without worrying about the tree structure. For larger things, we believe that you SHOULD worry about the tree structure - that's what makes a structured program. Q: Why isn't there a global search-and-replace? A: That's a valuable feature in many text editors, but remember that ALICE isn't a text editor. If you edit a variable's declaration using the EDIT command, all the uses of that name will change too. That's about the only global search and replace you need in a program. If you do need something complex, you can save your file as text, edit it with a regular editor, and convert it back to ALICE form with the "apin" program. This is cumbersome, but we think you won't have to do this very often, if at all. Q: What if I have a more sweeping change I am doing frequently? A: ALICE can be customized to make your common operations as easy as the touch of a key. You can define macros to do any sequence of operations -- see the section of the manual on the "map" command and the initialization file. You can also customize ALICE even further with Pascal programs. More on that, later. Q: ALICE lays out all the syntax - will learners ever pick up all the details about begins, ends and semicolons for use in the real world? A: Some people worry about that, but research done on syntax-directed editors indicates that students taking a course with a syntax-directed editor learn the "concrete syntax" no worse than those using a traditional system. If you're scared that you'll never be able to use an old-style system after getting used to ALICE, you may be right - just like you can't go back to punch cards after using a screen editor. Q: How do I change an IF statement into a WHILE loop? A: We realized that some types of editing would not be very convenient if done in a tree based manner. So we allow you to make such special changes with a single command. Look up the "Special Changes" menu on the Structure menu, and others. Q: How do I make changes that aren't on the Special Changes menu? A: ALICE is perhaps the most programmable editor in the world because it's programmable IN PASCAL. Look for our special library on how to program in your own ALICE features. Before you go this far, however, think about how to solve your problem using the "move" and "get" commands which let you put "branches" of your "tree" into what we call workspaces, allowing you to do complex manipulations. Q: ALICE indents my program for me, which is nice. But what if I prefer my own style of indentation and formatting? A: It's true that many people have their own particular styles of formatting their programs, and are devoted to them. Sadly, one of the prices you pay when getting automatic formatting is that it might not be done your way. We felt that providing a choice would be too confusing for beginners, since it's a choice you really don't have to worry about until you get more advanced. ALICE does load its templates, though, and we have provided different template files with different control of indent and begin-end style. In the meantime, look below for information on how to change the indenting of your "begin-end"s with the "-i" option. Q: ALICE always represents arrays in the form arr[1][2] instead of arr[1,2]. Why is this? A: In Pascal, the latter form is defined as a short form for the first. As above, we felt that providing a multitude of forms would just complicate the program, especially for beginners, without providing any extra power. Note that ALICE lets you type in the latter form, and converts it to the first. Q: Sometimes errors involving mismatched types don't go away when I fix the declarations involved. Why is this? A: For ALICE to completely check the whole program every time you change a declaration would be a monumental job, and we don't think you would want to wait for it. After all, compilers spend a fair proportion of their time just checking the program over once when you compile it. And you know how long they take! ALICE will recheck your error if you move the cursor to it, or if you run the program or ask ALICE to typecheck it for you. Just about any other error will get reported to you the instant you enter it - this is the only kind of error where you get a delayed reaction. If you want, you can have ALICE check everything with every change. Lookup up the "checking frequency" command line option, or just include "f=6" in your init file. Q: How do I list my program on the printer? A: Use the TEXT command on the command line (Type CTRL-X first). >text prn will do the listing directly for you. Q: How do I output to the printer in my program? Create a printer file of type 'text' with something like: var Lst : text; ... then in your program say append( Lst, 'lst:' ); writeln( Lst, 'This appears on my printer' ); Q: I'm running out of memory. What can I do? A: ALICE uses up a lot of memory because it remembers how to undo almost every change you make to your program. If you delete 50 lines, it still keeps them around so you can undo that delete. If you want that memory back, you can use the "Recover Memory" command found on the MISC menu. If you are truly running out of memory, it might be because the memory allocator ALICE uses has broken up your memory into chunks too small to use. Saving your program, quitting and reloading the whole thing may help. In the end, however, this version of ALICE is designed for learning and prototyping small to medium programs. If your program gets really big, you will have to think of ways to make it smaller, or perhaps consider buying an Atari 1040ST. Q: Sometimes hitting the space bar does a lot, other times is just types a space. What is happening? A: ALICE likes to anticipate what you are doing -- that's how it saves you so much typing. It usually does this when you type a recognized Pascal word like "var" and follow it with a space. Inside an expression, comment or string, however, spaces have a meaning and ALICE is required to treat them as nothing special. This sounds confusing at first, but we feel our solution is fairly natural once you get the hang of it. You'll want to mix the use of spaces with other special keys like the TAB key or the ESC key. Soon you'll develop a familiar pattern with the keys on your keyboard and you'll be amazed at how fast you can enter programs. You'll never want to use another editor for Pascal. We certainly don't. If you don't want the action of space, use the "Esc" key to finish editing your expressions and variables. Q: Often when declaring variables or entering immediate statements I find it a problem moving the cursor back to where I was. What can I do to make this easier? A: We have anticipated this problem and provided a special command that takes the cursor back to the last place it was before a big jump like the ones you described. Look for "Former Cursor Loc" on the GO menu. Q: What if I don't like the keys you have chosen to do things in ALICE. A: ALICE is designed with the experimenter in mind. All ALICE keys are actually what we call "macros", which is to say they are not hardwired to the actions they perform. You can define your own keys, and change the ones that exist. You'll find that the ALICE initialization file contains the definitions for all the keys ALICE uses. It maps them all to the low level commands that are the final interface to ALICE. You will find those mappings in the ALICE initialization file, and you can change them to your hearts content. Q: Why can't I continue a program where I stopped it after I change it? A: If you change a program, you will confuse ALICE as to what was going on when it stopped. ALICE keeps a careful record of all that was going on in the program at the time you interrupted it, with references to all the different parts of the program under execution. If you change the program, those references will no longer be correct, so ALICE can't go on. Sorry. Q: What if I want to use ALICE just as an editor? A: You can use ALICE just as an editor to prepare Pascal programs for other compilers, but naturally ALICE can't check the specialized features of these compilers. With the caveat that we don't fully support this type of activity, typing "not" on any placeholder that takes up a line will pop up a special kind of comment. This is the "non-ALICE" comment and you will notice that it is NOT surrounded by braces. This means that you can type anything here, and it will be passed on to other compilers when you save the file, but ignored by ALICE. To use ALICE in this manner, simply be sure you save your program both in ALICE format, and as text, before you quit. You can then compile the text version. When you want to go back to ALICE to make changes, simply load in the ALICE format version. You can even setup the ALT-S key to issue both the "SAVE" and "TEXT" commands at the same time by using the ALICE macro facility. You can even call your compiler directly from within ALICE if you have the memory for it, by using the "COMPILE" command, which appears as "Invoke Compiler" in the File menu. ALICE will also load files that end in ".pas" by running the "apin" program on them first, but there must be enough memory around to run this program. See the manual for more details, particularly concerning the \f and %% features. The "COMPILE" command is a combination of TEXT and SHELL. Q: What if I don't like the colours ALICE uses to display my program? A: ALICE lets you change the colour scheme to be as flashy or conservative as you desire. Check the section of the manual concerning the initialization file and the "colour" option. Even people with non-colour monitors can alter the attributes ALICE uses, although they come from a more limited set. You want all your errors to blink? It can be done. There's also a sample program on the disk that shows you how to change colours with a Pascal Program Q: If I have a lot of declarations, changing them gets a little slow. What can I do? A: ALICE likes to check your declarations at all times to make sure that they are correct. It needs to do this so that it can correctly check your statements as you type them in. The price you pay is that all your declarations are checked each time you change one. The problem is that this can get a little slow if you have a lot of declarations, or start changing your globals a lot. One solution is to copy your declarations into another workspace, and edit them there, copying them back when done. This is not a great solution, and we're working on making this faster. Q: When will there be an ALICE for the "C" language? A: We get a lot of requests for this. The problem here is that the full C doesn't have a proper syntax because of the macro pre-processor. C programs can have arbitrary combinations of symbols if you use the #define construct a lot, and this makes the job for ALICE very difficult. It's not a solved problem, but we're considering solutions. Q: What if I want to run my ALICE programs without ALICE? A: The ALICE supplement kit contains a version of the ALICE interpreter that works without the editor, and can be used to run independent programs. We will allow you to give this program away with your programs, and even allow it to be included in commercial packages for a small fee. As an added bonus, this interpreter will be faster than the one used with ALICE because it has debugging features taken out of it. Of course, you can also save out your program and run it through any standard Pascal compiler so that it will run at its very fastest. Q: ALICE can help a lot, but it sure gets in the way sometimes for more complicated editing operations. What can I do? A: This is the big trade-off of a system like ALICE. A system that holds a learner's hand is bound to frustrate more experienced people somewhat. We've done our best to allow you to make custom changes so that the system will be more usable to you. In the long run, though, may experienced programmers develop particular habits of editing programs that just don't mesh with ALICE. Perhaps it just isn't the right system for them. For beginners, we feel that the best way to make many "text-editor" type changes is to delete structures and enter them again. ALICE makes entering structures very fast and error-free, so this isn't at all as bad as it might sound at first reading. Try it.  ((((( H con:CON:prn:PRN:lst:LST:lpt:LPT:lpt1:LPT1:aux:AUX:com:COM:com1:COM1:rdr:RDR:pun:PUN:nul:NUL:null:NULL:H>B?< NA\AB` ABX :#:BAB\/ABd/Bg?<KNAABT :ABX#:AB`/?< NA\L|ABT Nu\a\TEXTDATA.RCSo>,D   *(@@@L2 6    L ( "  ^@@.x  .    $    R. 2 :":V:h("<Z,   :0$ , j\J  *:  ^$  $.  " .&:P(N.P   & & &  &$ 44""J "F0 "(Manual Errata: The EXECUTE command is on the F6 key, not Shift-F1 The CONTINUE command is on the SHIFT-F1 key not, CONTROL-F1 The MOVE to clipboard command is on ALT-M not ALT-'-' The GET from clipboard command is on ALT-G not ALT-'+' The routine documented as LongFilePosition is actually LongFilePos Arguments to Cproc and friends are optional, beyond the function number. Page 9-30: "InsLine" should read, "which window should have a line inserted." Known Bugs: No programming language system in history has ever gone out without a few minor problems. ALICE: The Personal Pascal is unfortunately not an exception. The following bugs are either chronic or were discovered just prior to release: o If ALICE runs out of memory while loading a program, some memory is lost for the remainder of the current editing session. Usually it's not very much. The solution is to save out, quit ALICE and begin again. This also frees up memory lost to "fragmentation" in a long session. Unfortunately, even if memory is freed within ALICE, there is no way to return it to the operating system, and certain OS functions will run out of memory from this point on. o In general, when you let the OS run out of memory, certain operations like window creation and window "drop down" will not work. There is little ALICE can do to prevent this. We advise you save out your files and start your session again. Possibly gain more memory by shrinking or eliminating ramdisks and desk accessories. o ALICE's handling of field references and WITH statements is not perfect when record declarations are deleted or the variable in a WITH statement is deleted. Things that are implied field references that should become variables are not changed, and variables that should become implied fields are not changed either. One way to correct any field problems in the body of a WITH statement is to MOVE (ALICE command) the whole body out to a workspace and COPY it back in. This re-looks up any symbol references. o The 'kbd' file does not read two-byte sequences for special keyboard codes as documented. It currently works as get_char. This will be fixed immediately. o If you use the EDIT command to edit expressions, be warned that placeholders just get placed in the editing buffer as regular text. When you are finished editing, they will not be turned back into placeholders, so you might get messages saying that the symbol "Value" is undefined. o You can't enter the integer constant -32768 because Pascal defines negative constants as a negative sign and a positive constant. 32768 isn't a valid positive constant, so an error is generated. Be warned that ALICE only allows you to access the number -32768 in order to do system work, and make revoke this privilege. For now, you can only get this number by arithmetic operations. o Be warned that searching for small strings (for example, just the letter "e") can catch you up. "e" will be found in words like "begin" and "end", which are everywhere in the program. What's worse, ALICE doesn't really have a concept of putting the cursor on a word like "begin" and "end", so it often moves the cursor to the main thing in the block containing the found word. This can be annoying, so be sure to be more specific in your searches. Remember that ALICE is *not* a text editor, and you can't really treat it like one. o There are minor errors in the calculations done for the vertical slider on the editing window. ALICE doesn't actually keep a text representation of your program anywhere but on the screen, so it is difficult to work in terms of "line numbers" or quanitites like "the number of lines in the file." Thus use of the slider, and page up/page down operations may result in an incorrect slider position. For example, you may be at the bottom of your program with the slider indicating there is still more to see. o The sample application programs 'PAINT.AP' and 'INV.AP' are quite large and are a tight fit in a 520ST. An upgraded 520ST or a 1040ST are recommended for these applications. 'PAINT.AP' will run on a 520ST if the desk accessories are removed and the stack size is set to a fairly small size (see the 'Option' command). @'P@'P@'P@'P@'P@'P#a000000 #b000000 #c7770007000600070055200505552220770557075055507703111103 #d #E 7B 02 #W 05 00 10 01 15 09 08 A:\*.*@ #W 00 00 0D 08 15 0B 00 @ #W 00 00 0E 09 15 0B 00 @ #W 00 00 0F 0A 15 0B 00 @ #M 00 00 00 FF A FLOPPY DISK@ @ #M 00 01 00 FF B FLOPPY DISK@ @ #T 00 03 02 FF TRASH@ @ #F FF 04 @ *.*@ #D FF 01 @ *.*@ #G 03 FF *.APP@ @ #G 03 FF *.PRG@ @ #F 03 04 *.TOS@ @ #P 03 04 *.TTP@ @ @'P@'P@'P@'P@'Pm^x=\c m31=\cexit\n m212=\ccontinue\n m192=\cexecute\n m127=\cdelete x\n m210=\cinsert\n m^f=\cnext\n m^l=\cclear\n m^i=\cfwd\n m^p=\cclip\n m^u=\cundo\n m^r=\credo\n m^^=\cparent\n m226=\chelp\n m262=\cblock\n m290=\ccheck\n m187=\crun\n m188=\cstep\n m213=\csuperstep\n m196=\cselect\n m190=\cback\n m244=\cnext\n m247=\cclear\n m243=\cprev\n m146=\cedit\n m166=\cload\n m153=\cphelp\n m148=\ctoklist\n m176=\cpopback\n m20=\ccheck\n m2=\ctraceback\n m174=\ccopy clipboard\n m214=\cshell\n m6=\csearch\n m1=\cagain\n m15=\cpop\n m163=\chide\n m147=\creveal\n m^e=\cextend\n m227=\s m159=\csave\n m144=\cexit\n m199=\cblock\n cd=1 cq=3 m225=\cundo\n m253=\cchild\n # Set the stack size to be around 5K Increase if you find ALICE # running out of memory while executing a program # s=5000 # # Sample OSS Compiler directive # To activate simply remove the leading '#' sign #p=\oss\compiler.prg %%.pas;\oss\linker.prg %%.prg=%%.o,\oss\paslib @'Pprogram SieveOfErastothenes(input, output); { Calculates prime numbers up to 2 * size + 3 } const size = 200; var i, prime, k, count, iter : integer; flags : array [0..size] of Boolean; begin count := 0; for i := 0 to size do begin flags[i] := true; end; for i := 0 to size do begin if flags[i] then begin prime := i + i + 3; k := i + prime; while k < size do begin flags[k] := false; k := k + prime; end; count := count + 1; end; end; writeln(count, " primes"); end. @'P@'P@'P@'P@'`~)*o m$m,B"H"&J$YJf"Jg< Af Rf Gf Vf =f Jg#FB "&J$YJf"JfB&f2 "ИEHB2 r ggSJ"g fB*`B" #.I+I/ #//SA?/ / Bg?<JNA Jf p?Nzp>BgNz>NXON ?N~?<LNANVp=@NzH#B?<NJTO#/< NXOJ@g /</<N֎POp?N~TO#(J(gZJR MH?/<JNy\O-@g .J0@V`JgR``BL0N^NuNVN^NuNVp?NTO=@ nfp=@0. @bBH0@~ PN`2p(?/<8J`p(?/<8"` p(?/<7/<8rN O N^NuNVH(Jf/</<dNPO n #gp=?/.Ny\O*@ g R nP/ NɜXOH-@.H |2< `XHXW PN`/ N2XO#`r#(p30``0.3 p3`J0.3`/ N2XO#,`* n(H@a=@0.H @8r .0` n(HR@0@ H@g ./0<Hї /NɜXO=@`B n ('f n(H` n (^f n(H@`/<NXOJnmB nl:/ N>XO0.H&@Jn g / N2XO` &Ry&`4?./<N\O`/ N>XO/ NrXO`/ N2XO#6`0.3`/ N2XO#`/./<dNPO` n +fp`B@=@f n -f n(H@b @bH0@`B9:`l37`b3ݲ`XJnfp`B@26`D3"`:3v`0Jnfp`B@3\`3 `/.N2XO#FL(N^NuNVH00.H@B@H@"@ QB@( =@0.S@H@ ?NTO*@0.B-B-B0. @bBH0@4 PN`D+n&$+n" +n+n+n+n+n +n `?./<0N\O/ N(XO=@BGnl2H A ((@ g)MRG` L0N^NuNV n!n0. 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(Can't find %s) Press ESC to quithelp exit [2][You have not saved one|of your workspaces|Quit anyway ?][ Yes | No ][2][You have not saved one|of your workspaces|Quit anyway ?][ Quit | Don't Quit ]opt`Invalid m#= optionopt`macro %d out of rangeCan't have %d kids growlist(%x) on full list9H]  ^ ) < ? *G ,: .e 0; 2Q 4N 6R 8O :K <B >= @V BX DY GW JZ L[ OC Q& ZD \A l@ z > c   U  4 3  S  / -   .  % ,!\!! T! F!J!$!P!!"!,!4!;1!B!F9!JH!N!U!Z!]!b7!h!l0!r2!w]..:=Real Constant(;,:*+/-)[]=<<=<>>>=^writeln(.String ConstantChar Constant{Comment}Integer ConstantA SymbolIllegal Charabsoluteandarraybegincaseconstdivdodowntoelseendfileforfunctiongotoifinlabelmodnilnotoforpackedprocedureprogramrecordrepeatsetshlshrstringthentotypeuntilvarwhilewithxor?<%d>?token: [2][%s][ OK | HELP ]perror/[2][%s][ OK ]A runtime error has occured (see above). Hit any key to continue...noerr`You have not had an error yet!Internal error: [2][An Internal Error has occurred|Continue ?][ OK | Abort ]Frame %2.2d/%2.2d in ???%s %s(%d)SuspendSUSPENDex_class fails %s%s%s.hufrb$7mainbadwork`Workspace %s does not existfragment`Can't edit code fragments (yet)[2][Clearing a workspace|cannot be undone|Do it anyway?][Yes|No]fragment`Copying of an entire program to a workspace not permittedcopy`Can't copy onto the current workspaceclipboardstomp`Previous contents of workspace %s deletedNew WorkspaceWorkspacesWorkspace Name? get`You may only insert a code portion on a placehoderempty`Workspace %s is emptyinslist`You can't insert a list of things herebadget`Can't have a %s placeholder herebadget`You can't put %s nodes onto a %s placeholderinputoutputNo match for "%s" foundBuiltin menu too longDo Nothingnopcommand/misc/General InformationHmisc/getoneWhat can I type here?Information about PascalClipPossible SymbolsImmediate Mode Block'D%'e'''''%'%''''(((:(B%%~%(N(Y(a(f(p(x(&%(%(((((((((%)saveGo back to ALICEQuit, forgetting all the changesquitquit)%))D)H)cWhat kind of help would you likeGetting Started with ALICEHmisc/introQuick summary of KeysgemkeysFeatures of ALICEHmisc/commandsphelptoklistHow to quit ALICEHmisc/quitWhat was the last error?lasterrorWhat does my error message mean?errhelpMaster MenuInsertionsinsmenuHelpDeletionsdelmenuChange StructuresMove CursorphelptoklistMiscellaneousmiscFile OperationsioRunning the ProgramdebugSpecial changesspecialtiessymbolClearing WorkspaceClear the workspace - You can't UNDO thisnewDo NOT clear the workspacenopnot an ALICE Pascal save filepremature end of filerbbadsavefile`Can't open save file "%s"[2][You have not saved|this workspace|Load anyway ?][Yes|No]Loading "%s"loadmem`Not enough memory to load programbadformat`bad save format (%s)unsupported versionbadformat`Save format %d is a later release, load at own riskwrong sized integersbad symbol tablebadnode`strange type %d in file[2][That file already exists !|Should it be overwritten ?][OK|CANCEL]wbSaving to %scantopen`Can't open %s, file not savednot a symbol table!Corrupt symbol table%s %s %c%s pruneall`You can't delete an entire program!nolist`Cannot find a list to expandfulllist`Can't expand list any furtherchg_decid`"%s" in use already[2][This operation is too|involved to UNDO|Do it anyway ?][OK|CANCEL]Editing operation abortedundo`Nothing to undoHistory list bad at start of undoUnknown history code %d found in history listredo`Nothing to redoHistory list bad at start of redoUnknown history code %d found in history listbadmark`Nothing to go back todiffwrk`Mark is not in this workspacebadmark`marks must be a letterbadmark`mark '%c' hasn't been setbadmark`mark '%c' has been deleted  }-+(['"ccgc>>??AA<=>?@)BCD:;FGIJKLMNOPQ]9HRSTUVWXYZ[\_ Command:Nullcp not cursor in reuse'%s' is not a valid constant'%s' is not a valid variable name'%s' is not a valid identifier'%s' is not a valid identifiercantedit`Can't change a %s textuallyJ"US]9H^c\>TFJ?PAGKe;QNROB=VXYWZ[C@D Can't insert any more text, line too long. syntax`Expression syntax errorCan't put a macro on key # %d!Expansion: macro definition abortedcomac`Command macros must be completed with '\n'NP]9HQRUSTc@A>?FVWYX[Z\JGKeDB = C ; ^ "complex`Expression too complexComments are not allowed within expressions,-01./+45a`  hideprogram`Can't hide the whole programbadhide`You must select at least a whole line for hidingbadreveal`Not a hidden part of the programbadsellist`This command can't be applied to a listneedrange`You must select an item or range first - see SELECT commandneedlist`Selected item must be an element in a listneedlist`Your selection must be an item in a listunfinished`We haven't implemented %s yetperror/perror/Sorry, can't elaborate any further on the last messagebadspec`Type must be a named type or placeholder for absolutestatonl`The selected item must be a list of statementsneedblock`You may only raise a block statementbadspec`Can't make a specialty change to a '%s' nodeChange this to:System Command: shell`Error executing %sbadimm`Can't enter immediate mode at this pointbadbp`Breakpoints should only be put on statementsrunimm`Can't do that when experimenting in immediate mode62 Hit SPACE to resume ALICE editingThis will build %s '%s' structureaeiouana%dpactions/You can enter a '%s' just by typing it in right now&Possible Inputpnode/Pascal Helppnode/pclass/psymbol/, ; Got l list code toolong`Line on screen too long{+Hide end}#%u{+ toolong`Line on screen too longtreeprint:Bad template char %d {+Breakpoint (Debug ONLY), var func proc UntypedUnknown%s%s : %s   GB#AA!wPrinting to file %sbadasc`Can't open file %s forward;{}{+Class %s}{+Hide}{+Class %s}break`Break!Can't find search start in out_line find_alice_cursor: Row %d outside of window boundsfind_alice_cursor: Column %d out of window boundsfind_alice_cursor : Screen has no lines on it!!!?L????=?Z??}@@X@@&W@,@6@9@J@P@b@h<@n@t@9@@[@@@d@@@@A@S@zAAAA. A5"A:AGaAO,AWAb_AjA|CAAAAAA>AAAAAsAvAwA{BtB rByBxB&pB/nB9~BC|BMqBVuB_oBfQBjBx^B{B BBVBBBjBBiBkBB:BOBB]CC /CeCTCC/6C3CCCHlCNC_0CcDCjCu C~C CC CCfCC`CC4CcCCC!CDIDD;D"hD&D8D>DJDOHDV.D]8DgD{?DDbDD#DDYDD-DBDD7D+DEFEEgE)E9E> EC1Save Interval (0 for no Autosave) ? Program is runningResumed program execution[2][Typecheck completed.|No errors detected.][ OK ]cantedit`You cannot edit a %s as textSuperstep Executionpsymbol/nocpl`No compile string definedOption line? Immediate mode executionnotsusp`Program not currently suspendednotsusp`Program not currently suspendednodecl`There is no declaration for this itemnoundo`Memory Recovered. You can't UNDO past this pointbadcommand`Unknown command '%s'againSearch AgainautosavebackblockbreakpointSet BreakpointbufferBuffer GraphicsbugoffDebug OnbugonDebug OffcdChange DirectorycheckTypecheck ProgramchelpchildclearRedraw ScreenclearfollowCursor Following OffclearpointClear BreakpointclipcomoutComment OutcompileInvoke CompilercontinuecopycreatewsCreate WorkspacedeclGo to DeclarationdeleteeditEdit as textencloseerrhelpError HelpexecuteExecute StatementexecwsExecute WorkspaceexitExit AliceexprextendfilenameSet FilenamefreememMemory LeftfwdgemaboutgemclosegemcountgemdebuggemfollowgemfulledgemkeysgemloggemmovedgemredrawgemsaveasgemsearchgemsizedgemslidegemtopgetGet WorkspacegoGo to MarkhelphideimmediateImmediate ModeinsertlasterrorHelp on Last ErrorloadlogLog Output to filelsibmapDefine MacromarkSet MarkmenumergemoveMove to WorkspacenewClear WorkspacenextnologTurn logging offnopoptionSet OptionpagedownPage DownpageupPage UpparentphelppopPop Suspended StatepopbackGo to Previous SpotprevraiserecoverRecover MemoryredorevealrsearchReverse SearchrsibrunPop & Run ProgramrunitRun ProgramsavesearchselectsetfollowCursor Following OnshellShell CommandspecialtiesSpecial ChangesstepSingle StepsuperstepSuper StepsymboltextSave as TexttokentoklistWhat can I type here ?tosTOS CommandtracebackWho called me ?typeundounselectlogwlogging output to "%s"Log - can't open file "%s"Name of output file:Program halted - hit SPACE to resume editingcommand/Command Helpnopcommand/badtok2`'%s' isn't valid here. You could type '%s' if you did a deletebadtoken`The input '%s' is not valid at the cursor. Try the HELP key        writelnbadsub`Subranges are only allowed in setsDeclaration under node type %d not possiblereexpand: %x is not a list!   badfield`%s is not a valid field of that record  *contok: funny constant token %dnottype`%s is not a type name, you can't put it herebaddot`field entry requires a record for contextInvalid declaration token %dbug`BUG: appropriate list not found for commawrong linelist kidprocmap`You can't turn this into a procedure call@b>>HHgH gI J gI HJf xgI IJ wgI I&Jf vgI IFJf gI IfJf  I fIIgII gII gIJ gJJ& gH gJFJf gJfJ gJJ gJz| gJJ g!JI g)KK& DcJKFg1K&KR HxJKHxIHxJHxJHxIHxK&HxJfHxJHxJfHxJHxK^KK6HxJLfHxJ&HxJ&L0K~0K~6K~8K~K~OffsetDestKL6?SourceKM,LfMKMKM,KMLfMM4MTKK\KKKK"KHKKG N NLVHLFLFL@LLvLv*LvKPKYNKKNLengthKKOKMKKMKO`O`O<O<KKKM OKKOKMKMOKKKOPOK`KfPL(LFKKKKoKKKuKKMKL6KKKKKKKL6KKL6KKKKMLPDQTDQt9Q,9Q:Q,; Q,;Q<Q@\Q@QAQ<cPcPP:@Q>pQ,PK~{2Q/>QnQJfJFJfJfK~gK^JfagSlJfCgSJfBgSJfAgSJf@gSJf?gT Jf>gT,Jf =g TLJf KAL6DL&LKXKbL6hKpL6xKKKKKKKKKL6KKKKKL6KKL6LKL L&L&LK%K+K.K5K<KBKHKPKSKVK^KeKnKuK~KL&KKKKjgL*j\a`i,)i(g_h\'h&h+h(hteTjt_ti,Yh[i Vi<UiTTiTS(iSBiSi)i:j Running strplus`Concatenated string has length %d (greater than 255)z^d'<<'' badwrite3`Error writing file %d %d%%%dd%c%%%dc %g%g %%%d.%de%%%d.%df%s%%%d.%ds %s%s%%%d.%ds[,]badwrite`Sorry, you may not 'write' a complex type'Str destinationstringbig`String too longnontext`Readln - text file required rb+rResetwRewrite notopen`File not openopf`Too many active files%s%sbaAppendr+Updaterfile`This file was not initialized with 'update'badseek`Seek/Setnext out of boundswrfil`%s - can't open file %snotwrite`Put/Write - File not open for writingnoteof`Put/Write - Not at end of filecto`Cursor coordinates out of boundsscrxy`ScrXY: Illegal screen query %dforef`Symbol used before it is definedType tree of unknown symbol type %dundeft`Undefined type namebigstruct`String length out of bounds 1..255bigstruct`Array much too large -- shrink the boundssetord`Set elements must be of ordinal typebadset`Set elements must be in the range 0..255nottype`%s must be a type namefof`Can't have a file of filestystub`Placeholder in type declarationbug`Calc_size:Bad Declaration %d in typetree %xbadint`Integer is not in range -32768..32767badconst`An ordinal constant is expected hereneedconstname`This name is not a constantbigstruct`Structure larger than 32767 bytes -- shrink it.varcon`Constant is not of the right typebadrtype`This is not a valid type for a rangerangebounds`The two bounds of this range don't matchrangeorder`Range is in the wrong ordernitmatch`Initializer types don't matchBad suspension stack clearing immediatesttype`Can't return a complex type from a functioncomp_dec: odd block %dbigstruct`Array much too large -- shrink the boundsneedfi`Need field initializer herewsai`Should be %d elements in array initializersetrange`Invalid subset range %d to %dbadset`Set elements must be in the range 0..255caseconst`Constant isn't the same type as case valuestop`Stop! There is an error herebounds`Array index %s out of boundsnil`Error - This pointer is NILadditionsubtractionmultiplicationFunny symbol type %d bp`Breakpoint!break`Break!integer %s overflowstack`Runtime stack overflow! - out of memoryError: caseelse`Too many elses in casefunnycase`Help! Funny node in case listundefcase`Undefined case %suninit`Attempt to use a variable that has not been assigned to!funny type %d in do_pushingnotsusp`Your program is not currently in a suspended statecantresume`Sorry, unable to continue running the programmanyargs`Too many arguments, must be at most %dmixedset`A set value is required hereargtype`This argument is not type-compatible with the formal parameterneedvar`This parameter must be a variablebadint`Integer is not in range -32768..32767needarray`Indexing requires an arraybadindex`This index is not of the appropriate typeneedpointer`Pointer ^ requires a pointer or file variablebaddot`dot (.) requires a record variable on the leftsetord`Set elements must be of ordinal typesetel`This set element doesn't match the first onesetrange`Subranges (..) may only be placed in setssetrange`Two ends of subrange are of differing typesneedbool`Operand of NOT must be boolean or integersyntax`Expression syntax errorneedbool`A Boolean (true/false) value is required hereloopvar`Loop counter must be a simple variableloopvar`Loop variable must be of ordinal typeloopbound`Start not of appropriate typeloopbound`Finish is not of appropriate typerepeatbool`Looping condition requires boolean valueneedrec`WITH requires a record variablecaseexpr`Case selector must be of ordinal typeintegerop`Operands of DIV/MOD must be integersboolop`Operands of AND/OR must be boolean or integerassign`Types on := don't matchfileassign`Files can't be assignedundef`Symbol '%s' has not been declaredbadsymbol`A symbol of this kind can't be placed herebadprec`Output precision must be integerbadwidth`Field width must be integerbadmem`Colon array index valid only with Mem arraybadmem`Absolute memory references must be made with integerswrformat`Improper use of colon specifierin2`IN: Types of set and member don't matchstub`Error - program is not finished yet%rneednumber`Operand must be integer or realincompatset`Set types are not compatiblestrcast`Strings may not be assigned to "char"sfewargs`Routine %s has too few argumentsvarptype`Var actual parameter must be of identical type to the formalprocparam`This parameter must be a procedurefuncparam`This parameter must be the name of a functiongenparam`This parameter must be real, ordinal or a variableneedvar`Read parameter must be a variableiotype`I/O argument is not of the same type as given filerecmatch`Field name %s no longer matches the recordfewargs`Too few arguments, should be at least %dcantconv`Floating value %g can't be converted to integerln`Logarithm of number <= 0.0sqrt`Square root of negative numberbadchr`chr: can't convert %d to charactersucc`the value %s doesn't succpred`pred of %s is beyond boundsStrConcat first argumentcatlong`StrConcat makes string too long to fitstrvar`%s must be a string variableString Delete stringstrdelete`String Delete: Attempt to delete beyond bounds string: Offset %dstrplus`Copy string position %d out of boundsString Insert stringstringbound`String Insert: Offset %d beyond the bounds of string %sstringbig`String too longSubStr destination stringsubstrbound`SubStr: requested substring beyond bounds of stringsubstrfit`SubStr: Substring too long to fit in destinationinitrand`Random modulus must be greater than zerorand`You must call initrandom before using randomnewout`New - out of memorynil`Error - This pointer is NILdispose`Attempt to dispose memory already disposed of%0.*s ɜ֦Py22(/Z$~$w]Bp d:EEtEGHx` 0 \l`>r|֎ۀth(>BVf~ܢ^"&26:>BNdh|oV "#@$b6L,xfX (* hV\BݮP8rlxݮtd=>ݲXT(8 :cfunc`Too many arguments to C functioncfunc`Too many arguments to C functionerase`Erase - can't delete file %s rob`Can't reference record %ld (beyond 32767)rename`Rename of %s to %s failedbaddir`Can't chdir to %sdir`Can't create directory %sdir`Can't remove directory %sDirectory stringbaddir`GetDir: Invalid drive numberstringbig`String too long%c:%sblockio`Block I/O routine must be performed on untyped filenotread`READ/GET - file not reset for readingnotwrite`BlockWrite - file not prepared for writingbadseek`Seek/Setnext out of boundsCommand Line? Argument of ArToStr must be array of char less than 255 in sizeImproper memory freeoutdyn`Out of dynamic memory (strings, arrays)>cE?@ANOG;B c>@A?<=I>cc ccc.<Ja` "!>gc V;J< a`"!c V<J a`"!c; <J a`"!>c?@ANOc>@A?<=cC*GO@>ccccG^DNO@>c*c,<3;Ja`"!:=>c- ),0.3/1G%c&724>6;V< J  ),-"!0.a`3/1&%24$c+>+-@+N+O+eJ<6a`7"!cBDC  cBDCE=KGNOQRSTVWXYZ[JUP]9H\NOBFD^8Cc>?@A   BKGNOQRSTVWXYZ[JUP\LM;:IF^DCEc]9H>?A@>c@NO^D@>c<=cgcg<"a`;Gc+>+@+N+O+J<"!c1 c>c@NO@>c<=c5,@0@1@.@A4@cccF;>F@FNFOF  c:dpv "@lx6R (,DJZd%28M^s| 4<BKTaq~2Zp@$8^rlt8`v.L&*>HXbzCode-RootCommentinitializerLabel NumberProcedure NameFunction NamePascal ProgramDeclarationsLabelConstant DeclarationType DeclarationVariable DeclarationConstantTypeType-NameSimple-TypeStructured-TypeField-DeclarationParameterStatementCase-InstanceVariableValueCase ConstantNameRoutine Name{Comment that says what the routine does}VariantFieldAnythingConstantIgnored NameBlock-StatementRoutine-NameAbsolute Address   [2][Click on OKAY to|return to ALICE][ OK ]badint`Integer is not in range -32767..32767badwrite2`error writing fileCannot open template fileError while reading template fileIncompatible template filerbJSX]gm rz"$&'(*+-./12346589 :=<?%A.I8CBDMHXFaGkJo`wa{dbcegfhXUVY\^[]LNP MOS!R"Q,23:DMV`irszgemaboutloadsavegemsaveasmergetextcompileshellexitcdeditcopy clipboardmove clipboardget clipboardundoredoextendinsertdeletehiderevealencloseraisespecialtiescomoutrunstepsuperstepcheckgemlogcontinuegemfollowimmediatebreakpointclearpointgemdebugtracebackpopexecutemapoptionautosavecreatewsexecwsbuffernewrecoverfreememmarkgemsearchagaingoparentdeclblockpopbackhelp misc/introhelp misc/commandsphelpgemkeystoklistlasterrorchelpgemtopgemredrawgemsizedgemmovedgemfulledgemclosegemslidepageuppagedown[1][Error: Code not handled][ OK ]ALICE.RSC[3][Fatal Error !|ALICE.RSC must be|in current directory][ Abort ]now[1][%ld bytes free][ OK ]^AP\*.\*.[2][ScrSave buffer got stomped !][ OK ][2][Error ! - Not enough|memory to run ALICE][ OK ][2][Not enough memory|to resize window][ OK ][2][Caution: Not enough memory|to buffer new graphics|window][ OK ][2][You have not saved this|workspace. Close it|anyway?][ Yes | No ][2][Are you sure|you want to quit ?][ Yes | No ] %s%c %s Untitled main Output   ^[2][Sorry, Help is not|available in Low|Resolution - Use|Medium Resolution][ OK ][1][Sorry, I can't find|help on that.|Make sure help files|are accessible.][ OK ] OK   sbsmall`Saveblock too small for spritesdsmall`Sprite definition too smallillcoor`Illegal coordinate systemmaximum of 128 points allowedillvert`Not enough vertices in arraybadcolour`Invalid colour %d (should be between 0 and %d)illpatt`Illegal pattern number Running Output Running illalert`Illegal Alert formatnoevparm`No parameters for that eventnotparm`Not that many parameters available----------------------------------------notmen`Error - pointer not allocated by NewMenuBar$(-27=AOut of memory !menuact`Menu cannot be active while adding itemsNot enough memory for new menuCannot allocate any more items in menufullmenu`Can not allocate any more items in menumenuorder`Attempt to add menus in wrong order !fullmenu`Menu bar too wideDsk File Ed Stc Run Dbg Help Go Miscfullmenu`Cannot allocate any more items in menuboxsize`Error - Menu Box too bignouser`No User Menubadcode`Error - can't find mnemonic in menunouser`No User Menubug`Can't find index in menu treebu0u0u0::u0::u0::u0::::::::::::manywindow`Too many windows open Output newwindow`Error while creating windowquickwindow`Illegal QuickWindow numbermanywindow`Too many windows open Output newwindow`Error while creating windownotwindow`File variable does not refer to a window Output nochange`Couldn't change window featuresFilenameDirectory\deftoolong`Default filename too longcatlong`Filename variable not big enoughcatlong`Directory string not big enoughAnswer stringcatlong`Answer variable not big enoughnoinfline`There is no information line in this windownoslider`Window does not have a vertical slidernoslider`Window does not have a horizontal slidermousetype`Illegal mouse type number\\[2][Could not change directory][ OK ]y(y4yLy@yTy(ȂȌȚȮmaximum of 128 points allowedBus ErrorAddress ErrorIllegal InstructionPrivilege ViolationDivide By Zero[2][Fatal Error %d !|%s at %c%lx|Save Workspaces|Immediately !][ OK | Abort ]runexc`%s trap while running programnowconstruct`Too many arguments to C functionllib`Could not load library %sllib`Too many loaded libraries : %srbredeclared`Symbol %s redeclaredundef`Symbol '%s' has not been declared AIڢ!h psymbol/SymbolsBuiltin SymbolsUndefinedblockrecorddidn't find %sdel_decl: can't find symtab entry %x to delete in %xcomplex`Nasty Error - expression or program too complex?[2][System Font must be 8 bits wide][OK]d   E7p;!F=q1*F,fwED!]`ID@F͠,B5'>"E7p;!FV-s4_Fe$ E5DӉ+>.C5&@@ k+ȂN:!bI3 EL$|![*  Mi@M.=@Mj7pAh/ o,5̬ E=sMBԘ`=.BpF|:e*Di/(zA@@@@@@@@@@PPPPP@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@    @Bad pointer in free. 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Merge...------------------ Save Save as... Text------------------ Change Dir... TOS Command... Invoke Compiler------------------ Quit Edit as text--------------- Copy Cut Paste--------------- Undo Redo--------------- Extend Insert Delete Hide Reveal Enclose Raise Comment out Special Changes Run Program Single Step Super Step---------------- Log output... Typecheck---------------- Continue Cursor Following-------------------- Set Breakpoint Clear Breakpoint-------------------- Who called me ? Pop susp. state Debug Mode Immediate Block Execute Statement Getting Started... Key Summary All About Alice... What can I type ? Pascal Information Command Help Help on Last Error Symbol Completion Search... Search Again------------------ Set Mark... Go to Mark...------------------ Top of Block Parent Former Cursor Declaration Define Macro Set option Create WS Execute WS... Autosave... Buffer Graphics Recover Memory Clear Workspace Memory Left STRINGSTRINGSTRINGSTRINGSTRINGSTRINGSTRINGSTRINGSTRINGSTRING HELP CANCEL ALICE Symbol CompletionAlice - The Personal PascalCopyright (c) 1986 Looking Glass SoftwareOKDesigned by Brad TempletonAtari ST Port by David RowleyAdditional work by: Jan Gray, Jim Gardner,Grant Robinson and Tim TyhurstTo Order, call (519) 884-7473V1.4OKCANCELNow is the time for all good men to come to the ________________________________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXPrompt TitleSummary of Keys--------------- OK HELP - Help MenuINSERTDELETECLR/HOME - Go to topCTRL-X - CommandF1F2F3 - Sym. CompleteCtrl-R - RedoAlt-L - LoadAlt-S - Save- Run- Single Step- Insert a placeholder- Delete item or selected regionUNDO - Undoes last operationAlt-H - HideAlt-E - EditAlt-P - PhelpF10 - SelectAlt-R - RevealCtrl-F - SearchOKClick on OK to return to editorIndent StyleOKTurbo Input/OutputTurbo Typechecking1234567Stack Size: _______9999999aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHelpfile: _______________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX12345Typecheck Freq.: _____99999Turbo CompatabilitySearch For:SAMPLETEXTSOTHATLENISRT_______________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOKCANCELForward Backward Press the key you wantthe macro onPress the desired mark key (a-z)Sample Text Desk Your message here --------------------123456OKCANCELNow is the time for all good men________________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXPrompt TitleSTRINGSTRINGSTRINGSTRINGSTRINGSTRINGSTRINGSTRINGSTRINGSTRING HELP CANCEL ALICE Symbol Completion!11R_`  " * > F f  *  #    6!! 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Bitte Quelldiskette in Drive A: einlegen und eine Taste druecken Bitte Zieldiskette in Drive A: einlegen und eine Taste druecken : unmatched quoteCannot open Cannot append Cannot create : No matchStack Overflow $   *PtT*PtX88 %%R$$%&%R%R$!!!!"CP/M-68K(tm), Version 1.2, Copyright (c) 1983, Digital Research XXXX-0000-654321R L.B J0H8,N^V"x0H8(N^"X"^   ,"  ,D( 0 <    >  h 0HN&  j^***`&$ D"V8*R$ZF \@(B4.J".86 Jp $""@2&"fHR"D(<@* T0^0 : F `,'BN#h`FCLEAR68K V02.00, Copyright(c) 1984, Digital Research XXXX-0000-654321 o#5V"h#5ZE?/ N`N o AdpNu#5ZBNuNV0/"/ NB5Zd0< A,"NB?<NAN^Nu o2/0/ HSoQBNu o0/JfBNuf SNu*O.|9`*m - ЭЭм// ??<JNA NP/<NA"/0<NBNuNV-|> Bg?<R?<Bg/./.?<N0=@JnfH..N..=N..\N..lN>?<N@TBWNPBn`-|-|-|-|-|BnBn>?<?<N@X>E?<?<N@X..zN>?<?<N@X>p?<?<N@X..|N..N./ N./rN./N.0N>?<?<N@X>q?<?<N@X.0iN>?<N@T=@>?<?<N@X>E?<?<N@Xa=|P`>/<0NX`L0.R@=@>Bg?.?<Bg/./.?<N0=@Jng0.S@=@=|Jng>Bg?.?<Bg/./.?<N0=@ N2n1n>?./<0N\ .м\-@BnBnRn nRm&Bn`a=|P`z N2nJhft>/ Bg?.?<Bg/./.?< N0>/<0NX` N2n h o`>/?./<0N\` N2nJhon N2n h l\>/?./<1N\Rn nRm=|P`v N2n=hJno\ n lT>Bg?.?<Bg/./.?< N0=@>?.?./<18NP .м\-@Rn nRm.1sN>?<N@T=@ nJfBn-|`4 njfBn-|` nNf=|` nnf=|Jngz.1N>?<N@T=@JngN^NuNV.1N.1N>?<N@T=@N^NuNV.1N.2N>?<N@T=@N^Nu#9dNN/99dNu#9dNM/99dNu#9dNA/99dNuNVHNBW/<,NX>/<,NX>/<,NX n2n B*n`&HHм4 @g H| `HRJf> /.N:XJL N^NuNV. /./<2NLPN^NuNV./. /.NLPN^NuNVH BWN#9j#9nBy9h.,a*n`N`RJgHHм4 @fJg2 "g 'fFH>/ RNX(@ f.26/ aVX H> M2GBRG.Ra`BG`RG M2GJg5pHHм4 @gJ5pg M2GBRGH`BWN lBW/ RNXJ@g.R/<2HaX`l>N l ->f@>/ TNX|f>B?<N\|f.R/<2Ua|X`$BW/ RN X|g.R/<2daVX`>?/ NXJf>*/ NXJg-|@".8?<NT>/ ?<N \<f.2s/ aX`^.H?/.aZ\.N">RWN"(@./ N!X.a>/ ?<N \<f`.a`|g`JfBaSy9h.9nN|f.2/<2~a*XB/99j?99hNP\>N JL0N^NuNV|./N!X. /N!X.2/N!X.?< NT>N N^NuNVH*n y9n X9nRy9hJL N^NuNVH*n. 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Bitte Quelldiskette in Drive A: einlegen und eine Taste druecken Bitte Zieldiskette in Drive A: einlegen und eine Taste druecken : unmatched quoteCannot open Cannot append Cannot create : No matchStack Overflow $   Nj<@Nj<D4J4J !H!!!.!f!! !!!!"CP/M-68K(tm), Version 1.2, Copyright (c) 1983, Digital Research XXXX-0000-654321R L.B J0H(x,N^X"^   ,"  ,D( 0 <    >  h 0HN&  j^***`&$ D"V8*R$ZF \@(B4.J".86 Jp $""@2&"fHR"D(<@* T0^0 : Z `NNNNNN%p &<C@E$g: <1AY&B&f"8*A$ $<!*!&2Q!adNu"x." 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