O+ p @ @8CARTSAVEACC }CARTSAVETXT m  P`l*OAJ$f`AJgJ.| p aZ3 3B#pp#a<# ppa, | 0|(gJ`&m.| + ЫЫ// Bg?<JNAO p a3 apaBg?<LNAa`3BpNaada l3B#"pp4aNu3B#pp4a| | f"3B#]pp4aT|g ` 3B#pp4a2|gar"|$zR maAarg 9gaa"|a(|af 3B#pp4a|g(|aj3B#cpp4a`\aj3B#pp4ala`8aj3B#pp4aH`3B#pp4a.aaNup"|$|<*g`Nu<g`Nu/<?<NA\J@Nu?:/ ?<NNAPJ@Nu?</ ?<NAXJ@Nu/:./<?:?<@NA J@Nu#p#tpZar0:X|Nup?<NATNuB?< NA\#Nu/:L?< NA\Nu/<?<HNA\#Nu/<?<HNA\# Nu/:?<INA\NuC2@ Ap222BQ"<40<NB0:Nu Cart Saver V.[1][Cartridge Saver by Barry O'Neil||Saves the contents of the|cartridge port to disk as an|IMG file.][ Sounds good to me ][3][Hmm, there doesn't seem to be|a cartridge attached to your ST.|Are you sure you want to|continue?][ Oops no | Yeah why not! ][1][Aha, I've found a cartridge|attached to your ST. Do you|want to save it's contents as|an IMG file?][ Ooh yes | Absolutely not ][3][Aaargh I couldn't write to|this disk][ Cripes ][3][Aaargh an error occured|whilst writing to this disk.|I can't continue.][ Sorry ][1][CART.IMG successfully written|to disk.][ Thanks ][3][You don't have enough free|ram for me to work properly.|Remove some ACC's or any|Ramdisks and reboot.][ I will ][3][CART.IMG already exists on this|disk. Do you want me to|overwrite it?][ YES | NO ]A:\*.*)CART.IMGCART.IMG&Bbp|    -   . 8 &28,$: CARTSAVE ~ Written by Barry O'Neil on the 18th May 1992 Cartsave is a tiny program (2173 bytes) that allows you to save the contents of the cartridge port to disk as an IMG file. Cartsave can be run as a program or an accessory simply by renaming it .PRG or .ACC. Once loaded you will be presented with the main title screen. Click on "Sounds good to me" when you have read this and the program will try to establish whether there is a cartridge plugged into the cartridge port, and inform you of it's findings. If it can't find a cartridge you will be informed, and you will still be able to save out the contents. Next the file selector will appear where you supply the PATHNAME ONLY. Click on OK and Cartsave will save out the contents of the cartridge port as CART.IMG, 131072 bytes long. D