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ЭЭ,@// Bg?<JNA Jk M-MC-MBJNLN0NNNo=| LNJfNJfBn6Bn6B7NVNNtNu(0< N̒NJJnCZgAC`-H,8=n0+80<#N̒N"< <NJgN-H4-H4NvN~NN8NtNN NJlNiNo&Bn7JnCZfJnCfNNHNNJ*NJBn#<0H@ =@#>@ =@#B=|#@ .Ю-@#D -@#H0<=Np>NuA7CJ0< QNuLnn4<6< ?H+Nu@ P  T@d@Uk5*_ ___j7+x p  ?a0 @@ 0a Atari ST Fast Basic Computer Concepts 1986Written By:Jeremy RustonPhilip MartinGavin TheobaldVersion Number: 1.05c RM.R Sherdley-Davies  02 46@ N f ~   {  "$&,. &%x7'6&H(8*G,.467YIXH@jXZZi\^dfY { k z   j p |   { &Z-HJgB@BABBJg6 [fRAR@ ]fSA |fRB|g |fPNu|nJAfJ@g|nJ7f/< ?<HNA\JfpNu-@7 n70<r:< n^0$n:<1A!|1|1EBB BBhRAQ n7C0|g 21`0<1|. n0$n 0< 1| .1n0"1n0",1n0 1n0$!n0"2<F4<1Q"n n7-H7"n$n7 [g JfPNuRJfPNu ]g`B%n7D-H7$n7`&n7BG [g Jf`` n7R ]g$ \g |g`B%n7 `B<F '7`G-H7 ]f`AR"n7#H\A[#HT"n780<a><0<?a>Q"n7H0<$i gBAJgPA`3AQ"n7$IHB@2<i3@5@Q n7h1@D1hL41h$ 1h1hT<1h1hl1h  1h 0<"n7 a><"n70<?a>Q"n70)bh24<@3AQ"n7H0<J f Q n74<2.0"A0(h@l 6h1CQ n7h0<BhQ-n7,8=|+8pN̒B@Nu$I8< n^0$l8<BEJ g5EDQ3ENuBB$I2BC&i gBDJgPD`Dn6Q5CQNu- Desk J7g/.7?<INA\A-H,8Bn+8pN̒B@NuPCx~AO>pQNuAAxCO>p~QNuHaAO>CgJ)LNu?B.O>B.OXBnNApJ.O>gpra>J.O>gJ.OXga:a^f?/<?.O?<@NAO JkAO>C~pQBg?.O/<?<BNAO Jk^aHyx/<?.O?<@NAO Jk:?.O?<>NAXJk(Nu?<Hzv?<=NAP|g Jk=@ONu=|+8p5N̒`A=|+8-H,8p4N̒`[2][ | Please insert| master disc.][ OK ]FASTBAS.PRGFast BASIC PersonaliserPlease enter your name:_Xand serial number:_NThankyou[3][ | Quitting Fast BASIC. | Bad serial number.][ Sorry ]     `"     `a N0.NŒ=@HaJ@j0.HN*=@-n<8Bnv=|VNpNNNNa DN0.NŒ=@HaJ@j8 nJ@k =@H-H.VnjGl-H6-H6=@6=@6NbBn6 n60.6N|NpON̒..?g\NN-H6=@6N||f N`|fNê n60.62.6NN=A6`=|+8pkN̒NNuLJnhgL^H6N-n<6Bn6-n<6Bn6Nb n<0<BANpNNNNLJnhgL^H6NNpNNN`NNNNJAfTnVmL4.jnVBl>NpN-H<=@NNNBnpNNN%NuN,6nf n6l6mDf n6m8JAg$n68.6-H6=@6&H:`$H8&n6:.6-H6=@6`JAg$H8&n6:.6`2<$H8&n6:.6-n66=n66-H6=@6`BJAg($n68.6&H:BA-n66=n66-H6=@6`$n68.6&H:-H6=@6Nr`H n8BB"HB6)õl$m2<B@f0f2N I@lRB6RCr<.6FoLNuHnVl0.V6.VnjCm2Al0:<L6rB>nVtG4Et6.rNfLNu/ .N-@6Bn6nN6 .R-@6Bn6nR6 Nu-n6Nn6N-n6Rn6RNuH=@-H xHbQH($@$  IH$D$D" ȁ4ځ?AJ Bezier curvesJ Jeremy Ruston0J Get the coordinates of four points0.X&(flY&(f. &Lp  <bX&(&LflxY&(&Lfl&l&(<&j@&LvlbX&(flxY&(f@  $&\l&`l&l&($&p  8lbX&(flxY&(f8*J Draw several similar curves*,(p~,*J Compute the Bezier constants*@CXpdbX&(fxbX&(ffz(@PBXpddbX&(fxbX&(ffz(fxCXPRAXpbX&(fxdbX&(fvCXvBXfR@CYpdxY&(fxxY&(ffz(@PBYpddxY&(fxxY&(ffz(fxCYPRAYpxY&(fxdxY&(fvCYvBYfRJ Draw the curve$LX%pbX&(f$$LY%pxY&(f$.(Lpoz.t&\pdAXzd(L~ffvdBXzd(L~ffvdCXz(LfvbX&(ftt&`pdAYzd(L~ffvdBYzd(L~ffvdCYz(LfvxY&(ft2LX%lLY%&\l&`2LX%p&\LY%p&`    \NPJ  (2<26x   ????xH2 Reserve two screens and copy main screen to each>Tlll BASE%(f &Lp &l8BASE%(&Lfpd&vfh,8 jpBASE%(&Lf Vll  (H Initialise the screen MFDB( SCRN&( f SCRN&(fp SCRN&(fp &SCRN&(fp^&"SCRN&(fp""SCRN&(fp""SCRN&(fp""SCRN&(fp""SCRN&( fp"(H Initialise the buffer MFDB( BUFF&( f (BUFF&(fp&H^("BUFF&(fp&H" BUFF&(fp BUFF&(fp &BUFF&(fp^&"BUFF&(fp""BUFF&(fp""BUFF&(fp""BUFF&(fp""BUFF&( fp"H Do the animation&Xp  *&`p@@**&\p@* jpBASE%(&Xf 8SCRN&(fpBASE%(&Xf^82SCRN&(fpBASE%(&Xf2&Xp&Xd npBASE%(&Xf 6&0psGH%x@@66&,pstGW%x@@6|BUFF&(fl&\l&`l@l@lSCRN&(fls\GX%v&,lshGY%v&0l|       y6f0.6NŒ86f0.6NŒ64KxCl 6lb 5 gRB` 6lF6lB>+`-I6B@=_lNRNuA<-H,8=|+8p4N̒0<`AP-H,8=|+8p4N̒N<`[3][Insufficient memory for|a clipboard.][ OK ][3][The section is too big|to fit in the clipboard.][ OK ]N`0NNNbJEfJNgPKN, n6N0.6NŒ8A1fCxB@Dl R@` n6N0.6NŒ:=DHAxC1f  fP 0 PgRE` n6"n6B0)@l`-H@-n6  f BnlN%Jn7 f nJ0 (2 Button) Mask of which buttons must be used>LFJ8 (3 Button) The up/down state required for the buttonsFLTJF (4 Mouse 1) This is a flag which is zero if we want to be told whenTPJB the mouse enters the rectangle defined in the next four entries,PPJB or one if we want to be told when the mouse leaves the rectanglePLRJD (5 Mouse 1) The X coordinate of the rectangle (relative to screen)RLRJD (6 Mouse 1) The Y coordinate of the rectangle (relative to screen)RL6J( (7 Mouse 1) The width of the rectangle6L8J* (8 Mouse 1) The height of the rectangle8L>J0 (9 Mouse 2) Flag for within/outside rectangle>L>J0 (10 Mouse 2) The X coordinate of the rectangle>L>J0 (11 Mouse 2) The Y coordinate of the rectangle>L8J* (12 Mouse 2) The width of the rectangle8L8J* (13 Mouse 2) The height of the rectangle8LTJF (14 Timer) The low word of the time in milliseconds for GEM to waitT.J before giving us a timer event.L4J& (15 Timer) High word of timer value4LNJ@ The remaining parameters are used by GEM for returning values:NVJH (16) A mask of which events GEM detected. The bit assignments are theVBJ4 same as those given above for the first parameterBVJH (17) The X coordinate of the mouse when the event occured (relative toV,J the top left of the screen),VJH (18) The Y coordinate of the mouse when the event occured (relative toV,J the top left of the screen),TJ (19) A mask of the state of the mouse buttons when the event occuredTVJH (20) A mask of the state of the keyboard modifier keys when the eventVPJB occured (the bit format is the same as for the MOUSE statement)PPJB (21) For keypress events, the lower byte contains the ASCII codeP8J* and the high byte contains the scan-code8VJH (22) For button events, contains the number of times the desired stateV<J. was entered in the time limit set by DCLICK<NJ@ Set up the menu bar and associated background bits and piecesN@J2 Get the complete menu description into a string@RJD Note the use of A$ to get the command key symbol into the stringsR A$p>df *:M$p*[ About Jeremy ]*DM$pM$v*[ File | Open \ Close \ Quit ]Dv:M$p:M$v*[ Screen | Normal vA$v*N \ Inverted vA$v*I \ Options ]vT:M$p:M$v*[ Goodies | Nothing of interest \ File length ]T:M$p:M$v*[ Pattern | White \ Very light \ Less light \ Slightly darker \ Medium \ Less medium \ Dark \ Pitch dark ]TJF Tell GEM to install our menu, replacing the standard Fast BASIC menuTRJD (Fast BASIC automatically reinstalls its own menu when the programR8J* stops and control returns to the editor)8PJB The BEGINUPDATE/ENDUPDATE pair is to ensure that the user is notPTJF currently interacting with an existing menu (which can happen - tryTTJF removing these the update calls, then attempting to run the programT>J0 and then VERY quickly move onto a menu title)> < :M$ > 8J* Disable the Close item in the File menu8LlJJ< Put a checkmark against the Normal item in the Screen menuJJ'l>J0 Make sure the screen palette is set to normal>$Plll$$Plll$PJB Indicate which message is currently being displayed as the itemP$J in the Goodies menu$ MessFlagp PJB Indicate which item from the Pattern menu is currently selectedPNJ@ by setting up the variable PatternItem and placing a checkmarkNRJD against the relevent menu item. Note that the pattern is not setR*J up until a bit further on*"PatternItempJ"&JPatternIteml&NJ@ Get the screen width and height into more accessible variablesNSWp SHpBJ4 Get the coordinates of the desktop into variablesBJJ< (The desktop is treated as a window with a handle of zero)JBbl,XDl8YDlDWDlPHDB  @J2 Get the coordinates of the centre of the desktop@6\CXp,XDvdDWD|f66hCYp8YDvdPHD|f6"J Set up our window"RJD Create our window and store its handle away - note that this doesRTJF not actually display our window; we have to do an OPENWIND for thatTJ to happenTJF (The first parameter specifies what kind of window is wanted; a setT>J0 bit indicates a particular thing is required:>,J Bit 0 - Title bar with name,"J Bit 1 - Close box" J Bit 2 - Full box JJ< Bit 3 - Move box (actually, this is the title bar as well)J(J Bit 4 - Information line( J Bit 5 - Size box J Bit 6 - Up arrow "J Bit 7 - Down arrow"(J Bit 8 - Vertical slider("J Bit 9 - Left arrow"$J Bit 10 - Right arrow$*J Bit 11 - Horizontal slider*TJF The last four parameters give the coordinates of the outside of the T0J" window when it has been 'fulled'0RxMyWindp.?l,XDl8YDlDWDlPHDfRRJD Clear a flag to indicate that our window is not open at the momentR"MyWindFlagp"RJD Set up the last coordinates for our window; the program is set upRNJ@ so that these variables will be used as the coordinates of theNHJ: outside of our window whenever it is opened or re-openedH*LastXpDWDz}**LastYpPHDz}*.LastWidthpDWDz.0LastHeightpPHDz0&J Set our windows title&RJD (Note that SETWINDTITLE requires the title to be specified as theRRJD address of a null terminated string. This is because GEM does notRNJ@ make a copy of the title string; it just looks at our variableNVJH whenever it needs reminding, so we must put the title somewhere whereV<J. we can guarentee it won't be tampered with)<$MyTitle%ld$0MyTitle%p*Demonstration0.^xMyWindlMyTitle%.0J" Set up windows information line0RJD In this example, the info line scrolls across in response to timerRTJF messages from GEM. To do this, we give GEM an 80 character 'slice'TVJH out of the string InfoMess$. At each timer event, the starting pointVTJF of the slice is moved right by one character. Note that the stringTTJF is duplicated into itself. This is to ensure that from any point inTVJH the main string, there are always at least 80 characters available toVJ the rightRVInfoMess$p*This is a demonstration of the easy parts of GEM. R0InfoLenpdVInfoMess$f0PVInfoMess$pVInfoMess$vVInfoMess$vVInfoMess$PPJB The info line is initialised to a null string. This means thatPRJD no text will appear in it until a timer message occurs, but seeingRTJF though the window will probably be closed until long after the firstT:J, timer message, it actually doesn't matter:"hMyInfo%ld""hMyInfo%p*",`xMyWindlhMyInfo%,NJ@ This variable is the current starting point within the stringN InfoStartp TJF Set up a new desktop pattern which replaces Fast BASICs icons. FastTFJ8 BASIC will redraw its icons when the program finishesFTJF The pattern is specified as a very simple object tree, with a singleTFJ8 member of type G_BOX, stored in the array DeskObjTreeF(DeskObjTree&( f(8J* Initialise the tree from DATA statements8$NKDeskData$"&Lp "(DeskObjTree&(&Lf(  RJD Tell GEM to use the new object tree as the desktop. This is doneRNJ@ by passing the address of the new object tree, and telling GEMNRJD which element of the tree to consider as the first or root elementR0vDeskObjTree&(fl06 DeskDataPJB This data defines a single object; all the other objects you canPJJ< put in object trees bear a strong resemblence to this oneJRJD The first item is the index of this object's next sibling (in thisRBJ4 case, it doesn't have any siblings, so -1 is used)BLxTJF The index of the first child of this object (again, -1 in this case)TLxFJ8 The index of the last child of this object (still -1)FLxRJD The type of object being defined. 20 specifies a G_BOX or graphicRJ boxL>J0 These are flags which are not used for G_BOXes>LRJD This item is a word describing the state of this object, which isR*J also not used for G_BOXes*LRJD This item is the high word of the 'ob_spec' field (as it is calledRVJH in the official GEM AES documentation). It gives special informationVTJF which is different for each type of object. In the case of G_BOXes,TVJH the high word contains a number from 0 to 255 indicating the thicknessVVJH of the border of the box. Zero indicates that we don't want a borderV$J drawn around the box$LTJF The low word of the ob_spec field specifies the colour and shade ofT@J2 the box, by splitting it up into separate bits:@RJD Bits 15 to 12 - Give the border colour (not used in this example)RNJ@ Bits 11 to 8 - Give the text colour (not used in this example)NNJ@ Bit 7 - If set, text is written using replace mode, otherwiseNPJB transparent mode is used (like TXTMODE and GRAFMODE) (not used)PVJH Bits 6 to 4 - Specify the dithering pattern to be used for filling theVJ boxHJ: Bits 3 to - Specify the colour of the inside of the boxHL.NJ@ The last four elements give the coordinates of the box. For aN@J2 desktop, the coordinates of the desktop are used@L ,XDL 8YDL DWDL PHDPJB Redraw the visible parts of the desktop, using our newly set upPJ patternPVReDrawdl,XDl8YDlDWDlPHDfP:J, Prepare the Options menu item dialogue box:&rMyTedText%l&.rMyTedText%p*Press me."MyTed&( f"$NVMyTedData$"&Lp ""MyTed&(&Lf"  6 MyTedDataTLFrMyTedText%^lrMyTedText%llllT^LPlll.llxldrMyTedText%fvl^.OptionsTree&(l f.&NXNOptionsData&"& p""&Lp ".OptionsTree&(& l&Lf.   6 OptionsDataXLJxlllllll.ldl2lldXLvlxlxllllMyTed&(f^lMyTed&(flFllxl(0OptionsTree&(lf0  JJ> This procedure will wait for an event and then deal with itJ VDealWithEvent &XTJF Wait until GEM tells us about one of the events we're interested in.TVJH The parameters are the address of a 23 word block of memory which hasVTJF been set up to contain the parameters required for the call, and theTRJD address of a 16 word buffer where GEM can deposit the messages itRRJD wants to send us with. In this example, both buffers are actuallyRJ word arraysBRMyParams&(flMyMess&(fB>J0 Tell GEM we want to start updating the screen> < 4J& Get the mask of which events occured4(&XpRMyParams&(f(*J Check for a keyboard event*$&Xh@_$DJ6 Decide what to do based on the scan code of the keyD4RMyParams&(f^4<J. If its Alt-N, simulate the Normal menu item<T.1&VSimMenudl'f&>J0 If its Alt-I, simulate the Inverted menu item>T.&VSimMenudl(f&@J2 If its cursor left, decrease the desktop pattern@T.K`PatternItemtI@VSimMenudlPatternItemxf`BJ4 If its cursor right, increase the desktop patternBT.M`PatternItemnP@VSimMenudlPatternItemvf`    (J Check for a button event($&Xh@c.$0J" Get the coordinates of the mouse0(&\pRMyParams&(f((&`pRMyParams&(f(&J Draw an expanding box& l lll H&\l&`lll&\xdl&`xdllH"J Invert a rectangle"<~&\xdl&`xdl&\vdl&`vd<2J$ Wait until the button is released2  0\XT%lhYT%l&l&(0&p$J Remove the rectangle$<~&\xdl&`xdl&\vdl&`vd<"J Draw shrinking box"H&\xdl&`xdlll&\l&`llHJ Reset GRAFMODE  *J Check for a mouse 1 event*$&Xh@c$  *J Check for a mouse 2 event*$&Xh@c$  *J Check for a message event*$&Xh@d$DJ6 Call PROCMessage to decode and act upon the messageDVhMessage  (J Check for a timer event($&Xh @f$RJD Increment the info line string start marker, checking for the endRJ of the string2InfoStartpInfoStartv2NInfoStarttInfoLen@eInfoStartpN0J" Submit the new info line to GEM0JhMyInfo%pVInfoMess$lInfoStartlPfJ,`xMyWindlhMyInfo%,  <J. Tell GEM we've finished updating the screen< >   PJD This procedure cleans up our window before returning to the editorPVCleanUp8J* Close our window if it is currently open8<MyWindFlag@gFMyWind<"J Delete our window"HxMyWind   NJB This procedure decodes and acts upon messages received from GEMNVMessage"&\l&`l&Xl&"TJF Decide what to do based upon the message ID number, which GEM passesT>J0 to us in the first word of the message buffer>,RvjMyMess&(f,RJD Check for a menu selected event. GEM sends messages of this typeR6J( whenever the user selects a menu item6Tl. NJ@ Call PROCMenu to deal with the menu selection. The parametersNLJ> are the index number of the title of the menu from which theLPJB selection was made (taken from MyMess&(3)) and the index numberP@J2 of the menu item itself (taken from MyMess&(4))@HVxMenudMyMess&(flMyMess&(ffHLJ> Check for a redraw message. GEM sends messages of this typeL>J0 whenever part of a window needs to be redrawn>TnPJB Call PROCReDraw, passing it the handle of the window that needsPPJB to be redrawn and the coordinates of the rectangle enclosing theP.J part that needs to be redrawn.VReDrawdMyMess&(flMyMess&(flMyMess&(flMyMess&(flMyMess&(ffVJH Check for a topped message. GEM sends messages of this type when theVPJB the user clicks on an inactive window, telling you that the userPBJ4 wishes to move that window to the top of the pileBTo@J2 Move the requested window to the top of the pile@$ppMyMess&(f$TJF Check for a window closed message. GEM sends messages of this typeTJJ< when the user clicks in the close box of the active windowJTqLJ> If the window in question is our window, close it by callingL"J PROCCloseMyWindow"RMyMess&(fpxMyWind@VPCloseMyWindowRTJF Check for a window fulled message. GEM sends messages of this typeTJJ< when the user clicks in the full box of the active windowJTrLNJ@ Call PROCFullWindow with the handle of the window to be fulledN6VFullWindowdMyMess&(ff6PJB Check for a window resized message. GEM sends messages of thisPJJ< type when the user drags the size box of the active windowJTu PJB Ensure that the new size is at least 50 pixels in each directionPPMyMess&(fn2@MyMess&(fp2PPMyMess&(fn2@MyMess&(fp2PLJ> Set new coordinates of the window. If this makes the windowLNJ@ larger than it was before, GEM will send you a redraw messageNJ later onfMyMess&(flMyMess&(flMyMess&(flMyMess&(flMyMess&(fRJD Check for a window moved message. GEM sends messages of this typeRFJ8 when the user drags the title bar of the active windowFTRJD Set the new window coordinates. We could check here to make sureRLJ> that the new position is acceptable. For example, you couldLPJB ensure that no window is moved partially off the screen, as FastP8J* BASIC itself does with the Output window8fMyMess&(flMyMess&(flMyMess&(flMyMess&(flMyMess&(f    NJB This procedure can be used to simulate the selection of a givenNJ menu item8VSimMenudTitlelItemf8&J Invert the menu title & NTitlel "J Deal with the menu"4VMenudTitlelItemf4  <J0 This procedure deals with menu selected events<6VMenudBTitlelPItemf6(&Ll&\l&`l&Xl&(@J2 Decide what to based on which item was selected@"RyPItem",J Check for the Open menu item,T|>J0 Draw a growing box out to the windows position>LastXvdLastWidth|flLastYvdLastHeight|flllLastXlLastYlLastWidthlLastHeightLJ> Open our window, using the last recorded coordinates as itsL$J outside coordinates$^xMyWindlLastXlLastYlLastWidthlLastHeight^DJ6 Set the flag to indicate that the window is now openD"MyWindFlagp"*J Disable the Open menu item*Ll*J Enable the Close menu item*Ll.J Check for the Close menu item.T}&:J, Call PROCCloseMyWindow to close our window:VCloseMyWindow,J Check for the Quit menu item,T~2J$ Check to see if the window is open2(MyWindFlag@~( J Display an alert X&Lp*[3][You can't quit while the|window is still open!][Shucks]lfXB~^"J Set the Quit flag"4Quitp  .J Check for the Normal menu item.T'@J2 Remove the checkmark from the Inverted menu item@J(l8J* Draw a checkmark by the Normal menu item8J'l*J Set the palette to normal*$Plll$$Plll$0J" Check for the Inverted menu item0TN(:J, Draw a checkmark by the Inverted menu item:J(l>J0 Remove the checkmark from the Normal menu item>J'l"J Invert the palette"$Plll$$Plll$0J" Check for the Options menu item0T)2J$ Go and deal with the dialogue box2VOptions6J( Check for the item in the Goodies menu6T|8JJ< Change the menu item text according to the current settingJ&MessFlag@&,P8l* Nothing of interest ,B,P8l* Really awfully dull ,  0J" Toggle the current setting flag00MessFlagpMessFlag0>J0 Check for File length item in the Goodies menu>T9VFileLength.J Check for the About menu item.T DJ6 Draw and then erase a moire pattern over the desktopDNJ@ Note (1) that the mouse has been hidden to speed things up andNPJB to prevent it from flickering and (2) that the GRAFMODE is resetPLJ> to 1 after drawing the pattern the second time. This is toLPJB maintain the programs internal defaults. Finally, note (3) thatPPJB the drawing code is bracketted by a BEGINUPDATE/ENDUPDATE pair.PNJ@ This is to inform GEM that we wish to update the screen. GEMNJJ< will hold up the BEGINUPDATE until it is safe for us startJPJB drawing. It is instructive to comment out both statements, justPLJ> to see what the effect is, especially with some active deskL$J accessories around.$ < <XDlYDlWDlHD< 4 "&Lp".&\pWDx.J&\ldWDxfx&\lHDxJ  .&`pHDx.Jl&`WDxldHDxfx&`J   6  >  TJF Check for one of the items from the pattern menu. This couldn't beTVJH done in the main SWITCH statement, because we wish to check for rangeV2J$ of menu item numbers all in one go2HdPItemrIfhdPItemlPf@rHHJ: Remove the checkmark from the currently selected choiceH&JPatternIteml&HJ: Change the desktop object tree to reflect the new choiceHtDeskObjTree&(fpdDeskObjTree&(fh.ffddPItemxIf\ft8J* Draw a checkmark against the new choice8 JPIteml (J Set the PatternItem flag(*PatternItempPItem*8J* Redraw the visible parts of the desktop8PVReDrawdl,XDl8YDlDWDlPHDfP  :J, Put the menu title back into normal video: NBTitlel   @J4 This routine deals with the File length menu item@VFileLengthTPath$lFile$lStatuslTemp$lHandleT"Path$pv**.*"File$p*8Path$lFile$lStatus8.Statusp@..PPath$lfj*\.BPath$pPath$ldPath$fxfB  Temp$ppPath$,HandlepdFile$f,jHandlen@Statusp*[1][File does not exist!][OK]lfrjhStatusp*[0][Length of file is $vdHandlefv* bytes.][OK]lfhHandlepTemp$   JJ> This procedure deals with the Options menu item dialogue boxJVOptionsPJB Make sure the button state is normal (note that since the objectPLJ> being changed is not being redrawn instantly, the statementLRJD 'OptionsTree(1,5)=0' would have done just as well in this context)RZOptionsTree&(lflllllllZ$J Do the dialogue box$8OptionsTree&(lflx8  ,J This procedure fulls a window,.VFullWindowdWhichf.RXF%lYF%lWF%lHF%l&\l&`l&Xl&R4J& Get the windows current coordinates42dWhichl&\l&`l&Xl&24J& Get the windows fullest coordinates4JjWhichlXF%lYF%lWF%lHF%J2J$ See if the window is already full2xd&\pXF%fhd&`pYF%fhd&XpWF%fhd&pHF%f@x4J& If so, get the previous coordinates4JhWhichlXF%lYF%lWF%lHF%J  4J& Move the window to its new position4JfWhichlXF%lYF%lWF%lHF%J  .J" This procedure closes my window. VCloseMyWindow RJD Get the current coordinates, so they can be used when its reopenedR^dxMyWindlLastXlLastYlLastWidthlLastHeight^$J Draw a shrinking box$LastXlLastYlLastWidthlLastHeightlLastXvdLastWidth|flLastYvdLastHeight|fll J Close the window FxMyWind<J. Clear the flag to indicate that it is closed<"MyWindFlagp"*J Enable the Open menu item*Ll,J Disable the Close menu item,Ll  HJ< This procedure deals with redrawing a portion of a windowHZVReDrawd.Whichl:XRlFYRlRWRl^HRfZ"&\l&`l&Xl&">J0 Define the GRAFRECT to cover the whole screen>0llSWl SH0PJB Get the first in the list of rectangles that define the visibleP"J part of the window"2r.Whichl&\l&`l&Xl&2HJ: Repeat this bit for as long as the rectangle is not nullH4PZd&Xjfhd&jf4LJ> Find the intersection between the visible rectangle and theL J update rectangle T&\l&`l&Xl&l:XRlFYRlRWRl^HRT<J. If the intersection rectangle is not null...<8d&Xjfhd&jf@8LJ> Set the clipping rectangle so just the intersection is drawnL$&\l&`l&Xl&$LJ> Decide how to draw the rectangle based on which window it isL"R.Which",J If its the desktop itself...,Tx@J2 ...draw the desktop object tree, clipping to the@HJ: intersection rectangle. (Note that the depth parameterHJJ< is specified as 10. This will make GEM draw the completeJHJ: tree, since there are (considerably) less than 10 levelsHJ to it)NDeskObjTree&(fll l&\l&`l&Xl&N$J If its our window...$ TxMyWind DJ6 ...call PROCDrawMyWindow to redraw the whole windowDJJ< (remembering that only the part in the clipping rectangleJ*J will actually be visible)*VDrawMyWindowDJ6 If its somebody elses window (eg, one of the editorsD4J& windows that hasn't been closed)...4  :J, Fill the intersection rectangle with white: l<~&\l&`l&\v&Xxl&`v&x<    .J Get the next visible rectangle.2t.Whichl&\l&`l&Xl&2NJ@ And continue the process until the visible rectangles run outN    DJ8 This procedure redraws my window with a pretty patternD VDrawMyWindow (&\l&`l&Xl&l&D(@J2 Get the coordinates of the inside of our window@4bxMyWindl&\l&`l&Xl&40J" Paint the entire window in white0 l<~&\l&`l&\v&Xxl&`v&x<:J, Draw a circle in the centre of the window: lP&Xn&@&Dp&Xz~B&Dp&z~P6&\v&X|l&`v&|l&D6  NPJ  4  @@@@@ ` ܐ4J GEM-Based Icon Definer for Fast BASIC4J Jeremy RustonV8Init>Quitp  VW6DealWithEvent>QuitVZtCleanUp  VInit"&Ll& l°M$"  *J Close the editor's windows*F@H@FDHD"&Lp "FBd&LfHBd&Lf  8J* Initialise the event handling parameters8&MyParams&(f&$MyMess&(f$$N;EventData$"&Lp"&MyParams&(&Lf&  6 EventDataJ (0) Mask J Bit 0 - Keyboard J Bit 1 - Button J Bit 2 - Mouse 1 J Bit 3 - Mouse 2 J Bit 4 - Message J Bit 5 - TimerL:,J (1 Button) Number of clicks,L&J (2 Button) Button mask&L(J (3 Button) Button state(LJJ< (4 Mouse 1) Flag: 0=event on entering; 1=event on leavingJLJ (5 Mouse 1) XLJ (6 Mouse 1) YL"J (7 Mouse 1) Width"L"J (8 Mouse 1) Height"LJJ< (9 Mouse 2) Flag: 0=event on entering; 1=event on leavingJLJ (10 Mouse 2) XLJ (11 Mouse 2) YL"J (12 Mouse 2) Width"L$J (13 Mouse 2) Height$L$J (14 Timer) Low word$L&J (15 Timer) High word&L(J Initialise the menu bar(*°M$p*[ About IconEd ]*L°M$p°M$v*[ File | Load icon \ Save icon \ Quit ]LR°M$p°M$v*[ Utilities | Copy 'Data' to 'Mask' \ Clear ]R°M$&J Get screens statistics&þSWpSHpBblXDlYDlWDlHDB8J* Initialise some general graphics things80llþSWlSH00llþSWlSH02J$ Initialise the icon data and mask2<MyMask%(flMyData%(f<$NBIconData$"&Lp"<ĠMyData%(&Lfl MyMask%(&Lf<  6 IconData"L8l8""L8l8""L8l8""L8l8""L8l8""L8l8""L8$l8""L8#l8""L8 l8""L8 l8""L8l8""L8l8""L8l8""L8l8""L8l8""L8l8""L8l8""L8l8""L8ql8""L8l8""L8l8""L8Rl8""L8kl8""L8l8""L8l8""L8l8""L8l8""L8l8""L8l8""L8l8""L8l8""L8l8"  (J Initialise the icon text("DMyText%l"&dF$p*FSTBASIC.PRG&(DMyText%pdF$(  4J& Initialise the icon block structure4$MyIcon&(f$&NHIconBlkData&"&Lp"$ŖMyIcon&(&Lf$  6 IconBlkData$J Address of icon mask$HL: MyMask%(f^l MyMask%(fH$J Address of icon data$HL:ĠMyData%(f^lĠMyData%(fH$J Address of icon text$4L&DMyText%^lDMyText%4HJ: Icon colours in top byte, icon character in bottom byteH$L.fd* f$2J$ X,Y offset into icon of character2L l.J X,Y offset of icon from object.L l(J Width and height of icon(L  l :J, Offset of icon text from top left of icon:Lxl#.J Width and heigth of icon text.L Pl J UnusedL  2J$ Initialise the desktop object tree2.DeskObjTree&(l f.$NMtDeskData$"& p""&Lp ".DeskObjTree&(& l&Lf.&L& 6vDeskObjTree&(lfl66 DeskData4J& A G_BOX covering the entire desktop4pLbxlllllll.lXDlYDlWDlHDp<J. An unselected G_ICON with our mask and data<LlxlxllllŖMyIcon&(f^lŖMyIcon&(flWDz33~xlHDx7l l 8J* A selected G_ICON with our mask and data8LlxlxllllŖMyIcon&(f^lŖMyIcon&(flWDzffxlHDx7l l   "J Redraw the desktop"PV`bReDrawdlXDlYDlWDlHDfP"J Set up the window"8J* Choose the size of each cell on the grid8RPBTQrGXSizeprGYSizepBBTQ`rGXSizeprGYSizepBBTrƔGXSizeprƤGYSizepB  HJ: Work out the desired work area coordinates of the windowH*ưWWpƔGXSizezF**ƼHWpƤGYSizez$*DXWpXDvWD|xưWW|DNYWpYDvdHDx7f|xƼHW|N4J& Convert them to outside coordinates4BlXWlYWlưWWlƼHWB*J Create and open the window*:MyWindpllllf:LMyWindlXWlYWlưWWlƼHWL.J Get the work area coordinates.LbMyWindlXWlYWlưWWlƼHWL6J( Work out some parameters of the window68DataXpXWvƔGXSizez88DataYpYWvƤGYSizez88MaskXpXWvƔGXSizez$88MaskYpYWvƤGYSizez8PJB This flag determines whether the next redraw message applied toPPJB our window will be obeyed or not. This allows me to ignore thePVJH redraw message sent after the file select box is used by PROCLoadIconV 0IgnoreNextp (J Set up the error handler($vVCleanUpr $    VDealWithEvent &XBMyParams&(fl MyMess&(fB(&XpMyParams&(f(*J Check for a keyboard event*$&Xh@X$  (J Check for a button event($&Xh@X$NVButtondMyParams&(flMyParams&(ffN  ,J Check for a message 1 event,$&Xh@Y$  *J Check for a mouse 2 event*$&Xh@Yl$  *J Check for a message event*$&Xh@$V[Message  (J Check for a timer event($&Xh @Z6$    VCleanUp,J Close and delete the window,FMyWindHMyWind  VMessage"&\l&`l&Xl&",R\[| MyMess&(f,"T[ rJ Menu"HV]Menud MyMess&(fl MyMess&(ffH$TrJ Redraw$V`bReDrawd MyMess&(fl MyMess&(fl MyMess&(fl MyMess&(fl MyMess&(ff$TrJ Topped$$ppMyMess&(f$    8VSimMenudTitlelItemf8 NTitlel 4VMenudTitlelItemf4  6VMenudrTitlelǀItemf6(&Ll&\l&`l&Xl&("R_^PǀItem"*T^ rJ About IconEd*6&Lp*[0][By Jeremy Ruston][OK]lf6(T^rJ Load icon(Vw LoadIcon(T_4rJ Save icon(VSaveIcon"TrJ Quit">Quitp0T'rJ Copy Data to Mask0 VCopyDataToMask $T(rJ Clear$VClear   NrTitlel   ZVReDrawdTWhichl`XRllYRlxWRlƄHRfZ"&\l&`l&Xl&"*J Standard redraw technique* 4 < 2rTWhichl&\l&`l&Xl&24Pcd&Xjfhd&jf4T&\l&`l&Xl&l`XRllYRlxWRlƄHRT8d&Xjfhd&jf@8$&\l&`l&Xl&$"RcbPTWhich"TbTDeskObjTree&(lfll l&\l&`l&Xl&T TMyWind B0IgnoreNext@VdTDrawMyWindowB 0IgnoreNextp   l<~&\l&`l&\v&Xxl&`v&x<    2tTWhichl&\l&`l&Xl&2  > 6    VDrawMyWindow &J Clear the whole window& l`~XWlYWlXWvưWWxlYWvƼHWx`0J" Draw the grid outline rectangles0 l|DataXxlDataYxlDataXvƔGXSizez lDataYvƤGYSizez ||MaskXxlMaskYxlMaskXvƔGXSizez lMaskYvƤGYSizez |"J Fill in the grids" lRVgDrawGriddĠMyData%(flDataXlDataYfRRVgDrawGridd MyMask%(flMaskXlMaskYfR  DVDrawGriddLAdd%lXXBldYBfD&\l&`l&,"&`p",&,pLAdd%`d&`zf,"&\p"&&,h,@i(&0&pXXBv&\zƔGXSize00&pdYBv&`zƤGYSize0P~&l&l&vƔGXSizexl&vƤGYSizexP  &,p&,\     "VCopyDataToMask"&LJ Do the copy"&Lp"8MyMask%(&LfpMyData%(&Lf8  *J Fill in the new mask grid*0llSWlSH0 l|MaskXxlMaskYxlMaskXvGXSizez lMaskYvGYSizez | lRVDrawGriddMyMask%(flMaskXlMaskYfRPVReDrawdlXDlYDlWDlHDfP   VClear&L J Clear the array "&Lp"&MyData%(&Lfp&&MyMask%(&Lfp&  *J Fill in the new mask grid*0llSWlSH0 l|MaskXxlMaskYxlMaskXvGXSizez lMaskYvGYSizez ||DataXxlDataYxlDataXvGXSizez lDataYvGYSizez |PVReDrawdlXDlYDlWDlHDfP   (VButtond&\l&`f(&X8&\l&`fjMyWind@80llSWlSH0&Xp&\tDataXh&\nDataXvGXSizez h&`tDataYh&`nDataYvGYSizez @&Xp&\tMaskXh&\nMaskXvGXSizez h&`tMaskYh&`nMaskYvGYSizez @&XpR&XTVPaintdMyData%(flDataXlDataYld&\xDataXf`GXSizeld&`xDataYf`GYSizefTVPaintdMyMask%(flMaskXlMaskYld&\xMaskXf`GXSizeld&`xMaskYf`GYSizef  PVReDrawdlXDlYDlWDlHDfP  LVPaintdAdd%lXBlYBl&\l&`fL(&lLW%l&l&((,J Paint the path of the mouse,.LW%pAdd%v&`z.``LW%hd\dx&\ff@&pB&p` l&  P&\rh&\lh&`rh&`l@P&@`LW%p`LW%f\dx&\fB`LW%p`LW%hd\dx&\ff~XBv&\zGXSizelYBv&`zGYSizelXBvd&\vfzGXSizexlYBvd&`vfzGYSizex  $&\l&`l&l&($8&\pd&\xXBf`GXSize88&`pd&`xYBf`GYSize8.LW%pAdd%v&`z.&p  VLoadIcon"njP$l(Hl&"0J" Allow the user to select a file0"njP$pv**.BSC"dF$p**njP$ldF$l(H*dF$lfj*BSC@xnDUMMY%p*[3][The File You| Specified| is not a| BASIC File.][OK]lfr$(Hp@$,PP$lfj*\,<P$pP$ldP$fxf<  pP$2J$ Update the icon structure from it2(MyText%pF$( err_flag|p &pdF$f "&n@"R&>Tx!rerr_str$p*File Not Found>>Tx@rerr_str$p*File Too Short>>Tx"rerr_str$p*Path Not Found><Tx.rerr_str$p*Invalid Drive<*rerr_str$pd&f*  ferr_mess$p*[3][The File You| Specified|Is Not Valid| |verr_str$v*][OK]f4DUMMY%perr_mess$lf4 err_flag|p  * err_flag|@*&p@0V&llMyMask%(f0&p0V&llMyData%(f0&"J Redraw the desktop"PVReDrawdlXDlYDlWDlHDfPRJD Redraw my window and make sure its next redraw message is ignoredRZVReDrawdMyWindlXWlYWlWWlHWfZ IgnoreNextp     VSaveIcon"P$l(Hl&"0J" Allow the user to select a file0"P$pv*NNpNNNNNNwVNuN$BnlBnHBn`N"NHIxN&NԜJ@jNb\@Nnlnrzgr2.l@ n .66 m&A.-H,8=|+8p4N̒ n.8fNAz`Nu[1][This may take a long|time.][ OK | Cancel ]NJ@g|fNA2BAJXfXA|(mBA/.N/.RBn6=| 6AL"p$I@-J6&iB0+-K6J6g / N<"_ IN-_R-_NNwVNuA-H,8=|+8p4N̒Nu[1][Only one Segment at a time|can be copied to the|Clipboard.][ OK ]N)~NNp .0"8Ю0-@4L4HH+BBn+8p3N̒A$-H,8Bn+8=|+:LH+<-n6C=nBnadwp*N̒aPA$-H,8=|+8p2N̒ n.8g n.8fpON̒0..<2.nn6An0.2.@jBA=A` 0.2.@0.n@o2=A=|+8=|+:LЮ4H+Bn#<0< Np:.6nN nCBDC%<G6ʼeRQ2 RF`2 RFe`RFBR`| n 2 RF`R=E#>0.4nL=@#<=| #,H0<NpLpPE n0$mPE6l RD|mFNNuJ6gj n6BA6l  fRA` ( gRAJAfr0.=AC2< n0$m2<Al0no0.=@Nu-n6C0.ng< nCm22.CAHAa n6Jg  fS`-HCNuBH@8H@BbHF<HFH@HD0H@$b`b R`" NuClipboardOKH( $H&IڵDo .<Є-@< .@Є-@@ .8Є-@8J6g .6Є-@6J6g .6Є-@6Jnhf -I0&`-I0* INJnhfCL0.H#0&LNuH*n0*Jnhf*n0&".D $Ђ/ N*_Jg8/ "H/ Ma$ _-HD?<INA\NJiTa DpPS7`g /H@Nl\ gzZ.B>}UEo]V+ ܅z?u gdɛ6lTd d`@uCDG :/PH \ n.>=}UEotaWD><!e@ B9?}Aw@@fɼ@_=(y_Nɿ2@ 0("޽0trrvt" G|#A} o yNUCHΖBGo6P8dd_$N$TVV(@"A` t? 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entries,PPJB or one if we want to be told when the mouse leaves the rectanglePLRJD (5 Mouse 1) The X coordinate of the rectangle (relative to screen)RLRJD (6 Mouse 1) The Y coordinate of the rectangle (relative to screen)RL6J( (7 Mouse 1) The width of the rectangle6L8J* (8 Mouse 1) The height of the rectangle8L>J0 (9 Mouse 2) Flag for within/outside rectangle>L>J0 (10 Mouse 2) The X coordinate of the rectangle>L>J0 (11 Mouse 2) The Y coordinate of the rectangle>L8J* (12 Mouse 2) The width of the rectangle8L8J* (13 Mouse 2) The height of the rectangle8LTJF (14 Timer) The low word of the time in milliseconds for GEM to waitT.J before giving us a timer event.L4J& (15 Timer) High word of timer value4L tA$p>df ,tM$p*[ About NeoProcs ],BtM$ptM$v*[ File | Load \ Save \ Quit ]BNtM$ptM$v*[ Processes | Smooth \ Outline \ Invert ]NdtM$ptM$v*[ Utilities | Swap \ View \ Random colours vtA$v*R ]d < tM$ > 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The SPEAK.PRG file on this disc is an extension to the FAST BASIC program which allows your computer to speak. It can translate ordinary English text into a list of sounds, called phonemes, and then speak them through the ST's sound chip. The previously undocumented keyword, EXTERNAL, can be used to send commands to the SPEAK module and to any further modules which may be released in the future. An example program which uses all the commands of the SPEAK module is also included on this disc, and is called SPEAKER.BSC. There follows a description of the EXTERNAL commands recognised by the SPEAK module: 1 Translate a string to phonemes and speak it. 2 Speak a string of phonemes. -1 Return an identity message. -2 Return the translation of a string into phonemes. NOTE: The SPEAK.PRG program must have been executed before the EXTERNAL or | command is used. This can be done in two ways: 1. By running it from the GEM desktop (double-click on SPEAK.PRG) 2. By running the SPEAK.PRG program from FAST BASIC with the command LAUNCH "A:\SPEECH.FST\SPEAK.PRG","S",0,R% When the SPEAK.PRG program is run it installs itself in memory and stays there, waiting for the commands described above to be sent to it. This means that if the SPEAK.PRG program is run more than once without resetting the machine there will be several copies resident in memory, waiting for speech commands and occupying about 28 Kilobytes each! ---*--- EXTERNAL = Communicate with external modules. Purpose To send a command to another memory resident program. Syntax EXTERNAL | or = EXTERNAL = | The vertical bar "|" does exactly the same thing as the EXTERNAL keyword and makes calls to external modules slightly more readable. There should be no comma between the command number and the string parameter. Only negative command numbers will return anything, the values returned ALWAYS being strings. Example SPEAK=1 |SPEAK "Hello folks!" or TRANSPHONS=-2 PRINT |TRANSPHONS "You call this speech?" or ABOUT=-1 PRINT EXTERNAL ABOUT "something" un  this program. NPJ  NPPZ $ {ϐmӐܐ2H& Introduction to the speech module.2H Phil Martin:H. Set up a variable to mimic a SPEAK command.: TSPEAKp8H, And another to report module information.8 bABOUTpx4H( Yet another for phoneme translation.4 pPHONSpx(H Install the SPEAK module(Td.fp.@*A:\SPEECH.FST\SPEAK.PRGl*Sll&DT4H( Print out the module identity string4($ bABOUT*modules((H Now try to say something(  TSPEAK*HELLO VwaitH TSPEAK*This is how Fast Basic can be made to speak!HVwait\ |A$p pPHONS*It's not quite Ahmeega standerd, but its very clever!\ |A$Vwait$ |A$Vwait. TSPEAK*That's all for now..: TSPEAK*Have fun with the SPEAK module!:  2&*Type in some text *: I$2$SPEAKI$$ I$p*QUIT  Vwait prrt  ll*l addr_field|f`:Vpaddaddr2$l addr_field|f:dtown$pXget_numberd llll*Townl town_field|fd8Vpaddtown$l town_field|f8fcnty$pXget_numberd l ll l*Countyl cnty_field|ff8Vpaddcnty$l cnty_field|f8jpcode$p M@MXMj.&.*...2.B.F.J.N.R.V.Z.^M>MT. ..T~|NxNvO.rpOPQ(QVQTdb`MvMMN0RSSPNLJH0DB@><:86x.,*(&$(bF LL TvUU,.6U&UUVVlV]]]4aabBcd ~|d&xvtrpffnfthfdb`^\ZXViRPNLkkFDB@><:862fr|(&$" mT^j  ,X|6d@*2l3f  NN N^aJ$`DaH`DzaGJ`DaI`DaH`DzaG4`DxaI`DpaI`DhaH`D`zaG`DVaIR`DNaH$`DFzaG`D0Nu an~NuLao(~Nua5|ffNup`4a4F~Nua6JGg|g|f4ANuBNuDNu`a& 9a8ЮQBBGNu .PBGNuA$ BGNuH/B?< NA\,_-@SBL?NuH/.SB?< NA\OLNuaa3BGNu BGNua3FN4~Nua38N>~Nua3*N~Nua3N~Nua3ND~NuaXJGg|f N~Nu|f30Nb~Nua2N~Nua2N~NuN~Nua2N~Nua2N~Nua2NX~Nua2N`~Nua2vN~Nua2N<~Nua2 nOp~Nup>0.ONu0.Oa"nOp0.O`WD@nOS@~NuaC ~Nua2> nOCrfQ0p~NuB1 QO ~Nua2a$0|g>?a2,Ha2a$",L>a2.C "$$nONzp0~.WNua2 a1a#a2C"/ W (P$nONL.W.Wp0~Nua1a#a1a1ta#$a1c ~Nua1|~Jg 0 nONupNua1ja#ra1a18a#r$a1.c., nO"H`Q ~Nup~Nua1(a#0a1Pa0JgS@|fg<|lf/a0a#&$a1Teb , nO"H`Q~Nu$a1.e`pA`a0/ (nO =|ONԲJ@kr2$O͵e.&OUA?0JAf(O/ a14.W(_Nu?<NNTHBGNua0NuaNJGg"|g|f02Nt~NuN~NuNGNua0,N~Nua0N~~Nua0N~Nua0Nz~Nua/N(~Nua/zN:~Nua/NwNPJ  nrJF& F{ϐmӐܐNHB Best if run in monochrome, this program shows all the avaliableN0H$ FILLSTYLES avaliable to the user.0H By Neil Gardner&8pn4&Hlr&Hpd&Hvfh,4np&Hrjp&Hllllll 8 )xscalep|@ )yscalep| *&p  *v&z)xscalelz)yscale&z)xscalelz)yscalev  *&p *v z)xscalel&z)yscalez)xscalel&z)yscalev  &pr&p*)opt_onep**)opt_twop** )opt_onel)opt_two*tdd&z fv fz)xscaleldd&z fv fz)yscalelt"dd&zfvfzxscaleldd&zfvfzyscaleftopt_onet*,topt_twoN&p&vr&p@Z&pr&p&vNX)opt_oneph)opt_twop @)opt_twopX   ("<lf*Press Any Key(.">lf*To Finishr(pB.np&8rjp&8             Further documentation for Fast BASIC version 1.05c =2 LPRINT The LPRINT command has been recoded so that it will send characters to either the parallel or serial port. It decides which port to send characters to by interrogating the XBIOS and reading the configuration set up by the INSTALL PRINTER desk accessory. Printer control codes can now be sent directly to the printer with the LPRINT command, eg. LPRINT CHR$27;"E" sets emphasized mode on EPSON compatible printers. Previous versions of Fast BASIC used different ways of sending control codes to the printer but this will now remain the standard method. INSTALL The INSTALL statement will now correctly load programs from a directory where the directory is supplied in the filename string. i.e. The statement INSTALL "DEMOS\BLITDEMO.BSC",10 will get the program "BLITDEMO.BSC" from directory "DEMOS\" without affecting the PATH$ pseudo-variable. Error Traps The major fatal error vectors are now trapped so that the famous bombs don't appear when an error is caused by a program. Control will return to the editor and an error message is printed in the information line. The fatal errors involved are: Error type Bombs Reported Message =5 Bus Error 2 Bus Error! Address Error 3 Address Error! Illegal Instruction 4 Illegal Instruction! Divide by Zero - Divide by zero! CHK - CHK Instruction! TRAPV - TRAPV Instruction! Privilege Violation 8 Privilege Violation! These errors can't be trapped by an ON ERROR statement in Fast BASIC. Listings Program and Clipboard listings can now be sent to either the parallel or serial printers according to the configuration set up by the INSTALL PRINTER desk accessory.         ~Nua/N~Nua/N2~Nua/NH~NuN~Nua/N~Nu<k|dg UN&~Nua/:|ffNXGNuaF|g|gJGf/*NuN~NuNB~Nua/.N(~Nua/ N~Nua/N~Nua|g|gJGf.Nua{~Nua{~NuaȾ|g|gJGf.JjDNuNuNua|g2|gJGf.Jgjp~Nup~Nup>Nufg`fg`aT|ga- nOan O~Nu nOak O~Nua./ (nOB4< g<+gD<-g4a(_Nu< g<.g <9b<0e am*GNu~pNua(_`a(_Nua-?aa-|ff`2gtJ@gn4HBJBf:HHBnOb:>SAgSA nO"H$nOڳfQ O~Nua-84 | br Bg `a-/|lgXt fSBf|ff nO`g1`0Q Of nO0p~Nua,a-aa,~|lfa-a,.gSa-(|ffvJf.Wp~NuA"d."H&nOd$nOµf/ggg _`X.Wp>Nu _S AR~.WNua+Ha`a+|ff$& .TZaf @"Aan$& .TafanNHSnLan$& .Taf|an0HSf,.U^BBSFBSJBSNBSRBSVBSZBS^BSbLSFanVRAL SnamHSNLSVCamL SfamHSFRd>LSFNtHSVLSNNtHS^L SVam$<vNk-GU6 ~Nua*HaRa*|ff$& .TZae @"Aam$& .Taeam@HSNNtHS^Lam~$& .TaebamHSFNtHSV,.U^B .Tae>HSf .Tfae0HSn`<k|rg|f0Jlg.\/ <kJ.f6|g"a<.P|rg|fJlg\`a*"f(W`XNua`p`8a;x0k|pf|g|g"|g*p`a`\O.a) W |fa)/@|g /|`a)/@|rg|fdJlgb\/L <kJ.f|g"a<.P|rg|f0Jlg.\`<kafa:¼|f <k$Og p:`^$O Z "Ё Jkn `m(Z`O|lg =FPNup`& _CgCgCgp;`a`dO.a(acB W nPfa(H |g <r`a(vH|rg|fPJlgN\/L<kJ.f|g"a<.P|rg|fJlg\`<kafa9|f<kf` WU abLajr$&ab W L Jk aug k`au|gj(o`fO<|lg=FPNua`jO.a(ab| WH nPfa'H|g <rt`a'H|rg|f:Jlg8\/L<kJ.f|g"a߼<.P|rg|fJlg\`<kafa8|f<kf` WULab Labz&(*aa WHLJ k atg k`atgj(o``O <|lg=FPNup"`a&|@fJgX<k|g|gJ|gB`<k|Dg|g|g N|pg a޶<.P|rgμ|g0|Bf L g (@=|PNu<k|g |`la` =FPNu L <k|gJg\(@<k|Dg(|gv|g ʼ|pg J|g|ga"<.P|rg|fr=FPNu<k|g|Bg|`la>` U=FPNuX `Jlg>\<k|g&|Bga<.P|rg|g` L g(@`ad|f `p>`NJlg\Jg:(@ \gX<k|gab<.P|rg|fJlg\`aU `BnSv<k|g*|Bg0|g6|g |`la^`Jlgn\`JnSvgSnSv`JnSvgX`Nu<k|@g|gƼ|`la`X<k|ga`RnSv`C`Nrplfhjhfdb`^\ZXVTJHFDLD>@:0*06640.," NuPNu\NuTNuXNuXJf> GNu g (@=|rPNuAal(I=|rPNu gB/ (@<k|g,a<.P|rg|f@Jlg>\`Cf*(_`*ATa/ E0DP(I`<k|g|gT|dgp`J0a Nu/a$ _|ff|g a#a^XNu/ (nOB4B4a(_XNuXa Nu"nO i6gJQfp@`, . 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