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AaA0 ]HNu4CG?bfb RGd6|/|$F,HF.h.BGHG҇~`"BAHA,HFpHAHB024 6<?~Gj SWԅӄGd, Q,HF.h.BGHG҇~HA`"BAHB02BB6|FjSG҄FdHG>HG96f,⎜bHFRFkHz``, c96g~96fJkb`lJkf`X//&HC0BCHCH@B@4rЂׁ"$dSGԅӄNu96f╚kfg` JfJg`,HFRdR`,HF  @c"$Hza` ЀP !1L Numod42<@H@J@fAH@ @bQA @bYA @?bUAJ@kSAH@AԂQ0 B]HNu Glasnost[3][GLASNOST:| |Es steht nicht gengend|Speicherplatz zur Verfgung !][Abbruch][3][GLASNOST:| |Lesefehler beim Zugriff auf|FAT von Partition %c: !][Abbruch][3][GLASNOST:| |Keine Festplatte vorhanden !][Abbruch][3][GLASNOST:| |Bildschirm zu klein !][Abbruch][3][GLASNOST:| |Kein weiteres|Fenster verfgbar !][Abbruch] GLASNOST fr TOS 1991 Uland Tffner%cTOTALRAMMBYTE%3d@?@@@@@@@@@@@>>C2?@r  $"~$$"  <*&8 4B @ (& .* Jf 4 & t J@g ym Rm )L NuH0BCEÎGM` R  fR` RHN*JJ@gvBC`RCr03H"s RN%fJ@g|o޶|n4BC k>"RNDJ@fpN0 R  fbR"ym Rm `P k>"RNDJ@f> - GLASNOST - (c) 1991 Uland Tffner Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 27a W-6520 Worms Tel. 06241/53594 Fido 2:247/10.2 GLASNOST ist ein kleines Utility, das in einem Fenster die Gre und den Fllungsgrad aller Plattenpartitionen, der gesamten Platte und des Hauptspeichers grafisch darstellt. Dabei berprft GLASNOST stndig, ob sich irgendwelche nderungen ergeben haben und passt seine Grafik einmal pro Sekunde an. Dazu sollte GLASNOST natrlich sinnvollerweise als Accessory (oder besser noch als Task unter einem TOS-kompatiblen Multitasking-Betriebssystem :-) installiert werden. Wichtig fr den reibungslosen Betrieb von GLASNOST ist, da alle Gertetreiber, die sich in _drvbits angemeldet haben, einen BPB besitzen und ber eine 16-Bit FAT verfgen. Andernfalls produziert GLASNOST im besten Falle eine sinnlose Anzeige. Insbesondere CD-ROMs und Netzwerke knnten GLASNOST zum Absturz bringen. GLASNOST ist Public Domain. Es darf allerdings nur zusammen mit diesem Dokument weitergegeben werden. Eine Verwertung durch kommerzielle PD- Hndler ohne schriftliche Einverstndniserklrung von mir ist hiermit ausdrcklich untersagt. Hardwarevoraussetzungen: ATARI ST/TT mit beliebiger Betriebssystemversion, Festplatte, Grafikauflsung von mind. 200x200 Pixel Worms, 22.07.1991 Uland Tffner. A "RNDJ@f R  fSp`A"RNDJ@g:` R (fNT$RA"RNDJ@f RHN**J@f`pC RRHN%fJ@gpC RRHN%fJ@f\pC RRHN%fJ@fx`BZ` R (fNT$R RNDVJ@fA"RNDJ@fJfp` R  fS` RNDVJ@gx`SD R 0 @g 0 @g0@fx`R RNDVJ@f|f R :fp` RHrCYWf00)N!$%&|$ v`v`v` v`v`v|f R (gJCo|l|g R ((f7|`0Bk`* RHN*JJ@g R(HN*JJ@gN7n60`pC! RN%fJ@f(`RWeitere Hinweise zu GLASNOST: ============================= - Hardwarevoraussetzungen: - ATARI ST/TT - 512K RAM - Festplatte - beliebige Betriebssystemversion, auch alle zukftigen Releases - Grafikauflsung von mind. 200x200 Pixel - luft als ACC und PRG (->umbenennen) - das Programm hngt sich mittels XBRA-Protokoll in den hdv_rw-Vektor ein um Schreibzugriffe auf eine Plattenpartition zu protokollieren - luft im TT-RAM - belegt zur Laufzeit weniger als 24K RAM - Programm ist absolut neu und unverffentlicht ?T`>Syk`* R ( g ( f6RNg`N;<` N0`AK"R)NDJ@gN>&`Byk RR"SR SR v`RC R 0 0g 0 0gpCON%fJ@gdpCT RN%fJ@gPpCZ RN%fJ@g`RNJ`B@ANpCANZ`A"R)NDJ@gAND` R(HN*JJ@fN` RHN**J@g. nj.. GRAFFITIACC ӈ GRAFFITIDOC Ԉ` .| $HI )| )JB?< NA)x x h9h,2(I9A0/@> NANN \NJNVHeH?A Cp"Q2A)HA)HA)HA)HA)HA)HpN.Hz/NPPOAH)Hp4Nt0.Hr(AfAt////Nj=@vHnxHnvHnNOJnvfHzHxNPO`HnnHnlHnjHnhHxBNO0.h=@`2.j=Ab4.lBS@=@d0.n@SA=Af0.vHHn`Hx/N0.vHHx/N0.vHHx /N0.vHr.//N0.vHHx/N 9| <NBHxNfO00.vHHnfHndHn^/NRO0.^@S@flBHxN0PO=nd`=nfb0.vHHn`Hx/NF=nd`=nfb0.vHHnfHndHn^/NO0.^@S@gBHxNPOH p ?NATOLJ@gH p?NATOL-@XrF/NXO* .XH@HrF,p0mr9o ram8rfn22.vHmp9n HHt0` HHtW//NPO`*p;m$pDn0.vH"HHt;ҁR//NNPO0.^@U@fBBN9| <N0.vH.N0.hH2.jH4.lH6.nH.///x////HxNO(`4 Graffiti[3][Can't open virtual workstation.][Cancel]NVH0&n$n .9@ . 9@ <xNP g6 g4&n g6&n g60,HL N^NuNV . 9@X .H@B@@r HAN0,XHN^NuNV . 9@HBlJ .H@B@"<Nt0,4HN^NuNV . 9@X .9@Z .H@B@@rlHAN6N^NuNV . 9@X .H@B@@rHAN0,XHN^NuNV)n` . 9@X .H@B@@"<NAH)H`N^NupaNV .H@B@r|HAN n 0X n04 n06N^NuNV)n` .H@B@rHA N|AH)H`N^NuNV)n\ n)HdCZ)Ih n 0HH@B@@ rdHAN< n 0xAX)H\AX)HdA4)HhN^NupaNV .H@B@reHANN^NuNV .9@)n pdNN^NupaNV .9@)n  <NN^NuNV < N n0 n 0 n0 n00,HN^NuNV .9@ . 9@ .9@ .9@ .9@ .9@ . 9@ .$9@ .(9@pRЀNfN^NuNV)n  .9@pTЀNHN^NuAX"P"3@H@3@ "psNBNuAXCl CX CH CX C4 NuA" 0A"P"0<NBA0HNu     !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123 456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|} /rAm rZnr ЁNu/ K2`HHH ?r?r?NM\OLJfHxNXO*_NuStack space exhausted Program aborted NuZ NCxNC SR{ SR NC09S>gM,29S@A46gIO2ANDr A<49S@B06 N"NDA"NDv` 0NZ6RC R 0 0g 0 0gpCON%fJ@gdpCT RN%fJ@gPpCZ RN%fJ@gSyS@Byk`F09O&gByO& MND ykf SR; S(g ykg R NC3kp`B@L|Nu3k ykTk0Nu3kUk ykBPNu/ Ak"P kx`$ym Rm  $PT0f $_Nu< g< Graffiti by Michael Jennings January 1991 Graffiti is a desk accessory program that enables simple mouse controlled drawing on the screen, over the top of whatever happens to be there at the time. The original contents of the screen as they were before drawing began are restored when the program is exited (by pressing the right mouse button). Controls:- Left mouse button Press to draw Right mouse button Exits program and causes contents of screen to be redrawn as they were before drawing began. F1 - F10 Changes the pen thickness (F1 thin, F10 thick). 0 - 9 and a - f Change the pen colour. (fN`Na R )fNa$_Nu/ EÎ R (f` R (fN`R R )fR$_NuH06EO2GÎ`HNAI"SNJ@g. nj.. 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Het programmamag niet door software handelaren, shareware postorder bedrijven,diskette tijdschriften of andere organisaties met winstoogmerk,worden aangeboden. De files DISCEDIT.PRG, DISCEDIT.RSC enDISCEDIT.DOC moeten op dezelfde diskette staan.DISCEDIT.DOCr[3][ | Geen DISCEDIT.DOC file | op deze diskette! ][ STOP ][3][ | Fout in DISCEDIT.DOC file! |][ STOP ][3][ | Niet genoeg geheugenruimte! ][ STOP ][3][ | Fout bij lezen bootsector! | ][ STOP ][3][ | Fout bij lezen sector! | ][ STOP ][1][ Onbekend format! | Bepaling positie | 2e FAT onmogelijk. ][ OK ][3][ |Niet genoeg geheugenruimte! | ][ OK ][1][ | Onjuiste sidewaarde! | ][ OK ][1][ | Onjuiste trackwaarde! | ][ OK ][1][ | Onjuiste sectorwaarde! | ][ OK ][1][ | BPB kan niet gelezen worden! | ][ OK ][3][ | Fout bij saven sector! | ][ STOP ][1][ | Zeker weten ??? | ][ STOP | OK ] Drive: Side: Track: Sector: H E X A D E C I M A A LA S C I I@@ffffffg?@@??[3][ |Niet genoeg geheugenruimte!][ OK ][3][ |Track kan niet gelezen worden!][ OK ][1][ | Einde zoekprocedure! | ][ OK ][1][ | Zoekstring gevonden! | ][ STOP | VERDER ] D I S C E D I T V.s. 1.0 _Drive: %c Side: %d Track: %2d Sector: %2d H E X A D E C I M A A L A S C I I [1][Fout bij formateren.......| |Side: |Track: [1][ |Fout bij produceren FAT!][ OK ][1][ |Fout bij produceren bootsector!][ OK ][3][Formateren kan alleen op A-| |en B-drive!][ OK ][3][Produceren bootsector kan |alleen op A- en B-drive! |][1][ | Doe de diskette in de drive...][ STOP | OK ][3][ | Geen verificatie mogelijk! ][ STOP ][0][ | Format: | | Zijden: Tracks: | Sectoren: | ][ STOP | OK ][1][ | Fout bij verifieren...| | Side: Track: Sector: | ][1][ | Diskette is in orde ! | ][ OK ][1][ | Diskette is niet in orde ! | ][ OK ][1][ | Diskette is niet volledig | | gekontroleerd ![3][ Verify kan alleen op A- | en B-drive! | ][ OK ][3][ Programma werkt niet in deze | resolutie! | ][ STOP ]}}}}&V>r  &F<@~rJJl  $,N Z2P6D& & 02FZ$8h4, > $*~|P B8B2 &"nV<*&8 4B @ (& .* Jf 4 & t . Ȍ "h& >\ ,<  ~p4R*:*$"$  j  ,$  0> tg RN8J@gGbN RN6]@g2I tND Sg Sfr*RAND`N0 RNrJ@f[m ANDNC$0H tND`N0 RNrJ@fA'ND$`N0 RNrJ@f0N` R  gN0A"RNDJ@gA$NDNC R  gR R  fL|NuH.O|BCEÎIO(` R00RC R00NDVJ@f L"R10NDJ@fB70BCK`M `0HA"gvCN$J@fhCc{ NN$C NN$*Cc NN$* NNl`R RNDVJ@f L"RNDJ@f R  gRp`Bykp`RCy mtB@OLtNu?/ 6EbPJ@oY@l ApND`:|f AuND`(|f A{ND`|f[m AND$_6Nu??8BC`RCRÎ yÎNDVJ@fAO("yÎNDJ@fθCl8086NuH0BCEÎ R @fR RHN*JJ@f`R R  g`R RNDVJ@fGbP`NpC RN%fJ@gHpC RN%fJ@g6pC RN%fJ@g$pC RN%fJ@gpC RN%fJ@flRCpC RN%fJ@gpC RN%fJ@fZT09N3 R (f NT$` R ,fRC`A"RNDJ@fRA"RNDJ@fRA"RNDJ@g D I S C E D I T . P R G ----------------------- Discedit is een utility voor het bewerken van diskettes. Naast het editen van sectoren zijn er een groot aantal andere bewerkingen in het programma opgenomen, zoals formateren, zoeken van ASCII-strings op de diskette, schrijven van bootsector, enz. De funkties die in versie 1.1 zijn opgenomen zullen hieronder een voor een worden besproken. 1. Discedit. Deze menukeuze toont de informatiepagina van het programma. 2. Files. 2.1. Door het kiezen van het 'Quit' item wordt het programma verlaten. 3. Drive. 3.1. Met 'seekrate' kan de kopzoektijd van drive A en B worden ingesteld. Voor een 3.5 inch drive is 3 ms, voor een 5.25 inch drive is 6 ms gebruikelijk. 3.2. Door middel van de items 'A-drive' en 'B-drive' kan de diskdrive worden gekozen waarop de bewerkingen van het programma worden uitgevoerd. Het select teken in het menu geeft aan welke van de twee drives gekozen is. 3.3.Met behulp van het derde item, 'Select drive', kan in plaats van de A- of B-drive, ook een andere aangesloten drive als default drive worden ingesteld. Alle bewerkingen van het programma hebben dan betrekking op deze drive, uitgezonderd de bewerkingen onder de menukeuze 'Opties' die alleen werken op de A- of B-drive. 4. Disk In het algemeen kan men zeggen dat onder de menukeuze 'Drive' de diskette-editor wordt geaktiveerd. Deze editor maakt het mogelijk een diskettesector te wijzigen. De volgende items zijn daartoe beschikbaar: 4.1. 'Bootsector', 'FAT 1' en 'FAT 2' laden de desbetreffende sector van de diskette in de default drive, in de editor. Op het beeldscherm wordt een venster geopend waarin de sector in hexadecimale vorm en in ASCII te zien is. De eerste kolom in het venster is de nummering van de bytes in de sector. De zestien daarop volgende kolommen zijn de bytes van de sector in hexadecimale vorm en de laatste kolom zijn diezelfde bytes maar dan voorgesteld als ASCII-tekens. Zo kunnen de eerste twee regels van de bootsector van een diskette geformateerd onder CPANEL er alsvolgt uitzien: 000 60 38 43 50 41 4E 45 4C FA 2E 2E 00 02 02 01 00 `8CPANEL........ 010 02 70 00 A4 05 F9 03 00 09 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 .p.............. ^ ^ ^ | | | | | ASCII voorstelling van de sector bytes ----- | | | | | -- Hexadecimale voorstelling van de sector bytes | | ---------- Nummering van de bytes in hexadecimale getallen. Wanneer een sector van de diskette in de editor geladen is verschijnt de cursor als een rechte verticale streep bij byte 000 in het hexadecimale blok. D.m.v. de toets kan de cursor naar het ASCII blok en vice versa worden gestuurd. De cursorpijlen sturen de cursor door het hexadecimale-blok of het ASCII-blok. Staat de cursor in het hexadecimale blok dan kan de desbetreffende byte een andere hexadecimale waarde worden gegeven door de nieuwe waarde over de bestaande waarde heen te typen. Het overeenkomstige teken in het ASCII-blok wordt automatisch mee veranderd. Staat de cursor in het ASCII-blok dan kan door het intypen van een ander ASCII-teken de byte een nieuwe waarde krijgen. In het hexadecimale blok wordt de overeenkomstige byte automatisch aangepast. De toets stuurt de cursor naar het begin van het hexadecimale of ASCII blok, de toets zet de cursor aan het begin van de volgende byte. De wijzigingen worden niet automatisch op de diskette aangebracht. Wil men na het aanbrengen van een of meerder wijzigingen in de editor toch de orginele sector weer terug zien dan wordt door het indrukken van de -toets de desbetreffende sector weer van de diskette geladen. Eenzelfde effect heeft het aanklikken van het item 'Edit sector' onder de menukeuze 'Disk'. De eerder aangebrachte wijzigingen zijn dan verloren gegaan. 4.2. Het item 'Zoek string' maakt het mogelijk op een diskette te zoeken naar een zelf te definieren ASCII-reeks. Is deze reeks eenmaal gevonden dan wordt de sector waarin deze staat in de editor geladen, op het beeldscherm getoond en kan deze eventueel bewerkt worden. Laat men de diskette verder afzoeken en komt de ASCII-reeks meerdere keren voor in een en dezelfde sector, dan zal het programma deze sector ook meerdere keren op het beeld- scherm tonen. Bijvoorbeeld: het programma zoekt op deze diskette naar de string 'DISCEDIT'. Dan zal het programma drie maal de sector met de directory tonen in verband met het voorkomen van de files DISCEDIT.PRG, DISCEDIT.RSC en DISCEDIT.DOC op de diskette. 4.3.Het item 'Laad sector' laadt een zelf te kiezen sector in de editor en toont deze op het beeldscherm. Het programma kontroleert zelf de maximale side, track en sector waarden zodat men niet bevreesd hoeft te zijn een track of sector te willen laden die niet op de diskette staat. 'Save sector' werkt op overeenkomstige wijze en schrijft de inhoud van de editor naar een zelf te kiezen sector. Met de rechter muisknop kan door een keer klikken de volgende sector worden geladen. Door een dubbelklik wordt de vorige sector geladen. Hetzelfde effect ver- krijgt men door de toetsenkombinaties met de cursorpijl rechts en met de cursorpijl links. 4.4. 'Vulbyte' vult de gehele editor met een en dezelfde byte. Met een enkele opdracht is het dus mogelijk alle bytes uit de sector dezelfde waarde te geven. Heeft men hiervan spijt gekregen dan kan d.m.v. de keuze 'Edit sector' de orginele sector weer van de diskette geladen worden. Alle aangebrachte wijzingingen zijn dan echter verloren gegaan. Het drukken op de -toets heeft eenzelfde effect. 4.5. 'Print sector' drukt, hoe kan het ook anders, de sector op de printer af. Het betreft hier een ASCII-afdruk. Een hardcopy van het beeldscherm verkrijgt men door de + toetsen in te drukken. 5. 'Options' bevat de extra mogelijkheden om een diskette te bewerken. Deze extra mogelijkheden werken alleen op de A- en B- drive. 5.1. 'B.P.B.' toont de Bios Parameter Block van de diskette in de default drive. 5.2. Twee mogelijkheden voor het formateren van de diskette zijn 'standaard format' en 'speciaal format'. Onder standaard format kan een diskette enkel of dubbelzijdig, voor 40, 80 of 82, voor 8,9 of 10 sectoren geformateerd worden. Het formateren gebeurd in IBM-format, zodat de diskettes ook onder MS-DOS gelezen kunnen worden. Bij 'speciaal format' kan men zelf bepalen van welke begin- tot welke eind-track geformateerd moet worden en uit hoeveel sectoren zo'n track bestaat. Het formateren gebeurt op de ingestelde default drive. 5.3. Soms kan men te maken krijgen met een diskette waarvan de bootsector beschadigd is. Met 'Bootsector' kan een nieuwe boot- sector op de diskette geschreven worden. De gegevens van de oude bootsector, zoals serienummer, aantal sectoren per track en totaal aantal sectoren gaan hierbij verloren. 5.4. Om te bepalen of een diskette 100 % in orde is kan de funktie 'Verify' gebruikt worden. Op het beeldscherm wordt aangegeven welke sectoren niet in orde zijn. 6. System. 6.1. 'Info' geeft informatie over het besturingssyteem zoals deze in systeemvectoren en de systeemheader te vinden is. 7. Help. Toont 6 helppagina's met summiere informatie over de mogelijkheden van de menu-opties. Het gebruik van dit programma geschiedt geheel voor eigen risico. Het is verstandig voor men met dit programma een diskette bewerkt, eerst van deze diskette een backup te maken. Zo kan voorkomen worden dat belangrijke informatie verloren gaat door het onherstelbaar beschadigen van de diskette. DISCEDIT is een programma dat door computerclubs en particulieren vrij en zonder winstoogmerk verspreid mag worden. Het programma mag niet door software handelaren, shareware postorder bedrijven, diskette tijdschriften of andere organisaties met winstoogmerk, worden aangeboden. De files DISCEDIT.PRG, DISCEDIT.RSC en DISCEDIT.DOC moeten op dezelfde diskette staan. DISCEDIT werd ontwikkeld op een ATARI Mega ST1 met monochrome monitor in Turbo C. Van dit programma zal regelmatig een update verschijnen. Deze kunt u bestellen door een lege, geformateerde diskette, een sticker met uw eigen naam en adres en voldoende retourporto te sturen naar Ruud Jongeling, Siemenwei 48, 4464 BX, Goes. Ook andere reakties zoals opmerkingen en suggesties zijn welkom. Goes, december 1990. //////////////////////////////// 1NlpNUlOPL NuH0BC8EÎ&R`HpCfy RN%fJ@f2^`R RNDVJ@f RHN*JJ@gN,,8@l6RpCj RN%fJ@f0HAdf pNDAh/ND$L Nu/ / Ot(HEv4p` 2A5R@| m5|HWHoCAN3PO?@HoC JN2XXO0/fAj(N5pN6pNPN6F(po9@ro9A0,H9@Bl 0/Y@gY@gQ@g`9| `9| `9| `9| 0/O(_$_Nu/?v 8<AjM42N1N5v8&Nu/YOM,C HzaZXOXO,_NuH@B@H@Cjra"J@kNu.Vp`/YOM, IC HzaXO VBXO,_Nu"VS@eQ,NuH8]O$H&I(o&BCx%p JR@g|fJ@g@HNBEgvBA< <b;k`|<*f<`&<0< b ACp a.$Wb<gt<.f6<*f4`$<0< b ACp a.z$Wb4g<߲<Lf g`<hggr@d|?@0;N>nBXr$56Q5  File Drive Disk Options System Help Over Discedit... --------------------123456 Quit A-drive B-drive -------------- Kies drive Seekrate-------------- F.A.T. 1 Laad sector---------------- Bootsector---------------- Edit sector Save sector Print sector F.A.T. 2 Vulbyte---------------- Zoek string---------------- Bootsector -------------------- Verify disk B.P.B.-------------------- Standaard format Speciaal format-------------------- Info File Drive Disk Options SystemD I S C E D I TKKKKKOIVERSIE 1.1(c) Ruud Jongeling 1990OKDrive A:Drive B:Drive seekrate 2 ms 3 ms6 ms12 ms2 ms3 ms6 ms12 ms OK STOP OKDefault drive:Zoek string STOP OK _________________________Zoekstring (ASCII): _________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXKeuze diskette sectorSide:Track:Sector: OK STOP 000001Vulbyte OK STOP 00B.P.B.Sektoren per cluster:Bytes per cluster:Directory lengte: OK Vlaggen:Start 2e F.A.T.:Lengte F.A.T.:1e vrije sector:Totaal clusters:Bytes per sektor:..... B.... Rec...... B.... Rec.................... Rec.... L.sec.... L.sec......FormaterenAantal zijden:Aantal tracks:Sectoren per track: STOP OK 408082128910Speciaal formateren OK STOP Begin track:000Eind track:000Aantal sectoren:00Zijde:Vulbyte:0000FORMATEREN....Side:Track:...BootsectorAantal zijden:Aantal tracks:Sectoren per track:Uitvoerbaar: STOP OK 408082128910JANEEVERIFY....Side:Track:...Systeem informatieStartadres op.system:Startadres vrije RAM:Gem versie nummer:TOS-versie nummer:Fabricage datum:00000000000000000000Startadres video RAM:00000000Eindadres vrije RAM:00000000Totaal vrije RAM:00000000 OK .0.00-00-0000Help - fileOnder de menu keuze 'file' kan door het aanklikken van item 'quit' hetprogramma beindigd worden. OK Help - driveOnder de menu keuze 'drive' kan door item 'seekrate' de kopzoektijdvan de A- en B-drive worden ingesteld.Door de items 'A-drive' en 'B-drive' kunnen respektievelijk de A- en deB-drive als default drive voor het programma DISCEDIT worden ingesteld.In beide gevallen wordt de gekozen drive door het -teken in hetpull-down menu aangegeven. Door middel van het item 'Kies drive' kan, indien meerdere drives aan-wezig zijn, een van deze als default drive worden ingesteld. OK Help - diskOnder de menukeuze 'Disk' kan de diskette in de default drive bewerktworden. De items 'Bootsector', 'FAT 1' en 'FAT 2' laden de desbetref-fende sector in de editor. Met 'Zoek string' kan op de diskette gezochtgeschreven worden. 'Vulbyte' vult de hele editor met een zelf gekozen Het item 'Print' geeft een afdruk van de in de editor aanwezige sector OK worden naar het voorkomen van een ASCII-string. Met 'Kies sector' en 'Save sector' kan een sector van de diskette gelezen respektievelijkbyte. 'Edit sector' laadt de gekozen sector opnieuw in de editor.op de printer.Help - optionsDe onder de menu keuze 'Options' genoemde items werken alleen op de A-of de B-drive!Het item 'B.P.B.' levert het BIOS Parameter Block van de diskette in dedefault drive. Formateren kan met d.m.v. 'Standard format' en 'Speciaalformat'. M.b.v. de tweede format funktie kan men zelf te bepalen tracksvan de diskette formateren in een zelf in te stellen format.Het item 'Bootsector' maakt het mogelijk een nieuwe bootsector op de diskette te schrijven. Met 'Verify' wordt de diskette onderzocht op op slechte tracks en sectoren. OK Help - systemOnder het item 'Info' kan aktuele informatie over het systeem wordenopgevraagd. Het programma leest hiervoor informatie uit de systeem-vectoren en de operationsystemheader. 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F HEADER.RSCYo dude.....________________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXCPX OptionsText Color:Icon Color:1616RAM Resident: Yes SaveOKCancelNoYes  . @.(XpZ PJ"Bj HVA = form_center(HTREE,&A,&B,&C,&D); fx = A; fy = B; fw = C; fh = D #define form_keybd(tree,obj,next_obj,char,new_obj,next_char) HVA; HTREE = (OBJECT *)(tree); HVA = form_keybd(HTREE,(int)obj,(int)next_obj,(int)char,&A,&B); next_obj = A; next_char = B #define form_button(tree,obj,clicks,new_obj) HVA; HTREE = (OBJECT *)(tree); HVA = form_button(HTREE,(int)obj,(int)clicks,&A); new_obj = A #define graf_rubberbox(rx,ry,min_w,min_h,last_w,last_h) HVA;showm();graf_rubberbox((int)rx,(int)ry,(int)min_w,(int)min_h,&A,&B); last_w = A; last_h = B;hidem() #define graf_dragbox(iw,ih,ix,iy,rx,ry,rw,rh,last_ix,last_iy) HVA;showm();graf_dragbox((int)iw,(int)ih,(int)ix,(int)iy,(int)rx,(int)ry,(int)rw,(int)rh,&A,&B); lasdGENGENERAL  @@@_@@General Setup` LN/ / G*'o k7P( k0(g$AC:""""NlNNp` k0(fRE(,Hy(,Hy($Hy Hy zHy ~Hy HyHy Hy!r?BgBgtB? hNO,AC:""""NNNN&BBB BBBBB B$ &_$_NuH O o $y($BC#+5P5hNBrB@ JN~HWBg/9+ y* h4NO 8 y+α((f AN 6` A0N6JCgB@OLNuHHzp?Hy+t2???x?t?p?/ S h(NO`V MNHWCp JNXO0olr`r>Hzp?Hy+t2???x?t ?p ?/ S h(NON^`v*y($BDEH$ԂԀC( J Ho "J M0N8XOAC""HoCB@ MNXOBE`$0H tNd0H tN &REEnpmxBEK+$`JDgC)pAN`C)pAN~0H"trAN C)pAN0/8H/rANepA2IC#REEn|HWHo ???Hy+ m hNO|gYO<,H:.((v((K*L`& f2 N(H*LB`2 N&HB((Kք2pN(pm" g0`"(U$M` &L(T g$K f" g KN B f MN E,hr J N JB* תC) NN ( JN hD@B6 "J NN $W2H ЀЁ% XOL|xNuHYO.8vHW/<_FRB y* hPNPOJ@g8|f Nf*8,8N~Wf&o?/pD?N PO&` JDf N & CXOLNuH08&H$y((BC|g`FB@N2H ЀЁr 0*2*#($+$y+5@5AB@ JrN`$|f0|g|g`vN`vN:0L Nu"y((iiiC,,3|NH|@<0r<0AH|@<0@r<0AH|@<0@r<0AH|@<0@r<0AB)NuBy)Nb?N؀_3)NuNjAN NuN~AN NuH8UO$y($I) y)f vxG)`vx&LN>?tC2 Kp-NTO8R@g0NNAN y)f09+HA)"jD"`HNJ@gpy+gBA`rH jD NJ@gpy+gBA`rH jD BAp- JNTOLNu/BCN y)f69+`0NJ@gpy+fv`BCNJ@gpy+fv`BC0&Nu?/ 6E+ y)f5@ `8NXJ@gj JCgB@`pj NJ@gj JCgB@`pj $_6Nu/ / $y($jA)0gj0HC)&j,& Pf09+HA)&jD&`NG)NBJ@gpy+gBA`rH jD NJ@gpy+gBA`rH jD &_$_Nup?r@?NXOr€gpNuB@Nu/NRJ@gvy+?p@?NlXO&NuN2J@g*p?r@?NRXOr€gt`BB0y+y+Nupy)NuYOHW/<_CPU y* hPNPOJ@g pfp`B@XONuNLJ@gpy+gN`N pNuN,J@g"N1fr`BA0y+y+pNupy)Nu?/ $y($69+NN@y+gp- JN$_6NuBy)N ?N_3)NuN4NNuNLNNu/ $y($jX09)gfjX09)HA)"jt"NJ@g 09+ gBA`rHA)"j"N8J@g09+"HA)"j"$_NuH8UO$y($G)NJ@gvx(KNJ@g vxI)N~>?tC2 Lp0NTO8R@g 0NNN:J@g09+ gBA`rH j NJ@g09+"HA)"j"BAp0 JNTOLNu/BCNNJ@g09+ fv`BCNDJ@g69+"0&Nu?6NJ@gJCgB@`p3+ NJ@g3+"6NuH0$y($G+6+8+ NJNPNJ@gkgp0 JNNNJ@gk gp0 JNL NuYOHW/<_MCH y* hPNPOJ@g r.tfp`B@XONupy)NuNJ@g09+ g 0<NnNup@N"NuNJ@grBN0r@ft`BB3+ NuYOHW/<_MCH y* hPNPOJ@g fp`B@XONupy)NuNJ@g09+"@A)3,|A0NNuNJ@gAFN09,|@A)3+"Nu |!$: & (464\X:(Rp*  "(H(&8Z4^Z($  h$F  H<H*&|Nh0H* B $8P  $H< ,4     8" 2"R,6&  2 :J"B.\ j24N\O:8Nu??:8?<Bg?/ ?0924NPO:8Nu??:8?/ ?/ ?/ ?0924NPO:8Nu??:8?/?0924NXO:8Nu??:8?/ ?/ ?/ ?0924NPO:8Nu?4NTONu?O6/>?A?@?C?B?C ?B ?A?@?AA09rNO6NuQO>?A?B?o A09NPONuQO>?A?B?o A09NPONuQO>?A?B?o A09NPONuH8O6&H(I:<pCHЀN$HBD`Np AC""2AN2E0@@5t A C""2ANdmaccMOUSE@&H$0 & pAcceleratorratr` `N2H <04H… HB<0BNu x AHDIRf4"hVARf("x )^f )^"<.N t3Nu3Nu09m: x AHDIRf,"hVARf H"ҁҀ鉒牒뉂"x#A^Nu0)1@1@i i(@giAA1i1iBBAN 8NuH8G'oHy(/<n k hPNPO7@ k2(g"AN 0+gHC k(Nt`6 k0(fEHyHyHyHyHy*HyHyHyHyZr?Bgt?p0? 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Please | Reboot to Restart the | Control Panel. ][Exit][3][| Name Conflict!| Destination: | This file already exists!][COPY|Skip|Cancel][3][| Source File Not Found!| Source: ][SKIP|Retry|Cancel][3][ | | Critical File Error! ][SKIP|Retry|Cancel][1][ is too| large to load now.| Reboot if you want| to load it.][ OK ] Save Defaults? Memory Allocation Error! File I/O Error! File Not Found! Unable to load any more CPXs at this time. Reload CPXs? Unload the current CPX? Resident CPXs cannot be unloaded! Save the CPX configuration?File Not a CPX.Write Cancelled. Stereo Sound Is Not Available. Shutdown the Control Panel?OKSorryCancel012345678901234567012345678901234567012345678901234567CancelOK Control Panel CONTROL PANEL .7@LU^jvCPX Directory PathAbout...Setup...Shutdown...About...Setup...Open CPX...CPX Info...Unload CPX...NoYes Activate CPX(s) Deactivate CPX(s)12 Hour24 Hour Error initializing GEM, hit a key...[3][ RSC ERROR ][ OK ]                4800 9600 19200 .*\>&r  @B:vR,2@.TRB  @d4"660f$~` B>@"$0B8(0D@DbZH<jl^&< &H `HBbJJD(P84lhf *&T^Fxh,t:< "J ,$$6 X(N $n  $ @"Vp|(* ,$$.X  "(( n@b :$"8  >.p,PV*      . d   , 4HX&82&@: 0X"Nd  6" : p( (*Fp@.*2$(f 2bL 0v D4 R D6 "t>,.  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Users who don't have a MegaSTE, TT030, or machine released later must use the shutdown feature of XControl whenever changing resolutions. Shutdown will appear in the options menu of XCONTROL if your version of TOS does not support the necessary features. Failure to use the shutdown option will result in unpredictable behavior of applications executed after a resolution change. Atari Corporation is not responsible for any damage that results from the use or misuse of this program. ********************************* Warning ******************************** DESK ACCESSORIES Desk accessory programs are unique because they can be opened not only from the desktop, but also while you are running another program. For example, if you want to change how fast a key repeats while you are working in a word processor, you can use the Control Panel desk accessory to change keyboard repeat time without exiting the word processor. Most programs that use the menu bar will allow you to access desk accessories. Desk accessories can be accessed from the far left menu item (usually the Desk menu). Installing a desk accessory is easy. Whenever you switch on your computer, the operating system checks the main directory of your startup disk for files that need to be run during startup. One of the criteria used in identifying those types of files is the ACC (desk accessory) file extension. Any file ending in .ACC and residing in the main directory will be read and loaded during startup. To install a desk accessory, simply place a copy of the program file  into the main directory of your startup disk. (Make sure the desk accessory's file extension is ACC.) Then you must restart your system, since the file can only be properly read and loaded during the startup procedure. The desk accessory will now appear under the Desk menu. You can load up to six desk accessories at one time. If you store more than six desk accessories on your startup disk, make sure that the six desk accessories you currently wish to use have the ACC extension. The ACC extension means the file is active. Change the extension on all other desk accessories to ACX (or any extension other than ACC). Inactive files will not be recognized or loaded during startup. Note: No harm will be done if you have more than six active desk accessories on the startup disk's main directory. The first six active desk accessories will load in the order that the files appear on the disk, and any additional active desk accessory files will be ignored. XCONTROL.ACC, the control panel desk accessory included with new computers with an internal hard disk, is already installed. The file resides in the main directory of your USA Language disk, and in the drive C main directory of your internal hard disk drive. The Control Panel will be loaded automatically the first time you switch on your computer. To open a desk accessory, first display the Desk menu. Position the pointer over the desk accessory and click. The desk accessory opens into a dialog box or window. CONTROL PANEL The Control Panel coordinates many smaller programs called control panel extensions (CPXs). The initial Control Panel screen displays the names of all currently loaded CPXs. You can open a CPX by positioning the pointer over the desired CPX and double clicking. The Control Panel also contains a pull down Options menu. When no CPX is highlighted, the Options menu displays two or three menu choices depending on the TOS version you have: About, Setup and Shutdown. Two additional Options menu choices display when a CPX name in the main Control Panel window is highlighted. The three additional options are Open CPX, CPX Info, and Unload CPX. To select an option, position the pointer over the Options menu. Then click the mouse button. The Options menu displays. Move the pointer until the desired option highlights. Click the mouse button to select the highlighted option. Whenever you open a Control Panel or CPX window, you are usually given the following options: Save, OK, or Cancel. Clicking on the close window box is the same as selecting OK and then closing the Control Panel. Selecting Save places the currently displayed setting information in a file on the startup disk. The computer will read this file during startup, and load in the saved settings. Select OK if you just wish to change a setting for one session. The Control Panel window will close, and the changes will remain in effect only until you switch off the computer. The most recently saved settings will be in effect then next time you switch on the computer. Selecting Cancel will always return you to the main Control Panel window. About... When you select About, Control Panel information (such as version number and copyright date) displays. Setup... You can use the Setup dialog box to change a CPX's status (active/inactive), reload CPXs without restarting the computer, set the amount of memory reserved for basic CPX information, and designate a CPX directory path. You can also use the calendar and clock to set the computer's time and date. The CPX Mover icon appears as a transition between a selected and disabled X (CPX) icon. The Reload icon appears as a CPX icon directed into a Control Panel icon. Shutdown... Whenever you change resolutions, you must shutdown the Control Panel. If you don't perform the shutdown, unexpected results may occur during other applications. This option will only appear if the version of TOS does not support the proper shutdown procedures. Date and Time The computer uses the date and time to mark individual files with the date and time they were created or revised. This feature is useful when you want to determine which file was most recently changed or created. You can use 12/24 Hour Time to set the Control Panel clock to 12 or 24 hour time. This does not affect the way files are dated, only the way the time is displayed in the Contol Panel window. To set the clock or calendar, follow these steps: 1. Open the Control Panel. Select date or time by positioning the pointer over the desired selection and clicking the mouse button. 2. Press the Left Arrow key to position the cursor in the window, or press [Backspace] or [Esc] to erase the window. [Backspace] erases the characters in the window one character at a time. [Esc] erases the entire window. 3. Type in the desired time or date. 4. Click on the new time or date. To change between 12 and 24 hour time, position the cursor over the selection box to the left of the word Time. Click the mouse button. Both the 12 and 24 hour selection boxes display. Move the cursor until the desired box is highlighted. Click the mouse button again. CPX Mover and Reload CPXs Only active CPXs are loaded during startup. All active CPXs appear in the main Control Panel Window. If you need to use an inactive CPX, you can use the CPX Mover to change the status of the CPX from inactive to active. Then when you select Reload CPXs, the newly active CPX will display in the main Control Panel window. You can also remove a CPX from the main Control Panel Window by changing the status of the CPX from active to inactive. To change the status of a CPX, follow these steps: 1. Open the Control Panel. Select Setup from the Options menu. 2. Select the CPX Mover. The CPX Mover window displays two windows, one with active CPX's and the other with inactive CPX's. 3. Select the desired CPX by positioning your pointer over the name of the CPX and clicking. The CPX highlights, and the appropriate operation appears in the Move box. Note: You can select multiple CPXs for the move CPXs operation. Use shift-clicking or rubber banding to highlight more than one CPX. If you use rubber banding, the rubber band box will not actually appear, but it still works the same way. 4. Select the operation by clicking in the Move box. If you have transferred a CPX from inactive to active status, you must reload before you can use the CPX. To Reload CPXs, follow these steps: 1. Open the Control Panel. Select Setup from the Options menu. 2. Select Reload CPX. When the confirmation dialog box appears, select OK. Advanced Setup Options Setting the Minimum Number of Slots and the CPX Directory Path are advanced features of the Setup dialog box. You will probably use these options infrequently. MINIMUM NUMBER OF SLOTS CPXs are stored in an external memory device (hard disk or floppy disk). During startup or reloading, only basic information about each active CPX (such as the CPX's name and icon) is loaded into RAM. When you actually open an active CPX, the bulk of the file is then loaded into RAM so you can use the CPX. When you close the CPX, the file is erased from RAM until the next time you open it. Note: CPXs with Resident status do not follow the above pattern, but are copied into RAM at startup time. The computer has to know how much RAM to reserve for CPX basic information. When you set the Minimum Number of Slots, you are telling the computer to reserve enough RAM to be able to store basic information for that number of CPXs. If the number of active CPXs at startup time exceeds the Minimum Number of Slots, the computer will reserve enough RAM for that number of CPXs. You can select from 5 to 99 slots. To change the Minimum Number of Slots, follow these steps: 1. Open the Control Panel. Select Setup from the Options menu. 2. Use the scroll arrows to display the desired number of slots. Select OK or Save. CPX DIRECTORY PATH The CPX Directory Path tells the Control Panel where to look for CPX files. You will probably want to store all of your CPX files in one folder, and set the directory path to that folder. But if you store  CPX files in more than one place, the CPX Directory Path must be set to the directory that contains the CPX files you wish to use. Note: If the CPX Directory Path is too long to display in the box, use the left and right scroll arrows to display the hidden sections of the path. To change the CPX Directory Path, follow these steps: 1. Open the Control Panel. Select Setup from the Options menu. 2. Click anywhere on the CPX Directory Path box. The File Selector displays. 3. Use the File Selector to select a new path. When you open a directory, the directory name is added to the File Selector's Directory line. When the desired directory path is displayed, select OK. The new path will appear in the CPX Directory Path box. Open CPXs... You can open a CPX by first highlighting the CPX on the Control Panel main window, and then selecting Open CPXs from the Control Panel Options menu. You can also open a CPX by double clicking on its box in the Control Panel main window. CPX Info... When you highlight a CPX and then select CPX Info from the Control Panel Options menu, the CPX Info window displays. The window contains the selected CPX's filename, version number, ID number, and Resident/Non Resident status. Filename is the CPX's actual filename as it appears on the disk. Version and ID are assigned by the CPX's programmer. Two versions of the same CPX can have the same ID number. In this case, only the most recent version will be loaded. If you have several versions of the same CPX, you can look at the version number to determine which is the most recent version. You can use Configure CPXs (see Configure CPXs) to change the resident status of a CPX. You will probably want most of your CPXs to have Resident: No status. This means that the bulk of the program is stored in external memory (hard or floppy disk) and only read into RAM when you open the CPX. But if you have a CPX that you use frequently, you may want to give it Resident: Yes status. CPXs that have a Resident: Yes status on startup will be read directly into RAM and will remain there until you switch off the computer. Resident CPXs run a bit more quickly, but may take up a great deal of RAM. Note: When you change a CPX's status to Resident: Yes, the status change will not be in effect until the next time you start your system. The only time a CPX can be installed into RAM with Resident status is during startup. In addition, changing a CPX's status to Resident: No status will not actually remove it from RAM until you switch off your system. Unload CPX... Unload CPX does not change the status of the CPX to inactive. It simply removes a CPX from the CPX list on the Control Panel main window. You can use Reload CPX to place the CPX back on the list. Note: You cannot unload a resident CPX. CPXs This section describes in detail each CPX included with your computer. Window Colors Window Colors allows you to assign different colors (depending on the selected resolution) to different elements of desktop windows. You can assign colors to each of the 15 elements of the active window and 5 elements of inactive windows. Even though the computer's color palette contains 4,096 colors in most resolutions, the colors available depend on the selected resolution (from 2 to 256 colors on the screen at any one time). You can use the Color Setup CPX if you wish to create a custom set of available colors. See Color Setup. You can also use the factory assigned default color set, or use function keys 1 through 10 to select one of Window Color's preassigned color sets. You can choose four options for each window element. Border allows you to choose the color of the narrow border that surrounds each window element. Use Text to choose the color of any text or icon (as in the case of the Full box) that appears within the selected window element. Fill is the background color of the selected element, and you can also choose one of the eight fill patterns appearing directly under the Fill scroll bar. The fill color will appear in the selected pattern. The Mode box allows you to toggle between having text appear directly on the fill pattern, and having text appear within a solid background over the fill pattern. When you assign active window element colors and then select Save or OK, the new colors will display the next time you open a window. Any window that was opened before will not reflect the new active window element colors. Before you assign window element colors, choose the color set you wish to use. You can: use the factory assigned default color set, press a function key (1 through 10) to use a Window Colors preassigned color set, or use Color Setup to create a custom color set. Follow these steps to assign active and inactive window element colors: 1. Select a window element for color assignment. A box outlines the selected element. 2. Click and drag the appropriate scroll box to assign Border, Text, and Fill colors to the highlighted window element. Click on the desired Fill Pattern. 3. Select the desired Mode. Repeat steps 1 through 4 until all the desired colors have been selected. 4. Choose Save to permanently save the selected window element colors, OK to select and use the current colors until you switch off the computer (the next time you start the computer the most recently Saved colors will appear), Cancel to exit Window Colors and return to the Control Panel menu (no changes are saved). Color Setup Depending on your monitor type and the screen resolution you have selected, up to 256 colors can display at one time on your screen. You can choose the colors you wish to have displayed from a palette of 4,096 available colors (except in ST or TT High resolution, which are monochrome only). Color Setup allows you to choose which colors from the color palette you wish to have available for use when you assign window colors. See Window Colors. Think of the 4,096 available colors as a collection of inks. These colors are divided into smaller groups called banks. The Bank Display Box can display a bank of up to 16 colors. The number of inks in a bank will be the same as the number of colors your resolution is able to display on the screen at one time. Except in the TT High and TT Low resolutions, you can scroll through 16 different banks of inks. The number of inks that can display in your resolution at one time is your color palette of inks. Banks of inks will display in the Bank Display Box as you scroll through the different banks. Each bank will contain 2, 4, or 16 inks, depending on the number of colors your chosen resolution is able to display on the screen. (TT Low Resolution, which is able to display 256 colors at once, does not have banks of inks. You use the Pen Number Scroll Bar to scroll through 256 pens instead of using the Bank Scroll Bar to scroll through banks of 2, 4, or 16 pens.) You can modify a bank to display the colors you wish to have available for screen display. Follow these steps to modify the pens in the displayed bank: 1. Select the desired mode with the Gray/Color box. Select Gray (the word Color displays) to display banks of pens in shades of gray only, or select Color (the word Gray displays) to display banks of colored pens. Gray mode is most commonly used with gray-scale monitors. Note: In ST High resolution, you have the Invert option in place of the Bank Scroll Bar. Invert allows you to invert the screen. 2. Use the Bank Scroll Bar to scroll through the available banks (if applicable to the selected resolution). Display the bank that contains the collection of pens that most nearly matches the pen colors you desire. (In TT Low resolution, use the Pen Number Scroll Bar to display the pens you wish to modify.) 3. Select the pen you wish to modify by: moving the pointer over the desired pen and clicking the mouse button, or using the Pen Number Scroll Box to display the number of the desired pen. A black box outlines the pen selected for modification. 4. Now use the RGB Color Tuning Scroll Bars to change the color of the highlighted pen. Changing the ratio of Red, Green, and Blue will change the color of the highlighted pen. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for every pen to be modified. 5. After you modify the displayed bank as desired, select Save to permanently save the palette, OK to select and use the bank until you switch off the computer (the next time you start the computer the most recently Saved banks will appear), Cancel to exit the Color Setup CPX and return to the Control Panel menu (no changes are saved), or Reload to display the most recently saved defaults. If you wish to return the banks to the factory set defaults, press [Clr Home]. Note: You can restore the currently displayed bank to the condition it was in before you opened it. Simply press [UNDO]. Use Reload to restore all banks. Configure CPXs Configure CPXs allows you to change the name, choose the displayed text and icon color, and change the RAM resident status of CPXs. To configure a CPX, you must first display the name of the desired CPX in the name line. Use the left and right scroll arrows to scroll through the CPX list. When the Configure CPXs window displays, the text insertion cursor is already positioned at the end of the CPX Name line. To change the name of the displayed CPX, press [Esc] to clear the entire Name line, or press [Backspace] to erase one character at a time. Then type in the new CPX name. To select Text and icon colors, use the appropriate scroll arrows to display the 16 different available colors. The name and icon displayed on the Name line will display the selected colors. You can also set the RAM resident status of the selected CPX. Position the pointer over the shaded RAM resident box and click the mouse button. move the pointer to highlight the desired status. Click the mouse button to save the highlighted selection. When the desired text/icon color selection displays, and the desired RAM resident status is selected, click on OK or Save. Note: RAM resident status takes effect only at start up time and when you change resolutions. General Setup The General Setup CPX allows you to set the keyboard response and repeat rate, the mouse double click response rate, and the audio feedback. It also allows you to toggle on and off the CPU Cache option and display system statistics such as TOS version number and amount of available RAM. STATUS Select the Status box to display the TOS version number and date, the number of available bytes of ST RAM and TT RAM, and the number of total bytes available. AUDIO FEEDBACK The computer has two kinds of audio feedback, a click signaling each keystroke and a bell signaling keyboard or mouse errors. To control audio feedback, select the keytop button or the bell button. A gray image means that the sound has been turned off. A clear image means that sound is turned on. CACHE For complete information about the CPU cache, refer to Cache in Chapter Three. To turn the cache option on or off, position the pointer over the Cache box. Click the mouse button. Move the pointer until the desired selection highlights, and click the mouse button again. SOUND If you want all sound turned off, position the pointer over the Sound box. Click the mouse button. Move the pointer until the word Off highlights, and click the mouse button again. KEYBOARD RESPONSE Every key on the computer keyboard responds when pressed, and every key (except [Shift], [Control], [ESC], [CapsLock] and [Alternate]) repeats its character if held down. The keyboard repeat controls how much time it takes for the keys to repeat when they are pressed, and how quickly they repeat after the repeat process begins. The upper slider controls how soon a key starts to repeat. Moving the slider to the left makes the keys repeat sooner. Drag the slider to the desired position, then release the left mouse button. The lower slider controls the speed at which the keys repeat once they start repeating. Move the slider to the left to make the keys repeat faster. Drag the slider to the desired position, then re the left mouse button. Test the new settings by turning the sound on, if required, and pressing [Space Bar]. You will hear a click each time you press the space bar. Listen to the clicks to judge the repetition speed of the keyboard. DOUBLE-CLICK RESPONSE You can adjust the computer*'s response to double clicking. To slow the computer's response to double-clicking, allowing you to double-click more slowly, select a numbered box nearer to the resting mouse icon. To quicken the computer's response to double-clicking (for fast double-clicks), select a numbered box nearer to the running mouse icon. After setting the double-click response, you can test the setting by double-clicking on the Double-Click Response Test box. When you double-click at the set rate or faster, the box will briefly highlight. Modem Setup The ports labeled Modem on the back of the computer are RS232 serial ports. By connecting a modem to the computer, you can communicate with other computers. You can also connect a serial printer or any other RS232 device to the modem ports. The Modem Setup CPX lets you configure the computer's modem ports to work with your modem or other serial device. Refer to the manual supplied with your peripheral for specific information on which parameters to choose. The parameters needed by the computer with which you are communicating (the remote device) is known as the communications protocol. SERIAL PORT SELECTOR The Serial Port Selector allows you to tell the computer which of the available serial ports to recognize as active. Select the port you are using for the connected modem. BAUD RATE Baud rate is the speed at which data is transmitted. Baud, the stan- dard unit measure of transmission speed, is the number of signal elements per second. The fastest rate available to you is 19,200 baud; the slowest is 50 baud. Set the baud rate to accommoda your modem and the remote computer's modem. (The baud rate for bulletin board systems is usually listed along with the phone number for the board.) To set the baud rate, position the pointer over the Baud Rate box. Click once. Use the up and down arrows to scroll through the baud rate selections. When the desired baud rate displays, move the cursor to highlight the desired rate. Click the mouse button to select the highlighted rate. PARITY Whenever computers transmit data through telephone lines, there is a chance that some of the information will become garbled due to imperfections and noise within the lines. Parity is a error checking procedure that computers use to examine information and determine whether data was cleanly transmitted. The parity bit is added to a group of bits to make the total number of bits transmitted odd or even. Transmission errors can be identified when the number of bits in a group does not match the parity chosen (odd or even). Depending on the modem and the remote device, you will choose either None, Odd, or Even parity. (Refer to the manual supplied with your modem for specific information.) To set the parity, position the pointer over the shaded Parity box. Click once. Use the cursor to highlight the desired parity. Click the mouse button to select the highlighted option. BITS/CHAR Each character is stored in memory as one byte. Usually a byte is made up of eight bits. Depending on bits per character used by the remote device, you may need to change the number of bits per character when transmitting through the RS232 port. To set the bits/char, position the pointer over the shaded Bits/Char box. Click once. Use the cursor to highlight the desired number of bits per character. Click the mouse button to select the highlighted option. STOP BITS The stop bit indicates the end of an asynchronous RS-232 character. You will normally use 1 stop bit, but you may need to use 1.5 or 2 stop bits. To set the number of stop bits, position the pointer over the shaded Stop Bits box. Click once. Use the cursor to highlight the desired number of stop bits. Click the mouse button to select the highlighted option. FLOW CONTROL You can choose between two flow-control protocols: Xon/Xoff, and Rts/Cts. Flow control protocols are procedures that allow your computer and the remote device to signal one another when to start or stop sending information. Choose the flow control supported by the remote modem. To select a Flow Control protocol, position the pointer over the shaded Flow Control box. Click once. Use the cursor to highlight the desired flow control protocol. Click the mouse button to select the highlighted option. Printer Setup Any program may access the printer configurations set by the Printer Setup CPX. For example, the Print Screen option under the Options menu uses the printer setup information. Other utilities or applications may not. Check the manuals supplied with your programs to see if a program can use the printer setup information. Note: You cannot configure an Atari SLM laser printer with the Install Printer dialog box. Instead, refer to the Atari SLM Printer Emulator User's Manual (supplied with the SLM laser printer) for instructions on changing printer settings. If you have both an SLM and dot-matrix or daisy wheel printer connected to your computer you may be able to select the printer type within your application. If not, you must turn off one of the printer driver programs. To configure your printer, display the Printer Setup CPX window. Position your pointer over the shaded box representing the setting you wish to change. Click the mouse button. Move the pointer over the desired setting. When the setting highlights, click the mouse button to select the highlighted setting. PRINTER TYPE The choices are Dot (dot matrix printers) and Daisy (daisy wheel printers). Select the appropriate box for your printer. COLOR The choices are B/W (black and white, or monochrome) and Color. Select the appropriate box for your printer. PIXELS/LINE Only dot matrix graphics printers use the Pixels/Line option. Pixel means picture element. On dot matrix printers, a pixel is a dot. Dot matrix printers print a certain number of pixels per line when printing in graphics mode. If you have an Atari dot matrix graphics printer, select 1280. If you have an Epson, or Epson-compatible dot matrix graphics printer, select 960. Both values assume an eight-inch printed line. QUALITY Only dot matrix printers use the Quality option. Select Draft for draft-quality printing. Select Final for letter or near-letter quality printing. In Draft mode, the printer may make only one pass of the print head when printing. For darker printing, select Final. Keep in mind that in Final draft mode the printer will generally make two passes of the print head, thus taking twice as long to print the page. Note: Do not select Final if your printer does not support near- letter quality printing. PAPER If your printer feeds paper automatically by means of a tractor or single-sheet feeder, select Feed. If your printer accepts only a sheet at a time which you must insert manually, select Single. The Single option prevents the printer from printing beyond the end of a page on docu PORT If you have a parallel printer, select Printer. Parallel printers connect to the port marked Printer on the back of the computer. If you use a serial printer, select Modem. Serial printers connect to the port marked Modem (the RS232 port) on the back of the computer. Note: For most serial printers, Xon/Xoff flow control is set to On. This setting enables the printer to signal the computer to temporarily stop sending data so it can print data it has already received. (See RS232 Configuration earlier in this chapter.) Sound Setup The Sound Setup CPX allows you to adjust the balance, volume, bass, and treble stereo sound output. To generate a tone to test the current sound settings, position the pointer over the face icon and click the mouse button. All Sound Setup settings can be adjusted in two ways. You can use the scroll arrows to scroll through every possible setting, or you can click on and drag the scroll box from one setting to another. The Balance setting determines the strength of the audio signal sent through both the right and left speakers. You can adjust for an even balance, or send a stronger signal through the right or left speaker. You can use the Bass and Treble settings to adjust the strength of low and high register tones, respectively. The Volume setting adjusts the volume of sound. When the setting highlights, click the mouse button to select the highlighted setting. Accelerator The Accelerator CPX allows you to adjust the speed at which the onscreen cursor responds to the movement of your mouse. The Accelerator also contains a screen saver. There are three Mouse Accelerator settings: Off, Fast, and Super Fast. Choose the Off setting if you do not wish to increase the response speed of the cursor. Select Fast or Super Fast to increase the cursor response speed. To select a new cursor response speed, position the pointer over the desired setting and click the mouse button. The Screen Saver will automatically darken the screen after a set period of inactivity. To activate the Screen Saver, select the Screen Saver box. When the Screen Saver is active, the Screen Saver Delay slider and the Modem Recognition icon appear as solid objects on the screen. When the Screen Saver is inactive, the Screen Saver Delay slider and the Modem Recognition icon appear as outlines. When the Screen Saver is active, it will automatically darken the screen after a period of mouse and keyboard inactivity. You can set the number of minutes of inactivity in two ways. You can use the clock icons on either side of the Screen Saver Delay slider as scroll arrows, or you can drag the scroll bar. Release the mouse button when the desired number displays in the scroll bar. Modem Recognition allows you to choose whether or not you want the Screen Saver to recognize modem activity. If the Modem Recognition is on, the Screen Saver will recognize any modem activity and will not activate. If the Modem Recognition is off, the Screen Saver will ignore modem activity and will activate after the set delay period of keyboard and mouse activity has passed. L|Nu/&"Ҁtp|NH&&NuH0v <~Nq$H fB@N109HA!RyBD:<<><Nz\&HBg??420"JN\O JL NuH0&HvBD:<<><Nz\$Hp???42"J K0N\OL NuH&H$yH09NB0/Ro(Nw:0FNw6. `.. 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D <"_ NAThJ&& 8r$<0fgFa good time call:  COMMAND HEADQUARTERS BBS(216) 758-0284E ONEGREAT 4$KNorth East Ohio Atari Group PO Box 45ǯGirard, OH 444204CLUB!ND? ?< NMX ?? 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"X NN(Jf#` N\"rNL"p`tdbDA07g<<R@f|0HNb*JFk*HQ/??<?NAXfX ENuJkpp`p`\F( &I.` ´J[j E&DPk pkfppfdffoH?BBNAD.,v *kBg?/~N,<(`|HP?N<pg2JFg W"X2@e2<*`QDp pR@ 1 fń"_rp`>&)H9@Jp4NP'J&f H LNu &NuQ` J,'f&g A#ȇeC! B-W)K20, 8k8.gJl"Nu g"P 8 @/ N  8fQg B <``Lc@ H)l26)z @WJf`CfSHj-D@Hd0H `\@a"p@NNHP$ NA\VH@aa/a a Nu!9c^Nu| PC>$Error # ][Abort]ä\f.B &lX)K\)l8` lp ,BQ"(VY-Kj_b@gGHpp 0f NuGNp^ @"l`Yd&Nzep&#k"C"Cփk 2##`1"`2`& $Y8gHRDD*D%H8#$c2g# %H`pQz &&| tepZt C ҳfHP0 b$W$RR@H`2"H _$dd" $X&0BP6Y Hg R@@zEeHQ0)$_$Nu$Y 0P1@VeT,jJj `BffAgb 2$Nu$ <r$<&<x*NN\CNܠr NNT+@ p0z$+|(, SgN%A:ājJ?00U,4pBBHx~p#pցB8pA8NB/-p`NqNq:J:FPL C Nr Z\*.nlqfpiq ¤1"_N.PIp$** LOAD_PIC 0 NLQ_FONT.6İ<@4 pS,|;\\<صnhBh-6NZ NLQ_FONT.Ţ-6x1f7 |You must load an font!HPYIKES!|I FORGOT4r"_ "-pN0: <`Npp (:\rJ˨"?v4NSWHj&<N&<NfEnter string to blit:vprfr&N&fA 4/v1\dH+@HA$C  "?^/-$ NN xr| p:"8BlrpN88 _xJ02$8vl`lVr2஢28JHPHmxt""pl 2+|pD6^ppP3~,32p.~H3p"24j"ɶٶ3nʶʶ(ºSB8̨P\ˤ衔xd’h܁@~t|RtZ6ఢ6Z.NLQЍ/6 1HV47 NNlz"4Can't find it!HP9jp8fzpI@rt||| \ 5LprNr^SHIT ZDAISY-DOT  FONTX pJBgp/OT_MAGIC5It has a bad header H- r$<L\/p" ֠xNpR">L*^H꠆& D|hPBҡ~ Hx‚ڄƒ "_< >pN2~B"2&<Z^z:P0:RA problem with ^RHP.!| |0Z YIKES! r"_ N"fN" )|E& A Nޠn:8J]Hg:>`i; $ <Ѝ1pJLlJB^(" THAT FILE ALREADY EXISTS!XWRITE IT|CANCELdžU+|j^BC~HPp@N~ơ~N -Nξ̾H<??-  @NLx -R _ѐ0\ Xp`NqN"_Ҁ>>2$:" tpirb~p.~`,.TN123 Y.NEO.PI123.PCCC3HPHกvVD82jzffpbNt@BAP0` |"HPf|has an unknown extender!CZDARNr"_ N\JBmzDzFzj jt;B @B2rBA l"JB,G,m⼠ޠ:XÆ A+|f.4NALAHB@ Un p _pbrrzR吅 ?<NNTRB is the wrong resolution! LOAD | SKIP 4UgpBCf pb\"Z✠B}B<H/~??-ȡ PqScreendrawn in current!|{ |Shoulds go blank,| psHELP key to fix it.4r Z OK zzF. ;_PIC 0N XN~B8p?B:NN\~*NHĢ̡N )H &8J]HG<`e H>HTHmTP9 Are youadquit? DESKTOP|NO WAIT!|CLEAR\& v v&v .V8 (j(,vd^r("H.  @t" ` * *ZnZZdz HH"& &H X$|VVVV& X&oG K` r@HEQ`QpmW KC ,H <P""*H <""(H <S6"" "KHH@HtJgpӑbCgA0</|N) TILDE (|) ACCENT MARK (^) {b0} DMG will not print these characters in NLQ under normal circumstances. There are some strict rules to follow when inserting commands within your text file. Please pay close attention to the following section. {OHIO.NLQW0C0PB0D3T}~W~C` DOT_MAGIC! PAGE 12 ` {ohio.nlqt}`PERMANENT COMMANDS` Permanent commands affect the entire line in which they appear and any subsequent lines which follow. Only `ONE` permanent command will be processed in any `ONE` line by DMG. Commands are only interpreted if the USE COMMANDS button is highlighted 'going in.' Commands are `not` case sensitive. Inserting a permanent command within your text has the same effect as punching one or more of the buttons on the DMG dialog. This allows you to change the look of your printed text and to even change fonts during printing! This document is peppered with commands and we urge you to print this document as a draft to see just what the effects of commands are and how they should be entered. Permanent commands `MUST` be enclosed within curly brackets and must adhere to some strict rules. Here is a sample of a permanent command and its effects are listed below. (NOTE: the spaces are not necessary but have been inserted here for illustration only) {b3p0s0} OHIO.NLQ - Load OHIO.NLQ or switch to it if resident P0 - turn proportional OFF S0 - set spacing to ZERO B1 - set binding to 1/4 inch C - turn centering ON W0 - turn double width OFF {b0ps4} Though a large command such as that one should replace a blank line within your text file (ie between paragraphs) it can appear anywhere in any single line. Note, however, that placing a long command within a line may cause your word processor to parse the line in odd ways and the command my be lost! In the explanations below, the question mark (?) denotes that there can be any character in its place. `LOADING FONTS` {b1} Load ????????.NLQ from the DOTMAGIC folder or switch to it if it was already resident. Load `any` NLQ font from anywhere. {b0} Please note: Fonts loaded by commands will always replace font number four within DMG. If the font requested is not found, DMG will switch to font number four for printing. The LOAD FONT command `MUST` appear `first` within the curly brackets and `MUST` include the '.NLQ' extender! Use this command sparingly. A document which switches fonts hap-hazardly tends to look like a ransom note from a mid-eastern terrorist and is unattractive at best. It is often wise to set your other parameters along with the new font since each font has its own characteristics as far as letter width, spacing etc. On the next page, we will show how you can punch buttons on the DMG dialog by 'remote control' on the fly within your text file. These parameters must also appear within curly brackets and they can follow the font name within the same set of brackets as illustrated. {OHIO.NLQW0C0PB0D3T}~W~C` DOT_MAGIC! PAGE 13 ` `PUNCHING BUTTONS ON THE FLY` reset all parameters to the values which appeared in the DMG dialog when we first started printing. `If` you use this, issue it first followed by the others

Proportional ON Proportional OFF Center ALL text Centering OFF Print ALL text double wide Double wide OFF Set spacing between letters (?=0 through 7) Set binding left margin (?=0 through 3) Where 0=0inches; 1=1/4 inch; 2=1/2 inch; 3=1 inch Set density (?=1 through 4) Switch to resident font (?=1 through 4) "Tag" this line only with this command A "T" appearing within the brackets will cause DMG to reset all values to those previousely in effect once this line is printed. We used this quite effectively in our page header and our chapter headings which are printed with OHIO.NLQ  after which previous settings are restored without us having to worry about what they actually were! `REMEMBER:` Unless a "T" appears within the brackets, these commands will affect all subsequent lines in your file. Only `one` set of curly brackets is interpreted in each line of text so the above button presses must be clustered within the same set of brackets that affect a font change. The following line is a legitimate command line: Mares eat oats and does eat oats. The following line is `NOT` legitimate and the second set of curly brackets will be printed as text and `not` executed: Mares eat oats and does eat oats. {OHIO.NLQT}`TEMPORARY COMMANDS` We use the TILDE (|) to let DMG know that the letter following is to be interpreted as a command. The command which follows the TILDE will be executed for ONE line only. There are only two commands which can follow the TILDE. If DMG encounters |c in your text file, the `entire` line in which it appears will be CENTERED regardless of the permanent setting of the centering button. If DMG encounters |w in your text, it toggles {OHIO.NLQW0C0PB0D3T}~W~C` DOT_MAGIC! PAGE 14 ` `TEMPORARY COMMANDS` (cont) double wide printing on which stays on until it encounters another |w or an end of line. The permanent centering and double wide buttons will, of course, override these temporary commands (ie if double wide printing is already on, the initial |w will not have any effect and the second |w [toggle off] will be ignored. The |c is unnecessary if centering is already ON.) If any character besides a "w" or a "C" follows the tilde, it will be printed and not interpreted as a command. These commands are niether case sensitive. These temprorary commands are useful for chapter headings and the like. To center a double wide chapter heading type the following: |c|wCHAPTER ONE The result: ~C~WCHAPTER ONE To print wide text within a line type this: This is printed in |wdouble wide|w mode. The effect is this: This is printed in ~wdouble wide~w mode. `UNDERLINING` DMG interprets the ACCENT MARK (^) as the underline toggle. The first accent mark encountered turns `underlining` on. The second turns it off. Don't forget to turn it off once you turn it on. DMG underlines with a continuous line so if your underline `goes beyond the end of line in space generated margined text` (as it did here), the underline will appear in the margin, certainly undesirable. To underline, type this: This is ^underlined^ text. The result: This is `underlined` text. REMEMBER: The reserved command characters (<>|^) will not normally be printed by DMG. We have merely loaded a special character set here so we could show you how it works. Also, if you are printing an existing text file in which you suspect there may be strings of text that could be interpreted as commands, by all means toggle the USE COMMANDS button to an off state before printing. If you printed this document with USE COMMANDS turned off, it will certainly only confuse you. Please reprint it with USE COMMANDS on. {roman.nlqs3} We have now switched back to our normal characters and ROMAN.NLQ. {OHIO.NLQW0C0PB0D3T}~W~C` DOT_MAGIC! PAGE 15 ` {ohio.nlqt}~W~C`EDITING NLQ FONTS` Once again, EDIT_NLQ.PRG and it's associated files HI_EDIT.TN3 (for monochrome monitors) and MED_EDIT.TN2 (for color monitors) must be in the same directory together. They do not need to be in the same directory as DOTMAGIC.PRG however. If you are cramped for disk space, you need copy only the associated file which corresponds the monitor you will use for editing. If you have a monochrome monitor, we `urge` you to use high resolution because you will see an entire copy of the font you are editing displayed on the screen at all times in a very close approximation to it's final appearance on the printed page. In medium resolution, only the ST's normal system font is displayed so you must often punch the print buttons to see a true representation of your editing progress. When you first run EDIT_NLQ.PRG, the fileselector will appear. Choose an NLQ font from the selector. EDIT_NLQ.PRG must have a font in its buffers in order to function properly. Two copies of a loaded font are held in memory. The original data is stored in the 'original' buffer where it remains untouched until you load another font. Another copy is stored in the 'working' buffer where it is modified each time a character is 'stored.' The SPACE character is automatically chosen as the 'active' character (there are special reasons for this as you'll see) and its data is copied to the edit window. You are then given control of the program. {ohio.nlqt}`CHARACTER BUTTONS` To choose a character to edit, press the corresponding letter key (the state of the CAPS LOCK key is shown at the lower right of the window) or move the mouse pointer over the character at the top of the screen and press the mouse button. The old character's data currently in the window will be permanently stored in the working font buffer while the new character's data is copied from the working buffer to the window. The 'last' buffer is then updated and the new character's system representation is displayed amidst the SHIFT buttons. To edit the character, simply move the mouse pointer into the window. Pressing the left mouse button will set a point while the right mouse button will clear one. Each square of the window represents a 'dot' of the character. Each character is always 16 dots high while the width can vary from one as the minimum to a maximum of 24. You cannot set nor clear points to the right of the WIDTH line (see WIDTH below). Only the data which is visible within the window and to the left of the WIDTH line is permanently stored in the working buffer when you move to another character. This is also the only data which will be manipulated by the various edit buttons and saved permanently with your font. {ohio.nlqt}`THE EDIT BUTTONS` The edit buttons occupy the area to the left of the edit window. Punching these buttons will produce various effects on the data displayed in the edit window. But for one exception, these buttons do not effect the data stored in the working buffer. Anything you do in the edit window is temporary until you move to another character or elect to save your font so... ~c~wHAVE A BALL! {OHIO.NLQW0C0PB0D3T}~W~C` DOT_MAGIC! PAGE 16 ` `WIDTH BUTTONS` Of the seventeen edit buttons, probably the most important are the WIDTH buttons. Between the WIDTH buttons, the actual width of the character being edited is displayed. A line (dark in color, dotted in monochrome) is drawn that many squares from the left edge of the edit window. This width value is stored, along with the character data, for each character when you save your font. The only data saved is that which appears between the width line and the left edge of the window, top to bottom. A character may not have a width of less than one nor a width of more than 24. As we have said, Dot_Magic fonts are proportional which means that, except for the SPACE, your characters should have NO built in empty space on either side. The first darkened dot on the left of the character should touch the left side of the edit window. The last dot darkened on the right of your character should touch the width line. The width line can be shifted to the right or left by punching the WIDTH buttons. If the width line is shifted to the left so that it causes darkened dots to be to its right, that data is not lost until the character is manipulated by one of the buttons in the two columns to the left of the width buttons, or your character is stored when you select another character. When a font is first loaded, the SPACE character is 'selected' and moved to the edit window. Make a note of the width value of your SPACE. With proportional fonts, the SPACE is a very important character indeed. The widest characters of your font (normally the 'M' and the 'W') should not exceed the width of the space character by more than four or five dots. The normal width of the SPACE is 8 to 10 dots. If you find that some of your characters exceed this width by a large amount, select the space character and shift its width to the right a few dots. If you don't follow these rules, you'll find your printouts look somewhat cluttered. Load a few of the existing fonts into EDIT_NLQ and run through the alphabet to see how the width line relates to narrow and wide characters before taking on the task of designing a new font. `SHIFT BUTTONS` The shift buttons will shift your character to the left, right, up or down within the edit window. Shifting right or left causes the width line to move with the data. Shifting left, up, or down will likely cause some of your character data to slip 'under' the edges of the window. Since the window has four dots of 'slack' in these areas, data will not be lost and can be shifted 'back' into the window unless you move it more than four dots beyond the edge. Dots hidden by the window edges will be lost if any of the buttons in the two columns to the left of the shift buttons are punched or the data is stored by your choosing another character to edit. The up and down shift buttons make it very easy to keep constant ascent, descent and baselines throughout your font. The baseline of your characters should be about four dots up from the bottom of the window. The ascent line for lower case letters should start about four dots down from the top and extend to the top of the window. The descent line should start at the baseline and extend to the bottom of the window. `PRINT BUTTON` Punching the upper print button will send the character data from the window to your printer to let you see how you are progressing with {OHIO.NLQW0C0PB0D3T}~W~C` DOT_MAGIC! PAGE 17 ` `PRINT BUTTON` (cont) your editing. Color monitor users will punch this button often since it's the ony way to get a good idea of how the character will appear in the final printout. If you SHIFT/CLICK the print button, the character's name, number, and width will be printed along with a graphic replica of the edit window from the left side to current width. `INVERT BUTTON` This button will clear all set points and set all clear points between the width line and the left edge top to bottom of the edit window. Any data hidden outside this area will be lost. `CLEAR BUTTON` Clear all points top to bottom. All data is 'lost' (not really). `FLIP BUTTON` Flip your character topsy-turvey. Data outside the window or width line is lost. `FLOP BUTTON` Flop the character over side to side. Data outside the window or width line is lost. `FROM BUTTON` Punch the FROM button then select with the mouse a character `from` which to copy. The chosen character's data is moved to the window only. The 'last' buffer (see below) is `not` updated at this time. Click anywhere below the character buttons to abort this action. `COPY BUTTON` The COPY button allows you to select a character `to` which to copy the window. This causes a `permanent` change in the destination character! Make sure you intend to do this! As with FROM, you must use the mouse since the keyboard is dead. Click anywhere below the character buttons to abort this action. COPY TO is convenient for characters like the parentheses. If you're working on the left parenthesis and like what you see, hit the the FLOP button, copy the window to the RIGHT parenthesis, flop the window again then move on. `ORIG BUTTON` When a font is loaded, its data is stored in the 'original' buffer where it remains untouched until another font is loaded. To retrieve the original character data and move it to the edit window, punch this button. If you are editing in high resolution, an exact representation of contents of this buffer is displayed in the character button at the far right of the bottom row.  `LAST BUTTON` When a character is selected from the character area, its data is not only copied to the edit window, but its current state is also copied to the 'last' buffer. Punch this button to restore your character to the state it was when it was moved to the edit window. Monochrome users can see a representation of the contents of the last buffer highlighted in the character area. An exception to this is noted below. {OHIO.NLQW0C0PB0D3T}~W~C` DOT_MAGIC! PAGE 18 ` `UPDATE BUTTON` The tiny window framed by the shift buttons where is displayed the system's representation of the character currently in the edit window is also a button! Surprise! Simply clicking this button will cause the 'last' buffer to be updated to the current state of the edit window. If you've made some good progress on the current character and want to experiment a bit without the danger of losing your way, punch this button. It will then be easy to retreat back to this point by punching the LAST button. SHIFT\CLICK here, and the contents of the window will be permanently stored in the working font. The last buffer will still hold the state of the character 'going in' (unless you've updated it) and the orig button will still hold the state at load time. Monochrome users will find this helpful since the character button will be redrawn with a good approximation of what the character will look like when it's printed. {ohio.nlqt}`FONT BUTTONS` `LOAD FONT` When you punch the LOAD button, the fileselector will appear just as it did when you first ran EDIT_NLQ. Loading a new font will erase BOTH copies of the current one in memory and reset the program its start up state. Click the CANCEL button of the fileselector to abort this action. Any work you have done on the current font will be utterly lost if you haven't saved it! We respect your intelligence and we do not prompt you to save the current font when you attempt to load a new one (we feel constant prompting evident in other programs in cases like this to be very irritating). An 'S' at the lower left of the window signals the font has been saved at least once. `SAVE FONT` Save your work often! Clicking on this button will present you with the fileselector. The first time you save the font, the selection line will be empty and you must either select a name, or type a new one. You needn't add the '.NLQ' extender since DMG will do it for you. If you've previousely saved the current font, the name you chose last will appear on the selection line. Clicking the CANCEL button of the fileselector will abort this action. Here again, we do not prompt you of file overwrites because we feel these type prompts are not only irritating, but border on insulting. If you have previousely saved the current font and wish to quickly update the disk file, SHIFT/CLICK the save button. This will save your font to the last named file without going through the fileselection process. `DOUBLE SAVE` This saves a double wide representation of the current font in memory. You will often be unable to load and edit all characters of this resulting double wide font since some of them may exceed the 24 dot wide limit. However, some double wide fonts look quite nice printed double wide (making them quadruple wide!). These double wide characters look good when blitted onto medium res screens, too. {OHIO.NLQW0C0PB0D3T}~W~C` DOT_MAGIC! PAGE 19 ` `RESTORE Original` This restores the entire font in memory to it's state when first loaded obliterating any work done thus far. This mimics a reload of the original font, but is `much` faster! This the only time we will prompt you with an 'are you sure?' alert (the default is DO IT, however). `PRINT` Print a sampling of the entire font. This lets you check your baselines and ascent lines while seeing how the characters compare with one another. Color users will use this button often while monchrome users can see their progress on the screen. SHIFT/CLICK this button to send some extra line feeds which will move the image above the paper bail for easy viewing. `QUIT` EDIT_NLQ is so much fun we sincerely doubt that you will ever punch this button! {OHIO.NLQt}~C~W`OTHER PROGRAMS` Several other programs exist on your disk which further enhance the Dot_Magic! package. We hope you enjoy using them! {OHIO.NLQT}`QWIK_DMG.PRG` This is a `very` pared down version of Dot_Magic! intended for quick dumps of text files in NLQ. To exit it, simply click on the CANCEL button of the fileselector. QWIK_DMG understands `no` commands. {OHIO.NLQT}`BLIT_NLQ.PRG` While coding EDIT_NLQ, I found it necessary to write a small program that would lay NLQ fonts onto the screen instead of the printer. As it turns out, NLQ fonts blit `handsomely` onto monochrome and low resolution screens! I thought you might find this little utility useful so I dressed it up a bit and here it is! It will load Degas, Degas Elite, Tiny, and NEO pics of any resolution. Load a pic by clicking on that button or pressing the 'l' key. It will save the screen in uncompressed Degas format in the current resolution. Save the screen by clicking on that button or pressing the 's' key. Load an NLQ font by clicking on the font name button or pressing the 'f' key. Choose a color by clicking on the color bar. SHIFT/CLICK the color bar and the menu color will change to the color clicked on so you can see it (the colors of some pics make it hard to see). Press the 'b' key or click the BLIT button and you will be asked to enter a string to print on the screen. Clear old data from the line with the delete key or backspace. Enter your text (up to 38 characters) then press RETURN. Move the text about the screen with the mouse. To expand or reduce the spacing between the characters, use the right or left arrow keys respectively. Once you're satisfied, press the RETURN key or click the left mouse button to lay the text permanently on the screen. Press the UNDO key to erase the text if you don't like the results. The text is eraseable until you enter another string to blit. It's fun! NLQ fonts can really dress up clip art screens! The 'q' key quits, but you'll probably not do that for hours! {OHIO.NLQW0C0PB0D3T}~W~C` DOT_MAGIC! PAGE 20 ` {ohio.nlqt}`PRN_DUMP.PRG` This little program is designed to copy binary files to your printer. Use it to dump 'fax' files printed to disk with DMG. Send it to your friend along with your DMG printed to disk files. That's about it! Unfortunately, there is one more thing I must discuss though I wish it wasn't necessary... {ohio.nlqt}`THE STICKY MOUSE CLUB` There is a mini-mouse problem with GFA. As one developer succinctly told me, "GFA is illegal as hell!" This is too true, of course, but not as far as the FBI is concerned. It's true insofar as the way GFA accesses the ST system. Especially in the way it handles the mouse. The mouse is sticky. Sticky enough to make this the last major effort I will likely write with GFA BASIC. I'm searching the market for another language and if you have any suggestions, please write. In using these programs, you'll sometimes find that when you click buttons that cause alert boxes or the fileselector to appear, the mouse button will seem to be 'stuck!' Sometimes this will inadvertantly open a folder or choose a default you didn't want. Most of the time it will just ring the damned bell until you're ready to pull out your hair! I don't know what to do about this problem. I've encountered it before and I've tried hundreds of ways to circumvent it to no avail. It's most prevalent when running in color though I don't know why. If anyone out there knows what to do about this sticky varmint, please let me know immediately! Probably the only person in the world who knows what is going on here is Frank himself, and he's not talking. In most cases, I have waited for a button-up state to minimize the problem. This helps a bit, but not entirely. In nearly all cases, `YOU` can help. I've allowed the programs to react to the RIGHT mouse button for making selections from the various dialogs and button boxes. Unless you're making a GEM menu selection, choosing filenames with the fileselector or answering alerts, please use the RIGHT button. This will alleviate the problem almost entirely. I'd like to apologize for this non-intuitive interface but "Gawrsh, Mickey, you're sticky and it ain't my fault!" `NOAT`: Pleese escuse eny mispelings or tipos in thes docyoumint. It's lait and Jeano's homemaid concord-califorina iz hafing it's effex. {S0}~W~C`-----------------------------------------------------------` {r} {cursive.NLQs0}~W~CENJOY! .....Chet !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMN OPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz| `Z* |"|+0<2<# QQNqN*l` Efv*oMN m !HPHUBg?<JNA(m)m - :gS)@ #OK1PC#HNHxHNA@)@l/h&@XЬld/`ARCpr Ѝ"QHNFALNHz2& NA\pdAxr0XQ)K\NN Nvh6xJrBjNu~~&NN\NCAp$L xp 9lrBlJpNNpM@Hr 0 0tr 9lNupealp`aJ BWNANC2 @p2rҌ0<NB0,rNurA9A `v C9Crtd 9A9BrrҌpsNu9@`rDNuC2 @ e}bvvr,vNu   +Uw!pa4|a@:>< |a6RGk0Gg`a(VfA1G<ap?^NM& u??< NMXVHn 2$4BBNuAd RdQRB BbABJk 0NuJBjBBXNu 0+2$NuE`B<gJEgEjCDEDF Fe( dF8BCHC`0bHC8v` HD8HDkDуb NuDdDA@kgAр[SBk0ZlJBk&Nu0g H@rB Jk`0 pʠ2HPAJgPpr$< _8pNu,JBgJj *EBQ*HE?<>0rHGGd HGGdSW"i\NSW2 H@N?<,>CEdH@``0 VB&8T˄D&AdR´|=|  g+g -f.g20 b0e9b  da`RF`fajSEgefX0e9oSHR0| &Hz1 E Do`HJjDDDS4</NJFkSFk&aQ `Ha"FFL8N@6.JgtBnrxk4< pAC v r Jjv-|J k>aaNRFBd?<2SFegdRB`ApdR e <rRF&0žxfEv+0JFjDFjHƌd0BFHF HFA]`2:HQ A d< Nu~c0Nl8n,A,R FJ@k丁tvN)@p `H@rt AHplr B 2pN papaƁ>alTTB'aNNT@B){L9|rtp9@p`pvX"v`v`vj`v `v`v`v`?0<}h&J NNC`& T"@ C <`Nd(* 9AJA)H* @[000][ˈ Evz`* [g"]g|g QSz` zQSpQ][DvxxxBp4 HNu*(|Pepdae zb B D\ e`\( BA BhLpZ BP"`#|¾z"H0,tg"Hg \f`fS  EhR@H`2(Nu2(g"P@g2RADAH""l`r2oZe 1@#)I`NukNup dpAtrdJ2k\jpa H ld$"Hg0 k&@ S` #&@0+SJ3 L&fLNuZgJgVX H@B p NuN$L $BS@kH2pCd"X0Pg"$D#> Nu _0Hp p"_0HqE eHHQ0)h$_$Zf|$Y0gHR@@"D%$p2g# %L$ $dP.gRG,D%pr Y2.$!p4Ae4v`VfANuN2WHV0g $1Id*ìE$RR.2"8*$R`"(* 0\i 4R`$DƂ6gF0"P$I` ^(S@jv A(W ( ^du,* & (v,C"Sj|AcJf`CfSHj-D@Hd0H `\@a" pNNNxHP~ NA\8H@aa/a a Nu0!9c^Nu| PC>$Error # ][Abort]ä&\f.B &lX)K\)l8` lp ,B|(V"l`Yd&-KNNep&#k"C"Cփk 2##`1"`2`& $Y8gHRDD*D%H8#$c2g# %H`pQz &&| LtepZtC ҳfHP0(X $W$RR@H`2"H _$>dd" $X&0BP6Y Hg R@@zEeHQ0)h$_$Nu$Y 0P1@:NVeTN\*.*C AN prN4/' PLEASE COLDSTART OR RESET YOUR PRINTERN BEFORE ING EACH FILEBNHm p HP < Ѝ/RA"H-R$fN%.A`zFJBprHx Can't find-> HP"_NHPV|,Please make sure it'swheyou say i next timtry!  DARN r"_Z+@NN2p>Jg>>Pcrinter not responding!! |3geYt s up properly!l ABO |PROCEEDrb|NUjN,ÜSÎjPRN:R `|Nx"_$NΡ>*JH*Υd* ¾̠ `, ANY KEYS~.Th gram complnts of:0CHQ BBS and NEO @G~< Written by2ChWalj Po. Box 45/Girard, Ohio 44420b THANKS FOR SUPPINȐj3E SHAREWPTWORK!!!pIXtrbrpO$rccpbN΀hVBmv~VN&<x*< pJBgp/h*$F!">R !  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MAXIMISRDOC }nMAXIMISRPRG 5MAXIMISRUPD #$QMAIL DO '#README 1ST =(REGISTERDOC *TAGS DAT ᠧ,UP_REP DO -MAXIMISRCFG f..AXIWORK  /0AXISERV  /1AXIREP  /3EMP TXT/4 MaxiMiser - A QMail Compatible Program Copyright 1991 by Shawn T. Smith Version 1.10 Release date: June 28, 1991 Documentation updated June 28, 1991 * NOTE: MaxiMiser may not be distributed in any software packages without the written permission from the author. MaxiMiser v1.10 files: MAXIMISR.DOC - MaxiMiser documentation MAXIMISR.PRG - The program itself REGISTER.DOC - MaxiMiser registration form TAGS.DAT - Sample Taglines (You will come up with better) QMAIL.DO - DO File to get into Qmail door and grab messages UP_REP.DO - DO file to automate uploading of Replies T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S --------------------------------- Introduction Acknowledgements ................................................. 2 Registered Trademarks ............................................ 2 Warranty ......................................................... 3 Copyright Information ............................................ 3 Registration ..................................................... 3 Additional Information and Help .................................. 4 QMail ............................................................ 5 Using MaxiMiser Installing MaxiMiser ................................................. 5 Main Menu ............................................................ 7 Accessories ..................................................... 7 Bulletins ....................................................... 7 Configuration ................................................... 7 Drop to ......................................................... 7 Enter Message ................................................... 7 Files ........................................................... 7 Goodbye ......................................................... 7 Initial Screen .................................................. 8 Manage Replies .................................................. 8 Quick Scan ...................................................... 8 Read Messages ................................................... 8 Session Stats ................................................... 8 Text Search ..................................................... 8 Use Services ................................................... 10 APPENDIX 1 - Functions of MaxiMiser Editor ......................... 11 APPENDIX 2 - Functions of MaxiMiser Service File Viewer ............ 12 APPENDIX 3 - Structure of Messages.Dat ............................. 13 ---------------- - INTRODUCTION -  ---------------- Version 1.10 - Page 2 Get the MAXImum out of your online time.. Be MISERly with your long distance dollar Thank you for trying MaxiMiser. MaxiMiser is an OFF-LINE mail read and reply for use with the QWK type Doors on IBM BBS's and Maxidoor on Atari BBS's. MaxiMiser runs in either medium or high resolution and requires 512K of memory. Acknowledgements ---------------- My wife, Sharon for understanding why I haven't come out of the basement in the last few weeks. Wayne King - Atari Conference Chairman at CRS for convincing me that this project was worthwhile. Chris Hoyer - Atari Conference Chairman at Bits & Bytes for his enthusiastic support including many ideas and source code routines. Rob Gregory, Lesley Dee Dylan, Jim Jaszewski and many others for some excellent feedback. Stan Witkowski and Don Liscombe for pointing me in the right direction when attempting to deal with IBM Basic numbers on an Atari (talk about your bit swapping nightmare!) And finally you, for supporting a machine which we have all come to love. Notice of Registered Trademarks ------------------------------- - Atari, Atari ST, and TOS are trademarks of Atari Corp. - CRS is a trademark of 884097 Ontario Ltd - PCBoard is a trademark of Clark Development Company - Qnet, Qmail Deluxe, Qmail Door are trademarks of Sparkware - STReader is copyright SKware - GFA Basic is trademark GFA Systemtechnik - Maxifile is a trademark of Codehead Software - First Word and First Word Plus are trademarks of GST Holdings - Word Writer is a Trademark of Timeworks Version 1.10 - Page 3 Warranty -------- There is no warranty on MaxiMiser. The author (Shawn Smith) will not accept responsibility for system damage, loss of profit, or any other special, incidental or consequential damages resulting from the use of inability to use MaxiMiser. Copyright Information --------------------- MaxiMiser is shareware, not public domain! It is copyrighted by Shawn Smith. If you continue to use the program after an evaluation period (30 Days) you are obligated to register the program. MaxiMiser v1.10 may be freely distributed with the following provisions: - Only distribute the program in it's original form, with all of it's related files and documentation. - Do not distribute it with your MAXIMISR.KEY file. - Do not distribute the program with any software packages. - Do not alter the program in any manner. - Do not accept payment for MaxiMiser (except for the disk and postage) Registration ------------ If you wish to register MaxiMiser, print out the REGISTER.DOC file and fill in the information. If you don't have a printer, then write down all the information that is asked in the REGISTER.DOC file. In North America make cheques/money orders payable to Shawn Smith. MaxiMiser ST Registration Fee $20.00 Postage & handling 3.00 ------ $23.00 In Europe make cheques/Money orders payable to Ben Van Bokkem. MaxiMiser ST Registration Fee 10.00 Pounds (UK) Postage & Handling 1.50 Pounds (UK) ====== 11.50 Pounds (UK) For your Registration fee you will receive the current version of MaxiMiser, and your Registration Key file. You will also be entitled to free updates to version 1.xx and a reduced upgrade fee to any future major revisions. (See next page) Version 1.10 - Page 4 All prices quoted may change at any time without notice. I will however honour any amounts received after price changes for 14 days. In North America In Europe MaxiMiser MaxiMiser c/o Shawn Smith c/o Ben Van Bokkem 27 Carr Dr  100 Broughton Ave Ajax, Ontario Aylesbury Buck L1T 3E2 HP20 1QB CANADA England Additional Information and Help ------------------------------- In simple terms MaxiMiser is a program that will allow you to read and respond to messages that you have downloaded from BBS through a QWK compatible door (eg MarkMail,Qmail for PC Board/Maxidoor for FoReM/Turbo). You just take your favorite terminal program, call the BBS that you wish to download from (Must have a QWK compatible Door), enter that door (Have the SysOp point you in the right direction if you can't find the right Door), configure the program to your liking, download your messages and logoff. This is very simplified, but I am not here to tell you how to run QMail. I would suggest you ask your SysOp for a file on how to set the door up for your tastes. I would recommend a file called QM40USER.ZIP. Now that you have something on your drive, you can boot up MaxiMiser. The program will let you read through all the messages just like you were online ('cept your not and it's saving you money if the BBS was long distance). You can reply to any message you choose or even enter new messages. There are many more features that MaxiMiser offers that we shall explore. I should point out that MaxiMiser does require a KEY file to run at optimum performance, but during the trial period(30 Days) I am certain it will run adequately without one for you. Please support shareware authors! If you support them then they are encouraged to support you. If you don't support them then they can and will move on to other platforms where their work is supported. For support or assistance I can be contacted through one of the following: NAnet - Hosted by CRS - I can be reached in the ST conference Relaynet - - I can be reached in the Atari Conference I read the above two conferences on CRS and I am usually there at least twice a day so my response to comments will be relatively quick. The Brewery BBS 416-683-3089 9600 24 hrs FNET Node 66 (Email) CFB Atari No Phone # yet FNET Node 68 (This is my BBS and I will be opening it to the public as a Maxi Support BBS in the very near future). I have already started a Maxi Support Crossnet Conference that your local Fnet Node can pick up. I lead the conference from Node 68 and the conference code is 10068. As your local Sysop to send me Email to pick up this conference if they don't have it already. ------------------- - USING MAXIMISER - ------------------- Version 1.10 - Page 5 INSTALLING MAXIMISER -------------------- Installation is very simple, I would recommend a Hard Disk for running this program as it can be very disk intensive. Create a folder called MAXIMISR and place only the MAXIMISR.PRG file in this folder. Double click on the program and you will be taken to a configuration screen. The screen will look like this: 1 - Your Name: " 2 - ARC Location: " 3 - Arc Extraction commands: " 4 - Arc Move commands: " 5 - ZIP Location: " 6 - Zip Extraction commands: " 7 - Arc Move commands: " 8 - LHARC Location: " 9 -LHArc Extraction commands: " 10 - LHArc Move commands: " 11 - Default Compression: " 12 - Text Editor: " 13 - Dos Shell: " 14 - REP Directory: " 15 - QWK Directory: " 16 - KILL PACKET on exit: " 17 - Edit/Create Tags" Edit Which Item (1-9) or 0 to quit What are these options: ======================= Line 1 is your name as you indicated on the registration form that you sent to me. Do not worry about if you use an alias on some BBS's and you real name on others as I take your online name from within the .QWK file. I need this entry for registration purposes. Line 2 is the location where I can find ARC.TTP (or whatever you may have called it on your system). Lines 3 and 4 are the commands that get sent to your ARC program to extract from and move files into ARCs. This has been done to give you complete flexibilty for current and future archivers. Line 5 is for your program to compress/decompress ZIP files. Finally we have a good ZIPPER (STZIP (current version .9)) and I have added the support for it here in MaxiMiser. Line 6 and 7 are the Extract and Move commands for ZIP Line 8 is for your LHARC program Line 9 and 10 are the Extract and Move commands for LHARC Line 11 is where you define your DEFAULT compression. Valid entries are ARC,ZIP or LHARC Version 1.10 - Page 6 Line 12 is for whereyou define your External Text Editor. Any editor that accepts a command line and saves in ASCII should do fine. PLEASE DO NOT USE ANY OF THE GST PRODUCTS (First Word, First Word Plus, Word Writer) as these programs handle the command line in a strange way and will not work reliably with MaxiMiser. Line 13 is a program you would like to execute from within MaxiMiser. I personally have Codehead's Maxifile set up in my configuration, but you are free to place what you want in this option. Just remember that memory is not endless and if you run into problems executing a program you may need to cut down on Accessories/Auto folder programs to attempt to execute a smaller program. Line 14 is the default directory to place REP packets. This would most likely be the directory of your terminal program. Line 15 is the default directory to find QWK files. If there is only one QWK file in the directory, you can just hit return and it will be loaded. Line 16 is a YES/NO option to kill the QWK packet upon "full" termination of MaxiMiser. The QWK packet will not be deleted on a temporary (or HOLD) exit from MaxiMiser. If you alter items 2,5,8,11,12, the program will check for the existence of the program you specify. If they are not found you will be notified and asked to resupply the information. Pressing return with a blank line will bring up FILE SELECTOR to let you set the path. This type of configuration only happens the first time the program is run, but you can always change your configuration from within MaxiMiser at any point in the future. Once you have completed this configuring, select 0 and you will be asked through a item selector box to choose a *.QWK file to work with.(Once you have configured MaxiMiser once you may use it as an installed application so that all you need to do is double click on a QWK file and MaxiMiser will boot up and use that packet), Once you have selected the QWK you will see the file decompress with your default compression,then,on the status line you will see MaxiMiser process the necessary files. Once completed you will be at the main menu looking something like this: M A X I M I S E R M E N U ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A] ccessories B] ulletins C] onfigure MaxiMiser*ST D] rop to MAXIFILE.PRG E] nter a Message F] iles G] ood Bye (Terminate MaxiMiser*ST) I] ntro Screen M] anage Replies Q] uick Scan Messages R] ead Messages S] ession Stats T] ext Search message contents U] se Services X] fer Confmail Your Selection -> Version 1.10 - Page 7 I will in the next few pages give you an overview of each menu choice. NOTE: Your menu may change depending on what files need to be supported by the QWK packet. USING MAXIMISER --------------- Main Menu --------- Accessories ----------- This will toggle you into a Gem Window where your Desk Accessories will be available to you. Bulletins --------- This selection will display the log on bulletins (if available) where you will be informed by your sysop of anything he/she feels is worth noting to you. Configuration ------------- This is the same menu we covered in the Set-up instructions. Refer to page number 5, "INSTALLING MAXIMISER". Drop to ------- This selection will allow you to execute the program you defined as you DOS Shell. Your program will run upon selection and you will return to the main menu upon completion of executing. Enter Message ------------- This selection will allow you to enter a message to any conference of your choice. When entering a message, you are required to enter certain information such as who the message is to, if the message is public or private, should it be echoed, and the subject. After entering this information, you will be in the built in text editor. From here you have the option to copy a file into the message buffer, write your own message with the editor (word wrap is built in and always on) or call your external editor as defined in the configuration menu. A brief comment about Public Private messages and the Echo Flag. These will only work on PC-Board and Non-Crossnet base on FoReM/Turbo. Do not try to enter a private message into a Crossnet base as it will not be private. Files ----- This selection will display the text file that contains all new files available on that BBS since you last called. Goodbye ------- Exit MaxiMiser. You will be presented with a dialog box asking if you are sure. Selecting NO returns you to the main menu. Selecting HOLD will allow a temporary exit from MaxiMiser. It will not delete the files and therefore when you reboot MaxiMiser you will not have to go through the time consuming de-compression routine again. Selecting YES will terminate MaxiMiser and if you have any out going messages, they will be compressed and the working directory and files within will be deleted. A goodbye screen is also displayed if available. Version 1.10 - Page 8 Initial Screen -------------- This selection will display initial welcome screen for the BBS (if available). Manage Replies -------------- This selection will allow you to review the out going messages and either kill or send a message (acts like a toggle). There is also an option that will decompress a *.REP file (if found) so you can append to it. Please make sure you kill your REP files after successful uploads to the BBS. The Flag "Going" means that the message will be sent when the packet is uploaded to the BBS, "Killed" (with a bell sound) means the message will not be processed. You can toggle these flags back and forth with the S and K options. Quick Scan ---------- This selection will show you the To/From/Subject of all messages for the selected conferences. If you wish to read a message then just type the POS number and it will be displayed. If you wish to read a message that has scrolled by enter the number (even though it is not listed) and it will be displayed and you will return back to the list. Read Messages ------------- This selection will allow you to read messages in conference(s) that contain messages. When reading messages, you will have the options to [R]eply, [Q]uit, [+]Next, [-]Previous, [P]rinter, [/]Again [D]isk. [R]eply = Reply to message, you are taken to the editor where you can respond. [Q]uit = Quit this message base. If you are scanning all bases, you are also prompted if you wish to abort the scan also. [+]Next = Next Message in sequence, (A carriage return is the same thing) [-]Prev = Previous message. Back up one message (but only in the same conference [P]rint = Dump message to printer [/]Again= Show message again [D]isk = Dump message to Disk. File name will equal message #. Session Stats ------------- This selection will display the SESSION.TXT file. This file contains information created by the QMail Door. Text Search ----------- This selection will allow you to search for messages that contain the text you specify. This text may be anywhere within the message so you can search for messages by Subject, User or just a keyword. Version 1.10 - Page 10 Use Services ------------ This selection will allow you to read your Toronto Computes or Bix news from within MaxiMiser. When using the services, pressing the TAB key will display accepted keyboard short cuts for many options including the changing of font size, saving, and printing. Version 1.10 - Page 11 Appendix 1 - Editor Functions ----------------------------- f1 - ABRT - This is the function to abort the current message you are editing. This will imediately throw away the current edit and return you to the message you were responding to (or the main menu if entering a new message). f2 - SAVE - This key will save the current edit buffer. Once you hit this key you will be asked to select the TAG line you wish to add to the message. The message will then be saved to the *.MSG file and you will be shown the message you were responding to (or the main menu if entering a new message). f3 - LIST - This will list the current edit buffer so you can see what you have typed so far and how it looks f4 - EDIT - This will allow you to change ONE line of the current edit buffer. You may not exceed 72 characters or your line will be truncated. This is strictly meant as a means of allowing you to correct your spelling or small grammatical errors. f5 - COPY - This will allow you to import an ASCII file into your message. It will OVERWRITE whatever is in the edit buffer. This routine will format lines > 72 characters back to 72 characters and perform the necessary word wrap for you. Some of the files may look strange after import so please review them. I have tested this routine on text files up to 500 lines long but I would not recommend more then 50-75 lines. f6 - DEL - This will allow you to delete a few lines. It will prompt you for the starting line number, then how many lines to delete. THIS IS INCLUSIVE. f7 - INS - This is the opposite of the above. You can insert some blank lines. Again it prompts you for the starting location and how many blank lines to insert. f8 - CNTR - This will allow you to center the specified line. f9 - External Editor - This calls the external editor you defined in the configuration. The editor will be executed and you will be able to enter your message in it. Upon saving and quiting from the external editor your message will be listed at which point you may select f2 and save the message. ALT-Q = QUOTE - This allows you to select portions of the original message for quoting in your message. This sometimes proves helpful in reminding the receiver of your message what they said. You may select a portion to Quote, respond to it, then select another portion to quote with this routine. The editor built into Maximiser is a very rudimentary editor and I do highly recommend use of your favorite external editor but if one is not available then I am certain my editor will at least suffice. Version 1.10 - Page 10 APPENDIX 2 - FUNCTIONS OF THE SERVICE VIEWER -------------------------------------------- Below are the main commands available to you when viewing a SERVICE text file through MaxiMiser. This file viewer is based upon STREADER placed into the public domain by Sterling K. Webb and I do recommend it for us beginners with GFA to learn something from. Command Function ------- -------- Up Arrow - Up one page Down Arrow - Down one page Left Arrow - Up one line Right Arrow - Down one line Home - Start of Service file Control + Home - End of Service file Undo - Quit back to services menu Control + up arrow - 1/2 page up Control + down Arrow - 1/2 page down 1 to 9 - Repeat last command 1-9 times Control + "S" - Save file Control + "P" - Print File Control + "X" - Toggle Font (Hi Resolution only) Control + "Q" - Search with Query Control + "=" - Show postion in Service Alternate + "Q" - Reverse Search with Query Control + "M" - Increase Margins Alertnate + "M" - Decrease Margins Control + "C" - Clean up screen Display Control + "T" - Strip TABS  Control + "A" - Start Block Control + "Z" - End Block Version 1.10 - Page 11 Appendix 3 Structure of Messages.dat ------------------------------------ For those of you looking for the format of the QWK mail packets I have put this file together. Offset length Description ------ ------ ---------------------------------------------- 1 1 Message status flag ' ' public '-' public and read '+' private '*' private and read 2 7 Message Number (as characters) 9 8 Date (mm-dd-yy) 17 5 Time (hh:mm) 22 25 To 47 25 From 72 25 Subject 97 12 password 109 8 refer to Number 117 6 Number of 128 byte blocks in message (including the header) 123 1 Killed Message? 225 is active, 226 is active 124 1 Conference number (0-255) 125 4 Not used The NDX files are: Offset length Description ------ ------ ----------------------------------------- 1 4 Record number to point to corresponding message 5 1 Conference number. These are in IBM MKS format and need to be converted with the following routing written in GFA Version 3.5: FUNCTION ibm2st(ibm$) g$=STRING$(4,0) BYTE{V:g$}=BYTE{V:ibm$+2} OR 128 BYTE{V:g$+1}=BYTE{V:ibm$+1} BYTE{V:g$+2}=BYTE{V:ibm$+0} AND 127 BYTE{V:g$+3}=(BYTE{V:ibm$+3} OR 64) XOR 128 RETURN CVS(g$) ENDFUNC I have found this routine to be reliable in the lower end #'s but above aprox 512 it gets a little flakey so please be aware of this fact. If you come up with something more reliable please let me know (and maybe share the source code with all of us). `VhAONhEN(NDN(ACNlAN*ANӴ/0pN/ETpNr"_tN;AALC*N <.repN^N,N쳎NA4N4|gQ톑P톒NEp N"H m4NNg0Ep N"H m4NrN8pNpNp!NNpNEp N"H m4NrN`Bm>Rm>NpN m8NpN"m8NJoN m8NpN2/ m>^HHgpJ-gpJf\NEp NrN|A0NA0NÌ0Ep/N/ETpNr"_tN;ANNpNNNÌCrNArN`zN` m0J`N!FpJ-gpJf``nP톓``d$m0S@o$mUR`REFp"N"HA NN$mSRp2Nє`*`l`$ @Dg @Qg @Rg @Pg @-g @/g0-J$mRnpNpNN쳎N| gN-g Q톐N"Np A킎NA킠NӮgp0A킲NP톔prNEhpNrNNA킠NA킠NӮgEspA킠N~pA킠NC킠NprNANprNExp NrNNA킬NA킬NӴgpA킬NC킬NN4-fprNANprNEpNrNNAxNAxNӴgpAxNC킬N`pA킬NC킬NprNANprNEp NrA킬NEpP m$N~ANNJoEpA~N~`A~N0Hm~/-$N NbA탖N`"ACNdN < -> NbA탖NAN`J m Pl NL0-PN < -> NbA태N`0-PN < -> NbA태N0-@kA태C탢NA태N0p-fr-knN*p-fr-koANpN m0NR-k m0p Ntg-k@l m0N\HH/ m0NoB m0pNtg4N* m0Nf0-PN < -> Nb m0N0S-k-f. m0N m0p Ntg p m0N m0pNt/ m0pNtgp-k&<:<NJBo.p NpNN0-HSA탢NC탢NU-k`fEop N"HA NNpNє m Pl ANNR0-PN < -> Nb`AN0-PN < -> NbS-k m0pNz/ m0pNzgAN m0C탢NC탢N m0pNtf` m0pNzgpNC탢N8-PH"mN\`A탢8-PH"mN\A탢N0N4Qk m2PfxP톐P톕Ep9 m$N~/-$NCT8-PH"mNזpNEpNpN8-PH"mN\N6HN8jN9EpA킬N~pJ-gpRWHH/ m2PWHHf`ANQ톕AN֐N쳎N| gA퀤NA퀠Np-f-l$m-lgrp-lR"p$mA탢N*C태Np-lR/p-fN"C탢Np$mr$mmpNp NpNN$mR`QlN쳎N| g m$CXNADN AHN m0N` ANNJo`NA킠"mDN mDNX"mDN mDN"mHN"mHN mD0(H/p N"mDND mDN"mDNp N"mDNJfA킠NX/p N"_NJo mDN"mHN"mHN0<> N"mHN"mHN;|R0-LN`H0-RN0<) N@8-RH"mNזN0-RN&<x:<NJBfNb4RmR0-RkoYprNANANNEp)NrN|N;@T0-T\HH/0-LmT\HHg0-ToprNANANNE%pNrN|N;@V0-V^HH/0-TmVoB0-LmV\HHgRmVAN m0Tp4mVЊN`L$m8H"mNז/ mH0(rFD _N"mHNpN8-PH"mN\RmP$mRR$m0koYNVV`P톖P톕`NVV`4-oN6HN8jN9`$N4EAp*N"HA NNp2NєP톕` m$CXNA탨N0NVVN4prNANANNEkpNrN|N.A 00tAN/0-PN&<:<NXANg4-gnNANEp N|ANANZ("mNזC탖NHmNWA탖N0-HSA탖NC탖NEp6Nn <r4<AN~g NLAN < -> NbAN`AN < -> NbANQvANpN@up-fr-v]HH/p-uQVHH/p-urVHHgA Np-fr-vmp-ur gp-ufp-vR"pA탖N*N@up-uf|up-uQVHH/p-urfBp-urnBp-ur]HHg,R-vp-uNNp-uNC탨NC탨Np-uQWHH/p-urfp.A탨NӴg,pNNNRpNT0-HSA탨NC탨NS-v`A탨NӴg"ANZ/pNC탨N("mN\NVV`N/Nd`zNVVBmBm&prNANANNEpNrNN.A 00tANJ/0-PNANgprNANANNEpNrNN.A 00tA N/A CNd/??0-PN8:&NgA"m""0-PN mNfT mNZ/A "mNdN^("mNז("mN\A "mNdN^/N("mN\NfGA NZ0mPD;@P0-Pn;|PNVVAN`NVVprNANANNEpNrNN.A 00tANJ/0-PNANgprNANANNEpNrNN.A 000-PNA Ng0-PN m 00A 24 mNHffA "mNdN^/ mNZ("mNז("mN\A CNd mNg mNZ/pN("mN\NvJfGA NZmPNVVAN`NVVprNANANNE;pNrN|N.A( 00A(NZ/A(NZ("mNז0(NN~N&<x:<NFN^"p N/A(NZ("mNז"_N("mN\ANNVV`ANNJo8ELp@N/NCTA킠"mDN mDNX"mDN mDN"mHN"mHN mD0(H/p N"mDND mDN"mDNp N"mDNJfA킠NX/p N"_NJo mDN"mHN"mHN0<> N"mHN"mHNEp NrN;|R0-LN`*pN8-RH"mNז"mHNpHNNRmR0-RkoYpNp2NєNUEp N/NdEp NNgEp NN,NVV`P @g @gX @g\ @g^ @g @g @g @g @gr @g*N쳎N| gA탮N00-:NNC킔NN4prN*p-N/N4pN"_Np-N/N4pN"_NC킚NA킎C탮NC탮NA킔C탮N/0-H_D"p N"_NC탮NA킚C탮NC탮NNpNC탮NC탮NA킠C탮N/0-HrD"p N"_NC탮NATC탮N/0-XHrD"p N"_NC탮NA킬C탮N/0-HrD"p N"_NC탮Np r NC탮NC탮NA킲C탮N/0-HQD"p N"_NC탮Np rNC탮NC탮NpNC탮NC탮NprNC탮NC탮NprNC탮NC탮NA탮NÌC탮NN쳎N|gA탴N0;|X0-PN`"8-XH"mNזC탴NC탴NRmX0-XkoYA탢C탴NpNC탴N-fN/NCTNA:C탴N"HA탺NpNC탴N0-N&<x:<NjA0 00A0vNd/??0-N8:&N(gA0NA0N|NCN0-H]D"p NCNC탖NA탖truC탮NN쳎N|g <.msgNCLNCNEpN"HANNgEpN"HANrN8`DEpN"HANrNpN0-PHD"p NCLNNpNA탮NEpNNgEpNrN8`EpNrNpNpNN4&<x:<NjN8NpN mBh <r4<A0N@ mNfx mvNdN^R" <A탴N*/ mvNdN^R" <A탴N*ND"pN"_NCNpNANNfGA탮N0A탴N0pNN쳎N|gAfNӴ/E0p N"HAfNa,gHmfaEp NagEp' m$N~/-$NCTp NCN"HA*N"HALNEpN/?<NATrAЁN"_Np:N/pNV"_NEpN/aE9pN/EYpN"_NrEYpNrNpN"pNL"m0NpNEYpNN,Eap N"m0NJo4`Ep NN,Ep Na}fEpNN4EpN"m0NJo4`Ep NN,Ep Na}fEpNN4Ep N"m0NJo4`Ep NN,Ep Na}VfEpNN4N< @p1@ANÌ/pYN"_NJ^HH/pJ-gpRgBAa}gAN,-gNN쳎N|gA퀌NA퀨NA퀬NA퀐NQ톖N$mBRp$m$m0RЈr$mA$m4AN0$mBR0-8N`0$m8H mx؄00HH$m2Hf pAN$mRR$m0koY$m8H"mNזNӴg$m0NAN$m0a~N"HANN]D"p NN$m8H"mNזN$m8H"mNז0(HrD"p NNNrFoN4$mRp$mYm$m$m$mQp$mrPmN4p=NrPNNNEp-NrN|ANANÌpQNtgP톖ANhJB\HH/0-J@^HHgACpNP톖pJ-gpRWHH/ANha|T("mNזNӴgjNp$m$mR$mQ0-4$mR_HH"pJ-gpgN쳎N|g BmFAN0pN;|}ZEpNrLNpLNAHaxAP0B04-Ng<0-ZayNAHaug6pL2-ZNLNÌCNA@Np.NN0-ZayAHav~`(AHaw"pLNLNÌCNA@NBmNA8vNdAPav&<x:< aufA8vNdAPavfawV/ mLC"NAPax 4-Vgf-f` <r4<A@av/??0-Zaxd8:&ayAPav &<x:<NjAX 00AX//NFT`B4-Ng`pLNAN0N쳎NAPN4|gprNCXNAX / mP  @p(J _AX / mP  @p( _@AX / mP  @pr _@AX / mP  @p(@@ @ _@AXNN쳎a|.NAN|gBmfBmnBm0-8aw8AhasfAhau( mx؄00H@cn@EpN/Ahau( mx؄00HavN"_NpN"m(N`$Ahaur( mx؄00HavN"m(NpRN/Ep N"H m(N <.NDXN^pr"_NpNAlrNArNpNra|J;@J$m4pN2fpNAC`""A`NHmlaA 00 <r4<Aas margA//NH@P톘 mCar/pJ-gpFgA`//NH@P톘-f$mRRHmlaA 00`JpN-f AhN` m,ap;@\;|^0-\fb0-\f\NBNpEp NgP톎`,Rm^NBNpNh8-^H mAH 00?<ONAT;@\`NJA톪N֐N쳎N|gAxNNJWHH/0-^\HHg0-^H~AxN0-^m8m*8-8H mAHaqZ8-8H mx؄1HRm8`Sm8AxNNJo pAx~N N쳎N|gA퀘NNEpNrA6NÌNEpNrA NÌNE pNrANE 1pNrANE PpNrANÌNE opNrANE pNrANE pNrANÌNE pNrANE pNrANE! 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Please check your QWK packet with ARC.TTPFile Compressor not found, Please Locate or CANCEL to end\*.TTPSomething wrong with QWK | Unable to Process : [R]eply,[Q]uit,[+]Next,[-]Previous,[P]rinter [/]Again [D]iskCan't back up past the beginning!!To: ( CR = ALL) Subject: New Subject [Return=No Change] Subject: f1=ABRT|f2=SAVE|f3=LIST|f4=EDIT|f5=COPY|f6=DEL |f7=INS |f8=CNTR|f9=Extrnl EditorALT-Q to QuotePublic/Private ( or 2) Echo Message (Y/n) not beprivatepublicMessage is and will echoed.Message to: Cannot delete past start of lineReached MAX message size, Please continue in next message.....Continued next message...Cont. from Previous...Start quoting at which line (0 to abort) End quoting at which line Not saving message as nothing was entered!Edit which line [0 to abort] Old Line New Line (Use Left/Right Arrows to Copy from old line)Delete: Start at which line: Delete: How many lines?: Insert: Start at which line: Insert: How Many Lines: Center which lineIf you wish to quote, merge file 'QUOTE.TXT' into editors Bufferquote.txtREPLIES.TXTreplies.txtmaxirep\replies.ndxMAXIREP\REPLIES.NDXMAXIREP\*.msgOne Moment... Preparing outbound Packet\MAXIREP\*.msgSelect Conference,Q to Quit, Return for more maximisr.cfgPlease set Correct dateMonth: Day: Year: ZIPLHARCmaximisr.keytags.datMAXIWORK\messages.dat[R]EPLY,[Q]UIT SEARCH,[P]rinterPERSONAL.NDX 1 - Your Name: 2 - ARC Location: 3 - Arc Extraction commands: 4 - Arc Move commands: 5 - ZIP Location: 6 - Zip Extraction commands: 7 - Zip Move commands: 8 - LHARC Location: 9 -LHArc Extraction commands: 10 - LHArc Move commands: 11 - Default Compression: 12 - Text Editor: 13 - Dos Shell: 14 - REP Directory: 15 - QWK Directory: 16 - KILL PACKET on exit: 17 - Edit/Create TagsEdit which Item (1-17) or 0 to quitFile Not FoundThis is the command passed to Extract an Archive (X is recommended)This is the command passed to Move to an Archive (M is recommended)STZIP.TTPThis is the command passed to Extract a Zip ('-x is recommended)This is the command passed to Move to a Zip ('-a -m' is recommended)LHARC.TTPThis is the command passed to Extract an LZH file ('x' is recommended)This is the command passed to Move to a LZH ('m' is recommended)Default Compression ARC or LHARC or ZIPMust include trailing backslash (ie C:\terminal\)Kill Packet on Exit Yes or NoYESMAXIMISR.CFG\replies.txtPress any KeySelect Conference,RET for list,A for all,P for personal,Q to quit Please Select a Conference to readSelect Conference, Q to quit, A for all,P for Personal Pos Msg # To From SubjectSelect Pos to read or return for more (Q to Abort) 1234567890 was not found, abortingServices AvailableMAXIWORK\services.datSelect Service to use(0 to quit): Decompressing Services File\MAXISERV\Sorry, but that has an unknown format to me, Please advise Shawnmaxiserv\*.*More [Y/n]UnknownPlease Turn Printer On and Press any Key (Space to abort) Date:) Message Number: To: Ref #: From: Read: Conference: MAXIWORK\services.txtmaxiwork\services.txtDisplay which File (Q to exit): Page: Page: Line Up: Line Down: Start: End:CTRL+ Quit:Page:CNTL+ Page:CNTL+ Numbers 1 to 9:Repeat Last Screen Command n Times Save:CNTL+ Print:CNTL+

Mark Up:CNTL+ Mark Down:CNTL+ Block Start:CNTL+ Block End:CNTL+ Clean Up Screen Display:CNTL+ Strip Tabs:CNTL+ Toggle Text Size [SYSTEM FONT]:CNTL+ Search with Querry:CNTL+ Reverse Search:ALT+ Show Position:CNTL+<=> Increase Margin:CNTL+ Decrease Margin:ALT+ Did you want to | abort this Service No | Yes |Align Your Printer| to Top of Form| and Turn it ON.| |Abort This Print| Operation?| |Your Printer| Is NOT On.| |Insert Formfeed?| |Entire Document|Or Marked Block?| Block| All |Set Perf-Skip? | ON | OFF +D to Move Marker Down; | +U to Move Marker Up. | +A for START; | +Z for LAST LINE. | | Try Again! | Re-Mark the Block! | default eight spaces; how many to assign? is currently Press to enter. Press to enter. Sorry! There are no TAB's in this file! Search String: . Continue Searching? (Any Key but or ) lines searched. String NOT FOUND! Any Key to Return... Line: Search aborted at occurrence(s)! Return? (Any Key but or ) occurrence(s) of string! Return? (Any Key but or ) ERROR! LINES TOO LONG!| File Must Be Text File Less|Than Bytes With No Lines| Longer Than 240 Characters!ABORT bytes. MAXIREP\replies.NDXREPLYKilledGoing: [S]end,[K]ill,[+]Next,[-]Previous,[Q]uit,[D]isk [/] AgainNo Messages Entered yet...| If you REGISTER | this box will | go awayI will!Abort Scan y/NMAXIREP\replies.ndx| Oops, Error in .KEY| file, will run in | unregistered mode |f10: Text file needs to be prepared first.. One Momentmaxiserv\temp.txtThis tag line was to long, deleting, sorry!Longer tag lines available in Registered VersionFunction Key to select line to edit, Undo to quitTag line to long. Max charactersAn error has occured in routine #The Error was #Please make a note of what you were doing and advise Shawn so he can correct itI am sorry but, I want clean up after myself as the error may have corruptedsomething about me, I feel it is safer if you do the deletion from desktopPlease delete folders MAXIWORK,MAXISERV,MAXIREP or reboot MaxiMiser*STYou will then be returned to the Main Menu without have to go throughdecompressing the QWK file again.Press Return to end ProgramSelect file # to transfer from Packet (Q to quit)Select destination path\maxiwork\ | Copyright 1991 | Shawn Smith | Please Register | Copyright 1991 | Thank you for | Registering < >4&T6&    0       2$(0   V<:`"4rbt , 4(  .$H6Z0$V8B8(&4n (>8&&**  48PN^ l0fbr&N V4:jV4:jV4::JDVdLLP""82PZ>tl2 L2:D rfn\TT$R(D(@(@$h2*&h j P44< :2n4 \800.B j.2 j :00&lVJnbBP~d0D@@6*8j04$D2.t0ք$ t,Z~d(N$ Br$0bv(F*  Lf *F f((@4"&Xb0L$8\r&zB 8~."@ > Xx| 8 $@& $x  6 VB(July 7, 1991 VERSION 1.11 Created a few problems LHarc and Zip in version 1.10. Would not create REP packets when using these compressions. Fixed. Problem with input routine that would crash the program. Fixed There was a problem if you had delete QWK selected upon termination and the QWK was bad. It would delete the QWK without you ever getting to read it. I have changed this now so that you have an opportunity to see if you can fix the QWK. Added 1 new feature: If you are using an external editor you previously could not quote the original. Now you can. I create a file in MaxiMiser's Directory called QUOTE.TXT. This is the message you are responding to and you can merge it into your reply for quiting purposes. July 14, 1991 Fixed QuickScan Bug Changed Public messages to a default so you can now hit return at this prompt instead of 1 . When Editting a single line (F4 from Editor) you can now use the left/right arrow keys so you don't have to retype upto the error. Found an incompatibility with Megamail doors. Program will now ask you if the QWK was generated with Megamail door and change some offsets if you answer yes. Do not select this if the packet was NOT created with the Megamail door. In another effort to achieve success with Mega STE's, I have changed the EXEC routine to allow the MMU to catch up with GFA. It is strange but what I found in 1.10 and 1.11 of Maximiser was if I did not have a pause (1/2ooth of a second) the program would bomb upon Executing ARC.TTP. Put the Pause back in and she runs as always (like a charm ). I then installed some Desk Accessories (type doesn't matter for this experiment) and I found I could install upt to 3 DA's without the MEGA bombing miserably. (It did not matter what the 4th DA was nor the order of the first 3). It then got late and I thanked David Pischke for his time and went home. I have been mulling it over and while I do not have ready access to a Mega I have made some additional pauses in this program that should help out. I am certain you will tell me if they don't. BTW during this experiment I did have MaxiMiser up and running under NeoDesk 3.02!! >wa "Conference Command?"| open 67| >wa "Qmail Command?"| D| >wa "Do you wish to receive these messages (Y/N)?"| Y| >wa "Prepare to download"| >exec YMG.ttp| >wa "ontinue..."| | >wa "Command?"| >do up_rep.do| >wa "Qmail Command?"| Q| >WA "Returning to PCBoard now..."| >B1| MaxiMiser Update June 9th New Feature, you can now Install MaxiMiser as an application for QWK files!! This allows you to simple double click on the QWK you want to use and MaxiMiser will boot and and take you right into it. I have also had to make some changes to the Taglines. For unregistered owners they will find the tagline length greatly reduced and many of their existing taglines will be deleted. I am sorry but to maintain compatibility I could not exceed the margins and that is what was happening with the non-registered versions. (Even some registered Taglines may be deleted as they are a little too long but I think that will be few and far between). This version now supports Confmail if you download a packet from a FoReM BBS running MaxiDoor. Just follow the prompts. The menu starting in 1.06 was changed to a dynamic menu that only displays the options that pertain to the packet you are viewing. If there is now bulletins, they option B from the main menu will not be visible.  Desk Accessories are now supported. Just select A from the menu and you will jump to a GEM menu from which you can select your desk accessories. I would like to thank all that have submitted there registrations and remind the rest of you that the price goes up July 1 so why not save yourself $10 and send in the registration you have been putting of. Get rid of those iratating Dialog boxes and make yourself feel good for supporting Shareware. Mail registration form and Cheque/Money order to: North America | Europe MaxiMiser | MaxiMiser c/o Shawn Smith | c/o Ben Van Bokkem 27 Carr Dr | 100 Broughton Ave Ajax, Ontario | Aylesbury Bucks L1T 3E2 | HP20 1QB Canada | England Registration fee $20 + $3 p&h | Registration Fee 10 Pounds + 1.50 p&h Registration Form for MaxiMiser ------------------------------- Version number of MaxiMiser that you are currently using: v1.10 Real Name: ___________________________________________ Voice Phone Number: (___)-___-____ Address: _____________________________________ City and State: _____________________________________ Postal/Zip Code: _____________________________________ Country: _____________________________________ [ ] $20(+$3 p&h) - Register MaxiMiser. [ ] 10 Pounds(+1.50 Pounds p&h) Register MaxiMiser Comments:_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ { Optional } Computer Type:________________________________________________ Where did you hear about (and/or receive a copy of) MaxiMiser? [ ] BBS Name______________________ Ph # (___)-___-____ [ ] CompuServe [ ] Friend [ ] Other ____________________________________________________ Getting the MAXImum from my online time Being MISERly with my long Distance Dollar Now is the time to give MaxiMiser a try Think about it... | >wa "mail Command?"| C| >wa "Qmail Configure Command?"| P| >wa "Select your transfer protocol: "| Y| | >wa "Qmail Configure Command?"| Q| >wa "Qmail Command?"| U| >wa "Prepare to upload CRS.REP using Ymodem..."| >ul yb *.rep| >kill *.rep| >wa "ontinue..."| | >wa "Qmail Command?"| C| >wa "Qmail Configure Command?"| P| >wa "Select your transfer protocol:"| G| | >wa "Configure Command?"| Q| LAWSON EDWARDS #a000000 #b000000 #c7770007000600070055200505552220770557075055507703111103 #d #E 18 12 #W 00 00 00 07 50 12 08 A:\*.*@ #W 00 00 0D 08 2A 0B 00 @ #W 00 00 0E 09 2A 0B 00 @ #W 00 00 0F 0A 2A 0B 00 @ #M 00 00 00 FF A DISQUE@ @ #M 01 00 00 FF B DISQUE@ @ #T 07 00 02 FF CORBEILLE@ @ #F FF 04 @ *.*@ #D FF 01 @ *.*@ #G 03 FF *.PRG@ @ #G 03 FF *.APP@ @ #F 03 04 *.TOS@ @ #P 03 04 *.TTP@ @ .  /0..  /.  /1..  /*. 0 00:06:28 00.00.2028 *.. 0 00:00:00 00.00.1980 MAXIMISR.DOC 28378 16:35:58 30.06.1991 MAXIMISR.PRG 79285 22:55:56 16.07.1991 MAXIMISR.UPD 2239 21:09:06 14.07.1991 QMAIL.DO 291 17:20:10 21.04.1991 README.1ST 1483 23:01:58 09.06.1991 REGISTER.DOC 1677 16:36:38 30.06.1991 TAGS.DAT 177 20:07:02 07.05.1991 UP_REP.DO 401 20:53:14 19.04.1991 MAXIMISR.CFG 46 00:11:12 08.08.1991 *MAXIWORK 0 00:00:18 00.00.2028 *MAXISERV 0 00:00:20 00.00.2028 *MAXIREP 0 00:00:24 00.00.2028 TEMP.TXT 0 00:00:30 00.00.2028 .  /3..  /*. 0 00:06:28 00.00.2028 *.. 0 00:00:00 00.00.1980 MAXIMISR.DOC 28378 16:35:58 30.06.1991 MAXIMISR.PRG 79285 22:55:56 16.07.1991 MAXIMISR.UPD 2239 21:09:06 14.07.1991 QMAIL.DO 291 17:20:10 21.04.1991 README.1ST 1483 23:01:58 09.06.1991 REGISTER.DOC 1677 16:36:38 30.06.1991 TAGS.DAT 177 20:07:02 07.05.1991 UP_REP.DO 401 20:53:14 19.04.1991 MAXIMISR.CFG 46 00:11:12 08.08.1991 *MAXIWORK 0 00:00:24 15.09.1987 *MAXISERV 0 00:00:24 15.09.1987 *MAXIREP 0 00:00:26 15.09.1987 TEMP.TXT 0 00:00:30 15.09.1987