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G|H23=ANup.GfH23=ANu<<HE-J @A|NuYNunNunNuYNu و   Nu و   |%NuY"gp."&hH 3&H[$-KNu<<@A|NuQYNuC8|M.0.n@H@n".%g:<f)| `&<f)| `<f )| M0.n@ H@n&.%g:<f)| `&<f)| `<f )| M0.n@H@n*.%g:<f)| `&<f)| `<f )| NuS.j.n"V<f)`RJ.g .j<@n J."fjS.f(|"n <f C-I `R .aS.k . ap`|J.g...cD.`@.NuS.#j4n$#p"n<f|%`Jj@%R. a-INux#@HPNh ؈N`ASPfA`|8 _Ns  M / gaw GGp0S#}Y8{eQ>, ~wpjd^YTOKGC?;852/,*'%#!ProbeST version 2.00 1992 Breakpoint SoftwareMain MenuWelcome to ProbeST version 2.00.This program is Shareware. If you use this program you obliged to register.Credits: The authors. Jon Garry and Leslie Glover The Testers. Ellis Garry, Steven GroganPlease press a keyF1 - Chip music ripperF2 - Sample music ripperF3 - Graphics ripperF4 - Disk/Memory editorF5 - Disk operationsF6 - Information screenF7 - GreetingsEsc - Quit ripperAre you sure you want to exit? (y/n)THE GREETINGS SCREENA big hello goes out to the following groups and people (in no special order!):The Untouchables (Esp. Mat and Steve)Adrenalin (Esp. Mookie)The Admirables (Esp. Nirvana, Sturm and Tormentor)The Source (Esp. MUG UK)Stranger (Esp. Freddy)Animal Mine (Esp. Shadowmaster)Aura (Esp. Aeon)The Blues Boys (Esp. Acid)Michael DarlisonSTAX (Esp. MATT)Darren LomaxAll members of NATO esp.Pop, Don, Paul, Mick B, Mick C, Norman, Paul, Barlow, Foy, Milly, Leachy, Dixon Stuart, Cap'n Birdseye, and all the other club members!All at Merlin PD, Income PD, Caledonia PDL (thanks), Nightshift PDPress any key to return to the main menuTHE INFORMATION SCREEN This programme is shareware. This means that although you recieved the program 'free of charge' if you use it reguarly then you are required toregister. We realise that this is not enough to make you register and so we havemade a list of the reasons why you should register. This is not just a list ofmorals but a list of benefits that you recieve when you register. These includetwo more programs and full documentation. These programs are:- The FILE RIPPERwhich is especially designed to rip from files, and a virus protector to protectall your origional software, and source code to use the things that you rip. We believe that software should be accessible to all possible users and so wedo not believe in charging ridiculous prices for software. With this in mind theregistration fee for this version is only 2.95. If you consider the work workthat has gone into producing a programme of this complexity, which was approx.8 months work for two programmers and four others that helped us out, and thebenefits that you recieve then the price is well worth it.Send you registration to: Leslie Glover,(Please include return postage Breakpoint Software,if not in U.K. International 49 Main Street,reply coupons) Failsworth, +Manchester, +M35 9PD +ENGLAND0123456789abcdefABCDEFA:\OFFLow MediumProbeST Press [Help] For list of keys usedScreen Address :Bitplanes :Source Bitplane Offset: Bitplane Offset :Block Length :Source line Length : Line Length :Plane 1 :Plane 2 :Plane 3 :Plane 4 :Pallette type :Resolution :Block start :Block end :Colour registers : Screen address F5,Arrows and Shift Arrows,Keypad -,+ Bitplanes -,= Source Bitplane Offset [,] Dest Bitplane Offset Shift [,] Block Length Keypad (,),7,8 Source Line Length Keypad 4,5,1,2 Line Length Shift Keypad 4,5,1,2 Plane 1-4 On/Off 1,2,3,4,6 Pallette type 0, . ,Enter Resolution r Block options: F1-Start , F2-End , F3-Copy , F4-Save Redo screen F6 Save as Degas Elite pic SG R A P H I C S R I P P E RDegas NeochromeBlock Start :Block end :Please enter the address to move it to:Press the key for the colour numberPlease enter the new colour number in HEX:Please enter the filename to save it as:Write to [D]isk or [M]emory?Type in sector to write to (enter=bootsector):Do you want the bootsector executable? (y/n)Sector writenType in Address to write to (enter=30):Memory writenPlease input string to find :Please input the start sector to search (logical) :Please input the start address :Please input the end sector to search (logical) :Please input the end address :MEMORY / DISK EDITOR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F &000 &020 &040 &060 &080 &0A0 &0C0 &0E0 &100 &120 &140 &160 &180 &1A0 &1C0 &1E0Press [HELP] for key list[S]ector:[A]ddress:[M]ode:[D]isplaying:Disk Editor Memory EditorHexadecimalASCII HELP SCREENLetters in [] are the key to press to change that parameterOther keys: Disk editor Memory editor Left/Right arrow 10 sectors up/down 512 bytes up/down Up/down arrow 1 sector up/down &20 or 32 bytes up/down Insert/Clr Home --- 1 byte up/down [R] Replace sector Replace memory [F] Find bytes Find bytesNumber Of Sectors :Bytes per sector :Number of sides :Total sectors :Press a key to ContinueString found at sector : Press a key to continueString found at address :Do you want to continue the search? (y/n)Sorry string not foundSearch for music by :MAD MAXCOUNT ZERODAVID WHITTAKERBIG ALECMEGATIZERTAOCODEMASTERSEDSYNTHBLIPP BLOPPERSOUND IMAGESMYSTICPlease enter new estimation lowpoint :Filename:Sorry, not enough disk space free! - Press any key Start address: Approx. length: Please wait... searching 1ProbeST V2.00 -- Search chip music V2.00F1 - Search chip music filesF2 - Do specific searchF3 - Enter new estimation ???F4 - Save chip music fileF5 - Play chip music fileF6 - Help on using the current music file foundF7 - Change play optionsEscape - Return to main menu screenNo music found yet - get ripping!Current estimation lowpoint: +/- - Change music lengthMusic type: Estimation: Return - Resume searchNot the following information so that the play source can befound and used by youIf you are a GFA basic programmer then look in the 'GFA.REP' folderIf you are a STOS basic programmer then look in the 'STOS.REP' folderIf you are an Assembly programmer then look in the 'ASSEMBLY.REP' folderThe music call offset is :The music type is Sorry, can't load that file!Not enough space on disk to save file!Sorry, can't find that programF1 - Change start address of music fileF2 - Enter new offsetF5 - Play musicEsc - Main music screen Current start address : Current offset of music file :Please enter new start address for music file :Please enter new offset for music file :Start address(press 'return' to search all of memory!) :End address :Blipp Blopper digi-synth musicPSG Tracker musicSorry, no music files found in that search - press any keyUnknown48E7FFFEMad Max chip musicLAP of NextCount Zero chip musicDavid Whittaker chip music48E7C080TAO of ACF chip musicTitan of Animal Mine chip musicMegatizerAlastair Brimble chip music48E7C082Edsynth48E7E0C048E780E0Big Alec chip music48E7FFE44CDF27FFSound ImagesPlaying music - press +/- to change tunes or space to stop music Tune: Playing music - press cursor keys up/down to change tunes or space to stop music5.0 kHz6.25 kHz7.5 kHz10.0 kHz12.5 kHz15.3 kHz20.4 kHz25.0 kHz50.0 kHzNew start address :New end address :Playing sampleProbeST V2.00 -- Search samples V2.00F1 - Play sampleF2 - Save sampleF3 - Enter new start addressF4 - Enter new end addressF5 - Change playback frequencyF6 - Search AVR samplesF7 - Search SPL samples+/- - Change start address by 1kShift [+/-] - Change end address by 1kCursor up/down - Change start address by 10kShift [Cursor up/down] - Change end address by 10kEscape - main menu Playback frequency : Start address : End address :         ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' |Newdisk|Rename |Folder | Date | Time |Format | | | | EXIT |Newdisk|Rename |T/Hide | T/Arc |T/Write|Update | Kill | Load |Examine| EXIT|Locate |Add to | Load |Replace|Insert | | | | | EXIT| Save | | | | | | | | | EXIT|Newdisk|Rename | Enter | Kill | | | | | | EXIT ProbeST Version 2.0 Breakpoint Software 1992DISK OPERATIONS MODULEPath: >Please make sure disk in Drive A is write enabled (PRESS SPACE)Disk name:Folder name:Please input the DATE (DDMMY) :The date is now set at :Please input the TIME (HHMMSS) :The time is now set at :This has not yet been implemented (PRESS SPACE)New name of file:Sorry this function is only available in the FILE RIPPERNew name of folder:*.* N< >LABDIR  8 :8<8n  P>" ^"8$$ 0:4v   $(*$@`0, 2R ..BHD>&&*`|t6<t,"  $  hv$$$F""$< FP v , *,v4**4::::n ( "     , ::.F x0r>N ":Z:2x@^8Lj*>><<<***>**>8>**8L>>88*LT*R*R.XBBj**zT**RRR*T*z*R*z؆Z**zd4:(`6N*F@"NB$B6n6dN    $ > *$& $vZz:z8~|N2,dh8"@ *F f((@4L$B 8~< Vd(f #a0 #b0 #c7770007000600070055200505552220770557075055507703103 #d - #E 98 12 #W 00 00 0A 01 1D 17 08 A:\*.*@ #W 00 00 0A 01 1E 17 00 @ #W 00 00 0E 09 2A 0B 00 @ #W 00 00 0F 0A 2A 0B 00 @ #M 00 02 00 FF D RAM DISK@ @ #M 00 00 00 FF A FLOPPY DISK@ @ #M 00 01 00 FF B FLOPPY DISK@ @ #T 00 03 02 FF TRASH@ @ #F FF 04 @ *.*@ #D FF 01 @ *.*@ #G 03 FF *.APP@ @ #G 03 FF *.PRG@ @ #F 03 04 *.TOS@ @ #P 03 04 *.TTP@ @ PLEASE DO NOT SEPARATE THIS FILE FROM THE REST OF THE PROBEST V2 FILES ALSO, PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE IN ANY WAY! ProbeST version 2.0  By Jon Garry and Leslie Glover Introduction Welcome to Breakpoint Software's ProbeST version 2.0. This file is not meant to be a full document explaining how to use ProbeST but rather as a brief and easily understood user manual. If you want to obtain full documentaion then read the 'Registration' section. Registration This program is shareware. To receive the full suite of programs which comprise ProbeST version 2.0 then you must register at the address below. We recognise that just saying that you get some more programs is not enough to make people register for ProbeST so we have decided to list all the benefits of registering with us, you will recieve: BASIC REGISTRATION SEND 2.95 FOR THE FOLLOWING: ProbeST - The File Ripper (A version of the ripper specially designed for use with files. Includes many unpackers and makes searching easier). ProbeST - The Reset Ripper (Almost identical to the one supplied on this disk). ProbeST - The Virus Protector (This program is designed to protect games and demos from damage from bootsector viruses. It allows you to store your undamaged bootsector incase of damage and also to install a selection of protectors against viruses). N.B. a similar program is on sale for the price if 7.95! Full documentation. This describes not only how to use the program in depth but also how to ripp and how the program works. It describes how musics and graphics are stored, and how ProbeST ripps them. Source codes. These are replay source codes to play the musics that can be ripped with ProbeST (although it should play musics of the same type not ripped with ProbeST). These replay sources will be in Assembly, GFA Basic, STOS. ProbeST 1.01. This may sound strange but we will include the first release version of the program and it's source code so that you can see how it is done! Also this could allow you to write your own ripper, customise ours or write your own routines to go into it! The address is: Leslie Glover, Breakpoint Software, 49 Main St, Failsworth, Manchester, M35 9PD. ENGLAND Please send your address, the money, and the registration you require we will return ProbeST version 2.0 as soon as humanly possible. International orders please send International reply coupons (available from Post Offices) - enough to return the goods you require, and use International money orders. Using ProbeST To run ProbeST follow these instructions: 1) Switch off ST for about 5 seconds 2) Load up the program you want to ripp from until you are sure that the thing that you want ripp is in memory (for example the music you want to ripp is playing.) 3) Remove the disk that is in the drive and replace it with the ProbeST disk and press the RESET button 4) ProbeST will now load. The Menu Screen  This gives you the option of choosing which ripper module to use. Press the corresponding F-key to use a module, [Esc] to quit from the ripper (a confirm will appear). Once in a module [Esc] will quit back to this main screen. F1 Chip Music Ripper F2 Sample Music Ripper F3 Graphics Ripper F4 Disk/Memory Editor F5 Disk Operations Module F6 Information Screen F7 Greetings Esc Quit =N Chip Music Ripper  This option will search memory and try to ripp any chip music files. It will ripp most chip music types these include Mad Max, Count Zero, Megatizer, Big Alec, TAO, Titan, David Whittaker, LAP, Blipp Blopper and more! (it has also identified musics which it has not been programmed to find!) and give you the option to play/save them. To search memory for a chip music, press 'F1' - if you want to search for all memory then simply press return and ProbeST will search all available memory for the music. If you want to search memory between two specific addresses then type the start address, press return then type the end address and ProbeST will search for the musics (If you want to enter the start or end addresses in hex then type the '$' as a prefix to the hex number then the address in hex). If you want to search for music by a particular author then press F2. You will now be asked to enter the name of the author of the chip music type you want to search for. You can type 'Mad Max', 'Count Zero', 'Big Alec', 'Megatizer' etc etc (all are listed in full documentation). If ProbeST finds a music file it will tell you the start address of the music file, the author and tries if possible to give an estimation of the length. If you want to play the music then press F5 - if there is no music then try altering the length of the file and the tune that is currently being played. If you want to save the file then press F6 and enter the filename and it will save the file. ProbeST can ripp music files by a total of 18 different authors and searches for a total of 36 types of music so it is one of the most powerful music rippers available (the most powerful we have yet come across). =N Sample Music Ripper  This section allows you to ripp any samples that are in memory. You can search for AVR samples ans SPL samples, as well as search manually for samples. If you want to search for AVR samples then press F6. If you want to search for all memory then press return, but if you want to search between two addresses then enter the start address, then the end address. You can manually search for samples by altering the start and end addresses and then pressing F1 to play the sample. If you play the sample and it plays a hissing sound and crackling then you have not found the sample - try altering the start and end addresses until you find a recognisable sound. Then trim it until all you can hear is the sample you are ripping. If it is too high pitched then change the play speed to a lower frequency, or if the sample is too low then change the play speed to a higher frequency. To save the sample press F2 and type in a filename (make sure you have a write enabled disk with plenty of space on it). =N The Graphics Ripper  This part of ProbeST is to ripp sprites, pictures and logos etc from programs. This cannot be fully explained in this space (the full docs will have a description of how the ST displays its screens and how to ripp them, and also how to change parameters which can make it possible to find many sprites and logos that ProbeST Version 1 could not ripp. The Graphics ripper is split up into two screens. The first being the information screen. This displays all the parameters that are used for displaying the memory as a picture. The second screen is the view screen which is used to show the displayed memory. Most options are available from both screens but some, such as the save functions can only be used in the information screen. To switch from each screen press space. To obtain a list of most of the keys available in the Graphics ripper press [HELP]. Most files can be ripped by changing the screen address. Use the page up/down to find the graphics and then the 8 lines up/down to get it as near to filling the whole screen as possible. Then use line up/down, 8 bytes up/down and 2 bytes up/down until you finally get the picture looking like it should do then try to set a pallette (all of these moves become much easier with practise, Jon, who didn't code the graphics ripper can ripp a picture from a reset in under 30 seconds). There are three pallettes available in ProbeST version 2.0, Firstly there is the ProbeST pallette then the Degas pallette and the Neo-chrome pallette. The ProbeST pallette is a pre-set pallette whilst the others are set from the picture, this means that if you have set the picture incorrectly then the pallette will be wrong. Si if it does not work first time then try again. Straight blocks of memory can be saved using the block save options. If you wish to save the graphic that you have found then use the degas save function. This will save out the picture that can be seen in view mode, the resolution and the pallette that is currently being used as a degas picture. you must insert a disk that has enough room to save on and enter a valid file name. =N Disk/Memory Editor  This section allows you to edit the contents of memory and the sectors of your disks. When you enter this section you will in the disk editor, if you wish to edit memory then press 'M'. To change the display then press 'D' and you can toggle between viewing between Hexadecimal and ASCII mode. Pressing the 'Help' key will bring up a list of the keys you can press. If you want to edit the disk/memory then press 'Alternate+E' and a little green box will appear - pressing the cursors will move the cursor around the screen. To edit memory then (if your in ASCII mode) then just type in the text you want to write. If you are in hex mode then you can edit the bytes. To end your editing, press 'Escape' To write the sector or memory then press 'R' Do NOT edit your disks if you do not know what you are doing!! You can completely DESTROY your disks!! =N Disk Operations Module  This allows you to create folders, rename folders/files/disk labels You can write protect/delete files, inspect the contents of folders. You cannot load files using the reset ripper - if you want to load files then you need the file ripper! When you enter this screen you will see a list of the files on the disk and a green box in the top left corner - use the cursor keys to move the cursor and highlight a file. If you want to enter a folder then press F3. =N Information Screen  This screen contains some information about ProbeST v2.0 =N Greetings This screen contains a list of greetings to our friends and contacts! _F F Jon Garry and Leslie Glover Breakpoint Software 1992 PROBE-ST V2.0 WORLD RELEASE ON:- _ _ . /\ \ __ \O / ___ /\ | / \ ___ /\ -=LIT/LITNDO U.K H.Q / |_/ /_/ \__\/ / |/ __// | / \ '0' Day Warez For / _// \___ \ / \ \ |/ / -==>>ST/SNS<<==- / | \/ \_/ \ \ \ \_ / 24 Hourz + 318 MEGZ!! \___| \___/ /_|\ \_ / / H/P/A Sections |_ \ / \___// / Good Ratios For O/S Callers __ _ \/\ /_ / / USR 14.4K (Soon D/S) _ _ _\ /_/  L I T E O N L Y \/ -=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SysOp -=>>FROSTY<<=- |+44-(0)51-3530299| Co-SysOps -=>SLDG+SIDWINDR/HTL -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- _ _ _ _ _ _ \ __ \ / ___ /O \ \| | / ___ // ___ / / |_/ /_/ \__\/ _ / |_/ \__\// \__\/ / _ _// / \___ \ / \/ | __/\___ \ \___ \ / | \ \/ / /__/ \ \ | _|_\__/ \\__/ \ / |_/ \_/ /___/___|\_|_ \ / / \ _/ \ / \/ /\ / \/ \ / \ / \ / _ __ _\ /_\ /12G/ / _ __ ___ _\/ _\/_/ Or Call Our Other -=ELITE=- BBS'S Worldwide! /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ -==> Hit 'N' Run +31-40-574236 <==- -==> Outer Region +1-303-766-2778 <==- -==> Dragons Pub +1-514-686-5098 <==- -==> Irata +39-67-0493736 <==- \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/`@: AONRB?< NA\+@ <. @ +@ <6 @ +@ <2 @ +@/-?< NA\?<HxHx?<NNO pra praVEFpa p raBEZpa p ra.Enpa praEpa p apraEpa - &<:<a a Epa bp apraEpa @ <Э "m ma|praEpa aNaJa 00Nur$o, b4< J@k @[H@NuH@RBNu4<Ѐ[NuDg8k2 b4< J@k @[H@DBNuH@RBDBNu4<Ѐ[DBNu40rHGGdHGGdSWDуdi?<>0rHGGdHGGdSWDуdi2?<>0rHGGdHGGdSWDуd&2 H@kփAр[SBkփejRAd RdQRBJjDBNutNuCEdSW`?<,>CEdGeH@0r`fJCgz?<0rÐdSWЃdi?<0rÐdSWЃdid?<0ÐdSWЃd&2 H@kփAр[SBkփejRAd RdQRBJjDBNutNu?<0riP?0i?`?<`apE*gP`LJg&B.C`a8aD*9"fap-I4=|p4aHz*9"g ENp9` _a &nO:NM*IZK$<Nu[1][Error +111][Return]E g g>Jf`Ar Hjr-D@Hd0H@H 0H@0CNuAJ"H [1][fSEfNuHQ?< NA\Nu"_KM* V,@IZO:HQ <-H,,`N,6d d3 d# d# # d# # # # d ALH dAL H LH d AL`H L|0H>L|H>d~# # # # A`@ALH L|H>L|H>L|PH>L| H>L|H>L|H>L|H>L|`H>L|0H>L|H>QL|Nu$H$&"BA -K aXA$f B &n NuH>dd2d"d""d""""d LHC dLHLH C@d LHL|H| L|H|PCd~""""C`:LHL|H| L|H|PL|H|L|H|L|H|L|H|L|H|@L|H|pL|H|L|H|CQL|Nua`p?a a ?<LNANuNuNuHz `Hz"` <Hz&?<&NN\Nup CNup C0Nu C NuJBgVB&8TTDуdQRBNuDAр&AdRAрAрDуNu <r4<NuQnHR$n4Jjg$_NuH LNuPnJ.ng0HR$n4Jjf$_NuHC/*%I $n4%_LNu B?b4<rpAv JBlDBv-|JBg Bb Bk&H>aTaRFBd&8*L?aX<aSF Be BgQRB`RAdR e <rRF&0xaCٱfEv+0JFjDFv-Hƌd0BFHF 0HF0ANuprt|`HQ2.l Aeg>r C 5e&!R 0c 9c0`<R"_`VC0 Ef"_Nuaa/ CJr  g 00VJAgB @ nN @mHJ@j0.4DBUBk0QSAg Q.`S@k 0`0BAJ "_Nu.WAkQA 0g`~GGGBCCB@???<NN\Nu0@F@AJhg PLNu`rLJg(HPBHh/??<@NAXLf ѨLNuJkp%`6aJBja!| ??<>NAXOJkpNu0< aH`0< CJ2p`p a2`p CJp`a CJ"p`Hza`Hy ."J`B.D=|HNua.DFpAR@C` @H` @HHy .aa "H`THy .`Hy . 24`@H '` @HHy .apa"Hav`Hy .`Hy . 24`.D<.HAx$I"t Q k"RGef~`SG * g *fSG`<.HjZ\FkBJnhg Fgd Fg^HS&I.aQ`p???<NM\Qj&_NuHQ/?`jAJ gp gj g grffnnzenlfJ.pj6pRGFc$SG` J.pjpRGFcRF` Ff`> `?~ap a0p a*0Nu|``CpE`bf`FgRGJGgSGSFFgCpE`Yf`Nua@Jf gH@ fa(@ fza0 b @ Ee0NuagNu4.|f?HyaNM\Nu=|H`LtazEfpadppa`AJEg0PaEfaFRE`ܾEfp a@a8?nxnp a2RF`<aJnxoS@f nrfSnv=Ar=FxNup` papq4.|f?HyajNM\Nu=|HHa\LNu|A0"P2(@e2<EJ`QHP=|HJ@g$abAJ$HpR@ 0 f _a`QNuHPp?ap a _2<|0`C&pHQ/Hy@NA NuC pa:NuHQ/Hy?NA Nu&g4 FgagJAga2< R@AdSf0Nu0ap Ce`&g4 FgaJBjagPAe CbRa R@Sf0Nu FgRa~g JBjaAeaJAg RP0 pNu` Fg6aFgJAga @eaPRP Nup NHѨB?<?/?<BNAO JkLLNu&8aJBjaJAg Df*ڃkd0Nu DfրBH??/?<BNAO LJk!@NuHBHh Hx??<?NAO LJo ѨLNuk:fp`^k: g ѨNuBHPHQ/??<?NAO _JoѨfNuBHPHQS/??<@NAXLfѨNuJkp%`(a؀.nfajNu?a0` ?a2@@a` a Nu4.hAf n4LR@RANu4.hg S@SAHNutbpbr??papYa0a0`(ProbeST version 2.001992 Breakpoint SoftwareP2.0 >Please wait. Megabytes of ram detected.P2.0 >RamShift version 1.21.P2.0 >Now loading. |"0 *z fL