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UUU SKY STRIKE UUU By Aaron Fothergill UUU THE GAME UUU It is 1946 and the Crown Colony of Stosic has been invaded by its neighbouring country - Zodvia. As head of 520 Squadron (STrike command) you have been assigned to stop the Zodvian invasion and restore peace. You will be flying the Mk XIV Supermarine Spitfire. Your aim is to complete the set missions, destroying as many enemy aircraft as possible, while avoiding damaging civilian buildings. To complete the game you must finish 56 missions, set over 401 screens. You have 5 Spitfires BUT ONLY 1 LIFE so take care of it! The Spitfire flies just like the real thing (if a real spitfire was flattened into 2D that is), and careful control is required to avoid making a mess of someone's field. It is suggested that you read all of these instructions, but if you are only scanning through, Shift-Q will exit to the game menu. XXXXXXXX UUU How To Fly UUU Before taking off on your first flight, here is some useful advice : 1) The ground is VERY solid, hitting it at high speed is fatal. 2) You only get 1 life, so look after it ! If things get bad, climb to a screen or so of altitude and bale out. 3) Avoid colliding with bomb craters and things generally connected with the ground, like houses, trucks and hills. 4) The sea is also very solid. Avoid hitting it. 5) You cannot collide with anything that flies. UUU The Controls UUU The aircraft is controlled with a joystick. If you do not have one, utter a few choice swear words and go and buy one ! Moving the joystick down causes the aircraft to rotate anticlockwise moving it up causes the aircraft to rotate clockwise. (Logical so far!) The number keys 0-9 control the throttle (0 is off, 9 is full on). The throttle can also be controlled by moving the joystick left (throttle down) and right (Throttle up).This will vary the throttle between 4 and 9. These are the basic controls of the aircraft. So to take off, press "9" and let the aircraft roll down the airfield until it becomes airborne, then pull the joystick back to put the aircraft into a vertical climb. This game follows all the laws of pseudophysics so after a short while you will notice that the aircraft will lose speed and begin to stall. To remain flying, control the aircraft into a dive to build up speed, and then pull up (The best results are usually obtained by pulling up before the aircraft hits the ground). Eventually you are going to want to get back on the ground, there are 4 non-fatal ways of doing this. 1) Bale out. Pressing the "ESC" key gets you out of the aircraft and the "RETURN" key pulls your parachute's ripcord. The chute takes a little while to open so it is a good idea to get some altitude first. 2) Belly land. You can land with the wheels up (or destroyed) as long as you land flat and slowly. This takes practise and is only recommended if you do not have enough height to bale out. 3) Land properly. This is the only method of getting down that doesn't destroy your aircraft, and it is the recommended way of getting back on the ground. Fly your aircraft until it is parallel with the ground and about its own height above it. Then switch off the engine and let the aircraft drift to the ground. Making the aircraft climb slightly allows you to lose speed quicker and land in shorter distances (Including on the back of aircraft carriers) although it may cause you to stall . 4) If you are either a total wimp, or have only just started to play Skystrike Plus, and are playing on the Easy or Medium difficulty levels, you can use the Auto-Land feature, by pressing the 'A' key while flying over your base. This will automatically land your aircraft but deduct an increasing number of points from your score. It is also recommended that you land with the undercarriage down. The undercarriage is controlled with the "U" key (or F10). XXXXXXXX UUU Shooting at things UUU The Aircraft's guns are fired by pressing the fire button. To shoot at something simply aim the aircraft in its direction and fire. Keep on firing until it blows up or falls out of the sky. You can shoot at enemy aircraft, birds and moving ground targets as well as V1 flying bombs. However, you only start with a limited supply of ammunition, so use it with care. Aircraft and vehicles tend to take more than one hit to destroy, although the enemy pilots may bale out when their fighters go out of control. You can't shoot at parachuting pilots and the enemy fighters will not shoot at you if you bale out. You can drop bombs by moving the joystick left and pressing the fire button. This will release one bomb from the aircraft. If you have any anti tank rockets on the aircraft, these are launched by pulling the joystick right and firing. Anti tank rockets fly in a straight line and do the same damage as a bomb. They can be used against aircraft as long as you aim them properly. XXXXXXXX UUU Kills UUU When you shoot down an enemy aircraft, your tally of kills is increased by one. This tally is kept underneath your score and is represented by the following symbols :- Z = 1 Kill Heart = 5 Kills (Ace of Hearts) Club = 10 Kills(Ace of Clubs) Diamond = 20 Kills(Ace of Diamonds) Spade = 50 Kills(Ace of Spades) Special = 100Kills(Seriously cool pilot !) XXXXXXXX UUU Other Controls UUU On the ground the "T" key (F3) will turn the aircraft around (If it isn't moving). If you land at one of your bases and want to return to your main base without flying there, or you land 1 screen to the right of one of your bases, pressing "L" (F6) will bring a lorry to take you back to your main base. Pressing the "M" key (F2) at a base makes it your main base (Where you start off from if you bale out or crash land.) Pressing the "P" key at any time will pause the game until you press another key. XXXXXXXX UUU The Recovery Team UUU As your main objective in this game is to capture all the enemy airfields, you need a way of rebuilding the ones you have blown up and making them into your own airfields. By flying over a screen and pressing the "R" key (F1) you call in the recovery team, who will attempt to rebuild the screen. First of all a bulldozer will head for the screen to clear up the rubble and fill in craters. If the bulldozer cannot make it because of terrain difficulty (say a lake or hill being in the way) then a supply aircraft will fly in and drop an expert repair man by parachute. When he lands on a destroyed airfield he repairs it in a jiffy (well about 1/4 of a second) However , you must protect the supply aircraft, as an enemy fighter will always go after it, and you lose 10,000 points if it is shot down. XXXXXXXX UUU Bonuses UUU When you shoot down an enemy aircraft, there is a good chance that a bonus will be dropped from the top of the screen you are on. The bonus will float down to the bottom of this screen and, if not caught, will vanish. Catching a bonus (By flying through it) will improve your aircraft in various ways. UUU CONTROL LIST UUU Joystick Up/Down . Rotate Aircraft Joystick Left . Decrease Throttle Joystick Right. Increase Throttle '0'-'9' keys Throttle. Fire Button Fire guns Stick Left+fire Drop Bomb Stick Right+fire Fire Rocket 'U' key or F10 Undercarriage 'T' key or F3 Turn around 'L' key or F6 Get transporter 'R' key or F1 Request Repair Team 'W' key or F7 Do a wing dip (only when flying level) 'ESC' key Bale out 'RETURN' Pull Ripcord 'P' key Pause Game 'A' key Autoland (only on easy or medium difficulty levels) 'F' key or F8 Fires a flare into the aircraft to set fire to it when you have landed behind enemy lines and have no way of taking off again. You lose the aircraft, but due to your amazing talent for escaping capture, you always manage to get back to base. UUUKeys For BonusesUUU 'E' key (F4) Operates fire Extinguisher. 'C' key (F9) Sets Cluster bomb. 'B' key (F5) Operates Turbo boost. XXXXXXXX UUU The Dubious Deeds Department UUU Here are some slightly dodgy firsts. First pilot to turn around inside a railway tunnel. Bob Baker. The first pilot to write his name in smoke while on fire. Peter Hickman. The lowest altitude that a pilot has ever bailed out at and survived. Aaron Fothergill. From about the height of the flagpole at your base.(Not recommended). The shortest flight. Steve Baker (Pulled the joystick the wrong way on takeoff, also not recommended) The most spectacular crash. Bob Baker (Flew into a train while attempting his turn around in the railway tunnel trick ) Highest altitude achieved : The last pilot to go for an altitude record vanished without trace from radar screens once he got above 5 screens altitude. It is thought that he was shot down by an enemy radio controlled high altitude duck. Although no wreckage was found of the aircraft or duck. XXXXXXXX Good luck. And by the way there is a cheat mode but don't worry about it ! Game Design, Programming, Music, Manual design and associated spelling mistakes: Aaron Fothergill Graphics and packaging design: Adam Fothergill Game testing by Bob & Steve Baker, Paul & Darren O'Donnell, Jason Tucker, Mike Newett & Lee Davey. The games 'SKYSTRIKE' & 'SKYSTRIKE Plus' are the intelectual copyright of Aaron Fothergill. Shadow Software 1990 & Atlantis Software 1990. The disk is key coded & may not be copied without written permision by Shadow Software and Atlantis Software c2 5pp2D3!0UFw` ?~3?~Ǐ ~?~??>|?<<8?p80 8?#?|??T*UUUUU_Q@U*UUUUUUUUUUUUUUWUUUUUU@UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUժտ_U_UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUWUUUUUUUժUUUUUUWUUU_0<~x8? p?;8 8|@?p y` ?~3?~Ǐ~?~???????@p0#c???? 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No time to chat , the airfield is about to be attacked by enemy fighters ! Take off and shoot down at least two enemy fighters. They will be attacking from the east .  The enemy fighters are attacking from a base a few screens to the east of the airfield . Fly over there and bomb the runway . Put at least 3 craters in it .  Well Done . Now fly over the enemy airfield and call in the repair squad (The 'R' key) . Patrol the area until the base is rebuilt.  An enemy tank division has moved in to the East ----> . Tanks are heading this way to destroy everything in their path . Knock out the tanks , and destroy their base !   You are doing well so far . More enemy fighters are raiding from bases further away . Shoot down at least 4 fighters to complete this mission.   You have been selected for a most difficult mission . The Wing Commander is throwing a party tonight for his daughter's wedding Go and shoot down a bird for the meal !  An enemy factory is making tanks for an enemy counter attack Bomb the factory until it is completely destroyed . Follow the target pointer to the factory . It might be a good idea to fly at high altitude , as the factory has a high chimney . Also look out for flak !   The enemy are very annoyed about their factory . Jolly good show ! They are now stepping up their attacks from their base to the west of your airfield . Capture it !  An enemy bomber is heading for your base . Shoot it down . The bomber will be heading in from the right .  The enemy are moving out some of the half finished tank pieces from the remains of their factory . The parts are being carried in a convoy of four trucks and are heading west . Destroy all 4 of the trucks !    Attack an enemy fuel dump to the west of the smouldering remains of the truck convoy you blasted . Destroy it completely and the enemy's chances of counter attacking will be minimised. m( Capture the 2nd enemy fighter base to the west . Doing so will help us strike further into enemy territory . | Fly over to the west until you reach the railway . Destroy as much rolling stock as possible before returning to base . Keep an eye out for flak trucks , they only shoot at you when they are stationary. Use anti tank rockets as train busters . J} ( To make it easier to attack the enemy railway network , you will have to capture the airbases nearer to the railway . Follow the mission pointer to the airfield to capture. r Good show ! Now capture the next airfield . Try and shoot down as many aircraft as possible . h The bulldozer cannot get to the next base , as a hill is in the way . You will have to escort the supply aircraft to make sure it is not shot down before it captures the base . Follow the target pointer to the base . Destroy it, call in the repair squad , and escort the Dakota until it drops the repair man . (the supply plane will fly in from the west , at 2 screens altitude ) ^ Enemy troop trains have been seen moving on the railway . Go and get one ! J^( An ammunition train , carrying shells for some large type of cannon , has been running on the railway . Find it and destroy it ! J^( Enemy fighters are raiding the area . Shoot down at least 5 of them ! ^( The enemy are still using the railway for movement of fuel for their tanks . Attack and destroy the fuel train . J^( One of our agents has managed to obtain information about an enemy secret weapon , which is about to be used against us ! Fly him back to the Main airfield (The one you start the game from) so that he can report his information to the chaps from intelligence ! _d Enemy aircraft have been attacking from a base to the East , while you have been attacking their bases to the West . Find their airfield and capture it ! 2 The information our agent handed in reveals that the enemy have a giant railway gun , ready to bombard our troops . You will fly from the base nearest the railway and you must destroy the gun at all costs ! J_ Attack and destroy an enemy HQ located to the west of the railway . Watch out for flak and enemy fighters . :_ d Attack and capture the enemy base to the west of the railway . This will stop you having to attack the enemy from long range . @_ You have been recalled to the main airfield so that you can fly out and destroy a large cliff gun emplacement over the sea to the East . Make sure it is completely destroyed ! %  Your Commanding Officer has bet you a months pay that you cannot fly under the bridge to the East of the airfield without getting killed . CO's get a lot of pay , so go on and get rich ! , Another enemy bomber is heading for your base from the East . Shoot it down before it causes any damage ! 2 An agent has reported that the enemy are building sections for some new super weapon at a factory to the west of the railway . Fly a spitfire from the airfield next to the railway and destroy the factory . 4@2 Reports are coming in of the enemy battleship , the 'Bizpitz' anchoring off the west coast . Unfortunately this is effectively out of range unless you capture the airfield near the coast . (It would also be a good idea to bomb any other airfields in between also) . Capture that airfield ! ,2 After your C.O lost his months pay on his last bet , he wants to get his own back. You have been bet two months pay if you can fly through the railway tunnel to the east . Go for it ! G@d Now you are within striking range sink the 'Bizpitz' which is anchored off the west coast . The battleship is well armed so watch out for flak . You will need to hit it AT LEAST 3 times with bombs or rockets. , Attack and capture the airfield nearest the west coast so that you can strike at enemy shipping on the other side of the water. "2 3 enemy cargo ships are anchored off the far coast . They are thought to be carrying ammuniton and supplies for enemy troops stationed there . Attack and sink all 3 ships . # You have been picked for a very dangerous long range mission . It is imperative that you destroy an enemy headquarters building somewhere past the far coast . It is up to you , how you destroy it but it must be completely wiped out . It is defended by flak guns and is at least 60 screens from your nearest base . (Thus the high bonus for completing this mission) Good luck ! #  You have been recalled to your easternmost airfield so that you can attack an enemy gun emplacement , over the eastern side of the river . Destroy the guns and buildings completely . 52 Attack and capture the airfield just past the gun emplacement , thus enabling you to strike further into enemy territory . As the bulldozer will not be able to cross the water , you will probably have to escort the supply aircraft to the base . <d Our troops are having trouble in capturing an enemy HQ to the east . Attack and destroy the HQ completely. > d Attack and destroy an enemy tank factory to the east . Be on the lookout for tanks , as it is thouht that quite a few have been built already . C Capture the enemy airfield to the west of the factory . F2 An enemy spotter aircraft is heading this way from an airfield to the East . Shoot him down before he manages to get a look at our troop movements !  Blow up a fuel dump just past the tank depot . It is thought that enemy trucks have been refueling there in preparation for a counter attack . Rd Enemy trucks ,full of shock attack troops , are moving in from the east . Attack and destroy all 4 trucks . R  Capture the airfield to the west of the sea. Z2 Our Lord Admiral has just returned from surveying the damage you have done to shipping on the west sea . You are to fly him out to our aircraft carrier , the 'Bark Loyal ' . You must show him a good landing to complete this mission. If you make a bad landing . Take off and try again . MAKE SURE YOU LAND ON THE BACK OF THE CARRIER ! dd Another enemy fuel dump has been discovered to the east . You must completely destroy it ! }d An enemy factory has been discovered , making some sort of new super weapon . Fly over there and do some demolishion work on it !  More enemy shock troops are attacking in trucks . Destroy all 4 trucks !  A large gun emplacement has been bombarding our troops . Attack it with rockets and bombs , and destroy it . Watch out for flak !  More enemy tanks are attacking from a bunker to the east . Obliterate the bunker and destroy all the tanks , before they do massive damage .  The enemy are plotting a last ditch defence from a HQ to the east of the pile of rubble that used to be a tank bunker . If you can knock out the H.Q it would shorten the war by weeks .  The enemy's last attempt at winning the war has just been launched . A V1 flying bomb has been launched from a base to the east ! Shoot down the rocket bomb , and try to make it crash somewhere that won't be damaged . (It will be flying 2 screens up , until it runs out of fuel , then it will dive to the ground and explode on contact)  Attacking the V1 base is rather difficult , as it is well defended by flak guns . Destroy at least 2 flak gun emplacements , so that it is easier to attack the base . Also try to shoot down V1s before they hit places .  Attack and destroy the V1 launcher that is set up to the east . Make sure there are no more V1 rocket bombs still flying .  With all their major weapons destroyed , the enemy are on the run . Capture or destroy all their airfields to complete the game  Congratulations !!!! You have almost single handedly won World War Two and a half ! Your picture is now in all the papers except for the Scum , which is running a story on a certain soap star , who ate a bimbo's pet chimpanzee , and reports that aliens have been seen capturing aeroplanes in mid-flight !  c(3;F"3DUf"3DDUfw_]=_q#՞s]sI5_@C >@߷~;~lJ9">I6 wy rPN' Rku~m'?Mv?;|,t@(Q $x }$P e:LEi)RHpa(* dcY1 X @H)>!A |QP g'o'G4]hDH0 xR"af Q   @kR @h`p @@ OOo_OO8r!1@o 80)I?8~\1!3,; *#23#@ Aq1@p\hLH Ȩ o]=lA* N{'%:4gunw 7w  :|p|ɠA A@N?Z!0 08Qznf2<@ႄcb`ߟ^vM< gxi*^1ו!oGDt!RV`|B@`BFB@xfcH8pX uۡ0[֟HWlUWfxQ@el= U} g $1xOsD&xP0 n<#m/oV/=:0%@2!P8o*RC83ZY- Aa`A@@Ĉ@ƺa80 0 o8FL (DI@@ t 3 -"7 !KHe\&z0Gb =M8i(G%! 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