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Naomi Place Seattle, Wa 98115 (USA) YOU WILL BE SENT BACK A KEYCODE TO GAINACCESS TO THE DISABLED FEATURES.SUGGESTIONS AND COMMENTS CAN BE SENTTO THE ABOVE ADDRESS OR E-MAIL TO:SDENMAN@CS.WASHINGTON.EDULargest Memory Block:999999999PRESS ANY KEY OR CLICK TO CONTINUEThis is an unregistered version!Enter information and key code:S2345678901234567890123First Name: _______________________xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx12345678901234567890123 Last Name: _______________________xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx12345678901234567890123456Address: __________________________xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx12345678901234567890123456 City: __________________________xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1234567890123456789State/Province: ___________________xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1234567890123456789 Postal Code: ___________________xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1234567890123456789 Country: ___________________xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1234567890KEY CODE: __________xxxxxxxxxxSEND IN THIS INFORMATION AND THE SHAREWARE FEE OFAT LEAST $25 TO OBTAIN A KEY CODE. MAIL IT TODAY!CancelPrint EZformRegisterUnregistered version!Please register!xxxxxxImage: FILENAME.CLIP01XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXColor plane:RedGreenBlueHICONTRALOLOINTENSITY HIStretchSquashFlipInvertCopyPasteLoadSavePRE-SET:GammaStepLinearUndoCancelOKSelect Format to Save Image:XDegas Elite (PC?)Include display optionsInclude ASCII comment fileCancelOriginalOn ScreenColor Map Editor256256256256256256256256256256<>255REDGRNBLU-16-16-16CopySwapFillFlip RotateRotate GradientGroupDrk  LtLt  DrkVDI OrderMatchDISPLAYUndoReScanSelectTakeCpy/SwpImageLoadSaveCancelOPTIONSReDraw Image [R]Clip Image [C]Zoom [Z/+/-/O/I]Rotate Image [,/.]Flip Image [H/V]Image = Screen [X]Toggle Mouse [TAB]Switch Pictures [P]Options Screen [ESC] Center Mouse/Cancel Color Map Editor [E]Dither Settings [D]Filter Settings [F]Set Warping [W]Slideshow Settings [J]Toggles [T/M]Save Image [S]Load Image [N/L]Quit Program [Q]PIC DIALOG TITLE.........255FILENAME.CLIP99PICTURE NUMBER:CancelOthersOKOKOK!Set Dithering:DITHER PATTERN:Floyd-SteinbergLoadGRADIENT STEPS (MAX):255DITHER CONTRAST (MAX):255No DitheringStandard DitherError DiffusionCancelOKSet Image Scaling FilterFilter OffFILTER TYPE:EnhancingFILTER CURVE:SharpeningFlip horz.Flip vert.Wrap at image edgesScale FilterHEIGHT:999999______xxxxxxHRZ:VRT:999999______xxxxxx999999______xxxxxxTEMPORARY MEMORY REQUIRED:99999999 BytesCancelOKSet Image WarpingImage Size: 1000 x 1000(ALL VALUES ARE IN PIXEL UNITS)WIDTH():99999_____xxxxxHEIGHT:99999_____xxxxxHORZ SHIFT():99999_____xxxxxVERT CENTER:99999_____xxxxxWARPING PATTERN:Sine WaveREPEAT:Sine waveWARPING IS IGNORED IN FILTERED SCALING!CancelOKSlideshow Settings:DISPLAY PATTERN:Backward WrapDISPLAY TIME (SECONDS):255FirstImage: 01LastImage: 99Record Script FileCancelOKEnter Gamma-Correction Value:9999_.___9999CancelGenerateLinear HistogramDefine Shape:LINEAR RUN (X):LINEAR RISE (Y):SHIFT TO THE RIGHT (+):511511-255CancelGenerateSpeed of Light 3.8 Preferences:Start program in GEM menu modeWarn of lost colors due to contrastFit image to screen after loadStore histograms for each imageCapture Options DialogShow image comments if supportedForce "byte planes" in 256 colorsDisplay immediately after loadingBlank screen while drawing image YOU MUST SAVE THEN RERUN PROGRAM TO CHANGETRUECOLOR CONVERSION:Fixed ColorspaceINVERSE COLORMAPRESOLUTION:5 BitsOCTREE PIXELCOVERAGE:FIXED PALETTEPRINCIPAL COLOR(S):2000 KBytes100%Blue-GreenTRUECOLOR DITHERING:No DitheringStandard DitheringError DiffusionDITHERING PATTERN:Floyd-SteinbergLoad Dither PatternCancelLoadSaveOK 640x480 (256 Grey) 640x480 (256 Grey) 640x480 (256 Grey) 640x480 (256 Grey) 640x480 (256 Grey) 640x480 (256 Grey) 640x480 (256 Grey) 640x480 (256 Grey)012345678901234567890123456012345678901234567890123456012345678901234567890123456012345678901234567890123456012345678901234567890123456123456789011234567890112345678901234567890123456    ???p}}%۾%{+o~    8 p `    `  8|  l=q?<6;*3"w>p8p<l   Hx"HxHxHx(NHxKHxE0pN/N Nd+@HxHxE8pN/N Nd+@p+@hHxHxE@pN/N Nd+@BhpNpNvpNzpN~pNNEFpNt/r0NEVpNt/2<NpNpЭvP$-r2N -r2NpЭHx "mNz mNg< mrNpr N(-"mN҂(-"mNҺ /?<NN\pNBNpfb -fVN /EZpN/N>"mNz mNDg0 mrN(-"mNҺ $p rNpN`N&pfS$ -$lB$$m/NpfS( -(lB($m/NpfS, -,lB,$m/Np fR,p,lp+@,$m/NpfR(p(lp+@($m/NpfR$p$lp+@$$m/Np f2 m NL(-"mNҺN^N NgN m N^pf&$mR$m rop$m$$m/Npf $mS$m l$mB$m/N$m\ SWHH/pWHHg$m\ Sf6AnCNzNAn(-"mN҂ACnNzAN:BN N췘NANf m NLN N  m N^pN$m NH6<pAt-2<NvpNHvs0<t-r_Nv6<0<t-r}Nv6<0<t-2<NvpN6<pAt-2<Nvs0<t-r_N6<0<t-r}N6<0<t-2<Npr$mҒAxN4Nr+@p?(-"mNҺN^HxBN@N / N&`6HxNF`*HxNF`HxNF`HxNF`Nr`N+` @gV @gV @gV @gZ @g^ @gb @gf @gf @ gf @ gf @ gf @ gj @ gn @gr @gv @gxpN -&<:<N&<:<NNNd+@ -&<:<N/?? 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FT6| 4F\dJ84H"p X 84.01) desktop icons. Copy it to your DESKICON.RSC or DESKCICN.RSC with a resource editor to use it with SPOFLT38.APP. MONOICON.RSC - This is a monochrome icon for use with NEWDESK (TOS>2.05). (XXzzz$(  X z  HVERSION 3.5<`< 66f 6<> [ߍ 08l<@ `@` `` `00>0ٳ0ٳ0vXp~ C$$0ə$ C? ?)O RBN)s03'?%0%&L'&Lf& N#{@ (XXXXXXX$X( !  h  H~ C$$0ə$ C? ?)O RBN)s03'?%0%&L'&Lf& N#{@ <`< 66f 6<> [ߍ 08l<@ `@` `` `00>0ٳ0ٳ0vXpVERSION 3.5~ C$$0ə$ C? ?)O RBN)??==?~?) _)??==?~ C$$0ə$ C? ?) _)s03'?%0%&L'&Lf& N#{@ ~ C$$0ə$ C? ?)O RBN)s03'?%0%&L'&Lf& N#{@ ~?????==?~ C$$0ə$ C? *ORBN*|?{p;7V-5w]/ww]ݪ{u~*ORBN*|?{p;7V-5w]/ww]ݪ{u~*ORBN*|?s03'?%0%&L'&Lf& N#{@ ~ C$$0ə$ C? *ORBN*|?s03'?%0%&L'&Lf& N#{@ ~??|???==?   DDD     . `.. 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B&W256P8`xS;c{ã h#k(p+ s@0HȰC3K˳ĤT<\tǧW?_w$d'g, l/o̴D4L|ϷG7OR:bz¢Q9ay"j!i* r) qB2JʲA1IɱƦV>^vťU=]u&f%e.n- mζF6N~͵E5M}B&W256xlX@BZnzhP8$&:RtĬ`04dʚH(,LҲJ* .Nаb2 6fȘjT< ">Vv|p\DF^r~ymYAC[o{ŭiQ9%';Su˛a15eӳI) -MѱK+ /Oəc3 7gkU=!#?Ww}q]EG_s. `.. 1_TO_1 HST CONTRST1HST CONTRST2HST ɸWASH_OUTHST BRIGHTENHST DARKEN HST WACKY HST :CONTRST0HST 4DARKCONTHST LITECONTHST   !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~  "#%'(*+-/023568:;=>@BCEFHJKMNPRSUVXZ[]^`bcefhikmnpqsuvxy{}~ "$'*,/1469;>ACFHKMPRUWZ]_bdgilnqtvy{~======== SORRY, THIS SECTOR CANNOT BE READ FROM FLOPPY DISK BY ST RECOVER. ======== ======== SORRY, THIS SECTOR CANNOT BE READ FROM FLOPPY DISK BY ST RECOVER. ======== ======== SORRY, THIS SECTOR CANNOT BE READ FROM FLOPPY DISK BY ST RECOVER. ======== ======== SORRY, THIS SECTOR CANNOT BE READ FROM FLOPPY DISK BY ST RECOVER. ======== ======== SORRY, THIS SECTOR CANNOT BE READ FROM FLOPPY DISK BY ST RECOVER. ======== ======== SORRY, THIS SECTOR CANNOT BE READ FROM FLOPPY DISK BY ST RECOVER. ======== ==;;;==>>??ABBBCCCEEFFHHHIIJJJLLMMMNNNPPPQQRRRRTTTUUVVXXXYYYZZ\\]]]^^^``aabbbdddeeggghhiiikklllmmooopqqqqssttttuuwwwwxyyyy{|||}}"'+/258;=@BEGIKMOQRTVXY[\^_abdefhijlmnpqrstuwxyz{|}~  !!"#$$%&'(()*+,--./01234567789:;<=>?ABCDEFGHIJKMNOPQRTUVWXZ[\]_`acdeghiklmoprsuvwyz|}112335566799::;==>>??AABBBCCCCEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECCCCBBBBAAA???>>>>=====;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;====>>>???AABBCCEFHHIJLMMNPQRUVYZ]^behkosw{ !"#$%&')*+,-.012345789:;<>?@ABCDFGHIJKMNOPQRTUVWXYZ\]^_`acdefghjklmnoqrstuvwyz{|}~  "#%'(*+-/023568:;=>@BCEFHJKMNPRSUVXZ[]^`bcefhikmnpqsuvxy{}~  ""#$$&&'((**+--./112355679::;=>??ABCEEFHIJJLMNPQRTUVXYZ\]]^`abdeghikllmopqstuxxy||~. `.. README 1ST REDWFIS IMG REDWOFISIMG  ENLWFIS GIF kE(ENLWOFISGIF Ym This directory contain some sample images for use with Speed of Light 3.8. ========================================================================== Demonstration Images for Filtered Image Scaling (FIS) ----------------------------------------------------- ENLWOFIS.GIF - This image is a clipping from FROG.GIF enlarged four times. It is shown without Filtered Image Scaling (FIS) to show the blockiness of the enlargement. ENLWFIS.GIF - This is the same clip from FROG.GIF enlarged four times. This image shows the effects of FIS on the image. Speed of Light smooths the image and uses filtering to reproduce the image as if it was always this large. REDWOFIS.IMG - This image of a cartoon shows the effects of normal reduction. For a normal reduction, pixels are removed from the image, and loss occurs. REDWFIS.IMG - This is the same image reduced by the same amount, but FIS has been used to take into account the removed pixels. This effectively smooths out the image to photo-quality. ;gTXIMGBV VV`V`` ` p_Z j?@69`@  x:x:x< ~ N p$ * 6H ~ ~*  77;7; LJP( ڞ ڞ ;> ;> {" !f n   aSv6 @ @@e:e86\ 88  @! ? \t  D /B  #2is@p@; 9c@ @ג@Pz@_@_z@(?@B@@?]qbJ KK7 ?@@Ã9hB?@BP?@p(   fm~? ÿ ٹ x@@ xx1X ? ?l` , ߄q PN P1@ I @  H HH+ ; L7!? @7?ـ # g~ Xmo߀ @o J̀ c OS S @O@ ? "[ ! t j@?C@~ & r !  AAC' &d 0 ' FxH#  @#  `_A ?|GxGx xȀ k;}ހ\n?g,;ec i7 i? 7  " "@ P7 q? 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CHANGES DOC -SOFTWAREDOC "REGIFORMTXT GLOSSARYDOC xSPOFLT38DOC SSCRIPTS DOC Fw0SUMMRY38DOC b7+'SOL_AEO1TXT |A6FOREIGN TXT O2 // // // S P E E D // of // L I G H T(tm) // // Summary of changes // from version 3.1 to 3.8 // Changes in version 3.8 from 3.7 =============================== -=> A bug was fixed that caused the machine to become unstable when loading an image after clipping. The problem was caused by the longer file name extention ".CLIPxx" It is now truncated to .CLI. This problem was dependent on which fileselector you used. -=> Clipped images no longer have corrupted color palettes. -=> SOL 3.7 would crash when loading a new image in after clipping a previous image, but only in monochrome modes. This has been fixed as of version 3.8. -=> FOREIGN.TXT is included and tells how to register more easily if you are registering from Europe. -=> Registered users with cities of more than one word can now register with their old key codes. -=> Speed of Light now works old STs and STEs in monochrome modes and does not say "SOL does not work in truecolor modes." -=> Other minor bugs fixed. Changes in version 3.7 from 3.6 =============================== -=> "New" now works when using Selectric Fileselector or wildcards. The first file replaces the current one, and all the others are added to the end of the image list. If you are using Selectric, you can also select multiple files to load at one time. -=> Slideshow feature was added to automatically flip through the images in memory. Control direction, wrapping, start image, end image, and display time. Hidden drawing supported. And for more power... -=> Speed of Light now supports a powerful scripting language for customized slideshows. You can write your own Speed of Light Scripts (.SLS) from scratch, or simply let SOL write them for you by recording your actions. When using slideshow scripts, you can even load and uncompress images in the background while viewing the last image! -=> Speed of Light can now be run from resolutions with less than 16 colors (monochrome too!). The color editor and filtering may not be used, however. You can now use SOL from Medium resolution, and still display in Low resolution (on STs). Monochrome users can now also use SOL (with dithering, of course.) -=> Lines (for clipping and zooming) now look right in monochrome and 4 color modes. -=> GIF uncompressing time now takes 85%-90% of the time SOL 3.5 took. -=> You can now have the screen be blank when drawing the images so they appear instantly. Great for slideshows. -=> Dithering was changed slightly to provide an easier user interface and support for future updates. -=> Some user interface improvements like tabbed dialog boxes. -=> Fixed some bugs in DSP JPEG code from v3.6. -=> SOL now loads GIFs with local color maps without complaining. -=> Other miscellaneous bugs fixed (you'll be amazed)! Changes in version 3.6 from 3.5 =============================== -=> Added some DSP support code in the JPEG routine for the Falcon to make decoding faster. Greyscale and fixed colormap take 3 times more memory than without it, though. Still can use CPU decoding if out of memory or no DSP. -=> Bug fixed that made STs and STEs bomb when switching to greyscale. -=> Picture information box was added to the bottom of the screen while loading to give information about picture size, type, and number of colors. Changes in version 3.5 from 3.3 =============================== -=> SOL now starts out with the Options Dialog (unless starting in GEM mode) so that you can change the settings before loading an image if you want. I found this to be better especially when loading JPEG images because I usually want to set the truecolor loading preferences before loading, but in earlier versions, I had to load a junk image first just to get to the preferences. -=> Truecolor conversion now can use Octree colormap quantization to reduce to 256 colors. You can also dither the image using different patterns including loaded patterns. Inverse colormaps are supported to allow faster mapping both for truecolor quantization and with color filtering. All truecolor octree and color reduction parameters are in the preferences dialog box. -=> Fixed Palette truecolor loading can also be used with other dithering patterns besides just random dithering. Other fixed palettes are supported with biases toward red, green, or blue, and combinations of red, green, and blue. -=> A new preference allows you to display the image immediately after loading without going to the Options Dialog or GEM Menu. -=> You can load multiple files using Selectric fileselector as well as using wildcards [*/?]. Selectric also offers extensions of all the images that SOL can load. -=> JPEGs with bad data can be loaded with less trouble. -=> Fixed GIF saving! No more messed up data! Stayed up all night to fix this one! =) -=> Speed is great! Just compare! A 800 x 600 256 color GIF... SPEED OF LIGHT 3.5 GEMVIEW 3.00 LOADING/UNCOMPRESSING TIME: 8 sec 11 sec GIF COMPRESSING/SAVING TIME: 14 sec 1 min 32 sec FILE SIZE IN BYTES: 98846 100517 This GIF had 115 colors and lots of blank space, only SOL realized that it could save it as a 128 color GIF and saved file space! How about another...768 x 512 256 color GIF SPEED OF LIGHT 3.5 GEMVIEW 3.00 LOADING/UNCOMPRESSING TIME: 11 sec 15 sec GIF COMPRESSING/SAVING TIME: 20 sec 1 min 19 sec FILE SIZE IN BYTES: 334829 334802 These are actual saving and loading times, no lie! -=> Saving and loading display information in GIF89a images now works correctly. -=> A "Flat" wave was added in warping to allow discrete shifting of the image in places. Ideal for corrupted JPEGs. -=> Lots of bugs fixed involving the capture of the image when going from display to dialogs and back. -=> Zoom Area now centers your zoom on the screen when the area you selected is not the same aspect ratio as the screen. -=> Colormap Editor was changed a bit: -=> The palette can now be edited in VDI order as well as Device order. -=> A new command "Take" works like "Select" except that you choose a pixel from the image and the color you are currently editing will be set to the image's original color at that spot. Confused? Me too...try it! -=> You can switch to a different image while in the Color Editor. -=> The unimplemented feature "omit colors" was omitted (ha ha) from the Color Editor. Ho Hum, so not all of my ideas are cool! =) -=> Filtered Scaling was really worked-over: -=> Greyscale Filtering is a little faster. -=> Color Filtering is now almost as fast as Greyscale Filtering by using an inverse colormap. The inverse color map resolution can be changed for fast approximations or accurate renderings. Dithering is also supported with color filtering using true random dithering as well as standard matrix dithering. -=> Complex color transformations now also work with filtering. (A previous bug made this look funny.) -=> The filtered image is much more accurate both in brightness and in position. The pixels in previous version were shifted incorrectly up and to the left. -=> Up and down scrolling now works with filtering. This was caused because the filtering routine always drew one less scan line than it was supposed to! -=> New filters were added and two groups were created: Standard and Enhancing filters. Standard filters try to reproduce the original image as closely as they can. Enhancing filters change the image in weird ways, especially when enlarging the image. -=> Asymmetrical enhancing filters can be flipped, and all filters can be wrapped or faded at the edge of the image. -=> Filters can be scaled in height as well as width both horizontally and vertically. Scaling in height causes the filter to brighten the resulting image. Scales less than 1 will darken the image. Blurring by scaling the filter horizontally and vertically can often cause the image to darken, so you can compensate for this with height scaling. -=> When using the "Change Picture [P]" option from the display screen, you can now select the position on the image that you would like to display next. This is done by dragging a small box (representing the display area) to the position you would like to move to. You can also move between small greyscale pictures with the arrow keys as well as the slider bar. -=> You can now access images 21-30 with ALTERNATE-Function Key, and you can move to the next/previous image with the '[' and ']' keys. -=> Holding down ALTERNATE in the display screen prevents scrolling when the mouse moves into the scrolling area. -=> Scrolling right and left now has less "annoying flickering" in 256 colors. -=> "Image = Screen [X]" feature now supports a "Shrink" option so that it only converts the parts of the screen that are used. It essentially clips the image for you and omits any blank space. -=> Two new histograms were added: DARKCONT.HST and LITECONT.HST. These are contrast histograms that only apply contrast to either the dark or light intensities in a color plane. -=> A glossary was included (GLOSSARY.DOC) to explain some of the more complicated image processing terms. -=> Fixed some Graphics Card bugs. -=> The E-Z Registration form can now be printed to an ASCII disk file as well as to your printer. A blank file is also included: REGIFORM.TXT -=> More bugs fixed than I can remember! Changes in version 3.3 from 3.1 =============================== -=> Double clicking on "Purge" in the options dialog allows you to purge all the images except the first one. -=> A feature "Image = Screen" fuses the screen into an actual image. This makes any warping or filtering permanent so you can do other alterations of the image. By making the screen an image, you can now save the screen as a GIF by using "As Original" when you save it. -=> The Warp feature was added. Two warping effects can be combined: bulge (stretching) and ripple (shifting). Bulge zooms the scan line outward or inward, causing the stretching effect. This can be applied anywhere on the image (to the scan lines) and can be set to any size. Ripple is merely a shifting of the scan lines a certain amount (horizontally). Warping only effects the displayed image, not the original image. You must use "Image = Screen" to make it permanent. You can then rotate the image 90 degrees to apply warping on the vertical axis, use "Image = Screen" again, and then rotate it 90 degrees back for example. -=> Unregistered versions now can use filtering, but every eighth line is blank. This is the same for warping. -=> The Display Screen Popup Menu was changed slightly to accommodate more entries. -=> CONTROL-F toggles filtering in the Display Screen. -=> Rotations are FASTER! -=> The name of the current file being processed appears at the top of the screen during loading and color reduction. -=> TONS OF BUGS FIXED!!! -=> A bunch of other stuff. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ---===>>> S H A R E W A R E from S T U S O F T (tm) <<<===--- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Every software title works and has been tested on all Atari Computers (ST/MEGA/STE/TT/FALCON) in most resolutions. All programs work under MultiTOS and other multitasking systems. Currently Available Shareware ----------------------------- --==>> SPEED OF LIGHT(tm) version 3.8 Image Processor. Unique image processing/viewing program with advanced color editing and image manipulation features. Loads and views many image formats including GIF, JPEG, and IMG. Can display many more colors than available on normal low color STs. Supports Falcon030 DSP and many add-on graphics cards. Shareware donation: at least $25 U.S. money. --==>> TRIPLE YAHOO(tm) version 1.0 is a one to four player Yahtzee cloan that uses GEM windows, digitized sound, 3D buttons, color icons, Speedo GDOS fonts, and is highly configurable. This addictive game is rated #1 by Stuart's Mom! Shareware donation: $15 to $20 U.S. money. Shareware for Possible Release ------------------------------ --==>> DESKTOP WALLPAPER(tm) version 1.0. This accessory replaces the desktop with any graphic and has a variety of tiling options. It also has a complete graphics editor so you can make your own tilings. The editor has an advanced user interface of overlayed toolbars with many useful tools. Drawing tools include freehand, box, circle, fill, and each of these tools can draw in a pattern, or in "replacement mode" where you can map one color to another. It also allows you to load and save desktop icons from resource files, so it doubles as an icon editor. This is the complete desktop graphics utility! Expected release date: Unknown. ---------------------------------------------------------------- SPEED OF LIGHT(tm), TRIPLE YAHOO(tm), and DESKTOP WALLPAPER(tm) are trade marks of StuSoft/Stuart Denman. E-Z REGISTRATION FORM FOR SPEED OF LIGHT VERSION 3.8 ==================================================== TO: Stuart Denman 1751 N.E. Naomi Pl. Seattle, WA 98115 USA DATE: ____________________ FROM: _________________________________ Please register me for Speed of Light version 3.8. Enclosed is my shareware donation of at least $25 United States check, cash, or money order payable to Stuart Denman. If I am registering from a country other that the United States, I am following the registration procedures outlined in FOREIGN.TXT. FIRST NAME: _______________________ LAST NAME: _______________________ ADDRESS: ________________________________________ CITY: __________________________ STATE/PROVINCE: ___________________ POSTAL CODE: ___________________ COUNTRY: ___________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS (if available): ______________________________________________ (Please specify Internet, Genie, Delphi, etc.) COMMENTS, BUGS, SUGGESTIONS: I hearby acknowledge that any copy of Speed of Light registered to me may NOT be copied or sold to ANY other party for ANY reason. I also understand that Stuart Denman, or any other persons or companies involved in the sale, distribution, support, or programming of Speed of Light are not responsible for any damages that may be caused by the use of Speed of Light. SIGNATURE: ___________________________________ GLOSSARY OF IMAGE PROCESSING TERMS ================================== This document is (c) Copyright 1994-1995, Stuart Denman. All rights reserved. This document may only be included with Speed of Light(tm) Image Processor and may be reproduced only for personal reference. DITHERING - Using a pattern of dots to create the illusion of another color or shade. A minimum of two colors must be used in the dot pattern. FILTERED IMAGE SCALING (FIS) - A process applied to an image where each pixel's neighboring pixels can have an effect on its color and/or intensity based on the filter used. FIXED COLORMAP - A palette in which fixed amounts of red, green, and blue are used to try to cover the full palette. No fine shades are presented so dithering must be used to account for these losses. GAMMA-CORRECTION - A function used to brighten or darken an image which is more "true to life" than just uniformly increasing all the intensities. HISTOGRAM - A "graph" of sorts that shows some value versus the intensity of color. The histogram "of an image" shows which intensities are most abundant in the image. A transformation histogram maps one intensity of color to another intensity. There are other kinds of histograms used in Speed of Light. INVERSE COLORMAP - Given an arbitrary input color defined by a red, green, and blue value, an inverse colormap allows you to efficiently determine which color in the image best represents that input color. The higher the resolution of the inverse colormap, the more accurately the representative color can be determined. 5 bits of resolution is usually good enough for most purposes. INVERSION OF THE COLORMAP - Dark colors in the palette are mapped to light colors and visa-versa. MONOCHROME - Two colors, usually black and white. OCTREE - A fast data structure that is used for color quantization. PIXEL - Picture element. One "dot" on the screen or in the image. QUANTIZATION - Reduction of colors. An example is from truecolor to 256 color. TRUECOLOR - An image where no palette exists, each pixel is defined individually so that there are virtually an unlimited number of colors. __________ | | __ | _______| | | | | | | | |_______ _______ _______ _______ ____| | | | | \ / \ / \ / | |_______ | | __ | | _____ | | _____ | | __ | | | | | \ | | | | | | / | | | | | | | | | ______/ | ______/ | | | | _______| | | |__/ | | \_____ | \_____ | \__| | | | | | | | | | | | |__________| | ____/ \_______| \_______| \_______| | | | | _____ _____ __ |__| | _ | | ____| | | | | | | | ___| | | | |_| | | | | | |_____| |_| | | __ __ | | | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |__| ______ | |_____ ___| |___ | | __ / \ | \ | | | | | | | __ | | ___ | |___ ___| _____ _____ | | | | | / | | | | | | | | |____ | | _ | | | |__| | | | | | | | | | | __| | | |_| | | |________ | \__| | | | | | | |___ |__ | __ | _ | | | | | | | | | | | ___| | | | | |_| | |___________| \____ | |__| |__| \_____| |_____| |__| |_____| | | ____________________| | | | |______________________/ This document and all included documents are (C) Copyright 1993-1995, Stuart Denman All Rights Reserved. This document may only be reproduced for personal use. All coding and design by Stuart Denman. Internet: sdenman@cs.washington.edu (Valid through summer 1996) Released April 16, 1995 Speed of Light is a comprehensive image processor/viewer with many advanced and highly configurable features. Speed of Light is SHAREWARE! SHAREWARE! SHAREWARE! This SHAREWARE! version is an incomplete demonstration version until you register and receive a keycode to gain access to the disabled features. See the registration section for complete information on how to register. ******* NOTE: If you have already read the manual for version 3.1, you need not read this whole manual again. Simply read the CHANGES.DOC file, as well as the new (or changed) sections in this manual marked with an (*) or (**) below. Please take a look at the file SOL_AEO1.DOC which is an article I did for Atari Explorer Online about how to get the most out of Speed of Light. Check it out! I have included a file called GLOSSARY.DOC which defines some of the more complicated image processing terms used throughout this manual. So if there are any words that you don't understand, chances are that it is in the glossary. ******* This manual is a semi-brief introduction to the features of Speed of Light version 3.8. Unfortunately, I do not have enough time to completely discuss the features in as much detail as they should be, so the best way to learn them is by playing with them. PLAY, PLAY, PLAY! Also, I have not discussed items which are redundant or obvious (like some of the items on the display-screen popup menu). This manual is organized into the sections, so even if you do not feel like reading the whole manual, at least keep in mind what the different sections are so if you have trouble figuring something out (and I know you will) you can find your way to the section you need quickly. I recommend printing this whole thing out and following along with the program. The manual is organized into the following sections (in order): >> WHAT IS SPEED OF LIGHT? >> HOW TO REGISTER (**) >> LEGAL STUFF/DISCLAIMERS (**) >> RUNNING THE PROGRAM AND IMAGE LOADING >> IMAGE FORMATS (**) >> DIALOG BOX TRICKS >> THE DISPLAY SCREEN >> THE OPTIONS DIALOG (**) >> THE HISTOGRAM EDITOR >> THE COLOR EDITOR (*) >> SAVING IMAGES >> THE DISPLAY SCREEN POPUP MENU (*) >> FILTERED IMAGE SCALING (*) >> IMAGE WARPING (*) >> DITHERING >> PREFERENCES (**) >> COLORS TO PLAY WITH >> GRAPHICS CARDS >> KNOWN BUGS >> FINAL REMARKS (*) Indicates that a significant amount of new information was added as of version 3.5. (**) Indicates that a significant amount of new information was added as of version 3.7. --------------------------------------------- ---===>>> WHAT IS SPEED OF LIGHT? <<<===--- --------------------------------------------- Speed of Light started as a GIF viewer with a twist. It could display more colors and shades on a standard ST than usual. It was also the FASTEST GIF decompressor on the ST, written in pure assembly language. NOW, Speed of Light is still the fastest GIF viewer, but also the fastest JPEG viewer (for machines without a DSP chip). Version 3.8 contains all the features of version 2.x, but also adds more image formats, more image processing features, and many other impressive tools, including the most extensive color map editing capabilities available on Atari systems. As of version 3.5, SOL includes two new capabilities fully available only to registered users: Filtered Image Scaling (FIS) and Image Warping. FIS allows images to be scaled to any size, yet retain their clarity. It can also be used to blur images, smooth out blocky zoomed images, and take into account lost pixels due to reduction. Version 3.5 includes 8 new filters for some unusual effects including sharpening and "3D Pixel" effects. It is probably the most advanced tool the program has to offer. Image warping allows you to shift and bulge your image in a variety of ways. You can stretch one part of your image, or repeatedly warp the whole image. A variety of waveforms can be used for the warping effect. Speed of Light (here on referred to by SOL) has been tested on all Atari computers and works on ST,MEGA,STE,TT, and Falcon computers. SOL 3.8 now runs in all resolutions of 256 colors or less, including MONOCHROME (2 color) and medium (4 color) resolutions! It also runs under MultiTOS, and allows switching from image to desktop in a flash. Several people have asked why SOL does not fully use GEM. The main reason is speed. I draw directly into screen memory for speed. This causes SOL to be very device-dependent, but it is a trade-off that myself and other users are willing to put up with. Believe it or not, all of SOL's dialog boxes and menus are 100% GEM. If I used the standard "desktop" look instead of my custom colors to create SOL's unique dialog boxes, it would be a lot different. It's just too hard, at this point, to convert all the dialogs to plain GEM. ------------------------------------- ---===>>> HOW TO REGISTER <<<===--- ------------------------------------- When you register for SOL 3.8, you will receive a keycode that will allow you to access the disabled features. Filtered Scaling and Warping will also display without blank lines. Your Shareware donation will help support my Shareware efforts so that I may bring you more quality Atari software like SOL. Once you type your keycode into the registration dialog box, this copy of SOL becomes your personal registered copy, and your keycode will work with any versions released after 3.8. The keycode will also make it so that the SOL title/information dialog and registration box will not come up when you run the program. To register, fill in the registration dialog box with the required information, and click on "Print EZform" to print the information and EZform registration letter. You will be asked whether you want to print a filled out form to the printer or to a disk file called REGISTER.TXT in ASCII format. A blank form is also included in the file REGIFORM.TXT. Send an EZform (with all the information required in the registration dialog box) and AT LEAST $25 United States funds (see below for foreign registrations) to this address: Stuart Denman 1751 N.E. NAOMI PL. SEATTLE, WA 98115 <<==-- This was wrong in SPOFLT35.DOC! U.S.A. Make checks or money-orders payable to Stuart Denman, or send CASH. Please allow at MOST one month for a response (especially during the summer) before you try to contact me again. PLEASE SEND YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS IF YOU HAVE ONE. If using E-mail, you will get your keycode within one week (of when I received it), sometimes the day I receive your letter (for cash shareware donations). I do sometimes go on vacation, so please be patient with me, especially during the summer, thanks! ***** FOREIGN ORDERS READ BELOW ***** If you are registering from a country other than the United States, you have two choices on how to register. You may either send your registration money and form to me, or send it to a designated foreign registration site. IF REGISTERING IN EUROPE: ------------------------- (This is the preferred way, if you are in Europe). Denesh Bhabuta will be handling registrations for Speed of Light in Europe. He will accept UK cheques or cash, Euro-cheques, and Postal Orders. Eventually, he may accept credit cards (you should contact Denesh about this). The registration is 20 pounds UK. Make cheques (20 pounds UK) payable to "Denesh Bhabuta" and send along with your completed registration form to: CyberSTrider 203 PARR LANE UNSWORTH BURY LANCASHIRE BL9 8JW UNITED KINGDOM If you have questions about registering with Denesh, he can be reached at the above address or by e-mail: dbhabuta@cix.compulink.co.uk danny@micros.hensa.ac.uk IF REGISTERING FROM OTHER NON-U.S. COUNTRIES: --------------------------------------------- Send your registration payment and form to me (Stuart Denman) in the United States. Foreign orders must send AT LEAST $25 U.S. CASH or money order, or you can send the EQUIVALENT of AT LEAST $30 U.S. MONEY IN CASH NOTES OF YOUR FOREIGN CURRENCY. NO UNSTABLE CURRENCIES, only things like Deutch-Marks, UK Pounds, and other stable currencies that I can easily exchange with small fees. If you are in Europe, please register using the prodedure above. ***** FOREIGN ORDERS READ ABOVE ***** --------------------------------------------- ---===>>> LEGAL STUFF/DISCLAIMERS <<<===--- --------------------------------------------- Use of this program is restricted to 30 days, after which, if you do not register the program and pay the $25 Shareware donation, you must TERMINATE USE. USE THIS PROGRAM AT YOUR OWN RISK! The author assumes no liability what-so-ever for any damages that may result from using this program or its accompanying files. This program includes absolutely no warranty, written or implied. PLEASE distribute this UNREGISTERED program everywhere, provided that this text file and all other files are included with the program. DO NOT RE-ARCHIVE SPEED OF LIGHT! Keep a copy of the original ZIP file so you can upload it to BBS's and distribute it to your friends. SPEED OF LIGHT MAY NOT BE SOLD FOR ANY PRICE BY ANYONE OTHER THAN THE AUTHOR. PUBLIC DOMAIN AND SHAREWARE RETAILERS HAVE PERMISSION TO DISTRIBUTE THE UNREGISTERED VERSION FOR A MINIMAL FEE NOT ANY HIGHER THAN THE COST TO REPRODUCE THE DISK. *** THIS PROGRAM MAY NOT BE PLACED ON A MAGAZINE COVER DISK WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! YOU MUST WRITE AND ASK FIRST, THANKS! *** WARNING: Any attempt to alter the program or its supporting files could result in permanent damage to your computer or i/o devices. The author assumes no liability or damages resulting from this. The Graphic Interchange Format(c) is the Copyright property of CompuServe Incorporated. GIF(sm) is a Service Mark property of CompuServe Incorporated. ----------------------------------------- ---===>>> RUNNING THE PROGRAM <<<===--- ---===>>> AND IMAGE LOADING <<<===--- ----------------------------------------- To run SOL, double click on SPOFLT35.APP from the desktop, or drag an image file (in newer TOS versions) to the program name or icon. The title dialog should come up (if an unregistered program), followed by the registration dialog box (see "HOW TO REGISTER" above for information on how to use this box to register). Click on Cancel in the registration box to go to the Options Dialog. This is the main settings dialog where you tell SOL how to display the image. Click on "Add" to load an image and you will be prompted with a fileselect box. Select an image to load with the fileselect box. Some example images are included in the IMAGES folder. You can also type in wildcards like "*" and "?" to make SOL load in all the images in a particular directory that match the wildcard. Use "*.*" to load in all the images. You will then get a status/information box informing you that your image is being loaded, uncompressed, or whatever. Next, the Options Dialog box will appear again where you can change the display parameters before displaying the image. I recommend that you use a program like Warp 9 or NVDI with SOL, as it often can take a long time to draw the dialog boxes without these software accelerators, especially the Options Dialog. Selectric Fileselector is now supported, so you can select multiple files if you have it installed. A description of the items in the Options Dialog will appear in a section below, but there is a row of buttons at the bottom of the dialog that I will describe now. These are buttons for loading, saving, and displaying the current image, as well as for quitting the program. Click on "Quit", "Save As", and "Display" to quit the program, save the image, and display the image. "Add" and "New" are for loading in images. Clicking on these will call up the fileselect box again and you can select an image to load or Cancel. "Add" will load an image and place it at the end of the list of loaded images (this will occur even if you are not on the last image when you click on Add). "New" will replace the current image with the one you load in. Use "Purge" to remove the last image (or images) in the list and free up memory if needed. ----------------------------------- ---===>>> IMAGE FORMATS <<<===--- ----------------------------------- Speed of Light version 3.8 identifies the images it loads by their file extension. SOL can LOAD and display the following image formats: FORMAT NAME EXTENSION Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) *.GIF JPEG *.JPG Degas Uncompressed *.PI? Degas Compressed *.PC? Prism Paint *.PNT GEM (X)Image Format *.IMG SOL 3.8 now supports Brainstorm's DSP JPEG decoder for the Falcon030. If you have this program installed in your AUTO folder, SOL 3.8 will use it to quickly decode JPEG images. SOL version 3.8 can also SAVE in the following formats: FORMAT NAME SAVE TYPE GIF As original (as on screen only with graphics cards) Degas Compressed/Uncompressed As on screen Prism Paint As on screen GEM (X)Image Format As original and as on screen -------------------------------------- ---===>>> DIALOG BOX TRICKS <<<===--- -------------------------------------- SOL uses an "enhanced 3D GEM" interface with special features that you can take advantage of: * Popup menus are easy to use ways of selecting several items. Click on these to "pop" them up, then click again to select the item you want. * On any slider box, DOUBLE-click on the arrows to move the slider bar all the way to that side of the bar. * Real-time slider bars allow instant results. Click and hold on a slider bar until the mouse cursor turns into two arrows (like <>). Then drag it back and forth to see the numbers change. * In places where there are two or more slider boxes in a row, you can double click on the slider bar and the other slider boxes will move to the same position as the one you clicked on. * Keyboard equivalents in the dialog boxes were left out so that they would not interfere with programs like Let 'em Fly that enhance the dialog boxes. ---------------------------------------- ---===>>> THE DISPLAY SCREEN <<<===--- ---------------------------------------- After you load an image and the Options dialog box appears, click on DISPLAY to look at the image. SOL will scan the image and create tables of color conversions that it uses for display, and then it will draw the image onto the screen. This is called the Display Screen. To return to the previous dialog, click the RIGHT mouse button. There are a lot of image manipulation things that you can do from this screen without going to the Options Dialog. All of these things are accessible by pressing the appropriate key or by clicking and holding the mouse button. When you click and hold the LEFT mouse button, a popup menu appears with a large selection of items, as well as their keyboard equivalents listed beside them. The function of these items will be described below in the section "THE DISPLAY SCREEN POPUP MENU". The section you are reading now will discuss some basic things not available in the popup menu. If the image is larger than the size of your display screen, you can move around in the image with the arrow keys, or by using the mouse. Pressing the UP, DOWN, RIGHT, and LEFT ARROWS will move your display in that particular direction on the image by 20 pixels. To move the screen by one quarter of the screen, hold down CONTROL when you press the arrow keys. MOVING WITH THE MOUSE is more complicated. When you enter the display screen, the mouse appears in the center of the screen (even if it is not being displayed, it will still be in the center). Imagine a small box centered in the middle of the screen. The mouse can move freely inside of this box, but when it goes outside of the box, the display will move in the direction that the mouse went outside of the box. The farther the mouse goes outside of the box, the more the display moves. If the mouse is being displayed, and arrow will briefly appear showing the direction of motion. To stop the display screen from scrolling, move the mouse back to the center of the screen OR quickly press the left mouse button to return the pointer to the center. Holding it down longer will make the popup menu appear. You can also hold down ALTERNATE to prevent the screen from scrolling when the mouse goes out of the center box. If you have more than one image loaded, you can press the function keys to go to the first TEN images (F1-F10). To go to the NEXT TEN images, hold down SHIFT and press a function key (F11-F20). Use ALTERNATE for F21-F30. You can also press ']' to go to the next image and '[' to go to the previous image. In flicker mode, you can stop SOL from flickering the screen by pressing the SPACEBAR. This shows you the first of the two screens that SOL flickers to get the expanded palette. Press the SPACEBAR again to resume flickering. You can also use the SPACEBAR to pause during the drawing of the screen. Pauses during FIS as well. ---------------------------------------- ---===>>> THE OPTIONS DIALOG <<<===--- ---------------------------------------- The related items (text, buttons, sliders, etc.) in the Options Dialog are arranged in the same area with a thin line dividing each area. Each item is discussed in order from left-to-right, then top-to-bottom, in each specific group. Text items are indicated by a T>, buttons are indicated by a B>, editable items are indicated by an E>, slider bars are indicated by an S>, and popup menus are indicated by a P>. Group titles are surrounded by astrixes (**) and the specific items are listed under the group title. ** Image Specifications ** T> Image Filename - name of current image file whose display specifications are shown in the rest of the options dialog. T> Image Dimensions - size of the image in pixels. An 'I' is printed after this to indicate and interlaced image. T> Image Palette - the size of the palette used by the image. T> Image Colors - the actual number of colors in the current image. B> "H" Button - Displays the histogram for the current image. The histogram is separated into its red, green, and blue planes and you can switch between them with the buttons at the top of the histogram screen. A greyscale image (loaded in as greyscale, not displayed as Shades) will have the same histogram for red, green, and blue planes (as expected). Notice that additive color transformations will not effect this histogram, but complex histogram transformations will (see below for info on these color effects). B> "P" Button - This optimizes the palette of the image. The initial palette value is taken directly from the image header, or the expected palette. This button scans through the image and tries to find the actual palette resolution. A lot of times I get GIF pictures that say they only have 64 color palette when they actually have 16 million. I did not automatically optimize the palette on loading because it can take some time, and it is not necessary for normal use. ** Machine Specifications ** T> Machine - the machine you are using. T> Resolution - the size of your display. T> Palette - the size of the palette your system can display. T> Colors - Number of colors in the system. This can be changed by clicking on the arrows next to it. This sets the actual number of colors that the image will be displayed with. This allows you to reduce the number of display colors. B> "Delta" Button - On TTs and STs, you can change the resolution that you display in by clicking on this button and selecting the resolution in the popup menu. Machine specifications for color and resolution should change. The mouse does not always look right and has a limited range when enabled on ST Medium. B> "3-Bars" Button - This allows setting of program preferences as well as truecolor loading and inverse colormap settings. See the "PREFERENCES" section below for complete information. ** Picture Number, Display Mode, and ** ** Color Transformation Settings ** S> Picture Number - This slider bar selects the current image. There may be a pause after switching to a different picture. This is due to the computer taking some time to draw the new image parameters into the Options Dialog (the screen blanks during redraw). P> Display Mode - This selects between a color interpretation of the image and a shades display of the image. "Shades" are normally greyscale unless you change the color with the color transformation settings. On TT computers, you can select "TTGrey" mode which allows you to display 256 shades of grey when in TT Low display. B> Red Downward Pointing Arrow - This changes the color transformations so that the image looks as close to the original as possible (sets sliders to zero, or changes histograms to a one-to-one transformation). B> Complex - This switches between additive color transforms and histogram color transforms. When this is highlighted, three small histograms are displayed (one for red, green, and blue). Click on any of these histograms to edit that particular color plane in the histogram editor (see below). These histograms take a particular intensity of red, green, or blue color and map it to a new intensity. That is why the one-to-one transformation is a triangular shape (the graph represents the line y=x). Flipping this transformation will cause inversion of the color map (low intensities map to high ones, and visa-versa). For some interesting effects with these transformations, see the section "COLORS TO PLAY WITH" below. S> Additive Color Transforms - These three slider bars are active when "COMPLEX" is NOT highlighted and they allow you to add various levels of red, green, and blue to your image. Positive values increase the intensity, negative values decrease the intensity. For example, moving the green slider bar to the left makes the image look purple/red/blue when displayed. Putting all three sliders to the same value will brighten or darken the image without changing the colors' relative differences. NOTE AGAIN that these sliders are used only when the "COMPLEX" button is NOT highlighted. ** Color Reduction/Selection Settings ** P> Color Reduction Method - If the display colors are fewer that the number of colors in the image, then SOL will try to reduce the number of colors using the method selected by this popup menu. All color reduction methods take into account the "Color Contrast" settings (described below). The "Frequency" method is the most automatic and it selects the colors based on their frequency in the picture. The next two methods, "Influence" and "By Rank", use a ranking histogram to choose the colors. The only difference between these two methods is that "By Rank" selects the colors purely upon how they are ranked in the histogram, whereas "Influence" takes into account the frequency of the color in the image as well as its rank. B> Color Rank - The "Rank" button switches to the Color Ranking Histogram Editor where you can define the ranks of the red, green, and blue color planes. See "THE HISTOGRAM EDITOR" section of this manual for more information on how to use the editor. The ranking histogram for each color plane is organized with intensity on the horizontal axis from dark to light (left to right) and rank on the vertical axis from low to high (bottom to top). For example, if I wanted to make red, green, and yellow colors chosen more often than other colors, I would draw histograms like this: ^ Red: Green: Blue: ^ | ___ | ___ | R | / | / | A |______/ |______/ |___________ N | | | K +----------- +----------- +----------- Intensity > > When ranks for intensities are the same for all color planes, then the order of those colors will be chosen based on the order that they appear in the image's original palette (unless you are using the "Influence" method, in which case the frequency that they appear in the image will also have an effect). Rank has no effect when using the "Frequency" method; that is why you cannot edit the rank histograms when this method is selected. Rank also has no effect when all intensities, in all color planes, have the same rank. The height of the rank has no importance, except relative to the height of the rest of the histogram. B> Complex - This button selects between simple color contrast slider bars and a more complex histogram color contrast. If "COMPLEX" is highlighted, the three contrast slider bars will be replaced by three histograms which allow you to define the contrast for each intensity level of the red, green, and blue planes. To edit a particular contrast histogram, click on the small histogram of the one you want to edit. Contrast is on the vertical axis, and intensity is on the horizontal axis of each histogram. Read about the contrast slider bars (below) for more information on how contrast effects the image... S> Color Contrast/Separation - This trio of slider bars defines the minimum separation between the colors that SOL chooses to display the image with. This contrast can be set from 1 (choose colors as close together as possible) to 256 (choose colors with highest contrast, like black and white). A setting of 1 is best when the picture has equal or less than the number of displayed colors, but when the color must be reduced, like from a 256 color image down to a 16 color display, a contrast between 18 and 32 is best. If the contrast is too high, the color map will not be completely filled due to rejected colors. The best separation value is just below the point where colors are starting to be omitted from the map (use the "color-loss warning" alert box (see Preferences section) to help you find this point). ** Image Scaling and Some Miscellaneous Buttons ** E> Horizontal and Vertical Size in Pixels - These two editable fields define the size (in pixels) that the image will be scaled to. Click or use the arrows to move the editing cursor. P> Axis Effect - This popup menu selects "Horizontal, Vertical, or Both" as the axis that the buttons to the right of this popup effect (see below). The buttons "+, -, O, and A" will change the scaling of the axis that you set here. The first letter of your selection will appear in the button (either H, V, or B). B> "O" Button - With this button, scaling is set to the original size of the image. B> "A" Button - This calculates the aspect ratio of the original width and height of the image based on the effected axis (if "Both" is selected, then this button bases its effects on the horizontal axis). It then sets the other axis to the proper value to match this ratio. B> "-" Button - This button will halve the selected axis. This reduces the image by a factor of two. B> "+" Button - This button will double the selected axis. This enlarges the image by a factor of two. B> "Fltr" Button - This turns filtered scaling on and off. The filter that it uses is set with the "Set" button below. B> "Set" Button - Clicking on this button will switch to the Filtered Scaling Settings Dialog where you can set the filter type and scaling. B> "Fit" Button - This stretches the widest edge of the image out to the width or height of the screen so that the image is at its largest size without exceeding the screen's borders. The image's original aspect ratio is restored. B> "Mous" Button - If this is highlighted, then the mouse will be displayed in the Display Screen, otherwise it will be hidden. This is the same as pressing TAB from the Display Screen. B> "SmDr" Button - This turns on and off "Smooth Draw" mode. When flickering is used to increase the number of colors, this will make SOL flicker the screen even when it is drawing for a smoother effect. The only drawback is that drawing is considerably slower. B> "Warp" Button - This switches to the Warp Setting dialog where you can set various warping and stretching effects. See the Image Warping section for more details. ** Flicker Contrast and Dithering ** S> Flicker Contrast - This slider bar sets the maximum contrast allowed between flickered colors. Greater contrast may cause increased flickering, while lower contrasts will reduce flickering. When the slider is moved all the way to the left, the slider will indicate "OFF". Drawing will be twice as fast when flickering is off. If you have a large display palette and number of colors, flickering SHOULD be turned off, because you DO NOT NEED IT. Flickering may produce weird effects on graphics cards, and is unavailable with Byteplane Mode (see Preferences Dialog). There is a known bug on the Falcon when you have the mouse being displayed while flickering; the screen jumps around in funny ways on large resolution displays and sometimes may not flicker at all. This is due to a hardware bug that is unavoidable. P> Dither Pattern - This popup menu selects between dither patterns. See the dithering discussion section below for more information. B> "Set" Button - This switches to the Dithering Dialog so that you may have more detailed control over dithering than just what pattern is used. See the dithering section below for more information. ** Miscellaneous Buttons ** B> "Desk" Button - SOL allows you to go to the desktop to access accessories (or return to other programs in MultiTOS). Some menu items are available there, and a scrolling list of all the loaded images is also accessible from the menu. Most entries are self-explanatory. Keyboard equivalents for menu items are listed next to them. Loading can be done WITHOUT returning to the non-windowed environment of SOL. B> "?" Button - This displays the title dialog with credits and shareware information. It also shows you how much free memory you have available and who the program is registered to. B> "Purge" Button - This allows you to remove the last image from the image list and free the memory it takes. Unlike version 3.1, 3.8 lets you purge an image if it is the only one loaded into SOL. You can also double-click on "Purge" to remove all the images from memory. B> "Colors" Button - This goes to the powerful color editor. This is not available in Shades or Greyscale modes. See the section below on how to use the color editor. ** Lower Row of Buttons ** B> ">>" Button - This calls up the Slideshow Settings Dialog. Here you can move the slider bar to select the number of seconds to display each image. When the direction is selected (forward, backward, etc) SOL will automatically switch between images, displaying each one for the specified number of seconds. The way it switches between images is determined by the second popup menu. "First" and "Last" allow you to select the first and last image for display. Only images between and including these images will be displayed. If the first image comes after the last image, the two image numbers will be exchanged. If you display an image outside of this range of images while in the middle of a slideshow, the slideshow will terminate until you enter the range again. The display time is calculated from the point where the image finishes drawing. The Record Script button is described in the file SCRIPTS.DOC. Other buttons are described in the section "RUNNING THE PROGRAM AND IMAGE LOADING" above, but are fairly obvious. ------------------------------------------ ---===>>> THE HISTOGRAM EDITOR <<<===--- ------------------------------------------ This editor makes it easy to edit graphical histograms for color manipulation purposes. The main editing area is a large box in the center of the dialog. To set the level for a particular intensity, click the mouse where you want the level to be. You can hold the mouse button down and SLOWLY move it right or left to draw the shape of the histogram. You can easily switch between the red, green, and blue color planes by clicking on one of the three buttons at the top of the dialog. Most of the buttons at the bottom of the dialog are for editing and creating the shape of the histogram. "Stretch" and "Squash" are for doing just that. They effect the level of the histogram. "Invert" subtracts the maximum level of the histogram from the histogram level at each intensity and makes that the new level. The "Flip" button flips the image horizontally. The four ARROW buttons move the histogram in the direction specified. "Copy" will copy the histogram onto the GEM clipboard (disk) and you can use "Paste" to copy it back in to any other histogram. If you DOUBLE-CLICK on "Copy", it will copy the current histogram to the other two color plane histograms. For example, if you double-click on "Copy" in the green histogram, red and blue will become the same as green. "Undo" reverts the histogram back to what it was when you first started editing that particular color plane. "OK" goes back to the Options Dialog, and "Cancel" will Undo any changes you have made to any of the color planes since you entered the editor, and then goes back to the Options Dialog. "Gamma" allows you to automatically make a gamma-correction histogram. This is used for color transformations and is the most realistic way to brighten or darken an image without getting washout. After clicking on the button, type in the gamma- correction value and click on "Generate" to create it. A value greater than 1 will darken the image, less than 1 will brighten the image. A value of 1 is a one-to-one transformation. "Linear" allows you to automatically generate a linear histogram by setting the rise and run. The histogram has a width and height of 256, so a rise and run of 256 will have a slope of one. You can also shift the graph by a positive or negative pixel value to the right. "Step" was never implemented. -------------------------------------- ---===>>> THE COLOR EDITOR <<<===--- -------------------------------------- Ten colors are displayed at the top of the dialog and each has its actual color number above it. These colors are displayed in either VDI-order or Device-Dependent order, depending on whether you have "VDI Order" selected or not. To move the "window" of ten colors around in the larger color map, you can either adjust the slider bar below the colors, or click on the arrows to the right and left of the ten color boxes. Double-clicking moves all the way to the beginning or end. You can change the red, green, and blue color values of a color by clicking on the color. It is marked by an inner box. Even when you move the color "window" to a different spot in the color map, the one being edited always stays the same, even if it is not displayed in the current window of colors. To alter the color, use the three slider bars labeled RED, GREEN, and BLUE under the color map to the right. If a color exists in the color map that is not being used by the current image, it will be marked with a small X in the middle of the color box. The buttons in the editor are divided into two groups. The ten upper-left-hand buttons are tools for manipulating two or more colors. This is the "Toolbox." These buttons are slightly thinner than the other buttons. The lower-left-hand and right-hand buttons are for switching to other dialog boxes, undoing, or are used for other global operations. All the "toolbox" buttons are used in the same way. To apply the tool to the whole color map or to define the first and last colors in the color map as the "hot" colors, double click on the tool button. Otherwise, you must manually mark the "hot" colors. Click on the first "hot" color that you want in the color map and it will be marked with an inner box. Next, click on the tool button you want to use. The mouse pointer should turn into a pencil pointer. Then move to the second "hot" color and click on it to apply the tool between the two colors. To cancel the tool, click off the color map, or press the right mouse button. Here is the effect that each tool has: COPY - this copies the first color to the second one. SWAP - the two colors are exchanged. FILL - this fills all the colors in between and including the second color with the color of the first one. FLIP - this flips the colors in the selected area so that the first color goes the the last color's position and the last color ends up in the first color's position. < ROTATE - this shifts the colors to the left and takes the first color in the selected area and puts it in the last color slot. ROTATE > - this shifts the colors to the right and takes the last color in the selected area and puts it in the first color slot. SORT GROUP - this groups the colors in the selected area based on their color values. For example, all the greens and blues will be sorted into separate groups. GRADIENT - this smoothly fills in all the colors in between the first and the second color so that there is a gradual change from one to the other. For example, a gradient between black and white would fill in with increasingly brighter greys until it finally reaches white. Play with it! SORT DK > LT - this button sorts the colors in the selected area from the darkest color to the lightest color. SORT LT > DK - this sorts the colors in the selected area from the lightest color to the darkest color. The functional buttons are located in the left half of the Color Editor Dialog under the three RGB slider bars and on the right half under the "toolbox." Here is the what each button does when you click on it: MATCH - this is a on/off highlight button. When "Match" is highlighted, any changes to the color palette will cause SOL to try to match the images colors to the new palette. If it does not use one of the colors in the color map, it will be marked with a small X. If "Match" is NOT highlighted, then the pixels will retain their mappings to the old palette, and your changes will appear in the displayed image. NOTE that FIS matches your palette to the original image no matter what. DISPLAY - this goes to the display screen. You can press the right mouse button or the 'E' key to return to the Color Editor. UNDO - you can undo any changes you make to the palette using this button. CPY/SWP - this allows you to swap or copy the current palette to another image. Select the image in the small dialog and click on "Copy" or "Swap" depending on what you want to do. IMAGE - this allows you to edit another image's palette. Select the new image in the dialog box and click on "OK" to make it the current image. RESCAN - sometimes you want to revert back to the original palette that SOL calculated for this image originally. This button will do that. SELECT - clicking on this will switch to the display screen where you can click on any pixel in the image and that color entry in the palette will be selected in the Color Editor when you return. This is so you can be sure that you are editing the correct color. TAKE - this allows you to select a pixel from the image in the same way as SELECT. The color that you are currently editing will then take on the value that that pixel had in the original image. LOAD - this loads a .PAL palette file into the current color map. If there are more colors in the .PAL file than will fit into the current map, only the first ones that will fit are used. SAVE - this saves the current palette as a .PAL file. CANCEL - this aborts any changes you have made and returns to the previous screen. OPTIONS - this goes to the Options Dialog. .PAL FILE FORMAT: ================= BYTE OFFSET DESCRIPTION ----------- ----------- 0 Number of Colors in the file - 1 1 Red intensity (0-255) color 0 2 Green intensity (0-255) color 0 3 Blue intensity (0-255) color 0 4 Red intensity (0-255) color 1 5 Green intensity (0-255) color 1 6 Blue intensity (0-255) color 1 7 color 2...etc. ----------------------------------- ---===>>> SAVING IMAGES <<<===--- ----------------------------------- Clicking on "Save As" in the Options Dialog or from the Display Screen popup menu will bring up the Saving Dialog where you can select the image format that you want to save in. There are two ways to save images, some only apply to certain formats: SAVE AS ORIGINAL - this saves the image as it is stored in memory. The display scaling and display palette has no effect. The only things that have effects are flipping, rotating, clipping, and complex histogram color transformations. SAVE AS ON SCREEN - this saves the image as you see it on your screen. Any part of the image that is off screen will not be saved. If the image is being flickered, then you will be prompted for which of the two flickering screens should be the one that is saved. These are essentially the same except for some small dithering differences. It is best to turn off flickering and use dithering if you need to before saving. Select the image to save in with the popup menu. For some images, you can save the display information and scaling with the image (like with GIF images). Select this option with the small button. You can also save a text comment file with GIF89a images. Upon saving, you will be prompted with a fileselect box asking for the text file that you wish to incorporate into the image as a comment. GIF Images can only save as original on non-graphics card systems, so to save the screen as a GIF image, simply save the screen as a GEM Image or Prism Paint picture, the load that one in, clip if necessary, and save as original in GIF format. You can also use the new feature "Image = Screen [X]" from the Display Screen menu to make the original image the same as the screen. Then, just save as original. Using this feature is easier and faster than converting it from another format. --------------------------------------------------- ---===>>> THE DISPLAY SCREEN POPUP MENU <<<===--- --------------------------------------------------- While displaying an image, click and hold the left mouse button until the popup menu appears. All of the commands listed can also be used by pressing the corresponding key in square brackets [] next to each item. Move up and down while holding down the mouse to highlight an entry and release the mouse button to select it. Canceling can be done by releasing with "Center Mouse/Cancel" highlighted or by releasing outside of the menu. Most of the menu items have been discussed before or are self explanatory, so only some of them will be explained below. The keyboard equivalent is indicated in brackets. CLIP IMAGE [C]- this displays the mouse as the corner of a frame. Click on the image where you want to start the upper-left corner of the clipped area. Clipping outside of the image will cause the mouse to turn into an X and it will not let you click there. To cancel at any time before clipping, click the RIGHT mouse button. You can now drag a box from the upper-left corner that you defined down to the lower-right corner of the clipping area. Click again to finish marking the area. A dialog box will come up where you can either replace an image with a copy of the clipped area or add this clipped area to the end of the image list. Clipped images have the same filename as the image that they were clipped from, but the extension is ".CLIPxx" where "xx" is a number that increases with each clipped image. ZOOM [+/-/Z/O/I] - this pops up another menu to select one of four items. "Zoom Area" allows you to select an area of the image to zoom in on. You can select an area the same way as you do with clipping (see above). "Zoom In" and "Zoom Out" will double and half the size of the image, respectively. "Zoom Original" will resize the image to its original size, and "Fit to Screen" will enlarge or reduce the image to fit onto the screen while keeping its original aspect ratio. ROTATE IMAGE [,/.] - this pops up another menu to select the direction of the 90 degree rotation. Extra memory is required for rotation, so you will be alerted if there is not enough. FLIP IMAGE [H/V] - this pops up a menu where you can select the direction of flipping (horizontal or vertical). This requires no extra memory. CHANGE PICTURE/VIEW [P] - this goes to the picture selection dialog where you can select the next picture you want to view by using the scroll bar. Each picture is shown in miniature greyscale. You can also change the location of your view-screen on the image. Do this by moving the mouse over the small greyscale image until a box appears. Click inside of the box and drag the mouse to move the box. Release the mouse to place the box and click on OK to view the new position on the image. TOGGLE COLORING [T] - this switches to "Shades" mode if in "Color" mode and visa-versa. IMAGE = SCREEN [X] - this allows you to make the current screen into an image. This way, you can permanently keep any warping or filtering changes and modify them with other effects. This also a way of saving GIF images by converting the screen to an "Original" image. When you select "Image = Screen [X]" from the popup menu (or press 'X') a dialog box will appear where you can select the image slot where you would like to store the screen image. Click on "Convert" to make the screen into an image without clipping. Click on "Shrink" to do the same, but the image will be clipped if it does not take up the full screen. NOTE: clipping, flipping, and rotating, all effect the original image (not just the screen), so "Save As Original" will save these kinds of changes. However, zooming, warping, filtering, and other features only effect what is on screen and therefore saving "As On Screen" should be used to save these changes. Use "Image = Screen" to make any screen changes permanent. -------------------------------------------- ---===>>> FILTERED IMAGE SCALING <<<===--- -------------------------------------------- Filtered Image Scaling (FIS) is a similar feature as "averaging" was in SOL version 2.6, but is MUCH more powerful. This technique is used to smooth out or alter images that have been enlarged or reduced. FIS is very calculation intensive and takes a long time to draw, so it was not meant as a quick way to view images. Instead, you should position and scale the images to the way you want them, and ONLY THEN use filtering. To turn on filtering, highlight "Fltr" in the Options Dialog Box or, from the Filter Settings Dialog, click on the round button above the filter graph until "Filter On" appears. FIS has been improved since version 3.3 and before. Color scaling is now almost as fast (when not dithering) as greyscale and "shades" modes by utilizing inverse colormaps. You can improve the quality of color FIS by using at least a 5 bit Inverse Colormap and dithering. Dithering only works with color FIS. Likewise, flickering only works with "Shades" display mode. To see how FIS works, load in a small 256 color picture, and switch to "Shades" display mode in the Options Dialog. Then click on "Display" and press the '+' key several times from the display screen to zoom in. Press the 'F' key to go to the Filtered Scaling Dialog. Click on the popup menu under "FILTER CURVE:" to select a Standard filter (select B-Spline). Then click on "OK" to display it. There may be a small initial pause, but then scan lines will appear one by one. You will notice that the completed output will look much better than the blocky original. It looks like a slightly blurred representation of the original. Enhancing filters were added in version 3.5 and can be used for weird effects. Note that these filters work best when the scaling is a multiple of the original image (i.e. x 2, x 4, etc.) Often you will get banding due to the inability of these filters to shift phase. Sharpening and Diffusion filters works best on the original image (no scaling) and the other enhancing filters work best when the image is enlarged. These other filters can be used to create interesting effects on the pixels themselves. For example, the Sharp Bias filter produces a 3-D pixel effect by lightening one side of the pixel when enlarged. Some of the enhancing filters are asymmetric and therefore can be flipped for different effects. The filter can be flipped when filtering horizontally or vertically by highlighting the appropriate selection in the Filter Settings Dialog. Filters can also be wrapped at the edges of the image or faded. Both have drawbacks in that fading will darken the edge of the image, while wrapped edges can sometimes produce duplicate pixels close to the edges. When reducing an image without FIS, lines are removed to make the new size, so a lot of the image is lost. Standard filters are used to accurately take these lost lines into account. Box and triangle filters work better for integral reduction/ enlargement factors because they are not phase-adjusting filters. In other words, if you scale the image by a factor of 1.7432, you will get banding across the image with these filters. The smoother, more curved filters are better for most scaling factors. Banding also occurs with some of the Enhancing Filters. Play with all the settings to get the best feel for how filtering works. Because filtering is limited in unregistered versions, four pictures have been included in the IMAGE folder showing the effects of filtering: ENLWOFIS.GIF is an enlarged image without FIS. ENLWFIS.GIF is an enlarged image showing the benefits of FIS. REDWOFIS.IMG is a reduced image without FIS. REDWFIS.IMG is a reduced image showing the benefits of FIS In the Filter Settings Dialog, you can also change the scaling of the filter itself. This can be used, among other things, to blur the image. First, click on "Scale Filter" to highlight the round button. This will use the scaling values that you type into the boxes to the right and below. Values of 1 do not scale the filter, but values greater than 1 will widen the filter and cause blurring. A value of 2 is for a little blurring, 4 for even more and so on. These values need NOT be integers, and they can be less than 1 as well. Values less than 1 produce a weird patterned darkening effect. You can also scale the filter in height to compensate for darkening caused by the horizontal and vertical scaling factors. The temporary memory usage of filtering is shown at the bottom of the Filter Settings Dialog and shows how much space you will need for a particular filter and filter scaling. Higher filter scaling values take more memory, as do wider filters. You can click on the memory value to update it when new scaling values are typed in. ----------------------------------- ---===>>> IMAGE WARPING <<<===--- ----------------------------------- This is a new feature as of version 3.3. Clicking on Warp in the Options Dialog or selecting "Image Warping [W]" from the Display popup menu will go to the Set Image Warping dialog box. Here you can turn on warping and type in the values that change how warping looks. The basic principle behind warping is that the scan lines of the image are stretched and shifted in a particular pattern to make an interesting (and usually amusing) change in the image. To do this, there are several numbers which you type into the warping dialog box to create the warping. These are all in units of pixels relative to the image itself, so if you display the image enlarged twice, 1 pixel unit = 2 screen pixels. Therefore, each number is scaled by the same factor as the current image scaling. The warping is centered around a specified area (referred to as a "bulge") and can be repeated (a periodic bulge.) This center is usually at the peak of the curve selected for warping, except when using a sine wave. There are four numerical entries which define how the wave looks. The numerical entries are width, height, horizontal shift, and vertical center position. Vertical center determines which scan line in the image will be used as the center of the bulge. This is where the largest (or smallest if width is negative) bulge point on the curve is located. The width determines how many pixels on each side of the image the bulge will extend at its peak. A negative value causes the curve to bulge inward, squashing the image. If the width is zero, no stretching occurs, but horizontal shift still has an effect. Horizontal shift sets how many pixels to the right (negative is to the left) the image will be shifted at the peak of the curve. The height sets how many scan lines above or below the vertical center position that the bulge extends. The warp pattern popup menu turns warping on by selecting the pattern of the bulge curve. Flat, Linear, Cubic, B-Spline, and Plateau are all positive curves (only warp in one direction; in or out), and the Sine Wave is both positive and negative (stretches or shifts in and out). Note that the B-Spline curve is twice as wide as the others, and it actually extends to twice the height that you specify. Experiment with these curves to see their effects. The Repeat popup sets whether you get a single bulge or a repeated (periodic) warping. "Periodic" repeats the pattern after every period of the currently selected curve. Vertical center position will then effectively change the phase shift of the resulting wave. ------------------------------- ---===>>> DITHERING <<<===--- ------------------------------- There are three dithering patterns built into SOL (ordered 1+2 and random dithering). Others can be loaded into two empty slots. These dithering patterns are the same as the ones used by GEMview and have a .DIT extension. To load one of these, click on the Load button from the Dither Settings Dialog, choose slot 1 or 2 from the alert box, and select the .DIT file with the fileselector. Some dither patterns are included in the folder DITHER. Click on "Set" next to DITHER PATTERN in the Options Dialog to enter the Dithering Settings. Here you can see what the different dither patterns look like, and set other things. There are two "folder-tabs" that control dithering patterns for normal and FIS (filter) dithering. Filter dithering does not have contrast or step slider bars. When you have the "normal" tab selected, the two sliders control the number of dither steps and the dithering contrast. Slide the dither steps bar to see the effect that it may have on your image. The dithering contrast sets the maximum contrast that two dithered colors can have between them. This is so that you do not get a lot of bright specks in your image. Play with these settings to see the results. These two slider bars have no effect on when FIS is used. For an example, say you wanted to dither a color image to a black and white image. Do the following: 1. Turn off flickering. 2. Switch to "Shades" display mode. 3. Turn on dithering and set the dithering contrast to 255. 4. Reduce the display colors to 2. 5. Display the image. OR: 1. Turn off flickering. 2. Turn on dithering and set dithering contrast to 255. 3. Switch to "Color" display mode. 4. Go to the color editor and fill the palette with black. 5. Make the second color white. 6. Highlight "Match" and re-display the image for the final result. --------------------------------- ---===>>> PREFERENCES <<<===--- --------------------------------- The preferences dialog can be selected from the Options Dialog by clicking on the "three-bars" button in the upper right corner of the dialog. The following options are available: *** Preferences under the "Settings" tab: *** >> Start program is GEM menu mode. This is mainly for MultiTOS users, but it causes the program to start at the desktop menu. >> Warn of lost colors due to contrast. This puts up an alert box after the colors are reduced if the palette has not been completely filled. This occurs when the contrast is too high or fewer colors are created by complex transformations. The number of lost colors are shown in the alert box. >> Fit image to screen on loading. This stretches (or shrinks) the image to fit the screen automatically when the image is loaded in. It still keeps the proportions of the image, so at least one side is guaranteed to be as wide (or as long) as the screen. >> Display image on loading. This displays the image directly after loading it without going to the Options Dialog or GEM menu. >> Store histograms for each picture. If this is selected, then when the program is re-run, it will allocate histogram memory for each image. Otherwise, the histograms will be common to all images, and if you make a change in one color histogram, it will effect the colors of the other images in memory. >> Capture options dialog. This helps to speed up flipping to-and-from the Options Dialog by capturing the screen so that it doesn't have to re-draw it, which can take time. This does take up some memory to store the screen. >> Show image comments if supported. This will show the comments in an image when you load it if the image supports comments. GIF and JPEG images contain comments. >> Force "byte planes" in 256 colors. Does just what it says if selected. See the "GRAPHICS CARDS" section for more information. >> Blank screen while drawing image. This displays a blank screen while an image is being drawn to the screen. When the image is done drawing, the image appears instantly. This is used mostly for slideshows. *** Preferences under the "Truecolor" tab: *** >> Truecolor Palette Conversion. This popup selects the type of color conversion that SOL uses for loading in JPEGs. "2-Pass Octree" is the best and uses an octree data structure to accurately convert the truecolor image for display. This method takes three times the final memory for temporary storage than is required for final storage of the image when displayed. "Fixed Palette" is quick, fast, and takes only the memory needed for the final image, but can be grainy. "Greyscale" is even faster, uses little memory, and is as smooth as it gets, but is, well, not colored. >> No Dithering/Standard/Error-Diffusion. This selects the type of dithering and turns dithering off and on for truecolor conversions while loading in JPEG images. Error-Diffusion dithering is not supported as of this version. No dithering is the same as random dithering only when using "Fixed Palette" conversions. No dithering is much faster when using "2-pass Octree" conversion, but does not produce as nice results. >> Truecolor Dithering. This popup selects the current dither pattern used for "2-pass Octree" and "Fixed Palette" conversions. Loading a dither pattern can be done from within the Dither Settings Dialog, and can then be accessed from the Preferences Dialog for use in truecolor conversions. Previous version of SOL used only random dithering for fixed palette conversion, but standard dither patterns can now be used for better (or just different) results. >> Octree Pixel Coverage. With this popup you can select the percentage of the image that will be examined when building the octree colormap. The smaller percentage used, the less accurate the results will be, but the conversion will be much faster. Low percentages (5% or 10%) are good for most viewing purposes. >> Fixed Palette Principal Colors. This popup selects which colors will be most abundant in the fixed palette. Older versions of SOL used the "Red-Green" palette, which is best for most images. There are a fixed number of bits available for use in the fixed palette, so this popup menu effectively determines how the bits are distributed to the red, green, and blue color-planes. The following table shows how much resolution each selection distributes: Fixed Palette Red Green Blue ------------- --- ----- ---- Red 16 shades 4 shades 4 shades Green 4 shades 16 shades 4 shades Blue 4 shades 4 shades 16 shades Red-Green 8 shades 8 shades 4 shades Red-Blue 8 shades 4 shades 8 shades Green-Blue 4 shades 8 shades 8 shades Red, Green, and Blue fixed palettes produce a much grainier and lesser-quality image than the Red-Green, Red-Blue, and Green-Blue palettes do because of the uneven distribution, and therefore should be used rarely under normal circumstances. >> Inverse Colormap Resolution. This popup sets the number of bits of resolution used in the inverse colormap. The inverse colormap is used with "2-pass Octree" truecolor conversion as well as with color Filtered Image Scaling (FIS). 4 bits can be used for most purposes (requiring only 20K bytes of extra memory) but is best with dithering. 5 bits produces quite good results, but takes a little longer to calculate and requires over 100K bytes of extra memory. I recommend 5 bits for most images, if you can wait. The extra temporary memory required for the inverse colormap is displayed underneath this popup menu when you select a new resolution. *** Load/Save/Accept Buttons: *** >> Load preferences. This loads a preference file. Display parameters are only set if you saved the preference file in the same resolution. Other settings are loaded regardless of the resolution. >> Save preferences. Save the current preferences to a file. The file SPOFLT35.PRF is automatically loaded in when the program is run, but you can save the preferences to other files. ----------------------------------------- ---===>>> COLORS TO PLAY WITH <<<===--- ----------------------------------------- Switch to "complex" color transformation histograms, click on the red arrow above them to make them all one-to-one, then try these tricks for awesome effects: >> FLIP the green histogram and display the image for a NEON effect. >> FLIP the red, green, and blue planes in different combinations for interesting "inverted" effects. >> Use gamma correction (value from 0.5 to 0.8) on the red histogram (leave green and blue at one-to-one) to brighten the reds. This produces a warmer image. Brighten the blue plane instead for a colder image. Brighten the green image for an algae look. =) >> Try experimenting with some of the histograms in the folder HISTGRMS included in the SPOFLT35.ZIP. Try these in separate planes and with different combinations. ------------------------------------ ---===>>> GRAPHICS CARDS <<<===--- ------------------------------------ Speed of Light version 3.8 was programmed to work mainly on standard Atari graphics hardware, but it does work on some graphics cards. SOL v3.8 was tested on NOVA graphics cards and ONLY works in 256 color modes. Other graphics cards MAY work, but you have to manually tell the program that you have one... Most graphics cards store their screens in a byte-plane format as opposed to the Atari format (bit-planes), so if you have a graphics card, you can see if it will work in byte-plane format by selecting "byte-planes" in the Preferences Dialog. Make sure you are in a 256 color screen resolution. Flickering will be shut off if in byte-plane mode. Any saving "As Original" will work with graphics cards, but the only saving that works "As On Screen" is GEM (X)Image format and GIF format. Saving "As On Screen" can be done by using the "Image = Screen [X]" option from the Display Screen. See the "SAVING IMAGES" section for more information. ------------------------------------ ---===>>> KNOWN PROBLEMS <<<===--- ------------------------------------ When reporting bugs to the author, make sure your bug is not listed below! These problems are already known to the author: * Flickering acts funny on Falcons due to unknown hardware incompatibilities. This is not really a SOL bug. * Flickering does not look too well in MultiTOS due to slowdown. Giving SOL more processor priority usually helps. This is not a SOL bug, you just need a faster machine! * The clipping and zooming boxes in 4-color and 2-color modes leave junk behind when you move the mouse. This does not change the image in memory, only on screen. Just press 'R' to redraw the image if the lines are still left behind when you finish clipping. * Error handling is not as good as it could be...when you get a disk full error, the program quits! * Image reduction while loading is not supported in version 3.8 as it was in version 2.6 due to problems. Future versions may include it, but it is recommended that users of low-memory systems use version 2.6 to view large GIF images. ------------------------------------ ---===>>> FINAL COMMENTS <<<===--- ------------------------------------ Speed of Light version 3.8 represents over three years of very hard work. I would like to thank Dan Aylward for his help in testing. I would also like to thank all of those who registered for version 2.x and version 3.x early on...here it is! Finally! Hope it lived up to your expectations! If you have not registered yet, please do! Your support helps me bring more quality software to the Atari platform. Since Atari computers are a dieing breed (*sniff*), Shareware is the only reliable source of good software, so if you see something you like, SUPPORT IT BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!!! During November of 1993, MajicSoft, under the hands of John Stewart, accidentally (so I was told...) leaked a copy of Speed of Light version 3.0 into the Public Domain. If you or anyone else finds or has a copy of this beta-test version, please delete it immediately. It is very buggy and is an out-of-date copy, as well as NOT being a Public Domain OR Shareware version of SOL. For a list of other software available or soon to come by StuSoft, see the file SOFTWARE.DOC included with this ZIP file. Enjoy Speed of Light 3.8, and please register! ------------------------------------------------ --- SCRIPT COMMAND FILES (.SLS) --- --- FOR SPEED OF LIGHT VERSION 3.7 AND AFTER --- ------------------------------------------------ Complete information on how to create and run your own SOL script files! This documentation is (c) Copyright 1994, Stuart Denman. ---------------------------------------------------------- --==>> WHAT IS A SPEED of LIGHT SCRIPT (.SLS) FILE? <<==-- ---------------------------------------------------------- A script file is simply a ASCII text file that contains commands. These files are executed like a simple programming language. All you need to make your own is any ASCII text editor or word processor than can save in ASCII text format. You can also let SOL make them for you by recording them from within the SOL slideshow dialog, but this feature is described at the end of this document. Each line of an .SLS file contains either a comment, a command, or a filename. A comment line always has a '#' character at the beginning of the line followed by text. Blank lines do NOT need to be started by a '#' character. A command line begins with a forward slash '/' character, followed by the command. All commands are described in detail below. You can also put a filename on a line to tell SOL to load in that filename and display it. Filenames are typed out without any special characters before them. You can either type out the full path and drive letter, or just the filename. If you only put the filename, that file must be located in the same directory as the script file. You can also use wildcards (*,?) in your filename which will cause SOL to load in all files that fit that wildcard, displaying each one in turn. By default, each file that is loaded in will replace the previous file in memory, unless you use the /ADD command (see below.) Each filename can be followed by a integral number which indicates how many seconds to display the image before executing the next script command. If you do not include a number here, then the image will be displayed for the number of seconds that the last image was displayed for. If there was no number specified in the script file, SOL will use the display time set in the Slideshow Settings Dialog Box. ----------------------------- --==>> SCRIPT COMMANDS <<==-- ----------------------------- Each commands starts with a forward slash '/' character. You can only have one command and its parameters per line. Case is ignored in the commands (i.e. /ADD = /add = /Add). Some commands take parameters, and some allow you to omit parameters. Omitting some parameters will leave them unchanged from their previous settings. The first parameter must ALWAYS be included in a command that takes parameters and omitted parameters must be at the end of the list. Each parameter is separated by one space character. Any errors in the commands found before execution begins (while loading in the script file) will be indicated to you and the script file will abort. Errors found while running the script will cause an alert box that will ask you whether you want to continue executing the other commands in the script or not. NOTE that most commands will alter settings and preferences in SOL. /FIT - Sets the "Fit image to screen on load" preference. /NOFIT - Turns off fitting. /SCALE x y - Scales the next image to the width and height specified in the 'x' and 'y' parameters. /CLIP x y w h - Clips the next image. /POS x y - Positions the upper left-hand corner of the display for the next image. /HFLIP - Flips the next image horizontally. /VFLIP - Flips the next image vertically. /ROTR - Rotates the next image 90 degrees right. /ROTL - Rotates the next image 90 degrees left. /ADD - Tells SOL to keep the next image it loads in memory instead of purging it after display. If /ADD is not before an image then it will be purged before the next image is loaded. /COLOR - Sets the display mode to color. /SHADES - Sets the display mode to shades. /DRAW - Shows drawing of the image. /NODRAW - Blanks the screen while drawing. /MOUSE - Leaves mouse on while displaying image. /NOMOUSE - Turns mouse off. /TCLOAD x - Selects the type of truecolor conversion: 0=Octree , 1=Fixed, 2=Greyscale /FIXPAL x - Selects the type of fixed palette used: 0=Red, 1=Green, 2=Blue, 3=Red-Green, 4=Red-Blue, 5=Green-Blue /WARP p r x y w h - Sets the warping parameters (same as in dialog): p - the wave pattern 0=off,1=Flat,2=Linear,etc. r - repeat 0=single,1=periodic x - the shift right or left of the wave (+/-) y - the position in the image of the wave w - the width of the wave (+/-) h - the height of the wave /SHOW - Displays the "progress" dialogs when the next image loads in instead of working in the background. /NOSHOW - Does all loading and processing of the next image in the background so you can view the last image while SOL works. /STOP - Stop executing the script. Same as just an end of file. ---------------------------------- --==>> EXAMPLE SCRIPT FILE: <<==-- ---------------------------------- /clip 100 100 150 200 # This picture must be in the same directory as this .SLS file. # Displays for the default display time. PICTURE1.GIF /ROTR # These have a path. First one displays for 20 seconds. D:\GRAPHICS\JPEG\FROGS.JPG 20 /ADD /SCALE 320 200 # This displays for 30 sec. D:\GRAPHICS\IMAGE\PICTURE2.IMG 30 /hflip /WARP 3 0 # This also displays for 30 sec. Since /ADD was used for the PREVIOUS # image, this image will NOT replace PICTURE2.IMG. PICTURE3.PNT /WARP 0 # We must turn off warping since it effects all images after it is executed. # This causes SOL to stop executing this script file and to continue with # the file ABS.SLS. You can also use the name of the current script to # execute the same one over and over again. ABC.SLS ------------------------ -=> SPEED OF LIGHT <=- -=> version 3.8 <=- ------------------------ A Summary of changes made to SPOFLT38.DOC from SPOFLT35.DOC. This document is (c) Copyright 1995, Stuart Denman. All Rights Reserved. This document may only be reproduced for personal use. ---------------------------------- This document summarizes the changes made in SPOFLT37.DOC from Speed of Light (SOL) 3.5 to SOL 3.8. Each section heading is listed with the changed text included below it. If you have never read SPOFLT35.DOC, please read SPOFLT38.DOC completely! SUMMRY38.DOC is only for those of you who want to read a more detailed description of the changes in version 3.8. ---------------------------------- ---===>>> INTRODUCTION <<<===--- ---------------------------------- This document and all included documents are (C) Copyright 1993-1995, Stuart Denman All Rights Reserved. This document may only be reproduced for personal use. All coding and design by Stuart Denman. Internet: sdenman@cs.washington.edu (Valid through summer 1996) Released April 16, 1995 Please take a look at the file SOL_AEO1.DOC which is an article I did for Atari Explorer Online about how to get the most out of Speed of Light. Check it out! Speed of Light (here on referred to by SOL) has been tested on all Atari computers and works on ST,MEGA,STE,TT, and Falcon computers. SOL 3.8 now runs in all resolutions of 256 colors or less, including MONOCHROME (2 color) and medium (4 color) resolutions! It also runs under MultiTOS, and allows switching from image to desktop in a flash. ------------------------------------- ---===>>> HOW TO REGISTER <<<===--- ------------------------------------- To register, fill in the registration dialog box with the required information, and click on "Print EZform" to print the information and EZform registration letter. You will be asked whether you want to print a filled out form to the printer or to a disk file called REGISTER.TXT in ASCII format. A blank form is also included in the file REGIFORM.TXT. Send an EZform (with all the information required in the registration dialog box) and AT LEAST $25 United States funds (see below for foreign registrations) to this address: Stuart Denman 1751 N.E. NAOMI PL. SEATTLE, WA 98115 <<==-- This was wrong in SPOFLT35.DOC! U.S.A. Make checks or money-orders payable to Stuart Denman, or send CASH. Please allow at MOST one month for a response (especially during the summer) before you try to contact me again. PLEASE SEND YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS IF YOU HAVE ONE. If using E-mail, you will get your keycode within one week (of when I received it), sometimes the day I receive your letter (for cash shareware donations). I do sometimes go on vacation, so please be patient with me, especially during the summer, thanks! ***** FOREIGN ORDERS READ BELOW ***** If you are registering from a country other than the United States, you have two choices on how to register. You may either send your registration money and form to me, or send it to a designated foreign registration site. IF REGISTERING IN EUROPE: ------------------------- (This is the preferred way, if you are in Europe). Denesh Bhabuta will be handling registrations for Speed of Light in Europe. He will accept UK cheques or cash, Euro-cheques, and Postal Orders. Eventually, he may accept credit cards (you should contact Denesh about this). The registration is 20 pounds UK. Make cheques (20 pounds UK) payable to "Denesh Bhabuta" and send along with your completed registration form to: CyberSTrider 203 PARR LANE UNSWORTH BURY LANCASHIRE BL9 8JW UNITED KINGDOM If you have questions about registering with Denesh, he can be reached at the above address or by e-mail: dbhabuta@cix.compulink.co.uk danny@micros.hensa.ac.uk IF REGISTERING FROM OTHER NON-U.S. COUNTRIES: --------------------------------------------- Send your registration payment and form to me (Stuart Denman) in the United States. Foreign orders must send AT LEAST $25 U.S. CASH or money order, or you can send the EQUIVALENT of AT LEAST $30 U.S. MONEY IN CASH NOTES OF YOUR FOREIGN CURRENCY. NO UNSTABLE CURRENCIES, only things like Deutch-Marks, UK Pounds, and other stable currencies that I can easily exchange with small fees. If you are in Europe, please register using the prodedure above. ***** FOREIGN ORDERS READ ABOVE ***** ----------------------------------------- ---===>>> RUNNING THE PROGRAM <<<===--- ---===>>> AND IMAGE LOADING <<<===--- ----------------------------------------- I recommend that you use a program like Warp 9 or NVDI with SOL, as it often can take a long time to draw the dialog boxes without these software accelerators, especially the Options Dialog. SELECTRIC Fileselector is now supported, so you can select multiple files if you have it installed. ----------------------------------- ---===>>> IMAGE FORMATS <<<===--- ----------------------------------- SOL 3.8 now supports Brainstorm's DSP JPEG decoder for the Falcon030. If you have this program installed in your AUTO folder, SOL 3.8 will use it to quickly decode JPEG images. ---------------------------------------- ---===>>> THE OPTIONS DIALOG <<<===--- ---------------------------------------- B> ">>" Button - This calls up the Slideshow Settings Dialog. Here you can move the slider bar to select the number of seconds to display each image. When the direction is selected (forward, backward, etc) SOL will automatically switch between images, displaying each one for the specified number of seconds. The way it switches between images is determined by the second popup menu. "First" and "Last" allow you to select the first and last image for display. Only images between and including these images will be displayed. If the first image comes after the last image, the two image numbers will be exchanged. If you display an image outside of this range of images while in the middle of a slideshow, the slideshow will terminate until you enter the range again. The display time is calculated from the point where the image finishes drawing. The Record Script button is described in the file SCRIPTS.DOC. ------------------------------- ---===>>> DITHERING <<<===--- ------------------------------- There are three dithering patterns built into SOL (ordered 1+2 and random dithering). Others can be loaded into two empty slots. These dithering patterns are the same as the ones used by GEMview and have a .DIT extension. To load one of these, click on the Load button from the Dither Settings Dialog, choose slot 1 or 2 from the alert box, and select the .DIT file with the fileselector. Some dither patterns are included in the folder DITHER. Click on "Set" next to DITHER PATTERN in the Options Dialog to enter the Dithering Settings. Here you can see what the different dither patterns look like, and set other things. There are two "folder-tabs" that control dithering patterns for normal and FIS (filter) dithering. Filter dithering does not have contrast or step slider bars. When you have the "normal" tab selected, the two sliders control the number of dither steps and the dithering contrast. Slide the dither steps bar to see the effect that it may have on your image. The dithering contrast sets the maximum contrast that two dithered colors can have between them. This is so that you do not get a lot of bright specks in your image. Play with these settings to see the results. These two slider bars have no effect on when FIS is used. --------------------------------- ---===>>> PREFERENCES <<<===--- --------------------------------- The preferences dialog can be selected from the Options Dialog by clicking on the "three-bars" button in the upper right corner of the dialog. The following options are available: *** Preferences under the "Settings" tab: *** >> Blank screen while drawing image. This displays a blank screen while an image is being drawn to the screen. When the image is done drawing, the image appears instantly. This is used mostly for slideshows. *** Preferences under the "Truecolor" tab: *** >> No Dithering/Standard/Error-Diffusion. This selects the type of dithering and turns dithering off and on for truecolor conversions while loading in JPEG images. Error-Diffusion dithering is not supported as of this version. No dithering is the same as random dithering only when using "Fixed Palette" conversions. No dithering is much faster when using "2-pass Octree" conversion, but does not produce as nice results. >> Truecolor Dithering. This popup selects the current dither pattern used for "2-pass Octree" and "Fixed Palette" conversions. Loading a dither pattern can be done from within the Dither Settings Dialog, and can then be accessed from the Preferences Dialog for use in truecolor conversions. Previous version of SOL used only random dithering for fixed palette conversion, but standard dither patterns can now be used for better (or just different) results. ------------------------------------ ---===>>> FINAL COMMENTS <<<===--- ------------------------------------ Speed of Light version 3.8 represents over three years of very hard work. I would like to thank Dan Aylward for his help in testing. I would also like to thank all of those who registered for version 2.x and version 3.x early on! If you have not registered yet, please do! Your support helps me bring more quality software to the Atari platform. Since Atari computers are a dieing breed (*sniff*), Shareware is the only reliable source of good software, so if you see something you like, SUPPORT IT BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!!! ADVANCED SPEED OF LIGHT 3.x Tips and Tricks PART I: Color by Stuart Denman Internet: sdenman@cs.washington.edu (c) Copyright 1994, Stuart Denman. All rights reserved. This is the first in a two part series on how to change and enhance images with Speed of Light Image Processor. I will assume that you have obtained a registered or demonstration shareware copy of at least version 3.3 (version 3.5 is the newest as of this writing.) I will also assume that you have read the manual and understand the basics of Speed of Light (SOL). Since I am the author, I have had many hours of experience using and playing with the program. So as you can imagine, I have come across quite a few interresting ways to change the look of your images. In this first intallment, I will take a look at some of the ways in which you can use SOL's color manipulation techniques to enhance or do really weird things to your image's colors. In part II, I will show you how to physically manipulate your images using filtering (the most confusing, but powerful tool in SOL), warping, and other tools. THE COLOR MANIPULATION TOOLS ============================ Speed of Light has three basic color altering areas, and I will discuss how to make the most of each: 1. Color Selection. This is controlled on the Options Dialog via the color contrast and color selection method (and color rankings). Since SOL stores the original image in memory, you can immediately see a change in these settings without reloading the image. As of version 3.5, you can also specify how colors are selected from truecolor JPEGs as well. 2. Color Transformations. These are also controlled from the Options Dialog. Complex color transformations (histograms) are applied to the colors in the original image before selection occurs. Additive color transformations (the three slider bars that appear when "COMPLEX" is not highlighted) are simply added or subtracted from the colors after color selection occurs. 3. The Color Editor. This dialog allows you to edit individual colors in your image. You can only edit the colors after selection occurs. Once you edit them, you can either have SOL attempt to match the image's colors to the new ones you created, or you can just alter them as they appear in the image without matching. COLOR SELECTION =============== This is the most important section to pay attention to if you have less than a 256 color display (i.e. 16 color Low Resolution ST). I will give values below with the assumption that you have only 16 colors. The better you undertand how SOL reacts to your settings, the better your image will look. I almost always use "Frequency" as a color selection method, so this is what I will focus on. Images vary in what their ideal color contrast value is. To find it, I usually set the three contrast slider bars at around 30 (40 on systems with a palette of only 512 colors.) Then, I make sure that SOL alerts me when it throws out too many colors during selection due to a high contrast (this can be turned on in the Preferences.) Next I display the image. If I get an alert box saying that colors were lost, I reduce the color contrast down to 24 or so. I keep reducing until I no longer get an alert box. This ensures that your colors are spread evenly (as far as their relative contrasts) over the image. This may sound like more trouble than it is worth, but if you really need to have an image look good, this kind of fine user control is the only way to go and is usually better than an automated approach. Next, color contrast settings can be used for spreading out the colors in the image in a more representative manor. In other words, if your image has small areas of blue (shaded from dark blue to light blue) and large areas of red (shaded from dark red to light red), you would want more of your 16 colors used for the shades of red than for blue. To force SOL to select the colors in this way, you would increase the blue color contrast slightly (forcing the blues to be farther apart in brightness) and decrease the red contrast slightly. Using the contrast histograms (by selecting "COMPLEX" above the slider bars) would allow even more fine control by allowing you to set the contrast for each color depending on its intensity of red, green, and blue. COLOR TRANSFORMATIONS ===================== Color transformations can be used both with greyscale and with color modes. In greyscale modes, additive color transformations can be used to add or subtract red, green, and blue from the grey shades. If I want to make a rough change in the images colors, I will often use the additive color settings: -=> To make your image brighter or darker, change the three slider bars to the same value (you can do this by moving one slider bar to the value you want and then double-clicking on that slider to set the other two to the same value). -=> To create a warmer image, increase the red value a little, or darken green and blue. -=> You can also add blue, green, or combinations of the RGB colors to the image to produce weird and interresting effects. The Complex Histogram Transformations are much more interresting. As each color is made up of Red, Green, and Blue (RGB) components, three color transformation histograms are used. Each histogram takes the value of a color and transforms it to a new color. For example, say the color intensities range from 0 to 255. A color with RGB intensities of R 0, G 255, and B 127 fed through a histogram that looked like this: 255 HI|\ | \ | \ | \ 0 LO+---- LO HI 0 255 would produce a new value of R 255, G 0, and B 127. This is because the low values (0) map to the high values (255) and the high values map to the low values. The values in the middle tend to map to themselves (127 to 127). This histogram effectively carries out the calculation Vnew = 255 - Vold. This is known as an inverting histogram, and it can be used for simple, but interresting effects. To get an inverting histogram, edit a color transformation histogram and generate a 1-to-1 histogram. You can do this by loading the file 1_TO_1.HST included with SOL 3.x or create a Gamma preset histogram with a value of 1. Then, Invert or Flip the histogram to get the inverted form. You can also use the red arrow above the three histograms in the Options Dialog to set all of them to 1-to-1, then edit one of them and click on Flip to invert it. Inverting one, some, or all of the RGB histograms can produce some neat effects: -=> The "Green People" effect. Inverting the red histogram makes black into red, and colors with red in them revert to their blue and green components. Since flesh tones are made up of mostly red, inverting just the red will leave green and a little blue left over; hence the "Green People" effect. -=> The "Neon" effect. Inverting the green histogram makes reds into yellows, and dark colors into green, producing a brighter, glowing neon effect. -=> The "Pastel" effect. Inverting the blue histogram produces subtle blues and yellows in the image. -=> If two of the three histograms are inverted (any two) then it produces effects of varying colors similar to the "neon" effect above except that there is more of an inversion in the intensities (dark to light and light to dark.) -=> Inversion of all three produces a "photo negative" effect. This is what is known as a full inversion of the palette. Brightening or darkening the red, green, or blue planes of the color palette can be accomplished with the additive color transformations, but can be more accurately be done using gamma correction histograms. This is done by using Gamma presets with a value greater than 1 for brightening, and less than 1 for darkening. Use a darkening gamma correction on green and blue (leave red at 1-to-1) to produce a warmer image in much the same way as was done with the additive color transformations. Contrast can be applied to single color planes (R, G, or B) to produce interresting results as well. The files CONTRSTx.HST included with SOL 3.x can be loaded in for a varying degree of contrast. Using a contrast histogram on green will bring out the reds, blues, and purples in the darker and lighter colors. This is often a more subtle effect than with using gamma correction. Starting with these simple but interesting effects, you can learn to draw custom histograms that fit your needs. If even more control over your colors is needed, you can move on to the color editor. THE COLOR EDITOR ================ The Color Editor can be used to alter the existing colors in your image, or to create new colors to draw the image from. Changing the existing colors is straight-forward; just pick the color you want to change from the image using "Select" from the color editor, then change it. Make sure "Match" is NOT highlighted so that your changes appear in the image when you display it. Suppose that you are programming a game and you found a cool GIF that would look great as a background. The problem is that the GIF has 256 colors but your game has 16 and you already know what those 16 colors are going to be. Speed of Light can use your color palette to display the GIF in the best way possible. So how do you get your game's palette into SOL? There are two ways: 1) Create the colors by hand using the editor. Be sure to make any unused colors the same as the first color (SOL will not use a duplicate color). Creating them by hand can be a pain because you need to know what all your colors are and where they are located in the palette order. Versions before 3.5 ordered the palette in DEVICE order (see below), but 3.5 allows you to edit the colors in VDI order (this is the same order as the control panel.) Be sure you know what order you are using. XBIOS(7,...) palette setting command sets the colors in DEVICE order, whereas vs_color() sets them in VDI order. 2) Create your own .PAL file using a program. A .PAL file is composed of one byte that tells how many colors are in the file (minus 1), followed by a set of colors defined by 3 bytes each. The first of the three bytes is red, then green, then blue. Another 3 bytes for the next color follows, and so on. SOL loads in however many colors are in the file, starting with color zero. A .PAL file is saved in whatever order the palette was in when you saved it. Depending on your use, you can switch to a different ordering before loading in a palette. The following table shows how to convert from VDI to DEVICE order (although Speed of Light will do all this work for you.) VDI Color 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 DEVICE Color 0 15 1 2 4 6 3 5 7 8 9 10 12 14 11 13 This is for 16 colors. For 256 colors, entries 16-254 are the same for DEVICE as for VDI, but VDI 255 goes to DEVICE 15 and VDI 1 goes to DEVICE 255. Once you have created or loaded in the palette, highlight "Match" so that SOL will try to match the created palette to the GIF. Click on "Display" to show it. Tinker with the settings to get the best picture (add dithering, etc). If you go back to the color editor, you can see the results of SOL's attempts to match the image to your palette. Colors that SOL does not use in the image will be marked with a small X. This means that SOL found other colors that were closer to the original colors than this one. This is just a short example to get you started. I often like to use the "Gradient" tool to create shades of different colors that I think would match the image nicely. I then display it (with "Match" highlighted) and then go back to the Editor. From this point, I can easily change a set of colors to something else, then view the image again with "Match" NOT highlighted to see my changes. Say you have an image of a red car, but you want it blue. Just use the editor to change all the reds to the same intensity of blue, then redisplay the image, making sure "Match" is off. If you leave "Match" highlighted, SOL will try to find those red shades again, but since you changed them to blue, SOL will use some other colors instead and your blue colors will most likely be marked with X's when you return to the Editor. CLOSING REMARKS =============== With some experimenting, you can easily find other color effects that are not obvious at first. SOL provides a lot of tools; the key is to know which ones to use, what your options are, and how the program will react to your settings. I hope this has given you some insite into SOL's color features. Next time, I'll give you some insite into SOL's image manipulation features. Please remember that Speed of Light is Shareware. This means that if you use the program, I request that you send a donation to become a registered user. Your support helps me to produce more quality Atari software like SOL. Complete registration information is included in the SOL manual. The unregistered version of SOL is available online on Genie, Delphi, and Compuserve, as well as many Internet locations including ftp site atari.archive.umich.edu. The filename is SPOFLT35.ZIP. Updates can also be obtained from me (if you are registered) by sending a blank disk and self-addressed stamped envelope. See the manual for complete mailing address. Speed of Light is (c) Copyright 1993, 1994 by Stuart Denman. --------------------------------------- --==>> PROCEDURE FOR REGISTERING <<==-- --==>> SPEED OF LIGHT FROM <<==-- --==>> COUNTRIES OTHER THAN THE <<==-- --==>> UNITED STATES... <<==-- --------------------------------------- **** THIS FILE IS ONLY FOR FOREIGN REGISTRATIONS!!! **** Please also read the section "How to Register" in the manual (SPOFLT38.DOC) on how to create the registration form. If you are registering from a country other than the United States, you have two choices on how to register. You may either send your registration money and form to me, or send it to a designated foreign registration site. IF REGISTERING IN EUROPE: ------------------------- (This is the preferred way, if you are in Europe). Denesh Bhabuta will be handling registrations for Speed of Light in Europe. He will accept UK cheques or cash, Euro-cheques, and Postal Orders. Eventually, he may accept credit cards (you should contact Denesh about this). The registration is 20 pounds UK. Make cheques (20 pounds UK) payable to "Denesh Bhabuta" and send along with your completed registration form to: CyberSTrider 203 PARR LANE UNSWORTH BURY LANCASHIRE BL9 8JW UNITED KINGDOM If you have questions about registering with Denesh, he can be reached at the above address or by Internet e-mail: dbhabuta@cix.compulink.co.uk danny@micros.hensa.ac.uk IF REGISTERING FROM OTHER NON-U.S. COUNTRIES: --------------------------------------------- Send your registration payment and form to me (Stuart Denman) in the United States. Foreign orders must send AT LEAST $25 U.S. CASH or money order, or you can send the EQUIVALENT of AT LEAST $30 U.S. MONEY IN CASH NOTES OF YOUR FOREIGN CURRENCY. NO UNSTABLE CURRENCIES, only things like Deutch-Marks, UK Pounds, and other stable currencies that I can easily exchange with small fees. If you are in Europe, please register using the prodedure above. --------------------------------------------------------- -=> UNITED STATES REGISTRATIONS PLEASE READ SPOFLT38.DOC -=> FOR INFORMATION ON HOW TO REGISTER. --------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions about registering, please send e-mail to Denesh (above) or the author, Stuart Denman (sdenman@cs.washington.edu). Thank you for using the Shareware version of Speed of Light 3.8!! I encourage you to register and take advantage of ALL the great features! Please take a look at the documentation included in the README directory. There is a new registration procedure to make it easier for people in Europe to register Speed of Light, so please read FOREIGN.TXT if you are registering from a country other than the United States. The complete manual for Speed of Light is in the file SPOFLT38.DOC. A summary of the changes to this manual since version 3.5 is in the file SUMMRY38.DOC. All changes to versions 3.1 to 3.8 are in the file CHANGES.DOC. An article (written by me) from Atari Explorer Online on using color with Speed of Light is included in the file SOL_AEO1.TXT. A glossary of image processing terms is in GLOSSARY.DOC. A description of other Atari software by Stuart Denman is in SOFTWARE.DOC. Have fun! -Stuart Denman `ΜQAONA~NtN$m@$$mBR$m@ Rp$m4$m0g>$m@R$m0@)o$m0NC~N(C~Nl$mRR$m0@op.NC~NVA~NC~NlNRNA~NŐgA~C턈NlA~NtP튐pJ-gp/N9FgN<2NLpNPN9Fg NcN<NpJ-gp/pJ-gpFgN$m4$m4-fNL$mBR0-g(N;zSfpNPBmQ%N<N`4-fNB$m4p*NC턈N"J^HH/p?NC턈N"J^HHV $m0R@^HH/pJ- gp"pJ-gpg?</NAT+@$A턈C텢NlpJ- gp"pJ-gpg m8 (,$m@$$m@ RNQ-g( m8 ($$m@$?<'/-$$m@ RN\$m4`p'A텢N$m4$m0gf-g m8 (,$m@$$m@ RNE-pNJ/pA턈N0"_N(E-'p N/E-3pNJ/NF/Np`D-g m0`$mBR0-m 0-R@$m4$mP m;Pl$m0VHH/$m0@@WHHfpЭ$N$m8H"mN$mRRpJ-gp"p$mJgpg$mQ0-R@$m4-g$ m8 (($m@$/-$$m@ RNX$m4`?<ONAT$m4`T-g m8 (,$m@$$m@ RN$m0S@;@pJ-gpr4mҊЁ2-HlPp\NC텢NA텢NC텢Nl8-lH"mN"C턔NlA턔C텢N(C턈Nl`LQ튑0-R@$m40-$mRnQ$m8H"mN"C턔NlA턔C텢N(C턈Nl;m;m$m0R@f2-gNN`V0-m ?-N4NN`hA턈NFgLE-8p NJ/pA턈N0"_N(E-BpN/E-3pNJ/NF/Np``-f 0-R@;@8-H m, 0Hg(8-H m,/0H?<INA\8-H m,BH8-H m 0Hg(8-H m/0H?<INA\8-H mBHA턔8-H"mNpNNNL-gpNpJ-%gp/pJ-gpFgNN $NrN$m4$m0gNN";m;m-gp4mЊANSm`j-gd0-HAN0-HAN0-HA,NSm0-Hrl@;@0-lQQ튑0-m?-N4N-gpN$m0T@WHH/0-\HHgQ?-N4NN`P튓P튔P튒BmBmQ튕Q튖QBmN8-H m, 0H+@-gB?-?-N,<0-mo 0-H;@`\0-HH2-HlJ0-H;@`>;m;m0-mo 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Quit |Stay KBytesThis will save the|contrast, dithering, and|other display options of|the current image to|a preference file.PRFSave preferences:The default display|options from a loaded|preference file will|replace the current|image's display options.Load preferences:|N/A| is NOT|a valid preference file!EMPTYImage: Stop RecordingRecord Script File|Continue secording script,|or cancel recording|without saving?Abort|Nothing to record!|Do you want to stop|or continue recording?Only images loaded|from now on will be|stored in the script|while recording.Select First Image:Select Last Image:Image Size: |Load dither pattern|into which slot?Slot 1Slot 2Load Dither Pattern:||Not a valid dither|matrix file!Sorry!Sorry, error diffusion|dithering is not|implimented in this|version of SOL.Please load a dither|pattern into this slot|before selecting it.Only ordered dithering is|available until you|register Speed of Light!|Please register soon! BytesFilter OnFilter OffScanning picture colorsReducing to Scanning color map colors were not used|due to a large color|contrast and/or a small|system palette.|Adjust for best results. Thanks Matching colorsFinding mixed colorsFinding dithered colorsBuilding OctreeNot enough memory|for octree buffer!|Need bytes!Argh!Octree Overflow!|Do you want to abort or|increase the buffer to|K? More coverage|may also help.IncreaseDithering to 256 Colors|Not enough memory|for error diffusion!Mapping to 256 ColorsNot enough memory|for inverse colormap!Finding Inverse Colormap|Are you sure you|want to quit?Change View/Picture:|This image is enlarged|too much for clipping!|Please reduce it.RCZ.HX P~EDFWJMSNQ|You do not have enough|memory to rotate this image!Put clip where?Put screen where?ShrinkConvert|There is not enough memory|for another image!Darn!|There is only enough memory|for % of this clip!|Please re-clip it smaller.FILTER SCALING ERROR!||The width of the filter|is either too large|or too small!Change it!Not enough memory for|filtered scaling!|Try decreasing|the filter size.JPGThis is an unregistered|copy! You are only|allowed to load one|JPEG per program run!|Please register soon!New fileThis is an unregistered|copy! You are only|allowed to load four|images per program run!|Please register soon!New File|You cannot load|more than 64 images!|GEMDOS File Error |has occurred...Please check|the current drive.|Either this file is not|in a standard GIF format,|or it is defective.Shoot! is an|unrecognized format!|SOL identifies the images|by their file extention.|See docs for more info.|Abort processing?87a89a|This is not an 87a or|89a GIF picture! Trying it|anyway MAY cause bombs!Try AnywayGIF87aGIF89a|This is not a|GIF picture!SP*OF*LT3.5This GIF contains display|information from a|different version of SOL!IgnoringThe screen and image|dimentions of this GIF|are different! Choose one:|Image- |Screen- IMAGE COMMENT:(Click to continue)(Left=More/Right=Cancel)|Not enough memory for|GIF decode buffers!LOW MEMORY!!|Picture will be loaded by| byte blocks and|may take a long time!ReduceGo Anyway|Not enough memory|to display this GIF!Loading UncompressingOut of data!|Header information says|that the picture is larger|than the available data.File does not start|with an SOI marker!Unsupported JPEG|data precision.Empty JPEG image|(DNL not supported).Bogus SOF length!Illegal table index|in DHT marker.More than 256 codes|in DHT marker.Illegal marker|length in DHT marker.Arithmetic coding|not supported.Unsupported SOF|marker $Bogus SOS lengthInvalid component|number in SOS24 bit Truecolor8 bit Greyscale|Unknown JPEG colorspace.|Illegal table index|in DQT marker.|Illegal marker length|in DHT marker.Bogus length in DRIHeader says that this|is a compressed file!|Decode it as so?This image says that it|is a different resolution|than the file extention says.|Follow which one?ExtentnDEGASHeader says that this|is an uncompressed file!|Decode it as so?Loading and UnpackingPrism Paint|The method of compression|used by this PNT picture|is NOT supported.|Unsupported image format!|Unable to allocate| memory!|Please free more memory.Optimizing Color Map|There is not enough memory|for this image's display|options and color maps!Not enough memory|for JPEG buffers!|Need 1816 bytes.Bad horizontal|sampling factor.Bad vertical|sampling factor.Sampling factors are|too large for|interleaved scan.Not enough memory|for decoding buffers!|Need Uncompressing JPEG ImageCorrupt data|in JPEG file!|Premature end of file!|Not enough memory to|load this JPEG using DSP!|Try only CPU?Uncompressing (DSP)|An error occurred|while decompressing!|View up to when the|error occurred or uncompress|again without the DSP?AgainSquashing GreyscaleConverting to GreyscaleFixed Palette DitheringFound marker|instead of RST|Not enough memory|for JPEG image:|Need Not enough memory for|color table buffers!|Need 2048 bytes.|GIF 87a (.GIF)|GIF 89a (.GIF)|Degas (.PI?)|Degas Elite (.PC?)|Prism Paint (.PNT)|GEM XImage (.IMG)|Select text file:You can only save|once per program run|until you register!|Please register soon!This is an unusual|screen resolution for|degas format. Save|at your own risk!Two pictures are flipped|on screen, which one do|you want to save?||(Alternate is brighter.)Save as GIF8! SP*OF*LT3.5Compressing GIF Imagecompression bufferSave as Degas PI?:Not enough memory for|Packbit buffers!Save as Prism Paint:Saving Compressing ImageSave as Degas PC?:Save as GEM (X)Image:Compressing GEM ImageOFFRegistered to:Unregistered version!REGISTERED COPYTHIS COPY IS REGISTERED TO:ONLY THIS PERSON IS AUTHORIZED TO USETHIS COPY OF SPEED OF LIGHT!VIA INTERNET E-MAIL TO:|Cannot take control|of screen construction!This feature is not|available until you|register Speed of Light!|Please register soon!|Filtering is only|available with at|least 16 colors!FILENAME\*.|File Whoops!| |Replace existing file?SELECT IMAGE FILE TO VIEW:Select Image File:|A file error has occurred!| |Try Again...|Speed of Light does|not yet work in|Truecolor modes!|Only monochrome through 256 colors. Sorry SOL 3.8 only works|with the NOVA in|256 color modes!Quit|Run*.GIF*.JPG*.IMG*.PNT*.PI[123]SOL3.5SPOFLT38.PRFSorry, this keycode is|incorrect! Please send in|your name, address, and|the Shareware fee of $25|to obtain a keycode.You are now a registered|user of Speed of Light||Thank You!Bye, bye!I'mOfficialB&W256|Frequency|Influence|Rank Only||Horizontal|Vertical|Both||OFF|Ordered 1|Ordered 2|Random|Free Slot 1|Free Slot 2||OFF|Forward Wrap|Backward Wrap|Forward/Back||Show Drawing|Blacken Screen||Standard|Enhancing||Box|Triangle|Cubic|B-Spline|Lancos3|Mitchell|Nelson||Sharpening|Quad-Step|Raised Edge|Smooth Bias|Sharp Bias|Linear Bias|Diffusion||Single|Periodic||OFF|Flat|Linear|Cubic|B-Spline|Plateau|Sine Wave||2-Pass Octree|Fixed Palette|GreyScale||100%|50%|25%|10%|5%||Red|Green|Blue|Red-Green|Red-Blue|Blue-Green||4 Bits|5 Bits||Zoom Area [Z]|Zoom In [+]|Zoom Out [-]|Original Size [O]|Fit to Screen [I]||Rotate 90 Left [,]|Rotate 90 Right [.]||Horizontal Flip [H]|Vertical Flip [V]||New Image [N]|Add Image [L]||Smoothdraw Mode [M]|Toggle Coloring [T]||STLow (320x200)|STMedium (640x200)|STHigh (640x400)|TTLow (320x480)|TTMedium (640x480)| Speed of Light 3.8 Speed of Light requires|at least bytes|of free ST Ram to run|in this resolution.There is not enough|memory to run|Speed of Light.Not enough memory for|options dialog capture!| |Feature disabled.OK| Quit |There is some|information missing!Woops!|Print to printer or|REGISTER.TXT file?Printer|Printer is not responding!RetryE-Z REGISTRATION FORM FOR SPEED OF LIGHT VERSION 3.8TO: Stuart Denman 1751 N.E. Naomi Pl. Seattle, WA 98115 USADATE: FROM: Please register me for Speed of Light version 3.8. Enclosed is my sharewaredonation of at least $25 United States check, cash, or money order payable toStuart Denman. If I am registering from a country other that the UnitedStates, I am following the registration procedures outlined in FOREIGN.TXT.E-MAIL ADDRESS (if available): (Please specify Internet, Genie, Delphi, etc.)COMMENTS, BUGS, SUGGESTIONS:I hearby acknowledge that any copy of Speed of Light registered to me may NOTbe copied or sold to ANY other party for ANY reason. I also understand thatStuart Denman, or any other persons or companies involved in the sale,distribution, support, or programming of Speed of Light are not responsiblefor any damages that may be caused by the use of Speed of Light.SIGNATURE: Mega STeFALCONSPOFLT38.RSC|I can't find SPOFLT38.RSC!Try now|Quit|Unable to load|SPOFLT38.RSC! You're|probably out of memory. |Disk Full! Abort A program error|has occurred!|Reference #|Please inform the author. 4  "28.(xH  8 P, D,46 dH*$ " J4(.6Z@*  R R4 : J$H(Dh & . (& &(  < *@px.("f$,b  VV H*&$ N  TLhLn8>2 "L~T" ,< ,B.r(6 Z46 F"@lFBpdj>P. :  (: *P\HD  ^B  h0fxH  02xV| x" v0  6(8 H@H< & ." " :<8( F.X8R"f8"x*  p*b $bfXH "      (6:  x B  `vB  $$N RV@ l,D. $b8>" b"0 z  NPFJ p (6: J@><\$R H$0 :~ | fj( 68:` ,24484Lfx F<"&Ɔ L 0 4 N~l " & .,Df0(2..:@J    ".0@*(&6&""*Z&    "l  P  < 6  D<  ,::  $fJ  40(J>,&&.0@@t  , ƒ"p@f (J( TZ"$ 6R $ Z4 ^,n"4"(Rj:>x<:( 8  \dn "42 "4"|""""&V""&^"TdB<DD0 B$F v$0"   ` >* : 8$0 0 $BZv V&2p  TzlL6P  .Fb4`<( T ^: R6"J@ v. 8^ L 4@^   V"""   (* *.f$~ x> H8B 2&8"4"*.Bn<t> & Fd&$6,<"$V,6V4*(hp " *F f((@4L $~:  ||Ryz{{$me|td +. 0|49<?ADDDJKL$MNdN('q'RRRSS$ S@ S\  @@Hq  @@PqSxSSSS T @T qT<@z@z %@q%@@q' TX %!$ "@ q$##@M"@Tt @ q &