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The 1st time the program is run, it will adjust memory pointers and set-up the ramdisk driver. It then exits through the system reset vector so that TOS can adjust to the new memory size. The 2nd time through, the driver will be installed and ready to use. The easiest way to accomplish this, is simply put the ramdisk.prg into an AUTO folder. That way both passes are automatically performed, in other words, it will auto-boot with no user interaction. The ramdisk installs as drive D, and if you save the desktop after you install drive D, then the boot process will be completely automatic. The ramdisk size defaults to 192K, (512K for the 1 Meg version) but can be changed by holding down key combinations of the Right and Left Shift, Control, and Alternate keys. Configurations are as follows: R. Shift 64K L. Shift 128K R. & L. Shifts 192K Cntl 256K Cntl & R. Shift 320K Cntl & L. Shift 384K Cntl & R. & L. Shifts 448K Alt 512K Alt & R. Shift 576K Alt & L. Shift 640K Alt & R. & L. Shifts 704K Alt & Cntl 768K I realize this may seem combersome at first, but it has the advantage of not having to wait for a size input during boot-up, and since you will probably only use a couple of different sizes, it should become very simple. One note about memory configuration... Since the AUTO folder is loaded before the desktop accessories, it is possible to configure a ramdisk too large, leaving less than 128K of memory for other programs. Therefore, if your disk has many desk accessories on it, you should be carefull to load a small enough ramdisk so that 128K will be left at the end of the boot. I wrote this program mainly for programmers that use ramdisks, but have troubles with system lock-ups and loose everything on the ramdisk. You can also do faster modem transfers to ramdisk without worrying about the program crashing on exit. If the system does crash, put a disk with the ramdisk program in the AUTO folder in drive A, and push the system reset button. The ramdisk and all its contents will still be there! If the ramdisk program is not in an AUTO folder, you will have to re-execute it after system reset. Enjoy! John Harris ` P | aN.r"|"2Q"< pNB09LNu*O.|j*m - ЭЭм// ??<JNA B?< NA\#f(|6*|."U Qgt?3L@3LB3LD3LF3LH3LJ3 LL3!LN3"LP3#LR3$LT3%LV3&LX3'LZByH=|NT u  f #v:fBnNpBn`Rn nm0.@ALfBpHyCN/*XgrJnf2N=@ nfN=@ ng N NH`6Hn?<BgN.P/.NpX/.NX/.NzX`HyC?<N,\?9IHN/TN.N,LBgN#TN^NuNuNuAJNNXyN !J!_ NMYyNAJNN"P$h/( J@NuAJNNXyN !J!_ NNYyNAJNN"P$h/( J@NuAJNNXyN !J!_ NAYyNAJNN"P$h/( J@NuNVN^NuNVN^NuNVH$.f BB`J". 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Bennett Frontier Software 1989Found: 0000 K of RAMTEST RAMQuitFlashing chip(s) are suspect! 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BYTES PER DISK = KBYTES * 102400Current track number :-000000KBytes per disk:-Progress reportM I N I M U MM A X I M U MOk, Format...Sector interleave :-0tracks per disk :-0080 81 82 83 84Elenya Software DevelopmentsWritten by Glenn WilliamsThe TOXIC FormatterVERSION 2.00Copyright (c.) 1987 E.S.D30 RAVENSITCH WALK, BRIERLEY HILLNew productsWEST MIDS. 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A]! 0."AX/0NdX=@0.Ai 02."AX!0."AX/0NdX=@0.Ai 02."AX!0."AX/0NdX=@0.@Aj 02."AX!` gp0.AhHЈ/N|X2. A]! 0.Ah/0NdX=@0.Ai 02.Ah!`*`&`"|| c0< @ ||r"|N0. n ?0.@Aj/0N5\N^NuNV n N^NuNV .N^NuNV .N^NuNV .N^NuNVJf` < y!@ y!@N^NuNVBy|# 9м y .  y!@ < y!@ y!@B?< N& \#F@@|F9<F xC\g#BAL!#:A! /9F?< N& \`H:Nh g O\02f( y|g @'g` @'g @gH @gL: yBN y$( aJf <L:Ns01 !B@|F9aaLNsRe$<NuH:3|@|F !:L:NsH:3|@|F9<A!. F tg.. F tDRAMDISK DOCHt h RAMDISK PRGKt kKREAD_ME NOW}S This program gives you a ramdisk between 64K and 768K, and will stay in memory through screen resolution changes, and even system reset! The ramdisk code and data is placed at the top of memory, and the screen is moved down below it. The top of memory pointers are set below the ramdisk driver, which should keep it safe from everything short of powering down. The ramdisk install is actually a 2 step process. The 1st time the program is run, it will adjust memory pointers and set-up the ramdisk driver. It then exits through the system reset vector so that TOS can adjust to the new memory size. The 2nd time through, the driver will be installed and ready to use. The easiest way to accomplish this, is simply put the ramdisk.prg into an AUTO folder. That way both passes are automatically performed, in other words, it will auto-boot with no user interaction. The ramdisk installs as drive D, and if you save the desktop after you install drive D, then the boot process will be completely automatic. The ramdisk size defaults to 192K, (512K for the 1 Meg version) but can be changed by holding down key combinations of the Right and Left Shift, Control, and Alternate keys. Configurations are as follows: R. Shift 64K L. Shift 128K R. & L. Shifts 192K Cntl 256K Cntl & R. Shift 320K Cntl & L. Shift 384K Cntl & R. & L. Shifts 448K Alt 512K Alt & R. Shift 576K Alt & L. Shift 640K Alt & R. & L. Shifts 704K Alt & Cntl 768K I realize this may seem combersome at first, but it has the advantage of not having to wait for a size input during boot-up, and since you will probably only use a couple of different sizes, it should become very simple. One note about memory configuration... Since the AUTO folder is loaded before the desktop accessories, it is possible to configure a ramdisk too large, leaving less than 128K of memory for other programs. Therefore, if your disk has many desk accessories on it, you should be carefull to load a small enough ramdisk so that 128K will be left at the end of the boot. I wrote this program mainly for programmers that use ramdisks, but have troubles with system lock-ups and loose everything on the ramdisk. You can also do faster modem transfers to ramdisk without worrying about the program crashing on exit. If the system does crash, put a disk with the ramdisk program in the AUTO folder in drive A, and push the system reset button. The ramdisk and all its contents will still be there! If the ramdisk program is not in an AUTO folder, you will have to re-execute it after system reset. Enjoy! John Harris ` P | aN.r"|"2Q"< pNB09LNu*O.|j*m - ЭЭм// ??<JNA B?< NA\#f(|6*|."U Qgt?3L@3LB3LD3LF3LH3LJ3 LL3!LN3"LP3#LR3$LT3%LV3&LX3'LZByH=|NT u  f #v:fBnNpBn`Rn nm0.@ALfBpHyCN/*XgrJnf2N=@ nfN=@ ng N NH`6Hn?<BgN.P/.NpX/.NX/.NzX`HyC?<N,\?9IHN/TN.N,LBgN#TN^NuNuNuAJNNXyN !J!_ NMYyNAJNN"P$h/( J@NuAJNNXyN !J!_ NNYyNAJNN"P$h/( J@NuAJNNXyN !J!_ NAYyNAJNN"P$h/( J@NuNVN^NuNVN^NuNVH$.f BB`J". 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Bennett Frontier Software 1989Found: 0000 K of RAMTEST RAMQuitFlashing chip(s) are suspect! 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Revolver can take a programstop it at any point and write it to disk,allowing you to continue right where youleft off, at a later time. Plus all ofthese additional features:Full disk commands with wildcardsControl Panel optionsVT-52 EmulatorSnapshot screen to NEO fileReset proof Ram DiskReset Proof Printer Spooler40 Folder Fix+ even more...INTERSECT'sonly $49.95INTERLINK ST from INTERSECTFeature Packed Terminal Program. GEM Background Downloading. Loadable Emulators for:. Built in VT52, X & Ymodem. Call Logging, Time Calculator. Editor, Chimes, Mini-BBS. Easy to learn and useORDER NOW! $39.951-800-826-0130INTERSECT Software Corp.2828 Clark Rd., Suite 10Sarasota, FL 34231 - 8-Bit ATASCII - ANSI Graphics for PC BBS's - VT100 for mainframes. Loadable Transfer protocols - Compuserve Quick B - YMODEM Batch INTERSECT Rambaby %lu%lu%lu0%lu%lu[3][File Open Failure|Auto File Not Created][OK][1][Auto Install File Created|The Next Time You Boot|RAMBABY Will Auto Install][OK][1][Auto Install File Created|Indicates no install|for Spooler or Ramdisk][OK]%lu [2][Installing a Ramdisk With|20K Is Pointless][ABORT][1][INTERSECT Ramdisk!|The drive specified appears|to already be installed.|Should I proceed anyway ?][OK|CANCEL][2][INTERSECT Ramdisk Not Installed][OK][3][Not Enough Memory|For INSTALLATION.][OK]%lu%lu@@x>>@@v>_I ^ CON:AUX:PRT:~9 (( (( AAAAAABBBBBB @$@Y@@@È@jA.AcAׄCAy7DxCyٝFnH=c)\I1sKP1P=M8O?ZwH02g$uOs<@ Wi??!TD-@ !TD-@$?!TD-?.B9??*                                                                     6                48                    $       ^ "<, "     "      $ D   8. ( L*&"f. N&    : ">     "  (l@ (X&>&. . 4&f.,*   ."( &:,Z8 $                &   ,6$f@D$dHH8PtBF&2l`0b,n,,<\v L< <         v                  x INTERSECT RAM Baby VERSION 1.0 06/06/88 This is a public domain RAM disk and print spooler. The speed of this RAM disk is much improved over that in the popular INTERSECT RAM disk that it replaces; as a matter of fact, it is nearly twice as fast as the original. It is functionally similar to its predecessor except that drives C through P may be designated for installation. The print spooler is installable in any size and may be removed (as can the RAM disk) and re-installed at a different size. Also included is the ability to save startup settings so that the RAM disk, print spooler or both may be auto installed at bootup. By popular demand, we have also given you the option of turning off the sounds and the warning messages. Putting RAM Baby On Your System To use this accessory you must place RAMBABY.ACC on your boot disk so that it will be included as a desk accessory the next time you start your ST. Using RAM Baby To use RAM Baby you need only click on the INTERSECT RAM Baby selection bar contained within the Desk heading of the; Desktop's menu bar. RAM Baby will then present you with a dialog box containing the selector buttons for the RAM disk and print spooler. A display of the currently available memory appears in the middle left of the dialog. To install the RAM disk simply enter the size, in K-Bytes, that you wish to allocate, click on the appropriate drive letter and press the INSTALL Button. Provided that there is enough memory, a success tune will be played, failure to install is usually due to lack of memory. Once installed the RAM disk can be removed by selecting the REMOVE button. ALWAYS remove the RAM disk and print spooler before changing screen resolutions! Also note that, once removed, any data in the RAM disk or print spooler is lost! To install the print spooler simply enter the size, in K-Bytes that you wish to allocate and press the spooler INSTALL Button. Provided that there is enough memory, a success tune will be played, failure to install is usually due to lack of memory. The print spooler may be removed by selecting the REMOVE button. ALWAYS remove the Print Spooler and RAM disk before changing screen resolutions! Also note that, once removed, any data in the print spooler is lost! The possible reasons for installation failure of either the RAM disk or print spooler are as follows: - Requested memory size exceeds that which is available (Make sure that the size selected is less than memory available). - Requested RAM disk memory size less than that which is required for the disk control blocks (installing a RAM disk of less than 20K is pointless). - The drive specified is already installed in the system (this will occur if you have a RAM disk or a hard drive currently active as the disk unit specified when you click INSTALL). If you have reset your system with the RAM disk installed you should simply install the RAM disk by clicking on the OK button in the warning dialogue. If, however, you actually have an active disk on the specified drive you should click on the Cancel button, select an available drive and click on INSTALL again. After successfully installing press the EXIT button to close the RAM Baby selector box. Before you can actually access the RAM disk from the Desktop you must tell GEM about it. This is done by clicking once on any drive icon (so that it is highlighted) and selecting the Install Disk Drive selection bar in the Options header of the menu bar. The Install Disk Drive dialog will be presented. Change the drive identifier to match the RAM disk drive you have installed (C through P). You may then optionally change the icon label to RAM disk. To complete the installation press the Install button and the new disk Icon will appear somewhere on the Desktop. Move it to where you like and it is ready for use. If you want the Icon to always appear automatically when you boot just save your desktop at this point. The RAM disk and/or print spooler may also be set up so that they automatically install when you boot your ST. This is accomplished by creating an auto boot file, which can be done from the RAM Baby dialog box. To create the auto boot simply set the drive specification, desired RAM disk size and print spool size in the RAM Baby dialog and press INSTALL on either or both. Once it is installed as you wish it to boot, simply press the SET AUTO button and the file RAMBABY.AUT will be written to your boot disk. The next time that you boot your system RAM Baby will configure itself exactly as you had last set it. Print Spooler Special Features The RAM Baby print spooler has some special features not available in most ST print spoolers. These features are activated from the RAM Baby dialogue box and function as follows: - Spooler "ON" is the normal state of the print spooler and desig- nates that it is active (if installed) and spooling output. - Spooler "OFF" will stop output from the spooler and allow you to directly print. Printing of data left in the spooler will continue when "ON" is re-selected. - Spooler "FLUSH" will empty the contents of the spooler, this is effectively the same as removing and re-installing the spooler. Memory Management Limitations The memory management in your ST operating system has several limitations that will affect the way that you handle RAM disk and print spooler installation as follows: 1.) When changing resolutions you must first de-install the RAM disk and print spooler by clicking their respective REMOVE buttons. (All data in the RAM disk and print spooler will be lost at that time so make sure that you have backed up anything you will later need). Failure to de-install before a resolution change will cause unpredictable results. 2.) When the RAM disk or print spooler is first removed the memory available indicator will often not show the total amount of memory available. To reclaim all available memory you must run a program from the Desktop (showing a file will do the job just fine). 3.) Never install the RAM disk or print spooler from within a program unless you intend to de-install it before you exit the program. The ST operating system will treat the memory allocated like program memory and free it when you return to the Desktop, the results of which are unpredictable. You may however de-install or view available memory at any time. In summary, always install the RAM disk or print spooler from the Desktop and you will not experience this problem. Quick Instructions Installation: - Place RAMBABY.ACC on your boot disk. - Re-boot your system. - Click on INTERSECT RAM Baby desk accessory. - Set desired RAM disk size (leave enough room to run programs). - Select desired RAM disk drive ID (C through P). - Click on the RAM disk INSTALL button. - Set desired print spooler size. - Click on the print spooler INSTALL button. - Click on the SET AUTO button if you wish to auto install on future system startups (tune will play when boot file is written). - Click on EXIT button. - Install selected drive icon by clicking on Install Disk Drive in Options menu (save Desktop now to eliminate this step in the future). Removal: - Click on INTERSECT RAM Baby Desk Accessory. - Click on REMOVE button for either RAM disk, print spooler or both (tune will play). - Click on EXIT button. The RAM Baby is Supplied by: INTERSECT Software Corp. 2828 Clark Road, Suite 10 Sarasota, Fl. 34231 Copyright 1988, INTERSECT Software Corp. This product may be distributed freely provided that this documentation accompanys it. RAM BABY IS PROVIDED WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. INTERSECT SOFTWARE CORP. WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR DAMAGES DUE TO LOST DATA OR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. =@0.n o0<``0.NqN^NuNVBnBHnN/&X=@ n-f=| nRH=@`2 ./0.H/N7 6.HЃ-@ nRH=@?.?.N/pX=@ @fSJ g n 0.g .D` .NqN^NuNVH*n (MBn ng?.N,dT| fA&H. nU|`H| f S @  . nU| A|l0fD AH-@Hn/.?.?<@N& O <Hg 30<`dA&H0f~ =@`J/ 0./?.?<@N& O -@2.¼g .30<` .n0.L8N^NuNVA#A4#At#A#A#A#A#?< N6T3z09zN^NuNV3t3 v3 x3z3|3~3333333 3"#$3(3*?<N6T n,0 n00 n40 n80 n<0 n@009N^NuNV3t# ?<4N6TN^NuNV#?<6N6T n 0 n0 n0 n0 09N^NuNV3t3 v3 x3z3|3~333 nf 3333?<3N6TN^NuNV n0 n 0 n0 n0N^NuNV#3 t?<2N6TN^NuNV?<MN6T n0 n 0 n0 n0 09N^NuNV?<ON6T n0 n 0 n0 n0 N^NuNV3t# ?<NN6TN^NuNV3t# ?<#N6TN^NuNV#3 t3v3x3z3|3~?<*N6TN^NuNV3t3 v3?<pN6TBy n 09N^NuNV#3 t?<rN6TN^NuNV3t?<kN6TN^NuNV30.| ACHЈ-@=|` nR2.AAH1Rn nm/9NBX09N^NuNV## .мZ#3dBy3 n 3N709 n 03~*A#A~#A#A#N^NuNV .3 .3N^NuNV .3 .3 N^NuNV0969 Ƽ n N^NuA*Xy* !JHy#Hy" <sNBYy*A*"P$hNuNVHBG".l~D$. l GD&gHC H@J@g@HCBCւJGgD-C LN^.JNuNVH$.f BB`&". 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Revolver can take a programstop it at any point and write it to disk,allowing you to continue right where youleft off, at a later time. Plus all ofthese additional features:Full disk commands with wildcardsControl Panel optionsVT-52 EmulatorSnapshot screen to NEO fileReset proof Ram DiskReset Proof Printer Spooler40 Folder Fix+ even more...INTERSECT'sonly $49.95INTERLINK ST from INTERSECTFeature Packed Terminal Program. GEM Background Downloading. Loadable Emulators for:. Built in VT52, X & Ymodem. Call Logging, Time Calculator. Editor, Chimes, Mini-BBS. Easy to learn and useORDER NOW! $39.951-800-826-0130INTERSECT Software Corp.2828 Clark Rd., Suite 10Sarasota, FL 34231 - 8-Bit ATASCII - ANSI Graphics for PC BBS's - VT100 for mainframes. Loadable Transfer protocols - Compuserve Quick B - YMODEM Batch INTERSECT Rambaby %lu%lu%lu0%lu%lu[3][File Open Failure|Auto File Not Created][OK][1][Auto Install File Created|The Next Time You Boot|RAMBABY Will Auto Install][OK][1][Auto Install File Created|Indicates no install|for Spooler or Ramdisk][OK]%lu [2][Installing a Ramdisk With|20K Is Pointless][ABORT][1][INTERSECT Ramdisk!|The drive specified appears|to already be installed.|Should I proceed anyway ?][OK|CANCEL][2][INTERSECT Ramdisk Not Installed][OK][3][Not Enough Memory|For INSTALLATION.][OK]%lu%lu@@x>>@@v>_I ^ CON:AUX:PRT:~9 (( (( AAAAAABBBBBB @$@Y@@@È@jA.AcAׄCAy7DxCyٝFnH=c)\I1sKP1P=M8O?ZwH02g$uOs<@ Wi??!TD-@ !TD-@$?!TD-?.B9??*                                                                     6                48                    $       ^ "<, "     "      $ D   8. ( L*&"f. N&    : ">     "  (l@ (X&>&. . 4&f.,*   ."( &:,Z8 $                &   ,6$f@D$dHH8PtBF&2l`0b,n,,<\v L< <         v                  x INTERSECT RAM Baby VERSION 1.0 06/06/88 This is a public domain RAM disk and print spooler. The speed of this RAM disk is much improved over that in the popular INTERSECT RAM disk that it replaces; as a matter of fact, it is nearly twice as fast as the original. It is functionally similar to its predecessor except that drives C through P may be designated for installation. The print spooler is installable in any size and may be removed (as can the RAM disk) and re-installed at a different size. Also included is the ability to save startup settings so that the RAM disk, print spooler or both may be auto installed at bootup. By popular demand, we have also given you the option of turning off the sounds and the warning messages. Putting RAM Baby On Your System To use this accessory you must place RAMBABY.ACC on your boot disk so that it will be included as a desk accessory the next time you start your ST. Using RAM Baby To use RAM Baby you need only click on the INTERSECT RAM Baby selection bar contained within the Desk heading of the; Desktop's menu bar. RAM Baby will then present you with a dialog box containing the selector buttons for the RAM disk and print spooler. A display of the currently available memory appears in the middle left of the dialog. To install the RAM disk simply enter the size, in K-Bytes, that you wish to allocate, click on the appropriate drive letter and press the INSTALL Button. Provided that there is enough memory, a success tune will be played, failure to install is usually due to lack of memory. Once installed the RAM disk can be removed by selecting the REMOVE button. ALWAYS remove the RAM disk and print spooler before changing screen resolutions! Also note that, once removed, any data in the RAM disk or print spooler is lost! To install the print spooler simply enter the size, in K-Bytes that you wish to allocate and press the spooler INSTALL Button. Provided that there is enough memory, a success tune will be played, failure to install is usually due to lack of memory. The print spooler may be removed by selecting the REMOVE button. ALWAYS remove the Print Spooler and RAM disk before changing screen resolutions! Also note that, once removed, any data in the print spooler is lost! The possible reasons for installation failure of either the RAM disk or print spooler are as follows: - Requested memory size exceeds that which is available (Make sure that the size selected is less than memory available). - Requested RAM disk memory size less than that which is required for the disk control blocks (installing a RAM disk of less than 20K is pointless). - The drive specified is already installed in the system (this will occur if you have a RAM disk or a hard drive currently active as the disk unit specified when you click INSTALL). If you have reset your system with the RAM disk installed you should simply install the RAM disk by clicking on the OK button in the warning dialogue. If, however, you actually have an active disk on the specified drive you should click on the Cancel button, select an available drive and click on INSTALL again. After successfully installing press the EXIT button to close the RAM Baby selector box. Before you can actually access the RAM disk from the Desktop you must tell GEM about it. This is done by clicking once on any drive icon (so that it is highlighted) and selecting the Install Disk Drive selection bar in the Options header of the menu bar. The Install Disk Drive dialog will be presented. Change the drive identifier to match the RAM disk drive you have installed (C through P). You may then optionally change the icon label to RAM disk. To complete the installation press the Install button and the new disk Icon will appear somewhere on the Desktop. Move it to where you like and it is ready for use. If you want the Icon to always appear automatically when you boot just save your desktop at this point. The RAM disk and/or print spooler may also be set up so that they automatically install when you boot your ST. This is accomplished by creating an auto boot file, which can be done from the RAM Baby dialog box. To create the auto boot simply set the drive specification, desired RAM disk size and print spool size in the RAM Baby dialog and press INSTALL on either or both. Once it is installed as you wish it to boot, simply press the SET AUTO button and the file RAMBABY.AUT will be written to your boot disk. The next time that you boot your system RAM Baby will configure itself exactly as you had last set it. Print Spooler Special Features The RAM Baby print spooler has some special features not available in most ST print spoolers. These features are activated from the RAM Baby dialogue box and function as follows: - Spooler "ON" is the normal state of the print spooler and desig- nates that it is active (if installed) and spooling output. - Spooler "OFF" will stop output from the spooler and allow you to directly print. Printing of data left in the spooler will continue when "ON" is re-selected. - Spooler "FLUSH" will empty the contents of the spooler, this is effectively the same as removing and re-installing the spooler. Memory Management Limitations The memory management in your ST operating system has several limitations that will affect the way that you handle RAM disk and print spooler installation as follows: 1.) When changing resolutions you must first de-install the RAM disk and print spooler by clicking their respective REMOVE buttons. (All data in the RAM disk and print spooler will be lost at that time so make sure that you have backed up anything you will later need). Failure to de-install before a resolution change will cause unpredictable results. 2.) When the RAM disk or print spooler is first removed the memory available indicator will often not show the total amount of memory available. To reclaim all available memory you must run a program from the Desktop (showing a file will do the job just fine). 3.) Never install the RAM disk or print spooler from within a program unless you intend to de-install it before you exit the program. The ST operating system will treat the memory allocated like program memory and free it when you return to the Desktop, the results of which are unpredictable. You may however de-install or view available memory at any time. In summary, always install the RAM disk or print spooler from the Desktop and you will not experience this problem. Quick Instructions Installation: - Place RAMBABY.ACC on your boot disk. - Re-boot your system. - Click on INTERSECT RAM Baby desk accessory. - Set desired RAM disk size (leave enough room to run programs). - Select desired RAM disk drive ID (C through P). - Click on the RAM disk INSTALL button. - Set desired print spooler size. - Click on the print spooler INSTALL button. - Click on the SET AUTO button if you wish to auto install on future system startups (tune will play when boot file is written). - Click on EXIT button. - Install selected drive icon by clicking on Install Disk Drive in Options menu (save Desktop now to eliminate this step in the future). Removal: - Click on INTERSECT RAM Baby Desk Accessory. - Click on REMOVE button for either RAM disk, print spooler or both (tune will play). - Click on EXIT button. The RAM Baby is Supplied by: INTERSECT Software Corp. 2828 Clark Road, Suite 10 Sarasota, Fl. 34231 Copyright 1988, INTERSECT Software Corp. This product may be distributed freely provided that this documentation accompanys it. RAM BABY IS PROVIDED WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. INTERSECT SOFTWARE CORP. WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR DAMAGES DUE TO LOST DATA OR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. `$ D.|BfN.NA"/0<NBNuNVH *n(n `fJL0N^NuNVH *n(n `JfS`fJL0N^NuNVH *n(n >.c`0SGJ@n``%0SGJ@nJL0N^NuNVH*n>. <.`0SGJ@nJL N^NuNVJ mB@`p=@gD Jngp0`p =@Jng0.HЎм-@` A-H nBS/./< /< /. NP/N>P/ . м0 _/< /. 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This utility was written before the introduction of Vs 1.09 of the Operating System. Owners of this (or later versions) may experience installation difficulties associated with key presses at boot up time. PLEASE NOTE... This utility was written before the introduction of Vs 1.09 of the Operating System. Owners of this (or later versions) may experience installation difficulties associated with key presses at boot up time.