4IBM p@ >> FastCopy PRO << by Martin Backschat, Bergstr.16, D-8071 Hepberg // (c) 1991 ICP Verlag/TOS Magazin, Wendelsteinstr. 3, D-8011 Vaterstetten, Tel. 0810633954O O! #@%`')+-/1 3@5`79;=?A C@E`GIKMOQ SU`WY[]_a c@e`gikmoq s@u`wy{}@` @ ` ` @ ` @ ` ǀ  @ o  @` @`/Aa a!!#A%a')+-/1!3A5a79;=?EaGIKMOQ!SAUaWY[]_a!ceagikmoq!sAuawy{}!a!Aa!Aa!Aa!Aaǁɡ!Aaׁ١!Aa!Aa " B b  !"!B!b!!!!!"!""#B"%b"'")"+"-"/#1"#3B#5b#7#9#;#=#?$A"$CB$Eb$G$I$K$M$O%Q"%SB%Ub%W%Y%[%]%_&a"&cB&eb&g&i&k&m&o'q"'sB'ub'w'y'{'}'("(B(b((((()")B)b)))))*"*B*b*****+"+B+b+++++,",B,b,ǂ,ɢ,,,-"-O-b-ׂ-٢--B.b....O/b/////0#0O0c00 0 0 0O O! #@%`')+-/1 3@5`79;=?A C@E`GIKMOQ SU`WY[]_a c@e`gikmoq s@u`wy{}@` @ ` ` @ ` @ ` ǀ  @ o  @` @`/Aa a!!#A%a')+-/1!3A5a79;=?EaGIKMOQ!SAUaWY[]_a!ceagikmoq!sAuawy{}!a!Aa!Aa!Aa!Aaǁɡ!Aaׁ١!Aa!Aa " B b  !"!B!b!!!!!"!""#B"%b"'")"+"-"/#1"#3B#5b#7#9#;#=#?$A"$CB$Eb$G$I$K$M$O%Q"%SB%Ub%W%Y%[%]%_&a"&cB&eb&g&i&k&m&o'q"'sB'ub'w'y'{'}'("(B(b((((()")B)b)))))*"*B*b*****+"+B+b+++++,",B,b,ǂ,ɢ,,,-"-O-b-ׂ-٢--B.b....O/b/////0#0O0c00 0 0 0STR32B ]0BASIC TUTm0BIGCOLOR o0C TUTs0F_ROOTS v0GEMSPOOLSTR0MIDIBUSKMID0CNEODESK4DEM0PC_ST 0TURBOGIF1_30DESKTOP INF MAGICCMPTXT ì/=STRBAKUPTOS h-. m0.. TUT32 BAS asdefint a-z library "gemaes","gemdos","gemvdi" '$option y,k200 'text file loading routine 'must include GEMDOS and AES libraries 'set buffer for text, maximum of 1001 lines DIM txt$(1000) DEF FNFileSelect$ SHARED fspath$,fsname$,cleanpath$ STATIC ok,i,ch IF fspath$="" THEN fspath$=CHR$(FNdgetdrv+65)+":\*.*" END IF fsel_input fspath$,fsname$,ok IF ok THEN i=LEN(fspath$) DO ch=ASC(MID$(fspath$,i,1)) IF ch="\"% OR ch=":"% THEN EXIT LOOP IF i=1 THEN EXIT LOOP DECR i LOOP cleanpath$=LEFT$(fspath$,i) FNFileSelect$=cleanpath$+fsname$ ELSE FNFileSelect$="" END IF END DEF sub FontSize shared cellw,cellh local info(9) vqt_attributes info() cellw=info(8) cellh=info(9) end sub SUB LoadTextFile(VAL fi$) STATIC i SHARED txt$(),no_of_lines OPEN fi$ FOR INPUT AS #1 i=0 WHILE NOT EOF(1) LINE INPUT #1,txt$(i) INCR i WEND CLOSE #1 no_of_lines=i-1 END SUB SUB DisplayText(VAL x,VAL y,VAL w,VAL h) SHARED txt$(),cellw,cellh STATIC lines_per_page,i vsf_color 0 vr_recfl x,y,x+w-1,y+h-1 lines_per_page=h\cellh FOR i=1 TO lines_per_page v_gtext x,y+cellh*i,txt$(i-1) NEXT i END SUB 'prog starts here! junk=FNwind_get(0,7,x,y,w,h) WINDOW OPEN 2," File View ",x,y,w,h,4095 WINDOW GET 2,0,winx,winy,winw,winh vs_clip 1,winx,winy,winx+winw-1,winy+winh-1 CALL FontSize fi$=FNFileSelect$ IF fi$<>"" THEN LoadTextFile fi$ DisplayText winx,winy,winw,winh END IF . o0.. BIGCOLORDOC pOYBIGCOLORPRG pOY  BIGCOLOR VERSION 1.05 DECEMBER 1989 This program should be placed in the AUTO folder. It should be put there before any other programs are put in the AUTO folder. BIGCOLOR.PRG is for use with MONO monitors, and allows some LOW RESOLUTION and most MEDIUM RESOLUTION programs to be run on a MONO monitor. Unlike some Colour Emulators, it gives full screen emulation in LOW RESOLUTION. It produces seven different shades (pseudo colours) in LOW RESOLUTION, three in MEDIUM. Unfortunately to achieve this, it uses approximately 200 KB of memory. I suggest you boot up with as few desk accessories and RAM DISKS etc as possible. It is compatible with ETERNAL reset survivable RAM DISK. (But don't rely on it!). I am working on a version which uses far less memory, but will run slower.(520 users will find a lot of programs run out of memory. You should use no Desk Accessories or other AUTO programs.) When you first boot up, you are presented with a screen which allows you to choose the screen drawing rate. Choose a number from one to ten, with ten being entered by hitting 0. The program then installs itself which takes approximately 15 seconds. On subsequent WARM boots (pressing the reset button) it installs without delay - if BIGCOLOR.PRG is in the AUTO FOLDER. In order to uninstall the program and release the 200 KB of memory, you have to COLD boot (switch of the machine and switch it back on a few seconds later). When the starting screen appears, you can type any letter instead of a number from 1 to 0, and the program is ignored and you get a normal MONO screen. The program remains in memory, however. If you press ENTER at the start up screen, the screen drawing rate is set at three and a half - the most useful rate. This allows the processor to run at about 80% of normal speed. If you enter 0, the machine slows to a crawl but the drawing is very smooth. If you enter 1, the movements are very jerky, but the speed of the processor is hardly reduced. Numbers between 3 to 6 are the most useful, depending on preference. Check it out with QUICK INDEX. To change from LOW RESOLUTION to MEDIUM RESOLUTION use SELECT PREFERENCE from the GEM DESKTOP. Some programs that access the hardware directly to change between resolutions, cause the screen to get offset. If it remains offset when you return to the desktop swap resolution by using SELECT PREFERENCE or reboot by pressing reset. I hope to fix that bug one day, not many programs are affected. When you first boot up, the resolution (Low or Medium) depends on the disk desktop info file. (Use SAVE DESKTOP after you have set your prefered resolution) Once you have been presented with the starting message, you can change disks before entering a number or letter. Other programs in the AUTO FOLDER will not run, if the Disk is changed. This is the first version of BIGCOLOR and there may be some other bugs, please let me know. It may also clash with some other programs. Not many commercial games run, but quite a lot of PD ones do. (Try before you buy!) This is SHAREWARE, so if you find it useful, a donation for registration would be appreciated. For 10/$20/30DM you get registration and the source code plus the latest update and information. (Including the version I am writing that uses less memory for use on 520 STs) I am also hoping to improve mouse handling, improve colour emulation and maybe improve speed. I have tested it on my Mega ST1, and it works with and without blitter. (I have written a fast Blitter (Medium only) version which is available if anyone is interested). As this program uses no ROM calls, it should work on any ST, maybe even disk based - subject to memory. Please send ideas, problems and money to JON DALTON 67 GREENFIELD ROAD, LONDON N15 5ER UNITED KINGDOM. Please distribute both BIGCOLOR.PRG and BIGCOLOR.DOC files together. I cannot accept any responsibility for lost data etc. or any other problems when using this program. Always back up all data and files! JON DALTON DECEMBER 1989. SHAREWARE.`?<NNT|g/<w?< NA\?<NAB?< NA\# ̺f 9.oH#.Np y. ̺g,#̺ .#.6#.Np#̺/<?< NA\/<v?< NA\/<?< NA\J9f/<?< NA\0<`*9@/o| n@J@f0<23 8 @ ̺fV@|X!!p!n! 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LCOUNT C a(/* ** Simple program that reads a text file ** from disk and counts the number of times ** each letter occurs. The results are written ** to the screen. ** ** by Jon Ellis, 21 August 1994 ST Review 32 */ #include int main(int,char *[]); /* ** The program starts here... */ int main(argc,argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { int letters[26]; FILE *infp; int c, f, index; if (argc != 2) printf("Usage: lcount \n\n"); else { for (f=0; f<26; f++) letters[f] = 0; infp = fopen(argv[1],"ra"); if (infp != NULL) { while ((c = fgetc(infp)) != EOF) { if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') index = c - 'A'; else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') index = c - 'a'; else continue; letters[index]++; } printf("Letter frequencies in file %s:\n",argv[1]); for (f=0; f<26; f++) printf("Number of %cs: %d\n",f+'A',letters[f]); fclose(infp); } else printf("Cannot open file !\n"); } printf("Press RETURN to exit: "); getchar(); return(0); } . v0.. FAMILY_TPRG PvFMT_INFORSC DzTROOT_HGHRSC Dz}EXAMPLE FMT l `"README 1ST zG[ROOT_LOWRSC Dz}`,*c$`,LArc's PFX 1.13P 1990 -soft, Markus Fritze g.h` /H*@"m mA$H -(H!!!!!!!!Sj JC pl QN , HD , p,m:<0r Q&N~*6<Q~d So:Q` H"CAD@CD@ArTApAQoQ`&-A& LA(HJkf&CH"grאg<fA``+D +E+F.ޅR؃+D؅+D+VC m Sj mJfA, "gr/r$&(*,."A$A&A(A*A,AH~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H`Sf"|`B QL gpNޭ,-lz5-\E:\FROOTS\FAMILY_T.PRG`XzCE$ ՙJf,z O.zvBQtNAb In$`N4 zT hPNHN`WB=:2..Be HUBXx,}~A2TNuM,Nua+>` J@"n>")n- }m !i"$ &2kr?[$<! yw 209:D#Pf@(%g8"E'&(z$*d $|a >aN F``FaF(z$:`T$Jg(A JPkPgX`G* N ~N !Y cf Bna а Nh0԰ 1 z~!JgF!~fAW & g ` G P0fT$E" * $g R*$J2N8,LH٪04J2200LaL06.2.2`f33n6x1580YS50 Қ 0Ut@ֶ<;?14HP213g.26@n2 p00 r664=A,F"BNUIbH0 aK@WB1;Ђ6@LfSA4^@bG V@ @T&PFقLyBN@HeBMA4?&P^0r@&Pb>]^@f F&dC@f3xB2JPn6$m @ 04JZ~ Jv"D"UβpD"RZ3ּ33\Sv"TJ3(E 68l l Cm2<5`}E ~bm 451b9`C23B#5`eR>VTnR&(2|\d4J26\iH vJ2vL0Jj0Jn3lQ}3J2.BBRaIa`f3@&PpB51Xb ` x"qRa`:t|ZH3p֙ UI2Z_Y` "g=F%f0gN5S3 3e pP o2!Ra.2pJ30aytgF>!n3??ma_42zwC#VynfJ6*0prrad}rJgW<# rr}  ! gb@`c`qa?aG`f3 @a$8JY }f@^耴MtR.A.jALVuz耐(R.0(:V(b qbj:knko`G$)lPT0+>@XH+\6?PaEp0.2aWޠ栨[RU耼UEbnsMr"n n.#q@tK8f2{lxyr~ CoCsDoDAfvBfSx.3LjRnS\b铚hJdY`h©(0 fySàcaeaDr`^rtvx`Drufj:rp0xi&xvx`xS`x›fJ޸wӬPլT׳;ĩ߲.0 Z9BJf># :|~Ո.2> Bǁ>Jkg&k$J2Rҝ `fP$LXLw-2.pҥ&Cs|&(3 3 E  m\V֙nNؙЫ .eizqNjrzqHjt&:s ց o "? s ֽo >"ߔr#p#pSJ":r$caMo$"*P$*TDD-A-BJ>F}?FSJRq@BHzsn3L&*X(*`CpO(~X4f<•gCRv#.Q#A. 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Sorting and organising this information was proving to be a very difficult and time consuming task. Much of the information had been duplicated, therefore a means of correcting this and resolving several other problems was required. Also, a new 'find' could result in major changes to the tree structure which would in turn demand a total redraw, again a lengthy job. With these basic problems in mind I started to plan Family Roots. The program had to be graphically based as opposed to being a mere database. It required a powerful search and match function, a quick and easy method of making changes to the graphic structure and, most importantly, it had to be relatively hassle free and easy to use. The basic concept behind Family Roots is the work screen. Imagine if you can, a huge sheet of graph paper 20448 units wide by 6400 units deep, with your family tree on it. Your television or monitor acts as a window to this huge grid. You can view it in its entirety, zoom in and out and pan or scroll as necessary. The graphics can be manipulated and reorganised as changes occur. Part or all can be sent to the printer, giving a hard copy in seconds and of course, everything can be saved to disk to be reloaded at a later date and displayed exactly as you left it. I don't believe it is sensible to rely 100% on computers for our data storage. Data can become corrupted, lost or damaged. Formats, needs and computers change, thus causing compatibility problems. Also, in the case of genealogy, it is impractical for the computer to take charge of all information storage. Some documents like birth and death certificates, letters, deeds, church records etc; are best kept in their original forms rather than being digitised onto magnetic media. So, with this in mind, Family Roots is designed to work in parallel with a document filing system. An option exists within the program to output the whole family tree in document form, complete with coded and listed relationships, which in turn gives a hard copy for security purposes. As it stands, the capacity of Family Roots is limited only by the workscreen size and the available memory in your computer. The workscreen can practically accomodate 270,000 individuals. To achieve this figure within your family tree would probably require hundreds of years of work. You will find that 1000 individuals with fairly packed database cards requires about 100k of memory. Memory upgrades are inexpensive and easily installed, so any worries in this area are unnecessary. Family Roots works in high and medium resolutions. I personally recommend that serious users obtain a high resolution monitor. The resulting crisp graphics give greater accuracy, less eye strain and better printer output. Family Roots comes on a single sided floppy disk. In addition to the main program, four other files are supplied. These are ROOT_HIGH.RSC, ROOT_LOW.RSC, DEMO.FMT and FMT_INFO.RSC. DEMO.FMT holds the demonstration family tree which can be loaded and viewed. This is merely a demonstration file, its contents do not claim to be correct or accurate and any similarity to any persons, living or deceased, is purely coincidental and totally unintended. FMT_INFO.RSC contains this manual and the other two files hold the high and low resolution loading screens. All three resource files can be left off your working disks if required. The program works happily without them and leaves you with an extra 60k of free memory. Family Roots is the result of 30 months of hard work. It has been extensively tested and debugged, therefore should work without any problems. Thanks must go to the following for their help and assistance with the creation of Family Roots. MUM and DAD STEVE DELANEY IRENE LAMB BOB CHEWTER MARC YOUNG Finally, I would like to wish you luck and hope that this program proves itself to be a helpful and useful assistant with your research into your family roots. Chris Skellern. WARRANTY: Floppyshop guarantees this disk to be free of defects in material and workmanship under normal use for a period of three months from the purchase date. This warranty expressly excludes damage by computer viruses, something which cannot happen if you keep the master disk write protected at all times. We recommend that you make a backup copy of the disk upon purchase and keep the master disk in a safe place. As an extra security measure, we suggest that you purchase a good virus killer program. We recommend The Professional Virus Killer which is available from Floppyshop for 6.95. DISCLAIMER: Although Family Roots has been extensively tested, neither Floppyshop nor Chris Skellern may be held liable for any damage caused as a direct or indirect result of using or misusing this program. No warranty, implied or otherwise, is given with respect to the program being fit for any particular purpose. @ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 : F I R S T S T E P S ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This chapter deals with the first steps in using the Family Roots program. Obviously you have loaded the program and found the preference screen, hence this information section. Now go back to the preference screen and click the mouse on the SCREEN icon. The program will now be displaying the Family Roots workscreen. This is the area where you build and modify your growing family tree. We have set the demo file to auto load so you are now viewing a fictitious family tree, created to give you an idea how the program works. Play around with the display screen as much as you wish, to familiarise yourself with Family Roots. Now select the 'P' icon to return you to the preferences screen, followed by the 'CLEAR' icon, to remove the demo file from memory. Now click the SCREEN icon again and you will return to the workscreen. As you can see, it is empty so let's create an individual. Select 'N' from the screen menu and a rectangular box will appear, this box represents one individual. To position it on the workscreen, simply move the mouse and click the left button when ready. You can change its position at any time by moving the mouse cursor over the rectangle and with the left button held down, reposition as required. Now let's give our individual a personality, first a name. Move the mouse cursor over the rectangle and click the right mouse button once. The database file for this individual is now viewable. The cursor is positioned at the top of the screen opposite 'Forename'. Type in any name, then press RETURN. As you can see our rectangle now has a name. Return again to the database display and move the edit cursor down to the 'Birth' column. Now type in a date using the slash character '/' to seperate the numbers eg: 2/12/1932. Press RETURN and the individual rectangle now displays the birth date. Now, let's give our individual a marriage partner. As before, go into his/her database and this time select the MARRIAGE icon with the mouse. Because no current marriages exist as yet, the program invites us to create one. Select yes and a partner database appears. Position the cursor next to the 'Forename' field and as before, insert some text. Press RETURN to go back to the individual. You will notice from his/her database that a marriage partner has been created. Selecting RETURN again will display the workscreen and hopefully the marriage partner's forename is viewable. Our individual can be linked with others to form relationships. The program will display all the necessary interconnecting tree structure automatically. The whole work screen can be treated as a kind of workbench. Small sections of the tree can be worked on at a time, then linked into the main structure when completed. Well that's the basic theory behind Family Roots, the graphic display integrated with the database. You must now read the other chapters regarding relationships etc. Before embarking on any serious work, I would recommend that you re-load the demonstration file from the disk and experiment with the graphic and text manipulation functions. To load this file, first return to the preferences screen by selecting 'P' from the menu. With the text cursor positioned next to Filename, enter the text 'DEMO' and then select LOAD with the mouse. The program will warn you about losing your work so far, since it is unimportant, just select LOAD again. @ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 : P A P E R W O R K ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is essential to establish a document filing system to work in conjunction with the computer program. The easiest and cheapest method of starting this is the A4 ring bound file. Each individual entry on the family tree has its own personal identification code. These codes start at AA00, increasing to AA99 and then continue with AB00 etc. Once an identification code has been allocated, it can never be used again, even if an individual is deleted from the tree. So, should you collect some letters, photographs, birth/death certificates etc, it's a simple matter of punching 2 holes and storing them within the binder. You must of course divide the collected information with blank A4 sheets or the special card dividers. The identification code of the individual can be written onto this divider, which is then placed in sequential order. There is no need to have a divider for every entry within the family tree, since many would remain forever empty, but as long as the dividers are kept in order, any gaps between the ID codes means no paperwork is available. The identification code can be found at the top right hand corner of an individual's entry in the database. @ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 : D I S K S A N D F I L E S ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first thing to do is to make a backup copy of the Family Roots master disk. Next, you need 4 blank formatted disks for each family tree created. Label each of these with the family name and then on 2 of the disks write 'MASTER 1' and 'MASTER 2'. On the other 2, write 'WORKING 1' and 'WORKING 2'. The 2 master disks should be stored seperately from the working disks. Under a wardrobe or at the back of a sock drawer are good places to keep these. Remember, should a thief break into your home and steal your computer, it is highly likely that he/she will take all your software as well. Computers and hardware are replaceable but years of hard detective work tracing your ancestors are not! The 2 working disks are the ones you use alternately to save your progressing work. You must copy the Family Roots program to each in turn, along with any Desktop file required. Depending on how long you spend at the program will decide on how frequently you need to save the file data. Roughly speaking, once every hour should suffice. When you have saved your work, switch the 2 disks over so that on the next 'save', the other disk has the most up to date file. This way you are always guaranteed to hold onto your data. At the end of the day (or session), save your work to one of the master disks, replace it at the back of the sock drawer and switch back to your work disks, ready for next time. An autoload function has been incorporated into the program so that the user can fully exploit the Desktop's Auto folder. With the Family Roots program installed within an Auto folder (as it is on the distribution disk) and the autoload icon set to ON, upon boot up, the computer will load the Family Roots program which will then proceed to load your work file and finally, set the screen display at exactly the zoom and position in which it was left. @ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 : P R E F E R E N C E S -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the program's interface with the outside world. Files can be loaded and saved, graphics can be printed, display preferences selected and certain fields defined. All preference settings are saved and loaded automatically as part of the tree file. MEMORY. The memory variables displayed at the top of the screen show the size of the current family tree file and the total free bytes available within memory. FIELD DISPLAY. Field Display allows you to change the field text from black to light grey. TEXT CASE. This control allows either upper or lower case to be selected. Due to the nature of the Family Roots text storage system, case mixing is not possible. TEXT DISPLAY. With this function you can switch between inversed or normal text strings. ID FLAGS. The ID flags are included within each individual's database as a convenient means of assigning the said individual to a yes or no rule or statement. The 6 ID flags labelled 'A'-'F' have no effect within the program as such, but represent in simple terms a row of on/off switches. What each switch means is decided by yourself. For example, I may wish to assign flag 'A' to the statement 'not tree linked'. Should I then find any individual with his/her ID 'A' flag inversed, I instantly know that this person does not have an established place within the tree. This may not sound very important initially, but remember the ID flags can all be used within the search function. Going back to my example, it would now become an easy task to find a list of unestablished individuals. The 6 field strings on the preference screen are there simply for you to note and remember which flag does what. They have no other function. DEFINABLE FIELDS. Three fields have been left free for the user himself to define. One of these must be used as a date. You can define their names from within the preference screen. Simply type in your desired names and they will automatically appear on the individual's database screen. FILENAME. Enter here the name under which you wish to save your data file. AUTOLOAD. This allows the automatic load and go function to operate, set to ON for instant loading immediately after program execution. DRIVE. Set the drive from which you wish to run Family Roots. Single drive users should leave it set to A. ROOTS. This function displays the loading screen. TIDY. In an effort to save memory and to exploit the fact that many names of people, towns etc; will be duplicated between individuals, a special system of text storage is used. 'LONDON' or 'JOHN' may be used several hundred times within a large family tree but the actual text is only stored once. However, during a work session many names will become deleted and unrequired. Tidy is a little routine which scans through the text storage dump looking for any unused words and deletes them if found. To see if any have been found, keep an eye on your file size variable before and after a tidy. To be honest, its only really necessary to use this function with large files around the 100k mark. Tidy displays the current word being checked on files with more than 100 words. If you decide that the process is taking too long and holding you up (this will happen if you have a large number of individuals on your tree), you can abort it by pressing any key. INFORMATION. On startup the Family Roots program scans the disk for its information text file. Information is only available if this file is found. As your family tree expands you may need more memory. Leaving the text file off the disk frees approximately 30k. CLEAR. Resets the program to startup. All information is lost. LOAD. Load the specified file into memory from the current drive. SAVE. Saves the file resident in memory to the current drive. Ocassionally the program has been known to go into an endless loop when saving. In other words, it saves your file again and again. The way to avoid this is to move the mouse away from the 'Save' icon just as the saving process is ending. This is an odd problem experienced by only a few users and we believe it may be connected to certain third party replacement mice being a little too fast in their actions. We think that we have solved the problem but using the above method will get round it if necessary. QUIT. Leaves the program and returns to Desktop. SCREEN. Exits the preference/option screen and takes you back to the main workscreen. PRINTER. Selecting 'PRINTER' allows the user to gain access to both the graphic and text printing functions. Only the area covered by the block can be printed, so if a block is undefined, or if a defined block is empty of individuals, access to this section is denied. The user can choose between printing graphics (the tree structure) or text (the database contents). Two types of graphic output are available, screen dump and ASCII conversion. Screen dumps must be used in conjunction with a dot matrix printer (or similar) whilst the ASCII mode is compatible with both dot matrix and daisy wheel printers. So even if you own a daisy wheel printer you can still print out your family tree structure. The graphic output options allow you to print in 10 different zoom levels. The graphic output uses the standard ROM ALT+HELP screen dump routine which is compatible with the majority of available printers. If however, you own a non compatible printer, help is at hand. You must obtain and install a Public Domain screen dump routine. Contact Steve Delaney at Floppyshop for more information. A disk save option exists in parallel with the printing options allowing both text and graphics to be saved to disk. Text is saved as a standard ASCII text file, whilst the graphics are saved in Degas file format. These images can then be easily converted into Neochrome or other formats. Let's examine the printer screen display. At the top of the screen you can view the 2 block variables which give information regarding block size and contents. Under these, the 13 printing options are listed. Options 'A'-'J' are the 10 graphic options. Option 'K' is the database text dump. Options 'L' and 'M' cover the graphic to ASCII conversion modes. Each option is displayed along with its calculated area to give information regarding the number of screen images required to print the block. A single A4 sheet of paper can hold 2 screen images. Options 'L' and 'M' are both special in that they take the standard screen image of the other graphic options and convert them into an ASCII format. Using these two functions enables a much faster and cheaper (ink wise!) way of getting a hard copy of your family tree. Option 'M' is a zoomed (x2) version of 'L'. Below the option table you can see the characters per line and contents selector. The contents selector enables you to choose between 5 types of text output. As previously described, options 'L' and 'M' convert into ASCII but you can choose here whether you want each line to be 80 or 160 characters long. The choice is mostly dependent upon your printer's ability. If your printer can manage 160 characters per line then all is well, otherwise you must stick to a setting of 80. Please note though, that you must manually set your printer to 160 character condensed mode. It is not set through software. However, you can use the 'Send Printer String' function (see below) to set the necessary condensed mode. You need an output of 20 dpi, to fit 160 characters onto an 8 inch sheet width. Try sending '1B 4D 0B.' This suits most formats and sets Elite with Condensed. When you have chosen the option to use, choose the appropriate selector box at the bottom of the screen. Each option gives you a choice of saving to disk, printing or just test viewing on screen. SETUP. Select this to gain access to the hardware printer preferences. It is here that you can tell the computer which kind of printer you have, which interface you are using, whether you need 1280 or 960 dots per line etc. Also included here is a means of talking directly to your printer via the printer string function. Draft/Final only applies to dot matrix printers and in the majority of cases will only work with those which use the 1280 dots per line mode. It really depends on your make of printer. It's a case of try it out and see. Printer String Function. Located by 'Printer string' are 8 pairs of selector boxes. Each pair represents a single byte. You must set the 2 digits to represent the required hexadecimal command code that your printer understands and then select 'Send String'. The 8 bytes are each checked for a value greater than 0. If found, the string is sent to the printer. The bytes are automatically saved and loaded with your Family Roots data file. Select 'Clear String' to reset the 8 bytes back to zero. For more information regarding command codes you must consult your printer manual. Character Mode Option. The 2 character mode bytes offers the user a little more flexibility with the 'L'/'M' printing options. Basically these 2 bytes hold the hexadecimal ASCII values of the horizontal and vertical characters used by the 'L'/'M' conversion routine. When the program converts a vertical or horizontal screen line into an ASCII character, it takes the ASCII equivalents from these 2 bytes. They are initially set to $5f ('_') and $7c ('|'). For a clearer understanding of what they do, set one of the bytes to say $2a ('*') and then print out with 'L' or 'M' modes and all will be revealed. If your printer allows the downloading of your own ASCII character designs, you could design better interpretations of the '|' and '_' and set the new relevant ASCII codes. PREFS. Select 'Prefs' to gain access to the various display commands. The selectors allow you to choose fonts, text case, field size etc. The 'Display and Wait' command tells the program to wait for a user key press after each screen has been printed. This gives the user an opportunity to change or re-align the paper in the printer if required. 'Normal/Sideways' commands the program to either display the graphic options upright or sideways. Sideways though, will only work in the 4 highest graphic modes and due to the restrictions of the medium resolution screen, can only work in high resolution. With the sideways option enabled, the family tree is printed in horizontal strips. If printing normally the screens are printed in vertical strips. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. For best results, I would advise you to keep your family tree individuals about 10-12 units apart horizontally and 6-8 units apart vertically on the grid. See the demo file for a rough guide. The user must achieve a balance between text information and graphic zoom. Displaying contents (5) with zoom option (G) will usually result in a horrible mess. The lower zooms must be used with the lower content ranges, although the higher zooms can accommodate all content possibilities. Sometimes, if things get tight, removing the boxes can help a great deal. Remember to keep your block size as small as possible so that you can be sure of the least amount of paper being used. The block though, is automatically centralized onto the sheet(s). FONT LOADING. If required, the Family Roots printing routines can use alternative fonts. To use this function the font must be of FONTKIT format and must be of the 8x8 character size. Place the font file you wish to use on your Family Roots program disk and name it 'FONT.FMT'. Then on program startup the file will be loaded and available for use under the 'STANDARD' font selector. Floppyshop can supply a number of these fonts from its Public Domain Library or perhaps you would like to design your own. Contact Steve Delaney at Floppyshop for more information. @ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 : W O R K S C R E E N ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section deals with the graphic display and manipulation functions. Most mouse selectable options are also available with a single key press. The HELP key will display all the key press options available. STATUS BAR. Located at the top of the screen, the status bar gives information regarding mouse position, current zoom level, block position and width. All X/Y positions are grid positions and NOT screen pixel positions. The status bar can be hidden by pressing 'J' on the keyboard. SCROLLING. Scrolling can be initiated via the menu arrow icons and can be either full or part screen. To achieve full screen scroll you must use the right mouse button instead of the left and if using the cursor keys, pressing the shift button at the same time has the same effect. ZOOMING. 12 zoom levels are available with the lowest zoom displaying the workscreen in its entirety. The '><' and '<>' icons enable mouse zooming, whilst pressing the 'INSERT' and 'HOME' keys allow access from the keyboard. MARK. A screen position can be remembered by pressing 'M' on the keyboard. To recall this saved position, simply press 'D'. GRID. Selectable from the 'G' icon or 'G' on the keyboard, the Grid lines can be a great help when aligning rows of individuals. The grid only operates on the top 3 zoom levels. EDIT. As described in the 'Getting started' section, an individual's database can be opened and viewed by clicking the right mouse button over its rectangle. Pressing UNDO performs the same operation with the exception that the most centralised rectangle viewable is the one opened. NEW. New entries are created via the 'N' icon or by pressing 'N' on the keyboard. A moveable rectangle will appear in place of the mouse cursor, this must now be positioned where required and made permanent by clicking the left button. MOVE ENTRY. Moving an individual is a staightforward procedure of clicking and holding down the left mouse button over the required rectangle. When satisfied with its new position, release the mouse button. HIDE MENU. Pressing 'H' on the keyboard will toggle the screen menu. INFORMATION. To access the online help (i.e. this manual), press 'I' on the keyboard. ABORT DISPLAY MODE. If you have more than 1500 entries in your family tree, the program enters into 'Abort Display Mode'. In this mode, the user can can exit the display process with a right mouse click at any time. This feature has been included to help avoid the inevitable delay in screen redraws for those of you who have very large family trees. No appreciable slow down in screen redraws is noticeable on files with less than 1500 entries. Entering this mode enables you to scroll around quickly without having to wait for the screen to update. Also, the screen displays in full view, i.e. you can see the drawing process in action. @ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 : I N D I V I D U A L D A T A B A S E ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The individual's database details can be viewed by first positioning the mouse cursor over his/her rectangle and then clicking the right mouse button. All personal details regarding the particular individual are now accessible. The screen will initially be displaying the individual's details, although marriage partners, children and parents are all now accessible by selecting the relevant icons with the mouse. There are three ways of leaving a screen display. The most obvious being to click the RETURN icon on the screen, although using RETURN on the keyboard is sometimes more convenient. Whenever you see an icon surrounded with a bolder border, it signifies that this function can be activated by pressing RETURN on the keyboard. Lastly, pressing the right mouse button has the same effect, automatically selecting the highlighted option. You will notice a four character code located at the top right hand corner of the database screen. This represents the individual's identification code. It is unique to that person and cannot be changed, swapped or reused, even if the person is deleted from the database. The screen edit cursor can be positioned using either the cursor keys or the mouse. Pressing Shift along with the cursor keys will speed up left/right movement. When leaving any text screen, the program checks that all text and date strings are legal. You may sometimes be asked to remove an illegal date format or unacceptable text character. DATABASE FUNCTIONS. Text strings. The database accepts multiple single line input strings, where each string must be separated with a '/' character. For example, if I was unsure whether a person's surname was spelt 'SKELLERN' or 'SKELLHORNE', I can type both into the Surname field and separate them with a '/' character eg; 'SKELLERN/SKELLHORNE'. The program will support a maximum of 16 strings all of which are scannable by the search function. Date strings. Date string format must be of the universal Day/Month/Year format, eg; '17/3/1899'. The slash characters must be included. Sometimes a date is only partially known and in these cases a question mark can be used to fill the missing places eg; '6/?/1723' or '?/?/185?'. The program's search function will still check these dates as normal and return any possible matches. Sex. Select the appropriate gender character. Flags. See preference section. Burial date. Sometimes only a date of burial rather than date of death can be obtained, so to record this fact, a 'B' flag is located next to the 'Date of Death' field. Click the mouse cursor over it to toggle its state. Parents. The parents' names and birth dates are viewable through this function. Unlink. This function enables relationships (previously created) to the individual, to be broken. Delete. The individual will be deleted and removed from the file in memory. All information connected with the individual is lost and irrecoverable. The identification code is not used again within this particular family tree. Search. Select this to go straight into the search screen display. Zoom. This option will first take you back into graphic mode and then zoom into the individual, positioning his/her rectangle at the centre of the screen Bros/Sisters. Select this icon to obtain a list of all brothers and sister relationships. Print. This will make a fast text copy of all information connected with the individual. Marriage information, brothers, sisters and parents are all listed along with their identification codes. The print information can be saved to disk or sent to the printer. Screen. This takes you back to the current graphic display position. Marriages. Use this to access any information regarding the individual's partner(s). MARRIAGE DATABASE. The marriage screen layout is very similar to the individual's with perhaps the main exception being, the actual marriage information fields. The text strings, date strings, flags etc; all follow the same procedure as previously described. Each individual is limited to a maximum of 10 marriages. MARRIAGE DATABASE FUNCTIONS. Marriage Type. The type of marriage can be defined with the flags located at the top left of the screen. Church, Civil or other are available here. Subject. Select this function to return to the individual's database screen. Create. Enables new marriage partners to be added to the individual's database. The confirmation screen allows positioning within the marriage partner's file. Next. Assuming that more than one marriage partner exists, selecting next will display the following partner in the file. Delete. The currently displayed marriage partner is removed and lost. Children. This function displays a list of any children connected to the currently displayed marriage partner. Note though, that other children may be in relationship to the individual via a different marriage partner. Search. This takes you straight into the search screen. ID link. In some circumstances, husbands and wives may both feature within the same family tree. It is pointless to duplicate both individuals' personal details onto each other's partner database screens, so ID link allows you to insert the partner's individual identification code instead of any text information. It is then a simple matter of locating the partner with the search ID code function. @ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 : L I N K I N G ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This mode can be selected via the 'L' icon on the screen menu or by pressing 'L' on the keyboard. Linking enables relationships to be created between the individuals. So, assuming the Link mode has been selected, the first thing you will notice is the mouse arrow changing to a crosshair. This new cursor must now be positioned over the rectangle of one of the individuals to be linked. Press and hold down the left mouse button, now position the cursor over the other rectangle involved. Release the button and assuming contact has been established, the relationship definition screen will appear. The two individuals are displayed above each other on the left of the screen. Set the control buttons to the right of the individual, to establish the required relationship. When completed, the program will return you to the graphic display but with the addition of a hard connection between the two individuals. Obviously the program takes into account other persons already connected to the two individuals and links them all up automatically. To break a link, see database section. You may find as time goes by that many individuals cannot be linked into the growing tree structure. These can be kept together down the sides of the workscreen, perhaps in male/female groups or whatever appeals to you. @ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 : B L O C K -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The block function is selected from the 'B' icon or by pressing 'B' on the keyboard. The Block is invaluable when it comes to reorganising the family tree. It has other uses though, one of which is a fast method of zooming into a particular section of the family tree. Printing the tree graphics is totally dependent upon the Block function. Finally, the search function can be instructed to scan only through the entries enclosed by the block. BLOCK DEFINE. As with the Link function, after selecting 'B', the mouse cursor changes into a crosshair. Now position the cursor at one of the proposed block corners, press the left mouse button and with it held down, move the cursor to create your block. When satisfied, release the mouse button to fix the block in position. BLOCK ZOOM. Move the cursor arrow over the 'B' icon and instead of pressing the left button, press the right. The complete block will now zoom into view via the highest possible accommodating zoom level. BLOCK CLEAR. Pressing 'C' on the keyboard will cancel any currently defined block. BLOCK MOVE. With the mouse arrow moved over the block, press the left button and with it held down move the mouse to reposition as required. BLOCK TRIM. The Block area and position can be accurately trimmed via the function keys. F1 and F2 will move the left most edge of the block either left or right by 1 grid unit. F3 and F4 control the right side, F7 and F8 control the top side whilst F9 and F10 control the bottom side. @ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 : S E A R C H -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The search function gives the user the ability to search through the whole file in memory and look for single and multiple field matches. After selecting the 'S' icon, or by simply pressing 'S' on the keyboard, you should be faced with the main search control screen. Before I describe the individual functions, I think it's best if you carry out a simple search on the demo file. This will in turn make understanding the basic concept here easier. With the demo file loaded (see getting started) and the search screen in front of you, let's do a search. Say I needed to create a list of any individuals born in Cambridge. Using the mouse, first select SUBJECT from the row of select boxes at the bottom of the screen. The SUBJECT search edit screen is now displayed. Click the mouse arrow over the edit string labelled 'TOWN' within the birth section. Type the name Cambridge and click the right mouse button to return to the main search screen. We must now instruct the program to carry out a search using information from within the Subject edit screen, so click the mouse over the text 'SUBJECT' which is located above the mouse select boxes at the bottom of the screen. The text string should inverse itself, showing that it is 'live'. Next, check that the 'SEARCH AREA' is set to 'ALL'. Set the search speed to 'SLOW' and we are ready for action. Select SEARCH and you should witness the return of any matches found. When the operation is complete, select VIEW from next to one of the 'finds' and you will be taken directly to its database display. The birth town will be Cambridge, select SEARCH from the icon and the program returns you straight to the Search screen. The search fields can be used alongside each other to enable multiple testing. For example, I may need to look for a JON who is married and was born sometime in 1856! The search date strings will support unknown values, so by typing ?/?/185? as a birth date, this will force the search routine to look for anyone born between 1850 and 1859. The text strings go one step further and allow the universal '*' wildcard to be used. Should I type in 'c*' as a search forename, the program will go on to return anyone who's name begins with 'C'. For example, you may need to obtain a list of individuals with the name JOHN. Typing in 'JO*' as a search string will cover 'JON', 'JOHN' and 'JONATHAN', although you may get the odd 'Joanne' as well. CATEGORY. This setting determines which edit screen you want the program to use as its search source information. SEARCH AREA. This setting decides on where you want the search to be performed. It can be set to Block or All. Selecting All is straightforward. All entries within the workscreen are searched, whilst selecting Block instructs the program to search only those enclosed by the current Block. SPEED. Fast forces the program to search the entries before displaying any finds, while slow displays as it finds. SCROLLING. These allow the user to view the whole list of finds, should it exceed the displayable 10. SEARCH. Select this to initiate the search operation. To abort, click the right mouse button. Clicking the left mouse button will act as a pause. The search buffer is limited to a maximum of 250 'finds'. SCREEN. This returns you to the graphic display. SUBJECT. This takes you into the search subject screen. Text, dates and button controls all operate as with the database screens. A useful tip is that prior to any new search operation, select the clear icon to guarantee a clean screen. It only requires one forgotten code set or a burial flag set, to mess up any search operation. The program allows a specific number of children, marriages or brothers/ sisters to be scanned for. Selecting a '?' will force the program to look for any number except zero. An important point regarding children count search is that when using the subject screen as the source count, any finds will equal the total sum of children for all his wives. When using the marriage search screen as the source you can look for a children count match to one partner only. It is important to remember, that should an inversable search flag be left blank (non-inversed), it does not necessarily mean that the program will search only for a blank match. For example, if the search burial flag is left un-inversed, the search routine will then return any finds that include both inversed and non inversed matches. However, if the search burial flag is inversed, then only inversed matches are returned. This point applies to all inversable search flags. MARRIAGE. The marriage screen follows the same rules as the Subject screen. MISC. Selecting this option takes you into the miscellaneous search screen which deals with the general search functions. There are four options available here. These are text string search, date scan search, identification code search and marriage ID code link search. The select buttons positioned at the bottom of the screen control which function is to be used. TEXT STRING SEARCH. This option offers a fast means of scanning all text categories rather than just a single field. You must select either 'Subject' or 'Marriage' from the adjacent select button to decide on where it will scan within the database. DATE SCAN. This mode allows you to define an upper and lower date limit which the program then uses in its date scan. Any dates found within the defined range are returned. As with the text string search, the search category must be defined. IDENTIFICATION CODE. This search option requires the 4 character code as its source, it returns the matching individual. ID CODE LINK. This last search option deals with the marriage ID code link function. It returns any individuals who have an ID linked partner. TUT+F_ROOTS .w . 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It is not disabled in any way. You are free to use it to help trace your family tree with no restrictions on use other than the fact that you may not give copies to others. They can order up a back issue of ST Review if they want their own copy. Family Roots remains a copyrighted product and its release on the ST Review cover disk is a one off. Whilst we hope that you get a lot of pleasure out of using Family Roots I, we would like to draw to your attention the fact that this product has undergone a major upgrade recently and Family Roots II is now available. Family Roots II normally costs 29.95 but ST Review readers can 'upgrade' their cover disk version for only 19.95 + P&P (UK + Europe 1.00, rest of world 3.00), a massive saving of over 30% on our usual price. This offer is for a limited period only and will not be repeated. New Features in Family Roots II * Completely revamped printing section. Family Roots II can drive most 9- pin, 24-pin, Bubblejet, Deskjet and Laserjet printers at all resolutions supported by the appropriate printer. This allows you to fit up to four times the amount of data on an A4 sheet than before (dependent on printer). The output from Family Roots II is comparable to that produced by ANY Desktop Publishing program. * The on-line manual has been replaced by an illustrated printed manual. * The grid display, status bar and menu can all be toggled on or off from the Preferences screen. * Surnames are now displayed on the graphic workscreen when in the highest zoom mode. This applies to the spouse as well as the descendant. * The graphic print out now has a built-in option to use a border of your choice. You can use one of those supplied with the program or design your own using Degas or any graphics package which saves in PI1, PI2 or PI3 format. * The baptism date is shown on both the graphic workscreen and the print out if the date of birth has not been defined. * The baptism date is shown on the Brothers/Sisters/Children database screens if date of birth has not been defined. * The thickness of the horizontal and vertical lines which connect the individuals within the tree, is user definable for print out purposes. * The text used for the short field names has been changed to the professional abbreviations. * The first letter of every name will automatically be capitalised on the print out (including graphic print out), regardless of how they were entered into Family Roots II. * The first letter of every name will automatically be capitalised on all Brothers/Sisters/Children database screens, regardless of how they were entered into Family Roots II. * The vertical spacing between entries has been reduced to allow more entries to be printed per A4 page. You have the option to reduce it even further from within the program. * Birth dates are now printed alongside the Brothers/Sisters/Children listings when printed out using the Database print out options. * Surnames and middle names are now viewable on the Brothers/Sisters/Children/Marriages database screens. * The results of a search can now be sent to the printer as well as viewed on screen. * All commands within the Preferences screen can now be accessed using either the mouse or a keyboard shortcut. * The name of the most recent spouse is now shown on both the graphic workscreen and the print out. * Aborting a print out with a key press has been speeded up considerably. * When saving your data file, the last version on disk is retained as a backup file. This ensures that you always have copies of the two most recently saved files. * Horizontal scrolling now scrolls the graphic workbench by 25% rather than 12%. The result of this is that the user can move around the workbench twice as fast. * If you try to run Family Roots II in a non-standard screen resolution (such as those used on the Falcon or TT), you will be advised to change to an ST compatible mode and re-run the program. * A page break is now sent to the printer after each database entry has been printed, rather than printing the entire family tree continuously. This enables easy filing of each individual's details since they are printed to separate sheets. Bugs Fixed from version I * An ID linked spouse no longer displays the wrong surname. * Mouse response rate has been standardised between all Atari models to avoid single mouse clicks going into endless loops in obscure circumstances. * The saved file is now verified after saving and a warning is given if your file has not saved correctly (eg; if you have run out of space on the disk). To upgrade your cover disk version to Family Roots II, return this disk with payment of 19.95 + P&P (UK currency only) to:- Floppyshop, PO Box 273, Aberdeen. AB9 8SJ. Credit card payment is acceptable. 31DDUfReeetvw . h 0*< eUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUW_  S_U @UU UU UU UU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUn@@F@9O *UUUUUUUUUU @@`V?UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUkߚe*QQQQQQQQQS9 w UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU W@UUUUUUUUUU_׀(}@8UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUc   着WeUU UU UU WJUU UUUuUMUuUUUUUUUUUUUUV1ihUUUUUUWS@UU諭窿᪫ p_@2B UUUUUUU*UUWSWU}U_UW_?W UY$UyUUVUu/%8@QQQQQT Q@????㪺着F/G UUUUUT9UUUW_UUU]ggU_US]?U@??U]UuUUVUMA_wUUUUUP.Uq窫??@}ԛd ߽ @@UUUUUPUUUW_UUU]UWU_}W?UWU?UUVT@a`I%窻쪫竪}?4@6UU UU UP U UUU]UUU}Uwg}WUWUUUUVTa' UUUUUPǎ'AU窻ܪ"ܪϫ}m۸G3@ʀUUUUUP~ZzJUªUUU]WUUu Uw7@}WUUUgUUVVP(@ _uQQQQQA<ovqQ箪@?ǿ ު@<ϯOk  UUUUUCxUUUU}]U}?UwW8|uWUUWU`UUW@T (}UUUUUA~U @~W<~UuSUUUU?UUWDTY. ow ?ϺϪ~~<}(|q:UU UU Ug U UUUu]]U}U~W9}UuWUUWUUUSP@!,oW@UUUUU@ OIU@諸ϫ~@3;*(W)@x:@UUUUUdU UUUuUuU}WUW37U_UWWUUUWHX@ ro@)@QQUUQBu QϨ'7j? 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CTB 0DOCS 0PDF 0GSPLP APP ~~GSPOOL ACC }VREAD ME ]AGSPOOL INF B1. 0.. 0EPSON CTB FQEPSON_LQCTB FQuPC-8 CTB HQ HPROMAN8CTB tGQ GSP22-CTBEPSON filter  !(/6 @ J T ^ h r |  aR}RR{RR[RR|RR\RR]RR~RR{RR[RR|RR\RR]RR~RR@RR~R(10U(8U(10U(1F~(10U(8U(10UR@RR~RGSP22-CTBEpson LQ2.0 CTB '.5<CJQRSTR~RR\RR|RoeOER~RR@\RR@}RR@^RR@{RR@|RR@~RR@^R^S3TGSP22-CTBPC-8 (Franais)&+&,&-&.&/&0&1&2&3&4&5&6&7&8&9&:&;&<&=&>&?&@&A&B&C&D&E&F&G&H&I&J&K&L&M&N&O&P&Q&R&S&T&U&V&W&X&Y&Z&[ &f &q &| & & & & & & && & & &x&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ''' ' ' ' (10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10UGSP22-CTBHP Roman8tin 1      !"#$%&'()*+,-. 8 BCDEFGHIJKLMNOP YZ d n wxy                 & 0 : D NOP Z d n x  (10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U(10U(0U. 0.. 0GSPOOL32TXT V5HISTORY TXT i5REGISTERTXT   GSPLP TXT $ UKREG TXT .WEGemspooler may NOT under ANY circumstances be included on any magazine cover disks without prior written permission from the authors. Gemspooler and its documentation must remain complete with all its files and documentation. ********************************************************************** * * * GEM Spooler v3.2 - April 1994 * * * * The highway to your printer * * Universal printer spooler for Atari ST/STE/TT/Falcon030 * * * * (c) Steven Van Rossen, Marc Billiet * * * ********************************************************************** Table of contents ----------------- 0. Keyware 1. Disclaimer 2. About spoolers 2.1 Wat is a spooler ? 2.2 Spooler types 2.3 Spooling with the Atari ST 3. GEM Spooler 3.1 Installing GEM Spooler 3.2 Functions of GEM Spooler 3.3 Manual 3.3.1 Dialogs Dialogs in GEM Spooler GEM Spooler dialog Job dialog Setup dialog Printer dialog 3.3.2 Adding a job 3.3.3 Resetting a job 3.4 Known problems with GEM Spooler 3.5 GEM Spooler with Gemini 4. Registering GEM Spooler 5. Technical notes 6. Gem Spooler support BBS 7. Credits... 8. Adresses 0. Keyware ---------- Starting with GEM Spooler 3.2, GEM Spooler becomes a 'keyware' program. What is a keyware program ? Well, Keyware is the answer of shareware authors to the failure of the shareware concept in Europe: very few users do register their shareware copy of a program. They do use the program but never pay for it. Why should they: it is easy to get new versions, legal control is very limited... Keyware solves this problem in an honest way: just as shareware, the whole program is distributed, including documentation and tools. This enables the user to test the program thoroughly before registering. But the keyware program will stay limited in some of its functions as long as the user does not register. If the user registers, he becomes a legal user of the software and receives a key. This key has to be filled in in the program. If the key is correct, the software unlocks itself and becomes fully functional. The advantages of Keyware are: - Users are encouraged to register. Fair-play users are rewarded. The others will have to settle with a less complete version. - Updates of the program can be distributed faster: a keyware version can be unlocked with the same key through all minor releases. There is no need to recompile individually registered versions. A registered user can get a new release of GEM Spooler (on a BBS e.g.) and register it with his key without having to contact us. - Authors are better rewarded for their work as more users pay their fee. This is an incentive to continue to work at the program ! The limitations in GEM Spooler 3.2 keyware are as follows: - Every time the main dialog is opened, the info dialog appears on top of it - Jobs with more than 200 Kb are not spooled but are put in HOLD If you want to register GEM Spooler, please read section 4: 'Registering GEM Spooler' 1. Disclaimer ------------- Although GEM Spooler has been thoroughly tested and works very fine, the authors take no responsibility for any damage that might occur (implicit or explicit) when using GEM Spooler or one of the related programs. 2. About spoolers ----------------- 2.1 What is a spooler ? ----------------------- Everybody who prints a lot knows the problem: it takes very long before the computer is available again because the computer has to wait for the slow printer. Fortunately there are spoolers... Spoolers collect all output to the printer very fast and return control to the computer. While the user can go on with his other work, the spooler will send the output little by little to the printer. 2.2 Spooler types ----------------- To collect the printer output, spoolers need a (fast) buffer in RAM or on disk. According to the type of this buffer there are two types of spoolers: ram spoolers and disk spoolers. Disk spoolers are mainly used on large systems (mainframes, minis etc.). Ram spoolers are mostly found on microcomputers. A ram spooler reserves a part of the internal memory as buffer. The size of this buffer can be chosen. The advantage of a ram spooler is speed (RAM is fast memory), but there are also some disadvantages: - The buffer consumes (expensive) RAM - There is a limit to the printer output. e.g.: if you print some graphics, this can easily create up to 1 Mb of output. But if your spooler's buffer is 512 Kb, the computer will have to wait to receive the last 512 Kb until the printer has processed the first 512 Kb. - You can't delete something you printed without clearing the whole buffer (which could contain other print jobs !) - If there is a system crash, the whole buffer is lost (in RAM !) Disk spoolers don't have these problems. They make it possible to follow up each print job individually: every job is added to a queue where it can be changed or deleted at any time. After a reset, disk spoolers resume their work as if nothing ever happened (all information is still on disk !). The only disadvantage of disk spoolers is that they require fast disk capacity, usually a hard disk. 2.3 Spooling with the Atari ST ------------------------------ The Atari ST has always been a computer with lots of RAM (compared to the competition). Programmers responded to this with a large offer of ram spooler utilities (accessory or program), in many cases combined with a ram disk. Without doubt, this is a very good solution for ST users without harddisk. The latest evolution in computing however, changes this situation thoroughly. Desktop publishing programs, powerful wordprocessors, graphic programs etc. use more and more RAM. As RAM is quite expensive, these programs tend to use the hard disk instead: parts of RAM memory are save to disk and loaded whenever needed. This technique is refered to as 'virtual memory'. As a result of this evolution, lots of ST users now have a harddisk. This makes disk spooling (as found on large systems) also interesting for those users. GEM Spooler makes it possible ! 3. GEM Spooler -------------- GEM Spooler is - as far as we know - the first disk spooler for the Atari ST. While other operating systems have always used disk spooling (minis, OS/2, Macintosh, Windows 3) the ST missed this feature. With GEM Spooler this is history. 3.1 Installing GEM Spooler -------------------------- GEM Spooler runs on every Atari ST, STE, Mega ST, Mega STE, TT and Falcon030. It runs on all official TOS releases, including MultiTOS. A harddisk is not necessary, but recommended. GEM Spooler doesn't need much RAM (see: Technical notes) and even feels at ease at a ST with 1Mb RAM. To install GEM Spooler, you proceed as follows: a) Insert the GEM Spooler diskette in a drive and open a window to show its contents. b) Copy the folder GSPOOL31 to the root directory of your boot disk (e.g. A:\ or C:\). c) Open the folder GSPOOL31 (diskette), choose a GEM Spooler in your language, copy it to the root directory of your boot disk and rename it in GSPOOL.ACC (important !) The following languages are available: GSP32NL.ACC Nederlandse versie GSP32UK.ACC English version GSP32DE.ACC Deutsche Version GSP32FR.ACC Version Franaise Manuals are - at the moment - available in Dutch, English and French. Anyone who wants to help us to make a translation of GEM Spooler or the manuals into his mother tongue, please contact us: you can get a free registration ! d) Open the folder PDF, select the appropriate *.PDF file (e.g. EPSON.PDF) for your printer, copy it to the root of your boot disk and rename it to GSPOOL.PDF. e) Open the folder CTB, select the appropriate *.CTB file (e.g. EPSON.CTB) for your printer, copy it to the root of your boot disk and rename it to GSPOOL.CTB. f) Reboot your ST. 3.2 GEM Spooler functions ------------------------- GEM Spooler redirects all printer output to files (jobs). For each printout you start, a job is created. These jobs are put in a queue (the printer queue) and are processed in FIFO order (First in, first out). GEM Spooler is an accessory and can be accessed from within every GEM program to watch and control the queue: - the job sequence can be changed (priority, status) - jobs can be deleted - jobs can be sent to different output ports (printer/modem) - jobs can be filtered (character table): e.g. can be translated to e, backspace, trema before sending it to the printer - a job can be processed several times (copies) - jobs can be kept on disk to use later; e.g. you could spool something on your ST, keep the job and spool it on a friend's ST (who has a laser printer...) - the whole queue can be halted (and released) with one mouse click ! - the whole queue can be deleted GEM Spooler's queue survives system crashes. After a reset, the spooler simply resumes its work. GEM Spooler is also very safe to use: it is pure GEM, respects the XBRA-protocol, places a system cookie and cooperates with Gemini through the AV-protocol (more about this under: Technical notes). 3.3 Manual ---------- 3.3.1 Dialogs ------------- Dialogs in GEM Spooler ------------------------------ In GEM Spooler 3.2 most dialogs are windowed so they can't block other programs in a multitasking environment. There are two kinds of windowed dialogs: modal and non modal. - A non modal windowed dialog is a dialog you can leave on the screen all the time without locking up other applications. It is not obligatory to answer the dialog and you can change to another GEM Spooler dialog or another GEM program. These dialogs can be recognized by the closing box at the top left corner of the window. GEM Spooler's main dialog (the printer queue) is an example of a non modal dialog. - A modal windowed dialog is a dialog that must be answered. It is not possible to change to an other GEM Spooler dialog, because processing can not continue unless you answer that dialog. You can however switch to another GEM program (which is a different process). A modal windowed dialog has no closing box and stops GEM Spooler processing. An example of such a dialog is the Job dialog. GEM Spooler also has some dialogs that are not windowed. These dialogs are used to make sure that other applicitions are halted (sometimes this is the only way to avoid conflicts with other processes). All alert messages fall into this category as well as the Job dialog if (and only if) it has been launched to prompt for job settings. All dialogs in GEM Spooler have a few extra features compared to standard GEM dialogs: Movable; This is very handy if the dialog just covered information you could use for answering the dialog. To move a dialog, you can click the small box in the upper right corner (= mover) and drag it to a new position. Look through...; If you hold the ALT key when clicking the mover, the dialog will disappear before moving. This feature enables you to look through the dialog... If you release your mouse button, the dialog will reappear. Shortcut buttons: ALT+underlined character selects the corresponding button. UNDO aborts a dialog, HELP brings up the Information dialog (when you are in the main dialog). GEM Spooler dialog -------------------------- Choose GEM Spooler v3.2 in the accessory menu and the GEM Spooler dialog opens. Here you see (top, middel and bottom): -- Top -- NO ERROR(S) OCCURED Error indicator: if an error occured during the spooling process, this text will change to ERROR(S) OCCURED) BYTES PROCESSED: Shows the number of bytes that have been processed for the active job xx% Percentage. Indicates the percentage of the job that that has been processed. -- Middle -- In the middle you see the printer queue window where jobs are displayed: C:\TEXT\ASCII.TST P Wait 1 --R 1 D:\DOCS\README M Hold 3 F-- 10 C:\SPOOLING\SPL0.PRN P Wait 3 -T- 2 | | | ||| |-> Copies | | | ||| | | | |||-> Reset printer: R (on) | | | || - (off) | | | || | | | ||-> Trash: T (on) | | | | - (off) | | | | | | | |--> Filter: F (on) | | | - (off) | | | | | |-> Priority: 1-5 | | |-> job path + filename |-> Port: P - Printer M - Modem You can scroll through this list by clicking on the Up/Down arrows are by pressing the Up/Down arrow keys. A job can be (de)selected with a simple mouse click. Several jobs can be selected with a shifted mouse click. You can perform operations on selected jobs (see further). Pathnames that are to long to display are truncated (...) just before the filename, so the filename is always visible. -- Bottom -- You can click the following buttons: SPOOL Select a file to spool (the fileselector appears) JOBS Changes the attributes of (a) selected job(s) (selection) or the attributes of every new job (no selection) (see: Job dialog) DELETE Deletes all jobs (no selection) or all selected jobs (selection). GEM Spooler always asks you to confirm this operation: Delete jobs ? / Delete all jobs ? (yes/no) SETUP Set the defaults for GEM Spooler (see: Setup dialog) PRINTER Give printer commands, choose the printer driver and the filter (character table) HALT ALL Click on this square to halt or release the queue (if the square is crossed, the queue is halted). The queue can be sorted by pressing the ESC key. This can be useful after changing priorities. Normally GEM Spooler automatically resorts the queue in background, every time a new job is started. By pressing the ESC key, you can immediately make your changes visible. Status : Wait = Hold > Stop = Error ( > priority, = equal) Priority : 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5 ( > priority ) You can close the queue window by clicking on the closing box or by pressing the UNDO key (close window). Jobs dialog ------------------- With this dialog, you can change a job's attributes. If no job is selected, this dialog will show the attributes that are assigned to every new job. If a job is selected, the dialog shows the attributes for the selected job, or if more jobs are selected for all selected jobs. The difference is visible in the window title: 'New job', 'Selection' or the job name is displayed. FILTER Enable character translation while printing. This option only works if a character translation table (CTB) is loaded (see: Printer dialog). TRASH Trash the job file after spooling. If selected, the job file is deleted as soon as the job has finished. RESET Reset the printer. If selected, the printer will be reset before and after spooling a job. COPIES The number of copies (1 to 99) for this job. Click on the scroll arrows or press the corresponding arrow keys to change this number. STATUS The job status: Wait The job is waiting to be processed Hold The job is held (will not be processed) Keep The job is processed once and put in hold Error An error occured while processing the job You can change the status by clicking on it. If you click on an error status, an alert box with the reason for the error is shown. Answer 'OK' and the job will be reset to Wait status. PRIORITY The job's priority, varying from 1 (highest) to 5 (lowest). A job with higher priority will be processed before a job with lower priority. To change the priority, click on the priority number. OUTPUT PORT The port GEM Spooler wil spool the job to: printer/modem, in other words: parallel or serial. IMPORTANT: when spooling to the serial port, the printer output is sent in blocks without any further control (using the GEMDOS functions). This means you have to be careful when setting the spooler's timing (too fast printing can block the foreground task). Actually, serial spooling was built in to experiment with null-modem cabling etc. FORM FEEDS Indicates when GEM Spooler has to send a form feed instruction to the printer. You have the choice: Begin Form feed at the begin of a job End Form feed at the end of a job Begin+End Form feeds at the begin and the end of a job OK Accept all changes and close the dialog CANCEL Cancel all changes and close the dialog NOTE: A double click on a job will automatically open the 'Job dialog' for that job Setup dialog --------------------- With this dialog you can change the internal parameters of GEM Spooler. Every modification of these parameters has an influence on the way the spooler operates, so be careful if you change anything in this dialog and make sure you read the information about each parameter in this manual. Before we can talk about the parameters themselves, it is important that you know that GEM Spooler can operate in two different ways: block driven and interrupt driven. Both methods are event driven. This means that the spooling process is activated every X seconds if (and only if) the program on the foreground is waiting for an event, e.g. a key pressed, a mouse click etc. All GEM programs behave this way. So every X seconds GEM Spooler is given control by GEM. What happens at this moment ? If the spooling process is block driven, a whole block of data is sent to the printer. This block with size Y is taken out of a RAM buffer with size Z that contains the output. This buffer is the 'read cache', a small part of memory where GEM Spooler will store a larger piece of the file it has to spool to reduce the number of disk operations. Block driven spooling is very fast but it has a disadvantage: it can happen that a block is sent to the printer before the previous block was completely printed. This causes a slight delay in the foreground task. Example: the printer has its own buffer of 10 Kb and GEM Spooler sends blocks of 5 Kb every 3 seconds. After 6 seconds of spooling, the printer's buffer will be full (2 times 5 Kb). The printer then has 3 seconds to free 5 Kb of its buffer before the next 5 Kb are sent. Suppose that for some reason the printing is slow (e.g. graphics) and the printer has only freed 3 Kb when the next block is sent. In that case, there will be a slight delay: the ST waits till the printer accepts the last 2 Kb, in other words: till the printer has freed up another 2 Kb (in addition of the 3Kb) by printing it. If the block size is not greater than the printer's buffer and if the event timer interval (x seconds) is large enough to enable the printer to process all data in time, there will be no significant delays. If there is a delay, this will only be visible during intensive foreground tasks (e.g. scrolling). To avoid this problem, GEM Spooler also offers interrupt driven spooling; a job is started by sending a block to the printer, but to decide when a new block is to be sent, GEM Spooler uses the busy interrupt: The printer continuously sends a signal to the computer. If the printer is busy, the signal is high; if the printer is ready, the signal is low. This signal is called the BUSY signal. GEM Spooler links the BUSY signal to an interrupt: if the signal goes high (printer busy) the ST interrupt system waits till the signal goes low again (printer ready). The change from high to low starts the actual BUSY interrupt: all foreground tasks are halted and control is given to GEM Spooler. GEM Spooler then sends byte per byte to the printer until he's busy again... This goes lightning fast ! The result is fast spooling to the printer without delays (because GEM Spooler knows exactly when the printer is ready to receive new data). Therefore, if your printer supports the busy line (all centronics printers do) we advise you to always enable the busy interrupt... With this technical information in mind, it will be more easy to understand the function of each setup parameter. The parameters are divided into two groups: job processing and general. A first series of parameters concerns the job processing: QUEUE LENGTH The maximum number of jobs the queue can hold. This is 10 jobs by default, which is largely enough for normal use. You can make the queue longer, but this will cost you more memory. WRITE BUFFER The size of the buffer that GEM Spooler uses to collect printer output before writing it to disk: a bigger buffer will result in faster output redirection, because there will be less write accesses. BLOCK SIZE The size of a print block, a block that is sent over to the printer at each event timer interval (when in block driven spooling mode) READ BUFFER The size of the buffer GEM Spooler uses to read in a job when spooling it to the printer. A bigger buffer will result in faster spooling. An example: a printjob of 500 Kb is spooled in blocks of 5 Kb. The read buffer is 50 Kb and the event timer is set to 3. To complete this job, GEM Spooler will have to read 10 times 50 Kb from disk. Every 3 seconds, 5 Kb are sent to the printer. Without read buffer GEM Spooler would have to read 100 times 5 Kb ! If you raise this buffer to 100 Kb, there would be only 5 disk accesses. MPT SLOTS The number of logical printers GEM Spooler should trace. Logical printers are opened & closed by an application. The application is given a printer handle to send its output to. In former TOS versions, this number was always the same. Since Falcon TOS and MultiTOS return unique printer handles, GEM Spooler has to track output for each individual handle (the output GEM Spooler has to redirect can arrive over different handles !) That is done with a Multiple Printjob Tracking slot. The default number of 4 is sufficient for normal usage. Unless: a) You like to make more than 2 applications print simultaneaously under MultiTOS. b) You're cursed with older applications that were written when MultiTOS was far away and that use far too much printer handles. Adimens e.g. needs 8 MPT slots before it cooperates with GEM Spooler. Please note that the write cache (write buffer, redirection buffer) is divided over all MPTs, so raising the MPT value without raising the write cache could slow down spooling. PRINT RETRIES This number indicates how many times GEM Spooler has to retry to print before coming to the conclusion that the printer is offline. Some slower laser printers caused earlier GEM Spooler versions to report a printer offline in the midst of spooling. If you have a printer like that, raise the printer retries value. EVENT TIMER The event timer interval GEM Spooler will be active (in seconds): just like every other GEM application, GEM Spooler becomes active (gets some time from GEM to run) to do its work. The higher the event timer value, the less frequent GEM Spooler will be active, the lower this value the more frequent GEM Spooler will be active. Higher values slow down GEM Spooler, lower values slow down other GEM tasks (and speed up GEM Spooler of course). JOB TIMEOUT The timeout is a very important parameter to GEM Spooler. It is used to determine when an application has stopped printing over a GEMDOS or BIOS function. If an application prints over a printer handle (Fopen to open the handle, Fclose to close it) GEM Spooler can detect the end of the print job by waiting for a closing of the printer handle. If an application prints over GEMDOS or BIOS function, there is no printer handle: data comes through the GEMDOS or BIOS channel and there is no way to see if there is still data coming. Therefore, a timeout is used: if no data went through the channel for a while, GEM Spooler assumes that printing is done. Example: you are printing with your wordprocessor (the wordprocessor prints over the BIOS). GEM Spooler redirects the output. After 60 seconds, GEM Spooler receives no further printer output. What is happening ? There are two possibilities: either the printing is done or the application has to think some time before continuing to print. GEM Spooler will now use the timeout to determine what's up. If the timeout is 10 seconds, GEM Spooler will wait 10 seconds for new printer output. If new printer output is received within these 10 seconds, GEM Spooler will continue redirecting, otherwise the redirection is stopped and all received data is saved to a new job. NOTE: the correct setting for the timeout depends on the speed with which your applications print. Set a value that suits your slowest printing application, but not more. A lower timeout speeds up job handling ! Generally, 5 to 20 seconds should work fine. The second series of parameters concerns the general functioning of GEM Spooler: REDIRECT With this option activated, GEM Spooler will redirect and spool all printer output generated by the programs you run. If the option is de- activated, printer output will not be redirected and only the manually selected files (see: 'Spool' in the main dialog) are spooled. TO [ PATH ] Click this button to select the path were GEM Spooler has to store the redirected output (the jobs). A fileselector appears. Select the desired path and confirm with 'OK' (you can save this path as default with 'Save' in the GEM Spooler dialog). LOG FILE Turns the queue logging on or off. If queue logging is on, GEM Spooler will create a log file in the spooling directory to keep track of all spooling operations. If queue logging is activated, GEM Spooler will resume spooling automatically after system crashes (reset). PROMPT JOB SETTINGS If this option is active, GEM Spooler will ask you immediately for the job settings of every new job. e.g. You are printing with your spreadsheet program. After redirecting the output, GEM Spooler will open the Jobs dialog above your spreadsheet to ask you for the settings of the new job. FORCE FCLOSE Some ill-behaved applications don't close the logical printer handle they opened. This has the annoying effect that no print job will appear, unless you leave the application. If one of this trouble child- applications is in your posession, turn this option on (only then !) The above mentioned Adimens (under: MPT slots) is one of them. USE BUSY INTERRUPT If selected, spooling is interrupt driven, otherwise it's block driven. Changes are only possible when no job is active. SMART FILTER If the smart filter is active, GEM Spooler will check every job file for which a filter has been set. If the job file contains no text (binary), GEM Spooler will desactivate the filter. This way, you can set the filter option on for all jobs ! Note that the text/binary check is made the first time GEM Spooler fills the file buffer for a certain job: every character in the file buffer is controlled and binary characters are counted. If only one binary character is found, the filter is turned off. If you use this option, make sure your file buffer is not too small, otherwise the binary check routine could miss a binary character ! A normal file buffer (1024 bytes at least) should give very good results. The system is - evidently enough - not 100% water- proof: if a text file contains some binary characters near the end of the file, GEM Spooler will not notice this (unless the whole file fits in the file buffer). Anyway, such a text file would be damaged ! Let us say this check is 99% waterproof... DESKTOP REDRAW: With this option activated, GEM Spooler sends a redraw message to the MultiTOS desktop to reread file windows when files were added, deleted or changed by GEM Spooler. CENTER DIALOGS: Normally, GEM Spooler 3.2 opens its dialogs on their previous position. If you don't like this feature, just activate Center dialogs and all dialogs will appear centered, just as with normal GEM dialog. To make any changes to the options permanent, you can click the SAVE button. The changes are saved in GSPOOL.INF and will be valid every time you start your system. To leave the Setup dialog, you can choose between: OK Accept all changes and quit the Setup dialog. CANCEL Cancel all changes and quit the Setup dialog. Printer dialog ---------------------- This dialog gives you direct control over your printer: e.g. to send a form feed command (page eject) to the printer. The window title indicates for which printer GEM Spooler has been installed. You can change the printer driver by clicking on the PRINTER button. A fileselector appears and asks you for a Printer Definition File (PDF). A click on 'OK' loads the new driver. A PDF file can be created or changed with the printer installation utility PDFMAKE.PRG (please read PDFMAKE.TXT for additional information). If you want GEM Spooler to start up with a certain PDF automatically, rename the PDF file to GSPOOL.PDF and place it in the root of the boot disk. Other choices in the printer dialog are: FF Sends a form feed LF Sends a line feed RESET Resets the printer. This can take some time, because the printer first processes all information in its buffer. CLEAR Clears the printer's buffer. This can take some time too. USER1 User 1 to 4; these are user defined printer commands USER2 These buttons can have other names if they were renamed by USER3 the active PDF (edit with PDFMAKE.PRG). USER4 FILTER Load the filter that will be used when spooling jobs with the filter option set. The filter is a table with all ASCII charac- ters and their translation in printer codes. e.g. 139 = 105, 008, 126 or: = i If no filter is installed, the text in the bottom left corner indicates NO FILTER LOADED. You can load/change a filter by clicking on the FILTER button. A fileselector will appear to ask you for a CTB file (Character TaBle). Select a CTB and click OK to install the filter. You can make CTB files with the CTBBUILD or CTBMAKE program (read CTBMAKE.TXT or CTBBUILD.TXT for more information). GEM Spooler automatically loads a filter when starting up if it is named GSPOOL.CTB and if it iss located in the root directory of your boot disk/partition. 3.3.2 Adding a job ------------------ A job can be added to the spooler queue in two ways: 1) As redirected output of a program. In that case, GEM Spooler gives the file (the job) a temporary name PRNxxxxx.SPL (x: 0, ..., 9) and stores it in the 'spooling directory' (see: Setup dialog). The job is assigned the default job attributes, except for the TRASH option. This option is always enabled. 2) As a file selected by the user: You select a file to spool with the 'Spool' option. GEM Spooler will give this job all the default job attributes (be careful with the TRASH option !). 3.3.3 Resetting a job --------------------- Sometimes, it can be useful to reset a job. Resetting a job stops the spooling and restores the previous status of the job. To reset a job, hold the CONTROL key down and click on the job in the queue display. GEM Spooler will ask you to confirm. Answer 'Yes' to reset the job. NOTE: You can only reset a job if it has the 'Print' status. 3.4 Known problems with GEM Spooler ----------------------------------- As far as we know, GEM Spooler v3.2 works fine with all applications, excepted with: - Other spoolers. This is obvious, because there can only be one spooler installed to spool efficiently. - GEM Spooler is - just like all other spoolers - unable to redirect the output from applications that print directly to the parallel/serial port. - Some programs that mess around with vectors and interrupts: beware of programs that change the system without respecting the XBRA-protocol. They cause trouble with all other system utilities ! MultiTOS and MiNT users should be careful to not change the memory protection flag of GEM Spooler (this flag must be GLOBAL). As GEM Spooler uses the XBRA- protocol (which implicates memory sharing with other processes), it should not be monitored by the memory protection ! The GSPOOL.ACC on your distri- bution disk has the correct flag settings. That's all. If someone should discover a problem, don't hesitate to write us ! We always try to fix the problem as fast as possible ! 3.5 GEM Spooler and Gemini -------------------------- GEM Spooler communicates with the popular desktop replacement Gemini (shareware from Gereon Steffens and Stefan Eissing), using the AV-protocol (read the technical notes that come with Gemini). You can install GEM Spooler as an icon on the Gemini desktop. Every file you drop on this icon will be spooled. There is no limitation to the number of icons you can drop. If you double click the GEM Spooler icon, you can activate the accessory. Objects can also be dragged upon the queue dialog window. It is also possible to assign files with a certain extension to GEM Spooler. You can double click such a file to spool it. To install this: - select the GEM Spooler icon - choose 'Install application' - enter the desired extension, e.g. *.PRT;*.OUT - click 'OK' - save the Gemini defaults (Save defaults) 4. Registering GEM Spooler -------------------------- Choose INFO in the main dialog (or press the HELP key) to go to the Info dialog. There you choose: 'Registration'. The registration dialog will open. Fill in your name and your address (minimum two lines: the street and the place where you live). Now click on the 'Generate code' button. GEM Spooler will now generate a personal registration code. This code will appear in the 'Code: ' field. It is 10 characters long. Write it down carefully ! Fill in the registration form (REGISTER.TXT) with your personal data and the registration code GEM spooler generated (don't forget this, otherwise we can't send you your key). Send this form to us and you'll receive your personal registration key as soon as possible. If you received your personal registration key, go back to the registration dialog, fill in the key (please verify if you typed it in correctly) and click upon the 'Register key' button. It everything is OK, GEM Spooler will unlock itself (registration succesfull). Please note down your key and keep it in a place where you don't forget it: every minor release from GEM Spooler (e.g. 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 would be minor releases) can be unlocked with your key ! This is a very easy way of upgrading GEM Spooler ! Also, if for some reason you might have to reinstall GEM Spooler, you need the key to re-register your copy. 5. Technical notes ------------------ GEM Spooler redirects some system vectors/functions: Gemdos trap #1 Bios trap #13 MFP Parallel port prt_stat prt_vec aux_stat aux_vec This is done following the XBRA protocol. The identification code is 'GSP1'. If a cookie jar is installed, GEM Spooler also places a cookie in the jar with the name 'GSP1'. By using this cookie, other programs can pass information to GEM Spooler (see the GSPFUNC library). When printing over the serial port, GEM Spooler uses the GEMDOS functions. These functions use the default serial port which STE and TT users can change in the Extend Control Panel with the CPX module: Modem settings. 6. Credits ---------- We want to thank everybody who helped us to write GEM Spooler v3.2: - Jan De Smedt and the people of Hobby Computer Club Belgium Atari gg for their beta testing. - Martin Mertens for his sharp eye in discovering exotic bugs. - Pascal Fellerich for his hints and suggestions and for his testing of GEM Spooler on the TT. - Julian F. Reschke for his monthly article "Atarium" in ST Magazin - where we found lots of useful information on accessory programs - and for all his efforts in promoting serious standards for ST/TT development (these articles are a must for every programmer !) - All authors of the Atari Profibuch (another must). - Pascal Freche for translating the resource files and the manuals in French. - Achim Steigert for translating the manuals in German - Every registered GEM Spooler user ! 7. GEM Spooler support BBS -------------------------- All ST/TT/Falcon users who have a modem can now connect to the official GEM Spooler support BBS: Great Balls of Fire BBS, (+32)-16-64.00.99 (BELGIUM) (+32)-16-64.09.12 (high speed modems) Just login to this BBS and go to the GEM Spooler support file area (Atari, #80). In this area, you have unlimited download time after registering as new BBS user (without costs, just fill out the questionnaire). The GEMSpool support area always contains the latest shareware version of GEM Spooler and some related utilities. You can also leave mail on this BBS to Steven Van Rossen. 8. Addresses ------------ If you have questions or remarks, you can always send these to (Belgium): Steven Van Rossen or: Marc Billiet Gustaaf Garittestraat 22 Terlinckstraat 33 B-2600 Berchem B-2600 Berchem Electronic mail to Steven Van Rossen: Compuserve: 100256,3406 Internet: 100256.3406@compuserve.com Nightbreed BBS: (+32)-16-64.00.99 or (+32)-16-64.09.12 Bitz BBS: (+32)-2-361.14.08 Write us ! Steven Van Rossen, April 1994 CTB 0DOCS 0*********************************************************************** * * * GEM Spooler history: * * * *********************************************************************** Version Changes ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.x-1.0 Early versions of GEM Spooler never really left our harddisks. 2.0 First generally available GEM Spooler version (shareware) 2.1 GEM Spooler now has movable dialog boxes. New option: prompt for job settings. GEM Spooler can now ask for the job settings in every GEM program, whenever a job is added to the queue. Let'em Fly users can now also enable the shortcut option. Let'em Fly had problems with the resource file of version 2.0 while scanning for the shortcuts: it bombed on blanked G_TEXT objects. Although it shouldn't, we adapted our resource a little... (for your convenience) "Activate burst mode ?" will not appear if there are no jobs. The "Bytes printed" indication is now correct (version 2.0 displayed the bytes printed for each block only) 2.1b GEM Spooler survives resolution changes on the TT 2.2 GEM Spooler 2.2 is faster ! The standard evnt_multi() call was replaced by an alternative 'multi-event' call, that doesn't burden the stack. The net result is a faster spooler. Cosmetic change: the mover in the GEM Spooler dialogs has been restyled (it looks nearly the same as Flydial or Mydial movers) The problems with Tempus and with the Butler James clock are solved. These problems were caused by interrupt collisions between GEM Spooler and Tempus or James. Nobody's fault, because this was caused by a peculiarity of TOS when dealing with interrupts. New option: Intelligent filter (Setup). With this option set, GEM Spooler will check if a file really contains text before activating the filter. If the filter was set for a binary file, GEM Spooler will ignore it. This lets you set the filter always ON, no matter what file has to be spooled ! Filters now have a real name (16 characters). GEM Spooler will show this name in the Printer dialog instead of the filename (which happened to be GSPOOL2.CTB all the time). The names of the buttons User1, User2, User3, User4 can now be changed in the PDF file. The Job dialog will now give the name of the job instead of "(this job)". All utility programs use MyDial by Olaf Meisiek, featuring: movable dialogs, shortcut buttons etc. Serial printing avoids problems with input-output redirecting programs (solution suggested by Atari ST ProfiBuch) A terrible bug has been removed: if the buffer size was too high (e.g. 64Kb), the spooler didn't print. Sorry for this one ! 3.0 GEMSpool now uses SkyDial dialogs and so do the GEMSpool utilities. All GEM Spooler dialogs can now be key driven. All files (Log, PDF, CTB) are now named GSPOOL.*; the accessory name is now GSPOOL. This is done to provide a unified identifier for programs that call GEM Spooler (GSPOOL2 was version dependent). The queue capacity (number of jobs) can be changed Job log is now moved to the new location after changing the spool path The GEM Spooler accessory is now also available in German 3.0f Works on the Falcon030 too. 3.0g Some minor approvements for the Falcon030 Some small redirection errors (reported by Martin Mertens) have been corrected. 3.0h Modified 'Prompt for jobsettings' to cooperate with MultiTOS 3.1 Modifications for multitasking GEM : non modal dialogs, enhanced 'Prompt for jobsettings', continuous updating of the job queue. Support of 3D buttons on the Falcon. A small bug in CTBBUILD has been corrected (reported by Martin Mertens). A better layout of some dialogs: main dialog, printer dialog; Setup and Timingdialog were brought together in one Setup dialog. The size of the spool buffer can be changed. Multiple jobs can be selected for processing. The 'Printer offline' detection can be held back: several retries are possible before an error is generated (to give a little more time to some slow laser printers). Some rarely used features have been removed: Burst mode (makes no sense under interrupt driven spooling), activate spooler by hotkeys (could interfere with some applications)... Le GEM Spooler nouveau est arriv. The GEM Spooler accessory and manuals now also exist in French (thanks to Pascal Freche). The GEM Spooler 3.1 manuals are also available in German (thanks to Achim Steigert). The Dutch manuals are available again in TEX-DVI format 3.1b Two new options: - Force FCLOSE: This option makes applications that don't close their printer handles properly cooperate with GEM Spooler - MPT slots: the number of MPT slots indicates how many additional logical printers GEM Spooler can monitor. Two usages: a) expert users who desire to print with more than 2 applications simultaneously under MultiTOS. b) users who are confronted with ill-behaved applications that consume more printer handles than they really need to print Modifications to take advantage of new features in AES 4.0 (MultiTOS): - Shell redraw. Desktop file windows will be redrawn after GEM Spooler file operations (in NEWDESK or any system shell that accepts the SH_RDRAW message). - The name "GEM Spooler 3.1b" will appear in the accessory/application menu even when the spooler is started as program - Support of the drag & drop protocol of MultiTOS. Files dragged upon the GEM Spooler window in NEWDESK (or any other program that supports ARGS drag & drop) will be added to the queue. - A resolution change does not longer abort the print process. The active job is not reset, but is resumed. This is different than in previous TOS versions, where a resolution change caused a print job to be reset, just like after a system reset. Cosmetics: the mover object was slightly restyled SkyDial: some user defined objects were optimized (faster drawing) Job dialog enhanced: - Popup menus 3.2 Dialogs can be centered or opened on their previous position Keyware version of GEM Spooler. 3.2c Little bug in the registration procedure removed 3.2d Redirection problem with Gemini 1.99 solved SkyDial adapted to loadable system fonts Steven Van Rossen, June 1994 GEM SPOOLER 3.2 KEYWARE REGISTRATION FORM ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : ................................................. Age : ..... Street : ................................................. Nr. : ..... Zipcode : ........ Town : ............................................. Country : ............................................................. ( ) Registers to GEM Spooler 3.2, by paying .... times (for ... copies): [ ] 600 BF [ ] 40 Fl [ ] 30 DM [ ] 30 US$ or the equivalent value in your currency (Eurocheque/banknotes only, please) Total: ........... ( ) I am already registered to GEM Spooler 3.x and need a new key. The code GEM Spooler generated is: .......... I do not need to pay for anything. ( ) I already bought a legal copy of GEM Spooler 3.0/3.1 and sent you the registration form that came along with that version. I now wish to register the 3.2 version. The code GEM Spooler generated is: .......... I do not need to pay for anything ------------------------------------------------------------------------- HARDWARE: MODEL: [ ] ST RAM: [ ] 512 Kb [ ] STE [ ] 1 Mb [ ] Mega ST [ ] 2 Mb [ ] Mega STE [ ] 4 Mb [ ] TT [ ] Other: ... Mb [ ] Stacy [ ] Falcon TT/030 boards only: .... ST RAM, .... TT RAM [ ] ST Book [ ] Other (MEDUSA, Eagle): ................. PRINTER: Brand : ............................. Model : ............................. Type : [ ] Matrix [ ] Laser [ ] Inkjet [ ] Other: ................. PERIPHERALS: -- Brand ------------ -- Model ------------- External diskdrives : ..................... ...................... ..................... ...................... Modem : ..................... ...................... Hard disk(s) : ..................... ...................... ..................... ...................... Monitor(s) : ..................... ...................... ..................... ...................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- **************************************************************** * * * GSPLP GEM Spooler Line Printer * * * * (c) Marc Billiet, Steven Van Rossen April 1994 * * * **************************************************************** The GSPLP.APP program makes it possible to send files to GEM Spooler for printing. This is especially useful when printing ASCII files. NEWDESK users (NEWDESK is the new Atari desktop) can drag GSPLP.APP to the desktop and can give it a printer icon. Everything that is dropped upon this icon will be sent to the spooler queue. Under MultiTOS GSPLP.APP can replace the LPR.APP program. Make sure your GEM.CNF has the following line in it (or change the name LPR.APP to GSPLP.APP if you have already a SHPRINT definition in your GEM.CNF file): SHPRINT=C:\MULTITOS\GSPLP.APP If your MULTITOS folder is located elsewhere, you have to adapt the path appropriately. Reboot you computer to make the changes take effect. If you now select the desktop 'Print' option or if you drop files on the desktop printer icon, the files will appear in GEM spooler's print queue. Steven Van Rossen, April 1994 Gemspooler may NOT under ANY circumstances be included on any magazine cover disks without prior written permission from the authors. Gemspooler and its documentation must remain complete with all its files and documentation. To make UK registrations easier and quicker, Steven and Mark have allowed me to collect registration monies on their behalf. Please send your Name, Address, filled in registration form, generated CODE and 13 (cheque or cash) to: Andrew Lee Parkend House Hotel Parkend Nr Lydney GLOS GL15 4HL tel 0594 563666 Please make cheques payable to "Andrew Lee". You should get your KEY and the latest version (if applicable) within 7 days. If you wish to receive all upgrades as and when they become available then please enclose a blank floppy and a first class (25p) stamp. Please report any problems you encounter and we'll do our best to fix them. Upgrades will be also be available on CIX where I can be contacted daily, my ID being AJL@CIX.COMPULINK.CO.UK PLEASE SUPPORT ALL SHAREWARE AUTHORS Thanks, Andrew 0DOCS 0. 0.. 0DESKJ510PDF >DESKJET PDF J>EPSON PDF >GSP22-PDFHP Deskjet family[Cour[Time[Goth[Univ  E (s0p10h3T (s1P(s4101T (s0p12h6T (s1P(s52TGSP22-PDFHP Deskjet family[Cour[Time[Goth[Univ  E(s0p3T (s1p4101T(s0p6T(s0p52TGSP22-PDFEpson LQ850User1User2User3User4  @`j``.>>>> PURE-C <<<< for ATARI-ST Version 1.0 (C)88-90 Borland International &H f&op`B@# 3$ k  Ј<.@#&BG<"@(I$k,"Jf"JfBJy$gP// ?<?<JNAO A6<<~kRrRAfAHBDCBB`l >fBSIKSAk\ >fB`H =NAJk:?|?EB>BNA0`Bo>FNAg$?|/N>=NAJk?@?|>FNA N0 J"LN? 9g @N 9g @NN?<LNA/ / &H$I *:g8N<A|:B@ANCL KN"J KN` "J KN@&_$_NuH8:&HBCELN8jApNp`~NJ@fA'pNv`ZAM0N\J@gJ <'NxI`00H"sAa,ANJ@f AVpNRDDnN0L8Nu?6"HAN@|o 3p`B@6Nurl# 9NuANR@opNuB@NuH3# "<4`(\[2][No application id available][OK][2][Gem Spooler is not installed][OK]GSPLP [2][Timeout or queue full...][Sorry]GSPOOL GSPOOL Fd r&(ƒ        2DV< "XbC TUT+F_ROOTS .GEMSPOOLSTRF!`, `,LArc's PFX 1.13P 1990 -soft, Markus Fritze g.h` /H*@"m mA$H -(H!!!!!!!!Sj JC pl QN , HD , p,m:<0r Q&N~*6<Q~d So:Q` H"CAD@CD@ArTApAQoQ`&-A& LA(HJkf&CH"grאg<fA``+D +E+F.ޅR؃+D؅+D+VC m Sj mJfA, "gr/r$&(*,."A$A&A(A*A,AH~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H`Sf"|`B QL gpNޭ PURE-C <& for ATARI-STVersion 1.0 (C)88-90 Borland Internat@al &H f&op`B@#3 k  Ј<.@w#BG"@(I$k,"Jf}BJygP// ?<JNAO A6<<~kRrRAfHBDCBB`l >fBSIKSwAk\B&`H=NAJk:?EBBNA0`Bo<?@sFNAg$/QNޟNY0 J"L(!V? 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The Registered version of Gemspooler is also available from myself at the small fee of 13 (see UKREG.DOC for details) Andrew Lee Parkend House Hotel Parkend, Nr Lydney, GLOS GL15 4HL .GEMSPOOLSTRF!GSP-32#:\  C:\*.*C:\10BASIC TUT BIGCOLOR  C TUT+F_ROOTS .GEMSPOOLSTRF!MIDIBUSKMID !NEODESK4DEM"PC_ST !+TURBOGIF1_3$+DESKTOP INF +MAGXCOMPTXT ì+/=STRBAKUPTOS ,h-. 0C.. 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NEODEMO TXT \x,ICONEDITRSC Z,NEODEMO RSC t{~NEODESK EXE TNEOICONSNIC {eNEOLOAD PRG V%T2 IMG lTILES IMG TRIANGLEIMG hJAR10 PRG 0iXNeoDesk 4 Demo Version 8/16/94 ---------------------- This is the freeware demonstration version of NeoDesk 4. Follow these instructions to try out the program. This version is freeware and may be distributed free of charge, provided that this and all other files are included, and are not modified in any way. This program may not be distributed on magazine "cover disks" without the permission of Gribnif Software. NeoDesk is a registered trademark of Gribnif Software. Program copyright 1994, Gribnif Software. All rights reserved. Overview -------- NeoDesk 4 is a complete replacement for the built-in desktop that comes with the Atari. It is the easiest and most affordable way to realize your Atari's true potential. NeoDesk 4 adds many new features and enhancements over the original desktop, while keeping full compatibility with your current and future software. Not only will your computer be more powerful, it will also be much easier to use. It doesn't get any simpler. NeoDesk 4 is the ultimate upgrade for your Atari computer. Installation ------------ While NeoDesk 4 can easily be installed so that it comes up whenever you turn on the computer, this demonstration version is not designed to work that way. To try out this demo version, you first need to run JAR10.PRG. If you already own one of our other products which uses this program (like Geneva or NeoDesk 3) then you probably have already run it. In any event, it won't hurt to run it a second time. Note that if you have already run another version of NEOLOAD.PRG (because you own NeoDesk 3), you must first disable this other version and reboot your computer. You can also hold down the Alternate key during the boot process to prevent the old NEOLOAD.PRG from running. Now, double-click on the NEOLOAD.PRG demo file. Be sure to leave the rest of the files in the same directory, since NeoDesk needs them. The NeoDesk 4 demo will load and install itself in memory. Important Note: You cannot quit this demo version. Doing so will cause a system reset. Be sure to only run this demo after you are sure that you can safely reset the computer. Things to Check Out: -------------------- NeoDesk has hundreds of features and enhancements available, but these are some of the more popular features you should to try out: o Each directory window has its own menu bar, making it much easier to find frequently used options. o Each window has its own "parent directory", Show Info, and trashcan icons. Just select a few icons and drag them. Notice the icons in the lower left of the window. o Split-Windows - Easily split a window so that it will display two different parts of the same directory. Very useful when copying or manipulating files. To do this, drag the "Split Window Bar" under the window information line to any window position. o "Select All" Ability - A new window button (left of the bottom horizontal bar) lets you select all the files in a single directory, even if they don't fit in the window. You can even keep files selected while you scroll the window to a new location by holding down the [Shift] key. o Items can be selected from the keyboard, including a search mode. o Multicolored icons - each icon can have up to 16 colors, and can even appear completely different when selected. o Custom Icons - Assign different icons to any file or folder. This makes it much easier to locate and manage them. Many icons are included, with more available. o Icon Editor - This multiple window Icon Editor lets you edit and modify custom icons for any file or folder. Includes a complete set of drawing tools. Select "Edit Icons..." to call it. Double-click on the "NeoDesk Icons" icon on the desktop and then double-click on any icon in that window to edit it. The editor can read many popular icon formats, including ones from other platforms! o Any Degas, Neochrome, Tiny, IMG, or BMP picture can be viewed (by double-clicking on it) or can be used as the desktop background. Check out the "Desktop..." dialog in the "Settings" menu. o File Groups - Now you can arrange commonly used programs and data files together in the same window, even when they are physically contained in drastically different locations! Use the "New Group..." option and then drag icons from other windows to the group window. You can even change their names with "Edit Item..." o File Clipboard - Store files and folders temporarily in memory while changing floppy disks, paths, or reorganizing your hard disk. You can think of it sort of an automatically expanding and shrinking ramdisk. The File Clipboard grows and shrinks according to the files you place within it. o Desktop Notes - Write important notes, numbers, and more right on the desktop itself. Simply double-click on the desktop itself and a cursor will appear. [Esc] clears the line. o Desktop Icons - Place commonly used programs, files, and folders directly on the desktop. You can then select the icon and use "Install Desktop Icon..." to rename the icon and assign a unique key to it. Selecting that key will select and open the icon. o Smart File Copying - No more useless disk swaps. In a very efficient and fast manner, as many files and folders that will fit into all the available memory are read in at once. o Smart Disk Copying - NeoDesk can automatically detect the type of format of the original disk and format the destination disk to match it. You can even copy identical hard disk partitions. o Disk copy, file operations, and floppy disk formatting can all occur "in the background", allowing you to use your computer for other tasks at the same time. Set the operation speed in the "File..." Settings dialog. A slower speed gives other programs more time to run. o Macros - Automate any series of desktop operations like opening windows, copying/deleting files, executing programs, etc. Then assign them to any key on the keyboard. Select the menu entry once to start recording and a second time to end recording. Does not record inside of running programs or in dialog boxes. o Active Icons - Drag any group of files to any program icon and that program will be automatically executed with all the selected files as parameters. o Search Files - Easily search your system for one or more files, based on their name, size, date, or attributes. A file group can even be created containing the results. This is just one example of the powerful Filtering options which are also available for file operations. o Reorder Mode - You can easily reorder any directory on your system. Select it once to enter the reorder mode, a second time to exit it. Disabled Features ----------------- The following major features are disabled in this demo version: o You cannot complete a file copy or move operation. The operation will seem to take place (so you can get an idea of the time and speed it takes) but it will never be completed. o You cannot "Save Configuration..." or "Load Configuration". o You cannot format a disk (though you can look at the format box). o You cannot "Print Directory..." o You cannot save edited icons, .NIC files, or desktop patterns. The clipboard functions in the icon editor are also not available. o You cannot actually reorder a directory, though you can see how it works. o There is no online help. Comments -------- NeoDesk 4 has many other features which are only hinted at in this demo version. Features like a new enhanced Control Panel with its own screen saver and corner clock, Printer Queue, hypertext online help, and much more. NeoDesk 4 comes with a 150 page illustrated manual, a recoverable trashcan for NeoDesk, and a neat box to hold it all. NeoDesk Icon Disk ----------------- We are also offering a new icon disk to go with NeoDesk 4. It includes over 500 icons in monochrome and color, many with separate selected images. The icons are organized by subject for easy browsing. Also, as an added bonus, we've included some pictures to be used as desktop backgrounds. Don't be confused, this is not the same icon disk we used to sell with Neodesk 3! Ordering Information -------------------- You can order your own personal copy of NeoDesk 4 for $69.95 plus shipping and handling by calling our toll free order line: 1-800-284-4742 (orders only, please). If you have any questions or comments about our products, you can reach us at: Voice: (413) 247-5620 Fax: (413) 247-5622 Customers in the UK can contact our distributor there, Compo Software, at: 04873 582. If you own NeoDesk 3, you can also upgrade to NeoDesk 4 for just $25! Here's what you need to do. Just send us BOTH original NeoDesk 3 disks, along with the order form below: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Shipping & Handling ------ ------- Product ------ Price USA Western Hem. Europe Other Total NeoDesk 4 69.95 4.15 6.00 14.10 19.45 _______ NeoDesk 4 & Geneva 129.95 4.75 7.60 19.10 26.60 _______ NeoDesk 3 -> 4 Upgrade 25.00 3.00 3.15 6.30 8.45 _______ NeoDesk 4 Icon Disk 10.00 .60 .60 1.40 1.70 _______ Massachusetts residents: add 5% of product cost, before shipping: _______ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Western Hemisphere" includes Canada, Mexico, South, and Central Americas. If upgrading, don't forget to send back your NeoDesk 3 disks! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: ________________________________ Daytime Phone Number: Address: ________________________________ ( ) ________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Country: ________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ ] Check payable to Gribnif Software (USA customers only) [ ] US Funds Money Order with a USA bank address printed on it [ ] MasterCard [ ] Visa Card # ______ ______ ______ ______ Exp: _______ Print name appearing on card: ________________________________________ Authorizing signature: _______________________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- All prices subject to change without notice. Please double-check your math for errors. Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. 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(y/N) AtariST Disk error Completed ok.Aborted by user.Insert AtariST floppy disk into drive and then press key to select driveor press the escape key to exit. (A or B or )? . Dos Error Code Flush : GetPos : GetPos : Seek : &H 0123456789ABCDEF y &5Xp @Floating Point Not Loaded$ERRORINF.$$$Runtime Error - ERRORINF.$$$ Created Dos Re-entered@@@@@ CF`~/<?< NA\?<NATa2 |"|"""aF/<i?< NA\?<NAT`?<?<?<?<?<B/<?<NNNu?<?<?<?<?<B/<?< NNNu CRASH)! :-/ + schn schnell (oder!??) ;-) + Dekodierroutine pat in den 256 Byte Cache (genau 140 Bytes)!! V1.1 (15.07.1994) + Abbruch durch Drcken der beiden Maustasten + GIF89a-Bilder knnen jetzt auch gelesen werden + Abbruch, wenn kein GIF-Bild ;-) V1.2 (18.07.1994) + Bilder kleiner als 640 x 480 werden mittig dargestellt (auf 16'er Grenze) + Dekodierroutine etwas optimiert (naja, eher fr Puristen) V1.3 (20.07.1994) + ScreenBlaster und BlowUp Erweiterungen knnen verwendet werden! + kein Mll im Hintergrund beim Darstellen! ;-) ` dF&dHyj?< NA\O oABgHP?<=NAPO>HyrN/<??<?NAO ??<>NAXOArNC aJ@k aBaaFBgNAE TurboGIF V1.3 for Falcon030 (c) 1994 by Sascha Springer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Maus-Net: Sascha Springer @ PE Mailbox: Gore Zone +(49) 4841-6069 / Percy Mail: Sascha Springer Glatzer Ring 19 31224 Peine Germany ?<NNTO# Hx?< NA\O# 8"8dL||:FNSF9 |l><ZGHǎSG<BBBBBBBBQ< Q< Q< Q< Q< QQnAC ><"Q    # # #p !\pBB8B8 B8B8!P F#NuB*09 |jD@H|3,B@3:||H109 |jD@Hѹ*B@3< y "y E><0H@$Q$y*&J09 |||D@jB@<@>9 SG<9 NSF:<HAPQHAPQHBPRHBPRHCPSHCPSHDPTHDPTQHEQ:9 p|EH@SEkhBBBBHAPQHAPQHBPRHBPRHCPSHCPSHDPTHDPTQH@iHAiHAjHBjHBkHCkHClHDlHDHEQ0BfJfg9||g 99fNuF'BxB8eA C><"Q    ! !  ! pF#?<%NNTO   L!!dHJhfD<<f<@1|Nu<<f F@ Fh NuNuHhShNuHhShNuBh J( f@Nu@NuH>#>#B#F#J y>Ca>J@k2"y>aF y>"yFaJA"yJ""""B@L|Nup GIF8f X7ag h9af(H2(H(2(<R(<pR^H(<g$yBp)hS@QB@ !f THg`p ,f(H(2(H(2(H(2(H(2( <( <@V( <VA J)g$yBp)hS@QB@ !f THg`pNuB@g S@Q`NuBDri6ARA8ARARDtj>SBHA2HABCzENKONM(H@(HBD<N|KfHA8HA~o4SB2 RA`ʰLgRn 55`,5<RF02Ln* 5QAf@RAGo| gGRD4SB`vNu@??_N2N$"\$" B ,P "    ph!+TURBOGIF1_3$+ TurboGIF V1.3 for Falcon030 (c) 1994 by Sascha Springer ------------------------------------------------------- "...und noch ein GIF-Viewer fr den Falken!" ;-) Autor: Sascha Springer Glatzer Ring 19 D-31224 Peine Mail: Maus-Net: Sascha Springer @ PE Mailbox: Gore Zone +(49) 4841-6069 / Percy Copyright --------- Copyright (c) 1994 by Sascha Springer. All rights reserved. TurboGIF ist Freeware, d. h. es darf zu nicht kommerziellen Zwecken frei kopiert, benutzt und weitergegeben werden, aber nur komplett und in unvernderter Form. Die (kostenfreie) Verbreitung ber Mail-Boxen ist erlaubt und erwnscht. Haftung ------- Die Benutzung von TurboGIF erfolgt auf eigene Gefahr. Ich bernehme keinerlei Haftung fr Schden, die durch TurboGIF oder eine falsche Benutzung von TurboGIF entstehen. Installation ------------ ber die Desktop-Menfunktion "Anwendung anmelden" das Programm TURBOGIF.TTP mit dem Dateityp "GIF" anmelden. Evtl. "Arbeit sichern" und schon kann man mittels eines Doppelklicks auf einem GIF-Bild dieses darstellen. Oder aber direkt TURBOGIF.TTP aufrufen und ber die Kommandozeile die GIF-Datei angeben. Bemerkungen/Hinweise -------------------- TurboGIF schaltet automatisch in den 640 x 480 x 256 Modus. Bei bergroen Bildern kann man mit der Maus das 640 x 480 "Pixel-Fenster" verschieben. #a000000 #b000000 #c7770007000600070055200505552220770557075055507703111103 #d #E F8 12 #W 00 00 18 02 1E 14 08 A:\*.*@ #W 00 00 2A 01 1E 0B 00 @ #W 00 01 00 01 15 09 00 @ #W 00 00 0A 0F 15 09 00 @ #M 00 00 00 FF A ST Review A@ @ #M 00 01 00 FF B ST Review B@ @ #T 07 03 02 FF Black Hole !@ @ #F FF 04 @ *.*@ #D FF 01 @ *.*@ #G 03 FF *.APP@ @ #G 03 FF *.PRG@ @ #P 03 FF *.TTP@ @ #F 03 04 *.TOS@ @  Mag!x/MagiC Version 2.1 ======================= Application Compatibility & Other Information --------------------------------------------- by Martin Milner of 999 Software. File Contents ------------- Section Contents ------- -------- 1 Program compatibility & memory requirements. 2 Using replacement desktops. 3 Assembler Programming. 4 Other things. Section 1 Program Compatibility & Memory --------- ------------------------------ I've tested a load of programs with Mag!x to see how they behave. Some of the programs are purchased commercial products, many have been on magazine cover disks over the past couple of years. Some of the programs I don't normally use, but I've done a quick test on them anyway, so that hopefully there will be some information of use to everybody. Obviously, I haven't been able to test many commercial programs because I'd have to buy them! If anyone has got a program they specifically would like testing, then get in touch with me at the address below and we'll see if we can work something out. 1 Portland Avenue Burton on Trent Staffs. England DE14 3GD Now the results... All testing done on a 2.5Mb STE. Works Memory Program Runs ok Limiting Comments ------- ---- ----- -------- -------- ABFormatter yes yes n/a Disk formatting utility v?.?? Autosort 3.6 yes yes not tried none Breakthru 2 yes yes only if Grabs all available (Packed with unpacked memory unless limited. ICE 2.4) by something Memory limitation is on like Mega top of what the actual De-packer program occupies. Breakthru version 1 wasn't packed, so the memory limitation would probably work on the program as issued. DEVPAC2 2.25 yes yes not tried none DISKSPC ?.?? yes yes n/a disk space accessory. Double ?.?? yes yes n/a Works OK with TOS or (mostly) Mag!x. Also works with Sebra activated (in any mode). Got a bus error under Mag!x with some accessories loaded, however. On a colour TV, (a good one via scart), interlace mode flickered even at 60Hz. Everest 1.5 yes yes yes none 3.3 yes yes not nec. doesn't grab all the memory. Easy Text Plus yes yes not nec. Print program destroys (v1.4a) memory block. Have to revert to TOS for printing. GDOS 1.1 yes yes n/a except with Easy Text printing. GemBench 3.28c yes yes n/a none GemView 3.02 yes yes not tried none GFA BASIC 2 yes see not tried Characters typed into comments the keyboard, don't always appear on the screen. GMAP 1.0 yes yes n/a none Helpful Horace yes yes n/a none about compatability v?.?? Hyperpaint 2.0 no no not tried Crashed the system with memory block destroyed in both low & medium res. Imagecopy 1.52 yes yes not nec. The accessory causes crash on changing resolution even with TOS. Knife ST 1.10 yes yes not nec. none. K-Resource 2.6 no no not tried Resource Editor. Either just exits back to the desktop or exits with 68000 Exception 69. Maxidisk ?.?? yes no n/a Screen asking for size & partition works ok, but comes up with bus error afterwards. Works OK with TOS. Menu Master yes yes not tried none v?.?? MKRSC 1.0 yes yes n/a Resource Editor issued with zzSoft Intro to Assembler package. MegaDepack yes see not nec. Fails with memory v2.12 comment block destroyed on choosing save or quit option. OPUS 2.10 yes yes yes grabs all the memory (spreadsheet) if it is allowed to. Papyrus demo yes yes n/a doesn't grab all the (ex ST Review cover disk) memory. Prodata 1.18 yes see not tried OK as long as you DON'T comments MOVE THE MOUSE! If you do, the whole thing locks up and you have to reboot! Profile 1.43 yes see not tried Works OK with TOS 1.62. comments With Mag!x it displays a blank screen and appears not to be working. However, clicking at the top of the screen still brings forth the popup. Click near the bottom of the screen and the proper main menu screen will appear. Seems to work OK after. Prospero C yes yes not tried works fine. v1.155 Replay 16 yes yes error msg. Position pointer only v1.11 file not goes hald way down executable. the sample window, but otherwise works ok. Sebra 1.32 yes yes n/a works well. Silkmouse 3.0 yes yes n/a none 3.2 " " " " StatsPack 1.0 yes yes n/a none STZip 2.4 yes yes n/a Seems to work fine. STOS 2.06 yes see n/a Mouse & joystick don't Editor/ comments work if booted with Compiler BASIC206.PRG. Work OK if booted with replacement program BASICMJH.PRG, the of which allows STOS to work correctly with all versions of STOS. With compiled STOS programs, mouse & joystick still don't work. Teradesk 1.36 yes yes n/a See section on replacement 1.39 " " " desktops. Videomaster yes yes not tried Memory block destroyed v1.03 on Quittung. XCONTROL 1.31 yes yes n/a control panel accessory. zzSoft yes yes n/a works fine. Assembler editor/compiler 1st Word 1.06 yes yes No, invalid Works ok, otherwise. program format Section 2 Using Replacement desktops. --------- --------------------------- Below are some notes on using replacement desktops:- 1. If the pathname of your desktop is in the #_AUT entry in the file MAGX.INF, then you can quit the desktop and use MAGXDESK. 2. If the pathname is in the #_SHL entry, then you can't! 3. Programs started from the desktop run one after the other whereas from MAGXDESK, they all run at once. To multi-task from say, Teradesk (which is what I use), then you must either use the start program option of MAG!x/MagiC or arrange for the programs to be auto-started. (see below). 4. To auto-start programs, place the program and all their associated resource files, config files, etc. in the folder named in the #_APP entry in MAGX.INF. Don't do this for programs which grab lots of memory unless you have used the memory limiter on them. Also note that many programs look for files/fonts/documents or whatever in their current folder first. This may involve some re-configuring. Section 3 Assembler Programming --------- --------------------- 1. When using form_dial to restore a reserved screen area, you can see the screen being redrawn in a certain order. As long as nothing else is displayed in the same area, you will notice that the contents of any windows in the area are redrawn last. On a normal ST(STE) with TOS this is a slow and noticable process. However, if the program that has called form_dial, say, displays a dialogue box in the same area of the screen, the dialogue box gets drawn before the screen restore (form_dial) has finished. If the program then, say, enters a form_do routine to wait for user input, the (restored) window contents overwrite part of the new dialogue box. It seems as though the program regains control before the redraw has ended. Even if you put a loop in the program to pause between the form_dial and the display of the dialogue box, this just slows the whole process down. However...with Mag!x/MagiC, things are different! Because of the multi-tasking element, the program that has called form_dial CAN enter a loop to delay the display of the new dialogue box, because the redraw continues, albeit at a lower priority, in the background! It is well to bear these type of things in mind when writing programs that have to be multi-tasking & TOS compatible. Section 4 Other things. --------- ------------ 1. Control key Reminder -------------------- CTRL ALT TAB - Task switch. " " ESC - Program Manager. " " DEL - Warm reboot. " " RIGHT SHIFT DEL - Cold reboot. 2. Benchmarks ---------- First I benchmarked my machine (STE with Blitter) to get some reference figures, then I loaded Mag!x and redid the benchmark. I used GemBench 3.28c. (for the first time!) GEM Bench v3.28c Ofir Gal 28.9.93 ============================================ STE TOS 1.62, MiNT not present Blitter Enabled, NVDI not present Video Mode = 640 * 200 * 4 Colours FPU not present Run and Malloc from STRAM Reference = STE + Blitter ============================================ GEM Dialog Box: 7.930 69% VDI Text: 5.855 94% VDI Text Effects: 12.195 121% VDI Small Text: 6.675 91% VDI Graphics: 17.570 134% GEM Window: 1.995 79% Integer Division: 17.955 100% Float Math: 11.265 100% RAM Access: 6.305 99% ROM Access: 6.300 100% Blitting: 1.540 119% VDI Scroll: 4.525 94% Justified Text: 5.790 94% VDI Enquire: 3.975 66% ============================================ Average: 97% Graphics: 96% CPU: 99% and now with Mag!x/MagiC..... GEM Bench v3.28c Ofir Gal 28.9.93 ============================================ STE TOS 2.00, MiNT not present Blitter Enabled, NVDI not present Video Mode = 640 * 200 * 4 Colours FPU not present Run and Malloc from STRAM Reference = STE + Blitter ============================================ GEM Dialog Box: 1.635 336% <---- VDI Text: 3.005 183% <---- VDI Text Effects: 4.085 362% <---- VDI Small Text: 3.935 154% <---- VDI Graphics: 11.835 198% <---- GEM Window: 1.085 145% <---- Integer Division: 18.190 98% Float Math: 11.410 99% RAM Access: 6.380 98% ROM Access: 6.390 98% Blitting: 1.385 132% <---- VDI Scroll: 3.120 137% <---- Justified Text: 6.215 87% VDI Enquire: 3.005 88% ============================================ Average: 158% <---- 61% faster Graphics: 182% <---- 86% faster CPU: 98% <---- 1% slower As you can see there are obvious differences. !+TURBOGIF1_3$+DESKTOP INF +AGXCOMPTXT ì+/=STRBAKUPTOS ,h-MAGICCMPTXT ì,/=`,+ B`,LArc's PFX 1.13P 1990 -soft, Markus Fritze g.h` /H*@"m mA$H -(H!!!!!!!!Sj JC pl QN , HD , p,m:<0r Q&N~*6<Q~d So:Q` H"CAD@CD@ArTApAQoQ`&-A& LA(HJkf&CH"grאg<fA``+D +E+F.ޅR؃+D؅+D+VC m Sj mJfA, "gr/r$&(*,."A$A&A(A*A,AH~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H`Sf"|`B QL gpNޭ0-lz5-*7E:\BASIC\COPY\DISKCOPY.TOS`7&|T`,NqE:\BASIC\COPY\DISK!.z8<&<7><$E|(o*lN~N;;B-6+ B|*>NqNTNx =| nNST Review Cover oDiskpiv1.0 Ofir Gal 24.5.1993)Use this program to bacwkupoe cd ,Make surnource rwrite-uteOcted TN >-=;G,+G.--><=~^HD( H&N-~6% 0"HNJGfNqT#J'~Hޞ0%"9!f N\Nu~    =(!Plan Drive A%Hit any key|continue (Esc|quit)&?<NLTO#^$ Nq*5ܻNq4RTO !HV} ~X"&7~ od m7ga!:!G Ax.v!N U-13I1Bm~l"!0N(6:0- /G\\O10%&"4B60~3&5~y *)~H> 0//de}s ation-/// ??-???Q?~c<;|?4B36TO&;?Jf"0T!NRSRG(SN!/>1B.ޞ1ZG;mC`j0 M,BACKUP COMPLETEGSBl34G^$LC!O, Reading trB>, .,9Wd/0@a?@0NO0c! @$z#ojm @)GZR\ddoviFormat k,#~"m|. /pHǂbanqd```ar|,~>viWor}8otooo`d~,}.r0x2j0EO~''Too mA?errorsO'YgOmaybe faultyPl3؁Z : dAA^^$ќ 4e6 (?)K]LretryK`rNqRm¢]A@@b+XOnpv( TOS6cr}@n¤xl3pgJ05~1Z J  `ttug%> z! 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