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E.. QUIKFINDDOC t QINDEX16DOC \.QUIKLOCKDOC 3=QMENU25 DOC v_':&QUICKST DOC cA;QUIKVIEWDOC D SPELL DOC s{S MMANUAL DOC 6ZIVER_3_8 DOC RG STOS DOC -pvJRSC_1 DOC pv[].BASIC1 DOC siq^ARCS DOC i}DEARC DOC *f{ CLINIC DOC ˊiHISOFT DOC qi Documentation for Quick Find 1.5 ================================ (C) 1989 by Ignac A. Kolenko and Darek Mihocka Quick Find runs on any ST, color or mono, with TOS in ROM. Quick Find is a program developed for locating files. Although it may usually suffice to open a window from the ST's desktop, this does not allow for search masks in the directory listing. Quick Find allows any number of drives to be searched, producing output which can be printed to screen, printer or file. Thus, Quick Find can also double as a disk cataloger. Quick Find is an outgrowth of our earlier WHERE.PRG, which was similar to the popular p.d. program WHERE.COM in MSDOS. To use Quick Find, double click on the file QUIKFIND.PRG. A dialog box will appear, and the screen colors will change to white, black, red and green (on a color monitor only!). Enter your search mask in the edit field, select the drives you wish to search, and click on "Execute" to begin. It's that simple. Each line of output consists of the attribute bits of the file (attribute string is 'avsrw': a = archived file, v = volume label, s = system file, r = readable file, and w = writable file. A '-' indicates this bit is not set in the attribute for that file), the length, date and time stamp, and the path to the file. A new feature added to Quick Find is the Options Box. This box is located below the drive selectors, and is defaulted to File Info. This is the only option that was available in previous versions of Quick Find. If you click on the Options Box, you will be presented with a new dialog box, where you can choose options which will apply globally to all the files found in the file search once you press Execute on the main menu dialog box. These are the options available to users of Quick Find 1.5: - File Info -> described above - Touch -> update the date and time stamp of the files found to the current date and time of your machine - Hide -> set the hide attribute for each file found (hidden from desktop) - Unhide -> reset the hide attribute for each file found (can view from desktop) - WP -> write protect each file found (same as the write protect option on the desktop) - UnWP -> un-write protect each file found (reverse of above) - Delete -> delete all files found. This option lets you clean your entire hard disk of those pesky *.BAK files which usually gather over a few months of text editing and programming! (obviously, this option should be used with CAUTION! We are NOT responsible for any files lost through this option.) - 'Arc' -> set the archive bit on all files found. Useful for doing disk backups, which check the archive bit for files that have already been backed up previously. By using this option, you can tell such a backup utility not to back up the found files. The typical output for, say the Hide option is: Hiding: C:\DESKTOP.INF If, for some reason, the above options could not be performed, beside the filename, an indication will be given that a problem occured. For the above example: Hiding: C:\DESKTOP.INF -> Cannot Hide!! Reasons for problems may include trying to touch or delete a write protected file, etc. If you wish, you can change the output device from the default CON: to PRN: (printer), or select a file to save the output to. When you do a search with FILE selected, a standard file selector will appear, propting you to pick an output file. When viewing on the screen, pressing CTRL-S will stop the output, CTRL-Q will start it up again. Help, Info and Exit, obviously, do as expected. An important notice to hard drive users: due to the 40 folder bug in TOS, be careful of how many times searches are done. Use a folder fix program at all times (it saves much heartache). Well, that's about all I can say about this utility, except, USE IT. Now, you'll never, ever again have to kick yourself, wondering where you last created a fi ,hS33ipN1[ GN9e .7y(acmh(8u W54o$Yqw!ˑ=V9a0Gi&j&qn`eiw$Yl1\w@uؕweaZy3hFiw48F|d$F|}vmb VօqW\GFg_?FtuzqU_xrαXV)$TW(EMPLOY7.TXTt D< I`R "R@H)*I E(P$RJ?IN4)B$$&!Bd)-A*I$I%I'TH2PF*YM:?)F&^0-҅EHI@i֌0iȀ& txӵ:l@yfN\v2 ȔsX.]A|͛o̘ "ϛ:s@0n@1% 2s(1VmbҰICǹ:tX͝ 8l)#GuN2wħ] ͛7kwfoQa EimG}nQVTWWy ̧y'`j͗'orsi98Fcb c@xbupuzo pX5\|֡^e4gVV |g}$JEBd}EMPLOY8.TXTt  I`R "R@H)J)T89""Fq2H?IN4)B$$&!Bd)-A*I$I%F*S@\S(QNVigH #D[jaڠM4n΀0+4e@y37f@ &̙2]M; y1eБ#\LĝCF4 nȀbN3A ֯Ѳartހ8Ngt-| 8A\ P s}\̜ݖ҃ê,.EMPLOY9.TXT;t 2 Q`R "R@Ib%# R"Ni#ǀ2 1eX`Fcw.9#L2uM8aܔF 4nԥmZy.ݬgʴ)ㆎ\3oF<uyS0は# t䡔YBs$b`o!'7 0 XB.Pl dll4W]ogEwEbYrA\.gvY^ 1 l5eС'_ !Zo,6%ȏI2&rYM`nT7QZ yUF}u!alrAU``煡fyEJ_@X+mQU%!TDխHOUSE2.TXTT4t I+ Aĉ$R 'F@ $N(2B*E((#˓*R@8 Ҥ $M)T " ]sH(I82E%K Mi͛9w婀H0r@I#gTФb-:o@y 6 f̘2pq7y-3N6aA&dtЀh&VC!X/8lΙ<] @BN:{>1hXiӦ 4nP Bd:o$]zomWm]q"FcJ긙#GfQL4a&Y"}!V"mRK QN]4HOUSE3.TXTTSt 9^ MRH)Axb*II"S$iJ N4)H&A!B)-$HG AJ"NLAE&]:&FAuj%R&sș"2 M2cҔC3 :iڄ`4$L1rhdn˜y[7 ؚy#M޽ NL3|Ʃ0s0\YMq-vо[&:øj6l;-f71A 9u؞a B0_U|yŧovyTHY셜a~Qւ | YEJ+DuBVHOUSE4.TXTTt Z 1 &A8B$aBF\q !AHIR'U4PPFiRʖ/\ B"STp "A\$PH.B&͡NJBOBKL9 椑3,o5 9eƔqCMcIS tҾiS&-9uБ t C'7s.1/o6w|914Èyc'62xZōԓp.DmIwjyxy:ltݸI3u$~czwRYrLɩ ]Di7Q#a氾N2k|ǟkF~cp!lT] ud <a ~YlsrF.`Y1zu Jah@%dy6de!ckm\!ww-XY_qr1d iyjeFsu[tUi\1;*GiY{5}s}7u?F]~ӡ$Jt IW\eYוlDVW | *2EE(le. And if you're a hard drive user, by cataloging the entire hard disk, you'll probably realize quickly that you're disk is in need of clean-up (depending on the editor, you may have a million .BAK files!) The only bad thing about a utility like this is that if you loose it, it'll never be able to find itself ... -------------------------------------- Pay for shareware and receive updates! -------------------------------------- At this time, we would like to receive some user feedback before we go ahead and implement any new features. Currently, Quick Find 2.0 will be a self-configuring program, capable of running either as an accessory OR as a program. (as most of the Quick family updates will!) This will be available only to registered users. (See below) We'd like to hear ideas on how to turn Quick Find into a full blown disk cataloger and possible disk backup system. Remember, the more you ask for, the more you get (at least in theory!) Also Available: -------------- Quick View (fast text viewing utility) Quick Print (fast text only screen dump of VT52 screens) Quick Inf (desktop information editor) Quick Index (the de-facto benchmark for the ST family) Quick ST (fast VT52, and faster GEM) Registered users will receive ALL the above utilities. To become a registered user, send a $30 (or if you wish ONLY Quick ST, $20) by check or money order to: Darek Mihocka Box 2624, Station B Kitchener, Ontario N2H 6N2 Canada You can reach us by modem on the following networks: Darek Mihocka: Compuserve: 73657,2714 BIX, Delphi, GEnie: DAREKM Ignac Kolenko: Usenet: watmath!watcgl!electro!ignac Both of us: Usenet: watmath!watcgl!oaee455s We thank you for supporting shareware and encourage you to support other shareware authors. You may distribute copies of Quick Find under the condition that you also include this documentation file. You may not charge a fee or in any way try to sell this software. Quick Index 1.5/1.6 - the ST System Performance Evaluation Program ------------------------------------------------------------------ by Darek Mihocka and Ignac Kolenko Waterloo, Ontario, Canada June 23, 1989 Quick Index 1.6 is similar to Quick Index 1.5, but it also runs as a desk accessory. Quick Index 1.5 is an update to Quick Index 1.4, and has a couple of new features. Two new categories have been added to benchamark the efficiency of outputting text strings, and to benchmark screen scrolling speed. The other new feature is the ability to change the reference system. In earlier versions of Quick Index, the reference used was a 520ST running in low resolution. This didn't help a user with a monochrome monitor much because it didn't tell him how his system compared to another monochrome ST system. Quick Index 1.5 has 6 built-in references: TOS 1.0 in a 3 resolutions, and TOS 1.4 in all 3 resolutions. For example, to see how your ST compares in speed to say, a monochrome 1040ST (which has TOS 1.0), click on the button marked 1.0 and on the button marked Mono. Then click on the Do All button. A slight change from Quick Index 1.4 is the way in which a single benchmark can be performed. In version 1.4 you had to deselect the other categories. In this version, simply click on the category name to run the test. The categories are divided into two groups. The first group (in the top half of the screen) contains benchmarks which are relatively independent of TOS version or screen resolution. The second group is very dependednt, since these are the screen output tests, and so choose the reference system carefully. Some of the categories have been recalibrated, and so the numbers may vary slightly from before. For example, the dialog box used in the GEM test has been changed to include a wider variery of objects. The BIOS text test has been changed to use all 80 columns if possible. The categories test three major areas of the ST: disk I/O, screen output, and ` |"|Ѿ0<2p=@0N-@b -@ lEa9a/Hz=-O 4CtAp2QQqPrBna1R(n-LaRa4.a( "g a,p` < g  ggg$@g Jd dgg<g7gg:bngj2bbZ`JFgSF?a L@nJGg SGd`J:S¬6va7jk  fn$g">ftRG|` |g RFa.x|0..aT<Rh"^"L pS Vkagafa g Dg NuX`kagfR !c vC 2a2C` Top of fileVfR$/ \` X(_a5PfJGfbgr:.$d$SEaa6QHa3rL-"SE8a:`Nu~`$L8vf&:SE$L^SD(J0S@Eg $LS@68 QX $LrR \bJa LSnfR&LaB":>hb~$gRbg,4z`,X`ʢ`r&IJg 4F`J. -I .J4dNu a1 What blocks!a >/ &n".flaB&ց!a*"_e(g$d"K`(Ia( .<a+p* jBn 8a9f g.q?p0@q`$ah&Iza f Se`r(J n f n `ared Nu Invalid( L&xTƠ JB  `0. $|f.&nf=@n=| prpia ,`f>2|g 1gg2 HzJ. g`fj(*ndpΒn ̰n"db&"bZn<Gg dDASASGaQ`SAfRGa)|(gfT0.LLNPa=pH &Ta(t8` f@J.f `p2.|68 tQp~f2`pNfpSx8kVfRDaJgTfpS@|e0<@g=@gFHa.LLX` t2.Yn+BeBdr|0``0ee`/ CnPqrxRD ) fI`la T n "gr< <gzg4dL eD|d??:g jE/ a'"_82A0`QRDRFff V8/h8jJFLk,8SA@ S@AXSD.0S8b f|a&x&WgtRB  f&W L(W .L0R@ H dS2B RSn "_JGfSdfSn-LT &Hl k8  0v:`V?"orr2(^2(_ f a"`r&IJ.og LdL fR`f Sg SA L؀~/ R2BgRJ-p<"_R&/  (-`S $JRNu d Nu(@JNuCxzREfNu4 g RE(fn 0Ee:Ee`R<Nu8:DpNuH  f <a%20Nuc `RE`. $0f#D`A\Ae0d*AJ. f < A00g Hp _N zC a)0nCommand not recognisedhff@jn ZN x6h0ed dAhx: g1Nu`FNufJ. 2gQ 2`2zF' .ЁeBn a(a$`'P/QqPr"B "g& Saf'R$BnҮ A A aP|`) t `ppgRggf`|?`":a1Vf$B~ ".Rp%rE A 8a:LCB. 8JgV\fE`B f ހ\` "J/ g .f$H`"_*. B`fr2.lg8&Laf0CnفJGf`S"l "ba*x`L: lpR@~f0L what errors!no moreJ.rg8.g6<tAC` RBNgBcCd6"`|gV/ x8:%P a "_Hz/ ` QpR'Ra."_tSBa,Q =| ,Nu|T`&p0`D|d,E$2SAAf ZDDNurgfDa+@B"J:h8!l08NuNu `f,JDg(vCX CagSCJk `$v End of fileGoto:x x,e0.R@G4@e 0Gn$dB` ^SC=C~N&^J$Lg`(J`ag6.0g~8RD2UC  RNtdLfRDfJCk H 4@VLfS(I6/ a4"_`l`$ae {d Not found^^f!dcnbSDfdRb`b 04SBe0 1bvfafaa`NuNEn2&ISAe ء2N4BaXC"KvnFxSR–4aXf`\fRD`ڠH $vL^pNuXjf-f@ .ЁeRJ&Lp2f!/ah$a@gҌ&A"jNᰀ / F a#"_p2OutBmemory!. nH@@RCRa LӮpNu"@@D@@#                NuAg*e?A2 aJ2`?B FgTONu2f AZbJ aX gd"edӐNu<DaD6g KCPU speed. The CPU results should always return 100% if your ST is not equipped with some sort of 16MHz accelerator board or cache. With about half a dozen companies now claiming to have 16 MHz accelerator boards for the ST, we would like to see some more results. We challenge the makers of these boards to run Quick Index on their hardware and show us some pleasing numbers before we shell out $300 to $500 for such boards. We'd like to see numbers in the 150%-200% range, and not less! The screen output benchmarks can be used to see how effective programs like Quick ST, Turbo ST, and GDOS are, and can also be used to test the blitter chip performance. The disk benchamarks test how fast the selected disk drive can be read, how fast it can create files, and how fast the disk drive spins. The results will partly be affected by how the disk is formatted (i.e. single sided, double sided, twisted, etc). We hope that you will find Quick Index useful. Remember to support shareware by sending us a contribution of $30. You then become a registered user of all of the Quick programs (Quick View, Quick Index, Quick Find, Quick Inf, Quick Print, etc...) and will be able to receive updates that will not released to the public. Click on the HELP button in Quick Index for more information. This release of Quick Index may be copied, and this documentation file may be reprinted, on the condition that the program and documentation are not modified and are distributed at no cost. The ARCed file may be posted on any free BBS or online service. Documentation for Quick Lock 1.2 ================================ (C) 1990 by Branch Always Software - Ignac A. Kolenko This release contains QUIKLOCK.ACC version 1.2 and QUIKLCK.PRG version 1.2 as well as this documentation file, QUIKLOCK.DOC. All three must be distributed together. Quick Lock is freeware. You may copy and distribute it at will, but you may NOT sell it. Quick Lock runs on any ST, color or mono, with TOS in ROM. Quick Lock is an auto folder program and accessory developed for protecting ALL drives connected to your ST: hard drive partitions, floppies and even ram disks. To use Quick Lock, firstly copy QUIKLCKA.PRG to your auto folder. This\ step is crucial since Quick Lock is useless without it! Placement within the auto folder is not important, but we recommend for maximum protection, it should go first. Also, you may want to write protect it so that it cannot be deleted later by unscrupulous persons! QUIKLCKA.PRG will attempt to read LOCK.LCK from the root directory of your boot disk in order to set up the initial drive protection configuration. If there is no LOCK.LCK file, then no drives will be protected. Next, copy QUIKLOCK.ACC to your boot disk. When Quick Lock is selected from the desk accessory menu bar, a dialog box will appear, and the screen colors will change to white, black, red and green (on a color monitor only!). Clicking repeatedly on an active drive button will cause the drive button to aquire the different modes that this accessory supports, namely: white button: drive is unprotected light grey button: drive is write protected, but can still read dark grey button: drive is fully read/write protected QUIKLOCK.ACC will also read LOCK.LCK to obtain password information. If you have previously saved LOCK.LCK with a password, you will be prompted to enter it the first time you access Quick Lock from the menu bar. See later in this documentation on how to enter and save password/protection information. WP All will write protect all drives. LK All will lock all drives. Unlock All will restore your system to a normal, unprotected state. Help, Info and Exit, obviously, do as expected. Password allows you to enter a maximum 8 character password to allow further protection of your system. A system which has never been password protected has a password of simply the 'Return' key. You will be prompted to enter your old password first, then the new password, and finally the new password one more time for confirmation. After entering your password, it can be saved with the current protection configuration when you choose Save. Load will load any *.LCK file (lock files), thus you can easily change protection configurations at any time. The password at the time the .LCK file was created will also be loaded at this time. Saving LOCK.LCK to your boot disk's root directory will allow that configuration to be automatically loaded upon the next reboot. PW Exit acts just like E688H e-H ( ("LA xz|er PRENu f 0EcS@r Q``H2ta4r LNua`/" B`&<'pôfJgJk f<`P6'NHA |A>(prRdؘJf fr"Lph;B@l!nqH !L1nNu-H -hhqL(h =h Nu&n E µf Ka J` Line: ColMem B. 8A=a(f.h/?<ANA\J@gH-$``/A; fxdJ. jA/a SDfHA: `A,6A9gC 1/ g'%fgSE SfS` "_Sp _Nu ba&B B ^ g n .Jg  `-H ΀lpxaCg Ig<\fB fBgHnn =NAP>j8Cp|^g^r `pNu?B'BNA(BoNAO Tag&-@ //??<? >NAXa&pNuC&([3][File HBASIC.LIB|not found][ Quit ]Xhf`J.rg.CaaJ. f`a/ Jg:C .gU f@`f(n a|/N j(_@ F`Pr` :[1][You cann9Run a|program unless .is|comp d to memoryCancelThere no r| |Thonly an editorHz/ >zC56a|dx*D(LLp& vd f-@Ρ/(,/ K.FJk(@Ap)H9|J C" "n BXC aPa"$h=| ,C:)IC$fB/ pQrV4P/,, LX _((_fNu`p(_/ `D -OANPBEXUHAH @BHz &NN\LNu2`F'* "B!I0k/?? NMP(`Nu!X`?< NMXgPNu/:NuJ9gW#Nuf Jg/f dD NuWafB pM/mBNsS NspNPOag\.(NupOg$Nu :^r E|HGlL|.ptj J3=@prtv AF-H p:gNuLNNTr. Rfr?/.V/N2 Nu . g @4 B . 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Click OK if you|don't mingem][OK|Cancel]Hpaa2 "L Nurg0$ҁ҂Ҁ`*I=| , B*_Nug #Nu f`J. gfC):r  a`":؀aAJ.aA*:tahoaa Axda~UD:WA6V-VoC(zed n g=A P!af|fapJgڦaX`xW/2fظd(<a na Jfe@d`-@A| HzH3ba`\aBgHn ?<NAX0k |gVp` QAC ށfp|aנgjt=t VHnnHx?"f.X :4f"=X C֖"Xop&"hNu1STBASIC.INF"z"QBxd/ aa"_SDf)g 0AA`NuA.C nNutgH1|d 3 Ah e`CLSWIQFNPREGTBX0HC6<HC-C~\x &jHAMP!NuPraCEG> E P#M#J-b I gH@pp " `"Ka\a`DL` Alt-X to Run,60 for Program Window Power BASIC is working....CA00 piaΚNu`p nR@  fe>g=@nJ Bn=|B.0.$R@|e0<gƥ rn Nu4SBa Qa Nu?< NMXJ@g /Nu"Q@4.(2Be6JBg|e,@dj0`0nnv0 Nune g&n"d̀x4~Xaza Ҁ@jBg&4LL0UN aa4a rTX$Bp\dNu|>`HCH g C JfƈIÈvLNu *K/ /?.:A?NAO M"HrJg0kJ 0f v x ff(gRSf>NAX*"pNuྠ r`/Sp$( K^RQd(Ю6"Nu"X/AS&(K  fl HSH ( K ЄUv L"/ g k`HpF:ʜgjA 8E atf8??$x Af I|.BAKBHn ANA\8r/BgVÔJVBg/ er is|connected and on line][OK|Cancel] <a,g-H  A B(/  (_`> PowBASIC: Immediate Window Program:afAef \`-@~p@@ -H vV¾RRBrNu/J g n vB g:fz$r `SALNu"-A "KSf`[3][Theis not enough|memory to re ber|the bq][DeleteƗHp~aNLa"npa\npN-n  ҡz ,`HL\PUAPPnb0<aLNu0<kΰ|/ J. gfZ0.ЀcҰnc>?28n dna2`"0.R@=@ Ԑf-nXB nNu< gT|IhPA=Anpf Αl`=nl Ё@$L(`a`nNuafr a"??t.nSn pp4 @" jNu`:p{P\pz0`pNr* p` pphRNuLrNf ,a`Bpeaf&pg zk  .aVp BgLNA[1 insufficent |for program'squints][ Quit ]g /INA\”-HNuA`` `C<"A-H p6FxL tHLpxp3Vnrp*8AA 8pZ"H@0. t/h H@J@gH@S@NupH aVa^Bg/$=NAPdJjNJ$@::?.:BBNA-@nBoBNAO *".nA|x n Nu)S R (Q&ARAMETERS - When an application has been selected for execution a small box will appear asking for parameters to be passed to that application. DEFAULT PARAMETERS - These parameters will automatically be passed to the application selected for execution. If PROMPT FOR PARAMETERS is selected and you have entered text into DEFAULT PARAMETERS then you will be able to edit your DEFAULT PARAMETERS before they are sent to the application. FORCE MOUSE - It has been reported that some applications do not leave the mouse pointer on the screen after they are finished executing. This option will provide a mouse if this happens. Note that if there is already a mouse and this option is selected then 'holes' will appear in the screen. TERMINATE ON EXECUTION - Quick Menu will stop execution and free all memory before executing the application if TERMINATE ON EXECUTION is selected. Upon exiting from the application Quick Menu will have to be re-executed from the desktop. If GEM is selected then memory will be reserved for use by the AES. When TOS is selected memory will not be reserved for the AES and will be available for use by the TOS program. It doesn't hurt to execute TOS programs with the GEM option selected, but if you execute a GEM program with the TOS option set then you WILL crash your computer system. I lost about an hours worth of editing in a reset proof ramdisk trying this out! The GEM/TOS buttons are only available with the TERMINATE ON EXECUTION option because the GEMDOS Exec function (used for normal execution of applications) doesn't distinguish between GEM and TOS applications. The AES Shells function ShellWrite, used with this option, does distinguish between GEM and TOS. GEM/TOS - Explained above. Available only after TERMINATE ON EXECUTION is selected. 4. Revision notes New features in 2.1 and 2.1s!!!! Force Mouse and GEM interface touch ups. You may now edit entries or check their options by choosing ADD from the main menu and then clicking on the entry you wish to view or edit. If you edit the options then you must re-select the program from the ITEM SELECTOR. I may add an EDIT option to the main menu. No more money dialog box! If you use Quick menu then please compensate me for the many hours of work that I put into it. I originally started it for use by a friend on his hard disk drive, but figured it was general enough for everyone to use. If you use it then PAY for it, otherwise I will add some irresistible features and an even nastier intro screen. What is version 2.1s for? Version 2.1s of Quick Menu is a stripped down version of the full blown Quick Menu. It does not allow any editing! Use the full version of Quick Menu to create and test your menus and then use 2.1s for executing them. Version 2.1a and 2.1sa. A Close Virtual Workstation was added before the Exec function. This should make the program more robust. Version 2.1b and 2.1sb Added Edit option. A Clear Virtual Workstation call was added after the Exec function. This clears the screen after a program has been executed and before returning to Quick Menu. Version 2.3a Quick Menu now supports color systems! Use QMENU.PRG and QMENUS.PRG for monochrome systems and QMENUC.PRG and QMENUSC.PRG for color systems. Make sure that the correct resource file is with the correct program. There never was a problem with running Quick Menu on a color system, but since I developed it on a monochrome system the positioning of the boxes wasn't quite right on a color system. Three more items have been added. That makes a total of fifteen menu items. I could add more for the monochrome users and may at a later time. CAD3D and DEGAS Elite now run from Quick Menu without using the TERMINATE ON EXECUTION option. If you have any applications that wouldn't work with the older versions of Quick Menu then try them with this one. The fix was a little complicated and had to do with the TDI implementation of Modula-2 so I won't bother explaining what I did. Be warned. Quick Menu has no run time error checking for overflows or run time errors. If an error is encountered then there will be bombs. I'm pretty confident with this version and have yet to receive any errors. Please send any "unexpected" bombing reports to me and I will check them out. Quick Menu has become very difficult to edit. I now have four separate source files and resource files. This makes for quite a bit of editing for even a small change. Most of the changes in 2.3a were made at the request of people who have sent in their money. If I don't receive any more money or suggestions then this may be the last version you see. Version 2.4a Added sub-menu capability. Version 2.5a Added password protection for menu items and a system password to prevent unwanted editing or exiting from Quick Menu. Because of these changes it will be necessary to recreate your menu information files. Advanced users S 䈀}Pb  S  p S) S1 8  R @  ɰSLðQX^h <0S#8QDp p*pp4pӢxxT(9x\x`  Uǰ. TƠ2TUU+URx ( dHiH&drX4㸅Xh*U&(&((((RxXPppP,$Mhðx € /  @@@M N & NP*!" #P( $I*(;(M(T(e(w((r ( 'ȡ!"#O$%O)&='Pd/).(*r(+(,(-(.(((02X 12X/聦PX  FileSearchOptionsProgram' About Power BASIC--------------------o NewLoad... LSave AsSPrint Block WInsert fAIDeleteQuitb QFind FNexN Previous PReplaceRAll Goto lineGTopTBottomBHference}^Run X --ummediawow 0  ClC "#%').+,^~3Maximum size: ___k9P12Tab setting΀PQ 100000Tbuffer___QQ=b%OHNJ:______________________XQQARYMꠤQQ 2345 RR?::!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!S_____________________________6Rl%%!____CalYesNoOK Editor Numeric padbersCursorBackupsAuentSave FlashStiNviousUPPER & lower casemeDiheCommaO.PRG PBASIC Demo from HiSoftW { Blocks^R Page UpF1 Start^CDown2End^A Word Le F3^FRighF4Copy^Y<lete LF5PasRememjpyr 1989 nstration v?ofɺ. Fulls IC,clude cy , ra features.CFfurthdetails contact:!The Old School, Greenfield, Bedf , UKTOS F ory: 9999000Load ilveInsertbWarning - DELETE&|Ɣ` NqLOG2 ELSE<CLOQBSAVEgATN A,NDCCESSBrA4SCMAUTO[BARLOADfEEPZREAKiHDInCLLTS+CDBeAINUCIRCL4DHR$#INTbLEARW`LNGcWCVLONSLORv COMM$)OqSdNTRO=SRL=&IDEFHV}DATE3(A@_ECWYSTWX:DW IMAELLIPFI+yFILE E2%OFౡ\)QVER1K{XI);R$R6FSTS2X ELUsGBF*jLIXuRwULLPGOSUB3U GEMSYSGEsHOTOXYa1HEX'|LBOU)jINPUTlKEYIMPINvN=Y8TditTOKp͠LEเzLҠ EFdLIBRARC7OCG"G10RESEc PATNAMMKPR!OOP,]IhLImImMOsSOUMOPNC}gEX:NOOFFM=smDOPTILUT:ebPA$/-EEK/sCIRCL^ECOPӠ*.0OKJPrGO{KEҠmRANDO-œPEgPTS,TS],REDI IZ_REAs5EMDE?FwEPEAINGkoSELECRxTUR>TTO09SUIGH%RMހpSADD!j^UCROEEeSEG`Q GvHABPACmHYPCTICK1TATISTERnI-yUBkTAv YSTAUBSWATIMt)THD'R_TO2RVDICUccCASNTIARPTSVAaBSzWHIOWAV1dEPWOWIDTHRITRXamdIa  JOj <mó|ÕϘ @`:#,(; +-*\>=>==<<<OANYEQVIMMONOTz8<,6<,>&4<|(o*lNNz+|V~@~B D><DG=may use a text editor to make the necessary changes to existing menu files. Create a sample menu file to see what should be added and where these changes should go. I'm afraid that the passwords are easily readable in the menu information files. I may encode these files in the next release. Quick Menu now passes parameters correctly. It is no longer necessary to add a space to the beginning of any command line that is passed to an application. Attention Mega users. The changes I made to version 2.3 may prevent (as in crash) Quick Menu from functioning properly in your machines. Please let me know if Quick Menu crashes when attempting to execute an application. My address is below. Quick Menu Supporters These people have sent in donations. Thank you for your support! Earl Rice San Jose, CA Andy Dutra Sunnyvale, CA John Morales Bronx, NY Matthew Smith Lynden, WA Bill Brazell Sunnyvale, CA Kenneth H. Ledgard ($20) Rehoboth, MA Alan M. Ledford Coopersville, MI If you have a modem and would like to download the latest version of Quick Menu or send me E-Mail then call Stu's Place BBS in Hayward California. I will upload the latest versions to this BBS. The money I've received so far doesn't even cover phone expenses for uploading to several different BBS's. Sincerely, Bill Boyd 16627 Rolando Ave. San Leandro, CA 94578 Please send $5.00 to the above address if you use Quick Menu. Thank you. Quick ST 1.5 ============ This release of Quick ST: QUICKST.ACC - the standard color and monochrome desk accessory Quick ST 1.5 is not public domain and may not be given to others. It is intended for use in monochrome or medium resolution only. Quick ST is also available in 5 other flavors to registered users: QUICKSTC.ACC - color-only desk accessory QUICKSTM.ACC - monochrome-only desk accessory QSTAUTO.PRG - color and monochrome AUTO folder version QSTAUTOC.PRG - color-only AUTO folder version QSTAUTOM.PRG - monochrome-only AUTO folder version Why 6 versions? The standard version requires 35K and uses an accessory slot. If you have only one monitor, you can use the color-only or monochrome-only versions and save memory. The AUTO folder versions use even less memory and do not use an accessory slot, but can't be configured. The size of the file indicated roughly how much memory is used. Quick ST replaces some parts of the ST's operating system (known as TOS) which deal with screen operations with more efficient code. Part of the problem is that a large portion of TOS is written in C language, and not machine language, whereas Quick ST's code is all machine langauge. The result is that screen operations such as printing text, scrolling the screen, popping up windows and dialog boxes are faster. Quick ST has been optimized heavily for monochrome monitors, but it will also speed up color monitors to a lesser extent. Future versions will have more optimized color code. Low resolution is not supported to save memory. Since most programs that run in low resolution are games which bypass GEM altogether, there is no need to waste the code on it. Quick ST is compatible with most other desk accessories and TSRs. It can be used with Codehead Software's G+PLUS desk accessory to speed up screen operations even more. Also from Codehead is a program called Font Tricks, which allows you to load DEGAS fonts to replace the system font. Quick ST is fully compatible with this. Quick ST is compatible with the Hyperscreen modification for monochrome monitors. Instructions for this small hardware upgrade have been posted on the online services, which increases the resolution of the ST monitors. When used as a desk accessory, the fast GEM and fast text options can be disabled in situations where the speed increase is not desirable, or with programs that cause problems with Quick ST. One such program is called FSELV55.PRG (a replacement file selector) and it was found to be incompatible with most other accessories too. If you experience problems when running terminal software, simply turn off the fast text but leave fast GEM on. The desk accessory versions can also be run as programs after the desktop has appeared. Simply rename the file QUICKST.ACC to QUICKST.PRG and double click on it. As a shortcut, add the following line to your DESKTOP.INF file: #G 03 FF *.ACC@ @ which allows you to run desk accessories by double clicking on them. Note t^F)HaJ}LN 2P;mPRCTYVXZN j >-HGfZ=VRhPNj><lnpr~VHttvvxxzz|| ~;|@><HVZ.~ NN2< N@~DP. .<NH $*,.6<ˎ`$FĊŠ~~ ^(2<44ü~n_%&!#$<!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!D\NiBL `NqNT><H/XO?TO~V?LXOm0><><fA./nàO ~0G&DG^ 9G66\ON\NudG֠><4df<lBt@|A A^ ^0pNrNŲX\\X-kXO`z``4, "mh. B,=~l2.Nq衰 B-H**RGpXX.NFāFJ~ ƀ$ J2NqAHNNNhNdZd0 Gg$-t:tuȃ"t`[@~TOTN`ฤTFu @d{*<_RVZN`JGg\ NqBA,)Fbl0,)~څ:N,"Ī(xd<:-Fò`lˎNNK4~Fv 1 3X9䦪Lb= m6ڢ>11$<P1N:=23^*2Ⲉ< Nq;mf,298>܀*N@*N<? .y*D;8NlFBt/ȺP0D2Tց`HGzkj~ܣ\xdz`:dy< N\NuT6Bmh*hv TO;|ڀL^B444uXu.^T^Jm"j:uXR&<B4$N$;m&"$*^l, R(Rl"mx. G>=~^=N2:^JGr|,XGJmh¢-z ^00 (TO2<N@A.-~`- (FNNXTp: \$*-,^~?/~ \O m:XnDA ZXO~\On0XG;G0> @b߬߬ ,P~D@*~*Ҥ@ G~~HT4 <B4rJ!-=L6H>NHLNFʪü .Hԕ^>=TOB咁4**`<B::fpTO~dH22w~Ħ||jF2@B2@ LXO;m@B*" G2;G= .v!Nv@RDJm dބT.\.< g :`L" Nq.-, GNh"<^ʠ  4&Nq\. TO䒠ЀbRXL~xxXO2 JtF6>,n"V~~~xB G>"mx. -t^ ^0~><?F ;mJ Jnn*$JڢJJTfH~zT.J;G>tڀ..4>DG^0>0pd侠&RG<$:>uȱ: F 6r^̶Ŷ04dzJm(,TO*jj GH~TTG-((lʤÖ&Bm>>LTO;G>ؠNŦ` Lጤɲ<„jNNqV< X9DŽRR6R8R`H`:㾌J u.fƸ~0ʂ/*/T踥``Nr_;|:h:>p@@A./\l\N<,NqpNA\.rNOVVVNqA ,XO2<N@vH-.-( fV~=DG^@~`<Ā4lD<D8 "m. - ^0RGN0RGZ\O ;m;mTNF8rtN*İ Nq BAhat this will only work with Quick ST and a handful of other accessories that are designed to run this way. At this moment these are the known compatiblity problems with Quick ST: - doesn't support low resolution - doesn't support GDOS - doesn't work with Easel ST or Universal Item Selector The first problem is by design. The second problem can be fixed by using G+PLUS from Codehead software, which is a much faster replacement GDOS. The third problem is being investigated now. This version fixes a bug in Quick ST 1.4 which caused some text editors to actually run slower. A good example is ST Writer. With version 1.5, ST Writer is now up to 100% faster at screen scrolling. Please report any other problems, and enjoy Quick ST! Quick View 1.4 ============== Quick View runs on any ST, color or monochrome. Quick View - the ST File Reader ------------------------------- Quick View is a program developed for viewing text files. Although it may usually suffice to "Show" a file from the ST's desktop, this does not allow the file to be viewed randomly. Quick View allows a file to be loaded into memory and viewed. The file can also be printed to the printer. For example, Quick View can be used to flip through an issue of ST Report or ZMAG ST. The handy "flip topic" feature allows you to quickly scroll over some sections to reach the sections you wish to read. Pressing the Tab key while viewing an ST Report will generate a Table of Contents. To use Quick View, double click on the file QVIEW.PRG. A dialog box will appear, and the screen colors will change to white, black, red and green (on a color monitor only!). Click on the "Load & View" button. A file selector will appear, prompting you to pick a text file. Once the file is loaded into memory, and verified to be a text file, the "View" button will become enabled. When you click this button, an 80 column, 24 line display will appear. Even if you booted in low resolution, it will appear in 80 columns. Press the Esc key to exit back to the main dialog box. To view another file, just "Load & View" again. Quick View can also be configured as a desktop application. This allows you to automatically load Quick View whenever you double-click on a text file. To configure, do the following. On the ST desktop, open a window so that the file QVIEW.PRG is shown. Click on this file (do not double click!) and select the menu option "Install Application". Now type in the file extension you wish to install it for, for example, DOC or TXT or ASC. Then do a "Save Desktop" to store these settings. You are now ready. For example, if you installed Quick View for DOC files, click on this file, QUIKVIEW.DOC. Within a few seconds, Quick View will load and take you directly to the view buffer. Note: due to a bug in TOS, the DEKSTOP.INF file will not store the full path for QVIEW.PRG. Therefore if you are using a hard disk, it may not find it. You need to edit your DESKTOP.INF file. Search for the line that looks similar to this: #G 03 04 QVIEW.PRG@ *.DOC@ and modify it to include the full pathname. In this example, Quick View is on the hard disk, in the E: partition, in the QUIKVIEW.120 folder. #G 03 04 E:\QUIKVIEW.140\QVIEW.PRG@ *.DOC@ Due to a similar bug in TOS, the desktop does not pass to Quick View the full pathname of the file that was clicked on, so this will only work if the file is not in a folder, or Quick View is in the same folder as the text file. TOS 1.4 is supposed to fix these bugs. Who knows. Note that you can also repeat this line several times, to install Quick View for several different file types. For example: #G 03 04 E:\QUIKVIEW.140\QVIEW.PRG@ *.DOC@ #G 03 04 E:\QUIKVIEW.140\QVIEW.PRG@ *.TXT@ #G 03 04 E:\QUIKVIEW.140\QVIEW.PRG@ ST*.*@ #G 03 04 E:\QUIKVIEW.140\QVIEW.PRG@ README*.*@ Press the Help key when viewing a file for a full list of cursor controls. lXO4lXGL8PpLʂÂ`jNN&TH~TOh(0XcX G>02&d(||,Z0`NqBTRR0L,Ú_BPPa^NqS>ô~|P: ?>=^^Ȩ}v,GNN֠ ܬ Pߎ 0 0^`"N°LRzF`t¸ǸN0R0.R_ŔTD:ƚDG-~HNq0B涠~ _<~(6x~t>,~B*D2<G֢D.6<FN*\vHlRGhphNP8 "m *l~픃6;|X~bȄf;m v~~,;GðN Nq Nq mgRXRG;GXС`ΠzdJ t.v!N8|~@$~Xͤ;mX񞢚 <2ZFNNBm"~-((  @܁" Z2<@~H-0<hĢ֢XNqփ Ӑr../NO PxɈR؃Jm(&ZȦ2Nq҅8̋6NT2D6x0@N2< B< ^TNqf@-0+GZ, GNNTv8vZ^L^hDޞHfTOX0ޞ+G0x1xSUB~3RNql G~^T=tOƨSU\,Z\Ң&x^;|bʡp G"g栘"< b(bRG;Gbf)6ށȁء4b." p8"^=:(<bjJmFnv G.BDb, x 0^ DA /.<, Ԁ^~? TO-X~&(Nؠ p4@RG@xl<=~ 2>Nq :=^ FDTazN`JGH$AZ a* DG^T.0Nq0ԡ~H N2<Ԡ@G~N^Ǯ0`Ì<09".g_` <@$#,! &%vNq~#~ NqpN.r A./~<OZt2^><HΥRd"mh. G>ځ4Ăܠ` b` *"~- (FNNF4 ( ~Dv&`nX$|00N\*X,:6d,ʤ"(XBp޿ޭ^$.Pۚ`hGOh0& F@bJhazN`JGx$AZNq~TO\tNqBmvŞ-.<T $ Gg`&8"j=: JÈn 4l#8!,& %$Ė<6(V(.-, GNVߦ٦򂢄rNH6`PNqJ09N`JG("ư.ԀVN|N\ 'H_N~TO`fP"\f( ^JGDG~"""r r&\v`t%20r4?D.|>ڀr=r:=<侀: >v*Hǂx4dBNq܃~ꀎ  x&N\NurT.-n-VHޞ+Gnd8 ^<N~ 2,vvvvvvDޞlTl$lx-䆼N;Gr>-r"좒j( 6 (֠>$Bm$;m&";mǦ&ȈRz=4^=DG^4 NqL6Npf2<\X^b0. R2̧:6L6<?R ,?A./àO ?~ ,FFf~0X<0(AN "m. G>2RGT~ GgTTOv,뎁< ^0G8` PNq mB*<^^^ nnn4nnnnFlpTO"m V>^4FHHN\Nu LNqNT m4 nNqL6HN=>^^\Nq~ TO;| RX><ʇV.<N2^JòòN: B6,ҢRG;Gjp((G2 -------------------------- | SPELL 2.8 User's Guide | -------------------------- July 17, 1988 HOW TO USE THE SPELL PROGRAM: SPELL is a program that allows you to detect and correct spelling mistakes in disk files (henceforward called documents). SPELL should work with documents produced by just about any word processor. SPELL has been tested on documents produced by the 1ST WORD word processor. A hard disk is recommended but not required. THE WORD LIST: SPELL uses a special disk file named "words.txt". This file contains all words that SPELL recognizes as being correctly spelled. When you use SPELL for the first time, this file will be empty, and SPELL will ask you if each word in your document is misspelled. As you check the spelling of more and more documents, SPELL will know the correct spellings of more and more words. Eventually SPELL will have a word list containing most of the words that you use, and will only ask you if misspelled and unfamiliar words are misspelled. RUNNING THE PROGRAM: Before running SPELL, make sure that the disk containing the SPELL program and the disk containing the document to be corrected are not write-protected (i.e. make sure that the hole in each disk is covered by the sliding piece of plastic). Also make sure that the document that you wish to correct is not a read-only file (See Atari 520ST Owner's Manual, p. 56). When SPELL starts to run, all words stored in the file "words.txt" are loaded into memory. If SPELL is being run for the first time, no words will be loaded. Now you are ready to check the spelling of documents. Move the mouse over to the File menu. This menu has two options, "Quit" and "Correct Document". Choose the "Quit" option when you are completely finished correcting all documents. To correct the spelling of a document, choose the "Correct Document" option. You will be asked for the name of the document for which the spelling is to be corrected. Choose the file you want. After the document to be checked is specified, whenever SPELL encounters a word that is not in the file "words.txt", you will be given three choices: Add this word to dictionary Do not add word to dictionary Try new spelling of word Quit correction Regardless of which choice you make, you can always correct the spelling of the word. To do this, type the word as you would like it to appear in the document being checked. You can edit the word with the backspace, arrow keys, and escape (Esc) key. After the spelling of the word is corrected (if it was wrong), you can add the word to the dictionary by pointing the mouse in the "Add this word to dictionary" box and pressing the left mouse button. If you do not want to add the word to the dictionary, but it is correctly spelled, choose the "Do not add word to dictionary" box. Even if the same word is encountered later on in the document, you will not be asked about it. If you have changed the spelling of the word, and would like to find out if this new spelling is in the dictionary, choose the "Try new spelling of word" box. If the word is found in the dictionary, the program will go on and check the rest of the document. If the word is not found in the dictionary, you will be given the four options again. If you want to stop the spelling correction process, select the "Quit correction" box. This will leave the file you're correcting unchanged, and you will be free to either correct other documents or quit the program. THE WORD MENU The Word menu has a single option, "Delete Bad Word". Selecting this option will allow you to specify a word that should be removed from the dictionary. Just enter the word to delete and select the "Delete Misspelled Word" box. If you decide not to delete the word, press the "Cancel" box. If you attempt to delete a word that is not in the dictionary, the program will mention this. THE INFORMATION MENU The Information menu has only one option, "Show Information". Selecting this option will reveal how many words are stored in the dictionary, as well as how much memory is available for storing new words. UPDATING THE DICTIONARY: After your document has been completely checked, if you have inserted any words into the dictionary, or deleted any words, you will be asked if you want to update the dictionary. Why do you need to update the dictionary? Every time you start the SPELL program, the dictionary contains all the words that were in the file "words.txt". As you insert new words into the dictionary they are stored in your computer's main memory, and are NOT automatically placed in the disk file "words.txt". By the T= .v!N zP~PB$$$\R$$@  vvvvvv~\ A.-~v\-44TJh l$v$NqpNǴ(TOr ~ ?A ./ OX X Xtp$F(rDD||v|*Lt||B|B - Gg&?.-dlTO:´h$"$"~Db~TONܣN(ҳ`, ?&xPO~z-–N=^dNN6\xNt$$|.|Nè4RTO2<@A N8 Error NN re. %~H-$%| mg08 J~*RG/A lPȀvBmVJ² ®,blbbàbR <G`^| ~H"N, HޞȞXT>J G>G 0~h 2F^~"NG.H&H~1G?L6\ x(<P&"~Dʁn,㨁|0$  Bd@NN@N^Vؠ~p/>j.ljH҄HdžZhB jʲZZfHG@ȜpNA\.rNA.OL~$0lTOdX*-~Zv"<ԁX  Aà FA.-A .-n HNj0 ^0 ޞ+Gn>,|N2X:;G>-2<\@Jڡh~H::^.@RGL@ڂ`|Z@H*f妣*'Tr Gg"ɂ NH66<N`JGX܁b04;|4>Nq:`4~一fNh,pޠNR⣶:Nq2D pN§HǠvޞh8("-A\.N end of line_\f~j*=N,.6<NjV@VBm@ +G"(>-XG ;G;mV(Z |?>,HXO(B ^(`@. ^0X>,R2* "m . jdRGh4Z+DG^ G>ྡ",$,rƤ,p>-.\"X^b|hH|~Ćtꤜlx b~ .æg>2&JLN`JGgV NqD2RH:΅z\ 4 NqL6N&TO@NqpNfrN><?A ./O0H6vἇ`*6~ܤ"mLL G @Ԣ=NFn.-pTOt^r8 ~DGD>&x> (TO2< N@A ƒ (FNN~1FN \,_|Bm*DrDNPN`JGDG^RGT"m lNqN$|Ăläl:TGHXO@ªX|<D@>N@XTO4FJ>tlX?~TLL:NR~h<RvNq`ifjPN.,/\V&@&LlT~i  &h&@Tl.TON⧄|~h$~^vH@><A~` 8Ʋq߲߲B.& ^&p&&Dl$2~pV^ ^a^N^~a ndbeN`JGn Nq"RG|ojT d-0H~o2 pmp2p~ Vlz0:FN><Y4<Zlxxrx.ٴ|~rxtuF N*J",ģ dvpXvvx䚠./PO: mڢ^&~x(;G`><.,/^\O~ TOBm`\w\Š$~~wjn@njnLT NfN~jlnkRNq専0kFsNĤ&&:^vs lfl(5Ȁgg=yʠjNǠ~y`~SF Np><tb?.ÎTOF*xZ-!G`Œ$HzHrH"m. G>6H,S$~?6\{<˔TĈ{F~|}NqF.l@ * 8ܥ$DƒDGbx22 N`JG Nq`  m h` RG;G>-r"m *<"tR| VXp:Nq 䎠> h2jTl2l`d|,tL"T`”Ĕd>;GJBmFP same token, words deleted from the dictionary are not automatically removed from the "words.txt" file. If you choose to update the dictionary by pressing the left mouse button in the "yes" box, the new words in main memory will be inserted into the file "words.txt", and any words that you deleted will be removed from the file. When the program is done, "words.txt" will contain all words it had before SPELL was run, plus the new ones that you inserted, minus the words that you deleted. When you run SPELL again, it will know that the new words are spelled correctly, and will not ask you about them when they are encountered again. If you choose not to update the dictionary by pressing the left mouse button in the "no" box, the file "words.txt" will not be changed - it will have the same words that it had when you started running SPELL, and will not have the new words that you inserted when SPELL was running. Questions and Answers: Q: I get an "out of memory" message when SPELL runs. Why does this happen, and what can I do about it? A: This happens when SPELL does not have enough memory to store all the words in the file "words.txt". If this happens, remove desk accessories (Atari 520ST Owner's Manual, p. 30) that take up a large amount of memory (especially ramdisks). Q: I already have a file similar to the "words.txt" file. Can I use this file instead? A: Many spelling correction programs come with a file containing the correct spellings of many words. If you have such a file, and it is an ordinary ASCII file (i.e. contains only printable characters), and has each word on a line of its own, you may use this file with SPELL. Just copy the file onto the folder containing the SPELL program, and make sure that it is named "words.txt". Q: Can I give copies of SPELL to other people? A: SPELL is a public domain program. This means that it can be copied and given to anyone. However, if you find this program useful, please send $5.00 US to: Eric Bergman-Terrell Cadenza Software, Ltd. 1450 West 116th Avenue, #21 Westminster, CO 80234 U.S.A. Q: Is this the same program advertised in ANTIC magazine? A: No - it is a much more recent version. Both are written by the same author, and both are in the public domain. Additional Information: If you have a question about SPELL that is not answered by this user's guide, send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to the above address. If you are not in the U.S.A., please send the necessary international reply coupons (available in post offices throughout the world). Enjoy the program! What is a Word Processor? Whether you're a student facing a term paper, a business professional with frequent reports to write, or an aspiring novelist, ST Writer can help you beat those deadlines -- with time to spare. No more tedious typing and retyping of drafts; ST Writer lets you edit and reorganize your copy until it's just right. What exactly can ST Writer do for you? One advantage is that you never have to press the [Return] key to end a line of text while typing -- the program does it for you automatically. Also, you can change all or any incidences of a given word in your text to another word -- for instance, you can instantly change the word "pleased" to "glad" anywhere it appears in your text with just a few keystrokes. ST Writer lets you center text or print it flush against the right margin, and you can print with left and right justification. You can mark a block of text and then delete, copy it, or move it to anywhere else in the text (or to another file!). Made a mistake? Just press the [Undo] key and start fresh! There's lots more, and you'll find out about it by reading this manual. Quickly and step by step, this guide shows you everything you need to know to use ST Writer. The first section tells you how to load ST Writer into your ATARI ST computer, and presents an overview of the program. The second section gives you a brief text to enter, edit, and print, along with how-to instructions for each step; after printing your first ST Writer document, you'll also learn how to store and retrieve what you write using a disk drive. By working with a longer passage in the third section, you'll learn about the advanced editing, formatting, and printing features of ST Writer. Finally, you'll find a complete, alphabetical Reference Guide to all the features of ST Writer in the back of the guide. Getting Started Here's how to load your ST Writer word processing program into your2^6zp4^&N XdҘp N\Nu`,T>,BlҘ;mV$¾R~3nJD:;|-?܇<4İŐ` =A .v">8rxghNqTG|B0ߞƞ88~5R~XB|~6@^:XB֠pG ,GJ2TO2R|lTxTTO2~ Z6PxĪ¼¨7Ė~X pڨ<視ಖ8XLl , D^BLA.-l  ^0>,<\᠀*\< ~f./P|RG`~64JG N.,/*\bh&zʡȼpTO,XOXN DG^Ĥgr-6A¶ĶàO ʢ~A8x*” >NqpN"(TOr~p  .6tt:NŌȪP䰤x xɂ.h"m. G>b. Gzd2^B~RG:~POxxTbNqJmT:"b89hDh>=BĴ:N~?~XO^N mڥN;ƀN<J.-ڠo(FF HfN`JG@ƒ| T8P쀈-*: hl< $ TO;mB΍Fx˘^4C@NF`>>fNq<j0HN2t@Ɯ@Nq;|B"&L??(.Ⅶ&IGZ(< @A.|tpNr A./OxAJ~jDH.lȆ ĖZ6lTOV,\ h2>,hDr DG^;G6 T6pA.- H-DF4 ^0,RGD6_:=0^ĘNqt >vTdtNjn^&2hD"f6.Ph"N4Ѩ⣺xd~^Z:?~ XO|,,"<^`&^-DGBmRG G Nq;|㢠RR@BX8šGļG NTᤨDX|VNT8` J•J^$hlN~X.,bXbPFPPPPP$0JGærR-|ZG?Ĥ* DG^?AàO b㲣TX"m .8z¶$$xB***Nq~\xxjxxxxxvvlv߄ل~-~^HTH䲮NĴ~bV 솲TT* _Ůܣh\OJ”~\: @  4~z;m@<ZN\NuT ยt pTO;GNqBm>6>-><ᾀ*~T~$6\O^P^;m GH~sNqZȠ:|=TOFfn\L2v0Ꮉ D@ z璉FD~> NH,. -.-n ^ -BmtN +Gn;GbhF><><YfZ4p~DGtg6"~ f<丢4FA.bbøjL(NxÈܢ\ޠ`ހ$ނTHX mZ~?~tގ@b* `28~.z`NqJxحhҩh~<n;m -*NH~RH,X,,<<XXJ\J~TOH ;Ċ8zR:xFz4N&^ࠚ"D >, GTg $=~+Υ< h Rd|Xv?X$tFTV0℈~09⸠0_8;r˒~0Ɣ_Ŕ,~ ?(>.X*n74813t Nq;mnNV´2’庁38 xXO;m@n~>V=NĠ6ڢnNNN L1~=N<`ƠPhH/ȞhDZ fA./PT ~TOtƃJmdVN.-/ă\p죶N\T|><C^EĮ52v ~5G.z0 Nq*N|9|9~b6\L䩄HTO֟tXn>nn>>C6儀vvú fCzQj"><":~QT)j1`.t-ڃXtR8 6$~6(Df<N:=^^Z ZŴ.:.H⵶`ll&:l8|~JJJ\:Nttt7t2ɬDLNL F;GJm*6`[V 88A\.2<N@(A Atari ST computer. 1. With your computer turned off, turn on your monitor and disk drive(s). Insert your ST Writer disk. If you do not have TOS in ROM, you will have to insert your TOS System Disk instead. Turn on your computer. 2. When the GEM desktop appears, remove your TOS System Disk (if you have used it) and place your ST Writer disk in the drive, or if you have two drives, place the ST Writer disk in the second drive. Open a window for the disk drive by double-clicking on the icon for that drive. 3. Run ST Writer by clicking twice on the icon (or text filename) labelled STWRITER.PRG. Note: You can run ST Writer in any of the ST's three resolutions: low, medium, and high. Low resolution gives you 22 lines and 40 columns; with medium resolution, 22 lines and 80 columns, and with high resolution you get 25 lines and 80 columns. Also, using high resolution gives you the option of 37 screen lines. Simply use the GEM desktop to set the resolution you desire before running ST Writer. You may also wish to change the default screen colors and key repeat rate from the desktop before running ST Writer, although you can change these once ST Writer is running if you are in GEM mode (GEM mode will be explained later). What's on the menu? Take a minute now to look over the selections available and see what you can use each one for. While working with ST Writer, you can return to this menu at any time by pressing the [Esc] key in the upper left corner of your computer keyboard. CREATE File - Start writing a new text file. DELETE File - Erase a file that you've stored on diskette. EDIT File - Revise a file that you've just printed or loaded from diskette. FORMAT Disk - Format a data diskette for storing text files you write with ST Writer. INDEX of Files - Call up a listing of the text files on a diskette. HIRES Flip-flop (high res only) - switch high res display between 22 lines and 37 lines. LOAD File - Load a file from diskette into your computer. PRINT File - Print a text file on the printer, the screen, or to a disk file. SAVE File - Save a file on diskette. RECEIVE AtariWriterTM - Receive file transmitted from 8-bit Atari Computer using Atari 850 Interface Module and null modem cable, or load in an intact AtariWriter file obtained by other means (eg., from a bulletin board). TRANSFORM Colors - reverse screen colors -- black to white and vice-versa. QUIT - Stop using ST Writer and exit to the desktop. Talking to ST Writer...and making it run. With the ST Writer menu on the screen, type C for Create File. Take a few minutes to become familiar with the edit screen that now appears. The small flashing rectangle (or square) near the upper left corner of the screen is the cursor. It shows you where you are on the screen while you're working with ST Writer -- whether you're writing, editing, or responding to the prompts and questions that appear in the Message Window at the bottom of your screen. Many of the questions that ST Writer asks you require a yes or no response. You can answer by typing Y or N. If ST Writer finds a mistake in an entry or command, or detects a problem in your computer system, it displays an error message in the Message Window. In most cases when you see an error message, you must press a key before continuing. In this guide you'll find several instructions such as "press [control P]" or "press [Shift Tab]." To execute these keystroke combinations, hold down the first key while typing the second. You may already be familiar with this technique; if not, you'll soon get the hang of it. Clean copy in minutes When they first learn to use a word processing system, many people want to tell their friends about it. So here's a letter for you to type, edit, and print that won't just teach you about ST Writer -- you can also use the finished copy to show a friend what a fine word processor you are using. But first, a couple of features of ST Writer that you'll need to understand to type your letter. With ST Writer you don't use the Return key on your computer keyboard the way you do on a conventional typewriter. When you're typing a word that will overflow the right margin of the screen, ST Writer automatically moves the cursor -- and the word -- to the beginning of the next line. Press [Return] (or [Enter]) at the end of each paragraph, or to insert blank lines in what you're writing. ST Writer inserts an inverse video "less-than" sign (<) (colored red in low and medium res) at that point to show the [Return] and moves the cursor to the left margin of the next screen line. To mark the beginning of a paragraph, press [Control P]. ST Writer displays an inverse video (red in low and medium res) letter P at that point on the screen. Now you're ready to go. Select Create File from the ST Writer\z\zNzZJlШ>-:HdTZLL4RbNNĢQll,lll~LXO./Z~,?A\RG *&;mNpTOO\LN<2PʥEĆ"คn&TO"D$$^ Ɇ6<n~n*n`Nt+ȁD+~ 02\DN6xz&1&BΥdg6^H@*<* Nq(\~0`OhP03f3(NLJFp<DHfOf:XVVNqNO;|+N<Ш<GF\&<5\*-*,=~;mh-h.xP:P4ZA [BX$2 Bv!v `Bx/>R>G0pIFɊt2V&b~I쬀N~^ jNVV~Nb8*|j8"D~ܥ\4qԆƠŠ\>< D(KFBʀT~KɔF2` U ~TPq:~Uh(jjj]^^NNxlHlຫx HG嘠TTDG;G2^,V4j> ZtZȌT^`ĸ$;|v hJ,NqBmƆ J<-JTGH&ZRGĦLDNM0NF>S>"TL6H~NN=^66LD ?A./O X&€:qL~TO\l=^RVX6p\<ؠ~ ĬϬdVnV;mǠQ<N vzplN4jbT ~,V|*~DGpڥv>*ĩ:nNDV|H|F,R mo,52T=.c`H`6~ tv><EڂPtNh;hRnv& -**6<<Nq@@d좄TOF><ꒁ44&">yp:=6TGn8VG"NNтjNBmpmHȀJNPFNހfTR8&X\Nu\ TA.- ^0>,RGN:l Nqx`A=^嘅=f^N|FNqHPF^~AN r8JNYd><c('6\N^(VZN`JGJòfRG"m . G>;GȠĨRtjj膩PDGTTVTOE Hd.d~G TL~b><BFCF4嶣0NfN<.Zr Ш;G >- lTO~+ .,?6\ORGD,~+?A/5\0<bTnZXĒZ\O~YZ~ d.2@ĔLX\| :Nq;mT02(DŠZǢFFv:Nv06_@,p,ڣ3 L+ܣ@2Ʀ -4x [ HPH^H|DGN<N8:X\<(BmD,~`O(&(\ON:@><^JG\NqOX;|< + $ 00`6ĤHHŨ-Ш^~*,<>=pTO.ºTrBĜ 8NqpN (TOrN~\X . O6|^+-., G>f+]T,*ܡ_φOab-`>,Nq NJ<ĂÂ;mVn~DG^"m. 0ł` NNq m:njŦ^<zxJ"(&^(~bX`NN~`G\9TO(vT~à ~LTOzZ@,t(~0RCJmT¼:( (>,_(TNqB~ Rr.XO~@|njh4¬.fNⴃ. RG`"0BDD~n*@TG>P&zTG- ^0R G\ÔpTOzvXB$b"m <2¤R@<((BfB<^Ě@:|,bʀRLANÆddTOF\:H*VѦ(8 Nq~0G?A./.O f*fFNq(8~~ߐZ**ֆކb݆:ftdvz*TOF.Vh̤J:ƌNtN\Nu`*T~iTOC~ ?V(LXOA~إP^`JG Nq x ^TO(¶(g~G,TO~).~ &\p  T"Bm(Tޣ"*nD$l$~*ԬجPT|BPN~ܤƄ` ~~NTBm~8DHb`Nq<KG8h6|ʡVNBȠ;mV~kb:~-?AB5\一Ą2.XOH܇ ZXOAzZ menu, if you haven't already. The display switches to the editing screen. For now, ignore the Print Formatting Block at the top of the screen. Just enter today's date on the first line, fill in the name of the person you want to write to after the word "Dear," and type away. And don't worry about typos -- you'll be able to fix them in a jiffy when you edit with ST Writer. Today's date [Return] [Return] [Return] Dear .........[Return] [Return] [Control P] As you can see, I'm not writing this letter on my old typewriter. Instead, I'm breaking in my new ST Writer word processing program, composing and editing on my monitor screen. When I've finished writing, I can print a copy -- or dozens of copies -- just by pressing a few keys on my computer console. [Return] [Control P] And no more typos -- or at least, no more retyping to get rid of them. I can easily delete or change letters, words, sentences, or paragraphs. Or say I use a word or phrase several times in a piece of writing, and decide later that I want to change it. I can have the computer automatically search out every use of it and substitute something different. [Return] [Control P] ST Writer will print the things I write just about any way I want. I can vary the margins, in- dent paragraphs or blocks of text, and change line spacing just as with a typewriter, but more easily. I can also print pages with justified right margins. [Return] Now add a paragraph of your own if you like, preceded by [Control P] and followed by [Return]; then add a closing and press [Return] again. Quick editing with ST Writer Now that you've created your first text file, you can go back and fix any mistakes you made. And if you want to rephrase anything to make it more your style -- by all means! No need to return to the ST Writer menu and select Edit File; you can edit a text file while still in the Create File mode (select Edit File to revise a text file that you've retrieved from diskette, as explained in "To load a text file"). While editing, you'll probably want to move the cursor quickly around the screen from one problem area to the next. Refer to your Quick Reference Guide (see file QUIKREF.TXT) for the Cursor movement controls you can use to do this. To start editing at the top of your letter, for example, press [Shift F1] to move to the top of your file. F1 is the first key in the row of ten function keys at the top of your keyboard. Now you can use [down arrow] to scan quickly through what you've typed, and [left arrow] and [right arrow] to move the cursor to anything you want to change or correct. When you reach the last line of text on the screen, just keep moving the cursor down -- the text will scroll up to show more of what you've written. You can also page through your text file, up or down, by pressing [Shift up arrow] or [Shift down arrow]. Press [Control A], or [Control (left arrow)] to move to the beginning of a line, and [Control Z], or [Control (right arrow)] to move to the end of a line. To move instantly to the end of a file, press F1. To correct a typo or replace a word or phrase, you first must either delete the wrong characters or words, and type in the correction, or press [Insert] to enter the "type-over" mode, allowing you to type directly over the incorrect text. Be careful, though, not to type over wanted text, as once this is done, the typed-over text is not retrievable. Pressing [Insert] again returns you to the insert mode. Refer to the Delete text commands in your Quick Reference Guide. After deleting what you want, just type in your correction or change. ST Writer automatically makes room for as much new material as you want to add. To insert a whole new sentence, paragraph, or more, just position the cursor where you want to add text and type in the new material. Whenever you delete a line or block of text, the last line or block deleted is retained in the failsafe text buffer of your computer. To restore the deleted text, press [Undo] to insert the deleted text at the current cursor position. From screen to paper You're now ready to print your clean, edited letter. Make sure that your printer is properly connected to your computer and turned on. Press [Esc] to return to the ST Writer menu, and select Print File by pressing [P]. Then press [Return] four times at the four prompts with which ST Writer presents you -- they will be discussed in detail later in this manual. Next ST Writer looks for a printer configuration file on your disk (see Printer Configuration File in Reference Guide). Now ST Writer formats, then prints your letter. To halt printing at any time, press the [Esc] key (or [Control S] to pause) on your computer keyboard. You may have to experiment a bit, adjusting the paper in your printer before printing your files, to get the correct top margin on your printedzڀ?*: <^brLpb@H@tЁ҆hh`àO 犡x箥BB*4H4;mҥLGf~Ԡ^2*4~-f~><?46\TlpపԢ꺡§ȡ^<~Nz O/0C0<HЈ",Іd䒆 Ь H` / Bg?<JNAVwJfLEA@,A0,Hp!!!.HA 0D"MBQ;@+F +LfSE;ED;D CaHNHz+_>?F "/FN<+g -fP.g0e :dBo?| aG0#jNRo`Jf /k WeRf6:dn$S` oo ߰<Dg EfZ`6 6?|"$2/A0AA@GA0?AN` g 8xghdC$Ia90&NdHfBt0e2*`|GAe 7`gdaeWa&``HBf@2d:4H`Of>8dzax0x vRldS("`  "Ag f /"g,Sff"H/@`ea5HPz.gLJ/gv?a-~:p`"f Jj a4`DJޠ@ Nu%&!#H* ߯eNua\\$IH6`74l pl PNuЀe" Ёe4NuaBXo|V܁` RR HGJD[jDD<*B!zVB.T/zTBNd "O$HJFg OO` JgD*@6HG$A ,0-JgPQaDgBNu?V0@  Nu!Inu("h_x8a@Sr//-/-+O/N m( SrPf Ha LQ (+P`( Gnj.H+HY+I($T` - A䐈∓ c+@Lv!k*"mg ɉRɉAH dD `a( JaNu* BHܠ`G^pv. `8<ae {dtHB frz`z Ga ^.`aJac`ad`a e`ab`afe Se gNuJG&$P(HǏNu0HiH@> H@g(Jg$HAJ@gJAfHA`JAgH@ Af ށeNu~DNu$JnDJai zJj: gF //JJp!ҁU@D@އeRQ u^_H^]W^f\^~JGGDj4)k2BHҁC. Nuv!:FBH*6HÖk&n"UDkn"aևQ"`L` JgH< ZxCiffC kCH 0BAҀ8pHSDt =:La \3V P J D :&<:.<:888<<V<<t8J^4x..-.. 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OpaTt&//@NA$" kpgp="  IJf6Sev H x ggRQAL0`r`  ID..ReSf CZv`SH @vapBLgNu fXp6Nufp6 N,St QȠ,( gvJl jfZB"#@g(*HEJEgpH@ @ajf(SE`HE  |VVf6ᔡDft~f(JjJ f 6 $ Ga*"GNuxp\&&š  ``"d T,LLe&`d 8(|T`?r ae message Buffer full, file not loaded appears on your screen. That part of the file that was loaded prior to this message is erased from memory. A word processing wonderland To show you more of what you can do with ST Writer, this section gives you another text file to type, edit, format, and print. You may recognize it. Go to the menu and select Create File. If there's a file in your computer's memory, ST Writer asks, Erase File in Memory, Y/N? Type Y to erase the file from your computer's memory. Again, ignore the Print Formatting Block at the top of your screen for now -- you can experiment with various formats after you've typed and edited the text file. Just type the passage below (from Alice in Wonderland) as it appears, but do not type the paragraph numbers in the left margin -- they're for ease of reference during the editing you'll do later on. Before you begin typing, here's a tip and a reminder. To begin underlining some text, press [Shift F3], which inserts an underline character. To turn underlining off, press [Shift F3] again to insert another underline character. All text between pairs of underline characters, including spaces between words, will be underlined. You can underline as you type, or return to a document after it's typed to underline passages. Don't forget to mark the beginning of each paragraph by pressing [Control P], and the end of each paragraph by pressing [Return]. 1 "Why," said the Dodo, "the best way to explain it is to do it." (And, as you might like to try the thing yourself, some winter day, I will tell you how the Dodo managed it.) 2 First it marked out a race-course, in a sort of circle, ("the exact shape doesn't matter," it said,) and then all the party were placed along the course, here and there. There was no "One, two, three, and away!" but they began running when they liked, and left off when they liked, so that it was not easy to know when the race was over. However, when they had been running half-an-hour or so, and were quite dry again, the Dodo suddenly called out, "The race is over!" and they all crowded round it, panting, and asking, "But who has won?" 3 This question the Dodo could not answer without a great deal of thought, and it stood for a long time with one finger pressed upon its forehead, (the position in which you usually see Shakespeare, in the pictures of him), while the rest waited in silence. At last the Dodo said, "Everybody has won, and all must have prizes." 4 "But who is to give the prizes?" quite a chorus of voices asked. 5 "Why, she, of course," said the Dodo, pointing to Edith with one finger; and the whole party at once crowded round her, calling out, in a confused way, "Prizes! Prizes!" 6 "But she must have a prize herself, you know," said the Mouse. 7 Edith had no idea what to do, and in despair she put her hand in her pocket, and pulled out a box of comfits (luckily the salt water had not got into it), and handed them round as prizes. There was exactly one a-piece, all round. 8 "Of course," the Dodo replied very gravely. "What else have you got in your pocket?" it went on, turning to Edith. 9 "Only a thimble," said Edith sadly. 10 "Hand it over here," said the Dodo. 11 Edith thought it rather absurd to give away her thimble just so the Dodo could give it back to her. But she handed it over, just to humor the old bird. 12 Then they all crowded round her once more, while the Dodo solemnly presented the thimble, saying, "We beg your acceptance of this elegant thimble"; and, when it had finished this short speech, they all cheered. Advanced editing with ST Writer If you recognized the passage you just typed -- it's from Lewis Carroll's whimsical Alice in Wonderland -- you may be aware that it contains some errors. Here are some ST Writer techniques for putting it in order. Each of these major functions is also highlighted in your Quick Reference Guide. Deleting blocks of text With ST Writer you can delete a long passage from a piece of writing without having to erase it letter by letter or line by line. In your passage from Alice in Wonderland, for example, paragraph 11 doesn't belong there and should be deleted. To delete a block of text you must first place markers at the beginning and end of the text to be deleted. First position the cursor under the first character of the passage you want to delete -- in this case, under the paragraph marker before "Edith thought it..." -- and press [Shift F5]. ST Writer inserts an inverse quotation mark at that point on the screen. Next, move the cursor down to the end of what you want to delete -- in this case, under the paragraph marker at the beginning of paragraph 12 (in order to include the [Return] symbol at the end of the passage you want to delete) -- and press [Shift F5] again. ST Writer places another inverse r a2`p2NuˆPRT:AUX:MID:KBLST:H@b0HCALg (IpNu>p4Nu8<0DaQNuH@af Hp0a L LJNu lN -f ?<LB @N;|  mf( pd( hJf JgC+IC& h+h &+HvNuapgfNu9)=1F?K=LKMOut of memoryDevice I/O errorDisk fullWrite protectedPath/fileBREAKessCON:gX(<6t *al9|Kp@ `<dg^  ``pD4 `/,PN,_/ ea _`Hzbgcg YfXHz +_``aTNB0<rtvaf;H$;H.~a DJGo |d0GNu0Gp4`;m.$;G;g./f6N _`?NM\NMX CA0(zEzEDB.,Nu|aJV6CCHC JgdBdRdR@JfBv2#|?g*|gg (Nu`rt`LNvNuL`GH<tHhpvL*>DjDG@AB|Ab DSGkUĆQkj2xc 0D@`f D@@`ԆӅdf R@HfJkXJkxA4J[xV`Gv$OaO `HВR@,@L0 : 8 HB.ڄGHGH@EHE>߃8 < : ކ,CޅC8FHB: :  HAGDDDHF *܄C8 HA8 86 HA؃vHEEHFHDDڄ"$&@H@@  fJf JfLX ,.a\.LD@؀ D(*H8x8pJff f0`(e USjpRSfЎg PX38 g0HGOGG,H@O@@HGBG p̀极NNuއg HGNu gV H@H@@mH|lFJj@H@VHFNFr 㯡FJgdH@Ri H@.<H@ ff~ `a]H _^\"NPapL`8 #  f ffekt n;Nuj`/ aJEk6|d WAPd"HpEah( "_Nupa\D=+r2a`DE" 4E|d" ICP$ISESA Q<0Q.`- d0` oE c I`S@fRvgv I0<QJfzv؀@(I??ܡ4A~aVe*aNe naVo` `a8ezAa@Roda$dDaB.adPa,SLf.LbHd|LGLavp0Jg2FTHQKx &a~eJjf :6"LLs?@$Y@ÈjA.;Acׄe B_7HvmB03ּ&4C k7CAyؠCv4WnUF؉<Ҳt"g p S@ҁ`0<4dNuMC68341 FLOATING POINT FIRMWARE (C) COPYRIGHT 1981 BY MOTOROLA INC.,GgT klknf`@,k^g>,^g2k8<d,&B<ރeNuRid~S<.JNuoD gvgPk<!kBSbHGއ[kg~`DgjD` gBAk jDNuLk DNufDJj؀z_ 0jzDi&SddJj dT3TTHrtvx2(4(6(8( |o864BA@`J@gHCv6BBHA8 0)hlH?o`;a`LL*jfcCD@` ԄӃdR@H>fJgD S@jNu<5@Jg J fBB|XONua/ 04R0(iR@:&Oz////zL81P֣7CBCSHCԃ6BBHB҂ң7A/AQHAЁ'@\KUEjLJkSjjH&_zL/xxz L xz jJk Rj|?Eg҃тQJj0,Nup `>+KHHQ|xKB- mf"(g hJ AgN!.,aT m @0}T@L`Bl "-@ - e z`/ lP _0gS@QTD `0f$*`4-fpJmgj X@;@`HU `B@|gXg>g80g"& f`;|eTgX0hBf H.a Lt`a @Dg a` HMB ^a~-fDĜaa f gpata ,LXp9GPpr&,f$ B ( gn h Ԁ  h,P&haƞ6NLHJ8ƈXJ f H@a,&m v+SC\K +!f*A$I4g SB<ae {d߲fQʠ*gQ9|L8JXj +Hk2b / xA.pb&mxJgjD(SAQKr*`--$@ p*\Jҡ\ B2 ~fg E`/ _fFNRS@ _f U@ellrYR ( "_`p|&Gat0&_Nux66A=SCg Jf f`,g(j gE:SgJf`gR G`Ď+LI.a fa(mHl Sv /(NP ~>,NuQ Bmz/a&ȠB(N,OA .v!a^,L"p0+@@D")SҁҀ+AX',m-v!LNuP`vTЭ|+m`B-L|@ `pH瀀DD@g40T:Ld ` HBquote mark at that point. To erase the text block, press F5. The block will be erased without any prompts. However, if you change your mind about deleting the block, you can bring it back simply by pressing the [Undo] key. In fact, you can insert the deleted block anywhere in your text by moving the cursor to the desired location, then pressing [Undo]. Each time you delete a line or block of text, a failsafe text buffer (a temporary holding section of memory) is reinitialized and the deleted text is placed in the buffer, and remains there until the next deletion. The failsafe buffer holds about 40,000 characters. If a block is too large for the buffer, the prompt Too large for Cut Buffer, cut anyway? appears. Pressing Y will delete the block without saving it in the buffer. Moving blocks of text There's also a paragraph in your passage that's out of place -- the Mouse's remark in paragraph 6 should follow paragraph 7. To put things in order, you don't have to delete the out-of-place paragraph and retype it where it should be. ST Writer will move a block of text for you. The procedure for moving a block of text is much like that for deleting a block of text. Press [Shift F5] at the beginning of what you want to move and again at the end. ST Writer places an inverse quotation mark at each point. Finally, place the cursor where you want to reposition the text to be moved -- in this case, under the paragraph marker that begins paragraph 8 -- and press [Shift Insert]. ST Writer deletes the specified text block from its old place and inserts it where it belongs. Search and replace with ST Writer In your passage from Alice in Wonderland, the girl who hands out the prizes is of course not Edith, but Alice herself. But with ST Writer, you don't have to go back and change each use of Edith to Alice. ST Writer will search out and replace any specified string wherever it appears in a text file. To use this search-and-replace function, first position the cursor at the top of your file (a quick way is to press [Shift F1]), then press [Shift F7]. When ST Writer prompts you to enter the Replace : string, type in the word Edith and press [Esc]. Using the [Esc] key to terminate search strings allows you to search for strings that include the [Return] character. This is the text for which ST Writer must search. Next ST Writer prompts you to enter the text you want to substitute for the search string with the prompt With :. Type in the word Alice, then press [Esc]. ST Writer now searches the entire text for the word Edith, and replaces it with the word Alice wherever it occurs. This is known as a global unqueried search-and-replace, which means that all occurrences of the search phrase are replaced without further prompting. ST Writer can also perform a case-by-case replacement operation, in which you are prompted to confirm each substitution. Press F7 to perform a query search-and-replace operation. Notes on Search-and-Replace When you enter a word or phrase to be searched for, you must type it exactly as it appears in your text file. When the string is a single short word, like son, that might appear in your file as part of longer words, it's a good idea to type in blank spaces before and after it. If you do this, however, be sure to include the same blank spaces before and after the phrase you're substituting for the search string; and keep in mind that ST Writer will not recognize occurrences of such a search string that are immediately preceded or followed by punctuation marks. You can also use the search-and-replace function as a search-and-delete tool. To do this, simply press [Esc] when ST Writer asks for a replacement string. ST Writer will delete the search string and close up the resulting blank space, whether you proceed with a case-by-case or global search. Getting your text files in shape With ST Writer you can print what you write in just about any shape you want by using a variety of formatting commands. Some of these commands, entered in the Print Formatting Block at the top of your screen, control the overall formatting of your text file. Others, entered within your text file while you're creating or editing it, are used to specify variations from the overall format. Others still are used to specify some special formatting features of ST Writer. In the next several pages, you'll find instructions for using all the formatting commands, along with some suggestions for using most of them to shape up your passage from Alice in Wonderland. The formatting commands are also outlined in your Quick Reference Guide. Print Preview As you experiment with various formatting commands, you might wish to observe the results of these commands on the final printed form of your text without 4< DRBJXfJR <FJ> a 0<#$BYH: CFJn H@@2AA0 @g \f`t0Y(;BzJ-f af! Nuaf"(jf pS~p Nu+|Jn-R f\ NNu-g(m 0&B&L"g:$e(F fHpJ a&L`&`B2:g8XP mfҨ X N  XvJNutH@rC : Q ` Jmf Pd ,hm aadf4 ?-?<>NAF/S@e( "J`d a;|dPRgpb`pZx8,,JgNJDfJJD  P<fR`gggptH`=`-z|v`~f* gtRR`R ;HP`vgJ4l| p`zgfRmPjp`px`pp$4<f4PRvgNu6RdLJfFF@0<>gI0<. g Jg?aSgaLp2gg 2Hzlt PZ2^ 0HA> @4Dt*a$V `p`f TJg<d,d$HBag/ +BT$Nu|p <B|fr&`r;Bx^FIz08d|0@JTgrԡz2J,fN`4v46 Ld40aNh 0vBp` pP2-T pA  ppR_ m $-@Dg||evH 8zDE:`E0g*Rf@e"2IUAIG86gCfQ0:`(|bd0]E;P j:.XEŔfL0Nu zTEJpPfTE`/(p8((branch too farinternal error SYMFULLli ry not foundvalid cann create outpuiledisc fullprogram bufferEOFBADRTMODINTQdefective comp{ roverflow ar/7neAJgJfS`ZpaCa`LVPL&m9|NTCr  ˶:r2-xBAw N\/ R-& _ c p0-zH@ ,NqAH*F"HR$S0m$paLr"C<2L H`t`H@`rQB2LNu0123456789ABCDEFH.a LNu: "(Y(I(( (!Y(#a($ "(" `%h - &.'/v!(LaYL 0( (YĆ"%|fJ-gab`5ta*NqNu< NuAeQB` ԡ jJzTf -DS+@ m >"SS <.gQpa(r`LB"O r.DJNg RPRGg$TOSg TPfR`<PT VAZmխDD ~^`$pޞr8hpDGD4*J" &#&'X,-98Z,-x9ndZ,P-F:<2(9 ,j-9j,-9,-9j~^0G L*`B+z8(.)$ %FDG`JD< Jg  ܳ?/H>.L`\?jHvZ?PHXN2(IT0&JGGFE7N\Nu JGf`haJX``Jf <Rpt4j5`;VLbBf80.N$0&|"-` paaZ P-gZg `5}Jmf:J-gk0<~fR@fpj `(o*lb Naa.`b4NT$g N`+L+O | ,f`p`VN(  8T(p ¡bL0zFpa ZLN -`p 0 waiting for an actual printout. You can preview your final document on the monitor screen by printing the text to the screen instead of paper. To do this, press [Esc], if necessary, to return to the ST Writer menu, then select Print File. You are prompted Enter Printer, Disk, Screen, spooLer? Type S, press [Return] twice, and your text will be printed to the screen exactly the way you've formatted it. Stop and start the scrolling text by pressing [Control S] to stop and any key to restart, or escape to the menu by pressing [Esc]. Overall file formatting By now the Print Formatting Block at the top of a text file should be a familiar sight. Each of the inverse video (colored in low and medium res) letters in it represents a command that will affect the overall formatting of the file. The number to the right of each letter is the formatting value for that command. Shown below -- and in the Print Formatting Block each time you begin a new file -- are the default values for overall formatting. ST Writer will use these values to format your file unless, of course, you change them. To set your own formatting values, just move the cursor into the Print Formatting Block (pressing [Shift F1] is the quickest way), delete the number displayed for the value you want to change, and type in the new value. Try reformatting your passage from Alice in Wonderland to some new values, as suggested on the next two pages, or to values of your own choice. B12 Bottom margin: 12 half-lines, or 1 inch D4 Paragraph spacing: 4 blank half-lines (double spacing) between paragraphs G0 Print style: 10 characters per inch (CPI) I5 Paragraph indentation: 5 spaces from left margin J0 Justified right margin: OFF L10 Left margin: 10 spaces from left edge of page R70 Right margin: 70 spaces from left edge of page S2 Line spacing: 2 half-lines, or single spacing T12 Top margin: 12 half-lines, or 1 inch Y132 Page length: 132 half-lines, or 11 inches Line spacing, S, is set in terms of half-lines. For double-spaced printing, delete 2 and type in 4. For triple spacing, set this value at 6. Only even numbers can be used. (Entering odd numbers will cause ST Writer to use the next highest even number.) Paragraph spacing, D, is set in terms of blank half-lines between paragraphs. For single spacing between paragraphs, delete 4 and type in 2. Only even numbers can be used. Paragraph indentation, I, is measured in character spaces from the left margin. For more or less indentation than the default value of 5 spaces, delete the 5 and type in the value you want (up to 20). The number may be negative for outdenting. For block-style paragraphs, without any indentation of the first line, enter the number 0 (and make sure that your paragraph spacing is greater than your line spacing). Top and bottom margins, T and B, are measured from the top and bottom, respectively of each page. So, to change them both from one inch (12 half-lines) to one and a half inches, set them at 18 instead of 12. Only even numbers can be used. Left and right margins, L and R, on the other hand, are both measured from the left edge of the page. For wider margins, try substituting 15 for 10 as the value for L, and 65 for 70 as the value for R. You'll probably want to experiment a bit to find the left and right margins you prefer, depending on the print style you select (see below) and the kind of printer you have. ST Writer will accept values 1 through 188 for the left margin and 11 through 198 for the right margin. If you have a 40-column printer, be sure to set your right margin within the range of 2 through 40. The justified right margins command, J, works like a simple On/Off switch. The default value of 0 gives you nonjustified (ragged) right margins. For justified right margins, delete the 0 after the J and type in 1. Page length, Y, does not determine the number of lines printed on a page (that's set by your top and bottom margins). Rather, ST Writer uses the page length setting to determine where the next printed page will begin. Keep your page length set at 132 for 8 1/2 by 11-inch paper. 224 is ST Writer's maximum page length (for 14" paper length and printer setting of 8 lines per inch [Note: default lines are 6 per inch]). Only even numbers can be used. To print out a text file continuously, without page breaks, set your top and bottom margins to 0. In print styles, G, also known as fonts, your choices depend on what kind of printer you have. The default print style of ST Writer is 10 CPI (PICA), represented by the 0 next to the G in the Print Formatting Block. To format for condensed print, delete the 0 and type in 2; for italics, type in 4; for ELITE, type in 8. Although the print styles you select are not represented as such on your screen in print preview, the number of char": f|!g 00 0 0 8V.<Jtp$dj.l& `&t(j$`tVLTFT tR4t*"$Ė 0;|`4RڇЌƌ4|.d톈|PN8``,Fl-.lLA4.;G:+6:H0|L G> G.  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SDk`F<` r+JEjDEr-HYg"da$ *HHAaHEa P2IfZNu0`Pt <"H$HJfSrour passage from Alice in Wonderland -- something like: [Control C][Shift F9] Alice Gets a Surprise [Return] [Control C] For Her Prize [Shift F9] [Return] Always be sure that no line of text to be centered exceeds the overall line length determined by the left and right margins that you set. Blocking text right To have a line of text print out flush with the right margin of the page, press [Control C] twice in succession at the beginning of the line to be blocked. Each line to be blocked right must be ended with a [Return]. If you like, try this out by adding something like this at the end of your passage from Alice in Wonderland: [Control C][Control C] -- from Alice in Wonderland [Return] [Control C][Control C] by Lewis Carroll [Return] Always be sure that no line of text to be blocked right exceeds your overall page margins. Headers, footers, and page numbering A header is a line or two of text that is printed at the top of every page of your final printed output. A footer appears on the bottom of each page. If you want, ST Writer will place headers or footers of one or two lines on each page of your printed text files. By using a page numbering command in combination with a header or footer command, you can also have ST Writer number your printed pages. To specify a header, press [Control H], then type the text of the header and press [Return]. Enter [Control H], then the text and a [Return] for each separate line of a two-line header. To specify a footer, press [Control F], then type the text of the footer and press [Return]. Enter [Control F], then the text and a [Return] for each separate line of a two-line footer. Headers appear two and four half-lines below the top of the page, and footers two and four half-lines above the bottom of the page. Therefore, to use headers or footers, the top [Control T] or bottom [Control B] margin settings must be at least 8 to leave room. By default, headers and footers are aligned to the left margin of the printed page; however, you can also have them centered or blocked right (aligned with the right margin) by following your headder or footer command with a center text command ([Control C]) or block text right command ([Control C][Control C]) just before your text (and on the same screen line). If you want your headers or footers printed in elongated print, enter a [Shift F9] before and after the header or footer text. If you want headers or footers on every page of your text file, beginning with the first page, enter the appropriate commands and text at the beginning of your file on the screen line or lines just below the formatting commands and values displayed on the first line. If you want headers or footers to begin on a page other than the first page, or if you want to change the text of a header or footer within the file -- say, for a multisection document where you want headers or footers that match each section -- you can enter the appropriate commands and text within the file. In this case, however, be sure to enter the commands and text (preceded if you like by elongated print, center text, block text right, or new left and right margin settings commands) as the only material on a screen line. No header or footer text line should exceed the overall page margins that you've set (and remember that elongated print is twice as wide as normal). Any header or footer text that exceeds your page margins will be dropped when ST Writer formats and prints your file. To discontinue printing headers in your file, type [Control H] [Control H] [Return]. Use two [Control F]'s for discontinuing footers. To number your printed pages, type the @ symbol ([Shift 2]) at that point in your header or footer text where you want page numbers to appear. ST Writer displays a @ symbol to show you where your page numbers will be printed. If you want page numbers only, just enter @ as your entire header or footer text. By default, ST Writer numbers the page where a page numbering command is entered as 1, and subsequent pages in order. To specify a different starting page number -- a useful option when you're combining separate text files into a larger document -- press [Control Q] after the [Return] that concludes your header or footer text, then enter the starting page number you want. ST Writer accepts starting page numbers of 1 through 999. A negative number (e.g. -1) instructs ST Writer to alternate blocked RIGHT headers and footers with blocked LEFT headers and footers. To add a blocked right header with a page number to each page of your passage from Alice in Wonderland, enter this at the beginning of your text file: [Control H][Control C][Control C]ST Writer Exercise - @ [Return] You may specify a different print style [Control G][number][hyphen], or different left [Control L][number] or right [Control R]mFHe0fBr<:d`( 0gSr"HR f1RrNurNupa `pB-2JAjNu_fa$v`\fHjv^p f&RCNggr\pWhV`\`v!g&p &g<#gf , $-b&+f**g$f RgTa~"$g *ff` .ff~&g.r#g"x$$g~fxv`nj,fR`z@RE@^f<&<<D D0f>RQ| a|`,JfP~V+g ~-f~pNuaYH0m$paL Nu^b|N^DESCRIPTORSB T":D2A ,0-JgPQ~ gBNu?X0@l  Nu!INu("Vb DCR_LOCAL1@bR" _x8a Sr//f-/-+O/N m( SrPf Ha0LQ (+P` 8PhX hTO_TMPhjGa. HEA jvH+HY+I($` - A䐈∓ c+@"Jk*"mg ɉRɉAH dᤡ `֢$Ha J:<4lr~ GARBAGE \l:Z BHa`G^pv.<¾ m AF"$$m $ QND*g $ E P`" , U0Nu4NuSBeg"‡gf"`f$P(*SJg " "`d`NunE X&m,Qd,m$(/ / / K R,I` (*X"Tbf(f"ee)+e$*ICʹd o( o- Y- XEX% E`d&^$^`|*_& _"X$"X b(G(H$S) $cej*j ) $dʀ> .-0S,-F*d6& $X,ReV(*gȅe2؎e,$`8ȅ e^&ր gR;&F܄ge@$SĞQ+FL+_/حd(RYaString space corrupt/ aaF _,`J gNu(I$$gRňX$` dt`dfafXgXSeTaaVf>$ d`8<ae {dߡ tHB f z`z:P^.6aJac`ad`a e`ab`ae gNuJNu G&$P(<Ƅ VȐڠjrLSET_RAn(N/ I"Ja gp SQD G0&"gSt Q ^TGTe(N &HNJ`CODE_ ("P~gVp LENq.ᤁ L CHR_DOLLAN㯀Fj xa.n!FREEdd*b"xa .- NuRGfHx?<HNA\. "ING+YF (@Ú Nu/ a  _`B H#I16_DIVΒ 4 >HǏNu$MOD0HiH@>J%I32l&a'.RT &MULTIPLY_32q X8 H@g(Jg$HAJ@gJAfHA`JAgH@ Af ށeNu~DDNu$JnDJ ai JkJj'Sm!PJgF //JJ'p"~ҁU@D@އeRQ xrF(DIM.DF@@)J F*tEQp tGFG+ttFz,t COMPARISONS+&^_H^]W^f\^~X-@P.INT_ABdG~hR/SGNg[b `0ARRAY_91@B Zhpt YGa4)k2BHҁC. Nuv!`:FBH*6HÖk&n"UDk>HǞkn"a&ևQ"`L`JgH<fZxCiffC kCH 0BAҀ8pHSDt =aL`aY3   :&<:.<:88<V<<t8J^4x..-.. GJ.4-4/ x$Nr6ASAHDJDHD0B@R@Q/ pg,6a C2 AA ?H؁a 222"8B2HR2 UAkR222prHASCd2`"R$d&_Nu2 4BSAA M BC p0 !&_4b4H/~0z6ESE"kJRh&Q(888[number] margins within your header or footer without affecting the print style or L or R margins within your main text body. The header or footer disregards double column instructions, creating a line length up to the entire width of the page. Indexing and deleting text files There are two more selections on the ST Writer menu that can help you manage your text files: Index of Files and Delete File. Before trying these options, save your passage from Alice in Wonderland -- it will make for a more interesting index and, along with your letter about ST Writer, will give you a choice of files to delete! For an index of files on a diskette, insert the diskette into your disk drive. If your system has two drives, use either one. Then select Index Disk Files from the ST Writer menu. ST Writer then prompts 'P' to printer, 'S' to screen: S -- press [Return] to accept the default (screen print), or P to send the index to your printer. Next ST Writer prompts you for a Path name: and prints the specifier for the current drive, that is, the drive from which you loaded ST Writer (or from which you last obtained a directory). For instance, if you loaded ST Writer from drive A:, you're prompted Path name: A:. You can change the drive specifier by pressing [Backspace] a few times and entering the new specifier. If you want a directory of a specific folder on your disk, enter the drive specifier, then a reverse slash (\), then the name of that folder. Then press [Return], at which time ST Writer displays a list of files and folders on the diskette. Folders and files created with ST Writer will be indicated as such in the listing. Also shown is the number of bytes occupied by each file; any file that you've locked (using the GEM desktop) is noted with an asterisk (see Diskette Management in the Reference Guide). When there are more than 21 files on a diskette, ST Writer scrolls your directory upward on your screen to show you every entry. To halt this scrolling, press any key; press any key again to restart the scrolling. For a printed directory, simply type P at the first prompt, and make sure your printer is connected and turned on. To delete a file on diskette, you follow much the same procedure as when you save or load a file to or from diskette. First make sure that the diskette containing the file that you want to delete is in your disk drive, then return to the ST Writer menu and select Delete File. When ST Writer prompts you to enter the File to be deleted:, type in the drive specifier followed by a colon and the filename and extender of the file you want to delete, and press [Return]. As a precaution, ST Writer prompts Type 'Y' to delete file:. When you respond by typing Y, ST Writer erases the specified file from your diskette. Some further features of ST Writer Like Alice, the Dodo, and the Mouse, you've probably now been "running half-an-hour or so" at least with ST Writer -- but don't stop yet! Briefly described, here are a few additional features of ST Writer. You can find complete instructions for using each one in the Reference Guide. Byte count at cursor position. You can tell at a glance where you are in the file by pressing [Alternate =]. Although this number represents all characters including formatting data and comments, you can get an idea of how far you are in the document. Chaining print files. If you have a disk drive, this feature allows you to chain text files together in any order to be printed as if they were one file. Duplicating text. This feature enables you to take a word, sentence, or more from one part of a text file and duplicate it wherever else you want within the same file. Format disk. You can use this selection from the ST Writer menu to prepare a blank diskette for storing your text files. Form printing. Especially handy for business or form letters, this feature lets you leave blanks in a text file -- for names and addresses, account numbers, and the like -- and fill them in with specifics each time ST Writer prints the file. You can, if you like, create a separate DATA file containing the words or phrases, each separated by a carriage return. Just be sure that they match the spaces left in your form, and are in the correct order. The DATA file must be printed to disk with top and bottom margins set to 0 (zero), L set to 1, R set to 198, G set to 2 and Y set to twice the number of lines in the file (maximum Y is 224). Alternatively, you can also use mailing addresses created and sorted by DB Master One. Simply print the sorted addresses to a disk file. The computer will prompt you asking for the file name of your DATA file if you indicate that STWRITER is to use a disk file as the data source. If you do not wish to use a data file as a source of your insert data, you may simply typeFY"2"R: UEk"""*0(..f()-B` J^" f1LBOUNDpp"00>jFGNuz 2UH^JGo0)Gkg@@U@ᄡ8HjFޑNuQt3CHANGE_ARRAYqr Jt / I0 `T2Az$G !j~ @B?/ B G/N. W$Iê "*e"(&.6(_Jk)( Ja`0 $"Sf aY   2\dlR4RI16i0^8HmGn~Nu~Nu5R32  ^( p6SWAPPING.  "G002Nu  "L !ijHf7_STR鍠 H@ VL ^`n8+J*?0 $Ip0(   &9S3LE_CMPS @ (4,a_HNu]WV\^,8 :SNG_MOST6 ,"G,<7-aωa f€\;lFLOA>m .P^=_QUICK,<A G.i ~` >TIMERe8 @ am.C,`~,l?CINT(D(F @Jj<Bh2 i 0GgD@L$ a G`&g aJjfg hcre_c BP"AH/CONVERSIN;!|H?@.N"Op QL(jfF(u@#< k:9/6ɿ2_2/ ,*(ԥ%C@"k$uP  cȢ] =nѷYŬGjֿwp_Aܯ ٌ .BҴ$5ϐ|敔ȸw2œJ~ePm%tѸUsv z Jgkzއ[ Fn| Fmn8DD/A p@<&0@ W.:BEHExHCڃHG6ڃdR:HEOޅkއSFdRFv 8fi FgJDk~HFJ<|ag*e -WHFg.fgnSҁfVafdRFa~gatgEg<ef0adge(aTf8aNf DbE`JjDDDSNa(faeSF`&eևe օe.NuzgLSg g g g g`+grg0e9b*Nu[O// ?<JH>f~A?|+."jT/"<HFvA`Pmn d \HSC`ARCPng`ASmg/|E+00,4jDB - B eR/.)//tC$JjJ(fB8X*x UeB> D0Q>HL|TNuHFo GbAp 5dSGfxAv|+ `d/ .gR!:fR0`RR~1HGHG Ef (Vf$ R ` h01fS/fS _LX.f tLNu,ap"OE` 5e / "^:f^ |1RG$_< r |RE0V|ddJFgJGn0D@FP` |>D`(n.S@eL0S@f$XNu00Gc`Fg FfSGE+ JGlDGT((G `BRND ' L@JgjaC` A:p`060v=H@00csB@.a,<Oa$~> ,az`@JT^hnxnCSEED_!. H@G.a G@VGa GUU|va(Random number seed (-32768 to 7) ? a C048޶ɸ`PNCHECK РH 0@f2 OHEX$_OCT$݀ &2GBGHGx v tpxz`$vtpxzfJfJCfPŲ< e^~ HRQ. *bR PTIME$_DATEPRTv,a$X@a0:0H?a"@`T./ ?NAT6"_h @B@H@ aH@0 v*aa-a190 @P`,6QUCAS 6 Dv[`v{ψ$I&Se"pH@ed  QdV tVRRETURN X _ _ GOSUС7SON_GO,H*@bGg GppNNu G+O W / ] or [ Control ^ ] ASCII $1F [ Control ? ] or [ Control _ ] Subscripts and superscripts. Especially useful when you're writing about mathematical or chemical formulas or including footnote numbers in your text, subscripts and superscripts can easily be included in your printed text files. Tabs. With ST Writer you can set and use Tab stops much as you do with a conventional typewriter. Tab stops can be especially useful when you're setting up columns or tables in a text file. GEM mode. By popular request, features of Digital Research's GEM (Graphics Environment Manager) have been added to ST Writer. This allows use of drop down menu items, Dialog Boxes, File Selector Boxes, and use of the mouse. The GEM mode is activated by pressing one of the mouse buttons. An "Alert" box appears allowing you to select or g f )~$rBSfNuA$- pQa4*g $ a E P`NuPSBegN`RYREPORT_ERROR & &Fa$ a a *(a6Aa" `"_xz aV>Gx(*`"Jvg mvNJg` JUgr2NuSe<dAJgUfS`LIBRARYSTARTUPOPENPEEK/POKEBLOAD/SAVESOUNDLOCATEINKEY$GEMDOSDIMARRAYITRE CVsMID$== RIGHT$ASC9STRPALETTEMALLOCMENUSCREENSQRTWINDOWJOYSTICKTIMEDMOUSEvNG Y8 Runtime error at line in module on #"2@DRfpvZ_MESSAGE~"+H\u g4Pd˜fNuRETURN without GOSUBOof &AIllegal functiMcallArmetic overflowmemorySubscrip rangeRedns ed arrayDivi by zeroType mismatchYString formula too complexRESUME;ÌL bufferZ Wronumbf ksаFIELDIntern Bad channelFinotOundfe Device I/OTDiskInp;pas6recordnamTmanys unavailablwK e protected%Path/accesso?REAKFataladd. P[IO_INITʳ-b ,>: pa+@0p(p,NuaHm(D,pf ?<NMP^Y/HNs`` x\SYSTEMY@j˰ /ZJN"NP<dPJgL|bFC>HAJgHpa(I lLH?8(H o(Lf0ApNupDNuH/2f*0@"<g  g8H0L LJNu"`r,HA t,HB'"Lp`JgB<fp@`JfrA CB g 9rPJ-6$($ aPraHrw BQ"B,#`B Lpa #L (IL)Hu &_dV2`&FL n0kN0Skp*JPD fS`NuzpgH f gR`"Jg S``daT @Hzg "ra`-5f dJ NMXJ@gN/gg,g*f$gfaYM+@LNuJ,"gRrf~rftdZ TX.6TJTTTTpaP~Nu#ŰrEpX |dp@d| #A B H`rYL8  / Jikrb "W2)a2"Wvrcp"_a`XV?A,0-0>gS@g 00Nu    @ reLx*&I/ ~&_TT gNg g eںgHR &_`JgS.gS/ rr r r fV h"p@ ,lf lDHFx2NpN4RR@eBdgddp`0f f ,#d#???pNM\Jg ~ `Rgp9NuڂrJfrSgU|衊 &fvRBg/=NAJkb8>N?|fPP0(<(؃Aa)mV)C$ | 9@p)@ H`t9+@8lf LNuF5LCKK\< ANA\|gLP`b |b`r$f $NAX8 d$ gB@N.X @(e(d`d|pNgJf",gaBftrrJ Hl(/, ??g<Nup>Nua ,$e agp>Nu|0R<g$|g$SSdBg?/8kax?(,g $e($a8Jg*)l$/ /4"/0 fH$T g4g2&,g(d"B O | A aX I? 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Each time you select Create File, ST Writer refreshes the default values for formatting in the Print Formatting Block at the top of your monitor screen. DEADKEY FUNCTION. This function is toggled on and off with [Control][Clr Home]. If the character you wish to use has an accent mark, for example, type the ['] character followed by the appropriate vowel. DEFAULT VALUES. Each time you select Create File, ST Writer refreshes the default values for formatting in the Print Formatting Block at the top of your monitor screen. ST Writer will format your entire file according to these values unless you change them, or modify them by entering the appropriate formatting commands and values within the body of the file. Here are the default values: B12 Bottom margin, 12 half-lines (1 inch) D4 Paragraph spacing, 4 blank half-lines (double spacing) G0 Print style, 10 characters per inch I5 Paragraph indentation, 5 spaces from left margin J0 Justified right margins OFF L10 Left margin, 10 spaces from left edge of page R70 Right margin, 70 spaces from left edge of page S2 Line spacing, 2 half-lines (single spacing) T12 Top margin, 12 half-lines (1 inch) Y132 Page length, 132 half-lines (11 inches) ST Writer also defaults to a starting page number of 1 when you enter a page numbering or print file command -- unless of course you enter a different starting page number. DELETE FILE. To delete a file from diskette, select Delete File from the ST Writer menu by pressing D. Then enter the Path name of the file (see Path name) to delete. As a precaution, ST Writer prompts Type 'Y' to delete file:; Type Y to erase the file. You cannot delete a locked file from the disk -- if you try, ST Writer will give you the message Unable to delete file. DELETE TEXT. See your Quick Reference Guide for the keystrokes used to delete text. You can delete: a character, line, or portion of a line at a time; all text from the position of the cursor to the end of your text file; a defined block of text, or the entire document. In case you change your mind about a deletion or delete something by accident, you can press the [Undo] key to restore the last line or block of text (up to about 40,000 characters) that you've deleted; the restored material is inserted at the position of the cursor. Note: exceptions to this are deleted single characters, blocks larger than 40,000 characters (warning message appears), and deletion of the entire text ([Clr Home]). DISKETTE MANAGEMENT. In order to load the ST Writer program into your Computer, if you don't have TOS in ROM, you must first load the TOS operating system from your ATARI TOS System Disk. Consult your ST Computer Owner's Manual for further instructions. Before you can store your ST Writer text files on a data disk, the disk must be formatted -- that is, organized into sectors so that your disk drive can keep track of where information is stored on it. You can format blank diskettes from the GEM desktop (see Owner's Manual). Or use the Format Disk selection from the ST Writer menu to format a blank disk while in the middle of a work session with ST Writer. For your own peace of mind, always make a backup copy of any disk you store ST Writer files on -- just so you'll have a duplicate in the event that something happens to your original. Your ST Owner's Manual also contains further details on this and other disk management functions. DOUBLE-COLUMN PRINTING. You can format a text file for double-column printing on any printer. To do so, you must enter formatting commands and values of the second (right-hand) column. You can do this either at the beginning of your file -- to print the whole file in double columns -- or at that point in the file where you want double-column printing to begin. To set the left margin for the second column, press [Control M], then type the number of the setting you want. Then press [Control N] and type the number of the setting you want for the right margin of the column. You may also have to adjust your settings for L and R, which control the margins for the first (left-hand) column of print in double-column printing. Always be sure that your first-column right margin and second-column left margin do not overlap, and that T and B margins are set the same for both columns. When you print to the screen a file that you've formatted for double-column printing, the two columns appear as they will print. DUPLICATING TEXT. To duplicate a portion of text from one part of a text file to another part of the file, first position the cursor at the beginning of what you want to duplicate and press [Shift F5]. Next, position the cursor at the end of what you want to duplicate and press [Shift F5] again. Finally, position the cursor where you want the text to be duplicated (the cursor must be outside the marked b20Xa "B00@A6`HLae aeLNup$&<*ACEG@SBDSFDe@e@e0Bd4@RB`8@uPOINTU_*DmL;G$0mJ;@"e(Nb"ePbBmi>-`Nu8|vMICE읽fpJGk|dV;GpN4|B-d4~zgp|tG0;p>5Nu0<`^Nu< $>RbN wPALLETTESNNn(JA.` w`>U"wUPp Gvt0-0>H 2aLRCBfNu2a\ |g ???<NN\NjL ~xTOS_MEMORWBL: gR/Hgf @Nu/I306rySCREEN2 -6g$JGgF fG6?HxNNO .PzJOYSTICK\ P|pACgTTf`J[HNu@UGdg( f~~tff`>Jf$0ala>+PCH p?|NM fB>paa BNu"NNT @NuH"xC g fTR jLVx \{THE_NOISU=M "N8!k6|d@Chf 0C 0`pCH1g0S@fH@aL a p @aJf AgEKIjM1RWN\}a}gunt={xRr|WAV̩ȤrP"NDXFX!k<V - |h  x  HHkG SGfGB`{ }TRAC Y@zt$0Hz,$MP+@3-`p@;@NuQNu o*J-f/HNs0-mgi#Na`Cr2aH]$ [0|p`\lf~SETTDB0.    GaJg^p aJ6gVK4aBB0; a6JBgBBa2*e 1f29f,UpdaBPe ZB??<+NAXj `b<-g/gL 6[$ :f*pn8 D/(B2 NuBH瀄*xj8 PЀЀR/m L!lΠHCALLyY :j:#""N0gS@#Q ^H/ ?N\LxPpRaj/ ^. I"Bn &,08<FhRUNY@hzhvF5sJGg\ fC:fa^ .I0<2> NHx|HzBgJtf/:K ??<LNA F RSTART_DJNF F F_d `CON: LTOS GEM ba0|Jg0Ɂ4</va Created with Power BASIC  ~OPEN_DEFAULT.z80<rtva\f;H$;H.rNuDLST:(0t2 ,4H>a6 V6"0 I0 ^`v`Y$*1 p nSfXv<IgvOgvRgv Af2HCt4>.RRHC IR ^xTJ6Dpf] pr` 0|aSH0fB>FRZbfnrx|VAR# v~(މVCHANB̰JGo |d0GNu0Gp4^IO_TRLZ;m.$;G;8PRINT_OUTPU XfG:$0m$p GDp(HA86HBrBDHAJAgHAJCgAcVB8SD4 QNu8SD`JGkg.|%gJBgHGJGgHBRBBdBSGHzCth`  Pt!"$H"C0B.aI.x`xjvtg8"g gAR,gf` I"g R`RB0@/S+Ia. _`C&t a\!t&.`?Overflow ?Redo from start / D fa8n"2BVhp쒢_FILE  4FX&a\/  aFai P>hD(aPaIi `Jf(ᚠaVfYZ$m$jxgdfva2 g` gL@d )efR|gJag`*:`t gJfaff( "i ah`aYVl >$hNRDz|g` taaaâV+Vd >Pbr|4jxINKEY*j n -gB`&x? NMXJ@f x0.Nu/ g$-5g fM?x 0NuxH@?0B"F8LV`UNCTIONL`` ?(p$ STDERR_IO"D(4g./v,AN ??NM\NuC<HBHa$-r&ԇnC(p!(+Br`rp\p(r2Se>`p)r`p)?` ".:Zlock), and press [F2]. From this point until you perform another deletion or duplication, the marked block of text is held in a failsafe buffer, and can be inserted anywhere in the document simply by positioning the cursor and pressing the [Undo] key. You may duplicate a block of text as many times as you like. If you want to duplicate it more than once, however, be careful not to delete anything until you've completed your duplication procedures. A block of text that you duplicate is stored in the failsafe text buffer of your computer, where it will be replaced by the next deletion. Also keep in mind that the capacity of your failsafe text buffer is about 40,000 characters of text. So if you want to duplicate a block of more than 13 pages or so, do it in segments. EDIT FILE. Select this option from the ST Writer menu when you want to revise or reformat a text file already in your computer's memory. ELONGATED PRINT. See Print styles (fonts). ERROR MESSAGES. When ST Writer finds a mistake in an entry or command that you've given, or detects a problem in your computer system, it displays the appropriate error message in the Message Window at the bottom of your screen. Press any key to continue. FILENAMES. Filenames may be up to eight characters in length, optionally followed by a period and a three-character extender -- for example, RFGUIDE.001. You must give every file a filename in order to save it on a disk. ST Writer uses the same conventions as your TOS operating system for allowable characters in filenames -- letters, numbers, and punctuation are permissible. Lower case letters are converted to upper case in the actual filename. FONTS. See Print styles. FOOTERS. See Headers, footers, and page numbering. FORMAT DISK. In order to store your ST Writer text files, disks must be formatted with TOS. While it's always a good idea to keep an extra formatted diskette on hand, (see Diskette management), you can use the Format Disk selection from the ST Writer menu to format a disk during a work session with ST Writer. Simply insert the diskette you want to format in your disk drive and select Format Disk from the menu by pressing F. The Message Window shows All data will be erased, 'Y' to format. Type Y to continue with the format operation. Type any other letter to return to the SELECT LETTER prompt. After typing Y, type A or B for the drive containing the disk you wish to format. Next you're asked Sides to format ( 1 or 2 ):2. Note that the default response for a double-sided drive is already supplied, and you need only press [Return] to begin such a format. To format single-sided, if you have an SF354 drive, type 1 and press [Return] -- the 2 disappears at the first keypress. At the prompt Enter name for disk: enter in a disk name following filename conventions (up to eight characters with an optional three-character extender), or just press [Return] for no disk name. The message Formatting disk appears and the disk is formatted. If there are any problems (such as the disk being write-protected), the message Unable to format disk. appears. Press any key to return to the SELECT LETTER prompt. FORMATTING TEXT FILES. How ST Writer formats your text files is controlled by a variety of formatting commands and values entered either in the Print Formatting Block at the top of each file or within the body of the file. Each time you select Create File from the ST Writer menu, the program's default values for formatting are refreshed in the Print Formatting Block, but you can change them or add to them as you wish. You can edit formatting commands and values -- delete or modify them -- just as you can text. See your Quick Reference Guide for a summary of all formatting commands used with ST Writer. You can examine a formatted text file on your screen prior to printing by using Print to Screen. FORM PRINTING. (Also called Database Merge.) You can leave blanks in a text file that you want to use as a form, and fill them in -- with names and addresses, account numbers, and the like -- each time you print the file. Wherever you want to leave a blank, press function key F9. An inverse video ? appears at that point on your screen. Press F9 at the desired location for each entry that you'll be filling in. When ST Writer prints the file, it stops when it encounters each such command and prompts you FORM DATA FROM FILE Y/N? If you have previously created a data file, type Y. The prompt DATA FILE NAME? will appear. Type in the data file name and press [Return]. ST Writer will read the data file and insert the data in sequence into your text. If you do not have a data file, you will be prompted to MAKE ENTRY?. Type what you want to fill in the blank -- up to 55 characters per blank -- and press [Return]. When you complete each entry, ST Writer cobf ST_MEMOR<Bf+GNu(-f"/Hz&NNO .Nu oHHNuބ`pGB"O J@ D D0H /"OHz` DISC_COMM""X/a2? VZ 0 I"tv\f6p*8p"_$] ^P8<0D \Vg0CvX//ap  *.4@NVdr~EOF^<<.Bp.g~R~2.Nu (06t nENQUIREގ((0m.HB~BNu0|`A hWIDTH'A"0^=`  4>aN2p _STR*Gj J$mfEx/ a$_  fRSfx&/ Seae {dQ"_.Ht.SPECIALj,: &,2A.Nu `A"`^`` @`A0`0`-8tGRAPHICS_PROCqH2@pa"PNupaM aa Nu="N^j42pp al>lEASY_g~ ^ $r -6fARmTa6SjJGk gSGf(pa2g jH HB2RAJVjNuSA4SBep`aYZ\ƠIBM]F<\-| 2*|f SG`J-4f042HHA24p":SG mm`/ a]ll000;|Bmpa(_(Hv: ON_ERROR AB`"N(Z-Nu +@z;@~0vBU`YB0vY+HzPLPXN|CHECKK>Zzg6f0|g*Mg$NgOgX;Df m/-zB4NuPMUFIO饱ha\fNuX*n CKLIĚ+ h*~`&~ Aa<f~<^??<LNAq Y8 Program terminated - press a key to exit$ _JUg&r2`xpFATAL ` :  at line:  ,nt ʥDOUBLE_INT8HF~Jg*]lDvUt QCt壌JgGNuF"&g.pC2DCm4n ,J k.Nu~D0~n6C56>#"A0(zEzEDB.,Nu|^aNxļROUND8JV6CCHC JgddRdR@JfBvTYPE _/|?g*|gg (`r`LNvN~>~ADD *L` GHaHpHzv~>DjDG@AB|Ab DSGkUĆQkǠj2xc 0D@`f D@@`ԆӅdf R@zfJkJkxAfJ[x V` (jMULT"&Ev$OaO `HВR@,@L0 : 8 HB.ڄGHGH@EHE>߃8 < : ކ,CޅC8FHB: :  HAGDDDHF *܄C8 HA8 86 HA؃vHEEHFHDDڄ"$&@H@@ œD fJf JfLXܠ$ĖDIVIDԪX^H,.ے,LD@؀ D(*H8x8pJff f0`(e USjpRSfЎg SINGL>Na8 g0HGOGG,H@O@@HGBG p̀Nu|Lއg HGNu gV H@H@@mH|lFJj@H@VHFNFr 㯁FJgdH@Ri H@.f>RANG>$CanLj m~M vDBLMOSTz4 "<> < a"F$Gafþ "2 QR B blYŠ zJkz~G,<@ @dR@ /pf f)e"Jk `<@< l ` ` <gLSJk, Rex`b"$&ކV JkS@ EASY_ɜ͉ JfJfXDGJ[lGllFOR d4"G#^ v H" ) f p\lGL NvHCf>mn $.@V^RdH_INCHpH@rtVH Nu <`LҶASCII 5/ aJEk6|d WAPd"HpEah( "_Nupa\D9+r2aH`DE" 4E|d" ICP$ISESA Q<0Q.- d0` oE c I`S@fRvZ gv I0<Q z H(I??܁A~aVe*aNe naVo` `a8ezAa@Roda$dDaB.adPa,SL fNuLTHdLGLap0JgHQKx&a~eJjO:6"LL? @$Y@ÈjA.cׄe B_7HvmB0;ּ&4C k7CAyؠCv4WnUF؉<Ҳ<ZtN.ROUNDʇP Jj$&affD"<$` H@H@er@e|Nur3 Nu|~0nXULINT:t1g pJk S@ҁ`0,^g2k8<d,&B<ރeNuRid~S<N.JNuoD gvgPk<!kntinues printing the file. Alternately, you can supply information for each blank from a text file output by a database management program such as the mailing list option of DB Master One. After sorting the desired addresses with DB Master One, "print" them to disk. See the instructions from compatible database managers for further instructions. If you're using the hand-entry method and have left a number of blanks, it's a good idea to jot down a list of them, because you won't be able to see the file on your screen when you're prompted to make your entries during printing. FREE MEMORY. When first creating a file in ST Writer, you start off with approximately 200,000 bytes, or characters, of memory (more or less depending on system) available for your text -- room for over 130 double-spaced pages. This number is reduced if you have any of the accessories such as the Control Panel installed in your desktop. To remove desktop accessories, use the GEM desktop to change resolution with a non-system disk in the default drive, or if you have a monochrome monitor (cannot change resolution), rename the desk accessories on your system disk and reboot the system. ST Writer constantly displays the available memory, expressed in bytes, in the Message Window at the bottom of your screen. One byte equals roughly one typed character, and you can figure on about 1500 bytes for each standard double-spaced page. In any case, it's a good idea to leave yourself with a margin of free memory with every file you write, just so you'll have some memory to work with if you want to edit (or add to) a file later on. When your computer's memory will accept only about one more screen full of text, ST Writer alerts you by displaying a "memory low" message. When this happens, save the file and start a new file to continue the document you're working on. GEM MODE. To get the features of GEM, click one of the mouse buttons. An alert box will appear to allow you to select GEM or CANCEL. Besides allowing you to use the mouse in Menus, Dialog and Alert Boxes, on the EDIT screen you can place the alpha cursor anywhere in the text on the screen instantly. You can also exit edit mode by clicking on Esc in the last line of the command box, and you can scroll up or down a page by clicking on the up and down arrows on the same line. You can exit GEM mode from the main menu by clicking on "Mouse" in the Options menu. NOTE: Sometimes when you press the [Esc] key, you will seem to be "stuck" on the Edit screen. This occurs when the mouse is on the top line, regardless if you are in GEM mode or not, or whether the mouse is visible or not. A peculiarity of GEM makes it necessary for you to move the mouse downward to exit the Edit screen if this should occur. GLOBAL FORMAT. In GEM mode only, Global Format allows you to set up the Format line at the top of a file you are about to Create. It does not work on files already created in memory. HEADERS, FOOTERS, and PAGE NUMBERING. For headers or footers of one or two lines on every page of your printed text file, enter the appropriate commands and text at the beginning of the file, on the screen line or lines just below the formatting commands and values displayed on the first line. To begin headers or footers elsewhere than on the first page, or to change the text of your headers or footers, you can also enter the required commands and text within the file. In this case, however, each header or footer command and line of text (preceded, if you like, by elongated print and center text or block text right commands) must be the only material entered on a screenline. In either case, be sure that no line of header or footer text exceeds your overall page width margins. To specify a header, press [Control H], then type the text of the header and press [Return]. For a two-line header, enter a [Control H], then the text and a [Return] for each separate line. To specify a footer, press [Control F], then type the text of the footer and press [Return]. For a two-line footer, enter a [Control F], then the text and a [Return] for each separate line. To discontinue a header or a footer, type two [Control H]'s or two [Control F]'s followed by a [Return]. For consecutively numbered printed pages, type @ ([Shift 2]) at that point in your header or footer text where you want page numbers to appear (for page numbers only, use the @ symbol as the entire text of your header or footer). ST Writer will number the page where you enter your page numbering command as 1, and subsequent pages in order, unless you specify a different starting page number. To do this, press [Control Q] after the [Return] that concludes your header or footer text, then type in the number of the starting page number you want (from 1 through 9BSbHGއ[kg`DgjD`P޻DIVX,f.<ANu:.r"MUL"~gF^Nj&iTE]B&HC(BHD؃BDHDHP HFބj pgNuiex@ބއdRjJþBBSQRR$ BfaYgZk d HC6<(* <. `(؄*√[Zc _gRHCNuZSSߜ gBAkjDk DNufDJj(~LOG~i,<;A`ai ,<[?Ngj°H~A,$aB,agJCD<c~|*<&Art`䤚ܐ(&䣞j.XRQ5agR.$|Ag(jDzG܆[.DJhVTABLE1V7`z,W}bGX@U @btbNORM6xBJg.<¼bHFJrኀRRI X?<`?<`bTJLgJk8c$cJc "V TNu,<>.B XDxB ΄,<C$(< .BJkFD 䯾o$`DDl.z,0EXP݆0&< ~`~ "O ?g$,<;ji `D<o l,g:THNu <fn zINT_TO_ûF:z_Jg0jzDi&SbHG އ[Jj j dRNuHPOWERB #2^Nu,`GBgJgaHL8` (0VCM 0f Nuf0COPYRIGHT_SNGDMC68343 FLOATe POj FIRMWARE (C)  1981 BY MOTOROLA INC.PADD]Jrtvx2(4(6(8( |o864BA@`J@gHCv6BBHA0)hlH?o`a`LKL*jfcCD@` ԄӃdR@HLNuJfJgJk S@j Nu0<5@hrPMUL2,Jg J fBB|XONua/ 04R0(iR@z:&Oz////zL81P֣7CBCSHCԃ6BBHB҂ң7AAQHAЁ'@\KUEj0JkSjjH&_zL/xxzLxz jJk Rj|?Eg҃тQJj0,ŽPSQRTߚ $  3dllf1|^Jj SG$ <HG IA"O$Ka"?|| O"K$L k L (o(,qfj L$L@ CRCCHСv pzPT=MlTR wz\," nND*  a/ aB`H`\ACEC /  `` B$j`^XXA^`D`O |?b eLR@fr(_`,./$ |l ($NuCHL† o@?D@8|!ldRBd jRo` AdtPB(,048<|8I/T/lJoj4`>|4F(f44.(V(/|x\x\zk\ RF|@f| <"$,8THCVv .>NTl6LP`vz LFPATANz@ڢ!h4v=>Yպ/mۖ~Un]*wnSVU[r/ݹUV?wUUUUUꪪ?7µt?@  tC^ZgD L40B襒 a/ ~ |oT/@ jBRJ@k A"Ja  IBFa`a^k"J J/ 6 /|?c|dLR@fr\b(_Nu`..XvC /Aഀ2Ljv|*v(CORDw4 J?FH/R/j B |H/|xT op86NAPt; a/?z<`z=r>`r?`r@// O tA``/<B rGzrHI\La"Ԅ gSfBr e`>rL`0nr Nup@@n$"A< &SQ @  gQB RY+ L&\j!BI֡z *:J& 0p8<NM<NMvp("\X eegS  5dZ !X  *@TX&&%(0 0rXrRrLRNNNu|dNN%`r@` N$़N(|ׁ(VDIUfLTZL~PTXl~6vz|X`dhlptx|\r>$P FFGUÐ  00 00 00z   K 00>  ޡ0/BBe"4Jrp;BBma/-+Ja/+_Nu0;m``;jNu>-zz pNBT@VHDt%ro`0T;@& /H@+@";|"HA NTa"TD;D0@ OzH UD r `2r,SDeBفa6. \Nur `r`rBat`r~2td;P t 0-0t9x T"< -`xrtt<j fnxt9,`"p&t `p$t `p#tr6/?"4ra"A^4QHANupb02bf`pHA+A& `p@. 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That part of the file that's been loaded is erased from memory. If you load in a non-ST Writer file, the file must be converted to ST Writer format, and this takes some time. Essentially, all line-feeds are discarded, and all carriage returns replaced with nulls. Also, all tabs are replaced with 5 blank spaces. You can toggle off the tab conversion when prompted by answering 'N' (No) to the query Change Tabs to Spaces? In this case, your file may be punctuated with a lot of [Control I] characters, which represents the tab character. This would usually be done only by experienced computer users. LOCKING FILES. To lock a text file that you've saved to disk, you must return to the GEM desktop (see Quit). Open a window for the drive that contains the file to be locked, and select the file by pointing to its icon (or filename) and clicking the left mouse button once so the icon is highlighted. Then point at the File heading on the Menu Bar, and select the Show Info option. This is the same Dialog Box you would use to rename the file. To lock the file, select Read-Only, then OK. If you load a locked text file, revise it with ST Writer, and then try to save it again under the same filename, ST Writer asks, ALREADY EXISTS, 'Y' to replace it. If you type Y (no [Return] necessary) ST Writer gives you the message ERROR trying to open the file. Press any key to return to the Save file: prompt and enter a different name under which to save the file. MARGINS. ST Writer measures a page from top to bottom in half-lines, and from left to right in character spaces. The default values for page margins are represented in the Print Formatting Block as follows: T12 B12 L10 R70 Top Bottom Left Right To change any of these margins for the entire text file, simply delete the value shown and type in your own. You can also change margins within a file; just press [Control] and the appropriate letter, then type in the value you want. Values for the top and bottom margin must be even numbers. You may have to experiment a bit, adjusting the paper in your printer, to get the correct top margins on your printed pages. With the default value of 12 for T, your top margins should be one inch. For a continuous printout of a file, without page breaks, set your top and bottom margins at 0 and delete any headers or footers from the file. MERGING TEXT. You can merge a saved ST Writer file, or other ASCII file from disk with the file currently in your computer's memory with this command. Keep in mind, though, that when merging files you run the risk of overflowing your computer's free memory. To merge two files, first position the cursor where you want the merged text to appear in the file currently in your computer's memory. Then press function key [F8]. ST Writer then prompts Load file:, at which you should enter a Path name for the file to be merged (see Path name). If while merging one file with another ST Writer finds that your computer's free memory is full, a warning message appears in the Message Window, the merge is halted and that portion of the merged file that has loaded is erased. MOVING TEXT. To move a block of text from one place to another in a text file, position the cursor at the beginning of the passage you want to move and press [Shift F5]. Then move the cursor to the end of the passage and press [Shift F5] again. Next, move the cursor to the point where you want to reposition the passage, and press [Shift F2]. Remember that you can move only about 40,000 bytes of text (the capacity of your failsafe buffer) at a time. If you want to move a larger block of text, do it in segments. PAGE EJECT. Use this command when you want ST Writer to halt printing at a given point in a text file and space to the top of the next page before printing is resumed -- for example, in a multisection document where you want each section to begin on a fresh page. To enter this command, position the cursor where you want a page eject to take place and press [Control E]. A number following [Control E] specifies a conditional page eject. The number is the number of lines to appear in a block, and should not exceed the number of lines between the top and bottom margins. If the block will not fit on the current page, it will appear on the following page. PAGE LENGTH. When formatting and printing a text file, ST Writer uses this formatting command -- represented by the inverse video Y in the Print Formatting Block -- to determine where the next printed page should begin. Keep your page length set at the default value of 132 (half-lines) for 8 1/2 by 11-inch paper. For a continuous printout of a text file without page breaks, set your top and bottom margins at 0 and deletprg rputr2sadd}tron|wavePNORMPSQTXbloadbs"schdirXclearcolorLcvdblL ffpLcvi16L32dfree0eraserorrfilesfn_gbfopen  ad fseekkullwglQlc linefmLmkxsirLpp3212k wqpcopyu ointsrm {soundztickzrig>timer}ffQuh v_arcMvsyncDBLCOSEXPLOGPWRSINTAN'IVS32FFPCMPIntAddCmp Div&MUL&U32PA2CORDASNGADDpgg^^QRSUB bconinkwk osewcsrHT_eqgtlogo_eofpinpo_locfo outeq_ff99gt fwritegemsystbpbrezgotoxygt handle,,gt-32-gt1lbXatema1cpree_rRreturnZ_dBnd_fnO_dysc!n@sngsg=tem2uv_rbox vdi"ILOG2AAFP2A STR2I1625IEEE젓SubNTvMultH2 U_INITREST2j.abs_.32outstatc_mcc\ hradddecgeqincleqneqsqrsub\ drv0 dimjYivide0sdos_err"ellif; fdeletesfexists`V=V9V=V9fpV9V` form_do!re! gc_keep*0v,(imp,$mod,+v-)-%-\ioXit\Bpenle?32`logbasemu ioSon_TR2B2runfilesgn_:</4/32@frac v_clrwksgtextopnplinerf upd vsipC_?d10mHTHETANORMAOASCU2{10Ybadarrayblitbe\ b^k_me`gem`vdi}czpyPdsstypeblt]cdcr_ndest kill path0auto_jitYoorfieldokeyvmouvber _a0YfatalVforTU329zssf}tinvptsina[t t_graf,ss-ssinputf_f]close[2ml nu_barobjc_addSsub_atosYoverflowwpwetteellipsehysapre_rt<WdWWW 32Cseed_B~t_~t_time color?sheat@@ngtarpeek_lwokewɡwpygzrig_onsion6wap$6/6327P>x_freev_circlelsvwkarcpie:hicopn9 show_cvarpMfaS>vq0=extnd<_s;KEt_namevr_recfl6 trnfmvs8c_m$l_ends "%m+t nt3windH8new4"& FFPTHETA4 PATANH2_8 PU_DOUBLESINGTR applnd  blockm( chan_outpteckrdwid] _ _asciiminusrounds cr_al0 dim_auto20en\ derror _powerri| fnntrlint?ptssystabVnTeU32 D _dial` gem_p8 t_array  heapmore32Ё^ o_goawayn marbeep u_tHY moda node  objc_draweditS onsubv _off par@Ir32spctabD randomizeg;4532t ft er righ| : rsrree9 load+ scrpC seed_rndfl-agic eenA she>tpzt v_ellipse pmarkerD vqtth4 vro_cpyfm51 vsflor0style3updat#l!ud"'m,=)powr<de7 w!_Mc50opene ow_on writD 32l add_de appVN check_byte]k_hle cloc Tvidemosteq cr_to_tmp0 dim32_auto0 el.~i > evnkeybd mesagouse ultitimer q:qV fnVvTvU32v or_double m_alertW- fs input  gcx lease\ geur\#ao\o_ram"V ng) graf3r& array  heap~Ox16O32#  i_linef32[o_killsys mid_lv32r32‹n objc_orderO ocJ32 onã_0 gotow pall rog_abendm \ l_outchsolution; rsrc_gr=obfix<s, scrp{ s_soundt{ etteB shenvrn I>_vararAep op_quietrncatx tos_moc}racfr vlla)piesliceC vqt_Ment& vsm_height(t1 _Sj󠵠e offa yes_rod[ 0 _bs` Kl_vdi_ws check_W cmp>sommatrsnvs0 dim32_auto2 CbuttW dck fata fiellde rc0er twotbwhd (  floatf\ P\w_biF in" makeA menu_i 1r32 n ubX cWgedepe6\a open_! pltr slash pl lengthW <\ ltus?rsume leave _long7 vHxeljusti9d- W effects/ V.2d 6upde any headers or footers from the file. Values for page length must be even numbers, and 224 is the maximum value of Y that ST Writer allows. PAGE NUMBERING. See Headers, footers, and page numbering. PAGE WAIT. Use this command when you want to print a text file on separate sheets of paper -- for example, on bond, letterhead, or your personal stationery. Enter [Control W] in the Print Formatting Block at the top of your file for a page wait on every page of the file. ST Writer will stop printing at the bottom of each page; after inserting a fresh sheet of paper in your printer, press any key to start printing the next page. You may also invoke this command by using the Install Printer desk accessory, and using the "single" sheet selection. When printing to the screen, [Control W] causes the screen scrolling to halt when the screen is full. Hit any key to continue scrolling, or [Esc] to exit. PARAGRAPHS. Mark the beginning of every paragraph by pressing [Control P] -- ST Writer displays an inverse video letter P at that point on your screen. Press [Return] at the end of each paragraph -- ST Writer displays an inverse video 'less than' symbol at that point. Two formatting commands control how your paragraphs appear when formatted and printed by ST Writer. The default value for paragraph spacing, displayed next to the inverse video D in the Print Formatting Block, is 4 blank half-lines, or double spacing, between paragraphs. To change this value, just delete the 4 and type in the value you want. The default value for paragraph indentation, displayed next to the inverse video I in the Print Formatting Block, is 5 spaces (from the left page margin). For a different paragraph indentation, delete the 5 and substitute the value you want. To vary paragraph spacing within a new file, press [Control D] and type a new value where you want the spacing to change, then press [Return]. To change paragraph indentation, press [Control I] and enter a new value. For bibliographies, ST Writer also allows negative indentation (outdenting or undenting). Type [Control I] followed by a negative value (eg., [-5]). Each time a [Control P] is encountered thereafter, the first line of the paragraph will be alligned flush with the left margin, and succeeding lines will be indented. PATH NAME. Path names are used to indicate files held in folders on your disk. See your ATARI ST Owner's Manual for a description of folders and how to use them. Path names can be entered at any of ST Writer's prompts for filenames or Path names. A path name is similar to a filename, but may also optionally indicate a folder name (or folder names) in order to tell ST Writer what path to take through your various directories and subdirectories in order to access your file. Say, for example, that you would like to use a folder named TEXT to hold your ST Writer files. To create the folder, follow the instructions for Creating Folders in your ATARI ST Owner's Manual. Then, after invoking ST Writer and creating your file, press [Esc] to return to the main menu and select Save File by pressing the S key. At the prompt, first enter the drive identifier (A:, B:, or C:), then type a reverse slash (the key to the right of the [Return] key), then the folder name (TEXT), then another reverse slash, then the filename under which you wish to save the file (e.g. B:\TEXT\MYFILE.TXT). Thus, a path name is simply a filename with one or more folder names inserted, offset by reverse slash marks. To obtain a directory listing of the folder TEXT, select Index of Files from the main menu, select Screen or Printer, then at the prompt for Path name:, type B:\TEXT and [Return]. Since folders can contain folders, you can use more than one folder name in a path name. For instance, if the disk in drive B: contains a folder named LETTERS in the folder named TEXT, a path name to file MYFILE would resemble this: B:\TEXT\LETTERS\MYFILE. In GEM mode, file selection is done slightly differently. A File Selector Box appears with the current "path" on the top line. You may change the path by placing the cursor on the line by pointing and clicking the mouse, then either back-spacing over it, or pressing [Esc]. You can then type in the above path name ( B:\TEXT\LETTERS\*.* ). Move the mouse inside the File Selector Box and click. All files in the LETTERS folder will be listed. This is because you used a "wild card" specifier [*]. If you only wanted files ending with .TXT, you would have typed: B:\TEXT\LETTERS\*.TXT [TAB] (Note: File Selector Boxes use the [TAB] key in place of the [RETURN] key.) You may then click on the file wanted followed by clicking the OK box, or double click on the selected file, and it will load, be saved, or delete, depending which function you had selected. hnamed i57 Dnu'tr _ms_ do60 elci_d1 x memory. jx" dragbox$grow*mke#ove persion dbl_ascii enatn# alI mkffp_frJKP5 default pamberofil rts_both trueZ ssages inntF vq ontinfo/ vsfior*t_ro  width_send"Fbf-whtitle. _dcrstemp0 a]bouS _dle zroptw_to_ v sh' slid&watchc _events  heapeoc % $t[0 itialise[ kit\ n_fg ,false :J v+tourlM v2 'p)m=r.t1ign<t %nelyrlgfouthus„in_!rubber~%shk3࿠ay,Hlong (F:romG_G32edsegtopHeAvqf_attributes?l@mB loads\eck_c_keys /} nal garb)yllect[_excep\sne퀂4s_f&_ifkele _calculat kHiuns2w_biosnd{EvK parse_boreICEu/ unǝ"B0 0HH`.*2Xv . "&,8Lj$. 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Wherever you want to enter a printer control, first press [Control O], then type in the decimal equivalent of the appropriate code understood by your printer. For instance, to send a decimal code 15, type [Control O]15. Be sure to type a space after the number -- ST Writer uses this space as a delimiter. You should be able to find a listing of codes used by your printer in the manual that came with it. Note: when you enter a printer control code with [Control O] on a page, that entire page will be formatted by the code you enter. PRINT FILE. You can print your text to the screen (see Print preview), to a disk file, to a serial printer or modem, or to a parallel printer. (Note: To print to a printer or modem connected to your computer's RS232 serial port, first use the Install Printer option from the GEM desktop Desk menu to set the Printer Port to Modem, -- see your ST Owner's Manual -- then print to the printer as usual.) To print a file, load it in memory if not already present, go to the ST Writer menu, and press P. ST Writer prompts, Enter Printer, Disk, Screen, spooLer? -- press the highlighted capital letter of the desired output device. For further instructions on printing to the screen, see Print preview. The message Searching for printer config file on disk appears in the Message Window as soon as ST Writer has loaded into the computer, and the disk drive spins momentarily. When this happens, ST Writer is looking for the file XYZZX.DAT on your default drive; the drive from which you loaded the ST Writer program. For further information on this file, see Printer Configuration File. Whether or not the printer configuration file is found, ST Writer still can print your file. From the ST Writer menu, to print your file to a printer, press P. Note: If yr printer supports proportional print and you wish to use this, you must first return to the GEM desktop and use the Install Printer option from the Desk menu to set Printer Type to Daisy. To send the formatted text to a disk file that you can later transmit to another computer or print out directly from the GEM desktop, press D. ST Writer prompts you for a file name and then sends the formatted text to that file. The spooler option (press L) lets you print to a disk file with all your printer control codes embedded along with your text. A properly formatted file for your printer can later be printed directly to your type of printer from the GEM desktop. The next prompt, Enter number of copies?, is followed by the number 1. Press [Return] to accept the default value of one copy. To print more than one copy, type the new number of copies, then press [Return]. Next ST Writer prompts Print whole document Y/N?. Type Y (or just press [Return]) to print the entire text, or type N to print a range of pages. If you press N, ST Writer asks you for the beginning page number with the prompt Enter first?. Press [Return] to accept the default value, page 1, or press [Backspace] once and type a new beginning page number and [Return]. Then at the prompt Enter last?, press [Return] to accept the default last page 999, or use [Backspace] to edit the entry. Finally, you are asked if you want letter quality print, and a 'Y' appears if you have selected letter quality print in the printer configuration desk accessory, or an 'N' if you did not. You may change the 'Y' to 'N' or vice versa at this point, or simply press [Return] if the correct letter is present. To temporarily halt printing, press [Control S], and to resume, press any key. You can stop printing and return to the main menu at any time by pressing the [Esc] key. Hint: Printing your file to a disk file is a convenient way of creating documentation on disk for a program you've written. Users can show a file printed to disk on the screen or print it out from the GEM desktop by double-clicking the file's icon or filename. Type instructions for your program into ST Writer, then print the text to a file named README.DOC, then write "Show (print) README.DOC for instructions" on your disk label. Remember to adjust the left margin to one. In GEM mode, there is one dialog box which allows you to select the number of copies, the range of pages to print, and the device to print to. PRINT PREVIEW. This feature of ST Writer lets you examine a formatted text file on your monitor screen prior to printing it. You can use Print preview at any time while creating or editing a file. For a print preview, press [Esc] from the editor to return to the ST Writer menu, then select Print File. At the prompt Enter Printer, Disk, ScreenBLؠ@x =НpI:.@f0Bq,  dײ(?pp @ OxJ~.Qg0 B1EHy Aq ;pCs0 Z@zC a6$@1@AJzO`@FtA, Zro@QJ`E(5c A@B0"Yқ`A8QK0p`6MaB 5}=@Dr=ߠiC P;' ?H@%-w PIAPK(i\HГK1>h<LR"-|Pp),~j 5 DWT`Ct0e@ P= !p( ưU0J'|pw]'}|Ǐd @ լ06ծB0XN"E}#bՁxGnEViZv&.㲭cA+ђ6j}&6meqFͺvoKw3.t!`񶘭sS Z LW]mܚzU*j2|X$ͧ(N4Lh@*l 9JHUN5TdLp"`L?mzs#+V`% v7C|k` bC WFxHbjnxK39BJmhCu\krU~a`_.G_v{jk=dHL1Vu HDh)4h .7X2` hF > m )%3bVVDD4m G~~P|C`s5I4e#pV1XqXdP :hryS~gpt5 P}E`?5W`8|W gD ?ׅ-w_ a){DŽ$}h0@S!GS@хڱGG]XРt&@9p.g, ` 6 P} / 0A`F3؉?wASWF) ~~W6@02@x Ih`ȊSnh3 `H ?gT|eW/(P|, -s(P~p:8`X`= ȋ =5 h 5d@Wq\Wp* $i`X;7'%EN#AzdXC *:[XE5C+ /5D MVNtU ZC/0UrIv?p7SRv=20ي23ؑEqP$'- T9A ,`~a `Qx,{9 ɛb`Qٛ`؜b(a`na$eqi\-0Pi @E "0P! alpٙiP( Oh}}wvʠ5Ǡh W{ ``bI:@.'pp@.*p@./pP;' ' bRw ':T#sBd x $a}j8ؙ 9`<#P|Xq5f*8@ p0njhW@zs%Fe5\pT`q"-,fȊdp"p/"p"WMhhr03pthR+j>'*`v|Yj )ńzYRX!}P@]4vi8R ?sm `z8 7|I*Pa(LTy$7pf K7j y#XЎ RSC *l; r@3crf_Ȗ@@/u,`%IrdFఊ1bЮȁ}ëbWQi%Z@ `atTX&}ǵ=Gn@ 1=hq  ySgЀ}0vFaY+Ƅ1U{ P@\| ?껷 FWp<G ' #LF̫ L```l{C1EgVUc` @N~7VGP/3G5<7<(W=l?A)uP4ћg7'վ:y-L•a&g켇ۿgj0 G6,6E0 60bj B3N'00t`CP%) B^% :>P?C /}InN xA G4 51b3>26>< ZO:WSnie>.("-Pt1<+@k</Ec~HP8eh/;`   *4O@Qo33s1O`c[_"cpK`sQsA  )ȇ_`pn|5W6 _??~ 1N5!R-coS?^ 1<5!-co5! `o#)x 1S* `__ 1Uo52/cX%?^`020?^`pz P/?S`pz p351/61RWB  pP_`[_Y55a _fq_`[_[|5 _fσk_`[_]s5Q16 44{ ^ i`02v` /c?o 6  {?I#c02FO?@26  ⑿5 /cp/"`02? ?3?s 2?[_|.c6@ qq Q0l0l0lopjpjpj0{1{1 1) ppw~0;`F&?f&Ff &&FH; F!<<{<@k+[k{;U< 40< FF?H0<L0<`+z7Z0<,< d0<p0<y3< 0< 0< r0<<1<@[< 0<` 0<@0<< 0p%z>>`> >7>>S>H0>`>t0> 0>`0> 0>>1> 0>@w =#ݐ#K#)#e? - M M m 4@p@  @`@@@`0@0@@ 0@ 0@ 0A|%v0Az0A 0A@ 0A` 0A0A@BBʁ!1UB@2ʁb;a$ʁbʡ%Bp,B@"?aʡK)aB0B B B |BPB     bʡBb.LJ 1p`a4 450 ,p`66`P*20 J?))0P10`k!!b1010@10j?j?pbbsP/-0 0 np0 n6@Vq4MQ;0@Q0A0 1{0` vvva0 a0 a0 0 0 0 JOpwp%0  _TPS@_.@c uc n@e @hsSUhsTS%@.Pd 4"" /B9" /B" /"/"@/" /"/" /" /B"%Pl@%Eqb0SECUmPmr `e@cptPs@ ECUrPgs@e  pPrtostPs@ P 0PP n@epe  @i`i0intPs@ ECUbtsi`ttPs@ PP ISB0ooPttPx@ u@pPttPs@ PP ISC0ow0 0t igoPtu@ @e0toD @10c ePns0rl @e0t@1EGPM@O0 `iec eto @e0tP u@ fmPmr `o  @M @e0tNPe@s4 rPs0 n e @ocn@iuP.1EDA4 @i0krPa@ @e0tEDs 0pPe@ RM 2f8````N X@s*@d d ` ``" $ $ X r/((dyF@. ` ```````E 1   ' @ @ ``p`p5` @` ` ` `# ۡ`(@p pH` g:@ >`:   &  k    D`:   `,`k. @ @     @J`"H` 8`t@ !`@QMENU.PRGRGA>_nRh `40FH":Ia` DHBA:ã?$?,8".(i V%dy$/:@@?r9Dw -p]vG@+Xp!#~(A|g `C"gy:L|"?!QE({lEP8ȵ+ݪ [ (+-֒*)&hʩ)"9Rۮ&+P9b*!@ _ph <: 0ӑ1M6d?'N p\"a"D#,$7?\ѩ9a oX<-Of 3aM  fAq@\& i%({@dB^FȒ0^@ @D hEd}(856m@H"$-?bx 8 DH @@H Aa '|88,A$H1D#O CB-1 \LLyv=53} `? 8 wvN4~EMI]qD 0OKʡА)X ? Xy!\wr2: :  9 xmD4Q<=uRX/:a\Gt,NJ)s >w|A)8@mr%@ xk~9}fMq7U7 ^܋6ǹtZBV9Md>Pgܿ>j# ><; Q;~wҚ i*} q::npҴE4EC?t`1h@ջ!UeOՉAo` >9PZv@|0" xBL[: $ as.7.';8Jp pCgc6C${ڠDc SsC%bUr/e 0~*v5 0rSP?P0Ђp$*&4h1oQd*9 T;`xj`FapxT@1n(Pf >aAWthxxĀs 1-@& }-Xm2eР!Ηrr*allows you to write an ASCII file to disk. This is the same as printing to disk, as every line gets a carriage return and line feed appended to it. The major exception is that the left margin will be 1, and the right can be set up to 160 (for an 80 column printer driver). All blank spaces at the end of a line or page will be discarded. If you MUST have blanks at the end of a line, use the Elongated text control [Shift F9] followed by exactly 1/2 the number of blank spaces needed, and then a terminating [Shift F9]. This tricks the formatter into writing blank spaces at the end of a line or page. SAVE ASCII files will not re-load into ST Writer Elite without conversion to ST Writer format, but can be easily loaded into other word processors or text editors. It is a good idea to use a ".DOC" extender on ASCII filenames so as not to confuse them with files saved in ST Writer format. SAVE BLOCK. After marking the beginning and end of a block of text with [Shift F5], you can save the marked block to a disk file. Mark the block, then press [Shift F8]. ST Writer prompts for a filename with: Save block as:. Enter a filename or Path name, then press [Return] to save the block on disk. You can merge this text with another file with the F8 key (see Merging text.) Hint: an easy way to delete the block markers after saving the block (40,000 bytes or less only) is to press [F5] to delete the block, then [Undo] to restore it. SAVE FILE. To store a text file on a diskette, select Save File from the ST Writer menu by pressing S. When asked "Save in ASCII format?", hit the return key. Insert a formatted disk in your disk drive (if you don't have a formatted disk on hand, you can have ST Writer format one for you -- see Format Disk.) Then type a filename (optionally including Path name -- see Path name), and press [Return]. If your file already has a filename associated with it (i.e. you previously loaded it from disk, rather than creating it from scratch), ST Writer prints out that name after the Save file: prompt. Simply press [Return] to save the le. Important Note: In the latter case, or if the filename you have entered already exists on disk, ST Writer does not print a warning message in the Message Window. Therefore if you wish to retain an original copy of the document you are editing, save the edited version under a different filename. In GEM mode, this is done by selecting "Save". Selecting "Save AS..." allows you to specify another filename to save it under. SEARCH AND REPLACE. Use this feature of ST Writer to search for, replace, or delete any string of text up to 57 characters in length. On command, ST Writer executes a search from the current position of the cursor to the end or the beginning of a text file, in either direction. There are four ways to search; Search Reverse, Search Forward, Replace, and Query Replace. To conduct a Forward Search, from the cursor position to the end of a file, press function key F6. ST Writer then prompts Forward search : in the Message Window. Enter the character, word, or phrase you wish to find, then press the [Esc]. Using the [Esc] key as a terminator in the search phrase allows you to search for phrases that include the [Return] character. You can also search for other non-alphanumeric characters, including all [Control] key combinations. Pressing [Esc] activates the search, whereupon ST Writer moves the cursor to the first incidence of the sought phrase. If it does not appear in the text, the Message Window shows String was not found. If found, to search again for the same phrase, press F6 again. The Forward search : prompt reappears, followed by the last seach phrase. Simply press [Esc] to search for that phrase. To search for a different phrase, press any key and the old search phrase is automatically deleted, making room for a new search phrase. To search backwards in your file, press [Shift F6]. Reverse Search works identically to Forward Search, except that it searches from the cursor position to the beginning of the file, rather than to the end. Forward Search and Reverse Search use the same buffer for the search phrase. If you want to replace the phrase you're searching for with a different phrase, use function key F7. Pressing F7 alone causes ST Writer to confirm each replacement operation with you, and [Shift F7] effects replacement of all occurrences of the sought phrase without verification, also known as global replace. After pressing either, ST Writer prompts: (Query) Replace :. Enter the search phrase (including presses of [Return], if applicable), then press the [Esc] key. Next, ST Writer prompts: With :. Enter the phrase that is to replace the search phrase. For instance, you can use Replace to change the name John to Jackd**̠ ~Jd} Õ7 gA BbgtØd2tUtBKẅ|- tu>'K8-@hYwÑ@Y{zPU4,D#@(̈́h}|i@t ɐ99ik!ِhJ7k )ВJk YzP;`v EJ WP DP0-%p8tk(0k KٔO)hi?ptds`(PyD@ 旀@dv^ A DڀJɔN )ۈt'` w4 %yb: g)d&ayJ*ɕpI*ˉII.`x]9Dp`E^4@|REx!{K 3nB{IVh` Yx1(3E P;*Ű"IWoZ9A!; /!ZւI !PlП)C J@f UȠe /- #DEfOj@Z^f raaPeT¡ hxEȝɒFɴʢHL˝ ,/,ɇ- ̺Di܉<:qa>Twi9QlCNR0UD rya|ZŖ~FiI `K7nj8&VLf0Z븐+ _D0; 0;f0`) 㸪# #ƀ!od:@ʀ, p: @D (@<֋۸ ֑;kx=8n@cpƫ#jل{JB#@`ش0|{n-ڤ-ק}ss*Įg"')@,'"zE""14TzuެrP!ӁmzM~A[ MD. "i~`c@0 a 6xAzp"%!nFig0 p-Bе)*7*Pߎh>/ ]*` [|`Ļ˽ y},gE|d&a/ P$& |p~'!B)0̈́rA0gCGUC*{PD*` >Wd"di  w̎ |d`p+'s H6D !E0Ak`.0ngjj1W﵋3nz%ML5b#} ͥƄ!¬p)'n> {ns1#%Ot (H )Hx~';! ӮFՎ@ wVYa: bjd0f l@fZQnpZ3  jqI cu~Nk.^DQta`R`Ud0!Ea@FUUgPrc@ep:O*A@?oM=\nvgyz9s7;xpuAxa ]ܕzDn'x7jyo[W7zbٍpG ypPEr/G=:F:w3Φl"j0pwvdv3Gg uz ըvwvmDv~dfy$ww#&"G1v3Gg uEhNegpG )Vy'ryzvLg u <HJA}:j*@^p 8upgE!` gIpCKsI@pP7| <HJA}vAj*@^pd7Dd?[< upgӨE!` gIB @d?P`8 <HJA}vAj*@^pd7Dd?Y7| <HJA}6j*@^pd*Ks9 _p^^4Πw}F@@uY7|Ger3ΠF!EǾ?^D8Ger3ΠFǾ?^D8Ger3ΠF wp똨E$yZ,wA(9# \lPpp똨E$yZ,wA(9$` \l0-pp똨E$`yZ,wA(9$` \lPpp똨E$`p$3\BF[< up$c\BTY7|*C"!D)9" Pr$9 @dJD?^T9?^T y}JD\D 9'0s!**`N !&`xa"Ar!/:e{i g@R(JO,p|6ʥ-ȉ^Ng㟨\ڂE JXJD\4$X 9'`Xo"M^T DD <&  DD <լZKdyMg㟨\ڂE L|6ʥ-ȉ^Nluu,[, ٸ" 8I,R,8p,s,Ȓ "r, "B Ȃ,!:,18qiA:0IbK:{C?H@ ť@Pp _zC?H@ ťХ ^zC?H@ ť0{pbХDpC?H@ ťХa:{C?H@ ťХAtA@:?H@ ťХAt:qC?H@ ť@٧rm?@jm r7 P\j@]HJ[1"C:?H@ ťJp.g"C:?H@ ťJTͤ:{C?H@ ťJpyN 9( Hg@IbJTͬ"? `yNʠO:7 P\j@I@ar.DDN7 P\j@I@ gm7 through your entire manuscript. If you have selected Query Replace, and the search phrase is found, the message window prompts: Type 'Y' to replace string:. Pressing Y replaces the phrase and moves the cursor forward to the next occurrence of the search phrase (if any). Pressing any other key does not perform the replacement, but still moves the cursor to the next incidence of the search phrase. Note that Replace and Query Replace search forward only from the cursor position. Note: if, while entering a search or replace phrase, you decide not to make the search after all, press [Control K] to abort the process and return to editing your document. If you press [Shift F7] for global replace, all incidences of the search phrase are automatically replaced by the replace phrase without query. This is a powerful command, and should be used carefully! When entering a search phrase, you must type it exactly as it appears in your file. When the string is a single short word that might appear in your file as a part of longer words, it's a good idea to type in blank spaces before and after it. If you do this, though, include the same blank spaces in your replace phrase. And keep in mind that ST Writer will not recognize occurrences of such a search phrase that have punctuation marks immediately before or after them. To halt a search-and-replace operation, press [Esc]. SECTION HEADINGS. Use this feature of ST Writer to number section and subsection headings in a multisection document. The easiest way to explain its use is with an example. Say you're writing a text file about nutrition. In outline, it includes the following sections and subsections: Fruits and vegetables Fruits Fresh fruits Preserves Vegetables Dairy Products To number each of these section and subsection headings when entering them in your file, press [Control U] and type the number of the section level, then the text of the heading and [Return]. In this case, Fruits and vegetables is the highest level of headings, so you type 1 after [Shift F8]. The section level for both Fruits and Vegetables is 2, and 3 for both Fresh fruits and Preserves. For Dairy products, you return to a section level of 1. You can specify section levels of 1 through 9. Wherever you enter a section heading command and number, ST Writer displays a European paragraph symbol followed by the section level number you've entered. When it formats and prints your fil ST Writer numbers your section headings, raising the numbers for each occurrence of a section heading command at a given level. In other words, the section headings in your file on nutrition would be numbered as follows: 1 Fruits and vegetables 1.1 Fruits 1.1.1 Fresh fruits 1.1.2 Preserves 1.2 Vegetables 2 Dairy products You should format your section headings according to your preferences. Add as many spaces between each section level number and heading as you want between the section number and heading. And use paragraph markers, center or block text right commands, and print style commands in combination with your section heading commands to format your headings the way you want them. To reset your numbering of section headings -- say, in a large document where you want a numbered system of headings in each chapter -- press [Control U] and type the number 0. Then press [Control U] again and the desired level number when you enter your next heading. SOURCE FILES. You can create source code files in BASIC, LOGO, C, etc. with ST Writer. Set [Control B] to 0 (zero), [Control G] to 10, [Control L] to 1, [Control R] to 160 and [Control T] to 0. Be certain that none of your lines of code exceed the 160 (80 column printer driver) or 198 character (136 column printer driver) limit without an intervening carriage return. Also, the last page of your source code may not fill up the whole page, and when printed will have several carriage returns following the text. Use the print preview to find the page break (occurring at the end of the each page). When you see the beginning of the last page, make note of the position and number of lines on the final page in the file. Then edit your file by inserting [Control Y] followed by a number that is double the number of lines on the last page, somewhere in the text prior to the end. Then Print your file to disk. It is a good idea to also Save your text file under another name in case you wish to edit it later. SPECIAL CHARACTERS. Ordinarily, all ST characters with ASCII values less than 32 ($20 Hex) cannot be used in your text, as these have special meaning to printers, and are used internally by ST Writer as formatting directives. However, using [Control X] before and after such characters will temporarily shut off the interpretation of such characters in their usual l3@!|vʛ! )9#`8BP@j* JTͬK:KRPsJv 9"@ 9 :DxLsuTun@?@(u5YxC?H@ ťJp>"!D)9" zB#8F I@pU`Ib^tʼn ֥D 9'`r@qUD 0$b 9'`\D uK!9'`ry ߒ<@B#F jE 8G|6}փE j|f\ȉ^N.\ȉ^$ uJF#Ȩ PA>"!D)9" Pr&@yfʥ-ȉ^Ng㟨\ڂE JQ9&!D)9" PTEJ^t8gXt:[E JE'0sҀ \fx麠 Z; g's4b@p?+N G[z1D2p@P\b Ò2b 2b BÒ j jJZ-9jd0CT\b@ .FaJTn氪D`&Rn氪dD`>%.:0,)!.0,v 9"@ 90JTnDId"@J8si౰B%.0,/@xIt !.`Kʮ@2*.@t US.@RJ.А?H3 [h!./)A.d1 QjG^4,M3?D%.0q7  7^dxE?Һ ] or [ Control ^ ] ASCII $1F [ Control ? ] or [ Control _ ] SUBSCRIPTS AND SUPERSCRIPTS. Printed a half-line below or above the line, subscripts and superscripts are especially useful when you're writing about chemical or mathematical formulas or including footnote numbers in your text files. (Check the manual that came with your printer to see if it's capable of printing subscripts and superscripts.) To specify a subscript, press function key F10 before typing the material to be subscripted and [Shift F10] after. To specify a superscript, press [Shift F10] before and F10 after the material to be superscripted. ST Writer displays inverse video up and down arrows where these commands are entered. So the chemical formula for water would appear on your screen as H(down arrow)2(up arrow)O, and Einstein's famous Theory of Relativity as E=mc(up arrow)2(down arrow). If you wanted to use a superscript o as a degree symbol, the boiling point of water would appear as 212(up arrow)o(down arrow)F. TABS. The series of arrows that appear every five spaces along the top of your Message Window each time you begin a work session with ST Writer are the default Tab settings of ST Writer. To remove any of the default Tab settings (or stops), first move your cursor to a Tab stop and press [ShiftF4]. ST Writer prompts you to Type 'Y' to clear current tab stop: -- pressing Y clears the stop and removes its arrow from the Message Window. Conversely, to set a new Tab stop, simply position the cursor at the desired setting and press function key F4. To clear all Tab stops, press [Control Tab], and to restore ST Writer's default tab stops, press [Shift Tab]. Here are some important facts to know about using Tabs. Using the Tab key alone always inserts spaces to the next Tab stop. To tab forward to the next stop without inserting spaces, press [Shift (right arrow)], and to tab backward to the previous tab stop, press [Shift (left arrow)]. Also, Tab settings are saved along with your text file; thus, you don't need to reset them each time you load and edit the file. Tabs are perhaps most often used to create columns of numbers or words. In such applications, we highly recommend that you use ST Writer in TOS's medium or high resolution to take advantage of the 80-column screen for proper layout of your document. UNDERLINING TEXT. To enter underlined text in a file, press [Shift F3] before typing in the text. An inverse video underline character appears. Press [Shift F3] again to return to ordinary text. UPPER AND LOWERCASE CHARACTERS. To enter a single upper-case character, of course, you hold down the [Shift] key while typing the character. For all uppercase letters, press the [Caps Lock] key, whereupon the letter C appears in the right half of the message window, and press it again to return to all lowercase. With ST Writer you can also change letters that you've already entered from lower to uppercase or vice versa. To do this, position the cursor on the letter you want to change and press function key F3. To change a series of characters, simply hold down the F3 key. 4*q :\7^(VP5ЀB0Ϳ~m]ƵW8z;4֋:QVukׯ&G m &!(HJ&/1UXrlWo18c4 ˘kAuՐ{S(*ZaMb;1\'#F3V5Ё@/P`vȽgL  +" D2P"w\wV@tTmwdB8n _zG^]`H#tVZ!cޭ`:&Hh; XCH@,jy%),|i N2xEmԦHkW$)Fv)Rc"edpZA=hr!L&fj!^(ãEF%H꜏`q'BJ`X7NX1D-I_Ljˊz6I)D2(.[f۶^Qd.nB߶лgiy;.Ic^롖erd,fQ^QT0pHQxt&#Q xD?@S@|R n4MDU2 tSJB{L9H䡒.Y_TgS <Ttuƽr Ne`vG&XշG'x]`ޛB&+PzG%(gZzrR)joѢAynQh:|z>*{NἯ ¾<{=k/.{ϻ]$p|SWTE/@ oO}@#*5Hd9ށ^ G4 $Zh ^ ""衝x>)V C}nO>0'ՐUgY'H`G!hV)҇?쉰ףQOx##d) o2 sBM X$G"2# $@`7=@dFc 2J!/iH <ESʬy % 7B$H2 % ].@r.VA$N ։Cc L@S8Xp 2gy>g}.')9i]*ĀJѡ#8EIߴP1(4:JKIbgPS40"8*Z7}TdA?N @ʈԨE\SwPι(?ySOٍSx4}W-ȟ ȿEϽ<]7·};G/ Xm l"n{n"#Ȁ_.7 }s~a'#ukbAn`q@XD6y a>1~jUJVp6kW`\&~`e"5#`)].b&P H NPC*AH   7`QA9yi0@k 1uFOkFpz 7@32iЋxRjlֲP P5Dh(ƳL!FRA\hBP" Aȟ.L|*ppg|z`\:׽q.z2- 6 u(.wiN2< nHy>tX<w(t`u.!rn7`^rA/ɻG(BF\>7 u❰^/y@boػu* Qz!Cp*@ Sهn~O`@l " E8 @ x`8  v P `#X ! `) 08>   vF`   @ @`  ~(~``[8:@@$l`%0" B(w ( @j@@ 4 nQhE8h(&` `)L(~> X @XH(@Hx$XĨhT@ @("` @&@& ,x& &40`@"``$@@&,@Sȋ@А؉G(8(hh"@ < h9=ARIhOى>ؔaM\)^_ٕ`9b H 戎ݨB`a McIHɘ i"xk))wIi )z "`Ђ, \ٛ )x"P Pi&6H ڈ8 ~TxH ȩI,@( @)阙p`GމJR J :Ik}&$X0YZ( 89PfI3(~A/6ڑQMENU.RSCRG? _s} 4 sE(@X,  0)dJEP)" R4)2Rʔ_ %LOɐ"L8x"J4cրhRMv\pQ# 1y@IÆ7yȀ愲>LVٶp׺e+7ۺxtRDM"#C5d#(RI8"PJ&O 8%hҦ?vti@@&O,v @J')2e 'Pq$=|Kj=ovlc}Sk̓m9_ߍ㟜2)DR1O8E QI$tdO4qFgJ*DKJROTy7ѴVB fDU0qp'Q&KSO?_YU$f8ēO@`yf܇ xgyDaGlGb1GnfKAFlт /LA0p -@9؀BK( )@ -АàclebYEB .dFt*t[uUX` ~ uASz*4 5܀C|N?8#DFy``ov⫝AN|nox*D'ŰkpCqk "40 RDm3W @ I4`W;$qL DF$it$"k- ~e]բ>6? (K\6 Yp3*EժH[ىʵEM XKX Hܖwmep[XV}m3,F KX uCDRMhIgT W|6(+yV@Z/xǾ,P%b W 8Pg <$jQ.M7`V@&M9`d!+*/șUVV:jk34ښnY&9]}qZKLh* W.D\ך SfǺpb5 pc gy]gag&`S6V!#@F][:fBz>ӭkLS/x\W'tt]@"l_{~c/ ~C*Lunu$)Ry:d`hs&Fftq HkT3File: README.DOC VERSION 3.8 (Changes since 3.0) (NOTE: 3.2 and 3.3 had bugs in the Search/Replace which precluded null replacement. 3.4 sometimes would not load an AtariWriter file from another directory. This was fixed in 3.6) -The Global Search and Replace is now roughly 60 times faster! -The free memory byte counter can now accommodate values up to 95 Meg to be compatible with the TT which can handle more than 25 Meg of RAM. -In non-GEM mode in many instances the Enter key acts the same as the Return key. -The placement of the cursor with the mouse now updates the line/column numbers immediately (as opposed to updating them on the subsequent key stroke.) -An info status line has been added on the GEM menu screen which keeps track of the name and path of the current file in memory. -When you oversave a file which exists, you are warned, and the alert box tells you the name of the file which you are attempting to overwrite (nice, in case you click on the wrong file, or type in a name which you didn't know was already a file in the same directory). -If you have TOS 1.4 in ROM, file selector boxes now indicate their function. (eg., did you select delete, load, save or what??). -For users of the MEGA TOS (1.2) and the buggy disk-loaded version of TOS 1.4 (1988), previous versions required you to move the mouse pointer outside of the menu area at the top of the edit screen when pressing the [ESC] key to return to the menu screen. This was done to correct for a GEM bug which drops menus on the mouse, leaving holes in the menu like swiss cheese. No problem with the original version of soft-load TOS, 1.0, and 1.4 (1989). Now, the mouse automatically drops out of the area. -All disk i.o. has been updated and thoroughly debugged. -^A, ^Z, CTRL Right Arrow, CTRL Left Arrow now work in command box. -Improvements to the form input (from disk file) have been made, and bugs that caused screwy things on wrapping an insert word occurring at the end of a line have been squashed. -You can now print only odd, only even, or all pages, so that printing double sided text on your printer output is now possible. -The .RSC file no longer is necessary, as the resource is now part of the program file itself. -Support for Moniterm monitor. 160 columns by 57 lines, or 160 by 93 lines in hi-res flip-flop. (ver. 3.7). -ver. 3.6 had a bug in the floppy format routine which appeared on TOS versions previous to TOS 1.2 (Mega TOS), and caused a fatal crash. Fixed in 3.7. -The mouse cursor state is neutralized at exit further enhancing running of the program from a shell. -ALL PREVIOUS VERSIONS TO 3.8 WILL NOT RUN PROPERLY ON THE STe COMPUTERS. THE TEXT AND BACKGROUND APPEAR THE SAME COLOR WHEN YOU PRESS ^T TO TRANSFORM COLORS. 3.8 works fine on the STe. As always, any bugs, let me know. Bruce Noonan, M.D., Compuserve [72407,504] or Genie [B.Noonan] GET ON THE RIGHT PATH Phil Lawson shows how to use the data set up with the sprite path definer. First of all, a big whoops needs getting over with. Somehow the sprite path definer has a very small, almost insignificant, (ok it was massive), bug. It affected the way that sprite paths were played after loading them from disc. This has now been sorted out, and the new version of the program appears on this months disc. For all the STOS users who requested the Basic program, all you need to do is change line 720 to: 720 if HI(A)>0 then doke ADDR,X(A,0) : inc ADDR : inc ADDR : doke ADDR,Y(A,0) : inc ADDR : inc ADDR : for B=1 to HI(A) : poke ADDR,X(A,B) : inc ADDR : poke ADDR,Y(A,B) : inc ADDR : next B Secondly, a small note to any other readers thinking about asking for the Basic listing. At the moment I'm sending out single sided discs with all sorts of goodies, including PI1 pictures, new character sets and some useful STOS routines that will format discs without having to return to the desktop. If you have a double sided drive, please tell me as I'll then be able to put more files on it for you. Right, down to this month's business. It's no good defining all these wonderful sprite paths, if you cannot use them in your next blockbusting game. You'll find the breakdown of the data file at the end of this article, but the program below shows exactly how to load the data, store it in an array and play it: 10 MODE 0 : KEY OFF : CURS OFF : HIDE ON 20 REM INITIALISE VARIABLES 30 REM ******************** 40 DIM x(10,999),y(10,999),hi(10),strt(9) 50 ERASE 5 : RESERVE AS DATA 5,19000 60 strt(1)=START(5)+4 : FOR a=2 TO 9 : strt(a)=strt(a-1)+2100 : NEXT a 90 REM LOAD SPRITE PATH(S) 100 REM ******************* 110 LOAD "PATHDATA.MBK",5 120 temp=START(5) : IF PEEK(temp)<>11 OR PEEK(temp+1)<>22 OR PEEK(temp+2)<>33 OR PEEK(temp+3)<>44 THEN STOP 130 FOR a=1 TO 9 : addr=strt(a) : hi(a)=DEEK(addr) : INC addr : INC addr 140 x(acЪp;x 6'0H!%:0@ "m澠п p^rh8݉@#qcJ@lN|!p9JC˙F:/Zc&y-)nHЦ@w͜Ϧ1jė ;Ȍd@\Sͪ` yxQt]glFɟ~nx PL ]H7_ڍhH} }/G]x pf*JsۼxUϣGɿG@6:lIϵGedž`_:N?Ͷ;Y4> h Mh/kgg_-WTUyt޶d74# QMENUC.PRGGN_{Th `40H":Ia` DHBAx daEK'`qC-mE@'RoƜT08u9s/%}5ᢠ6zS7=0#LCLd <42)8!Na衍!LKuB(B",! 2GNe/(?I& Y"$'b/7~BᇬQ9eyN2PhNw;!B [#Pi psE3[fHy0r&J*rY!BZia((OgH!Dl(re<*#F;mb-kF 8Gn)k}P*6w?u/Tz`H@P[ZO?DL,t$r @M8 nBj=\ HQ I0Ŗ>xbtjNϡ2SPp> rvWC ``*@fDl+B vZ z'7,(* ѱ$ !$dYјn F'h?x[1. #@t1  AnC2;C ;`>/%>0"D" e R 3DKL|O=zڭpSwKL_pLw@!N)`f2h > ?βiI92 ǯ" A70pKNNDײA"G^p/0"(&:F$B[\1CBk&> ßJt+шPH"܈ſ!'#ɀ${ 1*@vUa B4(PH@MrC PchXa dTPoL e$GmBud09ȿ%2~1@MBlP$<#4]!Gn@x4H+5LX<ƛDG(B0& u`CZ L C @07!rH@ @07w&Ё .A r`8KYz eC!*Q DHG= R4 nCJaR5Uҡ ahtP4Dt @B a(C :af pV4 **-̠ [h@Q) ?MCHZ9 r*0Y@"#`.pfI:  D[UTJ MPZ0b@1^ ].q\3D%qp݁E-$rh 4.5]`xͮwz-~kF(n 3$qFAX Dx;:#H: -9Z@ Z ڲ092fƃ=QabX..>lc!6b6 g89Dq>piLPg )?@tbPs`(`yD@ 旀@bv_ A0EڐKٔO)Xt%`'w5ɏyc: g b&aYI*˕ri*˩Ii.`z^)DpPE]4@g)PCXzK nB{)Th` Wh1'3E OЃ9*Ű"?0o6xcڂo!n+(), n:lП)C J@f UȀe/*aZ]$DDfOj f` raaPeT fxHT"2ЇTgk9 grZ`HI gHPsCgjj]ک z򶇠j]ĩzaȰ<@X%fs:bD4ɧQ J:g@kЦH@u  Ea **ocB b K 2` @"ʯj g/ڥVZA *Dꪙ9ɪr ЯÒ ۰[,+I@j $!gz O AD8 @q\YFq odB0z}hg 3e1(DwWA B 'b;w.PZ}Cb@_a @*Pa ixy| ; P)L:JPos +k@л !+ېK («; `_Cf`Dݻ LEPK_Bp ?%"HnE@ 9 PBpj*c,|! V";;Jp$L­ ,lh$!cBf('f,*W5 z6z0rD衧`oN@ W(yS8~@'f.`6  E&[p_K&-0YJqG\L*HL`0 |SZ:tqF id(X|ǀ jj,-)?Qcܞfjf4o1u<|` xEɛHɖ F¯ɴH|˝,f΁\,'\?̬J0`AɌ qLy ?]CNԖYXUc%lih~`t22 tab;Ÿ;{@c, c # 0 ;:9 ;b0f ҆? Ǣr@ DГn pqMym T0k:B0bKcŸ n=#: =; c}׉؈a!ڸץ}uz0*;gPlEz!P0 T`"RQ**p+y1CP- -H ߄xA(hD:0ڰ,0)=DEEK(addr) : INC addr : INC addr : y(a,0)=DEEK(addr) : INC addr : INC addr 150 IF hi(a)=0 THEN 200 160 FOR b=1 TO hi(a) : x(a,b)=PEEK(addr) : INC addr : y(a,b)=PEEK(addr) : INC addr 170 IF x(a,b)>128 THEN x(a,b)=x(a,b)-256 180 IF y(a,b)>128 THEN y(a,b)=y(a,b)-256 190 NEXT b 200 NEXT a 1000 REM PLAY THE LOADED SPRITE PATHS 1001 REM **************************** 1010 FOR a=1 TO 9 : IF hi(a)=0 THEN 1060 1020 SPRITE 1,x(a,0),y(a,0),2 : WAIT VBL 1030 FOR b=1 TO hi(a) : SPRITE 1,X SPRITE(1)+x(a,b),Y SPRITE(1)+y(a,b) 1040 WAIT VBL 1050 NEXT b 1060 NEXT a 1070 GOTO 1010 The important bits are between lines 100 to 200. This loads the named path data into memory bank 5 and copies the relevant information into the arrays x(a,b) and y(a,b). Line 120 also checks the first four bytes. These must be 11, 22, 33 and 44, otherwise the loaded file has not been created using the Sprite Path Definer and the program halts. The next byte is how many positions are in the next sprite path, followed by the starting X and Y positions, (see the breakdown at the end of the article). Lines 160 to 190 reads all the data into the arrays. This data is a series of offset values, which range from 127 to -127, and represent how far the sprite has to move from its last position. For instance, take a look at the table below. Current sprite position X-offset Y-offset New sprite position X = 100 Y = 80 2 0 X = 102 Y = 80 X = 102 Y = 80 -1 -1 X = 101 Y = 79 X = 101 Y = 79 0 -2 X = 101 Y = 77 X = 101 Y = 77 -2 1 X = 99 Y = 78 Table I: How offset values affect the sprite position. The part of the program that actually displays and move the sprite starts at line 1000. Line 1010 simply checks that the current path (1 to 9) contains some data. If the value of hi(a), (howmany positions are defined for that path), is zero, the rest of the routine is bypassed by jumping to line 1060. Line 1020 places the sprite at its start position, defined by the zeroth element of the arrays - x(a,0) and y(a,0) Lines 1030 to 1050 now move the sprite around the screen, by taking the current position and adding the next offset values. As shown, the program will show all the sprite paths in the order they were defined, but you could easily change this to display them in any order you want. Note, the important part of the program is lines 10 to 200. This only needs to be done at the very start to setup the arrays, and can be ignored for the rest of the time. You must agree that for compicated sprite paths, using a few lines as shown in 1000 to 1070 is a lot easier than constructing hundreds of MOVE commands. WHAT THE DATA FILE LOOKS LIKE This information is taken from the original text that described how to use the Sprite Path Definer. 1) When saving the path data to a file, the following format is used: The first four bytes are 11, 22, 33 and 44. This is used to identify a sprite path file when loading it back into SPD. The next byte is how many positions are defined in this path. The next four bytes are the actual starting position of the sprite, in hi-lo order. For instance, if these were 01, 04, 00 and 95, the start position can be found by: x = (01 * 256) + 04 = 260 y = (00 * 256) + 95 = 95 The remainder is taken up with the offset values for each of the sprite positions defined within this path. Note, if an offset value is greater than 127, treat it as a negative number. The way to calculate negatives is: if num > 127 then num = 256 - num All the above information, apart from the 11,22,33 and 44, is repeated for the whole nine paths. If any of these is empty, the "how many" value will be zero. If you haven't got a copy of the Sprite Path Definer, or would like the Basic listing, send a cheque for 2.00 to cover the cost of disc, postage, packaging and so on to: Phil Lawson 7, Eaglescliffe Close New Marske Redcar Cleveland TS11 8BB Please also indicate the type of disc drive you have access to, (single or double sided), and I'll fill it with all sorts of other goodies as well. Also, if you have any suggestions for articles, please let me know by sending them to the Editors, as they insist on knowing what I'm upto. Ah, the problems of working freelance. /-k7P m.-:.^Fig00p]BЀ ** 8*ߌX>/0[f*0` _|dNĸz* |6ʺ)L, @D^" @G<B)Uä́Ar?0f3GEC *{O􀟪B`` :;T"di w Ю  .qܐ@nr<>0q8Qc]g.։ fv&x0ধ܀4'N~ԜeLrPj:g fN6c(+oA*Lt`e<ŽžnמFN@wS` 0d R0AA#`00@Axp`^mcqvO v 2@2hccPei_vv( yO*tlDE̴?bDvv/,9./ߐovo` ; Q%b56"pk s?(7gL  M AՃvp7]dwYQ@: 6 #; I|@*d$<0X G E@F 0396Ə5ePP(j zFFpw`0G]` F m V@:*cf(G &@FP8pnH:*>dP" (@*@0Rp0a?vOX`0G@p`T@ +0Ӏ@a G/L@a: @q@-S3 ?p +p€@-c G/0?0jPdd`K&/Kphd `zTdy 5@KvPdJ 7KhdHؐTP" (@0Rp0a X&@0H>q3 _K +p€@e+DHs0 C&00I @0Rp0a0@`T@f3 _f@5RI5AI 1pad5  hc  Pp@p@ p K < T z@:*I|t ?D<0(I 0`;S" (@X6]p`{Pu# "{`@0ЭH: 6`I7 p,(`qr0A27v @,%I7 p,P`qr0Aq 0Z~|`H *s    hphp$%f?7 A1.0Z~|`H *%f?7 A7 27v @pp0 B B B Q > F:HD|` Rpf > 9@еa!HHU@qxp0NqH3^prH 77Fqp:@pp trpr %6hpa6hp`3^przP`=]o`H3^prH 77`R: Ǫ @q6i50r: (: (AZA7 wFqp:@pp trpr %6hpa6hp`3^przP`=F?rA:A7 w70|3^pp`dO07o*7RI7 7 2P"`jo@`[?7 F:0tp0G@`>_h3>:`*tp0G@`>_h3>:``SI7 0pSpJf F:I7 0pSpJf F:>:<`A*`)2`A7 27v  ;  N @\ @pc QYQ@Y;     }Yp0M ЃJf Vs  B 0Aq 0Z~|`H 2pк0 2p$H (`AqB<Y  QYQ Y Q0 Y0"Q0Y0QaG pTR0P=@`>0pnH:>:<`A*`)2`A7 27v  ;  N @\ @pcY  @Y;Y 1 Y0"p  aG pTR0P=@`>0pnH:>:<`A*`)2`A7 27v  ;  N @\ @pc A,7! ;Y  ,0"Y0 }aG pTR0P=@`>0pnH:>:<`A*`)2`A7 27v  @P @c   &Y0Y@Y R0P=@`>0pnH:>:<`A*`)2`A7 27v  @P @c   &Y0Y@Y R0P=@`>0pnH:>:<`A*`)2`A7 27v  @Ѓ%@ p*pc  YߐY Y0Y0Y@_" ``ps @ߐ@ @0@0`U@_\q>0pnH:>:<`A*`)2`A7 27v  @0 @pc   }/ЃJf Vs  B 0A27v  @ЃBg"  ћYYYA Q)BA AA !/ o>0pnH:>:<`A*`)2`A1.0Z~|`H Hp p(`AqB<YPYYY@YYY 0 ЃJf Vs  B 0A27v  @0 @pc  R0P=@`>0pnH:>:<`A*`)2`A Resource Programming with GFA Basic Part 1 Welcome to a new tutorial, on how to use Resource files with GFA Basic (versions 2 and 3 Basics will be catered for). Over the next few issues, John Peters will present programs and advice for the management of Resource files. A Gentle introduction Let's assume you have written a program, which requires the user to select between saving data to Drive A, or B. You could use an Alert box, which most of you will have seen, or you could draw some boxes for the user to click in, thus indicating the Drive of their choice; as seen below: ______ ______ | A | | B | The problem would be, that first you would have to draw these boxes, using a drawing program, such as Degas etc. and then cut out the bits you want, load these bits into your program, and now the real fun starts; your program would have to detect where the mouse is, and if you clicked inside one of the boxes, which one it was, and then clear up the screen ....., and another problem is that what you have just written only works in one resolution. Have I convinced you that a simple thing like just 2 boxes involves an awful lot of hard work? If I have? Then the answer is to use a Resource file. Firstly you will need a Resource construction program, such as the one which comes with GFA Basic V3, or you can buy one, such as K Resource 2 or Wercs, there are probably a lot more on the market, but those are the leading ones. There is also a PD editor but it is not as good as the commercial ones. These programs save a Resource file onto your disk. A Resource file (usually having the extender .RSC) is a special file which contains one or more Resources, which are simply a collection of data. This data when loaded, gives the computer, (using GEM), instructions on putting 'boxes', pictures or text, onto the screen in all resolutions. Each Resource file contains a TREE, so called because the structure of the data is arranged like branches coming off a tree's main trunk. The data for this TREE is kept so that it is translated by the computer to work in the current resolution that you are in without any extra programming. This file can contain more than one TREE structure, so you can have may different choices within one Resource. A tree may be one of 5 different types: FORM, ALERT, MENU, FREE IMAGE or FREE STRING. Forms and Menus are the most common types, and in turn they may contain OBJECTS. A good example of this is the GEM desktop, where the grey (green on colour systems) screen, is the form, and on that form you have the directories (the parent objects), and within the directories there are further files (children of the parent objects).Having created a Resource file, you need to create one of the structures. Let's suppose you choose a FORM. You could imagine this to be a piece of paper onto which you are going to draw something (an object). In turn that object may contain objects within itself, thus becoming the parent of child objects. You can go up to 7 generations deep, before GEM can't cope and crashes. (ie. an object within an object etc...) Menus are a type of tree most users will have seen, where the Menu Bar is created, the Menu Item being the parent, and the items in the dropped down bit, being its children. Alerts should be also quite familiar, these are a form with children on it.Free Strings and Free Images can be TREES in their own right, but the programming to control these is a little bit complicated, and these are usually seen as objects within a form. The Concept Of Trees And Children If you imagine a box on the screen, (this is the form), a slider bar drawn in that box would be a child of the form, and a slider within the slider bar would be the child of the slider bar, and the grandchild of the form. If you now put other objects on the form, they too would become children of the form and within those objects other objects would become grandchildren .. and so on. (Isn't sibling rivalry easy?) "Why on earth should I bother with all this?", I hear you cry. Simple! The programming involved to graphically represent multiple choices is minimal, and works for all resolutions. Imagine having to write a program to draw a box in all resolutions, then detect whether the mouse was clicked inside it, and if it was, invert the box's colour, as well as revert back to the original colour if clicked on a second time. And that's only for ONE box! That's what resources are all about. Some Things To Be Aware Of When Using Resource Files. Resource files cannot be bigger than 64K (which is quite a size in resource file terms). You should reserve space for your file, clear that space, prior to loading, and clear up the space on exit-ing your program. As already mentioned, your objects should not be nested more than seven deep, so really the command: ~OBJC_DRAW(tree%,0,99,x,y,w,h) where 99 is usually quoted as the depth, need only be 7. The last object of a tree should not be editable, ot1.0Z~|`H Hp p(`AqB<YPYYY@YYY 0 ЃJf Vs?&f`  Pf #F:@:  0F@` > ЭH:*cb m `  0pSpJf` ``0p;  #; ` P0pSpJf` ; 6h ?&f>: H݀݀݀0G@` ǀ ǀO%%%%0G@`>0sCçV0|DJ ?{D vS80 =d ^km D(D-^p>30} z@:H B`AvUn6n[":P"<ԟFg op@Pg g 1'0$pf PRP  pD q6;҂f 7 A&$rs d030PH 39'  bAZ -` ` ?` -n p |A&``~|`>0F0@P  m`0`A `0`A0U `> pnH:*c(PBpa m C@ zOo *0pz@:*cb6QaT/@6p,   @PfPH%` R<;!‷~0HdXc# @5x[ Kj`= c^@R-^9(@c^@Xc# HpSQFH.q-q?*u`F0[ @`@003jʥr!?Nq@*P( #; `GXT`0 q0f`-rA`  0FP nZ aPg<   A``0F`^PAUA H -@,T2`j @S0F` N/oR*0fV >8pnG|^jn@|Bp^J|U?l ^*ˉ) gh<E.`]d9/Ы]K@:!G4P@!z=Fp,> PA!zZRpDm` Yj:94`Ns/RA[2 ǂA=2 %p,> 0A AA[2 ǂA=1%p,> 0 P %p,> 0A AA[2 ǂA=1 %p,> 0  A[2 ǂA=2@%p,>A[2 ǂA=2` A[2 ǂA=2`%p,> ǂA=  @`Pp,>avo Pp,>p]:`vO XLg@ A8H Ѐ%p,> `H $p,"L A[2 ǂA=!H $p,!f A[2 ǂA=!v/L@Pg;T@qp@qpp>g;&@0C_g@*#7%^U3Bp`0pp,n 6]:`0pp,np:`0pp,np]:`Rp,>_h3BpP@A 6]:`RpJpm F:?0pP@!06F:!GL "A8H Р(kE0  "A8H90  "A8HE/)GG>_h3Bp`0pp,!f 6]^`RpJpmF:!G0pAD H Р(kEAhRpJpm F:?0p AB`H Ѐ*6F:?0 Pp,* jc1Ay"prȰ%CI0C"I$[@"14@A< @&C0a6A5#@"316A4d2FA0a54@RO"6 9@ 95`r`CZ~!c@@eA^Wkܜ$1tArS6WkܜrCl)q) Jd20o6oKA0aZ1$-:3a.P" p, 80I $ ЫFZ<Zp\y0!c6C2`I! :+A(tC2!#$"@&aƏ tA2@"6 9p#oPMG"M 9;hp7p8G/`T*g8c8Y(WxP"Ap!J$kItApJq67[I2Ap@pH`ID cC  Z\PAȝ0?6 A "cAjI(tC2!#$#iH WzlD-pMMpA ^E G"Zvq" cC g cC ih` (tC23ÑCFHKM UWZ𯀀salnka0P`:zJS_ A(S>A& ẻ6ddRJ Qdb&r&BJ' dl"%Q21d" `"0J' dqdZdJt5dkd2&k_kȚJ'ZyK&`"`"D`tPBA&`"`"JP;d&&JJP;d&&6_k `yK&C&2A&JPdd&`0kA&HF&C&30J' &vc"1`"2D`t5d2&dRJ0J'IyK&6`"7`"8D`tyK&A&HM&;D`tbdB'=`"> 9`&5d(dd>0`"yK&B`"C&]`&1d"-db&r0`";3A&H`"I`"V`&+d&Od0herwise you will crash your program. You should always do a 'sort' of the objects prior to saving your .RSC file, again the result of not doing so is a crash. Resource programming is quite straight forward, despite it's outward appearance, as GEM does most of the work for you. The results can be very good, and a bit of playing around with icons will result in a nice graphic screen which leaves the user under no doubt about what he has to do. Using a Resource file editor. All the editors I have used, save at least 3 files. One is the resource file data (extender .RSC), the next is a definition file which is used by the editor for that resource file, and the last, is an include file for your own programs. The reason for this include file is that during the construction of a resource, you should give all the objects names (preferably meaningful ones), so that when you write your program, you know which object you wish to refer to, rather than just use it's number. For example if you have a button which has got "QUIT" in it, give it a name "QUIT". Basic programming. The programs that go with this article will work in GFA Basic versions 2 or 3, however using version 3 makes the program a lot shorter (a good reason to upgrade). The resource files are also included on the disk. The program that follows was written in Version 3 Basic, but the explanation should be clear enough for you to understand the Version 2 listing (on the disk as RSC_1.BAS).Ok let's make a resource file, and a program to control it. This first step is a very simple text dialog box, with an exit button. It shows some important first steps in resource programming. The first thing to do is to reserve some space for the resource file, so we drop the memory requirements of Basic, by the length of the resource file. RESERVE -362 Next inform the AES (part of GEM) to free some space for a resource data block. ~RSRC_FREE() Now load the resource file. The command RSRC_LOAD loads the resource file, calculates any reformatting necessary for different screen resolutions, and returns an error. If the error is 0 then there was an error, non zero = no error. a&=RSRC_LOAD("rsc_1.rsc") If there was an error, try an find the resource file IF a&=0 ALERT 1,"Can't find Resource file|Try and select it with|the fileselector",1,"OK",v| FILESELECT "\rsc_1.rsc","",r$ IF r$<>"" found the resourec file, load it! a&=RSRC_LOAD(r$) ELSE Otherwise end the program END ENDIF ENDIF Now set up the variables from the resource file. Remember that I said that the objects should have meaningful names, which were given whilst constructing them. These variable names have been imported into the procedure set_vars from the resource editor.set_vars We need to get the start address of the resource structure. The parameters are passed to the routine in the order; type, index, returned address.Where type in this case is for an object tree (0), and the array index is for the start of the whole tree (infobox&). ~RSRC_GADDR(0,infobox&,tree%) Now, we ask the AES to calculate the x and y coordinates, so our form will appear in the centre of the screen. ~FORM_CENTER(tree%,x&,y&,w&,h&) Get the part of the screen that is going to be over-written by the dialog box, so you can restore it later on. GET x&,y&,x&+w&,y&+h&,temp$ Now draw the form, starting at the first object, and going through all possible generations. ~OBJC_DRAW(tree%,0,7,x&,y&,w&,h&) Here is the clever bit, instead of having to detect all the possible mouse positions, you hand over control to the AES, and the computer will now sit in a loop, until you click on an object that has an exit status. It returns the object's number that you clicked on in result|. result|=FORM_DO(tree%,0) If you want to re-draw this form at some later date, then you have to reset the status of the box you clicked on to exit. Otherwise it will be inverted next time you re-draw the form. OB_STATE(tree%,result|)=BCLR(OB_STATE(tree%,result|),0) Put the screen back to normal. PUT x&,y&,temp$ If you have finished with your resource data, before you quit your program, free up the space used by the resource data. ~RSRC_FREE() Put memory back as you found it. RESERVE All done, then .. END ' PROCEDURE set_vars set up variables from the resource construction program. ' (* resource set indicies for RSC_1 *) LET infobox&=0 !form/dialog ## Tree Structure ## LET paper&=0 !BOX in tree INFOBOX LET line1&=1 !STRING in tree INFOBOX LET line2&=2 !STRING in tree INFOBOX LET line3&=3 !STRING in tree INFOBOX LET line4&=4 !STRING in tree INFOBOX LET line5&=5 !STRING in tree INFOBOX LET exit&=6 !BUTTON in tree INFOBOX RETURN The example is not very exiting, but shows some important first steps in programming resource files. It has not been my intention to explain all points about constructing the file in the first place. You should note, that I have said, that the object you exit the re`"A&M&O`"Q`tyK&Q&R5_k0;yK&T`"U`"0J' 5dr&OdJ0J' d&&_ktdYd&s_ktd2drd"J0J'*[A&c`"L&eD`tdb&r&_ktPBA&F&j`"kD`td¿dd_ktyK&o`"p`"qD`td"&2&BJ0J' 5dR&b&rJ0J' db:d*d",J'zSyK&{`"A&}D`tqA&~`"`"0J' 7d&"&2J0J'zwA&`"`" 9`!tyK&`"`"D`twG#I&Zak0k&6P=$0[qÑM[p%0[a]Pykp%t`y;pPb ]LPq;pp`[jQkñp@`"; 0kPQ `";-OVQ&Ry;kdRBP|A!Q$DZyOsPPZyQQ&DZOs2 [5kB!9ћJZC%pPZyd"%pI&`"jK;$0[q _ky[pjy[pq 90[qu`y;pb!b]LPqF& pSy;p0|SypkdRB4 0[q`"Ip`&7-OPq`"I;k,6dZ!kdZa41k&6d;$0[q_[y[p%0[qp [apcAPqp [;[qIbAPqjkp 8F 0[q2  0[qk oyp@׫[210[q%p%$p`yk[21APq, [pIypw7kB!QPApj&CPqq$F&2D A0D A0D`A,DADB&E P$0E`QE:PEQ2E Q E`XQt0E`QE EQ0E@Q0EQ0EQ0E Q0EP E` QS0E Q0EQ0FPIFPrF@yF `0Fa20F`60F aT0F@DFavob0F a0F a0F a0Gp0GPIGqL}tGq GP#:렮B;(#G 5p4GypG'p G4pG=qDI5LJFyqQGrLҀ$b0DV"[lV8[l'[K[1mմUVZ]N1k@XIS.hXܵ4e@LH6'W.CR\΁sD)I4o  Iθ 3Ē7ݬyi::い!`M9:@p 4zğёCtFrCW* 0Fϙ eUxaeݱorGGwE_&2d'ZfcfYs0U֤ $tz WqɭFgB2  ,FGt 7{roNȀ6q8&} dFr0giZWwttQFhRIjI1)-B:eaGhd$W:'sS6Bp'HFvs^tBi i!yXjD*tdY7uhdCĊiα[KFxsՆod17sgA*)J 3$é- 1lp̚Ʊdd\@ q x *k!F^fpŞ X"LGuZ\e1oY*9\-u֚qZ6B ۶M,-M7aq7^ 0wn7-w฾xgHYni B-tdFgRAtN.8>⍫k@g m̙dko\ޭrX l\ +&KKnЫEA!iG,EPNN G?/,Bp8Ay"BR5H(D` CXa, 8 C (W+P`" @)2@7!` >!5r^Q  O ,qx" &@ L`:"qAsC"ы^ "Q 0%XCvh0 0F p(H@Ԁ&@h E> ,C ^ayq|'3ͩ  MPe-.QtH-)7S69Cpn !F">P t"\F."T H*QXLd). 8xRJ`N(eU)0@@$@Z՚ֵroգZ%=u+W x < H@H{tM8 lS|c-` ł 8Ho2$G`0@n@=yБ~@<" ,:g fomMp 'Ѷ\( J:r7C@%IdVu)%93ZN6庌 ,rx( ,b=ׁR9 VлUn!N郒};͸A̎'6Yz"o\-an]`='pw[! sU1lݻC^Z6yLpR3n6#x!氆$is_QXlÑRt/yOX./;+ @иaWb`́ 7yÔI]AXk!\@ 眗NȱOMYL~BҊ^L4'܁7סÆ˖f/=tvE qg91öb,ìSY]fCV@볁$8a4R'Ȑ? |-Czp,|I X]+PGt"NB) B!D(Q@ q9eNs"4!p 8+(c>s)BQ.( S'ca Е(D  A0A1|^@Bo@( p3 W</Jipc 6{> *J! P ry@/{_>|' {  \ã}r_П|_Gg( 'wz'{'0o7&0(0 3 {@#%sBx#cp  0zf/?N@-AGI+PW}w}}{w~fyJfZ4@}{^{u}0P0~inuh q H{fxhX|j|#zxІos腨Xz~he HhxX6Ѕ`w!h0h|؁~8 M@_p$@FxNІkJH>R1A3 k@4y#/^f8J@? {> *Ox&x&0`4#i%^!( Cg2L0g@c';9& q?W{P{Ĉy({Kvh{B``Ԑ{X\i IH0&0T|>'" (h p@gx.t|y( |Y|0c0&`) |p~ R!(dp `7pz<~(z'` `.p~sP|~ηvƉ|g pGڇyjI9yz|ᛮgZ'NǜY|xx%23P{ @`I ψ[yqׇHI[ ږ(:*P{ ڊX{_ g%xL Ip0iBJc2B0&xyz99yx@Y؜*B*q&T锬@(Ȩn 0@c6!7 ,P ڠv:%JPꨢʕZheU uWyia'source by clicking on, must be of exit status. This status is one of the flags that an object may have. If you are going to allow the AES to control your form, and only exit when you click on certain objects, then these objects, must be capable of telling the AES that you wish to exit when they are selected. Similarly, they must also be selectable in the first place, otherwise you would not be able to click on them. (Try selecting the text within the form, you can't, because these objects are not selectable). Another point, is that having selected your exit box (OK), this now has become selected. Next time you display that object, it will be presented inverted (selected). To overcome this problem, before you carry on with your program, you should reset that object's status. To explain a bit more on flags and states of objects, an object may have the following configurations: OB_FLAGS OB_STATE ======== ======== normal normal selectable selected default crossed exit checked editable disabled radio button outlined last object shadowed touch exit hide tree indirect Taking the exit box in our form, it had the following OB_FLAGS set: selectable, default, exit. When the program was run, the OB_STATE was normal, when you click on it, it's OB_STATE became selected. Default means, that if you press the RETURN key, then that object will behave as though you clicked on it. Next time I shall introduce some multiple choice into the resource file, and show the programming for it. 06601030301800 6L....T....T....T....T....T....T....T....T....T....T....T....T....R  This month Peter Phillips gets to grips with HiSoft Power BASIC in the first of his tutorial series on BASIC. FirST STeps in BASIC Before you begin to program any computer, it is important to grasp one fact. THE COMPUTER DOES NOT THINK. No matter how intelligent your ST may seem at times, it is not an intelligent system in the same way humans are intelligent. It cannot reach logical conclusions about anything without being given a precise series of instructions. The ST may give the impression of thinking on it's own, but all its really doing is following a series of instruction - a program. In order for a computer to be able to do anything, no matter how simple it may appear to us, the task must be broken down into a series of precise steps for the computer to follow. Try making a list of all the steps you would expect to follow when you go to make a cup of tea. You list should look something like this: 1. Fill Kettle 2. Boil Kettle 3. Put Teabag In Pot 4. Pour On Boiling Water 5. Pour Milk Into Cup 6. Pour The Tea These six steps are simple enough for a child of a bout six to follow and make a cup of tea. These instructions only appear simple to us because we have learned some basic knowledge of the world around us a s we've been growing up. A computer has no knowledge at all, so every single step in the tea making process must be set out, like this: 1. Grasp Kettle By Handle 2. Take Kettle To Sink 3. Grasp And Remove Lid 4. Place Kettle Under Cold Tap 5. Turn On Cold Tap 6. Wait Until Kettle Is Full 7. Turn Off Cold Tap 8. Replace Lid ... and so it would go on, each step carefully laid out. Even these steps above can be broken down still further in terms of precise distances and angles of movement, amount of pressure and volume of water. Before you Start... Assuming you haven't already done so, make a copy of which ever BASIC you intend to use to follow this series. If you're using the version of PowerBASIC included on the CoverDisk then copy all the files to a blank disk and de-archive them. This will give you room to store some of the tutorial files on the same disk. If you're using another BASIC such as GFA then set up a new work disk to hold the files from the tutorial series. This will help to keep them separate from any other work or example files you may have. Reboot your ST and load up your chosen BASIC. It doesn't matter which sort of BASIC you're using since the examples in this Tutorial have been designed to work with most of the common programs. However, they are intended to work with the HiSoft BASIC dialects, specifically: * FirST BASIC - bundled with may of the newer ST packs such as the TurboZ{NƈYɖ7jX#u x@*C@`u``Nw<0&`r` `0&Jz QMENUC.RSCGA _x 4 sE(@X,  @J1!,0$!E¤H)E@qBPH ҤHM)S)c 7pʐQgN7g@P!D7d BƋ)TqCF4氁ʒ,@F4`#m)ARdS&̜2 Y.`A捛0tXABҰaBțT(YuLrG \sEw `SK} ٵt@RBu5T#w?6p.h@Kn$օ7@?P.ٶP jPP^;{C<^7>P<=s|4@p}G0E@?~m!k`+W?X0^1LsVG-F@3DFXps y` O[a@  6*aBVa+X Dd/X ݬ& ̟D=G g0G5=cz !xD , @Cm"HZBXI7B҄(@;Lj AN$ E!"Jc !M;#R!%"yy M"$$YI` sDZDtΒF=щqssb\4gמ͵=8'.qS9q͵-  zsCm;vs?&oV ]!X1@VRz1+H*=-8 t^ HGS`uQD6]t@*Q `$ Jp,ŪV  #[JٔSSVsS@$YkWyogsg  )SKc2R7H V Yj*iڰ- ńOـ9],)4&"4 l5PB`*S1=qZӦRzv@$ŵܶNC  3l-L gURfFՆJ [,~fF^ZB0DBXѫ{GbvXO48 0$c†!facx@FGZH<Pβ,P.`qh2Ms`C.v&]Ӊ>B>@ k 4g,B\M] f-/mAPO Rq1j|-US,P |jt r >x da%K'`qf#-mE<'RoƜT08t9s/%}5ᢠ6zC7=0#LCLd <42)8!Na衍!LKtB(>",! 2GNe/(?I& Y"$'b/7~BᇫQ9eyN2\hNw:!B [#Oi psE3[fHy0r&J*rY!BZi`((gH!Dl(qe<*#F;mbjFJ8Gnj}P*6w?uSz`H@P[ZO?DL,t$r 0SM7 nj=\ HQ I0Ŗ>xb4jNϡ2SPp> rvWC ``*@fDl+B vY z'6! 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From the amount of mail we receive on the subject of running these ARCed programs, we've decided to include a special feature on the disk this month on how to de-ARC programs so they can be run. In order to get archived programs to run, you must first de- archive them back into their normals PRG states. In order to do this, you will need a working understanding of how the ST's desktop works. Before you go any further, read through the section in the User Manual that came with your ST on how to format floppy disks and copy files. Here are some simple steps to help you with de-arcing files and getting them to run. 1. Format a blank disk in the usual way from the desktop. 2. Open a window on the desktop to display the contents of the CoverDisk and locate the .ARC file that contains the programs or files you need. 3. Drag the icon for the ARC file to your newly formatted disk and follow carefully the prompts to swap disks. 4. When the ARC file has been copied across to the new disk, go back to the CoverDisk and locate the program called ARCX.TTP, which is in the root directory of the disk. 5. Copy ARCX.TTP to the newly formatted disk that contains the ARC file you copied in step 3. 6. Double click on ARCX.TTP which you now have on the disk and a dialog box will open asking for parameters to pass to ARCX. All you need to do is type in the name of the ARC file you copied to the disk. For instance, if the ARC file is called COVER.ARC the all you need to type in is COVER and ARCX will do the rest. 7. ARCX will now begin to de-arc the files in the archive, and store them in the root directory of your disk. ARCX asks whether each file in the ARChive is to be extracted. Answer YES if you wnat the file or NO if you don't. Answering ALL will unARChive every file in the archive without asking, or QUIT will stop the unARChing process. 8. When it's finished, ARCX will exit on its own and all the files from the Archive can be clicked on in the normal way. For those of you with a hard drive, ARCX is perfectly happy to work on files stored on your hard drive. Simply copy ARCX and the ARC file to the partition and start it in the normal way. If you understand file redirection from the Atari command line, you can use the command parameters that ARCX needs to specify input and output paths for the ARC files. This is explained in more detail in the ST Owners manual that came with your ST. Flummoxed by files? Getting worked up over windows? Tied up by text? Mathew Lodge and his contributors can help you out. Covered this week are disk File Allocation Tables and machine code multiplication. Simple GEM ========== Dave Wade from the University of Salford has a few good suggestions for fledgeling GEM programmers: "Just a tip for readers who want to write GEM programs. I have now read many articles on how to do this, and lots of series, and most seem to start at the wrong end of the process. They all start with 'How to open a window', 'How to use the AES' etc. I am producing a desk accessory which has a fairly simple task. It copies a disk file of registrations to/from a MIDI device. After reading the guff I finally decided just to use alert boxes and the file selector. This had produced a fairly nice piece of code which didn't need too much inside knowledge of GEM. More generally, when debugging I found alert boxes really useful, and I now just insert a call to form_alert wherever I would have used printf in the past. If I need to output variables I just use sprintf first. If anyone else wants to start producing GEM based applications, might I recommend this route to start with. Then, when you get going, you can graduate to windows and menus later on." Accessory Anguish ================= The first of two Swedish correspondents this month is Martin Hagelin from the Swedish Royal Insitute of Technology. He's fed up of opening windows on the desktop in order to run programs on his hard disk. He's tried a few menuing programs, but they don't provide the file management routines (copying, deletion etc.) that the Desktop does. "I thought: Why not write a menu system that was controlled from an accessory? First I tried using shel_write {covered in the clinic last month - ML}. Nothing happened. In the documentation I've got it says that the program will be run after the current application is terminated, but the accessory application never terminates. Then$`Hϕk'@ tٳVs J CV\b9'@ tٳ.s K CV\9A'@ tٳpX69$`Hϕ 9'@ tys LCV\' A'@ tys M CV\s@w<X_ A$`Hϕ;q@wa<XbOV\ 9'@ tyu\~F ff ` ` ` `` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` & `<6`` V6?:;`"fF&0#w"w!B׎wA B׎wa Rw bw rw B׎ww!8qr!s8qd!fu8qV! 8qH!fv8q:!8q,0jcVR!` D`A `m _?^%3AGEMG\0c& Ys!7c& Ysx%P0*<=!9` izq߆ A $@_pPyA2` 'E@pWD c6 P@$w!!p6`y 3& Ys~4cmbP0*1*vAߏ0tp@ @-;^XH0 ‰ot= ‰\ *DO#u$qQGڸ*DO@r}]" OP[@r =π )P / *0~zN wE? 9$  㧧@pWD A$  㧧@pWD i@r} @r 㧧@pWD` Pp/ *0~zN wE@r} @r? *0~zN wEfPv*0~zN wEб{ A$Y 㧧@pWD b 0*0~zN wE` A$Y 㧧@pWD b 0*0~zN wE` A$Y 㧧@pWD b 0*0~zN wE` A$Y 㧧@pWD b[ 㧧@pWD + / *0~zN wE`?(0A$G A[[ɛkn\Pq R PP{AJ Ői-)Q0-V"#*D>V ٗu `Ï6c@W"ֲ9^ W"E`3Z"S"F`4Z" ?F 3Z"V"G 3%2X69^Y‚ /.㧧@pWD v`P b9~zN wEбGPu㧧@pWD x`P‚ /.㧧@pWD U7~zN wEpk>| , b9~zN wE`Pu㧧@pWD {U7~zN wE`qk>] , b9~zN wE`! U7~zN wE`n  ,M!9` pXU pkOzM%O*D>` S!9` )A:Z.A`t蟖`1a P6d^|&PpN`f9F5QEU0. S0TNP.N`q <@7Dol  @2's2's2's2``2's2's2's2's  2g````````e`  e  H @&+ `ʐ@6o@ @` =@&`` @ $@0@ ` .< " ``  2g @&@b` @  s  @&( sL@@$@$@@@$@@@F@pQ P @&@& " @@&@ & & 0`@` X `$X`&,@ ``(@& `X@$`$ &   `" `@ < $@0 ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` H  $`$ `   &` p``X` " "  e2````````````````` r  `@ `db `` `@&`QMENUS.RSCGf_D* p2Nv@ *S8eȀ3'3 I2u؄i!*`ȸ! ;s@QeI  PȈA# 0Z )@aS&̜2 .`A捛0tҸABҰaBțE;_ )?Z1Qv7!EMqA߄块z<Bu1-F .Py_~B7Ahâ9 :6"p:tx y 朐 7, ,p+ݩDͶq:6݁o$)SNvpI mQ02 v6! =.mX {h]SCΦf7K;>{l/@NU/lۀ/ TY|sDC+t}b>*) ėEPN9*Ute:QjošF?vy? 6pĝ$9ѩNvYN~>éς Bχ(C :Obԝ[@(fܪvmH ` 1lQ'5/>rBVQMENUSC.PRG*_K>A `4H":I= DHBA:ã?$?,8".(i V%dy$/:@?r9Dw -p]vG@+Xp!#~(A|g I tried to start another application inside the accessory with appl_init, the shel_write and appl_exit, but nothing happened. Pexec() worked, starting a program, but then after terminating and going back to the desktop, everything got weird - the desktop didn't update and menus disappeared etc. And now I wonder: Is there a way to start a program from an accessory, and if so, how do I do it?" A tricky problem with no obvious solution, though Martin could try one of the Desktop replacement programs such as NeoDesk 3 or GFA Hotwire. GDOS problems ============= Someone a who has got further into the innards of GEM is Daniel Stewart of Potter's Bar. He's being having problems with GDOS programs. "I have recently purchased the G+PLUS replacement for Atari GDOS, and I'm very pleased with the speed improvements that it gives me with MicroSoft Write and EasyDraw. I've also been writing some small C programs of my own that use fonts, and I've mastered the subtle differences between workstations and virtual workstations. However, I have been unable to get any fonts to print out using the FX80.SYS driver supplied with Write. In fact, I don't get anything out at all - how do I print out a page? My second problem is with metafiles. First of all, I can only seem to create metafiles with the name GEMFILE.GEM, and they're always empty. I have the metafile driver installed as device 31, but I can't seem to create anything that I can load into EasyDraw." What is Daniel doing wrong? Answers please to the address at the foot of the column. FAT and frantic =============== In the December clinic I kicked off with Richard Wheeldon's query about the File Allocation Table (FAT) used by GEMDOS to keep track of files. Richard wanted to know how to read the entries in the table, and a rather formal M. Lloyd of Stepney, London comes to his aid: "Each FAT entry points to one data cluster (one cluster = two disk sectors) with standard formatting. Floppy disks have FAT entries that are twelve-bits in size. This limits a disk to four megabytes in size, so hard disks come with a driver allowing access to a sixteen bit (word sized) FAT entry. Regrettably, TOS versions before 1.4 only allow 32768 sectors to be accessed (16 megabytes per drive), due to a sign extension bug in the GEMDOS code. Because of this mistake, hard disk manufacturers use various schemes to get around this limitation (e.g. non-standard sector sizes), and hacking hard disks with your own code is a recipe for disaster. The FAT entry layout is complicated by the rather strange Intel format used (to maintain compatibility with PC disks). If a, b and c are three consecutive bytes from the FAT table, then the first cluster number is given by ((b AND $0F) * 256) + a And if you thought that was bad, the second entry number is given by ((c / 16) * 256) + (((c * 16) AND $F0) OR (b / 16)) Having converted the FAT entry into a number, you now have to relate them to data clusters on the disk. The first few sectors on a disk are reserved for the boot sector, the two FAT tables and the root directory. The cluster number is given by the following (again, rather complicated) formula: Cluster = ((sector - (RES + (NFATS*SPF) + (NDIRS*32)/BPS))/2)+2 Where: RES = No. of reserved sectors NFATS = Number of FAT tables SPF = Sectors per FAT NDIRS = Number of root directory sectors BPS = Bytes Per Sector All the above data is available from the disk's boot sector." Timer trouble ============= Next up is Fredrik Kilander from Stockholm, Sweden, who is having trouble with the hardware timers in the ST: "Is there a clean and Officially Approved way of restoring the timer data registers in the MFP 68901 to either the values they were initialised with before my program touched them, or their initial reset values? I am working on a program (real time audio pitch converter) in which I need two timers. The documentation I have describes the MFP's timers like this: Timer A: Applications and end users Timer B: Horizontal blank counter Timer C: System clock (200Hz) Timer D: RS232 baud rate generator Timer A is, of course, available. I hope that timer D can be restored by reading and restoring the RS232 configuration via TOS. Timer B is an enigma. Does it count pulses or does it generate them? If it generates them, would using timer B cause problems (like frying the monitor)? Timer C uses 200Hz and I guess this is the same for all STs - it could be restored by simply setting it to that frequency. The simple way out is to do it like a game: you can't exit unless the computer is reset, but I'd rather be able to use and restore the MFP registers at will, without horrible sound effects." That's All, Folks ================= Keep the letters coming - especially the solutions and comments on other people's problems and ideas, but don't forget that the clinic depends on your problems too! Remember to include your full name (or title, if preferred), and giv `C9"gy:L|"?!QE({lEP8ȵ+ݪ [ (+-֒*) hʩ)"f-6?ʅ/T`H@P\"ZO?DL,t$r @M8 nBj=\ 3HåQ I0>xbtjNϡ2SPp> rvWC ``*@fDl+B vZ z+ǜ1! 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Do Run Run STWRITER.PRGB!B!* the following table gives the widths of the various dot matrix* printing modes. A least common multiple was calculated so all* mode widths could be represented as a whole number* weights* columns per page = 80 lcm= 5280* if columns = 132 then lcm= 8712* normal = 80 columns 66* elongated = 40 columns 132* condensed = 132 columns 40* condensed elongated = 66 columns 80* condensed elite = 160 columns 33* elite = 96 columns 55* elongated elite = 48 columns 110** column width5280* pica and elongated condensed elite66* elongated pica132* condensed40* condensed elongated80* condensed elite33* elite55* elongated elite110** character translation table to accommodate non-Atari printers which* may not have the international set in 8 bit codes but instead use* character substitution. Set up currently for Atari printers*0x00,0x01,0x02,0x03,0x04,0x05,0x06,0x07,0x08,0x09,0x0a,0x0b,0x0c,0x0d0x0e,0x0f0x10,0x11,0x12,0x13,0x14,0x15,0x16,0x17,0x18,0x19,0x1a,0x1b,0x1c,0x1d0x1e,0x1f0x20,0x21,0x22,0x23,0x24,0x25,0x26,0x27,0x28,0x29,0x2a,0x2b,0x2c,0x2d0x2e,0x2f0x30,0x31,0x32,0x33,0x34,0x35,0x36,0x37,0x38,0x39,0x3a,0x3b,0x3c,0x3d0x3e,0x3f0x40,0x41,0x42,0x43,0x44,0x45,0x46,0x47,0x48,0x49,0x4a,0x4b,0x4c,0x4d0x4e,0x4f0x50,0x51,0x52,0x53,0x54,0x55,0x56,0x57,0x58,0x59,0x5a,0x5b,0x5c,0x5d0x5e,0x5f0x60,0x61,0x62,0x63,0x64,0x65,0x66,0x67,0x68,0x69,0x6a,0x6b,0x6c,0x6d0x6e,0x6f0x70,0x71,0x72,0x73,0x74,0x75,0x76,0x77,0x78,0x79,0x7a,0x7b,0x7c,0x7d0x7e,0x7f0x80,0x81,0x82,0x83,0x84,0x85,0x86,0x87,0x88,0x89,0x8a,0x8b,0x8c,0x8d0x8e,0x8f0x90,0x91,0x92,0x93,0x94,0x95,0x96,0x97,0x98,0x99,0x9a,0x9b,0x9c,0x9d0x9e,0x9f0xa0,0xa1,0xa2,0xa3,0xa4,0xa5,0xa6,0xa7,0xa8,0xa9,0xaa,0xab,0xac,0xad0xae,0xaf0xb0,0xb1,0xb2,0xb3,0xb4,0xb5,0xb6,0xb7,0xb8,0xb9,0xba,0xbb,0xbc,0xbd0xbe,0xbf0xc0,0xc1,0xc2,0xc3,0xc4,0xc5,0xc6,0xc7,0xc8,0xc9,0xca,0xcb,0xcc,0xcd0xce,0xcf0xd0,0xd1,0xd2,0xd3,0xd4,0xd5,0xd6,0xd7,0xd8,0xd9,0xda,0xdb,0xdc,0xdd0xde,0xdf0xe0,0xe1,0xe2,0xe3,0xe4,0xe5,0xe6,0xe7,0xe8,0xe9,0xea,0xeb,0xec,0xed0xee,0xef0xf0,0xf1,0xf2,0xf3,0xf4,0xf5,0xf6,0xf7,0xf8,0xf9,0xfa,0xfb,0xfc,0xfd0xfe,0xff** printer specific control strings* underline on27451255255255255255* underline off27450255255255255255* elongated on27871255255255255255* elongated off27870255255255255255* superscript on27830255255255255255* superscript off2784255255255255255255* subscript on27831255255255255255* subscript off2784255255255255255255* bold on2771255255255255255255* bold off2772255255255255255255* italics on2752255255255255255255* italics off2753255255255255255255* compressed on15255255255255255255255* compressed off18255255255255255255255* elite on2777255255255255255255* pica on2780255255255255255255* carriage return/line feed sequence0x0d0x0a255255255255255255* printer reset2764255255255255255255* draft quality print271200255255255255255* letter quality print271201255255255255255Do Run Run STWRITER.PRG6 4 1 5 0 5 75 2 6 132ATARI ST-WRITER HELP SHEETFORMAT BLOCK (Top of page)CONTROL- "B" - Bottom margin "L" - Left margin "D" - Paragraph spacing "R" - Right margin "G" - Change font "S" - Line spacing 0=pica 1=bold 2=condensed "T" - Top margin 4=italics 8=elite "Y" - Page length "I" - Paragraph indentation "M" - Dbl. column left margin "J" - Justification toggle "N" - Dbl. column right marginFUNCTION KEYS F1 - Go to end of file SHIFT F1 - Go to start of file F2 - Insert block SHIFT F2 - Move block F3 - Uppercase Toggle SHIFT F3 - Underline On/Off F4 - Set tab SHIFT F4 - Clear tab F5 - Delete block SHIFT F5 - Set block marks F6 - Forward search SHIFT F6 - Reverse search F7 - Query replace SHIFT F7 - Global replace F8 - Merge file SHIFT F8 - Save block F9 - Form printing insertion SHIFT F9 - Expanded print toggle F10 - Subscript SHIFT F10 - SuperscriptOTHER COMMANDS CONTROL-A or CONTROL-[LEFT ARROW ] - Cursor beginning of line CONTROL-C - Center line of text CONTROL-CC - Block right line of text CONTROL-E - Page eject CONTROL-F - Footer CONTROL-H - Header CONTROL-K - Abort search or replace/ Insert comment in text CONTROL-O - Enter printer control code CONTROL-P - Paragraph mark CONTROL-Q-number - Page # to start numbering from CONTROL-U - Section heading, level CONTROL-V-Filespec - Chain print Filespec CONTROL-W - Page wait CONTROL-X - Before and after Control Characters when they are to be actually inserted into the text. CONTROL-Z or CONTROL-[RIGHT ARROW] - Cursor end of line @ - Replaced with page number in header or footer CONTROL-DELETE - Delete to end of file SHIFT-DELETE - Delete to end of line UNDO - Restores a deleted block of text INSERT - Toggles between Insert and Type-Over modes CLR HOME - Delete file in buffer CONTROL-TAB - Clear all tab stops SHIFT-TAB - Restores default tab stops SHIFT-[UP ARROW] - Up one page SHIFT-[DOWN ARROW] - Down one page ALT-X - Toggles between normal and international characters ALT-= - Byte count at cursor position CONTROL-(keypad) * - Prints delta character CONTROL-(keypad) minus - Prints overscore character CONTROL-CLR HOME - Toggles deadkey mode (",',~,`,^,/,-,_)Do Run Run STWRITER.PRGB!B! ST WriterTM Elite Quick Reference Guide Page @Formatting commandsEnter value, where appropriate, following command.Bottom margin Control BBlock text right Control C Control C before each line, [Return] afterByte Count atcursor Alternate =Center text Control C before each line, [Return] afterChain print files Control V at bottom of file, followed by drive specifier and colon, if necessary, filename to be chained, and [Return]Control Characterinsert in text Control X before and after the control character temporarily turns off formatter and prints the character in your file.Double-column printing:2nd col. left Control Mmargin2nd col. right Control NmarginElongated print Shift F9 before and after textForm printing F9 for each blank in formHeaders and Control H for header,footers Control F for footer, then text and [Return] for each lineJustified and Control J and 1nonjustified (justified) or 0 margins (nonjustified)Left margin Control LLine spacing Control SMerge files F8Mouse on Click mouse buttonMouse off Click on Mouse in Options menu.Page eject Control E where page break is desiredPage length Control Y (for continuous printout, set top and bottom margins at 0)Page numbering @ (Shift 2) in header or footer; for starting page number other than 1, Control Q after [Return] that concludes header or footer, then desired page number. Negative value alternates right and left blocked headers and footers on alternate pagesPage wait Control WParagraph Control IIndentationTo make an outdent, use a negative valueafter Control I.Paragraph spacing Control DPrinter controls Control O and decimal codePrint stylesPica Control G and 0Bold Control G and 1Condensed Control G and 2(16.7 CPI)Italics Control G and 4Elite Control G and 8To mix print styles, add the numbers that followControl G. (Note: the number after [Control G]must be followed by a hyphen.) In GEM mode,print styles can be selected prior to Creatinga file by clicking on the appropriate buttonsin the Global Format dialog box.Right margin Control RSection Control U, section levelheadings number (1-9), heading text, and [Return]Subscripts F10 before, Shift F10 afterSuperscripts Shift F10 before, F10 afterTop margin Control TAlternate Alternate XCharacter set (toggle)Deadkey function Control Clr Home (toggle)Cursor movementUp (up arrow)Down (down arrow)Left (left arrow)Right (right arrow)Beginning of line Control (left arrow), or Control AEnd of line Control (right arrow), or Control ZTop of file Shift F1Bottom of file F1Page up Shift (up arrow)Page down Shift (down arrow)Next Tab stop (inserts spaces) Tab(no insert) Shift (right arrow), or Shift (left arrow)UnderlineNew or existing Shift F3 before and after texttextUpper and lowercase charactersSwitch between CapsLockupper andlowercaseChange existing F3text to upperor lowercaseParagraphsBegin paragraph Control PEnd paragraph ReturnType-over text/ Insertor Insert (toggle)Delete textCharacter under DeletecursorCharacter to Backspaceleft of cursorTo end of line Shift DeleteTo end of file Control DeleteEntire file Clr HomeRestore last Undoline or blockdeleteText blocks Shift F5 to mark beginning and end of text block, then --Delete block F5Duplicate block Position cursor, then [F2]. After initial duplication and before any line or block deletions, position cursor, then [Undo] to reduplicate block.Move block Position cursor, then [Shift F2]Save block Shift F8, then enter filenameSave ASCII You can only set right margin (10 to 160).Search and replaceSearch forward F6Search reverse Shift F6Global replace Shift F7Query replace F7TabsClear all Control TabTab stops Restore default Shift TabTab stopsClear Tab stop Shift F4at cursorSet Tab stop F4at cursorHalt printing EscReturn to menu EscDo Run Run STWRITER.PRGB!B!4 4 1 5 0 1 79 2 4 1325 ST Writer 1 KEY CODE TABLE0 Shift | Alternate "X" Shift + | +KEY Normal Shift Control Control | Normal Shift Control ControlReturn ^< ^< ^J ^J | ^< ^< ^J ^JSpace Bar Sp Sp | 1 ! 1 ! ^Q ^ | 2 @ 2 @ | 3 # 3 # ^S ^C | 4 $ 4 $ ^T ^D | 5 % 5 % ^" ^E | 6 ^ 6 ^ ^ ^ | 7 & 7 & ^W ^F | 8 * 8 * ^X ^J | 9 ( 9 ( ^Y ^H | 0 ) 0 ) ^P ^I | - _ - _ ^? ^? | = + = + ^_ ^K | ` ~ ` ~ ^ | [ { [ { ^Up ^Up | ] } ] } ^_ ^_ | ; : ; : ^Up ^Z | ' " ' " ^G ^B | , < , < ^L ^Dn | . > , > ^N ^ | / ? / ? ^O ^? | \ | \ | ^Dn ^Dn | A a A | B b B ^B ^B | C c C ^C ^C | D d D ^D ^D | E e E ^E ^E | F f F ^F ^F | G g G ^G ^G | H h H ^H ^H | I i I ^I ^I | J j J ^J ^J | K k K ^K ^K | L l L ^L ^L | M m M ^M ^M | N n N ^N ^N | O o O ^O ^O | P p P ^P ^P | Q q Q ^Q ^Q | R r R ^R ^R | S s S ^S ^S | T t T ^T ^T | U u U ^ ^ | V v V ^V ^V | W w W ^W ^W | X x X ^X ^X | Y y Y ^Y ^Y | Z z Z | Insert ^P | Clr Home 7 7 | Up Arrow ^X | F3 ^_ ^_ | ^_ Rt ^_F5 ^" ^" | ^" ^"F9 ^? ^ ^? ^ | ^? ^ ^? ^F10 ^Dn ^Up ^Dn ^Up | ^Dn ^Up ^Dn ^UpKeypad * * *   | Keypad - - - | Do Run Run STWRITER.PRG  10This template can be cut out and taped above your function keys as a quick reference. 51603|------- F1 -------|-------- F2 -------|-------- F3 -------|------- F4 -------|-------- F5 -------|-------- F6 -------|| 7 Top of File 3 | 7 Move Block 3 | 7 Underline On/Off3 | 7 Clear Tab Stop 3 | 7 Mark Block 3 | 7 Reverse Search 3 || | | | | | || Bottom of File | Insert Block | Uppercase Toggle | Set Tab Stop | Delete Block | Forward Search |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------- F7 -------|-------- F8 -------|-------- F9 -------|------- F10 ------|| 7 Replace 3 | 7 Save Block 3 | 7 Elongated On/Off3 | 7 Superscript 3 | 7 [Shift] 3 | | | | || Query Replace | Merge File | Form Character | Subscript |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------B(P!7n  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~--WWSTSTGH45MP @xx COMPLAINT ABOUT LATE DELIVERY OF ORDERED GOODS YOUR NAME. YOUR ADDRESS. DATE. RECIPIENTS NAME. RECIPIENTS ADDRESS. Dear sirs, On the 21st May, I sent you an order for a 512K computer, together with a cheque for 100.00. The goods have not yet arrived and, since your advertisement stated 28 day delivery, I request you process my order without further delay. If you are, for whatever reason, unable to supply my order within the next seven days, I will require a refund of all monies paid. Yours faithfully, ________________ [NAME HERE] ======== SORRY, THIS SECTOR CANNOT BE READ FROM FLOPPY DISK BY ST RECOVER. ======== ======== SORRY, THIS SECTOR CANNOT BE READ FROM FLOPPY DISK BY ST RECOVER. ======== ======== SORRY, THIS SECTOR CANNOT BE READ FROM FLOPPY DISK BY ST RECOVER. ======== ======== SORRY, THIS SECTOR CANNOT BE READ FROM FLOPPY DISK BY ST RECOVER. ======== ======== SORRY, THIS SECTOR CANNOT BE READ FROM FLOPPY DISK BY ST RECOVER. ======== ======== SORRY, THIS SECTOR CANNOT BE READ FROM FLOPPY DISK BY ST RECOVER. ======== ========== SORRY, THIS SECTOR CANNOT BE READ FROM FLOPPY DISK BY ST RECOVER. ======== ======== SORRY, THIS SECTOR CANNOT BE READ FROM FLOPPY DISK BY ST RECOVER. ======== ======== SORRY, THIS SECTOR CANNOT BE READ FROM FLOPPY DISK BY ST RECOVER. ======== ======== SORRY, THIS SECTOR CANNOT BE READ FROM FLOPPY DISK BY ST RECOVER. ======== ======== SORRY, THIS SECTOR CANNOT BE READ FROM FLOPPY DISK BY ST RECOVER. ======== ======== SORRY, THIS SECTOR 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