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"      22R .J( 2DH. .. PICSW7 DOC_<PICSW7 PRG"( ========================================================================== PicSwitch Picture Utility (c)1987 John Brochu for Advanced Software ========================================================================== Version: 0.7 Released: April 19, 1987 PicSwitch 0.7 is distributed as SHAREWARE. You are encouraged to freely distribute the program, but please include this doc file with the program. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- New features -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following enhancements have been added from PicSwitch 0.6 ... o Runs on color AND monochrome systems, all features supported on both monitors except PREVIEW (color only) o New formats: DEGAS compressed, Tiny, and Atari 8-bit files o Much improved low-res and med-res to monochrome conversions o PicSwitch printer driver now supports all three resolutions o Color cycling is now supported, and is converted between formats o Converted pics are now saved to the original pic's directory, or optionally using the file selector to any drive/path -------------------------------------------------------------------------- About PicSwitch -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PicSwitch started out as a simple Amiga IFF file viewer back when ST paint programs were hard to come by (around October of '85)! Since then it has undergone lots of upgrading through versions 0.5 (the original), 0.6, and now 0.7. The basic intent of the program is to provide ST users with the ability to view as much artwork as possible, and to convert to a format that is usable to them on the ST. With this version I have addressed the major complaint most people have had with the program, that is monochrome support! All pics can be viewed on either the color or monochrome monitor, and can be saved in any resolution with either system, with automatic conversion to the selected resolution. Conversions from a higher res to a lower res are automatically optimized using a color averaging technique, while conversions from low & med-res to monochrome use a sophisticated dithering technique. Conversions from monochrome allow you the option of saving the picture using the full palette (best if you may want to restore the pic to its original state at a later date) or with the minimum possible palette (low-res conversions would use 5 colors, med-res 3). MacPaint and NVision/Paintworks monochrome page files are also allowed a fourth res-save option. Compressed save allows you to 'squeeze' a full 720-line MacPaint document or 800-line Paintworks pic into only 240 or 267 med-res lines, thus allowing you to view more of the pic on screen at once. On a color monitor, you are allowed to 'Preview' the conversion before saving, without affecting the original picture. Hi-res previews will display the picture in PicSwitch's 'simulated monochrome' mode. Printouts of ANY screen or full-page picture can now be done with the built-in driver on most 8-pin graphics printers. You can also load DEGAS printer drivers for printouts if you wish. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Supported formats -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This version reads the following file formats: o DEGAS................................. [.PI1-.PI3] o DEGAS Elite compressed................ [.PC1-.PI3]* o NeoChrome.................................. [.NEO] o Tiny............................... [.TNY, .TN1-3]* o NVision.................. [.SC0-2, .CL0-2, .PG0-2] o Amiga IFF low- & med-res................... [.IFF] o MacPaint................................... [.MAC] o Mac Startup screen......................... [.MAS] o CIS Vidtex hi-res RLE...................... [.RLE] o Atari graphics 8 screen dump............... [.GR8]* o Atari graphics 9 screen dump............... [.GR9]* o Atari Koala/MicroIllustrator............... [.KOA]* o Atari MicroPainter......................... [.MPT]* And writes the following ST file formats: o DEGAS o DEGAS Elite compressed* o NeoChrome o NeoChrome 'page' (for NVision) *New additions from 0.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Using the program -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To load a picture using the GEM file selector, double click on its filename or single-click and then click OK. The file will load and display. You are now in 'command mode'. Following is a list of key commands available: For all pics... --------------- o [Undo], right mouse button: aborts the pic and returns you to the file selector. o [Help]: displays the command list. o [I]: displays the information screen. o [S]: displays the save dialog (see below). o [P]: prints the current pic in its original form (screen OR full-page). [Undo] aborts a printout. The default printer type is Epson/Atari dot matrix. Other printers capable of 8-bit graphics can be configured using a ".PSW" driver as described further on. o [D]: dumps a color or monochrome screen to the printer. To use this option, you must have a DEGAS printer driver with a ".PRT" extender present in the directory the program is in when it is first run. The [Alt] key works as in DEGAS, ie.[D] prints a full page sideways, [Alt-D] prints a half-page. Pressing [Undo] during a print aborts the dump. For MacPaint/NVision pics only... --------------------------------- o left mouse button: activates a 'grabber' similar to Neochrome. o [C] (monochrome pics / color system only): compress a monochrome page vertically. This option converts 3 monochrome lines into 1 med-res line. Therefore a 720-line MacPaint document would reduce to a 240-line med-res scrollable image. Pressing this a second time restores the original image. Note this option is available in the save dialog on both monitors. For Amiga IFF pics only... -------------------------- o [1]-[6]: selects the bit-planes to be displayed. o [Space]: cycles through settings [1]-[6]. o [R],[G],[B]: boosts the selected color. o [Return]: restores the default planes and colors. Low-res 32-color pics have 5 'planes' or 5 bits of color-register selection. Keys 1-5 'pull out' one of the planes for display on the ST's 4-plane hardware. Med-res 16-color pics have 4 planes. Keys 1-6 in med-res therefore need to pull out 2 planes at a time. The following table summarizes the planes that are displayed. The space bar cycles through each in turn. +-----+---------+-----+ | key | low | med | +-----+---------+-----+ | 1 | 1,2,3,4 | 2,3 | | 2 | 0,2,3,4 | 1,3 | | 3 | 0,1,3,4 | 1,2 | | 4 | 0,1,2,4 | 0,3 | | 5 | 0,1,2,3 | 0,2 | | 6 | ---na-- | 0,1 | +-----+---------+-----+ Amiga's hardware also allows 4-bit color resolution, or 16 levels each of red, green, and blue. Since the ST only has 3-bit resolution, each IFF RGB color palette entry is cut in half to bring it into the ST's range. The R,G,B keys add one to the IFF value before halving it. This helps bring out some of the detail that may be lost if some of the registers convert to the same color. Other pics... ------------- o [SPACE] (RLE & GR8 pics): invert the palette. o [SPACE] (GR9 pics): select red/green/blue gray scale. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The SAVE Dialog -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The top three lines in the dialog indicate the loaded picture's path (directory), filename, and original picture format. You can choose to save in any format and resolution by selecting the desired buttons. If you are using a color monitor, you can Preview what the image will look like in the selected format by clicking and holding the 'Preview' button. If you're running a monochrome monitor, this button will be disabled; however, you can still save in any format on both monitors. For mono to low- and med-res conversions, you have the option of converting the pic using all 16 or 4 palette colors ("FULL"), or using the "MINIMUM" possible number of colors (5 low-res, 3 med-res). Once you have selected the desired format, res, and palette set-up, you can save the pic using the "SAVE --------.---" or "SAVE AS" buttons. The SAVE button will save to the directory that the original pic came from (displayed on the top line of the dialog). SAVE AS will bring up the file selector so that you can save to any drive/directory you like, or change the filename. Note the save file selector's directory is always preserved and saved separately from the load file selector, so that you can quickly convert many pics from one drive/directory to another. If you specify an extender in the file selector, it will be ignored, and the proper file extender for the specified pic format will automatically be appended. Selecting Cancel in the file selector will get you back to the Save dialog with no action taken. If the original pic had color cycling information, and you save to the same resolution, the cycling info will be preserved and saved in the new file. Converting to/from DEGAS or Elite format will use animation channel one. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Printer Drivers -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Printer drivers are loaded automatically when you first run the program. The file extenders ".PRT" and ".PSW" are searched for in the current directory (this allows you to have all PicSwitch-related files in one folder if you like). The first file of each type that was written to that directory is loaded. A PRT file is necessary to use the screen [D]ump command. These are the stand-alone 2K DEGAS printer drivers that are available on GEnie, CIS, Delphi, and other systems. A PSW file is necessary to use the [P]rint command only if you do NOT have an Epson-compatible printer. The printer driver in the current version of PicSwitch only supports 8-pin graphics and 960 dots per line density. PSW files are text files containing the decimal ascii codes necessary for setting up your printer for graphics. All PSW files must have three command lines separated by a single carriage return. Only the ascii characters 0-9, L, l, H, h, , , and CR/LF are recognized; all other characters are ignored. Each printer code must be separated by a space or comma delimiter. A maximum of 32 codes are allowed on each line. The first line contains the decimal codes for initializing your printer for graphics. These codes are sent to the printer only once at the start of a graphics dump. The second line is sent before every line of graphics and tells the printer how many columns of data are to follow. The third and final line is sent after the graphics dump is finished and restores the printer to normal operation. The following is a sample PSW file (this is the built-in EPSON default): 27 51 23 27 76 L H 27 50 The 1st line: "3" 23, tells the Epson to set the line spacing in 216ths of an inch increments, to 23/216 of an inch. You could substitute any line spacing command you like here. I found this setting worked very well in getting rid of the dreaded white lines. [Warning: some "Epson-compatibles" do not support this escape code. Consult your printer manual if you have problems.] Note that 24/216 or 8/72 is the more 'correct' setting to use here since the Epson's pin spacing is 1/72". The 2nd line: "L" L H, tells the Epson to print (L+256*H) columns of 960 dots per line graphics. You need not be concerned with the actual 'L'ow and 'H'igh values here, PicSwitch will substitute the correct values for L and H according to how long the actual line of picture data is. Just make sure you put the L and H in the correct place for your printer. Note you MUST use 960 dots per line density. The 3rd line: "2", tells the Epson to return to the original 1/6 of an inch line spacing. You could also use a 'reset' command here ( "@" for the Epson) if you wish. A form feed is sent at the end of each completed printer dump. If the printer is not available or a driver was not loaded, the console bell will sound. All printouts done with either [P]rint or [D]ump are printed in the ORIGINAL picture's resolution, not from screen memory. This allows mono pics to be printed with no loss of resolution. MacPaint/Paintworks pics cannot be printed in compressed mode unless you first save the file in compressed form, reload it, and then print it out. Remember, the [D]ump command is for screen dumps only, and only works if you have loaded a DEGAS printer driver at run-time. If the picture is a full-page MacPaint or Paintworks image, the section of the pic currently displayed is what gets printed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Again, many thanks to everyone who took the time to write us, especially those who have contributed. You will not be forgotten! Please consider the time it takes to develop and debug a utility such as this. If you haven't already contributed, please honor the shareware policy and send your contribution, however small, to the address below. As always, I can be reached on GEnie [JAKOB], CIS [70376,1235], and Delphi [JAKOB], or you can write me at the address below. If you have any comments or ideas, I'd like to hear from you! John Brochu Advanced Software 21 Northend Street Peabody, MA 01960 ========================================================================== `ylXP*O.|4*m - ЭЭм// ??<JNA NJ/<NA"/0<NBNuNVNs.///Nt 3f3@=|`0n@0Rn n m3T.L/<f/<@NvP3Ln3N4>Ny3Bn`*0n/?fNuNsBWNy>Ny=@0.|A>/<X/<NPNP3&3X>Nu&>NTBW/<?<=Ny\-@JmD .=@.p/<?.?<?NyP-@>?<>NyT#p`BBW/<?<=Ny\-@JmF .=@./<?.?<?NyP-@>?<>NyT |B`>/</<$NPNP>fNu./<d/<h/<b/<|Nt|>?9d?9h?9b?<Bg/<|Nt>Ny>NTBW?9fNwT`./<6/<NtP>NTJng.6NPJ@g.6a3m.x/<6/<NPP3./<8/<NiP>/</9/<xNG -@JmBB@3tH#3B@H-@3v3Bn`>0nBP0nvBP0nZ00nlBPRn nm09`JyfH 9T-@ n3 9X-@ 9м-@.4/.NjX 9м0-@ n0|g3 n0|@3 n0|3v 9м2-@ n0|@ n0|f,3ZJ.l.HD@3l` .H3l`FJ.lByZ.HD@3l`*J.f3ZByl`3Z.H3l 9м4-@ n3v` yn-y n3 9T-@ 9м"-@.4/.NjX09S@ygJ./<P/<NQP09|1R.?<NtdT=@ ng 9м}"-@`-y n0|3 9T-@ 9м"-@09Y@ygJ./<P/<NQP09|1R.?<NtdT=@ ng* yl=|`=|##4 >N_bSnf-yJg0 9Юc3Bn`*.0.@Hм//.NQPRnT nmBn`*.0.@Hмv//.NQPRnT nmBn`*.0.@HмZ//.NQPRnT nmBn`L.0.@Hмl//.NQP0<2nl2A2nl2RnT nm0<Hl3v>fNu./<8/.NiP>/</<L/9@?<?9/<8/94aBWBgBgaX=@`  9T-@ n3 y lB@`p y lBA`rA=@09_@2.Ayg nf./<P/<NQP nf./<P/<NQP`./<P/<NQP09|0R.?<NtdT=@ ng Z 9X-@ 9м-@ nf -|`-|}./9/9N.bPP-@ cD ng:./9D/.NXP>/./94/9DNY0 `&/</.NxP./94/.NiP>fNu./<8/.NiP>/</<L/9@ ngB@`p?W?9/<8/94a nf6 yf> ?<Bga 6X=@`>?<Bga X=@`BWBgBga X=@` ./94/9NCP3.?z/9/94NiPJym yl3-|`3-|.?9N/ T-@09X@=@B@=@=@=@=@=@p=@=@ nfB@=@=@=@=@ n9fRn0.noBn nf pn=@ n"f pn=@ n0f pn=@ nm0.T@nm 0.U@=@0.nf 0.nf0.nf 0.ng.?./<8/9NE 0.ng>/94/9NFP>fNu>/</<L/9@?<?9/<8/94aBn`$0n"|L>?.?<NyXRn nm=nBn` N2n"N4n1iRn nmBWBg?<a X=@ nafH`,3./94/9NZP./<8/<NiP>fNu>/</<L/9@?<h?9/<8/94a yf>?<Bga X=@`>h?<Bga X=@`x3.4/9N[4X./<8/<NiP>fNu>/</<L/9@?<?9/<8/94aBWBgBga ^X=@`By./94/9N[P./<8/<NiP>fNu>/</<L/9@?<?9/<8/94aBBWBgBgaX=@`^By./</<VNiP-yB@=@H-@`*0n"n0H"|B4nHAgRRn nmJf n(H=@./9 NWLXJnf"./9@/9NQP` ./9@/9NWP nf./9@NX\X`./9@NjX`JB=|`0n"n0HHѮRn nmJg./.NWLX.4NjB yf6.4/9NXX./</<NiP`b yf>.4/9NoX./</<NiP3`.4/9NoX>fNu./<8/<NiP>/</<L/9@?<?9/<8/94aBWBgBgaTX=@`-y nH|3 ynz.//9!NQP.//9#NQP 9R-@ 9м%-@0.Hйм%-@`&Wy3 9R-@ nH@|3 nH|3vR nPJ.lByZ.HD@3l`*J.f3ZByl`3Z.H3l./<v/9VNQP.//9%NQP.//9'NQP 9Z-@ 9м)-@0.Hйм)-@ yf09R@y yg\09|ygJ./<P/<NQP09|1R.?<NtdT=@ ng. /<8/.NQP>/94/./.NpN >fNu>/</<L/9@?<?9/<8/94aBWBgBgaX=@``|b@0@J PN.?9N/ T>NTBW?9fNwT`.?<NyT>%Ny>%Ny>?<NyT>fNu>fNupBW?9fNwT.h?<INyT>Nu&>fNuNsN^NuNV n m no nf yn`$9og3n3&`3n ng nfBy`3 n f3FBy^`3F3^ByByByJn f 3` n f 3`3N^NuNV=|`(0.м @( g 0.[@"n2Rn n o=| `*0.м @( g0.|"n 2Rn no=|`*0.м @( g0.|"n2Rn noN^NuNVBnB..NPHЮ-@./]0.@Hм/NQP.]/./.N.bP-@JfRn0n"|J0fJf./<d/<h/<b/<Nt|>?9d?9h?9b?<Bg/<NtBW/<Nt2X|=@0.м @h >NT=|0.N^NuNVBnBn yf0. |p=@` 0. |8=@>Ny-@Jyf>?9aTRy` >Ny> NyJf.U/U/?9fNv .U/]/U/U/Q/UBgBgBBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBg?<?<?<?<#Nt8=@ n f .g|n0.|=@0.|=@Jn gJng=nB?<NtTBW?9fNwT`Z.U//U/U/Q/UBgBgBBgBgBgBgBg?<09R@@??.Bg?<Bg?<?<?<Nt8=@.f0.n=@=n0.HйlB`,0.Hй0no 0n#` 0.Hѹ0.H"9Ȱg 9=@>fNu yf*./<P/9Ny&Pй@/NjX`(./</9Ny&Pй@/NjXBW?9fNwT`>fNuBBgNtTBn`LJng2.U/U/?9fNv .f=|a`Jng0.|@=@ nbfBWNQ./<d/<h/<b/<Nt|>?9d?9h?9b?<Bg/<Nt` >Ny> NyJfNs>NQBn` nfBWNQ./<d/<h/<b/<|Nt|>?9d?9h?9b?<Bg/<|Nt` >Ny> NyJfNs>NQBn`R nfN/zBn`< n9ff ymZ ynN yg yfh=yV=|`0n808Rn nm38 yg./<L/<8NiP` yL` yfRy09|oByJyf./<8/<vNiP`J yf./<8/<NiP`$ yf./<8/<NiP yg./<L/<8NiP.L?<NyTBn` yg n.f yg yf.@NjBJytgt0n ./9@/94NkNP./<L/<NiP0. |8=@/</</9Ny&P/NxP#Byt`B?<NtTBW?9fNwT0n ./9@/94NlP>fNuBBgNtT./<L/<VNiP0. @H|8=@/< 9/NxP#0.H"9Ȱl 0n#3t.L?<NyT./</9Ny&Pй@/NjX` n fJgJytgZ/<6/<L/.?9Bg yN=@Jng(/<6/<L/.?9?< yN`v/</9Ny&Pй4-@/<6/<8/.?9Bg yN=@Jng(/<6/<8/.?9?< yN>?<?<NyXBn` nf BWNQ./<N-X yf -| ` yf -|`-|Jyf2/</.NxP./<8/9D/94aX `d yf2/</.NxP./<8/9D/94af `(/</.Ny&P./9D/94NiP./9DNc~X>NQBnJnf nagBnJng0.N^NuNV./.NPXHЮ//.N.bP-@>/</.NPNPJg:> /< .쐮м/NPP>/</.RNPNP.//Q/]/<FNt|>?.?.?.?<Bg/<FNtBW/<FNt2X|=@> NQ0.мF @h .NP=@fB@`z nfj>/./<NPNP noL .^-@`S n  g .d-n n|.>/.T/<NPNPpnN^NuNVBn0.Ю @0.Ю @ n2.00RnJ@fN^NuNV-|f-|L-|`>Ny-@.?<NyT>/./.?<Ny B?< NyT-@0. |"n n-P n g0. |"n.?< NyT .N^NuNV>Ny-@Jn g .NjB nl yf~ n0././<NiPJn g. n?/.a\Jnf0n./. /./.a `0n./. /./.a `R n0././. 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Please do not distribute without this doc file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Changes from the Original Version --------------------------------- o Full color animation support o Titling has been fixed to display with highest contrast possible Features -------- Deluxe SlideShow is an attempt to combine all the currently popular ST graphics formats into one compact, but flexible slide show program. The program includes support for NeoChrome, DEGAS, DEGAS compressed, and Tiny format pictures. Any pic can be loaded and displayed on EITHER monitor. The low and med to hi-res conversions take a few seconds, but the results are very pleasing since a 16 (or 4 in the med-res case) level dither table is used to represent the different color intensities. Hi-res to med-res is the same conversion as used in PicSwitch 0.6 and is almost instantaneous. The user has full control over slide speed, titling, and slide order through the use of an optional script file. You can specify multiple search paths and/or filenames with full wildcard support. o Neo, DEGAS, DEGAS compressed, & Tiny support o Fully automatic res-switching o Fully programmable o Optional script files with separate mono & color scripts o Optional titles o Supports command line input, with wildcards o Full color-animation support (4 channels for DEGAS Elite pics) File Formats ------------ DSLIDE.PRG will load and display pics with the following file extenders... NEO............ NeoChrome PI1-3.......... DEGAS PC1-3.......... DEGAS compressed TNY or TN1-3... Tiny Script Files ------------ DSLIDE uses a fairly complex search routine to quickly find the desired files in the directory. If a valid file is found that matches the search path, the extender is first verified to be sure it is a picture file. When the program is run, the command line is first checked for a valid pathname or filename. If one is found it is processed and the slide show proceeds. If not, then the current directory is searched for one of three script files, depending on whether a color or mono system is used. If color, "SLIDEC.LST" is loaded and processed; if mono, then "SLIDEM.LST" is loaded. If neither is found, the default file "SLIDE.LST" is used. This allows you to have different slideshow configurations for color & monochrome on the same disk. If all else fails, the default path "#:*.*" is used as the search path, where '#' is the current directory. Script files may contain the following fields (all are optional, and can be in any order), default settings are given in brackets: NAME: a flag to indicate whether to title the pics [no] TIME: delay between pics (in seconds) [0 secs] PATH: Pathname list [current directory] FILE: Filename list [all files] The 'NAME:' field is a character string, a 'Y', or 'y' first character indicates the pictures will be titled at the bottom center, anything else will be taken as a 'no' (and this is the default). The 'TIME:' field is a numeric string specifying the number of seconds to display each picture. Note this is the actual time the pic will be on-screen. Unlike most other slide shows, DSLIDE takes disk-access time into account. If the pic takes longer than this to load, it will flip immediately after it is loaded. The 'PATH:' field consists of a list of pathnames to be searched one after another. If a full pathname is present (ie. "A:\PICS\*.PI1"), then that is the search path used. If a path is present without a filename ("A:\PICS\"), then the FILE list is scanned one at a time to complete the full pathname. Wildcards may be used in the filename only. The 'FILE:' field consists of a list of filenames (and filenames ONLY, paths will be stripped, ie. "A:\PICS\*.PC?" will be read as "*.PC?") to be processed one at a time. Again, you may include wildcards or use full filenames. The field names MUST BE UPPER CASE and MUST CONTAIN THE COLON. Blank lines are ignored, and all text before the first field is ignored, so that comments can be used at the start of a script file. The following is a sample script file: ---------cut here---------- This is a sample DSLIDE script file... Any text before the first field is ignored! TIME: 5 NAME: yes PATH: c:\pics\*.tny c:\images\ #: FILE: *.p?? *.neo *.tny ----------cut here---------- This script will display the pics with a 5 sec delay, and with titles. The first PATH entry will cause all Tiny pics found in the "pics" folder on drive C to be displayed. Since this is a full pathname, the file list is ignored for this path, and the pathname is searched as-is. After this is complete the second PATH entry is processed. Since it is a pathname only (no filename), each of the FILE entries in turn is appended to the path to form the complete search pathname (ie. the first path searched will be "c:\images\*.p??", then "c:\images\*.neo", and finally "c:\images\*.tny"). Finally, the third PATH entry is processed, again since it is not a complete pathname, the FILE list is scanned one at a time to complete the search pathname. The '#' character is used to denote the current drive (drive the program was run from). Note you can also specify the pics to display by name, in either the PATH or FILE fields, if you wish to display the pics in a certain order, such as: -----------cut here----------- PATH: a:\pics\ FILE: cat.pi1 house.pi1 dog.pi1 sketch.pi2 -----------cut here----------- or: -----------cut here----------- PATH: a:\pics\cat.pi1 a:\pics\house.pi1 a:\pics\dog.pi1 a:\pics\sketch.pi2 -----------cut here----------- The Command Line ---------------- A 'PATH:' or 'FILE:' entry can also be entered on the command line when running DSLIDE. To do this, rename DSLIDE.PRG to DSLIDE.TTP, or install it as a Tos Takes Parameters application from the desktop. You can also install it with a certain file type and then display a single pic at a time by double-clicking on the picture file's icon. Keyboard commands ----------------- The following key commands are accepted while the slideshow is running: SPACE......... pause at the current pic, any key resumes RETURN, UNDO.. abort the show ESC........... skip delay/animation and flip to the next pic HELP.......... toggle titles on/off F1-F10........ change minimum pic display time as follows: F1..... 0 sec F2..... 1 sec F3..... 2 sec F4..... 4 sec F5..... 8 sec F6.... 15 sec F7.... 30 sec F8..... 1 min F9..... 2 min F10.... 4 min Holding down the right mouse button also aborts the slide show. Comments, anyone? ----------------- If you have any comments on Deluxe SlideShow or suggestions for future enhancement, I'd like to here from you. I can be reached on GEnie [JAKOB] and CIS [70376,1235], or by mail at: Advanced Software 21 Northend Street Peabody, MA 01923 `,. .*O.|5:*m - ЭЭм// ??<JNA NJ/<NA"/0<NBNuNV.N(zN l.`/b/d/fN( 3_Bn`0n5^0Rn n m35r.7b/<_/<5^N*,P>N+3W,Bn`*0nV/?N,=@0.|A.:>_N*BWBg?<N+X>?<?<N,X>E?<?<N,X>?9W,/<.a\> ?9W,/<.a\> ?9W,/<.a\.z?<HN,T#VJVfj>?9W,/<.ab\>?9W,/</aL\>?<?<N,X>N,>_N)RN N(BWN,#VB| 9B|м~м#5Z 95Zм~м#7^.V/<!?9_N)|\.A/<W(/<!H?9_N) N$` >N,> N,gB@3An=@x=@z.A/<V>N)0X>/<V>/<Aa.P.V>aJ@gD.W\/<9j/<V>a$P.9jaJ@g=|x.W\a~J@g=|z` yW,f0BW/<.?<NN,\=@V>/<_/<.a^P`.BW/<-?<NN,\=@V>/<_/<-a.PJnVg.BW/<.&?<NN,\=@V>/<_/<.&aPJnVfhBW/<_?<=N,\=@rmL=nrh./<FN#$X.F/<?.h?<?N,PJo>h?<>N,T./1/<V/<FaP-@R./7/<V/<FaP-@N./=/<V/<FaP-@J./C/<V/<FaP-@F .RFc nRSB .NFc nNSB .JFc nJSB .FFc nFSBJRg>/Q/.RZaPJNgfZN>P0.xQм9j//.NaP-@N0.xQм9j @ #f0.xQм9j @.:JNgRnx0.x|mJJglZJ>P//.JajP-@J0.zмW\.//a \P0.zмW\ @B(JJgRnz0.z|dmJFg@>//.FZaP .1g .Yg .yf 3An`ByAnJ.f>/Q/</Ia rPJnxf>/<9j/<.:a VP=|xJnzf>/<W\/</Ka 4P=|z.}/95ZN#$X.}/97^N#$X>N+-@B>/N,-@6/</Qa X?/Qa \/N+ P-@2B@=@|H-@:=@=@~B@=@v=@t`0.tQм9j.a dS@=@0.tQм9j2.HЁ @P .\g .:f...:0.vмW\/0.tQм9j/a P`&>/<.:0.tQм9j/a P=nzvBW/<.:?<NN,\=@V`D>/<_/.6a P=|._a Hм_-@R./O/.R/<_a PJgBn``./T/.R/<_a PJg =|`<./Y/.R/<_a PJg =|`./^/.R/<_a PJg =|`./c/.R/<_a rPJg =|`./h/.R/<_a NPJg =|`./m/.R/<_a *PJg =|`./r/.R/<_a PJg=|`d./w/.R/<_a PJg=|`B./|/.R/<_a PJg=| ` .//.R/<_a PJg=| Jnmx.Ap/<_0.tQм9j/aPJ:m .>5Zf -y7^>`-y5Z>>/.>/<Apa P-@:J:mJnfNyAp 9:Aqf: .cm .po .Cm" .PnB/<BgBg?<aP `.2a=@|fByWZ._/<Br/.>a(PJnf.}/.BN#$XJyAng, yW,l Bn09_|@29_|pAA29_|A=@JyBrf=|`=|=n`z0.2n_2|A4n_4|pBB4n_4|BA=@Jnl0.D@`0.=@0.no =n=nSnJnf>?<?<N,X>b?<?<N,X>?<?<N,X>?9Br/<_a8\ yW,l3WZ yWZg09AH//.2N+`P#VRn~Rn>ON,=@VJnVgJnVgRnv0.vnzmBnvRnt0.tnxmBntJn~fL>?<?<N,X>?9W,/</a\>?9W,/</al\>N,`4 n~f .B?<Bg?< a ` Bn~Jn|gLN$.V?9W,/.Bap\>?<?<N,X>E?<?<N,X yW,lZ>?<?<N,X>b?<?<N,XJyW,f>?<?<N,X`>?<?<N,X>?9_N*T./R/9W(?9_N) .R/9V?9_N)|\.V?<IN,T>_N)RN N(N^NuNV-|B@=@=@=|`h./.?<Bg?.aZ =@-|.g=|`.`&.g0.|=@ n fJnf=|n``` n f=|`` ngJnf0.|@=@ naf =|``` nbfJyAngB@`p3An`B n;m: nDn2/./<0n"|-00H/N+ P _ -@`Jnf<`6.g.gn`` `.g.gn```0.N^NuNVBn. g& g09AH//.N+`P#V`. gJyW.fn. gJVfn. g09W n fn. g09W&n fn. g\> N,fJ`>N,-@> N,g < ."."n2nJng60.N^NuNV n Pfn yW,ld n 0 n(g. /./<-aP`. /./<-aP.N". n ?/.aH\` n Pl yW,f n =P n 0. //.aP. /./<-aP.B|/.N#JX.}/.N#$X. n ?/.a\Jnf././9B|a ~P`././9B|a PP`. n ?/.ah\N^NuNV.a=@Jn fp(nH=@`pPnH=@>?<?<N,X>Y?<?<N,X>W ?<?<N,X>W ?<?<N,X.?< N,TN^NuNV>/./.aP=@`SnJng n2n \g n2n :f> .2.HЁ/R/. aP=@0.R@n0.N^NuNV.ap=@`SnJnm n2n \g n2n :f>/. .2.HЁ/RaHP>/. /.a8P n 2nB(N^NuNVBn`Rn0n"nJ0f0.N^NuNVBn` n "nRR Rn nJfJng n B0.N^NuNVH (n*n ..`SJfJL0N^NuNVH*n(n &nBG`RG K2GgH5pHAgJgR bֻfB`` JL8N^NuNVB-|0. 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N*3vW2ByW4ByW83W>N*.N* n07bN^NuNV3{W2ByW4ByW83W>N*N^NuNV#5B#5J .мZ#5N3dW2ByW43 W8 n 3W>N* n 0W>#5^5B#7b5J#D5N#B5FN^NuNV3 5^3zW2ByW43W83W>N*N^Nu#W@Nu o WDNu#W25>"<5>psNBNuNVBBJlDRBJ lD RB0. -@0.2. An=@ .gDN^NuNVH?BCB..,. f#5R <`hlDRCJlDRCn8fzB`0l :HGH`xe`Jge`|fD#5R D`#5R JLN^Nu#5VNN/95VNu#5VNM/95VNu#5VNA/95VNu DDwwDD<xslidec.lstslidem.lstslide.lst#:- Deluxe SlideShow v1.1 -by John Brochu1987 Advanced SoftwareNot enough memory to run DSLIDE!Press a key to exit.TIME:PATH:FILE:NAME:0*.*.NEO.PI1.PI2.PI3.PC1.PC2.PC3.TNY.TN1.TN2.TN3No files found!Press a key to exit.NNN.&             @F&X (6$              X   *V  T <   ,vV&,< .j6D ,B 4"x: p6  * ("Hf(666 lƶ|       ` &       zf . .. DEG2NEO TTP1KOADEGASPRGNEO2DEG PRGNEOCON C `Jn*O.| *m - ЭЭм// ??<JNA N/<NA"/0<NBNuNV n H"nR RJ@fN^NuNV.?< N:T>N:NBWN:N^NuNVN=| ` |2nBRn n\m.??< N:T.?< N:T.?< N:T./pN(X N.HHB(./aX.H=@Bn`N N2n (.f =nBn`. N2n (:g N2n (\f.H=@BnSnJnnJnf .H=@. 2.HЁ/a~X.?< N:T.?< N:TBW/?<=N:\-@Jl.aP .=@.?< N:T.?< N:T.?< N:T.h/<?.?<?N:P-@Jl.a>?<>N:T-@Jl.a. 2.HЁ/aXBW/?</?<=N:\-@Jl.aP .=@.?< N:T.?< N:T.?< N:TByf.f/<$?.?<@N:P-@Jl.a./<\?.?<@N:P-@Jl.a"./.?.?<@N:P-@Jl.az.?< N:T>N:NN^Nu# NN/9 Nu# NM/9 Nu# NA/9 NuNV360.|HмJ-@=|` nH2n62RRn nm.lN>B@09^N^NuNV#60#H4#>8#^<#r@#zD#0l> aF3^ppN^NuNV>a*pN^NuNV#r# v>xNJN^Nu  . Error occurred... Press to return to GEM desktop. NEOCONV 1.0 -- Convert DEGAS-format (.PI1) files to .NEO format. Public Domain 11/17/85: Ken Settle. File: .PI1 Reading .NEOWriting File converted. Press to return to desktop. .@    * "  ",*"  "   $ arser hit end of line eparse move.l a6,wrdstor(a5) *store pars pointer back clr.b -(a0) *clear off added space tst.b word+1(a5) *next word now stored in word bne mbefile *1-byte files not allowed move.b word(a5),d1 *check 1st char and.l #$1f,d1 cmp.b #$13,d1 *is it an S? beq toscren cmp.b #$10,d1 *is it a P? beq toprter cmp.b #$17,d1 *is it a W? beq kwait bra parse *No, ignore it *end of command line eline tst.b printfg(a5) *are we printing? bne exitprog *yes, don't wait bsr wait exitprog move.w #0,-(sp) *call GEMDOS clr.l d0 trap #1 *that's it! we gone! *wait by order of command line kwait bsr wait bra parse *set dump to screen toscren clr.w printfg(a5) lea.l scnmes(a5),a0 *tell the world bsr wstring *printing to screen bra parse *set dump to printer toprter move.w #$11,-(sp) trap #1 *is printer ready? addq.l #2,sp tst.b d0 bne prtcan clr.w printfg(a5) *printer not ready! lea.l pnrmes(a5),a0 *tell them so bsr wstring bra parse prtcan st.b printfg(a5) *printer on! clr.w stopfg(a5) *normally no STOP during print! lea.l prtmes(a5),a0 *tell the world bsr wstring *dumping to printer bra parse *load and dump a file mbefile clr.w killfg(a5) *set up for CTRL-C lea.l filmes(a5),a0 *print file name bsr ostring lea.l word(a5),a0 bsr ostring lea.l word(a5),a0 bsr openrd *try to open the file bpl opengod *did it work? lea.l nfdmes(a5),a0 *no, tell us so bsr ostring bra parse opengod move.w d0,handle(a5) *Yes, prepare to read file bsr newlinp clr.l d5 *d5 is dump count rdachk lea.l start(pc),a5 *make sure PBR is set move.w handle(a5),d1 move.l #16,d0 *read 16 bytes lea.l chacter(a5),a0 *to chacter array bsr infile *do it! bmi eofile *if file error move.l d0,d6 *d6 is bytes read clr.l d4 *d4 is bytes dumped move.l d5,d1 *byte count swap d1 *print long address bsr hxpword swap d1 bsr hxpword bsr dpspace bsr dpspace *2 spaces (column 10) move.l #10,d3 *d3 is column count lea.l chacter(a5),a4 nxtbhx move.w 0(a4,d4.w),d1 *get a word bsr hxpword *and print it bsr dpspace addq.l #2,d4 *inc word count addq.l #5,d3 *and column count cmp.b d4,d6 *are we past dump ct? bhi nxtbhx colit bsr dpspace *space over to colunmn 58 addq.l #1,d3 cmp.b #58,d3 bcs colit clr.l d4 *set print ct back to 0 nxtdmp move.b 0(a4,d4.w),d1 *now get a byte cmp.b #$20,d1 *is it a ctl byte? bcc palain move.b #".",d1 palain bsr ochar *and print it addq.l #1,d4 *try next byte cmp.b d4,d6 *are we past dump ct? bhi nxtdmp add.l d6,d5 bsr newlinp tst.b killfg(a5) *was CTRL-C hit? bne eofile *Yes, end file cmp.b #16,d6 *was there a short read? beq rdachk *no, next line eofile lea.l start(pc),a5 move.w handle(a5),d1 *end of the dump file bsr closfil *so close it lea.l dbline(a5),a0 *print an end line bsr ostring bra parse *and look at command line again ostring tst.b printfg(a5) *print a string bne pstring *to printer? bra wstring *no, to screen pstring clr.l d0 *print 1 char move.b(a0)+,d0 *at a time tst.b d0 *is it zero? bne pstrin1 *if not, print it rts pstrin1 movem.l a0-a6/d1-d7,-(sp) move.w d0,-(sp) move.w #5,-(sp) *GEMDOS for print char trap #1 addq.l #4,sp movem.l (sp)+,a0-a6/d1-d7 bra pstring *print a hex word to screen or printer hxpword move.w d1,-(sp) *thanks to Jez San lsr.w #8,d1 lsr.w #4,d1 bsr.s hxpnibbl *1st nybble move.w (sp),d1 lsr.w #8,d1 bsr.s hxpnibbl *2nd nybble move.w (sp),d1 lsr.w #4,d1 bsr.s hxpnibbl *3rd nybble move.w (sp)+,d1 hxpnibbl and.w #15,d1 *finally print out ONE hex digit! cmp.b #9,d1 bls.s hxpnib2 add.b #7,d1 hxpnib2 add.b #"0",d1 *fall thru to *print a char to screen or printer ochar tst.b printfg(a5) *sending to printer? bne pchar bra wrchar *no, go to screen pchar movem.l a0-a6/d0-d7,-(sp) move.w d1,-(sp) move.w #5,-(sp) *GEMDOS for print trap #1 addq.l #4,sp movem.l (sp)+,a0-a6/d0-d7 rts *print a space dpspace move.b #32,d1 bra ochar *print a new line and pause if needed newlinp move.b #13,d1 bsr ochar move.b #10,d1 bsr ochar *normal pause pause tst.b stopfg(a5) *is STOPFG set? bne paused bsr getchar *try to get char - NO pause paskek cmp #$20,d0 *is it a space? beq setpaus cmp #$03,d0 *is it CTRL-C? beq setkill cmp #$0d,d0 *is it RETURN? bne pausrts clrpaus clr.w stopfg(a5) *clear STOPFG pausrts rts setpaus st.b stopfg(a5) *set STOPFG paused lea.l paumes(a5),a0 *print "--More--" bsr wstring bsr rdchar *wait for a key cmp #$03,d0 *is it CTRL-C? beq setkill cmp #$0d,d0 *is it RETURN? beq clrpaus rts setkill st.b killfg(a5) *set KILLFG rts *wait for key (commanded or at end) wait lea.l watmes(a5),a0 *print "Press a Key" bsr wstring bsr rdchar *and wait for a key rts *getchar - Get key without echo and without waiting! * Exit, d0.b is key, or zero if no key ready getchar movem.l a0-a6/d1-d7,-(sp) move.w #$0b,-(sp) trap #1 addq.l #2,sp tst.l d0 *is there a key? bmi.s rdchq movem.l (sp)+,a0-a6/d1-d7 clr.l d0 NO,return zero rts *rdchar - Wait fpr a key (no echo) * Exit, d0.b is key rdchar movem.l a0-a6/d1-d7,-(sp) rdchq move.w #$07,-(sp) trap #1 *call DOS which returns 2 bytes addq.l #2,sp *in lower & upper word of d0 movem.l (sp)+,a0-a6/d1-d7 tst.w d0 *is lower word zero? bne tsttop *no, return upper word lswap swap d0 *get upper if zero rdora or.b #$80,d0 *set high bit rdout and.l #$ff,d0 *of lower byte only! rdrts rts *and return tsttop swap d0 *lower word nonzero cmp.w #$44,d0 *if upper out of range bcs bswap *go to swap lower back cmp.w #$54,d0 *same if above range bls lswap *if in range lower word or #$80 bswap swap d0 *if out of range, lower word! bra rdout *rstring - Get a string from GEMDOS (input line) * Entry, a0 =address of buffer (2 bytes +max length) * d0 =max length * Exit, a0 =address of first char in buffer * d0 =length of input line rstring movem.l a1-a6/d1-d7,-(sp) move.w d0,d2 zstring move.b #0,2(a0,d2.w) dbf d2,zstring move.l a0,-(sp) move.b d0,(a0) move.w #$0a,-(sp) trap #1 *GEMDOS call addq.l #2,sp move.l (sp)+,a0 addq.l #1,a0 move.b (a0)+,d0 movem.l (sp)+,a1-a6/d1-d7 rts *wstring - Print a string to the screen (up to zero byte) * Entry, a0 =address of string wstring movem.l a1-a6/d0-d7,-(sp) move.l a0,-(sp) move.w #$09,-(sp) trap #1 addq.l #2,sp move.l (sp)+,a0 movem.l (sp)+,a1-a6/d0-d7 rts *nspaces - Print d0+1 spaces * Entry, d0 =# of spaces to print * Exit, d0 = -1 nspaces move.l d1,-(sp) nspace1 bsr dospace dbf d0,nspace1 move.l (sp)+,d1 rts *dospace - Print one space * Exit, d1 = #32 (SPACE) dospace move.w #32,d1 *and fall thru to *wrchar - Print a character to the screen * Entry, d1 =character to print wrchar movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(sp) move.w d1,-(sp) move.w #2,-(sp) trap #1 addq.l #4,sp movem.l (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a6 rts *newline - Print a CR and LF * Exit, d1 = #10 (LF) newline move.w #13,d1 bsr wrchar move.w #10,d1 bra wrchar *openrd - open a file for loading or reading * Entry, a0 =addr of file to open * Exit IF SUCCESFUL (N=0) * d0 =file handle * Exit IF ERROR (N=1) * d0 =error # openrd movem.l a1-a6/d1-d7,-(sp) move.w #0,-(sp) move.l a0,-(sp) move.w #$3d,-(sp) trap #1 addq.l #2,sp move.l (sp)+,a0 addq.l #2,sp movem.l (sp)+,a1-a6/d1-d7 tst.l d0 rts *infile - read a buffer fron disk * Entry,a0.l =address of buffer * d0.l =buffer length * d1.w =file handle * Exit IF SUCCESSFUL (N=0) * d0.l =# of bytes read * Exit IF ERROR (N=1) * d0.l =Error # infile movem.l a1-a6/d2-d7,-(sp) move.w #$3f,d2 move.l a0,-(sp) move.l d0,-(sp) move.w d1,-(sp) move.w d2,-(sp) trap #1 addq.l #2,sp move.w (sp)+,d1 addq.l #4,sp move.l (sp)+,a0 movem.l (sp)+,a1-a6/d2-d7 tst.l d0 rts *closfil - close a disk file * Entry, d1 =file handle * Exit, d0 =error code or 0 closfil movem.l a0-a6/d2-d7,-(sp) move.w d1,-(sp) move.w #$3e,-(sp) trap #1 addq.l #2,sp move.w (sp)+,d1 movem.l (sp)+,a0-a6/d2-d7 tst.l d0 rts *DATA segment .data wrdstor dc.l 0 printfg dc.w 0 *0 if default to screen, 255 if to printer stopfg dc.w 0 *0 if default to run on, 255=stop on 1st line killfg dc.w 0 *must be 0! handle dc.w 0 commes dc.b 13,"Type commands separated by spaces:",13,10 dc.b 13," Filename ",13,10 dc.b 13," S (to screen)",13,10 dc.b 13," P (to printer)",13,10 dc.b 13," W (Wait)",13,10 dc.b "Dump Command:" dc.b 0 scnmes dc.b 13,10,"Dumping to screen.",13,10,0 prtmes dc.b 13,10,"Dumping to printer.",13,10,0 pnrmes dc.b 13,10,"Printer not ready!",13,10,0 paumes dc.b 13,"--More--",13,0 watmes dc.b 13,10,"--Press a key--",13,0 filmes dc.b 13,10,10,"File:",0 nfdmes dc.b " not found.",13,10,0 dbline dc.b 13,10,10 dc.b "-------------------------------------------" dblret dc.b 13,10,0 title dc.b 13,"+----------------------------+",13,10 dc.b 13,"! Hexadecimal Dump Program !",13,10 dc.b 13,"! Silas Warner -- MicroProse !",13,10 dc.b 13,"!SPACE=pause RETURN=resume!",13,10 dc.b 13,"+----------------------------+",13,10 dc.b 0 even *BSS segment .bss even ds.l 256 *256 stacks ustk ds.l 1 ibuff ds.b 2 *2 bytes before COMMSTR commstr ds.b 80 *command line even chacter ds.b 20 *40 bytes from file fname ds.b 80 *file name even word ds.b 80 *used in parsing even ********************* end `@v*O.| *m - ЭЭм// ??<JNA NL/<NA"/0<NBNu#NA/9NuNVBBJlDRBJ lD RB0. -@0.2. An=@ .gDN^NuNVH?BCB..,. f# <`hlDRCJlDRCn8fzB`0l :HGH`xe`Jge`|fD# D`# JLN^NuNVpN~=|=|` N2n1|Rn n m=|.t/</NP>Nd>N>?<?9NLXN<3lNP3@N4#Bn`>>?.NT?0n:00nZ2n:0Rn nm.4a.\aa y@o.|al.abN`.`3` .a>.a4.a>ahJ9"f 3`BW/<"NX# 93\3JmBW/@/\N3`.aBadJym yf By`3`. a .+a.Da a4J9"f 3`x.FaBW/<NX/9/9/9NZP/NZP# }"l&.Va.waz.apa`BW/<"NX# 93\3JmD>\N.a .a*a3a. yf ."N yfBW/<"NX#Jm@ 93\>\N>/<"NX#Jm 93\3. /<?9\N\3f yffZ.Z/< ?9\N\3f y ff0."/<}?9\N\3f y}ffBy>\NJyf3.aa`.."N. a.+a.Iaa`.gaa` .a~.at.ajaJymL yf.a^a3ad`By yg>Nd>N:NBWNN^NuNV.N aN^NuNV.N N^NuNV> N > N N^NuNVB9"Bn`>N30Jy0g>N#6 963j 96 f |"2nB=|ar` 96f:Jno2Sn |"2nB(>N > N >N `f y jo\ y{jlR y`jo09j|3j>jN 09j|"|"4n |"2nB(Rn nmJ9"g 9:#f9"H|3>` 3l>>>NN^NuNV=|`N>N=@ nNg nnf.aBn` nYg nyf.a=|Jnm0.N^NuNVBy:By?9NT.Q?<?9NX0.T@=@Rn nmN^NuNVa0JyhfX.U/<?9\N\-@JgBn`.H>aah ygjRn0.y.m``VBn`@.U/<?9\N\-@Jg..H>aa ygRn0.y.m`HN^NuNVanJyhfN.U/<?9\N\-@JgxBn`.H>aBaRn0.y.m``LBn`6.U/<?9\N\-@Jg$.H>aaRn0.y.m`\N^NuNV>NNN^NuNV>NAN^NuNV>?<NAN^NuNV>?<NAN^NuNV>NAN^NuNV.?< NAN^NuNV.?< NAN^NuNV>?<NAN^NuNV>NAN^NuNV>NAN^NuNV>*NAN^NuNV>?<+NAN^NuNV>,NAN^NuNV>?<-NAN^NuNV> /.?<6NAN^NuNV> /.?< /.?<=NAN^NuNV>?<>NAN^NuNV./. ?.?<?NAN^NuNV./. ?.?<@NAN^NuNV.?<ANAN^NuNV.?<HNAN^NuNV.?<INAN^NuNV. /.?<?<JNAN^NuNV>/NAN^NuNV.?<NAN^NuNV> /.?<NNAN^NuNV>ONAN^NuNV./. ?.?<VNAN^NuNV>?. /.?<WNAN^NuNV>?<NMN^NuNV>?<NMN^NuNV> ?.?<NMN^NuNV>?<NMN^NuNV> NMN^NuNV>NNN^NuNV>NNN^NuNV>NNN^NuNV>/. /.?<NNN^NuNV.?<NNN^NuNV> ?.?<NNN^NuNV>NNN^NuNV>%NNN^NuNV.?<&NNN^NuNV>?.?.?. ?. ?.?<NNN^NuNV.?<NNN^NuNV>NNN^NuNV30.|Hм-@=|` nH2n2RRn nm.2N>B@09 N^NuNV#### #^#t#2> aF3 BpN^NuNV>a*pN^NuNV>NN^Nu?/?<LNANu#Dz"<zpsNBNu0/2/ҀgV 4<eHA4<|cRBA`B6<c4BfSB2C|gAC8be0Nu4`6`0Nur0/jDA4/BjDADB/&HCCjDCCBmA&Nu0/@kR@`S@@Nu0/@R@@Nu#RNu#VNu o VNuNV3DByFByJ3PNN^NuNV3eDByFByJ3PNN^NuNV3{DByFByJ3PNN^NuNV#~# .мZ#3dDByF3 J n 3PN n 0P#~###N^NuNV# 3D3 FByJ3PN#N^NuNV3 3 3!DByF3J3PNN^NuNV3 3DByF3J3PN09N^Nu "3DUfw 1BSdtu  0@R!1BCT"33DDU'$%67G"3DUfww!2CTevv 1BSduu 0@P`pr 0@P`pr!!2BRct!22BRdKoala to DEGAS format picture converterCopyright 1985 ANALOG Computing*** Can't run in monochrome! ***Press any key to exitEnter Koala input file name:(Press RETURN to quit)>*** I CAN'T FIND THAT FILE! ***Now enter DEGAS output file name:(Press [RETURN] to quit)>Writing file...*** NOT ENOUGH ROOM ON DISK! ****** PLEASE INSERT ANOTHER ****** DISK AND TRY AGAIN. ****** FILE ALREADY EXISTS! ***Replace existing file (Y/N)?File conversion complete!*** WRITE ERROR ON DISK! ****** PLEASE INSERT ANOTHER ****** DISK AND TRY AGAIN. ****** INVALID FILE NAME! ****** CAN'T OPEN OUTPUT FILE! ****** PLEASE INSERT ANOTHER ****** DISK AND TRY AGAIN. ***More files to convert (Y/N)?NoYes.vf >                                  "  " $       L*,$2* &   `6P*O.|*m - ЭЭм// ??<JNA NL/<NA"/0<NBNu#NA/9NuNVBBJlDRBJ lD RB0. -@0.2. An=@ .gDN^NuNVH?BCB..,. f# <`hlDRCJlDRCn8fzB`0l :HGH`xe`Jge`|fD# D`# JLN^NuNV*N:.f/h/j/lN 3=|=|` N2n1|Rn n m=|.p/</NzP>NP>N>?<?9NXN 30.a4.a*aL.a.a. N y}*f3.aa`.+aa`.FaaJym yf By`3`.faH.a>.aHarJ9&f 3`>a3a0Jyg.aa`z.aBW/<N FX/9/9/9NZP/NZP# }"l&.a.a.aa`BW/<&N rX# 93 3JmD> N . N >/<&N rX#Jm 93 3N./<?9 N \3* y*fZ./< ?9 N \3* y *f0.&/<}?9 N \3* y}*fByN> N JyNf3.vaa`..&N .a.a.aa`.aa`".a.%a.Ca|aJym yf.aana3ar`By yg>NP>N&NBWNN^NuNVBnBn` |&2nJf`JnoR |&2n.RnBn`0 |&2n2.Ҽ4.H҂"ARnRn nm=|`v |&2n .fdRn=nBn`F0n"|&0H2.Ҽ4.H҂"A)HAg =|=|RnRn nm=|Rn nm0.N^NuNV.N aN^NuNV.N N^NuNV> N > N N^NuNVB9&Bn`>N 3Jyg>N # 93, 9 f |&2nB=|ar` 9f:Jno2Sn |&2nB(>N > N >N `f y ,o\ y{,lR y`,o09,|3,>,N 09,|"|&4n |&2nB(Rn nmJ9&g 9:'f9&H|3` 30>N N^NuNV=|`N>N =@ nNg nnf.~aBn` nYg nyf.a=|Jnm0.N^NuNV>NNN^NuNV>NAN^NuNV>?<NAN^NuNV>?<NAN^NuNV>NAN^NuNV.?< NAN^NuNV.?< NAN^NuNV>?<NAN^NuNV>NAN^NuNV>NAN^NuNV>*NAN^NuNV>?<+NAN^NuNV>,NAN^NuNV>?<-NAN^NuNV> /.?<6NAN^NuNV> /.?< /.?<=NAN^NuNV>?<>NAN^NuNV./. ?.?<?NAN^NuNV./. ?.?<@NAN^NuNV.?<ANAN^NuNV.?<HNAN^NuNV.?<INAN^NuNV. /.?<?<JNAN^NuNV>/NAN^NuNV.?<NAN^NuNV> /.?<NNAN^NuNV>ONAN^NuNV./. ?.?<VNAN^NuNV>?. /.?<WNAN^NuNV>?<NMN^NuNV>?<NMN^NuNV> ?.?<NMN^NuNV>?<NMN^NuNV> NMN^NuNV>NNN^NuNV>NNN^NuNV>NNN^NuNV>/. /.?<NNN^NuNV.?<NNN^NuNV> ?.?<NNN^NuNV>NNN^NuNV>%NNN^NuNV.?<&NNN^NuNV>?.?.?. ?. ?.?<NNN^NuNV.?<NNN^NuNV>NNN^NuNV30.|Hм6-@=|` nH2n2RRn nm.N>B@09N^NuNV#T#X#\#`#"d#4h#T> aF3pN^NuNV>a*pN^NuNV>MN n0 n 0 n0 n0B@09N^Nu?/?<LNANu#:"<:psNBNu0/2/ҀgV 4<eHA4<|cRBA`B6<c4BfSB2C|gAC8be0Nu4`6`0Nur0/jDA4/BjDADB/&HCCjDCCBmA&Nu0/@kR@`S@@Nu0/@R@@Nu#Nu#Nu o NuNV3By By3NN^NuNV3eBy By3NN^NuNV3{By By3NN^NuNV#>#F .мZ#J3dBy 3  n 3N n 0#N>#TF#J#BN^NuNV3 N3 P3!By 33NN^Nu :*.PIC:*.PI1NEO to DEGAS format picture converterCopyright 1985 Batteries IncludedThis program converts files created withthe Atari NEO program to DEGAS format.Please enter filenames with the drivespecifier (A, B or C) as shown in theexamples below: A:EXPLORER.PIC (on drive A) B:FAUCET.PIC (on drive B)All NEO input files use the extension.PIC. If you omit the extension, itwill be added automatically.All DEGAS output files must use theextension .PI1. If omitted, theextension will be added automatically.Enter NEO input file name:(Press RETURN to quit)>*** BAD FILENAME, PLEASE TRY AGAIN ***Reading file...File read complete!*** INVALID .PIC FILE! ****** I CAN'T FIND THAT FILE! ***Now enter DEGAS output file name:(Press RETURN] to quit)>*** BAD FILENAME, PLEASE TRY AGAIN ***Writing file...*** NOT ENOUGH ROOM ON DISK! ****** PLEASE INSERT ANOTHER ****** DISK AND TRY AGAIN. ****** FILE ALREADY EXISTS! ***Replace existing file (Y/N)?File conversion complete!*** WRITE ERROR ON DISK! ****** PLEASE INSERT ANOTHER ****** DISK AND TRY AGAIN. ****** INVALID FILE NAME! ****** CAN'T OPEN OUTPUT FILE! ****** PLEASE INSERT ANOTHER ****** DISK AND TRY AGAIN. ***More files to convert (Y/N)?NoYes.vf & >                                  ,&Z         &    /* NEOCONV 1.0 - "C" language source file for DRI's 68000 Alcyon C compiler, (Atari software development package). Author: Ken Settle. Disclaimer: I am not responsible for anything this does. Operating system: GEMDOS. Computer: Atari 520ST. Description: Converts DEGAS-format ".PI1" files to NEOCHROME ".NEO" format. Notes: I have NEOCHROME & wanted to be able to mess with the DEGAS pictures (I'd have that too, but I can't find it anywhere). What's next: I'm working on a RAM disk and software print spooler, for Public Domain. (who wants to pay $30+ for simple stuff like that?) Assembly procedure: cp68 neoconv.c neoconv.i c068 neoconv.i neoconv.1 neoconv.2 neoconv.3 -f c168 neoconv.1 neoconv.2 neoconv.s as68 -l -u neoconv.s link68 [u] neoconv.68k=apstart,neoconv,osbind,aesbind relmod neoconv (file should be renamed from NEOCONV.PRG to NEOCONV.TTP) Use: (1) double-click (open) the NEOCONV.TTP file. (2) enter the name of the .PI1 file you wish to convert (with or without the .PI1 extension. (1) install the NEOCONV.TTP as an application for .PI1 files. (2) double-click (open) the .PI1 file. Conversion times: about 15 seconds, floppy to floppy, about 2 seconds, hard disk to hard disk, about .5 seconds RAM disk to RAM disk. */ #include "osbind.h" int buffer[17000]; /* I/O buffer for .PI1 picture file */ /* (slight overkill, but who cares?) */ char newstuff[92]=" . "; /* required by NEO, I don't know why. */ int gl_apid; /* process ID # */ int cntrl[12]; int intin[128]; int ptsin[128]; int intout[128]; int ptsout[128]; /* storage wasted by bind to shel_read */ strcpy(s,t) /* copy "t" string to "s" string */ char *s,*t; { while(*s++ = *t++) /* this is alot faster then a bind to GEMLIB */ ; } do_error(number) int number; { Cconws("Error occurred... Press to return to GEM desktop.\n\r"); Cconin(); /* get a character */ appl_exit(); /* say goodbye */ Pterm0(); /* TERMINATOR */ } main() {long error; /* dos error return code */ int handle; /* .PI1 input file handle */ int handleo; /* .NEO output file handle */ long length; /* length of input file */ int index; /* a general-purpose index for loops */ int index1; /* another index */ char invoke[128],cmdtail[128]; /* command line paramaters */ char fname[80]; /* filename */ appl_init(); for(index=12; index < 92; index++) /* fill out newstuff with zeros */ newstuff[index] = '\0'; Cconws("NEOCONV 1.0 -- Convert DEGAS-format (.PI1) files to .NEO format.\n\r"); Cconws("Public Domain 11/17/85: Ken Settle.\n\n\r"); Cconws("File: "); shel_read(invoke,cmdtail); /* get the command that made this */ /* cmdtail[0]++; */ /* inc count of characters */ cmdtail[cmdtail[0]+1]='\0'; /* convert command line to a string */ strcpy(fname,&cmdtail[1]); /* copy that string into filename */ for(index=cmdtail[0],index1=0; index > 0; --index) if(fname[index]=='.') /* if we found the extension */ { index1=index; /* remember where */ index=0; /* provide exit condition for loop */ }else if(fname[index]==':' || fname[index]=='\\') /* if catalog/drive spec */ { index1=cmdtail[0]; /* no extension found, end of string */ index=0; /* provide exit condition for loop */ } if(index1==0) /* if no extension/drive/catalog */ index1=cmdtail[0]; /* point to end of string */ /* for(index=1; index < cmdtail[0]; index++) \* find extension of input filename*/ /* if (cmdtail[index] == '.') index=cmdtail[0]; else fname[index1++]=cmdtail[index]; \* build up a filename w/o extension */ strcpy(&fname[index1],".PI1"); /* add ".PI1" extension to filename */ Cconws(fname); /* print the filename to the display */ Cconws("\n\n\r"); error=Fopen(fname,0); /* open picture file to read */ if(error<0) /* if dos error, exit */ do_error(error); handle=(int)error; /* else-file handle was returned */ Cconws("Reading "); /* echo to display, "reading filename */ Cconws(fname); Cconws("\n\r"); length=Fread(handle,34000L,&buffer[1]); /* read entire file into buffer */ if(length<0) /* if dos error, exit */ do_error(error); error=Fclose(handle); /* close input file */ if(error<0) /* if dos error, exit */ do_error(error); strcpy(&fname[index1],".NEO"); /* add .NEO extension to filename */ error=Fcreate(fname,0); /* create .NEO output file */ if(error<0) /* if dos error (you guessed it!) */ do_error(error); error=Fopen(fname,1); /* open .NEO file for writing */ if(error<0) /* if dos error, die */ do_error(error); handleo=(int)error; /* if no error, we have a file handle */ Cconws("Writing "); /* echo to display "writing filename" */ Cconws(fname); Cconws("\n\r"); buffer[0]=0; /* NEO wants first word to be 0 */ error=Fwrite(handleo,36L,&buffer); /* write color pallette */ if(error<0) /* if error, blow up */ do_error(error); error=Fwrite(handleo,92L,&newstuff); /* pad out rest of 1st 128 bytes */ if(error<0) /* if error, kick the bucket */ do_error(error); length -= 34; error=Fwrite(handleo,(long)length,&buffer[18]); /* write rest of file */ if(error<0) /* if error, die gracefully... */ do_error(error); /* Yes, this does work without a Fclose on the output file, exit does it. */ Cconws("File converted. Press to return to desktop.\n\r"); Cconin(); /* get a character */ appl_exit(); } /* done */ 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666. 9.. 9TINYSTUFPRGDTINYVIEWPRG`*O.|*m - ЭЭм// ??<JNA N/<NA"/0<NBNuNVN.Q/]/Y/UNd 3$ `9 H0@0R9 9  m3./<$/<NPB?<NT.?<NBTH#&.n?<NBTH#&N^NuNVB?<NTNN0BWNN^NuNVB?<NT>//B/N#By>`" y2y>!0Ry>T y>>mN^NuNV &o4./. ?.?<?NP#& 9& l #&N^NuNV &o4./. ?.?<@NP#& 9& l #&N^NuNVB&BW/<!?<=N\3Jyla.B/<?9a,\.B/<?9a\ yl yBm yfn yBfb.b/< ?9a\./<\?9a\.!/<}?9a\J&l .ta`a` .a>?<>NT#&N^NuNVB&>N#BW/<!h?<?<>NT#&N^NuNVB&BW/<!?<=N\3Jyla.B/<?9a:\ yl yBm yfj yBf`.b/< ?9a\.!/<}?9a\J&l .ta>?<>NT#&a2` .aN^NuNVB&>N#09B|1"|!h9"HH@BW/<!h?<?<>NT#&N^NuNVB&BW/<!?<=N\3JylaT."/<?9a\9"H3B yg yBf yf yBf 9"o./<?9a0\.b/< ?9a\./<?9a\.@/<?9a\.0y/?9a\J&l .ta.09@H/?9a\` .a>?<>NT#&N^NuNVB&BW/<!h?<?<>NT#&N^NuNV yl092yRy`V0yBRy09H2yRy09HH@2yRyN^NuNV099HA3 yl09D@2yRy`X0yRy09H2yRy09HH@2yRyN^NuNV 9fd 9&мP#& >&m@ 9&м#& P&m" 9&м#& &fB@`p``B@N^NuNVByBy@B&3!>0y@0!Ry@aD3`, y&"|!00y>f`Rya  y&"|!00y>f 9ga0y@"y&!0Ry@ y&!3>a3J9fa`|`HRy0y@"y&!0Ry@ y&!3>a> y&"|!00y>g 9gar3 >&l 9gN^NuNV |2y4Jg4 |2y4 g 0y4"|0H3Ry4`t0y4Ry4# y2y4Ry4R y2y4Ry4 9f09D@3N^NuNVByB& 9"oxByF`0yF RyF y Fm.9"HW@"By4`aJylLByF`4 y&!2y0RyaJSyF09Fyn`JByF`. y&!2y0aRyF09FymRy3094ymF 9"op9"HA`9"H3BaN^NuNVa0>N3B9`89H0@!*/?<9H??<N\ _0R9 9mB@3D3`P.T?<NBT3.?<NBT3D09yDf.8?<NBT09yDg.?<NBT3 yfa yfPI? yfTNY yDfPI1 yDfNEO#!v6.6?<NT> /<?<NN\#&B?<NT`> yfa yfa yfa 9fal 9fB9 `R |!h9 HH"|!v9 HH |!h9 HH .f  "`R9 9 m |!h9"HHy |!h9"HHy |!h9"HHy yDfa yDfa4 yDfa$a>ON#&J&f>?<NTJgB?<NT>?<NTJg>?<NT>/B@09&N^NuNV##!J# #&###:> aF3&HpN^NuNV>a*pN^NuNV3# >4NdN^NuNV>MNd n0( n 0* n0, n0.B@09&N^NuNV3# >NNdN^Nu#NN/9Nu#NM/9Nu#NA/9Nu [2][Please select the source|format of the pictures|to convert.][Degas|Neo|Tiny][2][Please select the|destination format|of the new files.][Degas|Neo|Tiny][2][Select 'Cancel' to exit| or 'Convert' to begin.][Cancel|Convert][3][Source and Destination|formats cannot|be the same.][Ok][3][Picture file does|not match the|marked format.][Skip][3][Cannot set screen to|correct resolution.][Skip][3][Error reading|or writing|picture file.][Abort][0][Picture Compression Utility| | Tiny Stuff| by David Mumper| ][Thanks][0][This is Freeware...|mail donations to:|N68W25626 Silver Spring Ave|Sussex, Wi 53089| ][I'll give]*.NEOTNY.                                                                                            $   . f.. fDCRSC RSChDEGASCONPRGlREAD ME sjTREKTUFFPI3w"}$ Desk File Print Picture Printer About DegasConv-------------------- Desk Accessory 1 Desk Accessory 2 Desk Accessory 3 Desk Accessory 4 Desk Accessory 5 Desk Accessory 6 Load... Save...------------ Image...------------ Delete...------------ Quit Print Size... Patterns... Convert Epson MX-80 Epson FX-80 Epson LQ-80Convert Degas pictures to Hi-resolution&Print pictures Programmed by L.G. 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It will also save a selected portion of a picture as a '.IMG' file. Instructions for use. -------------------- You need the resource file 'DCRSC.RSC' on the same disc as the program DEGASCON.PRG. The program will work in High & Medium resolution. What you can do: ---------------- 1) Load a picture: Degas or '.TNY' ( or '.TN3' ) pictures. If the file to be loaded has an extension of '.TN*' then the file is expanded before being converted. 2) Save the converted picture as a DEGAS hi-res picture. 3) Assign different patterns to each palette colour: a) Use the PATTERNS... option on the PICTURE menu. b) click with the left button anywhere in the window. A dialog is entered which will show the colour of the pixel that the mouse is on, and the current print pattern associated with it. Edit the print pattern to change it. Use the CONVERT option on the PICTURE menu to re-convert the picture with the new pattern(s). 4) Select a portion of the picture to be printed. a) press the 'ESC' key. You will see a full screen display with a default selected portion of the picture in the middle of the screen. Click and hold in the box to drag it about the picture. The box can be re-sized by clicking and dragging in the lower-right corner. Click with the LEFT button anywhere outside the box to accept it. Click on the RIGHT button to cancel this display and return to to the main display. The co-ordinates and size of the accepted box will update the co-ordinates in the SIZE option on the PRINT menu. The print size will be made the same as the box size, i.e. the printed picture will not be scaled. 5) Scale the picture when it is printed. a) Select the SIZE option on the PRINT menu. This displays a dialog with the co-ordinates and size of the selected picture ( full size by default ). Also the current of the picture when printed is displayed. If these values are changed then the picture will be scaled by the appropriate amount when printed. The starting co-ordinates ( in character positions ) of the printed picture on the page can be altered on this dialog. 6) To print the picture, select PRINT from the PRINT menu. Also select the direction to be printed ( Landscape or Portrait) 7) To save the selected portion of the picture as a '.IMG' file suitable for importing into DTP packages. Click on 'Image...' in the FILE menu. -------------------------//----------------------- Assigning different print patterns to the colours: Wot happens on loading a picture: When a picture is loaded each colour used in the picture is assigned a pattern of dots ( four dots for a low-res picture, two dots for a med-res picture ). The number of dots in the pattern is decided mainly by the brightness of the colour. Also each colour gets a different pattern of dots. the implications of this are if the same colour occurs twice, each will have a different pattern ( not so clever if black occurs twice, one comes out grey! ). How to change the print patterns: --------------------------------- On the PICTURE menu there is the option PATTERNS..., clicking on this throws up a dialog for the current settings. Each entry consists of three parts: RGB ( Red, Green & Blue components of the colour in that position in the palette ), the index number of the palette entry ( where it is in the palette ) & the Print Bit Patterns associated with this colour. This consists of a series of 1's and 0's. A '1' indicates a dot will be printed, a '0' indicates no dot. There are four dots to be printed for each low-res picture pixel and all sixteen colours are used. In a med-res picture, the are two dots printed for each pixel and only the first four entries are used. To change a pattern, edit the Print Bit Pattern with the appropriate series of 1's & 0's. If you exit the dialog by pressing ENTER or clicking on the CONVERT box, the picture will be reconverted using the latest patterns. Clicking on the CANCEL button will ignore the changes made during this use of the dialog. To stop a print partway through then click on the LEFT mouse button. You will be prompted whether to abort the print or not. If your printer is offline then after about 30 seconds you will get an alert prompting you about it. Some features ( if they are documented they are not bugs! well, maybe... ) When non-integer scaling is used in the print, the picture can sometimes look very odd. I cannot find anything obviously wrong with the scaling routines and suspect the effects are artifacts of the technique I have used ( This means I don't know why it looks odd! ). ------------------------------//----------------------------- The program must not be sold. Graham Miller *" jvgj*" jvgj*"V**Uezʈ+fUy€*(+j * (Z_""(juv?""juv( ( ?ֵV? 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FEppF !!! FvL=F! j`F2*zz !zz F*  F*  F*  F*  F*  F* @  F*  F* Fp* Fp*HH FMF!F tPFEFFUEF`EFTEF EXXFF EF*c8a:\picworks\data\picworks.pi3 F M>FcFEPPFp&a:\picworks\data\picworks.pi3!FPEppFEPPFEzzF !!FuE@@F !!FuMFEFF d@RFM&FF[FEppFEPPFEzzF !!F!F d&RFM&FMFR FFF cF F ======================= +F\)!rI hope for you, your printer|is ready when you click OK.|(I won't take responsebility|for your mistakes, you know)!! OK|No print!F eVFeF@!Py`FRF2M;F|FP;B@ "FF@ F|F2144,1 27,51,24 o.F ======================= +;F ETF!FEFFeEGTF ! F0!FF eFFfEGFQF!F0!FF eFG Q!!Fs fL` F3!FEF F;B "B "B "F f`FF;BX "BH "F" F;F.F ======================= +Ff)!LBe sure your printer will|listen to me, I don't like|communication failures.!! OK|No print!F gVFeF@!PFRF2M;F|FF@ F|F264,1 27,51,6 .F ======================= +FZ)!@To produce a picture|this size, your printer|must be very ready.!! OK|No print!F h.FeF@!PFRF2M;F|FF@ F|F2224,1 27,51,9 .F ======================= +F(ha:\picworks\data\pw_re_01.b FM>FhnFE``F$a:\picworks\data\pw_re_01.b!FE``F$a:\picworks\data\pw_tr_01.b!FEbbF$a:\picworks\data\pw_vk_01.b!FEddF$a:\picworks\data\pw_re_01.b!FEffF0$a:\picworks\data\pw_p1_02.b!FEhhF$a:\picworks\data\pw_p2_02.b!FEjjF$a:\picworks\data\pw_p3_02.b!FXEllF$a:\picworks\data\pw_d3_01.b!XF\EjjFH$a:\picworks\data\pw_c3_02.b!\F.F ======================= +FRFEEF F4FFQ Fj ***F  EF  EFMF|FE( , PICWORKS 1.1 , ,1,2,3,4,5,6,"" zFiles, Load , Save , , Load part , Save part , , Bye , , Little manual , , New info , PICWORKS 2.0 ,"" PShow, Original , Make original , , Reduce common , Reduce extreme ,"" ZEdit, Cover black , Cover white , Invert , , Draw frame , , Clear screen ,"" Part," Get part " d Get quarter , , Put blocked , Put transparant , , Fill with part , , Zoom to full ,"" F2Print, 1:1 , 1:2 , 1:3 , , Install ,"" VC-64, Send 1 , Send 2 , Send 3 , Send 4 , , 1 | 2 , ---+--- ," 3 | 4 " 4: , Get 1 , Get 2 , Get 3 , Get 4 , , Info ,"" "***" .FL ======================= +FiFF[FEppFEPPFEzzF !!F! m  PICWORKS 1.1 FM7Fa F n  PICWORKS 2.0 FMLF F n  Bye F,\)!?I can't imagine|you really want to quit|this beautiful program!!!I can|No No No!F nFt`F F F n  1:1 FdMF F n  1:2 FdMF F o  1:3 FdMF\ F o,  Install F3MFuF"Ea:\picworks\data\fig_1.parFp 7I!M!F:M!-F:M!SF:M!QF8MFEQ!- Fi;@6  PAD!z FfYFFM6 Left button to keep this picture!Press right button to quit FKEFM5F H!>!FF!ERF vFM&F wXFEPPFEppFEzzFs !!F F FF@ |F\L"With this program and one simple cable (which is easily made) you can " w:"transmit to and receive pictures from a Commodore 64." "*" L"In the menupart 'C-64' you find options to get or send data. It takes " wP"some practise to do this. It's important to go through the following steps " "with the correct timing. "*" >"Transmit data to Commodore: - Select a screen on the C64" "*" J" - Select the screenpart you want to send" "*" F" - Point the mouse on 'Send screen#'" u"*" P" - Push 'A' on the 64 and click the mousebutton" "*" L" quickly after the C64 border turned red." "*" J"Receive data from Commodore: - Select the 64-screen you want to send" ."*" @" - Click mouse on 'Get screen#" e"*" 8" - Push '*' on the C64. c"*" " ","*" V"For these function you need the program 'Comat' on the C64 and a parallel cable " gP"between the printer port of your Atari and the user port of your Commodore." "*" " ","*" "@" b"When you want more information about this project, contact the STRIKE-a-LIGHT softwaregroup. " B"Our adress you can find on the info-page about PICWORKS 1.1." e"*" B"You will find more details about the connector cable below. " >"Be careful making it, we don't take any responsability. " .>"If you can't make your own cable, we will do it for you. " N"Anyway, you should contact us to get the COMAT-program for the Commodore." * B"We wish you good luck, and hope to hear something from you. " ""Any reaction would be welcom." "@" .F  ======================= +FvLFEEppFEPPFEzzF !!Fs FvLFE~EGFb ~    ---+---   1 | 2   3 | 4   Cover bad spots F!F F ~xFG.F ======================= + FV)!@Not yet implemented. Wait for:| | PICWORKS 2.0 |!!I'll do!F.F  ======================= + FF@RF0Q ! FEGFcQF&!FQF&@!FQF1! F ! F|F@ FGEppFEPPFEzzF !!F!F@|F&78000,&68000 1,0,0 1,1,40 7 2,0,16000 2,1,16040 .F ======================= +FF@RFQ ! F@EGFcQF&!FQF&@!FQF1! F ! 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Last name: F0EGF4 !pp!!pp F&' !pp! F&'4!pp! F F!EFEF%!F!F60!pp!!ppFFEPFEQFERF@  ppp FEpF p F  F60!pp!!ppFEF60!pp!!ppF FE FEF F FE FE  F!FM&Fo[F E F StopF-F F F E.*F FEEF |FEFHC@\ F E=@6  FF@xC@. F E;@6  FHF@ FE FE F FEEppFEPPFEzzF !!FM SAVE PICTURE FfA:\*!!FEppFEPPFEzzF !!F =@ \FEC@. F | FFE;@  F F@E F FEEF  FF<)!$|already exists.|Shall I replace it?!!YES|NO!F F! Fr R zDFP!FP!n FEPPF F v ^FmMF F  ^FMEFEEF  E]F FEPPF F F FM I am saving. Fo 7O!M!F M!OKF8MF!!! F F FE|Fm032034,.PI3,Degas / Degas-elite / GfA-Painter t"32000,.DOO,Dr Doodle / GST Draw 32000,.ART,Monostar 32000,"",Jack-Paint -111,.CP3,Picworks compact e -222,.PC3,Degas-elite compact 21,Stop,Who said I wanted to save this picture? 0,-,- |F.FF ======================= + F %!!PF!! !GF%!F$! !q!pF$! !q!pF$ !8!o!pF$!!@!o!pF%!!F$"!H!n!pF!F'8!4!F!F.F ======================= +FPF@MI am compacting. FtEFEFEF#EF EF$E F"EPPFG"EzF%EppF0!F!3  F0!F F E4 FE4 FEF0!F*#4  #4  #" F%!F%!܀F4F0!FVF .FF!F0!FF!F0!FF4FFEF !F !F0 !FF dF4FF !F0 !FF !F0 !FF F &"F#!FE$G HFF !4 F0!F F E#FE#FF@.F ======================= +FF@MI am decompacting. FEF E3 F0!FF EFE@@F"EzFEGF0!FE 3 FEG3 F !4 F0!FF0 !FF !4 F0!FF0 !FF F F0!FF E4 F0 !FF E4 F0 !FFxEG3 F!F0!FF! F0!FF BF |F "F !4 F0!Fz0 !Fz !4 F0!Fz0 !FzFF@.F ======================= + F=^F!F(!!!PF=%!F#F$H! ! !zF !F4E,One moment ... (Sometimes I'm not too quick)F=0'# 6 !4!F0'# 6 !\!F!F[F.FF ======================= +4FM&FRF@!F+EF,EGGF)!*!)+!*,FFE "&!'!(F!&EPF'EQF(ERF & F &E F FE 'HF 'EHHF FE & )' *F)!*!)+!*,F)E&F&*E'F&&!'!&+!',F FE `(FF&!'!&+!',F (F&!'!&+!',!F %!F&!'!&+!',F { F&!'!&+!',F!F F+E F,EHHFM&F'F@!F.F# ======================= +&FRF% RF.F ======================= +'F FF@EG H+F EGGH,F ! !FERF ZF \ FF ZF FFFEppFEPPFEzzF !!F!F@ LFl)!THow do you expect me to fill|with a part, when you haven't|even made that part yet?|!!(My God)!Fi F!M&F.F! ======================= +*FRF@FM&F@E  FAEHHF!FFE "!!F H @ AF@!!@!GF !A! !AF@EFAEF@!!@!GF !A! !AFDEGHF :FG FF FG@!!@!GF !A! !AFM&F  FBE@FFCEAFFB!C!@!AFFE "!!F  @ AFB!C!@!AF@EFAEFB!C!@!AFEG F  FG FF FGB!C!@!AF+E(@B F,E(AC FEF  +,FEFF@z)!\Such a small part works|very slow.|Do you still want to have it|or do you want to try again?!!Do again|Get it!FM&FF@ FEF FE F F FF!FF@.F* ======================= ++FRM*FR FP!F%!FB!C!@!AF { FB!C!@!AF!FB!C!@!A!F F.F* ======================= +,!!D FM*FF@ F !DFF%!!FB!C!@!AF!F FM&FF,ERF F nFPEppFEPPFEzzF !!F! FM&FF@.F! ======================= +0V F M&Fi FF@F0 "!!F +  FE  +F FE ,HFEHH,F FE  @ AFEppFEPPFEzzF !!F!!!VF@EFAEF F FEppFEPPFEzzF !!F!M&F F FAF@ HFX)!@How do you expect me to|place a part you haven't|even selected?|!!Oh sorry!F, F!M&F.F& ======================= +1FYF1EppFEPPFEzzF !!F!.F1 2======================= +)FA& 2#, H+  Fh E`Must I give the picture|the same measures,|or do you want a screen|full of (distorted) picture?|F EDon't do| B I G |MeasuresF z,H+ F ,HFB E;A picture this high,|I can only enlarge in|the X-direction.F EDon't do|X-expandF vF B E;A picture this wide,|I can only enlarge in|the Y-direction.F EDon't do|Y-expandF FE FE)! !! !F M&F F-F FF@YF !!FFEppFEPPFEzzF !!F!E%  + FE%H, F!F''!C!F(!!!PF$F$ ! ! !EF$ !E! !1F$ !1! !1F$ !1! !EF#FF@$ !1! !EF$ !E!@ !EF#FF@%!! Ft& !CF%!!F& !4F .F  7======================= +7F-F@E F-#FF@PEIFIEGGHF!IP! !IPF IF PF#FF@%!F$ ! !@ !HF!F(!!!F*/! ! ! PICWORKS 1.1F!F(!!!PFKEFR F:M6Right button to quit!Left button for next page FoM&FM5FFF(ERF (Fw `( FrYFE:M6Right button to quit!Left button for next page FoM&FKEFM5F(!!!F *'!#K !STRIKE-a-LIGHTF(!!!PFM5FFF(ERF h(Fw \( FrYFE%!F$ ! !@ !HF!F(!!!F,/! ! !STRIKE-a-LIGHTF!F(!!!PFKEF(M6!Press a mouse button to quit FM&FM5FFF(ERF H(Fw F, F |FJ"The STRIKE-a-LIGHT softwaregroup presents a program to work with the" rH" pictures you always wanted to print, enlarge, reformat to another " "drawing program etcetera." *," ",* f"You can load the pictures in any format, but not in color (yet), the program will automatically " ,"recognize the saved format and load it." *," ",* R"After that you have the possibillity to perform different operations on the " P"picture. Like stretching, cutting out pieces and put them somewhere else, " "N"cover bad spots or invert them, put a piece of one picture in a picture " "$"you load afterwards, etc, etc." e *," ",* F"Then you can save the picture in any format you like, including a" 2" compact PICWORKS format to spare disk space." @ *," ",* 2"You can print your pictures in three formats:" *,"Original size (1:1) " 6"and enlarged 2 or 3 times to make nice posters! " "@"You can install the graphic print mode. Plotter mode will " v:"print squares as squares (circles won't become eggs). i*,"If you have" $" problems printing, contact us." *," ",*," ",* "Our adress is:" o@ "" Veilig Oord 72" (*," NL-5531 XD Bladel" &*," The Netherlands" l.*," Telephone: 04977 - 2975" - *," ",* H"We are members of the ST-Club Eindhoven, which has a meeting every" rJ" first saturday and third tuesday of the month at 'Gemeenschapshuis " "H"De Ketting', in the Tinelstraat, Eindhoven. If you have questions " eB"or remarks about PICWORKS 1.1 (or other ST problems) you can " "also contact us there." d@ F"The STRIKE-a-LIGHT softwaregroup makes programs for the Atari ST." F*,"We try to make them as good and userfriendly as possible, but " L"for improvements we need your remarks and questions badly. So, please " 4"contact us at 'Veilig Oord' or in 'De Ketting'." H*," ",*,"We put lots of work in these programs and it would be nice " J"if the reward for our sweat was something more than just the program" " " itself. H*,"We believe in the Public Domain system, and therefore have made " iH"this program PD too. If you think it's useful to you, please copy " iH"it. When you use it often, you might consider to share a little of " L"your happiness about the program with us on Dutch giro number 4285878 " F"(of Robje Heessels, Bladel). Contributions of that kind, make it " 0"interesting for us to improve our programs." *," ",* " @ F@!F.F, ======================= +:F!F!! !GF EPPFsEppFsEzzFs !!F.FF ======================= +8F F<)!)Where is your part?|I don't know, do you?!!Oops!F F%!!PF!! !GF%!F$! !q!pF$! !q!pF$ !8!o!pF$!!@!o!pF%!!F$"!H!n!pF!F '8!4! SAVE PARTFt!FM SAVE PART FfA:\*.PAR!!FDEPPFsEppFsEzzFs !!F  =@ \FEC@. F@  FFE;@ .PARF F@E.PARF FEEF  FR<)!$|already exists.|Shall I replace it?!!YES|NO!F F! FrM I am saving. F. 7O!M!FM!+FM!,F QE6 FFM!QF8MF Ez FE;@6  PADF 7O!M!F M!OKF8MF! !!QF  F F F.F ======================= +9F%!!PF!! !GF%!F$! !q!pF$! !q!pF$ !8!o!pF$!!@!o!pF%!!F$"!H!n!pF!F '8!4! LOAD PARTF'!FM LOAD PART FfA:\*.PAR!!FD =@ \FeEPPFsEppFsEzzFs !!F E;@6  PADF    FM I am loading. F 7I!M!F:M!+F:M!,F:M!QF8MF!!+!,!F" Ez F!F F F.F ======================= +!F$0!!!F$r!!=!F'8!!CANCELF'!!OKFEFEUFaEF_E`FdbEF%!F!F60! !! `FV0!_ #  !!_ `#  F FEPFEQFERFBEFCEF@ H    pF E F D pF @ F60! !! `FEF60! !! `F FE FE FE` ĸ   #   p#  F 1!#  FE F Ĵ pF İ_ FV0!_ #  !!_ `#  F _EFV0!_ #  !!_ `#  F  FE FE FE: B CB CFbEF F: @BpCB>>CFbEF F ,b F lbFUEF`E_F FE!FM&Fo[F TE FŬEGTF E@ F ŒF|F B2,27,75,Single density 8 pins 60 dots/inch B2,27,76,Double density 8 pins 120 dots/inch B2,27,89,Double density high speed 8 pins 120 dots/inch B2,27,90,Quadruple density 8 pins 240 dots/inch D3,27,42,4,CRT graphics 8 pins 80 dots/inch D3,27,42,5,Plotter graphics 8 pins 72 dots/inch D3,27,42,6,CRT graphics II 8 pins 90 dots/inch 0 |F,(Line spacing n/72 inch (old printers) *Line spacing n/216 inch (new printers) )<Line spacing n/72 inch with confirmation (most printers) B.F, ======================= +=FF ȤFD)!/Wait, wait,|this disk is full.|Try another one.!!Hmmmmm!F $FaYF!Error number: "Fob)!LOh my God,|you have caused an error|and I don't understand it.|What's wrong?!!What???!F F!vL=F F.FL ======================= +>Fd)!MI need some information|from the PICWORKS disk.|Please feed my drive with it.!!Why not?!FV a:\dgfdf.---F .F! ======================= +?FF RFF F.F ======================= +@FF@EHHF#FF@ʞPEIFʔIEGGHF!IP! !IPF pIF ZPF#FF@%!F$ ! !@ !HF!F(!!!F8/! ! !PICWORKS 1.1 Little ManualF!F(!!!PFKEFRFWEGFtERight button to quitF ELeft button for next pageF WFc"EClick a mousebutton to quitFEFi FE M6! FM&FM5FFF(ERF (Fw Z(FKEFYFE TWFG.F |F<"Short discription of the functions and how to use them:" *, ,* L"When you're not performing a function, you can switch between menu bar " D"and full screen display (and back) with the right mouse button." *, ,* "MENU BAR OPTIONS:" *, ,* N"DISK Load; in the itemselector, any item can be selected, PICWORKS 1.1" "L*," will automatically load the picture in the right format." H*," Any picture in memory will be lost (but not a part). lN*," Save; choose the desired format and give the file a name in the" aN*," itemselector (default is the name of the loaded picture)." aP*," Load part; loads a PICWORKS part. A part in memory will be erased." 0*," Save part; saves a PICWORKS part." t@*," Bye; quits the program, any changes made are lost." 4*," Little manual; gives you this manual." e*, ,* @ L"SHOW Original; returns to the original picture, changes will be lost." L*," Make original; the current screen becomes the original picture" :*," and the old one will be lost." R*," Reduce common; calculates four reduced pictures in different shades" lD*," of grey (useful when sending to a C64). eN*," Reduce extreme; same as 'Reduce common' but with extreme shades." *, ,* P"EDIT Cover black; position the crossline on the startpoint of a part you" R*," want to cover, click the left mouse button and pull the box" lN*," to a desired size, click left again and the box will be" xN*," painted, if all is correct, click left again, otherwise," L*," click right and you return to the menu bar. During all" L*," operations you can click right to leave the function." "N*," Cover white; same as above, but the part will be painted white." D*," Invert; same as above, but the part will be inverted." dJ*," Draw frame; draws a black one-line frame around the picture." P*," Clear screen; clears the current screen, not the original picture," L*," which can be obtained back by 'Show - Original'." @ N*, ,*,"PART Get part; gets a part out of the picture for future use. The" J*," procedure of selecting a part is the same as with" J*," 'Cover black' without the conformation at the end." N*," Get quarter; move the frame to the desired position and pick up" hJ*," the quarter with the left mouse button, you can" P*," 'escape' with the right button (a quarter screen fits" 4*," the C64 format exactly)." tP*," Put blocked; puts the selected part in the (later loaded) picture," 2*," covering it completely." R*," Put transparant; same as above, but the black parts of the original" l2*," will shine through." F*," Fill with part; fills the screen with the selected part." P*," Zoom to full; enlarges the part as big as possible, but always so" "@*," that every point has the same size." H*," B I G; every point is as large as possible." a<*," Measures; every point is square." @ F*, ,*,"PRINT 1:1; prints the current screen as normal screendump." N*," 1:2; prints the current screen twice as big, every dot becomes a" (*," square of four dots." J*," 1:3; prints the current screen three times as big, every dot" 2*," becomes a square of nine dots." iJ*," Install; you can choose the best fitting graphic mode out of" H*," 7 possibilities, each with its own pros and cons." L*," Plotter mode will give the best results when an exact" P*," copy of the screen is required; squares will be squares." .*," The higher the density " "the flatter the picture." eP*," All epson standard printers should work with at least the" 8*," single and double density modes." J*," With the three linefeed buttons you can adjust the" rL*," printer's linespacing. With at least one of them the" sL*," graphic lines will fit; just try and call us if not." .*, ,* L"C-64 For information on sending and receiving pictures to and from a" rB*," Commodore 64, see the info in the C-64 menu itself." d@  ======================= +AF!F!@FF|XFF.FX ======================= +EF!F\!PFF|\FE ]E4 FF!.F! ======================= +GF:)!Get the original|and move it?!! Yes sir|Oh no!F \Fe@!p!zFFG,)! Links / Rechts !! < |Stop| > !Fi ߸F<F,@z !@z  ! FF@!p!zFF F FpF,@z !@y ! FF@!p!zFF F@!P!zF ,F<FG,)! Omhoog / Omlaag !! < |Stop| > !F F<F,@z !@ ! FF@!p!zFF F 0FpF,@z !@p ! FF@!p!zFF F@!P!zF DF< F.F  +IFF@E F#FF@PEIFIEGGHF!IP! !IPF IF PF#FF@%!F$ ! !@ !HF!F(!!!F4/! ! !PICWORKS 1.1 New InfoF.!F(!!!PFKEFRFJWEGFERight button to quitF ELeft button for next pageF WFF"EClick a mousebutton to quitFEFi FE M6! FM&FM5FFF(ERF (Fw JZ(FKEFYFE WFGF.F |F@"This version of PICWORKS contains a number of new options " d"which have been implemented after questions by users we received and we came up with ourselves." N*,"As you can read in the 'little manual', we always welcom comments and " mF"even critisism with wich we can expand our programs the way the " "<"most important people for us, being you as user, want." *,"" D*,"Changes have been made on different functions in the program." J*," Users of version 1.0 will find that the printer installation has " H"been improved, so that (as far as we know) every Epson compatible " @"printer can print all selectable sizes. With of course the " D"note that a printer won't suddenly be able to print quadruple " e8"density if it couldn't before you ran this program." N" Every printer, however compatible they say it should be, is different. " V"So try the different modes, although it says for example that it is created for " l("new printers and you own an old one. H*,"Like we said before, if you should have any trouble working with " P"the program, or if your printer is not working although we said it should: " :"please contact us, so we can keep improving PICWORKS. e"@" H"Another important improvement, is the possibility to load and save " L"Degas Elite (I hope Tom Hudson won't mind us using this name) compact " "pictures, the '.PC3' files." J*,"This way of compacting pictures saves lots of room on your disks. " "L"On a normal disk you should be able to store twice as much pictures as " L"in the uncompressed format. The compacted files can be handled exactly " j"the same as normal ones. They can be loaded from Degas Elite or PICWORKS of course and if needed, be " N"transformed to all the other filetypes listed in the save-menu. This way " F"you can use the advantage of saving diskspace without losing the " N"compatibility with other programs. We have chosen the Degas Elite format " L"because we think this program sets a standard in it's kind and we want " J"everybody to be able to use it's features, including the compressed " "file format." mN*,"Using the compressed format works exactly the same as with the normal " "H"file types. Just select a .PC3 file to be loaded and PICWORKS will " L"automatically recognize the special format and decompress the picture " tL"for you. This decompressing takes almost no time (in fact, because the " L"file is shorter and therefore loaded quicker, loading is faster). You " H"can also save pictures from every kind of drawing program into the " ".PC3 format." p"@"  L L======================= +LFF@EHHF#FF@PEGFIEGGHF!IP! !IPF IF PF#FF@%!F$ ! !@ !HF!F(!!!F8/! ! !PICWORKS 2.0 coming up...Fe!F(!!!PFKEFRFvWEGF ERight button to quitF ELeft button for next pageF *WFa"EClick a mousebutton to quitFEFi FE M6! FM&FM5FFF(ERF F(Fw vZ(FKEFYFE WFGF.F |FN"On april the 25th 1987, PICWORKS 2.0 will be released on the open ST-day " "in Amsterdam." P" STRIKE-a-LIGHT and the ST-club Eindhoven will be present there with this " p$"and other 'Low cost software'." P*,"Indeed low cost and no PD like this version. Why? Well, look at the list " ,"of possibilities below and you'll see." r*,"" oP*," PICWORKS 2.0 will run on both monochrome and color monitors. Pictures " .:"can be changed from low to high resolution and back." aT*," You can adjust print grids for color pictures to improve printout quality." aR*," We are developing a special high-density printout for quadruple printing " 0"to make a very dense, yet well shaped print. L*," Poster printing will be much quicker and easyer to use. Posters of " j"more than 2 meters wide (about 90 inch) can be printed, but smaller is also possible. You only need " aJ"some glue to put the parts of the poster together and the result is " ""enormous." V*," If you have a printer that can't work with any of the printer installations " N"the program offers, you can make your own driver in an easy way and save " "it for later use." @ d*," The print can be fully controled. Papersizes, margins, density, size of the picture, etc. " "can be adjusted and saved." tn*," Blocks or parts out of Degas Elite, First Word, Snapshot and other programs can be loaded and saved." K8*," Parts can be rotated, mirrored, reshaped, etc." SL*," You can cutout or cover pieces of the picture of any shape you like. P*," Depending on the memory size you have, you can work with more screens " aF"at the same time. To move parts of one drawing to the other, etc." J*," Made a great printable picture and forgot to format a datadisk? " eP*,"PICWORKS 2.0 let's you format (also with 82 tracks, 10 sectors), rename, " P"delete files, make folders, etc., without you having to leave the program." aN*," Text can be added in different fonts, sizes, styles, directions, etc." T*," Pictures or parts can be overlayed with a pattern, to make it look better " i"on the printer. pH*," With the memory full of compacted pictures and a diskette with " J"pictures in the drive, you can make a slideshow of up to 60 screens, " L"without having to change floppies (depending on the size of the files " *"and the memory available in your ST." e@ N*," Screens can be linked together on the printer, to produce big, high " "density prints." T*," All funktions you find in this version will naturaly be present in 2.0. We " F*,"will only look if it is possible to get them better and faster." *," " J*,"It isn't the 25th of april yet and ideas are coming up every day. " hL"Therefore we invite you to come to Amsterdam or Eindhoven (see 'little " r"manual') to meet us, maybe you have ideas for us too... On these ST-days we will demonstrate the program and " L"you will have the possibility to see how all this works out in reality." L*,"If you can't meet us, write or phone us. Adres and telephone number " d("you can find in the 'little manual'. *," " *," " 2*,"Greetings from STRIKE-a-LIGHT. See you. e@ *," YjZ wffe\h4g\Ų&ǐXdvhnjrm~tT~$n @(8fgz zHvH`&e6FX0Hn y&y00w <0Q$<"KPQ #Nugg@fB````(Hn@f``(Hn@g ``~`` y""y$I}|gn Q`"<@QmNu`F`Ta:\picworks\data\picworks.rsc *o#^n - ЭЭl// #^rBg?<JNA ?<NN#^R>NNT3^ȠC^V"L?H>aShHx?<HNA\@#]/?<HNA\#]3%]Xa\la`N^C AJgAtJg  gSfa[Da]aV``NuaE*B9LBy2aV2Nka *y]`$daZfa]jarByrhAN[N vN^vaZBypN``SEvf$H$& y^:C^>e a^>d, a,A^>ךf B E^JdђXbђNup`Kd d3 d# d# # d# # # # d# # # # # # # # dB` # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # QNu$H$&"BA 9^:a(XA^>f B E^JdXdNudd2d"d""d""""d""""""""dB` """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""QNu2(g"P@g:RADAH""y^>r2g"ZA^:e& 1@##^>Nu1@Nu y]\]`a"y^>^:dp`I`H y^B$y^>"Hg< k&@0+R`g k#&@0+S@H3 Q&f#^>LNuH?<?<NAXJgJf&AH@B p`\A] \ @BBPtNua*Adp`:a*AV0p`,a*AH p`a#za_A6 1Ap`a#daad$a BS@kH2Q y]] tNuHpg`aS@Q`a""@ Y0g0]b(2RA4DAH! ^>fXչ^>NuaaJBkdHNuaHPaJBkd8 `bCgBJ@gv  g &g a]NutNuRptr ae OgR Xgh HgSRB ae Fb$0k  c_  c b退`tSJBjblNuRB0 b b瀀`RB0 fрd`aJ@g`c`c^aJ@g`aJ@g0` y] Bh\]tNua`ca `aa!a( Shda [PHP Pa _`8LNua!Va( Shda [PHP2( P`Qa _]b6(gRC8DCHHP P!@ _Nua a(.?p`a a( ?La( S2fr4(Ae.RBBc0?af2 [PHP PS`Qa` _`~ [Pav` @"[PHPHQ0(ie4k2a t _aN2( P`Q _a:2( P`QNup `Ep @HPa Sa [P"_0( X2)"Y@`VNuag"`af`a(e`a"c` ab `adtNu <r$<Nu @HPa Sa [P"_0( P2)"Q4Ae4v`Vf@Nua @2(g]b P"H`/0Ha.2  _ PSAvjx E&Wf* ae zb QNua8U@k0`aa*Y@k `_za]@jW``aY@k rtHHBBNuaQ@k 24HHBBNuaBjtpr Bc4<prJjAjNua Bp`8a 1A1Bp`&atЀUrЀQ`Da%A(Jf J0p`NuatV0 9c^Q A`at `V0Q`H?<,NATA2X@a&:0H@?a:AAa Avp`N0H 0 0H@NuH?<*NATAJ2@a.0H@a.YdaHAaAp `a$a$2 P`a$r b?a2`Q tNua Nuaa patNua$H gJg ba"P @4(gHP bn aX$_// Z4HQ`S@Q _Q _al tNua#B9 ?Hy ?<GaPHNAPA pR@J0fH`a#/aN `aDa@a#/ [P` Ba.a* @a/? 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Possibly at|Dpoke, Dpeek, Lpoke or Lpeekh4 bombs - illegal instruction|executed in machine codei5 bombs - divide by zero|in 68000 Machine Codej6 bombs - CHK exeption|68000 interrupted by CHKk7 bombs - TRAPV exeption|68000 interrupted by TRAPVl8 bombs - privilege violation|68000 interrupt by|execution of a|priviliged instructionm9 bombs - trace exeptionGeneral errorDrive not readyUnknown commandCRC error|disk check sum wrongBad requestSeek error|track not foundUnknown media|boot sector wrongSector not foundOut of paperWrite faultRead faultGeneral error 12Write protectedMedia change detectedUnknown deviceBad sector (verify)Insert other disk|(request)Invalid function numberFile not foundPath not foundToo many open filesAccess deniedInvalid handleOut of memoryInvalid memory block adressInvalid drive specificationNo more filesGEMDOS range error|seek wrong?GEMDOS internal errorInvalid executable file formatMemory block growth failure[1][Do you really want to quit?][Ok|Cancel][1][Program end][Return][2][Program stop?][Stop|Cont][2][Printer listing?][Ok|Cancel][2][NEW - delete program?][Ok|Cancel]Editor - Internal errorWhile without WendRepeat without UntilDo without LoopFor without NextWend without WhileUntil without RepeatLoop without DoNext without ForIf without EndifEndif without IfElse without IfElse without EndifExit without a loopProcedure without ReturnProcedure in a loopProcedure defined twiceReturn without ProcedureLabel defined twiceLocal only allowed in ProcedureLocal not allowed in a loopFunction defined twiceGoto into/out of a For Next loop or a ProcedureResume into a For Next loopResume without ProcedurejH lSyntax errorjH lLine too long>.Jr[3][\"& 6     B2p\ x~ 4*"t:< 2X00FB^  "  < T2&$"F"* &$ L&8@h24&"* &lJ"$,(:$P X>   x@& V4 j  @*JLr &:z$J( (.(F < Zt"N\"`  @*(<,8L*(j<,( @<    4^> 6 X:dH.( @ THE DEMO CLUB 23 ALMA PLACE SPILSBY LINCS PE23 5LB TEL (0790) 53741 WE HAVE A LARGE LIBRARY OF DEMO DISKS FROM ALL THE BEST THE CAREBEARS THE EXCEPTIONS THE UNION THE LOST BOYS RADICAL SYSTEMS THE ST SQUAD THE POLTERGEISTS THE S.A.S. AND MANY, MANY MORE. DISK PRICES 1 TO 4 DISKS 3.00 EACH 5 TO 9 DISKS 2.75 EACH 10 AND OVER 2.50 EACH PLEASE DEDUCT 1.50 PER DISK IF SUPPLYING YOUR OWN ALL OUR DISKS ARE VIRUS FREE AND DISPATCHED BY FIRST CLASS POST. PLEASE SEND A LARGE SAE FOR OUR LATEST CATALOGUE. #a000000 #b000000 #c7770007000600070055200505552220770557075055507703111103 #d #E 18 F1 #W 00 00 00 07 27 11 08 A:\*.*@ #W 00 00 00 04 27 14 00 @ #W 00 00 00 01 28 17 00 @ #W 00 00 0F 0A 15 0B 00 @ #M 00 00 00 FF A COPYSERVICE@ @ #M 01 00 00 FF B COPYSERVICE@ @ #T 03 00 02 FF TOP VALUE PD@ @ #F FF 04 @ *.*@ #D FF 01 @ *.*@ #G 03 FF *.APP@ @ #G 03 FF *.PRG@ @ #F 03 04 *.TOS@ @ #P 03 04 *.TTP@ @ #G 03 04 1ST_WORD.PRG@ *.WP@ `w a0 BgNA/<?<&NN\Nu#p#vpp |@"||2QNu/<V?<&NN\Nu#pp"|@ ||2QNuHJyg`Ry09ynLBySyjRy |@092Jyk`1`Q`0Q0LNNV>?<NMTJg >?<NMTN^Nu#?9|?<?NAP/9Nu#?9|?<>NAT/9NuNVBW/<|N?<=NA\3|J@lB@`*./<a y|f 9gaB@` 9faB@` 9o. /<aN9 |3I|3A339 Hl D@3`Dy333./<a. /< a.,/<a../<a.00y,/a.009.H/aapN^NuNVaN|| fa>J@gJygJynBy333339H|oW@>/NN @"|0$<? 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PLEASE SEND A LARGE SAE FOR OUR LATEST CATALOGUE. #a000000 #b000000 #c7770007000600070055200505552220770557075055507703111103 #d #E 18 F1 #W 00 00 00 07 27 11 08 A:\*.*@ #W 00 00 00 04 27 14 00 @ #W 00 00 00 01 28 17 00 @ #W 00 00 0F 0A 15 0B 00 @ #M 00 00 00 FF A COPYSERVICE@ @ #M 01 00 00 FF B COPYSERVICE@ @ #T 03 00 02 FF TOP VALUE PD@ @ #F FF 04 @ *.*@ #D FF 01 @ *.*@ #G 03 FF *.APP@ @ #G 03 FF *.PRG@ @ #F 03 04 *.TOS@ @ #P 03 04 *.TTP@ @ #G 03 04 1ST_WORD.PRG@ *.WP@ `w a0 BgNA/<?<&NN\Nu#p#vpp |@"||2QNu/<V?<&NN\Nu#pp"|@ ||2QNuHJyg`Ry09ynLBySyjRy |@092Jyk`1`Q`0Q0LNNV>?<NMTJg >?<NMTN^Nu#?9|?<?NAP/9Nu#?9|?<>NAT/9NuNVBW/<|N?<=NA\3|J@lB@`*./<a y|f 9gaB@` 9faB@` 9o. /<aN9 |3I|3A339 Hl D@3`Dy333./<a. /< a.,/<a../<a.00y,/a.009.H/aapN^NuNVaN|| fa>J@gJygJynBy333339H|oW@>/NN @"|0$<? QBy 9o3N^NuNVBJ20g 20g 20HRC`&A0||VC<fDy|29|N^NuNVм}m|mN^NuNVBB