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[cancelled]E ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ | Version 1.01 | { F I R E P A C K } | | { This packer was written by Axe of Delight. } | First version finished on: 18.04.1990 | { Final changes on: 3.08.1990 } | | ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ 0<  h 4., :6x02J,2P22P2+P+2P22P22P23O3 2PO2P2P2+P+2P22P22P23T32P22G?2@+-o+p2-22-22-22-3-232-2+G/+02-?2@2-O2P2-Y2Y3G_3`2-22-2+-+3-33-33-3 <-O<P3-3+D+2-22-22-23@32@22@?2@+@o+p2@22@22@23O32@22@2+P/+02P?2@2PO2P2PY2Y3^_3`2P22P27P7;P;;P;;P; 6PO6P;P;4P4;P;;P;;P;@P@;P?;@4Po4p;P;;P;;P;4---4-44-44-4Hi freaks, I never wanted to spread this packer, but uploading is great fun, so here it is. Many people asked me to give them this packer. I always kept it for me. There is no fileselect box, just like the very old pack-ice. This packer sometimes generates larger files than pack-ice, but it is very effective if the files are bigger than 20 kByte. When you are asked to enter 1 for data files of 2 for executable files, press F1 to F10 to select the offset. F10 packs the files with the greatest offset, beating all other packers. The standard is F1 (the least effective way of packing). F10 generates smallest files, but it takes very long and is only good for packing over night or whatever. The filename accepts *.* or alien???.lam etc. This packer is not always better than pack-ice, so to be exact it is shit. Wait for pack-ice 3.0 and you will have a packer that is always better. I am currently working on that. Any suggestions for improvements are still accepted... Have fun, Axe of Delight --------------  %* 1/X@0O@OLЋ  .4IaDOpiq~`Oi`FF> # ̤Opĉ@k`?Z+cRnHԀ䤀+IJFNWY]bkdD07*%ȵϴU$'i|0OhO_T+sp Op8 $9UYYolgyt\P@FL0ƺܚнoXبKP+G ?k8O\2̼ #7TS]eeoyrYUSTR9$ĠЮ$?`2=J4 =4;P 7@ $;KPaibk{vaUUZU@(Գ/8% 5D$ "0  7@-+&.5GW]_bgoyzjWRTSK<)ª#0 #88$/530 # +=NY[[^iw{seZTOMM>"  !*&.* '(#/>O[_ado{zwteTU\R;& % &-  %    #6KWZ_isz{hfmfXL@0̨# *'   .?LU]agw~trpmj`TI>1 Ը. Q.. QCCS RESKTOP INF wOTTOOLS xOTWIRE HOT OTWIRE PRG ULTDESKACC XZ}EADME 21 xI/EADME 23 d . R.. 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Use up and down arrowspaPld Al nato ucurreright mobuttr or Esc whennPXs sh{in l text cannbe locd (drivC-Ply) pqhbvC'c - r8`FP9DNJPA . - *~F$fnBJB>H NPpJBgp>zpAL/p8"_HH& ?<NAT&:\HmNB""8BA :lCT@b( x@?D<r$4@+|^Yr-66b@X+@xNVT68+mB `HNqN`(,,|(/ġl‪@R ZZVz/ ,(]HAZr(,nV`h+m(20 &H20&H6F006141FAD38C84732~4E54j3B75B4B07276QC6793D5‰4z6B3$y94zBp)0433t0>5 %ŽȘ~3B66j6E 4$e`221F00좔B{-1!`6f*X f f`$L&F"   "   pr  8B(L"",P04"ddv R " 2 l"d$r@*$&oG K` r@HEQ`QpmW KC ,H <Al""*H <""(H <R"" "KHH@HtJgpӑbCgA0</|N +4=:7$</0<47 7/$6',501 3*(3,10-! 0#&/*-,' -$-()+% ,$+('*%+")&"%!   Hot Pathsetter 3 ================ Freeware from CodeHead Software by John Eidsvoog and Charles F. Johnson Copyright 1989 CodeHead Software Release date: December 11, 1989 About Hot Pathsetter ------------------------ Hot Pathsetter is a utility designed to help you easily edit your HOT files (HotWire configuration files). It helps simplify the task of relocating installed pathnames after you've moved files, renamed them, or just reorganized your hard disk. Hot Pathsetter is also very useful if you're trying to adapt a HOT file that was set up on another system. Hot Pathsetter 3 and HotWire 1.4 ------------------------------------ If you previously owned HotWire version 1.0, 1.1, or 1.2, and you've recently upgraded to HotWire 1.4, you'll need to use this version of Hot Pathsetter to convert your old .HOT data files to the new HotWire 1.4 format. All you have to do to accomplish this is load your old .HOT files into Hot Pathsetter 3 and immediately save them. When Hot Pathsetter asks whether you'd like to save in "compressed" or "normal" format, choose "compressed," and the .HOT file will be saved in a format compatible with HotWire 1.4. (See the section after this one for more details.) Using Hot Pathsetter ------------------------ The first thing you must do when you run Hot Pathsetter is choose a HOT file. As the HOT file is loading, you may hear a lot of drive access. This is because Hot Pathsetter is checking each pathname to see if it exists. NOTE: Hot Pathsetter has special routines to eliminate a folder-count overflow, but if you experience problems (such as files not found that are really there) you should use the FOLDRxxx.PRG from Atari to increase your available folder count. Once the HOT file is loaded you'll see a list of the program titles with their associated pathnames. If any of these file pathnames do not exist and they are on drive C through P, they will show up in light text. This will quickly show you any names that must be fixed. You may click on any line to change its installed path and filename. If all of the names in the list do not fit on one screen you may use the up and down arrows to page back and forth through the list. After you've selected the first pathname, the "Current Path" will change from "NONE" to the path selected. You can then hold down the Alternate key when clicking on a name and that filename will be changed to the current path. This is especially useful if you have moved or renamed a folder which contains many files installed in HotWire. After relocating the first pathname, you can literally "paint" the new path into the others by slowly dragging the mouse through their names while holding the Alternate key. When you are finished editing the paths, click the RIGHT mouse button or press Esc. You may then click on Save to save the altered HOT file, click on More to select another HOT file, or Quit from Hot Pathsetter without saving anything. If you select Save, you should then choose a name for the altered HOT file. If you choose a name that already exists, it will be overwritten with NO WARNING. If you loaded a .HOT file that was created with HotWire 1.3 or 1.4, the edited file will be saved at this point with no further prompts. However, if you loaded a .HOT file created with HotWire 1.0, 1.1, or 1.2, at this point you'll see a prompt asking you whether you'd like to save the edited file in "Compressed" or "Normal" format. If you're still using a version of HotWire earlier than 1.3, you should choose "Normal" format; otherwise your copy of HotWire will be unable to load the new file. If you're converting files to use with HotWire 1.3 or later, you may choose the "Compressed" format. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hot Pathsetter is Freeware from CodeHead Software. It may be distributed freely as long as this text file is included, but may not be sold commercially or included with a commercial product without written permission from CodeHead Software. CodeHead Software is presently marketing the following commercial products: G+Plus Replacement for GDOS. MultiDesk Loads up to 32 accessories at any time. HotWire The Ultimate Atari ST Shell/desktop. MIDIMAX A real-time MIDI performance tool. CodeHead Utilities A collection of useful programs and accessories. MaxiFile The Ultimate File Maintenance Tool CodeHead Software P.O. Box 74090 Los Angeles, CA 90004 Phone: (213) 386-5735 0(..'".*+ .&,,' - *'-(* -&-/'%10-"4 #03 5+,743( 9%078-(822 6'*40+ 1(++ '     `%J%L`CHSS1232 0  0Jyf yHaLyNޭJ9gJx>g #jJ g n# z?Nu yf1@`$3`3^3b1F1^p8H8#*#.a }&f $ ‚J‚"Q#.Nu" Q#N# :Lfvml@nb @0<? 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No screen | buffer reserved.][ OK ][3][ | A screen buffer has | been allocated.][ OK ]&T    (     4   $    $ $ "$  &&$8>4 2   (&    $            h00Hl            B            *: " $  "  "   -32.( )13/)! $.20*# ,21,% +450)   +473+" (375-$************************************** * * * Hot Saver Program 1.1 * * by John Eidsvoog * * Copyright 1990 John Eidsvoog * * * ************************************** Release date: Wednesday, April 25, 1990 What it is ---------- HotSaver is a screen saver specially designed to work in conjunction with CodeHead's HotWire program (although it will work perfectly well without HotWire). It communicates with HotWire to provide special features, some of which are not available from any other screen saver. A screen saver is a program which will help save your monitor display from developing "burn-in". Burn-in will leave an image permanently on the computer's monitor and is caused by leaving the same or similar screen displayed for long periods of time, usually when the computer is left unattended with no screen activity. A screen saver will shut down the screen after a certain length of time where there is no user input. When HotSaver kicks into screen saving mode, the HotWire logo will begin bouncing around on a black screen. HotSaver will also communicate with HotWire (if present) to tell it whether or not to show the HotWire clock or an elapsed inactivity timer, and whether to take this time into account when making ledger entries showing the time spent within a program. You can also manually kick the saver into effect, locking out the use of your computer until the correct code is entered. You can reconfigure HotSaver after it is installed to alter any of its options and optionally save the changes permanently. HotSaver may be configured to save memory (typically 32K) by not allocating a backup screen. You can also select whether you wish to watch RS-232 (modem) activity so that the screen saver will not kick in while uploading, downloading, or capturing text for long periods of time. Besides modem activity, the HotSaver can selectively monitor disk access, printer use, text output, and graphics output. How to set it up ---------------- HotSaver can be installed from your AUTO folder or from the desktop. To install it from the AUTO folder, simply copy the HOTSAVER.PRG file into a folder named AUTO on your bootup disk. It will then install itself any time that you boot your computer from that disk. You will see a small box appear during the bootup process showing that HotSaver is installing. You may also run HotSaver from the desktop, at which time a dialog box will appear allowing you to set the options. Clicking on the "Install" button or hitting return will install HotSaver just as if it were run from the AUTO folder. If HotSaver is run with a command line (any characters at all), it will immediately install as if it were run from the AUTO folder. This allows it to be installed in your HotWire menu as the auto-run program. Simply install HotSaver and select "Command Line" and "Auto-Run". Then click on the entry and type a tilda (~) character. This will tell HotWire not to bring up the command line box in the future. Make sure to save your HOT file before rebooting. If you have another program that you wish to auto-run, you can chain from HotSaver into it. Once HotSaver is installed, you can run it again from the desktop to change any of the options. HotSaver will "find" itself installed in memory and inform itself of the changes that you make. How it works -- Dialog Box Options ---------------------------------- The HotSaver dialog box contains many buttons and a few editable strings. A description of their functions is as follows: TIMEOUT VALUE - This shows the length of time that must pass with no activity before the screen saver kicks in. Inactivity is defined as lack of use of the mouse or keyboard (and optionally the RS-232 port, disk drives, printer, or screen display). You may use the editing keys (arrows, backspace, and delete) to change the value from 1 second up to over 99 minutes. (If you enter a number higher than 59 seconds, it will be converted to the appropriate number of minutes and seconds). RESERVE SCREEN - If this button is selected, HotSaver will allocate a memory block large enough to save a copy of the screen. This will normally be 32,000 bytes, but will be larger if you are using a larger screen device such as the Moniterm monitor. With "RESERVE SCREEN" selected, the HotWire logo will bounce around on a black background. At random times, the logo will spot a "Kilroy" drawing and quickly zoom across the screen to bump him off. (Hey, we gotta have _some_ fun). If "RESERVE SCREEN" is not selected and you are using a color monitor, the screen will simply turn to black, while if you are using a monochrome monitor the screen will toggle back and forth between a normal and inverse image every 2 seconds. These are the only alternatives available without using another block of memory equivalent to the size of the screen while still preventing screen burn-in. If HotSaver has been installed with "RESERVE SCREEN" and then configured (by "Set Config") without "RESERVE SCREEN", the memory block will be returned to the system and you will be notified. If you again reconfigure with "RESERVE SCREEN", a memory block will be allocated and you will again be informed. ANIMATION - If this button is selected and the "RESERVE SCREEN" option is selected, the HotWire logo will bounce around on the screen when the screen saver kicks in. If you would rather have a blank screen (to eliminate distractions), you can turn animation off with this button. HotWire must be present in order to disable animation. (Buy it...you won't be sorry). CYCLING - This button enables color cycling on a color monitor. The button will be disabled on a monochrome monitor. Animation must be enabled for color cycling to function. The HotWire logo and the clock (if showing) will slowly change through the color spectrum. HotSaver's color cycling also takes advantage of the STe's 4096-color pallette. MODEM WATCH - If this button is selected, then any RS-232 activity will also prevent the screen saver from kicking in. HotSaver senses both incoming and outgoing data. DISK WATCH - This will prevent the screen saver from kicking in while there is any disk access. Only floppy disk and hard disk access are sensed, not RAM disk to RAM disk operations. PRINTER WATCH - If this button is selected, printer operation will prevent HotSaver from entering screen-saving mode. Logo animation consumes a lot of processor time, which may noticably slow down printer operation if "PRINTER" is not selected. TEXT WATCH - Selecting this button will cause BIOS text output to prevent HotSaver from kicking in. Internally, this function is watching Bconout calls. GRAPHICS WATCH - If this button is selected, HotSaver will watch all graphics output calls, that is, VDI output. These calls include polylines, polymarkers, fill patterns, graphics text, circles, boxes, etc. HOTWIRE CLOCK - After selecting this button, the HotWire clock will continue to be displayed while in screen saver mode. HotWire must be present and the current display mode will be retained (time, date, seconds, etc.). INACTIVITY TIMER - If this button is selected, a timer will show the elapsed time since the last activity. This will be the same amount of time (for this segment) that is subtracted from the ledger file. If you are using a timeout value of 3 minutes, then the elapsed timer will show 3 minutes when the screen saver first kicks in. If you manually initiate the screen saver with the hot key, the timer will begin with zero. HotWire must be present. When the inactivity timer is used, HotWire's alarms will be postponed until you exit from screen-saver mode. We at first considered this to be a bug, but decided that it was more useful as a feature. :-) IGNORE ALARMS - When this button is selected and a HotWire alarm rings, instead of popping out of screen saver mode to display the alarm message, the animation will freeze while the alarm rings 5 times. It will then continue as if nothing had happened. You can use this feature if you don't want an alarm to continue to ring for hours, burning in your screen when you are away from your computer. If you have selected "DISK" watching and you've enabled the "Save Expired Alarms" feature of HotWire, the disk access will kick HotSaver out of screen-saving mode. Of course, this option will do nothing if HotWire is not present. There are two other alternatives to using "IGNORE ALARMS" if you have HotWire 2.1 or later. You can disable alarms completely from the Options drop-down menu or you can use the inactivity timer which will delay the ringing of alarms until you pop out of screen-saving mode. LEDGER ADJUST - If this button is selected, HotSaver will adjust your HotWire ledger to reflect the true amount of time spent actively using a program. That is, if you start using a program at 1:15PM and exit it at 1:25PM, but let 7 minutes go by with no activity, your ledger file would show an elapsed time of 3 minutes. If this button is not selected, ledgers will function normally. Of course, HotWire must be present for this feature to work. RATE - This allows you to set the approximate frequency at which "Kilroy" will appear. The rate may be set by tens from 0% to 90% where the higher the number, the more often he gets killed. A setting of 0% will prevent Kilroy from appearing at all. CODE - HotSaver allows you to manually kick the screen saver into operation by holding Control/Left-Shift/Alternate and hitting Tab. This can be done quickly and easily with one hand (especially if you're left-handed :-). After entering this mode, the screen saver will go into effect and all input will be disabled until the "Code" is typed in from the keyboard or the computer is rebooted. You may enter a string of one to six characters. This manual "freeze" is useful when you are about to get up from your computer and you don't want anyone else to mess with it. After entering the code, operation is returned to normal, just as you left it. SAVE - Clicking on "Save" will bring up an alert box to confirm that you want to save the current settings into HotSaver. All switches and strings will be saved directly into the program, which must be named HOTSAVER.PRG. Make sure that you have not "packed" or "squished" HotSaver or you will not be able to save your changes. A standard method for using HotSaver would be to install it in your AUTO folder for automatic installation. The same copy should be installed in your HotWire menu (or run from the desktop). You can then reconfigure any of the options and "Save" them so that they will be in effect the next time you reboot. SET CONFIG - This button will be disabled unless HotSaver has already been installed. When HotSaver runs and finds that it has already been installed, the current settings of the installed version will be shown in the dialog box, the "Set Config" button will be enabled, and it will become the default button (selectable by pressing Return). You may then make any changes that you wish and select "Set Config" to put them into effect. Selecting "Set Config" will exit the program (after an alert box confirms your actions). These changes will remain in effect until you make further changes or reboot. Remember that settings made with "Set Config" are only temporary; you must use "Save" to make them permanent. INSTALL - Clicking on "Install" (or pressing Return) will cause HotSaver to be immediately installed in memory without warning, followed by exiting the program. If HotSaver has already been installed, the "Install" button will be disabled. QUIT - The "QUIT" button will immediately exit the program without making any further changes. POINTS TO NOTE: --------------- 1. Be aware that extensive use of the HotWire Clock or the Inactivity Timer may themselves cause burn-in and are counter to the purpose of a screen saver. Also the bouncing logo will erase the clock when it reaches that corner, but the clock will be redrawn the next second. 2. Don't be paranoid about burn-in. Even if a stagnant display were left on your monitor for several days, there would probably not be a noticable burn-in of the image. It's just a wise precaution to use a screen saver if you use your computer a lot and especially if you leave it sit for hours at a time, every day, for weeks, months, or years on end. 3. The quickest, easiest, and safest way to exit from screen-saver mode is to just tap the "Alternate" key. Other keys may be acted upon, depending on the currently running application. 4. If Turbo ST is installed after HotSaver, it may handle some of the calls that HotSaver is looking for. HotSaver may not "see" them and may be unable to prevent the saver from kicking in. The best way to prevent this is to install HotSaver in your HotWire menu as the auto-run program. This will place HotSaver in a position to be the first installed program to intercept system calls. See "How to set it up" above for further instructions. 5. The clock in the Flash! terminal program uses VDI text to display on the screen. If you have the "GRAPHICS" button turned on, the screen saver will not kick in. 6. If you are using a color monitor with "RESERVE SCREEN" turned off and "HOTWIRE CLOCK" turned on, you will not see the clock. This is because all colors must be set to black in order to prevent burn-in. 7. If you use a Moniterm or other big screen monitor, a much larger block of memory will be allocated (like 152K) if you use "RESERVE SCREEN". You also may notice some flickering as the logo moves. This cannot be helped at the present time. While using the Moniterm, if you leave your monochrome monitor on, you'll notice that HotSaver will black out that screen when it kicks in. The monochrome screen will not be restored, but will be usable if some program calls upon it, such as the Templemon debugger. 8. If you have allocated a screen with "RESERVE SCREEN" and later free it up, it will be returned to the system. However, if another program has allocated memory above it, there will be a "hole" in memory (or memory fragmentation). A "free RAM" display may not show an increase in the available memory because it shows only the largest available memory block, but the released screen memory will still be there, available to any program which needs a block of memory that size or smaller. 9. If you have HOTSAVER.PRG in your AUTO folder, but use another copy to run from the desktop, any "Saved" changes that you make will be saved into the second copy of HotSaver. When you reboot, your original settings from the AUTO folder version will be used causing possible confusion. It's best to use only one copy of HotSaver. 10. HotSaver will only be able to communicate without HotWire 2.0 or later. Otherwise HotSaver will run as if HotWire were not present. 11. HotSaver communicates with HotWire such that if a HotWire alarm begins to ring while in screen-saver mode, it will pop out, whether it had entered by timeout or manual kick-in. 12. HotSaver has special code to communicate with MultiDesk (2.0 or later). If HotSaver is not installed until after MultiDesk is initialized, and you do a "Clear All" (or "Load Setup"), HotSaver will not be removed from operation (as would normally happen) but will re-install itself and continue with its normal operation. 13. If the screen size changes between installing HotSaver and entering saver mode, it will revert to non-RESERVE SCREEN mode. For instance if you install HotSaver and BigScreen from the AUTO folder, HotSaver will allocate a 32000-byte buffer. But when the desktop comes up, BigScreen changes the screen to a larger size. HotSaver will act like there is no screen reserved. To get around this, you can reconfigure with "RESERVE SCREEN" off to release the memory, then reconfigure again with "RESERVE SCREEN" on to allocate a screen of the correct size. Another way to correct the problem is to auto-run HotSaver from HotWire. At that time the screen is the correct size. Changes in HotSaver 1.1 ----------------------- There was a bug in HotSaver 1.0 that might cause a crash when entering screen saving mode with "RESERVE SCREEN" turned off. This has been fixed. The "IGNORE ALARMS" feature has been added. (See above). Copyright stuff --------------- HOTSAVER.PRG, and this document are Copyright 1990 John Eidsvoog. HotSaver is free to all HotWire owners. If you do not own HotWire, then HotSaver is a shareware program. The idea of shareware is that you may distribute HotSaver freely to anyone (please, as much as possible). This method of distribution saves money for you the user and me the developer by eliminating marketing, manufacturing, and production costs. If you make use of HotSaver and did not purchase HotWire, you are expected to register yourself as a HotSaver owner by sending a payment of $15 to: John Eidsvoog P.O. Box 74090 Los Angeles, CA 90004 This will register you as an owner of HotSaver. Please specify HotSaver in your correspondence, and if you would like to receive acknowledgment of your registration, include a self-addressed stamped envelope. Those who have registered HotSaver for $15 will be eligible for a $15 discount on a later purchase of HotWire. Please note that HotSaver is not a CodeHead Software product, although it is provided free with a CodeHead product, HotWire. All CodeHead Software products are commercial programs which must be purchased through normal commercial channels. CodeHead Software has never and will never release any shareware programs. Neither this document file (HOTSAVER.TXT) nor the program file (HOTSAVER.PRG) may be altered in any way. Copies of these files may not be sold, and this document may not be reprinted, without the express written permission of John Eidsvoog. I've tried to make HotSaver as bug-free as possible. Nevertheless, I cannot be responsible for any damages which may occur as a result of the use (or misuse) of HotSaver. Thank you for your support. John Eidsvoog _____________________________________________________________ | | | If you don't own HotWire, you're doing things the hard way! | | | -------------------------------------------------------------   %*/221.*$  #(-14530+%  %*.25540+$  !%)/368850*#  !&+/49;;:72*"``STRT O AVaG33#F*AFa3?<NATO<AKZ:BgHU?<GNAPOJf\` Jf|\Af/p0:aaH|f a0a`AjaJ@gzg3?<HyZ?<=NAPOJj Ada`>Bg?/<?<BNAO KJ/ /<??<?NAO JjaANa`| STRTg anAsat`hHzf/<??<@NAO aL`Lp 9b 0eH"HЁ¼Ё`NuHArH H@0H@QLNu??<>NAXONu#*3Aa09Nu3`ByAx`GI#*APa##B@aL&'y'yAaNBSAaF<0NupG#*6BB'y 'yAHC"" 0<NBLNu *:)((qC((qY((!z~,Hd'HotWire Startup AccessoryBy Charles F. JohnsonCopyright 1990 CodeHead Software___Number of events: ___999CANCELOK[3][ Cannot find| HOTSTART.ACC! ][ Cancel ][3][ Error occurred during | configuration save!][ Cancel ][3][ This is not the | HotWire Startup| Accessory!][ Cancel ] HotWire StartupHOTSTART.ACC #*23 46kr T < 2  "8Z_aa`[TME;1( Ž'5BMV]`ba^ZSLD:0' Ľ*7COW]`b`]WQJB8/& ü+9EOW\^_]YTMF>6-$ )7BKSWZZXUPJD<4,$ +7CLSWZZXTNIB:3+$ +7CKRWYYVRMGA91*# )5@IOSUURNJE>70)"$/9AGKNNMIE@;4.(" #.9AGKMNLIE@;5.("`Z |"|&0<2<# QQ3 N&6` Efv*oM m !HPHUBg?<JNA(m)m - :gS)@ #OK1PC#HNFHxHNA@)@l/h&@XЬld/`ARCpr Ѝ"QHNFALNHz2& NA\pdAxr0XQ)K\NNBZA8 NuJrBjNurr&NN\NCAp$L lp 9lrBlJpNNpM@<r 0 0tr N 9lNupealp`aJ BWNANC2 @p2rҌ0<NB0,rNurA9A `v C9Crtd 9A9BrrҌpsNu9@`rDNuC2 @ e}bvvr,vNu   +Uw!pa4|a@:>< |a6RGk0Gg`a(VfA1G<ap?RNM& u??< NMXVHn4 2$4BBNuAd RdQRB BbABJk 0NuJBjBBXNu 0+2$NuE`B<gJEgEjCDEDF Fe( dF8BCHC`0bHC8v` HD8HDkDуb NuDdDA@kgAр[SBk0ZlJBk&Nu0g H@rB Jk`0 pʠ2HPAJgPpr$< _8pNu,JBgJj *EBQ*HE?<>0rHGGd HGGdSW"i\NSW2 H@N?<,>CEdH@``0 VB&8T˄D&AdR´|=|X  g+g -f.g20 b0e9b  da`RF`fajSEgef0e9oSHR0| &Hz1 E Do`HJjDDDS4</N"JFkSFk&aQ `Ha"FFL86.XJgtBnprxk4< pAC v r Jjv-|J k>aaNRFBd?<2SFegdRB`ApdR e <rRF&0žxfEv+0JFjDFjHƌd0BFHF HFA]`2:HQ A d H"HNBp `p ap Cpln<,(AL$I"vz x `gfURf~ j4\Fk.aPHS&I.N``D???<NM\Q&|HQ/g @NAXXfdJkp%`Nu09 `0<9@:, IJ@g@8 F Edb JfE e4r$W!f"FANuPRN:LST:AUX:CON:MID:IKB:V,J@fC E& B Og&RglAg@Ug2 Ig $CpRp=H &fLlgJgh H@B pA NujN $L 6$BS@kH22ұd"X0Pg"$D#B Nu _0Hp p"_0HqE eHHQ0)$_$ZR`|$Y0gHR@@"D%$p2g# %L$ $dP.gRG,D% Y2.!p4Ae4v`VfA WHV I.d*E$RRB"8*$R`"ԁ0pi 4R`$DDpA` p9`p:`p;?#>J@fCAHPBHQ?NA\ _JjҠFu, * ( FJDf E@( BE,HPHQBgVNA F DJH&t6րj!p`tdbDA0Hg<<R@f|0b*JFk*HQ/??<?fXJkpp`p`\F( &I.` !NMXJ[j E&DNuak  kfpfdffoH?BB .,*k/~NV&)H9@Jp4NP'J&f H LNu &NuQ` J,'f&g A#ȇeC! 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It ' expectszfitwoaplete path/fil2: nameln2.Tfirstle DESKTOP.INFNthat wish^use;Tllbppie6oroot dctoryi̚JbskAfterZseparatspachc,seco"!HOTE(f)h4tr{dWIRE0.ᇠ]|4' stߡfealry a0$l, itb#mBAK mn* executed. j  4?<NMX+@FN!ANXHmA"_N`CHpJBgp4HP 4JBf\LNpppF/$Hx6 Switch nǸ| Can'oei@6:HP0b| cel r"_ N&f <& R -RA :\DESKTOP.'ƺ$º0Hm0 NH <r$ L8NNö z/pFtp\Vgx:fƦN Ring h...DtpI pN/RR"6"$Writi44O$>h㮭p  -@!&` BAK, DeleTRenam,6 to†HPHnްRZLH*2booin 4+|)Fp -Pp2B>>HmA ң !NSFJft Bye-bye^ < ,ſ+?HC4 "9GG:&ÿ1DI@.'?IF5" 7GH<*.CJB2 $,*?ID4 9GH:'/CI@. &=HE6"5EG<*+************************************** * * * Hot Switch Program * * by John Eidsvoog * * Copyright 1990 CodeHead Software * * * ************************************** Release date: Friday, March 2, 1990 What it is ---------- Hot Switch Program allows you to reboot with a different DESKTOP.INF file and a different HOTWIRE0.HOT file simply by pressing a key. This is perfect for those times when you (or your kids) want to change to low resolution and come up with your low res HotWire menu or vice versa. Of course, there are also many other uses for Hot Switch Program. Using Hot Switch will also alleviate the problems with accessories which intercept vectors. Many of these accessories (such as CapsLock, Font Tricks, etc.), will crash when using the desktop to change resolutions. This is caused because the system will yank accessories out of memory without notifying them to let them replace their vectors. Although changing resolutions with Hot Switch will take a few seconds longer, it is much more stable and since it only requires a single mouse click or keypress (from HotWire), it is much easier. How to set it up ---------------- Install Hot Switch in a blank line on one of your HotWire menus like any other program. When the Options Box appears, click on "Command Line". This will tell the command line box to appear when you later run it. Next, type in a title that is descriptive of the operation you are setting up. If you want to switch to low-res and load a low-res games menu, you might enter "Low-Res Games". Remember that you can have more than one menu entry which calls HOTSWICH.PRG and each one can have a different title and use different INF and HOT files. Once you've entered a title you can define a hot key if you like. When you're done, click on OK to exit the Options Box. Now click on your new menu entry and the command line entry box will appear. Click on "File Selector" and choose the DESKTOP.INF file you wish to use. If you are using Desk Manager, you may already have a folder in your AUTO folder called DESKMGR with some INF files in it, e.g. LOWDESK.INF. After you've chosen an INF file, click on "File Selector" again and choose the HOT file you wish to use. If you've been making good use of HotWire's features, you'll already have a "HOTSTUFF" folder with the desired HOT file in it, e.g. LOWGAMES.HOT. After choosing a HOT file, DON'T HIT RETURN YET. First, type in a tilda character (~ - next to the Backspace key) at the end of the command line. This will tell HotWire not to bring up the command line entry box on subsequent runs of Hot Switch. If you need to edit the command line later, you can bring up the entry box by holding Control when clicking on your HOTSWICH entry. Next click on "Cancel" because you'll want to save your altered HOT file before proceeding or these changes will be lost when HOTSWICH does its reset. Click on the "Save" icon (or hit F2) and save your edited HOT file. This will also save the command line that you've just constructed. Now you're ready to try it out. Click on your new entry (or hit its hot key) and you should see messages on the screen as HOTSWICH does its thing. When it's done you'll see a three-second countdown before a warm boot occurs. This gives you a chance to abort the reset, by pressing any key, in case there's something you forgot to save. How it works ------------ Hot Switch Program must be used with a command line to tell it which files you want it to use. If you run it without providing a command line, it will display a screen showing brief instructions on its use. Hot Switch expects two full path/filenames on the command line. The first one is your DESKTOP.INF file. Hot Switch will copy this file to the root directory of your boot drive, naming it DESKTOP.INF. Any existing DESKTOP.INF file will be overwritten so make sure that you have a backup of your current DESKTOP.INF file. After the first filename there must be a single space separating it from the second filename. The second filename is the HOT file you wish to use. This file will be copied, in the same directory, to the filename HOTWIRE0.HOT. HOTWIRE0.HOT is the first HOT file that HotWire looks for when it boots up. If there is already a file named HOTWIRE0.HOT, it will be renamed to HOTWIRE0.BAK in case you haven't backed it up. If there was already a HOTWIRE0.BAK file, it will be deleted. POINTS TO NOTE: --------------- 1. Hot Switch causes a reset. Remember that you will be losing any unsaved work such as an edited HOT file, or data files in ACCs. This is why there is a 3-second countdown so that you can press any key to stop the reset. 2. If you've been using HOTWIRE.HOT (without the "0") as your default HOT file, you'll need to change it to HOTWIRE0.HOT or HotWire will never find it because HotWire looks first for HOTWIRE0.HOT. HOTWIRE0.HOT can be reloaded into HotWire at any time by pressing Shift-Numeric Keypad 0. 3. You can have a program installed in your HOT file as "AUTO-RUN" so that it will be automatically executed after the reboot. 4. If you use Desk Manager, you should configure it so that it doesn't automatically copy its own DESKTOP.INF file, cancelling your intentions. 5. If you wish to change only your HOT file, you can enter "INF" (or any non-existent filename ending in "INF") as the first filename, followed by the HOT file you wish to use. 6. If you wish to change only the DESKTOP.INF file, you can omit the second file name (or use the name HOTWIRE0.HOT). Perhaps you want to use the same HOT file for low-res. In this case, no HOT file will be copied. 7. If Hot Switch cannot find either filename, it will display an alert box informing you so, and abort its operation. Copyright stuff --------------- HOTSWICH.PRG, and this document are Copyright 1990 CodeHead Software. However, they may be freely distributed as long as this text file and the Hot Switch program file are both included. Neither this document file (HOTSWICH.TXT) or the program file (HOTSWICH.PRG) may be altered in any way. Copies of these files may not be sold, and this document may not be reprinted, without the express written permission of CodeHead Software. We've tried to make Hot Switch as bug-free as possible. Nevertheless, CodeHead Software cannot be responsible for any damages that may occur as a result of the use (or misuse) of Hot Switch. _____________________________________________________________ | | | If you don't own HotWire, you're doing things the hard way! | | | ------------------------------------------------------------- EOK=(ɼKJ@-ý2DJD4 **************** * * * HotTools * * * **************** The HotTools folder contains some useful tools for maintaining HotWire and its associated files. This text file gives a brief description of the functions of the Hot Tools. All of the Hot Tools may be distributed freely as long as any existing doc files are included with them. They may not be sold, altered, or reprinted without our permission. HotSaver is Shareware for all non-HotWire owners. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KickStart --------- If HotWire seems complicated to you, KickStart may be just what you need. KickStart will set up HotWire for you along with a number of HOT files to get you started. When you run KickStart you will be asked to select the drive on which you'd like to install HotWire. After that it's all automatic. KickStart will first create two folders in the drive you've selected, named AUTO and HOTSTUFF (skipping the creation of either folder if it already exists). It will then load HotWire, install HOTSTUFF as its default setup path, and copy HotWire into the AUTO folder. Next KickStart will load each HOT file contained in the current directory, change all paths (set to A:\) to the HOTSTUFF path, and copy it into the HOTSTUFF folder. Lastly KickStart will run HotWire from your AUTO folder. HotWire will come up with the main menu installed. The HOT files supplied in the KIKSTART folder contain many "headers" suggesting possible ways to set up your HotWire system. They also contain HOT file entries which call each other. You can easily page between several HOT menu lists by clicking on them or hitting their hot keys. The main menu (HOTWIRE0.HOT) contains entries for all of the other menus. The other menus all contain an entry in the lower left corner to return to the main menu (with hot key "X" for eXit) so you can always get back to the main menu by clicking there, hitting "X", or hitting zero on the numeric keypad (since the main menu is named HOTWIRE0.HOT). The Billboard menu is simply a pretty display advertising HotWire. Since it is called HOTWIRE1.HOT, you can call it up at any time by hitting the "1" key on the numeric keypad (versions earlier than 2.0 require pressing the shift key also). You may want to examine two special shell menus, MultiDesk and ArcShell. In the MultiDesk menu, MultiDesk is installed as a program with document types ACC and ACX. There are a few sample documents (ACCs) installed below. If you set the paths for all of these entries to existing ACCs and MULTDESK.PRG, you can then simply click on an accessory to run it like a program. The ArcShell menu is more powerful yet (and quite a bit more complicated). It contains some rather complex command lines which give it almost as much power as Charles F. Johnson's popular ArcShell program. Before you can examine these command lines, you must use "SET PATH" in the program Options Box (press the right mouse button on a menu entry) to locate the appropriate archive utilities. You can then hold Control while clicking on an entry to see the command line installed in that slot. NOTE: KickStart is safe to use. It will not overwrite any existing files. If KickStart comes across an existing HotWire or existing HOT files of the same name, it will ask you if you want to overwrite that file before proceeding. You will have to intentionally click on "Yes" in order to destroy anything in your system. If you're running KickStart from your HotWire disk, no setup is required (make sure you first register HotWire). If you want to run KickStart from your hard drive, copy KIKSTART.PRG, all the HOT files in the KIKSTART folder, and HOTWIRE.PRG into the same directory of your hard drive. If KickStart doesn't find HotWire in the current directory, it will look for it on the disk in drive A. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hot PathSetter -------------- HOTPATH3.PRG allows you to load a HOT file and relocate any of its entries' paths or filenames. Read the file HOTPATH3.TXT for full instructions. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Clock Setter ------------ CLOCKSET.PRG is provided for a convenient way of setting your system time and date. See pages 6 and 8 of the HotWire Release Notes for a complete description of its use. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HotSaver -------- HOTSAVER.PRG is the CodeHead Screen Saver. Its functions are described in detail in the file HOTSAVER.TXT. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HotStart -------- HOTSTART.ACC is included in case you have trouble getting HotWire to wait until all accessories are loaded before autostarting a program. Normally you will not need to use HotStart. See page 3 of the HotWire Release Notes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HotSwitch --------- HOTSWICH.PRG allows you to reboot with a different DESKTOP.INF file and a different HOTWIRE0.HOT file simply by pressing a key. This is perfect for those times when you (or your kids) want to change to low resolution and come up with your low res HotWire menu or vice versa. Of course, there are also many other uses for the Hot Switch Program. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NewPath ------- NewPath will search all of your HOT files for a particular path and replace each occurence with another path of your choice. This allows you to easily update all of your HOT files after rearranging things on your hard drive. If, for instance, you have moved an entire folder full of games from one drive to another, NewPath will find all the games installed in your HOT files and change them to the new location. When you run NewPath, you must first locate the directory which contains all of your HOT file, e.g. "D:\HOTSTUFF\". Next you should locate the path you want changed, e.g. "C:\GAMES\". If you have already deleted the folder, you may select any path and NewPath will let you edit the path string. Finally, select the new path you'd like to write into your HOT files, e.g. "E:\GAMES\". In the examples shown above, NewPath would search all files in the folder "D:\HOTSTUFF\" with the extension ".HOT". Whenever it found the path "C:\GAMES\", it would replace it with "E:\GAMES\". As NewPath works, it will display the filename that it is converting along with the number of search path occurences that are being replaced. In case you forget how to use NewPath, there are brief instruction on the opening screen when you run it. WARNING: NewPath will alter your HOT files. Make sure you have made copies of them if you need them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Redirect Hot ------------ REDIRHOT.PRG allows you to easily relocate your HotWire default folder (the folder containing all of your HOT files). It will first ask you to locate your current HotWire folder and then locate the destination folder (you must first create that folder). It will then load each HOT file from your HotWire folder, change all old paths to the new path, and copy the HOT file into the new folder. Your original HOT files and folder will be left intact where you may delete them later if you like. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .?YSW]KDH6.4!  ɻ%:NV]]VRNB:4.( 2EQXZWSJB;31%&BTZ_^XUME>4*( λ ,EST^VRRF>9-(% ù"?UY]eXUSF;?0($ȸ2CT[[\XMKB4/. ĺ)?O^ba^ZSKA70(ƹ3CW][aXROF:4,! *?U_de`XSH>7.'" ȶ1GWace_WRH;4, )?WaehbZSJ>8.%Ĺ3FYeigbZQH=2+!н. .. RCSHELLHOT  AMES HOT OTWIRE0HOT eOTWIRE1HOT IKSTARTPRG &ULTDESKHOT TILITY HOT 4HW14 ARC Shell  Extract from ARCA:\DCOPY32.TTPx ~D0@"Choose|Archive" ~DXP:\*.*"Choose|Dest"  Add to ArchiveA:\ARC521C.TTPa ~DXP:\*.ARC@"Choose|Archive" ~DXP:\*.*"Choose files|to add:" / Verbose ListA:\ARC521C.TTPv ~DF:\ARC\*.ARC"Choose|Archive"& List to PrinterA:\ARC.TTPv ~DF:\ARC\*.ARC"Print ARC|Listing" >PRT: . Copy to ScreenA:\ARC521C.TTPp ~DXP:\*.ARC@"Choose|Archive" ~DP:\*.*"Choose file|to show" Copy to PrinterA:\ARC.TTPp ~DXP:\*.ARC@"Choose|Archive" ~DP:\*.*"Print which|file?" >PRT: Use "SET PATH" to locate all of these programs. Then hold Cntrl when you click on them to examine  DCOPY.TTP  ARC521C.TTP  ARC521C.TTP  ARC.TTP  ARC521C.TTP  ARC.TTP each command line. You'll find many useful ideas to help you set up your own shells. LZH Shell  (All LHARC.PRG)   Extract from LZHA:\LHARC.PRGx ~D5@"Choose|LZH Archive" ~D6"Choose|Dest"  Add/Create LZHA:\LHARC.PRGa ~D5@"Choose|LZH File" ~D6"Choose files|to add" Add w/ commentsA:\LHARC.PRGac ~D5@"Choose|LZH File" ~D6"Choose files|to add" Add to CurrentA:\LHARC.PRGa ~D5= ~D6"Choose files|to add" / Verbose ListA:\LHARC.PRGv ~D5@"Choose|LZH Archive"  Copy to ScreenA:\LHARC.PRGs ~DXP:\*.LZH"Choose LZH|file" ~DXP:\*.*"Choose file|to show"  Menus Utilities MenuA:\UTILITY.HOT2 MultiDesk ShellA:\MULTDESK.HOT- Main MenuA:\HOTWIRE0.HOT!'+-.-+)% &*-..,)%  %*-/.,)% $)-/.,)$  $)-//,*$  '-1330,&   &,1320+%  %,032/+%  %,032/*$  %+032/+%  )05651,&  !*04640+$"+1453.*" #+1452.(! %,2452-(!  !+27974/(! '17;;84/(  +38::62,%HW14   This is a sample HOT file created to give you some ideas.  Games Menu  Install your   games in   this menu.    - Return to Main MenuA:\HOTWIRE0.HOT       !!  !   !!  !   "%&$  $&%"  #&&$  !%''# %((&! ',.-)"  &,//-'  %,010*$  $+132/(!"+1553-& &-132.'  #+1552-%   )05751*# &.58HW14 Programs This is a sample HOT file created to give you some ideas. Main  Menu  Install your  programs here. Install other  menus here.  Use 'ZAP' to remove any unwanted entries Sub-Menus  Utilities MenuA:\UTILITY.HOT" Games MenuA:\GAMES.HOT2 MultiDesk ShellA:\MULTDESK.HOT0 BillboardA:\HOTWIRE1.HOT Archiver ShellA:\ARCSHELL.HOT  (try me)  I love HotWire!   #-5;>>;5-$ %.6<>>:4+#$,38:96/' !(/3430*#  '-132/)"  %+011-(!  $*.0/,'  $())&!  !""      HW14   HotWire!  from CodeHead Software   THE ULTIMATE Atari ST SHELL  by Charles F. Johnson and John Eidsvoog  - A:\HOTWIRE0.HOT!$%$"  #$$"  !#$#    %()(%#  "'+,+(%!  &*++(%! %)++(%" `%\ |%"|40<2< n# QQ3 N4` Efv*oM m !HPHUBg?<JNA(m)m - :gS)@ #OK1PC#HNHxHNA@)@l/h&@XЬld/`ARCpr Ѝ"QHNFALNHz2& NA\pdAxr0XQ)K\NN: f4JrBjNu~~&NN\NfCAp$L xp NR9lrBlJpNNpM@Hr 0 0tr 9lNupealp`aJ BWNANC2 @p2rҌ0<NB0,rNurA9A `v C9Crtd 9A9BrrҌpsNu9@`rDNuC2 @ e}bvvr,vNu   +Uw!pa4|a@:>< |a6RGk0Gg`a(VfA1G<ap?^NM& u??< NMXVHn 2$4BBNuAd RdQRB BbABJk 0NuJBjBBXNu 0+2$NuE`B<gJEgEjCDEDF Fe( dF8BCHC`0bHC8v` HD8HDkDуb NuDdDA@kgAр[SBk0ZlJBk&Nu0g H@rB Jk`0 pʠ2HPAJgPpr$< _8 Nu&8*"JBgJjEB:HC҅H@|ۆ҄ۆ<HC>H@4 HA@B@H@хk H8SÀbNpNuú&EBQ*HE?<>0rHGG GGdSW°i\N SW2 H@D?<,>CEdH@``0VBTD &AdRfB|=|  g+g -f.g20 b0e9b . da`RF`fajSEgefX0e9oSH0| &Hz1 E Do`HJjDDDS4</NJFkSFk&aQ `Ha"FFL8Nv6.JgtBnء<r,k4< pAC v r Jjv-|v k>aaNRFBd?<2SFegdRB`ApdR e <rRF&0žxfEv+0JFjDFjHƌd0BFHF HFA]`2:HQ A dG  GbFG 0dFGHANu~HnҠVg4 k( bJ@`@[H@0ЀNu@ kBjDB䨡Dpf fJAk NdRrj AffB DBDA@JBfJ EDD@JEfvغBACDEaEf fDU]Dftpb &e4r$"f"FANuPRN:LST:AUX:CON:MID:IKB:V,>E& B Og&RglAg@Ug2 Ig $CpRp=H <Nu~c0p֠n,A,R FJ@kLtNut ::/rI,(k$/<D? 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F8-------------------------- Quit Ret Move Entries f4 Delete Entries f5---------------------- Delete Block F7---------------------- Clear This Menu f6 Environment Variables F2 HotWire System Paths F3---------------------------- Corner Clock Options F4---------------------------- HotWire Alarms F9---------------------------- Save Configuration F1 AutoStart Warnings---------------------- Ledger External Ledgering---------------------- Corner Clock---------------------- Alarms Save Expired Alarms---------------------- Zoom Boxes---------------------- BlitterAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEXITTMVersion 2.3By Charles F. Johnson & John EidsvoogCopyright 1989,90 CodeHead SoftwareAll Rights Reserved.Free RAM: 4,000,000,000Wednesday, September 96, 2043____________HOT File: ____________XXXXXXXXXXXX____________________Autorun Prg: ____________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX__Autostart Delay: __9903Alert Box Delay: __99OKHotWire Work Files____________~1: ____________XXXXXXXXXXXX____________~2: ____________XXXXXXXXXXXX____________~3: ____________XXXXXXXXXXXX____________~4: ____________XXXXXXXXXXXX____________~5: ____________XXXXXXXXXXXX____________~6: ____________XXXXXXXXXXXX____________~7: ____________XXXXXXXXXXXX____________~8: ____________XXXXXXXXXXXXLoadSaveOKEnter command line for: FILENAME.EXT________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXFile SelectorOKCANCELFILE TYPE: MultiDesk Setup____________________Title: ____________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXGEM ModeTOS/TTP ModeCommand LineExit PromptLeft ShiftRight ShiftControlAlternate__F___ Documents: ___FFF___ ___FFF___ ___FFF___ ___FFFHotReturn OptionsALWAYSNEVERSAMEOPPOSITELEDGERCLOCKAUTOKFIXNO ALARMSSET PATHPASSWORDNO ANIMATIONCANCELOKType the key combinationyou wish to use for thisprogram.Enter a Heading:________________________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXLeftCenterRightLeft button: one char -- Right button: fillInverseCancelOKEntering:12345678901234567890in ledger file:123456789012HotWire System PathsPath to search for .HOT filesPath to search for Ledger filesFull pathname for MAXIFILE.PRGFull pathname for MULTDESK.PRGPATHNAME VARIABLESOKPlease Enter the Password for12345678901234567890________Password: ________XXXXXXXXCANCELOKPlease type the password for:followed by Return.HotWire Environment Variables 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9:10:11:12:OKSave HotWire ConfigurationConfiguration SettingsPathname VariablesCANCELSaveCorner Clock OptionsDateTime24-hour12-hourShow SecondsCaps IndicatorOKHotWire Alarms10111213141516STATUSONOFFSet Time________:__:__999999HH MM SSAMPMSet DateDay________/__/__999999MM DD YYDAILYWEEKLYMONTHLY____________________________________________________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXSave All7Snooze Period: _9Save OneOKSPACE BAR TO TURN OFF -- ANY OTHER KEY TO SNOOZEhii.iNiniiiijj.jNjnjjjh [2][ Cannot open| HOTWIRE.PRG!| Want to locate it? ][Locate| Cancel ] [3][ Cannot write config | to this version of| HotWire!][ Cancel ][3][ HotWire must be installed | from the AUTO folder to| load MultiDesk setups!][ Cancel ][3][ You must first close | any open accs!][ Cancel ][3][ AutoStart Delay| may not be set to | zero!][ Cancel ][3][ Error trying to open | file!| ][ Cancel ][2][ Do you want to | write over the| existing file?| ][ Yes |No][3][ Unable to create file! | ][ Cancel ][3][ Unable to write file! | ][ Cancel ][3][ No space left on | this disk!][ Cancel ][3][ Not a HotWire | menu file!| ][ Cancel ][3][ Not a HotWire | work file!| ][ Cancel ][2][ | Quit HotWire? | ][ Yes |No][2][ Do you really want| to clear the entire | list of programs| and work files?| ][ Yes |No][3][ Printer is not | responding!][Continue|Cancel][2][ Which type of listing? | ][Full|Hot|Cancel][3][ Error! Can't find: | | | ][Locate| Cancel ][3][ This file is not an | executable program!][ Cancel ][3][ Not enough free | RAM to execute| this program!][ Cancel ] [2][ Remove this entry from | the menu?| ][ Remove |Cancel]![3][ This key combination| is already assigned to | | ][ Cancel ]"[2][ Current auto program: | | | Replace it with| ][ Replace |Cancel]#[3][ Only the letters| A through Z may be | used as hot keys!| ][ OK ]$[1][ Autorun status has been | changed! Save a new| HOTWIRE.HOT file?| ][Save| Cancel ]%[2][ Remove work file #1? | ][ Remove |Cancel]&[2][ Save HOTWIRE0.HOT to the | current default path?| ][Save| Cancel ]'[3][ No application can| be found for this| document extension! ][ Cancel ]([2][ Install this file | as a document or| a program?| ][Document|Program])[2][ Do you wish to reset | the Options for this| file, or keep the| current Options?| ][ Reset |Keep]*[2][ Copy this entry? (The | destination will be| replaced.)| ][Copy| Cancel ]+[2][ File: FILENAME.EXT | This menu may have been | changed. Do you wish to| abandon it, or save it| and continue?][Abandon|Save|Cancel],[2][ The current menu has| not been saved! Are| you sure you want to | load a new menu?][OK| Cancel ]-[2][ This menu may have been | changed. Are you sure| you want to clear all| entries?][Clear| Cancel ].[3][ Can't find MaxiFile!| MultiFile 1.2 or Maxi- | File must be installed| as ACCs, or you must| locate MAXIFILE.PRG.][ Locate |Cancel]/[3][ Can't find MultiDesk! | MultiDesk must be in-| stalled as an acc or| you must locate| MULTDESK.PRG.][ Locate |Cancel]0[1][ For info, contact:| CodeHead Software| P.O. Box 74090| Los Angeles, CA 90004 | (213) 386-5735][ OK ]1[3][ Unable to locate the| MultiDesk accessory!| You must have MultiDesk | 2.0 (or higher) to use| the setup file feature.][ OK ]2[3][ Your version of MultiDesk | does not support loading| .MLT files thru HotWire.| You need version 2.0 or| later.][ OK ]3[0][ | Date: 00/00/00| | Day: Wednesday | ][ OK ]4[3][ Unable to open ledger | file in read/write| mode!][ Cancel ]5[3][ Unable to create new | ledger file!][ Cancel ]6[3][ This is not a| HotWire Ledger | File!| ][ Cancel ]7[3][ No room left on this| disk! Unable to finish | this ledger entry.][ Cancel ]8[3][ Wrong password! ][ Cancel ]9[1][ Select the first and | last entries to| include in the| block file.][OK| Cancel ]:[1][ Select the entry at| which to start loading | the block file.][OK| Cancel ];[1][ Not a HotWire | block file!][ Cancel ]<[1][ Select the first and | last entries to be| deleted.][OK| Cancel ]=[2][ Delete the marked | block?][OK| Cancel ]>[2][ The current menu may| have changed. Continue| loading the block file? ][ Yes |No]?[2][ Install this file as a| document or as an ASSIGN | file for G+PLUS?][ASSIGN|Document]@[3][ Error: G+PLUS is unable | to load this ASSIGN| file.][ Cancel ]ExecutableDocumentHotWire MenuWork ListMultiDesk SetupASSIGN.SYS FileNp2b1@{C B`U0}G:B` t2=^2t2t2tt2t2t2t2t2t20t2t2t20ttt2T'NAxJPgBP`#AFa`6 y"zF3z3z>(Ծ|'f2:E UA3A2:EUA3A0R@E3@3@,a{ILEHSlSlTlTlK0,H2-IA;@0,H2-IA;@|'f$;|0<Jygm ygmGEd&'LBkAEa_ZpaAwf `fa_GE6'zD$AENa_aza{C@La^a^arGD63'|7|BI`'L$ADa^AD:gLDHa^ByKDnzxJgB-0R@AajaqAH NL 03adk`aqajNN`HaXfp"< $NIR2g2IpN Lp2NNNRDQdJygNja]ACLHCfff*g"y)gA9pfAQL0vGCICt7|AC6a]JfJg&lm 0,l@llm0,l@mRSCfH03` T f467|'zB$ACXa]KxA P f0<:2A. a.``& Pfa\A0Napda>a\Ta>a/02A  | f.aaa\`CLxFNغ\| fpaANfaALava~jaA_a`baoaz WRK1 ~ga~aAXa`:a|a~a`*| fa`AafazAJg .fJfSH.WRKBALaa"a%fa~ja6A$a<`ao(G ~&WRK1 Kpa} zAR <a},a}Jj a~A`fa~`ja~Aa~a~a}a~`N\)|23<1nangtAa~|g"A@0v1|!|5f$AAaZ`a4A0<OBQ0:&A pB0:A  `0:P z@dNuaAJg$C $an$SH !\fRHRIambC tan aATa~LfjaCA $am !\fRIA tEb0:$rf0:A `  $ t Pf0<` Pf0<` Pf|afaYAa}g aaY`aYaYnaYv:gA~a}4|fa)6gaVAa|aaalfa*I:_galgA*a||faDALaJa{ja|A3a|`alawG ~ HBLKga{a|A/a|` Kpa{kx <[䐍&(ΰCl6SC4&MEtb? 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Johnson Buffer Size:0000K Bytes Left:1,000,000,000,000 FILENAME.EXT Load AccLoad SetupSave SetupClear AllClear SomeConfigureInfoExitMultiDesk Configuration EditorFree RAM: 0000KNAMESRETURNAUTO-RUNPERSISTQUERYSORTSNAPTIMERSTHUNDERALERTSBuffer Size (K)0128____9999Shrink to Fit_________________Menu name: _________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXSave ConfigOK______________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________Desk Accessory Path______________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________Setup File PathMenu Name: _________________Now Loading:FILENAME.EXTHold Alternate to abortVersion 2.1Copyright 1988,89,90Charles F. Johnson& CodeHead SoftwareAll Rights Reserved. Ideas/advice: John EidsvoogReleased April 23, 1990CodeHead SoftwareP.O. Box 74090Los Angeles,CA 90004(213) 386-5735OKError:Not enough room in the buffer to loadFILENAME.EXT12345678901234567Text: $FFFFFFFFData: $FFFFFFFFBss: $FFFFFFFFAESPB: $FFFFFFFFStruct: $FFFFFFFFReturn: $FFFFFFFFSize:000,000,000Event:evnt_multiR1R2OKsp``?><?{~~{~營><>?w!nntt>tNtt>tNe  #*/,N4623 MZdefghkmd)SD !"#$%&doddddddee/eGe_eweeee !"#$%&;B@'d Choose anaccessory:Save setupfile:Load setupfile:LocateMultiDeskChoose accpath:Choose setuppath:Can't find or readProgram Mode0123456789ABCDEFevnt_timerevnt_mesag\*.PRG:\*.*:\*.AC?:\*.MLTA:\MULTDESK.ACC\MULTDESK.PRG\MULTDESK.MLT\COLOR.MLTTHUNDERMS14 HOTWIRE!Untitled Default 8 4"`  (    *:  8>R  .  *     .   <, H   p  $                & $    <$ (4." ,@< ^ 4& Tp~$2  06  4> $  (   F  &  (  $6     .0 &(  : |$ (R J " :   "*("6   *   n :D8h & r     *v, *X " " 0 D ("(  V T$" 2 $Z   F        " $       (8&2P    ,8 P   & @&  h    6`b\$6 $"  8@ 8  P00000H0HH000HH RFkyeLxquz}t|STyblvWLhZ~lt~MXh|kqtUTvsv~oy|[@aq|guwls7`mw]t|tkKNwu{go~z_JdmY}yvnCZvehvt?`q|OiuxcDyNcoQ\zoTo^dGlvxoVtzWlDhzwVj_\?zmHqo9WPgR6_T~xcp2oPoth|z{WxB}wWoAG`h_ipe`Dmo}oskiwH{t]jagL{}yw|}wesRonw{k\ttspwvvlSmen{stpUmrlnwrfxXxhm}znfrPvng~olfpItlwjabzZlclfopocZgR^_tcxu[pgawlZ_Ha{zvcgxvOlx}tyq|vs]{p}wxv|xz`wtzvt}ww{gnjs********************************** * * * MultiDesk Release Notes * * Version 2.1 * * Release date: April 23, 1990 * * * ********************************** PLEASE NOTE: Effective February 1, 1990 our standard update fee will be raised to $7.50 (see below for update information). ANOTHER NOTE: The files MULTDESK.ACC and MULTDESK.PRG are identical except for their filenames. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> VERSION 2.1 NOTES ----------------- MultiDesk 2.1 is primarily a "bug-fix" release. It fixes a problem that would cause a system lockup when trying to load an .MLT file through the HotWire Menu. (The bug attacked if MultiDesk was unable to find the specified .MLT file.) Change MultiDesk's Menu Title without Rebooting ----------------------------------------------- Another small change in MultiDesk 2.1 -- if you change the 'Menu Name' in MultiDesk's 'Config' dialog, the new name will show up in the 'Desk' drop-down menu immediately. Previous versions of MultiDesk required a reboot to register the new name. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Holding Control toggles the 'Names' option ------------------------------------------ The MultiDesk manual states that you can turn off the display of accessory names during the loading of a setup file (when the 'Names' button in the Configuration Editor is selected), by holding down the Alternate key or the right Shift key. You can also turn the name display ON when 'Names' is not selected, again by holding down Alternate or right Shift. Load Acc -------- When you use the 'Load Acc' option, MultiDesk always returns to the file selector after loading an accessory, to let you quickly load several single accessories in a row. In MultiDesk 1.5 and higher, you can hold down the Alternate key when you load an accessory, and you will return to the MultiDesk dialog box instead of to the file selector. (Saving you a click on the file selector's 'Cancel' button.) Key commands ------------ In version 1.6, all of the options in MultiDesk's main dialog box can be selected with a single keypress while MultiDesk is open. The command keys are: A - Load Acc L - Load Setup S - Save Setup Clr Home - Clear All C - Configure Return - Exit In addition to these keys, the up and down arrows will scroll up and down through a list of accessories (when you have more than 16 loaded.) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's a list of some desk accessories that may require special handling when used with MultiDesk: Accessories reserving two slots: -------------------------------- MINOS.ACC - Reserves two slots for itself in the 'Desk' menu. Only the first name will appear in the MultiDesk menu. (Luckily, the game is still playable...only the "Minos Finder" name will not appear.) TI59.ACC - Reserves two slots. The calculator itself will not appear in the MultiDesk menu. CONTROL.ACC - Early versions of the Atari Control Panel also reserve two slots. If you wish to use the Control Panel with MultiDesk, you should use the version which is included in the folder named ACCS on your MultiDesk master disk. EMULATOR.ACC - Once again, the early versions of Atari's VT52 terminal emulator reserve two slots in the 'Desk' menu. The most recent version (also included in the ACCS folder) is more considerate. Other stuff: ------------ DESKCART.ACC - QMI's Deskcart cartridge uses a desk accessory which installs the code from the cartridge. This accessory will not work when loaded into MultiDesk. You should install it as an ordinary desk accessory. DIABLO.ACC - The latest version (as of this date) of Atari's Diablo 630 Emulator has problems with lots of other programs. We have installed special code to allow it to function properly with MultiDesk. However, you still may encounter problems if you load certain accessories into MultiDesk before loading SETUP630.ACC (the Diablo emulator accessory). The rule to follow (using MultiDesk or not) is to make sure DIAB630.PRG is the LAST program to run in your AUTO folder and SETUP630.ACC runs as soon as possible after that. TECHNICAL NOTE: The Diablo emulator breaks if any other program steals trap #13 between the running of the AUTO program and the selecting of the ACC. Accessories that don't register themselves: ------------------------------------------- Desk accessories are supposed to follow certain programming rules, one of which is to "register" themselves in the drop-down menu. If a desk accessory breaks this rule, it will not work properly when loaded into MultiDesk. MultiDesk will load it and put its _filename_ in the menu, but when you click on it you'll see a dialog box telling you that the accessory is disabled. Please note that any accessory that fails to register itself will still work fine when installed in a regular accessory slot. The only accessory we're aware of that breaks the "menu_register" rule at this time is a public domain caps-lock indicator called CAPS.ACC. (Note: CAPS.ACC is another example of an accessory that uses the buggy evnt_timer call. If you *must* use CAPS.ACC, turn the "Timers" button on in the Configuration box.) Accessories that communicate with applications, and vice versa -------------------------------------------------------------- There are several accessories on the market that are designed to communicate and exchange data with specific applications. Examples are Cyber Smash and Cyber Control (which work with CAD 3D 2.0), Easy Tools (which adds new capabilities to Easy Draw), and the accessories which are supplied with Neodesk 2.0. In most cases, these accessories will work better if they are loaded into MultiDesk BEFORE running the application. The reason for this: most applications attempt to detect the presence of their associated desk accessories only when they are first run. If you load the accessory into MultiDesk after the program is already up and running, it's too late...the program has already tried to find the accessory, and failed. If you encounter such a problem, just quit the application to the desktop and run it again. Accessories that communicate with other accessories --------------------------------------------------- Recently, some software packages have appeared on the market which use two (or more) desk accessories that communicate with each other. (One such package is STalker/STeno from Strata Software.) There are a few things to keep in mind when using these types of desk accessories in MultiDesk: If two desk accessories need to communicate with each other, one of those desk accessories must be OUTSIDE of MultiDesk. If both accessories are loaded into MultiDesk they will probably be unable to communicate, because MultiDesk has no provisions for passing GEM messages between more than one loaded accessory. A limitation in GEM is responsible for this; GEM does not allow more than a certain number of "applications" to be active at the same time (an accessory is treated the same way as an "application" in this case). If you have one accessory outside MultiDesk and the other loaded into MultiDesk, they will still be unable to communicate if you have some other MultiDesk accessory open, or while the MultiDesk box itself is on the screen. To restore the communication, just close the other accessory or exit the MultiDesk dialog box. Similarly, if you open one of MultiDesk's accessories, and an outside program tries to communicate with ANOTHER accessory that is loaded into MultiDesk, the outside program will be unable to find the accessory. As far as GEM knows, when one of MultiDesk's accessories is open that accessory IS MultiDesk...and GEM never knows about the other accessories loaded into MultiDesk. MultiDesk does not allow you to open more than one of its accessories at a time, again because of the GEM application limit mentioned above. If all else fails: ------------------ The most important thing to remember if you have a problem loading a desk accessory into MultiDesk is that it will almost certainly still work fine when installed as a normal desk accessory in one of the other five menu slots. As stated in the MultiDesk manual, there may be some AUTO programs or other desk accessories that cause problems with MultiDesk. If you're having trouble getting MultiDesk to work at all, the first thing to try is removing all AUTO programs and accessories from your boot disk to see if MultiDesk will work by itself. (It probably will - if not, you may have a bad disk and you should either return it to the store you bought it from, or send it back to CodeHead Software for a replacement.) If MultiDesk works fine by itself, then try adding the AUTO programs and accessories back one at a time (rebooting each time), to find the one that is interfering. Shareware Folder ---------------- For your convenience we've provided the latest versions of two shareware programs by Charles F. Johnson. The Little Green Selector (LGSELECT.PRG) and PinHead (PINHED16.PRG) are contained in the folder named SHARWARE on your master disk, along with their respective documentation files which you may 'Show' or 'Print'. These programs are shareware products from Little Green Footballs Software (included with permission), and the purchase price of this package does not include them. If you try these programs and decide to keep them, you are expected to send a shareware payment to Charles at the address listed in the documentation. Thank you. CodeHead Software Update Policy ------------------------------- At CodeHead, we update all of our software frequently; but due to postal expenses we are not able to notify our users regularly. You may find out the latest version number of any CodeHead Software product by calling us at (213) 386-5735, or by finding us on GEnie, Compuserve, or Delphi. The latest update for any product may be obtained by returning your original master disk plus $7.50 to: CodeHead Software P.O. Box 74090 Los Angeles, CA 90004 FAX: (213) 386-5789 From time to time we offer free updates for certain versions (if we've released something with bugs, etc.). You will be informed (or your money returned) if this is the case. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Please, remember that software theft hurts EVERYONE. If you have a legitimate copy of our software, please accept our sincere thanks for purchasing our product, and don't bother reading the next paragraph. If you're reading this file from an illegal copy of our software (you know if you are), you might want to give some thought to the consequences of your actions. We will not continue to produce software for the ST if we can't make a living at it. If you steal a copy of any of our programs (by using it without buying it, or allowing others to use it without buying it), besides breaking a federal law, you're also quite literally stealing the food right out of our families' mouths. Think about it. >PI@VIVJ@\J\K@bJ@bKJ>@>>@> >@:@>:>@p>p?@?7@7;@;?@?C@CG@ G K@KO@OG@GS@L@S@@LM@MP@********************************** * * * HotWire Release Notes * * Version 2.3 * * Release date: May 15, 1990 * * * ********************************** PLEASE NOTE: Effective February 1, 1990 our standard update fee was raised to $7.50 (see below for update information). *---------------------------------------------------------------------* | REFER TO THE PRINTED HOTWIRE 2.0 RELEASE NOTES AND THE 2.1 ADDENDUM | | FOR A DESCRIPTION OF ALL FEATURES NOT DOCUMENTED IN THIS FILE. | *---------------------------------------------------------------------* Saving Configuration -------------------- Many people are confused as to what settings get saved where in HotWire. Hopefully this will clear up the misunderstanding. The AutoStart and Warnings settings (first two items in the Options drop-down) are saved with the current HOT file. If you load in another HOT file, these may change to reflect the current settings. All other options are saved directly into the HotWire program. These are divided into two groups. The first group is the alarm settings which are saved from the alarm box. This saves all alarm data EXCEPT the snooze period, which is saved with your HotWire configuration. The second group includes everything else. When you save your HotWire configuration (from the "Save Configuration" option in the "Configure" drop-down or by hitting "F1"), you are saving the following information: Configuration Settings: o Default paths for HOT/WRK files, ledger files, MultiDesk, and MaxiFile. o Environment variables. o Corner clock settings. o Auto-start and alert box delays (in the Info box). o Alarm clock snooze period. o The settings of all other items in the Options drop-down: Ledgering, External Ledgering, Corner Clock, Alarms, Save Expired Alarms, Zoom Boxes, and Blitter. Pathname variables: o Pathname variables may be saved separately from the other settings so that you won't accidentally save altered variables unless you want to. Redraw problem -------------- There is a bug in _both_ the color version of Turbo ST (1.6-1.8) and Quick ST (all versions). This will cause a column of pixels to not be redrawn properly after closing the HotWire Info Box (and possibly some other instances). The authors of these programs have been notified about it and you should contact them about obtaining fixed versions. This is not a problem in HotWire and it will disappear if you remove the conflicting program. Technical Support by Mail ------------------------- We are very busy at CodeHead and would appreciate it if when writing to us with problems you would please include your phone number. It is much easier, faster, and costs us less money to pick up the phone and call you with the solution, than to take the time to compose a letter of response. Many letters do get answered (in due time), but you will have much better chances of getting a speedy response if you include your phone number. Thank you. KickStart --------- If you want a little extra help getting started with HotWire, make sure to check out KickStart. KIKSTART.PRG is located in the A:\HOTTOOLS\KIKSTART folder and you'll find instructions in the HOTTOOLS.TXT file. Right-clicking on Load or Save ------------------------------ You can click the right mouse button on the Load or Save icons to load or save a block of menu entries. These are the equivalents of using the drop-down options "Load a Block..." (Shift F5) and "Save a Block..." (Shift F6). ------------------- HOTWIRE 2.3 CHANGES ------------------- There is a new feature in HotWire 2.3, the KFIX button. The option was installed in an attempt to solve problems with certain programs which interfere with HotWire's keyboard interrupt, such as some MIDI programs. If you have a program which does not seem to work with HotWire in your system, try enabling the KFIX (Keyboard Fix) button in that program's options box and see if it solves the problem. Enabling the KFIX button will disable the hot keys which normally are active while running a program. These are the clock on/off toggle, the time/date toggle, and the hot reset combinations (on pre-TOS 1.4 machines). Well, version 2.2 wasn't as bug-free as we thought. Hopefully version 2.3 _is_ bug-free (if there is such a thing) and up to the usually CodeHead standards. Since 2.0 there has been a bug in the "Delete Block" option. After deleting a block, any newly installed entry in the deleted area would have a blank title; the title would not show at all. This has been fixed. Previously if you clicked on an entry containing a document, and no application could be found for that document, the entry would remain selected. Version 2.3 fixes this. The HotSaver program got accidentally "packed" on the 2.2 disk. This would result in being unable to save your configuration. This has been rectified. ------------------- HOTWIRE 2.2 CHANGES ------------------- HotWire 2.2 fixes a few small bugs which existed in 2.1. In 2.1 there was a bug where the "NO ALARMS" and "NO ANIMATION" buttons would remain permanently disabled after being disabled the first time. Version 2.2 fixes this. HotWire will no longer hang up when chaining from CAD-3D to a MultiDesk setup file. A problem has been fixed which prevented certain accessories from correctly communicating when first booting up. This bug showed up most commonly when booting up with STalker and STeno as your only accessories and auto-starting HotWire. In this instance one of the accessories could not find the other. It's been fixed. In 2.1 there was a redraw problem if an installed ASSIGN file could not be located. The HotWire menu is now correctly redrawn. If you exited a program with an accessory window open and that program was chained to an MLT file, you would get an alert telling you that you needed to close all accessories first. This is no longer a problem. HotWire 1.3 Manual Update ------------------------- If you still have the HotWire 1.0 manual (red and black cover) and have never updated beyond version 1.1, we suggest that you update to the 1.3 manual. Features are explained there which are not covered in these release notes, such as chaining, along with many others. The 1.3 manual can be purchased for $5.00 from CodeHead Software. Proof of HotWire purchase is also required, such as your registration card on file here, sending in your master disk, or returning your 1.0 manual. CODEHEAD Software Update Policy ------------------------------- At CodeHead, we update all of our software frequently; but due to postal expenses we are not able to notify our users regularly. You may find out the latest version number of any CodeHead Software product by calling us at (213) 386-5735, or by finding us on GEnie, Compuserve, or Delphi. The latest update for any product may be obtained by returning your original master disk plus $7.50 to: CodeHead Software P.O. Box 74090 Los Angeles, CA 90004 FAX: (213) 386-5789 From time to time we offer free updates for certain versions (if we've released something with bugs, etc.). You will be informed (or your money returned) if this is the case. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Please, remember that software theft hurts EVERYONE. If you have a legitimate copy of our software, please accept our sincere thanks for purchasing our product. If you're reading this file from an illegal copy of our software (you know if you are), you might want to give some thought to the consequences of your actions. We will not continue to produce software for the ST if we can't make a living at it. If you steal a copy of any of our programs (by using it without buying it, or allowing others to use it without buying it), besides breaking a federal law, you're also quite literally stealing the food right out of our families' mouths. Think about it.  ´!.0,+,1566-&/?<*"')&!$/. ,DE5)7H>( !!"%%,/('& -=HOUUPMQX]YM@3)  ·$+130   &'%&+33/*),'     `~Ľ#/VE ఀ &2KF9CA=JM=+#!ʀ؀DuX/4ȯ&4!𠗻வ ;Y[W]_i}jekPe`8%5Ȉ􌆉G\ ?~d( Ұ(2;^f_yvo`U~_J_@ ԤҦ񰄇'0ڐ?JԷ $'-5/Rl\iuffa_T.6SH -5ؔФ%.0 (#-9FYZ_ofRVy`EIXL 'G, Ț򰓽-0/78IXMCQelXEZaB18C: "Ȍڬ%  !)$+?SN:B_bNJY\B/68-#%% 複鬃ص"-C@. .. EO_DOC TXT zEO_V2 PRG D066010303050000132002006006010000 11 2#1 F0110000001 9[...................................................]0110  DeltaForceofTheUnionpresents: NEOchromeMaster Wehaveincludedmanynewfeaturesas: -calculatingcolorslikeinSpectrum512 -savingcut-bufferinimagedatas(withoutdc.w...) -rotatinginvariableangels -loading/savinginnearlyallformats(.IFF,.NEO,.PIC, .PI1,.DOO) -formatinginMS-DosformatwithoutleavingNEOchrome Master -amuchmoreextendedcopy-boxroutine -afullworkinganimationtool(it'swonderfull....) -youcanreachnowalltollsbyusingkeyboardcommands Herewegoindetails: THEGRABBER: Clickthesymbolwithyourleftbuttononceandyou'llget theinformationwindow.Youcannowcalculateanewpalette betweenthetwocolormarkers(<....>).Ifyouwanttogetthe valueofacolorusetheopenedhandandclicktherightbutton onthepixelofwhichyouaresearchingthevalue(asusual). AlsoyoucansavepalettesinAssembler-SourceorC-Sourcewith simplyklickingonthecorrespondingicon. THETIN(fillarea): Clickitasusualusingyourleftmousebutton,fillareas usingagaintheleftbuttonbuthere'sthenewfeature-click therightbuttonandNEOchromeMasterwillfilltheselectedarea withcolor_0(usualblack),soyoucaneraseareasnow. THEDISK: Welltherearelotsofnewfeatures.Afterselectingyour formattosaveortoloadapic,youcansave/loaditbypressing theleft/rightbuttononceagain.Hopeyougotdis(frenchenglish iswonderful!!!).Youhavealsothepossibilitytoformatadisk inrealMS-DOSformat.Afterclickingityou'llseeaboxasking youhowtoformatit.YoucanchoosebetweenDSandSSoryoucan cancel...Furtheryoucanalsodeletefiles... Importantis,thatNEOchromeMastercancheckfortheright fileformatonitsown.ThatworksonlywithIFF,PC1,andNEO picturessavedbyNEOchromeV2.0.Thatmeans,thatifyouselected NEOfileformatforloadingandyouhavechosenanIFFpicture, NEOchromechangestheloadingfileformatautomaticallytoIFFand loadsthepicture.Butremember:automaticallychangesonlyat IFF,PC1,andNEOV2pictures. THEERASER: Selectitwiththeleftbuttonbutclickonlyonce!!! Otherwiseyou'lleraseyourwholepic,noundo!!!O.K.hopeyou alsogotthis(englishversion).Ifyoupresstheleftbutton afterselectingit,you'lleraseyourpic-clickingtheright oneyou'llquitNEOchromeMaster.Veryimportanttokeepinmind! THECOPY-BOX: Selectitasusual,thenewfeaturesare:youcannowrotate yourcopyboxusingtheleftbuttontoincrease/therightone todecreasethevalueoftheangel(clickthesymbolattheleft bottomoftheinformationwindow).There'salsoalittlepointer wichdescribestherotationdirection. THECUTTER: Puh,thiswillbedifficulttoexplain...Firstselectitas usualthenyoucanmakeaboxalsoasusual-butattention,you canchangetheproportionsoftheboxbyclickingatthewantedside withtheleftmousebutton-holditandchangeit.Ifyouwant tomoveitnow,clickwiththerightmousebuttoninside(!)the selectedboxandmoveit.Ifyouwanttouseadefiniedsizefor yourcut-box,drawabox(useonlyonecolour!)andthen...oh,in short,usetheleftbuttonandselectthecolorinwhichyour cut-boxisdrawn,clickthecuttersymbol,clickwiththeright buttoninsidetheboxandthecutterwillfindhimselfhissize tocutthegraphix.Hopeyougotit!Ifyouclickthe'show' buttonyoucanseeallyourobjectswhichyou'vecut.Sorry, you'vealsotousethemarkers(<...>).Withthe'change'button youcanchange(?),andwiththe'add'buttonyoucanadd....?!?I thinkit'stheinfluenceoftwolitersofgermanbeersofar.But Ithinkthisisclear.Theactualobjectisalwaysinthethiker border.Oh,Inearlyforgotit,itdoesen'tdependonwhereyour objectis(screen1toscreen4).Click're-cut'andallyour definedobjectswillbecutagain(perhapsyou'vemadesome changes).Thelittlenumberattherightbottomtellsyouhow manyobjektsyou'vealreadycut.Ifyouwanttosavetheobjects clickon'save'andalltheimagedataswillbesaved.Object afterobject.Youhavealsothechancetosavealltheusedpics, butdon'tworry-onlythefilenameswillbesaved(thisiswhen youchoose'withheader'). THEANIMATOR: I'lltrytoexplainit.First,attheleftbottomyoucan seesomesquares.Theystandforthepositionofyouranimation. Clickthemandyouranimationpositionwillchangeimediately. You'vealsothepossibilitytomakedifferentanimationsby usingthesequenzmarkers(allwilbesaved,thespeed,...) Hereissomethingveryimportant:youcanalsousethecursor keystoselecttheanimationspeed.Thisisnecessaryifyouwant theanimationtobeineveryVBL.Why?Becauseifyouchoosesuch aspeedyou'llseenomoremousepointeranymore!Rememberthis! Heyhere'ssomethinggreat:youcanalsousethezoomwhile playingananimation. THEKEYS: Normallythekeybordcommandscorrespondtothefirstletter ofthewantedfeature.Forexample:youwanttousethepencil- simplypress'p'andyou'llgetit.Tremendous,he?Butthereare twoexeptions:press'r'for'gRid'andrememberthatyoucan't useanykeyboardcommandsifyouareinthe'TEXT'featureand selectedacursorintheworkscreen. Someotherkey-commands: useshift-esctohelpforthesixteendifferentcolors,usethe followingkeysofthenumber-blocktoswitchbetweenthefour workscreens:'(',')','/','*'  ?9_rgtfsLHR,1*V']\kiqrTaJ5A (̰KIkslrenFCD&5$ ฯ(9ffymq`.tSP` Check this out! Here it is.... A new release of NEOchrome. Date of release: 06/17/1990 at 09:06 during the Internation Coding Conference held by Chaos, Inc. The original version was designed and programmed by Dave Staugas. All advanced features by Chaos, Inc. of the Delta Force (member of the great Union). The automatical cutter was designed and programmed by Element. Now nobody has a reason to paint with Degas Elite anymore, 'cause NEOchrome beat 'dem all! But let me say something about the story of NEOchrome: Dave Staugas - the designer of NEOchrome - hasn't earned much money with his program, because everybody thought NEOchrome is Public Domain. So if you are sometimes using NEOchrome, please be fair and send some money to: ATARI Corporation, personal Mr. Staugas, 1196 Borregas Avenue (strange name, isn't it?), Sunnyvale, California 94088-3427, USA Thank you for listening.... 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