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ARTST232DOC t [ARTST232PRG t dFILLS `V Art-ST Version 2.32 =================== A Shareware program Written by Robert M. Birmingham Copyright 1990, Axolotl Software All Rights Reserved. Art-ST 2.32 is a powerful drawing program that operates in low, medium, or high resolution. Not only will you find many of the features expected in a drawing program (such as; Boxes, Circles/Ellipses, Area Fills, Copy & Paste, and Fine Pixel Editing), but Art-ST also explores some rather unique areas of its own! One of the more interesting aspects of Art-ST is that it uses all of your computer's memory to support multiple picture buffers. This can range from approximately eight picture buffers on a 520 ST, to over 110 picture buffers on a Mega ST4! You may also create your own animation sequences using these picture buffers by using Art-ST's built in Slide Show feature. Shareware Notice! ----------------- Art-ST is a shareware program and may be freely distributed as long as the program and the documentation are kept together as one package, and are not changed in any way. I have spent a great deal of time designing and developing Art-ST, and have tried to make it as solid and dependable as possible. If you find the program useful, please make my efforts worthwhile and send a check or money order for $15.00 to: Robert M. Birmingham 13630 S.W. 101 Lane Miami, FL 33186 If you would like to see any new features added to Art-ST, or if you have a suggestion that would improve an existing feature, please write me a letter with your ideas! I'm looking forward to hearing from you! Getting Started: ---------------- Once you have run Art-ST (and have gotten past the opening dialog), you will see the main screen of the program. On the left side of the screen is the menu area, which contains the options that you may use to create your drawings. The currently selected item in the menu is shown in inverse (highlighted). To select a different item, move the mouse cursor into the desired box, and click the left mouse button. Any item in the menu that begins with an asterisk (*) has a secondary, or alternate, function. This alternate function is usually just a slight variation of the original menu selection. For example: *LINE and *K-LINE, or *SQUARE and *BOX. To choose the alternate function of a menu option, select the desired item then click the mouse button on it again. When the menu is displayed, the area you may draw on is less than the full screen. To draw on the remaining area, use the left and right SCROLL arrows. This will move the work area over so other sections of your picture are visible. You may hold the left mouse button down while over a SCROLL arrow and the work area will repeatedly move in the desired direction. To draw on the entire screen at once, move the mouse into the work area, and click the right mouse button. You may return to the menu screen by pressing the right mouse button again. One of the most interesting, and flexible, features of Art-ST is the ability to support multiple pictures or 'frames' in memory at one time. To change to a different frame, use the arrows next to the FRAME box located in the lower half of the menu area. Clicking the left mouse button when the cursor is over the left arrow will show the previous frame, and clicking over the right arrow will show the next frame. As you will see later, this capability lets you produce some impressive animation sequences. The number of frames available depends on whether you have a 520 ST, 1040 ST, or a MEGA ST. Also, you might want to disable any accessories and ramdisks you have installed, this will give the the maximum number of frames possible on your ST. In addition to selecting the drawing tools, the menu also lets you control the current drawing color as well as the text, line, and fill attributes. To select a different color, click on the color boxes in the lower half of the menu area. Art-ST shows the active color in the box directly below the color selections. If the program was run in low or medium resolution, the numbers denoting the Red, Green, and Blue (RGB) content of the color will be displayed in this box as well (RGB does not apply in the high resolution mode). To alter the individual R, G, or B component of the color, click on (or near) the number you want to change. The left mouse button increases the R, G, or B value, and the right button decreases the value. By manipulating these values you can access all of the 512 possible colors supported by the ST. Although you can't change the RGB content of a color in the high resolution mode, you can swap the two colors by clicking the left mouse button inside the box below the color selections. This lets you draw with white on a black background, or with black on a white background. The explanations for changing the text, line, and fill attributes are given below in descriptions for the TEXT, *LINE, and FILL drawing tools. If you make a mistake while you're drawing, you may either press the UNDO key, or you may click the left mouse button on the UNDO menu option. However, since an UNDO will only negate the last drawing operation you performed, be sure to use it before doing any other operations. The Drawing Tools: ------------------ DRAW, With this tool you can draw freehand in the work area by pressing the left mouse button and moving the mouse. DRAW uses the currently selected color, line style, and line thickness. If you hold the Alternate key down while drawing, the paintbrush becomes whatever is in the clipboard area (the buffer area used to hold the material from COPY and MAGNIFY for the PASTE command). *LINE, To draw a line, specify the starting point of the line by pressing the left mouse button. You may then move the mouse around the work area and the line will follow the cursor. To specify the ending point, press the left mouse button again. You are able to draw lines using the current color, line type, line width, and write mode (see MODES). After you have specified the starting point of the line you may press the right mouse button to abort this function. *LINE has an alternate function called *K-LINE which lets you to continually draw rubber band lines. After you have specified the starting point of the first line, then whenever you specify the ending point, it will automatically become the starting point for the next line. To stop drawing lines, press the right mouse button. To change to a different line pattern, use the arrows next to the line display box in the lower part of the menu area. There are six different patterns for you to choose from. The first line pattern (the solid line) is special because you can change its thickness. Click the left mouse button inside the line display box to increase its thickness, or click the right button to decrease its thickness. The thicknesses of the remaining five lines may not be changed. However, the other lines are special in there own respect, because you can change their patterns to suit your needs. See the description of the EDIT tool for more information. *SQUARE, To draw an outline of a box, press the left mouse button inside the work area to specify the upper left corner of the box. Next, move the mouse until the box is the desired size and shape, then press the left mouse button to finish the box. You may abort this function when specifying the rectangle by pressing the right mouse button. This function uses the current color, line type, and thickness. *SQUARE also has an alternate function called *BOX; this lets you draw a square filled with the current fill pattern in a single step. However, *BOX does not use the current line style and thickness. *CIRCLE, After selecting this tool, point to a spot in the work area that will be the center of the circle and click the left mouse button. A "rubber-band" circle will now appear on the screen. You may control the circle's radius by moving the mouse cursor toward or away from the center point. When you get a circle you like, click the left mouse button again to place it on the screen. While you're specifying the circle, you may cancel it by pressing the right mouse button. The alternate to this function is *DISK. This lets you draw a filled circle or ellipsoid using the current fill pattern. FILL, To fill an enclosed shape with the current fill pattern, select this tool, point to the area you want to fill, then press the left mouse button. To select a different pattern, use the arrows next to the fill pattern box in the lower part of the menu. Art-ST supports two types of fill patterns; single color and multicolor. There are 36 predefined patterns for each fill mode. If you are using the single color patterns, FILL will use the color and write mode you have selected. If you are using multicolor fill patterns, the current color is ignored, and the REPLACE write mode will be used. See the description of the MODES selection below for more information. TEXT, To print text, move the cursor into the work area and type in the desired text. You may then use the mouse to place the text wherever desired. To print the text at this location press the left mouse button, to abort the text function press the right mouse button or the Undo key. To change the text style used for the TEXT menu selection, use the arrows next to the text display box in the lower half of the menu area. To change the size of the text, press the right or left mouse button while the cursor is inside the text display box. The left button will increase the size of the text and the right button will decrease the size of the text. MAGNIFY, This tool lets you grab a section of your picture, magnify it, and paste it back down like a rubber stamp. After selecting MAGNIFY, move the cursor into the work area. The normal crosshair cursor will disappear, and you will see a pair of intersecting lines instead. To select the upper left corner of the area to magnify, move the point where these lines meet to the desired position, then click the left mouse button. When the rubber-band square appears, stretch it out to enclose the desired area, and click the left mouse button again. A dialog box will now ask you for the degree of magnification; 2X, 3X, 4X, 5X, 6X, 7X, 8X, or 9X. You can either select the magnification and click on the OK button, or abort the MAGNIFY function by clicking on the QUIT button. If you click OK, there will be a delay while the program performs the calculations necessary to blow up the image. The length of this delay will depend on the degree of the magnification and the size of the area to magnify. When the magnified image appears, the *PASTE tool is automatically activated so you may place the image wherever you like. PIXEL, This tool lets you perform fine editing on a section of your picture (pixels are the the tiny screen dots that make up a video image). The first step is to select the area that you want to edit. Move the cursor into the work area and you will see see it has changed into a box. Move this box over your picture until the desired area is within its confines, then press the left mouse button. If it's difficult to see exactly what is inside the box-shaped cursor, refer to the area that has replaced the lower section of the menu. This area not only shows what is inside the cursor, but also shows the surrounding area which can be used as a reference while you're editing pixels. While you're making the selection of the area you want to edit, you may also turn the box in the lower menu area ON or OFF by pressing the space bar. This lets you see the exact area you're going to edit as it appears in the main screen. After you have selected an area to edit, it will be displayed in an enlarged form. You may then edit it as necessary, choosing a new color if you like. If you make a mistake, rather than fixing the picture, you may press the UNDO key instead. To return to the normal-sized work area, press the right mouse button. You may then choose a new area to enlarge for additional fine editing. You may also select a different menu item to get out of the pixel mode. (Note: while using the pixel tool, you cannot select the SLIDE, EDIT, MODES, SAVE, LOAD, DELETE and QUIT functions.) *COPY, This lets you copy a section of the current picture into the clipboard area. Move the mouse cursor into the work area, and you will see a horizontal and vertical line. Move the point where the two lines intersect to the upper left corner of the box you want to copy, then click the left mouse button. Next, move the mouse around to change the size of the rubber band box until you have found the exact area you wish to copy, then press the left mouse button. The area will then be copied into the clipboard. To abort the rubber band box, press the right mouse button. The alternate function of *COPY is *CUT, this acts exactly as above except that it will erase the area selected after it has been copied to the clipboard. You may press UNDO to replace the area erased by *CUT, but the area specified will still remain in the clipboard. *PASTE, This tool lets you place the clipboard image anywhere in your picture (Of course this assumes that you have already copied something into the clipboard using the *COPY, *CUT, or MAGNIFY tool). After selecting *PASTE, move the mouse into the work area of the screen. You'll notice that the cursor changes into the image of whatever is stored in the clipboard. Position the image as desired; then click the left mouse button. *PASTE even lets you move an image from one screen to another (an extremely useful feature when you're creating frame animation). Normally, however, the color palette of the screen that you want to copy the clipboard image to won't be the same as the palette of the screen from which you copied the clipboard image. To paste an image with its original colors use the alternate function *PASTE+. Also to change the logic mode used to paste the image use the MODES option which is discussed later. EDIT, This selection displays a dialog box that lets you edit the fill patterns and line patterns that Art-ST uses for its graphics operations. If you are using the program on a monochrome monitor, you will have 36 single color fill patterns that you can change. But, if you have a color monitor, you will have 36 single color fill patterns and 36 multicolor fill patterns that you can edit. Although Art-ST supports six different line patterns, the first line pattern must always remain solid, so its pattern cannot be changed. However, the remaining five line patterns can be freely edited. On the left side of the dialog, you will find all the controls for editing the fill patterns. In the upper left corner you will see the colors boxes that you can use when changing a fill pattern. The active color box will have a '+' character inside it. Below the color boxes you will see an enlarged view of the current fill pattern, and a view of how the fill pattern appears normally right next to it. To edit the fill pattern, move the mouse cursor into the box containing the enlarged view, and click the left mouse button at any position where you want to place the current color. Any changes you make will also show up in the normal sized fill pattern. You may flip through all the fill patterns by using the left and right arrows located under the normal sized fill box. In addition, if you are using Art-ST with a color monitor, you will see two buttons labeled MONO and COLOR (They are invisible when using a monochrome monitor). Use these to change between the single color and multicolor fill patterns. On the right side of the dialog you will find all the controls which let you change Art-ST's line patterns. The patterns are shown in a series of boxes, with the currently selected line displayed in a box with a thicker outline. Below the line patterns are sixteen small boxes that represent a magnified view of the the current line pattern. When you click on one of these boxes, the corresponding pixel in the selected line will be be set or erased. Once you have changed the fill patterns and line patterns to the way you want them, click on OK to return back to the main program. However, if you decide that you don't want to use the patterns you have created, select CANCEL and all the fill and line patterns will be restored to the way they were before you began editing them. MODES, This option lets you control which 'mode' Art-ST will use when performing; PASTE operations, general graphics operations, and FILL operations. When you select MODES, a dialog box will be displayed on the screen. You may change the desired mode by pressing the left mouse button in the appropriate box. When the PASTE MODE is set to REPLACE, the image in the clipboard will completely overwrite the area it is placed at. When the PASTE MODE is set to TRANSPARENT, any area in the clipboard that is the background color will not overwrite what is under it. The settings for the WRITE MODE have the same meanings as the ones for PASTE MODE. However, the WRITE MODE is used for the general graphics operations, such as; DRAW, LINE, CIRCLE, etc. The MODES dialog also lets you control whether MONO or COLOR fill patterns are used by any function that needs to fill an area. Due to a limitation of GEM, if you have selected COLOR fill patterns, the write mode will be forced to REPLACE after you press OK. SLIDE, This function will let you page flip through the pictures you have created. When selected, a dialog box will ask you for the frame that you want to start the animation with, and the frame that you want to end the animation with. To select the starting or ending frame click the mouse cursor on the appropriate left arrow to decrement the frame number, or click the mouse cursor on the appropriate right arrow to increment the frame number. You may also choose an option to either wrap around when a limit has been reached or to reverse the flipping direction when a limit has been reached. When the program is actually flipping through the pictures you may change the speed by pointing to a different horizontal position and pressing the left mouse button. Towards the left will speed up the rate, and towards the right will slow down the rate. To exit the slide show option and return to the main program, press the right mouse button. DELETE, This function lets you delete a picture file or any other type of file from your disk. When chosen, a file selector dialog box will be displayed. Enter the name of the file you want to delete, then press the OK button. SAVE, This option lets you save several different types of files. Art-ST will let you save picture files that are 100 percent compatible with other drawing programs. These picture types are; Degas, Degas Elite Compressed, and NeoChrome files (Neo can only be selected when in low resolution). Select the desired picture type, enter its name in the file selector, and press OK. Art-ST also lets you save a series of frames all at once. This can be a real timesaver if have alot of pictures in memory! To save a range of frames, click on the "Multiple Pictures" button, then press OK. A dialog box now lets you select the beginning and ending frames of the range that you want to save. Use the arrows to increment or decrement the starting or ending frame then press OK. Finally, enter the name of the file in the file selector dialog, and press OK. If you have created your own fill patterns using the EDIT menu option, you will probably want to save them for later use. You can save all 36 single color fill patterns or all 36 multicolor fill patterns by selecting the appropriate button. The remaining two types of files that you can save are mostly of interest to programmers. They are "Clipboard -> .C" which allows you to save the image in the clipboard buffer as a C source file, and "Clipboard -> .S" which allows you to save the clipboard buffer as an Assembly language source file. These two options make it easy to include the images you have drawn in your own programs. In addition to the data, the color palette, and the information that indicates the size of the clipboard area is also saved. LOAD, This option lets you load a picture file, or a fill pattern file. If you want to load a picture file, Art-ST will let you load a; Degas, Degas Elite Compressed, NeoChrome, or 'Multiple' picture file. Select the type that you want to load, then press the OK button. Now, choose the name of the file and click on the OK button. If you want to load a fill pattern file, select the "Mono Fill Patterns" or "Color Fill Patterns" button. If you selected 'mono', you will see all the ".FLM" files on the disk. If you chose 'color', then you will see all the ".FL1" files if you are in low resolution, or all the ".FL2" files if your are in medium resolution. Select the fill pattern file you want to load, then press OK. CLRSCR, This option lets you clear the screen in three different ways. To quickly clear just the current work area, click the left mouse button within the CLRSCR box. If you clear the work area by accident, you may press the UNDO key to restore your picture. The drawback to this method is that it will only clear the portion of your picture that is showing. If you wish to erase the entire picture, press the right mouse button within the CLRSCR box. An alert box will be displayed to verify that you wish to erase your picture. Warning: Once you have selected OK, you will not be able to restore your picture by pressing the UNDO key. In addition, while you are in the PIXEL edit mode, you may clear the pixel edit area all at once by selecting CLRSCR. You may press UNDO to restore the area that you were editing. QUIT, Quit the program. You will be asked if you want to leave the program so as not to lose any important pictures. ================================== Art-ST Version 2.32 Written by Robert M. Birmingham Copyright 1990, Axolotl Software All Rights Reserved. Please support shareware authors! ================================== ((&a*J@g:(:baABa JDg$EJf "\g :fR\B*I ,:fpH@ a/NAXTHT?<;NA\JkEJf,$*.*`$A aHz?< NA\CBA aHz ?<NA\?<Hz`?<NNAPJk~ : @`D@`*BRAST khRX*A,,Kl$M" ,H $ =%Uf*N,H(B8Uf,HANA,(H&H.( 8(z t2AeFSBj2tp8(UDk(BnDA@QSBj2t`A@SBj2tQ@<UfgLSBj2tp8(WDA@SBj2tA@SBj2t @f<`A@SBj2tSDf@E<`*FKA "$A"X( &I $I g BٓpgB fG`ٓ`"mA 0 gBBZnBBNӾxAA7Z  )| @ žf8$@(r!@@' 1p$3en ~p J] p N$&`6rӐ@h) ? hpy~0_p@ `!C`6< 0@ D @l)Fm]8 l0 z4a +{]A @`!O `;dsV-OP Al@1u BZC 1Hh R V 8@<:@0PB<1.I9t fz] C!з!r 8ˁ@d\ &BϨ}# 0PB< Š1. 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Johnsondither Dithering image... %s (dithered)%cdone #(17>FLTaku} P*.*Copyright 1990/91 Dieter Fiebelkorn & Jim Frostcorrectfullscreenfullzoomfullrepeathelpidentifymergenostoporginalquietsaveallsavedfrasterslideshowsupportedverboseversionalignbrightenclipcolorsdithergraygreyhalftonenamenoalignnormalizerotatesavemonosavecolorsmoothwindowxzoomyzoom0GEM-View: file permission denied: file not found: general i/o error: invalid file handle: illegal file specification: invalid heap block: heap overflow: file access mode error: file already exists: program load format error: device error: path not found: invalid parameter: file table overflow: too many open files: disk full: seek error: read only device: domain error: range error: no more matching file: unknown error Type to exit \*.IMG Zooming Repeation%04d%04d%03d100 0%04d%04d%04d%04d%4d%4d>> Dither & saving image <<>> Saving monochrome image <<>> Save: enter imagename <<>> Saving color image <<@@E GEM-View@ version %s.%s by Dieter Fiebelkorn 10.3%s: Bad option %s: Too many images (ignoring) missing image name after -name@.PDF%s: Not enough characters to identify option %dx%d Illegal use of -fullzoom@ (ignored) Illegal use of -fullrepeat@ (ignored) Use: -saveall {mono@|color@} Type to continue  E GEM-View@ version %s.%s by Dieter Fiebelkorn Bad argument to -align@ %d,%dBad argument to -at@ %d,%d,%d,%dBad argument to -clip@ Argument to -colors@ is too low (ignored) Argument to -colors@ is too high (ignored) Argument to -rotate@ must be a multiple of 90 (ignored) Illegal use of -window@ (ignored) %s: Internal error parsing arguments >> Select image to show << Time for loading and processing: %2d:%02d:%02d,%01d [2][ How to continue? | - Previous picture | - Next picture | - Abort ][ Abort | Next ][2][ How to continue? | - Previous picture | - Next picture | - Abort ][ Prev | Abort ][2][ How to continue? | - Previous picture | - Next picture | - Abort ][ Prev | Abort | Next ]No images to display Time for loading and processing image: %2d:%02d:%02d,%01d @ GEM-ViewGEMVIEW -version-supported-helpCopyright 1989, 1990 Kirk L. JohnsonGIF87apixel stack overflow in PUSH_PIXEL()Error reading GIF file: %s %s is a %dx%d %sGIF image with %d colors interlaced %s: Short read within image data L3fL3fL3f L 3  f L 3 fL3fL3fL3fL3fL3fL3  f !!L!!"3""##f#$$L$$%3%%&&f&''L''(3(())f)**L**+3++,,f,--L--.3..//f/00L00131122f233L33434455f566L66737788f899L99:3::;;f;<>f>??L??@3@@AAfABBLBBC3CCDDfDEELEEF3FFGGfGHHLHHI3IIJJfJKKLKKL3L.\!O}B p  5 c (WJx=k0^#QE s! !"8"#f#$%+%&Y&'(()L)*z++,@,-n../3/0a012&23T34556G67u8 89:9:h;;<.<=\=>?!?@O@A}BBCBCDpEEF5FGcGHI(IJWJKLLMJMNxOOP=PQkRRS0ST^TUV#VWQWXYYZEZ[s\ \]8]^f^_`+`aYabccdLdezffg@ghniij3jkaklm&mnTnoppqGqrus st:tuhvvw.wx\xyz!z{O{|}}}~B~p5̂c(WJx=Ԍk0Ǐ^#Q蓀Eܖs8Tp5Qn3Ok0Lh.Jf+Gc (Ea} &B^z#@\x  ! = Y u   : W s  8 T p  5 Q n  3 O k 0Lh.Jf+Gc (Ea} &B^z#@\x!=Yu:Ws8Tp5Qn3Ok0Lh.Jf+Gc             -\|/dither Halftoning image... %s (halftoned)%cdone "a:^>55"#<`>'(2>7:NFD)v4r(ێDF Rasterfiles [ *.PDF ]GIF Images [ *.GIF ]Sun Rasterfiles [ *.SUN ]STAD Images [ *.PAC ]IFF Imagefiles [ *.IFF ]GEM-(X)Image Files ( *.IMG )GEM-Metafiles (Vector) ( *.GEM )Neochrome Rasterfiles ( *.NEO )Art-Director Rasterfiles ( *.ART )Degas Images ( *.P[IC][123] )Tiny-Compressed Images ( *.TN[123Y] )Doodle Monochrome Rasters ( *.DOO [640x...] )Spectrum 512 Images ( *.SPU, *.SPC )X Bitmap-File [ *.XBM ]%s: image not found Type to continue   %s: unknown or unsupported image type Image types supported: %s %s: nil image %s: bad destination image Merging bitmap image onto bitmap image...done Merging bitmap image onto RGB image...merge: warning: can't find background color in dest image merge: warning: can't find foreground color in dest image Merging RGB images...merge: warning: To few colors in destination colormap?!? mergemerge: Can't merge these two types of images (sorry) -\|/Usage: %s [global options] {[image options] image_name ...} GEM-View  Global options:@ -correct @- straighten out the displaing image ( default@) -fullscreen @- use entire screen width&height for zoom - display full METAFILE inside the window -fullzoom WxH @- use width and height for zoom -fullrepeat WxH @- use width and height for repeating image -help @- print this help message -identify @- identify given images -merge @- merging followed pictures -nostop @- don't stop to show the pictures -orginal @- use orginal pixels for displaing image -quiet @- silence is golden -saveall {mono|color} @- save all followed images as (X)IMG-files -slideshow @- show image in slideshow ( default@) -supported @- show supported image types -verbose @- whistle while you work ( default@) -version @- show version and patchlevel Type to continue  Image options:@ -align @- align image width to 16 ( default@) -at X,Y @- load image at location -brighten percentage @- specify brightness multiplier -clip X,Y,W,H @- use clipped portion of image -colors number @- specify maximum number of RGB colors -dither @- dither color image to bitmap image -halftone @- halftone a color image to bitmap image -name name @- force next argument to be image name -noalign @- don't align image width -rotate degrees @- rotate an image by a 90 degree angle -savemono name @- save monochrom picture -savecolor name @- save color picture -smooth @- smooth a color image -window WxH @- Use width and height for display area -window percentace @- Give width/height by a percentace [10-1000] -xzoom percentage @- zoom the X axis by a percentage -yzoom percentage @- zoom the Y axis by a percentage -zoom percentage @- zoom the image by a percentage [For METAFILES: Only "-fullscreen, -nostop, -zoom, -xzoom, -yzoom" can be used!]@ %s Show full Meta-Image inside the window %s (fullimage) Zooming image Y axis by %d%% %s (Y zoom %d%%) Zooming image X axis by %d%% %s (X zoom %d%%) Zooming image by %d%% %s (%d%% zoom) Zooming image X axis by %d%% and Y axis by %d%% %s (X zoom %d%% Y zoom %d%%)??@@processImage Fulling screen with image...%cdone. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ need %ld bytes@; available memory: %lu Freeing all reserved memory! Internal error@ PICTURES-\|/ Reducing colormap to %d colors... %cdone reduce%s (%d colors)-\|/rotate Rotating image by %d degrees... %s (rotated by %d degrees)done %crotate: Unsupported image type tt ttXIMG cannot save given pictures!wb Saving dfRaster file '%s' ... __DF90__done. __DF90__DF91dfRasterSave: Bad write on image data @ Saving GEM-Image-File '%s' ... @@@@@@@?\(\?\(\?\(\-\|/%s (smoothed)%c Smoothing(%dx@)... Smoothing ignored (too few colors) done %s is an old-style standard run-length encoded unknown-type %ldx%ld %ld plane %scolorgreyscalemonochrome Sun rasterfile sunRasterIdentsunRasterLoad: Bad read on image data sunRasterLoadsunRasterLoad: Bad read on colormap UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU33333333333333333333333333333333@?\(\?\(\?\(\@@@ Transfering image into screen format...done No more Windows:?\(\?\(\?\(\@@jCopyright 1989 Massachusetts Institute of Technology%s: bad X bitmap file #define %s %dwidthheightstatic short %s = {static unsigned char %s = {static char %s = {bits[]%s is a %dx%d X1011 bitmap file titled '%s'zreset: warning: ZFILE for %s was not closed properly zreset: bad ZFILE structure zopen: warning: file doubly opened zopen: no more files available rb-\|/B@zoom Zooming image Y axis by %d%%...%s (Y zoom %d%%) Zooming image X axis by %d%%...%s (X zoom %d%%) Zooming image by %d%%...%s (%d%% zoom) Zooming image X axis by %d%% and Y axis by %d%%...%s (X zoom %d%% Y zoom %d%%)%cdone rb.ART%s is a 320x200 Art-Director Image with 16 colors dfRasterIdent__DF90__%s is a %dx%d monochrome DF Rasterfile __DF90__DF91%s is a %dx%d DF Rasterfile with %d colors @dfRasterLoaddfRasterLoad: Bad read on image data @@@DegasLoad: Bad read on image data @@rb.PI1%s is a 320x200 DEGAS Image with 16 colors .PC1%s is a compressed 320x200 DEGAS Image with 16 colors .PI2%s is a 640x200 DEGAS Image with 4 colors .PC2%s is a compressed 640x200 DEGAS Image with 4 colors .PI3%s is a 640x400 monochrome DEGAS Image .PC3%s is a compressed 640x400 monochrome DEGAS Image 4 bit color palette (4096 useable colors) 3 bit color palette (512 useable colors) @@@@@@DegasLoadNeoLoadArtDirectorLoadrb.DOO%s is a %dx%d monochrome DOODLE image DoodleLoadDoodleLoad: Bad read on image data rb.IMGImgLoad%s is a %dx%d monochrome IMG-file %s is a %dx%d IMG-file with %ld colors @@XImgLoadXIMG%s is a %dx%d monochrome XIMG-file %s is a %dx%d RGB XIMG-file with %ld colors @@?\(\?\(\?\(\rb.GEM%s is a Metafile-Image version %d.%d Metafile includes a GEM-Image file No more Windows:@@@??@@.IMGMetaLoad Error reading IFF-file!rbFORMILBM%s is a IFF-file %s is a unsupported IFF-file IFF-LoadBMHD Don't support more then 8 planes Don't support monochrome Images with _mask_CMAP Don't support more then 256 colorsBODY loading %dx%d IFF-image with %d colors @@rb.NEO%s is a 320x200 NEOCHROME Image with 16 colors %s is a 640x200 NEOCHROME Image with 4 colors %s is a 640x400 monochrome NEOCHROME Image rb.SPU%s is a 320x200 SPECTRUM 512 Image .SPC%s is a compressed 320x200 SPECTRUM 512 Image SPECTRUM 512-Load Error reading SPECTRUM file: illegal command/data lenght Error reading SPECTRUM file: illegal data in color map Error reading SPECTRUM file: illegal palette length 4 bit color palette (4096 useable colors) 3 bit color palette (512 useable colors) @@@@@@rbpM85%s is a horizontally packed 640x400 STAD Image pM86%s is a vertically packed 640x400 STAD Image STAD-Loadrb.TN1.TNY%s is a 320x200 Tiny compressed Image with 16 colors .TN2%s is a 640x200 Tiny compressed Image with 4 colors .TN3%s is a 640x400 Tiny compressed monochrome Image Tiny-Load 4 bit color palette (4096 useable colors) @@@@@@444$443GEM-View (Defaults)VersionVerboseQuietSupportedCorrectOriginalHelpOkCancelGEM-View (picture-defaults)XXXXXXXX.XXXSave Pricture:FullscreenMonoColor Zooming 00000000Zoom (X):____ (Y):____99999999Window00000000____ x ____999999990000____%9999000Brighten: ___%999Smooth000Rotate : ___999000Colors : ___999DitherHalftoneColor DitheringXYWH0000000000000000 Clipping: ____,____,____,____9999999999999999OKCancelGEM-View (Screen) 640 400____ x ____99999999OK,- .=>U_` ajӅ ӕӞӪ ӳӸӾ -./1235679:;=>?PoԜԥԱ  & Ү             % #@Ծ  @A?  J O @   ӎ  I.  IJ  !fՂ ՞ A A@պ  * FԀ %ԃ Ԋqb 'Ժ~@(#)AV-Protokoll calling Functions (c) 1990 by Stephan Gerle Oct 26 1990qq(s(u(w(JHx`b@ $|   6  :6  (  ,*    *$0 " 4 4 2&   & * * $&" Jl,v<$ ,   B8  P.( ," "8dL ,t@8t&  0* $ @0>66 4    $2 P6J"n "  Z4  0 0 0& 6.  2 J"Fj 8( V:   0n  ^,*D0 0  8r  &~$$ NT 6.J, 2 $  X@@$ d0V"$*&   $ "$      RPLJB0 $ T p ( `  2 ` | 2 8J    lJ . ~j pJLNVV4NP6j40`t   6  * F V>0&b4(. * F V0.$$4  D"&,$@*"2*<($ 2|2 4 <(D $4 ": "& 4  >Vb^$     *    &   .&Z ,\^<X:*@D26 $   B $ , 2PP  4.  $        < " F  n&    *&`& $  (<  " ( f (N4  <4  : (,"  $8  *  @& V&R  , 8 |&8 .JJJf <  "4 .    "JP:8RF& "N0 ""   J  "  "  *`" @Z4 `..0H>@L fDFZHF^ZPFVfDFZHF^ZPF,dfDFZHF^ZPF            " B xF   ` 8 :>  "  "  Jb |V" jntP< $ "  & :dNF     .@4 6 2 tR6 :  :* "  &  &  R   (Dz 8 >B\lt" "    & 0 """  $"("2HJ ( 0 P,   (. F     Tv   D0"0 T  J(    F.^L(&"   2 & " H H f L ,  *\, : `$&&f$($$$($8  .  .  4  *  & ,  8  t>8n   "vH<   :60@@ ~   (v  *  *  62L  :RV    .(  6 " &." "    4 Dx6<@Zh    (  " ,X * P,"     (6 * |   $$v L    :"  ,T$"    & 2 2 $  ,  (  @  ,  (  $  .~R$, nt^6V0T *<6 <*&8 4B @ (& .* Jf0 4 & t @.  NV  "h& >\ ,< VZ ~4R*:*@T  $:,(6B " (($  j  ,$ ,0> 4 dBnx80000H000000 j Read Me for GemView Version 1.0.3 ================================= THIS PROGRAM IS PUBLIC DOMAIN (YOU CAN SEND IT TO YOUR FAVOURITE FRIENDS AND ARCHIVE SERVER. Supported picture-formats: -------------------------- o DF Rasterfiles (a own format) [ *.PDF ] o GIF Images [ *.GIF ] o Sun Rasterfiles [ *.SUN ] o STAD Images [ *.PAC ] o IFF Imagefiles (ONLY SOME, NOT ALL, searching for desc.) [ *.IFF ] o GEM-(X)Image Files ( *.IMG ) o GEM-Metafiles (Vector) ( *.GEM ) o Neochrome Rasterfiles ( *.NEO ) o Art-Director Rasterfiles ( *.ART ) o Degas Images (also with a 4-bit color palette) ( *.P[IC][123] ) o Tiny-Compressed Images (also with a 4-bit color palette) ( *.TN[123Y] ) o Doodle Monochrome Rasters ( *.DOO [640x...] ) o Spectrum 512 Images (also with a 4-bit color palette) ( *.SPU, *.SPC ) o X Bitmap-File (a bitmap C-Source description) [ *.XBM ] Some hints: (for using the program) ----------- o The Program runs as accessory and as GTP-Application o With 'gemview -help', you will get a summary of the options. In most cases it will be enough to use the program with only a name (or more) picture(s). o You can install gemview as appliction for *.GIF-files (or others). o Without any arguments or starting the program as accessory, you will discover a file-selector-box o GemView supports an environment variable named PICTURES. There you can give the program pathnames for searching for a given file outside the current path. Example: setenv PICTURES "E:\PICTURES,E:\PICTURES\IMG" o After starting the program a window is opened to write system messages in it. o If only the log window is showed: Pressing and holding the __right__ mouse button __inside__ the window you will get a new FSB. Pressing the button at the border of the window a dialog box is opened, where you can install global parameters of GemView. o If an image is shown, only the dialog box opens. o Every picture is showed in a GEM-window. o You can press 'n' for the next picture, 'p' for the previous and 'q' for Quit. Pressing the close box of the window and more than one picture should be showed, a dialog box for choosing previous, next or cancel opens. o Right button inside the window: You can scroll the picture inside the window by holding the right mouse button and moving the mouse. o Pressing the right mouse button on the border of the window, you will become a dialog box for options to the pictures. In many cases the picture will reloaded. o With the left mouse button, you can raise a clipping rectangle. o Do you have GEMINI?? : GemView understands the AV-Protocoll for starting the accessory by double-click, draging pictures to the icon or into the log window and all key, which not supported by GemView will send to the main application. I.e.: With ^W you can circle the windows, ... o Pressing -Key by activing the Programm, you can install the options for each picture before it is loading. o GemView (runing as accessory) gives __all__ other programms or accessories time to work. This means while GemView loads a picture or transfers it you can work with the desktop or your favourite shell. o GemView stopped. If you leave the current programm or if you're starting a new one, GemView will continue its work later, after changing the program) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------- + Select the save-option before the picture is loading (ALTERNATE-Key) a color image is saved as XIMG file before reducing colors. If the picture is showed the actually colormap is saved. + Support 4 bit color palette (4096 useable colors instead of 512); specialy for STE and TT + The definition of V-Bitmap files can also used with 'unsigned char', 'short' and 'unsigned short' instead of 'char'. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ I hope this hints will help to work with 'GemView', in the next time i will write a __short__ manual. X Bitmap-File: -------------- #define mickey3_width 58 #define mickey3_height 58 static char mickey3_bits[] = { 0x00,0x00,0x80,0x3f,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xf0,0xff,0x01,0x00,0 x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0xf8,0xff,0x03,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xf8,0xff,0x07,0 x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xfe,0xff,0x0f,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xfe,0xff,0 x0f, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff,0x1f,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x80,0xff,0 xff, 0x1f,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x80,0xff,0xff,0x1f,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x80,0 xff, 0xff,0x1f,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x80,0xff,0xff,0x1f,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0 x80, 0xff,0xff,0x1f,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x80,0xff,0xff,0x1f,0x00,0x00,0x00,0 x00, 0x80,0xff,0xff,0x0f,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff,0x0f,0x00,0x00,0 x00, 0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff,0x0f,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xfe,0xff,0x07,0x00,0 x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0xfe,0xff,0x03,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xfc,0xff,0x01,0 x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xf8,0xff,0x0f,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xe0,0xff,0 xff, 0x01,0x00,0x00,0xc0,0x1f,0x80,0xff,0xff,0x07,0xf0,0x00,0xf0,0x7f,0x00,0 xff, 0xff,0x0f,0xf8,0x01,0xf8,0xff,0x81,0xff,0xff,0x1f,0xf8,0x03,0xfc,0xff,0 xc1, 0x3f,0xfc,0x39,0xfc,0x03,0xfe,0xff,0xe7,0x0f,0xf0,0x70,0xfc,0x03,0xfe,0 xff, 0xf7,0x03,0xc0,0x60,0xfc,0x03,0xfe,0xff,0xff,0xe3,0xc0,0x60,0xfc,0x03,0 xff, 0xff,0xff,0x31,0x80,0xcc,0xfc,0x03,0xff,0xff,0xff,0x11,0x00,0xde,0xff,0 x01, 0xff,0xff,0xff,0x11,0x00,0xbf,0xf8,0x01,0xff,0xff,0xff,0x10,0x1e,0x7f,0 xf0, 0x00,0xff,0xff,0xff,0x20,0x3f,0x3d,0x40,0x00,0xff,0xff,0xff,0x00,0x7f,0 x11, 0x80,0x00,0xff,0xff,0xff,0x00,0xbf,0x12,0x00,0x01,0xff,0xff,0xff,0x01,0 x9d, 0x0a,0x00,0x01,0xfe,0xff,0xff,0x01,0x81,0x0c,0x00,0x01,0xfe,0xff,0xff,0 x01, 0x81,0x0c,0x00,0x01,0xfe,0xff,0xff,0x03,0x82,0x0a,0x80,0x00,0xfc,0xff,0 xfd, 0x07,0x44,0x01,0x80,0x00,0xf8,0xff,0xfc,0x0f,0x78,0x01,0x80,0x00,0xe0,0 x7f, 0xfc,0x3f,0x00,0x01,0x80,0x00,0xc0,0x1f,0xfc,0xff,0x00,0x03,0x40,0x00,0 x00, 0x00,0xfc,0xff,0x03,0x00,0x60,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xf8,0x3f,0x00,0x00,0x20,0 x00, 0x00,0x00,0xf8,0x8f,0x03,0x00,0x30,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xf8,0xc7,0x00,0x00,0 x18, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0xf8,0xc3,0x03,0x00,0x06,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xf0,0x43,0x0e,0 xc0, 0x03,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xe0,0x41,0xfc,0x7f,0x02,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xe0,0x81,0 xf0, 0x7f,0x02,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x80,0x01,0xe0,0x7f,0x02,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x80,0 x01, 0xe0,0x3f,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x02,0xc0,0x9f,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0 x00, 0x0e,0x80,0xcf,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xf8,0x10,0x60,0x00,0x00,0x00,0 x00, 0x00,0xc0,0x27,0x18,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xfc,0x07,0x00,0x00}; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------- | Dieter Fiebelkorn | With a rubber duck, :-) | | fiebelko@petra.informatik.uni-dortmund.de | one's never alone. :^{ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------- . `.. LOOKER DOC hLOOKER DTH LOOKER PRG (L O O K E R I m a g e P r o c e s s o r Copyright 1987 by Frederick Hawkins LOOKER may be freely distributed as long as this document accompanies it. ________ Q U I C K R E F E R E N C E __________________________________ File L LOAD .PI1, .PI3, .DTH S SAVE .PI3, .DTH Palette [Clr Home] START a new palette list. [Insert] ADD to a palette list. [Undo] DISCARD palette list. [Up,Down] SELECT a color to change. [Right] LIGHTEN the halftone of a palette color or palette list. [Left] DARKEN the halftone. [1 to 9] Set INCREMENT used by Lighten and Darken. N Show a NEGATIVE view of a color. R RESET palette to default values. Z ZERO all other palette values. Transform A Show ALTERNATIVE settings. C COPY current settings to ALTERNATE. D DITHER. G GRAY. H HALFTONE. T Change Dither TYPE. X MEZZOTINT. [0 zero] Perform TRANSFORM. Buffers [cr] Toggle between MAIN and WORK. K View KEEP buffer. [*] ERASE Keep buffer. [+] SET Keep with Work buffer. [-] CLEAR Keep with Work buffer. [/] STRIKE last Keep buffer change. System [#] Load TEST pattern. [Help] HELP. I INSTALL or change Dither tables. Q QUIT. M MAGNIFY. V VERSION. [&] Trap to SID. ________C O M M A N D S alphabetical_________________________________ [Clr Home] START a new palette list. Palette [Help] HELP. System [Insert] ADD to a palette list. Palette [Left] DARKEN the halftone. Palette [Right] LIGHTEN a color or list. Palette [Undo] DISCARD palette list. Palette [Up,Down] SELECT a color to change. Palette [/] STRIKE last Keep buffer change. Buffer [-] CLEAR Keep with Work buffer. Buffer [+] SET Keep with Work buffer. Buffer [*] ERASE Keep buffer. Buffer [&] Trap to SID. System [#] Load TEST pattern. System [cr] Toggle between MAIN and WORK. Buffer [0 zero] Perform TRANSFORM. Transform [1 to 9] Set INCREMENT. Palette A Show ALTERNATIVE settings. Transform C COPY settings to ALTERNATE. Transform D DITHER. Transform G GRAY. Transform H HALFTONE. Transform I INSTALL Dither tables. System K View KEEP buffer. Buffer L LOAD a .PI1, .PI3, .DTH file. File M MAGNIFY. System N Show NEGATIVE. Palette Q QUIT. System R RESET palette to default. Palette S SAVE a .PI3, .DTH file File T Change Dither TYPE. Transform V VERSION. System X MEZZOTINT. Transform Z ZERO all other palette values. Palette WHAT? LOOKER interactively transforms low resolutiooon image to a high resolution image. BUTS No GEM, no alerts, no buttons, no menus, no C, no PASCAL, no MODULA2, not for color systems (not enforced), not a slide show, no mouse, not a well-behaved application, not a replacement for TINYSTUF or PICSW6 or GRAFCON. NOT YET Medium resolution load and transforms, rotate, zoom, mouse draw/erase, high resolution load as pseudo-low resolution, John Brochu's any-type file load (thanks, John!), printing, image placement, disk directory, RLE compression in memory, frame transforms. ________F O R E G R O U N D _______________________________________________ LOOKER can selectively convert each individual color in a low resolution image. Transforms include a middle gray, a mezzotint, a five-level halftone and eight preset dithering patterns of 64 gray levels. These dithering patterns may be interactively changed, saved and loaded. Entire colors may be eliminated or set to black. The high resolution output file may be just the default transformation. Or it can be assembled from one or more images. Mixing of halftoning methods within a single image is possible and encouraged. Side by side comparisons of different settings and/or halftone methods are easily accomplished. Colors in the original may be linked together so that all may be darkened or lightened equally, thus holding their relations. ________B A C K G R O U N D _________________________________________________ Memory management: LOOKER maintains two screen buffers, two sub-screen buffers and an input file block, giving an overhead of 100K. This version can run out of 220K ramdisk with NO desk accessories on a 520. LOOKER takes all of the memory that TOS gives it and assumes that the memory between it and the desktop screen is available. LOOKER doesn't mess with anything below itself, nor does it use any interrupts. Inputs in general: Pressing [Return] or [Enter] will accept the default reply. A 'n/y' stands for a simple no/yes -- and the default will have the cursor on it. Prompts for filenames and pathnames are separate. LOOKER doesn't force either case. LOOKER uses the ST's keyboard buffering and pulls keystrokes off until it gets caught up. On occasion, LOOKER has crashed when overloading the buffer (more than 64 characters, I think). Key sequencing is nevertheless useful. Moving up or down one Palette table entry takes about a second, owing to the overhead in calculating the micro screen. Shooting past the desired entry is a common source of irritation. An alternative might calculate and keep all palette views, but the fourfold increase of input data overrhead would make a 520's ramdisks tediously small. ________K E Y M A P _______________________________________________________ 1 2 Tst 4 5 6 Sid 8 9 xfm - = ` HELP List ( ) Keep Quit W E Rst Typ Y U Ins Out P [ ] List ^ List Increm. Keep | | Alt Sav Dit F Gr Hf J Kp Ld view \ Palette Keys Increm. Keep | | Zro mez C V B Ng Mg , . /| | Increm. | | spacebar | | xform . view LOOKER attempts to combine both mnemonic representation -- [H] for halftone -- with a cursor pad 'home' position. What this means is that your left hand gets to hunt and peck command keys and your right will stay on the cursor pad. Thus, [cr] -- use your thumb -- flips between the main and work screen and [0] -- use your little finger -- forces the transform. The KEEP buffer keys, [/,*,-,+], are modestly inconvenient on purpose. ________F I L E ___________________________________________________________ LOOKER's file handling is simple in extreme. Either command prompts you for a file name and then tries it. If LOOKER thinks it has an error it will tell you. LOOKER has no directory command, so write down filenames before you fire it up. In any case, LOOKER is so small, QUITing to the Desktop is often the fastest memory aid. LOOKER uses the filename's extension to find the appropriate routine. L LOAD filename.PI1 image file to source image buffer. A low resolution image file stays resident until you load another or cover it with the test pattern (# command). filename.PI3 image file to the WORK screen. A high resolution image file may be loaded directly into the WORK buffer. It is temporary -- you must either move it to to the KEEP buffer or take care not to invoke any command that changes the WORK buffer. Useful to load in area masks that you have created with DEGAS or whatever. filename.DTH file to Dither tables. Loads a previously created custom dither table. Also if you have tried out INSTALL and hashed up the standard patterns, you may load LOOKER.DTH to restore them. S SAVE .PI3 image file from KEEP buffer. This is a standard high resolution DEGAS file. .DTH dither table file. ________P A L E T T E _____________________________________________________ After loading a .PI1 file, LOOKER creates a palette table (displayed on the MAIN screen) by converting each color's red-green-blue settings into a single number between 0 (white) and 3F (black). This derived value may be freely changed, so that user may adjust the new monochrome image to the best possible compromise. All palette commands may be invoked from either the WORK or MAIN screen, and none change the WORK screen's current display. [Up] The palette value is SELECTED by moving the cursor up and down [Down] the Palette table. If the MAIN screen is current, you will see the cursor move and the MICRO screen change. The dark parts of the MICRO screen are those parts of the source that contain the current palette. (A white palette entry will look like a negative of the image. See [N].) [Left] The left cursor key will REDUCE the selected palette value. [Right] The right cursor key will INCREASE the palette value. [1-9] Number keys will set the adjusting INCREMENT. Additionally, HALFTONE will set it to 11. Just reset it as needed. C COPY the WORK buffer's settings to the Alternate settings. This command also copies the current transformation mode. N Often colors are really highlights. Sometimes it is useful to view them as NEGATIVE. This command only changes the MICRO screen's view of the palette entry, not the transformed result. Once made NEGATIVE, you may do as you please. When you return to the palette entry again the display will remember. To remove the NEGATIVE, press [N] again while the proper entry is current. O You may OUTLINE the MICRO screen. This is merely a fallout of internal routines, but what the hell. R After fiddling with the palette for a while, the source values can get quite shuffled -- light is dark, dark is plaid, etc. You may RESET them at any time. Z To isolate a single palette entry, you may ZERO the rest. The cur- rent palette entry will remain unchanged. To zero that one as well, move to another and ZERO again. A powerful feature of LOOKER lets you change several palette values while keeping their relations to each other intact. A PALETTE LIST will change in concert; that is, adjust one by five and all change by five. A list is signified by a CHECKMARK on the palette table. Unlisted values work as before and do not alter the list or the list's settings. Insert ADD the current palette entry to the list. If there is no list, one will be created. ClrHome START a palette list. If there is already a list, it is discarded. Undo DISCARD a palette list. You may change values individually again. ________W O R K B U F F E R & S C R E E N ___________________________ Any valid command may be pressed while the WORK screen is 'current'. If the command requires additional information the MAIN screen is forced current. An invalid key also forces the MAIN screen and leaves the keystroke reminder. [cr] [cr] is a simple toggle to view the WORK buffer. No changes are made to the WORK buffer. A The WORK buffer's settings are saved and the ALTERNATE settings are used to transform the WORK screen. D Makes DITHER the current transformation method and the source image is transformed through a DITHERed halftone, adjusted by the Palette table settings. The pattern selection is unchanged (see T). G Makes GRAY the current transformation method. Any palette entry that is not zero will be forced near middle gray. This transformation is low contrast; only extremes of light and dark will be discerned. GRAY is close to the Desktop's gray but has an entirely different texture. When used in concert with the KEEP buffer, images can be constructed by adding darks and clearing highlights. This is LOOKER's slowest transformation. H A five step HALFTONE is made current and the WORK screen is trans- formed. This is the fastest transformation. (Side effect: the palette increment is set to 11. Thus the right/left keys will go from black to white in five steps.) T TRADE DITHERing pattern for the next in the series of eight, making the new pattern current and transforms the WORK screen. 1) rectangular halftone. 2) clustering halftone. 3) vertical. 4) horizontal fine. 5) crosshatching. 6) diagonal. 7) diagonal. 8) "TV" -- horizontal coarse. X Make MEZZOTINT the current transformation and performs operation on WORK screen. This method reduces image clarity and is slower than Dithering. The mnemonic, by the way, is XOR in reference to the machine language technique used. Sorry. 0 TRANSFORM the WORK screen using the current settings. ________K E E P B U F F E R & S C R E E N ___________________________ LOOKER's output image is built in the KEEP buffer. There is no automatic creation -- you must choose the pieces and add them. The two commands that do this, [+] and [-], change the WORK buffer first. If the next command is STRIKE [/], the KEEP buffer will not be changed. The WORK screen won't be restored after the STRIKE, facilitating comparisons. K You can take a look at the KEEP buffer by pressing [K]. If you haven't kept anything, all you will see is a blank screen. LOOKER then waits for any keypress and then returns you to the previous screen. ( MAIN > KEEP > MAIN or WORK > KEEP > WORK) Since LOOKER doesn't label the WORK and KEEP screens, sometimes you may be con- fused. Just tap the space bar two or three times, until the MAIN screen returns. * ERASEs the KEEP buffer. LOOKER forces the main screen current and asks you if you're sure. Pressing [cr or Y] will ERASE, anything else doesn't. [*] isn't much of a mnemonic, but it does line nicely on the keypad with the next two commands. / STRIKE [/] lets you try out an ADD or SUBTRACT without making a change to the KEEP buffer. [/] must be the very next command after [+] or [-]. Anything else means that you like the results and the KEEP buffer will be changed accordingly. + The next two build the image. ADD sets on the black pixels in the image. It copies all of the on pixels in the KEEP buffer to the WORK buffer. The logical operation is an OR. Thus, if there is anything in the KEEP buffer [+] will ADD to it. - [-] performs a logical AND of the WORK buffer, in effect, copying the white portions of the KEEP buffer. Think of it as SUBTRACTing, but be mindful that you are just cleaning up the whites. However, if you SUBTRACT a light image from very dark image, the effect will approach a straight copy of the light image. Here's a classic bit manipulation table: [+] WORK 0 1 [-] WORK 0 1 _________________ _________________ KEEP 0 | 0 1 KEEP 0 | 0 0 1 | 1 1 1 | 0 1 | results | results The WORK buffer is the one that is really changed at first. If the next keypress is not [/] then the KEEP buffer is updated. To restore the WORK buffer, just press [0]. The KEEP buffer, on the other hand, isn't so flexible. If you change it, it stays changed. Of course, you may ERASE it as often as you like; but recreating the old version can get problematic. Consider changes carefully and like an adventure game, when in doubt, SAVE. ________S Y S T E M ________________________________________________________ # Loads a TEST pattern into the input file buffer. [Help] Shows a command summary on the MAIN screen which is forced current. I INSTALL or alter the DITHER halftone tables. INSTALL maintains its own menu of commands, explained below. Q QUIT is safeguarded: you must reply [y] to exit LOOKER. If you discover another way out while the Main screen is not current, you will not see the Desktop. That is, you will have to reboot. M MAGNIFY shows a 2x view of the Work screen. The cursor pad controls the image and a ghost box helps orient you. Press any key other than the cursor controls to escape. V Prints the current version number of LOOKER, my address for bug reports and 'donations'. & If you have a mind to check how LOOKER works, this version includes a prompted ILLEGAL. Immediately trailing the ILLEGAL is a branch to the top of the menu. If you have neglected to run LOOKER from a debugger, a smallish row of bombs will speed you to the desktop. ________I N S T A L L _____________________________________________________ A single source pixel corresponds to four destination pixels. Taken by themselves, these four can create a five-level halftone. But by applying the source to a larger pattern more levels can be attained. LOOKER uses an array of values ranging from 0 to 63. Each value in this Dither table corresponds to a destination pixel in an 8x8 block of pixels. The blocks are mapped to the screen as 50 rows of 80 blocks. A 64 level halftone is produced by assuming a direct relation between a source pixel's palette entry, table value and location. Different patterns may be introduced to the source image by variously arranging the values in the Dither (threshold) table. INSTALL lets you tailor any of LOOKER's eight tables. The screen shows you the dither table as a grid of numbers, the AUTO-SET value, and three visual displays -- the complete halftone rainbow and two single-value squares magnified 2x. These squares show you what the halftone would look like if all of the source pixels were the same value. You may set this value as you like, using the V command. The keyboard is remapped, so the minimal command set is printed as well. R RETURN to the LOOKER environment. [cr] Select table to change. [arrows] SELECT the value to change. The table wraps both vertically and horizontally. [##] CHANGE value. For single digit values, you may either use a leading 0 or any non-numerical key to signify "that's all". Notice that when the value is accepted, the cursor advances to the field to the right. F[##] FILL the dither table with a single value. V[##] Set the VIEW threshold. U UPDATE moves the changes to memory. A 64 level halftone contains the values 0 to 63 with no repeats. Manually entering the sequence is a hassle, so several commands are provided to facilitate entry. With exception of the first, all are on the cursor keypad. A[##] Set AUTO-INCREMENT value. A [cr] starts from zero. [Help, Undo] Copy the AUTO value to the current cursor position. [Clr Home] Change the value located by the cursor to the current AUTO value then INCREMENT the AUTO value. [Help] Change the value located by the cursor to the current AUTO value then DECREMENT the AUTO value. Here's a sample pattern that abandons the halftone concept. 8 32 7 32 6 32 5 32 32 0 32 7 32 0 32 5 0 48 0 0 0 48 0 32 0 63 48 63 48 63 0 6 0 48 0 48 0 48 0 32 0 63 48 0 48 63 0 7 7 0 63 0 63 0 8 32 32 7 0 0 0 5 32 8 Please note: Work out your pattern on paper first. Although INSTALL is somewhat interactive, it is more suited to rapidly reconfiguring a table that has already been worked out. In designing it, give thought to the derivative patterns created by adjacent blocks. Lastly, INSTALL is more or less slapped together; for its rough spots, I apologize. _______F O O D f o r T H O U G H T___________________________________ The basis of LOOKER's transformations is the source image's palette. The monochrome replica of the source image is an interpretation of its hue and saturation. Photographers are familiar with the distinct differences be- tween the skills required for color work and those for black and white. Often an image that 'works' in one form suffers when translated. On the other hand, many images can be strengthened by judicious emphasizing. Try XEROXing several photographs. Try to pick a photograph that won't work and one that will. If you can fiddle with the machine's controls, do so. Turn off the color on your TV. News shows often look good in either mode. Color movies and series often lose something. "There's no substitute for experience": Buy a roll of black and white film and shoot it up. Do some fast drawings with one crayon. Then do some with sixteen. Run LOOKER at every PI1 file you can get your hands on. A monochrome user's biggest surprise is how mediocre many public domain images really are -- this emperor often has no clothes. Your run-of-the-mill color slide has about fifty visible levels of tone. So does a black and white negative. Modern photographic papers compress this scale, yeilding ten different tones in a photograph. Photographic negatives have remarkable resolution. Consider a family reunion and its mandatory line-em-up-and-smile. Even the cheapest camera results in recognizable renderings, even when enlarged 20 times or more. Photographs in the daily paper usually use 85 dots per inch. Each of these dots vary in size, typically labeled 10%, 20% and so on to 100%. Newsprint is not the best material on which to print ink, thus only six or seven steps are actually distinguishable. However those 85 dots per inch on newsprint can readily exceed the capacity of the ST's screen. Let's compare 50% grays: 640 pixels in row with half on, half off equal about 3 3/4 inches of newspaper. The 400 vertical dots are about 2 1/4 inches. Now vary the newsprint's gray down to 10% and up to 90%. The printed dot gets smaller or bigger. Not so with the computer screen. One has to clear more pixels or darken more pixels. So, as we lighten and darken, the computer screen loses resolution. A guesstimate: a dithered LOOKER image is comparable to 1" x 3/4" high of newspaper. Something to try: cut a 1" x 3/4" hole in an index card and hunt through the newspaper for interesting images. ________M I S C E L L A N Y______________________________________________ Files in this release include: LOOKER.PRG, LOOKER.DOC, LOOKER.DTH. LOOKER is shareware. What I would like you to do is to put a real dollar bill in a envelope and mail it to me. Put your return address on the envelope. I will put the dollar in my wallet and the envelope in a safe place. Individuals may obtain LOOKER's source code (Alcyon AS68) by sending $10, a disk and a return mailer. Commercial enterprises are welcome to make me an offer I can't refuse. LOOKER is a live program, that is "not done". I will cheerfully correspond to anyone about LOOKER, its use, its documentation, its future and what a crummy user interface it has. Write! Bibliography: Atari ST Internals by K. Gerits, L. Englisch, R. Bruckmann (Abacus) Hitchhiker's Guide to BIOS (Atari developer's kit) Tip: use a black magic marker to block out the cute shit in the LINE-A 'documentation'. Computer Graphics by Donald Hearn/ M.Pauline Baker (Prentice Hall) Programming the 68000 by Steve Williams (Sybex) Crappy binding, mathematics nonexistent. [Rule of thumb for judging 68k AL books: multiplication and division routines for 32 and 64 bit values. Most fail.] Solid Shape Drawing on the Commodore 64 by Richard Rylander (Dr. Dobb's Journal, May 1985) Sets out the underpinnings to dithered halftones and other marvels. This is a great article. GRAFCON ST by Patrick Bass (Antic, July 1986) A Digital Dissolve for Bit-Mapped Graphics Screens by Mike Morton (Dr. Dobb's Journal, November 1986) Frederick Hawkins ~ 1020 N. 6th Street ~ Allentown, Penna 18102 July 31, 1987 ________G L O S S A R Y__________________________________________________ author One Frederick Hawkins, BFA/MFA in Printmaking from the San Francisco Art Institute, whose obsession with computers has prevented him from driving a cab. Still looking for the ideal hakker's job. Credentials: none. Demerits: likes FORTH, hates MODULA2, PASCAL, and C; writes only assembly with com- ments. buffer A block of memory set aside for a particular purpose. LOOKER has a WORK buffer, a KEEP buffer, two small window buffers and an INFILE buffer. Each buffer consists of the image data and some additional information. color A set of points in the source image that are all alike. LOOKER doesn't change the color;; it changes how the color is represented. This is the absolute bones of an image. dither A technique whereby a destination pixel is set or not, depending upon the value assigned to its corresponding source pixel and a threshold value. In LOOKER, the screen is cut up into 8 by 8 blocks of 64 pixels, eash assigned a number from 0 to 63. This number is a threshold and the block is called the threshold table. If the source pixel's color is darker than the threshold, the destination pixel is set. By variously arranging these threshold tables, different halftone patterns are possible. DTH The semi-obligatory extension. This is LOOKER's, indicating the saved dither tables. DTH files are made of 8 tables of 64 bytes. The tables are not demarked in any way except by length. halftone A method of simulating a gray by interspersing white and black dots. Halftones are always patterned. image A short word for picture. KEEP The buffer and screen that is used to assemble LOOKER's output. list A linked set of colors that may be adjusted in concert. MAIN The usual desktop screen where text is printed in LOOKER. mezzotint A random patterning that simulates an etcher's technique. This is a low resolution transformation because the random- ness adds noise to the image. MICRO A quarter-size window used to show the palette and magnified views. onebuck A token of your esteem, which, in quantity, may pay for the disks used in creating LOOKER. palette In general, a set of sixteen colors that comprise a low resolution image. In LOOKER, these colors are converted to a gray level, ranging from 0 to 63 (white to black). resolution Nominally, this is the sharpness or clarity of an image. ST usage is based on the number of pixels in a given type of image. Low resolution is made up of 200 rows of 320 points, medium resolution has 200 rows of 640 points, and high has 400 rows of 640 points. LOOKER maps a single low rez pixel onto a 2 by 2 dot of four pixels. screen The part of a buffer shown to the user and variously changed by LOOKER's commands. settings The gray level assigned to a palette color. Sometimes refers as well to current transform (dithering, mezzotint et al) as well. shareware A poor man's justification for spending so much time. WORK A temporary screen buffer. It must be moved to the KEEP buffer to be saved. 0(8"2 *: ,<$4.>&6#3 +;!1 )9/?'7 -=%55=%- 7?'/19!) 3;#+ 6>&. 4<$,2:"*08 (  (" *082: ,$.&<4>6# +! )3;19/' -%?7=55= 7?%-'/19 3;!)#+ 6> 4<&.$,2:08 "* (/7:)3;#$-5'="%)0&? .6 8 +2 9 ,4<!(1> #97-( 485+, .1:=)* !03;> & $/2 ,8%15$ .=")4?$51-= #4),9  '  %&(0+8;.!2>6*<:/"3?7`'(DB*O*mO,a$?<NNT#'"v#'#'#'2#'3kb#'1| <J@fGg na y'pWaarafajO,pG'&Qa\ 9'Ffa B'F$|gpg *g\`T$RN` ##Aa NCc Dd GgHh (Ii&&&Kk LlMm@NnOoQqRr$SsTtVvXxZz12834856878899800++ -- r** 0//aTaa a.G(a @g @fa4a _ Yg`G(Rp  .W .fG$ gpf&SN.PI38.DTH09'g&a3'09'r"Ckb?2a3kb09'"<}"y'a`a3'09'"<Ca` 9м@o <#` 4a2aPa _ Yfa ?<NAa A,CL"2< RgBy'2a""""QaJ`    Q09'B29'23'2aRa>?<?<?<an\`By'229'D49'2`0aga` .aQ`t|"A(R0f0Y_NuaDaaaG(aJ@fvG'p .WfG gf&SN.PI1d.PI3,.DTHa&y'r"a&y' Sfp"<}aa3kb`aGk"9'$9'maaAkbCk <  Q ykbf a~apap`a4G"9'aFavNua09'B29'0A3'0a(09'2g$A,CL"0<"Ù"Ù"Ù"ÙQ`09kbfl&3'8`0<`0<y':m @bl3':aP y'09':y'8a `Hp0H@rG'3 fY"\palCa:|=aLNu49'D69'B`I(R8qCfS,aQa`J09'@D@`09'@G'49'B69'2gR49'D`g83 m ?n Q49'D89'B`gI(R8qDfS,aQ`FI(R8p3 m ?n a`$p`pI(R49'BBl09'DS@y'Dl&8qa3'BI(R48paa ` p`aa y'"y' <Nuafaa a @ g @YfP y' <BBBBQ3'` ja"$&(ØŘǘɘQ`a"$&(Qa /f B'F`3'aV""""QNuaal'f"`a 9'a(a 9'` 9'`aa 9'#'?NAXJ@k Nu?<A(R/?<Nua# ('(3 '@A'C prg< kr< kXA< nQAk"y'$IPG I x <r'tvE 4@kֳ@4PkֳPQ2HC4QPPQNua.# '(Ak"y'$IP&yI'xz| <r'~vt*K 4@gzmTCmRCmּmּ4PgPmTCmRCmּmּQQ2HC4Q<?PPQpNuX`X` 0(8"2 *: ,<$4.>&6#3 +;!1 )9/?'7 -=%55=%- 7?'/19!) 3;#+ 6>&. 4<$,2:"*08 (  (" *082: ,$.&<4>6# +! )3;19/' -%?7=55= 7?%-'/19 3;!)#+ 6> 4<&.$,2:08 "* (/7:)3;#$-5'="%)0&? .6 8 +2 9 ,4<!(1> #97-( 485+, .1:=)* !03;> & $/2 ,8%15$ .=")4?$51-= #4),9  '  %&(0+8;.!2>6*<:/"3?7$51-= #4),9  '  %&(0+8;.!2>6*<:/"3?7a#'(A'CpQAk"y'$IPIxz~U <r't(v4Pgx lF` 9'0V&g.g.rfESfEQQNufF`aza KUnable to STRIKE the change. [/] MUST be the first command after [+,-].a KKEEP buffer clearedan Kerase KEEP buffer? n/yaN(get the default file)a2b0c1H L O O K E R I m a g e P r o c e s s o rKc0b1aLoad filename? KpaSave filename? Kpa K Magnifying.... fafa~qavY3!p ?q magnification offKaR Y3!p ?qeaB KConfirm quit by pressing Y apa File load successful.?< NA\Nua Error on file close.a Can not use that extension. a filename is bad...a8aaa,*-+/,&aCommands HELP,A,C,D,G,H,I,K,L,M,N,O,Qu,R,S,T,V,X,Z,###,0,<1-9>,a*ab File will not fit in available memorya6 File was not found.a KLoad a file first.a File was not openedaa Error on file reada Resolution does not match extension.afa File save has been ABORTED a\ Overwrite existing file? (y/n) aaR File saved. aa< Error occurred on SAVE. a The KEEP buffer is empty. ?< NA\` /<(R?< NA\Nurp??<?<a \RAQNua@a"<paa*aaaax`aH fCopyright aj 1987 by Frederick HawkinsK b0c1J___FILE _________________________ L,S LOAD, SAVE. In: .PI1, .PI3, .DTH Out: .PI3, .DTH ___KEEP _________________________ K View KEEP buffer + ADD set pixels. - CLEAR highlights. / STRIKE preceding [+] or [-]. * Erase KEEP buffer. ___PALETTE ______________________ ,, Start, add, discard a palette LIST. a SELECT, ADJUST a palette entry or list. N Show NEGATIVE palette entry. R,Z RESET or ZERO palette table. <1-9> Set INCREMENT. ___TRANSFORM ____________________  Toggle main/image screens. A Show ALTERNATE. C COPY to alternate. D DITHER. T Change dither TYPE. G GRAY field. H HALFTONE. X MEZZOTINT. Transform image. ___SYSTEM _______________________ I INSTALL dither tables. M MAGNIFY. V Show VERSION number. # Load TEST PATTERN Q QUIT. (orderly exit) & BREAK. (trap to SID) c0b1H'N#'JNML'N/9'JNua BykbAkCxtv0r<F0`RQr?<1`0QQRBQx <#Eg" Change value. Copy AUTO-set value.  AUTO-set and increment.  AUTO-set and decrement. U Update current table. R Return.c0b1 a8b0c1fY0 J  Select a table to change. A[##] Set AUTO-INCREMENT value. F[##] FILL table with [value]. V[##] Set VIEW threshold. a"J`ٸKEEP ='INREZ=kbINBUFF ='OUTBUFF=(RFILEBUF=k ( (( * $0&    2.&,&"  " $  6 P  " ( $,B  $V :J$ * ( *z \dH"* \J  6, " (* 8V   &T<. 0 .Z ,& . `.. ST_CAD DOC "kST_CAD PRG &~ST Cad - Computer Aided Design Program Written by Yaron Kidron using OSS Personal Pascal. ** Note - This program is Share Ware! It is not public domain, but you are welcome to make copies of it. If you like this program, send $$ to Yaron Kidron. 14 Kadish Looz st. Qiriat Motskin, ISRAEL. This is verision 1.2 of ST Cad. If you will be registered ( after sending a certain amount ) you would be upgraded for better verisions without any extra price, and would be supported if you have any questions or problems. THE MANUAL: [1] What is ST CAD? Running ST Cad. [2] Graphical commands [3] Text styles, paint styles, Line styles, Paint... [4] The free draw mode, Layers. [5] Redraw and grid options [6] File I/O. What is ST CAD? ST Cad is a Computer Aided Design program, Which uses the computer as a standard drawing board for designing purposes. ST Cad is not a painting program such as DEGAS of NeoChrome, since it does not uses the screen memory for restoring data ( Raster graphics ). ST Cad stores the graphic data in a special way, and can redraw it every time you would like it to. ST Cad enables you to draw lines, frames, points, circles, ovals, arcs, add text, and much more. You can use upto 5000 points in your design, and upto 2500 layers ( or different frames ). ST Cad works on any ST Computer, a 1040ST and a 520ST without Tos in ROM as well. It works in all resolutions, but is preferred on High resolution / Medium resolution. To run ST Cad, select ST_Cad.PRG and double click the mouse. As the program runs an alert box will appear, with some credits on it. Click the OK box. Then another Alert box will appear, asking you for the current resolution, High or Medium. Click one of those boxes, and continue on. The screen will be cleared, and you would be prompted On the left top corner of the screen, for a command. Graphical Commands: ST Cad supports many graphical commands ( Commands which allows you to draw ). Type the following commands, and then use mouse for entering data. On the right, you would notice the mouse coordinates, and a little circle sign ( an angle sign ). ** Note ** ** All Commands can be written at any letter case, with or without capitol letters ** CLEAR,NEW = Clears the screen. Not the drawing!!! LINE = Draws a line between 2 points. You would be asked for 2 points using the mouse. Coordinates would be shown on the right top corner of the screen. To enter the 1st point, click the LEFT mouse button, to enter the 2nd point, use the RIGHT mouse button. KLINE = Draws a line using the last line point, and a new point. a continues line. To enter 1st point, click the LEFT mouse button. FRAME = Draws a frame using 2 points, opposite corners of the frame. 1st point is entered using the LEFT mouse button, 2nd is entered using the RIGHT button. Circle = Draws a circle using 2 points, the center and the radius. 1st point is entered using the LEFT mouse button, the radius is entered using the RIGHT mouse button. The program draws a perfect circle. The radius is determined by the X axis of the mouse. Oval = Draws an oval using 2 points, the center and the x&y radius. 1st point is entered using the LEFT mouse button, 2nd point is entered using the RIGHT mouse button. 2nd point determineds the X&Y radius, using the X&Y axis of the mouse. Point = Plots a point on screen. To enter point use LEFT mouse button. Arc = Draws an arc using 2 points, the center and the X&Y axis. The default arc is a semicircle. To enter 1st point, use the LEFT mouse button. 2nd point is entered using the RIGHT mouse button. Set arc = Sets the arc Start & End angles. Enter the angle you want for start, and end. Enter angles after you multiplied it by 10. Example: Start angle is 45 degrees, -> enter 450 for start angle. End angle is 135 degrees, -> enter 1350 for end angle. Mode = Determineds the drawing mode (1-4). 1- Replace mode. 2- Transparent mode. 3- XOR mode. 4- Reverse transparent mode. Text style and paint styles: Text = Adds text to your drawing. Enter text (upto 10 characters long) and then enter the location using the LEFT mouse button. Tstyle,Text style = Set your text style (1-7) . text styles are: 1- Normal, 2- Bold, 3- Light, 4- Italic, 5-Underline, 6- Outline, 7- Shadow. Paint on / off = Determineds if closed area that you drawn would be displayed filled, or "Painted". Which means, that if you would draw a frame in Paint off mode, and then switch to Paint on, a box would be displayed filled with the current paint style. Paint would apply only to frames, circles, ovals, and arcs. Paint style = Enter paint style for painting boxes (1-37): 1 Solid, 2-25 Dither patterns, 26-37 Various cross hatch patterns. Line Style = Enter line style for drawing lines (1-6): 1- Solid line, 2- Long dash, 3- dots, 4- dash & dot, 5- dash, 6- dash, dot, dot. Free draw mode: Free = Use the mouse to draw ( sketch ). Use LEFT mouse button to plot a point, drag mouse to sketch. RIGHT mouse button to quit. Erase = Erase only free drawn arguments, not lines and frames, etc. Use LEFT mouse button to erase, RIGHT button to quit. Brush = The brush width which you draw in FREE mode, enter width in pixels. Ebrash = The brush width which you erase in ERASE. Enter width in pixels. Look = The mouse would be turned into a thin cross, and you would be able to find important coordinates. LAYERS: Layers are very important tools in designing. In ST Cad you can use upto 2500 layers. To use layers in your drawing do the following things: Enter first layer, and type CLEAR. Enter 2nd layer, and type CLEAR. . . Enter REDRAW, and all of the layers drawn would be displayed on screen at once!. Redraw and grid options: Grid = Draws a smooth grid under your drawing. Set grid = Enter size of grid in pixels. Redraw = Redraws the figure, But omits the grid. To redraw figure and use grid type the following: Redraw.. Grid.. Reset = Erases the figure from memory, and starts from the beginning. Undo = Returns back one step. Undo can be used as many times as you like, going back several steps too. File options: Save = Saves figure. Load = Loads figure. Memory = Shows memory status. Credits = Shows credits. Quit, Exit= Back to desktop. Miscellaneous: Type \ or ! to perform last command. `vV o"h#x#x"#x&,Oc.N//Bg?<JNA Bb3x*N^NQNV?.?. ?<NMN^ _ONOUT_CHAR ?Hz~ /,HNVA-HPNu?<?.N~ N^,_X> _TNOUT_ESCAPE?Hz~/,HNVA&-HPNu?<N~0.?N~N^,_X> _TNCLRSCR ?Hz~/,HNVA-HPNu?<ENN^,_X>NuGOTOXY ?Hz~/,HNVA4-HPNu?<YNJ0.@?N0.@?NN^,_X> _XNINVERSEVID?Hz~/,HNVA-HPNu?<pNN^,_X>NuNORMVIDEO ?Hz~!/,HNVA-HPNu?<qNN^,_X>NuCURSON ?Hz~$/,HNVA-HPNu?<eNpN^,_X>NuCURSOFF ?Hz~'/,HNVA-HPNu?<fN2N^,_X>NuHELLO ?Hz~9/,HNVA\-HPNuCO$O2p1QBgN^^3y~:C.O$O.p-QBgN^^3y~;N^,_X>Nu[2][ Current Resolutions is ][ High | Medium ][3][ ST CAD | By Yaron Kidron | V 1.2 ][ OK ]SHOWXY ?Hz~@/,HNVA-HPNu?<OHy{Hy{6Hy{Hy{Ne~A3{8y~B3{:y~C3{<y~D?<?<INT~EHyx?9yNl?<,Nk?9yNl?< NkNlX~F3{~G3{~H?<?<GN~I09{ryAf"Hyx?9{NkNlX~J`~JHyx?9{NkNlX~KN^,_X>NuMAKE_LINE ?Hz~P/,HNVAB-HPNuN~Q?<?<N`~RHyxHyz?NuLine - Enter 2nd point using the mouse.Line - Enter 1st point using the mouse.MAKE_KLINE?Hz~t/,HNVA-HPNuN~u?<?<N~vHyxHyz?<09dn2|C@rKA{1><09dn2|C@A1y><09dn2|C@Aɼ1y><09dn2|C@A1y><09dn2|C@A1y><09dnR@2|C3dn><?9y?9y?9y?9yNU><N]><3yy><3yy><N^,_X>NuKline - Enter point using the mouse.MAKE_FRAME?Hz></,HNVA-HPNuN><?<?<N><HyxHyz?<N><?<?<NP><HyxHz?<(NlNlX><Byy><><09yrAg ><N@`><3yy><3yy><?<?<N><HyxHyz?<N><Byy><?<?<N><HyxHz?<(NlNlX><><09yrAg ><N`><3yy><3yy><09dn2|C@rFA{1><09dn2|C@A1y><09dn2|C@Aɼ1y><09dn2|C@A1y><09dn2|C@A1y><09dnR@2|C3dn><N]n><09yyy_09yyy_CBd@><?9y?9y09yyyJ@jD@?09yyyJ@jD@?NW><09yyy\09yyy_CBd@><?9y?9y09yyyJ@jD@?09yyyJ@jD@?NW><09yyy_09yyy\CBd@><?9y?9y09yyyJ@jD@?09yyyJ@jD@?NW><09yyy\09yyy\CBd@><?9y?9y09yyyJ@jD@?09yyyJ@jD@?NW><09yyy_09yyy_C09{ryAWCBd@><?9y?9y09yyyJ@jD@?09yyyJ@jD@?NV><09yyy\09yyy_C09{ryAWCBd@><?9y?9y09yyyJ@jD@?09yyyJ@jD@?NV><09yyy_09yyy\C09{ryAWCBd@><?9y?9y09yyyJ@jD@?09yyyJ@jD@?NV><09yyy\09yyy\C09{ryAWCBd@><?9y?9y09yyyJ@jD@?09yyyJ@jD@?NV><N]><N><N^,_X>NuFrame - Enter 2nd point using the mouse.Frame - Enter 1st point using the mouse.MAKE_CIRCL?Hz></,HNVA-HPNuNp><?<?<NH><HyxHyz?<NV><?<?<N><HyxHz?<,NlNlX><Byy><><09yrAg ><N`><3yy><3yy><?<?<N><HyxHyz?<N><Byy><?<?<NT><HyxHz?<+NlNlX><><09yrAg ><NN`><3yy><09yyyJ@jD@3y><3yy><N]n><09dn2|C@rCA{1><09dn2|C@A1y><09dn2|C@Aɼ1y><09dn2|C@A1y><09dn2|C@A1y><09dnR@2|C3dn><?9y?9y?9y09y29yH?NY><09{ryAf0><?9y?9y?9y09y29yH?NX><Nh><N]><N^,_X>NuCircle - Enter radius size using the mouse.Circle - Enter center point using the mouse.MAKE_ELLIP?Hz></,HNVA-HPNuN><?<?<N><HyxHyz?<N><?<?<N><HyxHz?<*NlNlX><Byy><><09yrAg ><N`><3yy><3yy><?<?<N,><HyxHyz?<N:><Byy><?<?<N><HyxHz?</NlNlX><><09yrAg ><N`><3yy><3yy><09yyyJ@jD@3y><09yyyJ@jD@3y><09dn2|C@rOA{1><09dn2|C@A1y><09dn2|C@Aɼ1y><09dn2|C@A1y><09dn2|C@A1y><09dnR@2|C3d`xsB?9y?9y?9yNY>< 09{ryAf$>< ?9y?9y?9y?9yNX>< N>< N]>< N^,_X>NuOval - Enter x & y radius size using the mouse.Oval - Enter center point using the mouse.CLINESTYLE?Hz></,HNVA-HPNu?<?<Nr><HyxHyz?<?<?<N@><HyxHzp?<NlX><Hyx0HnNpNoX><0.rA]0.rA^CBd><?.0|AN[><N^,_X>NuChange line style to (1-6) :CTEXTSTYLE?Hz><"/,HNVAV-HPNu?<?<Nn><#HyxHyz?<$?<?<N<><%HyxHz?<NlX><&Hyx0HnNpNoX><'0.rA]0.rA^CBd><(><)0.rAfBn><*0.rAfp=@><+0.rAfp=@><,0.rAfp=@><-0.rAfp=@><.0.rAfp=@></0.rAfp =@><0?.N\><1><2N^,_X>NuChange text style to (1-7) :CPSTYLE ?Hz><9/,HNVA-HPNu?<?<N><:HyxHyz?<;?<?<N><<=Hyx0HnNpNoX><>0.r&A]0.rA^CBd><??.N[><@N^,_X>NuChange paint style to (0-37) :MAKE_POINT?Hz><E/,HNVA-HPNuN><F?<?<N><GHyxHyz?<HN><I?<?<N><JHyxHzp?<'NlNlX><KByy><L><L09yrAg ><MN`><N3yy><O3yy><P09dn2|C@rPA{1><Q09dn2|C@A1y><R09dn2|C@Aɼ1y><S09dn2|C@A1y><T09dn2|C@A1y><U09dnR@2|C3dn><VN]n><W09yS@?09yS@?NVt><XN ><YN]><ZN^,_X>NuPoint - Enter location using the mouse.CMODE ?Hz><a/,HNVA-HPNu?<?<N><bHyxHyz?<c?<?<N><dHyxHzp?<NlX><eHyx0HnNpNoX><f0.rA^0.rA]CBd><g?.0|ANZz><hN^,_X>NuChange drawing mode to (1-4) :FREEDRAW ?Hz><m/,HNVAB-HPNuN><n?<?<N><oHyxHyz?<pN><q?<?<Np><rHyxHz?<NlNlX><sByy><t><t09yrAg><u><vN\><w09yrAft><x><y3yy><z3yy><{N]n><|09yyy?09yS@?09yyy?09yS@?NU><}N]><~><`X><Nj><N^,_X>NuFree drawing...DO_ERASE ?Hz></,HNVA-HPNuNX><?<?<N0><HyxHyz?<N>><?<?<N><Bg0ANZ><HyxHzb?< NlNlX><Byy><><09yrAg><><N><09yrAf><><3yy><3yy><N]n><09yyy?09yS@?09yyy?09yS@?NU><09yyy??9y09yyy??9yNU><09yyy?09yR@?09yyy?09yR@?NU><N]><><`><?<0ANZ><N^><N^,_X>NuErasing...LOOK ?Hz></,HNVA-HPNuNR><?<?<N*><HyxHyz?<N8><?<?<N><HyxHzn?<NlNlX><Byy><?<N]J><><09yrAg ><N`><BgN]J><N^><N^,_X>NuLooking for coordinates...MAKE_TEXT ?Hz></,HNVA -HPNuByy><?<?<N><HyxHyz?<?<?<N><HyxHz?<NlX><Hyx0?<HnNpNoX><><p.r Ao><><CO$O0p/QBgN^^3y><?<?<NZ><HyxHyz?<?<?<N(><HyxHzZ?<NlX><Hyx0?<HnNpNoX><`@><N><?<?<N><HyxHz?<"NlNlX><Byy><><09yrAg ><N߾`><3yy><3yy><N]n><09dn2|C@rXA{1><09dn2|C@A1y><09dn2|C@Aɼ1y><09dn2|C CA>E/ ?< Nsf$$$><09dn2|C@A1y><09dn2|C@A1y><09dnR@2|C3dn><?9y09yW@?AO"Op?"QNTN><N]><N^,_X>NuText - Enter location using mouse.[0][ Text exceeded 10 chars. | Try again.][ OK ]Text - Enter text :MAKE_ARC ?Hz></,HNVA-HPNuNܔ><?<?<Nl><HyxHyz?<Nz><?<?<N2><HyxHz?<)NlNlX><Byy><><09yrAg ><N"`><3yy><3yy><?<?<Nڼ><HyxHyz?<N><Byy><?<?<Nx><HyxHz?<.NlNlX><><09yrAg ><Nr`><3yy><3yy><09yyyJ@jD@3y><09yyyJ@jD@3y><09dn2|C@rAA{1><09dn2|C@A1y><09dn2|C@Aɼ1y><09dn2|C@A1y><09dn2|C@A1y><09dnR@2|C3dn><N]n><?9y?9y?9y?9y?9y?9yNXx><09{ryAf0><?9y?9y?9y?9y?9y?9yNX6><Np><N]><N^,_X>NuArc - Enter x & y radius size using the mouse.Arc - Enter center point using the mouse.SET_ARC ?Hz></,HNVA8-HPNu?<?<N><HyxHyz?<?<?<N׺><HyxHz?<Nl0<?NkHz?<NlX><Hyx0HyyNpNoX>< ?<?<NX>< HyxHyz?< ?<?<N&>< HyxHzT?<Nl0<?NkHzN?<NlX>< Hyx0HyyNpNoX><N^,_X>NuSet arc - Enter end =Set arc - Enter startMAKE_BRUSH?Hz></,HNVA-HPNu?<?<N`><HyxHyz?<Nn><?<?<N&><HyxHz:?<NlX><Hyx0HyyNpNoX><N^,_X>NuEnter size of brush in pixels:MAKE_EBRUS?Hz></,HNVA-HPNu?<?<NՈ><HyxHyz?< Nז><!?<?<NN><"HyxHz:?<&NlX><#Hyx0HyyNpNoX><$N^,_X>NuEnter size of erasing brush in pixels:MAKE_GRID ?Hz><+/,HNVA-HPNu?<0|AN[><,Bn><-><.><.?.Bg?.?<NU></0.yy=@><00.|m><1Bn><2><3><3Bg?.?<?.NU><40.yy=@><50.|m><6?<0|AN[><7N^,_X>NuSET_GRID ?Hz><<=HyxHyz?<>?<?<N~><?HyxHz:?<NlX><@Hyx0HyyNpNoX><AN^,_X>NuSet grid in pixels:REDRAW ?Hz><I/,HNVA -HPNuNҴ><JN]n><Kp=@=ydn0.nn |A><L><L><M0.2|C@A{20pL@f><N><O0.2|C@A3y><P0.2|C@Aɼ3y><Q0.2|C@A3y><R0.2|C@A3y><S?9y?9y?9y?9yNU><T><U0.2|C@A{20pK@f><V><W0.2|C@A3y><X0.2|C@Aɼ3y><Y0.2|C@A3y><Z0.2|C@A3y><[?9y?9y?9y?9yNU><\><]0.2|C@A{20pF@f><^><_0.2|C@A3y><`0.2|C@Aɼ3y><a0.2|C@A3y><b0.2|C@A3y><c09yyy_09yyy_CBd@><d?9y?9y09yyyJ@jD@?09yyyJ@jD@?NW><e09yyy\09yyy_CBd@><f?9y?9y09yyyJ@jD@?09yyyJ@jD@?NW><g09yyy_09yyy\CBd@><h?9y?9y09yyyJ@jD@?09yyyJ@jD@?NW><i09yyy\09yyy\CBd@><j?9y?9y09yyyJ@jD@?09yyyJ@jD@?NW><l09yyy_09yyy_C09{ryAWCBd@><m?9y?9y09yyyJ@jD@?09yyyJ@jD@?NV><n09yyy\09yyy_C09{ryAWCBd@><o?9y?9y09yyyJ@jD@?09yyyJ@jD@?NV><p09yyy_09yyy\C09{ryAWCBd@><q?9y?9y09yyyJ@jD@?09yyyJ@jD@?NV><r09yyy\09yyy\C09{ryAWCBd@><s?9y?9y09yyyJ@jD@?09yyyJ@jD@?NV><t><u0.2|C@A{20pC@f><v><w0.2|C@A3y><x0.2|C@Aɼ3y><y0.2|C@A3y><z0.2|C@A3y><{09yyyJ@jD@3y><|?9y?9y?9y09y29yH?NY><}09{ryAf0><~?9y?9y?9y09y29yH?NX><><0.2|C@A{20pO@f ><><0.2|C@A3y><0.2|C@Aɼ3y><0.2|C@A3y><0.2|C@A3y><09yyyJ@jD@3y><09yyyJ@jD@3y><?9y?9y?9y?9yNY><09{ryAf$><?9y?9y?9y?9yNX><><0.2|C@A{20pA@f8><><0.2|C@A3y><0.2|C@Aɼ3y><0.2|C@A3y><0.2|C@A3y><09yyyJ@jD@3y><09yyyJ@jD@3y><?9y?9y?9y?9y?9y?9yNXx><09{ryAf0><?9y?9y?9y?9y?9y?9yNX6><><0.2|C@A{20pX@f><><0.2|C@A3y><0.2|C@Aɼ3y><0.2|C A>CE$$$><?9y09yW@?C IO$Op?$QNTN><><Rn`b><N]><N^,_X>NuSAVE_IT ?Hz></,HNVA~-HPNu?<?<N><HyxHyz?<?<?<NDz><HyxHz2?<NlX><Hyx0?<PHyyNpNoX><?<N]J><N]><NsHyy?<HydpHyy?<p=@=ydn0.nnP|A><><><Hydp0.2|C@A{?0NkNlX><Hydp0.2|C@A?0NlNlX><Hydp0.2|C@Aɼ?0NlNlX><Hydp0.2|C A>Hp?<Hydp0.2|C@A?0NlNlX><Hydp0.2|C@A?0NlNlX><Rn`><BgN]J><N^,_X>Nu.CADSave - 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NNNB ***** Free copying is allowed and encouraged !!!! *****NNN(MThis drawing program is mostly self explanitary.To run it you need both mouse NNN(Gbuttons....(mostly for short clicks, but occasionally for longer !!!!). NNNPYou can draw ( with many different brushes ), spray , draw lines , design your NNNPown patterns , fill areas, write , and use the zoom mode. * Other functions : NNN(M1. Screens can be saved in three formats, the widely used DEGAS form, the eNNN(O normal format, and in NEOCHROME format. You can search disks for files, also!NNN(I And you may also load screens saved in either of those formats. ).bNNN(K2. Screens from another resolution can be converted to the working res. ! NNN(C3. Three different pictures can be held in memory at any one time. wNNNN4. You can copy screen sections and mirror them, enlarge them, or reduce them NNN4 with or without proportionality between sides. NNN(G5. The program contains a sprite editor which doubles as both a fill NNN( pattern and a mouse cursor. dNNNN6. You can create pictures with up to 64 moving sprites in them. They can be NNN(C saved as animations, fill patterns, or mouse cursors. NNN(M (The sprites can be moved across a background which was previously saved asNNNF a picture file. So you can create sprites after the background ! ) NNN(MThe program is written in GFA basic. When you work with it, or you want to 4NNN(Muse some of my proceedures in another program, send 20 DM to............... 4NNN(M* Rudolf Rosenkrnzer, Auf der Hard 3, 5513 Tawern * For this you'll receive 4NNN(Aa disk full of good comments?!, the GFA source and updated -aNNN(Gverions of VAN GOGH. **** Press spacebar to continue **** 4NNN(= ***** English translation by Robin Ashmore! *****tBN4HPp Nb"_NgNAf` -JWHfNABgHxHx?<NN ?<p?<?<NN\BgBg?<NN\NAANhN*AN pNJpNdpNpNpNrprNX <r|NBB+|+|{+| +|pAN -"-NX -"-Nj <Ѝ/p _ѐ <Ѝ/p _ѐN`NqNqBgBg?<|Bg~N*pNpN pNpN\prNXNDraw 4NzprNXNLine draw NzprNXN Line size Nzp%rNXNBrushes 4Nzp/rNXNColorNzp9rNXN Palette NzpCrNXNFill NzpMrNXNPattern design 4NzpWrNXNTextNzparNXNZoomNzpkrNXNCopy NzpurNXN Clear screenNzprNXNScr 1 Nz <rNXNScr 2 Nz <rNXNScr 3 Nz <rNXNScr ??? 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HPNYes|No r"_ N+@ -UWHfNANpNBAANhNN*HxN5 | Same size, smaller | or larger? 4HPN Same |Smaller|Largerr"_ N+@ -SWHfNHxN | Copy or mirror ? HPN Copy | Mirror |Returnr"_ N+@ -WWHfNpN~AANh -UWHfNHxN0 |Mirror along top |or down side ? HPNTop |Side | Both 4r"_ N+@zHxN | Solid or transparent? HPN Solid |Transpar."_ N+@ -SWHfNp+| -UWHfN+|HxNgYour clicks sir !?!?:|Left button: Top left corner|Right '' : Bottom right |Left '' : Fix 4HPN OK|Returnr"_ N+@ -UWHfN ->N(vNH ->N(vNNL8NfN\ ->N(vNN&<x*<N$Nh+@BNr ->N(vNNh+@B -TNl+@ -+@b -R+@FB -\C튈NHx -bC튈NHx -FC튈NHxpC튈N|N(vNNhC튈NHx -XNlC튈NB?<NNTC튎N -SWHfNlHx <C튎NHx <C튎NHxp(C튎NHxpC튎N -JWHfNHx <@C튎NHx <C튎NHxpC튎NHxpC튎N -SWHfN -SWHfNA2Nh -UWHfNA^Nh -UWHfN$ARNh -WWHfNHxNfExpand the width ... :| 1st 'OK', then input . :| 0: same size, 1: litle| 2 to 9: 2- to 9 HPNOKr"_ N+@N4CN6HmA "_NgN`ANN(&<x*<NpJBgp/ANN(&<x*<NpJBgp$VHfNHxN | False input! 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HPN Copy | Done r"_ N+@ -SWHfNVBN2NN*NH +@ +@ +@pN~ -N(H -2N(H -&N(L8N L8N$Nh/ -N(H -6N(H -*N(L8N L8N$Nh"NX -"-Nj -N(H -2N(H -&N(L8N L8N$Nh/ -N(H -6N(H -*N(L8N L8N$Nh"NX -"-Nj -SWHgN` -zSWHfNBpC튂NHx -C튂NHx -C튂NHx -ЭC튂NHx -ЭC튂NHx -ЭC튂NHx -C튂NB -ANHx -C튂NHx -C튂NA튈HPC튎A튂 NpC튂N" @SpC튂N" @SN`NqNq -zUWHfNtHxpC튂NHx -C튂NHx -ЭC튂NHx -C튂NHx -ЭC튂NHx -ЭC튂NHx -C튂NB -ANB -C튂NHx -C튂NA튈HPC튎A튂 NpC튂N" @SpC튂N" @SN`NqNq -zWWHfNHx -ЭC튂NHx -C튂NHx -ЭC튂NHx -ЭC튂NHx -C튂NB -ANB -C튂NHx -C튂NB -ANHx -C튂NHx -C튂NA튈HPC튎A튂 NpC튂N" @SpC튂N" @SN`NqNqHx -C튂NHx -ЭC튂NpC튂N" @SpC튂N" @SN`2NqpNHxN3 | The same again | another copy? HPN Copy | Done r"_ N+@ -SWHfNJBN^NN*HxNmShrink the section .. :| 1st 'OK', then input . :|0: same size, 1: 90 %|2: 80 %, 3: 67 %, 4: 50 %HPNOKr"_ N+@N4CN6HmA "_NgN`ANN(&<x*<NpJBgp/ANN(&<x*<NpJBgp$VHfNHxN | False input! HPN OK|Return4r"_ N+@ -SWHfNNRNpN~pNJ -NdANBAANhHmp0Nb"_NfNBHmp1Nb"_NfN$+| Hmp2Nb"_NfND+|Hmp3Nb"_NfNd+|Hmp4Nb"_NfN+|HxNkReduce the height . :| 1st 'OK', then input . :|0: same size, 1: 90 %|2: 80 %, 3: 67 %, 4: 50 %HPNOKr"_ N+@N4CN6HmA "_NgN6`ANN(&<x*<NpJBgp/ANN(&<x*<NpJBgp$VHfNHxN | False input! HPN OK|Return4r"_ N+@ -SWHfNNNpN~pNJ -NdANBAANhHmp0Nb"_NfN4BHmp1Nb"_NfNT+| Hmp2Nb"_NfNt+|Hmp3Nb"_NfN+|Hmp4Nb"_NfN+|+mbr -bN(H -N(L8NH -N(&<x*<N$L8NvNh+@b -JWHfN+mrb+mFn -FN(H -N(L8NH -N(&<x*<N$L8NvNh+@F -JWHfN+mnFNH +@ +@ +@pN~ -"-NX -Эb/ -ЭF"Nj -"-NX -Эb/ -ЭF"Nj -SWHgN`Hx -C튂NHx -C튂NHx -C튂NHx -C튂NHx -C튂NBjB -_HfN"B -C튂NHx -C튂NBfB -_HfNnHx -C튂NHx -C튂NA튈HPC튎A튂 NpC튂N" @RpC튂N" @RRfR -JVHfNj -fN(H -N(L8NvH -fN(H -N(L8NvNL8NޮNtJBfNjR`&Hx -C튂NHx -C튂NpC튂N" @RpC튂N" @RRjR -JVHfN -jN(H -N(L8NvH -jN(H -N(L8NvNL8NޮNtJBfNR`8pNHxN3 | The same again | another copy? 4HPN Copy | Done 3r"_ N+@ -SWHfNNNN* -zJWHfN+|z -zN(H -N(L8NNh+@ -N(&<x*< NpJBgp/ -N(&<x*<N޾pJBgp/ -N(&<x*<NpJBgp/ -N(zN޾pJBgp$VHfNHxNI |Your picture was larger than the screen!| Choose a smaller ratio!! HPNOKr"_ N+@N6HxN_Extend the height :| 1st 'OK' then input .. :| 0: same size| 2 to 9: 2- to 9 4HPNOKr"_ N+@N4CN6HmA "_NgN`ANN(&<x*<NpJBgp/ANN(&<x*<NpJBgp/ANN(&<x*<N޾pJBgp$VHfNHxN | False input! HPN OK|Returnr"_ N+@ -SWHfNzNNpN~pNJ -NdANBAANhANNh+@~ -~JWHfN+|~ -~N(H -N(L8NNh+@ - ^HfNzHxNI |Your picture was larger than|the screen!| Choose a smaller size! 4HPNOKr"_ N+@NNH +@ +@ +@pN~ -"-NX -Э/ -Э"Nj -"-NX -Э/ -Э"Nj -SWHgN`pN~ -JWHfN.+|J+| N+| R+| V -SWHfNP+|Z+| ^+mb+mf+|j+|. -FA.N+| -BAN+|pAN -JWHfNjHmp"-J"_NhCN6Hmp"-N"_NhCN6Hmp"-R"_NhCN6Hmp"-V"_NhCN6AN+@AN+@AN+@AN+@ +|+|npAnNBrBvBzB~ -\HfN+|r -+@ -\HfN+|v -+@ -\HfN+|z -+@ - \HfN +|~ - +@ AHNh -N(zNpJBgp/ -N(&<x*<N޾pJBgp$VHfN -NpN -f"-bNX -bN(H -zN(L8N$H <r$<L8N Nh/ -fN(H -~N(L8N$H <r$<L8N Nh"N -bЭz+@b -N(vNNh+@ -jR+@j -j>^Hg NZNBN`Nq -JR+@J -NR+@N -RR+@R -VR+@V -SWHfNHmp"-Z"_NhCN6Hmp"-^"_NhCN6AN+@AN+@+|+|npAnNBB -򰭆\HfN+| -򐭆+@ -\HfN6+| -+@AlNh -N(zNpJBgp/ -N(&<x*<N޾pJBgp$VHfN -NpN -f"-bNX -bN(H -zN(L8N$H <r$<L8N Nh/ -fN(H -~N(L8N$H <r$<L8N Nh"N ^Hg NZNN``NqRZR^ -j>^Hg NZNN`Nq -SWHfN ^Hg NZNN`Nq+|j+mb BANh -UWHfN^BANh -WWHfN~BAANhNN*HxN* |Have you already chosen|the fill color ?HPNYes|No rr"_ N+@AN -UWHfNBAfNhNBpNJpNdprNt+|+|pNrB+| +|pANB -SWHfNn+|i -JWHfNˆ+|4+|pAN -"-NX -"-Nj -N -N -N -T/ -T"NX -N(H <r$<L8N Nh/ -N(H <r$<L8N Nh"N -SWHfN` -j+@ -j+@ -JWHfNÎ -5+@ -5+@ -R+@N`Nq - +@ - +@ -YWHfN <Ѝ/p _ѐBN`fNqNH +@& +@* +@. -.SWHgB+|+| B+|pAN+|pAN -SWHfNr <Ѝ/pj _ѐ -JWHfNĔ <Ѝ/p5 _ѐ - ]HfN <Ѝ/p _ѐN <Ѝ/p _ѐ -ް&^HpJBgp/ -ڰ*^HpJBgp$VHg NZNN`NXpN -SWHfN΀pdr>NXpN -JWHfNΦ <r>NXpr*N -SWHfN <r>NXp r*NpNJ -NdprNtN4CN6NH +@& +@* +@. -.N(&<x*<N޾pJBgp/Hmp Nb"_NpJBgp$VHgHmp Nb"_NfNxANAANh+|(+|pAN -ڰ*^Hg NZN <Ѝ/p( _ѐN`NqNqAN -N(&<x*<N޾pJBgp/ -N(&<x*<N޾pJBgp$VHfNДHxNH |Click: |Left button: Top left |Right '' : Bottom right HPN OK|Return4r"_ N+@B -N(&<x*<N޾pJBgp/ -N(&<x*<N޾pJBgp$VHfNXHxN? |Click: |Left button: Centre |Right '' : Fix shape uHPN OK|Returnr"_ N+@ -UWHfNxBAANhBB.NH +@& +@* +@. -.SWHgNѮ` -SWHfNBNH +@2 +@6 +@pN~ -*"-&NX -6"-2Nj -*"-&NX -6"-2Nj -UWHgN$`pN~ -*"-&NX -6"-2Nj -UWHfNNH +@2 +@6 +@pN~ -*"-&NX -6"-2N -*"-&NX -6"-2N -UWHgNҸ`pN~ -*"-&NX -6"-2N -WWHfNjNH +@2 +@6 +@pN~ -*"-&NX -2&N -*"-&NX -2&N -UWHgNL`pN~ -*"-&NX -2&N -YWHfN"NH +@2 +@6 +@pN~ -*"-&NX -2&/ -6*"N -*"-&NX -2&/ -6*"N -UWHgN`pN~ -*"-&NX -2&/ -6*"N -[WHfNFAN A|NhN4CN6Hmp Nb"_NgNn`pNNN* -*N(zN޾pJBgp/ ->N(zN޾pJBgp$VHfN2HxN+ |Would you like to have |moving sprites ? 4HPNYes|No zr"_ N+@ -SWHfN.BANhBA C@N6A C6N6A CB*pNJ -NdAANh -.UWHfNݜHxN- |Load a cursor, sprite or |fill pattern ? nHPNCurs|Sprite|Fillr"_ N+@ -SWHfNRBArNh -UWHfNrBABNh -WWHfNݜBANhANh -SWHfNNprNN(/ Design the new pattern ! Finish: Spacebar !l -JWHfN0Npr NNNew patt., then spacebar ! NH +@ +@ +@N4CRN6 -N(zNpJBgp/ARNN(&<x*<N޾pJBgp/ARNNN(&<x*<N޾pJBgp$VHgN`\ -N(H <r$<L8N &<x*<N|N&<x*<N&<x*<N$Nh+@" -N(H <r$<L8N &<x*<N|N&<x*<N&<x*<N$Nh+@ -N(&<x*<NpJBgp/ -N(&<x*<NpJBgp/ -N(&<x*<NpJBgp/ -N(&<x*<NpJBgp/ARNN(&<x*<NpJBgp$VHfN4pNpN -SWHfNpNpN -N(&<x*<N޾pJBgp/ -*N(zN޾pJBgp$VHfNpNpNARNN aWHfNpNpN -"-"NX -"P/ -P"NARN WHgNR` -SWHfNNprNN0 -JWHfNNpr NN -*N(zN޾pJBgp/ ->N(zN޾pJBgp$VHfN -SWHfN|NprNN0Please click on the action point N -JWHfNNpr NNClick on action point ! NNH +@ +@ +@.N4CRN6 -.SWHgN` -SWHfNRNprNN0 N -JWHfNNpr NN N -N(&<x*<NpJBgp/ -N(&<x*<NpJBgp/ -N(&<x*<NpJBgp/ -N(&<x*<NpJBgp$VHfN4 -N(H <r$<L8N &<x*<N|N&<x*<N&<x*<N$Nh+@" -N(H <r$<L8N &<x*<N|N&<x*<N&<x*<N$Nh+@pNpN -X"-"NX -"P/ -P"NN:N$ -"N(&<x*<N|H <r$<L8N Nh+@ -N(&<x*<N|NH <r$<L8N Nh+@ ->SWHfN+|+|HxN* |Choose the color for|your design please!HPNOKr"_ N+@BAN +mAfNh+mꈶAS(Nh+mb+mf -*JWHfNHxN0 | Choose the color for |the background mask !HPNOKr"_ N+@BAfNh+mꈶAS(Nh+mj+mn+mANAN -SWHfNXNprNN(/Finish: Click with right mouse button ! N -JWHfNNpr NNFinish: Right button ! NA C@N6+||+| B+|B+|B -"-N+@ -UWHfN+| -WWHfNB -N(H -N(&<x*<N &<x*<NL8NNh+@ -Э+@ -R+@ - +@ - WHgDHm6 -Nn"_NC6N6+||B+|B -"-N+@ -WWHfN+| -UWHfNB -N(H -N(&<x*<N &<x*<NL8NNh+@ -Э+@ -R+@ - +@ - WHgDHmB -Nn"_NCBN6Hm@ -Nn"_NHP -Nn"_NC@N6 -R+@ - +@+|| - WHg -jNnCxN6 -nNnC~N6 -bNnC톄N6 -fNnC톊N6 -NnCLN6 -NnCHN6A6CZN6HmLAH"_NHPpNn"_NHPAx"_NHPA톄"_NHPAB"_NHPA6"_NCNN6HmLAH"_NHPpNn"_NHPA~"_NHPA톊"_NHPA@"_NCTN6ANNRNz+@. -.UWHgN$` -SWHfNxNprNN0 -JWHfNNpr NN HxN |Prepared or new picture ? HPN Prep |Newr"_ N+@ -UWHfNBA|NhBHxN | Output new form to HPNPrinter|Diskette|Later 4r"_ N+@ -SWHfNBA\Nh -UWHfNB -*JWHfN,HxN5 |Save as a cursor, fill |pattern or as a sprite ? eHPNCurs|Sprite|Fillr"_ N+@N4+| -SWHfNTBAFNh -UWHfNtBANh -WWHfNBANh -WWHfNB -Nr -*SWHfNANh ->JWHfNjHxN? |Do you want to use your |design as a sprite or as a|cursor ? rHPNSprite|Curs|Returnr"_ N+@ANB* -WWHfN~BAANh -UWHfNBANNRAANh -SWHfNjHxN6 | Left button...: sprite | Right button...: done HPNOKr"_ N+@BB:ANNRNH +@& +@* +@.Nz$VHgNN` -.SWHfND/-:ATCN -:CNHP -*"-& _NBR: -: WHfN>HxNgYou have drawn 200 |sprites. If you want more|loadextra forms from a disk.| Thankyou! 4HPNOKr"_ N+@BAANhpN -.UWHgNZ`pNDAANhNN*N\*.MOUHPHmA""_NDHmA "_NpJBgp/Hmp\Nb"_NpJBgp$VHfNB>B*ANAANhANpJBgpF$VHfNZHxN |Mouse design not saved.Sorry!4HPNOKr"_ N+@BArNhpRNbHPHmpJ _r"_NXpNArJN.prNhACNN6pN+|+pNpN+|x+| +|+|npAnN+|.pA.NHmNp"-"_NhN+@+|pAN -\HfN\ -"-NX -P/ -P"N <Ѝ/ - _ <Ѝ/ <r$< _N <Ѝ/p _ѐN`NqNq+| <Ѝ/p _ѐN`:Nq+|x <Ѝ/p _ѐN`Nq+| pNpN+|x+| +|+|npAnN+|.pA.NHmNp"-"_NhN+@+|pAN -\HfN -*JWHfN -"-NX -P/ -P"N <Ѝ/ - _ <Ѝ/ <r$< _N <Ѝ/p _ѐN`tNq+| <Ѝ/p _ѐN`(Nq+|x <Ѝ/p _ѐN`Nq+| pNpNNN*N\*.SPRHPHmA""_NDHmA "_NpJBgp/Hmp\Nb"_NpJBgp$VHfNANB*B>AANhANpJBgpF$VHfN,HxN! |Spritemuster nicht gespeichert!4HPNOKr"_ N+@BABNhpRNbHPHmpJ _r"_NXpNA@rJN.prNhA@CTN6pN+| pNpN+| +|pAN+|x+|+|.pA.NHmTp"-"_NhN+@+|pAN -\HfN@ -*JWHfN. -"-NX -P/ -P"N <Ѝ/ - _ <Ѝ/ <r$< _N - +@N`vNq+| <Ѝ/p _ѐN`*NqpNpN+|x+|.pA.NHmTp"-"_NhN+@+|pAN -\HfN. -"-NX -P/ -P"N <Ѝ/ - _ <Ѝ/ <r$< _N - +@N`NqNq+| <Ѝ/p _ѐN`ANB*AANhANpJBgpF$VHfNHxN |Fllmuster nicht gespeichert!4HPNOKr"_ N+@BANhAlNA CZN6A CN6pRNbHPHmp _r"_NXpNAr N.prNhACZN6pNNN*+|x+| +|+|pNpN+|npAnN+|.pA.NHmZp"-"_NhN+@+|pAN -\HfN -"-NX -P/ -P"N <Ѝ/ - _ <Ѝ/ <r$< _N - +@N`NqNq+| <Ѝ/p _ѐN`HxN( | Load a previous |picture ? HPNOK|Newr"_ N+@ -SWHfNB <}"NC텂N6NPIHP -1Nb"_NC텔N6N\*.HPA텔"_NC텚N6HmA HPA텠""_NDA텠NNtJBfNHmA텠NN(H <r$<L8N Nhr"_NhHPNBEW"_NC톜N6A톜NNtJBfNHm -"_N0HxA6NhHm <}r#"_NhC텲N6A텲N+|:pRNbHPHmpn _r"_NXpNA톢rN.A톨rN.A톮rN.ALrN.AHrN.ArN.ArN.ATrJN.A톴rN. -:rNhA톢N+@2/-:A톨NC^N/-:A톮NCdN/-:ALNC퉘N/-:AHNC퉞N/-:ANC4N/-:ANC:N/-:ATCN/-:A톴NC퉒NR: -:2^HgAANhNB>AANhBNNprNN You can have 64 sprites NNprNN( moving at once! 4+|@2+|:B -:2]HfNHxN, |More of the same sprite|on this picture ? HPNYes|No r"_ N+@N |Give the sprite lHP -:N(N"_NHPN one!r"_NCN6HxHmNOKr"_ N+@BA|NhpNJpNd/-:ATCNAN -:S^HfN+|. -.C^N|? -.CdN|? -.C4N|? -.C:N|?~N*R. -.:WHgHxN`Click with the left mouse |button on the start point|and use right button to set |direction ! 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HPN Yes|Done r"_ N+@ -SWHfNXBR:Nx+m:2NANHxN> |Stop the animation by |clicking with the left|button ! 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