`86wp &<C@E$g: <1AY&J*gDHz?< NA\O <S*F'pA C mA `Hz ?< NA\OA@C><0QCAFNAH rC!rNuNVHa2J@gaL?N^ zNHxHy?.B/8?NNONu xp2<XQ|4fpa gpNupNu x P`f4 C@$f* E(f 1AY&6f 1AY&f rAfpNupazaJ@g8 x0`8A:Crq Q xBhp2<XQ04Pp a #include /* libc.h for mainframes, stdlib.h for pc */ #include #define UBYTE unsigned char /* 8Bit */ #define UWORD unsigned short /* 16Bit */ #define ULONG unsigned int /* 32Bit int for mainframes, long for pc */ #define BOOL unsigned short #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 struct GIFdescriptor { UWORD gd_Width; UWORD gd_Height; UBYTE gd_ColInfo; UBYTE gd_BackGround; UBYTE gd_PixelAspect; }; struct ImageDesc { UWORD id_Left; UWORD id_Top; UWORD id_Width; UWORD id_Height; UBYTE id_Info; }; struct RGB { UBYTE rgb_Red; UBYTE rgb_Green; UBYTE rgb_Blue; }; #define GIF_IMAGE 0x2C #define GIF_EXTENSION 0x21 #define GIF_TERMINATOR 0x3B #define GIF_COMMENT_EXT 0xFE /* void *screen; */ /* uncomment for pc, comment out for mainframes */ int gx=79; int gy=23; struct GIFdescriptor gdesc; UBYTE **BitPlane; struct RGB GlobalColourTable[256]; UBYTE Map[256]; ULONG ImageNumber; FILE *GIFfh = NULL; FILE *CAPT = NULL; void ERROR(str) char *str; { printf(str); exit(1); } void FlipWord(word) UWORD *word; { UBYTE swap1; UBYTE swap2; swap1 = *word & 0xFF; /*comment out for pc, needed for mainframes */ swap2 = (*word & 0xFF00) >> 8; /* " " */ *word = swap1 << 8 | swap2; /* " " */ } static struct ImageDesc idesc; static struct RGB LocalColourTable[256]; static UWORD Xpos, Ypos; static BOOL interleave; static UBYTE LeaveStep[5] = {1, 8, 8, 4, 2}; static UBYTE LeaveFirst[5] = {0, 0, 4, 2, 1}; static int ReadError; static UBYTE CodeSize; static int EOFCode; static UBYTE ReadMask; static int CompDataPointer; static int CompDataCount; static UBYTE CompData[256]; static UWORD Prefix[4096]; static UBYTE Suffix[4096]; static UBYTE OutCode[1025]; static UBYTE ByteBuf; int ReadCode(fh) FILE *fh; { register int temp; register int DstMasked; register int DstMask; long size; temp = 0; DstMasked = 1L << CodeSize; for (DstMask = 1; DstMask != DstMasked; DstMask <<= 1) { if (!ReadMask) { if (CompDataPointer == CompDataCount) { if ((size = fgetc(fh)) == -1) { printf("\nI/O Error during decompression.\n"); ReadError = 1; return EOFCode; } if (fread((char *)CompData,1,size,fh) != size) { printf("\nI/O Error during decompression.\n"); ReadError = 1; return EOFCode; } CompDataCount = size; CompDataPointer = 0; } ReadMask = 1; ByteBuf = CompData[CompDataPointer++]; } if (ByteBuf & ReadMask) temp |= DstMask; ReadMask <<= 1; } return temp; } void AddPixel(index) UBYTE index; { register UWORD XStore; register UWORD YStore; XStore = Xpos + idesc.id_Left; YStore = Ypos + idesc.id_Top; BitPlane[YStore][XStore] = index; if (++Xpos == idesc.id_Width) { Xpos = 0; Ypos += LeaveStep[interleave]; if (Ypos >= idesc.id_Height) Ypos = LeaveFirst[++interleave]; } } BOOL DoImage(fh) FILE *fh; { register int index; register int colours; int Code; printf("Image #%ld encountered.\n", ImageNumber++); if (fread((char *)&idesc,1,9,fh) != 9) ERROR("Error reading image descriptor.\n"); FlipWord(&idesc.id_Left); FlipWord(&idesc.id_Top); FlipWord(&idesc.id_Width); FlipWord(&idesc.id_Height); interleave = idesc.id_Info & 1L << 6; if (interleave) interleave = 1; printf("Xpos from %d to %d, Ypos from %d to %d, %sinterlaced.\n", idesc.id_Left, idesc.id_Left + idesc.id_Width - 1, idesc.id_Top, idesc.id_Top + idesc.id_Height - 1, interleave ? "" : "not "); if (idesc.id_Info & 1L << 7) { colours = 1L << ((idesc.id_Info & 7) + 1); printf("Local colour map contains %d entries.\n", colours); for (index = 0; index < colours; index++) if (fread(&LocalColourTable[index],1,3,fh) != 3) ERROR("......Error reading local colour\n"); } else { colours = 1L << ((gdesc.gd_ColInfo & 7) + 1); for (index=0; index= FreeCode) { CurCode = OldCode; OutCode[OutCount++] = FinChar; } while (CurCode > BitMask) { if (OutCount > 1024) { printf("\nCorrupt GIF file (OutCount)\n"); return TRUE; } OutCode[OutCount++] = Suffix[CurCode]; CurCode = Prefix[CurCode]; } FinChar = CurCode; AddPixel(FinChar); for (index = OutCount - 1; index >= 0; index--) AddPixel(OutCode[index]); OutCount = 0; Prefix[FreeCode] = OldCode; Suffix[FreeCode] = FinChar; OldCode = InCode; if (++FreeCode >= MaxCode) { if (CodeSize < 12) { CodeSize++; MaxCode <<= 1; } } } Code = ReadCode(fh); } } if ((Code = fgetc(fh)) == -1) return TRUE; if (Code != 0) printf("Warning: Unaligned packet.\n"); return FALSE; } /* #define gx 79 */ /* #define gy 23 */ #define base 5 #define colors 16 char *colortab[colors] = {".",",",":",";","+","=","i",")","I","T","L","H","O","X","8","#"}; void show(name) char *name; { register int i,j,x,y; register int ix,iy,ii,jj; struct RGB colour; char Cbuf [1]; int flag, cc, zz, dx, dy, z, dcnt, g, gc; x=y=ix=iy=dx=dy=i=j=zz=z=dcnt=g=0; gc=20; cc=1; dx=(idesc.id_Width<=dy*gy/4) iy=iy-dy*gy/4;}; if (flag=='d'){if(iy+dy*gy+2*dy<((idesc.id_Height)<>=1; dy>>=1; ix=ix+dx*gx/2; iy=iy+dy*gy/2; }; if (flag=='Z'){ dx=(idesc.id_Width<=dx*gx/4) ix=ix-dx*gx/4;}; y=iy; if (zz == 0){ colour=LocalColourTable[BitPlane[(y>>base)+idesc.id_Top] [(x>>base)+idesc.id_Left]]; zz=(colour.rgb_Red+colour.rgb_Green+colour.rgb_Blue)/3; } if (flag == 'h'){ printf("\nv = View The Gif\n"); printf("z = Zoom In On The Center\n"); printf("Z = Zoom Out To Normal Size\n"); printf("c = Capture screen\n"); printf("l = Pan Left\n"); printf("r = Pan Right\n"); printf("u = Pan Up\n"); printf("d = Pan Down\n"); printf("g = Display A Grey Scale Gif, Use Only With A Grey Scale Gif\n"); printf("+ = Raise Sensitivity For A Grey Scale Gif\n"); printf("- = Lower Sensitivity For A Grey Scale Gif\n"); printf("s = Swap Background For Grey Scale Gif From/To Black/White\n"); printf("1 = Default Mix\n"); printf("2 = Red Mix Blocked\n"); printf("3 = Green Mix Blocked\n"); printf("4 = Blue Mix Blocked\n"); printf("Any other character will quit\n"); } else { for (j=0; j>base)+idesc.id_Top] [(ii>>base)+idesc.id_Left]]; z=(colour.rgb_Red+colour.rgb_Green+colour.rgb_Blue)/3; if (g == 1){ if (zz==z)dcnt++;} else if (zz!=z) dcnt++; } }; z=dcnt/(dx/gc+dy/gc); if (z<1)z=1; if (z>256)z=256; } else { colour=LocalColourTable[BitPlane[(y>>base)+idesc.id_Top] [(x>>base)+idesc.id_Left]]; if (cc==2){ z=(colour.rgb_Green+colour.rgb_Blue)/2;} else if (cc==3){ z=(colour.rgb_Red+colour.rgb_Blue)/2;} else if (cc==4){ z=(colour.rgb_Red+colour.rgb_Green)/2;} else { z=(colour.rgb_Red+colour.rgb_Green+colour.rgb_Blue)/3; }; } if (flag=='c'){ Cbuf[0] = *colortab[(z+gc-20)*colors/0x100]; if(fwrite(Cbuf,1,1,CAPT) != 1) ERROR("Unable to write to ascgifs.\n"); } printf(colortab[(z+gc-20)*colors/0x100]); x+=dx; if (x<0)return; } y+=dy; } } if (flag== 'c') fclose(CAPT); } while (TRUE); } main(argc,argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { register int index; char sig[7]; int size; int error; int colours; long cmdcode; if (argc < 2) ERROR("ascgif(1.6) use: ascgif name.gif \n"); if (!(GIFfh = fopen(argv[1],"rb"))) ERROR("Open error\n"); /*"rb" for pc, "r" for SOME mainframes */ if (argc > 2){ if (!(gx=atoi(argv[2]))) ERROR("3rd parameter not numeric, (width)\n"); if (!(gy=atoi(argv[3]))) ERROR("4th parameter not numeric, (height)\n"); } else { gx = 79; gy = 23; }; sig[6] = '\0'; if (fread(sig,1,6,GIFfh) != 6 || strcmp("GIF87a", sig)) ERROR("Not an 87a GIF file...\n"); if (fread((char *)&gdesc,1,7,GIFfh) != 7) ERROR("Error reading screen descriptor\n"); FlipWord(&gdesc.gd_Width); FlipWord(&gdesc.gd_Height); printf("Ascgif Ver 1.6\n"); printf("Signature = \"%s\", Width = %u, Height = %u\n", sig, gdesc.gd_Width, gdesc.gd_Height); colours = 1L << ((gdesc.gd_ColInfo & 7) + 1); if (!(gdesc.gd_ColInfo & 1L << 7)) { printf("No global colour map supplied, using internal.\n"); for (index = 0; index < colours; index++) { GlobalColourTable[index].rgb_Red = GlobalColourTable[index].rgb_Green = GlobalColourTable[index].rgb_Blue = index; } } else { printf("Global colour map contains %d entries.\n", colours); for (index = 0; index < colours; index++) if (fread(&GlobalColourTable[index],1,3,GIFfh) != 3) ERROR("Error reading global colour\n"); } size = ((gdesc.gd_Width + 7) / 8) + 1; size += (size + 127) >> 7; if (!(BitPlane = (UBYTE **)malloc(gdesc.gd_Height * sizeof(UBYTE *)))) ERROR("Not enough memory\n"); size = (gdesc.gd_Width + 1) * sizeof(UBYTE); for (index = 0; index < gdesc.gd_Height; index++) if (!(BitPlane[index] = (UBYTE *)malloc(size))) ERROR("Not enough memory\n"); ImageNumber = 1; for (error = FALSE; error == FALSE;) { if ((cmdcode = fgetc(GIFfh)) == -1) break; if (cmdcode == GIF_IMAGE){ error = DoImage(GIFfh); } else if (cmdcode == GIF_EXTENSION){ error = TRUE; } else if (cmdcode == GIF_TERMINATOR){ show(argv[1]); break; } else { printf("Unknown directive encountered.\n"); error = TRUE; } } printf("End of GIF session\n"); exit(0); } `|L@glJ$ff#J^f$&9V/?<HNA\O#^Ѓ.@`.y^`ByvHy~Hy~HxN- NuNq op.@/a*XONuNqFatal error: insufficient memory H<0&o3v#JZf #Z/ ah k A&zƅ(+  XOJoJg*ګ#^#zo*ګ#^z#Jfzn3| 9RzeHЀ0;N *.2#*ګ#^` # `` ` 䀘#z˹ֹ"ҫ +m@.kBE// ??<JNA a/9Β/9@/9 )Rf6 )Gf. )Vf& )=fBXBJf#@$XJXJf`$XJf )=f @o Zn ):f )\fAJgJfBRI`vBXAH2H"J&Io pԀEPJ#@$Lv ԃJoH  g  f8RHSJn`.  g  f`  g  fSRHJnB`gSJnBBv#Xnp,.-@(./.N(@BGNPO`$@"n" 8RBl0Aht nCh8R ЀB20mBGN$SXOkv3(/NXOSjvAh Ѐ1ChH(JRm 9 XbR9X,.܆-F/.NXOZf/.N"XO|fp` HyN&`Jg HyN&pL9H*GE9J-G/9/NPO-@BBHy fN&XOEnSk jBR` / N?XO*f~ g&@~ g~vgn~zgb~Zg\~lgV~hgP~cgJ~rgD~ug>~dg8~sg2~gg,~Gg&~1g ~2g~3g~4g~+g~-f~vf2|-I~1f2|-IHy N&XO~2f2|-IHy N&XO~3f2|-IHy N&XO~4f2|-IHy N&XO~gf2|-IHy N&XO~+f2|-IZ/.Hy N&PO~-f2|-I[/.Hy ^N&PO~sf(2|-IJf~-G`BHy N&XO~cfHy N&Hy Hy N \# fHy NXO| /9HxHxHnN$~gHy +NXO/9 n RJf/Hx/.N$" n RJfDgHy +NXO~uf>/9/.NPOJlV䀰n/9/.NPOJlV䀑~dfN/9/.NPOЮ".ҁЁ=yJ".끲o/9/.NPOJlVѮ~zfJ. *G..-G/9/ NPOJlRѮ/9/.NPOJlRѮ~ZfP>9H*G/9/N9J-G/9/NL rb3rd parameter not numeric, (width) 4th parameter not numeric, (height) GIF87aNot an 87a GIF file... Error reading screen descriptor Ascgif Ver 1.6 Signature = "%s", Width = %u, Height = %u No global colour map supplied, using internal. Global colour map contains %d entries. Error reading global colour Not enough memory Unknown directive encountered. 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Here are some samples: 79x23 output from ascgif rat.gif A rat leaning over a shelf. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;+;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;+;;;;;;+;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;+;;;;;;;+;;++;++++++++;+;;;;;;IT=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;++;+;+++++(IHXXXXXXOOOHLT)(TI))IIT;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;++HHHLLHX88888888X8XXXOOHHTI)IITIIT;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +;;;;;+;;+;;;;++TOOOHTTHHO888XXXXXOOOXOLL))IIIITTT)++;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +;;;;;++++++++IOOOOLHLHOXX888888888888OLI)I)IITTTTTI)=+;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;+;;;;+++++=H888OOHHHOXXX88888888XOOOHHTTI(()ITTTIIII)(=+;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +;;+;++++=IO88888OOOHOO888888888XOLLLLTT)()()))IIIII)))(+;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +;++++++=IX8888888XXHHX8XXX888XXHLT)))I)I)((((()((((((((=+;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ++;;+++=(HX88888888OOHOX;LOXXXXOHI+..;)))(===+=(((=======+;;++;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ++;++++=)HOXX888888XXHHOOOOXXOOHTIIIIII)=((=====(((=++++++;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ++++++++=THOXXXXXXXXOHHHHHHOHLLTTI)I)(((==++=((((==++;++++;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +++++++++IHHOOXOOOOHHHLTHLLLTTI)))()(((=(==(=======+;++;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; =())II(+++(THHHOHLHLLLHLTTT)==+(((=========+====(==++;,,:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; )))III=:+++(ITHHHLLTTTTLLTT)(((=+===((==+++========+,,:,:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; .............,.,,:==)IIIITII))((========+;::,..;==+:.................,,,,,::::: ......................,,=))))(((==:............:+++,;.......................... .........................,.,,:+====+;:........+:.+:;........................... ..................................+==+;.........:.............................. ..................................,..:;........................................ 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KNDINSKYINF X&gCHANGES TXT nQTUT_MONOGEM _&KNDENGL APP :PGKNDENGL RSC FzQ$¿BGIFONTS Y`TERRORS TXT +rQZKNDINSKYTXT QH\README TXT )HaUPDATE TXT HbOPEN_DIR SAVEAS_DIR IMPORT_DIR EXPORT_DIR TEK_EXPORT_DIR BGI_PATH A:\KANDNSKY\BGIFONTS\ DESIGN_MODE BUFFER SELECT_MODE XOR START_WINDOW YES DEFAULT_ZOOM 70 DEFAULT_RASTER NO HIDE 10 10 50 50 LINE MOUSE_TROUBLE NO FWIND_TIMER YES AUTO_WINDOW_TOP YES SCRN_COL2GREY YES PRN_COL2GREY YES BEZIER_QUALITY 60 PRN_BEZIER_QUALITY 100 PRN_GREY_RESOLUTION 2 PRINTER_IX 21 PRINTER_ZOOM 100 SIZE_PROP YES SIZE_TEXT NO CROSS YES COORDINATES YES BEZIER_TANGENTS YES SHOW_PRINTAREA YES KALIB_POINT 1.000000 KALIB_HEIGHT 0.790000 KALIB_ARBPT 1.000000 PIXEL_WIDTH 278 PIXEL_HEIGTH 278 COLOURS2SAVE 16 EPS_LINEPATTERN YES EPS_RESOLUTION 72 EPS_PATSIZE 64 BUSY_MESSAGES YES LITTLE_TOOLBOX NO CONFIRM_QUIT YES AUTO_SAVE NO USE_FLYBOXES NO USE_BEVENT YES FLYBOX_CENTER NO FLYBOX_POS 25 190 28 258 360 FLYBOX_POS 11 174 92 290 232 FLYBOX_POS 10 178 60 282 296 FLYBOX_POS -50 110 180 418 56 changes in Kandinsky since version 1.08 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" version 1.29 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - nonmodal dialogues can be handled in the background - improved handling of mouse buttons - faster bezier routines - switchable coordinate display, cross and bezier tangents - window positions, zoom stage and grid settings are now saved together with the drawing - tool box redraw error removed - support of the clipboard during editing text and vector text . . . . Version 1.56 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - bug during saving fixed - bug during translating or zooming objects fixed - switchable busy messages - full support of smart redraw under WINX 2.1, Mag!X 2.0, ... - bug fixed connected with displaying rotated speedo text - bug fixed in settings of line and shadow - optimized redraw when copying objects - export in Tektronix 4014 format (hello Wolfgang Wander :-) - speedo text now is changeable to polygons and filled polygons - menu bar is switched on when receiving a VA_START message - bug in window dialogues fixed - correct dpi values in the printer info dialogue - redraw error of buttons in the printer dialogue removed - the path for BGI fonts is only once asked for Version 1.57 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ display error in dialogue [ Settings >Window... ] removed SpeedoGDOS error message after starting Kandinsky now comes in an alert box error in drawing BGI fonts removed (no more little bullets between the chars) improved handling of popups (dragging enabled) little toolbox implemented (switchable) extended global grid settings background handling of windows possible without pressing the right mouse button under Mag!X, WINX and MultiTOS (switchable) confirmation of [ File >Quit ] now is switchable error in changing SpeedoGDOS text to beziers removed. Led to bombs when exporting to PostScript zooming now refers to the center of the window the chosen paper size [ File >Page Format...] now is sent to the printer after printing with `img-0300.sys', now a file selector appears, with which you can choose a destination file ...to be continued e  ddd9dldddd ddd'djdkd dddhd c~yAc 22ccPhcc/cpcUUDDUUDDUUDDUUDDccc c -cEU7&*kU.OQ^ j"Dt@C+@CMs"9<{o77+@>Qvk<b||cQcPcOcpcUU""UUUU""UUUU""UUUU""UUccc c #cok@,tMo='lV:g)Eztk<C/<HVtVV8|cQcPcocpcUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUccc c &c-i}x uRZtz[==)cQcV6@cs+KcqcQcPccpcwwݪwwݪwwݪwwݪccc c )cf<=jf0O/J?v(C7/X='ly "IS4(fyRllfcQcP cccpcwwݪwwݪwwݪwwݪccc Bs"cQc cP cc2c_cpcUU""UUUU""UUUU""UUUU""UUccc c "UM]c3ccpcݪݪݪݪccc c "#M]cQcP cc2c_cpcUU""UUUU""UUUU""UUUU""UUccc c SKVc3ccpcݪݪݪݪccc c SVcQcP cc2c_cpcUU""UUUU""UUUU""UUUU""UUccc c Cbc3ccpcݪݪݪݪccc c bcQcP cc2c_cpcUU""UUUU""UUUU""UUUU""UUccc c K^ec3ccpcݪݪݪݪccc c ^ecQcP cc2c_cpcUU""UUUU""UUUU""UUUU""UUccc c TgQc3ccpcݪݪݪݪccc c T5QcQcP cc2c_cpcUU""UUUU""UUUU""UUUU""UUccc c USc3ccpcݪݪݪݪccc c #ScQcP cc2c_cpcUU""UUUU""UUUU""UUUU""UUccc c ;~c3ccpcݪݪݪݪccc c  ~cQcP cc2c_cpcUU""UUUU""UUUU""UUUU""UUccc c /|ec3ccpcݪݪݪݪccc c |ecQcP cc2c_cpcUU""UUUU""UUUU""UUUU""UUccc c CZec3ccpcݪݪݪݪccc c ZecQcP cc2c_cpcUU""UUUU""UUUU""UUUU""UUccc c 7/^@c3ccpcݪݪݪݪccc c 7^@cQcP cc2c_cpcUU""UUUU""UUUU""UUUU""UUccc c |Sc3ccpcݪݪݪݪccc c |ScQcP cc2c_cpcUU""UUUU""UUUU""UUUU""UUccc c %|ec3ccpcݪݪݪݪccc c %|ecQcP cc2c_cpcUU""UUUU""UUUU""UUUU""UUccc c suc3ccpcݪݪݪݪccc c sucQcP cc2c_cpcUU""UUUU""UUUU""UUUU""UUccc c ^Qc3ccpcݪݪݪݪccc c ^QcQcP cc2c_cpcUU""UUUU""UUUU""UUUU""UUccc c d/wSc3ccpcݪݪݪݪccc c dwScQcP cc2c_cpcUU""UUUU""UUUU""UUUU""UUccc c kQc3ccpcݪݪݪݪccc c kQcQcP cc2c_cpcUU""UUUU""UUUU""UUUU""UUccc c 4gec3ccpcݪݪݪݪccc c 4gecQcP cc2c_cpcUU""UUUU""UUUU""UUUU""UUccc c tYc3ccpcݪݪݪݪccc c tYcQcP cc2c_cpcUU""UUUU""UUUU""UUUU""UUccc c 'Iec3ccpcݪݪݪݪccc c IecQcP cc2c_cpcUU""UUUU""UUUU""UUUU""UUccc c  Zmc3ccpcݪݪݪݪccc c ZmcQcP cc2c_cpcUU""UUUU""UUUU""UUUU""UUccc c A@uc3ccpcݪݪݪݪccc c A@ucQc `,E`,LArc's PFX 1.13P 1990 -soft, Markus Fritze g.h` /H*@"m mA$H -(H!!!!!!!!Sj JC pl QN , HD , p,m:<0r Q&N~*6<Q~d So:Q` H"CAD@CD@ArTApAQoQ`&-A& LA(HJkf&CH"grאg<fA``+D +E+F.ޅR؃+D؅+D+VC m Sj mJfA, "gr/r$&(*,."A$A&A(A*A,AH~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H`Sf"|`B QL gpNޭ9|-lz5-D#E:\PERHAPS.STR\KANDNSKY\KNDENGL.APP`?\8`` > PURE-C <& for ATARI-STVersion 1.0 (C)88-90 Borland Internat@al &H f&op`B@# 3 k # Ј<.@Jyg// ?<JNAO "@(I$k,+<=.\KP" PHR`@W4m(R …?By66#q`jhz0%2ApֈA-z4|3RV8JDj||/f \ ] V:( hJEjڍc눐[`Ё"?,02b ?4HB?0?0>5v ?W"@@ĕ/ApDAFy(L x *>0BŚRZ0VP0h\Sʤ2HA?0!ĕP͑z3ڜ)꒮V(DA(B(@>N^pʯܯ$.:BZV:0$ I0D 8^"ϐ0AYEv` 6HÇ8 0TÛBܺ * B溆0bTC k2C0HЀ $|"BE"Waҁ9/Reؐseژ.8BEFܖ8q24BINP 0 >1S $6>>RX!ABHHx->Pjr %*""".@܈@^Ѐ79sRF~CFnlQAA"N6 AA,FO|4Pb;|Q6X*xbDsB@4!L0LH Y0v0*2]@b@0;<_Z`,hpl~pu`KP:60)f␆3 ~hl 0AAA`p BMV0/ / 0(H$i4>?jBi/yB=2* 2`4R.'3Re?*`k()x/42*?pf( Qu/+("/. 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[OK ][3][ The file `%s'| isn't a GEM-Graphics and| therefore can't be loaded in| to Kandinsky.][:[Cancel][3][ There's no GDOS Driver for| saving the drawing.| Saving is not possible.][:[Cancel][3][ Couldn't open the file| `%s'.][:[Cancel][1][ Function| `%s'| isn't programmed at this time.][. [OK ][3][ As Kandinsky needs at least| one window, and there's no| more window available,| Kandinsky can't be started.][:[Cancel][3][ No coordinate system defined.| That's why this function can't| be executed][:[Cancel][1][ Not enough memory to load all| Elements of drawing| `%s'.][. [OK ][3][ In order to save a drawing,| you have to install GDOS.| You haven't done this, so| saving the drawing is not| possible.][:[Cancel][1][ Some elements of the loaded| drawing are bigger than the| paper and therefore may not be| visible. My suggestion: change| the size of the page.][. [OK ][2][ Really quit Kandinsky?][:[Cancel|.[OK][1][ Registration successful.| Enjoy Kandinsky!][. [OK ][3][ Error in registration!| Did you consider capitaliza-| tion?| Also superfluous blanks could| be a reason!][. [OK ] Kandinsky File Edit Object(s) Attributes Settings About Kandinsky... --------------------- Desk Accessory 1 Desk Accessory 2 Desk Accessory 3 Desk Accessory 4 Desk Accessory 5 Desk Accessory 6 New ^N Open... ^O Merge... ^D -------------------- Save ^S Save as... ^M Close ^U -------------------- Import... Export... -------------------- Page Format... P Print... ^P -------------------- Info... ^I -------------------- Quit ^Q Undo: not possible UNDO --------------------------- Cut ^X Copy ^C Paste ^V Delete BS --------------------------- Select All ^A Select Nothing ^H --------------------------- Clipboard Info... K --------------------------- Textinput... F5 Show Current Font... --------------------------- Window Cycle ^W Change to... U ------------------------ To Foreground ^F To Background ^B ------------------------ Group B Ungroup D ------------------------ Def. Align Area G Show Align Area H Align... I ------------------------ Equidistance Hor. W Equidistance Ver. E ------------------------ Mirror Hor. X Mirror Ver. Y ------------------------ Rotate... J Color... C Write Mode... Z ----------------------------- Line... L ----------------------------- Filling... F Shadow... S ----------------------------- Marker... M ----------------------------- Text... T Vector Text... V Text Alignment... A Kerning... ----------------------------- Point as Corner F6 Vertex Translates F7 Bzier Visible F8 Line Instead of Bzier F9 Program... O Grid... R Window... ------------------------- Screen... Printer... PostScript... ------------------------- Bzier Tangents F2 Show Coordinates F3 Use Cross F4 Show Print Area ------------------------- Size Proportional Size Text ------------------------- Show Whole Page F2 Previous View F3 Zoom Mode F4 Zoom Percentage... F5 ------------------------- Save settings F10 [Info[OK Over-Write Transparent Invert Erase Line Polyline Polygon+Fill Marker Box Box+Fill Rounded Box R-Box+Fill Circle Circle+Fill Ellipse Ellipse+Fill Arc Arc+Fill Ellipt. Arc E-Arc+Fill Bzier Bzier+Fill Text Vector Text 100% 25% 35% 50% 71% 100% 141% 200% 282% 400% 566% 800% PostScript... Tektronix 4014...Page FormatEnlargement/Reduction to:[Landscape[Cancel[Apply[OKSet Fill AttributesSet Shadow Attributes[PerimeterS[hadow[Cancel[Apply[OK None Monocolor Graytone Pattern Hatch Selfdefined GrayscaleSet Line Attributes[Cancel[Apply[OKSystem Defaults[XOR for Selection FramesXOR in [Design Mode[Maus Trouble?[Timerevent to Watch Windows?Show [Busy Messages[Little ToolboxConfirm Quit [Program[Settings Automatically Saved[Cancel[OKGrid Settings[Grid Active[Draw Grid[Cancel[Apply[OK[Points instead of linesText Alignment Horizontal [LeftC[enter[Right Vertical [Top Edge[Middle[Bottom Edge[Cancel[Apply[OKClipboard Informationc:\clipbrde:\clipbrdf:\clipbrddd65536 Dateien[OKAlign Object(s) Horizontal [LeftC[enter[RightO[utsideAlign [Horizontal[XOffs: Vertical [Top EdgeM[iddle[Bottom EdgeOutsi[deAlign [Vertical[YOffs:[Cancel[Apply[OKSelect Color[Cancel[Apply[OKSelect Marker Height & Type[Cancel[Apply[OKText Input[OKMemory Information Memory 10000000000 Bytes100.0%10000000000 Bytes100.0% File 'Ohne Name' 1000000000010000000000[OKLegal InformationKandinsky is Shareware. Kandinsky may & should befreely copied and tested. If you use it regularly,you have to pay a fee of 30DM, or 15 (Eurochequeprefered). If you don't follow this rule, you areworking with a pirate copy.Distribution by a commercial PD-distributor needsmy permission.Thank you![OKRotate Object(s)[Cancel[Apply[OKAngle:Kerning for SpeedoGDOS-Fonts Track-Kerning [0[1[2[3[Pair-Kerning[Cancel[Apply[OK12345678901234567890123456789012345[OKRegistration[Cancel[OKScreen Defaults[Cancel[OKColour to [GreyWindow Defaults[Dialogues in Windows?C[enter Windows?[Auto Raise Windows?[New Window after StartingDefault Zoom:[Grid Active on DefaultD[raw Grid on Default[Points instead of lines[Cancel[OK[Background EventsPostScript Defaults[Line Pattern for Thick Lines[Cancel[OKPrinter DefaultsColour to [Grey[Cancel[OK 92/93 Ulrich RogodererVersion 1.57, Oktober 17 1993It is SharewareShareware-Gebhr: 30.- DMDialogues programmed with MyDialsof Olaf Meisiekfr Uweuwe Polniakpolniak, Nr. 00004 White 0 Black 1 Red 2 Green 3 Blue 4 Cyan 5 Yellow 6 Magenta 7 Pale Gray 8 Dark Gray 9 Dark Red A Dark Green B Dark Blue C Dark Cyan D Dark Yellow E Dark Magen. F3767.0Width : ______ mmXXXXXX3262.7Height: ______ mmXXXXXX100___%999 selbst def. Color: 100___999 Pattern-326.54X-Dstnc: _______ mmXXXXXXX-326.54Y-Dstnc: _______ mmXXXXXXX-32.768Width: _______ mmXXXXXXX Pattern Start End-3276.8Active Width : _______ mmXXXXXXX-3276.8Active Height: _______ mmXXXXXXX-3276.8Draw Width : _______ mmXXXXXXX-3276.8Draw Height: _______ mmXXXXXXX360.0 Angle: _____XXXXXDirectoryContains+0000.0_______ mmXXXXXXX+0000.0_______ mmXXXXXXX Color -32.256Height: _______ mmXXXXXXX Type 1 2 3 4 5 6123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890____________________________________________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890____________________________________________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890____________________________________________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890____________________________________________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890____________________________________________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890____________________________________________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890____________________________________________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXUsed...that isFree...that isNumber of Objects...selectedUlrich RogodererBanking acount:H.-K.-Schmid-Str. 64Sparkasse FrstenfeldbruckD-82140 OlchingBLZ: 700 530 70GermanyKonto-Nr. 1926195Phone/Fax/Modem: +49 8142 41664Internet: rossgod@iwb.mw.tu-muenchen.deMausNet : Ulrich Rossgoderer @ M 10.0______XXXXXXInsert character in text with SHIFT+ClickFamily name@1111111111111111111____________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXFirst name@1111111111111111111____________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXKeycode@1111111111111111111____________________99999999999999999999@11Bzier Quality: ___%XXX@q1Colours to Save: ___999@11Pixel Width: ___ m999@11Pixel Height:___ m999@11111111111Point: ____________XXXXXXXXXXXX@11111111111Height: ____________XXXXXXXXXXXX@11111111111Arbpt: ____________XXXXXXXXXXXX 60___%XXX-3256.7Active Width : _______ mmXXXXXXX-3256.7Active Height: _______ mmXXXXXXX-3256.7Draw Width : _______ mmXXXXXXX-3256.7Draw Height: _______ mmXXXXXXX@11Half-Tone Width: ___ Pixel999@11aHalf-Tone Resolution: ____ DpI9999@11Bzier Quality: ___ %999@Grey Factor: _9` @}|~8``0p 8`00p!,`0X!`&`0L!#`0F ``#`0F |``!`0C ` `0A``0 p`0@0``0 p`00@``0 0``0@a`<|!~> ``&)    )&)   ! @@GDTDudtx|~|lFAAUUUAAAAUUUAAUUUAAUUUAA@ @ @ @p ppA@!@$!  $!@!@$H00$H   ??0@@0? $DADADADA!!!!!!!!!@A@A@A@A ????????8  @@??@@@@ < @<??UUA,   UUA ~?faffaggffffaffaggy$$$$GDDDylnFOOOOOOMHb~n`?1 *$D( 9?D AIMNOo ``UUUU` @0@@ ` t @?| |>DDD|$$?         ????????????       ???????0  @@@@@  0????pp88~ @@~? / P@@ /???|<~~ffff~f|~f~ffffff~f|BBBB"$$  ??0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ?? 0`` 0xxxx""""""""""""""""UUUU""""UUUUUUUU""""UUUUUUUU""""UUUUUUUU""""UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUݪwwwwݪwwwwݪwwwwݪwwww@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@""""AAAA""""AAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUU((((UUUUUUUU((((@@@@ @@@@ 00f`f`llll00f`f`llll@@@@llll>>>>llll>>>>AAAA""""AAAA""""ǻLLLL||||||||ǻLLLL|||||||| AAAA>>>> AAAA>>>>!!!!0000 !!!!0000 ǃǃ""""DDDD""""""""DDDD""""@@@@ @@@@  0000```` 0000```` ````````  ````````  @@ @@88pp88ppHH0000HHHH0000HHhhhhhhhhllllnnggggccccaa``hhhhhhhhllllnnggggccccaa``hhhhhhhhllllnnggggccccaa``hhhhhhhhllllnnggggccccaa``hhhhhhhhllllnnggggccccaa``hhhhhhhhllllnnggggccccaa``hhhhhhhhllllnnggggccccaa``hhhhhhhhllllnnggggccccaa``00f0f0f0p << 0<<0. Y`T.. F`BOLD CHR VUPKBGI Stroked Font V1.1 - Aug 15, 1988 Copyright (c) 1987,1988 Borland International BOLD+[ !(rBP &4xfzr0 pHft r  L   6 T n L R TD|4 6`t(  (!  $ "!!"& !!! ":#! ((!*&(((( "( %" ((&  " "~"   yThis document describes known bugs and errors which occur under certain circumstances. 1 SpeedoGDOS Error Messages ----------------------------- 1.1 Scratch Buffer ------------------ When the message `GDOS error: not enough memory for scratch buffer' appears at the start of Kandinsky, you can get around this by adding bitmap fonts for every driver of the file `assign.sys', provided that you have got bitmap fonts. This is not an error of Kandinsky, but of SpeedoGDOS. In SpeedoGDOS 4.2 this bug is fixed. Here's an example for the `assign.sys' which removes the error message (you need the font `atss12.fnt' for screen, metafile and laser): PATH = C:\GEMSYS 01p SCREEN.SYS ATSS12.FNT 02p SCREEN.SYS ATSS12.FNT 03p SCREEN.SYS ATSS12CG.FNT 04p SCREEN.SYS ATSS12.FNT 05p SCREEN.SYS ATSS12.FNT 06p SCREEN.SYS ATSS12.FNT 07p SCREEN.SYS ATSS12.FNT 08p SCREEN.SYS ATSS12.FNT 09p SCREEN.SYS ATSS12.FNT 10p SCREEN.SYS ATSS12.FNT 21 SLM.SYS ATSS12LS.FNT 31 META.SYS ATSS12MF.FNT 61 MEMORY.SYS Kandinsky, (c) Ulrich Rogoderer 1992/93 Kandinsky is shareware and costs 30.- DM #===================================================================# " Welcome to the world of Kandinsky " #===================================================================# This is a very short instruction for Kandinsky. Kandinsky is a vector drawing program, which supports all known GEM standards. This is done by supporting the clipboard, SpeedoGDOS, MultiTOS and the GEMINI-AV protocoll. Saving and printing with Kandinsky only will be possible, if you installed a GDOS (e.g. AMCGDOS, NVDI or SpeedoGDOS). Kandinsky supports VDI devices from number 11 to number 70. Kandinsky uses dialogues in windows, which makes users with MultiTOS, Geneva or Mag!X very happy. The dialogues can be operated in the background, too. Another feature: Kandinsky allows you to create text that consists of BGI fonts, the vector fonts from Borland. Working with Kandinsky is slightly different from the known click&drag standard. Kandinsky introduces the click-move-click standard. An example: to draw a line just click for defining the start point, then let your hand move the mouse without pushing the mouse button and you will see the end point of the line following your relaxed movement. If you have decided the end point to be quite perfect, just another click and there's a line in the window. Cool, ey? The big advantage of the click-move-click: the window can be sized, the view can be changed and all that stuff, during editing an object. More features of Kandinsky: - active support of MultiTOS by using window dialogues, the clipboard and (coming soon) drag & drop - undo is possible for almost all actions - export to PostScript (use Kandinsky together with GhostScript, and let those IBMs and Apples far behind you) - reads drawings from GEM/3-Artline (for those using more than the ATARI system) - all objects (even ellipses and rounded boxes) can be rotated in 0.1 degree steps - objects can be changed after creating them, e.g. text or the angle of arcs - powerfull alignment possibilties - import of value tables in the CSV (comma separated value) format with automatic generation of a coordinate system - and even more The following software and hardware is suggested for the use of Kandinsky: - GDOS, NVDI, AMCGDOS or SpeedoGDOS must be installed - use NVDI to get maximum speed - it should be possible to run Kandinsky with 512KB memory - Kandinsky runs on ST(E), Mega ST(E), TT and Falcon - Kandinsky runs with various graphic boards Kandinsky is shareware. You can test it for a certain time (six weeks should be enough). After this time you have to register. The fee is 30.- DM plus the costs for sending you the latest version. So you should send me at least 35.- DM, 15 Pounds or 25 US$. UK users can, if they prefer, register their copy of Kandinsky in the UK. Send a cheque or Postal Order for 15 Pounds to: Joe Connor, 65 Mill Road, Colchester, Essex, CO4 5LJ Who can also be contacted by Email: jconnor@cix.compulink.co.uk The latest English Version can be obtained from Joe Connor free of charge by sending a Stamped Addressed Envelope enclosing a formatted floppy disk. Here is my adress for postings, wishes and gifts: #------------------------------------------------------------------# | | | Kandinsky, a vector drawing program for all ATARI 680x0 | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | Uli Rogoderer | | H.-K.-Schmid-Str. 64 | | 82140 Olching | | Germany | | | | Tel.: +49 8142 41664 | | | | Internet: rossgod@iwb.mw.tu-muenchen.de | | Ulrich_Rossgoderer@m.maus.de | | binaries only to rossgod@iwb.mw.tu-muenchen.de | | | | banking account: | | BLZ: 700 530 70 (Sparkasse Frstenfeldbruck) | | Kt.Nr.: 1926195 | | | #------------------------------------------------------------------# Kandinsky, have-a-try-Version (c) Ulrich Rogoderer 1992/93 Kandinsky is shareware and costs 30.- DM. #===================================================================# " Welcome to the have-a-try-version of Kandinsky " #===================================================================# This version of Kandinsky allows you the following actions only, when you have registered: - rotating objects - export to PostScript - landscape printing - nice zooming (previous view, rubberbox zoom) How to register, see the file `kndinsky.eng' To get the above mentioned functions unlocked, you need a keycode, which you get by registering. Just enter your first name, your name and the keycode into the box, which appears at the start of Kandinsky. I you have got no key, just choose the [ Cancel ] button. The information about your registration is kept in the file `kndinsky.inf', so be carefull about it. And now have fun, Uli How to get a new version of Kandinsky ===================================== The latest version of Kandinsky is available on various ftp servers, e.g. ftp.e-technik.tu-muenchen.de. If you have no access to the internet, just send me a formatted floppy disk and a stamped envelope or some money. I'll send you then the next major version of Kandinsky. But don't forget: the money you send me should at least cover the costs for sending you the disk. If you don't follow this rule, you won't get any disk! I'm sorry about those hard words, just experience, you know. UK users can, if they prefer, register their copy of Kandinsky in the UK. Send a cheque or Postal Order for 15 Pounds to: Joe Connor, 65 Mill Road, Colchester, Essex, CO4 5LJ Who can also be contacted by Email: jconnor@cix.compulink.co.uk The latest English Version can be obtained from Joe Connor free of charge by sending a Stamped Addressed Envelope enclosing a formatted floppy disk. . f`c.. 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Or the ads on television where a car changes into a horse ? These are examples of an animation technique called Morphing. QUICKSTART ========== The basic idea behind morphing is that points on one image are moved to corresponding points on another image. This program loads 2 Degas format pictures and displays a mesh of points over each image. The points can moved about using the mouse. When the left mouse button is pressed, the nearest point to the mouse will be moved to the mouse position. The point can be dragged around as long as the button is held down. The corresponding point on the other image will be highlighted. Once the points have been arranged to your own personal tastes, press M to start the morphing process. Enter the number of frames - 20 will fit on one disk and give reasonably smooth effects. The program generates Degas format screens from FRAME001 to the number of frames entered. These can then be taken into an animation package (such as ANIMTOOL by Thrax), an art package or a slideshow for displaying. DETAILED GUIDE ============== The quickstart will produce morphs, but better results can be obtained using the other parts of the program. The functions of the keys are listed below. F1 - Displays both images on screen to allow you to match points when editing. F2 - Displays the first image as a full screen picture. This allows for fine postioning of the mesh points. F3 - Displays the second image for detailed editing. F4 - Increases the colour of the mesh. Changing the colour of the mesh will allow you to see it more clearly particularly if the mesh is the same colour as the image where you are editing. F5 - Decreases the colour of the mesh. M - Start the morphing process. Enter the number of frames to generate between the start and end images. W - Change the width of the mesh. A finer mesh will make a smoother animation, but it is more difficult to position the correspondence points unless the images are similar. WARNING - This will destroy the current mesh. S - Save the current mesh information. The meshes are saved as using the names of the images. I would recommend saving regularly particularly if you are working on a fine mesh in case you make a mess of it. L - Load saved meshes. This will load a new mesh for both screens. HELP - will show the above information. ESC - To quit from the program HINTS ON USE ============ The quality of the morph depends on the positioning of the mesh points. If a particular area of the images is not morphing very well, try moving the mesh points to different areas. Detailed areas should have more mesh points in them than less detailed areas. Avoid crossing mesh points. If you have a mesh 'square' at the same point on both images then you will only get a cross fade between them. It is better to move the points on one of the meshes as this will produce some movement which will help to conceal the cross fading. For best results use similar images drawn from the same view point. For example a girl's face and an old lady's face. The more frames you generate, the smoother the animation will be. A normal disk should be able to hold 20 frames + the start and end frames. For more detailed work you may find it better to keep flipping from screen 1 to screen 2 using F2 / F3 instead of displaying both images on screen simultaneously. It is possible to morph between 2 dissimilar images but this requires much more time and patience. One method of doing this is to do a crude morph of 3 or 4 frames using large mesh. Take the resulting images into an art package and tidy them up (using a large amount of artistic licence !). Use each of the intermediate images as the start and end frames in the morph and do a fine morph between each set. REGISTRATION ============ This program is shareware. You are free to copy this program, provided that the documentation accompanies it. If you enjoy using it you can register it by either sending some interesting pictures and their meshes, or by sending me 5 pounds ( or if you're feeling generous then send both !) I'd like to get together a collection of the best morphs to send to registered users. Registered users will also get version 2 sent to them when it is available. This will contain any bug fixes and any reasonable request for changes. Changes currently being considered include different methods of fading between the frames and colour morphing between different palettes. At the moment the palette is taken from the second image loaded. Please send any donations to Karl Manning 206 Foundry Lane Shirley Southampton Hants SO1 3JX ABOUT MORPH =========== This program was inspired by an article in Dr Dobb's Journal #202 July 1993 ( its an American progammer's magazine which my local newsagent has suddenly decided to stock.) That had a couple of articles on graphics in general and included a complete source listing of a morph algorithm as used by Industrial Light and Magic - one of the best computer animation companies. The listing was in 'C' and with a few "minor" changes (like adding in 2 subroutines they had missed out !) I got it to compile. I decided to write the mesh editor in assembler simply because I'm a lousy C programmer ! The editor worked fine, but I couldn't generate files in the format required by the C program. ( It uses some of the 'sloppiness' of C to load everything, and required that all mesh coords be floating point - why when a screen is by definition integer coords ?) I gave up trying to interface the two programs and instead converted ( a very laborious process ) the C listing into assembler. However when it came to debugging I failed because I couldn't understand what the algorithm was supposed to be doing. I mean what exactly is a CatMullRom spline ? ( No I don't really want to know ! ) In the end I wrote the morphing section from scratch and several debugging cycles later it worked. The source codes for this are available for a fee of 5 pounds - this includes the original C program as listed in the magazine, my attempt at writing it in assembler and the final version. I make no claims about the software as written other than it seems to work. That said, it seems to work ok for me ! Enjoy ! 1/2/94 Karl Manning, The Butter-Fingered Juggler `':*O.|- *m - ЭЭ// Bg?<JNA p a!pMa!3 ,A Fp 0Q0a!aHa#  3pNa!N`33333333!\3!^3 3 3 3 3 #d  <H@# pa y g>9  Gbg: GgN G;g G<g G=g( G>g G?g Gwgd G2mg Gsg G&lg`3# p4a 2 y ga pa /<-?<NN\?<?<LNA3# p4a>9 #  3pNa Gg~>9!O<9!N GPf~ |3!3!aaP`J>9RG3<9!<ƾFf43`(>9SG3 Gl>9!6PO<6P y!fy!43 Fa 3 F3 H3 Na,|~|>9<9 yf43!ľy!4o3!,|y!4O3` yf,|y!y!Ž!!:9OG |>9GPEpE r49vPjxB469vPjxC6C0XEQGQYEG |4rpPm r 6C4THQ A g^ AfYE`P AfQE`BG Ag8 AfYE`* AfQE`G Ag AfYE`QE=P=P36a yf,| y!g,|:96>6PO<6P y!fy!43 Fa3 F3 H3 Na`D33!a23!a&` 3a`3a` yfT y!f",|!0<<>9!4:9!4aaNu,|!D<9!4SF>9!4O:9!4aadNu yf,,|#!l,|!l|>9!\:9!\aa.Nu,|T#!l,|!l|>9!\:9!\a~aNu3pNa|,| yf y!f,|` yf,|>9<9SF8:6p6. yf&LMK y!fy!4y!4y!41y.1y01y21y41| 1|$1D&1n(1E*1vp,Do1D&1n(1C*1n,XNQ`3pNa~Nu2<09-iSABGy!NAXNu(|a,"|-$|-2< Q(|Ta/<-?<NN\"|$|юa"|T$|aNu*|,|.a T*|T,|(a D$|-t" \f\FRAME   .>9<9RF3@~>9!\!^3B>98SG3:|<N83F:<@F3D"|$|&|<9@2D4FBI6QH |."|"$|&|N LH |("|$|&|N L3"|"$|&|:<<9Byn ygDyQQ/N.Q`<9F>9GH$J |"|N02N L09hylH309hH33l3hH$K |"|02N L09hylr293:9hr2ylI(|64(|443C|f4<3r2!\҃p09yH(|84(|N44DJ3p09!\Єt4Jy8Lp09!\ЄRRyop09y3H3SEyllQQrNuH@3`3b3d3fy3X3Z3\3^3Zh3Xj3^x3\v3bp3`n3f|3dz3ft3dr09Z29^@of3^h3\j3fx3dv3Zp3Xn3b|3`z3bt3`r09h29b@of3bh3`j3Zx3Xv3fp3dn3^|3\z3^t3\r09h29f@of3fh3dj3^x3\v3bp3`n3Z|3Xz3Zt3Xr3Zl09Z29^@l 3^l09l29b@l 3bl09l29f@l 3fl29j49n69h89pN3~29j49v69h89xN309t29l@f*29n49r69p89tN3`&29r49n69t89pN309|29l@f*29v49z69x89|N3`&29z49v69|89xN309j29j49h69xBf29v69pBf09n46BC>9hyl|<N13SG<ylypmy~0@`$ytmy0@` y0@1yxmy2A`$y|my2A` y2A3Q~09h@3hNu3AgPCgJmCDy`D8AmADy`B40t4J0 yfNuD@NupNu#Z p6a`3  3  3  3  #Z 333 3 3 3 p*a#Z 3p2a09 |gb*<$|BBB$<"Eg$<0m<9n܁ f383<3>``#b p6aV3  3  3  3  33 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 p3a#b 333 3 3 3 p*a#b 3p2ap33 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 p3a`BG>9!9GO//?9-?<@NA ?9-?<>NAXNu |! <\f\*.MSH3(|a3(|a`#! #- pZa - y gt |! <\f"|!$|-42Q"|-2< Q?</<-4?<=NAP3-/</<?9-?<?NA 09H309!^3!H3! yga09@H/ /?9-?<?NA ?9-?<>NAX#  3pNa Nu,|"><?,Q,|"*|~ y-g y-f~`~O:<09-mSExrg y-g2g  y-gg g Qxrg  y-g2g  y-gg g QQV$|-t" .fWJat&|E2<|f0<0Q.PI09-@1?<NAT@?/<?<6NAP"|"! !"!"!}"mf?</<-4?<NAXNu# p6a 3  3  3  3  # 333 3 3 3 p*a# 3p2a`,|DB,|H$< 298y:6BAHAhNu82HA0 A0m A9n2HAJfNu?<NNT#!X?<NNT3-&|-&<?CH    !@ ____9999morphMorphMOrphMORphMORPhMORPHEnter number of frames : OK Cancel The Butter-Fingered JugglerF1 Show both frames F2 Show 1st frame F3 Show 2nd frame F4 Increase mesh colourF5 Decrease mesh colourM MORPH !! W Change mesh width S Save meshes L Load meshes ESC Quit from program Not enough space on diskPlease insert new disk 0001000       ю@@((A:\*.PI3 C2@ A'p222BQ"<'0<NB09 NupBy 03  4a\3 : ,NuBy 0By 4p`4pd3 , :`By 0By 4pe`pBy 0By 4`p`pwBy 03 4By Fa09 FNupx`3 03 40<`pBy 4`p`p `prC Fg2Rj3 43 0p`3 03 4pg`n3 0By 4pr`Zp`p3 03 4B JB NBy T`|3 0By 4p`h3 0By 4pB JBy P`J3 03 4p`63 03 4p`"3 0By 4p`p3 0By 43 8p `p `prC Jg2Rj3 43 0p `By 03 4p `jBy 03 4p`VBy 03 4p`BBy 03 4pq`.3 0By 4By Hp`By 03 4p`By 03 4pl`By 03 4p`3 0By 4By Fp`By 03 4p`3 0By 4By Fp `By 03 4pk`|By 03 4p `hBy 03 4p`TBy 03 4p`@By 03 4pj`,By 03 4p'`By 03 4p`By 03 4p`By 03 4p`By 03 4ph`By 0pp`3 03 4pm`3 03 4py`By 0By 4pn`~3 0By 4pi`jBy 0By 4pv`XBy 03 4pz`DBy 0By 4p{`2By 0By 4p|` By 0By 4p}`By 0By 4p~`By 0By 4p`By 0By 40<`By 03 4pf`By 03 4p`By 0By 4p#`By 0By 4p$`By 0By 4p%`xBy 0By 4p&`fprC Fg2Rj3 4By 0pt`@By 03 4pu`,By 03 40<`By 0By 40<`3 , :3 ."<(0<sNBNu   (  . F F F FI3ch cw cx cy f1f2f3f4f5 hzlpdmxmy okp4p6tp7fvtw18w2:x0Lx1Px2Tx3Xy0Ny1Ry2Vy3Zdi1di2dir(dr1tdr2esc exthpljhpm"hpsRhpw:hz4pl2pl3pl4pl5pp1pp3re1re2re3re4ret@rhsrm2ߪwp1 xl1bxl2fxr1jxr2nyh1ߜyl1dyl2hyr1lyr2pblitcompLdispdrlpexit~fillJflagߚfrokhelpbherehighhipthpf1hpf2hpf3hpf4hpf5 hpokimg1img2keyl xkeym -keys _keyw FloadHlow2low3next6null pl2a4pl2b&pl3aLpl3b>pl4adpl4bVpl5appl5bbplusquitsave~showedgemp edges2>edges3,filsel,frames,frdiagZglobalhandleheight!6hpdiagbhpjuggint_inintout:juggleldmeshvlessy1lowestmaplp1bmediummeshwp mkmeshNmoffst*negatePnumdefofflp1pixlp2pixlp3pixlp4pixlp5pixlpa&plane1!dplane2!Pplane3!xproglp~ptsout:remakereturn^savedgspace1 splitrtesty2 testy30totali6totalm4v_pall"v_rbox#warplp width1!\width2!Hwidth3!pLOW_VDI'paddr_inbuffer2!Dbuffer3!lclosestfrcancelgetframeXinitdataloadcomploadmeshmesh_sz2!meshside!nameloop`recoloursavemeshscr_addr!Xtitledefv_circle#Lv_clsvwk"Bv_ellarc#jv_ellpie#~v_hide_c&$v_opnvwk"4v_show_c&vex_butv&Hvex_curv&lvex_motv&Zvex_timv%vq_color&vq_extnd&vq_key_s&~vq_mouse&6vqt_name', , and CR/LF are recognized; all other characters are ignored. Each printer code must be separated by a space or comma delimiter. A maximum of 32 codes are allowed on each line. The first line contains the decimal codes for initializing your printer for graphics. These codes are sent to the printer only once at the start of a graphics dump. The second line is sent before every line of graphics and tells the printer how many columns of data are to follow. The third and final line is sent after the graphics dump is finished and restores the printer to normal operation. The following is a sample PSW file (this is the built-in EPSON default): 27 51 23 27 76 L H 27 50 The 1st line: "3" 23, tells the Epson to set the line spacing in 216ths of an inch increments, to 23/216 of an inch. You could substitute any line spacing command you like here. I found this setting worked very well in getting rid of the dreaded white lines. [Warning: some "Epson-compatibles" do not support this escape code. Consult your printer manual if you have problems.] Note that 24/216 or 8/72 is the more 'correct' setting to use here since the Epson's pin spacing is 1/72". The 2nd line: "L" L H, tells the Epson to print (L+256*H) columns of 960 dots per line graphics. You need not be concerned with the actual 'L'ow and 'H'igh values here, PicSwitch will substitute the correct values for L and H according to how long the actual line of picture data is. Just make sure you put the L and H in the correct place for your printer. Note you MUST use 960 dots per line density. The 3rd line: "2", tells the Epson to return to the original 1/6 of an inch line spacing. You could also use a 'reset' command here ( "@" for the Epson) if you wish. A form feed is sent at the end of each completed printer dump. If the printer is not available or a driver was not loaded, the console bell will sound. All printouts done with either [P]rint or [D]ump are printed in the ORIGINAL picture's resolution, not from screen memory. This allows mono pics to be printed with no loss of resolution. MacPaint/Paintworks pics cannot be printed in compressed mode unless you first save the file in compressed form, reload it, and then print it out. Remember, the [D]ump command is for screen dumps only, and only works if you have loaded a DEGAS printer driver at run-time. If the picture is a full-page MacPaint or Paintworks image, the section of the pic currently displayed is what gets printed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Again, many thanks to everyone who took the time to write us, especially those who have contributed. You will not be forgotten! Please consider the time it takes to develop and debug a utility such as this. If you haven't already contributed, please honor the shareware policy and send your contribution, however small, to the address below. As always, I can be reached on GEnie [JAKOB], CIS [70376,1235], and Delphi [JAKOB], or you can write me at the address below. If you have any comments or ideas, I'd like to hear from you! John Brochu Advanced Software 21 Northend Street Peabody, MA 01960 ========================================================================== `ylXP*O.|4*m - ЭЭм// ??<JNA NJ/<NA"/0<NBNuNVNs.///Nt 3f3@=|`0n@0Rn n m3T.L/<f/<@NvP3Ln3N4>Ny3Bn`*0n/?fNuNsBWNy>Ny=@0.|A>/<X/<NPNP3&3X>Nu&>NTBW/<?<=Ny\-@JmD .=@.p/<?.?<?NyP-@>?<>NyT#p`BBW/<?<=Ny\-@JmF .=@./<?.?<?NyP-@>?<>NyT |B`>/</<$NPNP>fNu./<d/<h/<b/<|Nt|>?9d?9h?9b?<Bg/<|Nt>Ny>NTBW?9fNwT`./<6/<NtP>NTJng.6NPJ@g.6a3m.x/<6/<NPP3./<8/<NiP>/</9/<xNG -@JmBB@3tH#3B@H-@3v3Bn`>0nBP0nvBP0nZ00nlBPRn nm09`JyfH 9T-@ n3 9X-@ 9м-@.4/.NjX 9м0-@ n0|g3 n0|@3 n0|3v 9м2-@ n0|@ n0|f,3ZJ.l.HD@3l` .H3l`FJ.lByZ.HD@3l`*J.f3ZByl`3Z.H3l 9м4-@ n3v` yn-y n3 9T-@ 9м"-@.4/.NjX09S@ygJ./<P/<NQP09|1R.?<NtdT=@ ng 9м}"-@`-y n0|3 9T-@ 9м"-@09Y@ygJ./<P/<NQP09|1R.?<NtdT=@ ng* yl=|`=|##4 >N_bSnf-yJg0 9Юc3Bn`*.0.@Hм//.NQPRnT nmBn`*.0.@Hмv//.NQPRnT nmBn`*.0.@HмZ//.NQPRnT nmBn`L.0.@Hмl//.NQP0<2nl2A2nl2RnT nm0<Hl3v>fNu./<8/.NiP>/</<L/9@?<?9/<8/94aBWBgBgaX=@`  9T-@ n3 y lB@`p y lBA`rA=@09_@2.Ayg nf./<P/<NQP nf./<P/<NQP`./<P/<NQP09|0R.?<NtdT=@ ng Z 9X-@ 9м-@ nf -|`-|}./9/9N.bPP-@ cD ng:./9D/.NXP>/./94/9DNY0 `&/</.NxP./94/.NiP>fNu./<8/.NiP>/</<L/9@ ngB@`p?W?9/<8/94a nf6 yf> ?<Bga 6X=@`>?<Bga X=@`BWBgBga X=@` ./94/9NCP3.?z/9/94NiPJym yl3-|`3-|.?9N/ T-@09X@=@B@=@=@=@=@=@p=@=@ nfB@=@=@=@=@ n9fRn0.noBn nf pn=@ n"f pn=@ n0f pn=@ nm0.T@nm 0.U@=@0.nf 0.nf0.nf 0.ng.?./<8/9NE 0.ng>/94/9NFP>fNu>/</<L/9@?<?9/<8/94aBn`$0n"|L>?.?<NyXRn nm=nBn` N2n"N4n1iRn nmBWBg?<a X=@ nafH`,3./94/9NZP./<8/<NiP>fNu>/</<L/9@?<h?9/<8/94a yf>?<Bga X=@`>h?<Bga X=@`x3.4/9N[4X./<8/<NiP>fNu>/</<L/9@?<?9/<8/94aBWBgBga ^X=@`By./94/9N[P./<8/<NiP>fNu>/</<L/9@?<?9/<8/94aBBWBgBgaX=@`^By./</<VNiP-yB@=@H-@`*0n"n0H"|B4nHAgRRn nmJf n(H=@./9 NWLXJnf"./9@/9NQP` ./9@/9NWP nf./9@NX\X`./9@NjX`JB=|`0n"n0HHѮRn nmJg./.NWLX.4NjB yf6.4/9NXX./</<NiP`b yf>.4/9NoX./</<NiP3`.4/9NoX>fNu./<8/<NiP>/</<L/9@?<?9/<8/94aBWBgBgaTX=@`-y nH|3 ynz.//9!NQP.//9#NQP 9R-@ 9м%-@0.Hйм%-@`&Wy3 9R-@ nH@|3 nH|3v nPJ.lByZ.HD@3l`*J.f3ZByl`3Z.H3l./<v/9VNQP.//9%NQP.//9'NQP 9Z-@ 9м)-@0.Hйм)-@ yf09R@y yg\09|ygJ./<P/<NQP09|1R.?<NtdT=@ ng. /<8/.NQP>/94/./.NpN >fNu>/</<L/9@?<?9/<8/94aBWBgBgaX=@``|b@0@J PN.?9N/ T>NTBW?9fNwT`.?<NyT>%Ny>%Ny>?<NyT>fNu>fNupBW?9fNwT.h?<INyT>Nu&>fNuNsN^NuNV n m no nf yn`$9og3n3&`3n ng nfBy`3 n f3FBy^`3F3^ByByByJn f 3` n f 3`3N^NuNV=|`(0.м @( g 0.[@"n2Rn n o=| `*0.м @( g0.|"n 2Rn no=|`*0.м @( g0.|"n2Rn noN^NuNVBnB..NPHЮ-@./]0.@Hм/NQP.]/./.N.bP-@JfRn0n"|J0fJf./<d/<h/<b/<Nt|>?9d?9h?9b?<Bg/<NtBW/<Nt2X|=@0.м @h >NT=|0.N^NuNVBnBn yf0. |p=@` 0. |8=@>Ny-@Jyf>?9aTRy` >Ny> NyJf.U/U/?9fNv .U/]/U/U/Q/UBgBgBBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBg?<?<?<?<#Nt8=@ n f .g|n0.|=@0.|=@Jn gJng=nB?<NtTBW?9fNwT`Z.U//U/U/Q/UBgBgBBgBgBgBgBg?<09R@@??.Bg?<Bg?<?<?<Nt8=@.f0.n=@=n0.HйlB`,0.Hй0no 0n#` 0.Hѹ0.H"9Ȱg 9=@>fNu yf*./<P/9Ny&Pй@/NjX`(./</9Ny&Pй@/NjXBW?9fNwT`>fNuBBgNtTBn`LJng2.U/U/?9fNv .f=|a`Jng0.|@=@ nbfBWNQ./<d/<h/<b/<Nt|>?9d?9h?9b?<Bg/<Nt` >Ny> NyJfNs>NQBn` nfBWNQ./<d/<h/<b/<|Nt|>?9d?9h?9b?<Bg/<|Nt` >Ny> NyJfNs>NQBn`R nfN/zBn`< n9ff ymZ ynN yg yfh=yV=|`0n808Rn nm38 yg./<L/<8NiP` yL` yfRy09|oByJyf./<8/<vNiP`J yf./<8/<NiP`$ yf./<8/<NiP yg./<L/<8NiP.L?<NyTBn` yg n.f yg yf.@NjBJytgt0n ./9@/94NkNP./<L/<NiP0. |8=@/</</9Ny&P/NxP#Byt`B?<NtTBW?9fNwT0n ./9@/94NlP>fNuBBgNtT./<L/<VNiP0. @H|8=@/< 9/NxP#0.H"9Ȱl 0n#3t.L?<NyT./</9Ny&Pй@/NjX` n fJgJytgZ/<6/<L/.?9Bg yN=@Jng(/<6/<L/.?9?< yN`v/</9Ny&Pй4-@/<6/<8/.?9Bg yN=@Jng(/<6/<8/.?9?< yN>?<?<NyXBn` nf BWNQ./<N-X yf -| ` yf -|`-|Jyf2/</.NxP./<8/9D/94aX `d yf2/</.NxP./<8/9D/94af `(/</.Ny&P./9D/94NiP./9DNc~X>NQBnJnf nagBnJng0.N^NuNV./.NPXHЮ//.N.bP-@>/</.NPNPJg:> /< .쐮м/NPP>/</.RNPNP.//Q/]/<FNt|>?.?.?.?<Bg/<FNtBW/<FNt2X|=@> NQ0.мF @h .NP=@fB@`z nfj>/./<NPNP noL .^-@`S n  g .d-n n|.>/.T/<NPNPpnN^NuNVBn0.Ю @0.Ю @ n2.00RnJ@fN^NuNV-|f-|L-|`>Ny-@.?<NyT>/./.?<Ny B?< NyT-@0. |"n n-P n g0. |"n.?< NyT .N^NuNV>Ny-@Jn g .NjB nl yf~ n0././<NiPJn g. n?/.a\Jnf0n./. /./.a `0n./. /./.a `R n0././. 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W GRAY-SCALE HISTOGRAMBRI:100CON:100VALUES BLACKER THAN BLACK:100%VALUES WHITER THAN WHITE:100%OKCancelPRINT IMAGESize:8.50"x11.50" Pages:999-pin24-pinLJII120x72120x144240x144finaldraftRENDERINGHalftoneportraitlandscapemanualauto-ejecttilingPrintcalibrateEjectLightening0SET SCALINGCancel01234567890123456789012345678901 Press UNDO to abort.RENAME FILE ___________Old name: ________.___FFFFFFFFFFF___________New name: ________.___FFFFFFFFFFFRenameCancelBriConSep|||999999999AdjustResetCancelDisplayDitherScalingLow16ColorHalftoneAutoSetFile: ______________________________Type: ______________________________Size: ______________________________SELECT IMAGE PIXEL ASPECT RATIOOK1:21:12:14:1SET IMAGE SCALINGBEST FIT2550100200400H%HOLD H:V1002550100200400100V%Device10000x10000100.0"x100.0"10000KImage 10000x10000100.0"x100.0"10000KFree:10000KOKCancelSET PREFERENCESAfter load:Reset slidersBuild displayShow displayOpen windowAuto-scaling:HorizonalVerticalBothIntegerPreciseShow display after AdjustCalibrate sliders on ResetShow progress dialogsSort palette:Dark  lightLight  darkShow zoom boxesUse Outburst!Save config on exitMemory size:1024____9999KUse all avail.SaveOKCancelWINDOW PREFERENCESClose boxTitle/move barFull boxInfo lineSize boxHorizontal sliderVertical sliderWindowDesktopOKCancel0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 SYS: STE TOS: 2.05 CPU: 68000 VID: ST High RES: 640x400x1 PAL: 2/4096 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 SYS: STE TOS: 2.05 CPU: 68000 VID: ST High RES: 640x400x1 PAL: 2/4096 [2][ Selected file is not a| recognized file type. The| file extender determines the | type of file. Refer to the| manual for valid file types.][ OK ][3][ | Selected file is not a | ComputerEyes image file. ][ OK ][3][ | Selected file is not | an IFF file.][ OK ][3][ | Selected file is not | a GEM IMG file.][ OK ][3][ | Selected file is not | a Prism Paint file. ][ OK ][3][ | Selected file is not | a GIF file. ][ OK ][3][ | Selected file is not a | Portfolio graphics file. ][ OK ][3][ | Selected file is not a | PC Paintbrush file. ][ OK ][1][ | File truncated. You may | view the image as is | or abort.][ View | Abort ][3][ Resource file 'PICSW.RSC' | not found or not enough | memory to load resource | file. File must be in the | same folder as the program. ][ Exit ][2][ | A file with that name | already exists.| Replace it?][ Yes | No ][2][ Printer is not responding. | Make sure the printer is | switched on, is on-line, | and is connected properly | before continuing.][ Retry | Cancel ][3][ Not enough memory available | to run this application. | Reboot with fewer ACCs, | auto PRGs, or remove or | use a smaller ramdisk.][ Exit ][3][ Not enough free memory to | load this image. Try| increasing memory size| in 'Preferences' or remove| some ACCs or auto PRGs.][ OK ][3][ Not enough free memory | to view this image as | specified. Try reducing | the size of the image by | changing the scaling.][ OK ][3][ Not enough free memory | to print this image as | specified. Try reducing | the size of the image by | changing the scaling.][ OK ][2][ Can't save configuration,| PRG file not found or disk | protected. PRG must be in | the drive it was originally | run from.][ Retry |Cancel][3][ Not enough free memory | to save this image as | specified. Try reducing | the size of the image by | changing the scaling.][ OK ][1][ Not enough memory available | to display this image | full-screen. You can view| it in a desktop window by| setting the window prefs.][ OK ]@@@@@@`00000000@HHHHHH H H@HH HHHHHH@HHHH HH HH`00000000``p8888888N8 DD DDDDDDD DDDDDDDDQD DDDDDDDDQDp88888888N80`p#1F a02x0 g#F`#F0`#B0C`0 0?x???~<??~~~??~|???~~?~?~xq|˘ qb"3$DI$ x?0!$HFFH H O-,"0H?$HO xpsx |x>pO"9H<DO D@xx>9pG08D30 Ey'ȑ KL M]^_mno          ) * + ; < = D E F N O Z ) ) )  )     , - . @ A B T U V h i j | } ~ ) ) ) ( )) * < = > P Q R d e f x y z  ZZ $ ) 0  : #P  D Y n prtvx z #" $A ^!{"$)%&' ())F# c*   &@@(,   " @(H@(d   ( (((() )()D)` )| % B* )) )) @ P@* @ P @*$@P@*@  @ P@*\@ P@*x@ P@*"@P@* !@!P@*#*!$@ +!+%( (&'@ 'P%@+ $)*@ *P(@+<5,2 /-.@ .P,@+X201@ 1P/@+t+34@ 4P2@+6!978@ 8P6@+:+! 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'"&#$1x%1 &1 !1 (,)A*1+2 ,2  '2<.2X/2t0'%*G'1  2 @ P@2   @  P@2  @  P @2 @ P @3 #3  @ P@38@ P@3T@ P@3p    @ P@3!"@ "P @3&$%@ %P#@3)'(@ (P&@3,*+@ +P)@35-. .4 ,/2 201@ 1P/@44 .34@ 4P2@4P 867@ 7P5@4l;9:@:P8@4><=@=P;@4E?B#@4 A4 B>CD@DPB@4 FG% @P@5 @P@50 @ P @5L @P @5h@P@5@P@5@P@5 @ P@5@ P@5  P % S $ ' '  ' '6     6, 6H6d   6 6 6 6 6  7   ' ' $  ' '  ' (7(    7D 7`7|    7 7 7 7 8  8$   ( ( 8@<0>XDEF IIL8PWZ\LJPWZ\Z\Q8WPZh\'  z   A  B     B$     B@ B\ Bx  B  B B B = " ! !C%#$ $"C % s " 9, 9: 9H 9VC<9d9r   CX Ct C9   9  " 9 9 9  9 9  9C  C C D 9   9  DJKTL\MODPQR,TTTVX\^b|cPicSwitch v1.0.1 Graphics File Viewer / Printer (c)1993 John Brochu for Advanced Software --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the long-awaited update to PicSwitch, the award-winning graphics utility from Advanced Software. This version actually bears no resemblance to its predecessor, being totally rewritten with a standard GEM interface with enhancements. Many new input formats have been added, as well as a new 'Adjustments' control panel, windowed displays, and much-enhanced printing support for Epson 9-pin, 24-pin and HP LaserJet compatibles. This will also, unfortunately, be the final update, since I have retired from the Atari platform and switched to the Mac. This version, originally intended as a commercial release, is a thank you to all the people who have paid their shareware fee for PicSwitch 0.7, and other shareware products released since 1985, including ProCalc and Deluxe SlideShow (you know who you are). For those who haven't yet paid, and find this version of use, you are asked to send a very modest $10. payment to the address at the end of this document. If I get enough payments, I may be tempted to come back! It is important to note that this version is more of a display and print utility, rather than a conversion utility. The ONLY output format supported in this release is IMG, and only in monochrome. But the display and printing support are very complete and robust. There are many types of dithering, for best output on monochrome displays, fully adjustable brightness, contrast, and scaling, and color optimization for excellent color rendition in any of the ST video modes. Support is also provided for the Crazy Dots video card in 256-color mode (highly recommended!). Although options exist for all the TT video modes, this has not been tested. Printing support is also excellent. Printers supported are Epson 9 and 24 pin printers and compatibles, and HP LaserJet compatibles. Many options are provided for dithering, scaling, resolution, and brightness enhancement. If you are using a LaserJet, you also have an option (called tiling) to print as many images as possible on a single page, for cataloging purposes. There is also support for Outburst!, a printer speedup utility by Frank Pawlowski, to dramatically speed up printouts for many printers. Following is a list of all formats supported by this release: NeoChrome [NEO] Degas [PI1-3] Degas Elite [PC1-3] Tiny [TNY, TN1-3] Art Director [ART] Spectrum 512 [SPC, SPU] Prism Paint [PNT] GEM IMG [IMG] Atari Image Manager [IM] Compuserve GIF [GIF] Compuserve RLE [RLE] PC Paintbrush (Monochrome, 16-color, 256-color) [PCX] Amiga IFF (1-5 planes, HAM) [IFF] MacPaint [MAC] Mac StartupScreen [MAS] Atari Portfolio Graphics File [PGF, PGC] Atari 8-bit Koala [KOA] Atari 8-bit MicroPainter [MPT] Atari 8-bit Graphics 8 [GR8] Atari 8-bit Graphics 9 [GR9] ABOUT THE INTERFACE ------------------- PicSwitch was designed from the ground up to be easy and intuitive to learn and use. Finding the GEM interface to be too restricting and in some ways outdated, I have written a library of interface enhancements, familiar to Mac users, to improve the user interface. You will find new radio buttons, checkboxes, popup menus, sliders, and other graphical elements, as well as internally an optimized memory manager. ABOUT MEMORY USAGE ------------------ To more effectively manage memory, PicSwitch uses custom memory-management routines using a system similar to the Macintosh's Memory Manager. The benefit is that memory is much more efficiently managed, and the user sees fewer "Not enough memory" messages. The amount of memory reserved by PicSwitch's memory manager when the program is run can be controlled from the SET PREFERENCES dialog. This retains compatibility with MultiTOS and other multi-tasking extensions to TOS. INTERNAL OPERATIONS ------------------- Internally, PicSwitch translates each image to its own bitmap and color-palette format. These formats were chosen to allow both maximum image and color resolution, and maximum processing speed. The bitmap format is packed-pixel format, with 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16 bits per pixel, while the color palette is stored as 8-bits per RGB color, 32-bits per palette color. All imaging routines are fully optimized and hand-coded in assembly for maximum possible speed. Color displays are calculated using a closest-match process that first determines the 'n' most-used colors in the image, where 'n' is the number of colors available in the selected display mode, then matches each image color to its closest available palette color. The number of colors to use can be limited, as can the fineness or granularity of the color palette, using the control panel. You can also choose to display color images as gray-scale images, with or without dithering. For monochrome displays, you have many dithering options available to achieve a high-quality display, true to the original image. ABOUT THE MENUS --------------- About PicSwitch... This brings up the title dialog box that provides copyright and version information, memory status, and system information. FILE MENU New (not implemented) Open... Brings up the file selector to select a file for viewing. Only one file can be viewed at a time. If an image is currently in memory, it will be replaced by the selected image. Only files that have a recognized file extender will be loaded (see the list above). Some file types are also verified to make sure they are of the correct type, where possible. In some cases this cannot be done, so be careful in naming your files, loading a file that has an incorrect extender may crash the system. Close Closes the top window, whether a tools or display window, and moves the next window down to the top. Closing the display window does NOT remove the image from memory, all it does is close the window. You can reopen the window at any time. Save / Save as... This allows you to save the currently displayed monochrome image as an IMG file. This is the only format supported at this time. If a color display is in use, this option is disabled (sorry!). This does allow you to import color images, render them in black & white, and export them for use in desktop publishing. Print... This brings up the PRINT IMAGE dialog box. From here you can select the printer type (9-pin / 24-pin / LJII), resolution (varies depending on the printer selected), draft / final print (available only for certain resolutions), rendering (dithering), scaling, lightening, and when / whether you want a page ejected. See 'The PRINT IMAGE Dialog' below. Quit Quit PicSwitch OPTIONS MENU Adjust Same as pressing the 'Adjust' button in the control panel. Histogram... Brings up the GRAY-SCALE HISTOGRAM dialog box, allowing you to examine the gray-scale content in the current image, and adjust the brightness and contrast controls indirectly by setting the low and high clipping thresholds. See 'The GRAY-SCALE HISTOGRAM Dialog' below. Image Aspect Ratio... Brings up the ASPECT RATIO dialog box, allowing you to change the default pixel aspect ratio for the current image. All images are initially set correctly if they contain valid pixel aspect ratio information. Some do not contain it at all, so you may have to set this manually if the image appears to be 'stretched' in either direction. You will then have to click on 'Adjust' to make the changes visible. Preferences... Brings up the SET PREFERENCES dialog box, allowing you to set up certain options pertaining to the operation of PicSwitch. See 'The SET PREFERENCES Dialog' below. WINDOWS MENU Adjustments Opens the ADJUSTMENTS control panel. If it is already open, it is brought to the top. See 'The ADJUSTMENTS Control Panel' below. Statistics Opens the STATISTICS window, showing the file name, type, and resolution and color information. If it is already open, it is brought to the top. Colors Opens the COLORS window, displaying the current color palette used in the display window. Unused colors are displayed as an outlined box. This option not available for monochrome images, or on non-color screens. Display Opens the display window. All standard GEM window controls are available, depending on the settings in WINDOW PREFERENCES. You can scroll around either with the scroll bars, or by pressing the left mouse button in the window, which changes the cursor to a flat hand, allowing you to drag the viewable image around. If the scroll bars or window move bar are turned off in window preferences, you can hold down the Alternate key on the keyboard to activate window move and size features. Click in the lower right corner and drag to resize, and anywhere else in the window to move the window around. At any time when an image is loaded and has been adjusted, you can press the right mouse button to flip to a full-screen display of the image in the selected resolution. As in the window, you can press the left mouse button and drag to scroll around the image. In ST low-res, you can press the space bar to display the color palette. Press the right mouse button to flip back to the main screen. See also 'The WINDOW PREFERENCES Dialog' below. Window Preferences... Brings up the WINDOW PREFERENCES dialog. See 'The WINDOW PREFERENCES Dialog' below. The PRINT IMAGE Dialog ---------------------- Printer type radio buttons 9-pin / 24-pin ... Epson compatibles LJII ............. HP LaserJet compatibles Resolution radio buttons For 9-pin setting: 120x72 / 120x216 / 240x216 dpi For 24-pin setting: 90x90 / 180x180 / 360x360 dpi For LJII setting: 75x75 / 150x150 / 300x300 dpi 'Final' / 'Draft' radio buttons Available only for 9-pin 120x216 and 240x216dpi and 24-pin 90x90dpi. 'Rendering' popup This presents the same popup menu available from the control panel, allowing you to select the dithering method for printing. 'Clustered' is the same method used by typesetters, and in Postscript printers for halftoning. This popup is disabled for monochrome images. 'Calibrate' checkbox If this option is checked, the program will use the default values for brightness and contrast, as displayed initially in the control panel sliders, and when the Reset button in the control panel is pressed. If this button is not checked, the current slider value will be used. This allows you to adjust the image to suit your tastes on-screen, then print it out as displayed. 'Lightening' slider This slider is useful for adding a bit of brightness to images while printing. It is especially useful for pin printers, where the relatively large dots tend to bleed together to produce a too-dark image on paper. Page eject options manual ....... no form feed sent auto-eject ... form feed sent after every print-out tiling ....... automatically place each image on the page, side-by-side and row-by-row, sending a form feed when the page is full (LJII only) 'SET SCALING' button Pressing this button brings up the standard scaling dialog, allowing you to scale the image to almost any size. See 'The SET IMAGE SCALING Dialog' below. 'Print' button Print the current image using the specified settings. 'Eject' button Send a form feed, and reset page offset to the top left (for tiling). If you hold down shift while pressing this, a form feed will not be sent, but the page offset will be reset. 'Cancel' button Do not print, cancel any changed settings. The ADJUSTMENTS Control Panel ----------------------------- 'Bri'ghtness slider Allows adjustments in image brightness. To make your changes visible, you must click on the 'Adjust' button to update the image. 'Con'trast slider Allows adjustments in image contrast. To make your changes visible, you must click on the 'Adjust' button to update the image. 'Sep'aration slider Allows control over how close in hue any two colors are allowed to be. A lower setting allows finer color gradation, but may not display minor, but important, color details. A higher setting increases color graininess, but allows for more varied colors. Use higher settings for displaying images with lots of colors on a display with fewer available colors (such as a 256-color GIF image on an ST low-res display). Generally, a setting of 10-15 works best for 256-color images in ST low-res. Use the palette display as a guide. Start with a low setting, and observe how similar the colors are in the palette. As you increase the setting, the colors will get more diverse, until finally, you will run out of colors in the palette (the upper colors will turn black). When you get to this point, youve gone too far, back off the setting a bit. This will give you the optimum setting for the Separation slider. NOTE: you can display the current color palette when in full-screen low-res mode by pressing the space bar, the palette will be displayed at the bottom of the screen super-imposed on the image. Press the space bar again to remove it. For windowed displays, use the colors window. 'Adjust' button Recalculates the displayed image using the current slider and scaling settings. 'Reset' button Resets slider settings to those that were calculated when the image was loaded, or to their mid-positions, depending on the preferences setting. See also 'The SET PREFERENCES Dialog' below. 'Cancel' button Restore slider settings to the last calculated image (as currently displayed). 'Display' popups These three popups allow you to control how you want your images displayed. The first popup lets you set the screen resolution for display. If you pick a resolution other than the current 'GEM' resolution, you will not be able to view the image in a window, but can view it by pressing the right mouse button to flip to the full-screen display (this option is available at all times). The second popup allows you to limit the number of colors or grays to display. The third popup allows you to select from a gray-scale or full-color display. All popups change dynamically as the display or other settings change. 'Dither' popup Allows you to set the dithering method for monochrome and gray-scale displays. For gray-scale displays, the options available are ON and OFF (ON uses dispersed-dot dither). The following options are available for monochrome displays... None ... threshold display, black/white threshold set by brightness slider. Clustered ... pattern dither, using groups of clustered dots of fixed position but varying size. Similar to the method used in Postscript printers and most typesetters. Affected by brightness and contrast controls, as are all the following methods. Dispersed ... classic dithering method using an 8x8 dither matrix producing 65 levels of gray. The remaining methods are variations of the error-diffusion algorithm, named for the originators. Error-diffusion is a method that attempts to display each pixel with the closest available color (in this case black or white), and distributes the error to each of the surrounding pixels. The visible differences between them are subtle, but noticeable. The error distribution is shown in brackets. Floyd ... (Floyd-Steinberg) Generally the most popular, because of its simplicity, but not necessarily the best. [2-line, 4-element] Jarvis ... (Jarvis-Judice-Ninke) Sharper, more well-defined output, some dot clustering for light and dark shades. [3-line, 12-element] Stucki ... Variation of Jarvis, sharp, clean output, considered by many to be the best algorithm. [3-line, 12-element] Burkes ... Simplification of Stucki for faster results. [2-line, 7-element] Sierra3 ... Sierra 3-line, generally better output than Floyd-Steinberg. [3-line, 10-element] Sierra2 ... Sierra 2-line, a simplification of the Sierra 3-line. [2-line, 7-element] Sierra1 ... A very simple 2-line algorithm. [2-line, 3-element] 'Scaling' popup and 'Set' button The popup allows you to set scaling Off, On, or Automatic. The latter setting will scale images automatically to fit the screen. You can control how this scaling is done in the Preferences dialog, under AUTO SCALING. The 'Set' button brings up the SET IMAGE SCALING dialog, which lets you control image scaling very precisely. See 'The SET IMAGE SCALING Dialog' and 'The SET PREFERENCES Dialog' below. The SET IMAGE SCALING Dialog ---------------------------- This dialog lets you adjust the image scaling using a graphical display showing the relationship between the scaled image and the current display, window, or page. If a display window is opened, the 'device' rectangle shows the size of the window; if the dialog was called from the PRINT IMAGE dialog, the device rectangle is that of the selected printer's page; otherwise it is of the current screen resolution. The 'BEST FIT' button fits the device page as closely as possible. The 'HOLD H:V' button, when selected, disables the vertical slider, and scales the image the same amount both horizontally and vertically. To change the scaling, you can either click one of the percentage buttons, or drag the slider(s). The arrow buttons fill the device page selectively in the indicated directions. The resulting image dimensions and approximate memory requirements are shown below the device rectangles, and available memory is indicated at the bottom of the dialog. The SET PREFERENCES Dialog -------------------------- This dialog allows you to customize PicSwitch for many of its operations. After load: Reset sliders ... If this option is selected, the sliders will be calibrated automatically when an image is loaded. Build display ... Automatically adjust the image when a new image is loaded. Show display ... Flip to the full-screen mode when an image is loaded. Open window ... Open a display window when an image is loaded. Show display after adjust ... If this option is selected, the screen will automatically be flipped to the full-screen mode (the same as pressing the right mouse button) whenever the image is adjusted. Calibrate sliders on Reset ... If this option is selected, pressing the Reset button in the control panel will reset the sliders to their calibrated values (as calculated when the image was loaded). If not selected, the sliders will be set to their midpoints. Holding down the shift key while clicking reset reverses this option. Show progress dialogs ... Enables / disables the progress bargraph dialogs used to indicate a functions progress. Show zoom boxes ... Enables / disables the zoom boxes for all dialog / window openings and closings. Use Outburst! ... This enables or disables the use of Outburst!, a printer speedup utility from Frank Pawlowski. If this is selected, Outburst!'s block printing routines are used, if not the standard Bconout() system calls are used. Note there will still be a speedup if Outburst! is installed, since it intercepts the Bconout() calls, but maximum speedup is achieved with this button selected. Save preferences on exit ... If this option is selected, all preferences, including window locations, will be saved automatically when the program is quit. These preferences are saved directly into the program itself on disk. 'Auto-scaling' radio buttons ... These take effect when Scaling is set to 'AUTO' in the control panel. Horizontal fills the screen with the image horizontally only, keeping the aspect ratio the same. The vertical size may extend beyond the screen. Vertical scales the image such that it fits the screen vertically only. Both scales the image such that the entire image fits within the screen. Integer and Precise control whether the image will be scaled in integer proportions (2x, 3x, 4x), or to precisely fit the screen. 'Sort palette' radio buttons ... This allows either a dark or light border for the images, with the colors sorted from dark to light or light to dark. The 'Memory size' box at the bottom of the dialog lets you limit the amount of memory PicSwitch reserves for itself when it starts up. You should leave the 'Use all available' box checked unless you are using MultiTOS. The 'Save' button at the bottom left of the dialog saves all current program preferences and parameters, including window status and positions, to the PicSwitch program itself. If the program cannot be found, you are asked to locate it. You can only save preferences to an unlocked, uncompressed copy of PicSwitch on an unprotected disk. The GRAY-SCALE HISTOGRAM Dialog ------------------------------- This dialog allows you to adjust the brightness and contrast sliders more precisely, using a histogram display showing the relative number of pixels of each gray level. You can change the relative scaling of the histogram bars by moving the slider to the right of the histogram. The histogram is displayed from darker to lighter grays from left to right. The two small arrows below the histogram show the limits of the currently displayed image. All pixels in the original image darker than the left-most arrow are displayed as black, and all pixels in the original image lighter than the right-most arrow are displayed as white. You can click on and drag each of the arrows to see the effect on the brightness and contrast sliders. If you click on OK, the actual brightness and contrast sliders will be updated with the new values, and you can then click on the Adjust button to see the effects of the changes. The percentages below the histogram indicate the percentage of pixels below the left arrow ('blacker than black'), and above the right arrow ('whiter than white'). The sliders are initially calibrated when an image is loaded so that 2% of the pixels are blacker than black, and 2% whiter than white. The WINDOW PREFERENCES Dialog ----------------------------- This dialog allows you to customize the display window to include as many (or as few) window controls as you desire. You can even have a plain window frame with no controls at all, or a full-screen 'desktop' window, with or without controls. The End ------- That's about it, feel free to play around with the controls and get a feel for what looks best for which types of images. You can produce some very high quality results even with the limited display ability of the ST/STE. If you have a Crazy Dots card, you're home free, have fun! Printouts, especially with a laser, are particularly impressive. Free Trial ---------- You are allowed to try PicSwitch for free for 15 days. If you intend to keep it after the trial period, you are required to send a $10. payment to: John Brochu c/o Advanced Software PO Box 645 Beverly, MA 01915 Please send U.S. funds only, check or money order payable to John Brochu. For comments, and general questions, whether you like PicSwitch, or you hate it, I can be reached on the following on-line services: GEnie: JAKOB Compuserve: 70376,1235 Delphi: JAKOB `5FKJ$f(By5O} /9y?<HNA\OJg.@y`6 - ЭЭйy"ҍ¼.A// Bg?<JNA #3 y3/(,HhN8P/92/9,?9:NT?<N NVN`#3 3f$Hy_(?<N\NBgNvT`(J3f ?<?< NXNBgNvT/9/93NPNnAx#H098g y8f0<`0<3V`3V y8f0<`0<33 y8f0<`0<30<698`3?3?0983Zh3ZfN2HyFHy:Hy'$m ?<&NT333By`ZN}VVgN HyNXN}#VV?<NT09 |gr092`F?9:?98NX?<?99/95NP`8Hy2NgX`&`"| |c0<@ |`"|N09 |gj09&|g& yHJgNe`Nq?<NTf`8C" OpNN~X-@JgHy/.N:P09 |g?9(?9*NXBgNTJyU:g09U>g BgNv~TN|Bg/95N\HnHn/9:?9NOHn/9B?9NpO NļNN^NuNuNV?.<. 8| Dam Dzn0< @:|E Df?<?<N X` Df?<?<N X` Df?<?<N X`j Df?<?<N X`P Df?<?<N X`6 Df?<?<N X`0|g Ef?<!?<N X`0|g Ef?<"?<N X`0|g E#f?<?<N X`0|g Ef?<$?<N X`0|g Ef?<%?<N X`r0|g E f?<'?<N X`R0|g E.f?<&?<N X`20|g Ef?<)?<N X` EDf ?<NJlTLN^NuNV0. 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