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This product is sold subject to the company's Sandard Terms and Conditions of Sale. No part of this program may be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of Digita International Limited. No liability shall attach to the authors, or Digita International Limited, or any associated companies for loss or damage of any nature suffered as a result of reliance on any of the contents of this program or any errors or omissions in its contents. 1991 Digita International Limited .RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.[1][ You must enter an Account | Code! ][ OK ] [1][ Account code already | in use! ][ OK ] [1][ Sorry, no more icons | available! ][ OK ] [1][ You must enter a VAT | code! ][ OK ] [1][ VAT code already in use! ][ OK ] [1][ You must enter a Type | name! ][ OK ] [1][ Type name already in use! ][ OK ] [1][ VAT code has not been | defined ! ][ OK ] [1][ You must enter a Marker | code! ][ OK ] [1][ Marker code already | in use! ][ OK ] [1][ Type has not been defined! ][ OK ] [1][ You must specify a frequency | for the transaction! ][ OK ] [1][ You must specify an Account to | transfer from or to! ][ OK ] [1][ You can only use 'From' and 'To' when | using Type TRAN! ][ OK ] [1][ Account code for | transferring from | does not exist! ][ OK ] [1][ Account code for | transferring to does | not exist! ][ OK ] [1][ You may only enter a debit |amount when transferring between | Accounts! ][ OK ] [1][ You may only enter a debit amount | when posting from an Account! ][ OK ] [1][ You may only enter a credit amount | when posting to an Account! ][ OK ] [1][ You must enter a type! ][ OK ] [1][ Start date is invalid! ][ OK ] [1][ End date is invalid! ][ OK ] [1][ Start date must be before the | end date! ][ OK ] [1][ You must enter a figure in the debit | field when posting from an Account! ][ OK ] [1][ You must enter a figure in the credit | field when posting to an Account! ][ OK ] [2][ This will remove the | file currently in memory! ][ OK | Cancel ] [3][ Error, | invalid filename! ][ OK ] [3][ Warning file does not exist! ][ OK ] [3][ Warning file already exists do | you want to overwrite?][ Proceed | Cancel ] [1][ Marker does not exist! ][ OK ] [1][ Account code you are | transferring from must be | different to the one | you are transferring to! ][ OK ] [1][ You must enter a 'From' and 'To' | Account code when transferring | between Accounts !][ OK ] [1][ You cannot enter a credit and | a debit amount !][ OK ] [1][ You must en. }c1.. }c1GFAFRACT d}1MIG29II l}1%MOUNTAIN }1LSYSTEM }1X. }e1.. }e1FRACTA BAS {" 'FRACTA DOC n) GfABASIC |"$%j%j%j%|%%%%&X&X&\&\XBVALUEQPFISCTIMETARGETADUMMYJULIA MAX_WIDTH MAX_HEIGHTREZCOLNUMJ XREAL_MIN YREAL_MIN XREAL_MAX YREAL_MAXDIFFKLRXDELTYDELTNYNXX0Y0XKYKRKMELSEMAXITERMAXITPRESSPREVIEWPMINPMAXQMINQMAXPDELTQDELTNQNPP0Q0FRACTALVARVARDIFFPTBELOWLENSIZENUMIT PREAL_MINP_MINTZATAUTOSAVETRUEFALSEDRIVENUMB_LENGTH MAX_LENGTHB_WIDTHB_HEIGHTBXBYBKANSCHOICEZOOMFOLDXOLDY BXREAL_MIN BYREAL_MINBPMINBQMINCORNER_XCORNER_YOLD_XMINOLD_YMIN WIND1_CLOSEDDRIWINDOW1_CLOSEDSAVNUMTITLEMESS1MESS2MESSAVSCREEN1VARNUMCHECKFILENAMEDRIVEDRIVE1WHATFILNAMEFILETYPEDEFAULTTMPFILENEWFILEOLDDR ZOOM_FACTORSCRN1FNAMEF_NAME FILENAME2PART1PART2MEUNREALS IMAGINARYSAMENUVSCRREADITINFOCOSINEFILLRECT1RECT2LISAJULIAMANDELZOOMSAVELOAD NEW_WINDOW GET_VALUESPARMS JULIA_VALUES MANDEL_VALUESPREVIEW SET_JULIA SET_MANDELSET_FULL SET_PREVIEW DRAW_JULIA DRAW_MANDELHELPDEFAULTS DRAW_FRACTAL SET_PARMS SET_CHECKS JULIA_PARMS MANDEL_PARMS PARM_ALERT VARIABLE_DIFF MANDEL_PARM CHECK_VALUE NEW_VALUE SET_AUTOSAVEAUTOSAVE SET_COLORS GET_UNDERWREPLACE_UNDERW SET_FILE_RES DELETE_FILE RENAME_FILE SAVE_ERROR SAVE_DATALOAD_DAT LOAD_DATA NAME_FILEAME EABCDEFGHIJKLMNOFE +-.1234567890F*zz F*zz F*pp F E Desk Fi E About Fractals F E-------------------F E1F E2F  E3F@ E4F` E5F E6F EF-  E Options F0 E Julia F@ E Mandel FP E ----------F.` E Zoom Fp E ----------F E Draw F E Parms F E DefaultsF E ----------F  E Quit F( EFu0 E Files F8 E Load F@ E Save FH E Help FP E Delete FX E Rename F` E AutoSave Fh EFup EFuYF FF,FvLFFL,FFfFE+FF" "  About Fractals F6)!% FRACTALS | in |GFA BASIC !!OK!FD)!2 BY |Kevin Thomas | Austin| Texas !!OK!F F F  Julia F,F F j  Mandel F,F F   Zoom F,F F   Draw FYFF,F F   Parms F,F F    DefaultsF,F )!Defaults Reset!!ok! 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[1][ Specify an Account code to | budget on or '**' for all | Accounts! ][ OK ] [1][ Account code does not exist! ][ OK ] [1][ End month must be | after start month | in your financial year! ][ OK ] [1][ You must set up more than one | Account before you can make | a transfer!][ OK ] [1][ You must enter a value in | the debit column ! ][ OK ] [3][ Fatal error!!!! | | out of memory!!!!][ OK ] [1][ Unable to find help file!!!! ][ OK ] [2][ Confirm to delete account? ][ Proceed | Cancel ] [1][ Date is invalid! ][ OK ] [1][ Date entered is not | within the defined | financial year! ][ OK ] [1][ Fatal error insufficient | memory to open system!!! ] [ OK ] [1][ Fatal error out of memory | do you want to save your | information? ][ Proceed | Cancel ] [1][ Fatal error out of memory ][ OK ] Loading file template..... | | Please wait!!! [1][ %s | Account below | minimum balance! ][ OK ] [1][ %s | Account above | maximum balance! ][ OK ] [1][It is not possible to use |Type TRAN when splitting a |transaction! ][ OK ] [1][You must enter a figure |in the amount box! ][ OK ] [1][ File you have selected | is not a Home Accounts2 | file!][ OK ] [1][ Unable to open printer drivers file | insert your program disk!!! ][ Retry | Cancel ] [1][ Type you are | attempting to recover | already exists! ][ OK ] [1][ Marker you are | attempting to recover | already exists! ][ OK ] [1][ VAT code you are | attempting to recover | already exists! ][ OK ] [1][ Code of the account you | are attempting to recover | already exists! ][ OK ] [1][ Unable to open DISCLAIM.LNG | file! ][ OK ] [1][ You must enter valid information | in the name and organization | boxes! ][ OK ] [3][ File you are trying to convert | is not a Home Accounts file! ][ OK ] [3][ Out of memory unable | to load Account! ][ OK ] [1][ No more Accounts available! ][ OK ] Personalizing Home Accounts2... | | Please wait!!! [1][ Unable to Open preferences file ! ][ OK ] [1][ Print spooler is still active | quit anyway? ][ OK | Cancel ] [1][ Unable to open help file | insert your program disk!!! ][ Retry | Cancel ] [1][ Can't set up Regular transactions | until Types and Accounts have | been set up! ][ OK ] [1][ Can't set up a Budget until | Types and Accounts have | been set up! ][ OK ] [1][ Can't enter Manual transactions | until Types have been set up! ][ OK ] Creating new file... | | Please wait!!! [1][ Unable to find file ensure | correct data disk is in drive! ][ Retry | Cancel ] [1][ Unable to open icon file | %s! ][ OK ] [1][ Insert Home Accounts2 | disk into drive! ][ OK | Cancel ] C.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.p??80????p ? ?? ?? ?? ??@?@?@?@= 0`<?+E@F,E@@FEF%E F.FE+F)! 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EfrA F0 F F.F+F>)!-Basic ideas are from|'The Beauty of Fractals'!!ok! FH)!6Also B. Mandelbrot's|'The Fractal Geometry| of Nature'!!ok! F .)!For more info,|see Help File!!ok! Ft.F!+)F EF.fa:\*.*!! FnF vZ F ` FjA F F  vZ F:F.F+*FZ EF.fa:\*.*!Oldname!FFE NZFd 8 Fdfa:\*.*!Newname!F 4F@lF!6 ! E.datF!6 ! E.datF@lF F F NZ FF.F+/F \EF ~ FF EJULIAF FUEMANDELF  FEFE \F EA\ F F E0A\ F FE E.frA Fn Z F \E\FF.F~2X.0ZN^J>x XRNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.FRACTALS IN GFA BASIC Written by Kevin Thomas So, another fractal program. This one is my first program written in GFA Basic. After previous attempts in Pascal, this one was much easier (nothing against Pascal, I just have a Basic sort of brain). This program has the features I wanted in a Fractal program - Manual parameter setting, Zoom, Julia and Mandelbrot curves, Autosave, etc. Basic Menu Functions: Julia - Chooses a Julia curve fractal Mandel - Chooses a Mandelbrot curve fractal Zoom - Zooms in a specific area. This function allows a variable zoom of any section of the drawing. It is only available after a fractal has been drawn or loaded. Center the crosshairs on the desired area. Draw - Draws the fractal to the desired parameters Parms - Manual entry of fractal parameters Defaults - Resets parameters to defaults Load - Loads a fractal drawing and associated parameters Save - Save a fractal drawing and associated parameters Help - A little bit of help Delete - deletes a file Rename - Renames a fractal drawing and associated parameter file Autosave - Saves fractal after drawing A few words about the files produced. When a fractal drawing is saved, two files are saved. The first is the actual screen, the second is the parameters used to produce the screen. The files are named for the type of fractal,i.e. Mandel or Julia, with an extender indicating the resolution, or if it is a data file. For example, a file might be named MANDEL01.FR0, the 0 on the end indicating low resolution. There would also be an associated MANDEL01.DAT for the data file. The basic information used for developing this program came from the book 'The Beauty of Fractals', by H.-O. Peitgen and P. H. Richter. This book is published by Springer-Verlag, ISBN 0-387- 15851-0, and well worth getting just for the lovely pictures. Also of help was the classic 'The Fractal Nature of Geometry' by Benoit B. Mandelbrot. This book is published by W. H. Freeman and Company, ISBN 0-7167-1186-9. Both books are highly recommended. For more information, or any suggestions or programming improvements, you can write me at: Kevin Thomas 9509 Oriole Dr. Austin, TX 78753 RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.lculate Total Start month End month Start value Inc/dec value Add value Subtract value Divide over months ( ) / * - = . 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + AC C I L Exit Next Prev Topics Accounts Include reconciled transactions Include unreconciled transactions All Types Include blank entries Include unreconciled transactions in balance Date format DD/MM/YYYY MM/DD/YYYY Last entered Type Reference Amount System date Path Filename Info Header Footer Body Left justified Centred Right justified Pitch 10 Pitch 12 Pitch 17 Underline Bold Italic Double width Condensed Next Previous Delete Insert Text Show Notepad Page width Style Total disk space Bytes used Bytes remaining Replace once Confirm replace Replace all Cheque number Start date End date Target balance Number of transactions Show Account warnings on unreconciled balance Reconcile Unreconcile Confirm each one Type Reference Amount VAT Total entered Colours TRASHCAN PRINTER TYPES INVESTMENT MARKERS REGULAR BUDGET VAT CODES Format drive A B Single sided Double sided Formatting track Format Cancel F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 Control Alternate Header Screen saver (minutes) Backup files Playtime file Default path Opening balance Periods Interest rate % Payment Calculated balance Calc Next Prev Parent Assets Liabilities Include reconciled & unreconciled transactions Include reconciled transactions only Include unreconciled transactions only Include debits & credits Include debits only Include credits only Name Organization License number Type VAT code Save Open Use Edit I/E Single sheets Printer type Dot matrix Daisy wheel Colour B/W Colour Pixels/line 1280 960 Printer port Parallel Serial Paper type Single sheets Continuous Reset all Select all CALCULATOR HELP Show desktop buttons Desk File Edit Set up Trans Options Reports System About Home Accounts2... New... N Open... O Save S Save as... V Delete... Open comparatives... Clear comparatives Quit Q Add... A Amend... M Delete D Sort... T Find... F Find again G Find and replace... R Add Account... Amend Account... Delete Account Transaction Types Transaction Markers Regular transactions Budget Investments VAT Code Window headers... Function keys... Password... Set defaults... Add or amend... Reconcile... Auto balance... Auto balance again Preferences... P Arrange windows... Clean up desktop Empty Trashcan Types... Markers... Budget... Regular transactions... VAT codes... Account summary... Account statement... Income and expenditure... Budget progress... VAT... Portfolio... Net worth... Help... Calculator C Interest calculator I Format a disk... Set date and time... 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For further information, look in your Home Accounts2 book. Getting help: 1. Press Help key. 2. Click the Help button. For 'interactive help,' press Shift-Help and choose the command you want help with. Digita product support DIGITA PRODUCT SUPPORT [216] To contact Digita Product Support in the UK, call: 0395 270273. If you are outside the UK, contact your local Digita representative. Please have ready the following: 1. Product license number. 2. Home Accounts2 book. 3. Version number of Home Accounts2. 4. Description of your hardware configuration. About Home Accounts2 ABOUT HOME ACCOUNTS2 [123] This illustrates the version of Home Accounts2 that you are using, and shows the amount of available memory. Account Types ACCOUNT TYPES [135] An Account can be one of four kinds: Cash, cheque, savings or credit card. 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Adding an Account ADDING AN ACCOUNT [134] Choose "Add account" from the "Set up" menu. The dialog box shows the following Account headings: Name. Number. Code : Two character reference code. "Opening balance" "Warning limit min": Allows a minimum Account balance to be set; If the balance exceeds this amount (and the associated check box is selected), a warning will be given. "Warning limit max": Allows a maximum Account balance to be set; If the balance exceeds this amount (and the associated check box is selected), a warning will be given. Type : Cash, cheque, savings or credit card. "Icon title" : The title for the icon. This will only be shown if the associated check box is selected. "Chq number" : Current cheque number for the Account (if applicable). Adding an item ADDING AN ITEM [130] There are several methods depending on the current window: Press Insert or Alternate-A. Choose Add from the Edit menu. Click the Add button shown at the bottom of the desktop. Shift-Double-click (using the Left Mouse key) inside the items window. Amending an Account AMENDING AN ACCOUNT [136] Use one of the following: Shift-double-click the Account icon. Choose "Amend account" from the "Set up" menu and select from the listbox. Amending an item AMENDING AN ITEM [130] There are several methods depending on the current window: Click on the entry (to select it) and then press Alternate-M. Click on the entry and choose Amend from the Edit menu. Click on the entry to select it and then click the Amend button at the bottom of the desktop. Double-click the entry. Arranging windows ARRANGING WINDOWS [155] This command lets you decide how the windows are arranged. Stacked: Overlaid, which works like the Gem desktop. "Tiled vertically": Windows stacked one above the other. "Tiled horizontally": Windows displayed side by side. Auto-balancing Manual transactions AUTO-BALANCING MANUAL TRANSACTIONS [150] "Auto balancing" will attempt to identify which transactions should be Reconciled to achieve a target balance. If you choose "Auto balance" you will be prompted to enter the target balance, the date range of transactions to be Reconciled and the number of transactions which need to be Reconciled to achieve the balance. If you disagree with the combination of transactions which have been Reconciled, use the "Auto balance again" command. Auto-saving files AUTO-SAVING FILES [152] This automatically saves the current file on disk. You set the time period between saving from General-Preferences (Options menu). Budgeting BUDGETING [140] With Home Accounts2, you can set up budgets on both income and expenditure. When adding a Budget entry, the following boxes appear: Type : Income/expenditure Type you are budgeting. Account: Account you are budgeting (enter ** for all accounts). Months : Each month may be give a separate Budget. Click the Replicate button to duplicate the current highlighted value over the remaining months. Click the Calculate button to display the Budget calculator. Calculator CALCULATOR [168] To enter figures either click the calculator buttons, or enter directly using the keyboard. The history of previous calculations, shown on the left side, can be cleared by clicking the AC button. Click the I button to select the "Interest calculator". Clean up desktop CLEAN UP DESKTOP [155] This command rearranges the desktop icons in a neat order. The Trashcan will be positioned in the bottom left of the desktop. Closing a file CLOSING A FILE [125] Use the Save command from the File menu. If you want to save the file using a different name use the "Save as" command from the File menu. Creating a new file CREATING A NEW FILE [124] To set up a new file, choose New from the File menu. You can use the titles and preferences from an existing file by selecting "Load configuration" when prompted. Date and time DATE AND TIME [169] Choose "Set date time" command (System menu) to set the date and time. Deleting an Account DELETING AN ACCOUNT [136] To remove an Account (which will delete all associated transactions) either: Drag the Account icon to the Trashcan, or Choose "Delete account" from the "Set up" menu ``?@g7;??8 ee7@;?  0a0`<2 8 u8 uD7?; ? ??8  A @@/L5L5?~7;  p   ?}?7;<< 8 `@?|7X;PP   @ ``?zO7`; @   ?s/7@ ;    @  @ @?p7;  @?v6;@x@y EE?`6;xyEE?d6;xy%%?`6;xy $e$e?d6:89  W& E?`6 :& W((?t7 :&!  W((?`7:&? !    r7;& !  P  ?x_7;@! @  ?y?7';! ? 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Editing a dialog box EDITING A DIALOG BOX [114] KEY DOES Left Arrow Moves cursor left Right Arrow Moves cursor right Up Arrow Moves to previous text box Down Arrow or Tab or the Return key Moves to the next text box Home or Shift-Left Arrow Moves to start of text box Shift-Right Arrow Moves to end of text box Esc Clears the text box contents Undo Restores text box contents Control-Undo Restore box contents to before editing Backspace Deletes characters to the left Delete Deletes current character Insert Toggles between insert and overtype. Enter Moves to next text box and can be used to select the default button to exit a dialog box File selector FILE SELECTOR [119] Click a displayed drive to change the path. Click Info button to display information on the currently selected drive. Find and replace transactions FIND AND REPLACE TRANSACTIONS [133] Choose "Find and replace" from the Edit menu. This works on the current window. Type your search information. However, you can only search for boxes with their corresponding check box selected. Click OK and on the second dialog box enter your replacement information. Finding transactions FINDING TRANSACTIONS [131] Choose Find from the Edit menu. Find works on the current window. Enter your search criteria. However, you can only search for boxes with their corresponding check box selected. When Home Accounts2 finds an entry the line will be highlighted. To find the next entry choose "Find again" from the Edit menu. Formatting disks FORMATTING DISKS [169] Choose "Format disk" from the System menu. You will be prompted to select the drive and number of sides. Function keys FUNCTION KEYS [144] To configure the function keys choose "Function keys" from the "Set up" menu. You can configure function keys F1-F10 with commonly entered text or numbers. Some function keys are already used by Home Accounts2 and so you can only configure them for use in combination with the Alternate and Control keys. Graphs GRAPHS [159] Graphs are produced from the Reports menu. Home Accounts2 can produce various styles, which may be displayed on the screen, printed or saved on disk (which you can then modify using a graphics or DTP program). Icons ICONS [108] You can move the icons anywhere on the desktop. However, avoid positioning icons on the Trashcan, as this may delete the item. You can change the heading of an icon, or remove all the icons from the desktop using the Preferences command (Options menu). Interest calculator INTEREST CALCULATOR [169] Choose "Interest calculator" from the System menu. This displays the interest calculator which can used as a guide to estimate the cost of a loan, credit card balance and so on. Investments INVESTMENTS [141] When entering an investment the following boxes appear: Reference : Investment name. Quantity : Number of items owned. "Unit price" : Current cost per item. "Current value": (Quantity) x ("Unit price"). Keyboard shortcuts KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS [175] Certain menu commands may be selected from the keyboard by using the 'Alternate' key and a letter which is listed beside the relevant menu command: MENU COMMANDS KEY DOES Alternate-N Create a new file Alternate-O Open an existing file Alternate-S Save the open file Alternate-V "Save as" the open file Alternate-Q Quit Home Accounts Alternate-A Add transactions Alternate-M Amend transactions Alternate-D Delete transactions Alternate-T Sort transactions Alternate-F Find transactions Alternate-G Find the next transaction Alternate-R Find and replace transactions EDITING DIALOG BOXES KEY DOES Left Arrow Moves cursor left Right Arrow Moves cursor right Up Arrow Moves to previous text box Down Arrow or Tab or the Return key Moves to the next te@@|f;t @@W |@pp$:& t@ @@@߀W t@%:& t@ @@@?W|$@:&t @@ |@ :&t@@@  t@@ ;t @@@ t;t @ @@/ t;  @@@_t;t @@@@t<ǀ';t @? t@|ǀ/; t@@@/  t@O;? t@O 0@@t?;t ` @@ t@;?t@Ϡ `@@@ t @;t@ @@;t;t @|tƾ ;t @?@ w^5;|w ><<;w޼ x ;| @8><< < ;| ><<~<>>/;| g<;>;<8>  T*RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 7 7 7 7 1 5 3 8 4 4 2 9 7 0 0 10 7 7 0 11 7 5 0 12 4 1 0 13 4 3 1 14 4 6 6 15 0 4 6 0 4 6 0 4 6 0 4 6 0 4 6 0 4 6 0 4 6 0 4 6 .RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.xt box Home or Shift-Left Arrow Moves to start of text box Shift-Right Arrow Moves to end of text box Esc Clears the text box contents Undo Restores text box contents Control-Undo Restore box contents to before editing Backspace Deletes characters to the left Delete Deletes current character Insert Toggles between insert and overtype Enter Moves to next text box and can be used to select the default button to exit a dialog box MOVING IN WINDOWS KEY DOES Down Arrow Scroll down window Up Arrow Scroll up window Shift-Down Arrow Scroll down a page Shift-Up Arrow Scroll up a page SPECIAL KEYS Where appropriate,"hot" key presses are provided: KEY DOES F10 Add Notepad F9 Displays list box of defaults F8 Inserts next cheque number Esc Aborts printing or screening of a report Manual transactions MANUAL TRANSACTIONS [147] A Manual transaction has the following boxes: Date : Transaction date. Type : Income/expenditure Type (press F9 for reminder). Reconciled : Enter * (asterisk), if Reconciled. Reference : Your transaction reference. "Chq number": Cheque number. Debit : Amount, if debit. Credit : Amount, if credit. M : Marker (press F9 for reminder). VAT : VAT code, if applicable (press F9 for reminder). Moving in windows MOVING IN WINDOWS [176] KEY DOES Down Arrow Scroll down window Up Arrow Scroll up window Shift-Down Arrow Scroll down a page Shift-Up Arrow Scroll up a page Networth report NETWORTH REPORT [166] Networth calculates your current value. Click the Assets and Liabilities buttons and enter your details as applicable. Home Accounts2 then totals this with your Account balances, and calculates your total networth. Notepad NOTEPAD [118] When adding or amending Accounts, Types, Markers, Investments, Budgets, Regular transactions, Manual transactions or VAT codes, you can enter an associated Notepad with the entry. To add or amend the Notepad press F10 and enter your notes in the 8 lines provided. Opening an existing file OPENING AN EXISTING FILE [124] To open an existing file choose Open from the File menu, and select the file you wish to open from the selector. Opening comparatives OPENING COMPARATIVES [128] Choose "Open comparatives" from the File menu. You can open comparative figures from another Home Accounts2 file, and these will be placed in the "Budget progress" report. To remove the comparartives from memory choose the "Clear comparatives" command from the File menu. Password PASSWORD [145] You can set a password, which needs to be entered before the associated file will open. To set the password choose Password from the "Set up" menu and enter your password. If a password already exists, you will be prompted to enter the current password, and then your new password. Playtime PLAYTIME [170] Playtime will load a program (General-Preferences, Options menu). If you have a colour monitor you will be able to play "Classic invaders", which is supplied with Home Accounts2. When you choose Playtime, Home Accounts2 will be temporarily interrupted, but will resume when you quit Playtime. Preferences PREFERENCES [152] Preferences are divided into 4 categories: General preferences. Icons : Lets you change icon names and switch them on or off. Printer: Set margins, printer driver and so on. Colours: Set the colour theme for the desktop. Your choice of preferences are automatically saved with your Home Accounts2 file. Quitting Home Accounts2 QUITTING HOME ACCOUNTS2 [129] The Quit command (File menu) ends a Home Accounts2 session and returns you to the Desktop. If you quit without saving changes to a file Home Accounts2 asks whether to save changes. Reconciling Transactions RECONCILING TRANSACTIONS [149] To mark transactions as being reconciled either: Click the transaction with the alternate key pressed. Choose the "Auto balance" option from the Trans menu. Choose the reconcile option from the Trans menu to mark a range of transactions as reconciled or unreconciled. Regular transactions REGULAR TRANSACTIONS [137] Use this command for setting transactions which occur regularly: Start Date: Of the transaction. End Date : Of the transaction. Type : Income or expenditure Type for the transaction. 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To view the contents of the full Trashcan double-click the Trashcan icon and a window will open. To recover an entry, drag it out of the window on to the desktop. The contents of the Trashcan are not saved with your files. To empty the Trashcan choose "Empty trash" from the Options menu. VAT codes VAT CODES [142] For VAT registered users, VAT codes may be set up for the different rates of VAT. VAT codes may be entered with transactions to create a VAT summary. When adding a VAT code the following boxes appear: VAT code: 1 character code. Reference: VAT code reference. VAT %: Percentage VAT rate. 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Rockies ..Cloudy Alps ..Cloudy Desert Island Moon Mars Io Alien Map Cloud----------- FlipMountainsOK2.1 By Matt McIrvin 1989I'm not done yet!It's time for....Shrink by a factor of02__99OKCANCELHorizon height = OKCANCEL085___999Rescale by a factor of100000_._____999999CANCELOK p0S Y`2iA~xI)^E9H"$Sd?щ𨉘@ Cf @0@@@p   `AapP!P#x?mL @@x @ D36 :~g !h( p 090o(@gh}#t68````@```a|||aaaa~~aaaa~||~`@`  `f  ` `  ` 0a aaa aH`H`(` ` `~``@q_SCp`@  CBIB@@@  ? 8\RR `'3,`!8?0 @pp1<>p`<xc1̀p+0f@:0`850/1050 Draft xtR  20A PMPPMEF--STST45WWEpson LQ 850/1050 LQ xtR   20A xPxMxPxPxMEF--STST45WWEpson FX 80/100R   20A PMPPMEF--STST45WWEpson FX 800 Draft xtR   20A PMPPMEF--STST45WWEpson FX 800 LQ xtR   20A PMPPMEF--STST45WWEpson LQ 1500 DraftxR   20A PMPPMEF--STST45WWEpson LQ 1500 LQxR x  20A PMPPMEF--STST45WWEpson LQ 2500 Draft xtR   20A PMgPMEF--STST45WWEpson LQ 2500 LQ xtR   20A PMgPMEF--STST45WWEpson LQ 500 Draft xtR   20A PMgPMEF--STST45WWEpson LQ 500 LQ xtR   20A PMgPMEF--STST45WWEpson LX 800 Draftxt  20A PMPPMEF--STST45WWEpson LX 800 LQxt   20A xPxMxPxPxMEF--STST45WWEpson LX 850 Draftxt  20A PMPPMEF--STST45WWEpson LX 800 LQxt   20A xPxMxPxPxMEF--STST45WWEpson SQ 2000 DraftxR   20A PMPPMEF--STST45WWEpson SQ 2000 LQxR x  20A PMPPMEF--STST45WWEpson SQ 2500 Draft xtR   20A PMgPMEF--STST45WWEpson SQ 2500 LQ xtR x  20A PMgPMEGHF--STST45WWEX 800/1000 Draft 2tR   20A PMPPMEF--STST45WWEX 800/1000 LQ xtR   20A xPxMxPxPxMEF--STST45WWFX 85/105 DraftxR   20A PMPPMEF--STST45WWFX 85/105 LQxR x  20A xPxMxPxPxMEGHF--STST45WWGeneric   Horizon Draft!R   203 PMPPMEF--STST45WWHorizon LQ!(R   203 PMPPMEF--STST45WWIBM Graphics Draftx6  A 20A2 ::EF--STSTWWIBM Graphics LQx6  A 20A2 ::EF--STSTWWJuki 6000 P          W&ERDUUDJuki 6100 P          W&ERDUUDJuki 6200 P          W&ERDUUDJuki 6300 P          W&ERDUUDKyocera Landscape E&l1O(0UE  &l8C(s0p10H &l6C(s0p10H &a+6H(s12H (s-1p10v5T (s0p17h9V (s-1p8v5T(s3B(s0B&dD&d@&a-30V&a+30V&a+30V&a-30V(s1S(s0S(s1p14VKyocera Portrait E&l0O(0UE  &l8C(s0p10H &l6C(s0p10H &a+6H(s12H (s-1p10v5T (s0p17h9V (s-1p8v5T(s3B(s0B&dD&d@&a-30V&a+30V&a+30V&a-30V(s1S(s0S(s1p14VLaserJet LandscapeE&l1O(0U(s0P  &l8C&l6C &a+6H (s10h12v3T(s10h3T&k10H (s17h0T&k8H (s17h0T&k7H (s17h0T&k6H&dD&d@&a-30V&a+30V&a+30V&a-30VLaserJet Portrait E&l0O(0U  &l8C&l6C &a+6H (s0p10h12v3T(s10h0T&k10H (s17h0T&k8H (s17h0T&k7H (s17h0T&k6H(s3B(s0B&dD&d@&a-30V&a+30V&a+30V&a-30VLaserLine LandscapeE&l1O(0U(s0P  &l8C&l6C &a+6H (s10h12v3T(s10h3T&k10H (s17h0T&k8H (s17h0T&k7H (s17h0T&k6H&dD&d@&a-30V&a+30V&a+30V&a-30VLaserLine Portrait E&l0O(0U  &l8C(s0p10H &l6C(s0p10H &a+6H (s3T&k10H (s-1p10v5T (s0p17h0T (s-1p8v5T(s3B(s0B&dD&d@&a-30V&a+30V&a+30V&a-30V(s1S(s0S(s1p14VMannesman Tally 85/86 DraftxR   20A PMPPPEF--STST45WWMannesman Tally 85/86 LQxR   20A PMPPPEF--STST45WWMannesman Tally 290 Draft(B   3 [=z[>z[4`<8%vV X  x LSZmt{sy"+4 QTW&),UY]x $= a  %%           "    &+ 1 : @ I  L  %Y  `oq  0 %      %   L %( h = Z%] P P" d g n t y   @P    )8GWfu$#  !"#0%/ & '(#)-*9+K,Z-m.v/ $ @1?23456789:; < =$ >0 ?; 0H AM BQ C[ Df Em Fx G H I J K L M @   "       C    /%29KN( "a 'l,|$ <RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.m45WWMannesman Tally 290 LQ(B   3 [=z[>z45WWMline 192 Draft#0!2  68%9 JKLMMline 192 LQ1!2  68%9 HICDJKLM!/!*Mline 292 Draft#0!2  68%9 JKLMMline 292 LQ1!2  68%9 HICDJKLM!/!*MP 165 Draft!R<   20A PMPPMEF--STST45WWMP 165 LQ!R<   20A mMmmMEF--STST45WWNEC-ELF 350    20A2 SIGH--;::;NEC-Spin 8850 =&   20A2 SIGH-';::;NEC 24 Pin Draft xIR   203 PMgPMEF--STST45EENEC 24 Pin LQ xIR   203 PMgPMEF--STST45EENEC LC 866+ LandscapeDaE&l1O(10UDz  &l8C&l6C (s10H(s12H (s15H&k8H (s17H&k7H (s20H&k6H(s3B(s0B&dD&d@*p-25Y*p+25Y*p+25Y*p-25Y(s1S(s0SNEC LC 866+ PortraitDaE&l0O(10UDz  &l8C&l6C (s10H(s12H (s15H&k8H (s17H&k7H (s20H&k6H(s3B(s0B&dD&d@*p-25Y*p+25Y*p+25Y*p-25Y(s1S(s0SPanasonic Portrait E&l0O(0U  &l8C&l6C &a+6H (s0p10h12v3T (s0p12h10v3T (s17h0T&k8H (s17h0T&k7H (s17h0T&k6H(s3B(s0B&dD&d@&a-30V&a+30V&a+30V&a-30VPowerType PM    10BBBEF--STSTPowerType WP       QRIJDUUDQume Sprint 5Z.       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MORE FRACTAL MAYHEM: MOUNTAINS Atari 520ST/1040ST/MEGA Version 2.1 - Color monitor required This program creates pictures of fractal mountains. It is capable of producing DEGAS-compatible uncompressed picture files. This manual is divided into two big sections; Section I explains a little about what fractals are and what this program is doing, and Section II explains how to use this program. If you already know all about fractal landscapes, you can skip straight to Section II. Otherwise, read on. If you've read the manual to the first FRACTAL MAYHEM (a completely different program which displayed the Mandelbrot set [end of commercial]), you might still want to read the first section; it doesn't overlap much with the explanation contained in that document, and it introduces some new concepts, particularly that of fractal dimension. It's also mathematically less involved than the other manual, since we don't have to deal with complex numbers here. (A note to people who've got a pre-2.0 version of MOUNTAINS: This version has several new enhancements, including data smoothing, the ability to put clouds in the sky of your landscape, terrain files, variable lighting, and some bug fixes and speed improvements. Be sure to read about them. Appendix B contains a fairly complete revision history.) I. Fractal landscaping A. Crinkles Fractal landscapes have shown up in several movies, crunched with elaborate animation on supercomputers. The most famous such sequence is the "Genesis device training film" viewed by Captain Kirk in STAR TREK II: a science-fictional bomb hits a barren, cratered planet, covers it with strange flickering flames, and turns it into a green paradise. The animation was produced by Lucasfilm using fractal geometry. The variety of geometry taught in high school deals with highly idealized things: polygons with straight edges, spheres, cones, and so forth. In our largely artificial world, we encounter such things (or good approximations to them) quite often. However, nature does not share our enthusiasm for the smooth and the hard-edged. Perhaps the universe evolves according to simple laws, but the results of those laws often have the distinguishing characteristic that they are crinkly. Furthermore, these crinkles cannot be easily brought under logical control. Suppose I want to completely describe the shape of a mountain, or (following the mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot) a coastline. I run all over the landscape with a surveyor's transit and a tape measure, measuring things. Finally, I have an immense number of measurements at the scale measurable by the equipment, and if they are accurate, I can reconstruct a map of the landscape. However, the map is only accurate down to a certain scale; the representation of the mountain is smoother than the mountain itself; the coastline meanders on a scale I haven't measured. Suppose I add up the coastline numbers to find the length of the coastline between two points. I want to check how close that is to the actual length of the coastline, so I go back with a ruler and make finer measurements. To my surprise, I was way off the first time: the small crinkles are sufficiently crinkly to increase the measurement by a large amount. So I correct the value. But I'm still suspicious of my numbers, so I take a pair of calipers and spend years mapping the smallest wiggles I can find. Finally I add up all of those numbers, and find that the number I get is once again several times larger than the last one. Clearly I can't measure the coastline with any accuracy unless I specify what scale I'm measuring on. There's a fundamental roadblock to measuring the absolute length of the coastline, one that would get me in the end even if the waves stopped moving and messing up my measurements. I might have to measure the perimeters of individual atoms to get a good number. If the crinkles existed at arbitrarily small scales (which they well might, if matter is infinitely divisible), I could say that the length of the coastline is infinite. Using Mandelbrot's terminology, the coastline is a fractal. If I were to attempt to measure the surface area of the mountain, I would be similarly frustrated: the mountain is also a fractal. It turns out that fractals are the rule rather than the exception in nature. Coastlines and mountains are fractal, and so are leaves, clouds, and clusters of galaxies, at least over a certain range of scales. Just about anything that looks crinkly over many scales of size is a fractal. They all have the distinguishing feature that they look about the same when magnified. A small part of a cloud has a similar shape to that of the whole cloud. How CAN we describe these objects? One way is with the idea of fractal dimension. B. Fractal dimension My enthusiasm dampened by my unpleasant experience measuring the coastline, I return there wiTRASHCANPRINTERHELPCALCULATORTYPESINVESTMENTMARKERSREGULARBUDGETVAT CODESBP # pf  Epson FX 80/100RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.Home Accounts2 Demonstration ---------------------------- To load Home Accounts2 double-click HOMEACC2.PRG icon from the desktop. This demonstration is a full version of the program, only the Save command is disabled. Home Accounts2 for the Atari ST, Mega, TT RRP 54.99, alternatively if you already own a Home Finance program and you order directly from Digita you can save 25 pounds by returning your original program disk when ordering. For further information contact:- Digita International Limited Black Horse House Exmouth EX8 1JL England Tel : 0395 270273 FAX : 0395 268893 RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.Fundamental error Drive not ready Unknown command CRC error Bad request Seek error Unknown media Sector not found No paper Write fault Read fault Disk Full ??? Write protect Media change Unknown device Bad sectors on format Insert other disk Error 18 Error 19 Error 20 Error 21 Error 22 Error 23 Error 24 Error 25 Error 26 Error 27 Error 28 Error 29 Error 30 Error 31 Invalid function number File not found Path not found No handles left Access denied Invalid handle Error 38 Insufficient memory Invalid memory block address Error 41 Error 42 Error 43 Error 44 Error 45 Invalid drive specified Error 47 Error 48 No more files Error 50 Error 51 Error 52 Error 53 Error 54 Error 55 Error 56 Error 57 Error 58 Error 59 Error 60 Error 61 Error 62 Error 63 Range error Internal error Invalid program load format Setblock failure due to growth restrictions C.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.<$<067p<$<08:@<$<0;=<$<0>x?<$<0AHB<$<0DE<$<0FHP<$<0IK <$<0LM<$<0OXP<$<0R(S<$<0TV`<$<0WY0<$<0Z\<$<0]h^*0``jjD"D"VVjjD"D"VVjjXXVVjjOOVVjjD"D"VVjjD"D"VVjjD"D"VVjjD"D"VVjjD"D"VVjjD"D"VVjjD"D"VVjjD"D"VVpp??``0000``::5U5UUUUUXX::5U5UUUUUU\U\::6565UUUUU\U\::UUUUUUU`U`UUUUUUU`U`??????th a set of measuring devices of different sizes. I will try to study how the lengths increase with the precision of my measurements; perhaps there's a pattern to the growth. I take the tape measure and measure the distance along the coast from point A to point B in units of 10 meters. I get an answer of 100 units, or 1 km. Now I take a meter stick and measure in units of 1 meter. I get 1580 units, or 1.58 km. The little crinkles in the coast, as before, have added quite a bit to my number. If the coastline were straight, I would have found a length of only 1000 units. If I measure in 1-centimeter units, I get 251,000 units, or 2.51 km. The numbers mount as my units get smaller, as before. But now I make a graph: I plot length in units versus the size of the units. If the coastline were straight, I would get a simple 1/x relationship: I would measure ten times as many units for a unit one tenth as big. Instead, my graph looks more like the function 1 ----------- 1.2 x where x is the size of the unit. As the unit gets smaller, the length gets bigger at a rate faster than 1/x. (My imaginary example is close to the equation one often gets for an actual coastline.) Suppose I were to do the same thing with the surface area of the mountain. If the land were flat, my numbers would increase as my unit of square area got smaller with the relation 1 ----------- 2 x where x is the width of my area unit; but since the mountain is also a fractal, the exponent is larger, around 2.15 instead of 2. A curve is an inherently one-dimensional thing, and a surface is two-dimensional. The exponents for ordinary curves and surfaces are also 1 and 2, respectively. So this exponent is often called the dimension, and fractal objects are said to have dimensions that are not whole numbers. The coastline in my example has a fractal dimension of 1.2, and the mountain has a fractal dimension of 2.15. This terminology may not seem very natural, but look at what would happen to a coastline if we could increase the fractal dimension. A coastline with dimension 1 is a straight line or a smooth curve. Coastlines with larger dimensions are more crinkly. A coastline with dimension 1.5 has many complicated inlets. Dimensions closer to 2 belong to mazelike coastlines, which fill a big area with a mixture of land and water. When the dimension hits 2, the coastline has become so convoluted that it entirely fills the available space: land and water are mixed homogeneously in a two-dimensional marsh. So, in a way, the fractal dimension does measure how far along the shape is to becoming two-dimensional. This program creates mountains with dimensions between 2 and 3. Real mountains have dimensions between about 2.1 and 2.2. If you lower the dimension, the mountain will get smoother (the program can't actually hit 2, but it can approach it from above), and if you raise the dimension, the mountain will turn into a forest of spikes which, near a dimension of 3, nearly fills the imaginary space in which the mountain lives. Here's another neat result. If we were to flood the region surrounding a mountain of dimension 2.15, creating a coastline where the mountain stuck out of the water, and measured the dimension of that coastline, we would find that the dimension is 1.15 -- the dimension of the mountain minus one. (With this program you can actually do the flooding!) The method that this program uses is called recursive midpoint division with successive random additions. C. What THAT means This program's algorithm is from the book THE SCIENCE OF FRACTAL IMAGES (see the brief bibliography below). It produces crinkles with a random-number generator, first on mountain-size scales, then at smaller and smaller scales. You can imagine the mountain as being represented by a network of squares. The program starts out with one big square, the size of a mountain. The corners of the square are displaced randomly from zero, so that it ends up bent and tilted in a random manner. Then, the program divides the square by defining the center as another point. All the points get displaced again by another random amount, with a slightly smaller scale. The resulting surface gets divided further into four squares and displaced again. The program proceeds in this manner, dividing up the array on a smaller and smaller scale and adding smaller and smaller displacements until the squares get as small as the resolution of the array in the computer's memory. The result is something that looks like a mountain. All that is left is to display it on the screen, which is another story; suffice it to say that the brightness of a point is determined by the extent to w  ''::^^++88pp88??##  BB񀀀  AAက88CC&&88????????<<ÀÀ ``?? 00?? 00ss aa~~????00??0000 0033 3300000000 ?????? ?????? BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB||OOBB)J)JRR 00 ` ` ``xx̃))QLQL 00````  33 ` `Ǩ!!ViVi``00``00``88????????????wwssqq {{pp<<pppp88pp7777pppxpxccpp`8`8}}LJyyxx``?? ~~00??``ff?8?8 UU33__U`U`X~X~ʯ@@TT~~??????hich that part of the mountain tilts from the imaginary sun direction. The generation is a little more complicated than that. For best results, the random numbers should have a Gaussian bell- curve distribution, which takes some trickery. The way the scale of the random numbers varies depends on the fractal dimension. This algorithm improves on some earlier ones in that it adds random numbers to every currently defined corner point at every step, not just the newly defined ones. This reduces the unsightly "creases" produced by earlier algorithms, as explained by Dietmar Saupe in THE SCIENCE OF FRACTAL IMAGES. The results are very pretty. II. Using MOUNTAINS A. In general This archive should contain the following files: MOUNTAIN.TXT This file MOUNTAIN.PRG The program MOUNTAIN.RSC The program's resource file MOUNTAIN.PI1 An example picture PLAYBACK.PRG A simple animation utility Put them (with the possible exception of this file) in the same directory or on the same disk. Go into low resolution (it'll run in medium, but there's no point), and execute MOUNTAIN.PRG to start up MOUNTAINS. You should get a typical-looking GEM screen with six menus in the menu bar. Creating a picture with MOUNTAINS is basically a three-step process. You generate data, perform operations on that data, and display it onscreen. The Make, Mod, and Show menus control those three steps, respectively. The Palette menu controls the color palette used to display the mountains, and the File menu lets you create and load in DEGAS uncompressed picture files. The menu with good old "Bob"'s face peeking over it lets you display a title box and access your desk accessories. (Puzzlin'.) For a preview of what your results can look like, select Picture Load on the File menu. You'll get the classic File Selector box. Pick MOUNTAIN.PI1. After the disk stops spinning, select Look on the Show menu. Wow! The picture you see was generated ex nihilo by this program. (Hit any key or click the left mouse button to get back to the menus.) Now that you're anxious to generate your own, let's try. Select Make on the Make menu. Now the program is producing a mountain array. It puts up not just a bee, but a whole HIVE to inform you of this (what a bargain!) This step takes about three minutes. If you've used my Mandelbrot set program, you will realize how mercifully fast this is. When the beehive disappears, you have a mountain in memory. Let's look at it. Select Quick on the Show menu. If there's something above water, it will appear as a fairly crudely rendered mountain. Since I didn't tell you to select Randomize or Random Seed on the Make menu, and since you haven't modified it with the Mod options, I know what your mountain looks like: not much is above sea level. You can change that by lowering the sea level. Left-click or hit a key, then select Water on the Show menu. Click on the minus sign, type 6000 in the text field, and click on OK. Then select Quick again. More of the mountain will be above water. Left-click or hit a key. Now select Fancy on the Show menu. The mountain will appear fully shaded and colored on the screen. If you were to select Make again, you would get the same mountain. You can change the mountain in a predictable manner by entering a new number in the Random Seed box, or have the computer pick one for you by clicking on Randomize. If you find a landscape you like, you can write down the number in the Random Seed box and regenerate the array later by entering that number for the seed. Use the Mod (short for Modify) menu to do interesting things to the mountain data between Making and Showing. Once you have a picture you like, you can save it with the Save option on the File menu. The options are described in detail below. B. The menus i. "Bob" I just had to be original somewhere. Only Atari would put Mr. Dobbs in its character set. Selecting Mountains brings up the title box, including version number. Your desk accessories should also appear on this menu. ii. File Load Picture This option loads in a DEGAS-format uncompressed picture. It has to be uncompressed and in the proper resolution. You get a file selector dialog which works in the normal manner. The color palette used to display the picture changes to the picture's, so it may no longer match with the palette check- marked in the Palette menu (see below). Save Picture This option saves the current picture as a DEGAS uncompressed picture file. You get a file selector dialog which works in the normal manner. The picture can be loaded back in later with Picture Load, or it can be imported into DEGAS and played with there. You can therefore incorporate pictures generated with Mountains into DEGAS artwork. Load Terrain This loads in the terrain data from a .TER file created with Save Terrain. Pick00 ((@@PP??!! --!!  ``!!@@`t`t!!!! 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Save Terrain You can save the terrain array with this option in a file with the suffix .TER. The file selector works as usual. The terrain file is large (about 130k), so this option is a bit impractical if you're working from floppies. I find it useful with a RAMdisk installed: after generating a terrain array I can save it on the RAMdisk, play around with it, and then bring it back in seconds if I mess it up badly. Quit As continuing proof of my herd morality, I have once again followed the nonsensical standard and put this option under File. You get my name and address before quitting. iii. Make Make This is how you start generation going. Generation takes about three minutes. Randomize Make uses a random number generator which determines the shape of the resulting mountain. It seeds the generator with a value at the beginning of the run. This option puts a number from the system clock in the Random Seed window and has Make seed its random number generator with that value. Random Seed Random Seed lets you enter your own seed for the generator. Make will behave in a fixed manner for a given Random Seed value. Dimension This puts up a dialog which lets you change the fractal dimension of the surface, which is always between 2 and 3. This number is approximate: entering 2.0 actually yields a dimension slightly above 2. Pin Front Edge, Pin Back Edge The landscape is abruptly cut off by the four edges of the array, and the front edge can reveal large, sometimes unsightly cross sections. Turning on Pin Front Edge forces Make to set the front edge of the landscape at zero to eliminate this effect. Pin Back Edge does the same thing to the rear of the array, which can be useful to avoid the appearance of unnaturally gigantic mountains on the horizon in conjunction with Zone Tilt. However, neither is quite statistically legitimate, and they can cause strange cliff-like effects and pointy grass at the relevant edges (in version 2.1, this effect is less pronounced due to a bug removal). They work best if you raise the water level a little to cover this. iv. Mod Invert This option turns the whole array upside down: undersea valleys become mountains and vice versa. If your whole landscape is far underwater, this might be a good idea. It takes a few seconds to complete. Absolute Value This inverts only the negative parts of the array. This can produce really nice valleys, which (if you raise the water level a little above zero) become nice rivers. It takes a few seconds. Grow, Shrink Grow and Shrink rescale the data vertically: you can magnify or compress the mountain by an integer factor or divisor. This has been implemented along with Real Rescale because it is much faster, taking only a little longer than Invert. Grow is the slower of the two, because the routine has to check for possible integer overflow. Real Rescale This lets you enter an arbitrary real number (nonnegative and less than 10) by which all the altitude values are multiplied. It's slower than Grow and Shrink, but if you want to stretch the data by, say, a factor of 1.639, it's easier to deal with. Power Law This option gives you a window with four buttons indicating possible operations: Square, Square Root, Cube, and Cube Root. These functions all work on real numbers, with the maximum possible height scaled to 1. Therefore, they can be rather slow. In particular, Square Root takes about three minutes, and Cube Root takes more like five minutes. (Mandelbrot set fans will laugh at the puny amount of waiting necessary.) Square squares every height in the array. The maximum is scaled to 1, so the mountains will probably get smaller after you do this; use Grow to get them back to a reasonable height. This makes peaks pointier and valleys gentler, and it also turns negative heights into positive ones. If you then raise the water level to flood the area near zero, you can get islands with gently sloping beaches. Cube cubes every height in the array. The effect is the same as Square, only more extreme, and negative holes are not inverted. The landscape will look quite unearthly after you've Grown it back to visibility. Try displaying it with a weird color palette. Square Root and Cube Root have similar effects; Square Root actually finds the negative of the square root of the absolute value of negative numbers, so the two treat negative numbers similarly. They both turn ordinary landscapes into rock formations straight out of Monument Valley, Arizona (thanks to Edward Prados for that comparison) or your favorite cowboy movie. Try lowering the water level to a very negative value. Smooth Sometimes the fractal roughness of the data is a little excessive for what you want to do with it. If so, you can use this feature to smooth the data out by averaging altitude . ~j1.. ~j1AUTO k~1COPY t~1MICE_INF z~1 MSE_TRIXMOD~1QDESKTOP INF !`dDESKTOP INX @`eMAXIDISKINF \`fMSEDEMO2ACC `gݬMSEDEMO2RSC q`:MSETRIX2TXT V`]. ~l1.. ~l1HOT_MSE PRX `HOT_MSE TXT ```XBRAhtms/:NuB?< NA\#ECa4# #|/9?< NA\Bg/<?<1NABg?<LNA R XBRAf htmsg "H h`E`CNu&RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.If you use Codehead's HotWire, place the tiny program hot_mse.prg BEFORE hotwire.prg in the auto folder. This ensures that Mouse Tricks gets hold of the Trap #1 vector first, so that program execute and terminate calls always go through Mouse Tricks; switching mouse modes as desired. With HOT_MSE.PRG installed, Mouse Tricks disables the option of limiting the memory available to a particular program; a feature which seems incompatible with programs being launched by HotWire (it crashes when they terminate). RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.. ~u1.. ~u1RD_MSG PRG ` +values with their neighbors. This is particularly useful for removing the needle-like peaks that can mar an otherwise natural-looking landscape. It also turns noisy areas into more solid blocks of color, which can be good or bad depending on your intentions. Flip Back/Front, Flip Left/Right These options mirror-reverse the landscape. Doing both rotates the landscape through 180 degrees. v. Show Quick This puts up a relatively fast and crude wireframe rendering of your mountain. It's useful when you're manipulating the data with the Mod options or deciding where to put the water level. When the rendering is done, you can return to the menu bar by left-clicking or hitting a key. You can interrupt the rendering by pressing Esc. Fancy This displays the mountain with the works: hidden-surface removal, solid shading, and altitude zones (you can put in a treeline and snow caps; see Zone Alt below). When the rendering is done, you can return to the menu bar by left-clicking or hitting a key. You can interrupt the rendering by pressing Esc. Fancy rendering is slowed down a little by the combined use of Zone Tilt and Zone Wander (see below). Otherwise it should take about two minutes to finish rendering. Fancy Bkgd This is exactly the same as Fancy rendering, except that it doesn't clear the screen before it begins, so that you can customize the background of your picture. In particular, you can display a cloud backdrop with the Cloud option, then display a landscape in front with this feature. See the description of the Cloud option for more details. Map You can see an overhead map of the current terrain by selecting this option. Instead of the shading otherwise used, this colors by altitude, scaling brightness values between the edges of the altitude zones. Zone Wander has no effect on the map. Wide Map This is just like Map, except that the picture has been stretched to fill the whole screen. Cloud Cloud allows you to generate clouds that you can put in the sky above a landscape. This is different from the Cloud option on the Palette menu of version 1.2, which has been renamed Map Cloud. In order to use this option, you should first have a landscape generated in memory. (You might want to raise the dimension before generating. Fractal dimensions around 2.5 seem to work well.) Pick one of the two "...Cloudy" options from the Palette menu; these are the same as the palettes listed above them, but modified so they work better with clouds included. Now you can start rendering a cloud. Select Cloud, and the cloud will start to appear on the screen. What this really is is a modified version of the Wide Map mode which uses only the light-blue-to-white colors in the top of the palette. Therefore, the water level controls the extent of cloud cover. When the screen is full of clouds, click on the left mouse button or press a key to get out (you can also stop the rendering with Esc). When the cloud is done, you can generate a landscape normally and use the Fancy Bkgd option to render it without erasing the cloudy background. You might want to save the screenful of clouds first, so that you can experiment with the landscape until you get the effect you want, then reload the clouds, then re-render the landscape in front for the finished picture. Look Look shows you the current picture. You can return to the menu bar by left-clicking or hitting a key. Zone Alt Points on the landscape in a Fancy rendering can be colored according to their altitude, with up to three different colors (this is in addition to shading). The three zones can represent trees, bare rock, and snow, for instance. The two numbers in this dialog box are the altitudes at which the bottom and middle zones end; anything above the higher value is in the top zone. These altitudes are given in units of the array numbers; they are measured up from the water level. Zone Wander The zones look a little artificial set at a constant level, especially if they represent snow and trees. This option makes them wander randomly from the set values for greater realism. Zone Tilt Zone Tilt was inspired by a comment from Brian Kaiser, a neighbor of Alan Farmer's (see acknowledgements) who looked at a picture created by Alan's fractal mountain generator and insisted that some faraway mountains were being colored with low altitude zones where they should have been covered with snow. It certainly did look that way, and the reason was that Alan's program, like mine, did no perspective projecting: mountains on the horizon were rendered as large as nearby ones. You can get away with this. After all, the landscape is fractal, and there is no preferred scale for an object. However, things on the horizon will appear bigger to our brains, which are used to perspective, than nearby things if they are rendered at the same size; perhaps you have seen po`t `"d &o.|A\Jg  fB + ЫЫ// Bg?<JNAO p a3Xx*<E #Hp aJ@Zkl(?<NATAj:kBgHyl?<GNAPAJfSCf#jA$33#Hp aFpa@Bg?<LNARD_WRITERD_TEXT2MSETRIX2MSSTRIX2MSEDEMO2MSETUTORC2@ Ap222BQ"<0<NB09:Nu:HT F $$ P .RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.. ~{1 .. ~{1MSMONOJ4INF ` MSMONOJ2INF {`MS_MONO INF `MSMONJ4LINF d`MSMONJ2LINF E`"MS_MONOLINF `*MS_COL_LINF @`2MS_COL INF F(`5MS_COLJ4INF `=MS_COLJ2INF `@MICE_INFTXT `HMSMACCELINF -`IMSMONOJ4.INFdesk mode**nothing mdedesk holddemenu icondeM-I art mdeM-I holdoldM-I longholdcursor keysno remindderh desk moderh spd swtch speed switch menu deleteM-D holdmdeM-D no rmndM-I Controlh desk modetandard mdetandard mdetandard mdeclick delete Sdeletent!!!Sreturnnt!!! escapent!!!different!!! 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Zone Tilt seeks to exploit this effect rather than conflicting with it. It tilts the altitude zones toward the horizon in the rear, so that a mountain doesn't have to be as tall to get covered with snow if it's far away. This option slows down rendering, and you may have to increase the altitude- zone heights to get it to work well. However, it can create a convincing imitation of a picture generated with true perspective. Water Selecting this option puts up a dialog box with a number field you can edit and two buttons marked + and -. The buttons control the sign of the water level altitude, and the number controls the absolute value. The water level starts out at zero, and you can raise or lower it, with maximum and minimum at +32767 and -32767. Putting in numbers beyond that range will cause them to be clipped to that range. Rendering the data will cause it to be displayed with the new water level. Making the water level higher doesn't really raise the apparent water level on the screen; it lowers the mountains. It also changes the levels at which altitude zones appear relative to the mountains, because those numbers are measured relative to the water level. Horizon The Horizon option brings up a dialog box containing the horizon height. This is measured in scan lines from the bottom of the screen; 0 is at the bottom and 199 is at the top. Changing this number changes the apparent height of the observer's vantage point the next time you render the data. A high horizon makes the picture look like an aerial photo, and a low horizon make it look more like a picture taken from the ground. This number affects both Quick and Fancy rendering, so you can experiment with it easily before making it final with a Fancy rendering. Sun This changes the lighting direction. The new position will take effect the next time you render the data. The default setting puts the sun off to the left, so that the left sides of hills and bumps are illuminated. When you select the Sun option, a dialog box appears which displays eight possible sun positions. Select the one you want; you can put the sun to the left, to the right, in front, in back, or at four diagonal positions. vi. Palette The palette options give you the ability to select from several color sets to use when displaying the mountain. The one currently selected is marked with a check. If you've just loaded a picture off disk, the palette may not actually be the one checked in this window; the next time you select a palette, things will return to normal. My personal favorite is Alps. Map Cloud is a special case: if you display a landscape in Map or Wide Map mode, then look at it with the Map Cloud palette, it should look more like a cloud than a landscape. These clouds are more luxuriously shaded than the clouds produced by the Cloud option, but they can't be combined with landscapes. The special Cloudy palettes listed under Rockies and Alps are for use with the Cloud option. They are the same as Rockies and Alps, except for the snow, which shades to blue rather than dark gray; this is so that some of the same colors can be used for cloud shading. Flip This reverses the dark and light colors in the palette. It can create the effect of a repositioned light source. It also messes up clouds and makes front-edge cross sections look weird, and the uppermost "snow" zone isn't shaded exactly the same way it would be if you actually reversed the light source. The Sun option, followed by a re-rendering, is really a better way to change the light source position, but Flip can give you a quick and dirty preview without re-rendering in certain situations. C. Suggestions Here are some things you can try to get neat-looking landscapes: - The data fresh out of Make is often a bit too pointy. Shrinking by a factor of 2 can increase realism. - The default dimension of 2.15 is pretty good for landscapes, but dimensions around 2.4 or 2.5 work better for clouds. - If the data you generate is all under water, try Invert. - Absolute Value often gives a landscape a remarkable extra dose of realism. This is because it creates valleys with a triangular profile, similar to what you will often see in a mountainous region eroded by water. Flooding the valleys creates credible rivers. - To flatten out the beaches, use Square. This will also invert the undersea areas, so you may have to raise the water level. Use the Island palette with a water level a few hundred units above zero and a small first color zone (for the beaches). You'll get some South Pacific-looking islands. - Use Cube and lower the water level to below zero for a really strange effect. Remember, you may have to scale up the landscape with Grow after using Square or Cube. - As I said before, Square Root and Cube Root can create remarkable rock formations suchMSMONOJ2.INFdesk mode**nothing mdedesk holddemenu icondeM-I art mdeM-I holdoldM-I longholdcursor keysno remindderh desk moderh spd swtch speed switch menu deleteM-D holdmdeM-D no rmndM-I Controlmenu Controltandard mdetandard mdetandard mdeclick delete Sdeletent!!!Sreturnnt!!! escapent!!!different!!! Supferent!!!Hdownrent!!!Pleftrent!!!Krightent!!!Mdifferent!!! Sdifferent!!! Sdifferent!!! Sdifferent!!! Sdifferent!!! Sdifferent!!! Smenu jump yZ2menu jump xy_2menu return_2icon jump**2eicon return2speed posn*2slow 1/2*** 2slow 1/3*** 2slow 1/4*** 2slow1/2 posn/2normal speed2high speed*2menu_jump***2menu_jump***2menu_jump***2 M01F0073: s2 CALAMUSDEGELITE DOODLEE DRAFTPLS GENST2S GFADRAFT LITTLEUK O_LINEKTEMPUSKWORDPLUS RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.MS_MONO.INFdesk mode**nothing mdedesk holddemenu icondeM-I art mdeM-I holdoldM-I longholdcursor keysno remindderh desk moderh spd swtch speed switch  menu deleteM-D holdmdeM-D no rmndM-I Controlmenu Controltandard mdetandard mdetandard mdeclick delete Sdeletent!!!Sreturnnt!!! escapent!!!different!!! Supferent!!!Hdownrent!!!Pleftrent!!!Krightent!!!Mdifferent!!! Sdifferent!!! Sdifferent!!! Sdifferent!!! Sdifferent!!! Sdifferent!!! Smenu jump yZ2menu jump xy_2menu return_2icon jump**2eicon return2speed posn*2slow 1/2*** 2slow 1/3*** 2slow 1/4*** 2slow1/2 posn/2normal speed2high speed*2menu_jump***2menu_jump***2menu_jump***2 M01F0073: s2 CALAMUSDEGELITE DOODLEE DRAFTPLS GFADRAFTLITTLEUKO_LINEKTEMPUSKWORDPLUS  as those found in the American West. Try Square Rooting a landscape, Shrinking by a factor of 2, then lowering the water level and displaying with the Desert palette. - Changing the palette can have a drastic effect on the appearance of a picture. Often, certain combinations of altitude zones work best with certain palettes (see my comments about the Island palette above). Changing the altitude zones with the Mars palette varies the local climate, as the lowest altitude zone contains a bit of frost in the shadows, in accordance with Viking photographs. - Try turning on Zone Tilt, raising the horizon to about 150 or 160, and Fancy rendering a landscape. That's how the demonstration picture, MOUNTAIN.PI1, was generated. - Using Smooth several times in succession can produce a blotchy, Cezanne-ish effect, due to the limited color resolution of the ST. Appendix A. Using PLAYBACK.PRG If you have a lot of disk space to waste, you can experiment with animation using PLAYBACK.PRG. It's a very simple utility which loads a series of pictures from disk into RAM, then flashes them on the screen in succession. It will work with any low- or medium- rez DEGAS uncompressed pictures, so it has uses outside the Mountains world, but I wrote it for use with Mountains. To produce an animation sequence, you must generate some pictures which vary slightly from one to the next. These will be the frames of the movie; you can have up to 26 frames, which is sufficient for a pretty nice-looking animation lasting a couple of seconds. Try gradually flooding a landscape, or rescaling the mountains, or varying the fractal dimension. Save the pictures to the same directory. They should all have the same name except for the eighth character in the filename, which should be A for the first file, B for the next, and so on through the alphabet. Each picture takes up 32k, and you need to be able to fit all of them on the same disk and (when you run PLAYBACK) in RAM. PLAYBACK is therefore most effective on a machine with a lot of memory and a double-sided or hard drive, but it will run on a 520 as well. Run PLAYBACK in the same resolution as the pictures. You will see a File Selector dialog. Get into the directory or disk containing the files, and select any one of them; PLAYBACK will start with A, no matter what. PLAYBACK will load files until it runs out of either files or memory. Then, the show will start. The pictures flip past, creating the illusion of motion (one would hope). The cycle repeats when it ends. You can do a few things while the movie is running. The up arrow speeds up the display, and the down arrow slows it down. The D key changes the direction of the movie, cycling from forward to backward to a back-and-forth mode. Space pauses the movie; press any key to resume. Esc and Undo exit the program. (To animation fans who own the CAD-3D/Cybermate package from ANTIC: Mountains pictures also make great backgrounds for your CAD-3D movies!) Appendix B. History, and coming attractions This program was born in April 1989. Version 1.0 was packaged separately from PLAYBACK. All subsequent archives include PLAYBACK, with pause and direction control added. A bug in the original PLAYBACK which crashed the machine if you tried to load void was removed with 1.1. Mountains 1.1 proper also had some changes from 1.0: the Map and Wide Map viewing modes, some new color palettes (Mars, Io, and Cloud [later Map Cloud]), and a bug fix (you no longer have to click on the Zone Alt text fields to get a cursor). Version 1.2, released several days after 1.1 in late April, added bug fixes for Map and Wide Map (the altitude zones now appear where you tell them to appear in the Map modes). Normal Fancy rendering became slightly faster. Pin Back Edge, the Flip Front/Back and Left/Right options, the Zone Tilt perspective- faking option, a movable horizon, and the Palette menu's Flip option were new to version 1.2. Version 2.0, released in late May, is a major revision which improves the speed of Fancy rendering with Zone Tilt (but not Zone Wander) activated. A sometimes unsightly bug in Pin Front Edge and Pin Back Edge is gone, and Zone Wander works more sensibly. Cloud production can still be done with Wide Map and the Map Cloud color set, but the new Cloud feature allows you to produce clouds that can be put in the background with the new Fancy Bkgd option. Color sets to accomodate the combination have been added. The lighting direction can now be set to one of eight positions. 2.0 supports the filtering of terrain data with the Smooth option; terrain can also be saved and loaded in .TER files. 2.1, released September 1989, improves the user interface slightly; pressing Cancel on a dialog causes the dialog to revert to its earlier state. I've added space for buttons for reflective water in the Water dialog, but they're not implemented yet. This advance may come in months to follRNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.MSMONJ4L.INFdesk mode**nothing mdedesk holddemenu icondeM-I art mdeM-I holdoldM-I longholdcursor keysno remindderh desk moderh spd swtch speed switch menu deleteM-D holdmdeM-D no rmndM-I Controlmenu_Controltandard mdetandard mdetandard mdeclick delete Sdeletent!!!Sreturnnt!!! escapent!!!different!!! Supferent!!!Hdownrent!!!Pleftrent!!!Krightent!!!Mdifferent!!! Sdifferent!!! Sdifferent!!! Sdifferent!!! Sdifferent!!! Sdifferent!!! Smenu jump yZ2menu jump xy_"menu return_2icon jump**2eicon return2speed posn*2slow 1/2*** 2slow 1/3*** 2slow 1/4*** 2slow1/2 posn/2normal speed2high speed*2menu_jump***2menu_jump***2menu_jump***2 M01F0073: s2 CALAMUSDEGELITE DOODLEE DRAFTPLS GFADRAFTLITTLEUK O_LINEKTEMPUSSWORDPLUSRNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.MSMONJ2L.INFdesk mode**nothing mdedesk holddemenu icondeM-I art mdeM-I holdoldM-I longholdcursor keysno remindderh desk moderh spd swtch speed switch menu deleteM-D holdmdeM-D no rmndM-I Controlmenu Controltandard mdetandard mdetandard mdeclick delete Sdeletent!!!Sreturnnt!!! escapent!!!different!!! Supferent!!!Hdownrent!!!Pleftrent!!!Krightent!!!ow, depending on how busy I am... I'm working on my bachelor's thesis. Appendix C. Acknowledgements and bibliography Thanks to: Edward Prados, for harassing me into writing this program. Alan Farmer, for once again providing heated competition in the early stages of the game. He had Absolute Value and altitude zones implemented before I did. (He's revamped his MS-DOS fractal-mountain program completely, as of September 1989; look for it someday.) Brian Kaiser, for inspiring the Zone Tilt option with a well-timed complaint. Phil Wherry. Not only did he urge me to put in Pin Front Edge and Cloud, he actually ported my code into Microsoft C on his Northgate 80286 machine, where it runs incredibly quickly. He hasn't got the rendering quite working yet, but when he does, it should be spectacular; he has VGA graphics. His product may yet see the light of day. Ron Hunt, for providing free advertising on a local bulletin board after Version 1.0 was posted. John Trindle, aka the Bluesman, for running the aforementioned BBS (the Blues Exchange in Williamsburg, VA, (804)220-0533). Everybody else who stared at the screen and gave me suggestions, solicited and unsolicited, and everybody in Williamsburg and around D.C. and elsewhere who has downloaded earlier versions and spread 'em around. Keep it up. Invaluable advice (and the generation algorithm) came from the following indispensable book, a must for anyone planning to seriously mess around with fractal graphics: Peitgen, Heinz-Otto, and Saupe, Dietmar, eds. THE SCIENCE OF FRACTAL IMAGES. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1988. 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Adjust to taste, and make up your own. 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This is an attempt at an evolutionary or \ developmental model... n = 18 delta = 30.0 initial = A X0 = 320.0 Y0 = 10.0 size = 5.0 macros L = -F+FFF+F++++F+FFF+F \ define a "leaf" pattern X = --F++F[++++F]++F[++++F]++F[++++F]++F++F \ define a "flower" pattern endm rules A = FFFFFBX \ A evolves to a stem, a part 'B' and a flower B = CFF \ B evolves to a stem (it "grows") and part 'C' C = DFF \ etc D = EFF \ etc E = [+FFA][--G][++G][-FFA] \ E evolves into branching and part 'G' G = FFL \ G evolves into a stem and a leaf endrules end .RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.`` z hNNuXBRAflrh|f A P/:Nu PZg P[f z h$||$#HzZ?NAXNuD@HAa< 3# p4NNupON9fNu3# p4NNu[3][no tutorial inside this|dialogue box.][ OK ]0g$Pg\`#6I4aB`BFNu0A( g0a0aNu BMSETRIX2.TXT0R@ f(@foR`ZR@@flS`F@f0Sm80A 0A `R@@fXoNRBa # 333 3 3 3 p*N0aPNuQNu0A 0A `0R@@fo\R`R@@fRlHSBa# 333 3 3 3 p*NPNuQNuJDfRfNu0C i 0)C |g|gmacros cannot be used to replace turtle commands. If you try, you will get an error message. Also, the lefthand side of the macro definition must be a single character. The lsystem engine is case sensitive, as well, so R and r will be treated as two separate macros. ALSO NOTE: macros cannot contain other macros. If you try, the program ignores them (except for sounding the bell in displeasure!) 4. Rules definition (required) * rules Denotes the beginning of the rules section * endrules Denotes the end of the rules section. Example of usage: rules L = L+R++R-L--LL-R+ R = -L+RR++R+L--L-R F = [F++ffF]FFR endrules Only single-character replacements are possible. For example, LR = L+R is illegal. The lsystem engine is case sensitive, so 'L' will be distinguished from 'l'. 5. Number of iterations (required) * n = number_of_iterations. Example: n = 4 6. End of definitions, start running lsystem (required; must be last executable statement in text file). * end 7. Initial string (required) * initial = initial_string Example: initial = F+F+F+F Used to define the first string being input to the lsystem "engine". TURTLE COMMANDS The turtle understands a limited set of commands. If it encounters a foreign character, it simply ignores it. This can be useful for building up complex strings. Character Turtle Action F Move turtle forward by amount 'step'. A line is drawn. f Move forward by amount 'step'. No line is drawn. + Turn turtle clockwise by amount 'delta'. - Turn turtle counterclockwise by amount 'delta'. [ Stack turtle state. This includes position and heading. ] Unstack turtle state. The state is restored to the matching [. No line is drawn, if the turtle position changes. General notes about this implementation.... Blank lines in the text file are OK, and make it easier for humans to read the file. Pay attention to uppercase/lowercase. The lsystem interpreter is case-sensitive. All lines are drawn black on a white background. The program is NOT resolution-independent, so fractals that look good on a monochrome system will probably be too big in color. The text file is straight ASCII. No embedded control characters, etc. Don't use tabs to space out comments at the end of a command line. After drawing the fractal, the program waits for a keypress. After the keypress, it brings up another file-selector box. If you don't want to save the image, click on CANCEL. The saved image is in DEGAS format, uncompressed. The following is an example of a complete definition for an lsystem implementation of a Gosper Curve generator (a type of non-self-intersecting but space-filling curve). \ example of edge-rewriting system for L-machine \ This one implements a type of non-self-intersecting curve \ Called a Gosper Curve. n = 4 delta = 60.0 X0 = 320.0 Y0 = 100.0 size = 3.0 initial = L \ initial = left turn \ define macros for turtle macros R = F L = F \ NOTE that the turtle-commands for R and L are the same! R and L are \ only distinguished by the lsystem engine; to the turtle, they are the \ same. endm rules L = L+R++R-L--LL-R+ \ these rules came from The Alg. B. of P, page R = -L+RR++R+L--L-R \ 12 endrules end here's another lsystem. It creates a "plant". \ l-system definition for \ weed generator. Page 25, fig 1.24E, Alg B of P n = 6 delta = 25.7 initial = X X0 = 320.0 Y0 = -100.0 size = 2 rules X = F[+X][-X]FX F = FF endrules end PROGRAM LIMITS Complex rules and/or high iteration factors will take awhile to run through the lsystem engine. The string may become larger than available memory, too. If this happens, the program doesn't abort but it DOES produce an error message. Each pass through the lsystem engine can produce an exponential increment in the length of the string, so ANY amount of memory will be filled. I haven't tried it on a Mega4 machine, but I suspect that even 4 meg won't work for iteration values > 5 or 6, except for very simple lsystems. COMMENTS The complexities of the Lsystem will surprise you. The gosper curve is a good example. The string-rewriting portion treats the macros R and L as though they were different drawing commands, but they are actually the same. The Lsystem's ability to use arbitrary characters, not just turtle commands, greatly increases the range of possibilities. Here's an example of what I mean macros \ define some bizarre drawing sequences X = ++F--FF++ T = F[ffF++] endm rules X = R+F-F++F-LT T = R-F+F--F+LX R = [ L = ] F = G G = X endrules In this case, we have two drawing macros and some very interesting rules. Two involve the drawing macros, and the others don't. The transformation rules don't even have to relate to the macros at all: the lsystem engine simply doesn't care! And the turtle interpreter ignores the characters it doesn't reco2H PNuaҽ jf|:fCfS jf|;fCfS jf|fCfS jf|fCifS a |f rfSCa0|f ^fSCa| f ^fSCaNuX=Y=0 ms0 sec# 33 3 3 3 3 p*NNu0A!E Nu zf|*<2<|fV`V|*<2<|gB|*<2<(|&g.|*<2<|g|*<2<|gBNu;F 0BI2<,m nab2<,m faV2< ,m jaJaYP ,<f aN`B<f a>`2<f a`"<f ax`<f a``Q PNu3#D p4NNu[3][You can only adjust the|shift, keypress and hyperspace |special effects.][ OK ]rh mouse buttonLEFT joy buttonRIGHT joy buttonUP joy buttonDOWN joy button,m naP# p6NaaXxa%v# 3p2N>G-  faaV`¾| f0ana `(| f 0aX6<Ca'2- a `Nu(_,m fa8# p6Na2aWa%Fv # 3p2N>G/ -  fAnaJf QOad`(_2<E<<a:JgNP a Q a0<a0<a0< a0<a~0<av0<!an0<af`H2<E<c<aJf.2<E<c<aJf| fGA.:<<<!a`|f:l0<A ,f 0< aa`|f:l0<A ,f 0<aaT`p|f0aa`4|f,0al6<!Ca%2< Ga% 2- a `Nu(_,m ja# p6Na:,+,,,),)aUa#8v # 3p2N>G/ -  fAlaJf QOaV`~(_2<E-<<<,)<<a4Jg E)`j2<E.<<aJfP2<#E8<c<aJf62<'E:<c<aJf2<E/<<aJf|=f\a3#j p4N9m09m22<:B8,0a2<;B8,2a 0<:a0<;a`|f\a23#j p4N9m49m62<B8,4a2<B8,6a0<al0<ad`>6<*a#JgD*D*`$2<E<<aJgP aRQ a0<a0<a 0<a0<a0<*a0<#a0<'a0<a0<6a0<7a0<2a0<3a0<;a0<:a0<a0<a`v|!f:l)0<!A ,)f 0<a`a"`6|6f:l)0<6A ,)f 0<6a a`|7f:l)0<7A ,)f 0<7aa`|2f:l+0<2A ,+f 0<2aab`v|3f:l+0<3A ,+f 0<3a`a"`6|:f:l,0<:A ,,f 0<:a a`|;f:l,0<;A ,,f 0<;aa`|f:l)0<A ,)f 0<aab`v|f:l)0<A ,)f 0<a`a"`6|f0aPat`(|f 0a:2< Ga2- a`Nua$C0< QNu ր@ NuB@- ANu <H@#pNNu/ (J3pkN,m Z# p6NAC ""333333 3 3 3 p3Na333333 3 3 3 p3N3pkN$L&_Nu(J,m Z# p6Na$LNu l2<Gab6<Ca: L+H LNTܙ"A"L0<!Q,m Zaav# 3p2N>G| fGA.:<<<a4`|f 0a2`:|f20a l2<Ga6<Cab m L"L0<!Q"N\NuBBg 0Ё`Nu"OB! gH@@0B@H@`H@@0g`NuH y0(X@hephg"P#1@LNuH y0(hf B`.X@hep"P"//qJf 1@`#LNuNu/?<INA\Nu<ak<zn RfNu-@aNQaNurJ- grGE JJ- gX`&J- gR`J- f\(H"|x0<Q(H "|0<Q*+*,*)*)BQpNuG-aC$ E JJ- gR`(J- fRP(P(P(+H"|x0<Q+H "|0<QBQNuH("|X0<' MNu4<6` D0RCB@|o< QNu4<:H` DPRE6B@<f&`~gS@` k &<`Q-gB@-T爰Cj6 k &<`H k &<`苶|n  QbNu<`6<4<B SBH@ QNu1 0D00D00TC`A(BA-- f-g a`a`aNuC|`B )f2ABBA)-))f).g a`ap`aPQNuAJp 0Q0NuaxaxPJy0fQB@NuaxHpMN30NuJ- gHaxtACJ""A""AC3J#@#Dax3JaxNu&k KJf #\gjRNuH g #.fJ$fQ`PLNuJgTHG{ $@*g %K`(jaJf5yQaG fLNuRy(zy)/9cS#/|.NujB/9NuJgXH Gz $@*g5yJ`09jfJfaZG fL NuH"zxR Y#9cg(cH}KxEGaL}LaLSyNO# @#,A#/x T3/|0NB/B?<?<KNA#/9?<INA\/9?<INA\ 9/9NuN/ O h йk B`D#/H 1zNXBRAmstx OfNh]H0(gnize. FINALLY... You may be wondering how to design your own fractals. Just looking at the examples here and the ones included in the ARC, it may not be obvious how to set the rules and initial string for the effect you want. Not to mention setting 'delta'. The best way to start is to experiment with the examples and prowl the library for books and articles on fractals. There are also a number of programming books that deal with fractals; they can serve as starting points for practical info on fractals. Don't be afraid to experiment! That's part of the fun. Mark Kimball March 30 1991 NC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.`6(x0*o"m >@#>@.I+I/ BBBg/ / Bg?<JNA N ?NZ?<LNANV099fB@`tSy9099Ab 9fr"9fv !A099Ab 9"9 !A099Ab 9"9 !ApN^NuNV y(9fB@`t099Ab "(#fr#fv099Ab "(## 099Ry9Ab "(##pN^NuNVp?NATOAp:BgHypG?NA/|::.N/|`.NPOHnHyfHyNv 0.N^NuNVB9fHy:?NAXO&_N^NuNVH0*n(n *ggR`g`BL0N^NuNVByfnHnNXO0gnHnNXO=@ @fHy:ZNLN^NuNVBn0.yfl.HybHyN /|.bNPORn`N^NuNV/~ Gl0G9H0.Af0`RG`p.N^NuNVH>.0(a/NXO:|El0(/0Hї AaH?N TO @bH0@7~ PN`Hy7/9 /9N,/A/@XON0PO y>1@&Hy7/9/9N,/A/@XON0PO20<ǐA y>1@(HyHy_/9fv/9frN/A.N,/A/@XON, -@-AHyHy_/9fv/9frN/A.N,/A/@XON, -@-AHy7/./.N,/A/@XON0PO y>1@*Hy7/./.N,/A/@XON0PO20<ǐA y>1@, .".## .".##N'*`HyHy_/9fv/9frN/A.N,/A/@XON, -@-AHyHy_/9fv/9frN/A.N,/A/@XON, -@-A .".## .".##`bHybHyfrN,NPO`LHybHyfrN,V`NT0f.Hy1@&Hy7/9/9N,/A/@XON0PO20<ǐA y>1@(HyHy_/9fv/9frN/A.j( f h mstxf԰|fNNs|f F'NNs|f.Hp(g$HGa` "HF'aJ*LNs|fH~,HKwVm.g.fP&n(|8<'`H fJ,fQ`PLJZktl , gx.-glDA/?Ku&H,H(|8<'aa`aJZk(, g, -gDEGa, g0J- Pf(0, +@ | =|+o /|/ L~`h hf^JgT yjHHaxJg*Gv> $@*gBQa0G fL/:Nu R XBRAf mstxg "H h`E`CNuC |z"zNuC j67Nu.|Kt|p N;@pMN30#U pnNf3#< p4N`J3pNN33 #p#3"<0<NB09+y, x33#p#3"<0<NB09+y, Z33#p#3"<0<NB09+y, z33#p#3"<0<NB09+y, b33#p#3"<0<NB09+y, ^33#p#3"<0<NB09+y, f33#p#3"<0<NB09+y, j33#p#3"<0<NB09+y, n33#p#3"<0<NB09+y, r33#p#3"<0<NB09+y, v,m z2<Ba\+H R33 #p#3"<0<NB09+y, |33 #p#3"<0<NB09+y, 33 #p#3"<0<NB09+y, 3#[ p#NA0<`DXQ :AȺC f<4<0 :mQ<$fa>?<?<NNX#a4#)@am#DE#E@am#^@am#DZaB?< NA\#J 9+@ 4&|p jJ XXBWf XRAf htmsfECfֵIfGP P` /:NuECaX#/#|/E0Ca<##| 9LfP T;| 9Lg;| ?<"NNT#f zp~ECa#~H#|~L zp`ECa#}#|} zpBE Ca##|ECa#r#|vEpCax#|#|| yV89T0`$Jgf"P mstxf XNAMgLXQ0R@HH/?<HNA\Jn aSp`0(@ L"yV0` QB#VRyT +H <C"N220(H222BBY0(U@ @Mo0<M;@HT+@/9J?< NA\aA`1mA0a(,m |# p6N2<War 0- mf HI`4<A 1|4< A 1|4<A 1|4<,A 1| mjX6<+4A 1|0SC|j4<:A  4<0A  6(4<DA 1C no=|4-BJ=B @k=| :g`BnP :Ĺg 2.PS0.;@;AH;@;m0.&H@H@Ѓ+@/?<HNA\Jn aQ`` +@`Q 0.S@;@ SA;A ;n;nnn;@;A;n\# 3p,N+y+y+y# 3+p,N+y+y0<A2(SA0<A0(S@mmmm+m+mRAm+mm0.Hn;@l,m # p6N=m\Rn <sAWFQAX* <+@BpRFfRkQJ(gRR+@~AeaLAeaDAfa1@*Hy7/./.N,/A/@XON0PO20<ǐA y>1@, .".## .".##N'*`\HyHy_/9fv/9frN/A.N,/A/@XON, -@-AHyHy_/9fv/9frN/A.N,/A/@XON, -@-A .".## .".##`HybHyfrN,NPO`HybHyfrN,V`NT0flHyBh$ y>p1@" y>p1@ y>p1@p?p?NAXOpE?p?NAXONp?NATON^NuNV yf(H@gB@`/9f yf hNXOHH@ g ,g g g g@p=@/9f yf hNXOHH@ g, ,g& g g g0.Rn0@n` NB(Hn/.NPOpN^NuNVH *nB99~0HA9g>H0HA9HAf -H0HA9HAf0`RG`pL N^NuNV/ NHy_HyHy9N 3_a3_aHy7?9aN.`TO//N, ## Hy7?9aN.`TO//N, ###A_#_N'Hy. n "(-@-A .". -@-ASG|GlF0HЮ//./.N,/A/@XOHnN, HnHnN,fPORF`0HЮ//./.N,/A/@XOHnN, .".LN^NuNVHy8Hy!hHyAIN,/A/@. /.N.4/A /@PONPON^NuNV3`^0.@ H8-@p=@ nl$0.HC`^ nRB@2Rn`/9>NXO09aN^NuNV#`^>t#_>x#`f>|#a>#fz>#f>#>t>p ?NdTO3afp09fpN^NuNVp?NdTOpN^NuNV3`f# fzp4?NdTON^NuNV#fz# f~pZ?NdTO n0a09aN^Nu"/0<NBNuNV#>#> .Z#>pd3fByfp 3f n 3fN6 n 0f#?>#@># >#X>N^Nu#f>"<> <sNBNuNVH *nz~H< @ g F fR` F-fz` F+fRH< @0m F9n2A00 A>`JEf0D@>0L N^Nu"o o JfSfNu"o o fNu o"Jf S@Nu"o o 2/ gSAJfSgQB`BQNuNV/ K=ʻ>d. g U(fp?//. /.NT*`X`B*_N^NuNVH *n-fp`-H?N"TO -g-f /-N3DXOB-0L N^NuNVH *nBm -ff >o?/--H?N%POGf$0m mAf -*+@`+UB@` 09>nH fBy>n`-pL N^NuNVH *n>.|BnBnp=@ n R pr@H @rf|pw@ n g,H @bf"BnR n gH @bf$Bn0l0.f?/.N#\O>0l@0.f0.g4?</.N#<\O>m Fg?N"TO?/.N#\O>0m0.gp?B?N#PO-M .fp?N3,TO*@ f ?N"TO`|p@0.g- p+@*+@Bm +|+|G `DH @wfRn`H @af&Rn`H @+g.HHAf|`BL N^NuNV/ *n -f,-f?<N3,TO+@f+| R+|!``j-f2-H?N#TO0g=f+|t+|! -`&+|t+| -H?NTOHЭ*+@Bm *_N^NuNV/p?B?.N#PO. fB@`0H@.N^NuNV/ *n/ NXO/ mNXO*_N^NuNVH >.*n / NXO/ ? mN\OL N^NuNV/ K>Y M=e g/NpXO`*_N^NuNVN,?.N"TON^NuNVH *nRm o/ NXO0f !=fHy=NXO -?/--H?N$JPOD@;@ @fZ09>nH fBy>n`-Bm `B0- Rm m+H URB@>-g G gP Gg 0`0- f-pL N^NuNV/ *n !=fHy=NXOBm p?Hn-H?N$JPO @g,J@gH .f-f8 . f-fB@.`(09>nH fBy>n`-`-p*_N^NuNVH >.*n G f -g/ p ?N \O @fp`0Sm l"/ N"tXO0f -S@;@ UR0L N^NuNVH >.*n G G f-g/ p ?N!`\O @gZBm -fN/ N"tXO0f@p?Hn-H?N%PO @f0` 09>nH fBy>n`-pL N^NuNVH >.*n G f -g/ p ?N!\O @fp`?NAXO/N&XO`B@N^NuNV/Bg/.p- VBm V`GJ Xf2<BaȐ"0<Aaz-  fA=raƌJf QOa`x2<HE<<aJff2<LE< <aǦJfL2<EE<<<- <<HaƔJg E `2<E<<a^Jgvaa@0<a0<a0<a0<a0<4a0<=a0<5a0<6a0<Ha0<Eaz0<;ar0<Laj0<Oab`|@fNTA"L0<Qm ,m ^a # p6N,m ^a,aDv# 3p2N>G-  fa:aĺ`2<E<c<aLJf2< E<c<a2Jf|f `|fa`0<aza<`^|f `|fa,0<aFa`*|f 0a6`x|fp0a$A"L0<Ql ,m z0<@A - f B?< NA\#J:a /9J?< NA\`N\`Ծ|5f:m 0<5A - f 0<5ara4`|Of:m0<OA -f 0<Oa2a`\|4f:m 0<4A - f 0<4aa´`|;fNTڙ$A"L0<#QaϪ,m ban# p6N`(_,m baŴav$# 3p2N>G/ -  fA;aŽJf QOa`(_2<E<<aJga0<a(aF`2<!E <'<aÒJg.aa0< a0<a0<.a0<%a`>2</ENuNV/?. /.p=?NAPO.m:0H.mpF?0?N&VXO` m n0?N&TOH./N&XO.N^NuNVH A#>

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X \ X X \$ \ X:x :OKCANCELkeypresskeypress mode00desk_top****____________Xkey repeatrate:13sepa-(X 1/50 second)left clickon presswait:22key:$0053007F: SELECTRshftLshftCtrlAltOKCANCELhyperspacehyperspace mode00desk_top****____________Xreturnvia:X= 200Y= 5SELECT(if in menu bar)speed: 9Xtra: 1accn: 9left clickpause1 9pause2 9release buttonpress againleft mouse clkto return fromhyperspace:jumpreturn:XYjumpback:XYjumpto:X= 200Y= 5SELECTOKCANCELholdhold time:250 msshiftRshiftLshiftContrlAltOKCANCELJoy button special effects ADJUST UPnormalshiftdblkeypresshyperspace ADJUSTDOWNnormalshiftdblkeypresshyperspace ADJUSTRIGHTnormalshiftdblkeypresshyperspace ADJUSTLEFTnormalshiftdblkeypresshyperspaceOKCANCELjoystickreinstallnormalhide hold JOY BUTTONSnormalshiftdblkeypresshyperspace RH BUTTON special: reporting:mousespeed:mode00desk_top****____________Xpulldropmenustyle:normal.Right buttonYour time isusage haswant to buylimit,up!returned tothe fullversion,with no timeclick here!If you mightOKSAVECANCELReadTextinvertremindmedresXtrainstallLOADscreensaverMouse Tricks (demonstration version)JL1991 3 0accn: 0limit:application namenormal.Right buttonYour time isusage haswant to buylimit,up!returned tothe fullversion,with no timeclick here!If you mightOKCANCELAutomatic mode installationMouse Tricks mode to be installedwhen application is run:Limit memory availableto application:00desk_top****YESNO00PROGNAME________XYESNO9999____9KbyteKeycode installationstartup mode00desk_top****RshftLshftCtrlAlt M____________XSELECT(single adjustment for all modes)OKCANCELScreen saverscreen saving starts:250 secwait beforemonochrome switching:250 secinterval between(single adjustment for all modes)screen saver activeYESNOYESNOmodem activityrestores screenKeycode installationRshftLshftCtrlAlt M____________XPressto select new keycodethen edit the keycode description.SELECTOKCANCELKbytes free for loading file:Registered user:Serial number: Jonathan Lawrence 1991Mouse Tricks and Read Text v 2.00line:________.___9999999999//9999 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8newejectpausejumpmark12345678BotTopPrintSaveline:_____to_____WP jonathan find !!!!!!Find:____________________XAaRead Text v 2.00OKSAVECANCELautomanualpage overlapFree memory:NNNNNKbytesLeave9999____9Kbyte free.WP/WP mode select:SELECT KEYCODEto enter Read Textfrom keyboard. 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L   XxH#),-..7HRNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.MSETRIX2.TXT - A manual for Mouse Tricks and Read Text version 2 1991 Jonathan Lawrence 1/ Introduction 2/ How to buy Mouse Tricks and Read Text; 2a/ different versions and their memory use. 3/ How to use Mouse Tricks 4/ How to use Read Text 5/ Extra buttons 6/ Mouse Tricks modules 7/ Reference section 8/ Existing modes and MS*.INF files 9/ Programming information 10/ Compatability of Mouse Tricks with other programs 11/ Trademark acknowlegdements 12/ Acknowlegdements *********************** 1/ Introduction Mouse Tricks 2 is a desk accessory mouse utility that gives the user extensive control over mouse movement and menu style, and uses the right hand button and buttons connected to the joystick port (operated by the thumb on the side of the mouse) to provide a range of special effects. It can set up suitable modes of mouse behaviour for particular programs, and restrict the amount of memory available to those programs that would otherwise hog the lot. An optional screen saver is also included. Mouse Tricks combines many of the functions of existing mouse utilities (promouse, speed mouse, rattrap, mouser, maccel2 ...) in a single desk accessory and adds extra functions of its own. Mouse speed can be reduced as well as increased. This allows a cross-hair mouse add-on such as "Tracey" to trace artwork of any size (A4, A3 . . . not just the postcard size to which Tracey is otherwise limited) all within any of the standard ST screen sizes. All the functions of Mouse Tricks can be adjusted through a set of dialogue boxes. As many as 20 different settings (or modes) can be named and saved, and each mode can be selected via a dialogue box or a user selected keycode. Mouse Tricks also keeps a list of up to 40 different programs; for each program on the list you can specify (optionally) both the mode you wish to be installed when a program is run, and the maximum amount of memory initially available to that program - leaving the rest free for desk accessories (like Read Text). Mouse Tricks contains a text reading utility, Read Text, (with find, position mark, block print and save functions) with which you can load, read and switch between as many as eight text files within any program that allows access to desk accessories. When there isn't enough memory free to load a file whole, Read Text will allow you to read it bit by bit - in up to 64 portions. As well as being called up from the menu as a desk accessory, Read Text can be invoked by double-clicking on the desktop icon of the file you want to read, or by pressing a user defined keycode. Mouse Tricks will run any program with file extension *.MOD contained in a folder named MSE_TRIX.MOD. This feature can be used to install any add-on utilities (much like auto programs) that require Mouse Tricks or GEM. Three such 'Mouse Tricks modules' already exist: CLK_AL allows you to clear most non-decision making, single button 'alerts' with a single click - wherever the mouse happens to be. FSEL_RH sets right button usage to normal during file selection (for replacement file selectors that use the right mouse button); DJ_FIX pressing a single key combination (Cntrl-Lshift- Alt D) enables DeskJet printing when the printer has been switched on after your ST. Each takes up just a few hundred bytes of memory. To help you learn to use Mouse Tricks, a tutorial function exists in both MSEDEMO2.ACC and MSETUTOR.ACC. Just hold down the Alternate key while clicking on a button, and Read Text will be called up to display the relevant section of this manual. Of interest to programmers; Mouse Tricks and Read Text can be sent messages by other programs; to install a particular mouse mode, or read a particular file (even searching for a particular word within it). Mouse Tricks also contains its own multi-tasking interrupt driven event reporting and GEM message passing system, and a number of utility routines; which any program can use. I'll certainly be writing programs which use these features - and I'll release a package of assembler macros and routines that will enable anyone else to (too). In the demonstration version of Mouse Tricks the right hand button and joystick special effects and reporting modes are disabled after about 20 minutes running time. Also limited in the demonstration version, Read Text can only hold one text file at a time (instead of eight), and after the time limit has expired no new file can be loaded (although you can return to a document that is already loaded). All other features remain fully working. If you buy Mouse Tricks you'll recieve the full Mouse Tricks accessory plus a stand alone Read Text accessory and a version of Mouse Tricks with the read text function removed (all without time limits of course). This allows you to select which functions you require, and if you want both, whether you want them on separate desk accessories. You'll also get two memory-saving versions of Mouse Tricks; with all the features but with limited dialogue box adjustment. And I'll send you details of upgrades and new products. The thumb operated joystick port buttons (attatched to the side of the mouse with velcro) are sold separately (see below). Before buying 'joy buttons' experiment with a joystick (or just the right mouse button) to see what is possible with a variety of special effects. For a few effects (eg; hyperspace speed switching for tracing large pictures) a normal joystick may be convenient enough for regular use. I'd like to hear any comments you have on Mouse Tricks and Read Text - bugs found; improvements or extra features you would like; any shortcomings in this documentation; need for translations of program and/or documentation . . . . . . ******************* 2/ How to buy Mouse Tricks and Read Text Mouse Tricks 2 currently (and until further notice) costs 10.00 (or 5.00 if you've already bought version 1). To receive the full versions of Mouse Tricks and Read Text 2 - without time or other limits - send me a cheque or postal order. Jonathan Lawrence 76 Sistova Road London SW12 9QS U.K. The two 'joy button' assembly with instructions for fitting (and extra velcro for making your own tracing appendage) currently costs 10.00; returnable within two weeks if paid for separately. Overseas orders should preferably be paid in pounds sterling; via Eurocheques, Girobank transfer, International money order, or any other method you know of. Failing this, I can accept a cheque in your own currency for the equivalent of the UK price plus 2.50 (to cover the cost of changing the cheque). For example, at current exchange rates (12 June 1991), I could accept: 12.50 equivalents (in Europe): Austria SCH 270.00 Belgium FR 800.00 Denmark KR 150.00 France FR 130.00 Germany DM 39.00 Ireland 14.50 Italy LIT 29000.00 Netherlands FL 43.50 Norway KR 150.00 Sweden KR 140.00 13.00 equivalent: Australia $ 30.00 Canada $ 26.50 USA $ 22.75 All cheques (other than Eurocheques) must be in the native currency of the bank that they are drawn against. As a last resort you could send cash via registered post; but at your own risk. Eurocheques (in pounds sterling) must have your Eurocheque guarantee card number written on the back of the cheque. Girobank, Postgiro or CCD transfer should cost you less than a foreign cheque - if you transfer direct from your own account. State in your order how many pounds sterling you have transfered to my account, and I will send on the disk as soon as I recieve acknowledgement of the payment. (Also tell me your account number - in case its the only information that I receive in the acknowledgement.) My account number is 56 510 2613 (or in words; five six, five one zero, two six one three) For orders outside Europe - add the equivalent of 0.50 pounds sterling to cover the extra mailing cost. 2a/ On receipt of your order/payment I will send you a double sided disk (or two single sided on request) containing the following files. The full Mouse Tricks accessory: MSETRIX2.ACC MSETRIX2.RSC memory used 60 Kbyte with no text files loaded (+ MSE_TRIX.TXT) The first Mouse Tricks modules are in the folder MSE_TRIX.MOD: CLK_AL.MOX (short for 'click alert') FSEL_RH.MOX (rh mouse button normal during file selection) these first two are disabled since the next; CKAL_FSL.MOD combines the functions of both. DJ_FIX.MOX (press a key combination after switching on your HP DeskJet) If you use such a printer then activate the module by changing file extension to .MOD then booting-up anew. memory used; a few hundred bytes each. If you use CodeHead's HotWire, HOT_MSE.PRG (in the folder HOT_MSE) must be copied into the auto folder BEFORE HOTWIRE.PRG. (see section 10/ compatability) memory used; a few hundred bytes A stand alone Read Text accessory: RD_TEXT2.ACC RD_TEXT2.RSC memory used 25 Kbyte with no text files loaded The Mouse Tricks accessory with the read text function removed: MSEONLY2.ACC MSEONLY2.RSC memory used 51 Kbyte The Mouse Tricks accessory with limited dialogue adjustment: MSSTRIX2.ACC MSSTRIX2.RSC memory used 45 Kbyte with no text files loaded The Mouse Tricks accessory with the read text function removed and limited dialogue adjustment: MSSONLY2.ACC MSSONLY2.RSC memory used 28 Kbyte The full Mouse Tricks accessory plus tutorial functions: MSETUTOR.ACC MSETUTOR.RSC memory used 62 Kbyte with no text files loaded A demonstration version of Mouse Tricks (just in case you hadn't got one) for you to spread further(!): MSEDEMO2.ACC MSEDEMO2.RSC memory used 66 Kbyte with no text files loaded (+ MSE_TRIX.TXT) A folder, MICE.INF, contains example MS*.INF files for different situations. A folder, MSCOLOUR.RSC, contains resource files that are properly laid out in medium and low resolution. The standard hi-res resource files work perfectly well in colour - but some objects in some dialogue boxes (but NOT the Read Text dialogue box) are slightly displaced. Be careful not to mix these up on your master disk, as the two types have identical names. A folder, COPY, contains RD_MSG.PRG and RD_MSG.S - its assembler source code. This program, installed as a text file reader, sends a message to Read Text to tell it what file to read. >copyright The material contained in the above mentioned files is protected by copyright and is subject to the following restrictions: The demonstration version of Mouse Tricks 2 may be copied and distributed freely (please do), provided that the three files MSEDEMO2.ACC, MSEDEMO2.RSC and MSETRIX2.TXT are supplied together unamended. MS*.INF files (in the folder MICE.INF) HOT_MSE.PRG, RD_MSG.PRG, CLK_AL.MOD, FSEL_RH.MOD, CKAL_FSL.MOD and DJ_FIX.MOD (with any accompanying source and text files) may also be distributed with the demonstration version. All other versions of Mouse Tricks and Read Text and associated files may only be copied for personal use by the original purchaser; either as a backup, or for use on different boot disks. They may in no circumstances be distributed to anyone else. Limitations of warranty and liability. If the disk I have supplied is faulty, I will replace it if you return it to me within 90 days of the date of purchase, giving details of the problem. If the 'joy buttons' I have supplied break as a result of faulty materials or workmanship, I will mend or replace them if returned within a year of purchase. I make no warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to these programs, the documentation, and any other related items, their quality, performance, merchantability, or fitness for any particular use. I will in no event be held liable for direct, indirect or incidental damages resulting from any defect or omission in this documentation, the program, or other related items and processes, including but not limited to any loss of business or anticipatory profit, interruption of services or other damages resulting from the use of this product. Jonathan Lawrence, June 1991 ******************* 3/ How to use Mouse Tricks To use Mouse Tricks the MSETRIX2.ACC and MSETRIX2.RSC (or whichever accessory you choose) files must be placed in the root directory (i.e. not in any folder) of your boot (or start up) disk. Once the computer has booted up, Mouse Tricks will install the 'startup mode' (shown in the 'install' dialogue box). To change the mode or settings 'manually', or just to experiment, select the 'Mouse Tricks' entry in the 'desk' menu. This calls up the first dialogue box - which is used for the first level of adjustment. If you're using a tutorial version of Mouse Tricks (MSETUTOR.ACC or MSEDEMO2.ACC) then holding down the Alternate key when clicking a button will call up Read Text to display the relevant section of this manual. The behaviour of the nested dialogue boxes used to adjust Mouse Tricks has some common features: '>OK' maintains your most recent settings. '>CANCEL' cancels the adustments you have just made - and reinstates the previous settings. (see later for 'SAVE' and 'LOAD') The 'OK' and 'CANCEL' buttons in each dialogue box will 'OK' or 'CANCEL' just those adjustments that can be made within the box. Once a dialogue box has been OK'd, the adjustments just made cannot be 'cancelled' by another dialogue box higher up the hierarchy (of dialogue boxes). The behaviour of the mouse will change as you adjust the controls on the dialogue boxes; you don't have to press 'OK' to see what difference any change will make. (except for the 'screen saver' dialogue box) The buttons used in Mouse Tricks dialogue boxes behave in different ways according to their borders: Buttons with a thin double border perform some action; clicking on them will usually open out to another dialogue box. Single buttons with a thin single border will be alternately disabled/reenabled on each click (the contents of a disabled button are shown in grey); showing that a particular function is inactive or active. The controls in the first dialogue box are as follows: '>speed', '>accn' and '>limit' ('>' prefixes each subject heading) are used to modify the speed of the mouse; speeding it up in programs where you want to cross the screen quickly with the mininum of hand movement; slowing it down when the mouse is used (with a cross-hair add on) to trace pictures larger than a postcard. 'speed' selects the mouse step size. 'accn' (short for acceleration) magnifies the speed of mouse movement - magnifying it more the faster you move it. It has no effect on the slowest mouse speeds; enabling you to combine fine control (at slow speeds) with easy screen crossing (at faster speeds). 'limit' limits the maximum multiplier effect of 'accn'. This allows you to accelerate quickly as you begin to move the mouse, without becoming uncontrollable at higher speeds. This single value also limits acceleration in hyperspace. 'speed' is adjustable from 1/30 to 30. Speeds of less than one are displayed in reversed colours, and inhibit any acceleration. 'accn' is adjustable from 0 (no effect) to 16 'limit' is adjustable from 0 (maximum effect; allowing no acceleration) to 30 (allowing a multiplier factor of 16). 'limit' can also be switched off - when it will have no restriction on acceleration. My favorite setting for word processing in high resolution (with an Atari mouse) is 'speed' = 2, 'accn' = 8 ( or 1,8 in medium or low resolution, with 'medres Xtra' active) and 'limit' = 3 (stopping the mouse completely running away at high speeds); the mouse has a nice elastic feel and not too large a step size. For freehand drawing applications you'll probably want no speeding up effects, but for any other application you'll probably find some speed or acceleration useful. (reference section: 'speed', 'accn' and 'limit') The character '>' prefixes each subject heading - so search for '>whatever' to find just the subject headings, rather than each and every mention of 'whatever'. '>menu style' selects between dropdown (the GEM standard) and pulldown (similar to that used on the Amiga and AppleMacintosh series) menus. The pulldown mode (which requires the left button to be pressed for the menu to drop) is most useful in graphics programs; where it is all too easy to wander accidentally into the menu bar. (reference section; 'menu style') '>invert' reverses both the horizontal and vertical movement of the mouse. This is for people who, apparently, like to hold the mouse 'tail down' whilst flying flight simulators. (Someone tell me if I should reverse the buttons too) '>remind' (previously 'mouse mend') GEM sometimes misses changes in mouse button state (for example, when a program fails to realise that you've stopped clicking on a button or scroll bar). When active, 'remind' reminds GEM of the true button states (whenever GEM gets it wrong). Programs that take over low level mouse control (Tempus - the text editor, for example) may misbehave when reminded in this way, and require that 'remind' be deactivated. (a mouse mode,'no remind', has been set up for this purpose) '>medres Xtra' doubles the horizontal (or X-axis) mouse movement when in medium resolution. This can be desirable because in medium resolution a pixel's (picture element) width is half its height. '>screen saver' acts to prevent the image being 'burnt into' the screen when the computer is left unused (and switched on!) for long periods. If neither the mouse, nor keyboard are touched (nor, optionally, the modem recieving) for a user adjustable interval then screen saving starts. A colour monitor will go black, and a monochrome monitor will periodically switch between a 'black on white' and 'white on black' display. Bumping the mouse or pressing a key (even a Shift, Alternate or Control key) will put the screen back to normal. Clicking on 'screen saver' calls up a dialogue box that allows you to switch the screen saver on or off, select whether modem activity restores the screen to normal, and adjust the screen saving switching times. If you spend a lot of time reading material downloaded from BBS's or online services, without touching the keyboard or mouse, then modem activity can be used to prevent the screen saver coming into action. If, on the other hand, you run a BBS, then disabling this feature will prevent the screen saver timer being constantly reset by your callers. The two blocks of radio buttons visible on the central panel ('>reporting' and '>special') control the reporting mode and special effects for the right mouse button. Joystick port button (or 'joy button') special effects can be adjusted in the dialogue box that opens up on clicking the double bordered 'JOY BUTTON' button. Right button 'reporting' controls what the rest of the computer system is told about the state of the right button. '>hide' pretends that the right button is always up. It enables right button special effects to be used within programs that do not use the right button - but whose normal working is interfered with while the right button is depressed. (Many GEM programs (1st Word for example) will ignore left button clicks while the right button is depressed - so that right clicks must be hidden in order for 'keypress' to work properly.) '>hold' improves the handling of programs that use the right button, but require it to be held down for a significant length of time before it is noticed. Once the right button is depressed, 'hold' keeps it depressed until an adjustable time after GEM has noticed that it is down. Thus every click, however brief, will be noticed by the program. (reference section; 'hold') Clicking on the 'reporting' button displays a dialogue box in which the hold time can be edited. Clicking on the 'special' button displays a dialogue box in which the currently selected right mouse button special effect can be edited. (Except for 'normal' and 'dbl', which can't be adjusted.) Clicking on the '>JOY BUTTON' button displays a dialogue box with four blocks of 'special' radio buttons (for the up, down, left and right joy buttons). An '>ADJUST' button on each of these blocks allows the special effect selected for each to be edited in the same way as for the right mouse button. The '>joystick reinstall' button in this dialogue reinstalls the joystick should any program have disabled it. The special effects: '>shift' pretends that a selected combination of Lshift, Rshift, Alternate and Control keys are depressed. Selecting a shift key is probably the most useful here; holding it down allows you to select (or deselect) groups of files on the desktop with an individual left button click on each. Many programs also use the shift key to change the effect of mouse clicks and movements. '>dbl' emulates a left button double click when the right button is depressed - useful if you find double clicking difficult. '>keypress' (formerly 'clk delete') emulates a left button click and shift key depression (these are optional) followed by a selected keypress A common use is in word processing where a single action 'point and press' can place the cursor and emulate pressing the delete key; deleting a character or word. (using the keypress mode 'click delete') This can be useful for correcting typing errors after you've completed a document; one hand stays on the mouse to delete unwanted characters and scroll the document while the other types in the single letter corrections. Emulating the 'Escape' key can be used on the desktop for refreshing the display of a disk drive's contents. Emulating the 'Return' key can be used to select the default button of a alert or dialogue box without actually needing to click on the button. (reference section; 'keypress' - for further details of how to adjust 'keypress') (see '7/ Existing modes and MS*.INF files' - for details of other keypress modes) '>hyperspace' is be entered by pressing one of the special effects buttons - and can be left by releasing the button, clicking the same button again or by clicking the left mouse button. On entering hyperspace you can jump vertically and/or horizontally to a predefined position (or even the position you previously occupied in this hyperspace mode) and switch to a different mouse speed and acceleration. On leaving hyperspace you can emulate a left button click (to select a icon or menu item) then jump back (vertically and/or horizontally) to your previous position, switching back to your original mouse speed and acceleration. Each of the five special effects buttons could (should you so wish) be set up to enter a different hyperspace mode (of which there are 15); but only one hyperspace mode can be active at a given instant. Pressing another hyperspace button when already in hyperspace has no effect; releasing that button makes the mouse leave the initial hyperspace mode. Here are three examples of uses for hyperspace (the names of particular hyperspace modes are mentioned in brackets): menu selection (eg; 'menu jump y'): Depressing a special effects button can make the mouse leap up to the menu bar - whereupon it can be dragged down and released on the desired menu item - just like a (Mac or Amiga) pulldown menu. After the button is released the mouse jumps back to where it started. If you decide against selecting a menu item (or merely wanted to see whether a particular menu item was ticked) then simply releasing the button will make the menu dissapear. If you prefer to jump to a often used menu heading, then hyperspace can be adjusted to jump vertically to the menu bar and to the horizontal position in which the special effects button was last released. ('menu return') icon block selection (eg; 'icon return'): Clicking a special effects button can make the mouse leap to an icon block and switch to an increased mouse speed. After a left click has selected an icon, the mouse automatically returns to its original location and speed. speed changing (eg; 'slow 1/2'): A slow speed for tracing can be adopted by pressing a button; returning to the original speed by pressing the button again. (reference section; 'hyperspace' - for further details of how to adjust hyperspace) (see '7/ Existing modes and MS*.INF files' - for details of other hyperspace modes) Hyperspace is especially useful on large screens where the are greater distances to be tranversed. Without extra buttons on your mouse these special effects are not often useful in programs that use the right button themselves - but there can be exceptions: when a program uses the right button to exit a particular mode of operation, it may be possible (and even useful) to use hyperspace to combine this function with that of menu selection. 'keypress' (with the click disabled) may be used to delete objects within version 1.5 of GFA Draft Plus. Since the delete key has no effect in those situations where the program itself uses the right button, there is never any overlap between the right button's two functions (as long as both 'wait' and 'separate' are set to zero). '>SAVE' and '>LOAD' save and load all Mouse Tricks settings to and from disk. Any changes you make can be saved to a special MS*.INF file as well as to the (MS*2.ACC) accessory file itself. This enables you set up a series of different MS*.INF files for different situations; the full filename of each MS*.INF file indicating its function.(eg; MS_MONO.INF, MS_COL.INF, MSMONOJ2.INF, MSCOLJ2.INF; the latter two modes for when two joy buttons have been added to the mouse.) When your ST boots up Mouse Tricks will look for a file of this form in the root directory, and if it finds it, will load and use the settings it contains. Simply changing the active MS*.INF file (deactived by renaming to MS*.INX) will change the settings loaded. If you've booted up with the wrong MS*.INF file, or you want to work with a different set of programs, then you can load a new MS*.INF file at any time after boot-up. In the demonstration version 'SAVE' and LOAD' are disabled after the 20 minute time limit. This prevents modes that use special effects being saved or loaded without them. '>mode' Because Mouse Tricks has so many options and variables, it is useful to be able to save the settings that best suit a particular program or situation. You can save up to 20 settings or modes, and each has a 12 character name to indicate its function. To do this: Search through the modes (using the up/down arrows next to 'mode') until you find one that is unwanted or unused. Adjust the settings as desired and type in the name of the mode. Choose a name that indicates its function, rather than just copying the name of program you want to run with it. Click on 'OK' to save your mode. If you look at another mode before clicking on 'OK' then your adjustments for the previous mode will be lost. Save your settings to the MS*2.ACC that you boot-up with - or for greater flexibility - save them to a MS*.INF file with a name that indicates their function. '>install' The dialogue box invoked on pressing 'install' lets you specify the mouse mode to be installed when a particular program is run. The memory initially available to a program can also be limited; useful for those that grab most of memory - more than they usually need - and leave little remaining for desk accessories. The amount of memory the program needs will vary, depending (with a word processor for example) on the number and size of (document and dictionary) files to be loaded. These two options can be adjusted for a list of up to 40 programs - and their names are maintained in alphabetical order. Desk accessories (or even programs that want to switch between mouse modes while running) can call Mouse Tricks to request a change in mouse mode; using an 8 character name which will be added to the 40 name list. The '>startup mode' (the mode installed on boot up) and the keycode that can be used for adjusting Mouse Tricks are also adjusted in this dialogue. After selecting a new keycode, be sure to edit the keycode description so that it means something to you. '>keycode installation' The key combination used to adjust Mouse Tricks without dialogue boxes can be altered here. Keycode mouse adjustment is useful when desktop accessories are inaccessible, when you've accidentally adjusted the mouse to an unusably high speed - or just when you want to save time. (reference section; 'key combinations') After pressing the Mouse Tricks key combination, pressing nn (or two digits) switches to a specific mouse mode. To modify the current mode press; S n to select mouse speed = n S - n to select mouse speed = 1/n A n to select accn = n L n to select limit = n M to switch between pull-down and drop-down menus I activate/deactive inverted mouse movement X activate/deactive 'medres Xtra' R activate/deactive 'remind' H to set rh mouse button special effects to 'hyperspace' N to set rh mouse button special effects to 'normal' Pressing 'J' reinstalls the joystick should any program have disabled it. Sound effects indicate the effect of your keypresses; beginning with a mouse squeak on pressing the initial key combination and ending with a sound indicating success, failure (when you've pressed the wrong key), or activation/deactivation. When a program terminates Mouse Tricks switches back to the mode it was in before the program was run. *********************** 4/ How to use Read Text '>Read Text' is a mouse (and now keyboard) controlled text reading utility that can hold up to to eight different files simultaneously - and switch from one to another at a keystroke or touch of a button. For each loaded file the user can: - scroll up and down through the text (by line or page), - jump to the top or bottom of the file; - mark up to eight places to return to later; - search up or down for any given sequence of letters (case sensitive or insensitive); - print out or save a highlighted section of the text; all by clicking on a single array of buttons (or by pressing their keyboard equivalents). You can call up Read Text from the menu as a desk accessory, or just by pressing a user defined key combination (Alt-space as the program is supplied). (reference section; 'key combinations') When you enter Read Text using this key combination then you'll skip the Mouse Tricks dialogue box. (If the mouse has been hidden by the current program when you press this key combination, then the subsequent Read Text screen display can be a little messy. You can avoid this in 1st Word by moving the mouse just before calling up Read Text.) Double-clicking on the desktop icon of the file you want to read can also invoke Read Text (see reference section; 'Read Text installation' for further details. Once inside Read Text, many of its functions can be performed through the keyboard as well as with the mouse. This makes it much easier to use - especially if you're calling it from a keyboard based program. The keys used to control Read Text are as follows (you may have to read a little further to see what each means): KEY: FUNCTION: space bar pause (this complements the Alt-space keycode used to enter Read Text) T Top B Bot(tom) cursor up line up also J cursor down line down also K Shift-cursor up page up also Shift-J Shift-cursor down page down also Shift-K 1-8 jump to marked position Shift-1-8 mark/unmark position F1-F8 select document slot P print block S save block cursor left find previous also L cursor right find next also Return,';' or Enter F edit 'Find' string Esc clear 'Find' string, then edit it I 'i'; info dialogue box A 'Aa'; case sensitive/insensitive W 'WP'; word processor/non-word processor mode The key strokes are currently recognised by to their positions on the on the keyboard, rather than the letter they represent. If you use a non-QWERTY keyboard layout, you'll have to imagine the QWERTY positions. These keycodes use the event reporting system contained within Mouse Tricks 2 - so in order to use them some form of Mouse Tricks 2 must be installed. I decided against allocating keys that would allow you to lose a loaded file with a slip of a finger. You'll have to use the mouse to select 'eject', 'new' or the close button. (>document splitting) If there isn't enough memory free to load a file whole, Read Text will allow you to read it bit by bit - in up to 64 portions. When this happens, a display will appear in the middle of the top row of buttons, indicating where you are in the document, and allowing you to switch to the previous or next segment of the text. When you quit Read Text, back to the desktop or program you are running, the files that you want to keep are preserved in memory, awaiting your return. (reference section; 'memory management') >Multiple document handling (not available in the demonstration version): The numbered boxes at the top right of the screen allow you to load up to eight text files into Read Text - and switch between them. Each ticked box holds a file, and clicking on it will display it. Clicking on an unticked box will call up the file selector to load a file. The box that holds the currently displayed file is shown in reversed colours. Clicking on the >close button (to the left of the document filename) throws away the currently displayed document, and switches the display back to one of the remaining documents. If none remains, then you quit Read Text back to the desktop or program you are running. (reference section; 'memory management') Handling the displayed document: The double row of buttons along the bottom of the screen affect only the displayed document. The central three pairs of buttons give the basic page/line up/down scrolling functions, and allow you to jump to the top or bottom of the document. A ping sounds when try to look beyond either end of the document. The '>mark'/'>jump' array allows you to mark up to eight places in the document to return to later. You mark a position by clicking in the 'mark' row of numbered buttons. The number then turns from grey to normal type, to show that a position has been marked. Clicking on the number again will unmark it - so you can get rid of old unwanted marks ready to introduce new ones. Clicking on the row of 'jump' buttons will jump to the corresponding marked position, or sound a ping if there isn't one. When at a marked position, the corresponding jump button is displayed in reverse colours. The left/right buttons to the left of the word '>find', search backwards or forwards for the sequence of letters that you have typed in to their right. A ping sounds if the sequence isn't found. Keying in 'F' or clicking on the word 'find:___' enables you to edit the sequence you want to find (the letters become highlighted to show what you are doing). To stop editing this sequence click on any other button, or press RETURN or ENTER. Keying in RETURN or ENTER has the same effect as clicking the find down button. Typing in a desired sequence and pressing RETURN will therefore search for its next occurance. The '>Aa' button on the far right selects between a case sensitive or insensitive search. You define a block (displayed in reversed colours) for printing or saving by clicking on the displayed text itself. Clicking in the left most 1/4 of the screen selects the line to start the block, clicking in the right hand 3/4 selects the line to end it. Blocks can only consist of a whole number of lines. To get rid of a block, make it end before it starts! Read Text not only reads plain ASCII text files; it partially decodes the 1st Word file format, and can be used to find bits of text buried in program files. (reference section; >text decoding) In word processor mode (selected when the '>WP' button is in normal rather than grey type) Read Text removes 1st Word format lines when loading text, and saves text with soft and stretch spaces (to help reformatting), limiting the line length to 160 characters. This allows you not only to load and save 1st Word (and compatible) documents (albeit WITHOUT style and format information), but also to convert (crudely) between ASCII and 1st Word file formats. When saving a block in non-WP mode, the option '>CR mode' (in the 'i' dialogue) selects whether the text is saved with carriage returns at the end of every >'line' - or just at the end of each >'paragraph'. Many word processor or DTP packages interpret a carriage return as indicating the end of a paragraph - so when exporting ASCII text written with 1st Word to other applications, saving it in 'paragraph' mode will prevent each line being treated as a separate paragraph. Acknowlegdements to Martyn Dryden who first implemented this idea in his accessory 'Ascii-fier'. The '>pause' and '>eject' buttons provide different ways of leaving the Read Text utility: 'pause' keeps the current file to return to later; so that the next time you click on 'Read Text' you jump straight back in where you left off. (reference section; 'pause') 'eject' throws away the current file; so the next time you click on 'Read Text' one of the remaining documents will be displayed, or, if none remains, the file selector pops up to select a new file. The '>new' button throws away the current file and calls up the file selector to select your new file. The 'info' dialogue box (called up by clicking on '>i') allows you to adjust the way files are loaded and read - and to save any changes you make. The size of the largest chunk of free memory is displayed here and you can adjust the minimum amount of this to be left when Read Text loads a file ('>leave'). Auto '>WP' mode selection sets the WP mode when loading a file according to the file extension. The extension '.DOC' selects WP mode - otherwise non-WP mode is selected. With '>line wrapping' active, line overruns are displayed on the next line down - which starts with a right pointing arrow. With line wrapping inactive, line overruns are simply ignored. This setting has no effect on files that are already loaded; you must adjust it before you load a file. '>Page overlap' selects whether you get a one line overlap when moving up or down a page. Pressing '>SELECT KEYCODE' allows you to change the keycode used to call up Read Text. You can only do this (or use the keycode) if some form of Mouse Tricks 2 is installed. Using the user defined key combination, Read Text can pop-up within programs that don't expect desk accessories - and that won't clear up the screen after Read Text has quit. If you've got ample memory, then the '>Replace screen' option will save the whole screen when Read Text is called and replace it when it quits (just as it does the menu bar). This takes an a extra 30 Kbyte. This option is installed at boot-up; you cannot change it without saving the new setting to disk and rebooting. >'CR mode' selects whether the text is saved with carriage returns at the end of every line - or just at the end of each paragraph. See 'WP' for an explanation of the use of this option. Read Text works in all screen resolutions. In low resolution (on standard screen size) the 'mark/jump' buttons are removed in order to make room for some of the more vital buttons, and the 'Aa', 'WP' and buttons at the top of the screen will not be usable or visible. The 'find' function still works, although you will need to type blind beyond the first few characters. The scrolling speed of Read Text is considerably increased by using a 'software blitter' such as Quick ST or Turbo ST (unless you have a hardware blitter anyway). A replacement file selector will also make life easier. Martin Patzel's FSELECT, the Universal Item Selector, and the Little Green Selector by Charles F. Johnson are good examples. ******************** 5/ Extra buttons Background: The extra buttons connect to the UP, DOWN, LEFT and RIGHT connections on the joystick port, and require a cable running parallel to (and best wrapped around) the mouse cable (unless you open up the mouse and install special encoding/decoding electronics). These 'joy buttons', in an assembly of two or four, attatch with velcro to the thumb side of the mouse, and are activated by pressing the thumb in on them. A choice of two buttons (UP and DOWN) keeps the cable thin, is very easy to operate with the thumb (bending the top joint to press the UP button and keeping the thumb straight to press the DOWN button) and is narrow enough to fit easily on most mice. A choice of four buttons entails a wider button assembly (fits OK on the Atari Mouse), a thicker lead, and requires a side to side movement of the thumb to press the LEFT and RIGHT joy buttons. You can, of course, access four special effects instantly (or five if you use the right mouse button) and use the whole assembly for games instead of needing to plug in the joystick (the right mouse button is the same as the joystick fire button). Buying two extra buttons: I can supply a low profile, velcro backed, two 'joy button' assembly for 10 (price valid for the rest of 1991). The limitation to two buttons (UP and DOWN) keeps the connecting cable thin and is very easy to operate with the thumb. All you'll need to do to get it working is to apply the supplied strip of self adhesive velcro to the 'thumb' side of your mouse, attatch the button assembly (velcro-to- velcro) in a convenient position for your thumb, and plug the plug into the joystick socket (having wound the cable loosely around the mouse cable). If you specify the length of your mouse cable (from mouse body to end of plug) I will cut the joy button cable to match. Otherwise I'll use a length of 1 metre - just over that of the standard ST mouse. (You can always wind up any excess next to the plug under the ST.) While these assemblies do not have a smooth finish (being individually assembled from switches and stripboard) they are compact and they work well. The low profile 'joy button' switches give a tactile feedback click when pressed or released. Static protection circuitry inside the joystick plug safeguards your ST should you come close to touching the partially exposed pins of the 'joy button' switches. I've also included an extra piece of velcro which, if stuck to a section of transparent cassete case with a right angled bend, makes a DIY tracing tool which can be attatched alongside the 'joy buttons'. If, on receiving the joy buttons, you don't like the look or feel of them, then you can return the the package complete and unsullied within a period of two weeks - and I'll return your cheque. If you want to try them out, you could temporarily mount the anchoring velcro to the side of your mouse with blue tac - WITHOUT removing the velcro backing strip or getting blue tac stuck in the hooks or loops. To qualify for this offer (as they say) you must pay for the joy buttons with a separate cheque - as I can't accept any software back. I may also publish a few circuits and schemes of construction for anyone interested in making their own 'joy buttons'. I'll include some designs for four button units, with signal encoding/decoding circuitry to avoid the need for thick cables. If an infra red link is used, or if the signal on the mouse cable is specially encoded, then no additional cable is necessary. Another option could be to use a three button mouse, and take one of its outputs to the joystick port. I hope that some manufacturer/distributor feels that the market justifies making their own versions of 'a joystick on your mouse' - especially those without extra cables and with four buttons. ******************** 6/ Mouse Tricks modules Mouse Tricks modules should be placed in the folder MSE_TRIX.MOD from where they will be automatically run by Mouse Tricks 2. To disable a module without deleting it, change its file extension (say to .MOX) using the desktop 'Show info' option. This will prevent it from being loaded when the computer next boots-up. CLK_AL.MOD CLK_AL (short for click alert) allows most non-decision making alert boxes (those with just a single button) to be cleared with a single click - wherever the mouse happens to be. Any keypress will also clear the alert. CLK_AL works by monitoring all alert_form AES calls. Whenever the alert has a single exit button, which is also a default button, then CLK_AL calls a special Mouse Tricks routine that emulates a 'RETURN' keypress at the end of the next left mouse click. This routine will also substitute a 'RETURN' for any other keypress that is made. Because the single exit button is a default button, the alert box is cleared by this 'RETURN'. CLK_AL has no effect on alerts issued by the desktop since these aren't made through the AES so CLK_AL can't tell they're happening. Disk instruction messages (such as 'Put disk B in drive A - OK') also bypass the AES and are similarly unaffected. CLK_AL steals the Trap 2 vector, according to the XBRA protocol (with id 'ckal'). Before installing itself it checks whether it was already resident, replacing the old installation if it was (as it must if it is to communicate with an active Mouse Tricks). Once resident, CLK_AL occupies just 402 bytes. (If anyone knows how to copy a program back into it's base page, without the computer crashing when the program terminates - please tell me and I'll reduce this by 256 bytes!) FSEL_RH.MOD FSEL_RH (suggested by Peter Crush) switches the right mouse button 'reporting' and 'special effects' to normal while the file selector is active. This allows you to use a right button special effect without interfering with the right button use of replacement file selectors (such as the Universal Item Selector or Little Green Selector). It is especially useful if you're without joy buttons. CKAL_FSL.MOD Combines both functions of CLK_AL.MOD and FSEL_RH.MOD. Deactivate (or delete) the two other modules before you use this one. DJ_FIX.MOD If you turned on your DeskJet Plus/500 printer after your ST has booted-up it wouldn't print - until Paul Close's DJ_RESET.ACC allowed you to 'reset' the printer port and get the two talking again. DJ_FIX works in a similar way (it sets the centronics strobe) but takes up a fraction of the memory (a few hundred bytes) and doesn't hog a desk accessory slot. Just press the key combination 'Cntrl-Lshift-Alt D' after switching on your DeskJet and it should work. You can even press the key combination while the computer is trying (and failing) to print; you don't need to wait for it to 'time out'. (This doesn't work if you've justed pressed 'Alt- Help', as the routine that checks for changes in the shift keys will be disabled while the screen dump is attempted.) The key combination can't as yet be changed by the user - that'll come later in a program to handle many such small accessories. ******************** 7/ Reference section '>speed', '>accn' and'>limit' On each mouse movement, the horizontal and vertical changes in mouse position are replaced with ones taken from a lookup table. The values in the lookup table are calculated according to the following formula: D = d*speed*(((accn+16)/16)exp(|d|-1)) (except when |d|=1 then D=speed) (D is truncated to + 127, - 128) where d is the initial horizontal or vertical change, and D is the one that replaces it. If 'limit' if active then the term ((accn+16)/16)exp(|d|-1) is not allowed to get bigger than (limit+2)/2 You'll notice that with the higher accelerations the direction of mouse movement becomes distorted; a circle becoming more like a square with rounded corners. One of the advantages of 'limit' is that it reduces this distortion. '>menu style' The pulldown menu can be operated in two ways: 1) Give a brief left click (down and up) in the menu bar to pull the menu down - then click (in the same way) on the desired option (or in the space around it to cancel the menu). 2) Depress the left button in the menu bar to pull the menu down - then, keeping the button depressed, drag the mouse down and release the button on the desired option (or in the space around it to cancel the menu). This latter method requires just a single press and release of the mouse button. If you try to use the first method too quickly, and release your initial click below the menu bar (as you move down towards a desired menu item) you will end up inadvertently using the second method - and selecting the wrong item. If you come up against this problem, try switching to deliberate use of the second method. (see 'hyperspace' for my favorite method of menu selection) '>remind' With 'remind' active (active means in normal rather than grey type), Mouse Tricks periodically monitors GEM's record of the button states, and attempts to correct it when it's wrong. 'remind' can only work while the main program (or the bit of code in control at a particular time) allows access to desk accessories. An active 'remind' can disrupt the scrolling functions of Tempus. I think the problem occurs as a result of Tempus taking over the mouse from Gem - and not letting Gem know about the button states whenever the mouse is in the scroll bars. The 'remind' function consequently keeps sending mouse and button packages in an attempt to correct GEM's false knowledge of the button states - and Tempus, recieving these packages, fails to realise that the left button has been held down for some length of time, and thus fails to scroll. '>keypress' The 'keypress' dialogue box allows you to edit any one of 15 keypress modes. The special effects button used is named in a horizontal flash across the top right of the box. On depressing the selected special effects button a key click sound and a brief left button click are made; the latter only if the box 'left click on press' is active. The shift keys shown are also emulated at this point. The key will repeat if the '>key repeat' box is active. After the time given by '>wait', characters start to be poked into the keyboard buffer. This delay gives time (in wordprocessing applications for example) for the cursor to be moved to its new position before the characters start to arrive. The time interval '>separate' sets the maximum rate at which the characters from individual 'keypress' presses, made before the 'wait' delay was complete, may be poked into the keyboard buffer. If the characters are poked in too fast then some word processors will ignore some of them. '>key 'select'' selects the keypress to be emulated. The boxed display is the hex representation of the longword to be poked into the keyboard buffer, followed by the ASCII character (actually the system font) indicated. This ASCII character is in the L.S. byte of the longword. The keyboard scancode is in the L.S. byte of the M.S. word. Some programmers will find this display useful. The display showing the shift keys to be emulated during the keypress may be edited after the keypress has been selected. '>hyperspace' The 'hyperspace' dialogue box allows you to edit any one of 15 hyperspace modes. The special effects button used is named in a horizontal flash across the top right of the box. ('>jump to' and '>jump return') On depressing the button the mouse will jump to the active X (horizontal) and Y (vertical) coordinates displayed under 'jump to' and 'jump return'. The 'jump return' coordinates (which record the position from which this hyperspace mode was last left) will, if active, override the 'jump to' coordinates. If none are active then the mouse won't jump. '>jump 'select'' selects the position to be jumped to. Simply move the mouse to the desired position and press 'RETURN'. While in hyperspace the mouse moves according to the values of '>speed', '>accn' and '>Xtra' shown. 'speed', as before, sets the mouse step size. 'accn' is limited by the value of 'limit' in the main Mouse Tricks dialogue box. 'Xtra' (adjustable from 0 (no effect) to 4) multiplies horizontal movement by 1 (no effect), 2, 4, 8 or 16. Its purpose is for use in menu selection, where the horizontal distance between headings in the menu bar is greater than the vertical distance between menu items. I find a value of 1 useful; doubling the horizontal movement. The mouse return from hyperspace by one of three radio buttons options: '>release button'; releasing the special effects button. '>press again'; clicking the same button again. '>left mouse clk'; by clicking the left mouse button. (With this last option you can also leave by clicking the same button again; say to avoid selecting an icon.) '>return via' If you leave hyperspace from within the menu bar, then the mouse has the option of returning via a specified location (where a left button click may occur). This option is used in menu selection to ensure that an unselected menu is cancelled. '>pause1', '>left click', '>pause2' Next, a left button click may be emulated, with adjustable pauses (in units of a 1/50th of a second) preceding and following it. The purpose of these pauses is to allow time for GEM to register where the mouse is when the click occurs. '>jump back' Finally, the mouse has the option of jumping back to either or both of its previous X and Y coordinates. If neither are active, then the mouse won't jump back. '>hold' The time that the right button is held down for (following the discovery that GEM knows that it is down) is adjusted in a dialogue box called up by clicking on the 'reporting' button. 0 ms (i.e. no time at all) will probably suffice for most programs that require 'hold', but those with particularly long program loops may require longer if right button clicks are not to be missed. The release of a 'held' right button is usually performed by the desk accessory part of Mouse Tricks. It will also be released by a left button click. This feature prevents the right button being immovably held down in situations where there is no access to desk accessories. '>key combinations' The shift (Shift, Alternate and Control) keys used in any key combination need to have been in their correct state for up to a tenth of a second before your final keypress. This is because Mouse Tricks periodically monitors the state of the shift keys, and only looks for a particular keypress when they're in the state matching it. Simple key combinations (like Alt-space) can therefore be missed if you depress the required keys in very quick succession. The advantage gained (at this small cost) is a reduction in the time that Mouse Tricks spends looking through a (potentially large) list of key combinations. '>Read Text installation' In order for Read Text to load and read double-clicked files, a small program, RD_MSG.PRG - located in a ramdisk or harddisk partition, must be installed as an application for those files with extensions that you want to read. Double-clicking on the file will then execute RD_MSG.PRG (passing the filename as a parameter), and RD_MSG in turn will send a message to Read Text, telling it to load the named file. There is then a short pause before the file is loaded; RD_MSG.PRG has told Read Text to wait two seconds for the desktop to recover after RD_MSG has terminated. Suitable 'install application' information is stored in the DESKTOP.INF file accompanying Mouse Tricks. You can edit the relevant lines with a text editor or wordprocessor in ASCII mode. Max Bohm's Maxidisk (Public Domain) will automatically setup a (reset-proof) ramdisk and load RD_MSG.PRG into it (assuming that RD_MSG.PRG is located in the folder A:\COPY and mentioned in MAXIDISK.INF). I've included the necessary setup on the demonstration disk sent out to PD libraries, but can't include COPY.TTP or MAXI_4MB.PRG on the disk I actually sell (someone tell me if it's all right). If you use Neodesk then you can install RD_MSG.PRG as an alternative text file reader. Neodesk will pass RD_MSG.PRG details of the file to be read, and RD_MSG.PRG will pass them on to Read Text. >text decoding Control characters (0-$19) are either ignored or interpreted in a particular way: 0 replaced by a space to improve legibility of null terminated strings in resource and program files. 9 tab expanded to up to eight spaces. $A Line Feed - ignored $B conditional page break - this character and the one following it are ignored. $D CR - used as line end code $19 soft hyphen - replaced by hyphen $1B escape code - this character and the one following it are ignored. $1C replaced by space $1D replaced by space $1E replaced by space $1F replaced by space in non-WP mode. In WP mode the rest of the line is ignored. All other control codes are ignored. >memory management Sorry about the 'user unfriendly' details that follow. A possible solution for a future version would be for Read Text to grab hold of, and manage, its own chunk of memory - a bit rigid perhaps. Loading up several files - then throwing away the earlier ones (but keeping the later) will leave the computer's free memory fragmented. If you later run out of memory - then throwing away all the files (say by using the close button) and loading new files from scratch may enable you to fit more in. Some programs take over most of the computer memory and leave little spare for Read Text to load files. If some form of Mouse Tricks 2 is installed you can limit the amount of memory initially available to these programs. If not, then load files from the desktop before running the program. If you later throw the files away within the program, then the memory they took up should become available for loading new files. ('>pause') If you load and later 'pause' on a file (or files) while within a program, then when you quit that program the memory that holds the text becomes unprotected and may later be written over with something else. This doesn't matter greatly - if the beginning of the text is corrupted, Read Text responds by searching for another loaded file and calling up the file selector if there is none. - if another portion of the text is corrupted, a "*** TEXT CORRUPTED ***" message is displayed. You can ensure that this doesn't happen by loading text files from the desktop. ********************* 8/ Notes on existing modes and MS*.INF files I have set up a few demonstration MS*.INF files in the folder MICE.INF. To load them after boot up, simply click 'LOAD' and select the desired file. To load any one on boot up, it must first be placed in the root directory of your boot disk. The filenames are self explanatory (I hope): MS_MONO.INF and MS_COL.INF being designed for monochrome and colour monitors, and differing from one another in the mouse speed selected (in the various mouse and hyperspace modes). MSMONOJ2.INF and MSCOLJ2.INF, and MSMONOJ4.INF and MSCOLJ4.INF are intended for a mouse with two or four joy buttons attatched. While the first pair of modes use the right mouse button for special effects, the second four use joy buttons - leaving the right mouse button free for programs or accessories that use it. The general difference between the .INF files for two and for four joy buttons is that a wider range of mouse modes are automatically installed (as programs run) for two buttons to allow each program to use the particular combination of special effects it needs. With four buttons, a single mouse mode can access four special effects, and thereby match the needs of a wider range of programs. This gives a more standardized use of joy buttons; an advantage which helps to offset the extra difficulties in remembering and using four buttons. You will probably want to blur these distinctions: You might, for example, be without joy buttons but feel it's worth connecting a joy stick for hyperspace switching between different mouse speeds. Or you may have two joy buttons and want to use the right mouse button for a third special effect. Other variations are MSMONJ2L.INF and MSMONJ4L.INF for a large monochrome screen with two or four joy buttons. It's easy to adjust and save MS*.INF files for your own purposes, adapting any of the 20 modes in each for a particular situation, depending on what special effects you require and whether a program uses the right button itself. Each MS*.INF file contains the following information (all of it editable through the dialogue boxes); it's own filename; a startup mode to be installed on boot up; a key combination for keyboard control of Mouse Tricks; screen saver switching times; a list of up to 40 application names, for each of which two parameters can be (optionally) specified; a mouse mode to be installed when the appliction runs; a limit to the memory initially available to the program; a list of 20 named and numbered mouse modes, each with its own adjustments for the following parameters; mouse speed, accn, limit, invert, remind, medres Xtra, screen saver (on/off, modem sensitive/insensitive) menu style, right button reporting; hide, hold or normal special effect selections for the right mouse button, and the up, down, right and left joystick buttons. Each special effect selection selects between; normal (no effect) dbl clk (double left mouse click) shift; a particular combination of the Control, Alternate, left and right Shift keys. keypress; one of 15 keypress modes hyperspace; one of 15 hyperspace modes Each of the 15 named and numbered keypress and hyperspace modes contains its own values for the parameters described under 'keypress' and 'hyperspace' in the reference section. I'll describe the existing keypress and hyperspace modes first, as they are lower level modes that can be selected as special effects for the higher level mouse modes. '>Keypress modes': click delete a 'point and click' method for deleting text. For a fast text editor the 'wait' and 'separate' times may be decreased - these were set up for 1st Word. If operated via the right mouse button you may need to 'hide' right button clicks in order for the emulated left click to be noticed and the text cursor to move to its new position. delete no key repeat, no mouse click. a 'point and click' method for deleting objects in some drawing and drafting packages. Lack of key repeat avoids the accidental deletion of more than one object. return no key repeat, no mouse click. selects the default option in alerts and dialogues delete;no key repeat, no mouse click. escape no key repeat, no mouse click. refreshes desktop windows cursor keys (for use in future graphics application): up no mouse click down no mouse click left no mouse click right no mouse click '>Hyperspace modes': menu jump y jumps vertically to menu bar and returns to original vertical position on release of button. menu jump xy jumps vertically and horizontally to a fixed positon in the menu bar. Returns to original position on release of button; useful on large screens. menu return jumps vertically and horizontally to the last menu title selected. Returns to original position on release of button; useful on large screens and when a single menu title is repeatedly selected. icon jump jumps vertically and horizontally a fixed position (say in an icon block) - returning to the normal position after a left click has selected an icon. Clicking on inactive space or pressing the special effects button again will return without any change in the icon selection. icon return jumps vertically and horizontally to the position from which you previously left this mode, returning to the normal position after a left click has selected an icon. The following modes switch to a different speed and/or position - returning to the original speed and/or position when the special effects button is pressed again: normal speed switches to normal speed for free hand drawing. slow 1/2 switches to 1/2 the normal mouse speed - for tracing large drawings. slow 1/3 slow 1/4 speed posn switches between two speeds and positions; remembering the position in which each was left, like switching between two separate mice! slow1/2 posn a similar example; this time switching to a slow speed. Mouse modes: Most of these modes are designed for setups with two or more joy buttons; the right mouse button being left free. For those without joy buttons (catered for in the MS*.INF files other than 'MS*J*.INF') one of the joy button special effects is duplicated on the right mouse button - unless the mode is intended exclusively for a program that uses the right mouse button itself. Neither are 'desk mode' and 'desk hold' altered in this way; instead an additional mode, 'rh desk mode', is installed as the startup mode, and uses the right mouse button for hyperspace selection. Delete those modes you'll never use - and put in some of your own. desk mode For use on the desktop and for word proccessing, data base, and spread sheet applications; programs without need for fine mouse control nor many icons. I have installed this, my most commonly used mouse mode, as the 'startup mode' (you may select any mode for this). It is installed on boot-up, and remains as the active mode until another is manually selected or automatically installed. It uses speed, accn, limit, remind, medres Xtra, screen saver and drop down menus. The speed settings for monochrome use (MS_MONO.INF and MSMONOJ.INF) are twice those for colour use. A setup with joy buttons (MS*J*.INF) uses: UP joy; hyperspace - 'menu jump y' DOWN joy; shift - left Shift RIGHTjoy; keypress click delete LEFT joy; keypress 'return' or 'escape' right mouse; normal reporting and no special effects. 'shift' is useful on the desktop for simplifying the selection of files and folders. A setup without joy buttons uses the right mouse for hyperspace ('menu jump y') with the right button hidden; so this mode would be no good for most programs that use the right mouse button themselves. With a large screen (colour or monochrome, real or virtual; MS*L.INF) 'menu jump xy' or 'menu return' would be preferable for hyperspace menu selection. rh desk mode the same as 'desk mode', except that the right mouse button duplicates the 'menu jump y' of the UP joy button. nothing for any situation where you want no effect whatsoever. desk hold same as desk but with the right mouse reporting on 'hold' and special effect 'normal'. menu delete for word processors (and some object oriented graphics applications) with a two 'joy button' setup. It differs from 'desk mode' in that 'keypress' (click delete) replaces 'shift' as the DOWN joy button special effect. M-D hold menu delete hold. 'delete's without left click or key repeat; for deletion of objects in drawing and drafting packages. menu icon for packages with an icon block (as well as a menu bar) the DOWN joy button uses 'icon return'. M-I Control I've read that the control key (here emulated by 'shift' on the right joy button) is often useful in Calamus. menu Control An alternative mode for Calamus; for two joy buttons and without a big screen. M-I art uses a slow speed without accn for painting applications. M-I hold 'menu jump', 'icon return' and a 'held' right mouse button for those packages that need it. M-I longhold chiefly for O_line - or at least the demo version I possess. speed switch Another mode for graphics applications; switching between slow and fast speeds on alternate presses of the DOWN joy button. The faster, hyperspace speed is useful, not only as an alternative mode for controlling icons and menus, but also for defining objects and lines; when extra accn (and sometimes speed) is advantageous. The slow, normal speed is best for free hand drawing. I've used the slow speed as the normal, non- hyperspace speed, so that other hyperspace modes (say menu jump) can be entered from it. rh spd swtch a mode for Degas Elite - designed to switch between two speeds on each click of the right mouse button (just as Degas itself switches); a slow, hyperspace speed without accn for drawing, and a faster speed with accn for the control screen. If they get the wrong way around (when cancelling an object you've decided not to draw, say) then repeat the cancelling operation, or give a right click while a menu is down. Here the slow speed is the hyperspace speed; there is no menu bar accessible while drawing in Degas - so there's less point in being able to enter other hyperspace modes from here. cursor keys for a graphics program that will use the cursor keys to adjust the size and intensity of a graphics tool. no remind for those programs (eg; Tempus) that don't like GEM to be reminded of the true button state. M-D no rmnd menu delete no remind; for Tempus and just two joy buttons Installed programs: In the MS*.INF files for those without joy buttons (all files other than 'MS*J*.INF') automatic mode installation installs 'desk mode' for most programs that use the right mouse button themselves; the exceptions being DEGELITE (where the dual effect of the right mouse button is deliberate) and DRAFTPLS (where 'delete' has no effect in those situations where the program itself uses the right button.) CALAMUS 'M-I Control' DEGELITE 'rh spd swtch' DOODLE 'speed switch' DRAFTPLS 'M-D hold' 512 kbyte limit GENST2 'menu delete' (with two joy buttons) GFADRAFT 'M-I hold' (or 'M-D hold' with two joy buttons) LITTLEUK 'speed switch'; or could try 'M-I art' 512 kbyte limit O_LINE 'M-I longhold' TEMPUS 'no remind' (or 'M-D no rmnd' with two joy buttons) WORDPLUS 'desk mode' (or 'menu delete' with two joy buttons) 512 kbyte limit ********************* 9/ Programming information Mouse Tricks steals the following vectors according to the XBRA protocol (using the id 'mstx'): trap 1 vbl interrupt mousevec for reprocessing mouse packages joyvec curv for monitoring and modifying cursor movement ikbdsys for screen saver monitoring of keyboard and mouse activity. for monitoring and modifying keypresses while adjusting keypress. etv_timer as a 50Hz timer for keyboard emulation while using keypress. RS-232 recieve buffer full interrupt for screen saver monitoring of modem activity Programs that themselves steal these vectors may bypass some of the functions of Mouse Tricks ('hide' and 'hold' for example). If they fail to jump on to my routines, or if they modify the data that is passed on, then Mouse Tricks may behave strangely. Mouse Tricks also installs a vertical blank routine (identified by 'XNAMmstx'). Because of the use of vectors, Mouse Tricks cannot be unloaded (say by DC STUFFER or MULTIDESK) as can some desk accessories. This shouldn't be a problem with the stand alone Read Text accessory. Some of the programs associated with Mouse Tricks steal the following vectors according to the XBRA protocol, and use the accompanying id's: CLK_AL.MOD TRAP #2 'ckal' FSEL_RH.MOD TRAP #2 'flrh' CKAL_FSL.MOD TRAP #2 'ckrh' HOT_MSE.PRG TRAP #1 'htms' ;must get it before HOT_WIRE Mouse Tricks and Read Text have been developed on version 1.2 and 1.6 (STE) of TOS with HiSoft's Devpac ST and Wercs. I think I've ironed out all the bugs - but do test the demonstration version on your system with your software before you buy it. I'll soon publish a package of assembler macros and routines that will enable any assembler programmer to use the multi-tasking interrupt driven event reporting system, message passing protocols and other utilities contained in Mouse Tricks. Not only do they allow other programs to control Mouse Tricks and Read Text; they provide a fast and powerful environment for any application that needs to wait for, and act upon certain events. Here's a brief overview of the event reporting system: The range of events that can be reported include: mouse movements and button clicks, joystick movements, keyboard events (ie; characters recieved), execution and termination of programs, waiting for time intervals. You can choose to wait for a particular keyboard combination to be pressed (or application run), or have every event of a particular type reported. With keyboard events you can also ask that the character recieved be automatically removed or replaced. Once it occurs, an event can be reported in one of a number of ways: by jumping to a subroutine directly (during the interrupt) during a vblank routine in user mode; when the operating system can be safely used or by sending a message to a GEM application (program or desk accessory) One of number of sound effects can be triggered when an event occurs. Sounds currently available are the standard keyclick and bell sounds, plus sounds for silence (to replace a keyclick - for instance), success, failure, installation, deinstallation, a sound for miscellaneous actions, and a mouse squeak. A request to wait for a particular event can be made from anywhere - even from an interrupt. This makes the system especially useful for Terminate Stay Resident code, which cannot use GEM AES event reporting. There is no limit, apart from computer time, to the number of events that can be awaited. The event reporting system is NOT time-limited in the demonstration version of Mouse Tricks - so no one will have to buy Mouse Tricks in order to use programs relying on this system. As initial examples of programming for Read Text and Mouse Tricks I've included in folder SOURCE the source code for RD_MSG.PRG, CKAL_FSL.MOD and DJ_FIX.MOD. You may need to wait for the libraries of macros and routines to become available before you can use these. ******************** 10/ Compatability * Megapaint, Deluxe Paint, HotWire, Form-do-it Megapaint uses a non-GEM user interface which fails to notice the very quick clicks made using the special effects keypress and hyperspace or pull-down menu selection (using the second method). It is possible to compile a version of Mouse Tricks which slows these clicks down so that Megapaint notices them. I haven't made this standard as neither hyperspace nor (second method) pull-down menu selection is suitable for the special features of Megapaint menus. Deluxe Paint completely takes over the handling of the mouse and keyboard from the ST's operating system. This means that Mouse Tricks will have no effect while Deluxe Paint is running. If you use Codehead's HotWire, place the tiny program hot_mse.prg BEFORE hotwire.prg in the auto folder. This ensures that Mouse Tricks gets hold of the Trap #1 vector first, so that program execute and terminate calls always go through Mouse Tricks; switching mouse modes as desired. With HOT_MSE.PRG installed, Mouse Tricks disables the option of limiting the memory available to a particular program; a feature which seems incompatible with programs being launched by HotWire (it crashes when they terminate). Form-do-it, Dan Wilga's form_do replacement, isn't kind to Read Text. Not only do underlines appear everywhere but scrolling becomes grindingly slow and none of the keyboard equivalents work (as Form-do-it steals them first). The short term solution is to disable Form-do-it with 'Lshift-Rshift delete' when using Read Text. The real solution is for Read Text not to use form_do at all; I'll fix this sometime. And maybe Dan Wilga could get Neodesk to send text reading messages directly to Read Text, rather than having to go via RD_MSG.PRG. ******************** 11/ Trademark Acknowledgements ATARI, ST, and TOS are all registered trademarks of Atari Corp. Degas Elite is a registered trademark of Batteries Included. GEM is a registered trademark of Digital Research Inc. Amiga is a registered trademark of Commodore Business Machines Inc. Apple and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer Inc. 1st Word is a registered trademark of GST Holdings Ltd. GFA Draft Plus could well be a registered trademark of GFA Systemtechnik GmbH. Turbo ST, Quick ST and TRACEY might also be registered trademarks. Tempus may be a trademark of Creative Computer Design. Megapaint II may be a registered trademark of TommySoftware Deluxpaint may be a registered trademark of Artistech Development HotWire is a registered trademark of CodeHead DeskJet is a registered trademark of Hewlett Packard ****************** 12/ Acknowlegdements Thanks to: Michel Tavir - for suggesting key combination adjustment. Bruce Sanchez - for suggesting the slow mouse option. Jim Cruise - for helping me fix a bug in Read Text. Peter Crush - for suggesting more sensitive control of mouse speed, the memory saving limited adjustment versions and adjustable screen switching times for monochrome screen saving. Martyn Dryden - who first implemented the option of removing line returns within paragraphs in his 'ASCII-fier'. .RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.