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Hello STAM,INIT,ZAXX.B,GURU MEISTER,GENERAL STAVROS,FLABBCER,MEATHEADNNT~=~NJGf`NqNNi*********************************************** By Robin Hughes 1989 ************************************NNT~=N-~=~=~=~=~N~NHNN¬NN G> Gf`vNqpNnN5[3][ Medium resolution only ! ][ Quit ]rN~?A ./NNOH;G\~DGN~DGNB~=~N~=><wN~=><0N~=><DNN~=~=~=~=~N>< =A .v!N><'=A .v!N><J=A .v!N~=A .v!N+| <;|`>-`"m . -N" ^0Rm` m`o~=~=~=~=~N~?N0TOH~=~ =><=~ N><=~ =><=~N><=~ =><=~N~=~=><=~N~=~ =~=~N~=~ =~=~NpNnN Filename :rN~ ?~?A ./N`NOH~=~=~=~=~NpNnN Cursor pos :rN><?~?A ./N`NOH~=~=><=~N~=~=><=~N><=~=><=><N~=><=><=><N~=><=><=><N~=~=~N,NNCurrent Page :NNTNNMaximum Page :NNT~=~7=~N,NNLength of File :NNT~=~7=~N,NNCurrent Edit Mode :N~=~=~=~=~NNNTEXTNNT~=~=~=~=~N><=><=~d=~N><=><=~7=~N~?N0TOH~?NTOHpNnN ForwardrN><?><?A ./N`NOHpNnN BackwardrN><?><?A ./N`NOHpNnN Start EndrN><?><?A ./N`NOH~?N0TOHpNnNUNDOrN><?><?A ./N`NOH~?NTOH><=><=><z=><N><=><=><z=><N><O=><=><O=><N><P=><=><P=><N~?N0TOH~=~=~=~=~NpNnNi...................Hi, STAM, INIT, MEATHEAD, The TELEMOEBS, Tackley, and all ST/AMIGA users..............rN~?><?A ./N`NOH~NBN\*.*2< NN2< NBmf;|h~H+GjNCase dependent2< NBmn~Nh;Gp~Nh Gg` dNqN!@;Gr~?NTOH~=~=~=~=~N>-r Gg`Nq~DGNB><=~=><=><=A .N,~NBA ./A ./At./N^O H~DGNB><=~=A .-~N~NBA .N;GvA .->-v=~N-N\NJJGf`Nq>-v=~DG^;Gv`NqA .-~=>-vN-A .N2< N>-t=~N=A .NF^JGf`NqN `NqBmfA .-~=~=><NN2< N~N\+Gx.-x+G|~H+GNN+G~N-.-x-><'HޞN*JGf`8Nq.-x-~N.N-><@H-~N$N2< N`Nq><H+G~NZ.--><HN:JGf`zNqpNnN<[1][ Not enough memory | free to load that file][ Cancel ]rN~?A ./NNOH;G\`Nq;|f;|7;|~DGNB~=~=~=~=~N~=~ =><=~NpNnN Filename : -A .-~=~%NNrN~ ?~?A ./N`NOH~DGH+Gj>-=>-=~N,~=~=~=~=~NBm~H-><8H-~HANF`Nq>-RG;G>-RG;G mPg`&Nq;|8>-RG;G>-=>-=~N,>-=>-=~N,A .-.--~HNvN;G>-"m . ->- ^0>-=~ N=>-=~~N^JGf`NqNN.NNT`NqN>-NNAN``Nq~DG;GBm~=~=~N,~H-><8H-~HANF`Nq>-RG;G mg`-RG;GBm mg`NqNNTBmA .-.--~HNvNN2< NA .N-~HN:JGf`$NqNN0NA .N`NqNA .NAN``4Nq~NB~=~J=~N,~=~=~=~=~N.-|N2< NA .N-~HDޞ;G\A .-~=>-\N2< N~=>-\DG^;G\>-\=~NJGf`0Nq>-\H-N0NN$-A .N2< NNA .N.-|-><7H&N;G;|;|7.-|-><7HNF-~HNBJGf`"Nq>-RG;G.-|-><7HNF;G~=~=~N,NN NNT~=~=~N,N>-Nf~=~=~N,NN 1 NN12N-N+`Nq>-r Gg`Nq mfg`NqN `xNqN.~DGNB><=~=><=><=A .N,~NBA ./A ./At./N^O H~DGNB><=~=A .-~N~NBA .N;GvA .->-v=~N-N\NJJGf`Nq>-v=~DG^;Gv`NqA .-~=>-vN-A .N2< N mtg`rNq |1NA .NJGf`NqA .NA .-~=~=><N~NA .-~H-.-|NvNNT~NZNâ`zNq>-r Gg`NqpNnN,[2][Quit...|Are you sure?][ Yes | No ]rN~?A ./NNOH;G\ m\g` Nq~DGN`Nq>-r Gg`dNq~DGNB~=~]=><=><=A .N,~=~=~=~=~N~=~]=><=~N~ =~=~N,N%Enter Offset in bytes (In decimal) : NA.-NNN~=~]=A .-~NA.NNF+G.--~HDޞ+G.--~HN*=.--.-|NH^JGf`NNqN..--><7H&N-~Hޞ;GN(N-.-+GjN+N12`NqN ~NB`zNq>-r Gg`Nq~DGNBN..-j-~Hޞ+G~=~]=><=><=A .N,~=~=~=~=~N~=~]=><=~N~ =~=~N,NEnter String : NA$.-NNN~=~]=A .-~N~NBN/`Nq>-r Gg`tNq>-nRG;Gn mng`NqBmn mng`&NqNCase dependent2< N`"NqNCase independent2< N`Nq>-r Gg` NqN/~Nh;G~Nh;G~Nh;G>-=~N=>-f=~N^JGf`Nq>-=~N=>-=><N^JGf`Nq>-=><NJGf`NqBmh` Nq;|h~?N0TOH~=~J=~N,~=~=~=~=~N mhg` NqNNHEX NNT`NqNNTEXTNNT>-=><N=>-=><N^=>-=><N^=>-=><zN^JGf`VNq>-=>-NJGf`>NqN.>-RG;GN(N-.-j-><7Hޞ+GjN+N12>-=><N=>-=><N^=>-=><N^=>-=><zN^JGf`\Nq>-=~NJGf`FNqN.>-=~DG^;GN(N-.-j-><7HDޞ+GjN+N12>-=><N=>-=><N^=>-=><N^=>-=><PN^JGf`BNq>- Gf`2NqN.;|N(N-~DGH+GjN+N12>-=><N=>-=><N^=>-=><ON^=>-=><zN^JGf`RNq>-=>-NJGf`:NqN.;mN(N-.-|-~HDޞ+GjN+N12>-=><N=>-=><N^=>-=><N^=>-=><N^JGf`NqN(N+N12N2<,NA,.-NNJ=>-f=~N^JGf`xNqA,.N;G\>-\ Gg`Nq>-=~/>H-.Dޞ-.<7"N-~Dޞ+G.--><7Hޞ+GA,.-~=~NN;G>- GKg`HNqAj. 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IY , E, " Z8##r( "$%0 % #   BA81828012910PROCEEDCANCELFormatter 4.0-Fred DeutschDrive:Tracks:Sides:S.P.T.:MacSTType:FORMATERASEAction:YESNOVerify:00    & &     $          4f     60 L^,T$     *      6 .@0000000H 02/23/89 RMOVE Version 1.0 ================== Please read and understand this documentation before using RMOVE What is RMOVE? ============= RMOVE is a utility that is sorely missing from the GEM desktop. You may have noticed that, while it is quite easy to rename a file by highlighting it, by clicking "Show Info", and changing the name, there is no way to change it's directory (or folder). In order to "move" a file you must "drag" it to another folder and copy it there...go back and erase the original by dragging it to the "trashcan". If you do this often enough (especially with a hard drive) you wind up with a disk full of very fragmented files, as each new file is written into the holes the erased files leave behind. This slows down disk reads and writes considerably, and makes for a very messy disk organization. (If you have such a mess there are "file organizer" programs available that will reorganize your hard drive and make it much quicker.) RMOVE was written to fill this gap and enable you to move files by simply changing the directory they are assigned to. They do not get copied and/or erased, and they never move from the spot they were originally written to. Your drive stays neat clean and fast, and your file appears in the directory you want it in. How to use RMOVE ================ RMOVE will operate from any directory so put it anywhere (and everywhere) you want it. I like to keep mine in the same folder that my terminal software puts my downloads so I can quickly move them to where they belong. (You can even move RMOVE with RMOVE). Double click on RMOVE.PRG and it will run. First you will be presented with a familiar file selector box. READ THE INSTRUCTIONS IN THE BOX ABOVE IT. Use it to select all the files you want to move to a particular directory. (You will only be able to select one destination folder.) When you are through selecting files to move (you can select up to 39), click on OK or CANCEL without selecting a filename. You will get another file selector box....but LOOK! READ THE INSTRUCTIONS ABOVE IT!!! It now wants you to select a destination folder. Fiddle around until you select the folder (directory) you want the files moved to, and click on OK. (I won't explain how the file selector box works...consult your ATARI manual). That's all there is to it. The program, at that point, will do whatever you told it to and shows you what it's doing each step of the way. REMEMBER: GARBAGE IN - GARBAGE OUT! I tried to prevent the most common user errors from screwing things up; things like trying to move a file to where it already is, selecting the same file more than once, or selecting a destination without any files. TOS will not allow wildcards in renaming files so don't try it. The program will not erase files so the worst error can't happen. If a file seems to have disappeared, don't panic, look around, you just moved it somewhere. You also can't "move" a file to another drive. For that you use normal copy procedures(...but you knew that). Final Note ========== RMOVE is FREEWARE. Share it with anyone who can use it. However, it is mine, I wrote it, I Copyrighted it. Paul Fenton New Port Richey, Fl. 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These five escape related commands are the ones which should work with all printers. The rest of them send special codes to the printer to set the indicated mode (elite, pica, near-letter-quality, etc). These codes were ment to work with the Epson FX80 compatible printers; the MX type will probably work fine too. And, don't forget to turn on your printer before using this program. The control+ S and control+ D move the cursor left and right just like they do in Wordstar, to allow you to insert something or to correct a mistake. Control+ R prints out the line on the printer but doesn't move the paper up, so you can type over the same line. This allows you to do an underline or a strike-out (X-out) or type a word over to darken it (BOLD-on-a-budget). When you invoke control+ R, the line on the screen isn't cleared as with a carriage return, but remains to help guide your cursor to the point where you want your underline (etc). Since you have to put in spaces to position the cursor, the line is progressively over- written so you're pretty much limited to just the second pass over the printed line. There is no margin release to allow typing beyond the margins. The most likely place you'd wish you could do this is at the end of the line where you have just one or two characters left in a word and you don't want to hyphenate. There is a way to squeeze in those characters. Let's say you have two more characters to type and the cursor is at the right margin, push backspace twice and type in those last two characters, push control + S twice and type in the two characters you had just erased. That will shove the last two characters out beyond the margin. The cursor will not go past the margin but the characters will so be careful when your right margin is near 160; the program will probably halt if you have more than 160 characters on the line. Changing margins clears the tabs and any part of the line you've typed in, so it's best to set your margins first, then the tabs, and then type your line. Since there is no margin release, you may find it more convenient to set the right margin to the absolute maximum you want your line to be rather than anticipate squeezing in letters as mentioned above. You may change tabs without affecting the margins or your typed line. The Epson-specific selections may be made at any point in your typing, but the changes made affect the entire current line. You can't make a line print partly in elite and partly in pica, for instance (unless you play around with the control+ R facility). Also, of course, you won't be able to enable mutually exclusive printer modes, the last one chosen will noramlly be used, but there may be times when it's best to reset the printer with escape+ A, then pick your desired modes again, just to be sure. The program does not check for input errors for setting tabs and margins to a great degree (checks range but not type) and it will halt if you enter a letter when a number is expected; watch the prompt line below. I intended the color of the margin markers to be red and the tab markers green. The colors you actually get will depend on how you have your default colors set. It might help to know that the tab markers seem to take on the color of the desktop surface. Functions which may confuse: Abort resets the printer (Epson type). Undo erases the line you're typing on. Quit takes you out of the program (to the A> prompt or desktop) control+R prints current line, doesn't advance paper, line remaining on screen serves as guide & doesn't effect later printing. carriage RETURN prints out line & advances paper just like a typewriter. BACKSPACE erases character to the left of cursor. =============================================================================== COPYWRITE (c) 1988 by Alex Fetesoff. This program is shareware and as such may be distributed freely but not for profit. With such distribution must be included this documentation and copywrite notices. I disclaim any warranties, expressed or implied, including any warranties of merchantability, performance, and suitability for any purpose with respect to this software and documentation. But I hope you like it anyway! If you have questions or comments, send email on GENIE to alex.f or on CompuServe to 72277,1607. I think I'm also supposed to include the following copywrite notice, though I can't find reference to the requirement. Anyway, this program was compiled using OSS Personal Pascal, so portions of it are copywrite (c) 1986, 1987 by Optimized Systems Software, Inc. and CCD. `.6 o"h#/,#/0#/4BbBy/8N\/,HNVA$-HHy1?9;6N#d?<EN#dXN^,_Nu/,HNVAD-HHy1?9;6N#d?<YN#d0. @ ?N#d0.@ ?N#dXN^,_ _XN/,HNVA$-HHy1?9;6N#d?<JN#dXN^,_NuNV?<NAN^Nu/,HNVA-HBg?95NLNN^,_Nu/,HNVAl-Hp9;vr9;xAt9;yBv9;{Cx9;}D=@z9;~E|9;F=@2<AgN. y/:NN^,_Nu/,HNVA:-Hp95rPAot TB34B` t RB34BHH@34DN^,_Nu/,HNVA-H0.rPAn@S@??< NTHy1Hy;>?? R=Return/NO line feed starts typing------Any keys other than escape+ q,p,e,c,x,z,d,n,s,a,m,t,r, or uesc+ M=Margins T=Tabs R=Remove tabs U=Undo(erase)esc+ D=Draft N=Nql S=1/8" line Space A=Abort(reset)esc+ Q=Quit P=Pica E=Elite C=Compress X=eXpand Z=emphasiZed and use ESCAPE WITH EACH of the following.Remember to turn on your printer/,HNVA-HBg?< N"Hy1Hzr?<FN$XHy1HzR?< N$XBgp S@?NHy1Hz?<ON$XHy1?<8N#dXBg?< NHy1Hz?<FN$XHy1Hz?< N$XBgp R@?NHy1Hz&?<ON$XHy1?<6N#dXN^,_Nu 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890/,HNVA-HNp=@Bg?95NHnN'X0.rAg494HB^894FD]ECdl6.CA4L106.RC=CHy1?9;6N#dHzp?<N$X?.?<TN*Hy1?9;6N#dHz@?<N$X?<8?95NtNHy/>HnN'X`HNN^,_Nub3b2enter #s (and press c/r) at which you want tabs (0=exit) /,HNVA-Hp=@`0.@rA4L1Rn nop34JAC5Bgr RA?NHy1Hz?<(N$Hz?<(N$Hz?<(N$Hz?<(N$XN:N Bg?95NdHy1HzT?<:N$XHy/>Hy4HN'X094HrA^6<C]DBdHy1?9;6N#dHz?<N$X?94H?<LNvHy1?9;6N#dHz?<N$X?<.?95NNHy1Hz?<N$XHy/>Hy4FN'X094FrA^6<C]DBdHy1?9;6N#dHzZ?<N$X?94F?<RNHy1?9;6N#dHz(?<N$XNN^,_Nuright margin b3b1enter # (and press c/r) at which you want the left margin /,HNVA0-H0. rAl~t=BJ@jD@=@``094J294HAoJtQBf$vO34DS@34J894BSD34B` 694DxPHÇHCSC34DS@34JRn0.no0. rAot=BJ@jD@=@`j094J294FAlTtPBf0694DRCHÇHC34DR@34J894BRD34B`694DHÇHCRC34DR@34JRn0.no?94D?94BNlN^,_ _TN/,HNVA-H094F=@r=A`H094J2.AA4L40B]4.B60 4.B]DAd2.A60=CRn no094J=@2.SA=A`(?< ?C!It0B BA1Bt0B  A80B BA620B Bp3;6N+pr??"N+p??/L;NuH; _0@"_24BAAc1V`t>/L;NuH; _02S@AC2YQ/L;NuH; _02S@AC2YQ/L;NuH; _02S@AC2FAYQ/L;NuB9;`P;By/* _0g$_jp"_// H;N"L;BtJ@fL)J9;f f8| i f(Bi ` f|Ji f 3| `4<gG BQB) @e *:f&Jrt `e QG"ptWJBkG"3 J9;f fpBi `\ f3| p`J g( f*3| H@?3| NAXNu/")x itg$H@//?) ?<@NA LJof _Nu _4` _t6 Bo r aSB`2aNH?; _r ar a/L?;Nu _r aN _4` _t"x0HgJJjDxvC<zp cRЀ`|e W0R"f`6 _4` _t2xJAjDAxvC<p0 2H@0RJAfJg<-RBlCSBr aQSCaQN _"_v` _"_60`JfQ$ItRJf` _4v` _46"_JBjtJCkgCe4` BSCr axQSBkalQN _6kfv2_t Cc"4YBv` _6kfv"_t Cc4QBvSBkr a(QSCC" A0 9c^a JgYC`NH ;"oA/ N%NL ;Nu(_"_/ A) g  f$)Jtf&H //?) ?<@NA LJovfNu$ix&i|fa`pRgf#Jx`H")x it#Hxg$H`//?) ?<@NA LJofLNu )f NuHy&I` Hy&"0< LN.~REWRITE required prior to WRITE or PUTDisk or directory full _$_"Wp i e)H/ N(hL4NH/ N(hLp)` _"WJ9<f*J)f i e)H/ N(hL i d)J)fJg i dB9<J)fBiNz`z _$_"WptvH/ Hy<aB29<XL- -fJf^p`4  fJg*`N0eH  bBԂi\(؄iV؄iRԄiNԁRCJ)f  g i e) 0e 9c~Jg&JgDJf 6Höf4N$NHy(H0<`Hzh0<N.~ _$_0"Wt&JRJ)f:H/ Hy<ar29<XL i d J)P<f RBBe`Be`N Bad digit in number encounteredOverflow during READ of number(_ _/ C (g ( fXJ(fF$($IJtflH / /?( ?<?NA LJo*fJg  f"J` g  Wf NuJg Jh g J(fPNu!|NuH$hx&h|gpR@@gf!JxL`H &ht!KxJh f(aZLEJ@g *f` R@Bh` / /<?( ?<?NA LJlp!K|JfvL`rH@Hsp/Bg?<?NA LRA3 f@ AgUH@Hzp 3 dp` SAH@Hzp/?<?<@NA L` fSA` fSAH@Hzp` f H@Hzp `~ f4SA`(H@Hzp 3 dp/?<?<@NA LQ`* d,*9@*HHzpp/?<?<@NA L AfH@HzFp/?<?<@NA L NuHzR0<`Hz$0< LN.~  p Exit q C^AReset required prior to Read or GetAttempt to read past end-of-fileH< _0"_e /L<NuHy-N./B9<0/|<0NuH< _0 @f0"|<<p` "_J@jpE<0r4@ BbBS@kQ/L<NuH< _4SBkt82$_rAbd0 @f0"|<<p` "_J@jp6ADb6CG0IS@k$eQ/L<NuH< _4k2SAk0"_p6B@bE0)CS@kQ/L<NuH< _2$_r0 @f0"|<<p` "_J@jp@kS@kv&J$IRC4(K Vg RQBg`?/L<NuH< _4kF2SAk>0 @f0"|<<p` "_J@jpJBg@b6B@oCE<0SBkQ/L<NuString overflow _pJ.g 0( hNVg4 ( hg( hH`0( hNVg ( hg hHfXgr"ODd2Sk "Sj` _"y/,e Hy.PN.N#=8#=4 .f -|.@`-|.@ nNн=4f y=8NStack overruns heap _(N _0/Ho |.d3/*Jy/(fXNX/#=<"|.a "_a"|.aJy/8g y=<9BgNA/ ?< NA\Nu09/(Nu09/*By/*Nu _3/(NBy/*Nu *** *** Copyright 1986, CCD and OSS, Inc.   " .&    4  "  *       v    4 $ B    $    " v(              &         "        &     D,*< * * , , 0 , " BBb42J ^ (*  vbd ( *@ B @ ( 0  .  tL..  tPCF554 DOCt M PCF554 PRGt QE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PCF554.PRG Seek Rate Adjustment Program for the PCF554 1988 Atari Corporation Date of release: January 11,1989 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PCF554.PRG allows you to use the Atari 5 1/4" disk drive (known as the Atari PCF554) with your MEGA or ST. It works with all versions of TOS, including the forthcoming TOS 1.4. To use it, copy PCF554.PRG to the AUTO folder of your boot disk. If you boot from floppy, and do not have an AUTO folder, see your MEGA or ST owner's manual for information on how to create a folder named AUTO on your boot disk. Then copy PCF554.PRG to the newly created folder. If you have a hard disk, copy PCF554.PRG into your C:\AUTO folder. Attach the PCF554 disk drive to the floppy port on your MEGA or ST computer system. Ensure that the PCF554 drive is connected to be the second floppy drive (B:) in your system. To do this, make sure that the disk drive cord running from your computer to your PCF554 is connected to the IN port on the back of the disk drive. Please remember that the disk drive cord must be plugged into the IN port on the back of the computer or the computer will not recognize your disk drive. Power on your computer system, and PCF554.PRG will run automatically from your AUTO folder, and display an informative message. The message will read as follows: PCF554 Driver Copyright 1988, Atari Corp. 6ms seek rate set on B: You should then be able to use the PCF554 disk drive normally. PCF554.PRG works by setting the seek rate (that is, the speed with which the drive accesses information on the disk) on drive B to six (6) milliseconds. You can use a 3 1/2" disk drive as drive B while using PCF554.PRG, but it will be slower than normal. In order to restore the seek rate to make the 3 1/2" drive run at normal speed, you must remove PCF554.PRG from your AUTO folder or rename it to PCF554.PRX. In either case, the computer will not execute the program next time you boot your system. Then turn off your MEGA or ST computer system, hook up the 3 1/2" drive, and boot normally. Do NOT attempt to connect or disconnect disk drives while your MEGA or ST computer system is turned on. For those using the PCF554 disk drive to access 5 1/4 MS-DOS media, the PCF554 will read and write to MS-DOS diskettes without modification as long as you are using the PCF554.PRG program. However if you format a disk on your ST from the desktop, the format that TOS generates is not readable by an MS-DOS compatible machine. To format a disk so that you can use it on both machines, you will need to use a program that is capable of formatting a disk for use on MS-DOS. There are several such programs in the public domain and available from User Groups or you can format your diskettes on a PC or compatible. (The upcoming TOS 1.4 generates a format that can be read by MS-DOS machines directly.) If you have any questions or comments about PCF554.PRG, please contact Atari's Software Support personnel at (408) 745-2004 between 8AM and 5PM Monday - Friday Pacific Time. `"Hy?< NA\OB?< NA\O/?< x>(NA\O|g@|g0Bg?<?<)NN\O? nT=P0.Sn0g"nT0.Rn0@B@QgBn`0.g0.`B@N^NuNVH-|Bp=@`Rn nl"Hy>0.HA&/NLbPO`0.@A?Hy@HyENNLb BA9AB@9HA3BA9 AB@9!HA>09H<?Hy^HyENLb BA9AB@9HA>0H<?HyzHyENLb ?HyHyFNLb BA9AB@9HA>?HyHyFNNLb BA9AB@9HA3O?9OHyHyFNLb B@9?HyHyFNLb BA9AB@9HAH3_?9_HyHyGNLb yOm y Oop3O09OR@39g09yO3EL` 3EL09ELy_3E BA909Oy09_yBA9AB@9HAyBA9"AB@9#HAyHyNXO> G4fHy$HyGNNLbPOp3_ByO Hy2HyHNLbPOHy4 nX/NLbPOHyw nX/NLbPOHy nX/NLbPOHy nX/NLbPO`HyHyGNNLbPOBy_N 0gfp3O HyHyGNLbPOHy nX/NLbPOHyT nX/NLbPOHy nX/NLbPO`ByO HyHyHNLbPOz yOo>BA9AB@9HAV@=@0.yO=@0.HH=@0.HH=@Bn`Rn09OW@noB0.H/NXO2A0.H/NXO2Ann`0gtHy09O @ HEN/NLbPORy_Hy nX/NLbPOHy nX/NLbPOHy nX/NLbPO`JHy09O @ HEN/NLbPO`$Hy.09O @ HEN/NLbPON309gp3_09_`HyD09O @ HEN/NLbPO`HyR09O @ HEN/NLbPO``Hyf09O @ HEN/NLbPO`:Hy09O @ HEN/NLbPO` @bH0@T PN09g*Hy09O @ HEN/NLbPOByEB@LN^NuNVHBp?NE\O?.Bgp?BBgp?NM?.p?NMXO* f$/9Tp?ND@\OBBgNE\Op`?.Bgp?HyBgp?NM* g~`RG Gl?.?p?0HHH/Bgp?NM* g0fBBgNE\Op`P|`RF Fl0HHF0@B`Hy0HHH/NLbPO`vBBgNE\OB@LN^NuNVH *n~<<0SF0g]`0L N^NuNVH *n~<<0SF0g]`0L N^NuNVH K$~<<0SF0g]`BA9ABA9A0L N^NuNVH *n~<<0SF0g]`0L N^NuNVp?NTOHyp ?NN\OBg/9_Nf\O=@?./9_N\ON^NuNVZH Kp?NTOp3p@@B.~`RG G@lB`BBgNE\OHyHyHnHnHy_N3=@0.f/9Ip?ND@\Op`0.fp`Bp?NE\OHnHy_HnbNB p/?NATO-@BgHnbpN?NAPO=@0.f n-h`p`pBgHnbp=?NAPO=@0.l"/9p?ND@\OBBgNE\Op`6Hy/.?.p??NA =@?.p>?NAXOBBgNE\OB@L N^NuNVp?NTOBg/9Nf\O=@?./9N\O0.S@ @bH0@T PN`By~?9~NTO=@ nf Byp`f?9~N"TONp`Hp3~?9~NTO=@ ng`p3~N `3p`p`p3N^NuNVp?NTON%Bg/9Nf\O=@?./9N\O0.S@ @b,H0@T4 PN`By~?9~NTO=@ nf Byp`?9~N"TONp`p3~?9~NTO=@ ng`p3~N `3p`p`p`~p`zp`v 90-@09HA-P n g n"nX!Q `Bg/9Nf\O=@?./9N\O` p`p3N^NuNVjp?NTOp3p@@B.HyHyHnHnHy`*N3=@0.f /9I`0.gBp?NE\OHnHy`*HnjNB HnjpA?NA\OBgHnjp?NAXOBBgNE\O n(g/9p?ND@\ON^NuNVH0p309~g y~f|KIgB`K$IgB`HyN NXO:0 @:0@HH0@HHBp?NE\O?9~Bgp?Hyp?p?NM( f0?9~p?NMXO?9~Bgp?Hyp?p?NM( f0?9~p?NMXO?9~Bgp?Hyp?p?NM(09f>p3?9~Bgp?BBgp?NM?9~p?NMXO?9~Bgp?BBgp?NM?9~p?NMXO09~@A?HyHnNLb BgHnpN?NAPO?9~Bgp?HnBgp?NM( f,?9~p?NMXO?9~Bgp?HnBgp?NM(zKIgBAA` g0gB?9~p?NMXO~?9~Bgp?Hy?p?NM(BBgNE\ON v g*/9O.p?ND@\OBBgNE\Op3~` yOoK(NgB`BA9AB@9HAV@<~09OW@Go?9~0G?p?Hnp?p?NM( f2?9~p?NMXO?9~0G?p?Hnp?p?NM( f.9g0?9~0yOG?p?Hnp?p?NM( fRG`R?9~N"TONBBgNE\OL0N^NuNV09Ry0fB?<NE\ON^NuNVSyfB?<NE\ON^NuNVBn n l0.HAp0Rn`p3HyHyIHyNH N^NuNV=n=n 0. n=@0.n =@Hnp??9INIPON^NuNV?9O,?9_?9`(?9_BgNF 3E 3E IN^NuNV?9O,?9_?9`(?9_?9E NG Hy|HyHyHyp??9E NG8N^NuNV yOFfBn3E8NPp?.  t\..  tTRACKIT DOCt ] TRACKITHPRGt ^TRACKITMPRGt _DOCUMENTATION FOR TRACKIT ========================= TRACKIT works for both Medium and High resolutions. TRACKITH.PRG for High Resolution TRACKITM.PRG for Medium Resolution TRACKIT displays, at the top right hand side of the screen, three sets of numbers like this: 0 1 : 1 0 : 0 9 {1} {2} {3} {1} This denotes the side of the drive which is currently in use. {2} This denotes the track ...... {3} This denotes the sector ...... On the new TOS versions (1.09) the sector indicator gets updated more frequently than the old TOS (0.19), so don't panic if the sector doesn't increase as it should (old TOS). To load:- just double click on TRACKIT?.TOS where the ? denotes either H or M for High or Medium Resolutions. Hope you enjoy.....` o,<ܨ ܨܨ$| "g faBg/?<1NA/<T?< NA\NNUNKNOWN OPERATING SYSTEM. TRACKIT WILL NOT WORK WITH YOUR TOS. PLEASE REBOOT YOUR SYSTEM. pG&Hz*?<&NN\NuyFyFyFN2F'Hz?<E?<NMP#NuH49 69 89 |@0a"a>0aa40aL/9Nu2</RA@ j@:?0a 0`p:r2TF&z(ҹN(A kL4+P>+RSGPQNuB>` o,<ܨ ܨܨ$| "g faBg/?<1NA/<T?< NA\NNUNKNOWN OPERATING SYSTEM. TRACKIT WILL NOT WORK WITH YOUR TOS. PLEASE REBOOT YOUR SYSTEM. pG&Hz*?<&NN\NuyFyFyFN2F'Hz?<E?<NMP#NuH49 69 89 |}0a"a>0aa40aL/9Nu2</RA@ j@:?0a 0`p:r2XF&z(ҹN(A kL4+P>+RSGQNuB> *** Almost Completely Superfluous Manual to ZAP 2.5 *** *** What is ZAP ? *** ZAP is an editor, designed to edit program files. That is why it cannot change the length of a file, and why it displays files both in ASCII and in hexadecimal code. It needs very little memory ( less than 25K ) and may be used on files of arbitrary size, to at least a megabyte. ZAP is a 'public domain' tool. Copy it and pass it on as much as you like. *** Why would I need ZAP ? *** For any number of reasons. Every time you want to know, and maybe to change, what is in a file that is not normally readable or printable, you will find yourself reaching for ZAP. Other possibilities: - Use it to change a default path in those irritating programs that do not know where to find your hard disk or ram disk. - Use ZAP to modify text in programs of which you do not have the source code, e.g. to correct spelling mistakes, or to translate m U N D E L E T E User Notes The ST directory structure Skip this part if you like, but be advised that UNDELETE will not always be able to recover your deleted file. This section will help you to understand why. In order to keep track of the files and folders on a disk, TOS records two sets of data. The directory itself records the filename (or folder name), the time and date of creation or modification, the file length, several special-purpose flags (for example, 'read only'), and the location of the first 'cluster' belonging to the file. On the ST a cluster is an adjacent pair of sectors, 1024 bytes. A second set of data, the File Allocation Table or FAT, has an entry for each cluster indicating if it is in use, and if so, where to find the next cluster of this file, or whether this is the end-of-file cluster. When TOS deletes a file, it does not erase the data in the file. Instead, it indicates that the file has been erased by replacing the first character of the file name with $E5 (i. e., decimal 229). It also modifies the File Allocation Table to indicate that the clusters previously belonging to the file are now available. It does this by writing a zero in the element corresponding to a particular cluster. When a new file is created, the first available directory entry is used; this entry may have been previously used by a file that has been deleted, or it may be an entry that has never been used since the disk was last formatted -- if there are no '$E5' flags showing. Similarly, the newly created file (or, for that matter, a file which is being rewritten, and now requires additional clusters) uses the first available (empty -- showing '0') cluster, again possibly re-using clusters belonging to, and still retaining data from, an erased file. Usually, if a single file has been erased, and no new file has been written (including modified files), it is possible to reconstruct the directory and FAT tables unamiguously. However, if several files have been deleted, proper reconstruction may not be possible, since their clusters may be intermixed in an unknown way. And if write activity has taken place on the disk since the deletion, it is unlikely that the file can be recovered, since its directory entry probably no longer exists. How to use Undelete Before going any further, I must repeat the warning that appears on the opening screen of Undelete: ONLY USE UNDELETE -1- ON A DUPLICATE OF YOUR DISK. If you use the normal TOS function to copy the entire disk (not individual files), you will have a copy of all of the necessary information for Undelete to work without putting your original disk at risk. Also, Undelete works only in medium resolution, and expects to find the subject disk in Drive A:, so set up your ST accordingly. Load UNDELETE.PRG, and place your (duplicate) disk in Drive A. After clicking the OK box on the opening screen, select Undelete from the Function menu. A first-level (root) directory will be displayed and will show: 1. Any deleted files which are still in the root directory, and 2. All folders in the root directory, deleted or otherwise (deleted folders will show up with a '#' in the first character). Selecting a deleted file or folder displays a dialog box requesting the initial character (which has been replaced by the $E5 'delete flag'). After inserting the initial character, selecting 'Recover' recovers the file or folder. Selecting 'Cancel' will return you to the display of deleted files. Selecting a non-deleted folder 'opens' the folder, showing all folders and all deleted files at the next level within the folder. You may then continue as with the root directory. The 'close' box on the window will always back up the program by one stage. For example, if a folder is open, the folder will be closed and the directory which included the folder will be displayed. At the root directory, the close box backs out of the undelete function so that no function is selected. Selecting the close box again terminates the program. Additional functions. Since many of the same program procedures are required, a simple directory function is a part of the program. It opens and closes folders in exactly the same way as the undelete function. A print function prints whatever directory is presently on the screen. This works as a subfunction under both the directory function and the undelete function. A cancel function is also available; it immediately terminates the directory or undelete function without terminating the program, and without having to back out of -2- several levels of subdirectories (folders) via the close box. The File Allocation Table (FAT) is read only on initial selection of one of the functions -- undelete or directory -- so a function should be canceled before using it to operate on a new disk. -3- `~%j o"h#F#J#N,Oc.N//Bg?<JNA Bb3RNmN=8INFODIAL ?Hz></,HNVA-HPNp3><?<BgBg?<(?<NJ#></9?<Bg?<?<?<$?<Bg?<NKB3></9?9CO$OpQ?9?<NP></9?<Bg?<?<?<$?<Bg?<NKB3></9?9CO$O p Q?9?<NP></9?<Bg?<?<?<$?<Bg?<NKB3></9?9CO$OpQ?9?<NP></9?<Bg?<?<?<$?<Bg?<NKB3></9?9CO$OpQ?9?<NP></9?<Bg?<?<?<$?<Bg?<NKB3></9?9CO$OpQ?9?<NP></9?<Bg?<?< ?<$?<Bg?<NKB3></9?9CO$OpQ?9?<NP></9?<Bg?<?< ?<$?<Bg?<NKB3></9?9CO$OpQ><?9?<NP></9?<Bg?<?< ?<$?<Bg?<NKB3></9?9CO$OpQ><?9?<NP></9?<Bg?<?< ?<$?<Bg?<NKB3></9?9CO$OpQ><?9?<NP></9?<prArA?><?<?<?<?<?<?<NKB3></9?9CO$O?9?<NP></9NO></9BgNN3></9NOT></9NK></9?<NJH><N^,_X>NuOKUsed by permission of OSS.Copyright (c) 1986 OSS & CCDPortions of this programHernando, FL 326421100 W. Redding St.David L. BaileyCopyright (c) 1986 byVersion 0.4* * U N D E L E T E * *BUILD_MENU?Hz></,HNVA,-HPN?<CO$OpQND#></9ClO$O p QN@~3 ></9?9 C&O$OpQNB3></9?9 CO$OpQNB3></9?9 CO$OpQNB3></9?9NH></9?9 C>O$OpQNB3></9?9NH></9?9 CO$OpQNB3></9?9NH></9?9 CO$OpQNB3></9?9NH></9?9 C>O$OpQNB3></9NI><N^,_X>Nu Quit Cancel Function -------------------- Print Undelete Display Directory Function About Undelete NV?.?. ?. /.?.?<NMN^ _O NNV?.?. ?. /.?.?<NMN^ _O NNV?<NAN^NuNV?.?. ?<NMN^ _ONNV?.?<NMN^ _ONREAD_FAT1 ?Hz></,HNVA6-HPN?<Hy?9b?<?9X><N =@N^,_X>NuWRITE_FATS?Hz></,HNVA^-HPN?<Hy?9b?<?9XN=@><?<Hy?9b?9`?9X><N=@N^,_X>NuREAD_DIREC?Hz></,HNVA-HPNBn><><><09&`2.AAA=p><0.rAg`><?<Hy?<?.?9XN(=@><0.r `CAEp$Q><0.>< R@=@><!0.rAW0.rAW><"CBdRN^,_X>NuWRITE_DIRE?Hz><+/,HNVA-HPNBn><,><-><-09&`2.AAA=p><.0.rAg`></0.r `ACEp$Q><0?<Hy?<?.?9XN=@><10.><2R@=@><30.rAW0.rAW><4><5CBdNN^,_X>NuREAD_BPB ?Hz><;/,HNVA-HPN3j><<=3f><>p3d><?p3b><@p3`><Ap3^><B3_\><DBgN#><E"y3b><F"y3 `><G"y3 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The first thing to note with ZapST, is the way in which the menus function. Unlike GEM, the menu bar only appears as long as the right mouse button is held down. Then, just point at the desired menu title, and choice, and let go of the mouse buuton. Also, note that only the File menu is available before a file is loaded. You never have to press the left button. Once you have loaded a file using the Load option, you will see the left half of the screen full of hex numbers, and the right containing a character dump of the first part of the file. Pressing the cursor keys moves a white bar (the cursor) around both windows. To change the file, just type at the keyboard, and the part of the file under the cursor will change. To enter in hex mode (e.g. if the character you want is not available from the keyboard), just click the mouse pointer in the HEX window. Now, you type in hex mode, to return to text mode, click in the text window (It becomes obvious once you use it). The Menu Options Load/Save - Obvious really. Brings up the standard GEM file selctor. When saving, either click on OK to save over the file, or enter another filename if you want to keep the un-edited version (Incase of mistakes!) Quit - Returns to the Desktop. Goto - Moves the cursor to a specified position in the file. Search - Prompts for a string, and moves the cursor to the first occurance of that string in the file, after the present cursor position. Note the string must have Capital letters in all the right places (ie searching for "tom" will not find "Tom") Continue - Continues searching from the position the last search left off, Search and NOT the present cursor position. Other Options These are accesible by clicking the mouse on the appropriate 'button':- Forward - Advances by one page (312 bytes) through the file. Backward - Moves back a page. Start,End - Moves cursor to the start/end of the file. Undo - Reverses any changes you have made on the current page. Keys such as RETURN, BACKSPACE, and ESCAPE do not move the cursor as you may expect, however they are processed like any other key. So, for instance, pressing RETURN enters Ascii 13 into the file. I hope you find ZapST a usefull, and easy to use utility, and spread it intact amongst your friends. Users of NewZAP on the Amiga note that you only have to click on save after you have finished editing altogether, rather than when you have finished each page. Robin Hughes, April 12th 1989. .  t..  tHEADST11PRGt aHEADSTRTDOCt (MAKELISTPRGt ['HEADSTRTDAT t `SPr G*(KBBJBg??<?<NM\`BC\JTf `@H THE BLADERUNNERS PRESENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | | | | A C O P Y V E R S I O N 1.2M | | ================================= | | | | | | NOTE: To The Diskbuster, in your next Rebel version please give us | | some greetings, then you'll have our permission to rip off | | this piece of text !!! or get an original instead !!! | | (We also use your program, nice work !) | | | | This program is Cracked by The Menacing Cracking Alliance | | | | | | Hi to The Next Generation,ICG,Tony,ACC,NPS,Tyrant of Startide,CTA,SCC, | | The Replicants,HOFA,Paul,Yellowbeard,Little Lulu,Phrozen Ghost,ALF,ACF, | | The Druids,Starlight,Hell on Wheels & Dom Perignon,STM,Cyberlink,TDA, | | The Beerdrinkers,The Untouchables,Crusaders,RX2,B4C,AST and all friends | | of The Number One Bladerunners !!! | | | | RETURN/ENTER IS DEFAULT FOR COPY | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------  CݩfNu?<NATHyX?<&NN\`MCA.B?< NA\#X*OO,*m - ЭЭ// ??<JNAO pACS$I"Q!V Uap 9Xg /?<INA\U!V/9X?< NA\BNA"<W0<NBNu"<W.psNBNu(c) EUROSYSTEMS / Donkerslooto?<NNTR@3Xa>a yXfSyZASag4?<NAT eB3Ya Jy]dfASL`ASpaf`FvGZag'Qp/?<HNA\ e(/?<HNA\JkAX Є 9 af&yZ 68 dIWBBg aR\`CXpa8"&yZt a("R o`(yZ aIWJKYBga*Ba*`AY 9Y H@@81@@H1@@P0a fvpag a"va ` f,v+av,apafvavara`  fv%av&a` !g "fv&av%a`| f(yZa6aa` 9f:af|ag AUa`ha&yZa H(Kaaan` >f aRfa~`8a~&yZa&La`Fp "<a"pM"<aA]d3Z yX#ZAZdp 0Q00<d"< a3Z<ZNupo"<apeBapB`#^|3Zdp4"<a09]d NuByZd3Zfph"<arA]f#Z #Z$Nu0<` 0<`p`p3ZdpN"<`:pO"<a.>9]jNu#SB^|pn"<`ByZd3Zfpp"<a y_|09]dNupa#^|p*"<`r`rt`t`BBr 0H@B@a#^|00p/"<`#^|p6"<a#]fZ(#]hZ,Nu#^|ByZdp2"<a`69]dNu#^|3Zdp,"<a> 9]fyZNu#[dCZdBRBfSHApa3ZZ<`\a`HAZ0t0QNuAZd Z Z$NuCWPEX(JBg av`ACS@[@BBgtXA@u@.@@AT >gA* 9gAJ9XgA\`r a @Nur KЁ NuB@9X??<NMX#XNux J9Xf x J9Xfx 9DzJ9Xfz9Ea9A`|"H ana(,a>< gb Nu(9Y DCY`lr D gr arp`B@QNuKMIXNu ,g ,f0, R9@ lepNuBNuapNuaaa@yXa a'za6aBla>faa> a?*aa=flJ9Xg~:,SE<,69|0Bl28llo|lgR,1<,0 <|a>aXa?g a=Q`.a=2Rl ,f~Rl ,enaTg^aagVBla6Bgp , ,gp?/<Hy|?<NNOA||B0,@B2,A2,@H@r <|a>a<`yXBlB@9WR9@9XR9@Nua|aJg|a<"@AXr0Q$@0 @f\B0* @dN00* @Wd@08* D d20B9X??* ?</9X?<?<NMrJ@faaa%a=da%aJfA|CXr( f(g)d3ABNuxIXz aAB0r H@4B@H@0Qr 0f JQRQNuaTAX4(8(SD yXC|p"I@@$H*IgIBAgR2QR@QaB8,B:,aPB0,9@8Bl*Bl(BlyXa$ra3fJlfPaana%$a$gBa;Ha;Bla$a;aa:g Jkf Rl ,faga&a$0,&lf9l(. 9XXdl(0,(l8ea36J9Xfa#aa ATagNuaa#9l*(yXa2a:aa:Ja$V ,'fJ#XX9l(,BlJ9Xg.a:\#XX9l,(|'aa:a; aa9a#gna:(a9Bla#Ra:ada9g>Jk f(f Rl ,eJ9XgRl ,evaZgBa l2Jk XJ9Xg0,&lf9l(09l,(z#XYVJ9Xfa"gtBl2 <|a:aa8JkJfjJGf@a"gHpC|Jk yYVVf #YV`&( 4I4HA2VgRl ,e`l(Rlop9l0(`09l,(J9XgRl ,et~aVg>a9l0(l(0,(l.o.a1J9Xg&a!aaATzaga gD0,(l8d:J9Xfa!ahaASaVgNua9l(*`Jl ga0a!^a6`aaXaB@9W9@*Bl,a0ByY3jYBlyXa a0<agaa1a0gNa1gHaJyYfJyY8g4aaa ByYxanaaagaa ga `a`gaaaPf 9XʰXe.aDa/ZJ9Xfa aa0ATagNua$ayXa/9l* 9l,aa69l a6ba gagaa aaf 9XʰXe9l .a.J9Xg(aaZaATzaHgxa g0,.ld9@*9l,J9Xfap0+ @,7@ P@`|#Y<|B+a"7@GPY``B G`TU@7@ e$ IB |g0+ k @f`T`80+ k @6d"HA gB+a 9Mf7@0+gk \@3YRG 9EfX fBSB#YV 9Y<`|7@7@ 7@ G#YZ|3Y8 @dHJyf@S@gJyf4 ye* ~f3A`|BBBB`ByY8LxNuA|CBh0( X@4h2) @eUAd BAh hfTB3BpYVegByYbByYdByYpByYr3i (aZ20( g\@A$i ePYbE|2* PAPA@dx4) h YB j@ ej B@2) AeAdt j ePYd Bdt yDY8e B$e0( C`|C pfRft$1B Nu y Y8fA`~a @l @mSEX rg ZQpNupVfPYrBNua @l @oREXjrgXQ`at @l @@mffaX @Hl @8oRp Bg rg  g g 9fR@VffR g fV fNBNuBgSNuR@`Nu BePYdNuA`|a*g dU@8Di d3B3@ PYpB gp 3|BNur( y Y8fBpA| hg he*Sf&AYZfr h`er hd1| $eJyY`g9|fr$3YNuByYvByYzAz|JyYpgaa0ga,C| yY8e CZ, yX* f`fZf&a,gJYZgg iNe4a- `.JyYxf&a-fg0)AgR`aCgYVfC|g( F`z$yX ڵeaNu"yYVB0) X@C`|0<QNuByY yY8e.A|"yYZCp f(fRAfPYNu 9OYfd yY8g y Y8fLA|pr4JBf6 hOf,(f$ (fR@ @f<AQAz| TER.zf2 yXUTXd pC.$HVf1|Nq1|Nq`NuH yX0 e eQ`: @Bd GP2PAPA3Yf @`2+ @WA8T8Q`ByYfNuJyYg f j fSj4BBNuNNNNNNNNNNNNN STARTER afC1B`B0+ A`|A "HJyY~g|g"RBBpVgRB(`JBg Be>4gJyYf20+ k Q@U@S@24`p!24Qf `aNup 4BQNuG| +fB+a~*L80+B\ =|SByS@Nu l2Jj&C|( 2I0HA2 t"Q2,&Nu2,& 9XNuB0,(l dB2pNuA|)H2JNu l2 g*"yX H@"fIfr~Vf @ NuXNuB0,(H@R@9@&H@HH@9@H@9@ `bH ByY09YR@3Y g^aN(yX(lByYBY@Naa^f:JY@ga:f(NfL02, a yXB0(#XpNuB><L0NupNuYS9Yga6afa$`@|a F 9Y@"Itv|A(HD.Wf . 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X ˈyq$ H BBB@!!$$! Hrr'iNӓ'9;NNrv99v2 &4 < *> *"$ .  * 6  t2B6:x4 "H8,Ln $ f.$( L@$@ @ B<H2((* .H   F,D"$," ($6" F2 8 0  $ & , f  (    4 Hf.HB2Bd   &$0 <$.6t(X  $J 6:(. R 4F>d 2ZD:` $ZZ *8.0 ( *>P , 2( 04 &*.6 "J.< & "D  &$ 4   ".,f"`   B$2$ "$$8 * D " b " :  &,$ &&  *6 N2 ( (P@j04&T`d0d00$00 X  copy ST (v 1.2m) Eurosystems 1988 General parametersSource:Target:Verify:YesNoMultiple:YesNoFormat:YesNoMode:NormProtFormat parametersSectors:1011Inter:Format + Prot. parametersSides:Start:00End:81Info Waiting Drive: Side: Track: CopyFormatExit copy ST was written in 1987by Uwe Stahlfor EUROSYSTEMS Holland.Special thanks to Stefan Poltnigg / AustriaOKBIOS parameter blockBytes pro record: 512Records pro cluster: 2Bytes pro cluster: 1024Directory records: 7FAT records: 5FAT copy: 6First data cluster: 18Data clusters: 711Number of sides: 2Tracks pro side: 80Sectors pro track: 10Interleave: 1OK$PQ,RefCHIJQRSXY+./? b5 0+  Lg0"  AB o 0"   A B w0"    0"   0"  0" QQ9'  h# "0"  !Q9"QQ$'%&0"  &1$6(4) *-+,0"  ,1*2.3/20"  0@2110 .@4 '580"  6@87764@: =;<0 < :&> +? % + b4 0 Z y  +'   Cm" b"  ,8S n        ' H d d $.  t..  tBIGSCRN DOCt BIGSCRN PRGt  BigScrn V1.0 by Julian F. Reschke ------------ Hensenstrasse 142 D-4400 Muenster West Germany Netaddr: ONM07@DMSWWU1A.{BITNET,UUCP} JULIAN@MUTEC.UUCP Published by ST Magazin 11/88 Basicals -------- 'BigScrn' simulates a virtual screen in any resolution. This is done by modifying the (now documented) Line A variables on a negative offset. If you select a horizontal size of 640 pixels BigScrn will scroll by changing the hardware's screen-base register. Otherwise, the visible part of the virtual screen will be copied into the real screen every fourth vertical blank. Problems -------- There are no problems running this program under the new TOS 1.4 from 1988. Problems with the Blitter TOS 1.2 will be bypassed using another 32 KB (safety-) buffer and a new mouse handler. The program will not run under the old TOS 1.0 (first ROM version), because its GEM functions cannot handle screens larger than 32 KB. Usage ----- Copy BigScrn.PRG into your AUTO folder (it _must_ be started before GEM is initialized!). Hold down Control, Shift, Alternate or CapsLock while booting. You'll get a menu then. Pressing space will use the settings for the current session, Return will save the settings for future restarts. ALT-HELP saves the whole screen as a standard VDI bitimage file onto disk. You can even load them into 1st Word plus (up to a certain size) and Timeworks! This program may be copied freely but only together with this documentation ! This program is public domain and may not be used commercially ! `<FHya /<z?<&NN\O?<"NNTO#Q?<0NATO|lPHya BBy ByBBy?fry y09hf09hfyJyf$09|fByy _"yJf.B09 й"@B4969j# 8LgB49|rL|H|L|H|(L|H|PL|H|xL|H|L|H|L|H|L|H|L|H|@L|H|hL|H|L|H|L|H|L|H|L|H|0L|H|XL|H|L|H|L|H|L|H|L|H| L|H|HL|H|pL|H|L|H|L|H|L|H|L|H|8L|H|`L|H|L|H|L|H|L|H|L|H|(L|H|PL|H|xL|H|L|H|L|H|L|H|A@QV y33LNuB49|Pr L|H|L|H|(L|H|PL|H|xL|H|L|H|L|H|L|H|L|H|@L|H|hL|H|L|H|L|H|L|H|L|H|0L|H|XL|H|L|H|L|H|L|H|L|H| L|H|HL|H|pL|H|L|H|L|H|L|H|L|H|8L|H|`L|H|L|H|L|H|L|H|L|H|(L|H|PL|H|xL|H|L|H|L|H|L|H|L|H|@L|H|hL|H|L|H|L|H|L|H|L|H|0L|H|XL|H|L|H|L|H|L|H|L|H| L|H|HL|H|pL|H|L|H|L|H|L|H| L|H| 8L|H| `L|H| L|H| L|H| L|H| L|H| (L|H| PL|H| xL|H| L|H| L|H| L|H| L|H| @L|H| hL|H| L|H| L|H| L|H| L|H| 0L|H| XA Q`\yy0<'yl3yl3 yl3 yl3aHHyQa2?<NATO<+f y`<-f y`<*f y`v</f y`dHya?<NATO< g< fHy ?<;NA?<Hy?<=NAOJm3Bg? </?<BNAO Jm`/9//<?9?<@NAOJm8?9?<>NAXOJm&Hya6HyMa,yyNuHyCa`Hya`,_?< NA\ONH09A[a^09AfaN09HAqa<09A`a,09HAka09HAvaLNuHC24B0BJifLNu@| yg8BB0(2(FJ(f"HEaL yEAaNuFNu?(?(BBJhlt?BBhe69|Cb` |t`thA e69|Cbz`:|ABA` :9AREa("xNG<|e G~<<@*{ .,{ .496C89%I5EE. 2`DJT`drxB@@Po({ H`NL:M:T"GQ\Nu4HB410$N30HB2QNu44N2QNu44HBNHB2QNup0r2Np0H@r2HANԀFĀNՄFāNFĀNՄNճFĀNՄNFĀNձNg8*4SB69 jC:9UEbTg*f 0QNu QNu*HD*f$I00 MQNu$I0000 MQNu*HD*f$I&J(KD0000 MQNuD$I&J(K00000000 MQNuH0694H|b҂|L NuXBRABIGS08F<A|BgHy|?<9B<9,xNHy/<?9?<@NAO f&//?9?<@NAO fQ9?9?<>NAXO1Nud [trying to fix problems with old TOS versions...] Configuration saved... BigScreen installed... \autobigscrn.prgFile \auto\bigscrn.prg not found. Can't write to program file. BigScreen already installed. BigScreen V1.0 17.10.88, 15:50:22 Copyright (c) Julian F. Reschke und Markt&Technik Not enough memory available! BigScreen not installed! : Continue : Save configuration e f(+-/*): 0000*0000 0000*0000 0000*0000 #:\SCREENA.IMG?ttt  @?@O@?   "   :                   "               *2:*  86  `q` ,g( zLB x,#*Jydg3Z!`,Nu?<?<NNXO @!| P  NuFIATJy`fJyXf o(f y*n4"y&09*@01PgBy*`~Ry* y*fna|`h Pfb3` z2C  gfSHBHzF?<NA\O?<'Hzp?<NNAPOJ@f$a4XOF8Jydg3bN! 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Its intended use is toNNN.I create a 'HEADSTRT.DAT' file for the 'HeadStart' program, although younNNN.5 can use it wherever a list of filenames is needed.rNNNNN D Select filenames using the 'Item Selector'. To specify a defaultNNN D auto-run program, hold the Alternate key when selecting the file.NNN.I An 'X ' will be placed in front of its name to signify it as auto-run.4NNN F Holding the Control key while selecting a file will place a 'W ' inNNN.I front of its name, causing MultiDesk to 'Wait' to load its accessories%NNN.G until the program runs. This should be used for shell-type programseNNN.1 such as NeoDesk (see HeadStart documentation).oNNNNN.E When finished selecting programs click on 'Cancel'. Then choose amNNN.G name for saving this text file. To create an auto-run file list for!NNN H 'HeadStart', save it in the main directory of your boot disk with theNNN. name 'HEADSTRT.DAT'. NNNNN 8 NN|C퀊N$,* v|rTr@*$ N N&<x*<NpJBgp/NN&<x*<NpJBgp$fN3?<?<Hmp _"NpN ACNXNN&<x*<NpJBgp/NNX A:\DISKMATE.PRG JBgp/N N&<x*<NpJBgp/N N&<x*<NpJBgp/NN&<x*<NpJBgp$fN4?<?<Hm p _"NpN AsjNX`tN~NbJCHDRV  Change Drive |CHDIR  Change Directory |NOCHG  No Change - Exit |CNBHmNn CHDRV | CHDIR | NOCHG r"_ N,AN?<NAT+@p -pNNCN -pJgN5vpANCN -pSgN5pBNCN -pSnN68HxNng This program will work on| Floppy Disk systems ONLY.| It will not work with Hard| Disks or Ram Drives.4HPNn ABORT 4r"_ N,ANNANJ&<x*<NJBfN7ANJ&<x*<NJBfN6pANCNANJ&<x*<NJBfN6pBNCNHxNn1 Which drive do you want?| The Current drive is: |HPA"_NZHPNbDrive A:|Drive B:| Cancel r"_ N,ANANJ&<x*<NJBfN7~pNA 0A4NXANJ&<x*<NJBfN7pNA 0A4NXANJ&<x*<NJBfNCp.  t..  tZAP TTPt 8ZAP2_5 TXTt `7`* ' K - ЭЭ,܍// Bg?<JNA.F - m`BQANX? 97g @N?<LNAH
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Press any key...EDITJEDIT mode help screenIn EDIT mode, use the mouse to click commands on the menu bar.The position of the blinking cursor shows you the current state of the editor, hex or ascii. In ASCII state, typed characters replace bytes in thefile ; you can use control characters, like ^I for tab, or ^M for return.In HEX state, you can only type hexadecimal digits.When a chunk in memory is not identical to the corresponding chunk on disk,the CHANGED flag appears after the filename.ESC KChunksize : ( size must be >= and <= 256 )printer off-line printing chunk... enter chunk number: no such chunk search string:efsearch HEX string:searching for: not found Jno pattern defined  = $pqD D R-O Lock permanent  ZAP 2.5 | help | Esc | addr | undo | top |  |  | end | txt | raw | r-o | r/w | quit Filename: (CHANGED) Filesize Chunksize Chunk Pos offset hex fieldtext fieldESC mode help screenIn ESC mode, you cannot make any modifications to the chunk.Use the mouse to click commands on the menu bar, or type the first letterof the command. [S]earch will ask for a HEX or ASCII string depending onthe current state. [F]ind searches for the last string used in the currentstate. Both start at the current cursor position and are case-sensitive.In HEX state, a searchstring must be composed of an even number of validhexadecimal digits. It is not possible to include a 00 byte in the string.ZAP 2.5 dd Feb 27 1989* The Programmer's Scalpel *Author:Bart van HerkWakkerstraat 18/11097 CE AmsterdamThe NetherlandsThis program is in the Public Domain.ZAP originally by D.A. Gerritsen, Medemblik ZAP 2.5 | Help | UnEsc | Print | Number | Search | Find | Chunksize | Quit | enter HEX address: adress out of rangeKMoving through the file: Use mouse or cursor keys. will move to the previous, to the next chunk. will move to the last, to the first chunk.Using the mouse will set the state to the field pointed to, hex or ascii. (Used by edit and search/find.)* A modified chunk is written to disk before a new chunk is read,* and before quitting! Y7@7@7@777777777>"$ 4" 06N BJB  &0.".:2  "pf~ Fz" ZFT* "r@ "0F  L,J " . z 6 .P>Jv4^.XHxNn- Directory path not found!| Please try again.tHPNb OK r"_ N,AN)|t a .`Bmam mPfNuaXJ@f;|a0-a 0<.` a Ma a BmBmBmMa a*Jmg;|M a aMa a `XBmBa(;|Ba;| M a Bma&JmgMa ;|aMya a `RBmaa0-;@;|M.Bma xJ@g2<(N(Afa*`0<,a vmmf0-;@;|M-;|a J@f0<.a :mmfma xNuE IF YOU HAVE 2 DRIVES:- PLACE A FORMATTED DISK IN DRIVE B AND THE DISK TO BE SALVAGED IN DRIVE A, THEN PRESS A KEY (KEY A WILL ABORT) IF YOU HAVE A SINGLE DRIVE:- PLACE A NEWLY FORMATTED (TARGET) DISK IN YOUR DRIVE AND PRESS A KEY (KEY A WILL ABORT). YOU WILL BE PROMPTED WHEN TO CHANGE DISKS. TREAT THE NEWLY FORMATTED (TARGET) DISK AS DISK B AND THE ORIGINAL (SOURCE) DISK AS DISK A SALVAGE OPERATION COMPLETED - PRESS A KEY TO RETURN TO RETURN TO MENUE PLACE THE DISK TO BE REPAIRED IN DRIVE A AND PRESS A KEY ATTEMPTED REPAIR COMPLETE PRESS A KEY TO RETURN TO MAIN MENU  p BAD TRACKS FOUND - OPERATION ABORTEDq PRESS ANY KEY TO RETURN TO MAIN MENUE CHECKING (TARGET) DISK FOR ERRORS - p FAILED TO FORMAT q  FORMAT WITHOUT ERASE COMPLETE - THE DISK IN DRIVE A HAS BEEN REFORMATED WITHOUT LOSING ANY DATA PRESS ANY KEY TO RETURN TO MAIN MENU p THERE ARE ERRORS ON TRACKS OF THIS DISK q NO ERRORS FOUND ON THIS DISK  IS FAULTY - IT HAS pq SIDE 1 -- SIDE 2 -- TRACK NUMBER IS O.K. BAD SECTOR(S) ON IT  qE INSERT DISK TO BE CHECKED IN DRIVE A THEN PRESS A KEY E FIX DISK HELP MAIN MENU INSERT THE DISK YOU WISH TO WORK ON IN DRIVE A AND THEN SELECT AN OPTION A - ABORT - RETURN TO DESKTOP C - CHECK DISK - CHECK DISK FOR BAD TRACKS/SECTORS R - REPAIR DAMAGED SECTORS F - FORMAT WITHOUT ERASE - REFORMAT DISK, LEAVING DATA INTACT N - NORMAL FORMAT (DESTRUCTIVE) S - SALVAGE FROM DAMAGED DISKE ENSURE DISK IN DRIVE A IS THE CORRECT ONE AND CHOOSE AN OPTION A - ABORT - RETURN TO MAIN MENU S - SINGLE SIDED DISK/DRIVE D - DOUBLE SIDED DISK/DRIVEE WHAT KIND OF REPORT DO YOU WANT? A - ABORT - RETURN TO MAIN MENU F - FULL REPORT ON SECTORS (TAKES LONGER) T - REPORT ONLY WHICH TRACKS CONTAIN BAD SECTORS E p WARNING !!! q ALL DATA IS ABOUT TO BE LOST FROM THE DISK IN DRIVE A DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE WITH THE FORMAT? TYPE Y ONLY IF YOU DONT MIND LOSING THE DATA ANY OTHER KEY WILL ABORT BACK TO THE MAIN MENUE FORMATTING... FORMAT COMPLETED TRACKS HAVE FAILED TO FORMATq PRESS R TO RETRY OR ANY OTHER KEY TO RETURN TO MAIN MENU PRESS ANY KEY TO RETURN TO MAIN MENU?<?<LNAMaXBmaD agBm sg df;|NuHaaL @c Zb Nua agNuH/?< NA,_L?Nu@H??<?<NMLNu|0M* b|  c  -`0@`/Ma,_Nu H?<?<NML NuH?<?<NMLNuafa`H`HM"`HM/?< 0-?0-??<0-?B/?< NN,_ fad`L;@NuHMp/?<4-?0-?0-?0-?B/?< NN,_ fa`L;@NuHM"$`HMaatL@NuDISK ERROR p WRITE PROTECT ERROR q PRESS KEY A TO ABORT OR REMOVE WRITE PROTECT AND PRESS R TO RETRY H`HM?< 0-?0-??<0-?/</?<NNL;@NuHM!P`JmgBmBmm m gM.a `0-`H?<0-?0-?0-?0-?/</?<NNLJ@gmNuH0-?/mB@2! @A}!NuH yN"HM^p$H&IrL|H|L|H|L|H|QQHzX?< NA\LNuY86The Little Green Goblins Strike Again yN0<|PQNuNVH0.a L#N^NuA0AN yN:<? 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D@;@ m l;| +|`+| *_N^NuNV/ *n Sm lBm p` UR0.*_N^NuNV/ *n UR0.*_N^NuNV/ *nRm oBm p` URB@*_N^NuNVN^?.NfTON^NuNVN^NuNV?.pL?NAXON^NuNV 8N^NuNVHyzp&?NN\ON^NuNV/A#/9NXO0gBp 3p`,/. 0.H/?.p@?NA .B/NXO.N^NuNV .l .D3p` .N^Nu"o`C"/jD$jDA`|J/jDJk`JjDNu$/` o$"/A`NNu"o`C$jD"/jDA`, gJ/jDNu$/` o$"/A` NupJfpN∲cd⒒d҂dFN O$X"XHB@Nu o0/L.Nu DO UX$cdze(f(g(orsFuxD 0123456789ABCDEF[3][Error reading resource file:|%s][ABORT]FLU.RSC0001%06d{NULL} You must compile with the -f option to include printf() floating point!  0( @>   P,$N.|      :0             *.  $    B "44  *& &                      *FP( LD" $ | 8 &d$$$ $TThe Virus Symptom DemonstrationVersion 1.20 June, 1989Copyright (c) 1989,for Free Public Distribution,byGeorge R. Woodside5219 San Feliciano DriveWoodland Hills, CA 91364 USAThis program is absolutely notdangerous. It only demonstrates thevisible symptoms of known Atari STviruses. It won't create or spreada virus, damage any disks, or doanything in the least bit harmful.OKSelect the virus whose symptomsyou would like to see demonstrated:Anti-VirusBlotFreezeGreen GoblinsLABMadMaulwurfMouse InversionPirate TrapScreenExitAnti-Virus:SimulateExitThe Anti-Virus is designed toprovide re-assurance. It blinksthe screen and beeps when youpower up or reset your system.The idea is that you become usedto seeing that, and will noticequickly if it doesn't happen.If a virus started spreading through your disks, it would wipeout the anti-virus, and you wouldrealize something was wrong.Blot Virus:The blot virus starts a timer whenyou power up your system. It waitsuntil after your system has beenrunning three hours, then startsstepping on small parts of thescreen. It continues to do so,driven by a slow timer, until yourST is powered off. This simulationruns much faster, so you see linesbeing drawn, while the real virusonly puts up a few pixels at eachattack. It is nearly identical tothe screen virus, but runs slower.Press any key to end the demonstration.Freeze Virus:This virus sets a timer, and acounter, when your system ispowered on or reset. When thetimer ends, the counter is incremented, and the ST is held in a loop for the value of thecounter. As the counter grows,the loop keeps slowing the STdown, more and more. The numberyou see on the screen belowsimulates the performance of theST as the virus takes more andmore time. Press any key to endthe demonstration.0Mad Virus:This virus has eight differentattacks. You can see each one byselecting the numbered boxes below.Attack 6 may cause a crash on STswith 4 megabytes of memory sinceit may access memory beyond thelegal limits.01234567ExitMouse Inversion Virus:InvertExitThis virus strikes by countingthe number of times your ST readsor writes floppy disks. Each timeit detects a new disk, it spreadsitself onto the disk, and adds 1to the counter. Every five timesthis happens, the virus reversesthe vertical orientation of yourmouse. That makes it go up whenyou move it down, and vice-versa.Every five disk accesses, the mouse is inverted again.Screen Virus:The screen virus starts a timer whenyou power up your system. It waitsuntil after your system has beenrunning 30 minutes, then startsstepping on small parts of thescreen. It continues to do so,driven by a slow timer, until yourST is powered off. This simulationruns much faster, so you see linesbeing drawn, while the real virusonly puts up a few pixels at eachattack. It is nearly identical tothe blot virus, but runs faster.Press any key to end thedemonstration.Green Goblin Virus:The Green Goblin virus worksstrictly by counting disk accesses.For fifteen accesses of the bootsector, it does nothing. Then,on each sixteenth access, it flipsa portion of the screen upside down.And, if it makes it up to 128boot sector accesses, it signson with its name.After the screen corrupting routineis demonstrated, the name messagewill be displayed. Press any keyto begin the demonstration, andanother key to return to the mainmenu.The Label Virus:The label virus is another whichcounts disk accesses for a trigger.Every tenth access of a floppydisk boot sector, it wipes theentire screen black.Press any key to begin thedemonstration, and another keyto return to the main menu.Maulwurf Virus:This virus starts a timer whenyou power up your system. It waitsuntil the timer elapses, thendisplays its own name. It reloadsthe timer, then waits for it again. It continues to do so untilyour ST is powered off.The message will print wherever thetext cursor happens to be. It reads:Maulwurf I - SSG( Subversive Software Group )Press any key to return to themain menu.The Pirate Trap Virus:This virus appears to be the workof some commercial vendor, trying todiscourage software piracy. Itcopies itself to every disk insertedinto the ST, and keeps a counter.After it has made 50 copies ofof itself, it displays this message,complete with bad grammar:*** The Pirate Trap **** Youre being watched **** [C] P.M.S. 1987 ***Press any key to return to themain menu.$DE Fbckmnr&d x, H d     # , " O"r "' p&#   "  & * 3  C  O %Vp&[gpu! #  1  O  m ! !  p&""  A b  "  "  "   ! + !M!o" p&#? `          8X p&oz #" ! A  O  Q  S  UWY[]%_p&d{  !!!     -   N   o      !   p&  $ =" `        "   "  % "  H !  j ! !    p&   (# L( m  " $   "   "   "  # #  G! i"  ! ! p&   #((G"f{ )    !p&""# A!c"  "  #  % % %4 Sp&^u!$($!"  A $ f $    $ $ll4 d!T"".  t..  tJCLOCK8DDOCt JCLOCK8DHSTt JCLOCK8DPRGt  - JCLOCK8D.PRG Documentation - by John L. Stanley ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please read all of this document at least once (even if you're already somewhat familiar with JClock). There are several important changes you might miss if you don't.... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Program Description JClock8d installs a tiny (less than 1200 bytes) interrupt handler that displays an am/pm style clock in the upper right hand corner of the ST screen. The "am" or "pm" will display as "AM" or "PM" when CapsLock is on. The clock remains on-screen thru all known programs and can be used in any screen resolution. The display can be turned on or off at any time (in any program) with a special keystroke. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This program solves 6 problems I've had with other ST corner-clock programs: 1) It shows the correct am/pm style time. 2) It can be disabled at any time in any program without rebooting, running a separate program, or having to access a desk accessory. 3) It's very small and fast, written totally in 68000 assembly language. (Some resident clocks spend too much time in an interrupt. This can cause the keyboard to go crazy sometimes when you move the mouse...) 4) It can be run in any screen resolution and survives resolution changes if installed from within the AUTO folder. (More on this later.) 5) It runs inside any and all ST programs (not just those that obey GEM psudo-multitasking rules) and under all known versions of TOS. 6) It doesn't use up an accessory slot. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Program Features ----- CapsLock Indicator...: When the clock is on-screen and the CapsLock is active, the "am" or "pm" of the clock display changes to "AM" or "PM" respectively. ----- Display On/Off Switch...: Once loaded, the clock display can be switched on or off at any time in any program using the following key sequence. Hold down both (Left -and- Right) [Shift] keys FOR AT LEAST 1 SECOND. Then, while still holding down both shift keys, hit the [CapsLock] key. If you're using software that already steals the left+right [Shift] keystroke, holding down [Alternate] with [Right-Shift] and then hitting the [CapsLock] key will also work... ----- Screen Resolution Changes...: JClock (version 8D) will now detect screen resolution changes and reconfigure itself to display in the new resolution. (Past versions caused a garbled clock to be displayed on the screen while running in the alternate resolution.) This new feature will only work properly on some machines if you load JClock from the auto folder. (During a resolution change, some versions of TOS will un-install JClock if it wasn't loaded from the auto folder.) ----- Time-Setting...: This version of JClock (version 8D) reads the time from the GEMDOS clock only once when installed. No amount of altering the system time after you install the clock will have any effect on the time displayed! Older versions of JClock read the time from the keyboard clock rather than the gemdos clock. This change allows those who have hardware clock software that only sets the Gemdos time (and Mega users) to run JClock without needing a special program to set the keyboard time. This also means that on a 1040 or 520 ST you'll still need to use some auto folder program to set the Gemdos clock -before- you install JClock. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "How much does JClock cost...?" The cost for this program is one postcard. Picture or plain is up to you. If you want, I'll also accept a letter, 3.5" disk, or e-mail... Why just a postcard minimum-payment? Why no money? Because I primarily want to hear from you to find out who's using JClock, what you like, what you dislike, and to get ideas for improvements. I know that most people look at a "tiny" program like JClock and don't realize what it's really worth so I don't expect that many people would pay the $2 - $7 that most authors would ask for it. Other people just hate to write letters. I'd rather make it easy and painless for you to "pay" me so I can tell you're out there using what I've spent my time creating and just maybe I'll get a few good ideas for the next version... If you really like JClock, feel free to send me a letter or disk. If you think it's only "ok", then briefly tell me how you would improve it. Either way, if you use JClock, even if you hate to write, please take 60 seconds to put my address on a postcard along with a stamp, your own return address, and the word "JClock8d" and drop it in the mail to: John Stanley 4157 Lyndale Av. S. Minneapolis, Mn. 55409 USA (I can also be reached on Usenet via john@dynasoft.UUCP or on GEnie as JLS.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Disclaimer & Distribution Rights -- (with much regret that such things are necessary...) I hereby explicitly disclaim any implied warranty on JClock for any use what so ever. JClock is -not- guaranteed to work with any and all ST or Mega software and hardware. (The ST has too many unknowns...) On the other hand, JClock has served the author and many of his friends (with occasional improvements and enhancements) for well over two years. If JClock doesn't work with some combination of programs/hardware that you use, let me know what they are so I can try to fix the problem. Thank you. I hereby grant the right to distribute (all together, with -no- changes) JCLOCK8D.PRG, this text file, and the associated history file via all BBS systems (local and national), non-profit user groups, and by individuals. This explicitly excludes all commercial "Public-Domain" distributors and any other agencies, groups, or companies unless written permission is granted. John L. Stanley PS: If this is distributed to members of an Atari users group, I'd really appreciate if your editor would mail me a copy of your club newsletter. After I read it, I'll contribute it to my local users group library. --- JClock8d Program History --- NUCLK.PRG: Started: 12-01-86 ....... many revisions omitted ....... CLK3.PRG: Modified 12-19-86 Finaly nailed the keyboard/mouse interaction bug. First solid version. Runs and displays everywhere!! JCLOCK4.PRG: Modified: 12-20-86 Added keyboard clock-disable function. JCLOCK5.PRG: Modified: 12-23-86 Added [Alt]+[Right Shift] support that works the same as [Left+Right Shift] for purposes of disabling the clock. This was added to allow switching the clock on/off while running a program that reserves the [Left+Right Shift] keypress for an "abort program" command. ....... more revisions omitted ....... JCLOCK6C.PRG: Modified 01-19-87 Finished changes to support color as well as mono screens. Added title, credits, instructions and abort option. (beta version) JCLOCK7.PRG: Modified 01-25-87 Corrected starting column for low rez display and added help screens specificly formatted to low rez. (1st public release) JCLOCK7b.PRG: Modified 02-17-87 Corrected the instalation routine to avoid rare crashing of system when installed in auto folder. (2nd release) ....... yup, even more versions omitted ....... JCLOCK8.PRG: Modified 12-04-88 Ported source to Sozobon assembler (jas) which resulted in a reduction in the runtime image. Made display on/off switch useable on other systems (mega's, etc...) and new TOS (1.4). JCLOCK8b.PRG: Modified 05-03-89 Fixed capslock display problem on Mega and TOS 1.4 systems. JCLOCK8c.PRG: Modified 05-17-89 Now reads gemdos clock at startup instead of keyboard clock. Checks for on/off command and capslock mode twice as often. JCLOCK8d.PRG: Modified 06-07-89 Added code to reconfigure screen after a resolution-change. Removed built-in help text. Started external history/doc file. Removed "phantom cursor" on boot from desktop. `4^`aPHJSyo/9 Nu:9LE y(fy y&fRy y<fLByRy y<f6ByRy y f y$` y f ByRy09,gP099Lft<909a|p:a09a69*|K09$@a0<m@a/9 Nu09,g099Lf<9p aX/9 Nu9La/9 NuZy099Lf0+RSG29QNu#209a ?<,NAT>|H30H|?30r hnp `| m3p$| m| 33 |a?<cNMT#,./ [ -r ] where is any legal TOS path/filename, and the optional -r (or -R) the read-only option. Examples: "c:\zap.ttp -r" will open the file ZAP.TTP in read-only mode. "zap.ttp" will open it normally. (If the file may be written to in TOS.) The commandline dialog page also explains how the single-line editor works. This single-line editor is used also for the search-string entry, so you may want to remember how it works. Not that there is anything difficult to it, it's all very logical. You can move the cursor, use backspace and delete, clear the line with and recall the original line with Undo. Pressing Return completes input, and if the line is empty ZAP exits. *So, the way to quit ZAP is to press at the command line dialog. If the file cannot be opened, or if the commandline contains the wildcards '*' or '?' ZAP gives an error message and lets you try again. *** The ZAP screen *** This consists of 4 parts: menubar, parameter section, file display, and command/message line. The top line is the menu bar. It displays the main command options you have at your disposal at that point. There are two menu bars, one for the EDIT mode and one for the ESC mode. You can see which mode ZAP is in by looking at the lower left corner of the screen. In EDIT mode, the menu bar shows: - ZAP 2.5 The name and version number of the program. Click this for some info about ZAP and for my address. - help Click this (or press ) to get a summary of the workings of ZAP in edit mode. - Esc Click this (or press ) to switch to ESC mode. - addr Click this to jump to an address in the file. This must then be entered in hexadecimal numbers. The first byte in the file has address 0, the last byte has address (filesize-1). - undo Click this (or press ) to read the displayed chunk from the disk into memory again. The situation is now as it was after this chunk was last saved. This will not affect changes that have already been saved to disk. - top Click this (or press ) to get the first chunk. - ^^^ ( arrows up ) Click this (or press ) to get the previous chunk. - vvv ( arrows down ) Click this (or press ) to get the next chunk. - end Click this (or press ) to get the last chunk. - raw|txt Click this to toggle the text only filter - useful if you are scanning a file quickly, looking for text. If the r/w flag was on, this will be set to r-o (for read-only) until you toggle the text filter off again. - r/w|r-o Click this to lock the file to prevent accidental changes during browsing, and click it again to unlock it. If the lock is toggled to unlock, the text filter is automatically switched off too. *If you attempt to change a file while r-o is in effect, this menu entry will flash briefly to remind you. - quit Click this to save the current chunk and exit to the file selection dialog page. In ESC mode, the menu bar shows: - ZAP 2.5, as above. Here also accessible by pressing Z. - Help - some info about ESC mode - UnEsc Click this, (or press Esc, or press U) to go back to edit mode. - Print Click this, (or press P) to print the current chunk. If the text filter is on, this will be used, otherwise non-printable characters will be replaced by a hyphen ( '-' ). (Since it is very unlikely that your printer knows the Atari graphics characters...) - Number Click this, (or press N) and you will be asked for a number of the chunk to display next. This must be entered in decimal. - Search Click this (or press S) to enter a string to search for. Depending on the state of ZAP, you will be asked to enter this string in HEX or as text. You may use control characters in the text state. In HEX state, the string must be specified as an even number of hexadecimal digits. As a null byte is used to terminate the string you can't search for anything following a null byte. Search is case-sensitive and starts at the current cursor position. - Find Click this (or press F). The same as above, but the search will use the previously entered string for that state. - Chunksize Click this, (or press C), to change the size of a chunk. The default value, 256, is also the maximum. - Quit Click this, (or press Q) to exit to the file selection screen. Besides these commands you can use the cursor keys and the mouse to position the cursor and to switch between states. Placing the cursor in the HEX field with the mouse will set the HEX state, placing it in the text field will set TEXT state. , , and work just as in EDIT mode. *NOTE: any action which brings a new chunk to the screen will first save the previous chunk to disk, if the file is not locked or in text filter mode. The parameter section of the screen shows you things like file name, size, cursor position, and current chunk and chunksize. If the current chunk differs from the one on disk, the (CHANGED) flag appears after the filename. *NOTE: once a chunk has been written to disk, ZAP doesn't remember whether it was modified before. The file display field. This consists of: - The offset field, where the offset from the start of the file is shown in hex. - The hex field, which shows the byte values of the file as hexadecimal numbers, 16 to a line. - The ascii field, which shows the same 16 bytes of the file as the hex field, but now as the characters in the Atari ST character set associated with those byte values. *NOTE: There is one exception: the NULL byte is not shown as a space, which would be the Atari character associated with it, but as three horizontal bars. This was done with a purpose: when editing in programs it is very important not to overwrite terminal zeros of strings. Therefore, these must be clearly distinguished from spaces. *NOTE: If 'text' filter is on, only letters, digits and punctuation marks are displayed. (A-Z | a-z | 0-9 | ; | : | . | , | ! | ?) If you are in EDIT and r/w mode the cursor flashes. (Except that in monochrome mode, if the cursor happens to be positioned on a space, the flashing will be invisible) The command/message line shows the mode ZAP is in, and this is also where ZAP asks you to type in additional information, and where messages appear. *** The cursor *** If this blinks, ZAP is in read/write mode. If it is steady, it is not. In the latter case either the file is read-only, or the read only option was specified, or the file was locked by you, or the text filter is active, or ESC mode is on. *** A short history of ZAP *** ZAP was originally written in 1986, by D.A. Gerritsen, Medemblik, The Netherlands. He placed the source in the public domain. The original program was much larger and slower than the current version, as the original author must have been, at least at that time, a beginning C programmer. Nevertheless the program was one of the public domain programs I regularly used, so the idea of trying to improve it came naturally... This task, lightly started, ended in a virtually complete rewrite. ZAP 2.5 is now 60% of its original size and the display is much faster. Many options were added, among which the locking facility, a better commandline editor, the status line, the offset field, a better print facility, a better help facility, and complete mouse support. ?9INJ"XO?.?9INIXOp??9INKXO=y=y09yS@=@09y|S@=@Hn?9ING\ONvN^NuNV/.NXO?. /.NE \O@=@/.N@XO0.N^NuNV n=h n=h n=h n=hHnHnHnHn/.NDd?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.BgND?.?.?.?.p?Bg/.NFN^NuNV n=h n=h n=h n=hHnHnHnHn/.NDd?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.p?NDN^NuNV/0.  @>( G0.  @1G .N^NuNV/~ G lB0HEN/NL,XOR@?0HEN/0X@?/9NF RG`.N^NuNV0.  @-h n  n1nN^NuNVBnp?NTO ng0. @bH0@T PN`Bg/9ZNf\O=@?./9ZN\O nfRn` nfp=@`Bg/9bNf\O=@?./9bN\O n fSn`d n g n `Bg/9lNf\O=@?./9lN\O ng`Bg/9pNf\O=@?./9pN\O ng ng> n`@Bg/9tNf\O=@?./9tN\O ngH n g n `Bg/9xNf\O=@?./9xN\O ng n g n `Bg/9~Nf\O=@?./9~N\O ng n`~p3N^NuNVNCHyRHyHyHyINE.3IHyO,Hy_Hy`(Hy_p?BgNG8NN(NdN=@0.f$NNBBgNE\ONJN?9E NFTO?9E NGTO?9INHTOND*N^NuNVp?NTOBg/9ENf\O yg09 @bH0@T PN`N *`N `p?NTOBg/9hNf\O=@3?./9hN`Nt`N*L`|N/$`rN `hN`^N^NuNVHp?NNTO3OF09OFf /9p?ND@\Op?NQTO`Z yOFf@~ Gl.0HGO 0HA??p?NN\O6RG`p3E8` yOFfByE8BgHy`,pG?NAPOp?NATO>0@A`*p:`+Hy`*Hy_NLPOHyHy_NKPOHyHy`*NKPOLN^NuNV/ yOFf&~ Gl0HAO ??p?NN\ORG`BgBgp?BBgp?NMp?Bgp?BBgp?NM.N^NuNV/HyNFXO>0fHyp?ND@\Op`HyEBgBgNFPPOHyhp?BgNFPPOHyp?BgNFPPOHyp?BgNFPPOHyOdp?BgNFPPOHyp?BgNFPPOHy_p?BgNFPPOHyZp?BgNFPPOHybp?BgNFPPOHylp ?BgNFPPOHypp ?BgNFPPOHytp ?BgNFPPOHyxp ?BgNFPPOHy~p ?BgNFPPOHyp?BgNFPPOHyBgp?NFPPOHyp?p?NFPPOHyTp?p?NFPPOHyO.p?p?NFPPOHyIp?p?NFPPOHyp?p?NFPPOHyp?p?NFPPO yf yh8 yh` yh8 yhB@.N^NuNVH0*yE yOFf p?HyO L0N^NuNV yh09_f6 yOFf$HysHys yHhN'0 ` Hy` y_f yOFfHyVHyj`Hy^` y_o~ yOFf(HyeNHyeb yHhN'0 Hy`&Hy Hyeb yHhN'0 HyHy{" yHhN'0 yh09g\ yOFfHy{`HyHy{" yHhN'0 yh09EfHyp ?NN\Op3EN^NuNV np1@ n!n n !nN^NuNVH n*h n?( n?( n?( n?(NPOBy>By@3B3D n3 F n3 H09ByF3J09DyH3L<9F09LT@: yOFfE "n n0(igV yOFfLp??9INJ"XO?9E8?9INIXOp??9INKXOHyF?9ING\O n0(@f n0(@g yOFf~`~`~Hy/ Hy>??9INIB yOFfp=@p=@p=@Bnp=@?.?9INJXO?.?9INKXO?.?9INJXOHnHn?.Bg?9INJ\HnHnHnHn?.?9INK  n PfR n0(S@ @bH0@T PN`Hy}`Hy`Hy`Hy`xHy`p n Pfv n0(S@ @bfH0@T`Hy`>Hy`6Hy`.Hy`&Hy`Hy`Hy`Hy`Hy???9INH\ B@L N^NuNVH8BnBnBn yOd=h yOd=h yOd=h yOd=hp?NTOHnHnHnHn/9OdNDd?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.BgND ngz nfK`K0.HH8.0.f ?.Hy` ?.HyHyINLb 0.fHy$HyINLbPO`0.yE m0.yE R@<?9?Hy0`d0.yELm0.yELR@<?9_?HyF`:0.ym0.yR@<?9O?Hya`?9O?.Hy}HyINLb yOd!|I$| Fl0PI(@?Hy/ NLb XG2Dz EllB@H@H@B@H@ @B@@H@B@H@ @p  Efp B@H@B@H@ @%H@gB@`p.RE`p B0 @Od0PI!@$RF`00.g 0.HR@`0.H?N.TO?.?.?.?.p?Bg/9OdNFBg/9OdNE \O@=@0.@ @bH0@UX PN`0.gBn`|0.gt=|Sn`f0.f =|`V nlLBnRn`@HnHnHnHnNEp=n yOd0( n yOd0("n0.nl0.gpSn`h nl^Rn`Vp?p?p?/9OdNE =@0.H2=@ nop=@`?./9OdN\O`?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.p?NDp3L8N^NuNVH 9Od*@<- 9Od*@>-:-0H:0H(:RE0H:0HR@>0H(>0H>;G;EL N^NuNV/ BnBnp3p?NTOp?NATO f ng/9p?ND@\O=@` ngV nf p?NTOBg/9Nf\O=@?./9N\O ngHnp?NE\O y0(:@gHnBgp?BgHyN0 y0(R@gVHnp??9Op?HyN009HHH*@Hnp??9O?9/ N0 y0(j@g409ELHHH*@Hnp??9_?9EL/ N00.Rn @Blp ?N2TO`HnBgNE\O*_N^NuNVH8*nxnl0. 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This disk contains self booting code in the boot sector. That codewill be executed every time this disk is in Drive A and the ST ispowered up or the reset button is pressed. Boot not executable.Boot sector NOT zeroed.While it is not set to executable, the boot sector contains datain areas where a non-executable boot sector should be zero. Extra FAT sectors NOT zero.The FAT on this disk is larger than necessary. The unused partof it should be zero, but it is not. Extra FAT sectors zero.No extra FAT sectors.Disk is safe.Disk probably safe.Disk potentially unsafe.Disk very suspicious.Disk has a virus.This sector unreadable.%c:\*.*\*.*\*.VIR;UU UUp;aUUUT;UTUU@` p0P aXaPXPXPXPXPXPX1P!aX P0UU``UT@;UT@UU UUXUUUW/Sxxxxx??<<<<xxxx<<<?<??y~y<???<<?<<<<yyxxxxyyxx< <x 8<<x,,&b&b<"<")&%)&%$I$.IQR[RDbLb 0, 0,00R        /S*_߀g7'W  ߀*q"퓋߀d⋊߀߀##+ ߀+#߀KdCkk߀$K$C߀+d#  ߀ + ߀+###߀߀⋊d윋߀* ߀*g5#Wo߀(p /S~~ ?;5@7ww:`:~~ZPzYX۽UUTUVVn~~z5Un??|;{|[Xxx xU[Xxx۽xUPp?p;piPkpppx`x` H` H`,/S??juUXjXTTTTTTTTTTTxTUUYjuU_??00@@OOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP008/S??j}ꪪwwwwwwwwwwww@wwwwªªwªªw|ªªw|ªªw|ªªjw|u\ªju\ªjw|u\ªªw|ªªwwwwªwwwwww@wwwwww@ꪪjwwwwwww??D9;?<p `` 0 ``0 `0`08000@ `p0<x0 ` `?|>?81U݀wwww(p Xp(p pp)Y)q)Y) q) Y) q) Y) q) Y) q) Y( p(? 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Drive A Drive B Info Help Exit Drive A Drive B Info HelpDisplay PrintTo File Kill ExitFirst half of sector %d: Second half of sector %d: Boot SectorData, Sector %d of %dDirectory, Sector %d of %dSecond FAT, Sector %d of %dFirst FAT, Sector %d of %d%03x Sector %d: Boot Sector First FAT, sector %d of %d Second FAT, sector %d of %d Directory, sector %d of %d %03x 79z=~bF*v!X9Y8„©« JLNPÜ'kĮ5LNPRTfhŢ hƳEǏ!kȷ/CEGIKMOɘ'pʼT˘&m̴̡̲.024}OΕ#mϰ EЀЗЙЛ,vѾNҙ/yӿQ~ԀԂԄY՞,mַ@`bׁ׃ׇׅ׉׋`إ4z CEGY[ښ4} Rܚ&lݰ!\suwRߚ*v V#^>V UqsuwH!#%')+-CEoqS)q $&RTwy{ U/vL<^9VXZkm%_a5|W4gz|~ R,r&vfVF6&vThe status of this disk is questionable. The 'KEY' Virus: While this virus is not specifically dangerous itself,it presents a very serious threat if the key disk it iswaiting for turns up. This virus checks the boot sector to determine if it is already presenton a disk before deciding if it should reproduce. It reproduces itselfby hooking into the ST operating system and copying it's own image ontoevery disk the ST reads or writes. It is a sleeper. It is waiting for aspecial disk to come along with a key value in the boot sector. When itfinds one, it will follow the instructions on that disk. This disk doesnot have the key value, so it is not an immediate threat. However, it willreproduce itself onto every disk inserted into your system. Then, when thekey disk comes along, you will be a victim of whatever it instructs yoursystem to do. Therefore, you should consider this virus a very real threat,and wipe it off every disk you own. KEY Disk for the 'KEY' Virus: This disk contains the key value for a virus, and represents avery real danger. It works in conjunction with the 'KEY' virus. It is not known what this disk contains. Before you destroy it, send a copyof it to the author of this program (use the address on the Info box).The general version of the virus waits for another disk, with a keyvalue, to come along. This disk has that key value, so it can causevery real damage. It is vital that you send a copy of this disk tothe author of this program, then wipe it off every disk you own. It is a real threat to you, and to anyone else whose system has beenexposed to this virus. The 'BLOT' Virus: This virus executes only on STs with ROMs dated 02061986.???????? is the date in the ROMs of this ST. This virus reproduces itself onto every disk the ST comes in contact with,unless that disk already has a bootable format. It reproduces itself byhooking into the ST operating system and copying it's own image onto everydisk the ST reads or writes. The virus is too big to fit into the bootsector. It hides the remainder of the virus program in the last FAT sectoron an infected disk. It uses time delays to make itself more difficult todetect. When it becomes active, it does randomly timed accesses to eitherthe screen memory, or memory above the screen address. That will eithercause blots to appear on the screen, or (if the system has 4 megabytes ofmemory) memory access errors (two bombs). It looks like an ST that developsmemory errors after it has been running for a while. It is a verydangerous virus, and should be wiped out immediately.The 'FREEZE' Virus: This virus checks the boot sector of each disk to determine if that diskhas an executable boot sector before deciding if it should reproduce.It reproduces itself by hooking into the ST operating system and copyingit's own image onto every non-executable disk the ST reads or writes. Itspreads by waiting for an access to the directory of either floppy disk. Ifthe boot sector of the disk is executable, it is left unchanged. Otherwise,the virus is copied to it. The virus attacks by setting up a timer routine.Each time that elapses, the virus makes a random decision to see ifit should act. It acts by freezing the system briefly. Each time it actsit makes the duration of the freeze a little longer. This virus doesnot directly destroy disks or files, but will continue to cause longerand longer delays to whatever program is executing.The 'MAD' Virus: This virus checks the boot sector to determine if the disk hasan executable boot before deciding if it should reproduce. It reproduces itself by hooking into the ST operating system and copyingit's own image onto every disk the ST reads or writes. It spreads bywaiting for an access to the directory of either floppy disk. If theboot sector of the disk is executable, it is left unchanged. Otherwise,the virus is copied to it. The virus acts by counting how many copiesof itself it has written. After five copies are made, it starts attacking.When it acts, it randomly selects one of eight different routines.Seven of them are screen display sabotage routines, while the eighth is asound effect. This virus does not destroy disks or files, but willdestroy screen displays and cause delays to whatever is executing. The 'ACA' Virus: This is one of the most dangerous ST viruses in existance.There is no evidence that the virus is present until disksstart being destroyed. This virus checks boot sectors to determine if each disk has an executableboot before deciding if it should reproduce. It reproduces by hookingitself into the ST operating system and copying it's own image onto everydisk the ST reads or writes. It spreads by waiting for an access to thedirectory of either floppy disk. If the boot sector of that disk isexecutable, it is left unchanged. Otherwise, the virus is copied to it. Thevirus acts by counting how many copies of itself it has written. After tencopies are made, it starts attacking. It attacks by completely destroyingthe boot sector, File Access Tables, and directories of every disk insertedinto the ST. The destruction is complete, leaving it almost impossible torecover anything from the disk once the virus has struck. There is noindication that this virus is present until disks are destroyed.The 'SCREEN' Virus: This virus executes only on ST's with ROMs dated 02061986.???????? is the date in the ROMs of this ST. This virus checks the boot sector to determine if each disk has anexecutable boot before deciding if it should spread itself to that disk.It reproduces itself by hooking into the ST operating system and copyingit's own image onto every disk the ST reads or writes. It spreads bywaiting for an access to the directory of either floppy disk. If theboot sector of that disk is executable, it is left unchanged. Otherwise,the virus is copied to it. The virus works by installing a timerroutine. After 30 minutes, it starts attacking. Each time after that whenthe timer elapses, the virus steps on two words in the screen. It keepschanging which screen words it will step on. This virus does notdirectly attack files or disks. The 'Mouse Inversion' Virus: This virus checks the boot sector to determine if each disk has anexecutable boot before deciding if it should spread itself to that disk.It reproduces itself by hooking into the ST operating system and copyingit's own image onto every disk the ST reads or writes. It spreads bywaiting for an access to the boot sector of either floppy disk. If theboot sector of the disk is executable, it is left unchanged. Otherwise,the virus is copied to it. The virus acts by counting how many copiesof itself it has written. After five copies are made, it starts attacking.Every five times the boot sector of either floppy disk is accessed, thevirus reverses the vertical orientation of the mouse. The 'ANTI' Virus: This virus refers to itself as an 'anti-virus', but it spreadsjust as fast as any other virus. It does not, however, attackor destroy anything. This virus checks the boot sector to determine if each disk has anexecutable boot before deciding if it should spread itself to that disk.It reproduces itself by hooking into the ST operating system and copyingit's own image onto every disk the ST reads or writes. It spreads bywaiting for an access to the boot sector of either floppy disk. If theboot sector of the disk is executable, it is left unchanged. Otherwise,the anti-virus is copied to it. The anti-virus acts only when the STis booted up or reset. It flashes the screen colors briefly, and makesa beep, to let you know that it is present, rather than a destructivevirus. It has no other effect, but it will spread itself as rapidlyas any other virus. The 'Fifth Generation' Virus: This is one of the most dangerous ST viruses in existance.There is no evidence that the virus is present until disksstart being destroyed. This virus checks boot sectors to determine if each disk has an executableboot before deciding if it should reproduce. It reproduces by hookingitself into the ST operating system and copying it's own image onto everydisk the ST reads or writes. It spreads by waiting for an access to thedirectory of either floppy disk. If the boot sector of that disk isexecutable, it is left unchanged. Otherwise, the virus is copied to it. Thevirus acts by counting how many copies of itself it has written. After fivecopies are made, it starts attacking. It attacks by completely destroyingthe boot sector, File Access Tables, and directories of every disk insertedinto the ST. The destruction is complete, leaving it almost impossible torecover anything from the disk once the virus has struck. There is noindication that this virus is present until disks are destroyed.The 'BHP' Virus: There is no complete copy of this virus available.If this message has appeared, you probably have a completecopy. Before destroying the virus, please send a copy tothe address in the Info box. The partial information available on this virus has been gained byexamining what was left after the virus attacked. Most of the disk'sboot sector had been wiped out, rendering the disk useless. The partof the virus that remained revealed that the virus reproduces itselfon to every disk that passes through the ST, and has 00 00 in the firsttwo bytes of the boot sector (which is very common). How and when thevirus attacked is unknown, except that it left the message 'VIRE 87' inthe first seven bytes of the boot sector after destroying the data thatwas on the disk. The 'Little Green Goblin' Virus: This virus causes garbaged screen displays, and willoccasionally sign its name. This virus doesn't bother to check the boot sectors of the disksit spreads itself to. It hooks into the operating system, and copiesitself to every disk that passes through the ST, except those that alreadyhave a copy of the virus on them. Every sixteen times it spreads itself,it makes a real mess of the display screen. Every 128 times it spreadsitself, it displays the message 'The Little Green Goblins Strike Again'. The 'KOBOLD_2' Virus: This virus appears to be non destructive. However, it is very complex, and may be up to more than iscurrently known about it. The virus takes several different vectors in the ST, including timer,vertical blank, and disk I/O vectors. It runs several functions, andkeeps track of the elapsed time. Each disk that passes through the STis examined, and may or may not be updated. If the disk accessed is thelast one the virus spread itself to, it is left unchanged. If it is anyother disk, even one containing the same virus, the time stamp imbeddedin the virus image is updated, and the virus written to the disk. It alsochecks for disk format operations, and spreads itself to disks beingformatted. The 'label' Virus: This virus attacks only the screen display. It does not attack disks or files. It spreads the same way as most boot sector viruses, by attatching itselfto the disk I/O vector, and checking all disk I/O operations for accessto the boot sector of any disk. It spreads itself to all disks, whetherthey were originally executable or not. It may, therefore, be detectedwhen disks which must be self booting fail, since the disks original selfbooting code will be wiped out by the spreading virus. The virus keeps acounter, and waits until it has spread ten copies of itself. After tencopies are made, it attacks by wiping out the screen display, thenallowing whatever program was in progress to continue executing. The 'Maulwurf' Virus: The name is derived from a message contained in thevirus image. It appears that the only attack this virusmakes to print a message periodically. This virus spreads by hooking itself into the ST's operating system,at the disk I/O vector, and checking all disk I/O operations for accessto the boot sector of any disk. It spreads itself to all disks, whetherthey were originally executable or not. It may, therefore, be detectedwhen disks which must be self booting fail, since the disks original selfbooting code will be wiped out by the spreading virus. The virus keeps atimer running, and periodically writes a message to the screen, reading'Maulwurf I - SSG (Subversive Software Group )'. The message is scrambledwhen stored in the boot sector and in memory, and can not be detected bynormal disk examining tools. The 'OLI' Virus: This virus may not be detectable if the virus is present andexecuting in the ST when an attempt is made to locate it. Ifit detects a read of the boot sector of a disk containing thevirus, the boot sector data is altered to hide its image. The virus spreads by hooking itself into the ST's operating system,at the disk I/O vector, and checking all disk I/O operations for accessto the boot sector of any disk. It spreads itself to all disks, whetherthey were originally executable or not. It may, therefore, be detectedwhen disks which must be self booting fail, since the disks original selfbooting code will be wiped out by the spreading virus. The virus keeps acounter running, and after making 20 copies, starts slowing down the STby taking over an interrupt vector. Each time the interrupt occurrs, thevirus holds the ST up for a while before releasing control. The 'Pirate Trap' Virus: This virus appears to be the work of a software vendorin an attempt to discourage pirate copying of thatvendor's software. The virus spreads by hooking itself into the ST's operating system,at the disk I/O vector, and checking all disk I/O operations for accessto the boot sector of any disk. It spreads itself to all disks, whetherthey were originally executable or not. It may, therefore, be detectedwhen disks which must be self booting fail, since the disks original selfbooting code will be wiped out by the spreading virus. The virus keeps acounter running, and after making 50 copies, it cleras the screen anddisplays a message which reads (complete with bad grammar):*** The Pirate Trap **** Youre being watched **** (C) P.M.S. 1987 *** d~ +:IXgv%% +B&$$$@@ Q Q Q Q  Q Q Q Q QQ Q Q Q @ @ @ @A@B@C@D!@E  @F !@G "@H! #@I $J %K &L! 'M (N )O *P! +' ________.___ File Selector Item Selector________________________________________________________________________PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP* nnnnnnnn.ttt* nnnnnnnn.ttt* nnnnnnnn.ttt* nnnnnnnn.ttt* nnnnnnnn.ttt* nnnnnnnn.ttt* nnnnnnnn.ttt* nnnnnnnn.ttt* nnnnnnnn.ttt* nnnnnnnn.ttt* nnnnnnnn.ttt* nnnnnnnn.ttt* nnnnnnnn.ttt0 files________.___FFFFFFFFFFFCancelOK:\\*.* No files %d file %d files %d files %d files @@@@@@@@@PPPPP@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@    @{NULL} You must compile with the -f option to include printf() floating point!  0 Ta( T`.                 ,        2 :"" j B $ V ,     0  . .        &@   ,*. $>       P,$N.VN (*&((            R                                                                                       `   ( *    ( ,       0", ( $hF40 r  $      .    2R* 0>                 $  0                    .   ",*            2*N6                           FP( LD" $ | 2 &:d <h$2+X+Misuse of this program can be dangerous!It is not possible to absolutely distinguish between a virus, and adisk which is supposed to be self booting. If you execute a viruskill on a program disk which must be self booting, such as many gamesare, you will have a useless disk. The simplest way to make thedistinction is that, if you are directed to press the reset button,or power your computer off and on to use a piece of software, then DO NOT ALTER THAT DISK! Also, do not attempt to use this program ondisks which use non-standard formats, such as MAGIC-SAC, or manycopy protected disks.Any other disk which this program identifies as having an executableboot should be considered very suspicious.OKST Virus KillerVersion 2.20 May, 1989Copyright c 1988,1989for Free Public Distribution,byGeorge R. Woodside5219 San Feliciano DriveWoodland Hills, Ca. 91364 USAIf you think you've located a virus this programdoesn't recognize, please send a copy of the diskto the address above. It will be added to thosethe program can already identify and kill.OKLOADDisk Characteristics:LOAD Exit Select the sectors to print: Boot FATDirectory Cancel Print OK>>>>>>>>>>>>> VIRUS ALERT! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<After zeroing the boot sector on the disk, thisprogram executed a disk access, then re-read theboot sector. It was no longer zeroed. This probably means there is a virus present, and working, inthis ST right now.The boot sector has been zeroed out again. You should turnoff the ST, and wait 15 seconds. Put the disk just zeroedinto drive A, then turn the ST back on. That will get theST running, with out the virus. Find the disk you booted upwith, and send a copy of it to the address in the "INFO" box.Then, check every disk you own, erasing the boot sectors.Keep the write protect window open on your disks as muchas possible.ExitWhat is a virus?It's a secret program. It hides in the first sector of a disk,called the boot sector. It secretly copies itself to everydisk that comes into your ST. Eventually, when it has madeenough copies of itself to be thoroughly spread through yourdisk library, it starts doing it's real dirty work. That maybe to slowly destory the data on your disks, or suddenly andswiftly wipe them out. It may be to act like a memoryproblem, crashing the system at random intervals. Thesesymptoms are the known viruses at this time. There willprobably be more. The best protection is to keep the writeprotect window open on your disks as much as possible, andalways boot your system from the same (safe) disk.Drive A Click on these floppy disk icons to Drive B select which disk to examine.Info Click on this eagle to see theversion of the program. You will alsofind the author's name and address.If you locate a virus, please send acopy of the disk to the author.ExitDisplay Click on this icon to have the dataPrint Click on this icon to have the datafrom the disk displayed on the screen.from the disk printed out. You can printthe boot sector, the File AllocationTables, and the Directory.ExitTo File Click on this icon to write the bootKill Click on this icon to erase the unusedsector, FATs, and directory into a datafile. This will be a binary data file,which may be copied or transmittedwith no danger.portion of the boot sectors and FATs.This will eradicate all viruses knownat this time, with no harm to the datafiles present on the disk.ExitExit Click on this door to exit the program.Devil Anytime you see this devil, be cautious.It means that the disk being examinedhas all the characteristics of a virus.The boot sector contains executable code.ExitQuestion This question mark indicates that,Happy The smiling face means that all iswhile the disk being examined does nothave an executable boot, there is dataon the disk where it should be blank.It won't hurt to do a kill on it.well. The disk being examined is clean,and presents no danger.ExitExitVirus Warning BoxWhen you see this box, it meansthe disk probably has a virus.Since not all viruses carry specific identification, it is notabsolutely certain that what is in the boot sector is a virus.However, it is quite likely. The boot sector data has met thetest that some virus uses to detect itself, or has somethingunusual enough to make it very probable that there is a viruspresent on the disk. You can learn about the virus found byclicking on the warning message.OK[3][Please go to|Medium Resolution][ ABORT ][2][Printer not ready][ Cancel |Ready][1][Disk read error][ Cancel ][1][Disk write error][ Cancel ][3][Disk directory error][ Cancel ][3][File write error][ Cancel ][3][File read error][ Cancel ];;;;{{Ç~x<<i2Tghi!hmnrJ@$(MCA E  ? Y C  C  C %@f>|D*'>r713 Q      0  1  /:*'e-rP E    %E rP  o,Hd       ( D ` |= =  5     # . 9 %D M          >@I@I@I`: ('!rC 8 +: /j 0 4 /    : N 9  9  ; =<9v8  rB!6B:N:< <  <  @ 5  v 7   7  : ! : \2 rB  0 2  *  % ; #  _ %     !  6%  rB 0 .  & 4 (  ] $     !' 6rB 0 0   ' .'  U"  x   (   %   &  !'6 rB 0M 0~  ( '  ) !'6 rB 0- 0[ ]&) % )  (  ' 3!'56 rB: <6ASs> >  = N <  =  ;  rP &A'A(A)A*A+A ,A -L . L / L 0 L1 L2 L3L4L5L6L7L8L'9E0X H!#$ %&')Hery five times the boot sector of either floppy disk is accessed, thevirus reverses the vertical orientation of the mouse.OKThe 'ANTI' Virus:This anti-virus checks the boot sector to determine if the diskhas an executable boot before deciding if it should reproduce.It reproduces itself by hooking into the ST operating system and copyingit's own image onto every disk the ST reads or writes. It spreads bywaiting for an access to the boot sector of either floppy disk. If theboot sector of the disk is executable, it is left unchanged. Otherwise,the anti-virus is copied to it. The anti-virus acts only when the STis booted up or reset. It flashes the screen colors briefly, and makesa beep, to let you know that it is present, rather than a destructivevirus. It has no other effect, but it will spread itself as rapidlyas any other virus.OK[3][Please go to|Medium Resolution][ ABORT ][2][Printer not ready][ Cancel |Ready][1][Disk read error][ Cancel ][1][Disk write error][ Cancel ][3][Disk directory error][ Cancel ][3][File write error][ Cancel ][3][File read error][ Cancel ];;;;{{Ç~x<.//B/a////Tghi!hmnrJ@$(MCA E  ? Y C  C  C %@f>|D*'>r70`13 Q 0n 0 0   0  1  /:*'e-rP 0E    %E rP  o00112 1N 1j 1 1 1 1 1 2 2.= =  5     # . 9 %D M          >@I@I@I`: ('!rC 8 +: /j 0 4 /    : N 9  9  ; =<9v8  rB!6B:N:< <  <  @ 5  v 7   7  : ! : \2 rB  0 2  *  % ; #  _ %     !  6%  rB 0 .  & 4 (  ] $     !' 6rB 0 0   ' .'  U"  x   (   %   &  !'6 rB 0M 0~  ( '  ) !'6 rB 0- 0[ ]&) % )  (  ' 3!'56 rB: <6ASs> >  = N <  =  ;  rP &7?w9H GB G  G  H  G `G GG'0E rP 3Q>?H Ga G  G  G , G qG 'ErP ==S!v0 : = =  H T G  G G& Gk GGG7G{GGG'9ErP <P?CH GX G  G  H . G rH GGGG'{ErP ~?C H R G  G   G !$ H !j G !H !G"6G"}G"G'"ErP ""?#8C#sH# G$ G $F G $ H $ G %H %aG%G%G'& ErP &&#?&b?&@&&(  'H 'J G ' G ' G ( H(\ G(H(G)-G')ME rP )P)m?)C)H*0 G*u G * G + H +J G +H +G',ErP ,,%C,eC,H, G-2 G -y G - H . G .MH .G.G'.E2J35b6 8:;b<>z?@BRCZDEGbHJLZMOrQ"RrEvery new release of ZAP is given to a few experienced computer users to invite their comments. These are then taken into account as far as possible. ZAP 2.5 was written in Turbo C 1.0, using some 20, mostly small, hand-coded assembler routines to improve size and speed. The C part of the source (ca. 50 K) is available from me on request, the assembler routines only in .lib form. Write to the address below. *** Disclaimer *** Playing with ZAP without backing up the file to be edited first is playing with fire. To my best knowledge ZAP works exactly as documented in this file. It has been extensively tested with correct and incorrect input and was programmed to do the safe thing when in doubt. However, I cannot accept responsibility for any damage which may occur because of the use of it. *** Who to write to *** If you have comments on ZAP that you feel would contribute to a later version, please do not hesitate to contact me - I shall b. ! t|.. ! tZAPST DOCKt ZAPST PRGEt ǐe delighted. Keep in mind that my goal is to keep ZAP small, safe and easy to use. E. van Herk BBS The Dutch Connection: Wakkerstraat 18/I (NL) 01751-13128 1097 CE Amsterdam Leave message to: Bart van Herk The Netherlands. (9600 HST supported) *** Update History *** Changes to version 2.1: - The program sometimes scrolled suddenly when a search line was entered. This has been fixed by setting the VT-52 'no wrap' mode before editing starts, and resetting it to 'wrap' before the program quits. - The program now clears the screen before quitting, as the result when called from a commandline wasn't pretty. Changes to version 2.2: *Thanks to: Ernst Blok and Rob Pont for their intelligent and helpful comments! - The screen is no longer inverted - Some mouse support added - position and chunk start counting at 0 ; - position is now displayed in decimal and hex numbering - more elegant display algorithm - filesize is now displayed. - cursor management now completely under program control, to prevent smudges when the mouse is moved over the text cursor - The cursor blinks if the read/write mode is active. Changes to version 2.4: - Complete reorganization of the command structure into two menus with fully integrated mouse interface. - Complete rewrite of the help facility. - New logo screen - some streamlining of the code. Changes to version 2.5: - The -r flag was not recognized when ZAP was called from the desktop as a .ttp program, because TOS capitalizes the commandstring. ZAP now also recognizes the -R option for this. - A few messages and texts were edited a bit for a more pleasing screen effect. - The program did not not always save the current chunk before quitting; now it does. . *So, the way to quit ZAP is to press