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Should be in AUTO Folder Will run with any TOS This is Shareware Send Money and Problems to: Mick West 27 Lynton Drive, Shipley, BD18 3DJ ENGLAND Feel free to give away copies of this But please copy the whole folder Enter speed (10 to 80, Return = 40) GENFMEDTMONOPXENDfINPUTMEDOKXBIOSGETREZINLOOPNINVERTfNOT2000VBLANK2DEFAULTMESSAGEhMONOPOSXNOTHIGH0NOTUSERVBLEXIT4COPYMOVEGENMOVE1NOINVERTvPHYSBASESCANPOKEMONOCOUNH`TMONOLINEH\SSAVESTACHLKXBIOSPOKH,ENORM_XBIH(OSVBLANKPOH8KERASTER_FHdLAGWAIT_RASHnTERSIMPLE_VH>BLANK<  &(  fx hFJ lFhFFwLF F 5 FJ,)F F F FFFF FHF.F+FFFF FFFFmEF DF  RmFFEPFEQF!F { ; The Auto Mono Emulator. V5.00 By Mick West. November 20th 1988. ; Routine to make the ST think it is in mono mode. Needs TOS in ROM ; Makes the system think that there is a mono screen, but actually ; be updating a medium real screen from this under Vblank interrupt ; The XBIOS calls; Physbase,Setscreen and Getrez are revectored. ; Put in an Auto Folder ; Works with any TOS in the entire world - hopefully MOVE.L 4(A7),A0 MOVE.L #$8400,D6 ; 32K for the screen ADD.L $C(A0),D6 ; plus the usual space ADD.L $14(A0),D6 ADD.L $1C(A0),D6 MOVE.L D6,-(SP) ; save length of program for later MOVE.W #4,-(SP) TRAP #14 ; Get screen Resolution ADDQ.L #2,SP CMP.W #2,D0 ; If not high then carry on BNE NOTHIGH MOVE.L (SP)+,D6 ; else tidy up the stack MOVE.W #0,-(SP) ; return ok to,GEM TRAP #1 ; Then exit back to desktop NOTHIGH: CLR.L -(SP) MOVE.W #32,-(SP) TRAP #1 ; Enter supervisor mode ADDQ.L #6,SP MOVE.L D0,SAVESTACK ; Save the supervisor stack MOVE.L #MESSAGE,-(SP) ; Address of start of message MOVE.W #9,-(SP) ; Print startup message TRAP #1 ADDQ.L #6,SP INLOOP: MOVE.L #INPUT,-(SP) MOVE.W #9,-(SP) ; Print input message TRAP #1 ADDQ.L #6,SP MOVE.B #3,MESSAGE ; Input length = 3 MOVE.L #MESSAGE,-(SP) MOVE.W #10,-(SP) TRAP #1 ; Input number ADDQ.L #6,SP MOVE.W #40,D0 ; Default = 40 TST.B MESSAGE+1 BEQ DEFAULT ; If len=0 CMP.B #1,MESSAGE+1 ; len of 1 not allowed BEQ INLOOP CLR.W D0 MOVE.B MESSAGE+2,D0 ; first digit SUB.W #48,D0 BLE INLOOP ; Too low CMP.W #9,D0 BGT INLOOP ; Too High (>100) MULU #10,D0 CLR.W D1 MOVE.B MESSAGE+3,D1 ; second digit SUB.W #48,D1 BLT INLOOP ; Too low CMP.W #9,D1 BGT INLOOP ; Too high ADD.W D1,D0 CMP.W #80,D0 BGT INLOOP ; Check less than 80 DEFAULT: MOVE.W D0,SCANPOKE+2 SUB.L A5,A5 MOVE.L $044E(A5),MED ; Set MED MOVE.L $B8,XBIOSPOKE+2 ; Get the old XBIOS address and MOVE.L $70,VBLANKPOKE+2 ; VBLANK and insert into new versions MOVE.L #0,MONOPOS ; Set offset to top of screen SCANPOKE: MOVE.W #40,MONOLINES ; Fourty lines per Vblank is default MOVE.W #0,MONOCOUNT ; Counter is set to zero LEA XEND,A2 ; A2 = pos of generated code LEA GEN,A1 ; A1 = pos of instructions to copy MOVE.W #39,D0 ; Generate the code GENMOVE1: MOVE.L (A1),(A2)+ ; Copys 40 of - MOVE.W (A0)+,(A1)+ DBF D0,GENMOVE1 ; and MOVE.W (A2)+,(A1)+ ADDQ.L #4,A1 MOVE.W (A1),(A2)+ ; Move the RTS MOVE.L A2,D0 ; A2 = start of free memory ADD.L #512,D0 ; Force it to a 512 byte boundry AND.L #$FFFFFE00,D0 MOVE.L D0,$044E(A5) ; And that is the monochrome screen MOVE.L D0,MONO ; Set MONO MOVE.W #$0002,-(SP) ; Hardware and Software to Mono MOVE.L #-1,-(SP) MOVE.L #-1,-(SP) MOVE.W #5,-(SP) TRAP #14 ; Set high resolution ADD.L #12,SP MOVE.L $70,A0 ; Save the old VBLANK MOVE.L #SIMPLE_VBLANK,$70 ; And set up mine MOVE.W #1,RASTER_FLAG ; Set raster flag to 'not occured yet' WAIT_RASTER TST.W RASTER_FLAG ; If still not occured BNE WAIT_RASTER ; then loop until a vbl does occur MOVE.B #1,$FF8260 ; Back to medium hardware after VBL MOVE.L A0,$70 MOVE.L #XBIOS,$B8 ; Set up the new XBIOS vector MOVE.L #VBLANK,$70 ; And the new VBLANK vector MOVE.L SAVESTACK,-(SP) ; Restore the Supervisor stack MOVE.W #32,-(SP) ; And go back to User mode TRAP #1 ADDQ.L #6,SP MOVE.L (SP)+,D0 ; Tidy stack CLR.W -(SP) ; Exit ok for GEM MOVE.L D0,-(SP) ; Length of program + data space MOVE.W #$31,-(SP) ; terminate and stay resident (TSR) TRAP #1 ; Finished this AUTO program ; This is the new XBIOS routine XBIOS: MOVEM.L A1/A2,-(SP) ; Save A1 and A2 MOVE.L SP,A2 ; A2 = the stack ADD.L #8,A2 ; offset over A1 and A2 BTST #5,(A2) ; Test if called from user mode BNE NOTUSER ; Skip if it is MOVE.L USP,A2 ; Otherwise get A2 = User stack SUB.L #6,A2 ; Offset it as if it were the SSP NOTUSER: MOVE.W $6(A2),D0 ; Get XBIOS instruction code CMP.W #2,D0 ; If it is _PHYSBASE BEQ PHYSBASE ; then jump to new PHYSBASE routine CMP.W #4,D0 ; If it is _GETREZ BEQ GETREZ ; then jump to new GETREZ routine CMP.W #5,D0 ; If it is NOT _SETSCREEN BNE NORM_XBIOS ; Then continue with the normal XBIOS MOVE.W #-1,16(A2) ; Else alter rez.W to -1 (No change) MOVE.L 12(A2),D0 ; Get the ploc.L parameter CMP.L #-1,D0 ; If it is -1 BEQ NORM_XBIOS ; then continue with normal XBIOS MOVE.L D0,MONO ; Otherwise, new value goes to MONO MOVE.L #-1,12(A2) ; Set ploc.L to -1 (no change) BRA NORM_XBIOS ; then norm BIOS deals with lloc.L PHYSBASE: MOVE.L MONO,D0 ; Get address of mono screen MOVEM.L (SP)+,A1/A2 ; Tidy stack RTE ; Return mono screen location GETREZ: MOVE.W #2,D0 ; Pretend we are in mono resolution MOVEM.L (SP)+,A1/A2 ; Tidy the stack RTE ; Return code for mono resolution NORM_XBIOS: MOVEM.L (SP)+,A1/A2 ; Tidy the stack up XBIOSPOKE: JMP $0.L ; And jump into the normal XBIOS ; This is the new VBLANK routine VBLANK: MOVEM.L D0-D7/A0-A6,-(SP) ; Save all registers MOVE.W #$333,$FF8242 ; Set up colours, grey for thin lines MOVE.W #$333,$FF8244 ; (1 vert mono pixel = 1 grey med pix) BTST #0,$FF8240 ; Check inverted BEQ INVERT ; Jump if so MOVE.W #$777,$FF8240 ; White background (normal) MOVE.W #$000,$FF8246 ; Black ink BRA NOINVERT INVERT: MOVE.W #$000,$FF8240 ; Black background (inverted) MOVE.W #$777,$FF8246 ; White ink NOINVERT: CLR.L D0 MOVE.B $FF8201,D0 ; Video base high LSL.L #8,D0 ; times 256 MOVE.B $FF8203,D0 ; Plus video base low LSL.L #8,D0 ; All times 256 MOVE.L D0,A3 ; Is the address of the Real screen MOVE.L MONO,A0 ; A0 = virtual mono screen MOVE.L MED,A1 ; A1 = real medium screen CMP.L A1,A3 ; Check if the real screen has moved BEQ MEDOK ; Skip this if not MOVE.L A3,A0 ; Get the new real screen address MOVE.L A0,MONO ; Set MONO From this MOVE.L A1,D0 ; And put the real screen back LSR.L #8,D0 ; to its origional position MOVE.B D0,$FF8203 LSR.L #8,D0 MOVE.B D0,$FF8201 MEDOK: MOVE.L A0,A2 ; A2 = mono start ADD.L #80,A2 ; plus 80, on to next line MOVE.L MONOPOS,D2 ; Get position in the screen RAM ADD.L D2,A0 ; Offset position in mono screen ADD.L D2,A2 ; And the other mono position ADD.L D2,A1 ; Offset pos in real medium screen MOVE.W #20,D1 ; default 20 lines / Vblank TST.B $43E ; Test flock system variable BNE COPYMOVE ; Set speed to 20 if using disk drive MOVE.W MONOLINES,D1 ; Otherwise get preset speed COPYMOVE: BSR XEND ; combine and move two mono lines ADD.L #80,A0 ; both need moving down another line ADD.L #80,A2 ; in the mono screen ADD.L #160,MONOPOS ; move down one medium/two mono lines ADD.W #1,MONOCOUNT ; count medium lines dome CMP.W #200,MONOCOUNT ; Done 200 medium/ 400 mono ? BNE NOT200 ; if not then skip MOVE.L #0,MONOPOS ; otherwise reset ram offset SUB.L #32000,A0 ; MONO position back to top of screen SUB.L #32000,A1 ; and the same for MEDIUM SUB.L #32000,A2 ; and the other MONO position MOVE.W #0,MONOCOUNT ; reset the counter NOT200: DBF D1,COPYMOVE ; loop round MONOLINES times VBLEXIT: MOVEM.L (SP)+,D0-D7/A0-A6 ; Restore all registers VBLANKPOKE: JMP $0.L ; Jump to normal VBLANK routine ; This is a simple Vblank routine that just clears a flag SIMPLE_VBLANK CLR.W RASTER_FLAG ; Indicate a Vertical blank has occured RTE ; The following bits of code are not called but are used to calculate ; a large chunk of code to combine two mono lines into one medium one. GEN: MOVE.W (A0)+,(A1)+ ; Move one Mono line to one Medium MOVE.W (A2)+,(A1)+ ; line on both colour planes times 40 RTS EVEN SAVESTACK: DC.L 0 MONO: DC.L 0 ; Base address of mono screen MED: DC.L 0 ; Base address of medium screen MONOPOS: DC.L 0 ; Offset in both screens in bytes MONOLINES: DC.L 0 ; Pairs of mono lines to do per VBLANK MONOCOUNT: DC.L 0 ; Count of pairs done so far RASTER_FLAG: DC.W 0 ; Flag cleared every raster (tempory) XEND: nop ; Position of calculated code MESSAGE: DC.B 27,'E','The Mono Emulator - Mick West 1988',13,10 DC.B 'V5.00. Should be in AUTO Folder',13,10 DC.B 'Will run with any TOS',13,10,13,10 DC.B 'This is Shareware',13,10 DC.B 'Send Money and Problems to:',13,10 DC.B 'Mick West',13,10 DC.B '27 Lynton Drive,',13,10 DC.B 'Shipley,',13,10 DC.B 'BD18 3DJ',13,10 DC.B 'ENGLAND',13,10,13,10 DC.B 'Feel free to give away copies of this',13,10 DC.B 'But please copy the whole folder',13,10,13,10,0 INPUT: DC.B 13,10 DC.B 'Enter speed (10 to 80, Return = 40) ',0  F M! F dF!EGJF M!  F M!  F F!8MF } F ,AFR,VF.F+FFf\*.VCT! DEFAULT.VCT!6F 6F 7i!M!6F:M!F:M!IF:M!JF:M!GF:M!OF:M!PF:M!4F:M!ZF:M![FEG4F :M! FM :M! F hFGEGZF :M! FM :M! F FFEG[F :M!  FM :M! F FFEGGF :M! F :M! FF FFJEGOF :M! F :M! FF (FFzEGPF :M! F :M!  FF XFFEGF :M! F :M! F F!EGIF :M! F :M! F F! EGJF :M!  F :M!  F F!8MF,VF F } F ,AFR,VF.F+?FF$|EGGH FF!! !F `FGEG H F!!!GGF F.F+AFT! ! FTI! ! FATJ! ! FATG! ! FTO! ! FTP! ! FT4! ! FTZ! ! FT[! ! FT4! ! FTZ! ! FT[! ! 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(If you like it and still use it after a trial period, send a donation to the address at the end of this manual.) HISTORY ------- DTP.A5 was initially going to be a label printer, allowing you to paste text and bits of pictures onto a small area so you can print it out...It came out at what it is now, a cheap DTP package that's accessible to everyone! If you have used anything like Timeworks or even Easy Text then you will notice that this is not a professional package to create a weekly newsletter with! I use it to create leaflets advertising new PD programs in my Public Domain library when I send new catalogues out. What ever you use this package for you will have loads of fun using it. SPEAKING OF USING IT, HOW! -------------------------- I tried to make this package as easy to get to grips with as I could and I tried to get as many bugs out of it as possible but there may be something I missed so please write to me if there is. Firstly there's one thing I must get straight with you: The left mouse button does most of the work so I call it the action button. The right button, however, cancels most operations involving frames so I call it the Cancel button. When you first load up you will notice that the desktop is slightly different to the norm. The windows only display program files except for one which displays page files (*.A5) This is so you don't get millions of files floating around all over the place. Double click on 'DTP_A5.PRG' to load-up. You will be faced with the main screen. This is where you page will be shown and the text style/size status. The should be a menu bar at the top and some writing to the right of the screen - TEXT - and just below it -Text- that is in the current style and size. If at any time part of this is missing then move the mouse down and click the action button. This should resolve the problem. The first thing I will teach you is how to change the text style, size and font. If you looked at the -Desk- menu then you would have noticed that there is an accessory installed called -FontTrix- This is also PD but I didn't write it. You can load Analogue or Degas fonts using at. (NOTE: After usage, the screen has an ugly grey rectangle in the middle of the screen, to remove it select one of the font sizes and the screen will be updated.) To change the font size, go to the -Text Size- menu and you will see different point sizes and a tick by the current one. Experiment with the different sizes so you know what's available. To change the style, go to the -Text Style- menu and there should be different features to choose from. Experiment with them so you know what's available. to return to normal style, select -Normal- and the font style will have no added extra's. Now, we will import a picture, so go to the -File- menu and select -Import *.NEO-. After a 'Tell you what's goin' on box' there will be a file selector box allowing you to load a picture file. Enter the Clipart folder and load one of the tree pictures there. (NOTE: After a NEO import, press any key to continue) clicking once with the action button will activate the top-left corner of the frame you are cutting to appear at the mouse position. Moving the mouse will enlarge the area you are cutting. When you have enclosed part of the picture with the box, click the action button and you will have cut that frame. The new frame will now be flashing at the mouse' position. You can move your frame until you are satisfied with its position, at which you click the action button to paste it. (NO#a000000 #b000000 #c7770007000600070055200505552220770557075055507703111103 #d #E 1B 03 #W 00 00 0C 01 20 09 08 A:\*.PRG@ @ #W 00 00 2C 01 20 09 08 A:\*.PRG@ @ #W 00 00 00 0A 21 09 08 A:\*.A5@ @ #W 03 00 1E 09 32 0F 08 A:\*.DOC@ @ #M 00 00 00 FF A DTP A5....@ @ #M 00 01 00 FF B THE ONLY ONE@ @ #T 07 07 02 FF SHREDDER@ @ #F FF 04 @ *.*@ #D FF 01 @ *.*@ #G 03 FF *.APP@ @ #G 03 FF *.PRG@ @ #F 03 04 *.TOS@ @ #P 03 04 *.TTP@ @ f pictures onto a small area so you can print it out...It came out at what it is now, a cheap DTP package that's accessible to everyone! If you have used anything like Timeworks or even Easy Text then you will notice that this is not a professional package to create a weekly newsletter with! I use it to create leaflets advertising new PD programs in my Public Domain library when I send new catalogues out. What ever you use this package for you will have loads of fun using it. SPEAKING OF USTE: You can cancel this operation and return to the menu at any time with the Cancel (right) button.) There is another picture file that DTP.A5 can handle and that is an A5P file. (*.A5P) This is a special format that Wierd Draw 5.2 uses. You can import them in the same way you can with the NEO pictures. Lets import some text now, so go to the -File- menu and select, -Import ASCII-. A file selector will appear allowibng you to load ASCII format text files, like this one. Load up -DTPA5MAN.DOC- and before your very eyes, this file will be displayed, well the first page of it anyhow. Now you cut a frame in the same way you did the pictures. A hint for cutting frames: When you cut a frame always take only what you need for that frame, ie. with as little border around is a possible. When the page is re-loaded you will find that the frames may have been corrupted where they overlap. If you want to save or load a page then select the appropriate option from the -File- menu and a file selector box will open. To move a frame or copy or erase one, select one of the functions from the -Frame- menu. If you selected either -Erase, Copy or Move- then type in the frame no. of the appropriate frame and re- paste it (Move or Copy) or select -Yes- from the alert box to erase it. (NOTE: The frame no. will be displayed in the top left corner of the frame.) If you selected -Rotated Text- you will find you have to type in a sentence of up to 40 characters in length. When finished, press return and your text will be displayed at either 0, 90, 180 or 270 degrees. Moving the mouse up and down selects the angle. Click the action button and the cut and paste your text as with the pictures. Before you start diving in at the deep end and making your own new pages, practise using this package and have a blank formatted disk ready so you can save you work when you do get going. (There is no more room left on the Master Disk.) To move to a different package, ie. Wierd Draw 5.2 or TextEd.A5T select the package from the -Change...- menu and you will be transported to a different package. WIERD DRAW 5.2 -------------- This package is a direct upgrade of Wierd Draw 4. This is a more professional package using the left mouse button at the action button. To return to the Menu at any time press the F1 button and it will suddenly appear! The undo function is F2. Everything on this package is very straight forward so you shouldn't have any difficulty in using it. You can load *.NEO and *.A5P picture files but you can save only in *.A5P files. If you wish to load *.A5P files in GFA BASIC then use: Bload Filename$,Xbios(2) Sget Scr$ to display it type in: Sput Scr$ To change the colour select Change Colour from the -Change..- menu and the colour displayed in the menu bar will change. Remember: Left button is the action button. F1 returns to the menu at ALL times. (Even whilst selecting a pattern or changing the text.) VECTOR 2D --------- This is an extra for WD5. You can draw objects (3) with aid of mirrors at any place on the screen. Select -Draw objects- to plot out your object for the current mode no. Changing the mode no. with change to edit the second object and so on. You can also have a grid on the background to help you if you wish. There are two demo *.VCT files in the VECTOR.2D folder. TEXTED.A5T ---------- This is a SIMPLE TEXT EDITOR. It is not a word processor. You can create simple texts to place on your DTP.A5 page. Press escape to get a menu- Erase Text, Load Text, Save Text, Change ruler, Return to DTP.A5, Return to GEM etc... Press any key to cancel and return to the editor, else press the no. the command is next to that you want and thy will be done! (The is a secret way to invert the screen colour, try and find it!) Well thats it. A simple way to create reasonable pages for that leaflets you have to get out on time! Please send details on any bugs you find, donations to this address: Mr. James Cox 21 Coronation Ave. Long Clawson Melton Mowbray Leicestershire LE14 4NF -------------------------------------------------- Please support this program so I can make it better and better. There isn't one desent PD DTP package that comes to my mind, do support the only one! Thankyou.