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If you like this program, and find it of use, then your contribution will be appreciated. You may not use this product in a commercial environment or a governmental organization without paying a license fee of $35. Site licenses and commercial distribution licenses are available. A program disk and printed documentation are available for $50. If you fail to abide by the terms of this license, then your conscience will haunt you for the rest of your life. ARC - Archive utility, 5.12 - Atari ST Usage: ARC {amufdxerplvtc}[bswnh][g] [ . . .] Where: a = add files to archive m = move files to archive u = update files in archive f = freshen files in archive d = delete files from archive x,e = extract files from archive r = run one file with arguments from archive p = copy files from archive to standard output l = list files in archive v = verbose listing of files in archive t = test archive integrity c = convert entry to new packing method b = retain backup copy of archive s = suppress compression (store only) w = suppress warning messages n = suppress notes and comments h = hold screen before returning to Desktop g = Encrypt/decrypt archive entry Atari ST version developed by Harvey Johnson press any key to continue ARCTEMPTEMP.ARC.$$$.BAKAMUFDXEPLVTCRCannot mix %c and %c %c is an unknown command I have nothing to do! I don't know how to do %c yet! press any key to continue =*.*No files match: %s No files were added. Duplicate filenames: %s %sCannot unsave %s brCannot read file: %s Updating file: %-12s Adding file: %-12s Adding file: %-12s %s\ARCTEMP.CVTARCTEMP.CVTFile not found: %s bw+Unable to create temporary file %s Converting file: %-12s reading,Cannot unsave %s You must tell me which files to delete! Deleting file: %s File not found: %s \\File not found: %s Extracting file: %s brWARNING: File %s already exists! Overwrite it (y/n)? %s not extracted. bwCannot create %s brAn entry in %s has a bad header. %s is not an archive %d bytes skipped. Invalid header in archive %sI don't know how to handle file %s in archive %s I think you need a newer version of ARC. Write fail (disk full?) press any key to continue Name Length Storage SF Size now Date Time CRC ============ ======== ======== ==== ======== ========= ====== ==== ==== ======== ==== ======== Total %6ld %8ld %3d%% %8ld File not found: %s JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec%-12s %8ld -- Packed SqueezedcrunchedCrunchedUnknown! %3d%% %8ld %2d %3s %02d %2d:%02d%c %04x File packed with %d bits, I can only handle %d Stack overflow analyzing, ARCTEMP.CRNARCTEMP.CRNbw+Unable to create temporary file %s (%ld) storing, (%ld) packing, (%ld) squeezing, (%ld) crunching, Cannot delete temporary file %s done. Bug - bad ncr state .RSCbrTemporary file %s already exists bw+Unable to create temporary file %s Extracting file: %s .*File not found: %s I have nothing to do! Cannot delete temporary file %s .TTP.PRG.TOSbrTemporary file %s already exists bw+Unable to create temporary file %s Invoking file: %s%s Cannot delete temporary file %s brCreating new archive: %s Cannot read archive: %s bwCannot create archive copy: %s brCannot rename %s to %s Keeping backup archive: %s Cannot delete old archive: %s Cannot rename %s to %s Archive truncated in file %s Testing file: %-12s okay No errors detected One error detected %d errors detected I don't know how to unpack file %s I think you need a newer version of ARC WARNING: File %s fails CRC check Bad NCR unpacking state (%d) File has an invalid decode tree CON:AUX:PRT:@$??rawCON:AUX:PRT:%d `~ *O.|@*m - ЭЭм// Bg?<JNA ?<NNT3jJ@f*|za"`?<NNT#P?<NAT<Ad$  ::e::%Bg/<?<GNAP |(|f*|z?Jg Q |zQ |zQ#8:<# ^3aQB9 yjf Xy (`Ry (*|(|nz gR` M fQ #\"¼ AU"f#X3haaj(|*|&:<Q(|:<#$`#da yf cmax) OR (Message[c] = 0C) THEN DEC(c); END; GoToXY((80 - c) DIV 2, 02); WriteString(Message); END CenterMessage; PROCEDURE Exit(ExitCode : INTEGER); BEGIN (* Exit *) IF NOT Term(ExitCode) THEN HALT; END; END Exit; PROCEDURE MoveStr(VAR To, From : ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR c, cmax, c1, c1max: CARDINAL; BEGIN (* MoveStr *) c := 0; cmax := HIGH(To); c1 := 0; c1max := HIGH(From); WHILE (c <= cmax) AND (c1 <= c1max) AND (From[c1] # 0C) DO To[c] := From[c1]; INC(c); INC(c1); END; IF c <= cmax THEN To[c] := 0C; END; END MoveStr; PROCEDURE Append(VAR To: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR Data: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR c, cmax, c1, c1max: CARDINAL; BEGIN (* Append *) c := 0; cmax := HIGH(To); WHILE (c <= cmax) AND (To[c] # 0C) DO INC(c); END; c1 := 0; c1max := HIGH(Data); WHILE (c <= cmax) AND (c1 <= c1max) AND (Data[c1] # 0C) DO To[c] := Data[c1]; INC(c); INC(c1); END; IF c <= cmax THEN To[c] := 0C; END; END Append; PROCEDURE ConvertString(VAR To, From : ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR c, cmax, c1, c1max: CARDINAL; BEGIN (* ConvertString *) c := 1; cmax := HIGH(To); c1 := 0; c1max := HIGH(From); WHILE (c <= cmax ) AND (c1 <= c1max) AND (From[c1] # 0C) DO To[c] := From[c1]; INC(c); INC(c1); END; IF c <= cmax THEN To[c] := 0C; END; To[0] := CHR(c-1); END ConvertString; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Dialog Stuff lives here *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE ObjectAddress(tree : INTEGER; obindex : INTEGER) : ADDRESS; VAR res : INTEGER; treeadr : Tree; ob : POINTER TO ADDRESS; BEGIN AESResources.ResourceGetAddr(0,tree,treeadr); RETURN ADR(treeadr^[obindex]); END ObjectAddress; PROCEDURE GetObjectState(tree : INTEGER; obindex : INTEGER) : BITSET; VAR res : INTEGER; treeadr : Tree; BEGIN AESResources.ResourceGetAddr(0,tree,treeadr); RETURN BITSET(treeadr^[obindex].state); END GetObjectState; PROCEDURE TestObjectState(Tree : INTEGER; ObIndex : INTEGER; Mask : ObjectStates) : BOOLEAN; TYPE States = SET OF ObjectStates; VAR Value : BITSET; BEGIN Value := GetObjectState(Tree,ObIndex); RETURN (Mask IN States(Value)); END TestObjectState; PROCEDURE SetObjectState(tree : INTEGER; obindex : INTEGER; state : BITSET); VAR res : INTEGER; treeadr : Tree; BEGIN AESResources.ResourceGetAddr(0,tree,treeadr); treeadr^[obindex].state := INTEGER(state); END SetObjectState; PROCEDURE SelectObject(tree : INTEGER; obindex : INTEGER); CONST Selected = 0 ; VAR b: BITSET; BEGIN b := GetObjectState(tree,obindex); INCL(b, Selected); SetObjectState(tree,obindex,b); END SelectObject; PROCEDURE DeselectObject(tree : INTEGER; obindex : INTEGER); CONST Selected = 0 ; VAR b: BITSET; BEGIN b := GetObjectState(tree,obindex); EXCL(b, Selected); SetObjectState(tree,obindex,b); END DeselectObject; PROCEDURE DoDialog(DialogIndex : INTEGER) : INTEGER ; VAR dTree : ADDRESS ; x,y,w,h : INTEGER ; result : INTEGER ; BEGIN AESResources.ResourceGetAddr(GEMAESbase.RTree,DialogIndex,dTree) ; AESForms.FormCenter(dTree,x,y,w,h) ; AESForms.FormDialogue(GEMAESbase.FormStart,0,0,0,0,x,y,w,h) ; AESForms.FormDialogue(GEMAESbase.FormGrow,0,0,0,0,x,y,w,h) ; AESObjects.ObjectDraw(dTree,0,10,x,y,w,h) ; SetMouseState(ON); result := AESForms.FormDo(dTree,0) ; SetMouseState(OFF); AESForms.FormDialogue(GEMAESbase.FormShrink,0,0,0,0,x,y,w,h) ; AESForms.FormDialogue(GEMAESbase.FormFinish,0,0,0,0,x,y,w,h) ; ClearScreen; RETURN result; END DoDialog ; PROCEDURE FormatFileName(VAR FileName, Path, Name : NameString); VAR c: CARDINAL; BEGIN (* FormatFileName *) IF (Path[0] = 0C) AND (Name[0] = 0C) THEN FileName := '\*.*'; RETURN; ELSIF Path[0] = 0C THEN FileName := Name; RETURN; ELSIF Name[0] = 0C THEN FileName := Path; RETURN; END; FileName := Path; c := 0; WHILE (c <= HIGH(FileName)) AND (FileName[c] # 0C) DO INC(c); END; WHILE (c # 0) AND (FileName[c] # '\') DO DEC(c); END; IF c = 0 THEN FileName := Name; RETURN; END; FileName[c+1] := 0C; Append(FileName, Name); END FormatFileName; PROCEDURE DoMainOptions; CONST RS = 1EH; GS = 1DH; FS = 1CH; BEGIN (* DoMainOptions *) IF TestObjectState(MOPTIONS, ADDBUTON, Selected) THEN MainOption := 'A'; ELSIF TestObjectState(MOPTIONS, EXTRACTB, Selected) THEN MainOption := 'X'; ELSIF TestObjectState(MOPTIONS, MOVEBUTN, Selected) THEN MainOption := 'M'; ELSIF TestObjectState(MOPTIONS, FRESHENB, Selected) THEN MainOption := 'F'; ELSIF TestObjectState(MOPTIONS, UPDATEBU, Selected) THEN MainOption := 'U'; ELSIF TestObjectState(MOPTIONS, DELETEBU, Selected) THEN MainOption := 'D'; ELSIF TestObjectState(MOPTIONS, VERBOSEB, Selected) THEN MainOption := 'V'; ELSIF TestObjectState(MOPTIONS, COPYBUTN, Selected) THEN MainOption := 'P'; ELSIF TestObjectState(MOPTIONS, LISTBUTN, Selected) THEN MainOption := 'L'; ELSIF TestObjectState(MOPTIONS, RUNBUTON, Selected) THEN MainOption := 'R'; ELSIF TestObjectState(MOPTIONS, TESTARCI, Selected) THEN MainOption := 'T'; ELSIF TestObjectState(MOPTIONS, CNVTONPM, Selected) THEN MainOption := 'C'; END; END DoMainOptions; PROCEDURE DoSecondaryOptions; CONST ESC= 1BH; VAR CryptData: ARRAY[0..3] OF CHAR; BEGIN (* DoSecondaryOptions *) SecondaryOption := ''; IF TestObjectState(MOPTIONS, SUPPCOMP, Selected) THEN Append(SecondaryOption, 'S'); END; IF TestObjectState(MOPTIONS, KEEPBACK, Selected) THEN Append(SecondaryOption, 'B'); END; IF TestObjectState(MOPTIONS, SUPPWARN, Selected) THEN Append(SecondaryOption, 'W'); END; IF TestObjectState(MOPTIONS, SUPPNOTE, Selected) THEN Append(SecondaryOption, 'N'); END; IF TestObjectState(MOPTIONS, HOLDBUTN, Selected) THEN Append(SecondaryOption, 'H'); AskForStdOutput := FALSE; ELSE AskForStdOutput := TRUE; END; IF TestObjectState(MOPTIONS, CRYPTBUT, Selected) THEN Append(SecondaryOption, 'G'); END; END DoSecondaryOptions; PROCEDURE DoArc; VAR EncryptionKey: ARRAY[0..3] OF CHAR; c: CARDINAL; CReply: CHAR; OldDivideByZero: PROC; BEGIN (* DoArc *) IF ArcPathName[0] # 0C THEN Path := ArcPathName; Name := ArcFileName; ELSE Path := CurrentPath; Append(Path, '\*.ARC'); Name := ''; END; ExButton := 0; CenterMessage('We are asking for the Archive File Name here'); SetMouseState(ON); FileSelectorInput(ADR(Path), ADR(Name), ExButton); SetMouseState(OFF); ClearScreen; IF ExButton = CancelButton THEN Exit(-1); END; IF Name[0] = 0C THEN Exit(-2); END; ArcPathName := Path; ArcFileName := Name; FormatFileName(FileName, Path, Name); ArcName := FileName; IF (MainOption[0] = 'A') OR (MainOption[0] = 'M') OR (MainOption[0] = 'U') OR (MainOption[0] = 'F') OR (MainOption[0] = 'D') OR (MainOption[0] = 'X') OR (MainOption[0] = 'R') OR (MainOption[0] = 'P') THEN IF DataPathName[0] # 0C THEN Path := DataPathName; ELSE Path := CurrentPath; Append(Path, '\*.*'); END; Name := ''; ExButton := 0; CenterMessage('We are asking for the Data File Name(s) here'); SetMouseState(ON); FileSelectorInput(ADR(Path), ADR(Name), ExButton); SetMouseState(OFF); ClearScreen; IF ExButton = CancelButton THEN Exit(-1); END; DataPathName := Path; IF MainOption[0] = 'R' THEN FileName := Name; ELSIF MainOption[0] = 'D' THEN IF Name[0] = 0C THEN FileName := Path; ELSE FileName := Name; END; ELSE FormatFileName(FileName, Path, Name); END; ELSE FileName := ''; END; DataName := FileName; CommandLine[0] := MainOption[0]; CommandLine[1] := 0C; Append(CommandLine, SecondaryOption); ClearScreen; IF TestObjectState(MOPTIONS, CRYPTBUT, Selected) THEN WriteString('Enter the Encryption key '); c := 0; EncryptionKey := ' '; LOOP Read(CReply); IF CReply = CHR(0DH) THEN EXIT; END; Write(CReply); EncryptionKey[c] := CReply; INC(c); IF c = 4 THEN EXIT; END; END; Append(CommandLine, EncryptionKey); END; Append(CommandLine, ' '); Append(CommandLine, ArcName); IF DataName[0] # 0C THEN Append(CommandLine, ' '); Append(CommandLine, DataName); END; IF AskForStdOutput THEN Name := ''; ExButton := 0; CenterMessage('We are asking for the Standard Output File Name here'); SetMouseState(ON); FileSelectorInput(ADR(Path), ADR(Name), ExButton); SetMouseState(OFF); ClearScreen; IF ExButton = CancelButton THEN Exit(-1); END; IF Name[0] # 0C THEN FormatFileName(FileName, Path, Name); IF FileName[0] # 0C THEN Append(CommandLine, ' >'); Append(CommandLine, FileName); END; END; END; MoveStr(ProgramName, ArcProgramName); ConvertString(ProgramCommand, CommandLine); EnvironmentString := ''; WriteString(ProgramName); Write(' '); WriteString(CommandLine); Write(' '); WriteString(EnvironmentString); WriteLn; OldDivideByZero := PROC(GetException(5)); SetException(5, DivideByZero); (* It would seem that zero length files induce a divide by zero wich Modula-2 picks up so let's intercept with a dummy *) Exec(loadExecute, ProgramName, ProgramCommand, EnvironmentString, ExitCode); SetException(5, OldDivideByZero); CommandLine[0] := 0C; IF ExitCode # 0 THEN WriteLn; WriteString('Arc ExitCode is'); WriteInt(ExitCode,6); Read(CReply); END; ClearScreen; END DoArc; PROCEDURE DoProcess; PROCEDURE InitializeObjects; BEGIN (* InitializeObjects *) SelectObject(MOPTIONS, UPDATEBU); (* SelectObject(MOPTIONS, SUPPWARN); SelectObject(MOPTIONS, SUPPNOTE); *) SelectObject(MOPTIONS, HOLDBUTN); END InitializeObjects; BEGIN (* DoProcess *) InitializeObjects; LOOP DeselectObject(MOPTIONS, OKBUTTON); DeselectObject(MOPTIONS, CANBUTON); CASE DoDialog(MOPTIONS) OF OKBUTTON : DoMainOptions; DoSecondaryOptions; DoArc; | CANBUTON : EXIT; | ELSE ; END; END; END DoProcess; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE InitResource() : BOOLEAN ; CONST ResourceFileName = 'ARCSHELL.RSC'; Alert = "[3][ ArcShell.rsc not found ][OK]" ; VAR str : ARRAY [0..99] OF CHAR ; result : INTEGER ; i : CARDINAL ; BEGIN Appl := AESApplications.ApplInitialise() ; str := ResourceFileName ; AESResources.ResourceLoad(str) ; IF ( GEMAESbase.AESCallResult = 0 ) THEN str := Alert ; result := AESForms.FormAlert(1,str) ; RETURN FALSE ; END ; (* Get AES VDI handle *) VDIHandle := AESGraphics.GrafHandle(WidthChar,HeightChar, WidthFont,HeightFont); (* Open VDI Virtual workstation *) FOR i := 0 TO 9 DO workIn[i] := 1 ; END ; workIn[10] := 2 ; (* Set RC *) VDIControls.OpenVirtualWorkstation(workIn,VDIHandle,workOut) ; Colour := workOut[39] (* number of colours *) > 2 ; AESGraphics.GrafMouse(GEMAESbase.Arrow,NIL) ; (* put pointing mouse *) MouseState := ON; SetMouseState(OFF); DeselectObject(ABOUTBOX, ABOUTOKB); DeselectObject(ABOUTBOX, ABOUTCAN); IF DoDialog(ABOUTBOX) = ABOUTCAN THEN RETURN FALSE; END; ClearScreen; GetDrv(CurrentDrive); GetPath(CurrentPath, 0); Path[0] := CHR(ORD(CurrentDrive) + ORD('A')); Path[1] := ':'; Path[2] := 0C; Append(Path, CurrentPath); CurrentPath := Path; ArcProgramName := CurrentPath; Append(ArcProgramName, 'ARC.TTP'); Open(ArcProgramName, 0, result); IF result > 0 THEN IF NOT Close(result) THEN Exit(-1); END; ELSE ExButton := 0; Path := CurrentPath; Append(Path, '\*.*'); Name := ''; CenterMessage('We are asking for the Archive Program Name here'); SetMouseState(ON); FileSelectorInput(ADR(Path), ADR(Name), ExButton); SetMouseState(OFF); ClearScreen; IF ExButton = CancelButton THEN Exit(-1); END; IF Name[0] = 0C THEN Exit(-2); END; FormatFileName(ArcProgramName, Path, Name); END; ArcPathName := ''; DataPathName := ''; RETURN TRUE ; END InitResource ; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE Terminate ; BEGIN AESResources.ResourceFree() ; VDIControls.CloseVirtualWorkstation(VDIHandle) ; AESApplications.ApplExit ; END Terminate ; BEGIN (* ArcShell *) IF CreateHeap(32 * 1024, TRUE) THEN IF InitResource() THEN DoProcess; END; Terminate; END; END ArcShell. `+b N+ GEMXModula-2/ST (c) Copyright Modula 2 Software Ltd. 1985, 1986. (c) Copyright TDI Software Inc. 1985, 1986. The team : Chris Hall, Paul Curtis, and Phil Camp .[3][Modula-2 Run Time Error : | | #][OK] _b ШNYN"pNGNuNV*x ڄ=E*P-E@-M-VNh-H:. Eg :. Ef-n*.P-ENH:. Ef Nh-hN2:. Ef BBN:. E e Nh-PN-n I+j8B,)n9n)n )n)n)n|.n 9+f/@>,VNhYN`NsN^NuNVBn ncN:.EIBtP ndRn`I* -EI* -EI* -EI* -EI* -Ez-E=| Bn=|BnBn <I* "NB=|N=|=|=|Bn=|z-E <I* "NB=|4=|=|=|Bn=|(mI* -E <I* "NB=|Bn=|BnBn <I* "NBNpL?NAN^NuNV/-+NIGz+WBn:.IJ4PgRn`=y+j:. E d:.I0PN(z:.  HEx0D8.I@Rnz:. HEx0D8.I@RnIGzWBn:.I8.nGP@Rn:.IJ4Pg`N+_N^Nu OAbrpNGNuF'/NNn-/=-/H"Q ,IL?/^>/^Nf,oNsF'/NNn-/=-/H"Q G*- =/^Nf,oNs/NNn-/=/-/H _"h$",HL?/^>/^Nf,oNsF'SSfWWNsSf>NsSfF NsSfNqNsSf NNsNhBBB 9+!B*H$C! `N <L?NAN`WNsNVHx". $.bBCh8BAHA62HC6BAHA`B6HCBAHA8<㑲eRCQ-C -ALN^Nu ./,/[JjDJ[jD |fNJgDJgD/NuF'pNNsF'pNNsF'pNNsF'pNNsF'pNNsF'pNNsNV . /2.??<NM*-E:. E b:.EI+)PN:.E EI+)PN^NuNV/9+?<N\\/9+?<N\\/9+?<N\\/9+?<N\\/9+?<N\\/9+?<N\\/9+?<'N\\/9+?<&N\\/9+?<%N\\N^NuNqNqNq O h*#+b(y+b#+ ( ШШ(y+*,Ѕ.@//??<JNA (y+b*,ڬ ڬڬ#+/<?<N\\/<?<N\\/<$?<N\\/<2?<N\\/<@?<N\\/<N?<N\\/<?<'N\\/<@?<&N\\/<t?<%N\\#4+fpNGN 4NV0.?NA*-E N^NuNV0.?0. ?NA*-E N^NuNV ./0. ?NA*-EN^NuNV0.? . /0.?NA*-EN^NuNVY?<NT*(n8N^NuNVY?<=(n* /?. NP*(n8N^NuNVY?<>?.NXJWDE N^NuNVY?<G(n * /?.NP-_N^NuNVY?<H/. N\(n(N^NuNV(n * /(n* /(n* /z.0?pK?* #,*#,*#,NA*y,,y,.y,*(n8N^NuNVY?<LNTJWDE N^NuN\NVN^N pN*NVJ.g ,3NB9,3I,"/ /NVN^NNVps"91`NBN^NuNV3-43-63 -:3 ->3-@N^NuNNVI-L* #1PI.L* #1TI/L* #1XI0L* #1\I-4* #1d#1P1h#1T1l#1X1p#1\1tI1d* #1`N^NNV?<dBg?< Bg(n ?NO By1x y 1xoN4:91xE(n891xDG-L7P@ y 1xlRy1x`NBy1x y,1xoN4:91xEI/L891xD&n7P@ y,1xlRy1x`3-1x y81xoN8:91xE-EI0L891xD&n7P@ y81xlRy1x`(n 8-@N^NuNV?<eBgBgBg?.NO NN^NuNNVN^NNNVN^NFNV?.?.?.?. N P3 ,|3,~#,U?<*?<?<?<BgN O 3,N^NuNNVN^NNV(n* #,U?<nBg?<?<BgN O 3,N^NuNVU?<oBg?<BgBgN O 3,N^NuNV?.?. N XU?<p?<?<Bg?<N O 3,(n(,N^NuN@NVN^N\NVU?< Bg?<BgBgN O =_N^NuNVU?<Bg?<BgBgN O 3,N^NuNNVN^N+&\*.*SBWNHG\*.ARCWe are asking for the Archive File Name here\*.*We are asking for the Data File Name(s) hereEnter the Encryption key We are asking for the Standard Output File Name here >Arc ExitCode isARCSHELL.RSC[3][ ArcShell.rsc not found ][OK]ARC.TTP\*.*We are asking for the Archive Program Name hereNspN*NVz. Nz95 N(N&?</(n Jf(n&nz@QN^NuN(nJf(n &nz@QN^Nu(n &nz@QBn:. E@b:.K@(nJ4PgRn`Jng:.K@(n4P \gSn`Jnf(n&nz@QN^Nu:.REK@(nB4P?<@(nHT?<@(nHTaNO N^NupN*NVUBg?<B'a\Jg A5N^UBg?<B'a\Jg X5N>UBg?<B'ax\Jg M5NUBg?<B'aX\Jg F5NUBg?<B'a8\Jg U5NUBg?<B'a\Jg D5NUBg?<B'a\Jg V5NUBg?< B'a\Jg P5N~UBg?< B'a\Jg L5N^UBg?< B'a\Jg R5N>UBg?< B'ax\Jg T5NUBg?< B'aX\JgC5N^NupN*NVImG5zWUBg?<B'a\Jg?< Hy5BgHynapO UBg?<B'a\Jg?< Hy5BgHypaBO UBg?<B'a\Jg?< Hy5BgHyraO UBg?<B'a\Jg?< Hy5BgHytaO UBg?<B'a`\Jg$?< Hy5BgHyvaO B95N 5UBg?<B'a \Jg?< Hy5BgHyxaxO N^Nup N*NVJ94 g,I4 G2~z@QI4LG2z@QNFI2 Z   v              B, : V r      s<%x00r( ~   % V ARCHIVE ARC.TTP is a program that will compress a file. It is better than squeeze and scrunch (FCRGEM.PRG). You can add or subtract just one file at a time if you want and have the free use of wildcards. You can also see what the file contains by verbose a file. If you run arc.ttp then put in h in the input window it will list the comands avilable. Unarc the arc.arc file to have better documentation. There is another program with it call ARCSHELL.PRG and it's RSC. These are the gem interface for the arc program. To unarchive a file run arcshell and click on extract and hold screen and then the do it. Then select the drive which the arc(ed) file is on and select the arc file the you want to unarc. Then it will ask for the file name of what you want to extract, use *.* or the name of the file that you to extract. The wild cards are ? And *. Have a nice day and support your ST. This program will also unarc an IBM or Amiga's archived files. Blackbeard. . ,R.. ,CAT ACC -S< CAT PRG /V CAT DOC2Y ` (.|N.NA"/0<NBNu`ALAH1|"< R <NBNu"< jpsNBNu####Nud mz{    !#*+,.23 456ILMNZdefghiknpry}3# 3Nl0<N(33M3333N33#0<XN3##0<8N09f f0` y(fa ` y)fa`3` yg83 # 0<N: yg ygD`J g.33# 0<N# `3 `3 3 333# 0<N`3/<?<&NN\Nu y0g M P?<NAT@A:?</?<GNAO fS\*.CAT f# P# 0<N yg.M &\g .:fRK f# #  M K  .g f | Ja30<Nt?</< P?<=NAO3 o/< /<?9 ?<?NAO o #?9 ?<>NAXob30<N0<a8# 0<N3 yg@ 30/<?<&NN\NuD@@30<N0<aNu0<K M Q3# 0<NjNu#!Nu f!NuC0/ fNi g yN#/| yNH`A g.g4$gfL yN# B`3`3`# M K -|+|=|0<R@ f;@;|@=@3#0<N\30<NL0<ND 9 # 9 #30<N0<a@33 ##0<`N30<NNu# 3 9"9####0<NNu  Catfr 01234567[3][The Application ________|isnt installed!... ][Abort ] Read A:\*.* `Copyright (c) 8/1987 Julian F. Reschke Z        L      $   <  ` `ALA NAXoh0<al3 p0<N#F0<@NNu*N g -\f`0<a*3 p# 0<N`D@@3 p0<N0<aNu# ^M :K R-|+|=|0<R@ f;@;|@=@3 p#0<N83 p0<N(0<N 9 J# 9 N#3 p0<N0<a@3 p3 r# t# x0<`N3 p0<NNu# :3 p 9"9# r# v# z# ~0<NjNu[1][Shortcut-Editor V1.1|(c) Julian F. Reschke 8/1987| |Makes *.CAT files for CAT.ACC ][Go on!|Quit ][3][I cant load the RSC Data!| Sorry, Sam! ][ Bye! ][2][Save CAT data? ][Yo|No! ]Read A:\*.* Schreibe `Please select a menu option... Press the command key or Shift + A to quit...Press the cursor-up key, please... Press the cursor-down key, please... < R p p < p p pp R<L        "*   0<  Documentation to the CAT.ACC and CAT.PRG. The CAT lets you get rid of the mouse. By using CAT.ACC and CAT.PRG, you can set up any GEM program (those which have menu options) to allow keyboard commands. You can then press a keyboard combination to carry out a menu option, instead of using the mouse to pull down a menu and select an option. This is faster for experienced ST users. To use the CAT: Place CAT.ACC and CAT.PRG on a disk, but not in a folder. Place on the disk your GEM program, but not in a folder! Press RESET. In this documentation, we will use PUBLIC_PAINTER.PRG (PUB_PAINT.PRG) as an example. The following applies to any GEM program. If you are in doubt, try anyway: it won't hurt anything. Start CAT.PRG by double clicking on it. It asks you to select the .RSC file for the program; in this case, it is PUB_PAINT.RSC. You are then asked to press the up and down arrows. Your program's menus then appears on screen. Select an option, for example, SAVE FILE. Click on it. Now, make your keyboard combination commands. Press the CONTROL key once and then press the "S" key once. This "Control + S" will then be your command to save a file: just pressing the control + S keys will save a file. You can then select a second option and create a second command. Continue doing this for all the options which you want to have on the keyboard. When you are finished, press SHIFT + S; this lets you exit. You are then asked whether you want to save the commands. Click "YO!"; the CAT will then create a CAT file for it (PUBPAINT.CAT). You can then continue to load a second program and make a CAT command file for it, or you can quit. Now, start up the Public Painter program. In the upper left corner, under the ATARI symbol, select the CAT option. A selector window lets you pick out PUB_PAINT.CAT. Click OKAY. You can now use the keyboard commands instead of the menus. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Further notes to the CAT. You can certainly use both the keyboard and the mouse. CAT lets you use both. When creating a CAT file, first look at all of the options. On a piece of paper, write down the options which you may want. This avoids possible conflict. The CAT doesn't allow you to change your choices. If you make a wrong or poor choice, you must quit, delete the CAT file, and start all over again. You can use any combination of keys for a command. SAVE FILE can be just plain "S" or "Control + S" or Alternate + S or CONTROL + Alternate + S or "G" or whatever. Keep it simple! Use a key which reminds you of the command: S for SAVE, O for OPEN, etc. Neither the CAT.PRG nor the program may be in a folder when you make a CAT file. Afterwards, however, you can place these into folders. ------------------------------------------------------------------- CAT.ACC is by Julian Reschke. Copyright 1987. It is not clear from this whether this is a freeware, shareware, or a public domain program. Since it is not clear, let us treat the program as FREEWARE: anyone may copy it but no commercial distribution is permitted. The author holds all rights to the program. This documentation is Copyright Andreas Ramos 1989. It may only be distributed along with the CAT.ACC and CAT.PRG. All rights reserved. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation by Andreas Ramos January 25th, 1989. Andreas Ramos Denmarks ST Disk Library 68000 UG + STOP UG Jaegergaards Gade 142 8000 Aarhus C / Denmark, Scandinavia Tlf: (0)620-1117 BBS: (0)620-2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------ "YOUR SECOND MANUAL TO THE ATARI ST" by Andreas Ramos, the popular shareware text, is now available as a published text. If you enjoyed "Your Second Manual, V.4.0," then you'll love version 5.0! Twice as much text, five more chapters, three times as much information, twice as many jokes, and illustrations! Y2M contents: Keyboard: tips & tricks. Changing the layout. F-Key guide. The Mouse. Disks. Drives. TOS. Formatting. Deleting. Copying. Fixing the ST. Harddisks. RAM disks. Monitors. AUTO folders. DESKTOP.INF. ACC'essories. Word Processing: tips & tricks. Printing. Paper. Magazines. Public Domain Programs (PD's). Communications. BBS's. Databases. Games, Midi, Graphics, and Chess. User Groups. And a glossary of ST words and concepts. Plus a chapter for absolute beginners. Hundreds of sources, producers, distributors, addresses, telephone numbers. Free offers, free PD catalog, and 2 free disk bonus. Laser print, professional layout and printing, and quality bound. All this for only 3.95 (plus 50 pence for postage outside of England). Send a certified bank cheque or postal giro transfer to: Glover Publishing, 49 Stoney Street, Nottingham, NG1 1LX, U.K. or contact: Andreas Ramos / Jaegergaardsgade 142.2TH / DK-8000 Aarhus C / Denmark. The Y2M : The Ultimate ST Handbook ------------------------------------------------------------------ . 5_.. 5FSELECT PRG6`z?FSELECT TXT:p(`&"(*o"m 7#7.I+I/ BBBg/ / Bg?<JNA N ?N$?<LNANVH0|Az 97x*@p ?NMTO(~ G lPm"m (Q LBJg4 g(m9=HFfm `m RF`RF`RG`?97lp2?p&?Nl\O?97fp8?p4?Nl\OL0N^NuNVH 97x*@~ G lB0- @gm ?N lTO m PHnfm ?N lTORG`L N^NuNVH >.0.й7*@n ln fm `m RG`L N^NuNVr/<=HnrN$\POHnrNXO/<>HnrN$.POp&?Hnr y7 h&NX\O/ y7 hT/N$\PON^NuNVxH *|=/ NXO/<>&NXOH @AmH @Pn -:f H@T`p?NATO@A@p:@B.Jf/<9/ N$\PO \g$.H@@?HnpG?NAPOHnNXO/ HnN$.POp?HnN\OHnNXOB9>2HnNXOL N^NuNV/ *np'?/ pN?NAPO/ p;?NA\OH@@?HmpG?NAPO/ NXO/ /<=N$\PO*_N^NuNVdN0.@@?Hnp6?NAPOHn/.N%PO-@dHn/.dN%PO-@hHn/.dN%PO-@l/<9HnpN$\PO0.@B./<9HnpN$.POBgp?/.hN"PO/HnpN$.PO/<9HnpN$.POBgp? .hl/N"PO/HnpN$.PO/<9HnpN$.POBgp?/.lN"PO/HnpN$.PO/<:HnpN$.PONHnpp?N \ON^NuNVH0By>$9=H@A?p?NAXO/<=p;?NA\OHnp?NA\O*y> й>,(@Nz ElJEgp'?/<>pN?NAPOJfp`p?/<:pN?NAPOJgB@>JGgbJEfB@.@g ..gRy>$| F,l 0RF0@B`p?HnNX\O// N$\POBgp?/.N"PO/Hm N$\POBgp?0.@?N\O/HmN$\POp-@p?p?0.H@?N\O/HmN$\POp-@p?p?0.HH@@?N\O/HmN$\POBgp?0.HH@?N\O/Hm!N$\POp:@#p?p?0.H@??N\O/Hm$N$\POp:@&p?p?0.@H?N\O/Hm'N$\POB@.@@*,pO?NATO`.RE` L0N^NuNVH0*n(n ,*H-*H4@g-*H,*HA`097f@4 @bH0@&" PNB@`HlHmN$DPO>gj0`rHl Hm `PHmHlN$DPO>fp?HmHlN$l >fp?HmHlN$l >fHm!Hl!N$DPO>f/ / N$DPOL0N^NuNV/<p,??9>$/9>N#L N^NuNVH 97*@ y7>(09>$@ <o097$Fo37$Jy7$lBy7$09>$H/p /0R@H/N%PO/N%PO??-N"XO;@0H/0mH/097$H/N%PO/N%PO;@`By7$;GBmL N^NuNVH0p?p?p?Nl\OHnHnp?/97N"N~ G lB.097$Gy>$l2,097$,Ёй>(@097j @b$H0@&2 PN`*L`K ` K`K!/<:!HnN$\POJ,*fp @Jy7jfB./ HnN$.PO/<:'HnN$.POB.Hn?.?.NPO09>"R@nRG`&NL0N^NuNVN"p?N lTONN^NuNVHnHnHnHn/97N!09> U@ y7h0(W@=@J>4g/9>/9>4NPO`,?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.BgN!Z?.?.?.?.p?Bg/97N"nN?.?.?.?.N PO=@J>4g/9>4/9>NPO`.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.p?N!Z n$fp`B@N^NuNVH 0.й7*@HnHn?./97N"SnSn0-T@>0-T@<0-@ gUGUF???.?.p??./97N"nL N^NuNVH8 97*@0. @7 h T&@/ m (P /N$\POHnHn?./97N"0.U@;@;n>-<-0\@?0P@?0.W@?0.[@?p?p?/97N"np?/97N!\Om / / N$\PO0\@?0P@?0.W@?0.[@?p?Bg/97N"nL8N^NuNVBnN ng, ng$HnHnHnHnN!0.@fp?/97N!\O=@@=@n y7 hT/NXO//<>&N$\PO nm nn0.@y>$m B9>&`0.y7$@, @>J(*gD/<=NXO0.y7$@,й>/NXO//<=N$.PO`0.y7$@,й>/NXO//<>&N$\PONp?N lTOJngfp$=@p?p?p?Nl\O nm n l0. @7 h PH=@Jng"?.NrTO9=H?NTO`0.=9=H@A?p?NAXOBg/<=pG?NAPO/<=NXON/<=NXONp?N lTONNN `x n&mt n2ll37lJng?97lN TO097l @7 h //<>N$\PO/<> y7 ht/N$\POp?N lTO`J n4m n7n 37f`Z0.@ @bH0@&B PN`p\?/<=N#.\O-@"n ):fp`B@0@B`N y7 h y7 ht/N$\PO9=H?NTOp?N lTOJy7lm&097l @7h ?97lN lTO/<>NXO37lm4097l @7h ?97l`Sy7$`:Ry7$`0Sy7jlp37j097j 7>/ y7 h$/N$\POp!?N lTO`097jR@HH@`HnHnHnHnN!HnHnp?/97N"0.nl y 7$` y70.hnnvy 7$`jHnHnHnHnN!0.@gp?p?p?/97N": =@HnHnHnHnN!/<09>$@ H/0.H/N%PO/N%PO37$0.no` y7hRNN"?.?. ?. ?.p?Bg/97N"nN n$g n8f,0. @7h 0.N^NuNVb/097h@;?pA?p>?Nl\O097n@G?pI?pG?Nl\O097p@C?pE?pC?Nl\OHnHnHnHn/97 N!09>  y7 h0(W@=@?.?.?.?.p?Bg/97 N"nBg/97 N!\O=@ @7 h ngb~ Gl"0 @7 0( @g37hRG` y7 0(B@gp`B@37n y7 0(@gp`B@37p0.@ @bH0@& PN`t/<=HnfN$\POHnfNXO/<>&HnfN$.PO nf(HnfpA?NA\OJl\Hnfp:?NA\OJlL/<:8`8BgHnfp=?NAPO=@m?.p>?NAXO`Hnfp9?NA\OJl/<:fp?N \ONN`p?/<7*p=?NAPO=@l/<:p?N \O`Bg?. <7f/pB?NA /<7fp /?.p@?NA Bg?. y7 h /pB?NA y7 h/p`/?.p@?NA ?.p>?NAXO.N^NuNV/~& G2l,0 @7 h //.N$DPOJ@f0`RG`p.N^NuNVp?NATO@AN/. /<>&N$\PO/<>&NXO y7pf/./<=N$\PON.`.p?/<=N\O/<=NXOBg/.N\OJy7nf0Jy7lm(097l @7 h //<>N$\PO`/<>NXO37l9=H@A?p?NAXONTN/<> y7 ht/N$\PON J>f nBPB@`NNN"N < n0/<=NXO/<>/<=N$.PO/<=/.N$\PO/<>&/. 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" #$     %  &  '    (   )  *  +  ,  ' (&                 -3D3ta:\auto\fselect.prgNameSizeDateTime4/Path:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX______________________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXName: ________.___FFFFFFFFFFFA:A:A:A:A:A:A:A:XXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXX 9/1988 by Martin PatzelOk*.* *.PRG*.LIB*.TXT*.BAK*.DOC*.INF*.*R*.*C*.*C*.*G*.* Sort by:NameExtSizeDateQuitXXX*.___FFFRedraw:FixedAutoRedrawPath:FselectProgramExtension:FselectProgramDelete file/folder!Create folderSave my setup!AbortOk\*.*[0][Drive information :| Bytes total capacity| Bytes used| Bytes free][ Ok ]*.*  [1][First select the|item to delete][Will do][1][Can't create the|folder! ][Okay...][1][Where is FSelect?|Disk write protected? ][ Abort ] ( @0( ,6    P*  J $     >" "(""h"     *      ,   .,DF*& $     "&     *       " "   " * $   0:   F,         40 $ *  >T4X," R &(p .           6( 8 0& | *** FSELECT / January 1989 / (C) Martin Patzel West Germany *** What it is: FSELECT is an improved file selector window. It should be started from an AUTO folder. Whenever a file selector box is needed, FSELECT appears instead. ---------------------------------------------------------------- How to install FSELECT: Place FSELECT.PRG in the AUTO folder on your start up disk. If you don't have a folder called AUTO, use the CREATE FOLDER option in your FILE menu from the desktop (and read your manual!) ----------------------------------------------------------------- What there is: The first window is the file selection window. The top line displays the path. This can be up to 128 characters long; but only the last 38 characters are displayed. If you write a path in the path line, click in the path line to activate it. If you write an incorrect path line, it is automatically corrected. Path lines must end with an extender (eg *.*). However, you can write Drive plus colon (A:), this creates a "A:\*.*". The second line is Name: this shows the current selected item. It is here that you must write the names of files or folder you wish to select, create or delete. By clicking on the copyright message, you get the second window. The active drives are displayed (maximum of 8 drives). Only active drives are displayed. Click to select. Doubleclick on a drive button for information (total capacity, space used, space remaining). Click on an extender to mask the window (shows only files with extenders of that kind). Doubleclick on an extender button to edit it. You can save your new extenders in the second window (see below). The window can be sorted by Name, Extender, Size, or Date. Click on the right or left arrows at the bottom. Date displays newest file as first. The up/down arrows have a repeat function: hold down to scroll. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Second window: click in the copyright message to reach the second window. This is made up of several parts. 1) Redraw: (a) Fixed, (b) Auto, (c) Redraw. 2) Path: (a) FSelect (b) Program. 3) Extension: (a) FSelect (b) Program. 4) Delete Files/folder. 5) Create Folder. 6) Save configuration. 1) Redraw: When a file selector box is opened, the center of the screen is taken up by it. The ST has to know what that center was that it can be redrawn after the selector box goes away. Several programs have problems in redrawing the screen after a file selector box has been used. Other programs had parts of the message box missing. These options let you take care of this. 1c) Redraw mode: this lets the current program take care of redrawing the screen itself. FSelect does not bother with making a buffer. Generally, you should use this mode. If there are problems (grey bars refuse to disappear, etc), then select either AUTO or FIX. 1b) Auto mode: If Auto is selected, then FSelect takes over the screen redrawing. The entire screen is moved into a 32KB buffer. When the selector box disappears, the entire screen is moved back from that buffer and the buffer is deleted. This is a extremely fast way to solve this problem. Some programs, however, grab the entire ST's memory, and don't leave 32KB left for the Auto redrawing. Therefore... 1a) Fix mode: The 32KB buffer is kept permanently: it is not deleted. Thus FSelect, which is started first, grabs its 32KB buffer, and holds on to it. (German: "fest" = firm, continuous, which I translated as "fixed"). If you find that you are running out of memory, select Redraw, save configuration, and reboot. So... normally, use Redraw mode. If there are problems (bits and pieces don't go away), then try Auto. If that doesn't help, exit the program, switch to Fix mode, save configuration, and start up again. 2) Path: Some programs let you define the paths. If so, then that path shows up. That's a program-defined path. FSelect lets you choose whether that default path will be used, or whether FSelect should do the work. If you click FSelect, then it remembers the last path you used and will return there whenever you use the file selector. 3) Extension: the same thing as Path. Either you let the program choose the extenders, or FSelect remembers the last extender you used and displays that one. Le Redacteur, for example, always shows *.LIB extenders first. If you click Extension/FSelect, then you can avoid that. Normally, leave both of these set to "Program." 4) Delete files/folder: select a file or folder (click on it), go to the copyright message, and click on "Delete files/folder." 5) Create Folder. Write the name of the folder in the file selector line. Go to the copyright message, and click on "Create folder." 6) Save configuration. All the changes which you made (new extenders, which kind of sorting ((name, extender, size, date)) selections in 1,2,3) can be saved into the original FSelect. Insert your disk with FSelect and click here. That's it. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Updates: 5/88 version: Faster file display. Moved the fields around so that the important things are close to each other. Better background pattern. 9/88 version: Supports the Spanish TOS. The Busy Bee is shown while performing disk actions. Correction of an error which happened if you chose a non-existant folder (if you had changed disks). 22/1/89 version: All worldwide TOS should be possible now. Translated into English. ---------------------------------------------------------------- If there are bombs while booting, FSelect can be "ignored" by holding down the Alternate key during the booting. ----------------------------------------------------------------- This program and documentation are freeware: (c) Martin Patzel 1989, West Germany and USA. All rights reserved. All users may copy this program for free. This program and documentation may not be used as part of a commercial exchange. ---------------------------------------------------------------- History of FSelect: FSelect was written by Martin Patzel, West Germany. It was written for the German and Spanish TOS. Heine Svendsen, of the 68000 UG in Denmark, asked him if it could be configured to the Danish TOS as well; Martin did even better and updated it to all TOS. He sent it to us; I translated the program and documentation from German into English and sent copies to Paul Glover ST CLUB (England), Phil Reeves, Paragon Computers (Australia), Paul Potters, ST'ique (Canada), and Brad Roltgen (Roltgen PD Service, USA). All of these persons work together to distribute shareware/freeware/public domain to all ST users around the world. FSelect is a major improvement to the daily use of the ST. Programs do not fall out of the sky. Please support shareware and freeware authors. They are writing excellent programs for all users. If you use a shareware program, send the author the registration fee. If you use a freeware program, send the author money, several disks, or something. Only by cooperation and support between users and authors will we see more, better programs. We recommend that you make a contribution to the author of this small, but ingenious program. You may send 25 DM, 20 US$, 10 or 100 DKr. to: Martin Patzel Promenadeweg 15 7905 Dietenheim 1 West Germany. He would also like to hear suggestions or bug reports. ---------------------------------------------------------------- This program was brought to you by: Heine Busk Svendsen Ingerslevs Boul. 22, 3. DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark, Scandinavia Andreas Ramos 68000 UG, Aarhus ST/OP UG, Copenhagen Jaegergaards Gade 142 8000 Aarhus C / Denmark, Scandinavia Tlf: (0)620-1117 BBS: (0)620-2016 ----------------------------------------------------------------- End of Text . @x.. @GOODIES ACCAygGOODIES RSCFj`e@.|N8/<NA/p Nu,o/~g@??<NAXRG`@.Nu /HA  /`/:R/:R??<?NA Jk"g /:6./?-?<@NA Jkg/0-k??<>NAXJ@0k ??<>NAXJ@ "LNuH IJf \f?: ?<NAXk/ / ?<9NA\J@"_|faJLNu H @G&$h&aC"k"0: a,@r 2.0.H4.HЂ/?<HNA\JGLGJkAR SG @2.ҁR0: V4.a.4. BSGA0: takJ| faBJ@g*|f4A QRAQA PaE|fp`At0:aA"JkHH@?<INA\JLA"JkHH@?<INA\JLJkH?:WHzL?<6NAPJLH0:dapaLLNuHK4:K**UCPpJgg <\f<`J (ENC*&Jp r Qtg<.gQG0tgQAp (MVMg K Qp`h|I(Tz-M-A02UA4.4. 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I.. IREAD ME J_ICONE ACCM?ICONE RSCPMAKEICONPRGS.MAKEICONRSCW6 ICONE - icon drawing and display system ======================================= Ever been jealous of the people using Mac's with different icons for different programs. Well, with this program you can have that too on your ST. The program is an .acc which loads a resource file containing all icons, so all icons are permanently resident in memory. The acc takes care about the displaying of the proper icon. Attaching icons to files is done by means of wildcards (or full file spec). With it comes an icon editor to add items to the acc's rsc file. It looks very very good. Restrictions: ============= The ICONE.ACC works on MEGA ST's only!!!!!! ==== But the question is: would it be worth the memory on a 520 anyway. The makeicon editor works on a 520ST but loading the ICONE.ACC display system keeps rebooting the system on power up. It has been tested on a mono system and works in medium res, too. It comes without documentation & the rsc files are in french. Disclaimer: =========== I got this stuff off a local bbs, which I know is quite careful not to have non PD/freeware/shareware stuff on it. Share & enjoy! Frans Meulenbroeks Centre for Software Technology ...!mcvax!philmds!prle!cst!meulenbr or ...!uunet!prlb2!cst!meulenbr or perhaps meulenbr@cst.prl.philips.nl `?r.|a3a\aaB?< NA\O@|p y,1yh!yjF/?< NA\OaR09|(fav`N3~# <#"<` < "<`|# <"<`bBy~By <"<`F# 3~ <4"<`$# <n"<a 3Nu#T#X"<<0<NB09NuT^~ Icone MEGA ICONE.RSCA:\DESKTOP.RSC[1][ ICONEM a t crit par| Jrme Cabanis alias Mr Who| fait le 16 octobre 1987|(C) Pressimage 87 et l'auteur. ][ Ok ] p|g|gҲ|gز|g|g"|g|gR|g|gLN#N/9NVH-@*n/ XBJ@g / X?TJg/9?<INA\O .#N/9NVH-@*n&m g/ X:E&k g0+ kA (pP gv, R/ 0/PJ@f (T f`D0":"(@2+ "ҹƦ A !l1l !l!l`@Jyg6(yl>,g*SGB0,Ќ(@/ /,PJ@f"Q&S f2 .9NVH?|&yB$K6+8+y,e89,JDgSD0*| f0*| f?.T6:"(E:":"*E Mp&J0Q&U*0<?8Q&m+L0<?8Q&m:(E+Lf"Q`#N/9NV3(,#RNrA BQr'A "HYHQA rBQ#N/9NVH-@/.X2k4AA BA *p gB U*N#NRy,*H f .NVH2.AA Z*p!N yN#NSy, fB` RHNVH~|A 2A 0Jgg"Jf<QJFjp`>2A!01NVH?</<?<=NAP>kf/</<$??<?NA J@kHB<9*/?<HNA\#g.Bg?B?<BNA /9/??<?NA J@jBJGk ??<>NAXBJgp1( (& L <L6  2:(` &((((&($&& H & H & H & H & H & H & H & H & H & H & H & H & H & H & H@@@@@'@Џ@@G@@@@? *%U(R ????L@ǀ O;{?=}}}} }m}}~~~?~?~~85߸Mո=?????@?@?@@@ p JP [\ TT -TT UT +T T P/T T/T TT U T T -T }T L? 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CABANIS alias Mr Who(C) Pressimage 1987 Merci pour lui ?L@ǀ O;{?=}}}} }m}}~~~?~?~~85߸Mո= huX    @ H@ HPP $ ,  5P < S l        * 3@N ^NN  H(HjH(  @ @ @@ @ D@0<D6D6D6D6 " D* @0p@1q@2r@3s ! !$"@0#@1q$@2r `3s!"A@ $ -I`z  ' : R. Z.. ZIDLE10 ASM[IDLE10 PRG`?IDLE12 DOCc IDLE12 PRGe * IDLE * * An alternative to 'NIGHT', that leaves the VBLanks coming... * Conforms to my "resident utility protocol". * By Moshe Braner, 871211. * This version is for the GST Assembler. DELAY equ 36000 3 minutes * 200 Hz IDLE equ $49444C45 "IDLE" GEMDOS equ 1 GEMDOS trap number XBIOS equ 14 XBIOS trap number TERM equ 0 GEMDOS: terminate process PRTS equ 9 GEMDOS: print string TERMRES equ $31 GEMDOS: terminate and keep process resident SUPEXEC equ 38 XBIOS: supervisor execution TAB equ 9 LF equ 10 line feed CR equ 13 cursor return * system variables that will be affected BIOSVEC equ $0B4 BIOS trap vector TIMVEC equ $114 system timer vector KBDVEC equ $118 keyboard IRQ * video locations: PHYS equ $FFFF8200 video ram pointer PHYSHI equ $FFFF8201 video ram pointer high byte PHYSLO equ $FFFF8203 video ram pointer low byte COLOR0 equ $FFFF8240 palette register 0 * start of code SECTION IDLE bra start call non-resident init routine * start of RAM-resident routine * timer trap - called every 5 msec * * check if timer expired. If so, shift video pointer * exit: old timer trap vector dc.l IDLE timold ds.l 1 original system timer vector timtrp movem.l a0/d0,-(sp) save work registers tst.w flag is it day or night ? bne.s norm night, leave me alone lea timer,a0 subq.l #1,(a0) decrement count bpl.s norm not time yet: continue normally move.w #1,flag lea COLOR0,a0 move.w (a0),oldpal save original color tst.w zflag is the alt screen all zeros? beq.s all0 not.w (a0) reverse colors instead bra.s norm all0 clr.w (a0) poke black lea PHYS,a0 move.b 1(a0),d0 lsl.w #8,d0 move.b 3(a0),d0 move.w d0,oldp save original video pointer move.w altp,d0 move.b d0,3(a0) poke alternative pointer lsr.w #8,d0 move.b d0,1(a0) norm lea index,a0 move.w (a0),d0 bpl.s conti clr.w zflag all zeros now, OK to shift video move.w #32000,d0 scan 32000 bytes (8 per interrupt) conti subq.w #8,d0 move.w d0,(a0) save new index move.l altpp,a0 tst.l (a0,d0.w) check 4 bytes in alternative screen bne.s ohno oh, no! tst.l 4(a0,d0.w) check another 4 bytes beq.s retrt they are 0, OK ohno bsr.s manip too bad - stay awake move.w #32000,index start scanning from the top again move.w #1,zflag retrt movem.l (sp)+,a0/d0 restore registers ... move.l timold,-(sp) ... and exit via original timer vector rts * BIOS trap - called on every BIOS call * * check if Bconout() is specified. If so, reset timer. * Reset screen to normal if flag was 1. * Exit to original BIOS trap handler. dc.l IDLE biosold ds.l 1 original BIOS trap vector biostrp move.l d0,-(sp) save D0 move.w 10(sp),d0 D0 := specified BIOS function code cmp.w #3,d0 is it Bconout() ? bne.s noout no: continue normally bsr.s manip yes: perform operation ... noout move.l (sp)+,d0 ... restore D0 ... move.l biosold,-(sp) ... and exit via original BIOS trap vector rts * keyboard trap - called on every mouse or keyboard interrupt dc.l IDLE kbdold ds.l 1 original keyboard interrupt vector kbdtrp bsr.s manip move.l kbdold,-(sp) exit via original keyboard vector rts * common code for waking up or staying awake * * reset timer. If flag = 1, set screen mode back to normal. manip tst.w flag is it day or night ? beq.s retrm still day: do nothing move.w oldp,d0 move.b d0,PHYSLO poke original pointer lsr.w #8,d0 move.b d0,PHYSHI move.w oldpal,COLOR0 poke original color clr.w flag it's daytime now retrm move.l #DELAY,timer start timing rts * storage for flags and pointers flag dc.w 0 night/day flag (0 = day) timer dc.l DELAY timer count (ticks every 5 msec) index dc.w 0 zero check counter zflag dc.w 0 alt screen is clear flag (0 = clear) oldp ds.w 1 original video pointer oldpal ds.w 1 original palette register 0 altp ds.w 1 alternative video pointer altpp ds.l 1 altp in full glory * end of RAM-resident routine, start of initialization routine * (all this will be killed after init) * set new vectors in supervisor mode start pea ivec move.w #SUPEXEC,-(sp) trap #XBIOS addq.l #6,sp * display signon msg pea msg move.w #PRTS,-(sp) trap #GEMDOS addq.l #6,sp * wait loop wloop moveq #10,d1 D1 := outer loop counter loop2 moveq #-1,d0 D0 := inner loop counter loop1 dbra d0,loop1 execute inner ... dbra d1,loop2 ... and outer loop * terminate but stay resident lea start,a0 a0 := end of resident part, minus sub.l 4(sp),a0 base page address = length to keep clr.w -(sp) move.l a0,-(sp) move.w #TERMRES,-(sp) trap #GEMDOS * find the alternative video location: 32K below current ivec clr.l d0 lea PHYS,a0 move.b 1(a0),d0 asl.w #8,d0 move.b 3(a0),d0 sub.w #128,d0 slide down 32K in 256-byte chunks move.w d0,altp this is it asl.l #8,d0 move.l d0,altpp the actual address * set system vectors: save original ones, replace them by new ones move.l KBDVEC,a0 cmp.l #IDLE,-8(a0) if "IDLE" is there beq.s done then don't do it over moveq #2,d0 we've got 3 vectors to process sub.l d1,d1 clear D1 (index registers) lea oldtab,a0 A0 ==> table for original vectors inxt move.l 00(a0,d1.l),a1 A1 ==> vector address move.l 12(a0,d1.l),a2 A2 ==> storage area for old value move.l 24(a0,d1.l),a3 A3 ==> new value move.l (a1),(a2) save old value ... move.l a3,(a1) ... and set new vector addq.l #4,d1 increment index register dbra d0,inxt repeat for all 3 vectors done rts oldtab dc.l BIOSVEC,KBDVEC,TIMVEC system vector locations dc.l biosold,kbdold,timold old vector values dc.l biostrp,kbdtrp,timtrp new vector values * message area msg dc.b CR,LF,TAB,'IDLE: the CRT protector' dc.b CR,LF,TAB,' by Moshe Braner' dc.b CR,LF,TAB,'version 1.0 - installed',CR,LF,LF,0 end ` `IDLEH瀀JyfJASjB3A@3 JygFP`$BPA(H(3 0:@H@A0j By0<}Q@0 zJfJgaH3}3L/:hNuIDLE/0/ @fa /:NuIDLEa/:NuJyg0:.H1"@By#NuHz4?<&NN\Hz?< NA\r pQQAڑBg/?<1NABA(@(@3# x IDLEgpA"p$p &p$"XQNu IDLE: the CRT protector by Moshe Braner version 1.0 - installed  "> f>IDLE10.DOC A long time ago the utility "NIGHT" was posted. It blanked the screen after a few minutes with no activity, and unblanked it upon a keypress or a mouse movement or BIOS text output to the screen. NIGHT had serious bugs. NITE fixed some, but it blanks the screen by the same method: switching to external video sync. If there are no external sync signals, there are no vertical blanks, no picture---and no VBL interrupts. But many operations in the ST rely on those VBL interrupts. Leaving the ST on for long periods with NIGHT active leads to strange behavior and a need for a reboot. Here is IDLE, an alternative to NITE. It should not cause any problems, since all it does is shift the video RAM pointer 32K below the normal location. Since that area is normally all zeros, setting the video palette right will display it as all black. IDLE checks to see that that piece of RAM is all zeros, and if it is not, it leaves the video pointer as it was, and reverses the colors instead. The check for nonzeros is done slowly, so strange things _might_ show on the screen for up to 20 seconds. But not to worry: IDLE does _not_ write to the video RAM. I have only tested IDLE with a monochrome monitor, but it is supposed to work with color too. - Moshe Braner ------------------------------------------ IDLE12.DOC Here is (ahem) yet another version of IDLE, version 1.2. (Version 1.1 had yet another bug.) Reminder: IDLE 1.2 replaces NIGHT, NITE, and earlier versions of IDLE, all of which had serious bugs. IDLE blanks the screen after 6 minutes of no activity (up from 3 in 1.1) and unblanks upon keyboard/mouse input or BIOS text output. All IDLE does is zero the palette AND shift the video RAM pointer 32K below the normal location. Since that area is normally all zeros, zeroing the video palette will display it as all black. IDLE checks to see that that piece of RAM is all zeros, and if it is not, it leaves the video pointer as it was, but still zeros the palette. This has the effect of blanking the screen in color mode, but only reversing black and white in monochrome mode. The check for nonzeros is done slowly, so strange things _might_ show on the screen for up to 20 seconds. But not to worry: IDLE does _not_ write to the video RAM. IDLE can _still_ cause problems with programs that change the screen RAM location *** without user input and after 6 minutes of no input. *** Since such a program might later restore the screen RAM location to _either_ what it was when changed (the blank area) (case A) _or_ what it was before it was blanked (case B), depending on the program design, I cannot fix IDLE to handle all possible cases. (Should I make IDLE crash the program on purpose in such a case?) Currently IDLE avoids further fiddling with the screen location after detecting such a change. That means problems in case A if the program changes back to what it _thinks_ is the original screen. To customize the delay before blanking, change the LONG integer that is located immediately after the branch instruction at the start of the program, at an offset of 32 bytes from the start of the .PRG file, and followed with the ASCII string "IDLE" in the next 4 bytes. The default value is 72000 decimal (00011940 hex) for 6 minutes (6*60*200). I have only tested IDLE with a monochrome monitor, but it is supposed to work with color too, as described. - Moshe Braner ``@IDLEH@|0:ZfVAVSjpA@CZp"BQ3vJy~fN3vA(H(30:@H@`" @fA(H(zg3vA0j By~0<}Q@0 zJfJg00: @f0:H3v3}|3~FL/:NuIDLEH0/ @fa"L/:NuIDLEHa L/:Nu@|0::g* @f0:8HA@C.p QByv#xFNu@Hz4?<&NN\Hz?< NA\r pQQAڑBg/?<1NABA(@(@3# x IDLEgpA"p$p &p$"XQNu $ IDLE: the CRT protector by Moshe Braner version 1.2 - installed > 28|>. i.. iCOPY C j MAXIDISKINFl*MAXIDISKPRGoSET_TIMETOSr@COPY TTPt!README TXTwf /* 16.5.86 Max Bhm */ /* Dieses Programm kopiert den Inhalt des "Source"-Directory */ /* in das "Dest"-Directory. */ /* Die beiden Directorys knnen als Parameter angegeben werden. */ /* Defaultwerte sind A:\COPY und D: */ #include #include long buffer, buf_size; char source[100]="A:\\COPY"; char dest[100]="D:"; copy_dir () /* source und dest sind global; bei Fehler: return (1) */ { int source_len, dest_len, fd_source, fd_dest, error; char dta[44]; long old_dta, fail, size, count; error=0; source_len=strlen(source); dest_len=strlen(dest); old_dta=Fgetdta(); Fsetdta(dta); strcat(source,"\\*.*"); fail=Fsfirst(source,16); source[source_len]=0; while (!fail) { strcat(source,"\\"); strcat(source,dta+30); strcat(dest,"\\"); strcat(dest,dta+30); if (dta[21]==16) /* Directory */ { if (strcmp(dta+30,".")&&strcmp(dta+30,"..")) if (Dcreate(dest)) { printf("Ordner %s lt sich nicht anlegen.\n",dest); error=1; } else error|=copy_dir(source,dest); } else /* File */ { printf("%s nach %s\n",source,dest); if ((fd_source=Fopen(source,0))<0) { printf("Datei %s lt sich nicht ffnen.\n",source); error=1; } else if ((fd_dest=Fcreate(dest,dta[21]&~1))<0) { printf("Datei %s lt sich nicht einrichten.\n",dest); error=1; } else { size=*(long*)(dta+26); while (size) { count=(size=1) strcpy(source,argv[1]); if (argc>=2) strcpy(dest,argv[2]); if (dest[2]) Dcreate(dest); buf_size=Malloc(-1l); buffer=Malloc(buf_size); if (copy_dir()) { printf("\nWeiter mit Return.\n"); Cconin(); } Mfree(buffer); } 500 D COPY.TTP A:\COPY D: SET_TIME.TOS `N N6*O*m - ЭЭм!"ҍ¼.A// Bg?<JNA m"m -So Q m -SBQ(m)M*mN lHhNLX/,?,NR\?<N6?<A?<NAXNuNV |r)P |~)P |v)PAL  |r AT  |~ A\  |v 2< l6(a | H `pNqNqA P"hEh0/`*A P"hEb0/`A P"hE^0/" "hig"ANH(H)_N/,LNuA N^NuNV ,`N^NuNV <`N^NuNVH0&n >.`0 lh l ,"</2H/N"Ё$@0.|g0 lh m l0( lh=@0nlr< lh f <<`<<`l0" A PfX: lh =E:<FUE=E:<BD`$0 l/NRX0RE lBRD DmRF Fm l-h l8( `0Gf ` ,"</2H/N"Ё-@< lh f <<`<<`Z0 n Pg0 n Pf4  l0 n0`0 nBP RF FmRD l0( lh=@0nm8BD`RD Dm`BD`RD Dm`8 lh 0.|g~0 l/NXHnHl м// N/.Hl0 lA/Nn l l?<?<?<Nh\ <``f0 l g:?<Hl0 l/N Hl м// N `BD` 0RD KB DmRG0.Sn @n <`L N^NuNVNB?< N\-@ |.)P ,м" @nd l g l fHNr lA)H ,м")@0< lH-@ ,Ю)@N6`"/NZX?.?<NLX/.?< N>\)OBg ,мd",/?<1NPN^NuNuNVH0&n$n ><@`$0SGJ@fL N^NuNV </0.H/N -@/T |^B .м |. .м`N^NuNV lA-HC nApNB2.H n0(A1@0.|H n1@0< nh n1@ n0( nh nh n1@ 0.H n1@N^NuNVBn n PoB.Hn/< n??<?N` .H|am.H|zn.H| @.H| g:.H| g,.H| g.H| g.H| f ngh`?<NT@.H|f0.gHlJ?< N\Sn0.n lN..HHAm<..HHAn*.H??<NhX0.Rn n`b n PoV.H| g:.H| g,.H| g.H| g.H| f `` nBP.H| f\HlN?< N\ nB0.`N^NuNVB`0 < / ./N T  nRHHЃ0-@0<0 nHAn nH|9o .`N^NuNVA-H-|;` ./ < /N n X-@ .l n ./ ./N > Xм0 nR ./ ./N X -@ ./ < /N X-@ .f nBA `N^NuNVHlR?< N \/X nRP` nRH??<N X.S.JfHl?< N\ nf/.?<IN\N^NuNVH0&n$n ..,`$Qμ` S nL N^NuNVH0&n$n PЫf *Pѫ& lP`&L N^NuNVH0&n ..B R. l$h`/ P// NF چ$Rg *,mҵf nB` l ( n / P// N "Pl l!Rچ`8%G PЪ l!@ l h Q l h!@ PڀB l (!@L N^NuNVH0&n$n ..`.,+l ,+`,// P/NN &Sg nL N^NuNVH0&n l gJg@ ll2-S l (Ы!@ l/(/ NP l!K&n l$h`x f4-K` l (Ы!@&Sf/ / NP`< o2-S l (Ы!@// NP/ / NP&n`$Rg fxL N^NuNV l!n l hB . Q l!@ l h!@N^NuNVH0H CA-H <?BBBBQ(n n *LB$n`rI n 0f!B"`,. WF**~( &@ kRf,f(C& Fo6SCkVʾIl> *+ f"D&B"JGg*SG G?o><?*LGg` e*LBRڵ mH n L0L N^NuNVH0&n$n"J`0pf S@k"Q`rd|AS@kQ mL N^NuNV?.NT nn0<`?.?<>N@X9@g0<`0<N^NuNV?.?<LNXN^NuNV/ A&H`0+ |g/ N*X A"Ҽm?.NT&_N^NuNV/ &n/ NDXJ@g0<`00+ |g /+NXBk ?+ N,TJ@g0<`0<&_N^NuNVH&n0+ |f0<`.0+ |gV0+ |f0<`v0+ |g?<B?+ NFP?/+?+ NP @f0<`@k 0Hѫ`$ k o?<0+D@H/?+ NP'@&Bk0<LN^NuNVH$.f BB`J". BnJlVnDJlRnDvd`Bbd nmDdD-@-A LN^NuNV/BnJlRnDJ lRnD 0. -@0.n0. nngD -n N^.JNuN^NuNV nl <`?.?./. ?<BN -@ m .`?<?.B?<BN -@?<?.B?<BNt -@ nf .Ю -@ `$ nf .Ю -@ `0.g <`b . oHn . /?.?<@N Bg?./. ?<BN ]|9@g <` `Bl . N^NuNV/ 0Q"_N^NuNV/.?<IN\N^NuNVBn`&0.An0nf0.AnBPRn nLmN^NuNV?>.=|0An"HPgXHf0(>N^Nu)Ij)Jf)_bNM"lj$lf/,bNu)Ij)Jf)_bNN"lj$lf/,bNu)Ij)Jf)_bNA"lj$lf/,bNuNV`4 nH| f?< ?<NX nRH??<NX0. Sn J@fN^NuNV` nRH??<NX0. Sn J@fN^NuNV` nRH??<NRX0. Sn J@fN^NuNVH0&n $KA-H nf?./ N4\=n`L nf?./ N`\=n`. nf?./ Np\=n`-KBn?.NZTJ@f`H| f |o@ H-@/./.?.?<@N| 9@Hg0<`0,n/./<?.?<@NF 9@ @g0<`tRnR -@`R ned` 6.ƼЃ$@ H-@/./.?.?<@N 9@Hg0<`0,nBl0.L N^NuC222222222C"2"2 2"2"2"22"2"2"22"2x9|NuNicht genug freier Speicher vorhanden. MAXIDISK.INFMAXIDISK.INF   Freier Speicher : Bytes Eevp *** Public domain software *** (C) Max Bhm 08.08.1987 q Dies ist eine resetfeste Ramdisk, die jedoch mehr speichert, als man denkt ... Installiert als Laufwerk mit Kbyte AWieviel Kbyte :  AWelches Laufwerk: Fehler bei : CON:AUX:PRT: ` DHN N d*O*m - ЭЭм!"ҍ¼.A// Bg?<JNA m"m -So Q m -SBQ(m)M*mN lHhNLX/,?,Nx\?<N?<A?<NAXNuNVBn?<N T-@ .=@ .=@ ng nKf0.gHl?< N \Sn0.n l` n mV ngL n:m nJg nNg nbo$?.?<N nX0.2.Rn n ng nrf4Hl?< N 8\ nB0.`N^NuNV?<*N T=@0.| n00.H| n 00.HH|P n0N^NuNV0.2. AA2. |PAAA??<+NXN^NuNV?<,NT=@0<2.| n00.H|? n 00.HH n0N^NuNV0. H2. AA2.AAA??<-N:XN^NuNV n P@f` nR.H|0m.H|9n.H|0 n0`$0< n.HC|0 n0 nRSn 0. g& n P@H|0m.H|9oN^NuNV0. H H H@|0 n0. 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Just click the mouse on the drive whose volume you wish to change and the old volume name will be retrieved. Just type in the new name and press RETURN or click on the UPDATE button. You can then select another drive to change if you want or click on the EXIT button to leave the program. Murray Levine ` H *O.|*m - ЭЭм// ??<JNA NF/<NA"/0<NBNuNV`Rn nHRJf0.`N^NuNV` n"n R R n Jf nBN^NuNV0. Ю @-h . n/NrXN^NuNVBn`0n~0Rn n m3./</<~NPN^NuNVBnBn`P0n .f&Rn`0n Rn nm`0n2n RnRn n 2.HJ0f0nBN^NuNVBnBn`d0n  g nf0=| 0n.Rn0n"n Rn`0n2n RnRn n 2.HJ0f0nBN^NuNV>NN N(N^NuNVNNBBgN "T. 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Free-Wareverkaufen,sindhiervonausgeschlossen.Esseidenn, derAnbieterentrichteteineeinmaligeLizenzzahlungvon250Mark andenAutor.WerdagegenversttundohneLizenzzahlung FastCopyIIIverkauft,machtsichstrafbarundwirdvonmirangezeigt. Dennichfindeesabsolutunfair,wennLeutevonderhartenArbeit derFreeware-Autorenprofitieren,unddieAutorenselbstkeine mdeMarksehen. B)FastCopydarfnuralsganzesPaketkopiertwerden.Darunter mssensichunbedingtfolgendeunverflschteDateienbefinden: FCOPY_3.PRG - DasausfhrbareKopierprogramm und/oder FCOPY_3.ACC FCOPY_3.DOC - DieserTextimWordplus-Format FCOPY_3.TXT - DieserTextimASCII-Format FCOPY_3.EDC - EnglischerTextimWordplus-Format FCOPY_3.ETX - EnglischerTextimASCII-Format 4.Wastunwenn... Fralle,dienochnichtdieAnleitungbesitzen,hiereinpaar ntzlicheTips: Wastunwenn...  ...dasFormatierennichtklappt,vieleTracksdefektsind! EinigeLaufwerke,vorallemalte5-Zoll-Laufwerke, knnenSchwierigkeitenmitdemFast-Formathaben.In diesemFallempfehleich,mittelsaufdasnormale undsichereFormatieren("FormatDest.")umzuschalten. ...icheinFremdformat(z.B.Spectre-128,Minix)kopierenwill?  BeiTOS-fremdenFormaten(abgesehenvonMS-DOS- Disketten)solltenSiezunchstimmerdieautomatische Formaterkennung("ReadDiskConf.")mittels ausschalten.LesenSieinderAnleitungdes entsprechendenEmulators(z.B.Spectre,Minix)nach, welchesFormatdieDiskettenbesitzenundstellenSie diesesimFeld"SetDiskConfiguration"ein. ...dasKopierennurbelegterSektoren(GetSectors:used)nicht  klappt?  DafrkannesverschiedenGrndegeben: a.DieDiskettebesitzteinFremdformat IndiesemFallsieheoberesProblem... b.DieFATderDisketteistdefekt FastCopykanndieTabelle,indersteht,welcher Sektorfrei,belegtoderdefektist(FAT)nicht lesen.IndiesemFallschaltenSiemittelsauf den"GetSector:all"-Modusum.Hierbeachtet FastCopydieFATnicht. ...dieStepraten-EinstellungimmernurdenWert3msliefert?  DieStepraten-EinstellungnimmtFastCopymitHilfedes TOSvor.Dabeiuntersttztesallerdingsnurdie offiziellenVersionen1.0,1.2(Blitter-TOS),1.4, 1.6(STE)undspter.AlleanderenknnenProbleme machen.IndiesemFallentwederaufdieStepraten- Einstellungverzichten(3ms)odereinoffizielles  TOSbooten.  ThefinalNote: Alle,denenFastCopyzueinerwertvollenHilfegewordenist, knnenHonorierungenund/oderkontruktiveKritikanfolgende Adressesenden: MartinBackschat Bergstr.16 8071Hepberg (siehedazuauchMenpunkt>>Help<<,3.Seite,FastCopyIII) 066010303050000132002006006010000 11 2#1 F0110000001 9[...................................................]0010 Hepberg,28/12/1989 Welcome to FastCopyIII FasterthanLight!  0.Program-Information Concept,Design,DocumentationandDevelopment MartinBackschat Beta-Tester RupertKaiser&"Gogl",ManfredMessnerundStephanEnglhardt Designerofthetitlepicture  RalphSeth Thanksto Everybody,whosupportsthedevelopmentofFastCopyIII, Everybody,whocritizescontructively, Everybody,whofinanciallysupportstheproject, Everybody,whofinanciallysupportedFastCopy2.00,and thusindirectlyalsosupportstheIII.rdpart  1.Installation FastCopyrunsasaprogramandasanaccessory.Tostartitfrom theDesktop,callit>>FCOPY_3.PRG<<.TomakeTOSrecognizeitas anaccessorycallit>>FCOPY_3.ACC<<andputitontheboot-disk (A:fordrivesandC:forharddisks). 2.Howtouse YoufindabriefSurveyofallfunctionsFastCopyoffersyou inmainmenuunder>>Help<<.Buttoexhaustthevarietyofall functionsyouneedthemanual.For50Deutsch-Mark(30US$ respectively)I'llsendyouanprintedenglishmanualandthe latestversionofFastCopyondisk.Inadditiontothatyou'llbe registeredintheupdate-list,thatmeansyou'llalwaysgetanew versionimmediately. 3.Howtocopy A)FastCopyisFreeware.Thatmeanseverbodyisallowedtocopy anduseitforfree.OnlyPD-/Freeware-mailingservicesselling thissoftwarehavetopayonce250Deutsch-Mark(150US$ respectively)forthelicense.Whodoesn'tandsellsFastCopyIII makeshimselfliabletoprosecutionandwillbecharged.Thisis becauseitisunfairtogetrichofsomebody'selseworkwhile thissomebodydoesn'tevengetapenny. B)YouareonlyallowedtocopyFastCopyasapackage.This packagehastocontainthefollowingfiles: FCOPY_3.PRG - Thecopyprogramitself and/or FCOPY_3.ACC FCOPY_3.DOC - TextinGerman(Wordplus) FCOPY_3.TXT - TextinGerman(ASCII) FCOPY_3.EDC - TextinEnglish(Wordplus) FCOPY_3.ETX - TextinEnglish(ASCII) 4.Whattodoincaseof... Forallnothavingreadthemanual,heresomeusefulhints: Whattodoincaseof...  ...theformatfunctiondoesn'twork,toomanydamagedtracks? Somedrives,especiallyolder5-inchones,mayhave problemswiththeFast-Format.InthiscaseIrecommend toswitchtothesavernormalFormat-mode"Format Dest."by. ...copyingastrangediskformat(e.g.Spectre-128,Minix)?  IncaseofformatsuncompatibletoTOS(andMS-DOS) alwaysswitchofftheautomaticconfigurations recognition("ReadDiskConf.")by.Readthemanual oftheemulator(e.g.Spectre,Minix)andinstallthe formattheyuseinthefieldtitled"SetDisk Configuration". ...copyingonlytheusedsectors(GetSectors:used)doesn't  work?  Thisproblemcanresultfromseveralreasons: a.TheDiskhasastrangeformat Inthiscasehavealookonthehintabove... b.TheFATofthediskisdamaged Thetablecontainingtheinformationwhichsectors arefree,usedordamagedisunreadable.Inthis caseswitchofftothe"GetSector:all"-modeby .InthismodeFastCopyignorestheFAT. ...thesteprateisalwayssetto3ms?  ThesteprateisinstalledwithhelpofTOS. FastCopyonlysupportstheofficialversions1.0,1.2 (Blitter-TOS),1.4,1.6(STE)andlater.Different (inofficial)versionsmaycauseproblems.Inthiscase youcan'tsetupthesteprate.Solution:Bootan officialTOS. ThefinalNote: Everbody,forwhoFastCopyisaprecioustoolforworkingwith theST,cansendtheirdonationsand/ortheircontructivecritic to  MartinBackschat Bergstr.16 8071Hepberg WestGermany  Hepberg, 28/12/1989 Welcome to FastCopy III Faster than Light! 0. Program-Information Concept, Design, Documentation and Development Martin Backschat Beta-Tester Rupert Kaiser & "Gogl", Manfred Messner und Stephan Englhardt Designer of the title picture Ralph Seth Thanks to Everybody, who supports the development of FastCopy III, Everybody, who critizes contructively, Everybody, who financially supports the project, Everybody, who financially supported FastCopy 2.00, and thus indirectly also supports the III.rd part 1. Installation FastCopy runs as a program and as an accessory. To start it from the Desktop, call it >>FCOPY_3.PRG<<. To make TOS recognize it as an accessory call it >>FCOPY_3.ACC<< and put it on the boot-disk (A: for drives and C: for harddisks). 2. How to use You find a brief Survey of all functions FastCopy offers you in main menu under >>Help<<. But to exhaust the variety of all functions you need the manual. For 50 Deutsch-Mark (30 US $ respectively) I'll send you an printed english manual and the latest version of FastCopy on disk. In addition to that you'll be registered in the update-list, that means you'll always get a new version immediately. 3. How to copy A) FastCopy is Freeware. That means everbody is allowed to copy and use it for free. Only PD-/Freeware-mailing services selling this software have to pay once 250 Deutsch-Mark (150 US $ respectively) for the license. Who doesn't and sells FastCopy III makes himself liable to prosecution and will be charged. This is because it is unfair to get rich of somebody's else work while this somebody doesn't even get a penny. B) You are only allowed to copy FastCopy as a package. This package has to contain the following files: FCOPY_3.PRG - The copy program itself and/or FCOPY_3.ACC FCOPY_3.DOC - Text in German (Wordplus) FCOPY_3.TXT - Text in German (ASCII) FCOPY_3.EDC - Text in English (Wordplus) FCOPY_3.ETX - Text in English (ASCII) 4. What to do in case of... For all not having read the manual, here some useful hints: What to do in case of... ...the format function doesn't work, too many damaged tracks? Some drives, especially older 5-inch ones, may have problems with the Fast-Format. In this case I recommend to switch to the saver normal Format-mode "Format Dest." by . ...copying a strange disk format (e.g. Spectre-128, Minix)? In case of formats uncompatible to TOS (and MS-DOS) always switch off the automatic configurations recognition ("Read Disk Conf.") by . Read the manual of the emulator (e.g. Spectre, Minix) and install the format they use in the field titled "Set Disk Configuration". ...copying only the used sectors (Get Sectors: used) doesn't work? This problem can result from several reasons: a. The Disk has a strange format In this case have a look on the hint above... b. The FAT of the disk is damaged The table containing the information which sectors are free, used or damaged is unreadable. In this case switch off to the "Get Sector: all"-mode by . In this mode FastCopy ignores the FAT. ...the step rate is always set to 3 ms? The step rate is installed with help of TOS. FastCopy only supports the official versions 1.0, 1.2 (Blitter-TOS), 1.4, 1.6 (STE) and later. Different (inofficial) versions may cause problems. In this case you can't set up the step rate. Solution: Boot an official TOS. The final Note: Everbody, for who FastCopy is a precious tool for working with the ST, can send their donations and/or their contructive critic to Martin Backschat Bergstr. 16 8071 Hepberg West Germany ``T(`"TURBO-C, (c)88/89 Borland Int.GJ$VH3 k # Ј<.@#// ?<?<JNAO NzH0ONX6NX\E0G|$|g |g409g KpNYN`BRN]F y5P jfp`pH y%pV09f2A20NZ6ANX$ W(fof0g KpN `N`NNOL NuH0E.GnD0+*f7|*BC`4 Rf$pA2IAC h1Y1Y1Y1Q0 KNYvRC|om Rf4BC`A,B@00ssRCA,00f"ki%K%|v| k }EN B@N N0*g A!pN `jN UOEGIKMHyHyHy"M VNWO 09f6??42B@NXXO6J@lApN`??420NXXO??????42B@NWFO ???4rB@ VNV\O V=h=h0(Xn=@ 2(Zn=A"=h\$=h^&HyHyC0A2NWPO=@ V2(@n=A44(Bn=B6 n@fp2`p=@>=|< V2(pn SA=A8 n@ft`t V0(rn"n>n>@=B:N C|p: VN>N0| |:b@0;Nvvvvvnf4<DLT\0.DgA`epN`VB@N%`@N"`:B@N`2N `,N=`40.DfpN%`0.DfN@L`pNr`N/NAB@NYNCr0 VNU`Cr0 VNU??????42pNU2O 09f0NV0NV`pN`pN`pN`pN`pN\`pNT`|Nz`jN 8`bB@.L@AV20p"ViNF`B@.M@AV20p"ViNFpN`TOL|NuNSLNQNuH>O(H?@&IEpNUpNU y6(8gB@NXBDzKM`0g@g8BRtCBA0 LNSHoHoHoHoHoBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgp?C:4rpNRO.<r@gBW`0BA3?4/gp`B@2@fd0BA34BBfTBA3:|f&|1ftlg:2` U6f plg:7prt f 4C L0rNSBE`VW0 3ftJEg(Ho"J420 LNSXO:2gtC L0NRpFgJ?/ 4/r LB@NRjTO<4 Rf pNPBR`"Jr0 LNS`:|f |#fBE4#JEg0g@gtCBA0 LNRRJEffpNTB@NTJCgNV0OL|xNu/ / EGJp R(r(AprN<@r, Rp)N<@r R(#Ap(@t(sBr(SAp(@N&_$_NuH BCE8p jh25@ "h| QNGH85D |m| o5| v j"h QNG 8 j"h< QNG|VoxVv|VopVvDl8v5D5@JCgNLNu/ Ep Rh22*T@gCp6ArNQp:Nlp>NfpBN`$_Nu/6yD|lvpNN| ov pNN3Dr: y0Np:N&Nu// 6E8jJClBCpNNvjo 6*pNNf|VovVpNNX5Cr> j0Np>N$_&Nu// 6E8jJClBCpNN jl 6*pNN|VovVpNN5CrB j0N,pBNr$_&Nu/`tvp0 g`R@@lB@&Nut"p Q2H <04H… HB<0Nu?9?9?949BANO*\ONu yNNur?t??9?9?9 yBA49NOpO Nur?Bg?9?9?949 yBANO@O Nup yhRgp4Np0NNup4Np0NxNu/ E"R#HA}xBA0?Ap"RirN>A}|BA0>JCgC0/ RrNLCr0 RNL`Bp R1 p R1 NJ%@F 8fr R1A R1A jFNIXO$_6NuNI#4A}\"h!Q"}h y4NINuNI#4 y}j }d y4NINu/ 9AB@9AA}2J@gC`"H$y$j $ yBh p N$_Nu?/ By2E}ANL*AvN@*AN4*AN(BC`202IA pNRC|0m$_6NuBA4`0RAJ0fg32Nu?/ E$t R5h5h09jHy1@5@ 29jHy R1A5A R5h5h0(jj5@5h4(pj j2*@j5A4(hrj5BNJ@grB@NBC`0RCN^| mCdB@ RN6Cr RNJz0U@|b`@0;NJfVVVVVVVVVVVVV2&,>N~`N$`pj"NP`pj"ND`N^J@fb`0*"C[@N`j$_6Nu?6U@l?BBrB@NGTO`0N<:pAn0NFApNG 6NuH>OE$&RGAP%HB@98NKJMuB@ MNFJ@lApN&B@`,I"L KN@C RN@p RNF>J@fCx KN?*` C KN?C KN? -"- NE "-NE& -"- ND"ND(r A N>4C KN>"N KN>r A?/$ ЀЂЂ"ND _2N=C KN>C KN>r A N=C KN>"N KN>|r A?/ ЀЄЄ"ND _2N=C KN>RC KN>H KNBj j!R$NpO L|NuH0RR6 j(`+Cp6 jA(N>tp6(jRRpgr>`r BEKf.` RE| m  r A +Nn&:`* .f` RE|m`REf`RE` 0RC]@mC LN=  pgrr`r-pgrh`r-pgrs`r-pgrd`r-p gra`r-BNC6JCgCr60H jN;B@N O L<8NuH 8A6`Fp6"h 1>fr`BA0P"h3Ap6"h4P$h%IRChl p P@m`0P"h3|RCp P@mNJDg:rpNV|f&BApNHBC`BApCN:0NRC| m`0NXLNuH 6E j oxj`BDpDgRDJClpNBBCClpNB6Rg*84pD@fpN`pD@fpN`pNLNu/A"P0)2( 4|gRAJAg4("v6`BC"P3Cڲ| b4` t v6$"P3B&Nu/ y oDtrp yNEZ6H ryHN@&"<N@&r€gpC`0N&Nu/ YOEHyHyC JNE,POHW"Jp yNCXO0oop`p yNXO$_NuH06EGn2* g(J@f$ Rp\N:BC/ p\ RN:"_N:Sj `*Rj p6"jC(/ Rp*N:P"_N:C RN9NpNTBApN4L NuH0$H&I09g *(fp`> +(fp`2BCB@CgC`"pC A N:6fC(A(N:`0L NuHO6G>r?A?y.BB?B?BA 2+?A?AU@f4k`4?BNA&/H /H y.fp`p?@$?@ y2(?A&?Ap?@(?@|f2`2k?AB*NANFBAB@A}XNG:|f*pS?4+krS0+NF,TOx z`"0kS@?4+k20+NFTOBDzB@NF>BA0NBApEN0NpDN OLL8NuH UO6ACE2<t@p0 jpfFNBAB@ANFvpNFpCg8*`8*4jSB2IjRSA0NEB@NETOLNu?9?9?949 yN@b\ONuH8O6E82*fN`NJCgA`ANGJCgApN 8`BDpA*@ KpNU@gڸ|frB@*AVN HJ@fp@@@Bg4* 2*0* N TONxNIJCfNN, :*2pN1BDA` p@RDlmB0@`rBF``20N,8*gN??4rB@NXOJ@gS@gS@gS@g`&0*f Bg42pNxTO`p?42pNfTORFloN0SEjl0*fN+>G4,2*0, SN p?BgBg42 SpN=\OJ@gApN` S"y< y@ y@0N J@f\JCg22<0,N2"B@ SN8?4,BRB2, SpN=:TOJf0NB@AJNO ?9?9?949rB@ yN<\OpN;FC^p yN ogf"HAHN4p AHN4:/HgR.CP oN4`"AHN4rdpCPAQN5|.PpAHN;28J@mN:Crp yN=py?ry??949 yB@rN<.\O` BApN-N(rOVLxNu/ N(HAVC8EB@)@4BA)A5pBB5BB@)5@0i 5H5H 2) 5A 5ABB) 5B2|5I5I5IBjB~$_NuH0O?@06>:/R8/TNEt y.f(BAp??JDgA` JCfA` J02N@` BAB@ JN@JDgp` JCfp`pNA0*y&T@?@,<,y(TF2y,YA?4y*YB2N?TOGSgp1B/rAp&Nkg.p0 <0r2 HA<0AB/AprNڸkgrp24J|<ArN7D67ENS@gJDf9=gʶ|f o0gBF`^ k g 9~fA0tF2pN,p8` A00r2"y~BB1p2N,N8JDg??4rpNNXO`ZRFke`LJCf9`9<A@.|f@A pNU@f` y?hj(CRAN1r0/0|b@0;N r9ApN$S@f. yA#20N*N%|20N&B~`rCAN0 `:CAN0`,CAN0`NhCrAN/` C}AN/.oC_AN/A"y$i$$"y3309yHy3@3"y2)y $y5A3?9?9?49B@ yrN8\OpN6fC_B@ yN6?@*Cr yN9$0/(fNlpy?ry??949 yB@rN7\O0/*U@gS@gS@gS@g`p`20N(p` B@`p`pO2L Nu yBhjNu y1|jNu/ $HNA}N JN$_Nu// E$A8(g #X(g.(g(#0929N+n&ג"B@ yN1V RN$_&Nurp!A-NrpA2N rp*A8NNuH8O6?AJ@f09`09JCf29`29RA:oEGIx`BD0/ gf K42/0N(4J@gb"L KN.. 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] FastCopy III -- written by Martin Backschat (13/1/90)>> FastCopy III << by Martin Backschat, Bergstr.16, 8071 Hepberg, West-Germany, Tel. 08456/5495 -- It's Freeware! -- (Greetings to all 'Masters Of Puppets')1Bezeichnung : Erklrung11Kommandos10COPY : Kopiert Diskette(n) von 'Source' nach 'Dest.'0SCAN : berprft Diskette in 'Source' auf fehlerhafte Sektoren0FORMAT : Formatiert ganze Diskette in 'Dest.' oder Teile davon0DIRECTORY : Zeigt Inhaltverzeichnis der Diskette in 'Source' an0QUIT : Verlt FastCopy III0NEW CONF : Wie 'COPY', ndert dabei jedoch das Diskettenformat auf0 das in 'Set Disk Conf...' ausgewhlte0VIRUS CHECK : Prft Diskette in 'Source' auf Boot-Sektor-Virus0SOFT FORMAT : Lscht Inhaltsverzeichnis und FAT und ndert auf Wunsch0 das Diskettenformat im Boot-Sektor0STREAMER : Kopiert Partition auf Diskette(n) und umgekehrt01Bezeichnung : Erklrung11Einstellungen10VERIFY DEST. : Nachtrgliches berprfen der Zieldiskette an/aus0FAST/NORMAL... : Schaltet zwischen 'FAST FORMAT' und 'FORMAT', also0 schnellen und normalen (sichereren) Formatiermodus um0...FORMAT : Vor Schreibzugriff auf 'Dest.' Track(s) formatieren?0READ DISK CONF : Zu verwendendes Diskettenformat von der Diskette in0 'Source' lesen (auer bei 'FORMAT'), oder das0 eingestellte aus 'Set Disk Conf.' bernehmen?0MULTIPLE COPY : Beim 'COPY' und 'NEW CONF' nur eine oder mehrere0 Duplikate erstellen?0GET SECTORS : Ist 'Read Disk Conf.' selektiert, dann alle oder nur0 die in der FAT belegten Sektoren beachten02,3,6,12 ms <(,),/,*> : Steprate von 'Source' und 'Dest' (mit SHIFT)1Allgemeine Hinweise zu 'FastCopy III'11 Konzept, Design, Entwicklung, und Copyright 1986,87,88,89,900 Martin Backschat, Bergstrae 16, 8071 Hepberg0 Bankverbindung Raiffeisenbank Ingolstadt0 BLZ 721-608-18 Konto-Nummer 10-0787-411Nutzung0FastCopy III ist Freeware, d.h. jeder darf es kopieren und kostenlos0benutzen. nderungen am Programm sind dem Autor vorbehalten.01Das geht Sie an!0Die harte Arbeit (Sthn!) an FastCopy sollten Sie honorieren. Richten Sie0Ihre Verbesserungsvorschlge und Spenden bitte an obige Adresse.0Fr DM 40,- erhalten Sie von mir die neueste Version, eine ausfhrliche0gedruckte Anleitung und kostenlosen Update-Service.aaab b bMbbc+cTccddkdddeee"e$eleffLffggegghhahhhi iDi|i~iij j jjjjj`}}A}}}B}}}~}}B~P}}~g}}~i}}}}}~k}}~n}}~g}}~i}}}}}~k}}~~~~~~~~~k~~ }}}r? }}}~}}3MkH}LpLl0l06lL0lh6 A L ~ ~ ~ ~.~=~~~.=32s.rABr llll  !l"#2$.%(r&A'B(D$)-r *m+m,,mH-md( /J 01X 2dh4Cs05m671829:@-;m<@+=>@-?m@@+A B@-Cm3`+pH>ADp>! !  !  !!!@@@AD@`@m r6m*   %)  n @ n(@  %M # %/ MILL 06 06 L .=.=.         0     H>@D >!!!!!!@D@6 *   )     M # / [3][FastCopy III only works in|high (640x400) or in |medium (640x200) resolution!][ QUIT ][3][FastCopy III needs at|least about 40 KByte|of free memory!][ QUIT ]; < = > ? @ABCD !!/#2/0cdef%0&c)d*e+f,"16KBSelect Option!Format Destination Fast Format Dest.XBRAFCOPNu$3(]+,)*du11i ]U#k 011rF Wˠ zL!1F1,N0bM0000000000111111111122222222223333333333444444444455555555556666666666777777777788888880123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234562312Format Destination09__990079Disk Name: ________.___FFFFFFFFFFFX:Copy DiskScan DiskFormat DiskDirectoryQuitNew ConfVirus CheckSoft FormatStreamerHelpSourcemsVerify DestinationRead Disk Config.Dest.Multiple CopyGet SectorsallusedDisk ConfigurationSides:Sectors:Start at TrackEnd at TrackXRETRYCONTINUEBEST MATCHABORTOKDIRECTORY[1][Unable to open Window!|Please remove one|and try again.][ ABORT ][3][Can't read directory!|Please check your disk!][ ABORT ]HPA:\*.* Bytes (%) freeName: - %) used >>Parent<<[0][X: Destination Disk | ][ FORMAT | ABORT ][1][Cannot access|System sectors!][ ABORT ][1][Please remove|WRITE-PROTECTION|on Destination Disk X:][ OK | ABORT ]Error while Track of Drive X:FORMATTINGVERIFYINGSCANNINGREADINGWRITING[2][Keep old Disk Configuration|or take new Settings?][ KEEP | TAKE ]OK DMA Error Time-Out Write-ProtectedLost Data RNF/Seek Error Bad Checksum .0UU[1][Sector is damaged|and free!][ MARK BAD ]but used!][ NOTICED ]4IBM Soft Formatting Sectors marked as bad[2][Write Error on Track!|Format it and try again?][ YES | NO ]SideTrackStatus:[1][Cannot write the FATs!| ][ RETRY | ABORT ][1][Cannot read|Disk-Configuration!][ ABORT ][3][ Interruption!][ ABORT | CONT ][0][ X: Source Disk| ][ SCAN | ABORT ][2][ Sectors are bad.][ MARK | LEAVE ][0][ X: Source Disk| ][ COPY | ABORT ][0][X: Destination Disk | ][ COPY | ABORT ][0][X: Source Disk|X: Destination Disk | ][ COPY | ABORT ][0][ X: Destination Disk # | ][ COPY | ABORT ]| ][ COPY | ABORT | LAST ]ReadingWritingFormat. & WritingScanningNew ConfigurationCopying[3][Destination Disk is too small!|Copy as much as possible?][ COPY | ABORT ][1][Read Error on Partition X:][ RETRY | CONT | ABORT ][1][Write Error on Partition X:][ RETRY | CONT | ABORT ]Reading Drive X:Writing Drive X:[0][ X: Source Disk #KM PART_X #12[1][Not enough memory for|working with 'Streamer'!][ ABORT ][1][No Partitions found!][ ABORT ][2][Read from Partition|or write to Partition?][ READ | WRITE ]Select Source PartitionSelect Destination Partition[1][Partition is too small!|Write as much as possible?][ OK | ABORT ][1][Partition is too big!|It will be suitable shortened.][ OK | ABORT ]Calculating[1][Please remove|WRITE-PROTECTION|on Source Disk X:][ OK | ABORT ][0][ X: Source Disk| ][ CHECK | ABORT ][1][ Disk contains an executable| Boot-Sector!| It could be a Virus!][ HEAL | EXAMINE | ABORT ]HP0123456789abcdefBoot-Sector Virus Buster[1][Not infected!][ PUHH! ]X:\\X2 P6fd RZ>"V*> ^ h> $~ r   "$VnX4~bHB n x"2 T  D    x .h&R (&> ,       J     : r L,, *z ` .  $v,H2bJ(. "$ :2:4$>  P  PH0D@4\0xB  4J< . 8&F < , j(*  $ N6@<      *   &"       X$  "  (VHB F  "   H  : 8:"(.    b (" 0 "`     h j&,$   ,,  (&( L  p800x000x000H00000`RH0`0000 Hepberg, der 28.12.1989 Willkommen zu FastCopy III Faster than Light 0. Programm-Info Konzept, Layout, Dokumentation und Entwicklung Martin Backschat Beta-Tester Rupert Kaiser & "Gogl", Manfred Messner und Stephan Englhardt Titelbild-Grafik Ralph Seth Dank an Alle, die zur Entwicklung von FastCopy III beitrugen, Alle, die konstruktive Kritik ben, Alle, die das Projekt finanziell untersttzen, Alle, die FastCopy 2.00 finanziell untersttzten, und so ebenfalls indirekt zum III.ten Teil beitrugen, 1. Installation FastCopy luft als Programm und als Accessory. Um es im Desktop zu starten, mu es >>FCOPY_3.PRG<< heien. Damit es beim Einschalten vom TOS als Accessory erkannt wird, mssen Sie es in >>FCOPY_3.ACC<< umbenennen und in das Hauptinhaltsverzeichnis der Boot-Diskette (A: fr Laufwerke bzw. C: fr Festplatten) kopieren. 2. Bedienung Eine kurze bersicht aller Funktionen von FastCopy finden Sie im Programm unter dem Menpunkt >>Help<<. Um die vielfltigen Funktionen auszuschpfen, ist die Anleitung allerdings unumgnglich. Fr den Betrag von 40 Mark schicke ich Ihnen gerne umgehend die ausfhrliche, deutschsprachige gedruckte Anleitung und die neuste FastCopy-Version auf Diskette zu. Zustzlich bernehme ich Ihre Adresse in die Update-Liste, so da Sie im Falle einer neuen Version diese sofort erhalten. 3. Rechtliches zu FastCopy III A) FastCopy ist Freeware. Das heit jeder darf es kostenlos kopieren und benutzen. PD-Versande und andere Anbieter, die PD- bzw. Free-Ware verkaufen, sind hiervon ausgeschlossen. Es sei denn, der Anbieter entrichtet eine einmalige Lizenzzahlung von 250 Mark an den Autor. Wer dagegen verstt und ohne Lizenzzahlung FastCopy III verkauft, macht sich strafbar und wird von mir angezeigt. Denn ich finde es absolut unfair, wenn Leute von der harten Arbeit der Freeware-Autoren profitieren, und die Autoren selbst keine mde Mark sehen. B) FastCopy darf nur als ganzes Paket kopiert werden. Darunter mssen sich unbedingt folgende unverflschte Dateien befinden: FCOPY_3.PRG - Das ausfhrbare Kopierprogramm und/oder FCOPY_3.ACC FCOPY_3.DOC - Dieser Text im Wordplus-Format FCOPY_3.TXT - Dieser Text im ASCII-Format FCOPY_3.EDC - Englischer Text im Wordplus-Format FCOPY_3.ETX - Englischer Text im ASCII-Format 4. Was tun wenn... Fr alle, die noch nicht die Anleitung besitzen, hier ein paar ntzliche Tips: Was tun wenn... ...das Formatieren nicht klappt, viele Tracks defekt sind! Einige Laufwerke, vorallem alte 5-Zoll-Laufwerke, knnen Schwierigkeiten mit dem Fast-Format haben. In diesem Fall empfehle ich, mittels auf das normale und sichere Formatieren ("Format Dest.") umzuschalten. ...ich ein Fremdformat (z.B. Spectre-128, Minix) kopieren will? Bei TOS-fremden Formaten (abgesehen von MS-DOS- Disketten) sollten Sie zunchst immer die automatische Formaterkennung ("Read Disk Conf.") mittels ausschalten. Lesen Sie in der Anleitung des entsprechenden Emulators (z.B. Spectre, Minix) nach, welches Format die Disketten besitzen und stellen Sie dieses im Feld "Set Disk Configuration" ein. ...das Kopieren nur belegter Sektoren (Get Sectors: used) nicht klappt? Dafr kann es verschieden Grnde geben: a. Die Diskette besitzt ein Fremdformat In diesem Fall siehe oberes Problem... b. Die FAT der Diskette ist defekt FastCopy kann die Tabelle, in der steht, welcher Sektor frei, belegt oder defekt ist (FAT) nicht lesen. In diesem Fall schalten Sie mittels auf den "Get Sector: all"-Modus um. Hier beachtet FastCopy die FAT nicht. ...die Stepraten-Einstellung immer nur den Wert 3 ms liefert? Die Stepraten-Einstellung nimmt FastCopy mit Hilfe des TOS vor. Dabei untersttzt es allerdings nur die offiziellen Versionen 1.0, 1.2 (Blitter-TOS), 1.4, 1.6 (STE) und spter. Alle anderen knnen Probleme machen. In diesem Fall entweder auf die Stepraten- Einstellung verzichten (3 ms) oder ein offizielles TOS booten. The final Note: Alle, denen FastCopy zu einer wertvollen Hilfe geworden ist, knnen Honorierungen und/oder kontruktive Kritik an folgende Adresse senden: Martin Backschat Bergstr. 16 8071 Hepberg (siehe dazu auch Menpunkt >>Help<<, 3. Seite, FastCopy III) . .. KEYMAC ACC_:RAMFREE ACC RAT_TRAPACC SPEEDMUSACC NOTEPAD ACC\\-DIGWATCHACC yACALC ACC"PUZZLE ACCzuKCALNDR ACC uRTINYTOOLACCuZ'TINYTOOLDOCudCRAB ACC{uBREAKOUTACC {5CRAB RSC!{`8.|$6N/<NANVBn0. @!l @/p0(m lN`.`*``````|`` ``l0. @/"@/ ) rN j"@, !@ " A+"") A+#P") A+#P-@`,0. @/"@/ ) "@+!Q NqA/0.H//N|PRn`N^NuNVp/p /NP=@N:2.HgpN^Nu0.H /r /NPp/p /NP/@N:"/g0.H/r /NPpN^Nu0.H/r /NPpN^NuNVHN #8Hy3,/N P#8ap/N:XA2Bn0. @l\H/@ @4 /"@5N @5NB"/ A22 A/"h @5N "Rn`BnNf )fdaJg\=|BHy2p=/N:O =@HJk0Hy5N/<@/r?/N:O0.H/r>/N:PNHy8N HX098 @(f098H8fJngHy8Hy8Hy8Hy8Hy/NO098H298H498H698H////x/////NO$098H/@rN &298HЁ498H/@ /A rN &298HЁ//////v/////,v/NO$098H298H498H698H////x/BHy/NOp/Hy/NP=@ @ fBp/NPHy2pA/N:PBHy2p/N:Pp//NP0.H/@rN j @/0( @1@ 098H298H498H698H////B//Hy/NO n g nfN`N098H/@rN &298HЁ498H/@ /A rN &298HЁ//////v/////,v/NO$098H298H498H698H////x////x/NO$`Hy3>p/NpP`B?< NA\#$N y$J/9$N?< NA\BNuB?< NA\#$N?<"NNT @"h#$>&)C#$F?<?<NNX#$:k#$J/9$N?< NA\ NuB?< NA\#$N?<"NNT @# $B!|: /9$N?< NA\ 9$BNuB?< NA\#$N?<"NNT @!y$B /9$N?< NA\Nu y$:C$y$>)g$gH aL g)NNu)J9$RgS9$R&y$FN eG3$R`f&y$Jg?G3~3JkIG4&sJgf62(XAheBAhg@$h%1AJfNuC3#$V O0/@11g"HS@4TBB$0 g/`?S@j?(NA.y$VNuC4z#$V O0/@11g"HS@4TBB$0 g/`?S@j?(NM.y$VNuC4#$V O0/@11g"HS@4TBB$0 g/`?S@j?(NN.y$VNuH<*g2jD(g(jDBv㒴eRQ"jDjD`BBL1o<1o:1o81o61o41o 21o01|1|1|1|NA"oH22"oL24"oP26"oT28"oX2:"o\2<0(0HNuA1o 21o01|1|Bh1|NA0(0HNuA1o 0!o01|1|1|1|NA0(0HNuA1o21o 0!o01|1|1|1|NA0(0HNuA1o21o 0!o01|1|1|1| NA0(0HNuA1o21o 0!o01|1|1|1|!NA0(0HNuA!o 41o 0!o01|1|1|1|"NA0(0HNuA!o01o01|1|1|1|#NA0(0HNuA1o21o 0!o01|1|1|1|(NA0(0HNuA1o 0!o01|1|1|1|)NA0(0HNuA1o:1o81o61o41o21o 0!o01|1|1|1|*NA0(0HNuA1o61o41o21o 0!o01|1|1|1|+NA0(0HNuA1o 0!o01|1|1|1|,NA"o 22"o240(0HNuA1o21o 0!o01|1|1|1|-NA0(0HNuA1o61o41o21o 0!o01|1|1|1|.NA"o220(0HNuA1o&>1o"<1o:1o81o61o41o21o 0!o01|1|1|1|/NA0(0HNuA1o 0!o01|1|1|1|2NA0(0HNuA1o&@1o">1o<1o:1o81o61o41o 21o01| 1|1|1|3NA0(0HNuA!o01o01|1|1|1|4NA0(0HNuA1o01|1|Bh1|5NA0(0HNuA!o0Bh1|1|1|6NA"o22"o 24"o26"o280(0HNuA1o61o41o 21o01|1|Bh1|FNA"o22"o240(0HNuA1o">1o<1o:1o81o61o41o 21o01|1|Bh1|GNA"o$22"o(240(0HNuA1o:1o81o61o41o 21o01|1|Bh1|HNA0(0HNuA1o">1o<1o:1o81o61o41o 21o01|1|Bh1|INA0(0HNuA1o">1o<1o:1o81o61o41o 21o01|1|Bh1|JNA0(0HNuA1o61o41o 2!o01|1|1|1|KNA0(0HNuA1o41o21o 0!o01|1|1|1|LNA0(0HNuABh1|Bh1|MNA"o22"o24"o 26"o280(0HNuA!o01o01|1|1|1|NNA0(0HNuABh1|Bh1|ONA"o22"o24"o 26"o280(0HNuA!o0Bh1|1|1|nNA0(0HNuABh1|Bh1|oNA0(0HNuA1o 21o01|1|Bh1| 1|pNA"o "0Bh 0(0HNuA!o 01o 21o01|1|1|1|qNA0(0HNuA1o 0!o01|1|1|1|rNA0(0HNu"0<sNBNu"0<NBNu1.01 A: ______________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXB: ______________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXC: ______________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXD: ______________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXE: ______________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXF: ______________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXG: ______________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXH: ______________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXI: ______________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXJ: ______________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXK: ______________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXL: ______________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXM: ______________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXN: ______________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXO: ______________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXP: ______________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXQ: ______________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXR: ______________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXS: ______________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXT: ______________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXU: ______________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXV: ______________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXW: ______________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: ______________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXY: ______________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXZ: ______________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXKeyboard Macros - press (ALT) keyENABLEPublic Domain Software - Jack Andersen, ST/OP, DK 1987DISABLESAVE SETUP$Z$[$}$$$$$%% %!%C%b%c%%%%%%& &(&)&K&j&k&&&&&&''0'1'S'r's''''''((8(9([(z({(((((()!)@)A)c))))))***)*H*I*k******++0+7+n+o+p+x""" " """""" "!"#"$%&"'()"*+,"-./"012"345"678"9:;"<=>"?@A"BCD"EFG"HIJ"KLM"PQR I E !#!!#!!#! ! #! !  #!  ! #! ! #!!#!!#! !# ! !# ! !# ! !# !N!O=I S3%TA:KEYSETUP.INF  Keyboard Macros[1][Accessory will not run on|this version of TOS...][ CANCEL ]  (`   .        &   &    : N@@@00 0*..:."(>(*0000*0*H<*0<T*T*"".4L@LL66.*0".0*$`.| N BBNA"/0<NBNu# NA/9 NuNVBBJlDRBJ lD RB0. -@0.2. 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Selecting RESET will logically enough reset all settings to their default values. To exit without saving the new settings, click on the window close gadget. CPanel is a desktop accessory and cannot therefore be loaded in the normal point-double click fashion. The file CPANEL.ACC must be copiedf to the top directory ( A:\ ) of your boot disk and then the machine reset. After a few seconds disk access, CPanel will load and you will be prompted as to whether you wish a RAM disk to be configured. Once the Desktop appears, move the mouse pointer to the DESK menu and select the CPanel menu item. CPanel is a Public Domain program, feel free to distribute it amongst your fellow ST owners. . r.. rSPOOL33KPRGrSPOOL64KPRGrSPOOL ARCr`  o,<ܨ ܨܨ~pA<0k< n @`JGf~ Hp ܇3/<|?<-?<NMP#/<l?<?< NNPBg/?<1NA$OfNj]J jf0 jf("y3##2* aB"y/?#Ns jf jfpa4(aȴhfpNs yNF'a4(hf.f(EA<@< @pNu4(anhg"P 1BpNu 9мpF#hfܰbpNuHa$4(hga&$P2 a1BLNsACNuRBhetNuDaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa`  o,<ܨ ܨܨ~pA<0k< n @`JGf~?Hp ܇3/<|?<-?<NMP#/<l?<?< NNPBg/?<1NA$OfNj]J jf0 jf("y3##2* aB"y/?#Ns jf jfpa4(aȴhfpNs yNF'a4(hf.f(EA<@< @pNu4(anhg"P 1BpNu 9мpF#hfܰbpNuHa$4(hga&$P2 a1BLNsACNuRBhetNuDSPOOL33K.PRGy  `4H@o`c`P` : `"5`UL3~xF#f^q;4EZ/*"b 8i`uE+ 8* Xc8 B Ypj ` A!"@f|19cQ2T #~daY('s# lb1f0( -4D 1A]NwoP m"< @ @NDf3@ B_ .Єp,7 ,<(<Ձ9 0a PH a aL|sA ?BLG@@~rPD s|p @OSPOOL64K.PRGy n `4H@o`c`P` : `"5`UL3~xF#f^q;4EZ/*"b 8i`uE+ 8* Xc8 B Ypj ` A!"@f|19cQ2T #~daY('s# lb1f0( -4D 1A]NwoP m"< @ @NDf3@ B_ .Єp,7 ,<(<Ձ9 0a PH a aL|sA ?BLG@@~rPD A h?b`QL` Efv*oM m HPHUBg?<JNA(m)m -:gS)@ -OK1PC#HN:Hx?<HNA@)@l/?<HNA)@h&@)@XЬl)@d)@`ARCpr Ѝ"QHNFALN^Hz2?< NA\pdAxr0XQ)K\NNJrBjNuHz?<&NN\CAp$L Qp NBlJpNNpMN9@pdAr 0Q0tr N 9lNupealp`NuaNJHz?<&NNBWNANC2A@p222NrҌ0<NB0,rNurA9Ar`v C9Cr`rt9@9A9BNrrҌpsNB0,Nu9@N`rDҌpsNBNuC2 @ e @}bA@p222Nr,Ҍ0<NBNu Hn 2$4BBNuAd RdQRB BbABJk 0NuJBjBBXNu 0Nu 2$NuE`B<gJEgEjCDEDF Fe( F dF8BCHC` F0bFHC8v` HD8HDkDуdQRBNuDdBDA@kgAр[SBk0NuJlJBk&Nu0g H@rB JkЀ[` BbNuJBj prtNuHPAJgPpr$< _Nup _NpNNuCDEJEgJBgJjBEBQ*HE?<>0rHGGdHGGdSWDуdi\?<>0rHGGdHGGdSWDуdiN?<>0rHGGdHGGdSW2 H@N?<,>CEdGH@0r`?<`JBgVB&8TTDуdQRBNuDAр&AdRAрAрDуNuprt|=|  g +g -f .g20  b 0e 9b da`RF` .f 0e 9b dajSF` Eg efX +g -f 0e 9oSH`00  b&Hz0  b E Do`HJjDDDS4</NJFkSFk&aQN`Ha"FFaQL8N6.JgtBnNupr$<NuJBk4<rpAC v JBgJjv-| Bb BkH>aaNRFBdL8?N<JBga2SF Be BgQRB`ApdR e <rRF&0xafEv+0JFjDFv-Hƌd0BFHF 0HF0ANuprt|`2:HQ A dJf`CfSHj-D@Hd0H@H 0H@0`fSC\fS , @a"C]fApNNNHP?< NA\NuH@aa/a a Nu@0 9c^Nu| PC>$Erreur # ][Arrt]\f.B &lX)K\)ld` lp ,BQjNup(NV"l`Yd&-KNN,"l`YepN&#k"C-KN"Cփk փk2##`փk"`2`$Y8gHRDD*D%H8#$c2g# HRDD%H` <N0CNHxNPLEASE INSERT DISKHPNOKr"_ N+@?<BgBg?<BgB -/?<NN -NN&.pa G g><A Gg<B Ggrpa h PK Aaa=n&=|Bn&a=|=|&a=|-|a:&-|Vg*p n4g (,H?a0n(=|ra:@ k ak4/aj <rFAa8A8a0 aL <AlaA8a=| =|&a,-|af~:.|arka@ .2H@anRF Fc=En|`a`A:\*.* C8 Q *g fA8Nu| A`H|af (g,A0-JL>Nu0-S@k a>aBm`pAx`/-a0-R@a _S@`HCxfpaL?NuH;@A,+H/?<NA\PLNu?<Hmx?<NNAPBm m (.gJ@LNuHxxJmf?<ONAT`HAxaFaJ$HCf\ mAfSAfLNuHAxaa"HafLNuJfNuHmxc (:g \fJNuH8?Hn8?<6NAPB .8<FB".<FBJBLNuH n4gIC&tRBQf=B-|=@&=A(=n&a LNuN=| =n&=|&` Npa b=|=|&=n&a =|=n&Bn&a aJn^g A n^fA2Sn^pX"<`N Formatting Disk Region (Area):Verifying Disk Region (Area): HHz` HHzHyNNPLNuBhpa na6`V#?< `LNCTNu#pa@a aPBn^a`rLpa$=|^ npfRn^a za"Jnfa a`Npa . na a n`fPNuNpra h -Pb` .#MB=|6p0.z>g"A@8| 9Q:A80<2.6a0.zgR@aN0<2.6a0.zga40<p2.6ap0.zg"a A@ ( f|00<2.6aJn^fR .(r a \ <"<avJ.f> .r".0ŀnre=@ra `e=|,0.uaAF0000=||=n&a 6 n&f >J.gzXL.ma `MBz&g 3 AH p <l"<` 2 > J V bReading Writing Formatting I\O Error Verifying #Bn,Bnz0<a BnzNu#=|,Bnz0.raBnzNu#nzgJ.f? -|=|=n&=n,&a &"<$< n4g-|rBn=n&=nz&nY&=A(0=@z@YS@=@*=B,aԠ NugA8 <0H@<0@BhNuNa lHz?<&`#NN\BgNA:CEA0ka<4`Rnn( n+cn$RnRnRn nJngPNupJhfR@X`#H {Ap(Ta`(  Y / b > <$[1][|Next Destination Disk in Dr. a, Please! ][ OK | Read ][3][|Unreadable Disk Dr. a! ][ OK | Quit ][1][ | ATTENTION! Disk a will be erased if CLR is Selected! ][ Quit | Bootsec.| CLR ][1][|Source Disk in Drive a, Please! ][ OK ][1][|Destination Disk Dr. a, Please! ][ OK ]3[3][ | An Invalid Boot Sector on the Disk in Dr. a! ][ Retry | Quit ]=[3][|Variable Cluster Size! ! ! ! ! ][ Go On | Quit ]-[1][|Insufficient number of Sectors in Dr. a! ][ Go On | Quit ][1][|The Directory of the Dest. Disk is smaller than the Source Disk! ][ Go On | Quit ]j[1][Allow Use of Defective|Sectors in FAT? |ATTENTION! Disk will be erased! ! ! ][ Go On | Quit ][1][Place Source Disk in Dr a, Please! ][Thanx]I[3][Terminate operation and|Return to the Menu? |][ Go On | Menu ]0Z/YVUQRW>Z (08HPXx ,4DL3478<;?@DCFGUVWX]^ab  !"#efghijklopstuvwxyzQR&'()+,-.}~KJMN  !"#QRQRDCFGDF<;;  !"#QRQRDCFGDF<;<;QRR<;<DCFGDCFG?@?@DCFG?@@DFDCFGDCFGDCFGDF !" !"# !""##H"<60<NBLNu#H"<5psNBLNu:HzHz -| =|Ba-|M-|a=n&&=|nBn?<`#NAT @l=@Nu#-|4-|Bn=@&-H&a\=n&Nu#Apa-Ha,paRpaL nprap`#pa2p`,#(HJTg602 na`N(HJTgF0aF8`N-|/-|Bn=@&-n*-n.=A2=n.4-H&a=n&NuN2paB0( Nu-|n-|Bn-|f&a|=n&Nuhyperco.rscN @g2/ K*p*:K&::a>K& UK&JU*_Nu/ n"DNuN-|6-|Bn-H&a-n(-n,NuN-|3 =|B=@&B(B,-n0-n4a=n&NuN-|2-|Bn-H&Bn&a=n&=n&`Nu#-|*-|Bn=@&=A(-n*-n.-H&aT=n&Nu-|N-|Bn=@&-H&a*=n&NuHP?< `NA\NuHy`NAXNu?<NATNuLH@A8CD xv "tRBjЁ BfJCg JDf ` x|/QQLA8Nu;B@'d Jnf2.paT nNu0.nf2.p`6aQBn =|v=nA/-H-HBn=|JnfJnfa=naj`=|=|JngBnBnBnrBn -|MJnfa=n=n=n=|PQaQa =n =n=n =naaa&=n -n=n=n-|MJnf>Jnf8Jnf2 n0.0ng=Gpa$>.Ⱦn4da|o=Bpa >.nop2.a nfNu=n=nJng`=n0AR=X=X=X=X0ra =|,=|^=nana"Qanaa=nZraBn^-naaaJnfa0aBnBnBnBna4PC 0.$R@a0.2a/0.$ah Ѯ0.a\0.4ap0.(H@J@g2.’@?n Aa40a0. n:H"H=@ HA=A nQ`NS@ nr"Q& O~ngQNu#/.C H-I=n=|=na>aLL-_Jng nfRn`n0.HЀѮNu#=|`nBn,paa=| Q?.?.?.?.?.B/.?.`LNCOJNu#=| ?.HyeC!?.?.?.?.?.BHn ?< `LNCONu#0.nfp2.`;n $mx*<e<<>- a gpa B;|a .SGzGanaazNuBhapk=@;@ @zpa 0.nfRJnfLEx\*<z<<a f*av <hѭRm Ɵm fJnfaJngPaa hPa0.`Znp.z`NnQ|;NuBha n f=|P|'Nu:HzHz?<&`#NN\P`&NuBha:Q=n npf$-|raF=|tBnQaa`naaaa+o;o ;o ;o ;o ;o ;n ~>- p oޭ+GC Jm gC -I|JQjBQa(ag2?- ?aDL/Q;|>- a,m m m .Nup/;|aFSGz;|"n|>a|a0- HA ! mf!m Bm>.m`xJnfa0- H`#rfrf rg2- ;A NuHHS@gJ.g@S@r hLNuH0.vQ@n2.J.grAA fJ(gJf@LNuApBQNu~ m gJ.g~Nu#a;G@?>< Q>FNu#a;F`#a0-`#><;|a~Qa>-`#HaLNu#HaP=m =m =m aHQLNu#a`A;|;m Ɔ;| Qm m m ;|;|;|;G;|;Fm m m -g"Sfa6Sm j;| Nu#fam m m ;|0-@f ;|0-Nu#a/A;|;m ƆQm m m ;| ;|;|;|;G;|;Fm m m -g&Sn*apSm j;| Nu# daT;|0-g*a f\Nu#;|a"aTg aa@fpNu#Pa `#0.J.gpQ nf=|t+n;@ `<;nt Ɛm R@;@ Q0.xgm PntJ.g n0- a+H;n `#;n Rm Sm fHJ.gD;| p0.tnxS@m o,;@ J.g+nQ0.tS@J.g @e]ntpNu#ne0.‘nt`#0.Jm g0...|-||;|af.<aSg-fa|Nu#a|Nu#-||AM;| ;| NuN;| ;|>- ab|ajf@"n|2 NuN;| af;|~a2`#HQa|a0@aFf |f"n|BQ"_NuN>- "n|2;| ;|a|afpNuNahpaJ.f- a.gpaa`#a =|,=|t nfa n d=|taJJng nfRn0.n 0.no nA(o ng A(o`#;n ;n ;| +n=n;n afa0.H {N-<aaxk`#aCaJngJnfaa`Z#aPapaCEx*<z<<ag Sm j2 aN <hѭafNuNapa"J.fTaa6Ex\*<z<<alfda <hѭRm Ɵm fJnfaJnf6`#ah=|tBn,Q n d=|ta>Jng nfRn0.nl0.‘n n dJnfa`z#;n ;n ;| +n=n;n aa^0.H {N/?`PaJkpa`<#aCa$JnfJnfLaJng@2<`#a(JnfpaHEx\*<z<<a$fTJ.ga <hЭ+@f4aRfNuNH?- ?abXLHaL NuNPa6`#aLC+|O~0.Jng0.ntd=|tQapaEx*<z<<agaRSm jHQa"_2 afNuN|' nf;| aabaf:a0;| a@f*Jng m fRm 0.m b`#A V$X  JfNuN;o ;o ;o apa^aaxfJ.g nf^ npgaJnf>Jm g6aJng*PAG'r2.RA m ’n$n$nSAJ.f &JPgXSCkJTCC70`#A VE6C 0 fBA V` aaa`.#apa;| ;| $nlEJngExD ndx@*<,<~;|;|Ԇ`#at~NuNu#r a&   QaNu#;| v$mG VaXI Q nf;| nfQ6.v;| ;| J.g;| Զ|e]C=CvJm gr.pNa08r a:&  ;D apRGa0"< Gf"<J.g@ARAQA0a e dpPJ.f nnPQ`:  Qr'pNa nf2RDJ.fm mPPm om Ըnvf:J.fa`m ָm o"RCm o nfanpnv @ e| =@v"<TҭpNB-Jl;| Jm fpQNuN;n ;| ;n "n+|O~;| agag ng=|t nf=|tJ.gLJ.gDpaRI  nfa`0 n e( f"A Jg  fA Jf|Qg na4+H;@ =@t2.J.grUAntdBntTnt nf=|tEx\*<z<<agav`:parpaNuNrpNar parp`NuapaBm Bm aaaLA +HaxaA p (fp ( >g0.=@`CD$E$G$H$CDD$G$I$J$>?`8Loader3p> TOS IMG3?9F?<NMXOJg*@AJf 20-HЀ8@0:g<:8:&z`<- 8-m&zaf L0-HHAC| mp 01fQ~(O(,zN&zFB|lR6UCm |@lJDgEgaHfB<:Bmm4JG6 I6 gI|>`JDga f/:NuBNu?9F??/ Bg?<NMJ@NuNeuter Booter (C)1985 Atari Corp. JnfJnf nAa=@NuH`HPp0.$r 0.HHPC aRrt Qm QnBQJYg$Rn _C ad _C aZ SLNuH瀀 n0.@ 0.H@H@LNuJ.gp ra nfrDNuHAC>Eg6rI+`HACEgrI$+`aLNuHMB+_=_-_Nh+HpA"O0Q+|4VxaAaLp-ta@a  tA8QA;SBnA8Nu0123456789ABCDEFaaA`aaA`ڸNA'+Ha2a:Ia;F =F$n44pa0gVA'CHRan(_(X4,at9Baja;n aVJf*a+T;|~,aFl aVJgSm j@ I(Sm n-Ta ;|>- ` a$T+J BnpNu+JpNu$maP;|;m ƆQm m m ;|;|;|;|;|;|Bm m m -go nmam m m ;|0-a@- `H nTH"X+H-Ia&paEx*<<<~ajgapa `H f (f" (f` g gRnLNu8`rTЊ  `z4|@<|P"t& F $h F*NEW ART Hyper CopyFormatter V 2.00*General Parameters*Sides 2 Sided 1 Sided No. Tracks4041424380818283VerifyIn OutSec./Track12345678910HyperStepr. A/B01230123Copy ParametersSource Drive ABDest. Drive ABFormat Dest. Dr?OKNo Multiple Copy?OKNo From/To Side 2112Err. Modify/RetryIn Out01Change Format?OKNo Copy Modes1234Format ParametersDest. DrABExecutable Boot.?OKNo Interleave12345678Sectors/Cluster 12Sect./Directory12345678DiskNameIn OutSector Byte Length1282565121024Format Modes 1234Copy Format.DirectoryAnalyzeCheckDiskBoots./CLRExitHyper CopyFormatterVersion 2.00Translated by HAR BILLY Programmed By : Martin Kreck and Jrgen Deisenroth Exit NEW ART Hyper CopyFormatterDrive: ASide: 00Track: 00Sectors: 00Buffer Indicator KB Info : Buffer PictorialTo interrupt, press the right mouse button!D_aBytes free:Bytes used: Exit Insert Disk Name! !OK___________DiskName: ________.___FFFFFFFFFFFQuit NEW ART Hyper CopyFormatterATTENTION ! ! !This program will only run in High or Medium resolution!! The authors would be gratefull for information as how to change resolution from within the program and having GEM still function. OK? 1QAp~ HB!B!B$B(B(B(B(B(B(B)z.B(B(BBBChChC(B(BBH!p~A?? 1QAp~ HB!B!B$B(B(B(B(B(B(B)z.B(B(BBBChChC(B(BBH!p~A?8| -UU[Zo    ? -UU[Zo    ? -UU[Zo    ?h(X(H'2' &G]^*6M a}~0#M  1$1Y BJ0 F_  f o  x&  1        & $#1  !"# % *&)  '()% /+. ,-.* Y0TC% 10 b 25344 26 97886!:#=;<<4:7><A?@@K>NBS ECDDaBcHFGGeEgIiLJKK{IOMNNLPSQRRPT /UXVWXT ZC%% [0 ~  \_]^^\`cabb`d melfghijk l dn qoppnr{szt.u0v2w4x6y8 z: r<|>}~~G|KObfjn sY  J    ) 4 %? c,   (  0(  !0(   "     '7 cA  = ?\ f p z, # C; 9   ! *  cM  0' *0' 8 0&     ?     ?   ' a) %  '    %Y  ## !    /  O 'e  2. t7.. tMONOEMU DOCt8MONO_EMUPRGt>,MONO_EMUS t@W* This is the documentation for MONO_EMU.PRG v5.00 Mick West 20th November 1988 The mono emulator lets you use the high resolution mode on the atari ST, using a normal TV or monitor - i.e., you don't have to fork out 150 on an Atari SM125 High-rez mono monitor, if you want to run programs that normally only run in high resoution. The main use of the Mono Emulator is in running the large number of public domain mono-only programs. But there are also some commercial programs such as Signum and PCB Designer that also only run in monochrome. This is the fifth major version of the program. The first was printed in Popular Computing Weekley in Vol 6 Nos 43 & 44. This version has a number of improvements: o It will now run on any TOS, anywhere in the world o It can (must actually) be run from an AUTO folder o It works with SNAPSHOT.ACC and other similar programs o It is twice as fast as versions 1 and 2 o It does not crash if you run it on a mono monitor so you can leave it in the AUTO folder How to use it. -------------- Just copy it ( MONO_EMU.PRG ) into an AUTO folder. Then boot from this disk. It will load automatically and display a short message. There will be a prompt at the bottom of the screen asking you to input a number from 10 to 80. This controls how often the screen is updated and also, how much your program is slowed down by the emulator. An input of 10 gives a rather jerky display, but there is no noticeable decrease in speed. Using 80, is very smooth but the ST runs at about 56% of its normal speed If you just press " Return", you will get the default setting of 40, the ST will run at 75% of its normal speed and the display will be quite smooth enough. After entering the speed, you should be returned to a monochrome desktop with a grey background and little icons. You should now be able to load and run any monochrome program. The mono emulator uses about 34K of memory, so if you have only got 512K of RAM then you may encounter problems with some of the larger programs. This is more likely if you have some desk accessories loaded. You should use the mono emulator from an AUTO folder. If you simply load the program in the normal way, you will get a squashed half-screen version of the desktop. If you now go up to the Options menu, select "Set Preferences" and then click "OK", you will get the normal mono desktop back, but the menus and the dialog boxes will be squashed. Most odd! It does occasionally crash when trying to set up the machine to the right resolutions, it should work the next time it is run. It does not do this very often. Auto Folder Problems -------------------- The ST sometimes gets very confused with it's auto folder. If you find that it crashes for no apparent reason then copy the programs out of the auto folder, delete the folder, create it again and copy the programs back in again, one at a time. The ST will run these programs in the order in which you put them in the folder, not in the order they appear in a directory window. It is probably a good idea to put the Mono Emulator in first, so the machine will be correctly configured when the other AUTO programs are run. History ------- Version 0 - July 1987, Wanting to get a demo of PCB Designer to run I experiment with various methods and after two days I get one to work, thus the MONO EMULATOR is born. I am quite pleased with it and wonder if it could possibly be of much use to anyone. I send it off to PCW with little hope. Version 1 - October 1987, Published in Popular Computing Weekly, uses hundreds of ROM calls and is rather slow. I sell about 150 copies at four pounds each Version 2 - June 1988, The new ROMS start to proliferate, I write version 2 to run on the new ROMS using one ROM call. Very few version twos are sent out. Version 3 - June 1988, I have a flash of insight and make it twice as fast. Version 3 spreads across the world. Robtek start selling a Mono Emulator for 40 pounds, I realise I may have made a minor marketing error. But I have never heard of anyone buying the Robtek version. Version 4 - Sept 1988, I discover that it was defaulting to speed 10 on the new ROMs, I remove this bug and stop it slowing down during disk accesses. Only one copy of version 4 is sent out. Version 5 - November 1988, Having been flooded by letters along the lines of : "Das Monoemulator c'est nicht funkzioneert" from the continent and the USA I sit down and work out how to make it work with any TOS. This, I think, will be the final version. Robtek are bankrupt. Every ST owner in britian has a copy. I have recieved two contributions for shareware one from the USA, the other from Sweden. I sometimes wonder if making it Public Domain was a good idea. How many copies would have sold at a tenner a go? In the depths of depression and strickened with poverty, I am forced to go and work for 'Binary Design'. If you want to write to me with any problems, praise, comments, money (it is shareware you know, and it saved you 150 quid), or anything else then write to: MICK WEST 27, LYNTON DRIVE SHIPLEY. WEST YORKSHIRE, BD18 3DJ ENGLAND Distribute! `> o,<ܨ ܨܨ/?<NNT|f ,?<NAB?< NA\#L/<h?< NA\/<?< NA\h/<h?< NA\0<(J9igL 9igB@9j@0o| n BA9kA0m| nA|Pn3#NT#.#p:#X3(\3`EfCF0<'$QX4 +@N#P?</p3dJydf`#p##2p/9L?< NA\ Bg/?<1NAH`$Of Nj0*|g8|g<|f>5| * g*#P%| ` 9PLNs0<LNsLNH33B33D9@g3w@3F`3@3wFB99&@ yP"yTg K#P $HP$9X2<J9>f29\aPPXy` y`f&#X}}}3`QLNBydNs22NuNqEThe Mono Emulator - Mick West 1988 V5.00. Should be in AUTO Folder Will run with any TOS This is Shareware Send Money and Problems to: Mick West 27 Lynton Drive, Shipley, BD18 3DJ ENGLAND Feel free to give away copies of this But please copy the whole folder Enter speed (10 to 80, Return = 40) GENFMEDTMONOPXENDfINPUTMEDOKXBIOSGETREZINLOOPNINVERTfNOT2000VBLANK2DEFAULTMESSAGEhMONOPOSXNOTHIGH0NOTUSERVBLEXIT4COPYMOVEGENMOVE1NOINVERTvPHYSBASESCANPOKEMONOCOUNH`TMONOLINEH\SSAVESTACHLKXBIOSPOKH,ENORM_XBIH(OSVBLANKPOH8KERASTER_FHdLAGWAIT_RASHnTERSIMPLE_VH>BLANK<  &(  fx ; The Auto Mono Emulator. V5.00 By Mick West. November 20th 1988. ; Routine to make the ST think it is in mono mode. Needs TOS in ROM ; Makes the system think that there is a mono screen, but actually ; be updating a medium real screen from this under Vblank interrupt ; The XBIOS calls; Physbase,Setscreen and Getrez are revectored. ; Put in an Auto Folder ; Works with any TOS in the entire world - hopefully MOVE.L 4(A7),A0 MOVE.L #$8400,D6 ; 32K for the screen ADD.L $C(A0),D6 ; plus the usual space ADD.L $14(A0),D6 ADD.L $1C(A0),D6 MOVE.L D6,-(SP) ; save length of program for later MOVE.W #4,-(SP) TRAP #14 ; Get screen Resolution ADDQ.L #2,SP CMP.W #2,D0 ; If not high then carry on BNE NOTHIGH MOVE.L (SP)+,D6 ; else tidy up the stack MOVE.W #0,-(SP) ; return ok to,GEM TRAP #1 ; Then exit back to desktop NOTHIGH: CLR.L -(SP) MOVE.W #32,-(SP) TRAP #1 ; Enter supervisor mode ADDQ.L #6,SP MOVE.L D0,SAVESTACK ; Save the supervisor stack MOVE.L #MESSAGE,-(SP) ; Address of start of message MOVE.W #9,-(SP) ; Print startup message TRAP #1 ADDQ.L #6,SP INLOOP: MOVE.L #INPUT,-(SP) MOVE.W #9,-(SP) ; Print input message TRAP #1 ADDQ.L #6,SP MOVE.B #3,MESSAGE ; Input length = 3 MOVE.L #MESSAGE,-(SP) MOVE.W #10,-(SP) TRAP #1 ; Input number ADDQ.L #6,SP MOVE.W #40,D0 ; Default = 40 TST.B MESSAGE+1 BEQ DEFAULT ; If len=0 CMP.B #1,MESSAGE+1 ; len of 1 not allowed BEQ INLOOP CLR.W D0 MOVE.B MESSAGE+2,D0 ; first digit SUB.W #48,D0 BLE INLOOP ; Too low CMP.W #9,D0 BGT INLOOP ; Too High (>100) MULU #10,D0 CLR.W D1 MOVE.B MESSAGE+3,D1 ; second digit SUB.W #48,D1 BLT INLOOP ; Too low CMP.W #9,D1 BGT INLOOP ; Too high ADD.W D1,D0 CMP.W #80,D0 BGT INLOOP ; Check less than 80 DEFAULT: MOVE.W D0,SCANPOKE+2 SUB.L A5,A5 MOVE.L $044E(A5),MED ; Set MED MOVE.L $B8,XBIOSPOKE+2 ; Get the old XBIOS address and MOVE.L $70,VBLANKPOKE+2 ; VBLANK and insert into new versions MOVE.L #0,MONOPOS ; Set offset to top of screen SCANPOKE: MOVE.W #40,MONOLINES ; Fourty lines per Vblank is default MOVE.W #0,MONOCOUNT ; Counter is set to zero LEA XEND,A2 ; A2 = pos of generated code LEA GEN,A1 ; A1 = pos of instructions to copy MOVE.W #39,D0 ; Generate the code GENMOVE1: MOVE.L (A1),(A2)+ ; Copys 40 of - MOVE.W (A0)+,(A1)+ DBF D0,GENMOVE1 ; and MOVE.W (A2)+,(A1)+ ADDQ.L #4,A1 MOVE.W (A1),(A2)+ ; Move the RTS MOVE.L A2,D0 ; A2 = start of free memory ADD.L #512,D0 ; Force it to a 512 byte boundry AND.L #$FFFFFE00,D0 MOVE.L D0,$044E(A5) ; And that is the monochrome screen MOVE.L D0,MONO ; Set MONO MOVE.W #$0002,-(SP) ; Hardware and Software to Mono MOVE.L #-1,-(SP) MOVE.L #-1,-(SP) MOVE.W #5,-(SP) TRAP #14 ; Set high resolution ADD.L #12,SP MOVE.L $70,A0 ; Save the old VBLANK MOVE.L #SIMPLE_VBLANK,$70 ; And set up mine MOVE.W #1,RASTER_FLAG ; Set raster flag to 'not occured yet' WAIT_RASTER TST.W RASTER_FLAG ; If still not occured BNE WAIT_RASTER ; then loop until a vbl does occur MOVE.B #1,$FF8260 ; Back to medium hardware after VBL MOVE.L A0,$70 MOVE.L #XBIOS,$B8 ; Set up the new XBIOS vector MOVE.L #VBLANK,$70 ; And the new VBLANK vector MOVE.L SAVESTACK,-(SP) ; Restore the Supervisor stack MOVE.W #32,-(SP) ; And go back to User mode TRAP #1 ADDQ.L #6,SP MOVE.L (SP)+,D0 ; Tidy stack CLR.W -(SP) ; Exit ok for GEM MOVE.L D0,-(SP) ; Length of program + data space MOVE.W #$31,-(SP) ; terminate and stay resident (TSR) TRAP #1 ; Finished this AUTO program ; This is the new XBIOS routine XBIOS: MOVEM.L A1/A2,-(SP) ; Save A1 and A2 MOVE.L SP,A2 ; A2 = the stack ADD.L #8,A2 ; offset over A1 and A2 BTST #5,(A2) ; Test if called from user mode BNE NOTUSER ; Skip if it is MOVE.L USP,A2 ; Otherwise get A2 = User stack SUB.L #6,A2 ; Offset it as if it were the SSP NOTUSER: MOVE.W $6(A2),D0 ; Get XBIOS instruction code CMP.W #2,D0 ; If it is _PHYSBASE BEQ PHYSBASE ; then jump to new PHYSBASE routine CMP.W #4,D0 ; If it is _GETREZ BEQ GETREZ ; then jump to new GETREZ routine CMP.W #5,D0 ; If it is NOT _SETSCREEN BNE NORM_XBIOS ; Then continue with the normal XBIOS MOVE.W #-1,16(A2) ; Else alter rez.W to -1 (No change) MOVE.L 12(A2),D0 ; Get the ploc.L parameter CMP.L #-1,D0 ; If it is -1 BEQ NORM_XBIOS ; then continue with normal XBIOS MOVE.L D0,MONO ; Otherwise, new value goes to MONO MOVE.L #-1,12(A2) ; Set ploc.L to -1 (no change) BRA NORM_XBIOS ; then norm BIOS deals with lloc.L PHYSBASE: MOVE.L MONO,D0 ; Get address of mono screen MOVEM.L (SP)+,A1/A2 ; Tidy stack RTE ; Return mono screen location GETREZ: MOVE.W #2,D0 ; Pretend we are in mono resolution MOVEM.L (SP)+,A1/A2 ; Tidy the stack RTE ; Return code for mono resolution NORM_XBIOS: MOVEM.L (SP)+,A1/A2 ; Tidy the stack up XBIOSPOKE: JMP $0.L ; And jump into the normal XBIOS ; This is the new VBLANK routine VBLANK: MOVEM.L D0-D7/A0-A6,-(SP) ; Save all registers MOVE.W #$333,$FF8242 ; Set up colours, grey for thin lines MOVE.W #$333,$FF8244 ; (1 vert mono pixel = 1 grey med pix) BTST #0,$FF8240 ; Check inverted BEQ INVERT ; Jump if so MOVE.W #$777,$FF8240 ; White background (normal) MOVE.W #$000,$FF8246 ; Black ink BRA NOINVERT INVERT: MOVE.W #$000,$FF8240 ; Black background (inverted) MOVE.W #$777,$FF8246 ; White ink NOINVERT: CLR.L D0 MOVE.B $FF8201,D0 ; Video base high LSL.L #8,D0 ; times 256 MOVE.B $FF8203,D0 ; Plus video base low LSL.L #8,D0 ; All times 256 MOVE.L D0,A3 ; Is the address of the Real screen MOVE.L MONO,A0 ; A0 = virtual mono screen MOVE.L MED,A1 ; A1 = real medium screen CMP.L A1,A3 ; Check if the real screen has moved BEQ MEDOK ; Skip this if not MOVE.L A3,A0 ; Get the new real screen address MOVE.L A0,MONO ; Set MONO From this MOVE.L A1,D0 ; And put the real screen back LSR.L #8,D0 ; to its origional position MOVE.B D0,$FF8203 LSR.L #8,D0 MOVE.B D0,$FF8201 MEDOK: MOVE.L A0,A2 ; A2 = mono start ADD.L #80,A2 ; plus 80, on to next line MOVE.L MONOPOS,D2 ; Get position in the screen RAM ADD.L D2,A0 ; Offset position in mono screen ADD.L D2,A2 ; And the other mono position ADD.L D2,A1 ; Offset pos in real medium screen MOVE.W #20,D1 ; default 20 lines / Vblank TST.B $43E ; Test flock system variable BNE COPYMOVE ; Set speed to 20 if using disk drive MOVE.W MONOLINES,D1 ; Otherwise get preset speed COPYMOVE: BSR XEND ; combine and move two mono lines ADD.L #80,A0 ; both need moving down another line ADD.L #80,A2 ; in the mono screen ADD.L #160,MONOPOS ; move down one medium/two mono lines ADD.W #1,MONOCOUNT ; count medium lines dome CMP.W #200,MONOCOUNT ; Done 200 medium/ 400 mono ? BNE NOT200 ; if not then skip MOVE.L #0,MONOPOS ; otherwise reset ram offset SUB.L #32000,A0 ; MONO position back to top of screen SUB.L #32000,A1 ; and the same for MEDIUM SUB.L #32000,A2 ; and the other MONO position MOVE.W #0,MONOCOUNT ; reset the counter NOT200: DBF D1,COPYMOVE ; loop round MONOLINES times VBLEXIT: MOVEM.L (SP)+,D0-D7/A0-A6 ; Restore all registers VBLANKPOKE: JMP $0.L ; Jump to normal VBLANK routine ; This is a simple Vblank routine that just clears a flag SIMPLE_VBLANK CLR.W RASTER_FLAG ; Indicate a Vertical blank has occured RTE ; The following bits of code are not called but are used to calculate ; a large chunk of code to combine two mono lines into one medium one. GEN: MOVE.W (A0)+,(A1)+ ; Move one Mono line to one Medium MOVE.W (A2)+,(A1)+ ; line on both colour planes times 40 RTS EVEN SAVESTACK: DC.L 0 MONO: DC.L 0 ; Base address of mono screen MED: DC.L 0 ; Base address of medium screen MONOPOS: DC.L 0 ; Offset in both screens in bytes MONOLINES: DC.L 0 ; Pairs of mono lines to do per VBLANK MONOCOUNT: DC.L 0 ; Count of pairs done so far RASTER_FLAG: DC.W 0 ; Flag cleared every raster (tempory) XEND: nop ; Position of calculated code MESSAGE: DC.B 27,'E','The Mono Emulator - Mick West 1988',13,10 DC.B 'V5.00. Should be in AUTO Folder',13,10 DC.B 'Will run with any TOS',13,10,13,10 DC.B 'This is Shareware',13,10 DC.B 'Send Money and Problems to:',13,10 DC.B 'Mick West',13,10 DC.B '27 Lynton Drive,',13,10 DC.B 'Shipley,',13,10 DC.B 'BD18 3DJ',13,10 DC.B 'ENGLAND',13,10,13,10 DC.B 'Feel free to give away copies of this',13,10 DC.B 'But please copy the whole folder',13,10,13,10,0 INPUT: DC.B 13,10 DC.B 'Enter speed (10 to 80, Return = 40) ',0 `: ~.| N .NA"/0<NBNuNVBn=|`L=|`6Rn0.м @1n0.м @1nn nAon nAoN^NuNV>Bg?9B?9h?9?9BgBg/<N Bn`jBn>N=@Bn`(0n"|00ng no=|Rn0.nmJnf0n0Rn nmBn`40n"|00мP2.RAҼ"A#@ Rn nmBWaN^NuNVBn=|0n=PBn noYnRn noYnRn noYnRnRn0. @"|002.TAAgBn0. @"|002.TAAgBnJng nm^0.N^NuNV.?< NTBn`Bn`Rn n'm0.HH@J@g8>?<?9B?9h?9?9BgBg/<N `4>Bg?9B?9h?9?9BgBg/<N Rn nmfN^NuNVBn0. @n=@` nfd> ?.0. Wa0T=@=y0.м @30.м @1n>a>a=|> 0. n?.aT=@0.nfp0.N^NuNVBn0. @n =@` nf`>0. 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(32 or $20)drive and side are 0 or 1To modifie some byte, click on their hexarepresentation and click WRITERESET to renew, PRINT dump to printer and  to see above and below------------------------------- by A.BirtzClick on the Editor of your choice$*0[3][Cannot open this file][Cancel] Tiny tool[3][ |HIGH or MEDIUM resolution only][Cancel] TINY TOOL EDITOR Actual value:New value:Printer not ready, check and retryWrite error!Done...Out of sectorStart address:Drive:Side:Sector:Track:Read error!File offset (beginning=0)Read error!X$l\  *                                    &        0*X.$2^L.(   *(40 * <$ 8                 * " "      f $              TINY TOOL EDITOR by Alain Birtz. NOTE: This program is public domain, and can be copied freely. To install the TINYTOOL as a desk accessory, rename "TINYTOOL.ACC" to "DESK3.ACC" on the TOS disk and reset. Now click on the "Tinytool" item in the Desk menu, and the calculator editor will appear (it can be moved, closed or topped like the control panel). In each editor, you can read and write. Protected memory can be access in the memory editor. Disk and side are 0 or 1, not A or B. Sector are 1 to 9. Track are 0 to 79. Alain Birtz (Compuserve # 72467,2770) . ye.. yPRIV_EYEACCyf,PRIV_EYEDOCyr `*<N6NNNTNNNNPN'vK mNf]` m"m -So Q m -SBQ(m)MO*mN0N J?<NH?<A?<NAX <B@SfLNuNVH&nB?< N\.</?< N\0LN^NuNVH&nB?< Nz\.,/?< Nj\ LN^NuNV l6fl8`Pl8Hl0,@l8?0,BX@??,FN# N^NuNV9lBL0,Bl>S@9@P l6fVl8`Tl80,@l89@R9@NHlL?<?,FN"PN^NuNVH&n>. <.=|Bn0<9@N9@L0+S@9@P0+S@9@R9GT9FV0lP9@X0lR9@ZHnHl/ HlL?<?,FN"LN^NuNV/ &n n 0 n 1k n 0kS@ n 1@ n 0(kS@ n 1@&_N^NuNVH>.<. :. 8.Hl:?<N \\?<NxT=G=F=E=DHnHnHnHn?< ?,DN `VHnHnN"PJ@g$HlLHnN8PHlL?<?,FN PN\HnHnHnHn?< ?,DN z0.g0.fHlLBg?,FN PBgN THl:?<N \LN^NuNVHBg?,FNX?<?,FNX?<?,FN(X?<?,FNX?<?,FN8X?<?,FNX9lBL9l@N0,Bl>S@9@P0,@l9|0f9|B Gf 9|@@9|!?,@?,B?<N 9@DBgBgHl?<?,DNt BgBgHl?<?,DN\ ?,?,@?,BBgBgBgBgN?,?,@?,B?,DN~ HlHl@HlB?<?,DNHl:?<N\>N^NuNVHl:?<N\HlHl@HlB?<?,DNx?,DN?,@?,BBgBgBgBgN(?,DN*T9|D?,FNbTHl:?<Nv\N^NuNV?`>Hl:Hl:Hl:Hl:Hl:Hl:BgBgHnBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBg?<N<>0.|g`?.?.?.?.NP``|g`BgBgBgBg?< ?,DN ``|g` N``|g`D?.?.?.?.?<?,DN HlHl@HlB?<?,DN(`J`|(g`* lDfN:`BgBgBgBg?< ?,DN8 ``|)g` lDg9|D0<f>N^NuNVNHl:Hl:Hl:Hl:N9@H9|DHl?,N\9@JNnN^NuNu)I)J"/0<NB"l$lNu NV9n 0.| A" AA-H=|` nR2.A H0Rn nm/,N.X0,N^NuNVA )HA)HA)HA)HA)HA)HA)H?< NXT9l0,N^NuNV9n9n 9n 9n9n9n9n9n9n9n9n9n9n 9n")n$9n(9n*?<NT n,0 n00 n40 n80 n<0 n@00,N^NuNV9n9n ?<NTN^NuNV9n)n ?<#NfTN^NuNV9n9n 9n 9n9n9n9n9n?<IN$TN^NuNV9n9n 9n 9n9n9n9n9n?<JNTN^NuNV?<MNT n0 n 0 n0 n00,N^NuNV9n)n ?<NNTN^NuNV9n9n 9n 9n9n?<dN^TN^NuNV9n9n 9n 9n9n?<eN.TN^NuNV9n?<fNTN^NuNV9n?<gNTN^NuNV9n9n ?<hNT n 0 n0 n0 n00,N^NuNV9n9n 9n 9n9n9n?<iNTN^NuNV9n?<kNnTN^NuNV?.N T nn0<`?.?<>N "X9@Hg0<`0<N^NuNV?.?<LN XN^NuNV/ A&H`0+ |g/ NBX A"Ҽm?.NT&_N^NuNV0.n l0.`0. 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Sn J@fN^NuNVH0&n $KA-H nf?./ N4\=n`L nf?./ N`\=n`. nf?./ Np\=n`-KBn?.NTJ@f`H| f |o@ H-@/./.?.?<@N 9@HHg0<`0,Hn/./<?.?<@N 9@H @g0<`tRnR -@`R ned` 6.ƼЃ$@ H-@/./.?.?<@N4 9@HHg0<`0,HnBlH0.L N^NuC22222222222C"C2?22222222?@2~@2@22222CA "22222222C2222222222222222C~A "22222222C^2222222222222222CJA^ "22222222C*222?222222?22_22222CA* "22222222C"2"2 2"2"2"22"2"2"22"2x9|)l)l)l|)lt)lx9|rCJA"A"A"A$"A*"A"A "NuTop of memory is %ldFree memory is %ld bytesGEM version number is %d.%dTOS %c%c base is %ld %s(ROM)(RAM)Drive(s): %sDrive seek rate is %d ms.Write verify %c is %sonoffhighmediumlowScreen resolution is %sVideo RAM starts at %ldKey click is %sonoffKey repeat is %sonoffKeyboard repeat rate is %dKeyboard delay %c is %dBell %c is %sonoffCapsLock is %sonoffDouble-click speed is %d Private Eye Mike Yocum, 1987 - Version 2.0 Private Eye@$??CON:AUX:PRT:%d * R*@(M9GB@0,F@9@.Pa 9FJL0N^NuNVH *nQB@0-BA2-@F@J@g>N2p`(yFeeecd(T`e2 BA2-IHABAHAЁ" BB4,JHBBBHB҂b #FB@`n BA2-IHABAHAЁf T0(mB@0-F@;@ T*`* BA2,IHABAHAЁfB@0-lB@0,F@9@(`(#FB@JL0N^NuNVH *n.a>. ^GORG>a-@fB`J n(PPg2d`Sn Jn f`B0. B0. `%Sn Jn f>/.aXJL0N^NuNVN^NuNVN^NuNVH /?.?./ /. nN*@ мfB(n `%H|0|9o^G мfB JL0N^NuNVH-|G*n<.H n. nfz` |SEJgJEf`h nf$z ` |SEJgJEfJEf-`*n<.JngJGlB@0D@> n P-"n R`B0H@B0>JGf JL N^NuNVH >.HμgR*yH(G Private Eye - A Nosy Desk Accessory Version 2.0 Copyright Mike Yocum, 1987 (312) 469-4490 CIS 70375, 1255 GEnie Mike.Yocum Private Eye is a desk accessory that allows you to take a look inside the ST, in a manner of speaking. Some of the information it gives you is obvious, some of it not so obvious, and some may be a surprise. When I started to write "Private Eye," I had been looking over a copy of Atari's "Hitchhiker's Guide To The BIOS." I noted that there was ALOT you could learn about the ST by calling different BIOS, XBIOS, and GEMDOS routines, and by examining certain system variables (which reside from $400 - $4FF). After experimenting for awhile, I realized that others might be as "nosy" as me, and want to know more about their ST. WHAT IT DOES One of the hardest parts of writing "Private Eye" was not deciding what to include, but rather what to leave out! Here is a list of what I did end up including. There are four basic groups of information. System: Top of memory: where the ST thinks physical memory stops Free memory: how much free "working" memory is available GEM version number TOS base: where TOS starts in RAM or ROM Disk Drive: Drive(s): what drives are in use Drive seek rate Write verify: on or off Video: Screen resolution Video RAM: where it resides Keyboard and mouse: Key click: on or off Key repeat: on or off Key repeat rate: adjustable from 1 to 21 via the Control Panel Key delay - adjustable from 1 to 46 via the Control Panel Bell - on or off CapsLock - on or off Double click speed - of mouse buttons, from 0 to 4 After booting up with "Private Eye," installed as an .ACC file, and choosing it from the "Desk" menu, a window will pop up with all the information above given in it. Consider it a "snapshot" of system statistics, that were valid at the time you called it up. As your session with the ST continues and you run different programs, RAMdisks, etcetera, these parameters can change. This program is copyrighted, but free. Feel free to give it to whoever you like. If you find any bugs, or would like to see any changes made, please let me know. That's it! Enjoy your new desk accessory and "take a peek" at what's going on inside your ST. 2. High - Low Seek Test3. Random Seek Test@@@0. Return to main menu1. Set Current Drive2. Set Seek Rate3. Set Track Limits@@@0. Return to main menu1. 2 ms step rate2. 3 ms step rate3. 6 ms step rate4. 12 ms step rate@@@Disk Drive Diagnostic (c) 1986 Michael CurryV03.05.86Error - Cannot ContinueCannot locate proper Seek Rate system variablePress any key to exitMain MenuSet Drive ParametersSet Current DriveCurrent Drive isEnter drive letter Set Seek Rate 2 3 612Set L`  H.|N .NA"/0<NBNuNVNp.///N =@.?9 NT=@BW?<NT=|`0n0Rn n m3*.//<N ,P=y009R@=@N09R@=@L.?<?.N X=yJBn6Bn80.NS@=@:0.LS@=@<=|=|0.N|=@0.L|=@.6?<?.N XB-@-@-|fn=|r=| t=|vBnx=|z-| =|=| =|=|=nJ-|F=|J=| L=|NBnP=|R-|zZ=|^=| `=|bBnd=|f-| =|=| =|Bn=|-| =|=| =|Bn=|Bn`B N2n1|6 N2n1|& N2nBh N2n1|Rn nm nl=|P`=|.Bn` N2.AHBhP N2.AHBhR N2.AH1|T N2.AH1| V0.\@"N4.BH3@X N2.AH1|Z0.|"N4.BH3@\ N2.AH1|^Rn nmVBn`4a?W N2n1_&a?W N2n1_Rn nm=|F`T./////Bg?< /<.BgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBg?<?<?<?<3N8=@ . g*09.`096nfa` ` `|(g``Bn` N2n0(6"N4nSi6 N2nJh6fn N2n1| 6 N2n0(&"N4nSi& N2nJh&fX N2nJhfa4?WRW N2n1_&a?W N2n1_&a=@Jnl N2nDh&a?W N2n1_a=@ N2n0(no N2nDh`v N2n hf. 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An=@ .gDN^Nu DC STuffer is copyright 1988 Double Click Software. DC STuffer is a SHAREWARE program. ONLY *YOU* can insure revisions and continued support from Double Click Software. If you would like to receive version 1.0 of the DC STuffer desk accessory, program, and complete documentation, please send a contribution to: DC STuffer Double Click Software 10101-O Bissonnet, Suite #1181 Houston, Texas 77036 DC STuffer allows you to load in more than six desk accessories (DAs) into GEM. DC STuffer acts just like the desktop, you can open up any desk accessory, and if it does not take complete control of the desktop (or the program you are running) you can go to DC STuffer again to open another desk accessory. This version has a limit of 32 DAs. Version 1.0 has no limit and allows you to load or unload DAs at will without the need to reserve memory for the DAs. DC STuffer program allows you to load a desk accessory and run it as a program. INSTRUCTIONS for version 0.9 ============================ We hope you enjoy using DC STuffer. Here is how to use version 0.9: Simply place DCSTUFFR.ACC with your normal boot-up DAs. Any DA you wish to be loaded by DC STuffer must be placed in the folder STUFFER which MUST be in the ROOT directory of your boot disk. This version limits you to loading 32 DAs. If you wish to abort the loading, press the RIGHT SHIFT button at any time before or during the loading sequence. DC STuffer will ALWAYS leave at least 128K of memory for the operation of programs and the desktop. If the load stops prematurely, you have either loaded in 32 DAs, or have 128K or less left of memory. When you select DC STuffer from the DESK menu you will be presented with either 0-20 DA names, or 18 DA names and arrows to scroll through the DA names, in a drop-down menu similar to the desktop's menu. The DAs will be highlighted similar to the desktop menu. When the DA you want to activate is highlighted, press the left mouse button. Pressing the right mouse button while at the DC STuffer menu will exit DC STuffer, as will moving the mouse into the menubar area, or clicking outside of the drop-down menu. You can load up to 20 DAs and access them at a glance when DC STuffer is selected. If, however, you load in more than 20 DAs, you will see 18 DAs and up and down scroll arrows. Click on the arrows to go up or down in the DA list. If you can no longer go in the desired direction, the arrows will be disabled and not selectable. EXTRAS - this is not allowed in this version, but allows the ability to load and unload accessories at will, as well as the reporting of DAs that steal vectors. ABOUT... - Tells you a little about DC STuffer. NOTE: ===== Certain precautions are in order. 1) Changing resolution will consume more memory. Version 1.0 does not have this limitation. 2) Changing resolution is fatal if certain DAs are loaded. These DAs will usually crash if you change resolution while they are loaded from the desktop (normal load). This is usually because they are stealing vectors from the OS, and since DAs are unloaded when a resolution change occurs, the vector is left pointing to blank memory. Version 1.0 has a means for alleviating this problem, and isolating and reporting which DAs steal vectors. 3) We have trouble with a few DAs. JUGGLER II - If the program is not loaded, the DA hangs, and so does STuffer. ART GALLERY - Depends on an undocumented system variable, and does not work correctly with mega or newer ROMs. TURBO ST - You cannot change rez with this (steals vectors) ST DOCTOR - You cannot change rez with this (steals vectors) We have not tried the Diablo Emulator. 4) Please report any problems with DAs to us at: CompuServe 76356,2510 GEnie M.VEDERMAN2 UseNet uace0@uhnix2 BITNET UACE0@UHUPVM1 HASTE 1-713-973-6555 5) Buy SHADOW, the TRUE background fN>N N^NuNV3e By By 3 N N^NuNV## .мZ#3d By 3 n 3 N n 0 ## #>#>N^NuNV##>#  . мZ#3 3f By 3 3 N # #>N^NuNV3  n3T n3.N .N # 3y 3 3 3 N #>N^NuNV# 3 3 3 3 3 N #>N^Nu# Nu# Nu# "<psNBNuNV3 \0.|Hм -@=|` nH2n \2RRn nm. 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An=@ .gDN^NuNV370.|Hм$-@=|` nH2n72RRn nm.78N>B@097(N^NuNV#74Z#6v4^#74b#7(4f#7`4j#74n#4Z78> aF37(7a*pN^NuNV37# 7`>4N"N^NuNV#7`>6N" n 07* n07, n07. n070B@097(N^NuNV#7`# 7d>ZN" n07*B@097(N^NuNV37# 7`>NN"N^NuNV#7`3 737 37 373737>*N"N^Nu#2VNN/92VNu#2VNM/92VNu#2VNA/92VNu wDD[0][ ------------------------- | | PATH: -------------------- | FILE: -------------- ][Cancel|Retry]File not found. Read error. File or disk protected. Disk full - save aborted.[1][ | Selected file is not | correct format. | IFF header not found. ][ OK ][3][ | Picture file incomplete. | You can view it as-is | or abort. ][View|Abort][2][ Invalid extender. | Use .NEO for Neochrome, | .PI1-3 for DEGAS, | .IFF for Amiga IFF, | or .MAC for MacPaint. ][ OK ][3][ Picture rez does not | match file extender. | Extender for this pic | should be .PI1 ][View|Abort][0][ | Picture: --------.--- | Format: -------------- | | Save as lo-rez... ][ DEGAS | Neo | Abort ]med-rez... ][ DEGAS | Abort ]Neochrome DEGAS lo-rez DEGAS med-rez DEGAS hi-rez Amiga IFF MacPaint Neo med-rez Neo hi-rez NEOPI1PI2PI3IFFMAC[3][ --------.--- | already exists! | | Replace it? ][ Yes | No ][1][ Not enough memory to | run this application. | Reboot with fewer | accessories or remove | ram-disk. ][ OK ] . A:\*.*~ PicSwitch Commands ~All pics: [S]  save[Undo]  abortIFF: [1]-[5],[SPC]  switch planes[R],[G],[B]  boost colorsMacPaint: [mouse]  scroll picPress a key to continue0P + ++px+  , H(,&0 ,F@Loading ...Saving ... @ 6` 6 PicSwitch O.5Picture Utility 1986 John BrochuPI1NEOFORMBODYBMHDCMAPBODY.NEO.PI1.PI2.PI3.IFF.MAC_crystal>_ctrl_cn$_rs_obje,^_rs_mess-6_show_msJ_clear_mov_str_str_len_mov_chr$_erase_m:_title_load_pi^_oopsL_save_pi,_set_scr_unpack._get_mac_get_mon\_find^_get_spe0_main_get_typZ_wait_mk_iff_inf_get_pal8_get_scrf_do_help_move_l_v_bar_v_clrwkT_v_clsvw~_v_gtext_v_hide__v_opnvw>_v_pline_vq_mous_v_rfbox D_vsf_col _vsf_int _v_show_ _vsl_col!2_vst_ali!l_vst_col!_vst_eff!_gsx1"0_gsx2"0_iioff2F_iooff2N_pioff2J_pooff2R_vdi"0lmul"F_crys_if"_appl_in#_appl_ex#f_form_al#x_form_ce#_fsel_in#_graf_mo$_objc_dr$:_gemdos$_bios$_xbios$_intin2Z_intout3Z_c4Z_ptsin4r_desk_h5r_ptsout5t_old_rez6t_global6v_m_y06_msg06_msg16_blk6_desk_w6_control7_int_in7_int_out7(_m_y76_ad_c78_gl_apid7<_contrl7>_ext7V_addr_in7`_old_pal7h_addr_ou7.(0$"&4 6(>0R@ZRPF       p46V 2684>d: * $"$  "  , (   : . $ $0* " *"$$"""  &X &LR8(" , & .,>( " " (*8      f $     H ******** PICSWITCH for color systems only ST Picture Viewer/Converter (c)1986 John Brochu Version: 0.5 Public domain: March 31 1986 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ext reads: writes: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEO NeoChrome => DEGAS lo-rez NEO NeoChrome "Snapshot" => DEGAS med-rez PI1 DEGAS lo-rez color => NeoChrome PI2 med-rez color PI3 monochrome => DEGAS med-rez IFF Amiga IFF Deluxe Paint => NeoChrome/DEGAS lo-rez MAC MacIntosh MacPaint => DEGAS med-rez ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To load a picture select the file from the GEM ITEM SELECTOR by double- clicking on its filename. To change the directory path type in the new pathname on the top line of the ITEM SELECTOR and click inside the directory window. To get the directory of a different disk change disks and click on the directory bar just above the directory window. PicSwitch is fully error-trapped using alert boxes. You are given the option on common errors to [Retry] the error or [Cancel]. Selecting [Cancel] will send you back to the file selector. The program determines the picture's format solely from the filename extender. Be sure to use the correct extender as listed above. IFF pics are the only ones that are checked for proper format. DEGAS pics (.PI1 - .PI3) are checked to be sure the actual picture resolution matches the extender. If it does not you are given the option of viewing it anyway or aborting. With any picture displayed on the screen you can view the command list by pressing HELP or exit to the file selector by pressing UNDO (or the right mouse button) or [S]ave the picture in a new format. The following commands are also available for IFF pics... * [1]-[5] or [SPACE]: 'Pulls out' the selected bit-plane from the screen image. (Amiga lo-rez 320x200 32-color IFF pics are the only format supported in this version of PicSwitch. Since the ST can only display 16 colors (4-bit planes) at a time one plane must be taken out of the screen image.) Most pics look best with the default setting (planes 2-5 displayed). * [R] [G] [B]: Red Green Blue touch-up. Boosts the selected color up a notch. * [Return]: Restores the default settings. For MacPaint documents the screen can be scrolled over the picture using the mouse. Pressing [S] will allow you to save the displayed portion of the document in DEGAS med-rez format. (MacPaint documents are 576x720 pixels.) [NOTE: If the file was downloaded with a modem on a non-Mac computer, there may be an extra 128-byte "MacBinary" header at the beginning of the file. If this is the case PicSwitch automatically adjusts for the longer header.] PicSwitch also allows you to view DEGAS (and NeoChrome) hi-rez monochrome pictures normally only viewable on the Atari SM124 monochrome monitor and you can permanently convert these to med-rez if you wish. Finally (for now anyway) you can view and convert screens saved with the Atari "Snapshot" program (found in the AtariDevelopers' sig) from medium or hi-rez NeoChrome to med-rez DEGAS so that you can touch them up with Tom Hudson's DEGAS package. ******** . |2.. |2SNAPSAVETOS3|SNAPSHOTTOS6|SNAPVIEWPRG:|SNAPINFODOC=|` `t0Hz?< NA\B?< NA\#x yp//9x?< NA\ _ fTJhgR/(Hy>?<NA\3tBgHy4?<NNAPJ@kDrA`g .g0e d H@`yteRA3t?<ONATJ@jA4C|0<Qr09tHdg0RAH@H fJAgRA0H@0RH0<QHz?< NAHy|?< NABgHy|?<NAXBgNA?< NAaBgNAHzF`HzV`Hzu`p2QNu Snapshot Saver v.1.0 Saving File write error. Snapshot facility not installed. No snapshot has been taken yet. 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