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Unauthorised distribution strictly prohibited. 0") HHAEHA|fBQ"S)f#A#Ai3AXQ)<fR)NuJghNd<fad`R`@"d\$.FT\dv@ {N if|#R)  B@) Nu (C) G.WHEATON. 45 GOLDRILL AVE BOLTON. 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JAN. 1990. , h J $ h h JT 4 h J $ h J $ hh J $ , hh J $L h J $  h4 J d  h4 JT0") HHAEHA|fBQ"S)f#A#Ai3AXQ)<fR)Nu`@&p &^nv@ {NR)  B@) 1Nu 9 !g@ )m8)f.i2)i2)imDAin2)i3ANuDi`Z) in3iNuY) )Nu|`|  i#n3iNu|`0iPNu|Nu |` iHn 9ig 3|H`3|`Qi|`| i5`|Nu9iAA3{Nu`H0R)9iAA3{NulQ@                            G WHEATON  @@@@@@@@````h```0@lf`/`/`/`/`/`/5l  D @8  D@  p(024<DXD  D pHp8` @  D x4H\p  4yyyyyyxwvutsrqponml.l:vX 6TvzB* j =        llly l yllly l l @ @@@ x  x  d h @ h  a:\gotojail\safe__as.pi1B:| X6hT?0? 0  ? ?O0?yy?0 00 0`??0?yy?0  ?0`f*O.|b*m - ЭЭ// Bg?<JNAO ?<NNT3`/<(/<(Hy.?<?<KNA/<(/<(HyF?<?<KNA?9`/0?w70p`3U@rfv . || ||         (/ << !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!0!0a!a!!!!?!!!!!!!!!!!! ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PP3LAA      a A A      @ B B~ px@BB~ ~ ~ 00 @ B B~ 00  Ѐ@BGЀ@B9!!!!##!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@ '!!!!!!!!!!!!C!B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!# !!!!@ 0    @    @ L        @ L x  @R?  ##    ? @ BB~ @ !@ ? Ѐp@ÀB||@@?!Ѐ@B@@?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!0!0!!!!!!!/! ` !!!!C!B!! ! 9!9!!!!!!!!!!!?!!!!!!!pBB~EE?!  ? ?  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You may choose from one to eight, and they may either be human or computer-controlled. Players must choose a name and a piece, but the computer will select its own. To select a computer player, press escape while entering the name. You may also choose whether to pay fines to the bank or to Free Parking, and the nationality of the square names. During the game, Player 1 goes first, then Player 2, and so on. Each turn, the player is presented with the main selection menu containing seven options: BUILD : A property can be built on if I The player has enough money, II The player owns all of a set, III No properties in the set are mortgaged, and IV The "Build evenly" rule is obeyed. This states that a property must have at most only one house more than the other properties in the set. MORTGAGE : A property can be mortgaged if I There are no houses on any properties in the set or - II There are houses, and they are mortgaged according to the "Build evenly" rule (see above). UNMORTGAGE : A property can be unmortgaged provided the player has enough money. When the player clicks on a property to unmortgage it, a decision box appears giving the amount of money required. The unmortgaging price is 10% more than the mortgaging price. Houses cannot be unmortgaged. TRADE : When trade is selected, the player must choose who they wish to trade with. Choosing themselves will cancel the trading. Whilst trading, clicking on properties will toggle them between For Trade and Not For Trade provided (i) The property belongs either to the player or the person they are trading with (the trader). (ii) No houses have been built on any property in the set The amount of money that properties are being traded for is entered using the digits 0-9, the BACKSPACE key, and return to toggle between the two values (How much the player is giving to the trader, and how much they are taking). Pressing escape will enable the current player (where the arrow is pointed) to mortgage properties, in order to gain money towards a deal. To finish a trade, the right mouse button should be depressed. Two decision boxes will appear at the bottom of the screen TRADE or CANCEL. NOTE : If one of the players involved in a trade as a computer player, when TRADE is selected they will calculate whether the deal is a good one, and if not, they will alter the amount of money they are getting. If this is more than the other player has, then they will automatically cancel the trade and a tone will be emitted. NOTE : Computer players will not trade early in the game. INFORMATION : This enables the player to display information about all 40 squares on the board. RESIGN : Clicking on this displays a central decision box enabling the player to cancel the operation. WARNING : If GIVE IN is chosen then this cannot be cancelled. ROLL THE DICE or ROLL AGAIN (If the player has rolled a double) : This will enable the player to roll the dice, or if they are in jail to select one of three options (See later) With BUILD, MORTGAGE, UNMORTGAGE and INFORMATION, a property is selected by clicking on it, and the player returned to the previous menu by clicking on the right mouse button or pressing any key. ------------------------------- KEY OPERATIONS F1 - F10 (On the main menu) : Lists the properties a player owns and whether they are mortgaged (Starred) or not. The Function key numbers relate to the number of the player, selecting the Function Key of a player who is not in the game will list the unowned properties. RETURN/ENTER (When selection/decision boxes are outlined) : Performs the same function as clicking on the box. (While rolling the dice) : Performs the same operation as rolling the dice. S (On the main menu) : Allows the game to be saved or continued. If a game is saved, the next time SAFE_AS.PRG is run the saved game will be loaded in and then removed from the disk. This is to prevent a good position being saved and them come back to infinitely F1 - F4 (On the Owing menu (See later)) : perform the same operations as the four selection boxes Once ROLL THE DICE or ROLL AGAIN has been selected, the main menu cannot be returned to by a specific player until their next go Rolling the dice is simply a matter of the player deciding when they want the dice to stop 'rolling'. The player's character is then moved the appropiate number of places and the effect of the square landed on is displayed. If a player lands on a property and decides not to buy it, then it is put up to auction ------------------------------- When a player is in jail, they are given one of three choices : PAY 50 TO GET OUT : This has the effect of removing them from jail and placing them on JUST VISITING USE A GET OUT OF JAIL FREE CARD : If the player has one, this has the smae effect as above ROLL AND HOPE FOR A DOUBLE : This gives the player the opportunity to get out of jail free by rolling a double. If on their third round in jail the player selects this and doesn't roll a double then they will have to pay 50. NOTE : If a double is rolled then the player HAS to move ------------------------------- If a player lands on a property and decides to buy it, but can't afford it; or owes more money than they have; then the Owing menu is displayed consisting of four selection boxes : MORTGAGE : As previously described TRADE : As previously described PAY : Pay the amount owed (provided the player now has enough money) RESIGN : If the player cannot raise enough money then all their money and property goes to their debtor (If this is the bank then all their properties are unmortaged, houses removed and the properties put up for sale). LEAVE : In the case of having opted to buy a property, this then will put it up for auction. ------------------------------- AUCTIONING If a property is auctioned then all players get the opportunity to bid for that property. Bidding is carried out by clicking on a players name and then using the LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to increase or decrease the amount offered by 1, and the PLUS and MINUS keys to increase or decrease this amount by 10. The RETURN and ENTER keys can be used to finalise that particular bid. NOTE : Once a bid has been entered it cannot be decreased (as in real- life auctions). To close an auction click on the decision box at the bottom of the screen. Computer players DO bid, and they need only three seconds prompting to do so. ------------------------------- COMPUTER PLAYERS These are selected by pressing ESCAPE while entering a name. They execute all operations themselves, and only involve human players when trading. At certain points in the game, computer players will ask human players whether they want to do a deal. This deal can be altered as described in TRADE earlier but the computer will still evaluate the deal. If a computer player owes then money then they will (often) offer players the chance to trade with them. If ANY computer player is selected then the computer players might trade with the creditor; this is how to cancel player trading. NOTE : THIS PROGRAM IS GUARANTEED 99% FAIR. Rolling dice has NO BIAS and a human player has the same odds as the computer. When calculating the worth of a trade, the computer will evaluate TOTALLY FAIRLY (ie if it has 2 oranges it might offer you 1321, but in the reverse situation it would accept $1321). NOTE : If you try to rip a computer player off (i.e. by selling it a property it would not ask for -- e.g. a single property where you have the remaining two in that set) then you will not get much money. However, it would cost you a lot to buy in the reverse situation, since you would be again trying to rip the computer off. NOTE :Universal rules have been Strictly Adhered to, even down to the number of houses (32) and hotels (12) allowed in a game. SAFE AS HOUSES : The board game Written by Ven'ra Productions it a demo version. Monopoly : The board game Written by Ven'ra Productions (Dave Manning) c/o 465 Greystones Road Sheffield South Yorkshire S11 7BY ENGLAND N CRN^HAvNA0N CRN^N/pCF~NJBfNA0N CRN^HAwNN`NqC퀮A0 0NC0A퀮 0Bm4 <r$<A0N"A0N C:N^JBfNA0N CRN^&<x*<NpJBgp/A0N CRN^&<x*<NpJBgp$VHfNA0N CRN^&<x*<N &<x*<NtN~NfN`,NqC퀮A0 0NA:N <r$<HA0N??||||?pppp8888qqqq,?4<8@8@88???00```X?X??X?@@@>>ߟ /? @@@@@./?.|||.+?* ~~@@@?8?8@@n n ``@@@@@@ ` ?8?8@@OO {?{?{?{?AA```2222|@l@l|||llll||``` 888888888888 ?? ??|||| ````'  ??8888qqqq|̧$̀  ??8888??|̧$̀??00|̧$̃????>> ````|̤$̀̀QQo|̤$̀̀|̤'̀~~$̀  '= ?? ?|ll|||llll||cccc888888888888??????????||||?? ?  ??8888qqqq?? ?  ??8888????ކ'?''??00??>????????`1`?pO@~~OO@@AAXx_@@@@xWPp_xwpcc|ll|||llll||>>>>888888888888? ````||||?????8888qqqq? ? ?pppp????8888??? ? ?@@xg`00?'?'?`` ````>><<<???@,,>??>2|ϏL??89??@??Я؏ކ~b~ߏF???@??PPϏC{???>?XH??PP??x?8??8< ??oPrPc|pߏߏp8??88(>?Os8n?n?8@@@@70 ;?_c11??8??8@/!p9?_@??73?888/'w<?xXcsC700o?88,$]>]0?PXPxx`>00?8T_T_,$`> >=?++? 00<$`> =8%?= >>????<<??????p&<x*<N L8NtAFN"AFN C:N^JBfN@AFN CjN^zNdfN@AFNHAvNAFNHANN.A:NN.NHA:NL8Np&<x*< NfNANN.A:NA.NJBg NANA@NzNdgANA NANrC0A 0C70p`3U@rfww<<<x{xx???  @1q????- D????B??mmoF؟`~____???-F؟``ރރ____??? ||||؟N@^9^8____Q@^D8^|____D8|____<99<ܜܜ>>>>>=>=>=>=?~?????>x@?????π|p??π|p???|1π?`??π?~`??ϰπ??~`???ππ?l`??ππ?l`??ππ|??d`???|?d`?@?x?p`??x?x`???|`??????|`?@?????|`???π|`??π??|`???π?@??πx???xπ???π`????`wπ 08@x??0 w߀oπx@x ` x0??x` xxo@  π_πx??0w7g???~`607?g>o??l`00>o9;?l`00?9;??>d`00C?2O0?C ?`>0 ?x`>0?|`60|`0`?~`A>0 ?|`>0?y`>0`???{p?>00 x?x?x|;xx<0?``<@`87< 8 0???/~>]D00@O@O@@@@@O@O@@@@p`@O@O@@p@`@8w(g8(wgp`p`|r|r|z|z>>|B>>|B~~~~~~@O@O@@@@@O@O@@@@@O@O??@@@@???? << >pp``o>pp>?pp??xx??88?{x{x?<<@@?<<`G???  @?>>>99@_><<88``c>??88ǀ???>8>8??8C?<<?88;;x c?c<<?Cx?>9? >8~||'>8~#>0|D3?ppps?   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fNAN^AdNڴHAO>NANڴ&<x*<N&<x*<NNrNANڴ&<x*<N&<x*<NNrN <r$<HA`Nڰ/ANڰC텬~NHPA6NpNA`Nڰ/ANڰC텬~NNNtvN&<x*<NNr4NDA`Nڰ/ANڰC텬~NNNtvN&<x*<NNr4NA`NڰCNN~ NfdPl Z^ANڴ&<x*<N pJBgp/HmA "_N|pJBgp$VHg^NNGIVE INHPNSTAY ONHP <r$<HA NAfNڴ&<x*<N fN <r$<HA NNLAN N4A6|N?<3?<(An"NAN (0 <r$<ANN?<?<ANNڴ&<x*<NNCNN/ANNڴ&<x*<NN" _NpN?<?< <r$<ANNڜN&<x*<NNCNN/ <r$<ANNڜN&<x*<NN" _NpN?<?< <r$<ANNڜN&<x*<NNCNN/ <r$<ANNڜN&<x*<NN" _NpNN`Nq?<?<pr _Np2NpNDpNPNABNڰCNzN fNzNNtzN pJBgp/N,HPA "_NrpJBgp$VHgN/N,HPA "_N|pJBgp$VHgNنANڰNABNڰ/tCNANpNpNpNABNڰC NHABNڴHA)2NBmd <r$<A`NA`Nڰ/pC~NABNڜN fNۺABNڰCN/A`Nڴ&<x*<N&<x*<N&<x*<NHA`Nڰ/pC~NL8NN _ѐANA`Nڰ/BANڴC~N"A`Nڰ/pC~N&<x*<N fNA퀢NN( <Ѝ/A`Nڰ/pC~N _NA`Nڰ/HxtC~N"ANڴ&<x*<N fNۄA`Nڰ/HxtC~N"NۺA`Nڰ/pC~NJBfNۺA`NڴHANA`NڴHABNڴHA(~NN`NqANANڴ&<x*<NTfN8ANڰCN/ABNڰCN\ _ѐABNڰ/pCNANڴ&<x*<NZfN|A0 0A 0ABNڰ/ <r$<C NADRNAYNA6&NNpNpNpNpr$NBp!"<Npr$NB <r,N <r,NB <"<Np!"<NB <"<NA` 0 <r$<A`NA`Nڰ/pC~N&<x*<NTfNA`Nڰ/pC~N&<x*<NNCRNNNpNpNpNFANN`rNqpNpNpNpNFNANBANڰAN -C텈NNNpNpNpNF -Nt&<x*<N&<x*<NHANڴvNL8NH -CN~HPA6NN`rNqpNpNpNpNFNABNڰCNJBfNANN" <r$<HA&NNLAN ANڴJBfNXAYNA*NpkrxNBN You are onNABNڰC NHAO>N <r$<HABNڰC NN/ANڰC텬~NHPA6NpNA+NANA퀖NڴANڜN fN&ANAN^N4A 0ANڴ&<x*<N fN <r$<HNYou have rolled HPA6N <r$<HNThree doubles in a rowHPA6N <r$<HNYou must go to jailrHPA6NANA 0N.A)NAlNNBpAN/- <r$<C텈NN`NqNqBm NANA2NBNYou have landed onCNABNڰC NA`NA`NڰCN&<x*<N pJBgp/A`NڰCN&<x*<N pJBgp/A`NڰCN&<x*<N pJBgp$VHfNHxA`Nڴ&<x*<NNCpNC텈NHxA`Nڰ/ANڰC텬~NCNA 0ANNAYN <r$<H <r$<H <r$<HAaNBm <r$<A퀖N <r$<HA퀖Nڴ&<x*<N&<x*<NH <r$<H <r$<HA2NN`NqNqp=rTNBNPay 50 to get outNpGrdNBNnow and move on4Np_"<NBNUse aNpgrHNBN'Get out of Jail free'Npo"<NBNcardN <r\NBNCross your fingersN <rPNBNand hope for a double4N?<7?<,?< ?<A턼" NNAYNABNڰCNNBm?<7?<,A턼"NABNڰCNzN fN4p NpNpNpWr=NBpp"<NABNڰCNzN fNANN$VHgNH ANp ANp ANpANڴ&<x*<NTpJBgp/ANڴ&<x*<NZpJBgp/ANڴ&<x*<NTpJBgp/ANڴ&<x*<NZpJBgp$VHg2ANڴ&<x*<NZfN^A NNANڴ&<x*<NTfNA킾 0ANA 0NABNڰCNJBfNABNڰCNNA킾 0A킾NڴJBghANNC퀜A퀄 0ANڰN <Ѝ/A퀢NڴvN _NA퀄Nڴ&<x*<NTpJBgp/ABNڰCN&<x*<NTpJBgp/ABNڰCNzN pJBgp$VHfNA킾 0ANA 0NABNڰCNJBfN*ABNڰCNNA킾 0NABNڰCN\NtHANڴ&<x*<NL8NxfN|A NNA킾 0ANA 0AYNA킾Nڴ&<x*<N fN&ABNڰ/tCNABNڰ/ <r$<C NANA*NtHA&NNp7r@NBNBeforeNN HPABNڰCN\NtNf"_NNNtvN&<x*<NNrANDN HPABNڰCN\NtNf"_NNp7"<NBNAfterNN HPABNڰCN\NtNf"_NNNtvN&<x*<NNrANDN HPABNڰCN\NtNf"_NNNpNpNpNp:"<NBpF"< NN HPABNڰCN\NtNf"_NNNtvN&<x*<NNrANDN HPABNڰCN\NtNf"_NNNA킾 0ABNڰCN\ 2\HfNXABNڰCN/p2 _NNAYNA*Np_r\NBNYou must pay 50NpirXNBNto get out of jailN <r$<H <r$<H <r$<HAxNANڴ&<x*<N fNNA킾 0A` 0 <r$<HA NNA킾 0ABNڰCN\ 2\HfNABNڰCN/p2 _A&0NNXANA\N <r$<H <r$<H <r$<HAxNANڴ&<x*<N fNXA킾 0A` 0 <r$<HA NNp_rDNBNYou have failed in your4Npir`NBNthird attempt toNpsrdNBNget out of jail4Np}r\NBNYou must pay 504NNAYNA*NA+NA퀖NڴANڜN fN|ABNڰ/tCNBmpxrdNBN!! Well Done !!4Np2NAHNN6ABNڰCNzN fNABNڰCN\ 2\HfNA\NA^NARNABNڰCNJBfNAHNN6pxrLNBNBetter luck next time4NA&0NA킾 0NANA^NABNڰ/ <r$<C NA)NAlNNABNڰC NNCNN~ Nfp~t.NRNBm <r$<A N?<?<pr _NpN?<?<pr _NpNN`NqNqpNDpNPNN <r$<HNYou have landed onHPA6N <r$<HN Go to JailHPA6NANNA 0 <r$<AN?<ANڰ?pr _Np N?<ANڰ?pr _Np NN`NqNq?<?<pr _NpNpNDpNPNABNڰ/ <r$<CNABNڰC N&<x*<NTfN <r$<HA:NNABNڰC N&<x*<NZfN <r$<HArNABNڰ/ <r$<C N?<?<p C텸N~"NBm <r$<ANANڰC N&<x*<N fN?<?<ANڰCN&<x*<NNC텸N~"NN`NqNqBmA 0A&0NNLA큀N <r$<H <r$<H <r$<HAaN <r$<H <r$<H <r$<H <r$<HA2N <r$<H <r$<H <r$<H <r$<HA2N <rDNB <"<NT <rXNBNBuy itN <"<NBNLeave itNBmjABNڰCNzN fNANAN?<?<NMX$VHfNpN WHfNAf 0N/AfNڰ$VHgNH ANp ANp ANpANڴ&<x*<NTpJBgp/ANڴ&<x*<NZpJBgp/ANڴ&<x*<NTpJBgp/ANڴ&<x*<NZpJBgp/AfNڰ$VHgANANڴ&<x*<NZfNAf 0NhA`Nڴ&<x*<N&<x*<NHAtNA\Nڴ&<x*<NTfNABNڰCN\NtHANڴ&<x*<NrA큀NڜNL8NTfNBm`ABNڰCN\NtHANڴ&<x*<NrL8NANABNڰCN\NtHANڴ&<x*<NrA큀NڜNL8NxpJBgp/A\Nڴ&<x*<NTpJBgp$VHfNXAf 0N\BmjANڰNAfNڴJBfNANANڴ&<x*<N fNANNANNABNڰCN\NtA큀NڜNrfN@A 0ABNڰCN/A큀Nڰ _ABNڴHA`NڴHANNC`A 0pNpNpN <r4NB <"< NA큀NڴH <r$<H <r$<HAxNANڴ&<x*<N fNABNڴHA NڴHANNpNpNpNprNB <"<?NpNpNpNpNFp rNBN+ and HPpNZ"_NNprNBNincr.Np "<NBN- and HPpNZ"_NNp"<NBNdecr.NpNp NpNpNFp "<NBNAuction4NA`NڴHAO>N <r$<HA`Nڰ/ANڰC텬~NHPA6NpN <r$<H <r$<H <r$<HAaNBm <r$<ANANڰCNJBfNTANڴ&<x*<N&<x*<N&<x*<NHANڴ&<x*<N&<x*<N&<x*<NH <r$<H <r$<HA2NANڴ&<x*<N&<x*<N&<x*<NHANڰC텠N~NNtvNL8NN/ANڴ&<x*<N&<x*<N&<x*<NN"NBANڰC텠N~NANڴHA NN`NNq <r$<H <r$<H <r$<HAaN <r$<H <r$<H <r$<H <r$<HA2NpNpNpNNABNڰCNJBfN$NzpC N"pCN"AYNBm <r$<ANANڰCNJBfNANڰCNJBfNABNڴANڜNBfNC`A 0ANڴHA]NCA` 0ANڰ/A`Nڰ/p C~NNCNANڰCN\J^HfNvANڰCN\NtNHANڰCN\NtL8N&<x*<NrANBmtBm" <r$<ANANڰ/pC~NANڜN fN NANڴHA퀊Nڰ/ANڰC텬~NHPA6NpNN <r$<H <r$<H <r$<HAaN <r$<H <r$<H <r$<H <r$<HA2N <r$<H <r$<H <r$<HAaN <r$<H <r$<H <r$<H <r$<HA2N <r$<H <r$<H <r$<H <r$<HA2N <r$<H <r$<H <r$<H <r$<HA2NpKrVNBNPLEASENpYrVNBNSELECTNpgrNNBNSPEED OFNpurNNBNCOMPUTERN <rRNBNPLAYERS4NpF"<NBNFASTNpg"<NBNMEDIUMN <"<NBNSLOWNANNJWHgNH ANp ANp ANpANڴ&<x*<NTpJBgp/ANڴ&<x*<NZpJBgp/ANڴ&<x*<NTpJBgp/ANڴ&<x*<NZpJBgp/ANڰ$VHg2ANڴ&<x*<NZfN9A 0N:&ANڴ&<x*<NZfN:A 0N:&A H0AYNNpNغA*NڴJBfN:VA6(Np8r6NBNPlease Select # of PlayersN <r$<H <r$<H <r$<HAaNBm <r$<ANBm <r$<ANANڴ&<x*<N&<x*<NHANڴvN&<x*<NH <r$<H <r$<N.&<x*<NHA2NANڴ&<x*<N&<x*<NN/ANڴvN&<x*<NN"NBANڴvNANڜN&<x*<NNfNN`NqN`NqA*NڴzN fN 9N"//<"??<?NA yN /?<NN\ 9N//<}??<?NA ??<>NAX yN /?<NN\?<NAT@?9/9N/9N?<NNO LH@/9?< NA\?</<(?<1NAHJg$y69*!SCjN## p# $# D# $JfE 6*"*!Bg "R jag "j j a <g "j jag "j ja#3LNuA|#LNuFA|LNuLNu G.WHEATON. 45 GOLDRILL AVE, BOLTON, LANCS, U.K. x p $D DTX $ DP ph $l D p $4 D p $ D?x p $4 DN <r$<H <r$<H <r$<HAqNN <r$<H <r$<H <r$<HAqNN <r$<H <r$<HApNNLA퀖N LAN Bm`ANڰ/pC~NHA퀖Nڰ/pC~NL8N fNqANڴA`NڜN fNqnA퀖Nڰ/pC~NHANڰ/pC~NL8NxfNqhA\ 0NqA퀖NڴA`NڜN fNqANڰ/pC~NHA퀖Nڰ/pC~NL8NxfNqA\ 0NLAZN LA퀖N LAN Bm`ANڰ/pC~NHA퀖Nڰ/pC~NL8N pJBgp/ANڰ/pC~NHAZNڰ/pC~NL8N pJBgp$VHfNtANڴA`NڜN fNsXA퀖Nڰ/pC~NHANڰ/pC~NL8NxpJBgp/AZNڰ/pC~NHANڰ/pC~NL8NxpJBgp$VHfNsRA\ 0NtA퀖NڴA`NڜN fNtANڰ/pC~NHA퀖Nڰ/pC~NL8NxpJBgp/AZNڰ/pC~NHA퀖Nڰ/pC~NL8NxpJBgp$VHfNtA\ 0NtAZNڴA`NڜN fNtA퀖Nڰ/pC~NHAZNڰ/pC~NL8NxpJBgp/ANڰ/pC~NHAZNڰ/pC~NL8NxpJBgp$VHfNtA\ 0NNrLAN ANڰ~NfuuNuuvv^vvN <r$<H <r$<HAwNN <r$<H <r$<H <r$<HAwNN <r$<H <r$<H <r$<HAwNN <r$<H <r$<H <r$<HAwNN <r$<H <r$<H <r$<HAwNN <r$<H <r$<H <r$<HAwNN <r$<H <r$<H <r$<HAwNN <r$<H <r$<HAwNNLA퀖N LAN A\ @0ANڰ/pC~NABNڜN fNwpA\N^A퀖Nڰ/pC~NABNڜN fNwA\N^NLAZN LA퀖N LAN A\ 0ANڰ/pRecommended reading ------------------- Your second ST manual by Andreas Ramos available from ST CLUB 49 Stoney Street Nottingham NG1 1LX Get STuffed (Magazine on disk) edited by Marc Young Published by Floppyshop ST 50 Stewart Crescent Northfield Aberdeen AB2 5SR ST Club News Floppyshop News two comprehensive newsletters published by the above two clubs. Page 6 Magazine POB 54 Stafford ST16 1DR Essential for ST and XL users Superb PD range. ************************** BUDGIE UK The force behind licenceware. ----------------------------- Created in December 1987 by Camy Maertens and Simon Rush, Budgie UK quickly established itself as a leading producer of PD software for the Atari ST. Under six months, the group had produced four quality games, one of which, Football 88, became the Number One selling game in the PD fraternity. One year later, with the full support of virtually all major PD libraries and some commercial distributors, Budgie UK launched the 'licenceware' concept. Budgie games would now be sold only through licensed distributors. The big innovation was that licensed distributors now paid Budgie and all its authors a 5% royalty on all sales. Suddenly, the PD world had become fairer! Authors were rewarded. Quality improved. Users were still free to copy their games or even give them away. The licenceware Revolution was under way! Now, with 33 original games, 13 double-sided mega compilations, 3 productivity titles and 15 new titles scheduled for release in 1990, Budgie UK has become one of the world's largest games producer for the Atari ST. Soon a new chapter in the Budgie/ licenceware story will unfold when packaged versions of all Budgie games start appearing in retailing outlets. And all this, without huge advertising budgets or contrived media hype. The real winners are undoubtedly the computing public, who can enjoy quality, addictive games for slightly more than the price of a blank disk. BUDGIE UK The fairer face of PD -----------------------------------C~NABNڜN fNx A\N^A퀖Nڰ/pC~NABNڜN fNxABNڰCN/A큀Nڰ _A`Nڰ/pC~NNCN/A큀Nڰ _ѐA^NA&0NNA큀NڴHA`Nڰ/pC~NH <r$<HAxNNANڰ/N MortgagedCNANA&0NNzA`Nڰ/pC~NABNڜN fN(ANڰ/N You own itCNANA&0NNzANڰ/NUnowned. Cost 150CNAN <r$<HANNANANA&0NANA퀮Nڴ&<x*<N&<x*<NA퀮NA 0A2NA퀮NڰC(N&<x*<NN~Nf``.*2t dANڴJBfNpA&0NNANANA&0NANNANA퀨Nڴ&<x*<N&<x*<NA퀨NA 0A2NA퀨NڰC"N&<x*<NN~Nf~ 4`Vl ANڴJBfNA&0NNANڰ/N Pay 200CNA 0 <r$<HAN <Ѝ/ <r$< _NANڴJBfN A&0NNANANA&0NNANANA&0NNA퀴NڴJBfNANڰ/N Collect HPA퀺NڴNf"_NCNA퀺NڴHANBmNANANA&0NNANڰ/N Pay 100 CNA 0 <r$<HAN <Ѝ/ <r$< _NANڴJBfN\A&0NNNrA`Nڰ/pC~N&<x*<NTfN <r$<HN Owned by HPA`Nڰ/pC~NNC텠N~"_NHPA6NA`Nڰ/pC~NJBfN.pIr|NBN MortgagedNNA`Nڰ/pC~N&<x*<N fNpI"<NBN1 House4NNA`Nڰ/pC~N&<x*<NZfNpI"<NBA`Nڰ/pC~NNfHPN houses4"_NNNpI"<NBN1 HotelNN:p@"<NBNUnowned4NpUrtNBN Rent : 4HPA`Nڰ/pC~NNf"_NNp^r\NBN 1 House : HPA`Nڰ/pC~NNf"_NNpgrTNBN 2 Houses : HPA`Nڰ/pC~NNf"_NNpprTNBN 3 Houses : HPA`Nڰ/pC~NNf"_NNpyrTNBN 4 Houses : HPA`Nڰ/pC~NNf"_NN <r\NBN 1 Hotel : HPA`Nڰ/pC~NNf"_NN <rHNBNHouses cost HPA`Nڴ&<x*<N&<x*<N&<x*<NNf"_NHPN each"_NN <rDNBNMortgage value is HPA`Nڰ/p C~NvNNf"_NNNA`Nڰ/pC~N&<x*<NTfN( <r$<HN Owned by HPA`Nڰ/pC~NNC텠N~"_NHPA6NNFp@"<NBNUnownedNA`Nڰ/pC~NJBfNpNr|NBN Mortgaged4Np_"<NBN Rent : 254Nphr:NBNWith 2 railways : 50Npqr:NBNWith 3 railways : 1004Npzr:NBNWith 4 Railways : 2004N <rBNBNMortgage value : 100NNA`Nڰ/pC~N&<x*<NTfN <r$<HN Owned by HPA`Nڰ/pC~NNC텠N~"_NHPA6NNp@"<NBNUnownedNA`Nڰ/pC~NJBfN8pLr|NBN Mortgaged4NpXrA H0BmjNLAf 0ANڰNANڴ&<x*<NZpJBgp/AfNڴzN pJBgp$VHfN$ANA2NBNHaving paid the 10 fine4CNBm <r$<HAN <Ѝ/ <r$< _NN\pNpNpNpUr3NB <"< NANBmNBN Go to JailCNHxNMove directly to jail4CNHxNDo not pass 'Go'CNHxNDo not collect 200CNA @0ANANBmNBNReceive interest onCNHxN7% preference sharesCNHxN 25CNA 0 <r$<HANNBNPay your insuranceCNHxN premium 50CNA 0 <r$<HAN <Ѝ/ <r$< _NNBNPay hospital 100CN <r$<HAN <Ѝ/ <r$< _NNBNYou have won second prize4CNHxNin a beauty contestzCNHxN Collect 10CNA 0 <r$<HANNBNIncome tax refund4CNHxN Collect 20CNA 0 <r$<HANNBNGET OUT OF JAIL FREECNHxNThis card may beCNHxNkept until neededCNA 0ANABNڰCNN\NBNYou inherit 100CN <r$<HANNBN Go back toCNHxpCpNC텈NHxHxANڰC텬~NCNA 0AN <r$<HA:NAlNBmNBNAdvance to 'Go'CNAN <r$<HArNAlNBmNBN Doctor's feeCNHxNPay 50CNA 0 <r$<HAN <Ѝ/ <r$< _NNNrBNTake a trip toCNHxHxANڰC텬~NCNHxNIf you pass 'Go' youCNHxNWill collect 200CNA @0ANABNڰC N&<x*<NTfN <r$<HArNN <r$<FONTSEL.ACC ------------ FONTSEL.ACC which accompanies this game is included with kind permission from Jeremy Hughes. It is part of FONTKIT ( a PD package: current version 3.31) and FONTKIT PLUS (non-PD: current version 2) Fontkit Plus 2 is available from ST Club 9 Sutton Place 49 Stoney Street Nottingham NG1 1LX England Fontkit Plus 2 supports 24-pin proportional fonts and has many extended editing and conversion facilities. This is a 3-disk set with a 160-page manual. Price 14.95 Also available from the same source: The Fontkit Plus Accessory Pack. 4.95 to registered Fontkit Plus users, or 5.95 to others. January 19, 1990 .  t..  tA2_AMSTRFON%t FONTKIT TXTt A2_ELEGAFON+t A2_SANS FON.t A2_SQR FON1t A1_FAT FONdt &A2_FAT FONt )A2_FUTURFONt ,A2_MASH FONt /2_OUTLNFONt 1<<~||||||||xll8 0|||~<~<< `<|<lf 88bffff0fl8fl8lsf`ff`ff<< fb88l0~pp6l<` f|fxx~ x`||<ff8<0  fffxfvlffff`0fflfLp<~~<~8ff|fx8ffl0ff`dll0~~`|||||f$foppf.l|ffffff~0ffflb`fffl`fff<f0 ff`0>fflff||`6f0Z<<~8|B$l~pf~~~~~~~ls<<?!88<~`qT800|<| `IBM serifFONTSEL.ACC ------------ FONTSEL.ACC which accompanies this game is included with kind permission from Jeremy Hughes. It is part of FONTKIT ( a PD package: current version 3.31) and FONTKIT PLUS (non-PD: current version 2) Fontkit Plus 2 is available from ST Club 9 Sutton Place 49 Stoney Street Nottingham NG1 1LX England Fontkit Plus 2 supports 24-pin proportional fonts and has many extended editing and conversion facilities. This is a 3-disk set with a 160-page manual. Price 14.95 Also available from the same source: The Fontkit Plus Accessory Pack. 4.95 to registered Fontkit Plus users, or 5.95 to others. January 19, 1990 The Fontkit Plus Accessory Pack. 4.95 to registered Fontkit Plus users, or 5.95 to others. January 19, 1990 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- HArNAlNBmNBNGo back three spacesCNANABNڰC NH <r$<L8NHA:NAlNBmNBN Advance toCNHxpCpNC텈NHxHx'ANڰC텬~NCNA 0AN <r$<HArNAlNBmNBNYou have won aCNHxNCrossword competition4CNHxN Collect 100tCNA 0 <r$<HANNBN'Drunk in Charge'4CNHxN Fine 20rCNA 0 <r$<HAN <Ѝ/ <r$< _NNBNYou are assessed forCNHxNStreet repairsCNHxN 40 / house. 115 / hotel4CN <r$<H <r$<HA,NHxN Total cost 1HPA큀NڴNf"_NCNA @0A큀NڴzNTfNHA큀NڴHANNRANNBNBank pays you dividendCNHxNof 50oCNA 0 <r$<HANNBNMake general repairs onCNHxNall of your housesCNHxN 25 / house. 100 / hotel4CN <r$<H <r$<HA,NHxN Total cost 0HPA큀NڴNf"_NCNA @0A큀NڴzNTfNA큀NڴHANNANNBNYour building and loanCNHxNmatures -- recieve 150CNA 0 <r$<HANNBNPay school feesCNHxNof 150CNA 0 <r$<HAN <Ѝ/ <r$< _NNBN Advance toCNHxpCpNC텈NHxHx ANڰC텬~NCNHxNIf you pass 'Go' youCNHxNWill collect 200CNA @0ANABNڰC N&<x*<NTfN <r$<HArNN <r$<HArNAlNBmNBNSpeeding Fine 15CN <r$<HAN <Ѝ/ <r$< _NNBN Advance toCNHxpCpNC텈NHxHxANڰC텬~NCNHxNIf you p<<< p||||||||V$$b08$888|<|88 8<|>~~>B|?B@B<|<|||BBBD|<<@@@p 02>f f0f0f0f >f00fffD8 42<<bb22=>022fz<<"``f< ><88x~<$8B$$$~l>6~f>x|>~66f<<6@B~ 2$<DDf$o$|VV$~@0 ~DP(@@DD~FBB@B@@@BH@RBBBB@BB$D D<|<>< >|pD|<|>x>|BBBB|@B<<<<<<<<<888B<~|H<<<BBBB< D<8B(*$$<|H<<<U"v   6f > 66ff l ff6<(vff08l~|HBJFNBBBQ""<  f 6f f 66v<6 l fvfD|blllf~fT~B~~D0ÃؑBT| ~~& $ D|DD~DBB@B@@BBH@FB@RHBB$ >B@B~ BBpBBBB@< BBB(@B~>>>>@~~~~~|~HBBBBBBBB@ B>BBBJ>< **$$>BRJH~~BzQ""n  f 6ff 666 l f ff`l0llfffT@B2PD|x$fop~8B $xJ @D DDD DD BBBB@@BBDD@BB@JDDB$B@ bB@B@ >BHBBbF@"B$$> DBB@BBBB@@@@BB@HBBBBB>BB< 8RBBBBF$ D_HBBbRHBBB f~6 f 6~>n<~~~4 ~ <ff`lfll|<>> B|DD|B<\:@|>|B| 0|<>>>>>><>>>>>>BB~~N<<<>><<~L>><>BB~~ ><|<~>BB< BB0  v|`l8B|<<`<<0`qZ8<8@||@ <<p`H<`Elegant<<~||||||||xf0p 0||||||||8||<>||~fx0xtll<ll8~||<<|6l``lpx~~<$8<` (fl~8<llf 8000\f~~8~~~(f~~~8~~~((<`~~`886l0000ل[f$o<<0 8888x<$8<` (ff>f6pf~8~~`~|~~~ 0~~~~~|~~~f~f`cf~~~~|~ffcff~@x```8`<fff0xff:f60XX<<6lXX<XX[ff|~|~n<>~l>6~f>x|>~66f<<6pf~2l|ll f$o<`|~~``g~~~~~~~ffcff~f<<<~~f 66ff l ff6<8vff08l~f~8nfffff`ffc~f 0 4`f<<<<`f>|66<`~~~ff|ffffffff`0ff<0f0~fffn><`0 6l~ffffff f~6 f 6~>n<~~~4 ~ <>>>><<<<<><>~|`><<>fff0 ><<<~~~f 0  v|`l8f~~~p0<~`qT800~>`~8|`<<<@@ff< ~~p`H<`Squarefont`iNOANBgNAN4HyB$HyB"HyB HyB3SN.O3TN N 009SHHyc/N2P3T aNuHyT"N2X09T" @(f09T*yT fHyZ*aX`09T" @)`NVH B l .R @S0`3S3TTHySHyTHySN-|O 09THHnHnHn/N.~O0. n1@2(4(6(=A=@=ABSA=A=@CS@=@p=@=@=BSB=B=CSC=Cp/N38X09THHnHnHnHn/aO0.H2.H4.H6.H////x /B/.N/NOBnBJf:=n=n09THHnHnHn/N-O0.ڰnf 0.ذng0.H2.H//t /B/.N/8O=@H2.Hg m80.H4.H6.H8.Hz/z////////.N/O$0.H m62.H4.H6.H8.Hz//////B//.N/BO$=n0.gp-@ nm0. n0( @1@ `09THHnHnHnHn/aO0.g 09THHnHnHn/N,8O` nfN` nfN BN1.X09TH/N+NXL0N^NuNVHnHnHnHnp/BN0O0.Hr2.H n2(4BRA=A2(4(BRA=A2. 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LANCS, U.K. 9g@ )m8)f.i2)i2)imDAin2)i3ANuDi` )m$ 9gS) im3i`NuY) )Nu| ` i_n3i` )mUi`iNu|(Nu 9gR)Nu i#n3iNuXiNu 9gR)S)`|`|"9##Nu                   ````l ljxx`    x pr  DDDD[[[[llll   @  """$"""-3336333-66DD[[llll[[DDDD"$"-"""--66D @ &(-3p&D[Dlllll l lllD[Q[lf[`D@y<y&-0%  - ` a:\gotojail\safe__as.pi1B:L Z^$Z,"a human player has the same odds as the computer. When calculating the worth of a trade, the computer will evaluate TOTALLY FAIRLY (ie if it has 2 oranges it might offer you 1321, but in the reverse situation it would demand $1321, give or take a small margin). NOTE : If you try to rip a computer player off (i.e. by selling it a property it would not ask for -- e.g. a single property where you have the remaining two in that set) then you will not get much money. However, it would cost you a lot to buy in the reverse situation, since you would be again trying to rip the computer off. NOTE : The rules ularly favour programs written in 68000 code or compiled languages. No more STOS please !!! (unless e x c e p t i o n a l...) >> All authors receive royalties << Budgie UK : the fairer face of PD. ********************************* 465 Greystones Road Sheffield South Yorkshire S11 7BY ENGLAND