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CAT3 LST )iT |)CAT3 PRG .iT DCAT3 TXT 4iT COMPRESSPRG 9iT #' *** CAT.GFA *** ' ' A Catalogue Utility by Henrique Veludo (CIS:70210.221 Delphi:HENRIQUE) ' Dim Fn$(3000),Fs%(3000),At$(3000),S_dir$(255),Pt$(3000),Dn$(3000),Tm$(3000),Dt$(3000) Ldrive$=Chr$(Gemdos(25)+65)+":" Sdrive$=Ldrive$ If Xbios(4)=0 Alert 3," | SORRY !| Medium or High| resolution only ! |",1," Oops ! ",A% Edit Endif Old%=False On Error Gosub Error_routine Start: Cls Ln%=0 Last%=False Desc%=False If Not Old% Alert 0,"Catalogue Utility by H. Veludo| CIS Id: 70210,221| Would you like a 'short' | or a 'long' display ?",2,"Long|Short",A% If A%=1 Long%=True Else Long%=False Endif Endif Close #1 Console%=True Open "O",#1,"CON:" @Get_filename @Get_stat @Get_dir If Xq%>0 @Sort_it @Print_it Endif Ln%=23 @Check_lines Alert 0," |Would you like to ADD to this|catalogue or load a NEW one ?| ",3,"Add|New|Continue",B% If B%=2 Xq%=0 Old%=False Goto Start Endif If B%=1 Old%=True Goto Start Endif If B%=3 Alert 0," Would you like to save | this catalogue to DISK| or make a HARDCOPY ?| ",3,"Cancel|Printer|Disk",C% If C%=3 Alert 0," |Would you like to provide some|space for a file description ?| ",2,"No| Yes ",A% If A%=1 Desc%=False Else Desc%=True Endif Console%=False If Xq%>0 Cls Close #1 Print At(20,1);Chr$(27);"pPlease SELECT a name for your catalogue...";Chr$(27);"q"; Fileselect Sdrive$+"\*.*",Ext$+".CAT",File$ If File$="" Xq%=0 Lpth$="" Goto Start Else Sdrive$=Left$(File$,2) Open "O",#1,File$ Endif Print At(1,1);Chr$(27);"l"; Cls @Print_it Close #1 Alert 0,"The line length of the saved|file is longer than 80 chrs.| Please use compressed mode| to print it.",1," OK ",A% Endif Endif If C%=2 Console%=False If Xq%>0 Cls Close #1 Open "O",#1,"LST:" @Print_it Lprint Lprint Endif Endif Endif Alert 0," |Would you like to display or| print another catalogue ?| ",2," NO | YES ",B% If B%=2 Xq%=0 Old%=False Goto Start Endif Edit ' Procedure Error_routine Resume Start Return ' Procedure Print_it Print #1,"FILENAME.EXT SIZE "; If Desc% Print #1," DESCRIPTION "; Endif If Long% Or Console% Print #1," DATE TIME AT "; Endif Print #1,"DISKNAME.EXT PATH" @Check_lines Print #1,"------------ ------ "; If Desc% Print #1,"---------------------------------- "; Endif If Long% Or Console% Print #1,"-------- -------- -- "; Endif If Desc% Print #1,"------------ --------------------------------------" Else Print #1,"------------ -------------------------" Endif @Check_lines For J%=1 To Xq% Print #1,Using "\..........\ ###### ",Sort$(J%),Fs%(Sort%(J%)); If Desc% Print #1," "; Endif If Long% Or Console% Print #1,Using "\......\ ",Dt$(Sort%(J%)); Print #1,Using "\......\ ",Tm$(Sort%(J%)); Print #1,Using "\\ ",At$(Sort%(J%)); Endif Print #1,Using "\..........\ ",Dn$(Sort%(J%)); If Desc% Print #1,Using "\....................................\",Pt$(Sort%(J%))+"*.*" Else Print #1,Pt$(Sort%(J%))+"*.*" Endif @Check_lines Next J% Return ' Procedure Check_lines If Not Last% If Console% Inc Ln% If Ln%=24 Print At(13,25);Chr$(27);"pPress [RETURN] to end, [SPACE] to continue scrolling...";Chr$(27);"q"; Repeat Z$=Inkey$ Until Z$=Chr$(13) Or Z$=" " If Z$=Chr$(13) Last%=True J%=Xq% Else Last%=False Endif Print At(1,25);Chr$(27);"l"; Ln%=0 Endif Endif Endif Return ' Procedure Get_stat Buf$=Space$(45) Df%=Dfree(Instr("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP",Left$(Ldrive$,1))) P$=Ldrive$+"*.*"+Chr$(0) Void Gemdos(&H1A,L:(Varptr(Buf$))) Stat%=Gemdos(&H4E,L:Varptr(P$),8) D_name$="????????.???" Ext$="???" If Stat%=0 D_name$=Mid$(Buf$,31,12) While Right$(D_name$)<"0" Or Right$(D_name$)>"_" D_name$=Left$(D_name$,Len(D_name$)-1) Wend Ext$=Right$(D_name$,3) If Len(D_name$)<12 D_name$=D_name$+String$(12-Len(D_name$)," ") Endif Endif Return ' Procedure Get_filename Start3: Cls Print At(16,1);Chr$(27);"pPlease SELECT the DRIVE\PATH\FILENAME to display...";Chr$(27);"q"; Fileselect Ldrive$+"\*.*","",Fn$ If Fn$="" Run Endif Print At(1,1);Chr$(27);"l"; Cls If Instr("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP",Left$(Fn$,1)) And Mid$(Fn$,2,1)=":" Ldrive$=Left$(Fn$,2) Else Goto Start3 Endif I%=Len(Fn$) G%=3 L%=Len(Fn$) If Right$(Fn$,1)<>"\" Do G%=Instr(Fn$,"\",I%) Exit If G%<>0 Dec I% Loop Filename$=Mid$(Fn$,G%+1) Path$=Mid$(Fn$,3,L%-Len(Filename$)-2) Else Path$=Mid$(Fn$,3,L%) Filename$="*.*" Endif Return ' Procedure Get_dir S_dir$(1)=Path$ Sdd%=0 !Number of folders F%=0 !Number of files P%=1 !Folder level While P%>0 Buf$=Space$(45) Path$=S_dir$(P%) Fn$=Ldrive$+Path$+Filename$+Chr$(0) Dec P% @Get_first While Stat%=0 @Get_next Wend Wend Return ' Procedure Get_first Void Gemdos(&H1A,L:Varptr(Buf$)) Stat%=Gemdos(&H4E,L:Varptr(Fn$),&H10) If Stat%=0 Gosub Read_buffer Endif Return ' Procedure Get_next Void Gemdos(&H1A,L:Varptr(Buf$)) Stat%=Gemdos(&H4F) If Stat%=0 Gosub Read_buffer Endif Return ' Procedure Read_buffer F$=Mid$(Buf$,31,Instr(31,Buf$,Chr$(0))-31) S%=Lpeek(Varptr(Buf$)+26) A%=Asc(Mid$(Buf$,22,1)) D%=Dpeek(Varptr(Buf$)+24) T%=Dpeek(Varptr(Buf$)+22) If (A% And &H10)<>0 And Left$(F$,1)<>"." Inc P% S_dir$(P%)=Path$+F$+"\" Inc Sdd% Endif If (A% And &H10)=0 If Path$<>Lpth$ Then Lpth$=Path$ Endif Inc F% Inc Xq% Fn$(Xq%)=F$ Fs%(Xq%)=S% T$=Bin$(T%) If Len(T$)<16 T$=String$(16-Len(T$),"0")+T$ Endif Hr$=Str$(Val("&x"+Left$(T$,Len(T$)-11))) If Len(Hr$)<2 Hr$="0"+Hr$ Endif Mn$=Str$(Val("&x"+Mid$(T$,Len(T$)-10,6))) If Len(Mn$)<2 Mn$="0"+Mn$ Endif Sc$=Str$(Val("&x"+Right$(T$,5))*2) If Len(Sc$)<2 Sc$="0"+Sc$ Endif Tm$(Xq%)=Hr$+":"+Mn$+":"+Sc$ D$=Bin$(D%) Yr$=Str$(80+Val("&x"+Left$(D$,Len(D$)-9))) Mo$=Str$(Val("&x"+Mid$(D$,Len(D$)-8,4))) If Len(Mo$)<2 Mo$="0"+Mo$ Endif Dy$=Str$(Val("&x"+Right$(D$,5))) If Len(Dy$)<2 Dy$="0"+Dy$ Endif Dt$(Xq%)=Mo$+"/"+Dy$+"/"+Yr$ If A%=0 At$(Xq%)="RW" Else At$(Xq%)="RO" Endif Pt$(Xq%)=Lpth$ Dn$(Xq%)=D_name$ Endif Return ' Procedure Sort_it ' Arrays To Be Dimensioned For QuickSort Erase Sort$() Erase Sort%() Erase Pq%() Erase Wq%() Dim Sort$(Xq%+20) ! Temporary String Array used By QuickSort Dim Sort%(Xq%+20) ! Index Array Dim Pq%(20),Wq%(20) ! Arrays Used By QuickSort ' ' Copy String Array to be Sorted in Temporary Array ' For I%=1 To Xq% ! Xq% = Number Of Elements In Array Sort%(I%)=I% ! Initialize Index Array Sort$(I%)=Fn$(I%) ! Sort$() = Temporary Sort String ' ! Fn$() = String Array To Be Sorted Next I% ' ' Initialize Quick Sort Variables ' Kq%=1 Pq%(Kq%)=0 ! Start Count Of Array Wq%(Kq%)=Xq% ! End Count Of Array Dq%=0 ! Start Count Of Array Rq%=Xq% ! End Count Of Array ' ' ---------------------------- QUICK SORT ALGORITHM ---------------------------- Point_1: If Rq%-Dq%<9 Goto Point_10 Endif Iq%=Dq% Jq%=Rq% ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Point_2: If Sort$(Iq%)>Sort$(Jq%) Goto Point_5 Endif ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Point_3: Dec Jq% If Jq%>Iq% Goto Point_2 Endif Inc Jq% ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Point_4: Inc Kq% If (Iq%-Dq%)<(Rq%-Jq%) Goto Point_9 Endif Pq%(Kq%)=Dq% Wq%(Kq%)=Iq% Dq%=Jq% Goto Point_1 ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Point_5: Tq$=Sort$(Jq%) Tq%=Sort%(Jq%) Sort$(Jq%)=Sort$(Iq%) Sort%(Jq%)=Sort%(Iq%) Sort$(Iq%)=Tq$ Sort%(Iq%)=Tq% Goto Point_7 ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Point_6: If Sort$(Jq%)Iq% Goto Point_6 Endif Inc Jq% Goto Point_4 ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Point_8: Tq$=Sort$(Jq%) Tq%=Sort%(Jq%) Sort$(Jq%)=Sort$(Iq%) Sort%(Jq%)=Sort%(Iq%) Sort$(Iq%)=Tq$ Sort%(Iq%)=Tq% Goto Point_3 ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Point_9: Pq%(Kq%)=Jq% Wq%(Kq%)=Rq% Rq%=Iq% Goto Point_1 ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Point_10: If (Rq%-Dq%+1)=1 Goto Point_11 Endif For Iq%=Dq%+1 To Rq% For Jq%=Dq% To Iq%-1 Cq%=Iq%-Jq%+Dq%-1 If Sort$(Cq%):><|a4g RGj`a(0GVfA1G<ap??<?<NM\Nu??< NMXNuHn> 2$4BBNuAd RdQRB BbABJk 0NuJBjBBXNu 0Nu 2$NuE`B<gJEgEjCDEDF Fe( F dF8BCHC` F0bFHC8v` HD8HDkDуdQRBNuDdBDA@kgAр[SBk0NuJlJBk&Nu0g H@rB JkЀ[` BbNuJBj prtNuHPAJgPpr$< _Nup _NpNNuCDEJEgJBgJjBEBQ*HE?<>0rHGGdHGGdSWDуdi\?<>0rHGGdHGGdSWDуdiN?<>0rHGGdHGGdSW2 H@N?<,>CEdGH@0r`?<`JBgVB&8TTDуdQRBNuDAр&AdRAрAрDуNuprt|=|b  g +g -f .g20  b 0e 9b da`RF` .f 0e 9b dajSF` Eg efX +g -f 0e 9oSH`00  b&Hz0  b E Do`HJjDDDS4</N,JFkSFk&aQN,`Ha"FFaQL8N6.bJgtBnbNupr$<NuJBk4<rpAC v JBgJjv-| Bb BkH>aaNRFBdL8?N<JBga2SF Be BgQRB`ApdR e <rRF&0xafEv+0JFjDFv-Hƌd0BFHF 0HF0ANuprt|`2:HQ A dNAXJ@jNNu?Hl?<6NAP0,NuvN)@p `H@)@prtN,AHplrtN,B 2pNpNpapaprapalpalpalpaTpaTpaTBp'a?<NNT@B){L9|0<rtN,papap9@p`pvNv`v`vj`v `v`v`v`?0<}N"& ?<NNC`&?<NNT"@ C <}N`NL(* 9AJA)H@@[000][ˈNB Evz`* [g" ]g |g QSz` zQSpQ][ɈNB Dvx`* [g" ]g |g QSx` xQSpQ]Bp4NHNu*( INBA)H @depd ae zb QB DNBA\)H @ e` ae zb \gQBA BhNppZNA BP"`#|}NA"H0,tg"Hg \f`A\fS A EN"AR@H`2QNu2(g"P@g2RADAH""l`r2oZAe 1@#)I`Nuk1@Nup NN"l`dpNAtrdJhk\QpaNH ld$l`"Hg: k&@0+R`g k#&@0+S@H3 Q&f)I`LNu?<?<NAXJgJgNAH@B pN,A NuApN,N$N$BS@kH2QNupC ұd"X0Pg"RA$D#Nu"X0NuNBJ@gpNu _0HpN, _0HpN,p"_0HqNp"_0HqNE ұeHHQ0)N"$_$ZR@H`2QNu$Y0gHR@@"D%$X0P2g# R@%NupE $ $X0dP.gRG,D%pr Y2dP.gRG,D!p4Ae4v`VfANuNWHNuNVHNuNUHNuNRHNuJhg NB1NNu Ihd*N$E$RR@H`2QˈNB ENu Ihd"*N$E8*$R`"QˈNB ENu2)A IJAfr4(Ae*RBBc0*SA?N$E$R`QˈNB ENup`(* 0(iN$E 4R`Q$D 4R`QˈNB DNB ENua NuNB IHPg"B  g &gNJBjt BNut`Rptr ae OgT Xgj HgSRB ae Fb$0k  c_  c b退`tSJBkNRB0 b b瀀`RB0 fрd`A"HJf X0pN,NuNHtЀUrЀQ N,2p <0N`QNu0g< @g4:8(g* b.&NSD`Q0$C$RQLjNB CNuNBpNp Nr ,* NB& ( ENB C"Sj|AcJf`CfSHj-D@Hd0H@H 0H@0`fSC\fS , @a"C\fApNNNHP?< NA\NuH@aa/a a Nu@0 9c^Nu| PC>$Error # ][Abort]\f.B &lX)K\)ld` lp ,BQjNup(NV"l`Yd&-KNN"l`YepN&#k"C-KN"Cփk փk2##`փk"`2`$Y8gHRDD*D%H8#$c2g# HRDD%H`/&#k gH`Nq-KNu)H,Bl0NuE+000 l,NB0l0oNNuaNHP l,"X42,0Rl0Bd1 _g !g &g, \g2N`Rl01` _NBJ@fp NN _N NpR@RABd 1\fRA9A0 _/NB"@cԒ@H/N Np?N _Np%NLNH l,"X42,0Rl0Bd1 _g,vxz| +g. -g( *g $g" #g N`Rl01`` `RCRABd1 _fRA` #g $g *g ,g ^gB +gZ -gT .fRxRDRABdH1 #g ^g +g. -g( _f&RA`RERABd1 ^g +g -f2ALH@NL8"aC " Lx2DE A,b -fEt1BQt1$0000QE[JEft Q0JgE\J"f0J"ff JFj-Sg$E[JEgRE\JEg vJ*g RCJ*f~ g~*Jf`9I0`JEf@RANE[JEg*ÒEA, gSAR`Ô l,HQ?HjSl0 l,"X0Rl0gL _g0 ,g .g +g( -g $_HRN`$W "0d`Rl0`p Jojp-`Sl0Nu < C`N < C큐N < C큊N <CfN < C~N < C큄N < ClN < CrNN?<NATANHPp:N"_N2C퀺NNA퀺CNN?<NNTJWHfN"NHxN5 | SORRY !| Medium or High| resolution only ! |HPNz Oops ! r"_ N+@NNNBFN)|), "_NCNNN`pNHmNp"_NC퀜NNANNB ]HfN1DNHmNANNB DNv/p N"N"_N2CNNNN~NNNNNNprNpNNN4pPlease SELECT the DRIVE\PATH\FILENAME to display...pNNpqNNHmNz\*.*"_N2HPA HPA0""_NNNHm0A "_N^fN2NNNNprNpNNplNNNNNzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPHPHm0p"_N"_N/Hm0pr"_NHPp:N"_N^pJBgp$VHfN2NHm0p"_NC퀺NNN2NN1PNA0NB+@N+|NA0NB+@NHm0p"_NHPp\N"_NhfN3NHm0p\NHP - _"_N+@N -JVHgN32NSNvN`NHm0 -RNv"_NC6NNHm0 -NHA6NBNL8NH <r$<L8NN>r"_NCr"_NCTNN -BN+@NHmBpr"_NNl+@N -BNd+@N -BNd+@NpNzNpJBgp/HmTp"_NHPp.N"_NhpJBgp$VHfN6NRNvN/-Hm"_N"_N2NxN(C`NNA`NBU]HfN7Np0NHPA`"_N2C`NNNz&xHPHmZAZNBNH <r$<L8NN>/p""_N"_N2NxN(CfNNAfNBU]HfN8vNp0NHPAf"_N2CfNNNz&xHPHmZp"_N"_N2NxNN(ClNNAlNBU]HfN8Np0NHPAl"_N2ClNN/-Hm`p:N"_N2HPAf"_N2HPp:N"_N2HPAl"_N2ClNN -N`CrNNNz&xHPHmrArNBNH <r$<L8NN>"_N"_N2Nx&<x*<NN(CxNNNz&xHPHmrArNBNH <r$<L8NN>/p""_N"_N2NxN(C~NNA~NBU]HfN:*Np0NHPA~"_N2C~NNNz&xHPHmrp"_N"_N2NxN(C퀄NNA퀄NBU]HfN:Np0NHPA퀄"_N2C퀄NN/-Hm~p/N"_N2HPA퀄"_N2HPp/N"_N2HPAx"_N2CrNN -JWHfN;N/-NzRWC큊NNN;N/-NzROC큊NN/-A*C~NN/-ANC큄NNN~NNNAxNNA큜NNA큢NNA큨NN -CxNN -C큜NNpC큢NpC큨NN+| -ANN/- -C큜NN/- -C`NCxNNNJ`NqNqN+|N/-pC큢NN/- -C큨NNB"N+m&N -&NH -"NL8N&<x*<NfNN/- -"C큢NN/- -*C큨NN+m."NN<6N -.CxNC퀊NN -.C큜Np+@2N/-. -*CxNCxNN/-. -*C큜NpC큜NN/-*A퀊CxNN/-* -2C큜NNN>2N -.CxNHP -*CxN"_N|fN>2NN>hNR*NvN -.*^HfN>XNN>NR.NvNNA.NN -*NH -.NL8NH -"NL8NH <r$<L8NN>+@6N -6CxNHP -6RNvCxN"_N|fN@|N -*NH <r$<L8NN>+@.NNAN -6CxNC퀊NN -6C큜Np+@2N/-6 -6RNvCxNCxNN/-6 -6RNvC큜NpC큜NN -6RNv/A퀊CxNN -6RNv/ -2C큜NNNJ`NqNNJ`lNqN -C큢Np+@"N -C큨Np+@&NSNvN -JWHfNApNNAxNN<6NN~NNNp*`     p j Z:  h "2$, "2$F8 V2882<f6 f> 4,P>4b*b $T 2    JN*6V\2Dh\.D  8*N*J6T., "(t0<  ~$X2FJX:J8N@Jn>2 hvJ2vhVBPpfPbtn:^4*4J4 Docs for CAT3.PRG by Henrique Veludo ==================================== This Catalogue utility will output to the screen and/or printer or disk a directory of your disks using the file selector dialog box to choose the drive/path/filename. Directories can be added and sorted so as to built a catalogue of your files on all of your disks. After you run CAT3.PRG, a dialog box will ask whether you want a "long" or a "short" display. This only affects the disk or printer output; the screen always displays the long form. A "short" display includes the filename and extender, the file size, the volume/disk name and the path. A "long" display adds the date, the time and the attribute (read/write or read/only). Then you may use the file selector dialog box (the START Selector is recommended) to choose your drive/path/filename. First select your source drive (CAT3 will subsequently remember the chosen source drive), the drive you would like to read the directory from. Second, enter your path/folder/subdirectory on the path specification line. If you want ALL files to be displayed, just press [return] or click on [OK]. If you just want a subset of the files in that path (e.g., all files with an extender of ".PRG"), enter the specification on the file selection line and press [return] (e.g., enter "*.PRG" to see ONLY the program files). The specified files will be sorted and displayed on the screen in "long" form. At this point you have the option of adding another directory to this catalogue, to start anew or to continue. If you continue, you may send the output to the disk or the printer. If you choose the disk, you may elect to reserve space to add a description for the files with any text editor. Again the file selector box will ask you to specify a drive/path/filename to output the catalogue (the output drive will also be remembered...). The file selector prompts you with a default filename which includes the 3 characters of the extender of the volume/disk name and an extender of ".CAT". You may change these defaults if you like. I find it useful to number my disks (range: 000- 999) and to put this number into the extender of the volume/disk name. A volume name changer program is included in this ARC file for your convenience. Once you have catalogued your disks, you may edit the description field with a text editor or word processor which is capable of ASCII output. You will have to use the compressed mode of your printer, since the line length will be longer than 80 characters. A COMPRESS.PRG to set the EPSON printer and compatibles to compressed mode and 99 lines per page is also included in this ARC file. I hope you will enjoy CAT3.PRG and find it useful. Please send comments to: Henrique Veludo Compuserve Id: 70210,221 Delphi Id: HENRIQUE `dQb` Efv*oM m HPHUBg?<JNA(m)m -:gS)@ -OK1PC#HNRHx?<HNA@)@l/?<HNA)@h&@)@XЬl)@d)@`ARCpr Ѝ"QHNFALNhHz2?< NA\pdAxr0XQ)K\NN~$$$$$$$$JrBjNuHz?<&NN\NCAp$L Qp N9lrBlJpNNpMN9@pdAr 0Q0tr N,9lNupealp`NuaNJHz?<&NNBWNANC2A@p222NrҌ0<NB0,rNurA9Ar`v C9Cr`rt9@9A9BNrrҌpsNB0,Nu9@N`rDҌpsNBNuC2 @ e @}bA@p222Nr,Ҍ0<NBNu pa2|a>:><|a4g RGj`a(0GVfA1G<ap??<?<NM\Nu??< NMXNuHn 2$4BBNuAd RdQRB BbABJk 0NuJBjBBXNu 0Nu 2$NuE`B<gJEgEjCDEDF Fe( F dF8BCHC` F0bFHC8v` HD8HDkDуdQRBNuDdBDA@kgAр[SBk0NuJlJBk&Nu0g H@rB JkЀ[` BbNuJBj prtNuHPAJgPpr$< _Nup _NpNNuCDEJEgJBgJjBEBQ*HE?<>0rHGGdHGGdSWDуdi\?<>0rHGGdHGGdSWDуdiN?<>0rHGGdHGGdSW2 H@N?<,>CEdGH@0r`?<`JBgVB&8TTDуdQRBNuDAр&AdRAрAрDуNuprt|=|b  g +g -f .g20  b 0e 9b da`RF` .f 0e 9b dajSF` Eg efX +g -f 0e 9oSH`00  b&Hz0  b E Do`HJjDDDS4</N,JFkSFk&aQN,`Ha"FFaQL8N6.bJgtBnbNupr$<NuJBk4<rpAC v JBgJjv-| Bb BkH>aaNRFBdL8?N<JBga2SF Be BgQRB`ApdR e <rRF&0xafEv+0JFjDFv-Hƌd0BFHF 0HF0ANuprt|`2:HQ A dJf`CfSHj-D@Hd0H@H 0H@0`fSC\fS , @a"C\fApNNNHP?< NA\NuH@aa/a a Nu@0 9c^Nu| PC>$Error # ][Abort]\f.B &lX)K\)ld` lp ,BQjNup(NV"l`Yd&-KNN"l`YepNN$pNNPp@NbpNNPN8 Chr$(27);AN@N*;Chr$(6);Chr$(27);AN@N*;Chr$(8);Chr$(27);A N@N8;Chr$(99);Chr$(27);AN@N* ;Chr$(27);AN@N*;Chr$(4);Chr$(27);AN@N8 ;Chr$(24)N\N. 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STDCAT43NET L~X ?"CATOASC C O~X A,STDCAT DOC T~X M5@STDCAT PRG X~X ^From idec!stc!ukc!mcvax!uunet!cs.utexas.edu!tut.cis.ohio-state.edu!ucbvax!agate!apple!sun-barr!newstop!sun!grapevine!koreth%panarthea.ebay@sun.com Sat Aug 5 09 :13:55 BST 1989 Article 103 of comp.binaries.atari.st: Path: prlhp1!idec!stc!ukc!mcvax!uunet!cs.utexas.edu!tut.cis.ohio-state.edu!ucbvax!agate!apple!sun-barr!newstop!sun!grapevine!koreth%panarthea.ebay@sun.com >From: koreth%panarthea.ebay@sun.com (Steven Grimm) Newsgroups: comp.binaries.atari.st Subject: v06i038: stdcat43 -- Disk catalog program, version 4.3 part01/03 Keywords: zoo, uuencode Message-ID: <34018@grapevine.uucp> Date: 1 Aug 89 22:41:29 GMT Sender: news@grapevine.uucp Lines: 460 Approved: koreth%panarthea.ebay@sun.com Submitted-by: Robert.J.Silliker@moliman.MoliEnergy.BC.CA (Robert J Silliker) Posting-number: Volume 6, Issue 38 Archive-name: stdcat43/part01 This is version 4.3 of the disk catalog program STDCAT. Some bug fixes, minor menu changes, printer timeout extension and the ability to append other catalog files. Binary part 1 of 3. /* * catoasc.ttp - a program to convert a stdcat.prg file into ascii. * * Copyright (c) 1989 by Bob Silliker * All Rights Reserved * * Permission is granted for * unrestricted non-commercial use * * Usage: * catoasc.ttp catalog_file * * This source is intened to show how to access the information in the * catalog file. This source will work with version 3.X and 4.X files. * There is no gaurantee that this code will work with future versions * of the catalog program (although I will try to maintain compatibility). * The code was written for the Megamax Laser C compiler. With little * modification it should compile using any of the compilers for the ST. * * Make any changes you would like to this code for your own purposes. * * Version 1.0 - created Feb 16, 1989 by Bob Silliker. */ #include #define SIG_STR "STDCAT" /* * Disk structure. Contains information for a disk. */ typedef struct { char volume[14]; /* Volume name. */ long serial; /* Disk serial number. */ long free; /* Number of bytes free. */ long used; /* Number of bytes used. */ int files; /* Number of files on the disk. */ int folders; /* Number of folders on the disk. */ } MDISK; /* * File structure. Contains information for a file or folder. */ typedef struct { char fill; /* Padding character. */ char attr; /* File attributes. */ int time; /* File modification time. */ int date; /* File modification date. */ long size; /* Size of file in bytes. */ char name[14]; /* File name. */ int flag; /* Flag to control directory levels. */ int comment; /* Flag to indicate there is a comment. */ } MFILE; /* * Misc sizes. */ #define COMMENT_SIZE 34 /* Length of a disk or file comment. */ #define MDISK_SIZE sizeof(MDISK) /* Size of a disk structure. */ #define MFILE_SIZE sizeof(MFILE) /* Size of a file structure. */ #define SIG_SIZE 12 /* Length of the signature string. */ /* * Macros for error() */ #define ERR_USAGE 0 /* Program usage error. */ #define ERR_NOTME 1 /* File is not a catalog file. */ #define ERR_READ 2 /* Read error on a file. */ #define ERR_OPEN 3 /* Open error on a file. */ MDISK disk; /* Structure that holds the information for the current disk. */ char disk_comment[COMMENT_SIZE]; /* The current disk comment is stored here. */ char file_comment[COMMENT_SIZE]; /* The current file comment is stored here. */ int files; /* Temporary storage for the # of files on the current disk. */ int folders; /* Temporary storage for the # of folders on the current disk. */ int num_disks; /* Current number of disks read in. Same as the disk number. */ main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { int err; FILE *infile, *fopen(); /* * Must have this or there will be terrible confusion when the * form_alerts() are executed. Remove the form_alerts() and you * can remove this. If you do, don't forget to remove the appl_exit() * at all program termination points (there are two one in this routine * and one in error(). */ appl_init(); /* * If you add command line args then change this. */ if(argc != 2) error(ERR_USAGE); /* * Open the input file for reading. The "br" is binary read where * the read routine does what is should do which is to read the * the information read exactly as it is in the file. */ if((infile = fopen(argv[1], "br")) == NULL) error(ERR_OPEN, argv[1]); /* * Read the catalog and report any errors. */ if(err = read_cat(infile)) { if(err == -1) error(ERR_READ, argv[1]); else if(err == -2) error(ERR_NOTME, argv[1]); } fclose(infile); /* * Remove appl_init() and you can remove this. */ appl_exit(); } /* * Read the entire catalog file. * * The caller passes an open FILE pointer. The routine reads disk * structures and disk comments then calls the read_ent() routine to * read the contents of the disk. When the read_ent() routine returns * with a value of 0 the file read pointer points to the next disk * structure in the file. The process is repeated until there is an * error or there is no more information in the file. * * Returns: * 0 - Read catalog ok. * -1 - File read error. * -2 - File not a catalog file. */ int read_cat(fp) FILE *fp; { int size, version3; char sig[SIG_SIZE]; num_disks = 0; /* * Read in catalog signature and check for signature string. * Should be 'STDCAT VX.X' with a NUL termination and an * extra filler byte (to 12 bytes). */ fread(sig, SIG_SIZE, 1, fp); if(ferror(fp)) return(-1); /* * Check to see if the first 6 bytes match. */ if(strncmp(SIG_STR, sig, 6)) return(-2); /* * Check to see if the file is version 3.X. */ if(sig[8] == '3') version3 = 1; else version3 = 0; /* * Read the catalog file while there aren't any errors and * there is more information in the file. */ do { /* * Get the disk label, and sizes. */ if((size = fread(&disk, MDISK_SIZE, 1, fp)) != 1) { /* * Could not read a disk structure. Either there was * an error or it was end of file. EOF returns 0 below. */ if(ferror(fp)) break; else return(0); } /* * Keep track of the current disk number. */ num_disks++; /* * Check to see if the file is a version 3.0 file. This was * when there were no serial numbers in the file. The value * 0x40000000L is a magic number that should never conflict * with a value serial number. If you were to print the * serial number then check to see if the serial number is * this value and don't output anything if it is. */ if(version3) disk.serial = 0x40000000L; /* * Get the disk comment line. */ if(fread(disk_comment, COMMENT_SIZE, 1, fp) != 1) break; /* * Get temporary copies of the file and folder counts. * This will be used to determine when there are no * more files and folders for the current disk. * Passes this point once for each disk. */ files = disk.files; folders = disk.folders; /* * Read the contents of this disk and continue to the next disk * if there are no errors. */ } while(!read_ent(fp, "", "")); /* * There was a file i/o error. */ return(-1); } /* * Read the contents of an entire disk. * * The caller passes an open FILE pointer, a path string, and a folder * string. The path string and folder string are combined to form a * new path that will be passed onto recursive calls. A recursive call * is made when a folder has been encountered. The contents of a * folder is read in, when encountered, before the rest of the * files/folders in the current folder. * * This routine is recursive and uses up about 300 bytes of stack * space per call. * * Returns: * 0 - Read all files at current directory level. * -1 - File read error. */ int read_ent(fp, current_path, folder) FILE *fp; char *current_path, *folder; { char new_path[256]; MFILE file; /* * Build the path. If the folder is zero length then this is the * root level otherwise combine the current path with the new folder. */ if(*folder == '\0') strcpy(new_path, current_path); else sprintf(new_path, "%s\\%s", current_path, folder); /* * While there are more files or folders for the current disk. */ while(folders || files) { /* * Read one file structure. */ if(fread(&file, MFILE_SIZE, 1, fp) != 1) return(-1); /* * Check to see if there should be a comment for the file. */ if(file.comment) { /* * There should be a comment so read one. */ if(fread(file_comment, COMMENT_SIZE, 1, fp) != 1) return(-1); } else { /* * No comment so make sure the string is terminated anyway. */ file_comment[0] = '\0'; } /* * Check to see of the file structure is actually a folder. */ if(file.aly'F ТB2fFW"6FV7&V6RFRfFW"6VBf"FRF6Т76W2F2B6Rf"V6fFW"BfR  HD  8HHH DL8 DL8 * The 0x02 bit, when set, indicates an empty folder. */ if(!(file.flag & 0x02)) { /* * Get more the entries for this folder. */ if(read_ent(fp, new_path, file.name)) return(-1); } /* * Check to see if there are more entires. * The 0x01 bit, when set, indicates the * last file/folder in a folder. A break from * this loop causes the routine to return(0). */ if(file.flag & 0x01) break; } else { /* * This is a file structure so output the file info. * Passes this point once for each file (not folder). */ output_file(&file); /* * Decrement the number of files count for the current disk. */ files--; /* * Check to see if there are more entires. * The 0x01 bit, when set, indicates the * last file/folder in a folder. A break from * this loop cause the routine to return(0). */ if(file.flag & 0x01) break; } } return(0); } /* * Output routine. * * Just print the file name padded with spaces to * 14 characters and the disk number. You could add any of the * global variables to the output. You could also store the file * name and other information into an array in memory for sorting * and formating. */ output_file(file) MFILE *file; { /* * This just prints the file name and disk number. You could * easily add printing the file size, date, comment or volume * name instead of disk number or whatever else you would like * associated with each file. */ printf("%-14s %03d\r\n", file->name, num_disks); } /* * Display a form alert and terminate the program with an * exit status of -1. * * The caller passes an error code integer and a pointer to * a NUL terminated character string. The error code determines * the message displayed and the string is used as part of the * error message and is usually a file name. */ error(err, s) int err; char *s; { char *p, temp[128]; char t[30]; switch(err) { case(ERR_USAGE): p = "USAGE ERROR:"; s = "catoasc.ttp catalog_file"; break; case(ERR_NOTME): p = "NOT A CATALOG FILE:"; break; case(ERR_OPEN): p = "OPEN FAILURE:"; break; case(ERR_READ): p = "READ FAILURE:"; break; default: sprintf(t, "UNDEFINED ERROR #%d:", err); p = t; break; } sprintf(temp, "[3][%s| |%.31s][ TOO BAD ]", p, s); form_alert(1, temp); /* * Remove appl_init() in main() and you can remove this. */ appl_exit(); exit(-1); } /* END OF FILE */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* STDCAT V4.3 */ /* by */ /* Bob Silliker */ /* */ /* July 16, 1989 */ /* */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Introduction ------------ STDCAT is a simple disk catalog program. The name was derived from 520ST (ST) and Disk CATalog (DCAT). It will work on either mono or color systems (Med Rez color). This is the last version of STDCAT (provided there aren't any major bugs.) that will work with the existing catalog file format. The next major release of STDCAT (V5.0) will be out sometime in the fall of 1989. Version 4.3 has the following improvments over 4.2 - I have extended the printer time out from about 6 seconds to about 18 seconds. Some sloooow printers were timing out when they shouldn't. Version 4.2 has the following improvments over 4.0 - The program forces the .CAT extension for all catalog file names. When saving a catalog the catalog file name will have the extension replaced with .CAT. - The volume name underscore 2-3-4 bomb problem is fixed. This was caused by a GEM bug (tedinfo and valid string "nnnnnnnnnnn"). However, the new allow string allows '?' and '*' to be entered in the volume name dialog. So the program detects the '?' and '*' and replaces them with '_'. - The program would ask you if the catalog disk was in drive A when saving even when the catalog save file is on another disk. This only occured when the A was the default drive. It no longer does this. - The catalog stats dialog now contains the catalog file modification date. - The program will take one command line argument that is either the catalog directory or the catalog file to open. - The menu entry 'Comment' is now 'Dcomment' and is still the Disk comment (like Fcomment is File/Folder comment). - The menu entry 'Display Comments' is now 'Display Fcomments'. - The menu entry 'Print Comments' is now 'Print Fcomments'. - If extra volume labels are found they are deleted when the volume label is changed. - There is a new menu option that allows reading catalogs onto the end of the a catalog already loaded into memory. - I have provided the source code for a program that shows how to read the catalog information from the catalog file. This is for people who want to write their own printing programs. Version 4.0 has at least the following features over 3.0 - the bug that caused the 16 folder limit on a disk has been been corrected and is 16 folder levels. - there is a environment variable 'STDCAT' for the default path to the catalog file. - a new menu option that allows deletion of a disk. This causes the disks (after the disk deleted) to be renumbered. - each folder/file can have a 33 character comment string. - minor fix that allows the use of lowercase letters when entering the volume name (the volume name is converted to uppercase when the user exists the volume dialog). - there is a new print option to include the file comment in the printout. - find has been expanded to include comment and volume fields. - find has much better pattern matching capabilities. - when adding or updating a disk the disk serial number is read in and stored. The program has two windows. One window is used to contain a list of the disk volumes in the catalog. The other window lists the contents of the current disk. The user is allowed to browse through either window using either the slider bars or arrows. There are menu options to sort the disk content window by name, date, size or type and options to find files using wild cards, add/update/delete disks, add a comment to a disk/folder/ file, and finally change the volume name of a disk. The user can print out the contents of the catalog on the parallel printer port. The printout can be sorted by name, date, size or type. These sort options are separate from the display sort options. There are options to include a table of contents (printed at the end of the printout), the date, size and folder/file comment. The user can select any combination. There are miscellanous menu options to: reset the window positions and sizes, set Auto Newtop, display catalog statistics, and display STDCAT limitations and set colors. Menu options ------------ File menu --------- New Start a new catalog. The default name for the catalog will be STDCAT.CAT on the current drive. The number of disks will be set to 0. You can rename the catalog, when you save it to disk, using the Save As menu option. Open Open an existing catalog. The standard file selector dialog is displayed and the user can change the path or file at will. If OK is selected then an attempt will be made to open the catalog. If the catalog is corrupted then the user will be prompted to CONTINUE or CANCEL the open operation. If the user selects CONTINUE then the user will see what was found in the catalog. This could be complete garbage. Read Read a catalog onto the end of the existing open catalog. The disk numbers for the disks of the catalog being read start from the last disk number (plus 1) already loaded. You can't exceed 999 disks loaded at one time. Save Save the catalog to disk. The catalog will be saved using the current catalog name and will remain open. Save AS Save the catalog to disk using a new catalog name. The user will be prompted for a new catalog name using the standard file selector box. Close Close the catalog. If modifications have been made to the catalog then the user will be prompted to: save before exiting, close without saving or cancel the close operation. Once close is complete the user is back to the state where a catalog is not open. Quit Exit STDCAT and return to whatever shell invoked it. If modifications have been made to the catalog then the user will be prompted to: save before exiting, exit without saving or cancel the quit operation. View ---- Display Fcomments This will cause the size/date/time fields to be switched with the folder/file comment field in the disk content window. Doing a full on the disk content window will show all of the folder/file information. Display Serial # The disk serial number will be displayed in place of the disk volume. Sort by Name Sort by Date Sort by Size Sort by Type All of these menu options sort the contents of the disk content window. When sorting by Date, Size or Type files that are similar for that attribute will be sorted by name and type as a sub-group. Descending Sort the enteries from highest to lowest. The default is from lowest to highest. Disk ---- Find Find a file, folder, comment or volume name in the catalog. The '*' will match any sequence of characters and the '?' will match any character in a single position. The user can also specify lists and ranges for a particular character using '[set]'. Where 'set' is a list and/or range of characters. The wild cards '*' and '?' match literally if included in 'set'. If 'set' starts with '^' the set is complemented and to match ']' literally put it first in the list. You can mix '*', '?', and '[set]' as much as you want. EG. a* - match anything that starts with 'a' [am-ox]* - match anything that starts with 'a', 'm' to 'o', or 'x'. [^a-l]* - match anything that does not start with 'a' to 'l'. If you want to match '*' or '?' or '[' literally outside of a '[set]' then you can use the '/' as the escape character. To match '/' literally you have to use '//'. Add Add a disk to the end of the catalog. The new disk will be given the next disk number. The program will read in the disks volume name serial number and complete contents into ram. If you run out of ram then drop some accessories or use multiple catalogs. Update Update an existing disk in the catalog. The program checks the volume name and serial number on the disk to the volume name and serial number on the current disk. If the names are not the same the user is prompted to verify that it is OK to update the disk in the catalog. The program will copy over the comments of the folders and files that have the same path on the old disk as on the new disk. Delete Delete a disk from the catalog. The disks that come after the disk deleted will be shifted down (up?) and have their disk numbers decremented by 1. Volume Change the volume name of a disk. The user will be asked to place the disk in drive 'A' and then old volume name will be verified before changing the name. The volume dialog now allows lowercase letters to be entered. The volume name will be converted to all uppercase after the user exist the volume dialog. The program checks the disk serial number and will complain if it is not correct. If the disk serial number is not in the catalog then the program will load when the volume name has been changed. NOTE: The dialog will allow '?' and '*' to be entered into the volume name (a problem with limitations of tedinfo valid strings in GEM). The program will replace every occurance of '?' and '*' in the volume name with the underscore ('_') character. Comment ------- Fcomment Add a comment to a folder/file in the catalog. This is also used to change an existing comment. There are only 33 characters available for a comment. Dcomment Add a comment to a disk in the catalog. This is also used to change an existing comment. There are only 33 characters available for a comment. Print ----- Print Date When printing the catalog include the date and time as part of the printout. Print Size When printing the catalog include the size of a file as part of the printout. Print Fcomments When printing the catalog include the file comment for each file in the printout. Print Contents When printing the catalog include a table of contents. This lists each disk and the page number the disk can be found on. The table of contents is printed last. Disk Per Page This is a print switch that will cause only one disk to be printed on a page. This can waste lots of paper if there are not many files or folders on a disk. Sort by Name Sort by Date Sort by Size Sort by Type All of these menu options sort the contents of a disk when printed. When sorting by Date, Size or Type files that are similar for that attribute will be sorted by name and type as a sub-group. Descending Sort the enteries from highest to lowest the default is from lowest to highest. Print Catalog Print the catalog. A dialog is displayed and the user can select the range of disks to be printed (default is all disks). The user can stop the printout at any time. If the printer is not connected then printing will be aborted after a short timeout. The printer must support: 0x0D - Carrige Return 0x0A - Line feed 0x0C - Form feed 80 columns 66 lines (62 lines are used) Misc ---- Default Windows Set the window sizes and positions back to default settings. Auto Newtop This is a mode switch that when checked will automatically switch the top window under the mouse. This saves from having to click on the window to bring it to the top when moving from one window to the other. Catalog Stats Displays the number of disks, the number of bytes used, the number of bytes unused, the number of files and the number of folders in the catalog. STDCAT Limits Displays some of the limitations of stdcat. General ------- When you first run the program an attempt is made to find the environment variable 'STDCAT'. If the environment variable is not found then the program will try to open '\STDCAT.CAT'. If the environment variable is found then the default path set to the path after the '='. If the path does not end in a '\' then the program will setup the catalog file name to the last name in the path. If the path ends in a '\' then the program program will look for the default catalog file name 'STDCAT.CAT' using the path. If the catalog file cannot be opened then the user must either use the menu entries "New" or "Open" to either create a new catalog or open an existing catalog. If the file is there it is opened, read in, and displayed (Did you follow that?). Examples: STDCAT=c:\catalogs\ - open stdcat.cat in c:\catalogs STDCAT=c:\catalogs\usenet.cat - open specified catalog. This is now complicated by a single command line argument that will take precedence over what is set in the environment. This argument can be either the path to the catalog directory, a complete path to the catalog file, or a catalog file that exists in the catalog directory set by the environment variable STDCAT. Examples: Suppose the environment variable has been set to the following: STDCAT=c:\catalogs\usenet.cat Now execute stdcat from a shell 1) stdcat.ttp - open c:\catalogs\usenet.cat 2) stdcat.ttp arcdisks.cat - open c:\catalogs\arcdisks.cat 3) stdcat.ttp d:\test.cat - open d:\test.cat 4) stdcat.ttp \test.cat - open \test.cat on current drive 5) stdcat.ttp .\test.cat - open test.cat in the current directory If the environment variable STDCAT is not defined then 2 above is the same as 5. To select a current disk click on the name in the disk window (usally on the left of the screen). The contents of the current disk is always displayed in the disk content window (usually on the right of the screen). The menu entries "Update", "Volume", "Delete" and "Dcomment" only work with the current disk. To see the contents of a directory that is displayed in the disk content window double-click on the directory. This way you can decend the directory hierarchy of a disk. Use the closer on the disk content window to return to the previous level. A find operation will change the current disk to the disk and directory the file was last found in. It attemps to locate the file as the top item in the disk content window and highlites the folder/file. Acknowlegements --------------- I would like to thank John Altstadt (johna@moliman.molienergy.bc.ca) for testing version 4.0 and making some useful suggestions on program operation. I would also like to thank D. Hugh Redelmeier (hugh@csri.toronto.edu) for providing me with the source for the new pattern matching logic and for a useful list of improvements (some of which I implemented (my brain still hurts :-) ). Warnings -------- This program has not been tested at all with two drive systems. It has, however, been tested in a ram disk, on a single drive system and on a hard disk. Use folderXXX if you plan to exceed the 40 folder limit on a disk. Bugs ---- STDCAT V4.3 is not known to have any bugs. Should you discover any please let me know. Bob Silliker 13097 107th Ave Surrey B.C, Canada V3T 2G2 Phone: (604)-584-3668 bsilliker@wimsey.bc.ca ...!uunet!ubc-cs!van-bc!bsilliker ...!uunet!van-bc!bsilliker `X?t:X*o#A#, - ЭЭй"ҍ¼.A// Bg?<JNA #A yAHhNh?<NxNVH*n36BnBnBnH|=@-M`H`H|"f0.f0.W|=@`0.f0.W|=@0.f 0.fBnB`r0.g BnBnBn`\0.f=|096Ry6@A!`6`4|g| g| g| g| g|"gV|'gNNRSnJno y@6m(BA#/9?96N \L N^NuNVH 9f <`b/.N|X=@*y`:?././ NO f0.5H|=f 6.HЃR`NqfH|f <L N^NuNV nf n #`BNVg=|?<N5^TNE?</9vN\HyHyϔHnHynHyϨHyϤBgBgHn?9I"?9I ?9I?9IBg?9t?9r?9p?9nBg?9?<?<0<yϪ?NBg/9vN\N 0<N^NuNV^333ϸByπByfByjBy3ώByByϪByϮByτByXByϐByϾByBy3*^3;lBydBy~A#.Hy*Hy.NhP3ϒByϊByZB9-BE?<?<NX?<H?<NXN3ςHnHnHnHnNO3=|`0.@A1Rn n m=|=|=|HnvHyHnNO ?<?9NX?<NT3| @g y|gHy,?<N\`NNxHnb?9N \3p3nt3t3rx y|f 3`3HyBHyBHyBHyB?<BgNfOCB؞ OpNCB؞ OpNBgNOCB؞ OpNCB؞ OpN?<NOBgBgNX?<?9NtX/9ϲN|Xx?HyBHyn?<NO /9pN|Xx?HyBHyI?<NO B?<N\?9t?9r?9p?9n?<NO 3?9I"?9I ?9I?9I?<NO 3ϸJymJyϸlB?<N\N-0<`HyѮ?9N)\N?<N7LT?9I"?9I ?9I?9I?9ϸNO ?9t?9r?9p?9n?9NO HynHyHN8PHyIHy`N8P?<;NT?<*NXT3?<?<7/9vNPB?<N\0<`0<N^NuNVJym?9NT?9NJTJyϸm?9ϸNT?9ϸNJT ygHB?<N\?9NTB?<N\Bg?9NX?9NTNN^NuNV0.`?9NT`Ncn`NdR`Nh,`Nj<`N\(`N`vNr`lNO2`bBgN5^T`TN6t`JBgN7LT`HyϬ?<6NP\`(`$`"| |/9vNPBg?<=/9vNP?<?./9vNPN^NuNV n 0g n BPBg?./9vNP` n 0?<?./9vNPN^NuNVB?<N\Hn?< ?.N*P`rHn/. 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FREE USED : COMMENT FILE/FOLDER SIZE DATE TIME : COMMENT FILE/FOLDER : COMMENT SIZE DATE TIME CATSTDCAT V4.3[3][ STDCAT | BY BOB SILLIKER |THIS PROGRAM WILL ONLY WORK |IN MEDIUM AND HI RES MODES. ][ EXIT ]n|d(PFR<2|2Z2zH %3d) %-12s %8ld %8ld : %s%08ld %3d) %s %8ld %8ld : %sA:\*.*A:[3][MEMORY ALLOCATOR:| |No more memory available.| ][ OK ][3][WINDOW ALLOCATOR:| |No more windows available.| ][ OK ]Getting the serial number.[2][DUPLICATE SERIAL NUMBER:|The disk you are trying to|read has the same serial|number as disk #%d. (%08ld)][ OK | CANCEL ]*+-,1'/B"2%;<>!(=45796#@(QUITCLOSE[2][YOU HAVE MADE MODIFICATIONS.| |Do you want to %s, SAVE|then %s, or CANCEL?| ][%s|SAVE|CANCEL][2][%.30s| |This file already exists!| ][USE IT|CANCEL][2][ |IS THE CATALOG DISK IN|DRIVE 'A' ?| ][ YES | CANCEL ][2][There was an error reading|the catalog file. You can|CONTINUE to see what has |been read in or CANCEL to |delete what was read in.][ CONTINUE | CANCEL ]STDCAT%.240s%s%.*s\%.12s%.240s%.12s%s%.*s\%.12s%s%s.%s%.70sNEW CATALOGCATALOG NOT OPEN%d DISKS1 DISKNO DISKSDISK #%d - %sNONAMEDISK #%d - %sNO DISKS IN CATALOGFOLDERS: %-3d FILES: %-3dOPEN FAILURE:CREATE FAILURE:READ FAILURE:DELETE FAILURE:WRITE FAILURE:THIS FILE IS NOT A CATALOG:FOUND AN EXTRA VOLUME NAME:FILE ERROR #%d:[1][%s| |%.31s][ OK ]\\.*.\*.%d\\\%d%08ld%08ldA:\*.*CHANGE VOLUME NAMEA:\A:\A:\*.*A:\[2][ADD DISK:| |Place disk #%d in drive 'A'.| ][ OK | EXIT ][3][DISK CATALOG FULL:| |You can only have 999 disks|in a catalog.| ][ OK ]%d%08ld%08ldA:\*.* UPDATE DISK %d%.*s\%.*s%d%d TABLE OF CONTENTSDisk Volume Serial # Comment Page---- ------------ -------- --------------------------------- ----%08ld %3d %-12s %s %-33s %2d| Disk: %-3d Vol: %-12s Comment: %-33s || Folders: %-3d Files: %-4d Size: %-7ld Free: %-7ld Used: %-7ld |\| STDCAT V4.3 | %-50.50s Page %-3d |\| %-74s || || %-12s %-12s %8s %8s %-12s %7ld %-12s %7ld %8s %8s %-12s %-33s %-12s %8s %8s %-33s %-12s %7ld %-33s %-12s %7ld %8s %8s %-33s ||%76s|[3][ |THERE ARE TOO MANY DIRECTORY| LEVELS ON THIS DISK!| ][ TOO BAD ]%s\%s%s\*.*...%3d%7ld%7ld%7ld%7ld%8.8s[2][DELETE DISK:|Are you sure you want to|delete disk #%d from the|catalog?| ][ YES | CANCEL ]FHLFPTFXz"F F"F @! : ܔH   ^ܰ   t % @+   F   F  %    %! @+ F'   ' "   ' 0#T" x'@4, !,    $      $   %  @4 *F    F   0 0 8  B # 0f l # 0  #%%@(  $ "'D  P P . H P X  ^ d  n! v( CP   ( > D L T ` h r z  &%   ! " # $ %  0'/ ()*+ ,-,.</L&^3122l0|C4B#56789:;<=>$ ?4 @D AX Bf 3z DH*EFGHC @+           $  F 2 > D %J  @1  P-j #-    !      %$ @(  $#"" %(  0 > B   PZ j'|  @+  F  % "   # # F>#'b @/  f      +       %" @                 "*  ,  8 ':  +>'\v'  %   ! '@%   !(!'H !$d<$$\$$$$$$<ޤ$D<$___999___999_________________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX________.___FFFFFFFFFFF_________________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX_______________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXPRINT CATALOGStarting disk number:Ending disk number:'ESC' TO STOP PRINTINGPRINTCANCELUPDATE DISKDiskVolumePlace disk in drive 'A'.UPDATEPREVNEXTEXITVolume name in catalog____________Volume name on disk____________The volume names do not match! Areyou sure you have the correct diskin drive 'A' ?YESCANCELFIND SOMETHING StringMATCH ANY CASEVOLUME NAMEFOLDER NAMEFILE NAMEDISK COMMENTFOLDER COMMENTFILE COMMENTFIND NEXTEXITFOUND SOMETHINGDiskVolume Comment___________________________________ Path___________________________________ Comment___________________________________FINDNEXTEXITSTDCAT LIMITATIONS1) 999 Disks per catalog file.2) 256 Files per directory.3) 16 Levels of directory nesting.OK Desk File Disk View Comment Print Misc STDCAT V4.3 About STDCAT-------------------- Desk Accessory 1 Desk Accessory 2 Desk Accessory 3 Desk Accessory 4 Desk Accessory 5 Desk Accessory 6 New Open Read---------- Save Save As Close---------- Quit Find----------- Add Update Delete----------- Volume Show Fcomments Show Serial #----------------- Sort by Name Sort by Date Sort by Size Sort by Type----------------- Descending File Comment Disk Comment Print Date Print Size Print Fcomments Print Contents------------------ Disk Per Page------------------ Sort by Name Sort by Date Sort by Size Sort by Type------------------ Descending------------------ Print Catalog Default Windows Auto NEWTOP Catalog Stats STDCAT Limits Set ColorCHANGE VOLUME NAME____________Old volume nameNew volume namePlace disk:in drive 'A'.CHANGE NEXTPREVNEXTEXITCHANGE FILE COMMENT LINE___________________________________ FileCommentCHANGE NEXTPREVNEXTEXITPRINTER TIMEOUTThe printer is not ready. Check tomake sure it is CONNECTED, POWEREDON, and ONLINE!RETRYCANCELSTDCAT V4.3byBOB SILLIKERFREEWAREPLEASE COPY METHIS SOFTWARE ISOKNOT FOR SALECHANGE VOLUME NAMENew volume nameThe new volume name conflicts withan existing filename in the ':'directory. To use this name as thevolume name you will have to eitherdelete or rename the existing file.OKCHANGE DISK COMMENT LINEDisk___Volume____________CommentCHANGE NEXTPREVNEXTEXITCATALOG STATSUpdated___________Disks_______Files_______Folders_______Bytes used_______KBytes freeKOK DISK SERIAL NUMBER CONFLICT Serial number in catalog________ Serial number on the disk________The serial numbers do not match!Are you sure you have the correctdisk in drive 'A' ?YESCANCELTERMINATE PRINTINGSTOP NOWSTOP AFTER THIS DISK IS PRINTEDCONTINUE PRINTINGd   %&' (!)"*#+$,1        -,@ r t!v "x #z$|%~&q's(u)w *y +{,}.R /G 0B 1 ' OKCANCEL CON:AUX:PRT: S (( (( AAAAAABBBBBB @$@Y@@@È@jA.AcAׄCAy7DxCyٝFnH=c)\I1sKP1P=M8O?ZwH02g$uOs<@ Wi??!TD-@ !TD-@$?!TD-?.B9??* B Z   "        f   @                                @  >   @  >     >>   $ x( ,      "           L<:6BX        &   &    <,.((    *   *" ,"""v      :4862$ " "  :      , `     (      $$*&*, 6   $            2   :    TB,> *>   *   $&  : $  * $  bn      "    "".R   $   $   " &"<           "   F 6        @B  T@6               *    (        .                  & >  H$h6    (               "                       &      " P   &"($         .      n     <4   *           "     & .   :           4( .&             N   & F$HHTPP               F8  N " F    x >      " ," ,""R                               " "    (,"$>6&` 4 80Z"  (lh (X&>&. . 4&f.,*   ."(n &:,Z8 (                          &      ,6$f@D$dHH8PtBF&2l`0b,n,,<4v L< <         v                  "*P00H0H00H0HHH0H0HH00000H0`H000000H00H0H0HH0H0HH0HHHHH000HHH0000000H4B&x**Maximum number of files dBMAN can open FILES=40 **Number of 1k block cache buffer. BUFFERS=40 **Number and size (in bytes) of global memory variables. GBLCNT=256 GBLSIZE=4000 **Number and size (in bytes) of X global memory variables. XGBLCNT=50 XGBLSIZE=2000 **Number of bytes the picture buffer holds. PICTBFSZ=2000 **Number of compiled programs contained in memory. PROGRAMS=25 **Number of program buffers. PRGBFCNT=2 **Size in bytes the program buffer is. PRGBFSIZE=8000 **Enable/Disable Y memory variable file closing. 0=Disable 1=Enable. CLOSEYLOC=0 **Word processor for MODIFY COMMAND, or memo fields. *WP= **Define a dBMAN to execute immediately after loading. COMMAND= DO STPROC22 **Enable/Disable dBASE3+ mode. 1=dBASE on 0=dBASE3 off DBASE3= 1 **Enable/Disable direct video ram. (PC version only). 1=enable 0=disable **VIDEORAM= 1 **Maximum row for the video display (set to 46 for EGA if you need more lines) **ROWMX=25 **Maximum column for the video display. **COLMX=80 **EUROKEY specifies whether you are using umlauts in your input (European **keyboards) 1= enable european keyboard. EUROKEY=0 #a000000 #b000000 #c7770007000600070055200505552220770557075055507703111103 #d #E 1B 02 #W 04 00 20 07 15 09 08 A:\*.*@ #W 00 00 0D 08 2A 0B 00 @ #W 00 00 0E 09 2A 0B 00 @ #W 00 00 0F 0A 2A 0B 00 @ #M 00 00 00 FF A FLOPPY DISK@ @ #M 00 01 00 FF B FLOPPY DISK@ @ #T 00 03 02 FF TRASH@ @ #F FF 04 @ *.*@ #D FF 01 @ *.*@ #G 03 FF *.APP@ @ #G 03 FF *.PRG@ @ #F 03 04 *.TOS@ @ #P 03 04 *.TTP@ @ +SU g0ERRMSGC0 Err01 - More Memory is Required.~3~ Err02 - A "(" Parenthesis is Needed.~3~ Err03 - The Key is Too Long.~3~ Err04 - Beginning Of File. No More Records.~3~ Err05 - End Of File...No More Records.~3~ Err06 - The Printer File Cannot be Opened.~3~ Err07 - System Error.~3~ Err08 - An ENDIF Command is Needed.~3~ Err09 - An ENDDO Command is Needed.~3~ Err10 - Printer Write Error.~3~ Err11 - A Disk Read Error has Occurred.~3~ Err12 - The File is corrupted.~3~ Err13 - The Number is Too Wide for Field.~3~ Err14 - No Matching Record was Found.~3~ Err15 - The Field Name is Illegal.~3~ Err16 - Disk Full or Write Error.~3~ Err17 - The File Name Already Exists.~3~ Err18 - Error Opening the File.~3~ Err19 - File Name Not Found or Illegal.~3~ Err20 - A Right Parenthesis ")" is Needed.~7~ Err21 - An ENDCASE Command is Needed.~3~ Err22 - The Record Number is Invalid.~3~ Err23 - Too Many Fields are Defined.~3~ Err24 - The Field Width is Invalid.~3~ Err25 - The File is Not a dBMAN File.~3~ Err26 - The Memory Variable Buffer is Full.~3~ Err27 - The File is Already in Use.~3~ Err28 - The File is Open for Read Only.~3~ Err29 - CONTINUE Without a Prior LOCATE.~3~ Err30 - Too Many Suspended Program Files.~3~ Err31 - System Error.~3~ Err32 - JOIN Error (Sec Same as Pri File).~3~ Err33 - The Decimals Value is Too Big.~3~ Err34 - Field Input is Mandatory.~3~ Err35 - A Prior IF Command is Needed.~3~ Err36 - A Prior DO WHILE Command is Needed.~3~ Err37 - A Prior DO CASE Command is Needed.~3~ Err38 - System Error.~3~ Err39 - The File is Not an Index.~3~ Err40 - Procedure Error.~3~ Err41 - The Data Type is Invalid.~3~ Err42 - The Key is Invalid for This Mode.~3~ Err43 - No DBF File is in USE.~3~ Err44 - The File is Not a Database.~3~ Err45 - DBF and NDX Files are Mismatched.~3~ Err46 - System Error.~3~ Err47 - Too Many @ GET commands.~3~ Err48 - The File Name is Invalid.~3~ Err49 - Cannot Create DBMEM.MEM File.~3~ Err50 - The Argument List is Missing.~3~ Err51 - The Expression is Too Long.~3~ Err52 - The File Name is Missing.~3~ Err53 - Data Conversion Error.~3~ Err54 - Syntax Error.~7~ Err55 - The Command Name is Illegal.~3~ Err56 - The Expression is Invalid.~7~ Err57 - The Field Name is Invalid.~7~ Err58-This command is valid only in programs.~3~ Err59 - The Record Number is Missing.~7~ Err60 - The Command Buffer is Full.~3~ Err61 - Duplicated Key Word.~7~ Err62 - Too Many Records for File.~3~ Err63 - Stack Error.~3~ Err64 - No NDX File is in Use.~3~ Err65 - The Files do Not COMPARE.~3~ Err66 - System Error.~3~ Err67 - The File Name is Too Long.~3~ Err68 - The Month or Day is Invalid.~3~ Err69 - The Date Expression is Invalid.~7~ Err70 - Quit. Command Aborted.~1~ Err71 - Program File Execution Aborted.~1~ Err72 - System Error.~3~ Err73 - The File is Empty.~3~ Err74 - System Error.~3~ Err75 - The Numeric Expression is Bad.~7~ Err76 - The String Expression is Bad.~7~ Err77 - The Logic Expression is Bad.~7~ Err78 - The Variable is Bad.~7~ Err79 - The Variable is Undefined.~7~ Err80 - The File Area ID is Invalid.~7~ Err81 - A List Separator is Needed.~7~ Err82 - The Drive ID is Invalid.~7~ Err83 - The File Name is Invalid.~7~ Err84 - A Terminating ">" is Needed.~7~ Err85 - The RELATION is Illegal.~3~ Err86 - The File is Not a dBASE DBF.~3~ Err87 - The Expression is Not a String.~3~ Err88 - The File is Not in a DIF Format.~3~ Err89 - Too Many Pushes.~3~ Err90 - System Error.~3~ Err91 - The Key Expression is Bad.~3~ Err92 - The Record or File is Locked.~3~ Err93 - The File is Not a RUN File.~3~ Err94 - Undefined Network Lock Status.~3~ Err95 - System Error.~3~ Err96 - RETRY or IGNORE Without a Trap.~3~ Err97 - Overflow or Undefined Result.~3~ Err98 - Network Spooling Error.~3~ Err99 - An ENDTEXT Command is Needed.~3~ Err100 - Run error.~1~ Err101 - Bad Argument Count.~3~ Err102 - Too Many ELSE.~3~ Err103 - Variable is Already Defined.~3~ *************************** * * * DBLIB-ST V2.0 * * * * SHAREWARE by SaraWare * * * * 02/25/89 * * * *************************** Now in DBMAN Version 5.10F & Greased Lightning Compiler Shareware by SaraWare ********************* This program is a disk cataloger and label printer. It is offered as shareware, and requires a $10.00 registration fee. Registered users will receive a fully implemented version, and will be eligible for limited printer code modifications, updates, and consideration of special requests. The program is written in dBMAN Version 5.10F and requires the runtime version of dBMAN (Included). (Special Plug) dBMAN, in the opinion of the author, is one of the finest, fastest, and most complete database available for the ATARI ST Computer. The coding used in dBMAN is essentially the same as that in DBASE III+. This software builds a database on: Title Category Publisher Date purchased or acquired Source of software Disk number Disk size Comments such as protection information Cost Base category Reports are generated by: Category Disk number Source Date Title A limitation of compiled dBMAN ...... The command prompt displays used for: (1) Adding ............ and (2) Editing ............ are not shown on the screen. These commands prompts are for quitting, saving, moving, to the next input template, moving to the previous template, deleting, and replicating. These commands are: To quit to main menu............................................. ESC To save current input or edited data and return to main menu .... ^W To move forward to next screen .................................. ^N To move to a prior screen ....................................... ^P To delete a complete record ..................................... ^D To un-delete a record ........................................... ^U To replicate the record (Adding Only) ........................... ^C Entering data (New Record): Press #1. Type in each line. When satisfied with input, type ^N to move to next blank template or type ^W to save the data just entered. Browsing Records: Press #2. Press #1. Follow the command prompts provided in the Top Menu Bar. Editing Records: Press #2. Press #2. Press ^P to locate the record to be edited. Make the change. Type ^Q to exit back to the main menu. Locating a Record: Press #2, Press #3, Type a single quote mark, the Disk #, and a single Quote, example: 'A001' Re-indexing: Press #2, Press #4, ** This should only be done if your index pointers get indigestion from an untimely crash. But if you want to try it anyway, go ahead. As your database grows, so will the time to reindex since five indexes are in use. Entering a date: The date input tells the database to retrieve all records SUBSEQUENT to the date. The date must be entered as 'mm/dd/yy', failure to include the ' mark before and after the date will cause the program to abort to the desktop. Deleting a record: Press #2. Press ^P to locate the record to be deleted. Press ^D to mark the record. Press ^W to save work and return to the main menu. Press 0 to Pack the database (delete marked records). * Use this procedure to delete the sample data. Some Trivia: Selective label printing can be performed by judicious placement of the quote marks: If I type 'A001', the label for disk A001 will be printed. If I type 'A0', the labels for disks A001 through A099 will be printed. If I type 'A', every disk that has a category code beginning with A, will be printed. Before you begin entering data, you should do two things: 1. Delete the sample data. Copy the file STLIB.DBF to another disk in the event your last name is Murphy. 2. Decide what CATEGORIES you will use in your database. There is no limit on Categories, but too many will breed redundancy. Running the program: Start the Run-me-1st program, press enter key when the dBMAN screen appears. Type in your Registered User access code. This software is setup to run with the Star NX-10, and Panasonic 1090 series printers. Codes can be modified (fee negotiable) for registered owners with other 'Epson' type printers. The label size is set for the 2 3/4 x 2 3/4, 2 3/4 x 1 15/16, and 2 3/4 x 1 7/16 inch pinfeed label. Additional sizes can be designed (fee negotiable) for registered owners. These labels can be purchased from a company named "Labels To Go",1040 Broadway, Westville, NJ 08093 for $12.00/M. They come 2500 to the box, and are a good quality label. To register your copy, complete the following form, send a blank disk, a self addressed stamped envelope (.65), and a $10.00 Postal Money Order to: E. Baumgras P.O. Box 321 Baldwinsville, NY 13027 TRADEMARKS dBMAN is a registered trademark of VersaSoft Corporation DBASE III+ is a registered trademark of Ashton-Tate Atari and ST are registered trademarks of Atari Corporation IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation MAC is a registered trademark of Apple Computers Incorporated DBLIB-ST Order - Registration Form Version - 2.0 Date: __/__/__ First Name: ____________________ M.I.: ___ Last Name: _____________________ Your Mothers Maiden Name: ________________________________________ Street: ________________________________________ City: __________________________________________ State: _________________ Zip Code: ______________ Phone Number: _____-_____-_________ Amount and form of payment: ______________________ This is an Individual License, it is not transferable, or assignable through User Group or Club resale. Signature of Licensee______________________________ Version 1.0D Additions ...................................February 6, 1989 1. An additional report is now available in menu choice #3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. This report allows you print by single category. 2. A sixth report which allows the costing of your Software Library. (Choice 'A') 3. A field titled ('Set Options'), this does nothing, but will be used as a hook for future enhancements. 4. Two additional fields to the database structure, these being; Value and Base. Value is currently used for costing. Base can be used as an I.D. for software i.e. ST, IBM, MAC, XE. The ablilty to selectively retrieve would be a feature of 'Set Options'. 5. Epson printer drivers are now included. 6. Upgrade policy for registered owners: Send a Postal Money Order in the amount of: $5.00 proof of ownership ( your original disk ) An self addressed stamped envelope with 65 cents postage affixed 7. If you desire a printer code other than provided, complete the following form, using this format [ chr(27),chr(xx) ]. This modi- fication is $5.00 additional to the initial or upgrade price. Same return procedure as #6 above. A. Compressed Print: chr(__) , chr(__) B. Top Of Page: chr(__) , chr(__) C. Printer Initialization: chr(__) , chr(__) D. Carriage Return: chr(__) , chr(__) E. Set 10 Pitch: chr(__) , chr(__) F. Enhanced Print: chr(__) , chr(__) Version 2.0 Additions ....................................February 18, 1989 1. The multiple database function is now enabled. This allows the user to keep multiple bases in the same file, or to set view levels within the file. I used in the demo data, 'ST', 'Mac', and 'IBM' as Base Identifiers. If I type 'MAC', the output reports will only retrieve MAC specific records. To clear the base filter, the user would type ' ' instead of the 'xxx' qualifier. 2. The capability of using colors other than Black, (Red and Green) has been added. 3. A custom printer option has been added, with defaults for Epson provided. This hopefully will provide the user with immediate printing capability. Custom printer options are available as defined in 1.0D.7, where this feature will not work with a printer. 4. It is now possible with Option 'A' to quantify the incremental, and aggregate value of the database. `C@*o m$m,B"HJgP"&J$YJf"Jg< Af Rf Gf Vf =f Jg#fB "&J$YJf"Jf&f2B "EHB2 r ggSJ"g fB*`B"  # .I+I/ # //SA?/ / Bg?<JNA Jf.?<?<NF>N?|BWNF>NXON" ?N2?<LNANVNJ9fD/< /. ?.Nr J@f0/</<NvFPO/< /<NvFPOp3%p3bBy_N-Z=@g" nGg?.NѐTO/<NXO/<GNXON^NuNVN~?9>NuTO#T:fNN#Tj$#VjR3%N-|s .@-@ .#+n#$#+rb ybTbp0NyN p?NRTON &N)N)N8@Bg?9/< Bgp?N- ?<?<?<?<?<?<pF?p?p ?p?N2p =@0.SnJ@gNtJ@fp?NTO`N^NuNVN8N,Jy~f?9 NTO3+j3:6NRNN8Bg?9ҘNXO/.N}BXOBgN2TON^NuNVp?/<Nڬ\O=@m.Hn?.N\OHnNbXO @f?.NTON^NuNVBnp?/. ?.NPOJ@n n  n B(``Jng0 n  f n B(`F n Bp?p/?.N>PO`* n  f n B` n  fp=@R `xN^NuNVp=?/.Ns\O-@g .S-@ n  g n  fS`Bn n  g n  gRn ngS` n  g n  fR?./.HnN\ HnNc*XO .R-@ n  g n  fR`/.HnN\PO?</.Ns\OJfB@`0<N^NuNV/ -|H nJg4/. n/Nv.POJ@f n&h/. N_XO6`ZP`-| nJgD/. n/Nv.POJ@f n?(/. n/(N\ ` n -H`&_N^NuNV/<NXON^NuNV/<NXON^NuNV/<NXON^NuNV/<HnN PO=@g0.`XBR"p#K#_#a#M/.?9N\O=@#+rb ybTbp0JnfB@` ng nf0.`3, y,g y,g y,g y,g yG,g/< /<_vNvFPO3+6+0Jyϼg:/<Ͼ?9ϼN\O=@Jngb#+rb ybTbp0Jytg8J9xg0NZb=@g*3,#+rb ybTbp009,N^NuNV/ By;0.HЮ -@ n d| n T 0 @Pb H0@ PN` n T ?NTO` n X /NnXO` n T 0y;o n 3;/. 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QMI UTILITY N 3.5SSU001 Y19860701JD 14.95ST LOGO ATARI LANG-LOGO GOOD FOR KIDS N 3.5SSL001 Y19860701AT 1.00ST A FINIANCIAL WIZARD COMPUTARI BUSINESS PROCOPY 3.5SSB001 Y19880901MO 69.95ST DEGAS V2.0 BATTERIES INCLUDED GRAPHICS N 3.5SSG001 Y19870601SC 49.95ST BOULDER DASH DELUXE PD ARCADE GOOD N 3.5SSA002 Y19870607GB 5.00ST WHEEL OF FORTUNE PD ARCADE OK N 3.5SSA003 Y19870901GE 5.00ST DUNGEON MASTER FTL GRAPH ADV SUPER ACOPY 3.5SSA004 Y19880511LY 29.95ST BARDS TALE DISK-1 ELECTRONIC ARTS GRAPH ADV PROCOPY 3.5SSA005 Y19871120GD 39.95ST BARDS TALE DISK-2 ELECTRONIC ARTS GRAPH ADV PROCOPY 3.5SSA006 Y19871120GD 0.00ST SPECTRE 128 GADGETS BY SMALL EMULATOR CARTRIDGE 3.5SSMAC01Y19871001LY179.00MAC dBMAN V5.1F VERSASOFT DATABASE WOW!!!! N 3.5DSD004 Y19881025VS149.00ST dBMAN GREASED LIGHTNING VERSASOFT DATABASE V 5.1 COMPILER N 3.5SSD005 Y19881025VS 99.95ST dBMAN TUTORIAL VERSASOFT DATABASE N 3.5SSD058 Y19881120VS 1.00ST MULTI-MGR PROFESSIONAL VERSASOFT BUSINESS PASSWORD 3.5DSD059 Y19881114VS249.95IBM DBLIB-ST V2.0 SaraWare DATABASE BUY IT!!!!!! PASSWORD 3.5SSD001 Y19890225SW 10.00ST LDW POWER LDW BUSINESS FORMAT VIP DISKN 3.5DSB006 Y19881001LY149.95ST EPSTART SOFTSTYLE (DATA-PAC)UTILITY PRINTER DRIVER PROCOPY 3.5SSMAC00Y19881005LY 39.95MAC SEE MORE 1-2-3 PERSONICS BUSINESS SCREEN MANAGER N 3.5SSB022 Y19880816LO 39.95IBM P.C. DITTO V3.01 AVANT GUARD EMULATOR GOOD BUT SLOW N 3.5SSIBM05Y19880901LY 89.95IBM+ ؔ e:\dbmanwrk\STLIB.FRM\DBMANWRK\STLIB.DBF\DBMANWRK\STLIB.NDX B' #CON:  l F | STLIB0T 9XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXCENTER("ST PROGRAM LIBRARY AS OF "+TIME(7)+' ON '+DATE(),110) X ؔSTLIB1O XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXCENTER("Shareware by SaraWare ..Data by Category",110) " |STLIB2@ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" Serial No: "+serial XSTLIB3O XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" Licensed To: "+serial2h h "hSTLIB4 YXXXXXXXXXXXX"CATEGORY"z z STLIB5 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"PROGRAM TITLE"q \ hq'STLIB6 KXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"PUBLISHER"k k<STLIB7 ݼXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"COMMENTS"` 0 \`LSTLIB8 %XXXXXXXX"SIZE"^ ޒ ^USTLIB9 އXXXXXX"DOCS"a 0a\STLIB10 XXXXXXXX"REC'D"a ^ ޒaeSTLIB11 PXXXXXXX"SOURCE"b bmSTLIB12 ߶XXXXXXX"DISK ID" ^ STLIB13R gXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"...................................................... 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DITTO V3.01 AVANT GUARD EMULATOR SPECTRE 128 GADGETS BY SMALL GRAPH ADV BARDS TALE DISK-1 ELECTRONIC ARTS GRAPH ADV BARDS TALE DISK-2 ELECTRONIC ARTS GRAPH ADV DUNGEON MASTER FTL GRAPHICS DEGAS V2.0 BATTERIES INCLUDED LANG-BASICBASIC ATARI LANG-FORT FORTRAN V2.12 Serial-xxxPROSPERO LANG-LOGO LOGO ATARI UTILITY DO-IT! QMI UTILITY EPSTART SOFTSTYLE (DATA-PAC) WORDPROC FIRST WORD V1.0 ATARI WORDPROC ST-WRITER NOONAN LANG-FORT FORTRAN V2.12 Serial-xxxPROSPERO LANG-LOGO LOGO ATARI UTILITY DO-IT! QMI WORDPROC FIRST WORD V1.0 ATARI WORDPROC ST-WRITER NOONAN COMMO ST-TALK V1.0 QMI GRAPH ADV BARDS TALE DISK-1 ELECTRONIC ARTS  COMMO ST-TALK V2.0C QMI DATABASE DBLIB-ST V2.0 SaraWare DATABASE dBMAN GREASED LIGHTNING VERSASOFT DATABASE dBMAN TUTORIAL VERSASOFT DATABASE dBMAN V5.1F VERSASOFT EDITOR MICRO-EMACS PD EMULATOR P.C. DITTO V3.01 AVANT GUARD EMULATOR SPECTRE 128 GADGETS BY SMALL GRAPH ADV BARDS TALE DISK-1 ELECTRONIC ARTS DATABASE DBLIB-ST V1.0E SaraWare DATABASE dBMAN GREASED LIGHTNING VERSASOFT DATABASE dBMAN TUTORIAL VERSASOFT DATABASE dBMAN V5.1F VERSASOFT EDITOR MICRO-EMACS PD EMULATOR P.C. DITTO V3.01 AVANT GUARD EMULATOR SPECTRE 128 GADGETS BY SMALL GRAPH ADV BARDS TALE DISK-1 ELECTRONIC ARTS ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + ,  lll ARCADE BOULDER DASH DELUXE PD ARCADE FIND ELVIS MEMPHIS MEMORYS ARCADE WHEEL OF FORTUNE PD BUSINESS A FINIANCIAL WIZARD COMPUTARI ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4  lll ARCADE BOULDER DASH DELUXE PD ARCADE FIND ELVIS MEMPHIS MEMORYS ARCADE WHEEL OF FORTUNE PD BUSINESS A FINIANCIAL WIZARD COMPUTARI 1 2 3 4 5 6 7  lll ARCADE BOULDER DASH DELUXE PD ARCADE FIND ELVIS MEMPHIS MEMORYS ARCADE WHEEL OF FORTUNE PD BUSINESS A FINIANCIAL WIZARD COMPUTARI  lll ARCADE BOULDER DASH DELUXE PD ARCADE FIND ELVIS MEMPHIS MEMORYS ARCADE WHEEL OF FORTUNE PD BUSINESS A FINIANCIAL WIZARD COMPUTARI +  e:\dbmanwrk\STLIB2.FRM\DBMANWRK\STLIB.DBF\DBMANWRK\STLIB2.NDX B' #CON:   STLIB20T AXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXCENTER("ST PROGRAM LIBRARY AS OF "+DATE()+' AT '+TIME(7),110) ` STLIB21O $XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXCENTER("Shareware by SaraWare ..Data by Disk I.D.",110) , STLIB22C XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" Serial No: "+serial  `STLIB23O XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" Licensed To: "+serial2b l ,bSTLIB24 ^XXXXXXX"DISK ID"z zSTLIB25 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"PROGRAM TITLE"a P la"STLIB26 CXXXXXXXX"REC'D"j j+STLIB27 XXXXXXXXXXXX" CATEGORY"q 4 Pq8STLIB28 #XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"PUBLISHER"m mMSTLIB29 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"PROTECTION"` 4`]STLIB210 XXXXXXXX"SIZE"^ l ^fSTLIB211 aXXXXXX"DOCS"a amSTLIB212 XXXXXXX"SOURCE"d : ld STLIB213 *XXXXXXX" "+DISK_NOp p STLIB214 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXTITLEb  :b "STLIB215 XXXXXXXXRECEIVEDk k +STLIB216 qXXXXXXXXXXXX" "+CATAGORYo o 8STLIB217 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXPUBLISHERk h k MSTLIB218 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXPROTECTION^ ^ ]STLIB219 XXXXXXXXSIZE\ * h\ fSTLIB220 !XXXXXXDOCSd  d mSTLIB221 XXXXXXX" "+SOURCE * STLIB222x XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXCENTER('Page'+STR(PAGENO(1),3),120)1 M > $ t  R  &   x I$  [  \  M > $ t  R  &   x I$  [  \ +B"C disk_no+titleA001 FIND ELVIS A002 BOULDER DASH DELUXE A003 WHEEL OF FORTUNE A004 DUNGEON MASTER A005 BARDS TALE DISK-1 A006 BARDS TALE DISK-2 B001 A FINIANCIAL WIZARD B006 LDW POWER B022 SEE MORE 1-2-3 C001 ST-TALK V1.0 C002 ST-TALK V2.0C D001 DBLIB-ST V2.0 D004 dBMAN V5.1F D005 dBMAN GREASED LIGHTNING D058 dBMAN TUTORIAL D059 MULTI-MGR PROFESSIONAL G001 DEGAS V2.0 IBM05P.C. DITTO V3.01 L001 BASIC L001 LOGO L002 FORTRAN V2.12 Serial-xxxMAC00EPSTART MAC01SPECTRE 128 U001 DO-IT! W001 FIRST WORD V1.0 W002 MICRO-EMACS W003 ST-WRITER V2.0C QMI DATABASE DBLIB-ST V1.0E D001 DBLIB-ST V1.0C D004 dBMAN V5.1F D005 dBMAN GREASED LIGHTNING D058 dBMAN TUTORIAL D059 MULTI-MGR PROFESSIONAL G001 DEGAS V2.0 L001 BASIC L001 LOGO L002 FORTRAN V2.12 Serial-xxxMAC01SPECTRE 128 U001 DO-IT! W001 FIRST WORD V1.0 W002 MICRO-EMACS W003 ST-WRITER D001 DBLIB-ST V1.0C D004 dBMAN V5.1F D005 dBMAN GREASED LIGHTNING D058 dBMAN TUTORIAL D059 MULTI-MGR PROFESSIONAL G001 DEGAS V2.0 L001 BASIC L001 LOGO L002 FORTRAN V2.12 Serial-xxxMAC01SPECTRE 128 U001 DO-IT! W001 FIRST WORD V1.0 W002 MICRO-EMACS W003 ST-WRITER FC002 ST-TALK V2.0C OULDER DASH DELUXE PD ARCADE GOOD N 3.5SSA002 Y19870607GB 1.0010y A FINIANCIAL WIZARD COMPUTARI BUSINESS PROCOPY 3.5SSB001 Y19880901MO 69.9510y LDW POWER LDW BUSINESS FORMAT VIP DISKN 3.5DSB006 Y19881001LY149.9510y MULTI-MGR PROFESSIONAL VERSASOFT BUSINESS PASSWORD 3.5DSD059 Y19881114VS249.9510y ST-TALK V1.0 QMI COMMO N 3.5SSC001 Y19860701JD 14.9510y ST-TALK V2.0C QMI COMMO THE BEST YET N 3.5SSC002 Y19880901JD 29.9510y DBLIB-ST V1.0C SaraWare DATABASE BUY IT!!!!!! PASSWORD 3.5SSD001 Y19881221SW 10.0010y dBMAN GREASED LIGHTNING VERSASOFT DATABASE V 5.1 COMPILER N 3.5SSD005 Y19881025VS249.0010v( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7  lll A001 FIND ELVIS A002 BOULDER DASH DELUXE A003 WHEEL OF FORTUNE A004 DUNGEON MASTER A005 BARDS TALE DISK-1 A006 BARDS TALE DISK-2 B001 A FINIANCIAL WIZARD C001 ST-TALK V1.0 C002 ST-TALK V2.0C A006 BARDS TALE DISK-2 B001 A FINIANCIAL WIZARD C001 ST-TALK V1.0 C002 ST-TALK V2.0C +k e:\dbmanwrk\STLIB3.FRM\DBMANWRK\STLIB.DBF\DBMANWRK\STLIB3.NDX B' #CON:  wTvl STLIB30TkXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXCENTER("ST PROGRAM LIBRARY AS OF "+DATE()+' AT '+TIME(7),110)lkSTLIB31OlXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXCENTER("Shareware by SaraWare ..Data by Source",110)mlSTLIB32FmqXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" Serial No: "+serialnlSTLIB33OnJXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" Licensed To: "+serial2anmaSTLIB34nXXXXXXX"SOURCE"hoXnhSTLIB35 oIXXXXXXXXXXXX"CATEGORY"zonzSTLIB36oXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"PROGRAM TITLE"bp<oXb/STLIB37p.XXXXXXX"DISK ID"qpoq7STLIB38pXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"PUBLISHER"kq"p $ t  R  &  ] x I$ ] [ ] \ ]SOURCE > $ t  R  &  ] x I$ ] [ ] \ ] OURCE > $ t  R  &  ] x I$ ] [ ] \ ]+B*C source+catagory+titleATLANG-BASICBASIC ATLANG-LOGO LOGO ATWORDPROC FIRST WORD V1.0 EBARCADE FIND ELVIS GBARCADE BOULDER DASH DELUXE GDGRAPH ADV BARDS TALE DISK-1 GDGRAPH ADV BARDS TALE DISK-2 GEARCADE WHEEL OF FORTUNE GEEDITOR MICRO-EMACS GEWORDPROC ST-WRITER JDCOMMO ST-TALK V1.0 JDCOMMO ST-TALK V2.0C JDUTILITY DO-IT! LYEMULATOR SPECTRE 128 LYGRAPH ADV DUNGEON MASTER MOBUSINESS A FINIANCIAL WIZARD PSLANG-FORT FORTRAN V2.12 Serial-xxx SCGRAPHICS DEGAS V2.0 SWDATABASE DBLIB-ST V1.0E VSBUSINESS MULTI-MGR PROFESSIONAL VSDATABASE dBMAN GREASED LIGHTNING VSDATABASE dBMAN TUTORIAL VSDATABASE dBMAN V5.1F  JDUTILITY DO-IT! LOBUSINESS SEE MORE 1-2-3 LYBUSINESS LDW POWER LYEMULATOR P.C. DITTO V3.01 LYEMULATOR SPECTRE 128 LYGRAPH ADV DUNGEON MASTER LYUTILITY EPSTART MOBUSINESS A FINIANCIAL WIZARD PSLANG-FORT FORTRAN V2.12 Serial-xxx SCGRAPHICS DEGAS V2.0 SWDATABASE DBLIB-ST V2.0 VSBUSINESS MULTI-MGR PROFESSIONAL VSDATABASE dBMAN GREASED LIGHTNING VSDATABASE dBMAN TUTORIAL VSDATABASE dBMAN V5.1F PSLANG-FORT FORTRAN V2.12 Serial-xxx SCGRAPHICS DEGAS V2.0 SWDATABASE DBLIB-ST V1.0E VSBUSINESS MULTI-MGR PROFESSIONAL VSDATABASE dBMAN GREASED LIGHTNING VSDATABASE dBMAN TUTORIAL VSDATABASE dBMAN V5.1F VJDCOMMO ST-TALK V2.0C TITLE STLIB4.NDX0 RECEIVED CATAGORY TITLE ATLANG-BASICBASIC ATLANG-LOGO LOGO ATWORDPROC FIRST WORD V1.0 EBARCADE FIND ELVIS GBARCADE BOULDER DASH DELUXE GDGRAPH ADV BARDS TALE DISK-1 GDGRAPH ADV BARDS TALE DISK-2 GEARCADE WHEEL OF FORTUNE GEEDITOR MICRO-EMACS GEWORDPROC ST-WRITER JDCOMMO ST-TALK V1.0 JDCOMMO ST-TALK V2.0C ATLANG-BASICBASIC ATLANG-LOGO LOGO ATWORDPROC FIRST WORD V1.0 EBARCADE FIND ELVIS GBARCADE BOULDER DASH DELUXE GDGRAPH ADV BARDS TALE DISK-1 GDGRAPH ADV BARDS TALE DISK-2 GEARCADE WHEEL OF FORTUNE GEEDITOR MICRO-EMACS GEWORDPROC ST-WRITER JDCOMMO ST-TALK V1.0 JDCOMMO ST-TALK V2.0C J% & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7  lll - . /  lll +lH e:\dbmanwrk\STLIB4.FRM\DBMANWRK\STLIB.DBF\DBMANWRK\STLIB4.NDX B' #CON:  w|w<m0 STLIB40TlXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXCENTER("ST PROGRAM LIBRARY AS OF "+TIME(7)+' ON '+DATE(),110)nlHSTLIB41OmXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXCENTER("Shareware by SaraWare ..Data by Date Received",110)nm0STLIB42FnXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" Serial No: "+serialonSTLIB43Oo~XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" Licensed To: "+serial2apnaSTLIB44pXXXXXXXX"REC'D"|po| STLIB45pXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" PROGRAM TITLE"hqph#STLIB46 pXXXXXXXXXXXX"CATEGORY"qq~pq0STLIB47qmXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"PUBLISHER"mqqmESTLIB48qXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"PROTECTION"`rTq~`USTLIB49rIXXXXXXXX"SIZE"^rq^^STLIB410rXXXXXX"DOCS"asrTaeSTLIB411sXXXXXXX"SOURCE"bsrbmSTLIB412stXXXXXXX"DISK ID"bssb STLIB413sXXXXXXXXRECEIVEDpt\sp STLIB414tRXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXTITLEftsf #STLIB415 tXXXXXXXXXXXXCATAGORYou:t\o 0STLIB416u+XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXPUBLISHERkutk ESTLIB417uXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXPROTECTION^v u:^ USTLIB418vXXXXXXXXSIZE\vlu\ ^STLIB419vcXXXXXXDOCSdvv d eSTLIB420vXXXXXXX" "+SOURCEd ]vld mSTLIB421w,XXXXXXX" "+DISK_NOv STLIB422x ^XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXCENTER('Page'+STR(PAGENO(1),3),120)1 M > $ t  R  &  ] x I$ ] [ ] \ ] M > $ t  R  &  ] x I$ ] [ ] \ ]+B0C dtok(received)+catagory+title19860701COMMO ST-TALK V1.0 19860701LANG-BASICBASIC 19860701LANG-LOGO LOGO 19860701UTILITY DO-IT! 19860701WORDPROC FIRST WORD V1.0 19870601GRAPHICS DEGAS V2.0 19870607ARCADE BOULDER DASH DELUXE 19870901ARCADE WHEEL OF FORTUNE 19871001EMULATOR SPECTRE 128 19871101EDITOR MICRO-EMACS 19871120GRAPH ADV BARDS TALE DISK-1 19871120GRAPH ADV BARDS TALE DISK-2 19871222WORDPROC ST-WRITER 19880301LANG-FORT FORTRAN V2.12 Serial-xxx 19880511GRAPH ADV DUNGEON MASTER 19880901BUSINESS A FINIANCIAL WIZARD 19880901COMMO ST-TALK V2.0C 19880902ARCADE FIND ELVIS 19881025DATABASE dBMAN GREASED LIGHTNING 19881025DATABASE dBMAN V5.1F SE dBMAN TUTOb19871120GRAPH ADV BARDS TALE DISK-1 19871120GRAPH ADV BARDS TALE DISK-2 19871222WORDPROC ST-WRITER 19880301LANG-FORT FORTRAN V2.12 Serial-xxx 19880511GRAPH ADV DUNGEON MASTER 19880816BUSINESS SEE MORE 1-2-3 19880901BUSINESS A FINIANCIAL WIZARD 19880901COMMO ST-TALK V2.0C 19880901EMULATOR P.C. DITTO V3.01 19880902ARCADE FIND ELVIS 19881001BUSINESS LDW POWER 19881005UTILITY EPSTART 19881025DATABASE dBMAN GREASED LIGHTNING 19881025DATABASE dBMAN V5.1F 19881114BUSINESS MULTI-MGR PROFESSIONAL 19881120DATABASE dBMAN TUTORIAL 19890225DATABASE DBLIB-ST V2.0 19881025DATABASE dBMAN GREASED LIGHTNING 19881025DATABASE dBMAN V5.1F SE dBMAN TUTOb19871101EDITOR MICRO-EMACS y ST-TALK V1.0 QMI COMMO N 3.5SSC001 Y19860701JD 14.95ST 19860701COMMO ST-TALK V1.0 19860701LANG-BASICBASIC 19860701LANG-LOGO LOGO 19860701UTILITY DO-IT! 19860701WORDPROC FIRST WORD V1.0 19870601GRAPHICS DEGAS V2.0 19870607ARCADE BOULDER DASH D#00000000 $00000000 %00000000 &00000000 '00000000 (00000000 )00000000 *00000000 +00000000 ,00000000 00000000 lll 19860701COMMO ST-TALK V1.0 19860701LANG-BASICBASIC 19860701LANG-LOGO LOGO 19860701UTILITY DO-IT! 19860701WORDPROC FIRST WORD V1.0 19870601GRAPHICS DEGAS V2.0 19870607ARCADE BOULDER DASH DELUXE 19870901ARCADE WHEEL OF FORTUNE 19871001MACINTOSH SPECTRE 128 19871101EDITOR MICRO-EMACS -00000000 .00000000 /00000000 000000000 100000000 200000000 300000000 400000000 500000000 600000000 00000000 lll 19860701COMMO ST-TALK V1.0 19860701LANG-BASICBASIC 19860701LANG-LOGO LOGO 19860701UTILITY DO-IT! 19860701WORDPROC FIRST WORD V1.0 19870601GRAPHICS DEGAS V2.0 19870607ARCADE BOULDER DASH DELUXE 19870901ARCADE WHEEL OF FORTUNE 19871001MACINTOSH SPECTRE 128 19871101EDITOR MICRO-EMACS B700000000 00000000 lll 19860701COMMO ST-TALK V1.0 19860701LANG-BASICBASIC 19860701LANG-LOGO LOGO 19860701UTILITY DO-IT! 19860701WORDPROC FIRST WORD V1.0 19870601GRAPHICS DEGAS V2.0 19870607ARCADE BOULDER DASH DELUXE 19870901ARCADE WHEEL OF FORTUNE 19871001MACINTOSH SPECTRE 128 19871101EDITOR MICRO-EMACS 19860701LANG-BASICBASIC 19860701LANG-LOGO LOGO 19860701UTILITY DO-IT! 19860701WORDPROC FIRST WORD V1.0 19870601GRAPHICS DEGAS V2.0 19870607ARCADE BOULDER DASH DELUXE 19870901ARCADE WHEEL OF FORTUNE 19871001MACINTOSH SPECTRE 128 19871101EDITOR MICRO-EMACS + F e:\dbmanwrk\STLIB5.FRM\DBMANWRK\STLIB.DBF\DBMANWRK\STLIB5.NDX B' #CON:   . STLIB50T XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXCENTER("ST PROGRAM LIBRARY AS OF "+TIME(7)+' ON '+DATE(),110)  FSTLIB51O XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXCENTER("Shareware by SaraWare ..Data by Title",110) .STLIB52F XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" Serial No: "+serial STLIB53O xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" Licensed To: "+serial2z 2 zSTLIB54 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"PROGRAM TITLE"h hSTLIB55 XXXXXXXXXXXX"CATEGORY"q  2q'STLIB56 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"PUBLISHER"k k<STLIB57 tXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"COMMENTS"` `LSTLIB58 XXXXXXXX"SIZE"^ J ^USTLIB59 ?XXXXXX"DOCS"a a\STLIB510 XXXXXXXX"REC'D"a  JaeSTLIB511 XXXXXXX"SOURCE"b | bmSTLIB512 nXXXXXXX"DISK ID"p p STLIB513 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXTITLEf Z |f STLIB514 MXXXXXXXXXXXXCATAGORYo o 'STLIB515 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXPUBLISHERi < Zi <STLIB516 .XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXCOMMENTS^ ^ LSTLIB517 XXXXXXXXSIZE\ X <\ USTLIB518 OXXXXXXDOCSb b \STLIB519 XXXXXXXXRECEIVEDd & Xd eSTLIB520 XXXXXXX" "+SOURCEd  d mSTLIB521 ~XXXXXXX" "+DISK_NO & STLIB522x XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXCENTER('Page'+STR(PAGENO(1),3),120)1 M > $ t  R  &   x I$  [  \  M > $ t  R  &   x I$  [  \ +B(C title+catagory  A FINIANCIAL WIZARD BUSINESS BARDS TALE DISK-1 GRAPH ADV BARDS TALE DISK-2 GRAPH ADV BASIC LANG-BASIC BOULDER DASH DELUXE ARCADE DBLIB-ST V2.0 DATABASE DEGAS V2.0 GRAPHICS DO-IT! UTILITY DUNGEON MASTER GRAPH ADV EPSTART UTILITY FIND ELVIS ARCADE FIRST WORD V1.0 WORDPROC FORTRAN V2.12 Serial-xxxLANG-FORT LOGO LANG-LOGO MICRO-EMACS EDITOR MULTI-MGR PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS SPECTRE 128 EMULATOR ST-TALK V1.0 COMMO ST-TALK V2.0C COMMO ST-WRITER WORDPROC WHEEL OF FORTUNE ARCADE dBMAN GREASED LIGHTNING DATABASE dBMAN TUTORIAL DATABASE dBMAN V5.1F DATABASE 3.5SSU001 ZLDW POWER BUSINESS LOGO LANG-LOGO MICRO-EMACS EDITOR MULTI-MGR PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS P.C. DITTO V3.01 EMULATOR SEE MORE 1-2-3 BUSINESS SPECTRE 128 EMULATOR ST-TALK V1.0 COMMO ST-TALK V2.0C COMMO ST-WRITER WORDPROC WHEEL OF FORTUNE ARCADE dBMAN GREASED LIGHTNING DATABASE dBMAN TUTORIAL DATABASE dBMAN V5.1F DATABASE MULTI-MGR PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS SPECTRE 128 EMULATOR ST-TALK V1.0 COMMO ST-TALK V2.0C COMMO ST-WRITER WORDPROC WHEEL OF FORTUNE ARCADE dBMAN GREASED LIGHTNING DATABASE dBMAN TUTORIAL DATABASE dBMAN V5.1F DATABASE 3.5SSU001 RFORTRAN V2.12 Serial-xxxLANG-FORT BARDS TALE DISK-2 GRAPH ADV BASIC LANG-BASIC BOULDER DASH DELUXE ARCADE DBLIB-ST V1.0E DATABASE DEGAS V2.0 GRAPHICS DO-IT! UTILITY DUNGEON MASTER GRAPH ADV EPSTART UTILITY FIND ELVIS ARCADE FIRST WORD V1.0 WORDPROC FORTRAN V2.12 Serial-xxxLANG-FORT LOGO LANG-LOGO MICRO-EMACS EDITOR MULTI-MGR PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS SPECTRE 128 EMULATOR ST-TALK V1.0 COMMO ST-TALK V2.0C COMMO ST-WRITER WORDPROC WHEEL OF FORTUNE ARCADE dBMAN GREASED LIGHTNING DATABASE dBMAN TUTORIAL DATABASE dBMAN V5.1F DATABASE CARTRIDGE% & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 A FINIANCIAL WIZARD BUSINESS BARDS TALE DISK-1 GRAPH ADV BARDS TALE DISK-2 GRAPH ADV BASIC LANG-BASIC BOULDER DASH DELUXE ARCADE DBLIB-ST V1.0A DATABASE DEGAS V2.0 GRAPHICS DO-IT! UTILITY DUNGEON MASTER GRAPH ADV FIND ELVIS ARCADE FIRST WORD V1.0 WORDPROC FORTRAN V2.12 Serial-xxxLANG-FORT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 A FINIANCIAL WIZARD BUSINESS BARDS TALE DISK-1 GRAPH ADV BARDS TALE DISK-2 GRAPH ADV BASIC LANG-BASIC BOULDER DASH DELUXE ARCADE DBLIB-ST V1.0A DATABASE DEGAS V2.0 GRAPHICS DO-IT! UTILITY DUNGEON MASTER GRAPH ADV FIND ELVIS ARCADE FIRST WORD V1.0 WORDPROC FORTRAN V2.12 Serial-xxxLANG-FORT DEGAS V2.0 GRAPHICS DO-IT! UTILITY DUNGEON MASTER GRAPH ADV FIND ELVIS ARCADE FIRST WORD V1.0 WORDPROC FORTRAN V2.12 Serial-xxxLANG-FORT +# N d:\dbmanwrk\STLIB6.FRM\DBMANWRK\STLIB.DBF\DBMANWRK\STLIB.NDX B' #0  Z . D jSTLIB0N XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" ST PROGRAM LIBRARY AS OF "+TIME(7)+' ON '+DATE() 2 NSTLIB67K XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" Shareware by SaraWare ..Cost by Category" DSTLIB64? XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" Serial No: " + serial 2STLIB65Q .XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" Licensed To: " + serial2h Z hSTLIB4 KXXXXXXXXXXXX"CATEGORY"z z STLIB5 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"PROGRAM TITLE"q N Zq'STLIB6 =XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"PUBLISHER"k k<STLIB7 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"COMMENTS"` " N`MSTLIB8 XXXXXX"U-COST"` `VSTLIB9 yXXXXXX"C-COST"a "abSTLIB10 XXXXXXXX"REC'D"a R akSTLIB11 DXXXXXXX"SOURCE"b bsSTLIB12 XXXXXXX"DISK ID" RSTLIB13R [XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"...................................................... "+catagoryf  f STLIB14 XXXXXXXXXXXXCATAGORYp p STLIB15 |XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXTITLEo o 'STLIB16 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXPUBLISHERi h i <STLIB17 ZXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXCOMMENTSe e LSTLIB18 ####.##STLIB->VALUE X h USTLIB61S1 "  @####.##STLIB->VALUESTLIBe e USTLIB19 ####.##STLIB->VALUEb ( Xb aSTLIB20 XXXXXXXXRECEIVEDd d mSTLIB21 XXXXXXX" "+SOURCEd (d uSTLIB22 XXXXXXX" "+DISK_NO0 , 0 .THEk k 2STLIB63 XXXXXXXXXXSTLIB->CATAGORYB ,B <...CATEGORY VALUE IS:? & ? <CATEGORY VALUE IS:1 \ 1 N>>>> & TSTLIB60S1 "  #####.##STLIB->VALUESTLIB \STLIB24x XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXCENTER('Page'+STR(PAGENO(1),3),120)>  ><LIBRARY VALUE IS:2 L 2M>>>>> TSTLIB62S0 "  #####.##STLIB->VALUESTLIB1 M   L$ hj N L L  \ L  , L v > Lhp1 M   L$ hj N L L  \ L  , L v > LhpCATAGORY   L$ hj N L L  \ L  , L v > Lhp ATAGORY   L$ hj N L L  \ L  , L v > Lhp+ TITLEPUBLISHERCATAGORYCOMMENTSPROTECTIONSIZEDISK_NODOCSRECEIVEDSOURCE VALUE BASE STLIB6"TITLE %6(" XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX &6(" XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX &6"PUBLISHER%6 ("XXXXXXXXXXX &6 "CATEGORYX%6 ("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX &6 "COMMENTSX%6  ("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX &6  "PROTECTIONX%6  ("XXXXX &6  "DISK SIZE%6  ("XXXXXXZ &6 "DISK NUMBER%6("X &6"DOCUMENTATION%6("##/##/##T &6"DATE ACQUIRED%6("XX( & 6"SOURCEQ%6"ESC = QUITE%6"^W = SAVEE%6#"^N = NEXT% 62"%6#" ^C = CARRY RECORD FORWARD%6 DI 61"^P = PRIORD%$6"1. USE ESC TO SAVE AND EXIT FROM RECORD APPEND.%#6"2. USE ^W TO SAVE AND EXIT FROM RECORD EDIT..%6"PROGRAM COSTO%6"BASE CODE%6 ("###.##D & 6!("XXX & MP1C64MP2C69MP3C12MP4C80MP5C 15+*4REALMBASEREAL2MC1SERIALOCODEULIMSERAILSREIAL2SERIAL3 SERIAL4 SERIAL2 MCHOICE MED LPRTMDATEDISK_NOTITLERECEIVEDPUBLISHERSOURCEMPRTPCS0PCS1PCS2PCS3PCS4PCS5PCS6PCS7PCS8LINEPOSITION PS!MP1"MP2#MP3$CATA%MOPT&MDISK'MP4(MP5)STBASOPT BSTEDIT0 GSTEDIT1<RSTEDIT2N RSTEDIT3jSTEDIT40STINTROxSTLAB_0 lSRSTLAB_1_STLAB_2elSTLAB_3kSTLAB_4pSTLAB_5v2STLAB_6zSTLAB_7STLAB_8`STLAB_ASTLAB_B@STLAB_CrSTLAB_DSTLAB_E0STLAB_FSTLAB_GSTLAB_HhSTLAB_I,STLAB_JPSTLIBSTLIB10^STLIB2STLIB20STLIB3STLIB30STLIB4 STLIB40STLIB5LSTLIB50STLIB6 STLIBASTLIBBXSTLIBCSTLIBD0STLIBEٜSTLIBMEN@STLIBOPTSTLINDEXĤ|STPRNOPT 0|STREADMESTRESTOR ST_CUSTMST_NX10bST_PANST_PRNT 6/stproc22 6/stlibmen6i6 62stprnopt 650D 6  D6!E6"E6# 6$/stintro6*, 6+ D6," Unregistered Copy%6. " Enter Open Code : %&60" Please Type - ATARIp%6162# ATARI63c64$65,67d69,6: D 6;GENIEE6< I. M. Unregistered-E 6> E 6?E 6@  E 6AG500 E 6BU560 E 6C E6H, 6J#6K,6L$6M,"6N">>>>>> Altered Demo or Registered Copy <<<<<<%-6O ""To Register, Send A $10.00 Postal Money Order, And A Blank Disk To:%6P"E. Baumgras%6Q"P.O. Box 321S%6R" Baldwinsville, NY 130270%6SZ6T,6Ui6V6X,6Zd6[ 6^ 6_ D 6`#`  Q6a,.6bB-stlibG0stlibH0stlib20H0stlib3 H0stlib4BH0stlib5HI 6c"N* 6d"0* 6e"A* 6f"%* 6g'"L*#6h" THE ST LIBRARY DATABASE ...... by SaraWare %6i" Serial .... # GENIE%6k9" V2.0 .... 02/25/89 B%6l#" MENU.%6m"CODE TASK%6n " [1] ADD RECORDS8%6o " [2] EDIT RECORDS%6p" [3] PRINT BY CATAGORYS%6q" [4] PRINT BY DISK ID%6r" [5] PRINT BY SOURCE%6s"[6] PRINT BY DATE ACQUIRED .%6t)"CODE TASK%6u )"[7] PRINT BY PROGRAM TITLE .%6v )" [8] PRINT DISK LABELS %6w)" [9] CONFIGURE PRINTER %6x)" [0] PACK DATABASE %6y)" [A] COST DATABASE%6z)" [B] SET OPTIONS +% 6{E 6|#T"6~"SELECT A TASK CODE [1 - 0, Q TO QUIT] a%& 6 6# P Q6,6$T6$H 6#  q6,6$T6$H 6#  16# & A+6,6 6?NSTLIBAPE6?\6?6$ t6,&6 "A Registered Copy Is: > > > > Unrestricted < < < < %-6 ""To Register, Send a $10.00 Postal Money Order and a Blank Disk To:%6"E. Baumgras%6"P.O. Box 321S%6"Baldwinsville, New York 13027a%6Z6$T6$T6$H 6#  26, 6/stedit06$T6$H 6#  36?6# b A+ 6/stlib106,6$T6$ 6,&6 "A Registered Copy Is: > > > > Unrestricted < < < < %-6 ""To Register, Send a $10.00 Postal Money Order, and a Blank Disk To:%6"E. Baumgras%6"P.O. Box 321S%6"Baldwinsville, New York 13027a%6Z6$T6$H 6# 46?6#@ A+ 6/stlib206,6$T6$6,&6 "A Registered Copy Is: > > > > Unrestricted < < < < %-6 ""To Register, Send a $10.00 Postal Money Order, and a Blank Disk To:%6"E. Baumgras%6"P.O.Box 321%6"Baldwinsville, New York 13027a%6Z6$T6$H 6#v 56?6# A+ 6/stlib306,6$T6$j6,&6 "A Registered Copy Is: > > > > Unrestricted < < < < %-6 ""To Register, Send a $10.00 Postal Money Order, and a Blank Disk To:%6"E. Baumgras%6"P.O. Box 321S%6"Baldwinsville, New York 13027a%6Z6$T6$H 6#T 66?6# A+ 6/stlib406,6$T6$H6,&6 "A Registered Copy Is: > > > > Unrestricted < < < < %-6 ""To Register, Send a $10.00 Postal Money Order, and a Blank Disk To:%6"E. Baumgras%6"P.O. Box 321S%6"Baldwinsville, New York 13027a%6Z6$T6$H 6#2 76?6# A+ 6/stlib506,6$T6$&6,&6 "A Registered Copy Is: > > > > Unrestricted < < < < %-6 ""To Register, Send a $10.00 Postal Money Order, and a Blank Disk To:%6"E. Baumgras%6"P.O. Box 321S%6"Baldwinsville, New York 13027a%6Z6$T6$H 6# 86# A+ 6/stlab_06$T6$6,&6 "A Registered Copy Is: > > > > Unrestricted < < < < %-6 ""To Register, Send a $10.00 Postal Money Order, and a Blank Disk To:%6"E. Baumgras%6"P.O. Box 321S%6"Baldwinsville, New York 13027a%6Z6$T6$H 6#@ 9 6/st_prnt6$T6$H 6# 06?6,6$T6$H6#  A a 6/stlib6 6,6$T6$H6#H  B b6, 6/stlibopt6 ,6 $T6 $6 $V6J6,6&6" Now in DBMAN Version 5.10F & Greased Lightning Compiler 6 6 6 Shareware by SaraWare n6 ********************* n6  6  (6 $This program is a disk cataloger and label printer. It is offered as (6 $shareware, and requires a $10.00 registration fee. Registered users '6 #will receive a fully implemented version, and will be eligible for &6"limited printer code modifications, updates, and consideration of 6 special requests. m6 c)6%The program is written in dBMAN Version 5.10F and requires the runtime *6&version of dBMAN (Included). (Special Plug) dBMAN, in the opinion of the o-6)author, is one of the finest, fastest, and most complete database available for *6&the ATARI ST Computer. The coding used in dBMAN is essentially the same as6 that in DBASE III+. 6' 6PRESS RETURN 6Z6'6'6This software builds a database on: 6 6 Title l6 Category 6! Publisher a6" Date purchased or acquired 6# Source of software 6$ Disk number a6% Disk size 6& Comments such as protection information 6' Cost s6( Base category6)'6*Reports are generated by: e6+ 6, Category 6- Disk number y 6. Source 6/ Date 60 Title 61' 62PRESS RETURN 64Z66',67(A limitation of compiled dBMAN ...... The command prompt displays used for: 68 69 (1) Adding ............ and h%6:! (2) Editing ............ are not shown on the screen. 6; (6<$These commands prompts are for quitting, saving, moving, to the next f,6=(input template, moving to the previous template, deleting, and replicating. 6> 6? These commands are: 6@ +6A' To quit to main menu............................................. ESC 6B *6C& To save current input or edited data and return to main menu .... ^W 6D *6E& To move forward to next screen .................................. ^N 6F +6G' To move to a prior screen ....................................... ^P 6H +6I' To delete a complete record ..................................... ^D 6J *6K& To un-delete a record ........................................... ^U 6L' 6MPRESS RETURNl6OZ6Q'6R'6S'*6T& To replicate the record (Adding Only) ........................... ^C 6U 6V 6WEntering data (New Record): d6X 6Y Press #1. c6Z Type in each line. +6[' When satisfied with input, type ^N to move to next blank template 6\ or type ^W to save the data just entered. 6] 6^ 6_ Browsing Records: t6` 6a Press #2. t6b Press #1. t%6c! Follow the command prompts provided in the Top Menu Bar. 6d'6e'6f'6g'6h' 6iPRESS RETURNw6kZ6m'6n Editing Records: 6o 6p Press #2. 6q Press #2. m 6r Press ^P to locate the record to be edited. M6s Make the change. 6t Type ^Q to exit back to the main menu. 6u 6v 6w 6x Locating a Record: 6y 6z 6{ Press #2, 6| Press #3, &6}" Type a single quote mark, the Disk #, and a single Quote, m6~ 6 example: 'A001' 6'6'6'6'6' 6PRESS RETURNl6Z6' 6Re-indexing: 6 6 6 Press #2, A6 Press #4, A 6 %6! ** This should only be done if your index pointers get %6! indigestion from an untimely crash. But if you want to &6" try it anyway, go ahead. As your database grows, so will m"6 the time to reindex since five indexes are in use. 6 6 6 6 Entering a date: 6 %6!The date input tells the database to retrieve all records (6$SUBSEQUENT to the date. The date must be entered as 'mm/dd/yy', )6%failure to include the ' mark before and after the date will cause 6the program to abort to the desktop. 6'6'6'6' 6PRESS RETURNo6Z6'6 Deleting a record: 6 6 Press #2. 6 Press ^P to locate the record to be deleted. 6 Press ^D to mark the record. #6 Press ^W to save work and return to the main menu. %6! Press 0 to Pack the database (delete marked records). "6 * Use this procedure to delete the sample data. 6 6Some Trivia: 6 )6%Selective label printing can be performed by judicious placement of the 6quote marks: 6 t#6If I type 'A001', the label for disk A001 will be printed. e6 I)6%If I type 'A0', the labels for disks A001 through A099 will be printed. 6 I(6$If I type 'A', every disk that has a category code beginning with A, 6 will be printed. y6'6 l 6PRESS RETURNe6Z6'"6Before you begin entering data, you should do two things: 6 o+6' 1. Delete the sample data. Copy the file STLIB.DBF to another !6 disk in the event your last name is Murphy. 6 +6' 2. Decide what CATEGORIES you will use in your database. There is )6% no limit on Categories, but too many will breed redundancy. 6 6 6 Running the program: 6 n,6(Start the Run-me-1st program, press enter key when the dBMAN screen appears. 6 r6Type in your Registered User access code.6 e(6$This software is setup to run with the Star NX-10, and Panasonic 1090 ,6(series printers. Codes can be modified (fee negotiable) for registered owners 6with other 'Epson' type printers. e6'6'6'6 6PRESS RETURNp6Z6'6'+6'The label size is set for the 2 3/4 x 2 3/4, 2 3/4 x 1 15/16, and 2 3/4 x 1 s+6'7/16 inch pinfeed label. Additional sizes can be designed (fee negotiable) 6 for registered owners. 6 6 )6%These labels can be purchased from a company named "Labels To Go",1040 e)6%Broadway, Westville, NJ 08093 for $12.00/M. They come 2500 to the box, 6and are a good quality label. 6 6 ,6(To register your copy, complete the following form, send a blank disk, a self (6$addressed stamped envelope (.65), and a $10.00 Postal Money Order to: 6'6 6 E. Baumgras s6 P.O. Box 321 "6 Baldwinsville, NY 13027 6 6'6'6' 6PRESS RETURN 6Z6'6'6'6'6'6'6'6'6 TRADEMARKS 6 6 !6dBMAN is a registered trademark of VersaSoft Corporation 6DBASE III+ is a registered trademark of Ashton-Tate i#6Atari and ST are registered trademarks of Atari Corporation r6IBM is a registered trademark of I.B.M. Corporation6MAC is a registered trademark of Apple Computer6'6'6'6 '6 '6 '6 '6  6PRESS RETURNs6Z6'6'#6 DBLIB-ST Order - Registration Form 6'6 Version - 2.0 t6'6 Date: __/__/__ 6 First Name: ____________________ s 6 M.I.: ___ 6 Last Name: _____________________ s)6% Your Mothers Maiden Name: ________________________________________ s 6 Street: ________________________________________ _ 6 City: __________________________________________ _6 State: _________________ _6  Zip Code: ______________ _6! Phone Number: _____-_____-_________ !6" Amount and form of payment: ______________________ _6# *6$& This is an Individual License, it is not transferable, or assignable l6% through User Group or Club resale. 6& !6' Signature of Licensee______________________________ 6( 6)PRESS RETURNe6+Z6-'6.'6/'*60&Version 1.0D Additions ...................................February 6, 1989l61'+62'1. An additional report is now available in menu choice #3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. 63 This report allows you print by single category.i64''65#2. A sixth report which allows the costing of your Software Library. 66 (Choice 'A')t67'(68$3. A field titled ('Set Options'), this does nothing, but will be used69 as a hook for future enhancements.s6:'(6;$4. Two additional fields to the database structure, these being; Value'6<# and Base. Value is currently used for costing. Base can be used,6=( as an I.D. for software i.e. ST, IBM, MAC, XE. The ablilty to selectively6> retrieve would be a feature of 'Set Options'. 6? 6@5. Epson printer drivers are now included.6A'6B'6C' 6DPRESS RETURNn6FZ6H'6I6. Upgrade policy for registered owners:"6J Send a Postal Money Order in the amount of: $5.006K proof of ownership ( your original disk )+6L' An self addressed stamped envelope with 65 cents postage affixed y 6M n&6N"7. If you desire a printer code other than provided, complete the (6O$ following form, using this format [ chr(27),chr(xx) ]. This modi-x)6P% fication is $5.00 additional to the initial or upgrade price. Same d6Q return procedure as #6 above.6R !6S A. Compressed Print: chr(__) , chr(__)e6T !6U B. Top Of Page: chr(__) , chr(__)e6V !6W C. Printer Initialization: chr(__) , chr(__)e6X !6Y D. Carriage Return: chr(__) , chr(__) 6Z !6[ E. Set 10 Pitch: chr(__) , chr(__) 6\ !6] F. Enhanced Print: chr(__) , chr(__)6^' 6_PRESS RETURN 6aZ6c'6d'6e'6f'6g'6h'6i'6j'+6k'Version 1.0E(2.0) Additions........................................ 02/18/89y6l'6m1. Multiple Database function enabled.6n'6o2. Custom printer capability added.d6p'6q 3. Online Help added.b6r'6s'6t'6u'6v'6w'6x'6y' 6zPRESS RETURNl6|Z6},6~J6" Chose Mode Of Edit%6" [1] Browse or Update Database%6 " [2] Edit Records Sequentially%6 " [3] Locate Record%6" [4] Reindex Databasee%6" [Q] Quite% 6"A*6  D 6!#  Q6"# !6#" Select Mode [ 1 - 4, or Q To Quit ]%& 6$ 6&#^ 16'?6(# A+ 6)# 6*?9BASEMBASE 6+/stedit16,?6-$ 6./STEDIT160,61$ 62$R63,&64 "A Registered Copy Is: > > > > Unrestricted < < < < %-65 ""To Register, Send a $10.00 Postal Money Order, and a Blank Disk To:%66"E. Baumgras%67"P.O.Box 321%68"Baldwinsville, New York 13027a%69Z6:QD 6;$ 6=$ 6=#R 26>?6?#A+  6@/stedit26A,6B$ 6C$F6D,&6E "A Registered Copy Is: > > > > Unrestricted < < < < %-6F ""To Register, Send a $10.00 Postal Money Order, and a Blank Disk To:%6G"E. Baumgras%6H"P.O.Box 321%6I"Baldwinsville, New York 13027a%6JZ6KQD 6L$ 6N$ 6N#@ 36O?6P# A+ 6Q/stedit36R,6S$ 6T$46U,&6V "A Registered Copy Is: > > > > Unrestricted < < < < %-6W ""To Register, Send a $10.00 Postal Money Order, and a Blank Disk To:%6X"E. Baumgras%6Y"P.O.Box 321%6Z"Baldwinsville, New York 13027a%6[Z6\QD 6]$ 6_$ 6_# . 46`?6a# A+ 6b/stedit46c,6d$ 6e$ "6f,&6g "A Registered Copy Is: > > > > Unrestricted < < < < %-6h ""To Register, Send a $10.00 Postal Money Order, and a Blank Disk To:%6i"E. Baumgras%6j"P.O.Box 321%6k"Baldwinsville, New York 13027a%6lZ6mQD 6n$ 6p$ 6p# j Q6q,6r$ 6s$ 6s#  q6tQD 6u,6v$ 6x$6y$z6zJ6?6?76QD 6J6,6 6?NSTLIBAPE6?6?6QD 6J6 6,6 " >>> Print On <<<a%&6! " 2 3/4 x 2 3/4 2 3/4 x 1 15/16 2 3/4 x 1 7/16%6""Star NX:x%&6# " [1] By Disk ID [5] By Disk ID [A] By Disk ID%%6$ " [2] By Date [6] By Date [B] By Date % 6% "F*6& "Panasonic:a%&6'  " [3] By Disk ID [7] By Disk ID [C] By Disk ID%%6(  " [4] By Date [8] By Date [D] By DateI% 6)  " F*6*"Custom:%&6+ " [E] By Disk ID [G] By Disk ID [I] By Disk ID%%6, " [F] By Date [H] By Date [J] By DateI% 6- "F*6. D6/# f Q60# Z!61" Select Option [1 - J, or Q To Quit ]%&62 64#1 65/stlab_166$ Z67$ N 67#D2 68/stlab_269$ Z6:$ N 6:#3 6;/stlab_36<$ Z6=$ N 6=#4 6>/stlab_46?$ Z6@$ N 6@#5 6A/stlab_56B$ Z6C$ N 6C#d6 6D/stlab_66E$ Z6F$ N 6F#7 6G/stlab_76H$ Z6I$ N 6I#8 6J/stlab_86K$ Z6L$ N 6L#<A 6M/stlab_a6N$ Z6O$ N 6O#B 6P/stlab_b6Q$ Z6R$ N 6R#C 6S/stlab_c6T$ Z6U$ N 6U#D 6V/stlab_d6W$ Z6X$ N6X# E6Y,6Z#~2 6[/stlab_e6\$6] "Registered Version Only !!!!o%6^Z6_QD6a$ Z6b$ N6b# F6c,6d#T2 6e/stlab_f6f$6g "Registered Versions Only !!!!%6hZ6iQD6k$ Z6l$ N6l# G6m,6n# *2 6o/stlab_g6p$ ~6q "Registered Versions Only !!!!%6rZ6sQD6u$ Z6v$ N6v# l H6w,6x# 2 6y/stlab_h6z$ T6{ "Registered Versions Only !!!!%6|Z6}QD6$ Z6$ N6# B I6,6# 2 6/stlab_i6$ *6 "Registered Versions Only !!!!%6Z6QD6$ Z6$ N6#  J6,6# 2 6/stlab_j6$ 6 "Registered Versions Only !!!!%6Z6QD6$ Z6$ N6# N Q6,6$ Z6$V6$66?6J6 66666 6 ,6 6 6 '@ %6'x  %6,6  "ENCLOSE THE DISK I.D. IN QUOTE MARKS!!!%6 "(6 ENTER: DISK NUMBER...S!Z6'6'  %6B-STLIBG0STLIB2HI6?9DISK_NOMDATE6? 6#TA 6'***************************%6'* LOCKED >*%6'* UNLOCKED >*%6 '* %%%*%6!'* %% *K%6"'* %%*%6#'* *%6$'* *%6%'* *%6&'* *%6''* *%6('* *%6)'* *%6*'* *%!6+'* %% %% * %6,'* %% %% * %6-'***************************%6.'6/?60$62QD63?64'@ %65J6 66666 6 ,6 6 6 '@ %6'x  %6,#6  " ENCLOSE THE DATE (mm/dd/yy) IN QUOTE MARKS!!!a%6 "(6 ENTER: FROM DATE...!Z6'6'  %6B-STLIBG0STLIBHI6?9RECEIVEDMDATE6? 6#`A 6'***************************%6'* LOCKED >*%6'* UNLOCKED >*%6 '* %%%*%6!'* %% *K%6"'* %%*%6#'* *%6$'* *%6%'* *%6&'* *%6''* *%6('* *%6)'* *%6*'* *%!6+'* %% %% * %6,'* %% %% * %6-'***************************%6.'6/?60$62QD63?64'@ %65J6 66666 6 ,6 6 6 '@ %6'n %6,6  "ENCLOSE THE DISK I.D. IN QUOTE MARKS!!!%6 "(6 ENTER: DISK NUMBER...S!Z6'6B-STLIBG0STLIB2KHI6?9DISK_NOMDATE6? 6#>A 6' ***************************E%6' * LOCKED >*E%6' * UNLOCKED >*E%6 ' * %%%*%6!' * %% *C%6"' * %%*%6#' * *E%6$' * *E%6%' * *E%6&' * *E%6'' * *E%6(' * *E%6)' * *E%6*' * *E%!6+' * %% %% * %6,' * %% %% *%6-' ***************************E%6.'6/?60$62QD63?64'@ %65J6 66666 6 ,6 6 6 '@ %6'n %6,#6  " ENCLOSE THE DATE (mm/dd/yy) IN QUOTE MARKS!!!a%6 "(6 ENTER: FROM DATE...!Z6'6B-STLIBG0STLIBHI6?9RECEIVED MDATE6? 6#JA 6' ***************************%6' * LOCKED >*%6' * UNLOCKED >*%6 ' * %%%*%6!' * %% *C%6"' * %%*%6#' * *%6$' * *%6%' * *%6&' * *%6'' * *%6(' * *%6)' * *%6*' * *%!6+' * %% %% * %6,' * %% %% *%6-' ***************************%6.'6/?60$62QD63?64'@ %65J6 66666 6 ,6 6 6 '@ %6'x  %6,6  "ENCLOSE THE DISK I.D. IN QUOTE MARKS!!!%6 "(6 ENTER: DISK NUMBER...S!Z6'6'  %6B-STLIBG0STLIB2HI6?9DISK_NOMDATE6? 6#pA 6'***************************%6'* LOCKED >*%6'* UNLOCKED >*%6 '* %%%*%6!'* %% *K%6"'* %%*%6#'* *%6$'* *%6%'* *%!6&'* %% %% * %6''* %% %% * %6('***************************%6)?6*$6,QD6-?6.'@ %6/J6 66666 6 ,6 6 6 '@ %6'x  %6,#6  " ENCLOSE THE DATE (mm/dd/yy) IN QUOTE MARKS!!!a%6 "(6 ENTER: FROM DATE...!Z6'6'  %6B-STLIBG0STLIBHI6?9RECEIVEDMDATE6? 6#|A 6'***************************%6'* LOCKED >*%6'* UNLOCKED >*%6 '* %%%*%6!'* %% *K%6"'* %%*%6#'* *%6$'* *%6%'* *%!6&'* %% %% * %6''* %% %% * %6('***************************%6)?6*$6,QD6-?6.'@ %6/J6 66666 6 ,6 6 6 '@ %6'G %6,6  "ENCLOSE THE DISK I.D. IN QUOTE MARKS!!!%6 "(6 ENTER: DISK NUMBER...S!Z6'6'  %6B-STLIBG0STLIB2HI6?9DISK_NOMDATE6? 6#dA 6'***************************%6'* LOCKED >*%6'* UNLOCKED >*%6 '* %%%*%6!'* %% *K%6"'* %%*%6#'* *%6$'* *%6%'* *%!6&'* %% %% * %6''* %% %% * %6('***************************%6)?6*$6,QD6-?6.'@ %6/J6 66666 6 ,6 6 6 '@ %6'G %6,#6  " ENCLOSE THE DATE (mm/dd/yy) IN QUOTE MARKS!!!a%6 "(6 ENTER: FROM DATE...!Z6'6'  %6B-STLIBG0STLIBHI6?9RECEIVEDMDATE6? 6#pA 6'***************************%6'* LOCKED >*%6'* UNLOCKED >*%6 '* %%%*%6!'* %% *K%6"'* %%*%6#'* *%6$'* *%6%'* *%!6&'* %% %% * %6''* %% %% * %6('***************************%6)?6*$6,QD6-?6.'@ %6/J6 66666 6 ,6 6 6 '@ %6'x  %6,6  "ENCLOSE THE DISK I.D. IN QUOTE MARKS!!!%6 "(6 ENTER: DISK NUMBER...S!Z6'6'  %6B-STLIBG0STLIB2HI6?9DISK_NOMDATE6? 6#A 6'***************************%6'* *%6'* %% * %6 '* %%*%6!'* *%!6"'* %% %% * %6#'* %% %% * %6$'* *%6%'***************************%6&?6'$6)QD6*?6+'@ %6,J6 66666 6 ,6 6 6 '@ %6'x  %6,#6  " ENCLOSE THE DATE (mm/dd/yy) IN QUOTE MARKS!!!a%6 "(6 ENTER: FROM DATE...!Z6'6'  %6B-STLIBG0STLIBHI6?9RECEIVEDMDATE6? 6#A 6'***************************%6'* *%6'* %% * %6 '* %%*%6!'* *%!6"'* %% %% * %6#'* %% %% * %6$'* *%6%'***************************%6&?6'$6)QD6*?6+'@ %6,J6 66666 6 ,6 6 6 '@ %6'M %6,6  "ENCLOSE THE DISK I.D. IN QUOTE MARKS!!!%6 "(6 ENTER: DISK NUMBER...S!Z6'6'  %6B-STLIBG0STLIB2HI6?9DISK_NOMDATE6? 6#A 6'***************************%6'* *%6'* %% * %6 '* %%*%6!'* *%!6"'* %% %% * %6#'* %% %% * %6$'* *%6%'***************************%6&?6'$6)QD6*?6+'@ %6,J6 66666 6 ,6 6 6 '@ %6'M %6,#6  " ENCLOSE THE DATE (mm/dd/yy) IN QUOTE MARKS!!!a%6 "(6 ENTER: FROM DATE...!Z6'6'  %6B-STLIBG0STLIBHI6?9RECEIVEDMDATE6? 6#A 6'***************************%6'* *%6'* %% * %6 '* %%*%6!'* *%!6"'* %% %% * %6#'* %% %% * %6$'* *%6%'***************************%6&?6'$6)QD6*?6+'@ %6,J6 666666,6 66 '  %6!,6""(6# ENTER: FROM DATE...*!Z6$' 6%?STLIB 6&#v +6'?9#RECEIVEDMMDATEBASE!MBASE6($6)?9RECEIVEDMMDATE6+6,?3stlib76-6.6/60?61QD 62i63J6 6,6" SELECT PRINTER%6  " [1] Star%6 " [2] PanasonicL%6 " [3] Custom% 6 "E*6 D 6#Q6#"6 "Select Printer [ 1 or 3, or Q To quit ]%&6! 6##1 6$/st_nx106%$6&$ 6&#2 6'/st_pan6($6)$ 6)#B3 6*/st_custm6+$6,$ 6,#~Q6-,6.$6/$ 6/#q60QD61,62$64$65$66J6 666666,6 66 '  %6!,6""(6# ENTER: FROM DATE... !Z6$' 6%?STLIB2T 6&#x +6'?9#RECEIVEDMMDATEBASE!MBASE6($6)?9RECEIVEDMMDATE6+6,?3stlib2E76-6.6/60 61?62QD 63i64J666666,6 66'  %6 ,6!"(6" ENTER: FROM DATE...T!Z6#' 6$?STLIB3T 6%#j +6&?9#RECEIVEDMMDATEBASE!MBASE6'$6(?9RECEIVEDMMDATE6*6+?3stlib3E76,6-6.6/ 60?61QD 62i63J6 666666,6 6 6!'  %6",6#"(6$ ENTER: FROM DATE...T!Z6%' 6&?STLIB4T 6'#x +6(?9#RECEIVEDMMDATEBASE!MBASE6)$6*?9RECEIVEDMMDATE6,6-?3stlib4E76.6/6061?62QD 63i64J6 666666,6 6 6!'  %6",6#"(6$ ENTER: FROM DATE...T!Z6%' 6&?STLIB5T 6'#x +6(?9#RECEIVEDMMDATEBASE!MBASE6)$6*?9RECEIVEDMMDATE6,6-?3stlib5E76.6/6061?62QD 63i64J6 6 6e'6! E'6! $$$$$ $$$$$ $ $ $$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$$ E'6! $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ E'6! $ $ $$$$$ $ $ $$$$$ $$$ $$$$$$ $ E'6! $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ E'6! $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$$ $ $$$$$ $$$$$$ $ E'6! E'6! E'6! E6 E6E 6#  6#6PCS  E!6 n @ Line,position SAY &ps 6! E6"$$6# E 6$  E 6%$ 6&J6,6" Choose Type Of Report%6" [1] Report By Date Forward %6 " [2] Report by Single Category%6" [Q] Quitt% 6"=*6 D 6# Q6 #!6!" Select Mode [ 1 - 2, or Q To Quit ]%& 6" 6$#t 16%?6&# A+ 6'/stlib6(,6)$6*$h6+,&6, "A Registered Copy Is: > > > > Unrestricted < < < < %-6- ""To Register, Send a $10.00 Postal Money Order, and a Blank Disk To:%6."E. Baumgras%6/"P.O.Box 321%60"Baldwinsville, New York 13027a%61Z62QD 63$65$ 65#f 266?67#268, 69/stliba6:,6;$6<$Z6=,&6> "A Registered Copy Is: > > > > Unrestricted < < < < %-6? ""To Register, Send a $10.00 Postal Money Order, and a Blank Disk To:%6@"E. Baumgras%6A"P.O.Box 321%6B"Baldwinsville, New York 13027a%6CZ6DQD 6E$6G$ 6G# Q6H,6I$6J$ 6J# q6KQD 6L,6M$6O$*6P$6QJ66' %6'  %66QD6J66'!  %66QD6J6 666666,6 66'" %6'# %6$,6%  "ENCLOSE THE DISK I.D. IN QUOTE MARKS!!!%6& "(6' ENTER: DISK NUMBER...S!Z6('6)'$ % 6*?stlib26+?9DISK_NOMDATE6,? 6-#LA 6.'***************************%6/'* LOCKED >*%60'* UNLOCKED >*%61'* %%%*%62'* %% *K%63'* %%*%64'* *%65'* *%66'* *%67'* *%68'* *%69'* *%6:'* *%6;'* *%!6<'* %% %% * %6='* %% %% * %6>'***************************%6?'6@?6A$6CQD6D?6E'" %6FJ6,6" Choose Type Of Report%6" [1] Report By Date ForwardS%6 " [2] Report by Single Category%6" [Q] Quitt% 6"=*6 D 6# Q6 #!6!" Select Mode [ 1 - 2, or Q To Quit ]%& 6" 6$#v 16%?6&# A+ 6'/stlib26(,6)$6*$j6+,&6, "A Registered Copy Is: > > > > Unrestricted < < < < %-6- ""To Register, Send a $10.00 Postal Money Order, and a Blank Disk To:%6."E. Baumgras%6/"P.O.Box 321%60"Baldwinsville, New York 13027a%61Z62QD 63$65$ 65#h 266?67#268, 69/stlibb6:,6;$6<$\6=,&6> "A Registered Copy Is: > > > > Unrestricted < < < < %-6? ""To Register, Send a $10.00 Postal Money Order, and a Blank Disk To:%6@"E. Baumgras%6A"P.O.Box 321%6B"Baldwinsville, New York 13027a%6CZ6DQD 6E$6G$ 6G# Q6H,6I$6J$ 6J# q6KQD 6L,6M$6O$*6P$6QJ6,6" Choose Type Of Report%6" [1] Report By Date Forwardo%6 " [2] Report by Single Category%6" [Q] Quitt% 6"=*6 D 6# Q6 #!6!" Select Mode [ 1 - 2, or Q To Quit ]%& 6" 6$#v 16%?6&# A+ 6'/stlib36(,6)$6*$j6+,&6, "A Registered Copy Is: > > > > Unrestricted < < < < %-6- ""To Register, Send a $10.00 Postal Money Order, and a Blank Disk To:%6."E. Baumgras%6/"P.O.Box 321%60"Baldwinsville, New York 13027a%61Z62QD 63$65$ 65#h 266?67#268, 69/stlibc6:,6;$6<$\6=,&6> "A Registered Copy Is: > > > > Unrestricted < < < < %-6? ""To Register, Send a $10.00 Postal Money Order, and a Blank Disk To:%6@"E. 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