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AARON DOC + AARON PRG dSCDAT MBK  Written and Devised by Andy John Morgan. A Shareware Program Exclusively Distributed on the Coverdisk of the Atari ST Review. 'AARON' Instructions. It is the year 4018 and space travel and colonization is nothing new to the human race,nor are the Aaronians. This abnormal race of beings use humans for slaves. There is no official War between the Aaronians and Humans.Although it does seem likely to happen in the near future. Recently a group of humans who were on a training flight near the planet Vobos,were taken prisoner aboard the Prison-ship Aaron.This large ship is run totally by Aaronian Droids. The Military Space Command Council have come up with a plan to save the prisoners. You must enter the Prison-ship posing as a captured human. When onboard you must find and rescue all the prisoners currently being held.You will have 30 minutes to carry this out before the Droids execute the remaining prisoners. Please Note.Avoid touching the Droids,as they will explode on contact causing some damage to your heart.Too much contact and your heart explodes! You will be carrying a Blaster,however you must find the ammo for your Blaster in the ship. Good Luck. Objects. Burger - Eating this partially restores your Heart condition. Ammo - Loading this into your Blaster will give you a total of 10 shots. Teleport - Using the teleport will send you to a random room in the ship. Plasma Bomb - When Activated everything in the room (except any prisoners) will be wiped out. Shield - Switching on the Shield will give you constant protection while you stay in that room. Message from the Author. I have created this game for Shareware.Which means you are welcome to give copies out to friends etc. But please include this Doc.file when doing so! You are not forced to Register with me,but if you do take up the option you will immediately be sent the following.. 'Circuitry 3 - The Mars Base' A Platform game,starring Professor Small. Follow-up to the previous Licensed game from Goodman International. 'Cardbash 2' Two Card games to pass the time away.Very addictive! A follow-up to 'Cardbash' also available from Goodman International. 'Aaron Editor V.2' To finish off,this Editor allows you to design a completely new layout to the game.Giving you up to a possible 100 rooms! Very user-friendly. To Register send Five Pounds or a cheque payable to 'Andy Morgan' to.. AARON REGISTRATION NEBULA ENTERTAINMENT 382 KINGSWOOD ROAD NUNEATON WARKS CV10 8QP `|x,O*o -`(HARTMANNS EASYACKERAARON.PRG H?<NNTJ@gM1p,QHz?< NA\0<QL` Y ****************************************Y! *****THIS PROGRAM WAS PACKED USING *****Y" **** THE HAPPY COMPUTER PACKER **** Y# *** FIXED FOR MED-RES BY BIRDY *** Y$ ** HI TO PHIL,TEX,SIRIUS,& YOU! ** Y% ********************************** aЭмRcBgNA&@.(m -$Sf(mE8*g*g(*g4۾eX`RBA|Q`RBA*SAQ`RBB+SBESCQQBG`ABJPga&m k -"mJg$ёBJAg<f `` m,HA -+P А+@+hШ+@+h?<NNTм|`A!@ @C|E T QNHAaD?<NAT<Yg<ygLNuLAaAaAa |@@Hm@?< NA\Jg AB`ABg/?</-A/??<@NA ??<>NAXBg?<LNANuEDO YOU REALLY WANT TO SAVE THE FILE ?? (Y)ES / (N)O PRESS 'RETURN' TO SAVE ON THE DEFAULT DRIVE.OR ENTER DRIVE,PATH AND NAME FOR SAVING !! /?< NA\NuHB?< NA\M,M<@M,A mM , M, Kb`x~K?<MBVaTaTM, MіT~*J$zIM&VcB3B J Pg,aJ@g 2(`2(¼3 J``MF3@M8/?< NA\C Q (M*!VШ!@M.VL -Nu5|lH഑WCbWU ;T, *!b{lKY4]vdɥ.rb*E5!kΧYѡG{u?iF"AUB}AV>mWfI؂{rU3F+\+s f҇SSNẉ@IfV4̙S](ocY2Y[R.$g4c1aJ{U›>}$p)!`-!1ӄlt&$훙H?=ja =|!}@.t}{X`Dz^!8ַt8z[[ xYE9M\.VLHz?< NA\?<NATBgNANOT ENOUGH MEMORY FOR DEPACKING !!aJgDM V0/0MRV1V/?(aT _MRV1V?(aTNuM V0/0rBBaJ@g`SA|f1BNu3@g 0<`B@SG|gNu~RNuA."P I"h$I (AH"RRR!SfNu*o - ЭT(M*Sf*o mBeN@f PL Jɒ5ϓ7Z/Fe_&Frbu~AmGP[V!:p) dbL8Aq7O\$KDҲpmj&K'FF icYO pmj  3%(VH|ioeHƥԤ/zeh[ЦP\R̼% }~P"nX>T/pBAŢM x!S-_(шH^wy^SmTb$QLR9SS#?bOHTX ʆ*~e|fj\u^T406xkk/5R׊)k^+Y%;?*#嬿_@$;F!#e欗&Q\_/*f2>2_ ghwb?hKB- 7M:/-Mk*1 3ktME!f+0ϴg YFo U`vXX3J&UU/z1 .9yӳ#4"h+>Fi'_xG1 SfMEX͙+y%* 3fNHxv `&+KmE=E_Ǵ˻-o `C@MV0$/1,)8xŹ^yU0& TY?[iZX)upapipד/a!5ⵗ!5 /F6fK^Y{K^OB;X2oɾeL>sxʵ͓f9_ϔufP^)fr >SGaԯ<zah~o{3ϡ@ͣ^3JVL1vz; ܊xʟL][*L򊼢*Cfv x2U4$Ѕ@ViHt!B)0LG,qdaP 1_}0גd"DM r<9nʌZusX`_``m4̮֓,6QVk@`vlRd9R^!L+/a1'¬Y{Z 6N<;` >af S g`ĕ6z$3^f|9{ʃSa,g|ĕ6QJkrC* M$I|X(eA$D&~PyZH7ňbPp XkѢCTp,ZHb&}iĩ @Ptɧlքs}PHX!5 ٘ŏv>S@5%y㲼A>HHghL)M^_e-xyi Ra{;UB,0(Etmo}ʟ9grRC>&>S.?O+f46oó6>w ݱpZW1ұOsgL7?-V??/l9[eEbb-Ɉ7f"w1B%Z"{G/RU'E7)*ѳo{)u b-[(= b-"1Τq|Bu5b-a1[ˋMa-IV Mad J!c:ZWE^IVb-LEpf.֓l,%ZUd^Y%ZkIVxza b-\_^J逩)*ѵzNIVz:%Z6*u Jml-+xThZW)*ѵWB\_^J:%Z6pThZWX*u Jml-+:%Z6Jai^1Σ)*ѲUY[ JYuNIV{հUgQTkIVxz%Z%%ZUd^Ya b-\_^p:%Z[ J<\_Fҽ!S/RUkai^aS/RUkai^p)*׸}#*nQ!`ai^ q|{<b ;=] Bҽ3AS/RUq1GTܢfBWB`uF@TkLE7(AGgzX`9l-+)*׸}#*nQ!`ai^`)*ѵW)*ѵoB\_FҽNIVl-+0T V%Z_L-1î%Zoy%M ;=]zk=vz%ZQ^ J"@Nl- ^H(vT[>\D\D*5 f"tq|z :ZW*u JLE_^O}$n/RUf"./RUK%Z*׶xLEUfxa b-}! 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Comments about HOTSHOT CheckersComments to Author More Don Middleton (v2.02 OSS Pascal). HOTSHOT Checkers was written bycreate the game.SHELL by Frank Nagle was used toof the CADENZA game logic. The GEMEric Bergman-Terrell is the authorauthors.outcome of work by 3 independentThis Checkers program is theAuthors/,HNVA-HHnNHn?<A O"O p QNHnBgAO"O#p"QNHnBgAO"O#p"QNHnBgA@O"O$p#QNآHnBgA O"ON؊HnBgAO"O#p"QNjHnBgAO"O#p"QNJHnBgAO"ON2HnBgADO"O#p"QNHnBgAO"O#p"QNHnBgAO"O#p"QNHnBgAxO"O#p"QNײHnBgA@O"OpQNגHnAO"ONN^,_Nu OK prior to the first play.advise that the skill level be setgame has already been started. WeEditor are inoperable unless aMany features, such as the BoardThe computer is always red (white).The Human opponent is ALWAYS black.start a new game, click on NEW GAME.The game starts PLAYING a game. To Start Game/,HNVA-HHnN՞Hn?<A@O"O pQNHnBgAO"O#p"QNժHnBgAO"O#p"QNՊHnBgAO"OpQNjHnBgAbO"ONRHnBgA$O"O%p$QN2HnBgA*O"ONHnBgAO"O%p$QNHnBgAO"OpQNHnBgAO"ONHnBgAO"ONԪHnBgAO"ONԒHnBgAO"ONzHnAO"ONN^,_Nu OK file.Both steps close the move trackingAlternatively, you may QUIT the game.opponent must RESIGN.To STOP a running game, the Human Stop Game/,HNVA-HHnN2Hn?<AO"Op QN^HnBgAO"O#p"QN>HnBgAfO"O#p"QNHnBgA"O"O#p"QNHnBgAO"O#p"QNHnBgAO"OpQNҾHnBgA O"O#p"QNҞHnBgAJO"O#p"QN~HnBgAO"OpQN^HnBgAO"ONFHnBgAO"O#p"QN&HnBgAtO"O#p"QNHnBgA@O"OpQNHnAO"ONFN^,_Nu OK by selecting RESUME.possibly after altering the board,The game may be continued,the game is suspended.The Board Editor is engaged whenopponents move.at the beginning of the HumanSuspend/Edit. This may be chosenTo temporarily halt play, select Suspend / Edit/,HNVA-HHnNHn?<AO"O p QN@HnBgAvO"O#p"QN HnBgA2O"O#p"QNHnBgA O"OpQNHnBgAO"O#p"QNHnBgAO"O#p"QNϠHnBgAbO"O#p"QNπHnBgAO"O#p"QN`HnBgAO"OpQN@HnBgAvO"O#p"QN HnBgAO"O#p"QNHnBgAXO"OpQNHnBgA8O"ONHnAO"ON(N^,_Nu OK upon the resumption of play.The Board Editor is turned offplay.it will the Human opponents turn toplay, then upon the RESUMESince the Human opponent suspendedresumed.Only a Suspended game may be Resume Game/,HNVA-HHnN,Hn?<AO"O p QNXHnBgAO"O#p"QN8HnBgAxO"O#p"QNHnBgA4O"O#p"QNHnBgAO"O#p"QNHnBgAO"ONHnBgAO"O#p"QN̠HnBgAPO"O#p"QǸHnBgAO"O pQN`HnBgAXO"ONHHnBgAO"O#p"QN(HnBgApO"O#p"QNHnBgA@O"OpQNHnAO"ONHN^,_Nu OK an empty square.rotate through the pieces includingSingle clicks on a square willforce a redisplay of the board.the board, RESET the board, orUnder EDIT, the player may CLEARthrough the SUSPEND/EDIT selection.invoked once a game has startedThe Board Editor may only be Board Editor/,HNVAv-HHnNHn?<ATO"O p QN*HnBgA4O"ONHnBgAO"O!p QNHnBgAO"ONHnBgAO"O!p QNɺHnBgA^O"O!p QNɚHnBgAO"O!p QNzHnBgAO"O!p QNZHnBgAO"O!p QN:HnBgADO"ON"HnBgA@O"O pQNHnAO"ONbN^,_Nu OK Endgame -> up to 2 more levels!Hot-Shot: Meditative - 6 levelsExpert: Thoughtful - 5 levelsAdvanced: Good - 4 levelsStandard: Average - 3 levelsNovice: Learning - 2 levelsFive skill levels are available:Skill Level/,HNVA-HHnN|Hn?<A@O"OpQNǨHnBgAO"O#p"QNLjHnBgAO"O#p"QNhHnBgAtO"O#p"QNHHnBgA0O"O#p"QN(HnBgAO"O#p"QNHnBgAO"O#p"QNHnBgAjO"OpQNHnBgAJO"ONưHnBgAO"O#p"QNƐHnBgAO"O#p"QNpHnBgAO"O#p"QNPHnBgAXO"O p QN0HnBgAO"ONHnAO"ONxN^,_Nu OK of the board.and placement are noted at the leftare being moved. Candidate piecesThe HAND cursor indicates that mensquare to effect the capture.only require clicking on the nextto the destination square. Captureson the piece to move and draggedturn the mouse should be clickedWhen the Human opponent has a Making Game Moves/,HNVA-HHnNHn?<AO"OpQN4HnBgA`O"ONHnBgA$O"O#p"QNHnBgAO"O#p"QNHnBgAO"O#p"QNüHnBgAO"ONäHnBgA@O"O#p"QNÄHnBgAO"O#p"QNdHnBgAO"O#p"QNDHnBgApO"ON,HnBgAXO"ONHnBgA@O"ONHnBgA(O"ONHnBgAO"ONHnAO"ON,N^,_Nu OK diskette. So, UNlock the diskette!!is recorded on a write-protectedHOTSHOT will terminate if a gamewhen it is present. Version 2.02, uses GDOS correctlyThis program, written in OSS PascalLimitations & Bugs/,HNVA-H09 29!Af N8`N49!~Bf N֬`:69!|Cf N`&89!zDf N`:9!xEfN؈/9!?9!N*09!rAfNlN^,_Nu/,HNVA|-H09 29!rAf NN`:49!pBf NX`&69!nCf N٢`89!lDfN/9!?9!N*09!rAgNN^,_Nu/,HNVA-H09 29!hAf N`b49!fBf N`N69!dCf N<`:89!bDf NX`&:9!`Ef Nx`<9!^FfN0/9!?9!N*N^,_Nu/,HNVA-H09 29!ZAf N$`49!XBf Nx`69!VCf N`v89!TDf N`b:9!REf N`N<9!PFf N`:29!NAf N`&49!LBf NZ`69!JCfN/9!?9!N*N^,_Nu/,HNVAj-H09 29!Af N0`L49!Bf N`869!Cf N4`$89!Df N`zEfN^N^,_Nu/,HNVA-HN^,_Nu/,HNVA.-H?9!:?9 ?9 ?9 ?9 NN4N^,_Nu/,HNVA.-H?9!:?9 ?9 ?9 ?9 NNN^,_Nu/,HNVAN-H09!03!(29!.3!&49!,3!$69!*3!"?9!:????NNјN^,_Nu/,HNVA-H09 `Nx29!:AfNh`Nx29!:AfN`Nx29!:AfN@`Nx29!:AfN`09 29!:AW69!|x|DWEBd ??9 ?9 ?9 ?9 Nz`:N~`2 @ g<@ @b@0;NX>rN^,_Nu/,HNVA-Hp=@r=A09!=@29!=At=Bv=C0.A?00.C?10.E?20.G?3HnHnHnHnN=@|r|Af 0.=@0.R@=@r A^6.|x|DWńEBd> n t06.1CBox0N^,_ _XN/,HNVA-H <#!pr A??9!?9!?9!/9!BgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgHy Hy!6Hy!Hy!Hy!Hy!Hy!@NV3!8rAtBgZHnNd0.|r|Af>HnHnHnNl0.@2.AAA20p@f ".#!N^,_Nu/,HNVA-H?<?9!@?9!@?9!@09!@H/BgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgHy Hy!@Hy!@Hy!@Hy!@Hy!@Hy!@NV3!8rAtBg*N˪NHy"NN N`(A*O"O-p,Q?<N3!@N^,_Nu[2][Why did I not get a redraw?][ Dont Know ]/,HNVA-Hp3!"<#!09!>r A??9!?9!?9!/9!BgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgHy Hy!6Hy!Hy!Hy!Hy!Hy!@NV3!8rAtBg NV`09!8vCBgHnNH0.|r|AfHnHnHnNl09!rAV69!AWDBdh4.B8.DDA80 `,49!|x|DfBHy!HnHnNl?9!N?9!0.@2.AAA?0Np09!|r|Af ?9!NN˪?.N?.0.@2.AAA?0N"N .#!r3!`49!|x|DfBHy!HnHnNl?9!N?9!0.@2.AAA?0N°p3!r3!` DbD8;@N@`AV¶AVDBd4.B8.DDA80 `49!|x|Df ?9!Nnp3!29!|t|Bf4".#!?9!Nz3!|3!p3!BgNȘHy! 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ACC PRG vFEATURESTXT v JAMES ACC `{6JAMES TXT `Q*)5SIG_ACC ACC v8VT52 ACC v9`|(o:| " |Ҍ.A/ / /<JNAO Mt-LxpNkjB@avAU-H8pak^=@IL"L2B-L8=n8=|:paX"L22B-L8=n8=|:pa8pa4 Tfpa*BgNAAa`Aa `=@8p`B@=@8-H8pMHA,@ 0pBnA0"0<NB0.L?Nu   4N\[3][|Interner Fehler !!!][Abbruch][1][|JAMES.ACC scheint nicht|im Speicher zu sein!][Abbruch]JAMES  FEATURES OF JAMES: V 1.2: * 50/60 Hz: (only colour mode) * Bell * Blitter Control * Bootsector Analysis (James knows about 45 bootsector types) * Click * Clock/Date: Change the date & time * Complete Modem Port Settings * Compose Character Function: 'a' + '^' = '' * Configurable Screensaver with VBL-Simulation * Disk Verify on/off * Free RAM * Harddisk Ship * Invers: (Only monochrome) * James supports the GEM Message pipes * James uses the XBRA-protocol. * KBD: Repeat-Delay * KBD: Repeat-Speed * Keyboard-reset: = 'warm' reset = 'cold' reset. * Load Other KBD Layout * Mouse Double Click Speed * Permanent Bootsector Control * Printer Settings * Repeat: Keyboard-repeat on/off. * Save Settings * Screen Grabber with ALT-HELP * Vector Control against viruses * Writeprotect for all drives! * Enhanced Mouse Speeder. Lin or Log, fast or slow: no problem. Any speed factor from 1:0.015 to 1:128 possible. V 1.6: (99.9% Bug-free!) * Any ASCII Character can now be generated with -xxx * Automatic KBD-Load feature * Clipboard support * Compose Character is now 'autoconfigurating' * Desk-Clock with CapsLock status display * variable date-format: DMY / MDY / YMD * Enhanced Vector Control against all sorts of viruses * Grow/Shrinkboxes can be switched off * Mousespeeder bug in MidRes removed (routine optmized) * New 'Composed Characters' * New HD-ship-routine, can even UNPARK. Uses targets 0..7, LUN 0 and 1 * HD-Ship displays the number of effective parked devices * New command via GEM-msg-pipes available * New virus-detection routine * Optional Flip Screen after Screensaver timeout * Resolution change now supported (Low/Mid/Hires) * Runs on 68020, 68030 (e.g. 190 ST, TT) * SAVE SETTINGS much safer now! * Screengrabber now configurable * Steprate settings for drives A: and B: * Watch Modem, Screensaver is deactivated while modem is active * Writeprotect now TURBODOS compatible ADDITIONAL SOFTWARE FOR JAMES: * VT52 Emulator (1480 Bytes) * SIGNUM-INTERFACE: Use James in SIGNUM2! (662 Bytes) * ACC.PRG - James can be used even from Command Line Interpreters etc. (464 Bytes) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- `.hC6"AOhon$C2(0H Wڦ?iť''='{Cѝ+g<"WнACM8;9LL ׸X-חsrb|~ĉpOӰŕꕻʓkn>R|tєn::ڔ˸..Ռ/zjzzl``^^^ <>>v||Z[[gqqkܑ¸,$ ))A_%(ʹ$-mmIGF3 ꦋˢlBEw5qUqUc䫩QǪ?=pVuo>pT){5*@M`,`(|"<%KJ 󄔻nqeǞrћOrP \,M@!Q$ i?=O5/+_*>$.%he mylhhr~h~j,2ń Д;;IgE~F'hqԓI?JDD2p8j8rJv>w_wSNAAҙYeкשV@ns*>==YYߦ>~ PPೌvʣξ@[![*{ A0k0\6\6sjc~AA 66x(C$ܼĿ.l-W::?C;DɫɱЛe.$=\Q1u@HH<87v{sZiZe;e3!!o.T*i*BM# ۛǵBB^$[22[VXTDThp>ڱʶ9 <|,(h QŹ9r!#$2|M8=;;#?==%15prnrru  C66/))lhbbEE1y`(?u >}3{PCuM=N\R}OrUԭҝѠ^Q?Wst:hWhWWEWLw̜߰  ߎ_mee3d}B}-}m3#k%U&z&EER W#6̕ Xr?w67VP:Bh[Kymm5-5_1+3jjZZ:bybsda^Kn;hZnHTb}qsqyhzP1!4@N0z0뭳Lγ1N@RHtoV-eec 3s.;; y le;[4ax>N/=Md_OuNNJPVlڱgQ} %%_111 aҟѸ77䙴 |@Xgg)u"yb}&!o&h:.xB{::#Bvvz: ʳ(f/30%!<ڍ28&%$ݖz-%0dΝ߉tZv?t$eFez-:--++21{Qc-R'iII{{OO͈Ɍ755Tdff7I=s;f7&7B[V۪۠ݠݐP ݕMM-So?lUY/[U-W]WMM},G9v-.\ovD@ThTiwRZb6a<8egڤ96X6Y)g%& %cQ<u;s}}ÁÙرڼ@Xlhau'}}}XIy-y-Q(!(ʎ\U U`j+-ήήd`r}B|@:&Xv`d3 Y6!9A+;)~Ya3??R*ShL//rRbꗺ۝yzzʤƑѴqyɻue @rtthedrfdtnmgz~z[^^K88g@@ ! bHLL{AWVӳbkkcŞxoJAJ~~T0!qcB;P 08~mѢD{ ;Mֲ..+h;;eUUψ@h˒x=c.>>^r:8+o77ҰJɫssoەSpߜcqi)\,1M=\N-mSW|WxS6&wxH#r``:rMM_-XX_ $ކj[Y+5GWNGtӴڌ⌐՛g_2Α޷9Yet:jj9"XXhh *S{gnTThIOƵFB ^+Ԕ,ë̾ɠ:4`ʳ{dNj&n&aٍclssϡ͌wц|!a(%?j# .ۀEʔ <1{1P˦]dxx־v/fBݢ n/ (6`qs\1i ji`bd eigg\\ <<<<ќNl?-kި)GCA!AIR |YYF=EwХ'3s;A?;C;B;|O~.~/,}hqlqh$DtTj|9`(]|N/a{"wawi_0!xx̆}: L8έRoy'ݭRbi")N"^щ& 8;s\c\\]z]v6|,A3X&@|BόѡMEEyr֨`5d,tPxR(ǃÔ܀A amKɹʺ`@SOAk/7|17Pr\BCMI kg!GKK-1# E EZG MӁG{yy[VХwjqqp pTdo$ OIdshjk|GJAX^^PjZJ1xe5|G@a-e2|2 IQ%)Z<|聦]MaLL#lYM<~^\~^Y@AED#bb!!,s3 3l'#_[-;WAQFQf7y4/+;OSox$$$FEb#zr@ʕ=E{327T?l?ih`rLN<'.jur4>_?"0^n2 |_g.#ܧJ`r1samm Wcsoro pG \nZ$BB_g䲻w~{q9u9nQV0t~)2@`au=;HCcA\QDll8ApA1|*b*1U7͝a̯̮``j(τ[п*싔j62H MK GҺ앛Z dKy!!o?<[gYO6Z2^]UVwHQY#n#nc;;R1(i*`FN+Ƅf mmpxpl\)))PPPPXXڱQ}Q|X|YPU}Y3,C)BV`zĜMwnLKRUF3u*GG'v$$$$D1rzzOt<<| S4SDlxHx 庖.+H,iihyy̓ͱͱͱͱKGܽ_REEÅ? bF[I5[! bQQWKcUAmE76X<4[ :k\,be\[[[[[_[_[<_j[_r[_~[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[vVZr0Pqɋ_ xx \S,^}%t΋4Až:Ab0Bz727272vkh#C?;1-W+ۤ˞.zp||E_\tJKJtvtq[M[N[LIy my ""<:#z#{dbMsm,m&M9,]mpUKeceiWSON)pYOW[yAa'e$?%%T oD9  0Iai a˱[!UEQxp'/@/@dFf@v>22UUZtဆ{{x|οθƻƩɏ9^rm@P77 S6,ĐĞĖ䖼}ym{{BJ7\]V#L\pQ!K3O:QS3U[UYYUU24>7>:Y<44z^~? *BBFff(np,"mh,%%%E <{߁ ֍٢]?JrJ>Ж@ZAKZAKf"Ē-l mB`b܋Ҙ1 l拶Öן暹ʙ㏡Փ°۱RS0SS#   &2 !0!ط1I]222=2u333۩2101SؙՃʓηη!C!ε!3] #1 3..G.K-)!*'4444R4@pYYMMDDhhmmq< >ef< RS0SS[2iO;bI (`%zW%;x`AA~:geWdj(s+Jq!Sˁ뾗ⷐްkmJKy;*Z\?|L8m *C+ d38,'&&}̳ǏcǤc ߤ֐^"Z7D~)\}5P'A'%UL#)ݛھڿO_.'Vm1 ph #M:I Ccôfͨ V ξϢեСx4fi O.Ii{vq8 ?buv"O=|\3Zz颇{&'CE6SsDh!R::[L>0\U9;Vv2Tv1ЁЀE*\r^_l':{ (csmC=tD8eD(19tY;c\k{6o23cũy?WC79Da7ՓsץsLa{_7{Uwe ,x bc*MV>k].uCOcjMJkݪV: uXB+E(~~-J%*V*|)( : +baFX`PwQlm֦h@O"(Z펈Ϭ鑝ȖݪªͨЌۮխ봘ԯ՛āʦûы͌ѐҽϬɟӋƊ؅ݍ֧ڧӖ럀nj㢁ۥݽœϿ풃ǣ͸Pgaa%QȪ帜ٔтlllf6D0099sE0E`,It:tipdjmT5yAy?Q=l d[4{`ZS!O**=gR7n7>XL,L~-7nc=ce #SL5*5,sI-E+GG&CC+ b h Z([kll }?P#@/f okkp?P$A5Go cMM(A8| e?h!d6b!S!E6~Z?opv%F/AA.]} hRrR+_2b7 H" ''#'?'[ 3   A  B  C  D E F G H   '| %A '%> , '#'!P!P ! P !  P  '' ' ' %A '%>  %r%u%%%F%F&%F%F&%F%F'n%F%F  #*23 456LMZkXBRAJAM1 #:/:Nu'*4L+%z/\1l'+/\1l66,6J6667 02@00QNumber One ACC !A:\HCOPY_01.PIxX:\$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$' Eaeiou~ANOano=,Cc.Aa-:LY/OPcou3`Aaeiou^aeiou: AOUaeiouy_+<=>ao!?AIcSOaior(000000000000HHH000xx`0000 000 j  Post: Pascal Fellerich 45, rue des Genets L-3482 Dudelange *********************************************************************** * * * J A M E S , THE DESKTOP-BUTLER Version 1.2 (P) * * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * * * * * > Freeware by Pascal Fellerich. * * * *********************************************************************** The 'Main Menu:' ================= * Free RAM: Displays the amount of free memory still available. * Clock/Date: Allows you to change the date & time. Click once on the date/time display and you can edit the displayed date (ESC deletes!). Enter the date as YY/MM/DD HH/MM, not DD/MM/YY... - press RETURN or ENTER to terminate your entry. If the system clock needs to be set, then James will ask you during the boot process to enter the current time. And as long as the computer is not powered down, the clock will be restored automatically after a reset. * Click: Click on the little box - a checkmark [ ] will (dis)appear. (Checkmark present = keyboard click on. That's how most of the functions of James work) * Bell: stop the unharmonic bell sound of the soundchip. Note that if you switch it off, you won't hear the bell sound emitted by James in case you insert a disk infected by a virus into your floppy drive. * Other KBD: If you click on the text (not on the button) you will get a fileselector-box. Select a *.KBD-file to change your keyboard layout. After you have done that you can switch to the new keyboard layout you've just loaded (and back, of course). If an error occured during loading, e.g. file not found (TOS Error #33) then the switching will be disabled. If you click on 'SAVE...' with this option switched on, James tries during the next boot sequence to reload the KBD-file you selected. * Repeat: Keyboard-repeat on/off. * Repeat-Speed: Set the repeat-speed according to your taste. This option works exactly as in the Control Panel. * Repeat-Delay: Should be clear. If not try out! * Double Click: This value determines how fast GEM reacts on a mouse-click. The littler the value the slower GEM will react. * ExtKey: Get special ASCII's using a standard keyboard. If you want to type characters like , you could load another keyboard layout containing these char's. But there's a more comfortable way to do it: first step - type the main character, e.g. . Second step - hold down the CONTROL-key and press <'> (use shift if necessary!). You'll get your <> without messing around with ASCII codes. -- Possible characters: with "'": | | |E|a|e|i|o|u| | |||||||| | with Backspace: | |!|?|A|I|O|a|c|i|o|r| with "~": | ||||||||||| |A|N|O|a|n|o| | ||||||| | with ",": | |C|c| with ".": | ||| |A|a| | ||| | with "-": | |:|L|Y| with "/": | |||| |O|c|o|u|3|P| | ||||||| | with "`": | |A|a|e|i|o|u| with "^": | ||||||| |a|e|i|o|u| | |||||| | with ":" | | |A|O|U|a|e|i|o|u|y| with "_": | ||||||||||| |+|<|=|>|a|o| | ||||||| | * Snapshot: ALT-HELP saves the current screen on disk using the DEGAS-format. You can specify the drive and the name under which the screendump is saved. See also the doc on the 'Setup Menu' for more information. (!Warning: disk errors as writeprotect etc won't be reported!) * Fast Mouse: A really flexible mouse-speeder. The speedup characteristics can be modified by four sliders in the setup-menu. * Dark: If switched on, the screen display will be shut off in ?? minutes. This screensaver works with any other program without causing troubles! * VBL-Simul.: => Vertical BLank-Simulation. If the screen is shut off by ascreensaver, the video chip doesn't generate vertical blank interrupts. Some programs having subroutines in the 'VBL-slot' are dependent on this interrupt source, and if you have switched on the VBLsim option, James will 'simulate' this interrupt so that nobody (no-code?!) realizes that the screen has been shut off. If you haven't understood this: doesn't matter, have it switched on. * Invers: (Only monochrome) - Try out! * 50/60 Hz: (only colour mode) - this option replaces 'inverse' if youwork in midres. Replaces 'ChangeHertz.PRG'. * Vector Control: James will constantly check some important systempointers. This is very useful to detect viruses that need to change these pointers for their operation. You'll be warned if there's been an illegal change. * Blitter: Control the bitblt chip! Useful if you want to switch on/offthe blitter chip when working with another program. Note: the desktopdoesn't recognize the changed blitter status - it will be reset to thedesktop's default... sorry. * Save Settings: Save current setup to disk. The file JAMES.ACC must beaccessible in the boot device - don't forget to put your boot disk in theright drive, otherwise James will grumble... Warning: Be sure that you have the right version of James on your disk! If you try to save your setup with a wrong version, the file on disk will be destroyed!!! * 'PRN & AUX', 'Disk' and 'Setup': Invokes the other dialog boxes: The PRN & AUX Menu: ==================== * There isn't much to say about it because this dialog box works exactly like the famous Control Panel. However, note that all changes will be cancelled by 'ABORT' and validated by 'OK'. By the way: if you use TOS 1.4, the baud rate will be displayed correctly even if you change it with another program. The Disk Menu: =============== * Test Bootsector: Examines a disk to see if it isn't infected by one of the known viruses. If you are in doubt, use a good virus-killer program to check it out. * Control Bootsector: Supervises permanently the bootsector of any disk. If you insert an infected disk James will warn you if there's something special in the bootsector. That's the ultimate protection against bootsector viruses. * Verify: Supresses the verify that TOS performs after having writtensomething to (floppy)disk. With verify off, you will have the write speedincreased by up to 100% - but use only good disks!(This is not a fastload option!) * Writeprotect: A condom for the ST. Any program that uses the standard OS-routines for disk write operations will 'see' a write-protected disk. But sometimes you'll need to switch off this write protection when you get the 'Critical Error Handler': do it by pressing --. (And don't forget to re-enable the write protection afterwards!) * Harddisk Ship: A harddisk-user should 'park' his 'noise generator' before switching it off. That avoids data losses due to uncontrolled head landings. The Setup Menu: ================ * ExtKey -> new KBD: If you have another keyboard layout installed by James you can determine wether Extkey is initialized on the new or on the old keyboard layout. Normally, you enter the main character (e.g. 'a') then the secondary character (e.g. ':') together with the CONTROL-key. Now if you load another kbd-layout, where the ':' is on another key, you still have to press the key on the old position of the colon. To avoid this when James performs a KBD-autoload, you have to switch on this option. * Set HCopy path: Click on it, and you get a fileselector box. Now you can determine the drive and path where 'Snapshot' saves the screendumps. You have to enter valid names such as: SDUMP_32.pic, SCREEN01.xyz etc. The filename extension will be set to PI2 or PI3 according to your screen resolution. If you enter an invalid name (such as "x.x"), James replaces it by 'HCOPY_01.PI?'. * Mouse Speed: That's it. To get a very smooth and flexible mouse speedup, the new mouse-speeder routine works internally with steps of 0.015 pixel and uses a polynom of the 4th degree: Vcursor = a4*x^4 + a3*x^3 + a2*x^2 + a1*x ;(x=Vmouse) Tha factors a4..a1 correspond to the four sliders. If you want to have a linear mouse acceleration, let's say 1:2, then set the first slider to mid-way, the other 3 to zero (down). In order to facilitate the manipulation of the sliders, you can 'short circuit' the speeder by pressing the CONTROL-key. (This key function works only as long as you are in the setup-menu!) * Restore: Restores the last saved Mouse-Speeder setup. Miscellaneous: =============== * Of course there's also a keyboard-reset:try to get a 'warm' reset, and to get a 'cold' one. After a cold-reset, the computer will be in the same state as if you had turned it off. You might need this if you want to get rid of a reset-resistant program! * During system startup, James may ask the current time/date if youhaven't a MEGA-ST compatible real-time clock or if your keyboard-clock hasnot yet been set to the right date. * About these *.KBD files: They can be edited with any standardkeyboard-layout-editor as MKKBD, KSLAYOUT or ASCII_ED (the latter isgerman pubdom.) Internal stuff: ================ * James uses the XBRA-protocol. The xb_identifier is 'JAM1'. * James doesn't work in Lowres. Due to GEM-AES it isn't possible to switch back from mid to lowres without tricks. You'll see bombs. Remedy: use James v1.5 or higher * The VBL-Simulator uses the MFP timer-A. If this timer isn't available at available at the moment James switches off the screen, James puts an alert message on the screen. However, you can be sure that the timer A is available for other programs during normal video chip activity. *********************************************************************** * * * ACC.PRG - CALL JAMES FROM A SHELL * * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * * *********************************************************************** ACC.PRG is an mini-program that invokes JAMES, if installed. If you use command line interpreters or other shells which do not support accessories, this program will be very useful to you. Note that you cannot use this feature from TOS-programs. GEM must be fully initialized. *********************************************************************** * * * V T 5 2 - TERMINAL EMULATOR Version 1.2 * * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ * * * *********************************************************************** You can use this program as ACC or as a PRG. Simply rename it! VT52.??? replaces the original 'VT 52 Emulator'-ACC by Atari. Even if my VT52 does exactly the same job, it's nearly five times smaller than ATARI's. Use F1/F2 to select Full/Half Duplex. Use F3/F4 to switch on/off the linefeeds. If the linefeeds are enabled,the program appends an ASCII 10 (LF) to every ASCII 13 (CR) Press HELP to set up the modem port. Note that this will only work ifyou have JAMES installed. Press UNDO to exit the emulator. VT52 is 100% assembly and works with any TOS-release and accepts everyscreen resolution. With a 1280*960 rez, you have 160 columns and 50 lines of text on your screen! *********************************************************************** * * * SIG_ACC / SIGNUM to JAMES - Interface Version 1.1 * * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ * * * *********************************************************************** SIG_ACC - That's the interface-accessory that allows you to use James.acc (if loaded!) within SIGNUM!2. It mustn't be renamed, otherwise SIGNUM won't recognize the ACC. Now if you want to use James while working with SIGNUM you only have to press . This ACC can only be used with the 640*400 Atari monochrome screen. That's because SIGNUM has the same restrictions. However, if you have SIG_ACC installed with the 'wrong' resolution nothing will happen. _____________________________________________________________________ 1989/91 by Pascal Fellerich `vOVMppNN=n"p N8apN.BgNApN$=n$>A-HpN=@a K(-MpN U(f2:$ma:`=h=h=PA*-HpN=@PPNu=@>p NNup N=@2.V4BB0.S@-A,/?<HNA\O-@.opaa?<NNTO-@ @"G"QA0dB0 =|>Np=npa`pa\a zf"zf":f"Q/:R?<INA\OaV=|eBnBnN*pa pa2paNuA-H=|>pNA>0B B00pNNu=|>`=|>p NPA`QA`PA`QA!aAHP?< NA\ONuHKMPwG;<=>abAaa:k0J@gJg& f azp `H@ACgJYf`N`aZa:ka(`/<NMXOJ@g/<NMXO@J@NupNup?/<NM\ONu/<NMXOJ@g /<NMXONupNu?J.fa/<NM\ONuXOA`pA`pB`pD` pC`pH`pE?pa0`0:k>0<a@0<a:aAapaAh-HpNNqE:\DOCS\ARTICLES\STREVIEW\BASIC\XAMPLE05.BASz8<&<><$<|(o*lN~N;;B-6+| B+|<>`NqNType in the time (hh:mm) ? N`Ax.-NBNN4NType in the date (mm-dd-yy) ? N`A.-NBNN4A.-NNp=A.-NNp^JGf` Nq~NAx.NA.NDNnNThe time now isNN"NnN0NN"NnN The date isNN"NnNNN"~N O/ C0<HЈ",Іd` Ь ЬЬH`// Bg?<JNAO JfLElA@,A8,Hp!!!.HA HĐ"MBQd+@+F +LtSE;ED;D Ca _NT+K)O)N/NHz+_>?F?F"/FN<+g <-fPN<.g<0e <:dBo?|Bo <:d<0eaG0ajNRo`Jf /k WeR<.f6Bo N<:d<0eanG0a$RoSo ` ooR߰<Dg <EfZ`N<+g <-f?|N<:d"<0e2/A0AA@GA0?AN` g oo8/o gadAC$Ia*`ھ<&fN߰<HfBN<:d <0e2G0`"<Gd <Ae G7`<gd<aeGWaa&``H<BfN<2d:<0e4G0aaN`<OfN<8d<0eG0azaN`Jf0 /k eRdS|"` |"Ag ggfN/"g,Sf f" /H/@` e /a'HPz./gLJ/gv?a%6:p`J/"f Jj a'`J/gDJO$Nu%&!#HJf߯eNua a'fAC$IHa(0`( / a'HH PNuJf /Ѐe"ЀeЀe Ёe/@NuaAC$I`(Jf /ЀeЀeЀe Ѐe/@NuaXoNuJf /ЀeЀe Ѐe/@Nua|VoNuJf /Ѐe/@Nua`RoNuJfaROHGJD[jDD<AB!zVB.T/zTBNd A"O$Ha'JFg O"O$Oa'`O JgCA$Ia(VHGPNuA0-JgPQaBgBNu?a0@` Nu !INu("hNuA0-aPHQNuH+H+HY+I(+I$C - A∓+I cZ+@LNuJk*"mg ɉRɉAH d+HNua`a$Ha JaVNu/-BHaa`G^pv.<"m AF"A$m $ QN m*g $ N E P`A"+I, U+@0NuNuSBeg"‡gf"`f$P(*SJg "‡g"`Qd`Nu$m X&m,Qd,m$(/ / / K R,I` (*X"Tbf(f"eef)fe$*ICʹd o( o- Y- XE` o oX- Y- E`d&^$^`|*_& _"X$"X b(f)fG(H$S) $cef*f) $dNu m X.-0S,-"F*<& $X,ReZdV(*gȅe2؎e,$`8ȅ e^&ր*gR"&F܄ge@$SQdQd+FL+_/ح d(Nua"aString space corruptH/GpvaaB _a`SBefg"`Nu*<(I m ٭ ٭$$-0gRňX$`,Rdd`8<ae <{dNuafgSetHB Vfd`z`z Ga ^.`aJfgSetHB Vf֘d`ac`ad`a e`ab`aSe Se gNuJNu G&$P(<Ƅ VȐ"hNu("hNu/ a _`X/ @Jf(Saz. _`> H@g(Jg$HAJ@gJAfHA`JAgH@HAJAf ށeNu~NuDNu$JnDJnDai JkJjDNu H@GA8a G@VGa GUU|vGar`(*`Aa:aJg mNJg/a `Av/a"a@JUg0@e"X4`BH// aA_a Wa"_  _Nup`Se<!dA/aA*JgJfS`Cx a4f a0JNurNuLIBRARYSTARTUPOPENPEEK/POKEBLOAD/SAVESOUNDLOCATEINKEY$GEMDOSDIMARRAYBLITREDIMCVsMID$==MID$RIGHT$ASCINSTRPALETTEMALLOCMENUSCREENSQRTWINDOWJOYSTICKTIMEDATEMOUSELOGHEAPENVIRONGETCOOKIE__HISOFT__ Y8 Runtime error at line in module in file on #Apa+@6Apa+@.Apa+@2NuaAh/?<NNT@<+P>"o+_B@At+HA,+H )$i(eЩJiNesg AV |$+|Nua hA aa`"epAJg"hH瀀NLQNu m6pa m.pa m2p/??<NMPNuA/HNsA`A`<dNJgJ|bDCH瀀HAJgLH>aL`H?8(H o(aLLf0ApNupDNuH/2a nf*0@"<g < g8H0 lNL LJNu"`r,HA,t,HB,"Lp`JgB<fp@`JfrAp`CB gga:rarwaB,B,#`H Lpa#L (IL)HNu l p`&_|d`A`P&FVVn0kN0SN0kNp*JgHP0SNL fS`NuzpgH P0SNL f < gR`"NupJgH P0kNL fS``<daTxa@pNupDNu`aHzư<dҰ<g a"FagpMNu-;f -;fNuH?<?<NMXJ@gL/<NMX-;g<g,-;g(<f"/<NMX<g-;g<fp`+@pLNuQ"p`J,"gHrabrfa\LJNuJ,"gHraDre`<dA`>B,>4>>>>ZQ"aapNuP"pNur,#pNupDNuB,B,#rarE`pNu|dp,@dAB#A B H`rarYaL8a`/ Jikrarba~"W2)a2A an"WJikra`rcaZ"_2)aA `JXpNu?AA,0->|gS@gA 00Nu    H @rareaLx*&I/ ah&_< gR< gL<g<g< eܺgHR/ ar&_`JgSJ,gS,/ rar ara&_`a"p@Nu?,?<NMX<f lf -;frpNu?r aFr ax2< gp< g4R,,g,e lf< d<g<d<dp`0,<f< f ,#dR,#A???<NM\Jlg pNuB,`Rgp9Nu0,??<NMXrJfrpNuSgSgUgvSgpDNu&fvRBg/?<=NAJkbPOx(؃Aa^)C)C$)C 8?<?B?<BNA)@BoNAO |||9Dp)@@)@NuPH`t9+@@lAgf LNuF5LCKKBg/?<NAXOapNu`8,<d$ g A @N.V@(e|dA`^vp<gJf",g a@farrpNur)ApNuHl(/, ??<?NAO Jk)@gB$Nup>Nua ,$e agp>)@NuA(r0R<gR$pNua",g$S)AS$dBg?/?<BNAO JkavpNua|pDNuat?(,$gA($e(٬٬$af8Jg*)l$/ /??<?NA"/O Jk&ѬfHpNua < g4< g2R,,g(,d"B O | ApB,aXNuB,I? 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Gaaٖai. NuHaԐ`HaԎai$LNurtvx2(4(6(8( |o864BA@`J@gHCv6BBHANuH0)hlH0)h|?ovx`J@ga`LL*jfcCD@` ԄӃdR@HLNuJfJgJk S@jHNu0<5@NuJfJg JfJfBBB|XONua/ 04R0(iR@5@&Oz////zL81P֣7CBCSHCԃ6BBHB҂ң7ABAQHAЁ'@\KUEjLJkSjjH&_NuaL/04R0(i5@LL xzJk SjjJk Rjj|?Eg҃тQJk SjjH0,NuNqE:\DOCS\ARTICLES\STREVIEW\BASIC\XAMPLE08.BASz8<&<><$<|(o*lN~NH;;B-6+| B+|<>`Nq?< N TO~N;|?-NTORm mg` Nq;|pNNTrN?<Z?<nA ./NNOAx.-NTNAx.-NTNJGf` Nq`Nq~N(=~NLJGf`nNq~N O/ C0<HЈ",Іd` Ь ЬЬH`// Bg?<JNAO JfLEA@,A8,Hp!!!.HA HĐ"MBQd+@+F +LtSE;ED;D CaX _NT+K)O)N/NHz+_>d`8<ae <{dNuafgSetHB Vfd`z`z Ga2 ^.`*aJfgSetHB Vf֘d`ac`ad`a e`ab`aSe Se gNuJNu G&$P(<Ƅ VȐ"hNu("hNu/ a _`h/ @Jf(Sa. _`N H@g(Jg$HAJ@gJAfHA`JAgH@HAJAf ށeNu~NuDNu$JnDJnDai JkJjDNu^_HNu^]HNu^WHNu^fNu^\HNu^^HNu~Nu Ga$4)k2BHҁC. Nuv!`6FBH*6HÖk$n UDk>HǞkn"a0ևQ"`J` GaJgF<fbxCifn4)C k2BCHUDk0BAҀQ8. NuJ-6gaP HxCSDt =QaL`an3ah ab a\ aV FBH*&k趙nUDk.kھn"ahևQ"` Ga JgN<fxCift4)C kJ^f2BCHUDkJ^f0BAҀQ8. 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E^.. DCLITOFFDOC Bc_`DCLITOFFPRG Nce**************************************************** !!! We are now taking DIRECT orders for !!! !!! DC DATA DIET !!! !!! !!! !!! Also, if you're a registered owner of a DC !!! !!! product, look for 'DC Source' newsletter !!! !!! coming to your mailbox in AUGUST 1991 with !!! !!! info on super discounts and sneak previews !!! **************************************************** !!! Overseas distributor information below !!! DC Light OFF v1.0 Copyright 1991 Double Click Software Program by Keith Gerdes and Michael B. Vederman DC Light OFF is a FREEWARE program. A FREEWARE program is one which you may freely distribute, but you cannot charge for it or alter the program or contents of the documentation in any manner. Double Click Software retains all copyright exclusive rights except exclusive distribution. ============================================================================== Are you getting tired of booting up without a floppy disk and having the drive light stay on and the motor spin away? Here's the solution to all your worries: DC Light OFF deselects the floppy drive This program is also useful for those times when the floppy drive is left "dirty" after running an application. DC Light OFF was suggested by Larry Novak a _while_ back. Well, what can I say, his nagging has paid off... ============================================================================== ======================= Installing DC Light OFF ======================= >To install DC Light OFF: ------------------------- 1) Copy DCLITOFF.PRG to your AUTO folder and reboot your computer. DC Light OFF will run and display a task done message. ================== Using DC Light OFF ================== As mentioned above, you can also run DCLITOFF.PRG from the desktop. +++++++++++ COMING SOON +++++++++++ DC CPXtensions - six incredibly useful CPXs for the new Atari Extensible Control Panel (Xcontrol). You don't want to be without this package! Look for details and a demo coming within weeks! Retail price: $29.95 Available: September 1991 ---------------------- DC DATA DIET - Realtime compression of _all_ files. Double your data storage device capacity, while using every single file the same as you always have! *** Absolutely no other product on the market does what Data Diet does, or *** even comes close. In fact, no other product like Data Diet exists for *** the Atari computers, anywhere! 100% compatibility! Check out some test results: File type No. of Normal Size Diet Size You save!! files in bytes in bytes percentage ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Postscript (.PS) 9 1104706 234490 79% PageStream (.DOC) 22 1230167 365157 71% Various pictures (some already compressed) 26 834488 625133 26% First Word + (.DOC) 7 56609 26046 53% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Don't buy another hard disk! Introductory retail price: $59.95 Availability: September 1991 ============= BUY, BUY, BUY ============= Have you purchased the DC DESKTOP or DC UTILITIES version 2.0??? If not, you owe yourself the pleasure of using our superb programs. "These programs are aSTounding!" - Ken Badertscher, ATARI Corp. talking about the DC UTILITIES v2.0 "The DC DESKTOP is a permanent part of my system!" - Ron Luks, Founder of Compuserve's Sig Atari Call us to order, or ask your local retailer. =========== MORE INPUT! =========== If you like this program, great! Be sure to let us know what ideas or comments you have about our software. We are always anxious to hear what anyone has to say! You can reach us almost everywhere! ======= By Mail ======= Double Click Software PO BOX 741206 Houston, TX 77274 ======== By Phone ======== Double Click Software : (713)977-6520 ====== Online ====== GEnie : DOUBLE-CLICK (Atari ST Roundtable, CATegory 30) CompuServe : 75300,577 (GO ATARIVendors, area 13) Usenet : uace0@menudo.uh.edu DC BBS : (713)944-0108 ======== Overseas ======== England ------- SoftVille Computer Supplies Unit 5, Stratfield Park Elettra Avenue Waterlooville Hampshire P07 7XN England Tel: 0705 266509 Netherlands and Dutch Belgium ----------------------------- STart Uitgeverij Divo M. Gijzenburg 14 2907 HG Capelle a/d IJssel Nederland Tel: 010 458 7640 France, French Belgium and French Switzerland --------------------------------------------- Arobace Editions 2 Rue Piemontesi 75018 Paris France Tel: (1) 42 23 50 44 Australia --------- Stephen's Music Center 2 Moore Road Springwood New South Wales Australia 2777 Tel: 61 516 196 Austech Computers 157 Whitehorse Rd. Blackburn 3130 Victoria Ausralia Tel: 61 3 894 1652 ============================================================================== This program is supplied in the belief that it operates as specified, neither Double Click Software (the company) nor the authors shall not be liable in any circumstance whatsoever for any direct or indirect loss or damage to property incurred or suffered by the customer or any other person as a result of any fault or defect in the goods or services supplied by the company and in no circumstances shall the company be liable against consequential damage or loss of profits (whether or not the possibility thereof was separately advised to it or reasonably forseeable) arising from the use or performance of such goods or services. ============================================================================== `dpAaHzT?<&NN\HzG?< NA\BgNAC2C"ApC2222BQ"<0<NB0:NuCE1>pa&A,4a6gbpaBx>Nu@|8FNua0NuHp8#8#gQLNu"0<4[0][DC Light OFF v1.0|by Keith Gerdes|& Michael B. Vederman |Copyright 1991|Double Click Software][ Exit ] p DC Light OFF v1.0 q Program of the Week by Keith Gerdes & Michael B. Vederman Copyright 1991 Double Click Software N尯pgܰxjZT_±ѾìȽä~p#(KD?PS0159wѠ\UuݸfbkplnĬc{¤tTĻζd<@_qtP>BEk԰j]{ҬnamĠrqưøŰû@?myxH=AEg®lo̴zkj{Ẕ̌АXO๨T48<}ȸ|~ͰĴ¸̴ĢZ1+GwԺô|qu̵ǼƐypZJI. bg.. SERIALFXCPX FggSERIALFXDOC KgSERIALFXPRG Mg ddcmo Mouse ?AA]uUUEUUu]UQE]EA`pA?``@0 d`f fb`N08DC Mouse-ometer ` ^H ~# $p a3 P z Jhgp`Jhf A aaA P L 2NuH ~ o# v"z 22,z 3&?<NNTA H eA B iT@A 0p0Q0aapa z LH naHz Bg/ n4NO rgB2A |g8|fa>p`|faa,pra`0: *|)g|g`aTpL By*3.pj`*By*3.p'`By*3.p`By*3.p`By*3.p`By*3.ph`By*pp`3*3.pm`3*3.py`By*By.pn`|3*By.pi`hBy*By.pv`VBy*3.pz`BBy*By.p{`0By*By.p|`By*By.p}` By*By.p~`By*By.p`By*By.0<`By*3.pf`By*3.p`By*By.p#`By*By.p$`By*By.p%`vBy*By.p&`dprCg2Rj3.By*pt`@By*3.pu`,By*3.0<`By*By.0<`3z43("< 0<sNBNu-ZZ-ZZ--ZZZZ$ DC Mouse-ometer v1.0Inches Travelled12345678.12by Keith Gerdes & Michael B. VedermanCopyright 1991 Double Click SoftwareReset CountOKV|}&~'  $ !9@J '  " (@@@@ *  4j( $ , $     "                                   ble************************************************* !!! We are now taking DIRECT orders for !!! !!! DC DATA DIET !!! !!! !!! !!! If you are a registered owner of a DC !!! !!! product, look for 'DC Source' newsletter !!! !!! coming to your mailbox in AUGUST 1991 !!! !!! with info on a super discount !!! ************************************************* !!! Overseas distributor information below !!! DC Mouse-ometer v1.0 Copyright 1991 Double Click Software Program by Keith Gerdes and Michael B. Vederman DC Mouse-ometer is a FREEWARE program. A FREEWARE program is one which you may freely distribute, but you cannot charge for it or alter the program or contents of the documentation in any manner. Double Click Software retains all copyright exclusive rights except exclusive distribution. ============================================================================== This program lets you find out how far your mouse cursor has travelled during a session. The supplied CPX gives a readout in inches representing a mouse tripodometer. NOTE: To utilize the CPX file you must have Atari's Extensible Control Panel. See Xcontrol's supplied documentation for installation, use, etc. ============================================================================== ========================== Installing DC Mouse-ometer ========================== >To install DC Mouse-ometer: ---------------------------- 1) Copy DCMOMETR.PRG to your AUTO folder and reboot your computer. DC Mouse-ometer will run and display an installed message. ===================== Using DC Mouse-ometer ===================== When you are curious as to how far your mouse cursor has moved, select the included CPX in Xcontrol. You will see a readout of: Inches Travelled (ex. 107.11) Click on [Reset Count] to zero the odometer. Remember to log your mileage and have a good trip... ;) +++++++++++ COMING SOON +++++++++++ DC CPXtensions - six incredibly useful CPXs for the new Atari Extensible Control Panel (Xcontrol). You don't want to be without this package! Look for details and a demo coming within weeks! Retail price: $29.95 Available: September 1991 ---------------------- DC DATA DIET - Realtime compression of _all_ files. Double your data storage device capacity, while using every single file the same as you always have! *** Absolutely no other product on the market does what Data Diet does, or *** even comes close. In fact, no other product like Data Diet exists for *** the Atari computers, anywhere! 100% compatibility! Check out some test results: File type No. of Normal Size Diet Size You save!! files in bytes in bytes percentage ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Postscript (.PS) 9 1104706 234490 79% PageStream (.DOC) 22 1230167 365157 71% Various pictures (some already compressed) 26 834488 625133 26% First Word + (.DOC) 7 56609 26046 53% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Don't buy another hard disk! Introductory retail price: $59.95 Availability: September 1991 ============= BUY, BUY, BUY ============= Have you purchased the DC DESKTOP or DC UTILITIES version 2.0??? If not, you owe yourself the pleasure of using our superb programs. "These programs are aSTounding!" - Ken Badertscher, ATARI Corp. talking about the DC UTILITIES v2.0 "The DC DESKTOP is a permanent part of my system!" - Ron Luks, Founder of Compuserve's Sig Atari Call us to order, or ask your local retailer. =========== MORE INPUT! =========== If you like this program, great! Be sure to let us know what ideas or comments you have about our software. We are always anxious to hear what anyone has to say! You can reach us almost everywhere! ======= By Mail ======= Double Click Software PO BOX 741206 Houston, TX 77274 ======== By Phone ======== Double Click Software : (713)977-6520 ====== Online ====== GEnie : DOUBLE-CLICK (Atari ST Roundtable, CATegory 30) CompuServe : 75300,577 (GO ATARIVendors, area 13) Usenet : uace0@menudo.uh.edu DC BBS : (713)944-0108 ======== Overseas ======== England ------- SoftVille Computer Supplies Unit 5, Stratfield Park Elettra Avenue Waterlooville Hampshire P07 7XN England Tel: 0705 266509 Netherlands and Dutch Belgium ----------------------------- STart Uitgeverij Divo M. Gijzenburg 14 2907 HG Capelle a/d IJssel Nederland Tel: 010 458 7640 France, French Belgium and French Switzerland --------------------------------------------- Arobace Editions 2 Rue Piemontesi 75018 Paris France Tel: (1) 42 23 50 44 Australia --------- Stephen's Music Center 2 Moore Road Springwood New South Wales Australia 2777 Tel: 61 516 196 Austech Computers 157 Whitehorse Rd. Blackburn 3130 Victoria Ausralia Tel: 61 3 894 1652 ============================================================================== This program is supplied in the belief that it operates as specified, neither Double Click Software (the company) nor the authors shall not be liable in any circumstance whatsoever for any direct or indirect loss or damage to property incurred or suffered by the customer or any other person as a result of any fault or defect in the goods or services supplied by the company and in no circumstances shall the company be liable against consequential damage or loss of profits (whether or not the possibility thereof was separately advised to it or reasonably forseeable) arising from the use or performance of such goods or services. ============================================================================== `$Vd`XBRADCmoOT14NhgA PmofMNsJPf C"!I/:NuXBRADCmoMOUS l> m8f J(fJ(g*#p(jDѹp(jDѹ :l/:NuBgpAaDAfHz"?<&NN\Hx?<1A7HP?< NA\NAJxgTy"A6C "NuC2C"ADpC|2222BQ"<$0<NB0:Nuz4[0][DC Mouse-ometer v1.0|by Keith Gerdes|& Michael B. Vederman|Copyright 1991|Double Click Software ][Place in AUTO folder] p* DC Mouse-ometer v1.0 *q * NOT INSTALLED * pDC Mouse-ometer v1.0q Program of the Week by Keith Gerdes & Michael B. Vederman Copyright 1991 Double Click Software nJ<. MEs.. DC_FKEYSDAT t tDC_FKEYSDOC t uDC_FKEYSPRG t {n f10 C1=This Control F1 F1=This is F1 A10=this is a WARTHOG\13\\10\ L5=This is left shift and f5\10\\13\\\ R9=This is \13\\10\two lines of text\13\\10\ F5=12345678901234567890123456789012345674890 te, but you cannot charge for it or alter the program or contents of the archive in any manner. Double Click Software retains all copyright exclusive rights except exclusive distribution. ============================================================================== DC F-Keys allows you to assign a text macro to a function key, or combination of a function key and one (1) modifier key (SHIFT, CONTROL or ALTERNATE). This could be useful if you enter the same text repeatedly. For example, you leave an email message and instead of typing your name at the end, you press F1 and your name is printed for you. You can assign up to 49 function key macros! ========================= DC F-KEYS key assignments ========================= Before you get started, you should decide what text macros yoDC F-Keys v1.0 Copyright (c) 1991 Double Click Software Program by Michael B. Vederman and Keith Gerdes DC F-KEYS is a FREEWARE program. A FREEWARE program is one which you may freely distribute, but you cannot charge for it or alter the program or contents of the archive in any manner. Double Click Software retains all copyright exclusive rights except exclusive distribution. ============================================================================== DC F-Keys allows you to assign a text macro to a function key, or combination of a function key and one (1) modifier key (SHIFT, CONTROL or ALTERNATE). This could be useful if you enter the same text repeatedly. For example, you leave an email message and instead of typing your name at the end, you press F1 and your name is printed for you. You can assign up to 49 function key macros! ========================= DC F-KEYS key assignments ========================= Before you get started, you should decide what text macros you want to assign to what function keys. DC F-KEYS loads in the text macros from a file named: DC_FKEYS.DAT A sample DC_FKEYS.DAT file looks like: F10 F1=This is F1 R1=This is + L5=This is + C1=This is + A10=This is + *** IMPORTANT NOTE *** The first line of DC_FKEYS.DAT is the function key which will be used to turn DC F-KEYS on and off. You **MUST** have this line. This key can be any key as defined directly below. If you forget this line, then the first macro assignment function key will be taken as the toggle. Format of the function key definition in DC_FKEYS.DAT is like this: = where is: 'F' for a regular unshifted function key 'R' for the key pressed at the same time as the function key with number that follows 'L' for the key pressed at the same time as the function key with number that follows 'C' for the key pressed at the same time as the function key with number that follows 'A' for the key pressed at the same time as the function key with number that follows is a number from 1 to 10 = is the equal sign is the text to assign, up to 40 characters So, every line must have the function key _immediately_ followed by the equals sign '=' and the text for the macro. EXAMPLE: C10=This is + A5=This is + IMPORTANT NOTE: You may only have 40 characters per macro. ------------------------ Non Printable Characters ------------------------ You can imbed any character in the macro by using the backslash '\' character in the macro, followed by the DECIMAL value of the character you want at that position, and another backslash. Two backslashes '\\' in a row would place one (1) backslash in the macro. Each imbedded character counts as one character, so \255\ is really only one character (if you are keeping count). NOTE: You can only use a number from 0 to 255 (any ASCII character). EXAMPLE: F1=This is a carriage return ->\13\ F2=This is a backslash ->\\ F3=This is \13\\10\a split line USEFUL CODES: = 13 = 10 ==================== Installing DC F-KEYS ==================== You can install DC F-KEYS either from the AUTO folder or from the desktop. >To install DC F-KEYS from the AUTO folder, do this: ---------------------------------------------------- 1) Copy DC_FKEYS.PRG and your DC_FKEYS.DAT file into the AUTO folder of your bootup disk. 2) Reset your computer. DC F-KEYS will attempt to load and parse the DC_FKEYS.DAT file to define your keys when it runs. When DC F-KEYS installs, you will see an installation message. >To install DC F-KEYS from the desktop, do this: ------------------------------------------------ 1) Make sure the DC_FKEYS.DAT file is in the CURRENT directory (which is usually the same directory the program is in). 2) Run DC_FKEYS.PRG. An alert box will appear asking you if you want to INSTALL or QUIT DC F-KEYS. Click on the appropriate button. 3) If you clicked on INSTALL, DC F-KEYS will attempt to load and parse the DC_FKEYS.DAT file to define your keys. When DC F-KEYS installs, you will see an installation message. ============================ Turning DC F-KEYS On and Off ============================ >To turn DC F-KEYS On or Off, do this: -------------------------------------- 1) Press the function key which is listed at the top of your DC_FKEYS.DAT file. If DC F-KEYS is ON, it will toggle OFF. If DC F-KEYS is OFF, it will toggle ON. ============= BUY, BUY, BUY ============= Have you purchased the DC DESKTOP or DC UTILITIES version 2.0??? If not, you owe yourself the pleasure of using our superb programs. "These programs are aSTounding!" - Ken Badertscher, ATARI Corp. talking about the DC UTILITIES v2.0 "The DC DESKTOP is a permanent part of my system!" - Ron Luks, Founder of Compuserve's Sig Atari Call us to order, or ask your local retailer. =========== MORE INPUT! =========== If you like this program, great! Be sure to let us know what ideas or comments you have about our software. We are always anxious to hear what anyone has to say! You can reach us almost everywhere! ======== By Phone ======== Double Click Software : (713)977-6520 ====== Online ====== GEnie : DOUBLE-CLICK (CATegory 30) CompuServe : 75300,577 (GO ATARIVend, area 13) Usenet : uace0@menudo.uh.edu DC BBS : (713)944-0108 ЁQJEgnCD*@|e*jg"@r g g> MS@$&(*,.$A&A(AH8H8H8H8H8H8HxQ`bAN` @A` XBRADCFKA "O\If@+ Ni g@@ A  /9@( NuJyt@(#@d/|@ V`J@gB*dNuAX`h `H DCSquish-DC_FKEYS12(zC<"EM.ަG"K<:t QJ g"JbfJg 6 B+ Uan*OK4dD`X .G/Hl?<HNA\Jg*@/?<IGra:NA.o Gp?BQp|ep:"M$IApr"QNHyLNA(Hz?<&NNz@bA2gA X`f??<>NAz/ ?< Nq .DNuAC C C CF C Ch MLa"A0*AI(aM:A(a`pA0000BPA"0<NBNu # x0(Nu&n$M0<g4Q~xvtpkg4 g 2iT@`Q`2ifP@R@ JQ`Ab"HpQ.O/?< Nq .G,n A(HC$I&I.ސ>Jhf2"g*rђgfE` N2AgSA0QSGL&^H&^L&^H&^ L&^H&^@L&^H&^`L&^H&^L&^H&^L&^H&^L&^H&^AQEt$"$ЁQJEgnCD*@|e*jg"@r g g> MS@$&(*,.$A&A(AH8H8H8H8H8H8HxQ`bAN` @A` XBRADCFKA "O\If@+ Ni g@@ A  /9@( NuJyt@(#@d/|@ V`J@gB*dNuAX /H@|;m@]n@Do @T@x ARlrAIg| @*@T`@;A@vv pAX g@H p#@p <{}>@|Bjf"3@@pfBB` C.J`\ @VB|pB& D&(C(NsCgDXC2J@n <@Ns@nA tBNs yB~j@bhv`x@@Ch@ :`b@@@`4@^@@@`@0@Z@@@`,@V@@@@(@R@`@@$@N@x@@@ @J@t@@`p T F@` @ @ `@B@lKKX,7bmوØC ,O.&̾ H#v"j 0<NB0ъ h>$ ?<NATOA/A(@ NA\O@B@ =NAPO3@NjFKk@v*A8@?AX@&?NA #@B&F >NAXOaA0 @(&NNҤ/> DC F-Keys v1.0A<<**F"B'byBB  C"C!Michael B. Vederman J! and Keith GerdesGdKcHaKBCopyright (c) 1991@+HDouble Click SoftwareD qqFi NOT INSTALLEDBqCH [0][k |By Q|M|O|R][ Install |Quit]b4 0$   @CI U@)L   4   .8BI. XE~.. POOLFIX3S d$POOLFIX4BWR hepPOOLFIX4HLP iewPOOLFIX4S d&POOLFX92DOC se@ POOLFX92PRG !5dPOOLFX92S 5d(;File name: POOLFIX3.S Revision date: 1992.03.03 ;Revised by: Ulf Ronald Andersson Disassembled: 1992.03.03 ; ; include TOS\URAn_SYS.S include TOS\URAn_DOS.S include TOS\URAn_XB.S ; ; text ; ; L0: move.l 4(sp),a6 move.l a6,basepage_p clr.l -(sp) move #$20,-(sp) trap #1 ;NB: ERROR of POOLFIX3, returned SSP is ignored here ;NB: This may not work in all TOS versions gemdos Sversion lea not_needed_s(pc),a0 cmp #$1500,d0 bne error_exit lea strange_TOS_s(pc),a0 move.l (_sysbase).w,a1 move 2(a1),d0 cmp #$104,d0 ;TOS 1.04 ? beq.b L40 cmp #$106,d0 ;TOS 1.06 ? bne error_exit L40: clr.l -(sp) move.l #'_OOL',-(sp) bsr find_cookie ;test for own 'cookie' addq.l #4,sp lea already_in_s(pc),a0 tst d0 bne error_exit lea bad_linkage_s(pc),a0 move.l (_sysbase).w,a1 move.l 8(a1),a1 move.l (ev_gemdos).w,a2 move.l a2,d0 sub.l a1,d0 cmp.l #$20000,d0 bhi error_exit lea strange_TOS_s(pc),a0 cmpi #$2EBC,-1796(a2) bne error_exit cmpi #$2A79,-1102(a2) bne error_exit clr.l -(sp) move.l sp,a5 move.l a5,-(sp) clr.l -(sp) bsr find_cookie ;test for free 'cookie' addq.l #4,sp addi.l #$8,(a5) move.l (a5),-(sp) move.l 24(a6),d0 add.l 28(a6),d0 move.l d0,-(sp) move.l #$0,-(sp) move.l #'_OOL',-(sp) bsr place_cookie adda #$10,sp moveq #0,d7 tst d0 bmi.b LCE beq.b LCE move.l (a5),d7 asl.l #3,d7 LCE: move.l (ev_gemdos).w,a1 move.l -1794(a1),a2 move.l a2,L78E move.l a2,L786 addq.l #4,a2 move.l a2,L78A move.l -1100(a1),a2 move.l a2,L792 move.l (ev_gemdos).w,8+nu_gemdos move.l #12+nu_gemdos,$84.w gemdos Cconws,installed_s move.l 24(a6),d0 add.l 28(a6),d0 add.l d7,d0 sub.l a6,d0 gemdos Ptermres,d0,#0 ; ; error_exit: move.l a0,-(sp) move #$9,-(sp) trap #1 addq #6,sp move.l #L172,-(sp) move #$9,-(sp) trap #1 addq #6,sp move #$1,-(sp) move #$4C,-(sp) trap #1 dc.b 'J',$FC ; dc.w $4AFC ; ; installed_s: dc.b 'POOL PATCH OF 19-JAN-90 INSTALLED.',CR,LF,NUL already_in_s: dc.b 'The pool patch is already installed.',NUL not_needed_s: dc.b 'The pool patch is not needed in this TOS',NUL bad_linkage_s: dc.b 'The pool patch must run first in the',CR,LF dc.b '\AUTO\ folder (before any program',CR,LF dc.b 'links into the GEMDOS (trap 1) vector).',NUL strange_TOS_s: dc.b 'This GEMDOS needs the pool patch, but',CR,LF dc.b "this program doesn't recognize this TOS.",NUL ; ; basepage_p: dc.l 0 ;unref ; ; XB_define nu_gemdos,'_OOL' tst.b poolfix_flag beq L2A2 bsr compact_all_sub L2A2: move USP,a0 btst #5,(sp) beq.b L2B6 lea 6(sp),a0 tst (_longframe).w beq.b L2B6 addq.l #2,a0 L2B6: move (a0),d0 ;Pterm0 ? beq.b L2CA cmp #$49,d0 ;Mfree ? beq.b L2CA cmp #$31,d0 ;Ptermres ? beq.b L2CA cmp #$4C,d0 ;Pterm ? NB: Error of POOLFIX3: Mshrink is ignored !!! NB: Yet, it too can free RAM for compaction L2CA: seq poolfix_flag move.l 8+nu_gemdos,a0 jmp (a0) ; ; compact_all_sub: link a6,#0 movem.l d2-d7/a3-a5,-(sp) suba.l a5,a5 move.l L792,a0 move.l (a0),a4 clr d3 bra L34A ; L2F0: tst.b 4(a4) ble L348 clr d4 clr d5 lea 6(a4),a3 bra L328 ; L304: cmpi.l #$1,12(a3) bne L31E add #$1,d4 move.l a5,d0 bne L31E move.l a4,a5 move d5,d6 L31E: add #$1,d5 adda.l #$10,a3 L328: cmp #$4,d5 blt.b L304 cmp #$4,d4 bne L346 clr.b 4(a4) cmp.l a4,a5 bne L342 suba.l a5,a5 L342: bra L348 ; L346: add d4,d3 L348: move.l (a4),a4 L34A: move.l a4,d0 bne.b L2F0 cmp #$4,d3 blt L566 move.l a5,a4 move d6,d7 L35A: add #$1,d7 cmp #$4,d7 beq L36E tst.b 4(a4) bgt L372 L36E: clr d7 move.l (a4),a4 L372: move.l a4,d0 beq L392 tst.b 4(a4) ble.b L35A move d7,d0 ext.l d0 asl.l #4,d0 add.l a4,d0 move.l d0,a0 cmpi.l #$1,18(a0) beq.b L35A L392: bra L55A ; L396: bra L41C ; L39A: lea 6(a5),a3 cmpi.l #$1,12(a3) bne L418 cmpi.l #$1,28(a3) bne L418 cmpi.l #$1,44(a3) bne L418 cmpi.l #$1,60(a3) bne L418 clr.b 4(a5) move #$3,d6 L3D6: add #$1,d6 cmp #$4,d6 beq L3EA tst.b 4(a5) bgt L3EE L3EA: clr d6 move.l (a5),a5 L3EE: move.l a5,d0 beq L40E tst.b 4(a5) ble.b L3D6 move d6,d0 ext.l d0 asl.l #4,d0 add.l a5,d0 move.l d0,a0 cmpi.l #$1,18(a0) bne.b L3D6 L40E: move.l a5,d0 beq L566 bra L41C ; L418: bra L422 ; L41C: tst d6 beq L39A L422: bra L4A4 ; L426: lea 6(a4),a3 cmpi.l #$1,12(a3) beq L4A0 cmpi.l #$1,28(a3) beq L4A0 cmpi.l #$1,44(a3) beq L4A0 cmpi.l #$1,60(a3) beq L4A0 move #$3,d7 L45E: add #$1,d7 cmp #$4,d7 beq L472 tst.b 4(a4) bgt L476 L472: clr d7 move.l (a4),a4 L476: move.l a4,d0 beq L496 tst.b 4(a4) ble.b L45E move d7,d0 ext.l d0 asl.l #4,d0 add.l a4,d0 move.l d0,a0 cmpi.l #$1,18(a0) beq.b L45E L496: move.l a4,d0 beq L566 bra L4A4 ; L4A0: bra L4AA ; L4A4: tst d7 beq L426 L4AA: cmp.l a5,a4 beq L522 move d6,d0 ext.l d0 asl.l #4,d0 add.l a5,d0 move.l d0,(sp) addi.l #$6,(sp) move d7,d0 ext.l d0 asl.l #4,d0 add.l a4,d0 move.l d0,-(sp) addi.l #$6,(sp) jsr compact_block_sub addq.l #4,sp move d7,d0 ext.l d0 asl.l #4,d0 add.l a4,d0 move.l d0,a0 move.l #$1,18(a0) L4EA: add #$1,d6 cmp #$4,d6 beq L4FE tst.b 4(a5) bgt L502 L4FE: clr d6 move.l (a5),a5 L502: move.l a5,d0 beq L522 tst.b 4(a5) ble.b L4EA move d6,d0 ext.l d0 asl.l #4,d0 add.l a5,d0 move.l d0,a0 cmpi.l #$1,18(a0) bne.b L4EA L522: add #$1,d7 cmp #$4,d7 beq L536 tst.b 4(a4) bgt L53A L536: clr d7 move.l (a4),a4 L53A: move.l a4,d0 beq L55A tst.b 4(a4) ble.b L522 move d7,d0 ext.l d0 asl.l #4,d0 add.l a4,d0 move.l d0,a0 cmpi.l #$1,18(a0) beq.b L522 L55A: move.l a5,d0 beq L566 move.l a4,d0 bne L396 L566: tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,d3-d7/a3-a5 unlk a6 rts ; ; ;NB: fatal POOLFIX3 error in this subroutine !!! ;NB: It may be called for ANY gemdos function following a RAM release ;NB: so at final gemdos exit all regs except d0/a0 must be restored ;NB: but d1 is used here, without protection either here or above ;NB: ONLY the 'Super' function has permission to do this !!! ;NB: This may BOMB any program expecting unchanged d1 !!! compact_block_sub: link a6,#-4 movem.l d6-d7/a3-a5,-(sp) move.l 8(a6),a5 clr d7 bra L5AE ; L582: move d7,a0 adda.l a0,a0 adda.l a0,a0 adda.l #L786,a0 move.l (a0),-4(a6) move.l -4(a6),a3 move.l (a3),a4 bra L5A6 ; L59C: cmp.l a5,a4 beq L5BC move.l a4,a3 move.l (a3),a4 L5A6: move.l a4,d0 bne.b L59C add #$1,d7 L5AE: cmp #$2,d7 blt.b L582 move #$1,d0 bra L5F0 ; L5BC: move.l L78E,a0 cmp.l 8(a0),a5 bne L5D6 move.l L78E,a0 move.l 12(a6),8(a0) L5D6: move.l 12(a6),a0 move.l a5,a1 move #$7,d1 ;NB: ERROR d1 unprotected L5E0: move (a1)+,(a0)+ dbf d1,L5E0 ;NB: ERROR d1 unprotected move.l 12(a6),(a3) clr d0 bra L5F0 ; L5F0: tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,d7-d7/a3-a5 unlk a6 rts ; ; ;int find_cookie(long id, void **ptr) find_cookie: movem.l d6-d7/a6-a6,-(sp) move.l 16(sp),d6 move.l 20(sp),a6 clr.l d7 move.l #$1,-(sp) move #$20,-(sp) trap #1 tst.l d0 bne L62A move.l #$0,2(sp) move #$20,(sp) trap #1 move.l d0,d7 L62A: addq.l #6,sp move.l (_cookies).w,a0 move.l a0,d0 beq L654 L636: move.l (a0),d0 cmp.l d0,d6 beq L648 tst.l d0 beq L654 addq.l #8,a0 bra.b L636 ; L648: move.l a6,d0 beq L652 move.l 4(a0),(a6) L652: moveq #1,d0 L654: move.l d0,d6 tst.l d7 beq L666 move.l d7,-(sp) move #$20,-(sp) trap #1 addq.l #6,sp L666: move.l d6,d0 movem.l (sp)+,d6-d7/a6-a6 rts ; ; place_cookie: link a6,#0 move.l d7,-(sp) moveq #0,d7 move.l #$1,-(sp) move #$20,-(sp) trap #1 tst.l d0 bne L698 move.l #$0,2(sp) move #$20,(sp) trap #1 move.l d0,d7 L698: addq.l #6,sp move.l (_cookies).w,a0 move.l a0,d0 beq L6D4 moveq #0,d0 L6A6: addq.l #1,d0 tst.l (a0) beq L6B2 addq.l #8,a0 bra.b L6A6 ; L6B2: cmp.l 4(a0),d0 beq L732 move.l 4(a0),12(a0) clr.l 8(a0) move.l 8(a6),(a0) move.l 12(a6),4(a0) moveq #0,d0 bra L768 ; L6D4: cmpi.l #$2,20(a6) blt L766 move.l (resvector).w,L798 move.l (resvalid).w,L79C move.l #L71C,(resvector).w move.l #$31415926,(resvalid).w move.l 16(a6),a0 move.l a0,(_cookies).w move.l 8(a6),(a0)+ move.l 12(a6),(a0)+ clr.l (a0)+ move.l 20(a6),(a0) moveq #1,d0 bra L768 ; L71C: clr.l (_cookies).w move.l L79C,(resvalid).w move.l L798,(resvector).w jmp (a6) L732: cmp.l 20(a6),d0 ble L766 move.l d0,d1 subq.l #2,d1 move.l (_cookies).w,a0 move.l 16(a6),a1 move.l a1,(_cookies).w L74A: move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ dbf d1,L74A move.l 8(a6),(a1)+ move.l 12(a6),(a1)+ clr.l (a1)+ move.l 20(a6),(a1) moveq #1,d0 bra L768 L766: moveq #-1,d0 L768: tst.l d7 beq L780 move.l d0,8(a6) move.l d7,-(sp) move #$20,-(sp) trap #1 addq.l #6,sp move.l 8(a6),d0 L780: move.l (sp)+,d7 unlk a6 rts ; ; bss ;$786: ; L786: ds.b 4 L78A: ds.b 4 L78E: ds.b 4 L792: ds.b 4 poolfix_flag: ds.b 2 L798: ds.b 4 L79C: ds.b 4 ; ; end ;of file: POOLFIX3.S I see that you have just added Claus Brod's version of various bugfixes for TOS 1.4 Perhaps you are aware of the following, but I suspect you may not be. POOLFIX1, 2 & 3 were fixes for a TOS 1.4 problem issued by Atari USA themselves - versions 1 & 2 themselves contained bugs (!!) and Atari have withdrawn them. POOLFIX3 is Atari's official fix for the problem. POOLFIX4 is Brod's attempt to 'improve' on this fix and add one or two modifications of his own. It has no connection with Atari whatsoever. In fact, Brod came under very heavy fire for issuing this program under the name POOLFIX4. He has since apologised and asked that it be distributed under some other name (I forget what). Thus POOLFIX4 is in no sense an upgrade to POOLFIX3 - simply an unsupported alternative. I see that you have placed POOLFIX4 in m269 in place of the official Atari POOLFIX3. May I suggest that both of these, and knowledge of their very different status, should be made available to users? Please do not take this as criticism - I know you folks have your work cut out to keep up with all the software that's being circulated, and that at face value, the new program appears to be an upgrade of the old. Feel free to attach these remarks to m269.msg, if that makes your job any easier! Regards - Russ [Ed. I've re-instated POOLFIX3 as micros/atari/m415] POOLFIX4 (Got to patch and get again and again... c'mon, Leila, gimme ======== a break - or: Reasons To Be Cheerful, Part 4) Yep, it's true, TOS 1.4 is buggy. Well, ATARI has done something about it and released several fix programs to blow up your AUTO folder. A very... ahem... remarkable representative of this kind of programs is POOLFIX written by Allan Pratt which tries to fix a new bug in the pool manager. Allan released three versions of this program, and then he settled down with a long sigh of relieve thinking he did it right at last. Well, he wasn't quite right. Allan's POOLFIX versions needed to be placed first in the AUTO folder because POOLFIX tries to locate some illegal system variables by following the TRAP #1 vector into ROM code. If any program occupies the TRAP #1 vector before POOLFIX shows up, things are messed up: POOLFIX refuses to install itself. This isn't a big problem for most of you out there, but it is a problem for people using hard disk drivers and other programs that start up before AUTO folder programs and use the TRAP #1 vector for their own purposes. It is also a pain in the neck for everyone to be forced to re-order their AUTO folder once again, and as time passes by, you tend to forget which programs in the AUTO folder need to be started in which order, and soon chaos spreads. I was faced with the problem when I realized that POOLFIX3 didn't want to install itself when my own hard disk driver (included in the book SCHEIBENKLEISTER), version 3.5, was running. This is due to the fact that I use the TRAP #1 vector in CBHD 3.5 (my HD driver) to do some DESKTOP.INF patching that my readers urged me to implement. The problem, however, could have been solved easily if POOLFIX would follow the official ATARI guidelines for XBRA completely. CBHD 3.5 uses XBRA to notify other programs that it linked into the TRAP #1 vector, and so it would be no problem for POOLFIX to follow the TRAP #1 XBRA chain into ROM. Allan, however, didn't think of this neat possibility - being able to follow the chain was, as far as I know, one of the main reasons for adopting the XBRA standard. (The same problem occurs with FATSPEED, a freeware (?) GEMDOS speed-up for TOS 1.2; if the programmer of FATSPEED should read this some day, he or she should think of implementing this follow- the-chain-into-ROM-technique into FATSPEED, too. Tnx so much.) As always, users are forced to do the patching themselves. In this case, I reassembled POOLFIX and inserted a full-blown XBRA algorithm. Apart from that, I optimized the program a bit so that it occupies lesser space in RAM than the previous version. It's also a bit shorter on disk, but since it uses 2 clusters as before, there's no speedup when booting. BTW: I used TURBO ASS for this job, a remarkably fast shareware assembler written by Markus Fritze and Sren Hellwig, Birkhahnkamp 38, 2000 Norderstedt 1, West Germany. POOLFIX4, as I called it, has been tested successfully on my MegaST with TOS 1.4 in ROM, on my STE with TOS 1.6 in ROM, and with a 1040 with TOS 1.2 (where it doesn't install itself since TOS 1.2 doesn't need the patch). If there are any incompatibilities with any programs, please tell me: Claus Brod Am Felsenkeller 2 8772 Marktheidenfeld West Germany (049-)(0)9391-3206 (e-mail: C.BROD@LINK-N (Zerberus net), soon also on FIDO and Usenet) This program should always be posted or copied with this documentation. I claim no rights on this program (how should I, most of the code is from Allan, who hopefully doesn't mind if I correct him this way), so it's freeware. Spread it. I said: Spread it! Did I say "spread it"? No? So I'll say it again: Spread it! Sorry, Allan, but I HAD to do this for my readers. I will send ATARI a copy of this program, so that they may be able to use it as an official version (it's clearly better than the original). Let's wait and see if they want it. ------------------------------------ Atari Corp., January 19, 1990 There is a rare bug in Rainbow TOS (1.4) and STe TOS (1.6) involving the way GEMDOS handles its internal memory. You probably have never seen this bug, and if you use this patch program, you never will. Place POOLFIX3.PRG in your AUTO folder and reboot your machine. That's all there is to it. POOLFIX3.PRG will run every time you boot your machine, so the bug will never ever bite you. You might get a message to the effect that it must run first in the AUTO folder. If this happens, copy the programs from your AUTO folder to another place and erase them all from the AUTO folder. Now copy POOLFIX3.PRG into your AUTO folder, and then all the other programs which were there. (A version of this patch was released January 10; it didn't work, and shouldn't be used. Another was released January 18; it didn't work either. (Look, I'm only human!) This is Take 3.) ********************************************************************** If you are interested in the technical details of why this program is necessary and what it does, read on: The bug doesn't bite very often. You probably haven't ever seen it. It happens when programs use Malloc a lot and you have a lot of folders in your system. (Yes, this bug was introduced as part of the code which got rid of the 40-folder limit.) The OS pool is the internal memory used by GEMDOS to keep track of directories, files, handles, and internal memory. Sometimes, GEMDOS uses only part of a block. When there are two blocks that are only partly used, and the used parts would fit into one block, the space can be compacted to create one completely used block and one free block. Unfortunately, there's a bug in the compaction routine. This patch prevents that compaction routine from being executed, by doing the compaction (with a bug-free routine) before GEMDOS has a chance to. This code runs before every GEMDOS call. It uses a flag to tell whether it needs to run the compaction routine before it lets GEMDOS handle the call. If the call is one of the Pterm calls, or an Mfree() call, it sets the flag so the compaction will run before the NEXT Gemdos call: new gemdos entry point: if (flag is set) run compact; if (call is Mfree or one of the Pterm calls) set the flag; else clear the flag; jump to the original gemdos entry point; The compaction routine runs through GEMDOS's internal memory using unpublished variables (don't you dare use them yourself!) and compacts empty space out of the memory blocks, so the routine inside GEMDOS never finds any space to compact, and the incorrect code never runs. ;File name: POOLFIX4.S Revision date: 1992.03.03 ;Revised by: Ulf Ronald Andersson Disassembled: 1992.03.03 ; ; include TOS\URAn_SYS.S include TOS\URAn_DOS.S include TOS\URAn_XB.S ; ; text ; ; L0: move.l 4(sp),a6 move.l a6,basepage_p clr.l -(sp) move #$20,-(sp) trap #1 ;NB: ERROR of POOLFIX3, returned SSP is ignored here ;NB: This may not work in all TOS versions gemdos Sversion lea not_needed_s(pc),a0 cmp #$1500,d0 bne error_exit lea strange_TOS_s(pc),a0 move.l (_sysbase).w,a1 move 2(a1),d0 cmp #$104,d0 ;TOS 1.04 ? beq.s L40 cmp #$106,d0 ;TOS 1.06 ? bne error_exit L40: clr.l -(sp) move.l #'_OOL',-(sp) bsr find_cookie ;test for own 'cookie' addq.l #4,sp lea already_in_s(pc),a0 tst d0 bne error_exit lea bad_linkage_s(pc),a0 bsr find_os_gemdos tst.l d0 bmi error_exit lea strange_TOS_s(pc),a0 cmpi #$2EBC,-1796(a2) bne error_exit cmpi #$2A79,-1102(a2) bne error_exit clr.l -(sp) move.l sp,a5 move.l a5,-(sp) clr.l -(sp) bsr find_cookie ;test for free 'cookie' addq.l #4,sp addq.l #8,(a5) move.l (a5),-(sp) move.l 24(a6),d0 add.l 28(a6),d0 move.l d0,-(sp) clr.l -(sp) move.l #'_OOL',-(sp) bsr place_cookie adda #$10,sp moveq #0,d7 tst d0 bmi.s LB6 beq.s LB6 move.l (a5),d7 asl.l #3,d7 LB6: bsr.s find_os_gemdos move.l a2,a1 move.l -1794(a1),a2 move.l a2,L69C move.l a2,L694 addq.l #4,a2 move.l a2,L698 move.l -1100(a1),L6A0 move.l (ev_gemdos).w,8+nugemdos move.l #12+nu_gemdos,(ev_gemdos).w lea installed_s(pc),a0 bsr.s Cconws_a0 move.l 24(a6),d0 add.l 28(a6),d0 add.l d7,d0 sub.l a6,d0 gemdos Ptermres,d0,! ; ; error_exit: bsr.s Cconws_a0 lea crlf_s(pc),a0 bsr.s Cconws_a0 pea $4C0001.l trap #1 dc.b 'J',$FC ; dc.w $4AFC ; ; Cconws_a0: gemdos Cconws,(a0) rts ; ; find_os_gemdos: movem.l d1-d1/a1-a1,-(sp) moveq #0,d0 move.l (ev_gemdos).w,a2 L130: cmpi.l #'XBRA',-12(a2) bne.s L140 move.l -4(a2),a2 bra.s L130 ; L140: move.l a2,d1 and.l #$FFFFFF,d1 move.l (_sysbase).w,a1 move.l 8(a1),a1 sub.l a1,d1 bmi.s L15C cmp.l #$20000,d1 bmi.s L15E L15C: moveq #-1,d0 L15E: movem.l (sp)+,d1-d1/a1-a1 rts ; ; installed_s: dc.b 'POOL PATCH OF 19-JAN-90 INSTALLED.',CR,LF dc.b 'Improved 27-MAR-90 by Claus Brod crlf_s: dc.b CR,LF,NUL already_in_s: dc.b 'Pool patch already installed.',NUL not_needed_s: dc.b 'Pool patch not needed in this TOS',NUL bad_linkage_s: dc.b 'Something linked into the GEMDOS trap',CR,LF dc.b 'without following XBRA rules.',CR,LF,NUL strange_TOS_s: dc.b 'POOLFIX4 doesn't recognize this TOS.',NUL even ; ; XB_define nu_gemdos,'_OOL' tst.b poolfix_flag beq.s L26E bsr.s compact_all_sub L26E: move USP,a0 btst #5,(sp) beq.s L282 lea 6(sp),a0 tst (_longframe).w beq.s L282 addq #2,a0 L282: move (a0),d0 ;Pterm0 ? beq.s L294 sub #$31,d0 ;Ptermres ? beq.s L294 sub #$18,d0 ;Mfree ? beq.s L294 subq #3,d0 ;Pterm NB: Error of POOLFIX3: Mshrink is ignored !!! NB: Yet, it too can free RAM for compaction L294: seq poolfix_flag move.l 8+nugemdos(pc),a0 jmp (a0) ; ; compact_all_sub: link a6,#0 movem.l d2-d7/a3-a5,-(sp) suba.l a5,a5 move.l L6A0(pc),a0 move.l (a0),a4 clr d3 bra.s L2FA ; L2B4: tst.b 4(a4) ble.s L2F8 clr d4 clr d5 lea 6(a4),a3 bra.s L2DE ; L2C4: cmpi.l #1,12(a3) bne.s L2D8 addq #1,d4 move.l a5,d0 bne.s L2D8 move.l a4,a5 move d5,d6 L2D8: addq #1,d5 adda #$10,a3 L2DE: cmp #4,d5 blt.s L2C4 cmp #4,d4 bne.s L2F6 clr.b 4(a4) cmp.l a4,a5 bne.s L2F4 suba.l a5,a5 L2F4: bra.s L2F8 ; L2F6: add d4,d3 L2F8: move.l (a4),a4 L2FA: move.l a4,d0 bne.s L2B4 cmp #4,d3 blt L4B4 move.l a5,a4 move d6,d7 L30A: addq #1,d7 cmp #4,d7 beq.s L318 tst.b 4(a4) bgt.s L31C L318: clr d7 move.l (a4),a4 L31C: move.l a4,d0 beq.s L33A tst.b 4(a4) ble.s L30A move d7,d0 ext.l d0 asl.l #4,d0 add.l a4,d0 move.l d0,a0 cmpi.l #1,18(a0) beq.s L30A L33A: bra L4AA ; L33E: bra.s L3A8 ; L340: lea 6(a5),a3 cmpi.l #1,12(a3) bne.s L3AC cmpi.l #1,28(a3) bne.s L3AC cmpi.l #1,44(a3) bne.s L3AC cmpi.l #1,60(a3) bne.s L3AC clr.b 4(a5) moveq #3,d6 L372: addq #1,d6 cmp #4,d6 beq.s L380 tst.b 4(a5) bgt.s L384 L380: clr d6 move.l (a5),a5 L384: move.l a5,d0 beq.s L3A2 tst.b 4(a5) ble.s L372 move d6,d0 ext.l d0 asl.l #4,d0 add.l a5,d0 move.l d0,a0 cmpi.l #1,18(a0) bne.s L372 L3A2: move.l a5,d0 beq L4B4 L3A8: tst d6 beq.s L340 L3AC: bra.s L412 ; L3AE: lea 6(a4),a3 cmpi.l #1,12(a3) beq.s L416 cmpi.l #1,28(a3) beq.s L416 cmpi.l #1,44(a3) beq.s L416 cmpi.l #1,60(a3) beq.s L416 moveq #3,d7 L3DC: addq #1,d7 cmp #4,d7 beq.s L3EA tst.b 4(a4) bgt.s L3EE L3EA: clr d7 move.l (a4),a4 L3EE: move.l a4,d0 beq.s L40C tst.b 4(a4) ble.s L3DC move d7,d0 ext.l d0 asl.l #4,d0 add.l a4,d0 move.l d0,a0 cmpi.l #1,18(a0) beq.s L3DC L40C: move.l a4,d0 beq L4B4 L412: tst d7 beq.s L3AE L416: cmp.l a5,a4 beq.s L47A move d6,d0 ext.l d0 asl.l #4,d0 add.l a5,d0 move.l d0,(sp) addq.l #6,(sp) move d7,d0 ext.l d0 asl.l #4,d0 add.l a4,d0 move.l d0,-(sp) addq.l #6,(sp) bsr compact_block_sub addq.l #4,sp move d7,d0 ext.l d0 asl.l #4,d0 add.l a4,d0 move.l d0,a0 move.l #1,18(a0) L44A: addq #1,d6 cmp #4,d6 beq.s L458 tst.b 4(a5) bgt.s L45C L458: clr d6 move.l (a5),a5 L45C: move.l a5,d0 beq.s L47A tst.b 4(a5) ble.s L44A move d6,d0 ext.l d0 asl.l #4,d0 add.l a5,d0 move.l d0,a0 cmpi.l #1,18(a0) bne.s L44A L47A: addq #1,d7 cmp #4,d7 beq.s L488 tst.b 4(a4) bgt.s L48C L488: clr d7 move.l (a4),a4 L48C: move.l a4,d0 beq.s L4AA tst.b 4(a4) ble.s L47A move d7,d0 ext.l d0 asl.l #4,d0 add.l a4,d0 move.l d0,a0 cmpi.l #1,18(a0) beq.s L47A L4AA: move.l a5,d0 beq.s L4B4 move.l a4,d0 bne L33E L4B4: tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,d3-d7/a3-a5 unlk a6 rts ; ; ;NB: fatal POOLFIX3 error in this subroutine !!! ;NB: It may be called for ANY gemdos function following a RAM release ;NB: so at final gemdos exit all regs except d0/a0 must be restored ;NB: but d1 is used here, without protection either here or above ;NB: ONLY the 'Super' function has permission to do this !!! ;NB: This may BOMB any program expecting unchanged d1 !!! compact_block_sub: link a6,#-4 movem.l d6-d7/a3-a5,-(sp) move.l 8(a6),a5 clr d7 bra.s L4F4 ; L4CE: move d7,a0 adda.l a0,a0 adda.l a0,a0 adda.l #L694,a0 move.l (a0),-4(a6) move.l -4(a6),a3 move.l (a3),a4 bra.s L4EE ; ; L4E6: cmp.l a5,a4 beq.s L500 move.l a4,a3 move.l (a3),a4 L4EE: move.l a4,d0 bne.s L4E6 addq #1,d7 L4F4: cmp #2,d7 blt.s L4CE move #1,d0 bra.s L52A L500: move.l L69C(pc),a0 cmp.l 8(a0),a5 bne.s L514 move.l L69C(pc),a0 move.l 12(a6),8(a0) L514: move.l 12(a6),a0 move.l a5,a1 move #7,d1 ;NB: ERROR d1 unprotected L51E: move (a1)+,(a0)+ dbf d1,L51E ;NB: ERROR d1 unprotected move.l 12(a6),(a3) clr d0 L52A: tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,d7-d7/a3-a5 unlk a6 rts ; ; ;int find_cookie(long id, void **ptr) find_cookie: movem.l d6-d7/a6-a6,-(sp) move.l 16(sp),d6 move.l 20(sp),a6 moveq #0,d7 move.l #1,-(sp) move #Super&$ff,-(sp) trap #1 tst.l d0 bne.s L55E clr.l 2(sp) move #Super&$ff,(sp) trap #1 move.l d0,d7 L55E: addq.l #6,sp move.l (_cookies).w,a0 move.l a0,d0 beq.s L580 L568: move.l (a0),d0 cmp.l d0,d6 beq.s L576 tst.l d0 beq.s L580 addq.l #8,a0 bra.s L568 ; L576: move.l a6,d0 beq.s L57E move.l 4(a0),(a6) L57E: moveq #1,d0 L580: move.l d0,d6 tst.l d7 beq.s L590 gemdos Super!_ind,d7 L590: move.l d6,d0 movem.l (sp)+,d6-d7/a6-a6 rts ; ; place_cookie: link a6,#0 move.l d7,-(sp) moveq #1,d7 move.l d7,-(sp) moveq #0,d7 move #$20,-(sp) trap #1 tst.l d0 bne.s L5BA clr.l 2(sp) move #$20,(sp) trap #1 move.l d0,d7 L5BA: addq.l #6,sp move.l (_cookies).w,a0 move.l a0,d0 beq.s L5F0 moveq #0,d0 L5C6: addq.l #1,d0 tst.l (a0) beq.s L5D0 addq.l #8,a0 bra.s L5C6 ; L5D0: cmp.l 4(a0),d0 beq.s L642 move.l 4(a0),12(a0) clr.l 8(a0) move.l 8(a6),(a0) move.l 12(a6),4(a0) moveq #0,d0 bra L674 ; L5F0: cmpi.l #2,20(a6) blt.s L672 lea L6A6(pc),a0 move.l (memctrl).w,(a0)+ ;NB:was 'move.l (resvector)...' in POOLFIX3 ;NB: Fatal POOLFIX4 error: 'memctrl' has been mixed up with 'resvector' ;NB: This error may be a lost bit during unpacked file transfer ;NB: This error is hidden if no resetroutine has been loaded move.l (resvalid).w,(a0) move.l #L630,(resvector).w move.l #$31415926,(resvalid).w move.l 16(a6),a0 move.l a0,(_cookies).w move.l 8(a6),(a0)+ move.l 12(a6),(a0)+ clr.l (a0)+ move.l 20(a6),(a0) moveq #1,d0 bra.s L674 ; ;NB: This resetvector is linked by POOLFIX4 without XBRA !!! L630: clr.l (_cookies).w move.l L6AA(pc),(resvalid).w move.l L6A6(pc),(resvector).w ;NB: unfortunately 'memctrl' was saved, not 'resvector' jmp (a6) ; L642: cmp.l 20(a6),d0 ble.s L672 move.l d0,d1 subq.l #2,d1 move.l (_cookies).w,a0 move.l 16(a6),a1 move.l a1,(_cookies).w L658: move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ dbf d1,L658 move.l 8(a6),(a1)+ move.l 12(a6),(a1)+ clr.l (a1)+ move.l 20(a6),(a1) moveq #1,d0 bra.s L674 ; L672: moveq #-1,d0 L674: tst.l d7 beq.s L68A move.l d0,8(a6) gemdos Super!_ind,d7 move.l 8(a6),d0 L68A: move.l (sp)+,d7 unlk a6 rts ; ; bss ;$690: ; basepage_p: ds.b 4 ;unref L694: ds.b 4 L698: ds.b 4 L69C: ds.b 4 L6A0: ds.b 4 poolfix_flag: ds.b 2 L6A6: ds.b 4 L6AA: ds.b 4 ; ; end ;of file: POOLFIX4.S File name: POOLFX92.DOC Revision date: 1992.03.05 Revised by: Ulf Ronald Andersson Creation date: 1992.03.03 File purpose: Document release of POOLFX92.PRG Since 'Poolfix' has been around for quite a while you may find it hard to believe that it still contained two quite dangerous bugs: 1: The safe compaction of freed RAM was never made for the gendos function 'Mshrink', even though it is necessary in some cases. This error may cause the ROM bug to BOMB your ST. 2: The "safe" compaction itself, which is called for ANY gemdos function following a RAM release, would often trash register 'd1' even though all functions except 'Super' are specified to restore d1 to the value it had on entry to the function. This error may cause error-free programs to BOMB your ST. In short, these versions provided a NEW way to BOMB your ST, and this without even fully eliminating the original bug in ROM. I have scanned the code both of 'Poolfix3.Prg' and of 'Poolfix4.Prg' and have seen that both these errors exist in them. 'Poolfix4.Prg' also has another error which may cause BOMBs when programs need their own reset-routines linked in. Since I need a remedy for the ROM bug, I obviously had to make this new version of 'Poolfix'. I have named it 'Poolfx92.Prg' so no doubt shall exist of what version is most recent, and this should be the final version. I really have TRIED to make it BOMB, but it wouldn't !!! Since this code is based on that of two other authors, I obviously have no copyright claims to make. This is still FREEWARE, although ATARI of course owns the copyright. I have chosen to release the source code for my own version, as well as that for the two other versions mentioned above. These files are in format suitable for Devpac 2. They are found with the original 'DOCs' in folder 'Poolfix', and some definition files are in folder 'TOS'. These sources are provided mainly so that any user should be able to see for himself what I have done, in case of doubt. I strongly recommend that any 'archives' of this program should include both this document, and the older ones, to keep things perfectly legal. Unfortunately most "Sysop's" do not realize that removing or changing a file that holds a program's copyright notice may be against the law, unless they also remove the program itself from any public access. I hope you all find this version useful! Ulf Ronald Andersson Hder Vg 7 S-145 70 Norsborg Sweden --------------------- end of file: POOLFX92.DOC --------------------- ``HXBRA_OOL:ga6Nhg AJxgTH0g@1g @gS@gU@W zNNVH? z(PBC`FJ,o>BDBEG`  f RD f*L<RE|m|f B,f`D(T f|m(M>RG|gJ,nBG(T gJ,o0HЌ @ g`n`hG  f^ fT ,fJ  NA.\ x g gJgP` g,p,Jg /?< NA\O L@Nua"Aa/:?< NA\OHyLNAJ,oB?< NA\O-@H?<0NATOAа|fA-"x0)|g|fB/<_OOLa0XA~J@fAaJkzA j.fl j*yfbB*O/ BaXP/Hz NA.\ x g,pRJgP`gZ!h B !n p`t mfA * &!*!1AY&& n!  B p`2o*"U x"n!""Q"" B"p`pJg-@/?< NA\O ..N^NuPOOL PATCH OF 19-JAN-90 INSTALLED. Improved 27-MAR-90 by Claus Brod Debugged 4-MAR-92 by Ronald Andersson DD;File name: POOLFX92.S Revision date: 1992.03.04 ;Revised by: Ulf Ronald Andersson Disassembled: 1992.03.03 ;File purpose: Source for new poolfix debugged 1992 ; ;The new poolfix has all the good points of POOLFIX4 & POOLFIX3 ;but eliminates some fatal bugs that those had. ; ;The order of the routines has been changed completely to save RAM ;their content however is mainly the same, but debugged. ; ;FX92: all added lines will have a remark headed like this line ;;;All eliminated lines will remain, preceded by 3 semicolons, like this line ; include TOS\URAn_SYS.S include TOS\URAn_DOS.S include TOS\URAn_XB.S ; ; text ; ; startup: bp = startup-$100 bra main ;FX92: new branch, to change order ; ; XB_define nu_gemdos,'_OOL' move.b poolfix_flag(pc),d0 beq.s L26E bsr.s compact_all_sub L26E: move USP,a0 btst #5,(sp) beq.s L282 lea 6(sp),a0 tst (_longframe).w beq.s L282 addq #2,a0 L282: move (a0),d0 ;Pterm0 ? beq.s prepare_flag sub #$31,d0 ;Ptermres ? beq.s prepare_flag sub #$18,d0 ;Mfree ? beq.s prepare_flag subq #1,d0 ;FX92: Mshrink ? previously ignored !!! beq.s prepare_flag subq #2,d0 ;Pterm ? prepare_flag: seq poolfix_flag go_os_gemdos: move.l 8+nu_gemdos(pc),a0 jmp (a0) ; ; compact_all_sub: link a6,#0 movem.l d2-d7/a3-a5,-(sp) suba.l a5,a5 move.l L6A0(pc),a0 move.l (a0),a4 clr d3 bra.s L2FA ; L2B4: tst.b 4(a4) ble.s L2F8 clr d4 clr d5 lea 6(a4),a3 bra.s L2DE ; L2C4: cmpi.l #1,12(a3) bne.s L2D8 addq #1,d4 move.l a5,d0 bne.s L2D8 move.l a4,a5 move d5,d6 L2D8: addq #1,d5 adda #$10,a3 L2DE: cmp #4,d5 blt.s L2C4 cmp #4,d4 bne.s L2F6 clr.b 4(a4) cmp.l a4,a5 bne.s L2F4 suba.l a5,a5 L2F4: bra.s L2F8 ; L2F6: add d4,d3 L2F8: move.l (a4),a4 L2FA: move.l a4,d0 bne.s L2B4 cmp #4,d3 blt L4B4 move.l a5,a4 move d6,d7 L30A: addq #1,d7 cmp #4,d7 beq.s L318 tst.b 4(a4) bgt.s L31C L318: clr d7 move.l (a4),a4 L31C: move.l a4,d0 beq.s L33A tst.b 4(a4) ble.s L30A move d7,d0 ext.l d0 asl.l #4,d0 add.l a4,d0 move.l d0,a0 cmpi.l #1,18(a0) beq.s L30A L33A: bra L4AA ; L33E: bra.s L3A8 ; L340: lea 6(a5),a3 cmpi.l #1,12(a3) bne.s L3AC cmpi.l #1,28(a3) bne.s L3AC cmpi.l #1,44(a3) bne.s L3AC cmpi.l #1,60(a3) bne.s L3AC clr.b 4(a5) moveq #3,d6 L372: addq #1,d6 cmp #4,d6 beq.s L380 tst.b 4(a5) bgt.s L384 L380: clr d6 move.l (a5),a5 L384: move.l a5,d0 beq.s L3A2 tst.b 4(a5) ble.s L372 move d6,d0 ext.l d0 asl.l #4,d0 add.l a5,d0 move.l d0,a0 cmpi.l #1,18(a0) bne.s L372 L3A2: move.l a5,d0 beq L4B4 L3A8: tst d6 beq.s L340 L3AC: bra.s L412 ; L3AE: lea 6(a4),a3 cmpi.l #1,12(a3) beq.s L416 cmpi.l #1,28(a3) beq.s L416 cmpi.l #1,44(a3) beq.s L416 cmpi.l #1,60(a3) beq.s L416 moveq #3,d7 L3DC: addq #1,d7 cmp #4,d7 beq.s L3EA tst.b 4(a4) bgt.s L3EE L3EA: clr d7 move.l (a4),a4 L3EE: move.l a4,d0 beq.s L40C tst.b 4(a4) ble.s L3DC move d7,d0 ext.l d0 asl.l #4,d0 add.l a4,d0 move.l d0,a0 cmpi.l #1,18(a0) beq.s L3DC L40C: move.l a4,d0 beq L4B4 L412: tst d7 beq.s L3AE L416: cmp.l a5,a4 beq.s L47A move d6,d0 ext.l d0 asl.l #4,d0 add.l a5,d0 move.l d0,(sp) addq.l #6,(sp) move d7,d0 ext.l d0 asl.l #4,d0 add.l a4,d0 move.l d0,-(sp) addq.l #6,(sp) bsr compact_block_sub addq.l #4,sp move d7,d0 ext.l d0 asl.l #4,d0 add.l a4,d0 move.l d0,a0 move.l #1,18(a0) L44A: addq #1,d6 cmp #4,d6 beq.s L458 tst.b 4(a5) bgt.s L45C L458: clr d6 move.l (a5),a5 L45C: move.l a5,d0 beq.s L47A tst.b 4(a5) ble.s L44A move d6,d0 ext.l d0 asl.l #4,d0 add.l a5,d0 move.l d0,a0 cmpi.l #1,18(a0) bne.s L44A L47A: addq #1,d7 cmp #4,d7 beq.s L488 tst.b 4(a4) bgt.s L48C L488: clr d7 move.l (a4),a4 L48C: move.l a4,d0 beq.s L4AA tst.b 4(a4) ble.s L47A move d7,d0 ext.l d0 asl.l #4,d0 add.l a4,d0 move.l d0,a0 cmpi.l #1,18(a0) beq.s L47A L4AA: move.l a5,d0 beq.s L4B4 move.l a4,d0 bne L33E L4B4: tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,d3-d7/a3-a5 unlk a6 rts ; ; compact_block_sub: link a6,#-4 movem.l d6-d7/a3-a5,-(sp) move.l 8(a6),a5 clr d7 bra.s L4F4 ; L4CE: move d7,a0 adda.l a0,a0 adda.l a0,a0 adda.l #L694,a0 move.l (a0),-4(a6) move.l -4(a6),a3 move.l (a3),a4 bra.s L4EE ; ; L4E6: cmp.l a5,a4 beq.s L500 move.l a4,a3 move.l (a3),a4 L4EE: move.l a4,d0 bne.s L4E6 addq #1,d7 L4F4: cmp #2,d7 blt.s L4CE move #1,d0 bra.s L52A L500: move.l L69C(pc),a0 cmp.l 8(a0),a5 bne.s L514 move.l L69C(pc),a0 move.l 12(a6),8(a0) L514: move.l 12(a6),a0 move.l a5,a1 rept 8 ;FX92:\ move (a1)+,(a0)+ ;FX92: >This replaces loop below endr ;FX92:/ to protect d1 (also faster) ;;; move #7,d1 ;old:\ ;;;L51E: ;old: \ This loop crashed d1 for gemdos exit ;;; move (a1)+,(a0)+ ;old: / as would be legal only for 'Super' ;;; dbf d1,L51E ;old:/ This could cause BOMBs... move.l 12(a6),(a3) clr d0 L52A: tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,d7-d7/a3-a5 unlk a6 rts ; ; logout_cookies: ;NB: This is a reset routine clr.l (_cookies).w move.l old_resvalid(pc),(resvalid).w move.l old_resvector(pc),(resvector).w jmp (a6) ;NB: This is normal reset routine exit ; ; basepage_p: dc.l 0 L694: dc.l 0 L698: dc.l 0 L69C: dc.l 0 L6A0: dc.l 0 poolfix_flag: dc.w 0 old_resvector: dc.l 0 old_resvalid: dc.l 0 ; ; tsr_limit: ; ; already_in_s: dc.b 'Pool patch already installed.',NUL not_needed_s: dc.b 'Pool patch not needed in this TOS',NUL bad_linkage_s: dc.b 'Something linked into the GEMDOS trap',CR,LF dc.b 'without following XBRA rules.',CR,LF,NUL strange_TOS_s: dc.b "POOLFIX4 doesn't recognize this TOS.",NUL even ; ; ;int find_cookie(long id, void **ptr) /* not found => 0 */ find_cookie: movem.l d6-d7/a6,-(sp) move.l 16(sp),d6 move.l 20(sp),a6 moveq #0,d7 move.l #1,-(sp) move #Super&$ff,-(sp) trap #1 tst.l d0 bne.s L55E clr.l 2(sp) move #Super&$ff,(sp) trap #1 move.l d0,d7 L55E: addq.l #6,sp move.l (_cookies).w,a0 move.l a0,d0 beq.s L580 L568: move.l (a0),d0 cmp.l d0,d6 beq.s L576 tst.l d0 beq.s L580 addq.l #8,a0 bra.s L568 ; L576: move.l a6,d0 beq.s L57E move.l 4(a0),(a6) L57E: moveq #1,d0 L580: move.l d0,d6 tst.l d7 beq.s L590 gemdos Super!_ind,d7 L590: move.l d6,d0 movem.l (sp)+,d6-d7/a6-a6 rts ; ; error_exit: bsr Cconws_a0 lea crlf_s(pc),a0 bsr Cconws_a0 gemdos Super!_ind,Saved_SSP(pc) pea $4C0001.l trap #1 dc.b 'J',$FC ; dc.w $4AFC ; ; main: move.l 4(sp),a6 ;;; clr.l -(sp) ;old:\ TOS-dependent...? ;;; move #$20,-(sp) ;old: > Nonstandard call, ignored old SSP ;;; trap #1 ;old:/ gemdos Super,! ;FX92: Standard call move.l d0,Saved_SSP-bp(a6) ;FX92: Saves old SSP for exit gemdos Sversion lea not_needed_s(pc),a0 cmp #$1500,d0 bne error_exit lea strange_TOS_s(pc),a0 move.l (_sysbase).w,a1 move 2(a1),d0 cmp #$104,d0 ;TOS 1.04 ? beq.s L40 cmp #$106,d0 ;TOS 1.06 ? bne error_exit L40: clr.l -(sp) move.l #'_OOL',-(sp) bsr find_cookie ;test for own 'cookie' addq.l #4,sp lea already_in_s(pc),a0 tst d0 bne error_exit lea bad_linkage_s(pc),a0 bsr find_os_gemdos tst.l d0 bmi error_exit lea strange_TOS_s(pc),a0 cmpi #$2EBC,-1796(a2) bne error_exit cmpi #$2A79,-1102(a2) bne error_exit clr.l -(sp) move.l sp,a5 move.l a5,-(sp) clr.l -(sp) bsr find_cookie ;test for free 'cookie' addq.l #4,sp addq.l #8,(a5) move.l (a5),-(sp) pea tsr_limit(pc) clr.l -(sp) move.l #'_OOL',-(sp) bsr place_cookie adda #$10,sp moveq #0,d7 tst d0 bmi.s LB6 beq.s LB6 move.l (a5),d7 asl.l #3,d7 LB6: bsr.s find_os_gemdos move.l a2,a1 move.l -1794(a1),a2 move.l a2,L69C move.l a2,L694 addq.l #4,a2 move.l a2,L698 move.l -1100(a1),L6A0 move.l (ev_gemdos).w,8+nu_gemdos move.l #12+nu_gemdos,(ev_gemdos).w lea installed_s(pc),a0 bsr.s Cconws_a0 move.l #tsr_limit-bp,d0 add.l d7,d0 gemdos Ptermres,d0,! ; ; saved_SSP: dc.l 0 ; ; Cconws_a0: gemdos Cconws,(a0) rts ; ; find_os_gemdos: movem.l d1-d1/a1-a1,-(sp) moveq #0,d0 move.l (ev_gemdos).w,a2 L130: cmpi.l #'XBRA',-12(a2) bne.s L140 move.l -4(a2),a2 bra.s L130 ; L140: move.l a2,d1 and.l #$FFFFFF,d1 move.l (_sysbase).w,a1 move.l 8(a1),a1 sub.l a1,d1 bmi.s L15C cmp.l #$20000,d1 bmi.s L15E L15C: moveq #-1,d0 L15E: movem.l (sp)+,d1-d1/a1-a1 rts ; ; place_cookie: link a6,#0 move.l d7,-(sp) moveq #1,d7 move.l d7,-(sp) moveq #0,d7 move #$20,-(sp) trap #1 tst.l d0 bne.s L5BA clr.l 2(sp) move #$20,(sp) trap #1 move.l d0,d7 L5BA: addq.l #6,sp move.l (_cookies).w,a0 move.l a0,d0 beq.s L5F0 moveq #0,d0 L5C6: addq.l #1,d0 tst.l (a0) beq.s L5D0 addq.l #8,a0 bra.s L5C6 ; L5D0: cmp.l 4(a0),d0 beq.s L642 move.l 4(a0),12(a0) clr.l 8(a0) move.l 8(a6),(a0) move.l 12(a6),4(a0) moveq #0,d0 bra L674 ; L5F0: cmpi.l #2,20(a6) blt.s L672 lea old_resvector(pc),a0 ;;; move.l (memctrl).w,(a0)+ ;NB:was 'move.l (resvector)...' in POOLFIX3 ;;;NB: Fatal POOLFIX4 error: 'memctrl'...'resvector' mixup (lost bit...?) move.l (resvector).w,(a0)+ move.l (resvalid).w,(a0) move.l #logout_cookies,(resvector).w move.l #$31415926,(resvalid).w move.l 16(a6),a0 move.l a0,(_cookies).w move.l 8(a6),(a0)+ move.l 12(a6),(a0)+ clr.l (a0)+ move.l 20(a6),(a0) moveq #1,d0 bra.s L674 ; L642: cmp.l 20(a6),d0 ble.s L672 move.l d0,d1 subq.l #2,d1 move.l (_cookies).w,a0 move.l 16(a6),a1 move.l a1,(_cookies).w L658: move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ dbf d1,L658 move.l 8(a6),(a1)+ move.l 12(a6),(a1)+ clr.l (a1)+ move.l 20(a6),(a1) moveq #1,d0 bra.s L674 ; L672: moveq #-1,d0 L674: tst.l d7 beq.s L68A move.l d0,8(a6) gemdos Super!_ind,d7 move.l 8(a6),d0 L68A: move.l (sp)+,d7 unlk a6 rts ; ; installed_s: dc.b 'POOL PATCH OF 19-JAN-90 INSTALLED.',CR,LF dc.b 'Improved 27-MAR-90 by Claus Brod',CR,LF dc.b 'Debugged 4-MAR-92 by Ronald Andersson' crlf_s: dc.b CR,LF,NUL even ; ; end ;of file: POOLFX92.S . nE.. ANTIBOMBPRG |NL1EXCEPTIOPRG .README 1ST H`T*o"m #.I+I/ BBBg/ / Bg?<JNA NH ?NH?<LNANVNnp?HyN6\ON^NuNVNnp?HyN6\ON^NuNVNnBgHyN6\ON^NuNVNnBgHyN6\ON^NuNVNnBgHyN6\ON^NuNVNnBgHyN6\ON^NuNVNnBgHyN6\ON^NuNVNnBgHy)N6\ON^NuNVNHy4NXOHyMNXOHy\NXOHyNXOHyTp?p?NMPOHytp?p?NMPOHyp?p?NMPOHyp?p?NMPOHyp?p?NMPOHyp?p?NMPOHy p?p?NMPOHy*p ?p?NMPOBg 9/p1?NAPON^NuNVHy/.HyHnNHnp?N\O`$0. g4p?pL?NAXO`&N`N`S@ @bH0@ PNN^NuNV3 \0.@ H-@p=@ nl$0.HC \ nRB@2Rn`/9NXO09 N^NuNV# \# ># d# # # #p ?NTO3 09 N^NuNVp?NTOpN^NuNV3 d# p4?NTON^Nu"/0<NBNuNVHn/<N4PON^NuNVHn /.N4PON^NuNVHn?</.N Hn HnN4POHnBg nN\ON^NuNVH0-n n(PXH> @%gJGgf/.? n hN\O`p =@p=@p=@H> G-fp=@H>`Bn G0f p0=@H> G*f& nT=Plp=@0.D@=@H>`*Bn G0m G9n0. G@0=@H>` G.fJH> G*f nT=PH>`*Bn G0m G9n0. 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L"20 "FPBLD .$  .6*" .J0.$nBF\ @$@ (  .,04 , 6&0&2> 0  @J$  $"  ,$. 0"PT(free_"lmalloc_main_"errno__fgetb_B _fgetc_$ _fpinit__dtefg_ _stropen_*write_v_stksize__getfhtype_sbrk_ _stderr__a_scanp__cmdname__fp__aliasfh_.malloc_ fprintf_dexit_ _setfhtype_dup2_ lldivfclose_Rllrem _fputb_ _fputc_> _stdin_environ_lrdiv_stdout_lrremvldivsprintf_|_a_first_vlrem8_dtoa_ fflush_dup_v _iovector_puts_xvrdivvrrem>_start__seterrno__fputt_ printf_Jlseek_<close_* _exit_ vdivRfinit_read_d_fpseek_^ lsbrk_isatty__fgetstr__finish_$_fginit_Put this program in your auto folder, and when you have an error that would normally cause bombs to appear, you will get a dialog box telling you what type of error has occurred. The archive contains a file called EXCEPTIO.PRG that causes an error that antibomb will detect. try running it after installing antibomb. . b.. ID CPX iVANITY DOC iD dSRFXModem 100U6U>60 0HD}2~+;Serial Fix` NNV#N: y0(g>Hy/?@" C                        % C                     '   C   56789:    ' "1.0E@D@p0p0|p0>x0x03<03>0>3|3???><~~`Ǐ`f``x0x03<03>0>3|3???><~~`Ǐ`f``x0x03<03>0>3|3???><~~`Ǐ`f``x0x03<03>0>3|3???><~~`Ǐ`f``setlock)(1) to enable the lock). The call can be made in user or super mode. That is all there is to it. WRAP UP Well, ATARI has indicated that this problem (the real one that has been haunting us for many years) is finally fixed. The fix should show up in some future release of ROMs from ATARI. Until that time, this software should fix the problem. As normal, PLEASE let me know if you have any problems with the program. I have attempted to make the program as compatible with other software as possible. Bill Penner, IAAD Member 3235 Wright Avenue Bremerton, WA 98310-4753 Phone: (206) 373-4840 (before 9pm Pacific) GEnie: BPENNER CHANGES SINCE VERSION 1.0 Two bugs that were discovered were fixed. Both bugs would only occur if no cookie jar was found. One bug resulted in creating a cookie jar that was full of garbage and the other would not build a cookie jar. The second bug was the more common, which would result in the CPX reporting that the program was not loaded. Running the SERIALFX.PRG program a second time often worked to fix the problem. `  o <Ш Ш# # # OHz |?< NA\aJ@gHz ?< NA\BgNAJHz ?< NA\B?< NA\# "x>)/: ?< NA\ Gk?<?<,NNXJ@g a` a"`aXa3 Bg/: ?<1NAJ?a@|a#A4!x!A!x!A!x!F/: ?< NA\NuaXB?< NA\# @ |a&aDA!x!F/:?< NA\NuHx"HzhaPHxbHzpaPHxBHzaPHxHzaPNu?<?<,NNX3 ?J(g8B(( g 3 J fH EaL( ga0LNu0(0/ANrNq2(RAherhg"P¼1AJ fH EaLNuXBRASRFX0/?| @b ANqNr( g @|a2F yHNC@|AFNuC@|AFNu0:gBy `nANqNr(( f(( g*@|g(FBy NuFANrNq2(hgRAher"Pp¼11AJ*,j@.NuHANqNrEf(J faN` (LNs/A _NsHEJ aLNsH瀀A(*(.LNsHANqNrE*.( g. f(J fa` f (`2(RAherhgn2(RAherhg"P¼1A0(hjhh m4J(f.|( g3 J fa,( gaLNsH"o0< Q XBRAfCQ"LNuB?< NA\# By 8g @B@Jg MDSagA`3 /:?< NA\0:pNuB /<?< NA\J@fB?< NA\# @|Jog ?<0<` BgANqNr:By za83 zFJ g /: ?< NA\NuB?< NA\# 8g@ @pJgAR@`"A@o&B!A MDSa!| z/:?< NA\Nu2a\P@4&@ |A"H0<# QNiNa׹ Fd"x!JAg g `B!B `#& #* ! h*!1AY&&NuB!2*!0&N  p Serial FIX -- Version 1.1 Copyright 1992 by Medical Designs Software qProgram has already been loaded. Program Aborted Program may be freely used and distributed provided the software is Unmodified. BF BNx""\@,^6F@b>XX$"(  6& ,$_Ʋ¶}ȲĵԨخpUL_ҹ~~·İƺ̸ִkTR_sü»ξƸе{|¿ɾ¶ƿȾɾ¼˽ÿdCL03MOTOROLAuױuױuױuױuױuױuױuױuױuױuױuױuױuױuױuױuױuױuױuױuױuIDENTIFICATION`,,NNV#FNx z.0(g <` z0(f>Hz >Hz 2HzHzHzHzHzHzHz~p?BgBgp? z hN,# J# 8#lBpBtBxB|BBBBB <lN^NuNV:f#r# XJ` z` h N^NuNVBnN"n z>1Q"n z21iHz "Hz Hz Hz p?BgND n?( n?( n?( n?p?Bg/:NHnBg/: z h4N =@p3?:Tp?NAXO/.Hn?.ND =@0.gB@N^NuNV0. @x-h ?: p?NAXO n N^NuNVJBn-| Z-| V ng0.@gp3 n0.S@ @bH0@t PN`p=@ z hj` z h"B.^/.ZHn^NfPO/.VHn^NXPOHn^p?N|\O=@J?:Np?NAXO nJf6# # J"n z 1Q"n z |1i?:p?NAXO n?( n?( n?( n?p?Bg/: BN$` z 2 f: z (h# hJ?:p?NAXO"n z 1Q"n z 1i` z fzp?NXTO-@Rp-@L nRoR/.L/.R z hHNPO=@P# J"n z 1Q"n z 1i z h R?: p?NAXO# J`b nf0 n 0 |V2<`XHXW`>p=@?: p?NAXO0.N^NuNV30.@ H-@p=@ nl$0.HC nRB@2Rn`/9 4NXO09N^NuNV# #N # $# (# ,# 0#  4p ?NTO309N^NuNVp?NTOpN^NuNV3# p4?NTON^NuNV#3 33333p*?NTON^NuNV33 ph?NTO n 0 n0 n0 n009N^Nu"/0<NBNu"o o JfSfNu)5\HZZ   # 2 2B  As  !b A G!     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GE (IDENT.RSC 7 9 ; = A D xThis Computer Systembelongs to:1234567890123456789Enter your name...ExitSave@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@>___________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX O*CPX [2][ | | Who moves first this game? | ][=> CPX <=|=> You <=][0][IDENTIFICATION was written | in Mark Williams C by | Tom McComb | of| @ircular Logic][> uh-huh <|= init =] 0,tree1_8 intin_< c_ intout_< ctrl_cn_rs_iconblk_Berrno_<desk_>handle_button_objc_draw_0form_alert_ rs_tedinfo_dxcpb_Fptsin_Jcrys_if_ptsout_Jtree_Jglobal_Ninitialize_rs_frstr_,menu_items_ cpxinfo_ltreesav_rs_object_st3a_ rs_bitblk_0st3b_ click_flag_ appl_init_control_int_in_int_out_crystal_rs_trindex_l rs_imdope_t appl_exit_cpx_call_ad_c_4 Mbuffer_save_vars_alert3_ctrl_cnts_rs_strings_acur_text_gl_apid_addr_in_pname_z wind_get_|strcat_addr_out_contrl_get_ted_str_cur_item_rs_frimg_>cpxstartpcur_text_cpx_init_bell_ hltvn:8     b`10.26.91 FreeWare Version -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Welcome to Vanity Plate -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Vanity Plate is a .CPX module for Atari's (relatively) new XCONTROL ACCessory. Vanity Plate is 1991 Circular Logic. It is FreeWare, we retain all rights to it however you may freely use it on your system. Vanity Plate has been tested and no incompatiblities have been found. Nevertheless we hereby disclaim any implied warranty. We cannot be held responsible for any damage including but not limited to your hardware and software. If your hardrive nose dives and your monitor blows up in your face, don't come crying to us everytime people gawk and point at you. We will vehemently deny any and all mouse paternity suits. Play at your own risk. Installation: Simply put the ID.CPX file with the rest of your CPX files. Reboot and click on XCONTROL PANEL and then click on IDENTIFICATION. Now What: You will be prompted to enter your name. Do so. Spell it right or people will laugh at you. Then What: Now whenever you select the IDENTIFICATION CPX, a vanity plate will pop up bearing your name. Close the box by doing any of three things. 1- Hit Return. 2- Click on the upper left Close Accessory Box. 5- err, 3- click on the area just below your Name. Poor Spellers, New Brides, Divorcees take notice: If you need to change your name, there is a secret way to do it. You must promise never to tell anyone. STOP READING IF YOU DO NOT PROMISE. The secret box is the second box from the outer edge. Shhhh. Paying: But I thought it was a freebie! It is! But some people like to encourage silly things like these and we like encouragement. If you are so inclined pay whatever you'd like! Two methods are possible. 1- Send a check/money order/cash to Tom McComb 154 Laconia Avenue Staten Island, NY 10305-2418 2- Send a GEnie Gift of Time to T.MCCOMB Have you checked out the DEMO of the Registered Version of CPX Reversi yet? Why not? It's GREAT!! And best of all, the FULL version is only $10. Thanks! Tom McComb Bill Metcalf Circular Logic 10.26.91 ` ` G# k # Ј<.@// ?<?<JNAO N??<LNAH YOBWNBDE ` R @RD|m:<|`lN>|lN RPRE|RRW`JN8@SD|0|?@BC`(0C| RBG00NN RPRE|RRWRComҼeXOLNuH>OE  <;NR%H <ND# <ZN4# <N$# <N%H <N%H <N# <N$ <N%HdNN N^NR@ RN Rf \ RB( RA/H(y I *LA NM`$v- pr- tցp-րr-ցt-pr- pԁr- ԁp- Ԁ%BBB-A (H##G0"K NNZB@-B6"N oN>B@-BABB+JB5A RN&N/K B@-A/H`RK \gfg,Bp o NfJ@g o N o NA/H &H`B@ o N`r-pN@0/SoJ@f`rpN*0SWJ@fB@ o N 5@[@lN -1f8B@3BA5ANpNZ0*N|0*jgN` y"0*N0*NTN*L -lf -hgNO$L|Nu?/ 6E R@g`& j2H0*N<0Nr*pN\BRB*`J0 jRR Rf8*F@Jf*fr*pN& j"<0*N0<NxBR$_6Nu/ $H` BApNf$_NuH 6$z jfa zC06)"zRr0220tCr cBTBr bUB5 05 8101@ Dl1@:1 3 1P El1P306600fL8NuHa@6 y BD00L"y BE10UEAp0( na,1@H@kC@?DL8NuH v$z*6*299` IdTC620Sg& Cm3C0a0HLNuB@A"PgR2B@"PgRI@4<`H0B@ z"z$z`14B5G7@T@ @tmB@2<t`40p1533X@TA Ao1|BiL NuA0( na2I1AQHNuB@"hgRthhPNuH0BC8$y&y` r@mrs@I705@0TCTD|mBD6<t`PzD<3@sP70zC`UEsPeTE>Ep0"KAPNN7Pp0"JAPN:5PXDTC|mBD y`:2@1P|l1PTD|mL NuJ@`1!U@fNuH"y A<rHQRQ"y Ap rBDH6SCQRQ@QLNu yp2tId ASBf0RfNu/ y "y29 J@`vIC410AS@f3 &NuAaRA aHa6`Aa8NuAa,A a"a`A aNuA aaNufNuJ@gS@`Nu/?// Memory Write CRC Error Extracted Press any key?/?<NNAPONu?<NATONu?<NATONu??<>NAXONu/?<9NA\ONu/?<HNA\O @Nu/?<;NA\ONu//??<@NAO Nu?/?<GNAPONu?/?<? 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You can also use the cursor keys: Up/down arrow - scroll one line at a time Shift+up/down arrow - scroll one page Clr Home - jump to start of file Shift+Clr Home - jump to end of screen To leave READER you can press the close box at the top left corner or press . Using the cursor keys is generally faster. READER works in high and medium resolution, but not in low. If enough people will ask for a low-res version, I promise to write one. READER uses the VDI to display text, as you know this is terribly slow, but had to be used to insure compatibility with other programs. If you want speed, I recommend you use NVDI or the cheaper Quick ST, READER will be around 10 times faster with a screen accelerator. The nature of desk accessories requires a pre-defined amount of memory to reserve for the text file. READER reads the whole file into memory to give the quickest display. The down side is that a rather large amount of memory has to be used and this is why there are two versions of READER - READ_48.ACC - reads files up to around 48k READ_12.ACC - reads files up to around 12k The two accessories are identical except READ_48 uses around 95k of RAM, while READ_12.ACC only needs about 60k to run and is recommended if you only have a Meg ST. When READER is active and visible on screen, the menu bar is still active and can be used. This works OK with most programs, but can cause a mess with others, it is best to leave READER before attemting to use the current program (the one hidden behind reader). It is also recommended to close READER before quitting the current program. READER will not survive a resolution change - you've been warned! READER is a free program, feel free to give it to friends but please make sure you give them a copy of this file as well, so they they can use it properly. READER was written in HiSoft BASIC 2 Ofir Gal, 1992 YtޮwOչ|JY(!s=muqgeܬD[-$ %o4 [reDMwkXm6p/4y73ONEf ^HVm?6|r|vJx #i|3Q@jFoû!dVBMp .3Bּכf5%J}lE{) {l7|Lf:F_y`c&|&`.NqE:\BASIC\READER\READER12.BASz8<&<L><$<(H*lON;;B-6+| B+|,>`Nq*;NNz-.<CN`NZ G.-~Hޞ G>;GpNNH Reader 12...rNH?-A ./NNO;G~=Ax.-.<v!Nd>< =A.6<N~=A.-.<.v!Nd`Nq`nNqNTNNz-.<CN`NZ G. 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Gbz.. TIMEDRV NET t{TIMEDRV3PRG t|vFrom idec!stc!ukc!mcvax!uunet!cs.utexas.edu!sun-barr!newstop!sun!sunfedcomm!grapevine!koreth%panarthea.ebay@sun.com Thu Aug 10 19:30:23 BST 1989 Article 110 of comp.binaries.atari.st: Path: prlhp1!idec!stc!ukc!mcvax!uunet!cs.utexas.edu!sun-barr!newstop!sun!sunfedcomm!grapevine!koreth%panarthea.ebay@sun.com >From: koreth%panarthea.ebay@sun.com (Steven Grimm) Newsgroups: comp.binaries.atari.st Subject: v06i045: timedrv3 -- Display time and drive in corner of screen Keywords: arc, uuencode, medium, high Message-ID: <34045@grapevine.uucp> Date: 7 Aug 89 21:54:39 GMT Sender: news@grapevine.uucp Lines: 30 Approved: koreth%panarthea.ebay@sun.com Submitted-by: f-leoe@ifi.uio.no (Lars-Erik 0sterud) Posting-number: Volume 6, Issue 45 Archive-name: timedrv3 Displays the time and current drive and data direction in the upper right corner on medium or mono screen... If you have a internal clock card it will also set the time (no need for AUTOTIME.PRG if you have Micro-Deal clock-card) eK O$$t`0`|H3F0H|?3H0r h3JF'#LdL##vP#dvNuB9\,<~ aH:/f~<`~>a0a,~ a&B>/޼Aa~:a~ a #THy,yPN yT\N 9LcNudL,9Ld~ ,9XaNuRyF y<Ff8ByFRyH y<Hf ByHRyJ yJfByJ 9\fNu 9\f R9\Nu<<~ a<>9Ja~:a,>9Ha ~ aNur/RA| j|:?>a>rRFJ9LfNu2&yBҹN(A kL4+P8+RSD 9LfB,ppPQB,NuB,B,ppppQB,B,fTFNuE High & Medium Time & Drive Display by Lars-Erik sterud - July 1989Hy]?< NA\?<NNT. gR??<-NAXHG??<+NAX?<NNT<f|` |XX#`BHGHy?<&NN\B/<]?<1NA   P     ~3ASCIIFY TXT #>U&`+<PKJ$f(By+O1L/9/0?<HNA\OJg.@/0`6 - ЭЭй/0"ҍ¼.A// Bg?<JNA #3 y3/(,HhNP/92T/91?986NT?<N\NVN%Hy.:?92\N(\31N nNN^NuNuNV`Hy3Hy3Hy3Hy3Hy3Hy3Bg?<Hy3BgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBg?<0N%O<=@0.|gF093`(093y1fJy,rf09,ngV?<NbT|A3:3BgHy3?<GNbPN $393|| fBy,n` 393|| fNJy,tf y,rfN |`N Hy+N X3`n093y1fB y,rf8 y,tf.?<N(TN Hy.N?<N&d\BgN(T```|(g԰|)gN0.| g( y,rf y,tf?98?95VNpX0<fN^NuNV3,rHy3HnN#PHy.HnN#nPHy.Hn~N#P?<N(THnHn~HnN'O BgN(TNHnHn.N#PHn.NXHn.Hy3N#PHy3N#XS@A3HЈ @BHn~Hn.N#nP nfNjHy3?<N'\N=|Hn?<Nb\?<?Hn.?<NNbP=@#2XA,0(HNlNNHy2XHy7N2PN#3Hn.HnN#PHnN#X=@`0.A0H|.f` SnJnl0.AB0 y,pfHy.HnN#nP`Hy.HnN#nPHy.Hy2vN#PHnHy2vN#nPA2v A,&!@ Hy.Hy2^N#PHnHy2^N#nPHy2^N#X=@`0.A2^0H|.f` SnJnl0.A2^B0 y,pfHy.Hy2^N#nP`Hy.Hy2^N#nPA2^ A+!@ BgHn.?<=NbP35VJy5Vl$Hy3BgN'\Hy.?<N&d\`^BgHn?<NbX?95V?<>NbX?<?<?<N\By,rHy3BgN'\NN^NuNVJy,pfA,1| A,Bh `A,Bh A,1| y,tfA-61| A-Bh `A-6Bh A-1| HnHnHnHnHy,vN&O?.?.?.?.BgBgBgBgBgN&O?.?.?.?.?< BgHy,vN(&OBgHy,vN'\=@0.A,vBp ?.?.?.?.BgBgBgBg?<N&ON n fN1@N^NuNVN?<N(TA+1|A+1|A,>BhHnHnHnHnHy+N&O?.?.?.?.BgBgBgBgBgN&O?.?.?.?.?< BgHy+N(&ONj`l?98?95VNpX 91NlHy3Hy7NPA,>N1@?.?.?.?.?<?<Hy+N(&O y,rgNA+1|A+Bh?.?.?.?.BgBgBgBg?<N&OBgN(TNN^NuNVNjHy3Hy3Hy3Hy3Hy3Hy3Bg?< HnBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBg?< N%O<=@0.| gNN^NuNVB?<N'\N^NuNVB?<N'\N^NuNV/.N#X33`093 n0H|\f`Sy3Jy3l093 nB0N^NuA63Xy3 !J!_ NMYy3A63"P$h/( J@NuA63Xy3 !J!_ NNYy3A63"P$h/( J@NuA63Xy3 !J!_ NAYy3A63"P$h/( J@NuNVH$.f BB`J". 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Bvd d``bd-@-A LN^NuNVHL&gHC H@J@g@HCBCւ-C LN^.JNuNV?.?<LNbXN^NuNV?.N!`TJnn0<`,?.?<>NbX=@g310<``0<NqN^NuA63Xy3 !J"/0<NBYy3A63"P$hNu  .. . ."r .$  - ---  -- - - .%.CR mode:ParaLineTasking:SingleMultiThe Mystic ASCII-fier Martyn Dryden, 1991Do it!CancelClickThe Mystic ASCII-fier Mystic ASCII-fier[1][ | ASCII-fier | prematurely | terminated! | ][ OK ]\*.DOC.ASC.TXTReading: Writing: .ASC.TXT[1][ | Can't open read file | ][ Oh ][1][ | Can't create write file | ][ Oh ]Done: @ Wi??!TD-@ !TD-@$?!TD-?.B9??1l CON:AUX:PRT:*  $                  <    "                           $  &  &$$,     $  "  & .      v                "  (l@ (X&>&. . 4$f.,*   ."(8 $             &00800The Mystic ASCII-fier Martyn Dryden, 1991 Welcome to The Mystic ASCII-fier from The South West Software Library! OK then, what is an ASCII-fier? =============================== This particular ASCII-fier is designed to convert FirstWord (and FirstWord Plus) document files into ASCII files - that is, plain text files that are usable with other WP and DTP programs on any type of computer. Now this can of course be done using FirstWord itself. You just click on the WP Mode item on the Edit menu, so that it's turned off. Then when you Save, as the alert box says, 'The file will be saved without any style or layout data ...'. However, the resulting file will have a 'hard' carriage return at the end of every line of text. Most DTP programs, and other WP programs, expect lines of text to run on, without carriage returns. They expect to see carriage returns at the end of paragraphs, not lines. If you try to use such a file with such a program, then each line becomes a separate paragraph. This spoils the layout, and makes editing difficult, as the text does not flow correctly when inserting and deleting. Hence this little accessory. The ASCII files it produces have continuous run-on paragraphs. Only the ends of paragraphs have carriage returns. These files should be usable, and properly editable, with almost any WP or DTP program. As an option, the accessory can also produce ASCII files the same as FirstWord does. This is useful if you want the files to be displayed on screen, or printed, using the basic facilities built in to most computers. (It can just as easily be done using FirstWord of course, but using this accessory may be quicker.) What's so mystic about that? ============================ First, it's a desk accessory - instantly available at any time, from the GEM Desktop, or from within a program. You can ASCII-fy a file without waiting for it to load. Just go to the Desk or Atari menu - the leftmost menu in the menu-bar - and click on its name. Still not impressed? Well get this: one of the options of this accessory is to do its job in the background, while you work away at your program. No matter whether you are using a wordprocessor, DTP, drawing program or whatever - as long as it allows access to desk accessories, then it will allow ASCII-fier to work at the same time as you do. So, no waiting for your file conversion! Just get on with your work, and when the conversion is finished, the ST's bell will ring to let you know your file is ready. There must be a catch ... ========================= Not really, but there are a few things to watch out for. First, while this 'mystic' conversion is going on, you must not remove the disk containing the file being converted! It's safest to use non-removable media, such as a RAMdisk or hard disk. Secondly, your ST's computing power is being shared between the ASCII-fier and the program you're working with. Most of the time, the difference in performance is barely noticeable. But you may notice delays when you access the disk, because the ST can't access two disks simultaneously. Again the solution is to work from RAMdisk or hard disk. Third and lastly, you must not quit the program you were running when you activated the ASCII-fier. If you do so, then an alert box will appear, to tell you that the ASCII-fier has been stopped before finishing its work. (No harm will come to your original .DOC file, and the text converted so far is still properly saved.) None of these limitations applies when you use the non- mystic conversion method, though. How to use ========== Copy the ASCIIFY.ACC file on to the top level (not in a folder) of your boot disk - that is, the disk that is in drive A: when you start your ST, or drive C: if you have an auto-booting hard disk. Reset your ST. In the Desk menu you should see a new item: Mystic ASCII-fier. When you want to ASCII-fy a file, select that item from the menu. A small box will appear, as per this: CR mode: | Line | Para | (default: Para) Tasking: | Multi | Single | (default: Single) The CR mode determines whether the resulting file has a carriage return at the end of every paragraph (the default), or at the end of every line. It also determines its filename extension: .ASC in Para mode, and .TXT in Line mode. The Tasking option lets you select either Single- (the default) or Multi-tasking. Single-tasking means that it works in the foreground like most programs. While it's running, you can't use your ST for anything else. Multi-tasking is the 'mystic' option. While your file is being converted, you can use other programs at the same time (subject to the restrictions mentioned above). Choose the two options you require, and click on the button labelled 'Do it!'. (Unless you change your mind, in which case, click on Cancel.) A File Selector will now appear, showing all the .DOC files in the currently active folder (see later), and you can choose the file you wish to convert. (Again, the Cancel option is there if you need it.) If you chose the Single tasking option, then the mouse pointer will disappear, and a new box will now appear in the centre of your screen. It shows the names of the source .DOC file, and the output .ASC or .TXT file, and below that, a 'thermometer'. While the file is being converted, the 'mercury' will advance, showing the progress through the file. When the conversion is finished, the ST's bell rings (assuming you have the volume turned up), the box disappears, and the mouse reappears. Job done! If you don't see the output file in a window on the Desktop, then just press Escape to update it. If you chose Multi-tasking, then the mouse pointer will momentarily change to a 'busy bee', before resuming the normal arrow shape. At this point, the ASCII-fier is working away in the background, and you can continue to enjoy your ST. To check up on progress, since you now do not have a 'thermometer', just go to the Mystic ASCII-fier menu item again. A box pops up with the filenames and thermometer as before, plus the percentage of the file converted so far. Please note that at this point the Mystic ASCII- fier is stopped. No more conversion will happen until you click the button, helpfully marked 'Click'. A note about filenames ====================== The output file will have the same filename as the input file, but the extension will be .ASC or .TXT instead of .DOC. It will be in the same folder as the input file, too. If by some chance you already have a file named MYFILE.ASC (or MYFILE.TXT) in the same folder as the MYFILE.DOC that you are converting, then it will be overwritten. The 'currently active folder' referred to above will be the top level of the disk with which you are currently working. However, if you convert a file in another folder, then next time you use the ASCII-fier, that folder will be the currently active folder. Changing the options ==================== In creating this program I assumed that you will usually want to use the same set of options. Therefore, after you have used ASCII-fier once, your options will remain in force, and the first menu-box will not be shown - you will go straight to the File Selector. However, if you do want to change the options, then no problem - just click the Cancel button on the File Selector, and then select Mystic ASCII-fier again from the Desk menu. This time, the options menu will be displayed for you to make a new selection. Finally, in accordance with normal GEM programming practice, if you change the options and then click on Cancel, then the options are not changed. Programming notes ================= The Mystic ASCII-fier was written in Laser C v1.1. The dialog boxes were created using the Laser RCP, and then converted to C source code using Bob Silliker's RSC2C (available from your favourite PD library). I don't like accessories with separate resource files. The 'Multi' option uses the GEM event_multi() mechanism, looking for a timer event with a one millisecond time- out. (I tried a zero time-out but it did tend to be a bit of a processor hog.) Conversion is done on a byte serial basis. Desk accessories shouldn't rely on being able to allocate memory for a buffer - I hear there are some ill-behaved applications that don't release the heap at start-up. The ASCII-fier reads and writes files a byte at a time, but we don't actually have to access the disk twice per byte, because of the 512-byte TOS sector buffer. The ASCII-fier aborts (in a sanitary fashion, I hope) if it receives an AC_CLOSE message from the AES. This 'feature' was added after reading the Programmers' Clinic article in ST Applications, issue 2, which states that an accessory's file handles belong to the underlying application, and that when the latter terminates, then so must the accessory. Unfortunately, the same message is received when an application is started from the Desktop. In this situation, however, the ASCII-fier would have no problems with its file handles, because the Desktop is still running. Indeed, without this feature, the ASCII-fier does work correctly if started from the Desktop and then an application is started. So if anyone can suggest how the ASCII-fier can tell whether its underlying application has really terminated, or just wants to clear the screen, then I would be most grateful. Any other tips, bug reports, etc, are also welcomed by: Martyn Dryden The South West Software Library PO Box 562 Wimborne Dorset BH21 2YD U.K. #a000000 #b000000 #c7770007000600070055200505552220770557075055507703111103 #d #E 98 12 #W 00 0A 2A 01 15 0F 08 A:\*.*@ #W 00 00 14 01 15 11 08 A:\*.*@ #W 00 00 08 07 16 0F 00 @ #W 00 00 0E 01 34 09 00 @ #M 00 00 00 FF A ST Review A@ @ #M 01 00 00 FF B ST Review B@ @ #T 00 03 02 FF Gone Forever@ @ #F FF 04 @ *.*@ #D FF 01 @ *.*@ #G 03 FF *.APP@ @ #G 03 FF *.PRG@ @ #P 03 FF *.TTP@ @ #F 03 04 *.TOS@ @  *.TTP@ @ #F 03 04 *.TOS@ @ `X oa3t3p09Hy2I oabJfBgNABg/Hy|?<&NN\Ar4<BQQ?<1NA#v:!v#rX!>r#~p!\~09t"8!Nu09tofnA2/ p 0/ S@"o$ /fIf r QQ`Rr?QQ`4N09tof Av NuN09tofpNuNdp /Aa _p(g AS@`T?<Hyx?<=NA3\PJkHy`/<Q?9\?<?NA Jk?a8A`0S@A_ Cm Po Q`^A3S@t0k  o Q`6S@0k  n Q B2nt23NuaNuШ ШШ#Z"(`oAafa~azpNupAyQAaB09A6 3XH@009Xfaa& 9ZNu/?< NA\Nu?9\?<>NAXNupNAXC>0?<Hz.?<NNACJ@fM$..܇A M,*H,BgHz?<=NACvJkT:/ /??<?NA CsJk6??<>NAXAT#Hz?< NA\/?< NA\Bg/?<1NA/ ?< NA\HzF?< NA\?<NAT/?< NA\BgNAH ||||||||| | |MIA$a?<?<NNXC&Y,ACB@:0BD8ELaj@F$bF'BEaD?<?<NNXAa 9g 9`FLNu/?<?<NNPNu/???<?<NN NuBGO 4p$|04pNsppp p ledT)LE ND OUND RESOUND.INF ERROR: RESOUND.INF FILE NOT FOUND ERROR: SOUND FILE NOT FOUND ERROR: CANNOT OPEN FILE ERROR: CANNOT READ FILE (HIT ANY KEY TO ABORT) Resound installed)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    . b.. 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