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At an early stage, the ruler of the city established headquarters buildings where the business of running the city was conducted: citizens were interviewed, edicts were issued, taxes were collected and stored, and diplomacy was carried on. In many cases, these seats of governmental power also served as the living quarters of the ruler. In cities that were sufficiently wealthy, these headquarters often became PALACES, immense and imposing structures that were a source of civic pride, and which reinforced the aura of power attached to the ruler. *PALACE2 A center of administration and governmental power. The further cities are from a PALACE, the more corruption is likely. *BARRACKS Warfare has been a recurring phenomenon in the history of civilization and continues to plague the world today. Those unprepared for war, either philosophically, materially, or technologically, soon fall out of the parade. Throughout history, warfare has been a prime agent of expansion. The neighbors of Rome joined the empire in most cases only after spirited hand-to-hand negotiations with Roman legions. When warring civilizations were closely matched in technology and material, victory normally went to the side with the best training, organization, morale, strategy, and tactics. The fostering of these skills and traditions took place in the BARRACKS. *BARRACKS2 New units are Veterans when produced at a city containing a BARRACKS, giving them advantages in combat against similar, non-Veteran units. *GRANARY Cities became possible only when the development of agriculture made the supply of food more abundant and dependable. However, the new cities needed a way of stabilizing the food supply; seasonal crops had to be stored for later use. The GRANARY was designed for the storage and protection of food surpluses. The new agricultural techniques and the ability to store food meant that only some of the people had to work producing food for all. The rest could devote their time to dreaming up the alphabet, mathematics, computer games, and other important advances of civilization. *GRANARY2 Only 50% of food storage is used to create new population. Protects the city against the disaster of Famine. *TEMPLE In ancient times, nearly every city had a TEMPLE consecrated to its own god, as well as those dedicated to other deities. But although today TEMPLES and churches are places of worship, to the Greeks, Romans, and others, TEMPLES were perceived primarily as dwelling places for their respective gods and goddesses. Here the deity was honored and revered, and here the faithful brought gifts of food, rare metals, and spices. Having a TEMPLE in their city comforted the people, and the wise ruler often invested in TEMPLES as soon as a city began to grow. *TEMPLE2 Unhappy people are made content (1 if you have Ceremonial Burial, 2 if Mysticism). This is doubled if you have the Oracle Wonder. *MARKETPLACE As cities grew and prospered, trade between the farmers, artisans and craftsmen who lived in the vicinity contributed to the economic health of the city. It soon became apparent that the best means for conducting such activities was to have a central location, or MARKETPLACE, where those persons offering goods and services for sale, or seeking to find them, could meet. Here, among the tumult and bustle of the tents and stalls, people, wares, and livestock would all be gathered for display, trade and sale. As the MARKETPLACE grew in importance, so grew the economic vitality of the city itself. *MARKETPLACE2 Luxuries and tax revenues are increased by 50%. *LIBRARY The development of WRITING meant that the accumulated knowledge of a society no longer needed to be memorized and passed along orally. It could be written down, stored, and consulted later. This made possible a great body of knowledge in written texts that could be transferred throughout the world. The storehouse for the accumulated texts was called a LIBRARY, after the Latin word liber, meaning book. The great LIBRARIES of the ancient world, especially the ones at Alexandria and Pergamum, became leading centers of science and scholarship. The librarians actively collected the books of the world, accelerating the spread of new knowledge. *LIBRARY2 Knowledge production increased by 50%. *COURTHOUSE As kingdoms and empires grew, it became increasingly difficult for the ruler to maintain control over the more distant segments of the realm. To insure that the far-flung cities of the empire contributed their expected share to the coffers, local magistrates and courts were established. In the COURTHOUSE the ruler's representatives listened to the grievances of the people and meted out justice. Here the laws that governed social interaction were defined and enforced. The COURTHOUSE reduced crime, and thereby kept the local population productive and content. Unhappy and unproductive citizens were not willing taxpayers. *COURTHOUSE2 Reduces corruption in city by 50%. *CITY WALLS Before the development, of large publicly-financed, centralized governments capable of supporting strong national armies, cities were normally left to their own devices for protection. As a result, many civilizations constructed WALLS around their cities to protect against invaders from other regions, or from bandits and pirates. CITY WALLS represented a major investment of resources and required many years to complete. But these WALLS transformed the city into a fortress, capable of withstanding all but the most determined attack. *CITY WALLS2 Defense bonus = +200%; no population loss when attacked. *AQUEDUCT A major obstacle to growth in early cities was the scarcity of water. The answer to this problem in many cases was an AQUEDUCT: a large, elevated stone "canal" that brought water from nearby hills directly into the city. This assured a convenient and dependable supply of fresh water to the city. AQUEDUCTS allowed cities to grow to unprecedented size, while at the same time they reduced the incidence of water-borne disease. Not only were larger cities now possible, but cities could be placed in otherwise inhospitable places, such as Los Angeles, which is located in a desert. *AQUEDUCT2 A city without an AQUEDUCT may not grow beyond a size of 10. *BANK A highly developed banking system is one of the hallmarks of an advanced civilization. BANKS lend money to individuals or groups of individuals, providing capital for industrial and real estate development. BANKS contribute to the economic growth of a city or region by stimulating the development of production facilities. In addition, individuals can invest their own surplus money and earn interest on it. *BANK2 Luxuries and tax revenue increased by 50%. *CATHEDRAL Through the Dark Ages that followed the fall of the Roman Empire in Europe, a major influence in the revival of civilization was the Christian Church. Elsewhere, other great religions were also expanding their influence. In recognition of the importance of religion in local affairs, the largest European towns built CATHEDRALS, centers of religious study and worship, presided over by the local bishop. When completed, CATHEDRALS became the centers of social and cultural activity, as well as religious worship. They brought great pride, stability, and tradition to their community. *CATHEDRAL2 Four unhappy people are made content. *UNIVERSITY A UNIVERSITY is an institution of higher education, offering courses of study to individuals seeking specialized instruction. In the West, UNIVERSITIES were first founded in the Middle Ages, mostly in cities that had important CATHEDRALS, to study the matters of interest to church leaders. The curricula quickly expanded to include classical art, literature, and languages. The modern UNIVERSITY has become a research powerhouse in addition to being an educational institution. Experiments are conducted in a wide variety of areas, including weaponry, computers, physics, and football. *UNIVERSITY2 Knowledge production increased by 50%. *COLOSSEUM The original COLOSSEUM of Rome presented spectacles intended to entertain and divert the landless, jobless citizenry who were supported by massive handouts. As the Empire declined, the increasing barbarity of the spectacles came to reflect the moral bankruptcy of Rome. In the 20th Century, COLOSSEUMS have been revived, again to provide entertainment and diversion. The promotions today are music concerts and professional sports contests. However, the modern spectacles have not exhibited the barbarity of ancient times, with the notable exception of ice hockey games. *COLOSSEUM2 Three unhappy people changed to content in city. *RECYCLING CNTR. As cities grew, they produced more and more refuse, until eventually the traditional dumping sites were filled. As a result, pollution gradually began spoiling the environment. To reverse this tide many cities installed RECYCLING CENTERS, where a large percentage of this trash was sorted, melted down, or otherwise reduced to reusable components that could be RECYCLED into the process of manufacturing new products. In this way, much of the city's trash ended up as raw material for production, not waste in a landfill. *RECYCLING CNTR.2 Reduces industrial pollution in city by two-thirds. *FACTORY The development of the FACTORY evolved from the specialization of labor, where each worker learned only one step in the manufacturing process. When the worker became expert at that one task, the total production of the FACTORY increased. In Adam Smith's classic example from his book, The Wealth of Nations, a FACTORY of specialists made many more nails than one where each worker handcrafted nails one at a time. The FACTORY system was one prerequisite for the Industrial Revolution that soon followed. *FACTORY2 Production is increased by 50%. *MFG. PLANT MANUFACTURING PLANTS were large industrial complexes that produced goods of all types, but especially durable consumer goods such as the AUTOMOBILE. A MANUFACTURING PLANT was essentially a large, sophisticated FACTORY. In addition to specialization of labor, it employed interchangeable parts, complex machinery, and assembly lines to gain efficiency and economies of scale. The result was highly productive workers and relatively low costs. *MFG. PLANT2 Production is increased by 100%. *POWER PLANT POWER PLANTS burn fossil fuels, mainly oil and coal, to produce the heat and steam necessary to generate electricity. The importance of electric power is that each factory does not need a steam engine to power its machines. Centrally generated electricity is transmitted throughout the countryside to power machines everywhere. However, increasing demand for electricity requires the burning of ever greater amounts of fossil fuels, and this has led to problems with air pollution and acid rain. Since modern society cannot function without electricity, researchers are working to perfect other methods of power generation. *POWER PLANT2 Factory production is increased by 50%; high pollution level. *HYDRO PLANT One alternative to fossil fuel power generation is the HYDROELECTRIC POWER PLANT. These use the energy of falling water to turn turbines at high speed and thereby generate electricity. Where water flow rates make HYDRO PLANTS practical, they offer safe and clean electricity, free of the pollution and acid rain caused by burning fossil fuels. HYDRO PLANTS are not free of problems, however. They create their own environmental disruptions, flooding large areas behind their dams, interrupting the normal flow of rivers, and destroying the habitats of wild animal species. *HYDRO PLANT2 Factory production is increased by 50%; existing pollution is reduced. *NUCLEAR PLANT NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS burn atomic fuels through the process of nuclear fission to generate the heat and steam needed to produce electricity. Because it doesn't cause the pollution problems associated with the burning of fossil fuels, NUCLEAR POWER is being examined as a possible alternative to these "dirty" sources of energy. However, the extremely dangerous nature of Nuclear Fission creates its own hazards, including the risk of a meltdown of the nuclear reactor. While the future of NUCLEAR POWER is unclear now, continuing research in Nuclear Fusion may result in a safe and cheap source of power. *NUCLEAR PLANT2 Factory production is increased by 50%; low pollution level -- risk of MELTDOWN! *MASS TRANSIT Within a few decades of the invention of the AUTOMOBILE, the horse and carriage disappeared from city streets. However, the AUTOMOBILE brought new problems, including air pollution and the release of large quantities of carbon monoxide into the atmosphere. As cities became larger and more crowded, travel around town became difficult and time consuming. The development of MASS TRANSIT, including buses, trolleys, subways, and light rail, led to a reduction in traffic and an accompanying reduction in pollution. *MASS TRANSIT2 Reduces pollution produced by city population. *SDI DEFENSE The history of warfare has been a struggle between offense and defense, with sometimes one side having the upper hand, and sometimes the other. The development of nuclear weapons seemed to demonstrate that for the very first time, an offensive weapon existed for which there was no effective defense. SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative), however, could be the answer. Using either orbital laser weapons, or thousands of missile-launched "Brilliant Pebbles," which are intended to collide with nuclear-tipped missiles in mid-air, SDI DEFENSE offers the real possibility of negating the threat posed by nuclear missiles. *SDI DEFENSE2 Protects city from nuclear weapons. *SS MODULE The MODULES are the central features of your spaceship. There are three types: Habitation, Life Support, and Solar Panels. The Habitation MODULES each provide living space for 10,000 colonists. The Life Support MODULES each provide the food and other requirements for the colonists carried in one Habitation MODULE. One Solar Power MODULE provides enough energy to run two other MODULES. At the minimum, a succesful spaceship must contain one of each type of MODULE. To transport more than the minimum number of colonists possible you must build additional sets of MODULES. *SS MODULE2 Habitation and Life Support MODULES have a mass of 1,600 tons and Solar Panel MODULES have a mass of 400 tons. A spaceship may include a maximum of four MODULES of each type. *SS COMPONENT The COMPONENTS provide the motive power of your spaceship. There are two types: Propulsion and Fuel. Propulsion COMPONENTS are the spaceship engines, providing the acceleration and deceleration needed for the journey. Fuel COMPONENTS are supplies of fuel, each sufficient for one Propulsion COMPONENT. The minimum a spaceship requires is one of each COMPONENT, but to arrive at the best speed, it requires many more of both. *SS COMPONENT2 Spaceship COMPONENTS have a mass of 400 tons each and a spaceship may include a maximum of eight of each type. *SS STRUCTURAL The STRUCTURAL parts of your spaceship constitute the frame to which all other parts are attached. There must be sufficient STRUCTURE to connect the other parts together or the others cannot function. A MODULE or COMPONENT that is not connected by STRUCTURAL parts appears in a red box in the spaceship display. When enough STRUCTURAL parts are added, the red box disappears. *SS STRUCTURAL2 Spaceship STRUCTURAL parts each have a mass of 100 tons and a spaceship may include up to thirty-nine STRUCTURAL pieces. *PYRAMIDS Built by the fourth dynasty of Eqyptian rulers on the Giza plateau outside modern-day Cairo, the PYRAMIDS represent the pinnacle of ancient Egyptian cultural achievement. These Wonders were burial tombs and monuments for the Pharaohs and may have required generations and tens of thousands of workers to complete. They were ancient monuments when visited by Herodutus, centuries before the time of Christ. They are the only one of the generally accepted seven wonders of the ancient world that still stand. The construction of the PYRAMIDS implied a highly stable government and well organized society. *PYRAMIDS2 Allows change of government without Anarchy; Makes available all forms of government. Both of these effects last until the development of COMMUNISM. *HANGING GARDENS The HANGING GARDENS of Babylon are believed to have been a series of ascending, tiered gardens built within the palace to please a queen from a more verdant region. The gardens contained all manner of trees, shrubs, and vines, and appeared to be a large green mountain in a city built of sun-dried mud bricks. Pleasing to look at, cool to linger in, and a remarkable piece of engineering, the gardens were a distinctive feature of Babylon. They were written about by many visitors and were a great source of pride to the people. *HANGING GARDENS2 +1 happy face in each city, until the development of INVENTION. *COLOSSUS The COLOSSUS of Rhodes was a bronze statue of Helios, the God of the Sun, erected near the city harbor. It stood over 100 feet high, about two-thirds the height of the Statue of Liberty. Unfortunately, it was knocked down by an earthquake only 56 years after its construction. Taking the counsel of an oracle, the city elected to leave the statue where it lay, and it stayed there for 900 years until sold for scrap by Muslims who plundered the city in 654 A.D. Travelers from all over the ancient world came to Rhodes to see the Colossus, both when it stood and after it fell. *COLOSSUS2 +1 trade per trade square in the city, until the development of ELECTRICITY. *LIGHTHOUSE The Pharos of Alexandria was a marble watch tower and LIGHTHOUSE built on an island in the harborof the city. Estimated to have been 300 feet high, the building was erected around 280 B.C. The primary function of the LIGHTHOUSE was to guide approaching ships to the harbor on an otherwise unmarked coast. Historians debate whether fires were burned on the top of the tower, or whether mirrors were used to reflect sunlight. Since ships rarely sailed along coasts at night, there may have been little need for light after dark. The Pharos was finally ruined in the 14th Century after having been damaged in several earthquakes. *LIGHTHOUSE2 Increases sea movement rates by 1 MP, until the development of MAGNETISM. *GREAT LIBRARY The Royal GREAT LIBRARY of Alexandria was one of the two most important libraries of the ancient world. It was founded around 300 B.C. by Ptolemy I, and was greatly enhanced by the later Ptolemaic rulers, when Alexandria served as the cultural center of the Hellenistic world. The LIBRARY attempted to obtain copies of all known scrolls of any consequence, and it was said to have contained over 700,000 volumes. It became a center for learning as well as a repository of knowledge. The LIBRARY was ultimately destroyed by religious fanatics in 391 A.D. Only part of the catalog survives to tantalize us about the treasures it contained. *GREAT LIBRARY2 Gives you any technology that two other civilizations possess, until the development of the UNIVERSITY. *ORACLE In ancient Greek religion, an ORACLE was a priest or priestess who transmitted a god's response to questions. The Oracle interpreted dreams, the actions of entranced persons, and physical signs found in the entrails of sacrificed animals. The most famous ORACLE was the shrine of Apollo at Delphi, located on the slopes of Mt. Parnassos. It was consulted for centuries by Greeks, Romans, and others about public policy and private matters. A priestess called the Pythia would, for a fee, make predictions for the future. These ecstatic pronouncements (oracles) became famous (or infamous) for their ambiguity. *ORACLE2 Doubles the effects of Temples, until the development of RELIGION. *GREAT WALL The GREAT WALL of China, stretching from the Yellow Sea to the Asian deserts, was built over a period of approximately 1,800 years. Construction was not continual, but waxed and waned in response to barbarian threats from the north. The wall is 25 feet high and 12 feet thick; it runs 1,500 miles across northern China. The purpose of the GREAT WALL was to make it difficult for raiders to escape with their booty, and thereby discourage invasion. It was not intended to keep invaders out, because it would have been prohibitively expensive to keep it manned. *GREAT WALL2 Other civilizations always offer to make peace with you, until the development of GUNPOWDER. *MAGELLAN'S EXPEDITION In 1519, Ferdinand Magellan sailed from Spain, seeking to reach the spice-rich Moluccas Islands of Indonesia by sailing west, instead of east. Although the leader was killed by natives in the Philippines, MAGELLAN'S EXPEDITION proved conclusively that the world was round, and, more importantly, that the Americas were indeed a New World. MAGELLAN'S EXPEDITION was one of the great sea voyages of history and it inspired further expeditions by other adventurers. Its discoveries opened new worlds and reduced the dangers to those who followed in its wake. *MAGELLAN'S EXPEDITION2 Increases sea movement by 1 MP. *MICHELANGELO'S CHAPEL The beauty of Rome's Sistine Chapel, whose ceiling was painted by Michelangelo, has long served as a testament to the mixture of strong religious beliefs and the love of art which pervaded Renaissance Europe. The artist devoted four years to the work, which depicts important scenes from Genesis and other books of the Bible. Few visitors to MICHELANGELO'S CHAPEL failed to be moved by the artist's dedication to his subject, or his feeling for the nature of human struggle, suffering, and spiritual triumph. *MICHELANGELO'S CHAPEL2 Increases the effect of CATHEDRALS, until the development of COMMUNISM. *COPERNICUS' OBSERVATORY Early in the 16th Century, Nicholas Copernicus rediscovered the heliocentric theory of planetary motion, which is the belief -- now known to be fact -- that the planets revolve around the Sun. The foundation of modern astronomy was this theory and the meticulous scientific data collected by Copernicus in his OBSERVATORY, a small room in an East Prussian Cathedral spire. The methods of his research and observation that led to his correct conclusion were also a rebirth of the scientific method and an important step in the advance of knowledge. *COPERNICUS' OBSERVATORY2 Doubles knowledge production in city, until the development of the AUTOMOBILE. *SHAKESPEARE'S THEATRE Most of the plays of William Shakespeare were first performed at London's Globe Theatre during the 1600s. SHAKESPEARE'S THEATRE offered the people a diversion from their own troubles, delighting them instead with the tragedies, comedies, and triumphs acted out on stage. Similar theaters, such as the Comedie Francaise in Paris, and La Scala, the famed opera house of Milan, fulfilled similar roles, by offering entertainment to the citizens of their cities. *SHAKESPEARE'S THEATRE2 All unhappy people in city are content, until the development of ELECTRONICS. *ISAAC NEWTON'S COLLEGE Sir Isaac Newton, a mathematician and physicist, is considered by many the greatest scientist of all time. He is credited for many important discoveries including the laws of gravity, the color spectrum of light, calculus, fluid dynamics, and an understanding of ocean tides. He also built the first reflecting telescope. For 32 years he held an important teaching post on the faculty of Cambridge University, continuing his own researches and instructing a generation of students. *ISAAC NEWTON'S COLLEGE2 Increases the benefit of LIBRARIES+UNIVERSITIES, until the development of NUCLEAR FISSION. *J.S.BACH'S CATHEDRAL Few composers were more prolific or beloved than Johann Sebastian Bach, the best-known member of a gifted family of German musicians. Bach was perhaps the finest proponent of the baroque style of music, as demonstrated in his numerous choral and orchestral pieces. Bach was more renowned during his lifetime as an organist and music director of St. Thomas Church in Leipzig, Saxony. But since his passing, his music has found a worldwide audience and appreciation. *J.S.BACH'S CATHEDRAL2 Decreases unhappy people on continent by 2 per city. *DARWIN'S VOYAGE Charles Darwin, the main proponent of the theory of organic evolution, built up much of his evidence for natural selection while aboard the H.M.S. Beagle on its five-year cruise around the world. DARWIN'S VOYAGE was instrumental not only in the establishment of his theory, but also in the rigorous application of the scientific method to nature. Darwin published the theory and the evidence for it in his major work, The Origin of Species. He was so complete and persuasive that he was criticized only on philosophical grounds, not scientific. His work opened many new lines of inquiry and triggered a wave of new biological research. *DARWIN'S VOYAGE2 Two immediate civilization advances. *HOOVER DAM For centuries mankind has been harnessing the power of rushing water to power waterwheels, but more recently water was found useful for generating electricity. To derive power from rivers, dams were built to assure a dependable supply of water, then the overflow was released through special chambers where the moving water turned giant turbines, generating electricity. The HOOVER DAM was one of the earliest hydroelectric dams, taming the Colorado River to bring electricity to the deserts of Arizona. *HOOVER DAM2 Supplies Hydro power to all cities on the continent. *WOMEN'S SUFFRAGE After many years of struggle, women in the United States won the right to vote in 1920 with the passage of the 19th amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The achievement of WOMEN'S SUFFRAGE was accelerated by the excellent record of women in traditional male jobs during World War I. Full voting rights were given to women in Great Britain in 1928. Since then women have gained this right in most of the developed world. *WOMEN'S SUFFRAGE2 Reduces unhappy people by one per unit not in home city under Republic or Democracy. *MANHATTAN PROJECT The atomic bomb derived its power from the sudden release of nuclear energy following the splitting of heavy atomic nuclei. The MANHATTAN PROJECT, an intensive and costly research effort, developed the first atomic bombs during World War II. For a brief period the United States held a monopoly on these weapons. However, by 1949 the Soviet Union had also developed them, at least partly thanks to espionage that obtained much of the MANHATTAN PROJECT research. The nuclear standoff that resulted seems to have been largely responsible for the absence of major wars since. *MANHATTAN PROJECT2 Allows the construction of nuclear weapons. *UNITED NATIONS Established following the holocaust of World War II, the UNITED NATIONS is an international organization dedicated to promoting peace and security. It also attempts to achieve international cooperation in solving world problems concerning the environment, economics, and cultures. Even when its peace keeping role has not been effective, it has remained a forum for debate where all nations can voice their concerns. *UNITED NATIONS2 Other civilizations always offer to make peace with you. *APOLLO PROGRAM The APOLLO PROGRAM was begun by the United States in response to early Soviet successes in space, and was intended to place men on the Moon. This was dramatically accomplished on July 20, 1969, when two American astronauts first set foot on the lunar landscape. Technology developed for the APOLLO PROGRAM was later found to be invaluable in designing future space vehicles and orbital platforms. *APOLLO PROGRAM2 Allows the construction of Spaceships. Makes all cities on the map visible. *SETI PROGRAM Is anybody Out There? Are we alone? The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), initiated (officially, at least) in the U.S. during the latter decades of the 20th Century, was not immediately successful in detecting the presence of other intelligent life in the universe. However, the research invested in the effort produced many useful spinoff benefits to astronomy, telecommunications, and other fields requiring high technology. *SETI PROGRAM2 Increases knowledge production in all cities by 50%. *CURE FOR CANCER Cancer remains a terrifying and deadly plague on life, despite huge outlays on research for a CURE. We have learned that there are many types of cancer, and that many factors seem capable of triggering it, but so far a remedy for this scourge eludes us. A CURE FOR CANCER would end suffering and anguish beyond measure, and give years of happy and productive life to millions of people, otherwise doomed. *CURE FOR CANCER2 +1 happy citizen in each city. *END aiyrz_Dw5.8c=:TJw,,k[.vO=à2h%'A)kJ^k1EAYT1q\ ܣB)yo \Hk0p'yoZ!8/v(Cg_X-^aCWIg];aʄRHM K"v<~*-j))u #}e&ȘϦh7*&է(J;˔m00 R5000000.:0000000000!200 0000@i&7AAA0000 00000A0000ML00000000000000555003600000000000000000000:^000 00000000000000,,00000000Y00000000000000000000000000000000 000?X0000000000000000000000000000003pj0000000000&P&O000000000 0000000000s 00000000007770000000000000000 'cr@E{yZlg12̷u@zb>Dg %+x3m~arF\)7u+t=K{DjOV1ȶ#du -DZnRkT!HwmT@sٴ|i;$*Im0dlIPOuLl/i%%|9Wֱ֡90C`mazR,G: [9 ]Bj.~qӝUʀ@63`| D?ўZY[kNȖCZ96?]z=z~(~D4 Jfk1[ 8MN؍;[b4*#sAK6L4'N{A9Ta󾙕ҡԞf$ k/|A9e7)yS($ u)$e.ƈ1peQ(&؀C YV~ dtm팍*\j)UCݰYUUA^#zB~nՊ[宬N"7úahQ00000000'000000000000000000:0000m ]0000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0 00000000000000,00$t000000000000mm006&6%0000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000QP00000000000000000000000000&;~00000 8W8W00000000800"$1P00!0080000000000000000000.00000000 0005000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000 *ROADS Roads of good quality improved communications between cities. This was important for trade and for military purposes. Good quality roads were passable in nearly all weather, and could be traversed by wheeled vehicles much faster than bare dirt trails. This meant that mounted messengers, commercial wagons, and military units all could move from one part of the road network to another at good speed. This made it easier for centrally located armies to reach threatened frontiers. The most famous roads of antiquity were the Persian Royal Road and the Roman roads built throughout southern Europe. *ROADS2 Built by Settlers only. Press the Road key (R key) or select Build Road from the Orders menu. Roads may not be built over Rivers until you have acquired Bridge Building. Units moving from one road square to another road square use 1/3 of a movement point regardless of terrain. Roads increase the trade generated by Grasslands, Plains, and Deserts. *RAILROADS Railroads revolutionized transportation by providing a relatively cheap and fast method of moving people, raw materials, finished goods, and military units. Railroads were essential to the Industrial Revolution. Not only did they support and encourage industrial growth by dramatically reducing transport costs, but they spurred technological research on their own. Advances in locomotive technology and engineering spun off into other industries and applications. Railroads were the first great industrial corporations. *RAILROADS2 Built by Settlers only, and only in squares that already contain a road. Press the Railroad key (R key). Units moving from one railroad square to another railroad square use no movement points regardless of terrain. Railroads increase food and resource production in a map square by 1/2 (rounded down). They increase trade by the same amount, but before the effects of Republic or Democracy governments. *IRRIGATION When the early farmers moved down from the hills into the valleys of the Nile, Tigris, and Euphrates Rivers, they had to develop the technology of irrigation. The freshwater rivers passed through lands essentially barren due to the lack of rainfall. Through irrigation, water could be removed from the rivers and spread on the nearby land, making it bloom. Ever since these early days, irrigation has been an important tool of farmers, making other deserts bloom as well. Modern examples are the very productive deserts of California. *IRRIGATION2 Irrigation increases the food value of River, Grassland, Plains, Desert, and Hill squares. Only squares vertically or horizontally adjacent to water (Ocean or River) or existing irrigation squares may be irrigated. *MINING When thinking humans first evolved, it was possible to find nearly pure deposits of several metals exposed on the Earth's surface. The most common were gold, silver, and copper. As time passed, the surface deposits were exhausted and men began digging into the ground looking for more. The mining and excavation of the Earth in search of minerals continues today, although the list of things for which we dig has greatly expanded. The discovery of new metals and resources, or new methods of extraction, often turned previously unwanted areas into mother lodes of oil, uranium, platinum, etc. *MINING2 Mining increases the production value of Desert (+1), Hills (+3), and Mountain (+1) squares. *FORTIFY Roman legions on campaign halted their march early enough each evening to build a completely fortified camp for the night. They had learned the value of defensive fortifications when under attack. Where possible, it was the standard practice of most armies to build defensive works of some type whenever expecting an attack. Fortified defenders had their fighting strength multiplied, making it much harder for an attacker to dislodge them. *FORTIFY2 A fortified unit has its defense value increase by 50%. *FORTRESS To guard important positions such as mountain passes, fords, or invasion beaches, you may build a Fortress. When properly defended, a Fortress may block the path of approaching enemies. Fortresses may be built by Settlers once you have achieved the advance of Construction. They may be built on any land square except one containing a city. A city founded in a Fortress square destroys the Fortress. A Fortress doubles the strength of all defending units after considering terrain and veteran status. Units defend a Fortress one at a time. Unlike combat in normal terrain, all other defenders in a Fortress are not destroyed when one unit in the square is destroyed. *FORTRESS2 Built by Settlers only. Press the Fortress key (F key) or choose the Fortress option from the Orders menu. Doubles the strength of defenders. Units defend one at a time. May not be built or exist in a city square. *PILLAGE You may destroy the irrigation and mining improvements of enemies by moving a unit into an improved square and ordering the unit to pillage. This reduces the production of the nearby city and forces the enemy to redo the work later to restore it. If you have plans to capture the nearby city, it may be best not to pillage because the city and production may soon be yours. *PILLAGE2 Any square improved by mining or irrigation may be pillaged by pressing the Pillage key (Shift + P key) or by choosing the Pillage option from the Orders men. The pillaging unit must have movement remaining. *DISBAND At times you may wish to eliminate friendly units. They may be obsolete, or costing resources to maintain that you wish to employ otherwise, or they may be causing unhappiness in their home city under the Republic or Democracy governments. To eliminate an unwanted unit, order it to disband. The unit is removed from the map and its home city display. *DISBAND2 To disband a unit waiting for orders, press the Disband key (Shift + D keys) or select the Disband option from the Orders menu. *VETERAN UNITS During the American Civil War, green units that had never been in battle were said to have "seen the elephant" after being under fire for the first time. They were now veterans, having been witness to, and part of, something that could never be completely conveyed to those without the experience. The historical evidence shows that trained, veteran soldiers were dramatically more likely to survive and perform their combat mission than inexperienced troops. For American replacements in World War II, the first two weeks in combat were the most dangerous. After that period they had become veterans and wily in the ways of battlefield survival. *VETERAN UNITS2 Veteran units have their attack and defense values increased by 50%. Units may become veterans by winning a battle or if built in a city with a Barracks. *ANARCHY Anarchy is a breakdown in government resulting in the absence of political authority or any cohering purpose. The government ceases to function, along with any services it provides. While anarchy has been seriously proposed as an alternative to government, it has never achieved more than fringe acceptance. Anarchy has occurred at various times in history following great social upheaval caused by revolution, war, natural disaster, or disease. In almost every case, anarchy meant panic, disruption, waste, and destruction. *ANARCHY2 Squares producing three or more of any commodity have production reduced by one. For example, a square that normally would produce three food produces only two under anarchy. Units up to city size do not require maintenance. Military units in a city decrease unhappiness. No taxes collected or knowledge accumulated. *DESPOTISM Despotism is a primitive form of government that is nevertheless useful for a beginning civilization. Due to the minimum of maintenance required for units, it is possible to field relatively large armies for the population and build new items quickly. However, the growth of cities is ultimately retarded by despotism and in order for them to continue to grow to substantial size you must adopt a new form of government that increases food and resource production. Despotism is most useful during expansion and wartime. *DESPOTISM2 Production squares of 3 or more reduced by one (3 food->2). Home city units numbering less than or equal to city size do not require maintenance. Military units in city decrease unhappiness. *MONARCHY Monarchy is the form of government that most often replaces a despotism. Under a monarchy, food and resource production can both be dramatically increased by mining and irrigation when your cities have reached a healthy size. Although war may be somewhat more difficult to wage than under despotism and new production may slow, ultimately your cities can achieve much greater strength and overcome the early handicaps this government might impose. *MONARCHY2 Normal economic effects. Units require 1 resource per turn to maintain. Military units in city decrease unhappiness. *COMMUNISM Communism is similar in effect to a monarchy with one important exception. Under a communist government, corruption is at the same level in all cities. This makes it especially attractive for empires that are spread over large distances. Normally in this case, corruption may be overwhelming at the fringes of the empire. But under communism, corruption may remain manageable. Communism is equivalent to the monarchy in its ability to allow greater production than a despotism. *COMMUNISM2 Normal economic effects. Units require 1 resource per turn to maintain. Military units in city decrease unhappiness. Corruption equal in all cities. *REPUBLIC The "republican" form of government encourages greater economic freedom among the people and leads to dramatic increases in trade. More trade means more luxuries, tax revenues, and science research. However, under a republic war is much more difficult to wage because military units not in their home city cause one citizen to become unhappy. Most cities can therefore only afford to have a few military units on campaign without risking civil disorder. The republic becomes especially useful when your cities have grown quite large, because the increase in trade is very helpful in providing luxuries and maintaining a reasonable rate of technology advance. *REPUBLIC2 +1 trade per square where trade exists. Must accept all peace offers. Military units in city do not decrease unhappiness - no martial law. Military units not in city increase unhappiness. Units require 1 resource per turn to maintain. *DEMOCRACY A democracy government dramatically increases trade in the same manner as a republic and has one major additional advantage. There is no corruption in cities under a democracy, which makes it very useful for large empires. However, a democracy has two unique worries. First, military units not in their home city cause two citizens to be unhappy, not one citizen as in a republic. This makes war especially hard to wage. Also, if any city in a democracy slips into civil disorder, the government is immediately overthrown and becomes an anarchy for several turns. While a democracy has tremendous economic advantages, it is fragile and requires vigilance. *DEMOCRACY2 +1 trade per square where trade exists. Must accept all peace offers. Military units in city do not decrease unhappiness - no martial law. Military units not in city increase unhappiness. Units require 1 resource per turn to maintain. No corruption. Civil disorder leads to Anarchy. *POLLUTION Pollution may be caused by large resource production in cities, large city populations, nuclear weapons, or the meltdown of a Nuclear Power Plant. If a city has a potential pollution problem, smokestacks in the city display information window indicate the probability that a nearby map square may become polluted. *POLLUTION2 The pollution in a map square may be cleaned up by a Settler. Move the Settler into the square and press the Pollution key (P key) or choose the Pollution option from the Orders menu. It takes four turns of work to clean up pollution. If pollution gets out of control, global warming may occur. *SENTRY Units ordered to go on sentry duty are shown faded out on the game display and thereafter do not flash each turn waiting for orders. This is useful when you have a unit in a square where you wish to leave it and do not, or cannot, have it fortify. Also, sentry units in a city are automatically loaded onto any ship that can carry them and sails out of the city. *SENTRY2 Place a unit on sentry duty by pressing the Sentry key (S key) or by choosing the Sentry option from the Orders menu. A Sentry unit may be activated by clicking on it with the LMB, or when an enemy unit moves adjacent to it. *LUXURIES The provision of luxuries for the people of your cities is indicated by the bright diamond symbols in the resource window of the city display. Each two luxuries makes one contented citizen happy, or one unhappy citizen content. The amount of luxuries a city produces is mainly determined by the luxury rate of your civilization, the percentage of each city's trade that arrives as luxuries. You can modify this rate by adjusting your tax and science rates from the Game menu. *LUXURIES2 You can also increase luxuries by building Marketplace and Bank improvements, and by turning some of your citizens into Entertainers. *TAXES The taxes collected by a city is indicated by the gold coin symbols in the resource window of the city map display. The taxes collected by the city are first put toward paying for the maintainence of the improvements that exist in the city. Any surplus is added to the treasury and any shortfall is withdrawn from the treasury. The amount of taxes a city produces is mainly determined by the tax rate of the civilization, the percentage of each city's trade that arrives as taxes. You can modify this rate by adjusting your tax rate from the Game menu. *TAXES2 You can also increase taxes by building Marketplace and Bank improvements, and by turning some of your citizens into Taxmen. *SCIENCE The science research contributed by a city is indicated by the light bulb symbols in the resource window of the city display. The science from a city is added to previous research and, if enough research has been done, a new civilization advance is achieved. The amount of science a city produces is mainly determined by the science rate of your civilization, the percentage of each city's trade that arrives as new knowledge. You can modify this rate by adjusting your science rate from the Game menu. *SCIENCE2 You can also increase science by building Library and University improvements, certain Wonders, and by turning some of your citizens into Scientists. *TRADE ROUTES Trade routes are established when you move a Caravan into another city, either one of your own at least ten map squares from the Caravan's home city, or a rival's city. The arrival of a Caravan results in an immediate payment of cash into your treasury plus the trade route. A trade route increases the trade generated by the Caravan's home city each turn thereafter, unless the connected city is destroyed. The value of a trade route is highest between a rival city on another continent, and increases with the size of both cities involved and the distance they are apart. Trade routes are essential to strong economies and large civilizations. *TRADE ROUTES2 Created by Caravans. *END a.2\J} E; _ ]٧pH% |'0~JIυpJN6N_௜J޸cØiyn y)لj'H oxdc#v[#&S-lcbe#|幤{I_3'14Ɍ.v~u/\tܳˆש`z:Wۗ| <( Rx*&Id؃xE _u!U3xZ6 :su> r 4*Q4?A_Y43k$Ϭ.wV/M-:iϦ8M苣=\:6KA{}{:frwa!޽$y7 o(MrVL$o`?t=u;C:geȪPxνHUX0>tAttila Stalin Shaka Napoleonhan Ramesses Xerxes Saladin SuppiluliumasBarbarians Russians ZulusniansFrench Egyptians Americans Greeks Mongols Barbarian Russian Zulu French Egyptian Persian Muslim Hittite /, F.)(#  ;hTl* /"p, SettlersMilitia"Phalanx"Legion@Musketeers@"Riflemen@Cavalry@Knights:>Catapult0 Cannon?0Chariot>!Armor :Mech. Inf.AArtillery ?Fighter &Bomber  'TriremeSailFrigate#Ironclad%Cruiser%Battleship 4Submarine)Carrier 'Transport#Nuclearc.DiplomatCaravanM-/"," Rome Caesarea Carthage Nicopolis Byzantium Brundisium Syracuse Antioch Palmyra Cyrene Gordion Tyrus Jerusalem Seleucia Ravenna Artaxata Babylon Sumer Uruk Nineveh Ashur Ellipi Akkad Eridu Kish Nippur Shuruppak Zariqum Izibia Nimrud Arbela Zamua Berlin Leipzig Hamburg Bremen Frankfurt Bonn Nuremberg Cologne Hannover Munich Stuttgart Heidelburg Salzburg Konigsberg Dortmund Brandenburg Thebes Memphis Oryx Heliopolis Gaza Alexandria Byblos Cairo Coptos Edfu Pithom Busiris Athribis Mendes Tanis Abydos Washington New York Boston PhiladelphiaAtlanta Chicago Buffalo St.Louis Detroit New Orleans Baltimore Denver Cincinnati Dallas Los Angeles Las Vegas Athens Sparta Corinth Delphi Eretria Pharsalos Argos Mycenae Herakleia Antioch Ephesos Rhodes Knossos Troy Pergamon Miletos Delhi Bombay Madras Bangalore Calcutta Lahore Karachi Kolhapur Jaipur Hyderabad Bengal Chittagong Punjab Dacca Indus Ganges MoscowLeningrad Kiev Minsk Smolensk Odessa Sevastopol Tblisi Sverdlovsk Yakutsk Vladivostok Novograd Krasnoyarsk Riga Rostov Astrakhan ZimbabweUlundi Bapedi Hlobane Isandhlwana Intombe Mpondo Ngome Swazi Tugela Umtata Umfolozi Ibabanago Isipezi Amatikulu Zunguin Paris Orleans Lyons Tours Chartres Bordeaux Rouen Avignon Marseilles Grenoble Dijon Amiens Cherbourg Poitiers Toulouse Bayonne TenochtitlanChiauhtia Chapultepec Coatepec Ayotzinco Itzapalapa Iztapam Mitxcoac Tacubaya Tecamac Tepezinco Ticoman Tlaxcala Xaltocan Xicalango Zumpanco Peking Shanghai Canton Nanking Tsingtao Hangchow Tientsin Tatung Macao Anyang Shantung Chinan Kaifeng Ningpo Paoting Yangchow London Coventry Birmingham Dover Nottingham York Liverpool Brighton Oxford Reading Exeter Cambridge Hastings Canterbury Banbury Newcastle Samarkand Bokhara Nishapur Karakorum Kashgar Tabriz Aleppo Kabul Ormuz Basra Khanbalyk Khorasan Shangtu Kazan Quinsay Kerman Mecca Naples Sidon Tyre Tarsus Issus Cunaxa Cremona Cannae Capua Turin Genoa Utica Crete Damascus Verona Salamis Lisbon Hamburg Prague Salzburg Bergen Venice Milan Ghent Pisa Cordoba Seville Dublin Toronto Melbourne Sydney p/",p@  z/,"Aرο =ɾfA MICROPROSE PRESENTATION Designed by SID MEIER with BRUCE SHELLEY Programming by BILL BARNA Additional Programming by LAURIE SINNETT Art Conversion by MARK WILSON Music Conversion and Original Music by PAUL TONGE Project Managed by RICHARD ELLIS Quality Assurance by ANDREW GRAY Published by PAUL HIBBARD Documentation by ALKIS ALKIVIADES ᝞ J_f[>ZM}Q޹8{$2u8'T^x)saK2Kqq~9T; V$h+xoWU \Dp)TSBmƃ+8}بki1ZVڠ6%+4v,`F-#SxUԑ/ʋR&& R'O^>1_}Gl _{ K&g v Z^Y#lΈ[@~VO^s0Ӈ%X9X:njTE]m|4a 1E}"冠US uUtk'H BBSL6UʿD3'wEs@>0p4]@jA/"cGD`_9c00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000UT7TT0000 00000000000 000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000d000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000200000000000000000000z0000000000000000000000000 0000000 *ZOC A unit may not move from one square^ adjacent to an enemy unit to another^ square also adjacent to an enemy unit.^ Exception: Diplomats, Caravans, Naval and^ Air units; entering and exiting a city.^ See pg. 34 in the manual for more details.^ *TRIREME Your trireme has been lost at sea.^ A trireme may be lost if it does not^ end its turn close to land.^ *FUEL Your air unit has run out of fuel.^ Fighter/Nuclear units must return^ to a city or Carrier at the end of^ each turn. Bomber units must return^ at the end of their second turn. *AMPHIB Ground units must be put ashore before^ they can engage in combat.^ *FIGHTER Only FIGHTER units may attack AIR units.^ *OCCUPY Only GROUND units may occupy an enemy city.^ *PILLAGE City squares may not be pillaged.^ Diplomat, Caravan, Fighter, and^ Naval units may not pillage.^ *SETTLERS This function may only be performed^ by Settler units.^ *NOWATER This square has no access to water.^ An irrigated square must be adjacent^ to a RIVER or OCEAN square or a pre-^ viously irrigated non-city square.^ *NOMINE This terrain type cannot be mined.^ *NOIRR This terrain type cannot be irrigated.^ *ADDCITY Settlers may not be added to cities^ with a size of 10 or more.^ *END @E=8B?!z&h3 \ zF0]eIDfPzkc:jL+A)]L~ aN y4+mid$"Rb0Q1JBeUWȁ*ЩY2PH%HDO}ݮhX#c/aXc:3] Uh'_H:/P9\[4ħA`W<IFCPEW04mJ Hz2zLVt7cwwh޹׳¯Rnח \\ 0\\\\\\\\\0 00\\\\\0000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0 00000000h0000000000000000000000000 000000000000 1 0 H00 ]\ 0\\00\\\\\\\\0 \0 *FIRSTMOVE Your first task is to find a suitable^ site and found your capital city.^ The best city sites are near rivers,^ grasslands, coastal areas, or areas^ near special resources.^ *BUILDCITY This spot looks like a good site for a^ city. Select 'Found New City' from the^ ORDERS menu or use the 'b' key to found^ a city here.^ *FIRSTPRODUCT Each of your cities can build additional^ Settlers, military units, or city improve-^ ments to further the growth of your civil-^ ization. Only one item can be in production^ per city. Production orders can be changed^ at any time. Select the item you wish to^ build by clicking the 'CHANGE' button in^ the city information screen which follows.^ *FIRSTCIV Cities also act as centers for trade and^ the flow of information. Your wise men^ and scientists can collect this information^ to acquire important new abilities and^ skills for your civilization. Use the^ following menu to direct their studies:^ *FIRSTUNIT1 You have just built your first military^ unit. Use the keyboard arrows to move^ this unit and the Orders menu to give^ special commands. Military units allow^ you to explore, expand, attack, and^ defend your civilization. *FIRSTUNIT2 Fortify units in your cities to defend^ them against barbarians or enemy armies.^ Settler units can found new cities as well^ as build roads, irrigation, and mines.^ Attack your enemies with Legions, Chariots,^ and Catapults. *MINING This area could produce more resources.^ Mining ('m') these hills will add to the^ production capacity of $US.^ *IRRIGATE This would be a suitable area to build^ irrigation ('i'). More food will help the^ city of $US to grow more rapidly.^ *ROAD This would be a good place to build a^ road. Your units will be able to move^ faster and more trade will be generated^ in the city of $US.^ *MONARCHY You have just acquired knowledge of^ MONARCHY. Under a MONARCHY your citizens^ are more productive but the maintenance^ costs of military units are higher. To^ change your government to a MONARCHY,^ you must first have a Revolution!^ (Revolution: see the GAME Menu).^ *LAND LAND MASS:^ ^ - A planet with a normal land mass will favor a mixture of islands and continents.^ - A planet with a small land mass will tend to have more islands, encouraging isolated and undisturbed civilization development.^ - A planet with a large land mass will tend to have more continents, encouraging more trade and war between civilizations.^ *TEMPERATURE TEMPERATURE:^ ^ - A planet with TEMPERATE temperatures will favor a mixture of all terrain types.^ - A planet with COOL temperatures will favor the formation of Arctic and Tundra terrain at the expense of Desert.^ - A planet with WARM temperatures will favor the formation of Desert terrain at the expense of Tundra and Arctic.^ *CLIMATE CLIMATE:^ ^ - A planet with a NORMAL climate will favor a mixture of all terrain types.^ - A planet with an ARID climate will have more Desert and Plains.^ - A planet with with a WET climate will have more Jungles, Swamps, and Rivers.^ *AGE AGE: ^ - A younger planet has large areas of similar terrain (forests, mountains, etc.) - An older planet has smaller, more broken up features. *HELP1 GENERAL PRINCIPLES: (1)^ ^ Defend your cities with at least one^ (preferably two) good defensive units.^ ^ Strike a balance between improving your^ existing cities and striking out to found^ new cities.^ ^ Don't expand beyond your ability to defend^ yourself; barbarians and hostile armies^ may appear without warning.^ *HELP2 GENERAL PRINCIPLES: (2)^ ^ Make peace with your stronger neighbors.^ Isolate and conquer your weaker neighbors.^ ^ Think about changing your government to^ Monarchy once your cities reach sizes of^ six or seven.^ ^ As your civilization grows don't forget to^ use your Diplomats to learn what your^ opponents are up to. Use Caravans to^ establish trade routes and strengthen^ your economy.^ *DISORDER A city falls into Civil Disorder when^ the number of unhappy citizens exceeds^ the number of happy citizens. Growth^ and production cease while a city is^ in disorder. Remedies for disorder^ include: turning citizens into enter-^ tainers, moving military units into^ the city, building a Temple, Cathedral,^ or Colosseum, increasing the amount of^ trade used for Luxuries. See pp. 66 in^ the manual for more details.^ *SCHISM The $THEM are a large and powerful^ civilization. However, rebel factions^ threaten to start a civil war. If your^ armies can capture their capital city,^ the shock could split the country in two!^ *END *H'ww`19g000000000000000000Z0000yTTT TSSxWSSSS 0SxSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSS_0 00^^ ^^^S8SSSSSa00000000a````00000000 000000000000000r000000005440000ZYYY000 0000ZYYY0000 000010000a```` 000000000  OK <K J   0 00 K  ;000000000000000000000000@ 0 x00w00000000000000000000000000on0000 0000000000000000000 0000000 *NEWSA Lions Defeat Gladiators 7-0! *NEWSB Mayor fiddles as city burns! *NEWSC Earth is round Columbus claims! *NEWSD Latest Olympic Games results! *NEWSE Attila sorry for misunderstanding. *NEWSF Cleopatra's beauty secrets! Section B. *NEWSG Iliad tops bestseller list, see BOOKS. *NEWSH Crusade ends in disaster, Press blamed. *NEWSI Renaissance imminent, scholars claim. *NEWSJ We Love King? Latest poll results. *NEWSK Rain, Rain, more Rain! Noah predicts. *NEWSL Great Wall damaged, Vandals suspected. *NEWSM Nostradamus fortells future: Trouble ahead! *NEWSN Marie Antionette's diet secret: Cake! *EXCHANGE 'We note that your primitive civil-^ ization has not even discovered^ $RPLC1. Do you care^ to exchange knowledge with us?'^ _'No, we do not need $RPLC1.'^ _'OK, let's exchange knowledge.' *CANCEL You have made peace with our evil^ neighbors: the $THEM.^ We $RPLC1 you cancel this treaty^ at once!^ _'Never, the $THEM are our friends.'^ _Cancel treaty with the $THEM. *TRIBUTE 'You are unworthy to make peace^ with us. However, we will agree^ not to crush your puny civilization^ in exchange for $BUCKS$ in tribute.'^ _'We laugh at your empty threats'^ _Pay $BUCKS in tribute^ *TAKECIV 'Your civilization makes us laugh.^ We will agree not to crush your^ worthless civilization in exchange^ for the secret of $RPLC1.'^ _'We ignore your hollow threats'^ _Give secret of $RPLC1 *PEACE 'You may be worthy to make peace^ with us. We have prepared a treaty^ for your signature.'^ _Reject^ _Accept^ *ATTITUDE In spite of your disrespectful^ attitude, we will spare you from^ the wrath of our mighty armies.^ *PROVOKE 'Our patience is exhausted. We^ can no longer tolerate your vile^ provocations. Prepare for WAR!' *REJECT 'You reject our generous offer?^ Your insolence must be punished.^ Prepare for WAR!' *RID 'We have decided to rid the world^ of your worthless civilization.^ Prepare for WAR!' *MOBILIZE 'Very well, we will mobilize our^ armies for WAR! You will pay for^ your foolish pride!' *THREAT You respond: 'We...^ _Welcome peace with the $RPLC1.'^ _Have a military proposal for you.'^ _Demand tribute for our patience.'^ *NOCONTACT We have no contact with the $RPLC1.^ *ATWAR We are already at war with the^ worthless $RPLC1.^ *MERCENARY We will ruthlessly smite the evil^ $RPLC1 in exchange for^ $BUCKS to cover our expenses.^ _Never mind.^ _Yes, we will gladly pay.^ *UNFORTUNATE Unfortunately, your treasury does^ not contain sufficient funds to^ support your extravagant promises.^ *PALACE The people spontaneously decide to recognize^ your many years of enlightened leadership.^ Craftsmen, masons, laborers, and artisans turn^ out to build a fine addition to your palace.^ *HELPME Our civilization is threatened by the^ evil $THEM. Will you help us to repel^ their unprovoked agression? We will^ send you $BUCKS$ to cover your expenses.^ _No, sorry, tough luck.^ _Yes, cancel treaty with $THEM. *CRUSADE We invite you to join our crusade to^ rid the world of the evil $THEM.^ We will $RPLC1 peace treaty^ for the duration of the hostilities.^ _No, not interested.^ _Yes, cancel treaty with $THEM. *GIVECIV In exchange for peace we will share^ with you the secret of $RPLC1.^ _Reject offer^ _Make Peace^ *GIVECASH In exchange for peace we offer^ you $BUCKS$ in tribute to your^ manifest magnificence.^ _Reject offer^ _Make Peace^ *GIVEMORE We present you with a gift of $BUCKS$^ in tribute to your peaceful nature.^ *GROVEL Have mercy on our humble and peace-^ loving civilization. We will give^ you all of our gold ($BUCKS$) and^ knowledge if you let us live in peace.^ _Reject offer^ _Make Peace^ *TREATY We affirm this treaty of eternal^ friendship and goodwill between^ the people of the $RPLC1^ and $US civilizations. *GAPE You are invited to gape with^ awe and amazement as the^ $US demonstrate the wonders^ of $RPLC1. WARNING: Absolutely^ no scribes will be allowed. *LEADER Barbarian leader captured!^ 100$ ransom paid. *ESCHISM The $US empire is swept by^ Civil War triggered by the fall^ of their capital! When the dust^ settles the empire has been split^ into loyal ($US) and^ rebel ($THEM) factions. *QUIZ A usurper claims that you are not the^ rightful king! To prove you are of royal^ birth you must answer this question:^ *QUIZ2 The people laugh at your feeble answer.^ You have one last chance to prove your^ royal birth. Check your Manual carefully.^ *CORRECT Congratulations, you have proven your^ worthiness. May you enjoy a long and^ glorious reign as sovereign.^ *INCORRECT Word of your lack of knowledge spreads^ from town to town. Throughout the^ realm soldiers return to their homes.^ *INIT $RPLC1, you have risen^ to become leader of the^ $US. May your reign^ be long and prosperous.^ The $US have knowledge^ of Irrigation, Mining,^ *TAXES Warning: Funds are running low.^ Perhaps we should raise our tax^ rate or hire some tax collectors.^ *SPACE ^ In the year $RPLC1^ voyagers from the planet Earth^ set forth on a journey^ of cosmic exploration.^ A spaceship populated by^ $BUCKS0,000 $THEM colonists^ successfully bridged the^ vast distances between the stars.^ Arriving in $RPLC2^ at the star system^ Alpha Centauri,^ these intrepid pioneers^ began the colonization^ of a new world.^ $US, your people^ have fulfilled the dream^ of countless generations.^ Your name will live forever^ in the annals of CIVILIZATION!^ *SPACE2 ^ In the year $RPLC1^ voyagers from the planet Earth^ set forth on a journey^ of cosmic exploration.^ A spaceship populated by^ $BUCKS0,000 $THEM colonists^ successfully bridged the^ vast distances between the stars.^ Arriving in $RPLC2^ at the star system^ Alpha Centauri,^ these intrepid pioneers^ began the colonization^ of a new world.^ $US, your people^ have a long and glorious history.^ Perhaps one day, your name^ will also be written^ in the annals of CIVILIZATION.^ *ARCH Centuries later,^ archeologists discover the remains^ of your ancient civilization.^ Evidence of thriving towns,^ $RPLC1, roads,^ and a centralized government^ amaze the startled scientists.^ Finally, they come upon^ a stone tablet, which contains^ but one mysterious phrase:^ $US WILL RETURN!^ *FAME Your final score has been^ entered into the Hall of Fame.^ Do you want to keep playing?^ (No further score will be recorded)^ _No, I'm done.^ _Yes, keep playing.^ *LOMEM There appears to be insufficent ^ memory available in this computer^ for the options you have chosen.^ This may cause problems in display-^ ing animations and saving games.^ To reduce the memory required:^ 1) Remove any TSR or other memory-^ resident programs in your computer.^ 2) select the IBM or No Sound^ drivers instead of Roland or AdLib,^ 3) select EGA instead of VGA/MCGA.^ .^ MEM AVAIL=$RPLC1, MEM NEEDED=8000^ Continue at your own risk!^ *D1 Plague in $RPLC1!^ Scores perish!^ Citizens demand AQUEDUCT.^ *D2 Floods strike $RPLC1!^ Houses washed away.^ Citizens demand CITY WALLS.^ *D3 Volcano erupts near $RPLC1!^ Citizens flee in terror.^ Citizens demand TEMPLE.^ *D4 Famine strikes $RPLC1!^ Scores perish.^ *D5 Fire sweeps through $RPLC1!^ $US destroyed.^ Citizens demand AQUEDUCT.^ *D6 Pirates plunder $RPLC1!^ Production halted, Food Stolen.^ Citizens demand BARRACKS.^ *REV Are you sure you want a REVOLUTION?^ _No thanks.^ _Yes, we need a new government.^ *UMAX Sire, our population can not^ support so many military units.^ We must eliminate some of our old^ units before we build new ones. *PMAX Sire, our bureaucrats can not^ administer so many cities.^ We must remove some of our old^ cities before we build new ones. *END *END #! 'u\aaaaaaaaaavaaa 00{aa3a0 00'r#Q 000J/Qsrrrr0 r00rrrrrrrrer 000%F5s=\0 r00rrr9rrrrrrArrr 0ba00aaa&a'a0 0 *Temple *Cathedral *Colosseum The people are unhappy.^ We should build a $RPLC1. *Barracks We should build a $RPLC1^ to produce veteran units. *Granary We should build a $RPLC1^ to encourage city growth.^ *MarketPlace *Bank We should build a $RPLC1^ to improve the economy.^ *Library *University We should build a $RPLC1^ to increase our knowledge.^ *Courthouse We should build a $RPLC1^ to reduce corruption. *City Walls We should build a $RPLC1^ to protect our city. *Aqueduct We should build a $RPLC1^ to let our city grow. *Mass Transit *Recycling Cntr. We should build a $RPLC1^ to help reduce pollution. *Factory *Mfg. Plant *Power Plant *Hydro Plant *Nuclear Plant We should build a $RPLC1^ to increase productivity. *SDI Defense We should build a $RPLC1. *SS Structural *SS Component *SS Module We should build a $RPLC1^ to colonize other worlds. *Settlers We should build $RPLC1^ to colonize this continent. *Militia *Phalanx *Musketeers *Riflemen *Mech. Inf. We should build $RPLC1^ to defend our cities. *Legion *Cavalry *Knights *Catapult *Cannon *Chariot *Armor *Artillery *Fighter *Bomber We should build a $RPLC1^ to attack our enemies. *Trireme *Sail We should build $RPLC1s^ to explore the world. *Frigate *Ironclad *Cruiser *Battleship *Submarine We should build $RPLC1s^ to rule the seas. *Carrier *Transport *Nuclear We should build a $RPLC1.^ *Diplomat We should build a $RPLC1^ to make contact with other^ civilizations. *Caravan We should build a $RPLC1^ to establish trade routes^ with other civilizations. *END Okf.w}%KIkwFmbr w @rKhjO>X_41mTtMmS}V=y}(?p }';("fCp7 !бOj==djo +}Ӻ!d)]6 r O`&#!E (CϦue 87e͙|xoS4OZ#z #œB>JJ6¶Nh h Νi^'+V&PrIC^牪a #{zIimDhYIzʭ{H$bj)KHh?'] E'%:ŀPN}S$ |W>fUlvnd@ew`$a/`ʃ*S'b6uGj iHU6.:Ѽ49r5Nչ07~IiW=тXe"2/b\^,KoN'<$r,%H1m"nOUndCdd\˝\JQ3Anfu<ߊދBS/Pd9rL_:6 S}x\@w@Da3?RW.vһ0J'_ 6no04m?WG=o7“~T>|{K+J2ر,fCZi _`'ݚvTLXkP., f=zFFH \Pyso,ppIGM }ښwqNYu$#1U7 5LUa|_yE FYQ}>-Zj-b|̌gCVƨ"?qljm{POGjK&=iWżKŧ9 ŋE)~46c M ySX^qΈ ̤D\5^LGU+r%Usf NKzFK#I"sv_"o7NJ֣,J0~֨Trr C|9<"8~x^\F0eW˹f΃ٙQ['gηP+/I9t,1DI@u\**Tŷ_) 1%,Itr ԋ[$ɓ>;M)L Ħ y(JTX%.v]ԮYH,I vyc?kY]_ ++ѓXu{Aw1DEJn;Mz"3I-.%7kY(PI3|1R>~]\ x?nt,t҉,Nv? 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