E*#fDD#:$ ОD·k▓Ы"+ l:SIMCITY city name:HERESVILLE m_________________nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnGame Play LevelEasyMediumHardOKNow Terraforming File Options Disasters Windows About SimCity...-------------------- Desk Accessory 1 Desk Accessory 2 Desk Accessory 3 Desk Accessory 4 Desk Accessory 5 Desk Accessory 6 Load Scenario... ^P Start New City---------------------- Load City... ^L Save ^S Save As...---------------------- Quit Auto-Bulldoze Auto-Budget Auto-Goto Sound On Speed... Animate all Fire Flood Air Crash Tornado Earthquake Monster------------- Disable Maps ^M Graphs ^G Budget... ^B Edit Evaluation... ^ESimCity the city simulator, V1.00Will Wright 1989Copyright Maxis Software,Concept & design : Will WrightAtari ST programming : Mark RollAtari ST sound : David WhittakerFor more information contact :Infogrames84 Rue Du 1er Mars 194369100 VilleurbanneFrance Ok Select SpeedFast 3Average 2Slow 1Pause 0Dullsville, USA 1900-Things haven't changed much aroundhere in the last hundred years orso and the residents are beginningto get bored. They think Dullsvillecould be the next great city withthe right leader. It is your job toattract new growth and development,turning Dullsville into aMetropolis within thirty years.ContinueSan Francisco, CA. 1906-Damage from the earthquake was minorcompared to that of the ensuingfires, which took days to control.1500 people died. Controlling thefires should be your initial concern.Then clear the rubble and start re-building. You have five years.ContinueHamburg, Germany 1944-Allied fire-bombing of German citiesin WWII caused tremendous damage andloss of life. People living in theinner cities were at greatest risk.You must control the firestormsduring the bombing and then rebuildthe city after the war. You havefive years.ContinueBern, Switzerland 1965-The roads here are becoming morecongested every day, and theresidents are upset. They demandthat you do something about it.Some have suggested a mass transitsystem as the answer, but thiswould require major rezoning inthe downtown area. You haveten years.ContinueTokyo, Japan 1957-A large reptilian creature has beenspotted heading for Tokyo bay. Itseems to be attracted to the heavylevels of industrial pollution. Tryto control the fires, then rebuildthe industrial centre. You have fiveyears.ContinueDetroit, MI. 1972-By 1970, competition from overseasand other economic factors pushedthe once automobile capital of theworld into recession. Plummeting landand unemployment then increased crimein the inner-city to dramatic levels.You have ten years to reduce crimeand rebuild the industrial base ofthe city.ContinueBoston, MA. 2010-A major meltdown is about to occurat one of the new downtown nuclearreactors. The area in the vicinityof the reactor will be severelycontaminated by radiation, forcingyou to restructure the city aroundit. You have five years to get thesituation under control.ContinueRio de Janeiro, Brazil 2047-By the mid-21st century, the green-house effect increased global temp-eratures about four degrees F. Polaricecaps melted and raised sea levelsworldwide. Coastal areas weredevastated by flood and erosion. Youhave ten years to turn this swampback into a city again.Continue City Evaluation1900PUBLIC OPINIONSTATISTICSIs the mayordoing a good job?100% YES% NOWhat are theworst problems?100Population-2,147,483,647Net Migration(last month)Assessed Value-$2,147,483,647Category:megalopolisGame LevelMedium-2,147,483,647Overall City Score (0 - 1000)current score : annual change-1000-1000100% housing costs100% housing costs100% housing costs100% housing costs100%21121Fiscal BudgetTax RateTaxes collected$1,000,000AmountAmountFundingRequestedAllocatedLevel100%100%100%TransPoliceFire$1,000,000$1,000,000$1,000,000$1,000,000$1,000,000$1,000,000Cash FlowPrevious FundsCurrent Funds$1,000,000$1,000,000$1,000,000Go with these figuresSelect type ofpower stationCoalNuclearContinueTRAFFIC WARNING-Traffic in thiscity is expanding. The commutersare getting militant. Highwayshootings are on the rise. Eitherbuild more roads and rails or geta bulletproof limo.ContinueCRIME ALERTand vandalizing the central city. Thepresident will send in the nationalguard soon if you cannot control theproblem.out of hand. Angry mobs are looting- Crime in your city isContinueNUCLEAR MELTDOWN-A nuclear meltdownhas occurred at your power plant.You are advised to avoid the areauntil the radioactive isotopes decay.Many generations will confront thisproblem before it goes away so don'thold your breath.ContinueYOU'RE A WINNER- Your mayorial skilland city planning expertise haveearned you the KEY TO THE CITY. Localresidents will erect monuments toyour glory and name their first-bornchildren after you. Why not run forgovernor?IMPEACHMENT NOTICE- The entirepopulation of this city has finallyhad enough of your inept planningand incompetant management. An angrymob - lead by your mother - has beenspotted in the vicinity of city hall.You should seriously consider takingan extended vacation - NOW. (Or readthe manual and try again).ContinueContinueMONSTER ATTACK- A large reptiliancreature has been spotted in thewater. It seems to be attracted toareas of high pollution. There is atrail of destruction wherever itgoes. As a last resort try callingOther than that wait till it leavesthen rebuild from the rubble.POLLUTION ALERT- Pollution in yourcity has exceeded the maximumallowable amounts established bythe SimCity pollution agency. Youare running the risk of graveecological consequences. Eitherclean up your act or open a gasmask concession at city hall.ContinueMEGALOPOLIS - Congratulations, youhave reached the highest categoryof urban development, the mega-lopolis. If you manage to reachthis level give us a call at MAXISor send us a copy of your city. Wemight do something interesting withit.ContinueMETROPOLIS - Your capital city hasnow achieved the status of metro-polis. The current population is100,000. With your planning skills,you should consider running forgovernor, or maybe VLSI design.ContinueCAPITAL- Your current city hasbecome a capital. The currentpopulation here is 50,000. Yourpolitical future looks bright.ContinueCITY- Your town has grown into afull sized city, with a currentpopulation of 10,000. Keep up thegood work!ContinueTOWN- Congratulations, your villagehas grown to town status. You nowhave 2,000 citizens.ContinueNuclear Power PlantDensity:Value:Crime:Pollution:Growth:SparseSparseSparseSparseSparsePopulation DensityPopulation GrowthPolice ProtectionFire ProtectionEnter population of cityPage : 0123456789ABCDE_______________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXCOPYPROTECT FAILED:Beware a city's wrath!ContinueContinueCongratulations, you passed.[3][ SimCity will only run|in low resolution mode!][Sorry][3][ The current city will be|abandoned - save it if you|wish to retain any changes !][Save|Abandon|Cancel][2][ Overwrite|%s][Yes|No][3][This is not a City file !][Ok][3][Cannot save City file !][Ok][3][ Cannot find scenario file.|Insert master disk in drive %c][Ok|Cancel]Select file for SimCity loadSelect file for SimCity save[3][GEM does not have|any windows left,|SimCity aborting][Sorry]Enter name of cityEnter population of city∙$АzSЁ$АIАА р· ?ЁOАА Й@$АP°А шАDАQА Ёў`OЁVА ╚HА8 └KЁKД&JРHИ!А ?KЁHР JРY а @└KЁF└ └ А@@JР@@А └R░A  АААААААААААААА    ААЁак▒обк▒ААААААА    АААААААААААААА    А А А А А А А ААААААА    АААААААА А А А А А А     ААААААА                  ААААААА                  ААААААА    А А А А А А А А А А А А А А     ААААААА                                                                                                    А А А А А А А     А А А А А А А                 Ф╧;WzЫч  ! b u$78"q  9K]Vq  oАq  БЖЗ"~  ИПР"~  СЦЧ"~  ШЫЬ"~ ■Эоп2q   ,-q".?@qA[\q]|}q~Яаq!б┬├q!─уфqхЁёq Є  q  q!()q*12q3@A`   BLM"~ NXY"~ Zde"~ fpq"~ rИЙКопq$░╘╒Dq$╓·√q$№ !q$"FGq$Hlmq$nТУq$Фопq░╨╤q ╥█▄"~ ■ ▌Ўўq°q& EFq%Gmnq&oХЦq&Ч╜╛q&┐хцq&чq"~ ■ *+q,QRq%Sxyq%zЯаq%б╞╟q%╚ьэq$юq%:;q%<HIq JST"~ ■ UmnqoТУq#Ф╡╢q!╖┌█q#▄  q#  $ %q# & I Jq# K n oq# p М Нq О Щ Ъq  Ы д е"~ ■  ж ╣ ║q ╗ р сDq% т  Dq% . /q% 0 U Vq% W | }q% ~ г дq% е м нq о ╖ ╕"~ ■  ╣ ╠ ═q ╬ Ї їq& Ў  q&  D Eq& F l mq& n Ф Хq& Ц ╝ ╜q& ╛ ф хq& ц q&   q   # $"~ ■  % 7 8q 9 \ ]q# ^ Б Вq# Г ж зq# и ╦ ╠q# ═ Ё ёq# Є  q#  : ;q# < U Vq W ` a"~ ■  b  Аq Б ж зq% и ═ ╬q% ╧ Ї їq% Ўq%>?q!@efq%gМНq%Ожзqи▒▓"~ ■ │─┼q╞╦╠q═▄▌q▐щъq ы°∙q ·  qqq#$q%23q 4DEqFJKqLWXq YhiqjxyqzЗИq ЙШЩqЪклqм╢╖q ╕─┼q ╞╤╥q ╙┌█q▄ыьqэ  q +,q-34q5;<q=QRqSghqi}~qУФqХЩЪrЫЭЮЯежqз╡╢q╖└┴q ┬╥╙q╘▀рq сшщrъёЄqє√№r¤q  r r!"y#%&'+,y-/0156y79:;ABrCJKrLQRrS^_r `klr mxyr zЕЖr ЗТУr ФЯаr блмq н╝╜q╛╠═q╬┘┌q █цчq шєЇq ї  "~ Т~,-~.34"~5=>"~?HI"~ ■ JZ[q\mnqoРСq!Т░▒q▓╘╒q"╓°∙q"·q"~ ■ '(q )OPq&Quvq$wЬЭq%Юзиq й═╬q$╧шщqъєЇ"~ ■ їqq@Aq"Bdeq"fМНq&О▓│q$┤┘┌q%█эюqя°∙"~ ■ ·  q "#q$EFq!Gmnq&oСТq"У╕╣q%║▐▀q$ръыq ь qq 45q$6XYq"ZАq%Бжзq%и╬╧q&╨їЎq%ўq%9:q;DE"~ ■ FOP"~ ■ Q`aqbvwqxЫЬq#Э└┴q#┬цчq$ш  q! ./q#0TUq$VtuqvЖЗqИЬЭqЮ╝╜q╛▀рq!сq"#$q%EFq Gghq iЗИqЙТУ"~ ■ Фабq в║╗q╝▐▀q"рq "#q $GHq#Ilmq#nТУa$ФШЩqЪгд"~ ■ е░▒q ▓╦╠q═яЁq"ёq!89q$:Z[q \|}q ~ЗИ"~ ■ ЙСТqУлмqн═╬q ╧яЁq ёq "~ ■ #$q%BCqDfgq"hКЛq"МЧШq Щвг"~ ■ дйкqл╦╠q ═ёЄq$є q "~ ■ )*+45 6=>?FGHST U]^_fghopqxyzБВГКЛМЯа"~б│┤"~╡╟╚"~╔┘┌"~█ЇїqЎ■ q q0DEqF]^q_hiU} jst"~ uТУq О !Z!z!Ъ!║!┌!·"":"Z"z"Ъ"║"┌"·#DRD`DnD|DКDШDжD┤D┬D╨D▐Dь  !q    #f    #В    #Ю    #║    #╓    #Є    '$   1▒ё     $*  ZZ&     ░     │     ║      ─      ╨  +(       ┌     э             ,    A    V     k     А    Ц    з    ╛    ╘    ъ    ў    "!          %    3     ?!    J    U+#*  $    c %    j &    r '    ~ (    И )    Х *    Я "    н ,0 -    ╖.    ╩/    ▌0    Ё+     ў  Aq& ¤A$ ё"    $F!    $b     $~   q"    $Ъ     $╢     $╥   ё "     $ю     %      %&    %B    %^      '%z   !■     %Ц       %▓      %╬      %ъ     5 &    !ё%    &"    &>#    &Z#    &v#    &Т#    &о#    &╩#     &ц #     '      '     '':    !ё'    'V    'r%    'О$    'к%    '╞%    'т%    '■%     (     '(6    !ё&    (R    (n$    (К$    (ж$    (┬$    (▐#    (·$     ) $     )2     ')N    !ё$    )j    )Ж"    )в     )╛"    )┌"    )Ў"    *"     *. 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