Game Icons by AtFaCT Factory for Klapauzius's Patched Atari ST Games Last Updated 05/05/2012 Introduction ------------ For some time now Klapauzius has been patching Atari ST games to make them run on all kind of Atari machines and emulators. Additionally, you can run those games under multitasking operating systems and from a hard disk. Recently, he started to make them compatible with the popular Falcon accelerator CT60/63 by Rodolphe Czuba and to screen enhancers and CTPCI graphics cards. AtFaCT Factory decided to support this awesome work by supplying game icons for Atari desktops. All icons are hand-drawn and not simply copies from game screenshots or icon libraries. They are specially designed for our Atari platform. Even though the icons use just 16 colours, all and everything was done to make them good-looking representations of the games. Each game icon set contains several icons: a big one in two variants for the display on the desktop; a program, folder and file icon (if a data file is used by the game) for the display in directory windows; and a mini-icon for a text or mini-icon display mode. Please note that not all desktops can use special desktop icons or mini-icons. Requirements ------------ - A third-party desktop since the original built-in Atari Desktop up to TOS version 3 does not support colour icons and a flexible icon assignment, and even TOS 4.0x is not really a help as its desktop is restricted to icons not larger than 32x32 pixels. - As all game icons are designed with the NVDI 5 colour palette, your desktop has to set this palette or you must install the Atari VDI replacement NVDI 5, else the game icons will not look as intended. (Of course, Klapauzius's patched Atari ST games are compatible with NVDI.) - Unless you use the desktop jinnee, you need a resource editor, such as Interface or ResourceMaster, to add the game icons to the icon resource file of your desktop. How to install the game icons? ------------------------------ The following sections describe the procedure on installing the game icons for the most popular desktops: - jinnee Just copy the game resource file into the folder Icons of the jinnee directory and assign them to the game files with jinnee's icon manager jicons (menu entry 'Special > Icon manager'). For further information on how to assign the icons, see jinnee's documentation. The desktop jinnee can use different icons for display of objects in the directory windows and on the desktop. In addition, jinnee can display mini-icons. - Thing In order to use the game icons with Thing, you have to copy them to Thing's icon resource file Icons.rsc. It usually contains two object trees: normal icons (tree 1) and mini-icons (tree 2). Load Icons.rsc and the game icon resource file into your RSC file editor. Open the object trees of Icons.rsc and the tree of the game icons. Select the larger game icons you want to use, copy them and add them to any free area within the frame of the first opened tree of Icons.rsc. The smaller ones (16x16 pixels) have to be copied into the second tree. Since each icon must include a unique text label (this refers to the text rectangle below the icon, and not to some kind of 'label' or 'name' that may be assigned to it by the resource editor), make sure the label of a game icon is not used by any other icon in Icons.rsc. Thing uses the labels to find the icons in the resource. There is an exception, though. To assign a mini-icon to the corresponding normal icon, the mini-icon text labels must be identical to the corresponding ones of the normal icons. Like jinnee, Thing can display, depending on the display mode, a normal icon or a mini-icon for the same file. As the text label of the mini-icon is not identical to the corresponding regular sized icon in the supplied game icon resource file, you must change it in Icons.rsc. Finally, you must assign the new game icons to the game files with the Thing Icon Manager (ThingICN). For further information, see its documentation. - Tera Desktop (TeraDesk) If you want to display the game icons with TeraDesk, you must add them to TeraDesk's icon resource file CIcons.rsc. It is almost the same procedure as with Thing: load CIcons.rsc and the game icon resource file into your RSC file editor. Open the object tree of CIcons.rsc and the tree of the game icons by double-clicking them so that you see the icons. Select the larger game icons, copy them and add them to any free area within the frame of the opened tree of CIcons.rsc. Unfortunately, the mini-icons (16x16 pixels) are not useful because, unlike jinnee or Thing, TeraDesk can not display mini-icons instead of the corresponding normal icons. And please note that the maximum size of icon resource files for TeraDesk must not exceed 64 KB. The icons are identified by the text label (this refers to the text rectangle below the icon, and not to some kind of 'label' or 'name' that may be assigned to it by the resource editor), so check that the label of a game icon is not used by another icon in CIcons.rsc. If so, change the label. The game icons can now assigned to the corresponding game files with the menu entries 'Options > Set desk icons' and 'Options > Set window icons'. For further information, see TeraDesk's documentation. Contact ------- If you have any questions or comments regarding the game icons, or any other Atari related stuff, or you want me to add the game icons to the icon resource file of your desktop, you can contact me via e-mail at