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NOTES: - This is the first patch to utilize a new core, which allows AES games (games using GEM menus, GEM windows, etc.) to be launched from any screen resolution and not just the one they had been intended to run in. This also makes it possible to implement snapshot save/load with AES games. While this adds some convenience there are a few minor downsides as well: - the GEM file selector for load/save operations is restricted to the start directory. You can't change drive/path while your're playing. When running from hard drive/SD card, copy the city files you might want to load to the game directory before launching the game. When you're running from floppy you may still change floppies during the game for city load/save. - the game takes a bit longer to initialize The file OS.DAT is actually a modified TOS 1.04. Some future patches of AES games will use the same file, so to save on diskspace you may also put this file in a directory "C:\KLAZ". You may delete OS.DAT from the game directory then. TRAINER OPTIONS: - When you select the trainer, all buildings, bulldozing, roads, etc. will be free of charge. Additionally, there's also a built-in cheat: hold down SHIFT and type MONEY This will add $10,000 to your funds, but will also cause an earthquake every fifth time you do it. MEMORY SNAPSHOTS: - Memory snapshots can be saved/loaded anytime with the following execptions: - the 'roadsign' title screen - the scenario selection screen - while terraforming - when the GEM file selector is on screen - when there's a GEM menu dropped down You may still issue snapshot save/load requests at these points which will then be processed at a later point. There may be a delay until loading/saving actually starts when the program is busy loading or unpacking data. Klaz, February 2012 / CT60 fix: March 2012 -J -J Here's the original manual, taken from lemonamiga.com with thanks again. I had to do lots of editing in this case, as the Atari ST and Amiga versions differ in some repects. There's also some hints on city building, starting after the manual. SIM CITY - MANUAL = TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION  PAGE Foreword.04 About System Simulations. 4 The Goals of SimCity.$5 II. GETTING STARTED Simulator Reaction Time.!7 Tutorial - A Walk Through Your City.7 III. USER REFERENCE.114 Menus.214 The Editor Window.&17 The Budget Window.&22 The Maps/Graphs Window.!24 The Evaluation Window."29 Disasters..30 Scenarios..31 Game Play Level.(31 Growing a City.)31 User Reference Card.$33 Keyboard Reference Chart.34 IV. INSIDE SIMCITY; HOW THE SIMULATOR WORKS.35 Zones..35 Population - Residential.35 External Market - Industrial.36 Internal Market - Commercial.36 Tax Rate./36 Budgeting..37 Power.237 Transportation - Traffic.38 Pollution..38 Crime.239 Land Value.-39 V. THE HISTORY OF CITIES AND CITY PLANNING.40 VI. BIBLIOGRAPHY.350 I N T R O D U C T I O N "FOREWORD Enter SimCity and take control. Become the undisputed ruler of a sophisticated real-time City Simulation. Take control of San Francisco 1906, just before the great quake or Tokyo 1957, just before a monster attack. Show your pioneering spirit. Start with virgin territory and create a living, growing city. The quality of life in your city depends on you. Zone land, balance budgets, install utilities, manipulate economic markets, control crime, traffic and pollution, and overcome natural disasters. Your city is populated by Sims - simulated citizens. Like their human counterparts, they build houses, condos, churches, stores and factories. And, also like humans, they complain about things like taxes, mayors, taxes, city planners, and taxes. They let you know if they need more housing, better transportation, an airport or a sports stadium. If they get too unhappy, they move out; if you collect excess taxes, the city deteriorates. ABOUT SYSTEM SIMULATIONS SimCity is the first of a new type of entertainment/education software, called SYSTEM SIMULATIONS. We provide you with a set of RULES and TOOLS that describe, create and control a system. In the case of SimCity the system is a city. The challenge of playing a SYSTEM SIMULATION game is to figure out how the system works and how to take control of it. As master of the system you are free to use the TOOLS to create and control an unlimited number of systems (in this case cities) within the framework and limits provided by the RULES. In SimCity, the RULES to learn are based on city planning and management, including: Human factors - residential space and amenities, availability of jobs, and quality of life; Economic factors - land value, industrial and commercial space, unemployment, internal and external markets, electric power, taxation, and funding for city services; Survival factors - strategies for dealing with disasters, crime and pollution; Political factors - public opinion, zoning, and keeping residents and businesses satisfied with your city and your performance. The TOOLS provide you with the ability to plan, layout, zone, build, bulldoze, rezone and manage a city. PLAN - Mapping systems give physical and demographic overviews of the entire city. LAYOUT - Design living and working areas, road and transit systems and recreational areas. ZONE - Set zoning boundaries for parks, residential, commercial and industrial areas. BULLDOZE - Clear forests for city growth, build landfill along waterways, clear and rezone developed areas. MANAGE - Using the mapping and graphing systems, gather up-to-date information on traffic density, population trends, power grid status, pollution, crime, land value, police and fire department efficiency and cash flow. Set the tax rate and funding levels for city services. But the most important TOOL of all is the Simulator itself. Test your plans and ideas as you watch the city grow or shrink through the immigration and emigration of industrious Simulated Citizens. Sims will move in and build homes, hospitals, churches, stores and factories in the zones you provide, or move out in search of jobs or a better life elsewhere. The success of the city is based on the quality of the city you design and manage. THE GOALS OF SIMCITY There are many goals to be pursued and reached in SimCity. SCENARIOS Each of the eight included Scenarios is actually a game in itself, with an unlimited number of ways to win - or lose. Each Scenario is a city which is either the victim of horrible planning or about to become the victim of a natural disaster. After you load in a Scenario, you will have a limited amount of time to correct or repair the problem. If you are successful you will be given the key to the city. If not, you may be ridden out of town on a rail. If one strategy doesn't work, try another. And another. There are a million stories in each city, and you write them. YOUR DREAM CITY Perhaps the main goal of SimCity is for you to design, manage, and maintain the city of your dreams. Your ideal place to live may be a bustling metropolis, lots of people, lots of cars, tall buildings, high-energy, high-density living. Or it may be a small rural community, or a linked group of small communities providing slow paced country living. As long as your city can provide places for people to live, work, shop and play, it will attract residents. And as long as traffic, pollution, overcrowding crime or taxes don't drive them away, your city will live. "GETTING STARTED SIMULATION REACTION TIME The simulator is a very complex multi-tasking piece of software. It is continually performing many checks, calculations, and updates, as well as keeping a watch on the mouse and keyboard to respond to your demands. When you load in a City, give the simulator a few minutes to compile its data and update the maps, graphics, population levels, etc. Some of the other times when the simulator lags behind you are: powering zones and updating the city services map after installing police and fire stations. TUTORIAL - A WALK THROUGH YOUR CITY NOTE: In SimCity, use the LEFT mouse button, unless otherwise noted. The RIGHT button activates the BULLDOZER function while in the Editor Window, so don't press it unless you mean it. After a few seconds, the "Welcome to SimCity" roadsign will appear. It displays the following options: START A NEW CITY, LOAD A CITY, and SELECT A SCENARIO. Click START NEW CITY. You are given a choice of GAME PLAY LEVEL. Click EASY. You will be asked to name your city. Go ahead and name it, or accept the default name HERESVILLE. Click the OK box when you are done. You will soon see a small notice window that informs you that the program is terraforming a new city. Once the terraforming has completed you are in the EDIT WINDOW, looking at a close-up view of the area box in the MAPS WINDOW. Note the icons on the left. They work just like icons in various draw and paint programs. At the top of the EDITOR WINDOW is the Title Bar. This displays the name of the city, the date and your available city funds. There are also the usual GEM window gadgets to move the window around on your screen or resize it. To scroll the terrain under the EDITOR WINDOW, move the pointer to the arrow boxes and click and hold the left button. Cursor keys can also be used to scroll. Your available land is made of three types of territory. The brown areas are clear land, the green areas are forests and shrubs and the blue areas are water. You can build only on clear land. You can clear forest and extend coastlines with your bulldozer. You can run roads, rails and power across water. To clear the terrain, click the bulldozer icon. The "pointer" is a small square, outlining the area that will be bulldozed every time you click the mouse. Move your bulldozer pointer over some forest land and click. The forest section under your pointer is now clear land. Now, hold the button down and move slowly across the forest. Mass destruction. Clear a large area of land to prepare for building. To begin a city we need three things: places for Sims to live, places for Sims to work, and power. Click the Residential icon (the house), then move back to your terrain. Your pointer is now a larger square outline. This outline indicates how much clear space you will need to create a residential zone - a place for Sims to live. Clicking the left mouse button in clear terrain "zones" the land. The "R" in the center of the zone indicates that it is a residential zone. The flashing lightning symbol indicates that the zone has no power. Place a few more residential zones adjacent to the first one. If you have trouble placing a zone, make sure it is on open land. You cannot zone on water, trees or over other zones (unless you have the Auto-Bulldoze option checked - more on that later). Now decide where to position a power plant in your city. Point to the power plant icon and click the mouse button. A small menu will appear, giving you the option of choosing a coal or nuclear plant. For now, choose the coal power plant. The outline for the power plant is even larger than for the residential zone. Place the Power Plant in some open space near your residential zones. If your power plant is not directly adjacent to a zone, you will have to run a power line from your power plant to the residential zone. To do this, click the power line icon. Using your mouse pointer and button, lay power lines from your power plant to your residential zones. Adjacent power line sections will automatically connect themselves to one another. Roadways and transit lines connect in the same manner. In a moment, the flashing symbols will disappear, indicating that your zones have been powered. Any zones that are adjacent to a powered zone do not need separate power lines run to them. Soon you will see small houses start to appear. The Sims have started to move in. When you zone land, you designate where building is allowed. It is the Sims who actually build. Now that you have a few residential zones, you're ready for Commercial and Industrial areas; places for the Sims to work, shop and transact business. Select the Commercial Icon (several buildings) and place a few Commercial Zones near your residential ones. Then select the Industrial Icon (the factory) and map out some Industrial Zones. Connect all necessary power lines. NOTE: There is a delay between the time you connect power to a zone and the time the flashing lightning symbol disappears. This delay gets longer as your city gets larger. Notice that as you select different icons, the icon's description and its associated cost will be displayed in the box just above the Icons. The message bar across the top of the EDIT WINDOW displays your total funds available. If you do not have enough money in your treasury to pay for a certain function, that icon will be "ghosted" on your screen and is unavailable for use. Now, click the Road icon and add roads from your residential housing to the commercial and industrial areas to allow the Sims to commute to work. Road sections connect themselves like power line sections. Once you have roads, traffic will be generated. Now move the mouse pointer to the WINDOW MENU, and select the BUDGET WlNDOW. This is where you set the level of funding for your fire, police and trans- portation departments. Click the up or down arrows to change the funding level. You can also adjust the current property tax rate. If you have no police or fire departments, you can't fund them. You cannot fund more than 100%. Click the GO WITH THESE FIGURES box when you are done. Now select MAPS from the WINDOWS MENU to go to the MAPS WINDOW. By clicking on the icons along the left, you can see different demographic views of your city. You will need this information to build and adjust conditions in your city. For example, you can pinpoint the areas with the highest crime to determine locations for new police stations. Now select GRAPHS from the WINDOWS MENU to go to the GRAPHS WINDOW. Additional information can be gained by cycling through the available Graphs. Unlike the maps, which only show the current state of your city, the graphs give you a record of the past so you can gauge trends and cycles. This is all the basic information you need to run SimCity, but we suggest reading on. The User Reference explains in detail how to use each program function. Inside SimCity explains the inner workings of the simulator and gives some hints and tips for using it. There is also an essay on The History of Cities and City Planning and a Bibliography for serious City Planners. USER REFERENCE ~  MENUS SimCity Menus follow the standard Atari ST GEM interface. Use the LEFT mouse button to activate and select menu items. ATARI MENU: ABOUT brings up a screen giving fascinating and vital information about SimCity and Maxis. FILE MENU: LOAD SCENARIO brings up a menu of available SCENARIOS to load and run. START NEW CITY generates a new, empty terrain. Clears existing city (if any) from memory. You will first be given the option to save your current city, go ahead or cancel. You will next be given a chance to set the GAME PLAY LEVEL, and then name your city. LOAD CITY brings up the standard Atari ST GEM file selector, allowing you to load a previously saved city. SAVE will save your current city without asking for the name of the saved file first. SAVE AS brings up the standard Atari ST GEM file selector allowing you to save  the scenario or city-in-progress for later use. Once you have loaded a secnario, it can be saved and reloaded, like any city, without the impending disaster. QUIT ends SimCity. OPTIONS MENU: The options in this window stay with the simulation, not with the city. AUTO-BULLDOZE allows you to place zones, roadways, etc., directly on top of trees and shoreline without manually bulldozing first. You will be charged the same as for manual bulldozing. AUTO-BUDGET keeps your budget at the same percentage setings without asking for approval every year. AUTO-GOTO automatically transports you to the scene of a disaster or major event. SOUND ON toggles the city sounds on and off. Defaults to the "on" position. The simulation runs slightly faster with the sound off. SPEED brings up a sub-menu allowing you to set the simulation speed. FAST sets city time to maximum speed. MEDIUM is the default setting, about three times slower than FAST. SLOW sets the speed about seven times slower than FAST. PAUSED stops time. Zoning and building are possible in paused time. NOTE: The fast setting will always run at the maximum speed your machine is capable of. DISASTERS MENU: The DISASTERS MENU allows you to set natural disasters loose in your city. Use these disasters to test your ability to deal with emergencies in your city or just to release some aggression. More information on disasters, their causes, and dealing with them is presented later. **WARNING** It is a good idea to save your city to disk before you set a disaster loose - just in case. FIRE starts a fire somewhere within the city limits. FLOOD causes a flood to occur near the water. AlR CRASH causes a plane to crash. If there are no planes in the air, one will be generated. TORNADO causes a tornado to appear within the city limits. EARTHQUAKE causes a MAJOR earthquake. MONSTER sets a monster loose in your city. DISABLE will disable most disasters. WINDOWS MENU: MAPS brings the MAPS WlNDOW. GRAPHS brings the GRAPHS WlNDOW. BUDGET brings up the BUDGET WINDOW. EDIT brings the main EDITOR WINDOW to the front. EVALUATION brings up the EVALUATION WINDOW. THE EDITOR WINDOW This is where all actual zoning and building takes place. TERRAIN There are three types of terrain in the EDITOR WINDOW. The brown area is open land, where you can zone and build. The green areas are trees and forests. You cannot zone or build on green areas. You may BULLDOZE trees and forests to turn it into clear land. While some bulldozing is necessary, clearing away too much green area will result in lower property values. The blue area is water. You cannot zone or build on water. You must bulldoze coastlines to create landfills before you can build or zone there. Roads and power lines can be laid across water, with no turns or intersections. EDITOR WINDOW GADGETS TITLE BAR displays city name. Clicking and dragging the Title Bar allows you to relocate the EDIT WINDOW. The MESSAGE BAR, located directly below the Title Bar displays status messages to you from the simulator and demand messages from the Sims themselves. GOTO BUTTON (the eye) takes you to the scene of a disaster or major event mentioned in the Message Bar. ICONS along the left are for the editing functions. The ICON TITLE BOX, located just above the Icons gives the name and cost of the selected icon. EDITOR WINDOW CONTROLS The MOUSE is used to activate Icons. The LEFT mouse button is used to select icons and place items. The RIGHT mouse button performs the Bulldozer function, regardless of the active icon. The CURSOR KEYS will also cause scrolling. Q - (Query) - Hold down the "Q" key while clicking on parts of your city to bring up a status box identifying the spot (zone, road, terrain, etc.), and giving information on Population Density, Land Value, Crime Rate, Pollution and Growth. B, R, T and P are shortcut keys. No matter which icon is selected, if you Push and hold down the "B" key, you will be in active Bulldozer mode. Release the "B" key to return control to the selected icon. The "R" key activtes Roadbuilding mode in the same way. The "T" key activates Transit line building, and the "P" key puts you in Power line mode. EDITOR WINDOW ICONS Active Icons are highlighted. Ghosted Icons are unavailable due to lack of funds. When an Icon is selected a rectangle will accompany the pointer to indicate the size and area of land that will be affected. BULLDOZER clears trees and forests, creates landfill along the water, levels developed, existing zones and clears rubble caused by disasters. The Auto- Bulldozer option only works on natural terrain, not developed land. NOTE: Bulldozing the center of a zone will destroy the entire zone. Bulldozing one section of land costs $1. ROADS connect developed ares. lntersections and turns are automatically created. Lay continuous roads by clicking and dragging your pointer. Be careful - if you accidentally lay a road in the wrong place you will have to pay for bulldozing and rebuilding. Roads may not be placed over zoned areas. They may be placed over trees, shrubbery, and shoreline only after bulldozing or activating the Auto-Bulldozer. Roads can cross over power lines and transit lines only at right angles. Laying roads across water creates a bridge. Bridges can only be built in a straight line - no curves, turns or intersections. Shorelines must be bulldozed prior to building a bridge. Roadways are maintained by the transit budget, and wear out if there is a lack of funding. The amount of yearly funding requested by the trnsportation department is $1 for each section of road, $4 for each section of bridge. It costs $10 to lay one section of road and $50 to lay one section of bridge. TRANSIT LINES create a railway system for intra-city mass transit. Place tracks in heavily trafficked areas to help alleviate congestion. Intersections and turns are created automatically. Lay continuous transit lines by clicking and dragging your pointer. Tracks laid under rivers will appear as dashed lines. These underwater tunnels must be vertical or horizontal - no turns, curves or intersections. Transit lines are maintained by the transit budget. The level of funding affects the efficiency of the system. The amount of yearly funding requested by the transportation department is $4 for each section of rail, and $10 for each section of tunnel. It costs $20 per section of track on land, $100 per section under water. POWER LINES carry power from power planlts to zoned land and between zones. All developed land needs power to function. Power lines cannot cross zoned land. They can be built over trees, shrubbery, and shoreline only after bulldozing, or activating the Auto-Bulldoze function from the Options Window. Power is conducted through adjacent zones. Unpowered zones display the flashing power symbol. There is a delay between the time you power up a zone and when the flashing symbol disappears. The delay grows longer as the city grows larger. Junctions and corners are automatically created. Lay continuous power lines by clicking and dragging your pointer. Power lines across a river must be horizontal or vertical - no turns, curves or intersections. Shorelines must be bulldozed before placing power lines. Power lines consume some power due to transmission inefficiencies. It costs $5 to lay one piece of power line on land, $25 on water. PARKS can be placed on clear land. Parks, like forests and water, raise the land value of surrounding zones. Parks can be bulldozed as fire breaks or reserve space for later mass transit expansion. It costs $10 to zone one park. RESIDENTIAL ZONES are where the Sims build houses, apartments and community facilities such as schools and churches. Residential zones develop into one of four values: slums, lower middle class, upper middle class, and upper class. They can range in population density from single-family homes to high-rise apartments and condominiums. Factors influencing residential value and growth are pollution, traffic density, population density, surrounding terrain, roadway access, parks and utilities. It costs $100 to zone one plot of land as Residential. Residential zones are bordered in green to aid in distinguishing them from other zones. COMMERClAL ZONES are used for many things, including retail stores, office buildings, parking garages and gas stations. There are four values for commercial property and five levels of growth from the small general store to tall skyscrapers. Factors influencing the value and growth of commercial areas include internal markets, pollution, traffic density, residential access, labor supply, airports, crime rates, transit access and utilities. It costs $100 to zone one plot of land as Commercial. Commercial zones are bordered in blue to aid in distinguishing them from other zones. INDUSTRIAL ZONES are for heavy manufacturing and industrial services. There are four levels of industrial growth from small pumping stations and warehouses to large factories. Factors influencing the growth of industrial areas are external markets, seaports, transit access, residential access, labor supply and utilities. It costs $100 to zone one plot of land as Industrial. FIRE DEPARTMENTS make surrounding areas less susceptible to fires. When fires do occur, they are put out sooner and do less damage if a station is near. The effectiveness of fire containment depends on the Ievel of fire department funding. It costs $500 to build a fire station. Full yearly maintenance of each Fire Station is $100. POLICE DEPARTMENTS lower the crime rate in the surrounding area. This in turn raises property values. Place these in high-density crime areas as defined by your Crime Rate map. The efficiency of a station depends on the level of police department funding. It costs $500 to build a police station. Full yearly maintenance of each Police Station is $100. POWER PLANTS can be coal or nuclear, chosen from a sub-menu provided when you click and hold on the icon. The nuclear plant is more powerful but carries a slight risk of meltdown. The coal plant is less expensive, but less powerful and it pollutes. All zoned land needs power to develop and grow. When developed land loses power, it will degenerate to barren ground unless power is restored. Connecting too many zones to a Power Plant causes brownouts. Coal power plants cost $3000 to build, and supply enough electricity for about 50 zones. Nuclear power plants cost $5000 and supply electricity for about 150 zones. STADIUMS encourage residential growth. The message window will indicate when the city wants a stadium. You may build a stadium in your city prior to this request without negative effect. Stadiums indirectly generate a lot of revenue, but create a lot of traffic. Properly maintaining a stadium requires a good road and transit network. It costs $3000 to build a stadium. AlRPORTS increase the growth potential of your commercial markets. Once a city starts geting large, commercial growth will level off without an airport. Airports are large and expensive and should not be built unless your city can afford one. Position airports to keep flight paths over water whenever possible lessening the impact of air disasters. Once you build an airport you will see airplanes flying above your city to and from the airport. There is also a traffic helicopter which alerts you to heavy traffic areas. It costs $10,000 to zone land for use as an airport. SEA PORTS incrcease the potential for industrial growth. They have little effect in a small city, but contribute a lot to industrialization in a large city. Sea Ports should be placed on a shoreline. The shoreline must be bulldozed prior to zoning a seaport. Once the port is operational, you may see ships in the water. It costs $5000 to zone land for use as a Sea Port. THE BUDGET WINDOW When your first taxes are collected in a new city and each year after, the BUDGET WINDOW will appear (unless you select the Auto-Budget function). You will be asked to set the funding levels for the fire, police, and transportation departments, and to set the property tax rate. You can raise and lower budget levels by clicking on the little arrows that correspond to each category. A percentage indicator will display the level of funding that will be maintained if you turn on the Auto-Budget function. You may adjust your tax rate by clicking on the arrows next to the tax rate indicator. Click on "GO WITH THESE FIGURES" to exit the BUDGET WINDOW. TAX RATE The maximum tax rate you can set is 20%. The miniumu tax rate you can set is 0%. The optimum tax rate for fast growth is between 5% and 7%. To slow city growth without actually shrinking set the tax rate to 9%. The taxes collected from each zone is based on the following formula: Tax = Population * Land Value * Tax Rate * a Scaling Constant. The scaling constant changes with the difficulty level of the game. The level of yearly funding requested for the fire and police departments is $100 per station that you have placed. Until you actually build fire or police stations, you cannot fund them. You cannot allocate more than 100% of the requested funding for fire and police departments - SimCity police officers and fire inspectors are honest and will not accept your bribes. Allocating less than the requested amount will decrease the effective coverage of the police or fire station. The amount of yearly funding requested for the transportation department is $1 for each section of road, $4 for each section of bridge (roads over water), $4 for each section of rail, and $10 for each section of tunnel (underwater rails). You cannot allocate more than 100% of the requested funds. Transportation maintenance funding slightly below 100% will cause slow, minor deterioration of the transit system - an occasional pothole or bad track section. Funding between 90 and 75% will cause noticeable damage - and rail will be unsafe. Funding below 75% will cause rapid deterioration of your transit system. CASH FLOW Cash Flow = Taxes Collected - Total Allocated Funds. It will be a negative number if your yearly maintenance costs are greater than your yearly tax intake. A major difference between SimCity and a real city is that SimCity does not allow budget deficits. If you don't have the money, you can't spend it. Try not to let your city run with a negative cash flow. MAPS AND GRAPHS WINDOWS The MAPS AND GRAPHS WINDOW supply the city planner with vital information on his city. MAPS On the map is a red box, indicating the area of the map that will be visible in the edit window. The box can be moved around the map by placing the pointer where you want the center of the box to be and clicking the left mouse button. You can also hold down the button and drag the box around the map. For demographic maps that show density, rate or comparative levels, a Color Key will be shown to the right of the map. You may also notice some letters on the map. These are markers to let you know where moveable objects are. An "S" marks the location of a ship. An "R" marks the location of a railroad train. An "H" marks the location of a helicopter. An "A" marks the location of an airplane. An "M" marks the location of a Monster, and a "T" marks the location of a Tornado. The ClTY FORM MAP shows the physical shape of your city, demarking developed and non-developed areas. Zones are shown in grey. Use this map to plan city expansion. The POWER GRID MAP shows you the power network of your city. Powered zones are shown with a yellow dot in their middle. Unpowered zones have a dark dot. Power lines on land are shown in pink. Use this map to locate unpowered zones and breaks in the power lines. The TRANSIT MAP is a road and rail map of the city. Roads are shown in blue. Rails are shown in pink. Use this view to examine your city's access to specific areas and to plan future expansion of the network. The POPULATION DENSITY MAP displays the average number of people occupying an area each day. Use this map to locate under-utilized areas and overpopulated areas. The POPULATION GROWTH MAP shows the most recent growth (positive or negative) of your city and where it is occurring. The TRAFFIC DENSITY MAP shows the amount of traffic on the roads. Spot traffic problems and determine where new roadways are needed. The POLLUTION INDEX MAP shows levels of pollution throughout your city. Pollution is generated primarily by industry, traffic, and coal Power Plants. The CRIME MAP shows the level and location of crime in your city. Crime is calculated from population density land value and proximity of police stations. The LAND VALUE map shows the relative value of land within the city limits. Land values are used to establish the amount of revenue generated in taxes. The POLICE PROTECTION MAP displays the effective radius of Police Stations based on their location, power and funding level. The FIRE PROTECTION MAP displays the effective radius of Fire Stations based on their location, power and funding levels. USING THE MAPS The MAP WINDOW should be constantly referred to in all stages of city planning, building and managing. BEFORE YOU BUILD Use the map before beginning a new city to plan: - where you want your city center, - where you want the high class waterfront residential areas, - where you will cross water with bridges, power lines, and tunnels, - where to place power plants, - where to place large industrial sections away from the residential sections, - the general layout of the city. DURING CITY GROWTH Use the map to guide your city's growth around forest areas, to preserve the trees and improve property values. Use the transportation map along with the traffic density map to plan traffic control and expansion. Use the pollution map to detect problem areas and disperse the industrial zones and/or replace roads with rails. DURING CITY MAINTENANCE Coal power plants will only supply approximately 50 zones with power and nuclear plants will supply about 150. Overloading power plants can cause brownouts and blackouts. Use the power grid map to locate zones that have lost power. Use the city services maps to evaluate the effective coverage of your police and fire departments. Use the crime rate map to locate problem areas that need more police protection. Use the pollution map to locate problem areas. Use the transportation and traffic density maps to determine where to replace roads with rails. Use the land value map to locate depressed areas for improvement or replacement. GRAPHS The GRAPHS WINDOW gives you time-based graphs of various city data. You may view graphs for time periods of either the last ten years or the last 120 years by clicking on the "10 YEAR/120 YEAR" button. The POPULATION graph shows the total population in residential zones. The COMMERCE graph shows the total population in commercial zones. The INDUSTRY graph shows the total population in industrial zones. The CRIME chart shows the overall crime rate of the entire city. The CASH FLOW graph shows your city's cash flow: money collected in taxes last year minus money it took to maintain your city. Note: Cash flow has little to do with your current funds, or how much you spend in building (except that city expansion will increase both taxes collected and maintenance costs). A line in the center of the Cash Flow graph represents a cash flow of zero. Do not build more infrastructure (roads, rail, police departments, fire stations) than you can support with tax revenues. The POLLUTlON graph shows the overall pollution reading of the entire city. USING THE GRAPHS The Graphs give information on many of the same factors as the Maps, but show the information over time. Graphs are for locating trends in city life that won't be noticeable in a map. If you look at a map, for example the crime rate map, every year a very slight rise in the crime rate will not be noticeable. But on a graph, you would easily locate the upward trend in crime because you will be viewing the levels for a number of years at the same time. Residential, commercial and industrial population growth and/or declines can be tracked and displayed. If you notice a downward trend in any of these, refer to the User Reference Card to locate potential problems and solutions. Crime rate can be displayed, revealing slight but consistent upward or downward trends. Use the cash flow graph to track your city's efficiency as it grows. If your maintenance costs are higher than your tax revenues, you will have a negative cash flow. Use the pollution graph to catch rising levels of pollution before they reach a problem level. THE EVALUATION WINDOW The EVALUATION WINDOW gives you a performance rating. You can access it through the WINDOWS MENU. PUBLIC OPINION is presentcd in poll form, rating your overall job as mayor and listing what the public regards as the city's most pressing problems. You are advised to keep your residents happy or they might migrate away, and you will be left with a "ghost town." In general, if more than 55% of the populace thinks you are doing a good job, then you can feel secure about keeping your job. If 10% or less of the people think something is a problem, then it's not too bad. These are the problems that citizens complain about, and how to correct them: TRAFFIC--replace dense sections of roads with rails. CRIME--Build more police departments, or try to raise land values. POLLUTION--Replace roads with rails, disperse industrial zones. HOUSING--Zone more residences. HOUSING COSTS--Zone more residences in low property value areas. FIRES--Build more fire departments. TAXES--Lower taxes (if you can). UNEMPLOYMENT--Build more industrial and commercial zones. STATISTICS on POPULATION, NET MIGRATION, and ASSESSED VALUE are displayed, along with the city's GAME LEVEL and the OVERALL CITY SCORE. This data is calculated once a year at budget time. POPULATION is the number of residents in your city. The NET MIGRATION statistic provides a rating of the desirability of your city. If people are leaving in droves, you know something is rotten in SimCity. The ASSESSED VALUE is the combined value of all city-owned property: roads, rails, power plants, police and fire stations, airports, sea ports, parks, etc. Does not include residential, commercial and industrial zones. The CATEGORIES are defined by population as follows: VILLAGE 0 to 1,999 TOWN 2,000 to 9,999 CITY 10,000 to 49,999 CAPITAL 50,000 to 99,999 METROPOLIS 100,000 to 499,999 MEGALOPOLIS 500,000 and above. The OVERALL CITY SCORE is a composite score based on the following factors (some positive, some negative): MAJOR FACTORS--Crime, pollution, housing costs, taxes, traffic, unemployment, fire protection, unpowered zones, city growth rate. MINOR FACTORS--Stadium needed (but not built), sea port needed (but not built), airport needed (but not built), road funding, police funding, fire department funding and fires. A large population is not necessarily a sign of a successful city. Population size does not affect the overall city score, since low population could indicate a new or growing city. Since city growth rate does affect the overall city score, a city in which growth has been intentionally stopped for environmental or aesthetic reasons will have a slightly lower score. DISASTERS Disasters will randomly occur as you play SimCity. At higher game levels the disasters will happen more often. Most disasters can be activated from the DlSASTERS MENU. FIRES can start anywhere in the city. Fire spreads fairly rapidly through forests and buildings, somewhat slower over roadways. Fire will not cross water or clear land. The effectiveness of the fire department (which can be viewed in the MAPS WINDOW) is based on how close it is to the fire, and its funding levels. Fires inside this effective radius will be extinguished automatically. If you have no operational fire departments in the area you can try to control the fire yourself. Since fire will not spread across clear terrain, you can build firebreaks with the bulldozer. Just surround the fire with clear areas and it will stop spreading and eventually burn itself out. Note: You cannot directly bulldoze a fire. FLOODING occurs near the water. Floods gradually spread and destroy buildings and utilities. After a while the flood waters recede, leaving behind cleared terrain. AIR CRASHES can happen anywhere in the city if an airport is operational. This happens whenever aircraft collide with things, such as a tornadoes or another aircraft. When a crash occurs, a fire will start, unless the crash is on water. A good strategy is to locate the airport away from the central city to minimize the fire damage. TORNADOES can occur anywhere on the map at any time. Very fast and unpredictable, they can appear and disappear at a moment's notice. Tornadoes destroy everything in their path and can cause planes, helicopters, trains and ships to crash. EARTHQUAKES are the most devastating disaster. This is a MAJOR earthquake - between 8.0 and 9.0 on the Richter Scale. It will destroy buildings and start fires. The initial damage will vary with the severity of the earthquake and the eventual fire damage depends on your fire control efforts. When an Earthquake occurs, you will see the EDITOR window shake for a while. When it stops, you will have to take charge and control the scattered fires. Use the bulldozer to contain the largest fires first and work your way down to the smaller ones. MONSTER ATTACKS are provoked by high levels of pollution. A monster destroys everything in its path, starts fires and causes planes, helicopters, trains and ships to crash. MELTDOWNS are only possible if you are using a nuclear power plant. If a meltdown occurs your nuclear plant will explode into flames. The surrounding area will be unusable for the remainder of the simulation due to radioactive contamination. Meltdowns are not available on the DISASTERS MENU. SHIPWRECKS can occur once you have an operating seaport. They can cause fires where the ship crashes into a shore or bridge. Shipwrecks are not available on the DISASTERS MENU. SCENARIOS The scenarios provide both real and hypothetical problems for you to deal with in seven famous cities (and one not-so-famous). They present various levels of difficulty. Some problems are in the form of disasters which will occur some time after you start. Other problems are more long-term such as crime. Your task is to deal with the problem at hand as well as possible under the circumstances. After a certain amount of time the city residents will rate your performance in a special election. If you do very well you may be given the key to the city. However if you do poorly they might just run you out of town. NOTE:To avoid the disaster which is tied to a scenario save it to disk and reload the city from the saved file. GAME PLAY LEVEL When you first start a new city you must pick a difficulty level. Once a city is started you cannot change the game level, it remains at your initial setting for the life of the city. The game level setting is displayed in the evaluation window. This level - Easy, Medium, or Hard - adjusts the simulation to your current abilities by altering several factors. A harder setting will increase the chance of disasters, make residents more intolerant of taxation, cause maintenance costs to grow, etc. GROWING A CITY While growing a city, refer often to the USER REFERENCE CARD. It provides a chart of city dynamics; how all factors of city life and growth are related. The main points to keep in mind while growing a city are: Grow slow. Watch your money. All zones must be powered to develop. Roads or rails must provide access to and from each zone for it to fully develop. There is a yearly maintenance cost for each section of road, rail, bridge and tunnel. This can add up. Don't build too many roads and rails and generate high maintenance costs before your city can generate enough tax revenues to support them. Extra powrer plants and redundant power lines are expensive, but can keep zones from losing power during a disaster or emergency or deteriorating. Rails can carry much more traffic than roads. While building and zoning an area that you predict will generate heavy traffic, install rails instead of roads in the early stages of development. If you get a lot of heavy traffic warnings, replace roads with rails. You can even build an entirely roadless city. Grouping zones together, 4 or 5 in a row touching each other, can eliminate a lot of power line segments. Airports, sea ports and stadiums won't help a small city grow - so save your money until the city gets larger. The Sims will tell you when they need these things. Place zones, roads, etc. carefully - they cannot be moved, and you will have to pay to bulldoze them and rebuild. As a rule of thumb, the number of residential zones should be approximately equal to the sum of commercial and industrial zones. When your city is small, you will need more industrial zones than commercial and when your city gets larger, you will need more commercial zones than industrial. Separate the residential areas from the industrial areas. Proximity to forest, parks and water increases land value, which increases the taxes collected. Don't bulldoze any more forest than you must. Also natural shoreline increases property values more than landfill shoreline. Keep in mind that proximity to downtown raises property values. The simulator defines the downtown area as the "center of mass of the population density". It calculates the average geographical center of the population. A bigger, more populous city is not necessarily better. Having a self- supporting, profitable city with pleasant surroundings is better than a huge city that is always broke and has no forest or shoreline. Use the various maps and graphics to plan city growth, locate problems and track your progress. Look for areas that need police and fire coverage as you go, so you don't have to go back and bulldoze developed zones to make room for police and fire stations. Save your city to disk before trying any major new policy so you can go back if your plan doesn't work. Check the EVALUATION WINDOW often. The Sims will let you know how you are doing. Also the statistics can be useful; if your population is shrinking, don't go zoning new areas that may never develop, look for problems in the existing zoned areas, and spend your time and money solving them. SAVE YOUR CITY TO DISK OFTEN!!! THE USER REFERENCE CARD Included in the SimCity box is the User Reference Card. (see the end of this doc file) ZONE EVOLUTION CHART On one side of the User Reference Card is the Zone Evolution Chart. It shows the various levels of development and decline of residential, commercial and industrial zones. The level of development depends on the land value and population density. Use this chart along with the Query function to identify, and gather information on individual zones. CITY DYNAMICS CHART The other side of the card is the City Dynamics Chart. This chart lists the factors of city life and growth and shows how they inter-relate. Use this chart to guide you in designing your city. It will help you ifnd soluitons to the Sims' complaints, and to problems you discover from the maps and graphs. KEYBOARD REFERENCE CHART GENERAL KEYBOARD COMMANDS CONTROL-B - Brings up the BUDGET WINDOW CONTROL-E - Brings up the EVALUATION WINDOW CONTROL-G - Brings up the GRAPHS WINDOW CONTROL-L - Loads a City CONTROL-M - Brings up the MAPS WINDOW CONTROL-P - Brings up the PICK SCENARIO MENU. CONTROL-S - Saves a City 0 - pauses the simulation 1 - sets the simulation to slow speed 2 - sets the simulation to avarage speed 3 - sets the simulation to fast speed SPECIAL EDITOR WINDOW KEYBOARD COMMANDS Q - ( Query) - Point to a zone or object in the EDIT WINDOW, hold down "Q" to bring up information about the zone or object. B - activates the Bulldozer while depressed, overriding active icon. R - activates Road laying while depressed, overriding active icon. T - activates Transit line laying while depressed, overriding active icon. P - activates Power line laying while depressed, overriding active icon. CURSOR KEYS - scroll the terrain under the EDlT WINDOW. INSIDE SIMCITY HOW THE SIMULATOR WORKS AND STRATEGIES FOR USING IT Many factors influence the chance of your city's prospering or floundering: both internal factors (the structure and efficiency of your city) and external factors (the regional economy, disasters, etc.). ZONES Your city is divided into three primary zones: residential, commcercial and industrial. These zones symbolize the three basic pillars upon which a city is based: population, industry, and commerce. All three are necessary for your city to grow and thrive. RESIDENTIAL ZONES are where the Sims live. Here they build houses, apartments and community facilities such as churches and schools. Sims are the work force for your city's commercial and industrial zones. INDUSTRIAL ZONES are used to site warehouses, factories, and other unsightly and polluting structures which have a negative impact on surrounding zones. One of the major goals of planning is to separate these nuisances from the areas where people live. In this simulation, industrial zones represent the "basic" production of your city. Things produced here are sold outside the city to an "external market," bringing money into the city for future growth. COMMERClAL ZONES represent the retail stores and services in your city, including gas stations, grocery stores, banks, and offices. Commercial areas are mainly dedicated to producing goods and services needed within your city. This is callcd "non-basic" production or production for the "internal market". POPULATION-RESIDENTIAL The major factors controlling residential population are birthrate, availability of jobs and housing, unemployment,and quality of life within the city. Birthrate as used here is actually a combination of the birthrate (+) and the deathrate (-). Within SimCity there is always a positive birthrate. Availabilily of jobs (the employment rate) is a ratio of the current commercial and industrial populations to the total residential population. As a rule of thumb, the number of commercial and industrial zones together should roughly equal the number of residential zones. If there are more jobs in your city than residents, new settlers will be attracted. If the job market declines during a local recession, your people will migrate away in search of jobs. Housing for your residents is built in the residential zones. These zones must be powered and connected to the places of employment with a road and/or rail network. The structures built in residential zones are influenced by land value and population density. Quality of life is a measure of relative "attractiveness" assigned to different zone locations. It is affected by negative factors such as pollution and crime and positive factors such as parks and accessibility. EXTERNAL MARKET - INDUSTRIAL There are thousands of variables that influence your city. All these variables can be influenced by your actions with the exception of one. The external market (the economic conditions that exist outside of your cily) is controlled by the simulation - there is nothing you can do to change it. In many ways, this external market is the original source of all city growth. Towns frequently begin as production centers (steel towns, refineries, etc.) that service a demand in the surrounding region. As time passes, the external market grows to reflect the regional growth going on around your city. The industry in your city will attempt to grow as the external market grows. For this to happen there must be room for expansion (more industrial zones) and an adequate labor supply (more residential zones). INTERNAL MARKET-COMMERCIAL The internal market is completely influenced by the conditions within your city. Internal production, created in the commercial zones, represents all the things which are purchased and consumed within the city. Food stores, gas stations, retail slores, financial serviccs, medical care, etc. - all depend on a nearby population to service. Within SimCity, the size of the internal market determines the rate at which commercial zones will prosper. Commercial zones need enough zoned land to build on and an existent, sufficient workforce to employ. The structures built in commercial zones are mainly influenced by land value and population density. Commercial zones grow and develop to serve the expanding internal market. Commercial growth will usually be slow at first, when the population is small and needs very little. As your city grows, commercial growth will accelerate and the internal market will become a much larger consumer of your total city production. This accelerating effect, when the external/industrial production is overtaken by the accelerating internal/commercial sector, can turn a sleepy little town of 50,000 into a thriving capital of 200,000 in a few short years. TAX RATE The tax rate you set controls the amount of income generated by your city. As taxes are collected each year (simulation time), the BUDGET WINDOW will appear, giving you the fiscal details of your city and a chance to adjust rates. The simulation determines the amount of revenue collected by assessing each zone an amount based on its land value, current level of development and the current tax rate. The tax rate has a global effect on your city's growth rate. If you set it low (O - 4%), growth will be brisk but the city income will be low. If you set it high (10 - 20%), you will collect a lot in the short run but in the long run tax income will decrease along with the population. You must keep tax income high enough to meet city maintenance costs and invest in new development, but low enough not to scare off residents and businesses. A high tax rate is one way to control city growth, should you want to experiment with "growth control" measures. BUDGETING City budgeting effects the way your city grows. City infrastructure cost is represented by three departments: police, fire, and transportation. You may set the funding levels separately for each. All three departments will request a certain level of funding each year. You may supply all or part of the requested funds, in the attempt to balance safety needs and budgetary concerns. POLICE DEPARTMENTS Police stations lower the crime rate within a territory. The effective radius of your police station is related to the amount of funding allocated to the police department. There is a positive correlation between the value of land and proximity to a police station. Police Stations cost $100 per year to fund. FIRE DEPARTMENTS Fire departments prevent and extinguish fires. The level of funding determines the effective radius of a fire department. Fire departments put out fires witnin this radius much sooner than outside it, and decrease the chance that they will start in the first place. Fire Departments cost $100 per year to fund. TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT When you build roads and rail systems you are charged for construction and yearly maintenance. The larger your transportation network, the more it will cost for upkeep. If you decide not to or are unable to pay this maintenance cost, roads will slowly deteriorate and become unusable. The maintenance cost for each piece is: Road - $1, Bridge - $4, Rail - $4, Rail tunnel -$10. POWER Electrical power makes modern cities possible. Efficient and reliable power transmission to all zones is the goal of good "power management." Periodically in the simulation the entire power grid of your city is checked for links to power. If a zone is connected (by other zones or power lines) to a power plant, the zone is considered powered. Zones must be powered for development to occur. Many things (such as fires, floods monsters and bulldozers) can knock down power lines and cause blackouts in parts of your city. Development will stop in unpowered zones, and if power is not quickly restored, the zone will decline back to its original state of emptiness. Redundant Power Plants and power connections can make your power grid more reliable, but running more line adds construction costs. TRANSPORTATION - TRAFFIC One of the most most important elements of city structure is the transportation network. It moves Sims and goods throughout your city. Roads typically occupy as much as 25% - 40% of the land in urban areas. Traffic along these roads indicates which sections of your road system are used the most. Traffic levels are simulated by a process known as "Trip Generation." Over time, each populated zone in the city will generate a number of trips, depending on the population. Each generated trip starts at the origin zone, travels down the road/rail network, and if a "proper destination" is reached, ends at the destination zone - otherwise, the trip fails. Trip failure indicates inaccessibility of a zone and limits its growth. The majority of generated trips represent people commuting to and from work. Additional traffic is generated by residents traveling to shopping, recreation, etc. When analyzing traffic, the simulator tests the following traffic routes: From: ORIGIN To: DESTINATION Residential zones Commercial zones and Industrial zones. Commercial zones Residential zones and Industrial zones. Industrial zones Residential zones. When Sims drive away from an origin zone, they have a limited "trip range" in which to find a destination zone. Heavy traffic decreases the trip range. If the destination zone is too far away, the trip is unsucessful. Repeated unsucessful trips will cause the Sims to move out of the origin zone. Each road has a limited capacity for traffic. When this capacity is exceeded traffic jams will form. Traffic jams drastically lower the capacity of a road, compounding the problem and frustrating drivers. Traffic conditions fluctuate quickly, responding to things such as open bridges, sporting events and port activity. Avoid traffic problems by providing several routes for the traffic to take, and building rail systems when you can afford to. The traffic helicopter will spot traffic bottlenecks and report them. A road must be adjacent to a zone for the zone to be connected to the traffic pattern. Zones do not conduct traffic the way they conduct power. Roads and rails may be used together, as Sims are able to get out of their cars and into transit lines, or from transit lines to roads without delay. POLLUTION Pollution levels are tracked in all areas of your city. This is a general "nuisance level" which includes air and water pollution, noise pollution, toxic wastes, etc. Pollution has a negative impact on the growth of residential areas. The primary cause of pollution is industrialized zones. The level of pollution created by an industrial zone increases with its level of growth. Traffic is another cause of pollution. There are limited means of combating the pollution level. Lowering traffic density, limiting industrial developmen and separating the pollution from the residential areas will help. CRIME Crime rates are influenced by population density, local law enforcement and land values. As population density increases in an area, the number of crimes committed increases. Crime will also increase in areas of low land value. The most effective way to deal with high crime rates is to introduce a police station into the area. Based on its level of funding, the police station will reduce the rate of crime in its sphere of influence. A long-term approach to lowering crime is to raise the land value of the area. One way to do this is to demolish and rezone (urban renewal). LAND VALUE Land value is one of the most fundamental aspects of urban structure. The land value of an area affects how that area is used. In this simulation the land value of an area is based on terrain, accessibility, crime, pollution and distance to downtown. The farther the residents have to go to work, the lower the land value where they live, due in part to transportation costs. The value of commercial zones depends greatly on accessibility by the populace. Land value is also affected by surrounding terrain. If land is closer to water, trees or parks, its value will rise. Creative placement of zones within the terrain, with little bulldozing, can make good use of this natural advantage. Land value and crime rate have a feedback effect on each other. Lower land values cause crime rates to rise. Higher crime rates cause land values to drop, and can cause "transition areas" near your central city to rapidly decline in value. HISTORY OF CITIES AND CITY PLANNING by Cliff Ellis INTRODUCTION The building of cities has a long and complex history. Although city planning as an organized profession has existed for less than a century, all cities display various degrees of foresight and conscious design in their layout and functioning. Early humans led a nomadic existence, relying on hunting and gathering for sustenance. Between 8,000 and 10,000 years ago, systematic cultivation of plants and the domestication of animals allowed for more permanent settlements. During the fourth millenium B.C., the requirements for the "urban revolution" were finally met: the production of a surplus of storable food, a system of writing, a more complex social organization, and technological advances such as the plough, potter's wheel, loom and metallurgy. Cities exist for many reasons, and the diversity of urban forms can be traced to the complex functions that cities perform. Cities serve as centers of storage, trade and manufacture. The agricultural surplus from the surrounding countryside is processed and distributed in cities. Cities also grew up around marketplaces, where goods from distant places could be exchanged for local products. Throughout history, cities have been founded at the intersections of transportation routes, or at points where goods must shift from one mode of transportation to another, as at river and ocean ports. Religious elements have been crucial throughout urban history. Ancient peoples had sacred places, often associated with cemeteries or shrines, around which cities grew. Ancient cities usually had large temple precincts with monumental religious buildings. Many medieval cities were built near monasteries or cathedrals. Cities often provided protection in a precarious world. During attacks, the rural populace could flee behind city walls, where defense forces assembled to repel the enemy. The wall served this purpose for millennia, until the invention of heavy artillery rendered walls useless in warfare. With the advent of modern aerial warfare, cities have become prime targets for destruction rather than safe havens. Cities serve as centers of government. In particular, the emergence of the great nation-states of Europe between 1400 and 1800 led to the creation of new capital cities or the investing of existing cities with expanded governmental functions. Washington, D.C., for example, displays the monumental buildings, radial street pattern and large public spaces typical of capital cities. Cities, with their concentration of talent, mixture of peoples and economic surplus, have provided a fertile ground for the evolution of human culture: the arts, scientific research and technical innovation. They serve as centers of communication, where new ideas and information are spread to the surrounding territory and to foreign lands. CONSTRAINTS ON CITY FORM Cities are physical artifacts inserted into a preexisting natural world, and natural constraints must be respected if a settlement is to survive and prosper. Cities must conform to the landscape in which they are located, although technologies have gradually been developed to reorganize the land to suit human purposes. Moderately sloping land provides the best urban site, but spectacular effects have been achieved on such hilly sites as San Francisco, Rio de Janiero, and Athens. Climate influences city form. For example, streets have been aligned to take advantage of cooling breezes, and arcades designed to shield pedestrians from sun and rain. The architecture of individual buildings often respects adaptations to temperature, rainfall, snow, wind and other climactic characteristics. Cities must have a healthy water supply and locations along rivers or streams, or near underground watercourses have always been favored. Many large modern cities have outgrown their local water supplies and rely upon distant water sources diverted by elaborate systems of pipes and canals. City location and internal structure have been profoundly influenced by natural transportation routes. Cities have often been sited near natural harbors, on nagivable rivers, or along land routes determined by regional topography. Finally, cities have had to survive periodic natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, tornados, and floods. The San Francisco earthquake of 1906 demonstrated how natural forces can undo decades of human labor in a very short time. ELEMENTS OF URBAN STRUCTURE City planners must weave a complex, ever-changing array of elements into a working whole: that is the perennial challenge of city planning. The physical elements of the city can be divided into three categories: networks, buildings, and open spaces. Many alternative arrangements of these components have been tried throughout history, but no ideal city form has even been agreed upon. Lively debates about the best way to arrange urban anatomies continue to rage, and to show no signs of abating. NETWORKS Every modern city contains an amazing array of pathways to carry flows or people, goods, water, energy and information. Transportation networks are the largest and most visible of these. Ancient cities relied on streets, most of them quite narrow by modern standards, to carry foot traffic and carts. The modern city contains a complex hierarchy of transportation channels, ranging from ten-lane freeways to sidewalks. In the United States, the bulk of trips are carried by the private automobiles with mass transit a distant second. American cities display the low-density sprawl characteristic of auto-centered urban development. In contrast, many European cities have the high densities necessary to support rail transit systems. Modern cities rely on complex networks of utilities. When cities were small, obtaining pure water and disposing of wastes was not a major problem, but cities with large populations and high densities require expensive public infrastructure. During the nineteenth century, rapid urban growth and industrialization caused overcrowding, pollution and disease in urban areas. After the connection between impure water and disease was established, American and European cities began to install adequate sewer and water systems. Since the late nineteenth century, cities have also been laced with wires and conduits carrying electricity, gas and communications signals. BUILDINGS Buildings are the most visible elements of the city, the features that give each city its unique character. Residential structures occupy almost half of all urban land, with the building types ranging from scattered single-family homes to dense high-rise apartments. Commercial buildings are clustered downtown and at various subcenters, with skyscrapers packed into the central business district and low-rise structures prevailing elsewhere, although tall buildings are becoming more common in the suburbs. Industrial buildings come in many forms ranging from large factory complexes in industrial districts to small workshops. City planners engage in a constant search for the proper arrangement of these different types of land use, paying particular attention to the compatibility of different activities, population densities, traffic generation, economic efficiency, social relationships and the height and bulk of buildings. OPEN SPACES Open space is sometimes treated as a leftover, but it contributes greatly to the quality of urban life. "Hard" spaces such as plazas, malls, and courtyards provide settings for public activities of all kinds. "Soft" spaces such as parks, gardens, lawns, and nature preserves provide essential relief from harsh urban conditions and serve as space for recreational activities. These "amenities" increasingly influence which cities will be preceived as desirable places to live. EVOLUTION OF URBAN FORM The first true urban settlements appeared around 3,000 B.C. in ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Indus Valley. Ancient cities displayed both "organic" and "planned" types of urban form. These societies had elaborate religious, political and military hierarchies. Precincts devoted to the activities of the elite were often highly planned and regular in form. In contrast, residential areas often grew by a slow process of accretion, producing the complex, irregular patterns that we term "organic." Two typical features of the ancient city are the wall and the citadel: the wall for defense in regions preiodically swept by conquering armies, and the citadel - a large, elevated precinct within the city - devoted to religious and state functions. The Romans engaged in extensive city-building activities as they consolidated their empire. Rome itself displayed the informal complexity created by centuries of organic growth, although particluar temple and public districts were highly planned. In contrast, the Roman military and colonial towns were laid out in a variation of the grid. Many European cities, including London and Paris, sprang from these Roman origins. We usually associate medieval cities with narrow winding streets converging on a market square with a cathedral and a city hall. Many cities of this period display this pattern, the product of thousands of incremental additions to the urban fabric. However, new towns seeded throughout undeveloped regions of Europe were based upon the familiar grid. In either case, large encircling walls were built for defense against marauding armies; new walls enclosing more land were built as the city expanded and outgrew its former container. During the Renaissance, architects began to systematically study the shaping of urban space, as though the city itself were a piece of architecture which could be given an aesthetically pleasing and functional order. Many of the great public spaces of Rome and other Italian cities date from this era. Parts of old cities were rebuilt to create elegant squares, long street vistas, and symmetrical building arrangements. Responding to advances in firearms during the fifteenth century, new city walls were designed with large earthworks to deflect artillery, and star-shaped points to provide defenders with sweeping lines of fire. Spanish colonial cities in the New World were built according to rules codified in the Laws of the Indies of 1573, specifying an orderly grid of streets with a central plaza, defensive wall, and uniform building style. We associate the baroque city with the emergence of great nation-states between 1600 and 1750. Ambitious monarchs constructed new palaces, courts, and bureaucratic offices. The grand scale was sought in urban public spaces: long avenues, radial street networks, monumental squares, geometric parks and gardens. Versailles is a clear expression of this city-building model; Washington, D.C. is an example from the United States. Baroque principles of urban design were used by Baron Haussmann in his celebrated restructuring of Paris between 1853 and 1870. Haussmann carved broad new thoroughfares through the tangled web of old Parisian streets, linking major subcenters of the city with one another in a pattern which has served as a model for many other modernization plans. Toward the latter half of the eighteenth century, particularly in America, the city as a setting for commerce assumed primacy. The buildings of the bourgeoisie expanded along with their owners' prosperity: banks, office buildings, warehouses, hotels, and small factories. New towns founded during this period were conceived as commercial enterprises, and the neutral grid was the most effective means to divide land up into parcels for sale. The city became a checkerboard on which players speculated on shifting land values. No longer would religious, political, and cultural imperatives shape urban development; rather, the market would be allowed to determine the pattern of urban growth. New York, Philadelphia, and Boston around 1820 exemplify the commercial city of this era, with their bustling, mixed-use waterfront districts. TRANSITION TO THE INDUSTRIAL CITY Cities have changed more since the Industrial Revolution than in all the previous centuries of their existence. New York had a population of about 313,000 in 1840 but had reached 4,767,000 in 1910. Chicago exploded from 4,000 to 2,185,000 in the same period. Millions of rural dwellers no longer needed on farms flocked to the cities, where new factories churned out products for new markets made accessible by railroads and steamships. In the United States, millions of immigrants from Europe swelled the urban populations. Increasingly, urban economies were being woven tightly into the national and international economies. Technological innovations poured forth, many with profound impacts on urban form. Railroad tracks were driven into the heart of the city. Internal rail transportation systems greatly expanded the radius of urban settlement: horsecars beginning in the 1830s, cable cars in the 1870s, and electric trolleys in the 1880s. In the 1880s, the first central power plants began providing electrical power to urban areas. The rapid communication provided by the telegraph and telephone allowed formerly concentrated urban activities to disperse across a wider field. The industrial city still focused on the city center, which contained both the central business district, defined by large office buildings, and substantial numbers of factory and warehouse structures. Both trolleys and railroad systems converged on the center of the city, which boasted the premier entertainment and shopping establishments. The working class lived in crowded districts close to the city center, near their places of employment. Early American factories were located outside of major cities along rivers which provided water power for machinery. After steam power became widely available in the 1830s, factories could be located within the city in proximity to port facilities, rail lines and the urban labor force. Large manufacturing zones emerged within the major northeastern and midwestern cities such as Pittsburgh, Detroit and Cleveland. But by the late nineteenth century, factory decentralization had already begun, as manufacturers sought larger parcels of land away from the congestion of the city. Gary, Indiana, for example, was founded in 1906 on the southern shore of Lake Michigan by the United States Steel Company. The increeasing crowding, pollution, and disease in the central city produced a growing desire to escape to a healthier environment in the suburbs. The upper classes had always been able to retreat to homes in the countryside. Beginning in the 1830s, commuter railroads enabled the middle class to commmute in to the city center. Horsecar lines were built in many cities between the 1830s and 1880s, allowing the middle class to move out from the central cities into more spacious suburbs. Finally, during the 1890s electric trolleys and elevated rapid transit lines proliferated, providing cheap urban transportation for the majority of the population. The central business district of the city underwent a radical transformation with the development of the skyscraper between 1870 and 1900. These tall buildings were not technically feasible until the invention of the elevator and steel-frame construction methods. Skyscrapers reflect the dynamics of the real estate market; the tall building extracts the maximum economic value from a parcel of land. These office buildings housed the growing numbers of white- collar employees in banking, finance, management and business services, all manifestations of the shift from an economy of small firms to one of large corporations. THE FORM OF THE MODERN CITY IN THE AGE OF THE AUTOMOBILE The city of today may be divided into two parts: (1) an inner zone, coextensive with the boundaries of the old industrial city, and (2) suburban areas, dating from the 1920s, which have been designed for the sutomobile from the beginning. The central business districts of American cities have become centers of information processing, finance and administration rather than manufacturing. White-collar amployees in these economic sectors commute in from the suburbs on a network of urban freeways built during the 1950s and 60s; this "hub-and-wheel" freeway pattern can be observed on many city maps. New bridges have spanned rivers and bays, as in New York and San Fransisco, linking together formerly separate cities into vast urbanized regions. Waves of demolition and rebuilding have produced "Manhattanized" downtowns across the land. During the 1950s and 60s, urban renewal programs cleared away large areas of the old city, releasing the land for new office buildings, convention centers, hotels and sports complexes. Building surges have converted the downtowns of American cities into forests of tall office buildings. More recently, office functions not requiring a downtown location have been moved to huge office parks in the suburbs. Surrounding the central business area lies a large band of old mixed-use and residential buildings which house the urban poor. High crime, low income, deteriorating services, inadequate housing and intractable social problems plague these neglected areas of urban America. The manufacturing jobs formerly available to inner city residents are no longer there and resources have not been committed to replace them. These inner city areas have been left behind by a massive migration to the suburbs, which began in the late nineteenth century but accelerated in the 1920s with the spread of the automobile. Freeway building after World War II opened up even larger areas of suburban land, which were quickly filled by people fleeing central city decline. Today, more people live in suburbs than in cities proper. Manufacturers have also moved their production facilities to suburban locations which have freeway and rail accessibility. Indeed, we have reached a new stage of urbanizatin beyond the metropolis. Most major cities are no longer focused exclusively on the traditional downtown. New subcenters have arisen round the periphery, and these subcenters supply most of the daily needs of their adjacent populations. The old metropolis has become a multi-centered urban region. In turn, many of these urban regiosn have expanded to the point where they have coalesced into vast belts of urbanization - what the geographer Jean Gottman termed "megalopolis." The prime example is the eastern seaboard of the United States from Boston to Washington. The planner C.A. Doxiadis has speculated that similar vast corridors of urbanization will appear throughout the world during the next century. Thus far, American planners have not had much success in imposing a rational form on this process. However, New Town and Greenbelt programs in Britain and the Scandinavian countries have, to some extent, prevented formless sprawl from engulfing the countryside. THE ECONOMICS OF URBAMN AREAS Since the 1950s, city planners have increasingly paid attention to the economics of urban areas. When many American cities experienced fiscal crises during the 1970s, urban financial management assumed even greater importance. Today, planners routinely assess the economic consequences of all major changes in the form of the city. Several basic concepts underlie urban and regional economic analysis. First, cities cannot grow if their residents simply provide services for one another. The city must create products which can be sold to an external purchaser, bringing in money which can be reinvested in new production facilities and raw materials. This "economic base" of production for external markets is crucial. Without it, the economic engine of the city grinds to a halt. Once the economic base is established, an elaborate internal market can evolve. This market includes the production of goods and sevrices for businesses and residents within the city. Obviously, a large part of the city's physical plant is devoted to facilities for these internal transactions: retail stores of all kinds, restaurants, local professional services, and so on. Modern cities are increasingly engaged in a competition for economic resources such as industrial plants, corporate headquarters, high-technology firms, and government facilities. Cities try to lure investment with an array of features: low tax rates, improved transportation and utility infrastructure, cheap land, and a skilled labor force. Amenities such as climate, proximity to recreation, parks, elegant architecture, and cultural sctivities influence the location decisions of businesses and individuals. Many older cities have had difficulty surviving in this new economic game. Abandoned by traditional industries, they are now trying to create a new economic base involving growth sectors such as high technology. Today, cities no longer compete in mere regional or national markets: the market is an international one. Multinational firms close plants in Chicago or Detroit and build replacements in Asia or Latin America. Foreign products dominate whole sectors of the American consumer goods market. Huge sums of money shift around the globe in instantaneous electronic transactions. Cities must struggle for survival in a volatile environment in which the rules are always changing. This makes city planning even more challenging than before. MODERN CITY PLANNING Modern city planning can be divided into two distinct but related types of planning. Visionary city planning proposes radical changes in the form of the city, often in conjunction with sweeping changes in the social and economic order. Institutionalized city planning is lodged withing the existing structures of government, and modifies urban growth processes in moderate, pragmatic ways. It is constrained by the prevailing alignment of political and economic forces within the city. VISIONARY OR UTOPIAN CITY PLANNING People have imagined ideal cities for millenia. Plato's Republic was an ideal city, although lacking in the spatial detail of later schemes. Renaissance architects designed numerous geometric cities, and ever since architects have been the chief source of imaginative urban proposals. In the twentieth century, Le Corbusier, Frank Lloyd Wright, Paolo Soleri and dozens of other architects have designed cities on paper. Although few have been realized in pure form, they have influenced the layout of many new towns and urban redevelopment projects. In his "Contemporary City for Three Million People" of 1922 and "Radiant City" of 1935, Le Corbusier advocated a high-density urban alternative, with skyscraper office buildings and midrise apartments placed within park-like open spaces. Different land uses were located in separate districts, forming a rigid geometrical pattern with a sophisticated system of superhighways and rail transit. Frank Lloyd Wright envisioned a decentralized low-density city in keeping with his distaste for large cities and belief in frontier individualism. The Broadacre City plan of 1935 is a large grid of arterials spread across the counrtyside, with most of the internal space devoted to single-family homes on large lots. Areas are also carefully set aside for small farms, light industry, orchards, recreation areas, and other urbanfacilities. A network of superhighways knits the region together, so spatially dispersed facilities are actually very close in terms of travel time. In many ways, Wright's Broadacre City resembles American suburban and exurban developments of the post-WWII period. Many other utopian plans could be catalogued, but the point is that planners and architects have generated a complex array of urban patterns from which to draw ideas and inspiration. Most city planners, however, do not work on a blank canvas; they can only make incremental changes to an urban scene already shaped by a complicated historical process. INSTITUTIONALIZED CITY PLANNING The form of the city is determined primarily by thousands of private decisions to construct buildings, within a framework of public infrastructure and regulations administered by city, state, and federal governments. City planning actions can have enormous impact on land values. From the point of view of land economics, the city is an enormous playing field on which thousands of competitors struggle to capture value by constructing or trading land or buildings. The goal of city planning is to intervene in this game in oeder to protect widely shared public values such as health, safety, environmental quality, social equity, and aesthetics. The roots of American city planning lie in an array of reform efforts of the late nineteenth century: the Parks movement, the City Beautiful movement, campaigns for housing regulations, the Progressive movement for government reform, and efforts to improve public health through the provision of sanitary sewers and clean water supplies. The First National Conference on City Planning occurred in 1909, the same year as Daniel Burnham's famous Plan of Chicago. That date may be used to mark the inauguration of the new profession. The early city planners actually came from diverse backgrounds such as landscape architecture, architecture, engineering, and law, but they shared a common desire to produce a more orderly urban pattern. The zoning of land bacame, and still is, the most potent instrument available to American city planners for controlling urban development. Zoning is basically the dividing of the city into discrete areas within which only certain land uses and types of buildings can be constructed. The rationale is that certain activities or building types don't work well; factories and homes, for example. Illogical mixtures create nuisances for the parties involved and lower land values. After several decades of gradual development, land-use zoning received legal approval from the Supreme Court in 1926. Zoning isn't the same as planning: it is a legal tool for the implementation of plans. Zoning should be closely inntegrated with a Master Plan or Comprehensive Plan which spells out a logical path for the city's future in areas such as land use, transportation, parks and recreation, environmental quality, and public works construction. In the early days of zoning this was often neglected, but this lack of coordination between zoning and planning is less common now. Two other important elements of existing city planning are subdivision regulations and environmental regulations. Subdivision regulations require that land being subdivided for development be provided with adequate streets, sewers, water, schools, utilities and various design features. The goal is to prevent shabby, deficient developments which produce headaches for both their residents and the city. Since the late 1960s, environmental regulations have exerted a stronger influence on patterns of urban growth by restricting development in floodplains, on unstable slopes, on earthquake faults, or near sensitive natural areas. Businesses have been forced to reduce smoke emissions and the disposal of wastes have been more closely monitored. Overall, the pace of environmental degradation has been slowed, but certainly not stopped, and a dismaying backlog of environmental hazards remains to be cleaned up. City planners have plenty of work to do as we move into the twenty-first century. CONCLUSION: GOOD CITY FORM What is the good city? We are unlikely to arrive at an unequivocal answer; the diversity of human needs and tastes frustrates all attempts to provide recipes or instruction manuals for the building of cities. However, we can identify the crucial dimensions of city performance, and specify the many ways in which cities can achieve success along with these dimensions. A most useful guide is Kevin Lynch's A THEORY OF GOOD CITY FORM (Cambridge, Mass. MIT Press, 1981). Lynch offers five basic dimensions of city performance: vitality, sense, fit, access and control. To these he adds two "meta-criteria", efficiency and justice. For Lynch, a vital city successfully fills the biological needs of its inhabitants and provides a safe environment for their activities. A sensible city is organized so that its residents can perceive and understand the city's form and function. A city with good fit provides the buildings, spaces, and networks required for its residents to pursue their projects successfully. An accessible city allows people of all ages and backgrounds to gain the activities, resources, services, and information that they need. A city with good control is arranged so that its citizens can have a say in the management of the spaces in which they work and trade. Finally, an efficient city achieves the goals listed above at the least cost, and balances the achievement of the goals with one another. They cannot all be maximized at the same time. And a just city distributes benefits among its citizens according to some fair standard. Clearly, these two meta-criteria raise difficult issues which will continue to spark debates for the forseeable future. These criteria tell aspiring city builders where to aim, while acknowledging the diverse ways of achieving good city form. Cities are endlessly fascinating because each is unique, the product of decades, centuries, or even millennia or historical evolution. As we walk through city streets, we walk through time, encountering the city-building legacy of past generations. Paris, Venice, Rome, New York, Chicago, San Francisco - each has its glories and its failures. In theory, we should be able to learn the lessons of history and build cities that our descendants will admire and wish to preserve. That remains a constant challenge for all who undertake the task of city planning. B I B L I O G R A P H Y Boyer, R. and D. Savageau. Places Rated Almanac. Chicago: Rand McNally & Co., 1986. Choay, Francoise. The Modern City: planning in the 19th century. New York: George Braziller, 1969. Clark, David. Urban Geography. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1982. Clay, Grady. Close-Up, how to read the american city. Chicago: The UNiversity of Chicago Press, 1986. Gallion, A. and S. Eisner. The Urban Pattern. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1986. Greenburg, M., D. Kueckeberg, and C. Michaelson. Local Population and Employment Projection Techniques. New Brunswick: Center for Urban Policy Researcxh, 1987. Jacobs, Jane. The Death and Life of Great American Cities. New York: Vintage Books, 1961. Kueckeberg, Donald. Urban Planning Analysis; methods and models. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1974. Callenbach, Ernest. Ecotopia. Berkeley:Banyan Tree Books, 1975. Hoskin, Frank P. The Language of Cities. Cambridge: Schenkman Publishing Company, Inc., 1972. Le Corbusier. The City of Tomorrow and Its Planning. New York: Dover Publications, Inc, 1987. Planning (The magazine of the American Planning Association) 1313 60th St., Chicago IL 60637 RELATED READING FOR CHILDREN FICTION Burton, Virginia Lee. The Little House. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1942 (reissued 1969). Murphy, Shirley, and Murphy, Pat. Mrs. Torrino's Return to the Sun. Shepard Books, 1980. Dr. Seuss. The Lorax. New York: Random House, 1971. NONFICTION Macaulay, David. City: A Story of Roman Planning and Construction. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1974. Macaulay, David. Underground. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1976. Barker, Albert. From Settlement to City. New York: Julian Messner, 1978. Eichner, James A. The First Book of Lacal Government. New York: Franklin Watts, 1976. Rhodes, Dorothy. How to Read a City Map. Chicago: Elk Grove Press, 1967. Monroe, Roxie. Architects Make Zigzags: Looking at Architecture from A to Z. Washington D.C.: National Trust for Historic Preservation, 1986. For more information on city planning and related subjects, contact: American Planning Association Planners Bookstore 1313 E. 60th St. Chicago IL 60637 (312)955-9100 SIMCITY USER REFERENCE CARD These levels are affected by these factors (below) A B C D E F G H I J K Residential Population + + + + Commercial Population + + + + Industrial Population + + + + + Population Density + Traffic !+ + - Pollution - - - Crime - - Land Value + - + + Trees-Parks + Water + Proximity to City Center + Radioactivity + Tax Rate + - - - - Unemployment 0+ - Stadium 5+ Sea Port ,+ Airport 1+ Police Departments + - Fire Departments + Roads + Mass Transit + A: Maintenance Funding B: Taxes Collected C: Land Value D: Crime E: Pollution F: Traffic Density G: Industrial Population H: Commercial Population I: Residential Population J: Overall City Score + Positive effect - Negative effect SIMCIY ZONE EVOLUTION Zones in SimCtiy evolve and devolve according to many factors, as charted above. RESIDENTIAL ZONES grow from empty to single family housing and then on to four levels of density and four levels of land value. Residential zones can also become churches and hospitals. COMMERCIAL ZONES gorw from empty "free zones" to five levels of density and four levels of land value. INDUSTRIAL ZONES grow from empty "free zones" to four levels of density and two levels of land value. --- Typed by the DOXTOR August 17-21, 1989 *N SIM CITY - HINTS = Hold SHIFT, type MONEY and get $10,000. It will cause an earthquake every third time, so do it before you start your city. Another tip is to set the citizen's taxes to 0%. Then just before tax collection (December or November if playing at fast speed) quickly set the taxes up to 20%. Then after you collect taxes, put it back down to 0%. This way the citizens think they are not paying any taxes. You can build land on water. Find a straight (horizontal or vertical) stretch of coastline and string a powerline along it. Next, move one square over, out into the water and string another powerline parallel to the first. Repeat as many times as you want. Then just bulldoze all the excess powerlines and you can build on the new land. To MAKE land you simply make a 3 lane highway across any water source. When you make a road by putting 3 sections of road on top of three section of road on top of three sections of road (3 by 3) you make 1 section of land in the middle. W W To make more land, just #WRRRW WRRRW move your roads over, or L= land WRRRW = WRLRW make your roads 4 by 4, W= water WRRRW WRRRW 5 by 5 etc. Play with R= road LLRRRLL LLRRRLLL it. It'll work. "L L ** City Building Hints The following tips on city building come from long experience on my Amiga. Each city has taught me a great deal and playing the scenarios has helped test new theories. I wish someone had told me some of this stuff when I was getting started. In general, there are no lies in the User's Guide and the basic guidelines mentioned so briefly form the framework of the Sim City legal system. I subscribe to the victory criteria for a good city as stated in the user documentation and have firmed that up as follows: My victory criteria for a good city: Happy people, 10% or less on all complaints. Low taxes, 6-7% taxes, (adds challenge, but speeds growth) but still a positive cash flow (even if I started with a gigabuck). Visually pleasing (Tends to limit population to 250-300,000. Going for max population is a challenge but the resulting city is uninteresting. Complete police and fire protection To build a good city, one needs the right mind set. "Sims are not people, they are tax payers". You're running a business here with a need to meet customer wants (Quality service) at the minimum overhead. Their demands are guidelines on how well the city is developing but if they get out of line, they meet Godzilla. Defs: (I=industrial, R=residential, C=commercial, PD=cops, FD=fire) City layout: in general, go for a center of solid C zones, surrounded by R zones, with I on the outer edges. Modify according to tips below. Like zones tend to be mutually supporting. Plan on that basis and build in "wedges". Place a couple C's at what will eventually be the city center, then some R's, I's on the outside. Factories will grow and provide jobs anywhere but the good high tax paying R's and C's only appear toward the middle. In general, make the rails be the most direct route to the city center. Make roads the round-about alternative. Roads and rails: Roads are cheap but traffic is a pain. Where does traffic come from and who complains? Residents! (as in residential) You can run roads all through the I and C zones and you will not have appreciable traffic, plus you will save a fortune in construction costs and 3 fortunes in maintenance. I have cities that can be traversed from end-to-end by road with no traffic pollution except in the industrial areas where it doesn't matter. As soon as houses get access, traffic mushrooms. Use I, C, and municipal zones as the recipients of road access and only a few widely scattered R zones, and you'll save 1-2% alone on the tax rate while still having positive cash flow. Somebody pays for each section of road or track. A tax paying zone on each side of a section makes for efficient tax coverage. Avoid long sections of track with Sims only on one side. Definitely avoid stretches of side-by-side road and rail. Double roads (boulevards) mean you have too many R zones with road access and they'll complain about the smog as they drive to work. Avoid transport along shore lines and on the outer edge of the city. Put zones on the shoreline to maximize land value modifiers and have the transport sandwiched between two rows of tax paying Sims. Bridges and tunnels: these are stretches with no adjacent tax payers. Keep these short, especially tunnels. Plan crossing points in advance to reduce their length. Got a cute little island in the river big enough for one or two zones? Ask yourself if those zones are going to generate enough taxes to pay for the transport to the island before giving them a bridge (forget tunnel). If an island is a handy stepping stone to connect two sides of town together, that's different. C zones do well on islands and don't generate much traffic. Police stations: You need them or crime will drive tax payers away. PD's will be in a checkerboard pattern. PD and FD zones are like transport. You minimize their cost by ensuring there is someone in as much of their coverage area as possible, being protected, and paying for it. Avoid placing PD's on shorelines and the edge of the map where much of the coverage is wasted. Use them as buffers between I and non-I zones or on roads. Pollution: I zones, sea ports, and airports all produce a pollution dead space 3 tiles wide around them. R and C zones do not develop well if any part of the zone touches this dead space. Worse, Sims living in R and C zones trying to develop in this space are the sniveling weenies complaining to city hall about the pollution. Busy roads passing through R and C zones leave a pollution pall and produce the same effect on the evaluation and composite score. Use PD and FD zones as buffers. Otherwise, leave a 3 tile wide green strip with maybe a rail through it. As mentioned, keep roads out of residential areas. Busy roadbridges are fine as the pollution is over water and fish don't vote. Crime: Some level of crime can be tolerated in the industrial zones (like pollution) where most of the crime is generated, but R and C zones start wining as population density increases. Cops are needed. Crime drives out taxpayers. Crime can also be reduced by increasing land value. In practical terms, avoid any zone that does not have any tree or park tiles next to it. Tight banks of zones with transport down each side, touching no green tiles, will foster crime. Some city examples have roads all the way around most blocks. Wrong! Blocks only need a single tile frontage for transport so leave gaps between them. Every open tile adjacent to any zone must have trees or a park. This does help supplement the fuzz while making the map more attractive. Airports and Seaports: These generate pollution (noise) as for I zones. Place these zones in I areas or out on an island (with road access). There is no benefit to multiple seaports or airports. Airports and crashes: Expect plane crashes. You can't turn them off. Always (he said ALWAYS) place a FD adjacent to an airport (notice he didn't say 1 or more tiles away). If a fire isn't quickly extinguished, the airport explodes, dies, and you're out 10K bucks. Worse, very quickly, the C zones in a mature city back paddle and mess up the tax base. Crashes most frequently occur when the airplane hits that loud mouth DJ chopper jock and they both plow into one of your prize highrises, burying countless Sims under burning rubble. "Sky watch One" picks its favorite stretch of road and hovers around it until the airplane eventually flies into it. That's why most crashes happen in the same area. Put FD's along what semi-congested roads you have. Make sure the city is covered. For overnight fund building in a younger city, "unplug" the airport (disconnect power. The aircraft stop flying after a short while if the a airport is unpowered) In a mature city, this may cause significant regression of C zones. Healing: all municipal zones (PD, FD, power house, airport, seaport, stadiums) will heal themselves if they still have power and the rubble tile is bulldozed. If they don't, they are too far damaged to regenerate. Replace them. The other zones are sometimes left with those annoying notches after a crash or earthquake. There are still lots of taxpayers in the rest of the building so don't dump the developed zone too quickly. One remedy is to maintain power to the building but bulldoze the rubble and ALL transport access. The building will immediately drop one notch of density, but the new icon will fill the WHOLE zone. Immediately replace the transport access and soon the now undamaged zone will be at full density again (note: queries shortly after doing this show "declining". Don't sweat it). Again, this works to a limited point of damage and the center must be intact. If the bulldozed transport will cost more than rezoning the building, make a choice. Summary: this is not a trivial game. The designer has done some interesting work that has some of the meanest and rottenest victory criteria of any game (your own standards). I'm still learning and like to see other cities and hear tips and conjecture. (Why won't Maxis just send me the bloody source code?) NOTE: The City Building Hints were written by Roy Mengot H