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LL`*+}  Lq` X٪`OS SYSIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIC`0 ߩ0}} }y |||DDOS DOSDOS TMP }}}$H""}CDOS TMP} 0`BDELV !B }`LV  q   R@э   Y S S0 w;j JA E˩ }̩ ˙#`#I $#`HjkD۩ͩΑ͈x!}X  h`GR.0:POKE559,0:POKE712,194:POKE710,194:POKE842,12:POKE752,1:?:RUN"D:LOGO"~ V"}0 @BJKDE V0\BHI ()$ . \ V*)L#}^L{L'0LcоI0L~ɛL!~L) |}'3:͍$}e^\[{OaK D0H:D:0::,- #I-  .,0 L)%}M)M)  V0`  )0Jn8 &}  VH`{ȱye8L^K:'}$L` ɚh@LHhLҥh@9e8L^K:2 CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCFADEOUF)}ADEILZZETZIOCZBGZADZLZHZLEZCMZERLINAV*} +} !"#$%&',}()* Program: TENS Copyright 1982 - MECC ' #@ '" "-}!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256995100,5150,5500,9100,9150,9950,9970,9990,31000,10000(;%,;,2$.}Ed6-A6-APnY+F:A ,"@4*F:A ,"@C=A OA Y B/} B)-60 &AY)$8AY@4)-@105 8$A `0}MJ6-?:C::h 8SUH GhdTͿT `,,M$|5 6-$$6- %'A6%5A71}%9 6- %A@%+AA%9A4%M6-?:C:hhhLV,<,*6-F:%A5,J6-F:A@%,%F:2}AA%,$M$6-P:',6-P:&$,$'NAR-%6 Press to continue.DAd&H N6-3}',B7t@&F:Ad,"&, % 'F:Ad,"%*'  '0F:Ad,"%6-%*Ad&0 % ' 4}Ad& $'<A@`+%AR((0080< 'o+@@ D:TENS.5}FNT76-BS`C6-A$I6-O6-S aAV$oAd&*3 -%+(Do you want instructions? / 3 +6}&6.7<, &4NB +7 0Y-(Please enter :YES: or :NO:.7 B*+% (}-%%(~ BASE TEN 7}~/+T+(#You will be given a math problem.T($If you answer correctly in the time0+n,($limit, your space ship will mo8}ve inS("the direction you choose - north,n(south, east, or west.4+D 3('}During your trip, you will find suchD(9} things as8+(  9+++(#  Black holes  Vapor clouds:+ ( ^_ ;+))(:}! _^ Danger zones  Asteroids=+((( Try to land at BASE TEN in the>+#(least number of moves.# ,   (};}.1 #B!-@@'"-1 .( -%$(One moment please...( .%D:TENSP2y($<}E }(Ad&"y3 -%+ Do you want to try again? / 3,y7<,4Y%6y87<,0N2(Please ente=}r 'YES' or 'NO'.8 %@y0+0%0%'AR*(0-Jy%D:HELLO{y  |y14392,7,14393,10,143>}94,48% CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCFADEOUF "CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREODISKIENDINZLINZNCSCORESCORE2NAMESCORESSECTIONRANKNAME2STUDENZ@}ZETZIOCZBGZADZLZHZLEZCMZERHORIPROBENTFLALPRESERETFLALLVATRYFLASCORE1SSZSELECTICKTIMRETURTTZCMA} B}@C} !"#$%&'()*+,-.D}/01234567 Program: TENSP3 Copyright 1982 - MECC ' #E}@ '" "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,2565100,5500,310006-B ;,2F}$Ed44;$,;$,;$,9,;$,;%,;$,i*+0AR(*6-AUn AG}x -68,- .F:A ,"AU$AR. B 6- BP67,. 67A,. (6H}7,.367,. D67A,. M67,.P$,a (}@@?(~ Base 10 Top Officers ~G-Q8,"I}6W6-a A6X 8,"6.67+&,$@%<$@,.N67$@&<$@,.=:,X A0@EE67+&,$@J}%<$@,.7+8,&,$@%<8,$@,JA"06.7+&@,$@%<$@&,A-@6T!7<K},0 6.7<,!6-^   ( h . -  r%-F:@,@5! .% |A#6-A:7$@L}&<$@,,=@@9&B:=:,,A(   $A `MJ6-?:C::h 8SUH GhdTM}T `,,M$|5 6-$$6- %'A6%5A7%9 6- %A@%+AA%9AN}4%-6-?:C:hhhLV,<,*6-F:%A5,-$6-P:',6-P:&$,$'JAR-%6 Press tO}o continue.DAd&J6-'0B7t@&F:Ad,"&0 A 'F:Ad,"%*'  '4F:Ad,P}"%6-%*Ad&4 A ' Ad&$'AD:TENSCORE.TXT*)@7)@A#BQ}'- 6-6-A6-$6-C:,( -'76-@!16-F:A ,%F:A ,$AV76-*Q 6--6-R}%66.7$@&<$@,@4 G6-6Q B* 6-A:,+1+ )"6,*(68,-6#6-16-%@ + S}"668,-6 B0+ 68,-+ "6- +   6-*+"B 4+= }-( What is your name? ,T}=B:,"B`. A2 A(}20D:TENSCORE.TXT$)+)020 -0(You did a totU}al of  problems.2C+(Your time limit was  seconds.5 AC"B6S BE+$D:TENSCOV}RE.TXTED:TENSCORE.TXTL)S)6""D:TENSCORE.TXT6" (+,**" BP6 *W}* BP8* B }-*B`8** "Please be sure that there isn't a8R* "write-protect stiX}cker on the edgeR #of the diskette. Also, check that8K+ #the disk is inserted properly withK the disk drive door Y}closed.8RAR-@#: Press to continue.LAdAUR6-8 A(}8 B@:WZ} B6-C:,"6-A.6-@:6-@D AUIW!BE:!!$D:TENSCORE.TXT: F:[}A , AUB:O (}-;(#Your selections have been recorded.E AO B:B (}-.(The\} file has been cleared.8 AB B>B@>o,($The computer is having a problemS("recording your sc]}ore. Check witho(your teacher for help.> 6- BE0 Ng (}-3(You have the following choices:g(/ 1. ^}see the file of student names and scores*Nj-(% 2. clear the file of student namesA( and scoresj($ 3. see the _}current time limit and4N[( type of problemsF($ 4. change the time limit and type[( of problems>N2( 5`}. return to menu2@rE:HN> -%-(What number would you like? 1 5>6-A:,RN0  )!&(Enter a}a number 1-5.0 B@\N//BBBBBNHD:TENSCORE.TXT$)+)16-96-b}$?6-H6-C:,N1  -16.7$@&<$@,N! 4 68,-6! B@N 68,-N7 #Bc}6-$# A- A7 BN( (}-((One moment please...N% 6.6. A% B@LO0d}D:TENSCORE.TXT$)+)0VO@ (}-'(Base Ten Parameters@(Type of problems:`OB0Be}PB@jO( basic facts B`tO( decimals B`~O( multiples of tenO8$(Time limit:  f}seconds. A8 BOZ)(!}You may choose problems using?( 1. basic factsZ( 2. multiples of tenO(g} 3. decimalsO7 -%&(What is your choice? * .76-A:,O0  )!&(Enter a number 1-3.0 B O (h}}O7 -/( What time limit would you like? 3 7O6-P:A:,,O3 )!$)(Enter a number 1-60.3 B`Oi}( (}-((One moment please...PHD:TENSCORE.TXT$)+)16-96-$?6-H6-C:, P   j}B@P5 (}-((One moment please...5%D1:HELLO0uR (}BC!BC3BC@H9-R(One k}moment please...:u %D1:TENSy($E }(Ad&"y3 -%+ Do you want to try again? / l}3'y7<,4Y*(+,B,y7<,4Y B6y47<,0N.(Please enter YES or NO.4 %@y0+0%m}0%'AR*(0-Jy%D:HELLO{y B|yooCommander,1st Officer,Pilot,Lieutenant,Engineer,Navn}igator,Crew member,Crew member,Crew member,Crew member%ZLINZNCSCORESCORE2NAMESCORESSECTIONRANKNAME2STUDENZ=CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCCHANGEV p}ALUEQQIANSNIZADZLEZCMZIOCTEMDDLCOUNDIGIZZETZBGZLZHZERNUMPROLPUPAILLOIS q}  r}@@@@ ! s}"#$%&'()*+,-./01 t}23456789:;< Program CHANGE Copyri u}ght 1981 - MECC ' #@ '" "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256**5100,5150,550 v}0,9950,9990,31000,10000(;%,;,2$Ed//9,9,;$,9,9,;,;,;,n'K' w} D:CENTS.FNTxCA@Y+$'6-BS`36-A$96-?6-C & #B-""68,-& x}* #B"-"&68,-*  76-$+&P:,,!6-$+&P:,,4 P:,.P:,7$,46-@7&$+ y}&$+!,,+6-%$+ ,1-4$ -% $ -% $1 A1( How many 78&,<8,&,? A z}( ?6 6-6-F:$,&A($$0B7t66-Ad&F:Ad,"& A@& ) {}+,"@C*"(0"68,-, A0<"$*"*!$%A(5B7t%A(8'< 5!"$*"6- |}%! A0:# 6-"AU*"# AD5"A&*"68,-%( +6-5 A0N%%") @H)!@ }}WA0X* (>:,68,-A:>:,, 6-* A0 A( N8, )8,!-@#D(Enter a number ~} between 0 and 9.N A"$%'B7t%'"$A `MJ6-?:C::h 8SUH Ghd }TͿT `,,M$A ` %|5 6-$$6- %'A6%5A7%9 6- %A@ }%+AA%9A4%M6-?:C:hhhLV,<,*6-F:%A5,J6-F:A@%,%F:AA%,$M$6-P:' },6-P:&$,$'JAR-%6 Pressto continue.DAd&J6-',B7t@&F:Ad, }"&, % 'F:Ad,"%*'  '0F:Ad,"%6-%*Ad&0 % ' Ad&$'-+0 }!AVA$-AR'++(#This program helps you practice$'X(making correct change.G(#Pretend yo }u are a check-out clerkX( in a store..'j(You will be shown:C("-The cost of the items purchased.j("-The money g }iven to pay for them.8'R 1(%}Look at the cash register changeR(drawer shown on the screen.B'P+(#Choose the n }umber of each kind ofP( coin or bill needed to give theG'_%(customer the correct change.N($A careful clerk gives }the correct[(change._ L'@rE:(}V'D -$3("How many problems would you like? 7 ;D6-A: },[': )!$-$0(Enter a number 1-30.: Bp`'!@pE:!-t'16-P:A0$H:,,'A }16-P:$H:,,$%~'226-+P:'8,,%,$8,%+&P:,,$+H:,!?,'68,-&-6'-68,-P:8,'8,,-68,-8 },&8,$8,' 68,-&'< 6-(} $ A<( is the cost of the item.'n 6-( $ A<( i }s the amount given to pay\( for this purchase.nAV@`'[)(! 1- }W(! | | | | | |[ 'O)(! | $20 | $10 | $5 | $2 | $1 |O(! (5 }-1(! | | | | | |5  (O)(! | 50& | 25& | 10& | 5& | 1& |O(!  }(( -%((Make the correct change.((/@pE:!-+ A/ F(W A,(Is this answer the } way youH(want it (Yes or No)? LW6.7<,P(4YBZ(0NBd( An(W -%6(&What sh }ould be different-coins, bills,S(or nothing (C,B,or N)? W x(6.7<,(4NB(4BB( }4CB(4-@"*(Enter 'C' 'B' or 'N'.4 BP(g 6- A8( Which bill do you want to change]( }(Enter the value in dollars)? g B(Z 6- A6(Which coin should be differentZ((Enter it's value in }cents)? (-%(F(=:8,$+!,%A$8,$+ ,,42 A< AF B(  B)1 68,- }8,#68,-8,&168,-8,%)( 8,68,-8,&(68,-8,%)9 -!68,-8,%8,$8,% 98,"8 },B")? A-( Your change is incorrect.1 ?6.correct,)f A( You may0( 1. try againP( } 2. see the  answerf@rE:1)' -%(Which number? # '6)= 41 A-' A }/( 3 = B@)* 02 ( Enter 1 or 2.* BEJ)5 - A1(>:@:=:8,,,%A(,5 T)K }A.( The correct change is $76-8,A AG(.K Y)"@pE" B@)% -8,"8 }, % B)_ A.(CORRECT however, there is aR(better way to make the change._6.better)  B@ }0*.+0H:,$@%$0.#B0:*.-H:,$%" '-&B:,'. D*<#( The correct change i }s $,6-8,6 A<(.N*(  X*"+AR(0" y4+0 $E& }4A }d&"y3 -%+ Do you want to try again? / 3,y7<,4Y(} 6y87<,0N2(Please enter 'YES }' or 'NO'.8 %@y0+0%0%'AR*(0-Jy%D:HELLO{y  |y##.01,.05,.1,.25,.5,1,2,5,10 },20yWWPENNIESNICKELSDIMESQUARTERSHALF-DOLLARS$1 BILLS$2 BILLS$5 BILLS$10 BILLS$20 BILLSy$$1,8,15,20,28,40,48,56,64,73,8 }2y**EXCELLENT,VERY GOOD,WELL DONE,GREAT!%CLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCCHANGEV 29:CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCINUMBER}OPNUMNUMTIMDIGINUMBEANSWELEEWAZTRYZTRYDIGITDIGTEMNUMULDGZZETZIOCZBGZADZLZHZLEZCMZERZZTRIEDRILP}ROBPROBLECFLADGTDGTOPTIOOPPCINPUCORRECSPACEBAXXXULOZTRRIGH} } !"#$}%&'()*+,-./01234}56789:;<=>?@ABCD}EFGHIJK Program: ESTIMATE Copyright 1982 - MECC ' #@ '}" "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256%%5100,5150,9950,9990,31000,10000(;%,};,2$Ed;,;,;%,x+K+ AR#(+0 >+0&6-F:@,}&A(2@>B7t1 "-'( PERCENT OF 1 A -( I -( IS} ABOUT ?#6./@;@AI6-$Ad&6-N!+F:@,$%F:,,'+$,'6-7$%}A(KB7t%A(N$F:Ad,"&A 5 )5+"AU)"A&)",*B:,"AP"@'}*B:,"*,@%A(@B7t%A(D+L0P 2"%*B:,"6-%(Ad&2 A I 6-}"AU6-A:,2@%A(FB7t%A(I$="A&67B:,,.$6-&*-3( = A}"@ A!! @G)!@WA667B:,%,.>:,-$(>:,,6-%6 A, 6-6-}6- A1; "( Time is up.'(+ 16-; A%6 O:&,6-% A@N+(#}Your est}imated answer is not closeB(enough. Try again.J(N E (} AG? ",( The exact answer is .}8( < ?$J O:&,6-% ATa+(#}Your estimated answer is not closeR(enough. The exact answer is} .Z(^ a$] -(@*( VERY GOOD!!M( The exact answer is .Y( ]  (}} $1 -#(NO, THE ANSWER IS:' 1 A0X:)(!}You may choose the size of the7( numbers.:$]8%( 1. a} mixture of all these8( 2. 2 Digitsb,( 3. 3 Digits)( 4. 4 Digits,$l7 -$&(What is your choice? * }.76-A:,v0  )!&(Enter a number 1-4.0 A $2 6- A6-6-) A/6-2$% 6}--6-$ %6-'6-P:$H:,, A$ 6-P:',$$6-P:$H:,,%$A `}MJ6-?:C::h 8SUH GhdTͿT `,,M$A ` %&6+0AR!}-+-%2(*6 & -(* -&K -(* "-%)(*- 5-%K(Number tried}...&Y@$(Number correct2@%H(First try......R *!Y( &<(@%+(Seco}nd try.....5 *!<( &(  'JAR-%6 Pressto continue.DAd&J6-',}B7t@&F:Ad,"&, % 'F:Ad,"%*'  '0F:Ad,"%6-%*Ad&0 % ' }Ad&$'+0AR('f-(%In this program you will practiceS(!estimating answers to arithm}eticb( problems.f 'N%(}You may choose problems in8( 1. additionN( 2. Subtraction$'[( 3. multiplica}tion/( 4. divisionE( 5. percentages[@rE:)'9 -%((What is your choice? , 096-A:,}.'0  )!&(Enter a number 1-5.0 B%3' (}8'? -.(How many problems do you want? 2 6?6-A:,B'3}!$) )(Enter a number 1-30.3 B@L'[ (}-3(How many seconds do you want toW(estimate each answer (5}-30)? [ Q'$6-A:,$ )!$B`V'A 6-6-6-ABBBBBt'' A} A! A '6-~'# -" A #6-%' 6-6-'B@BP'' 6.+ A6-}%' B`'+ 6.- A6-&+B '4 6-"6-$P:#+&,%?,, A0 4 <(Y A.(} 1. 1 digit times 2 digitsY(& 2. 2 digits times 2 digits with theA(i(product less than 1000i(E 3. 2 digits ti}mes 2 digits with the product greater than 1000F(7'( 4. a mixture of all of these1 A 76-_( -"} A d( 6-n(B`BpBx( 6- A B() 6- A)$AB@( }B() 6- A)$AB@(B@(6-P:+$,'+%,%',(/ 6. X 6-$6-$' A}+ / )[ A4(" 1. 3 digits divided by 1 digit[(" 2. 3 digits divided by 2 digits)W*(" 3. 4 digit}s divided by 2 digitsG( 4. a mixture of theseQ A W6-') -,) " A 6)! 6-6-"6-!}6-@). A6-P:', 6-$.B@E)) 6./6-+%,$6-') AJ)   )[%(}You may choo}se the kind of7( percentages.[( 1. 1, 10 and 50 percent of a)7( number7( 2. 1-10 percent of a number})f)(! 3. percents which are multiples?( of 10 or 25\( 4. a mixture of thesef A ) 6-6--}6-) " A 6-)BPBB@)) A )B`BpB* 6- B* }6- B* 6-$&*-#6-$'$P:+$+$,&,$H:,%,- B0*g6-P:$H:,%,gBBB B}BB B B B B:* BD*@6-$$$P:A $H:,%,@'+$,$P:'+$,$,B }N* BX*) A )BPBPB`b*6-$P:$H:,%, B l*) A 6-$$)"$$B }v*6-$'$P:A $H:,%,*#6-%+,$#!$$B@*)6-$'+$,6-! A% ) y+0}Ad&yI@pE:!-%A Do you want to try again? E I,y7<,4Y(} 6y87<,0}N2(Please enter 'YES' or 'NO'.8 %@y0+0%0%'AR*(0-Jy%D:HELLO{y  %}N2(Please enter 'YES' or 'NO'.8 %@y0+0%0%'AR*(0-Jy%D:HELLO{y  %  pvCCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREORETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCTIMENAMESETEMPIPUTPLAYORDBONUSAGE}DIFFCULTTOTSCORNOCORTECNTIMKETRVAULGUESNOPLABONUPROBHIHSCOLLPLAYNZAGOPTIODFLALAGEDIFLEVDIFNUMNUM}TEMANCANSWEPAUSSCORIZBG } @@@}@@@ !"#$%&'()*}+,-./0123456789:};<=>?@ Program: MATHGM1 Copyright 1981 - MECC ' #@ '"} "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256 5100,5150,9990,31000,10000(;%,;,2$}Ed2 #B"2;AP,;,;,;,;,x//9$,9$,9$,9$,9$,9$,"+0A}R(" N %6-F:$,,$&A(@B7t&A(NK: 6-6-6.Ad}&6-##F:%,$%F:,!AApF:Ad,"&A $ )"AU*!$ A""*"%}*' A" !"%*"6-%! A < 6-"A&*! (~*67,.26-&< A%%") }@H)!@WA+ (>:,6-%!67<,.>:,+ A; -%$(TIME UP!6-%+6-%$16-; A}.6-+F:%,$%F:%,,'+$,(6-A:,.6-"$B7t$5 (}-56-P:$&+8,&,$'%$8,}&8,,  6-'68,-8,%68,- '6-8, - 8,6-8,   $ E -&(The highest }score was 7( scored by: =6-E6-%47 -"8,-%/(7+&,$%<$,76-%> !6-6-$H}  $& -68,- #68,-%&$ -6-88,,6-&/!88,,68%,-8,%6-&/ A }068%,-   $A `MJ6-?:C::h 8SUH GhdTͿT `,,M$}A ` %'JAR-%6 Pressto continue.DAd&J6-',B7t@&F:Ad,"}&, % 'F:Ad,"%*'  '0F:Ad,"%6-%*Ad&0 % ' Ad&$'+-A}P'67,. + ' -$68,- $'@rE8'< -+(How many players are there? }/ 3<6-A:,L'M )!$5(!The number of players must be 35C( or less.M B@Q' (}V'> --(How many }problems per player? 1 5>6-A:,`'Y )!$6("The number of problems per playerO(must be 50 or less.Y B}pj'G (}-/(Please type your name afterG(your player number.t'@pE~'2 6---%.}( Player #  2'6-+&,$+,%67,.'' 6-%!$- #6-' ' @rE'B}:,'"P:B:,',BP'+-B:,%P:B:,',$%'67,. + ' (}-'5 -( Player #  " 5(7+&},$%<$,'E - (How old are you? $ (16-A:,E*$B'D+(#This drill is designed for 5 to 40:}( year olds.D B`'0 68,--%0(1=EASY . . . 9=HARD'; -3($What level of problems do you want? 7 };''68,-A:,'8, )8,!B' - ' (E (}-1(You may choose problems usingE( 1. }addition (H( 2. subtraction4( 3. multiplicationH( 4. division(( 5. a mixture((. -$&(What }is your choice? * .2(9 6-A:, )!/(Enter a number 1-5.9 B<( (}F(- -)(Whenever you are rea}dy. . .- Z(! 6-6-6-"!6-d( -68,- n( -x( -6-( (}-(ROUND # }( 6-8,6-8,( -%(7+&,$%<$,( "6-P:H:,$,%(''B B0B@BP(} 6. +  B`( 6. -  B`( 6. X  B`( 6. / (!B@(7 "*"6-P:H:,$%,}-6-P:H:,$%,7 B(? "*"6-P:H:,$,%-6-P:H:,$%,56-%? B(6-P:H:,$%,)*6-P:H:,$M:}&,$$,*6-%P:H:,$,)16-P:H:,$M:&,$'M:,,16-%P:H:,$$%,)'  6-%P:H:,$$%,' B ") B},); "6-P:H:,$%,)6-P:H:,$%,16-$; B6))6-P:H:,$$M:,,)6-P:H:,$$M:,,@)"B@J) 6}-$T) "6-% B ^) "6-& B h) "6- B r) 6-6-6-|)8 -%$"(} =.....? 068,-8,%4 8 )!B)"BP) Bp)1(Please try again#-$' 1 }B )5 "-%%$#( Correct!!+6-%5 B)=-%%$( Incorrect'6-%$/6-%=!B) } BP)?(( You have used your three tries.?(The answer was )( -%((Score on this problem: )3'6-P:6$}$++%@P,'+$,,%$,- 36-)3((  Total: (68,-8,%/(8,3 ) 6-   A+* !} Al*I (}-&(Individual scores:)(I( Name Bonus Total* A ! A * 6--}*6 -#(7+8,&,$%<8,$,+-$6(88,,* -$(88,,* 6-%! 6-*   * }y($E }(Ad&"y3 -%+ Do you want to try again? / 3,y7<,4Y(} 6y87<},0N2(Please enter 'YES' or 'NO'.8 %@y0+0%0%'AR*(0-Jy%D:HELLO{y  |}y 200%CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREORETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCTIMENAMESETEMPIPUTPLAYORDBONUSAGE  pvCCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREORETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCTIMENAMESETEMPIPUTPLAYORDBONUSAGE}DIFFCULTTOTSCORNOCORTECNTIMKETRVAULGUESNOPLABONUPROBHIHSCOLLPLAYNZAGOPTIODFLALAGEDIFLEVDIFNUMNUM}TEMANCANSWEPAUSSCORIZBG } @@@ }@@@ !"#$%&'()* }+,-./0123456789: };<=>?@ Program: MATHGM1 Copyright 1981 - MECC ' #@ '" } "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256 5100,5150,9990,31000,10000(;%,;,2$ }Ed2 #B"2;AP,;,;,;,;,x//9$,9$,9$,9$,9$,9$,"+0A}R(" N %6-F:$,,$&A(@B7t&A(NK: 6-6-6.Ad}&6-##F:%,$%F:,!AApF:Ad,"&A $ )"AU*!$ A""*"%}*' A" !"%*"6-%! A < 6-"A&*! (~*67,.26-&< A%%") }@H)!@WA+ (>:,6-%!67<,.>:,+ A; -%$(TIME UP!6-%+6-%$16-; A}.6-+F:%,$%F:%,,'+$,(6-A:,.6-"$B7t$5 (}-56-P:$&+8,&,$'%$8,}&8,,  6-'68,-8,%68,- '6-8, - 8,6-8,   $ E -&(The highest }score was 7( scored by: =6-E6-%47 -"8,-%/(7+&,$%<$,76-%> !6-6-$H}  $& -68,- #68,-%&$ -6-88,,6-&/!88,,68%,-8,%6-&/ A }068%,-   $A `MJ6-?:C::h 8SUH GhdTͿT `,,M$}A ` %'JAR-%6 Pressto continue.DAd&J6-',B7t@&F:Ad,"}&, % 'F:Ad,"%*'  '0F:Ad,"%6-%*Ad&0 % ' Ad&$'+-A}P'67,. + ' -$68,- $'@rE8'< -+(How many players are there? }/ 3<6-A:,L'M )!$5(!The number of players must be 35C( or less.M B@Q' (}V'> --(How many }problems per player? 1 5>6-A:,`'Y )!$6("The number of problems per playerO(must be 50 or less.Y B}pj'G (}-/(Please type your name afterG(your player number.t'@pE~'2 6---%.}( Player #  2'6-+&,$+,%67,.'' 6-%!$- #6-' ' @rE'B}:,'"P:B:,',BP'+-B:,%P:B:,',$%'67,. + ' (}-'5 -( Player #  " 5(7+&},$%<$,'E - (How old are you? $ (16-A:,E*$B'D+(#This drill is designed for 5 to 40: }( year olds.D B`'0 68,--%0(1=EASY . . . 9=HARD'; -3($What level of problems do you want? 7 !};''68,-A:,'8, )8,!B' - ' (E (}-1(You may choose problems usingE( 1. "}addition (H( 2. subtraction4( 3. multiplicationH( 4. division(( 5. a mixture((. -$&(What #}is your choice? * .2(9 6-A:, )!/(Enter a number 1-5.9 B<( (}F(- -)(Whenever you are rea$}dy. . .- Z(! 6-6-6-"!6-d( -68,- n( -x( -6-( (}-(ROUND # %}( 6-8,6-8,( -%(7+&,$%<$,( "6-P:H:,$,%(''B B0B@BP(&} 6. +  B`( 6. -  B`( 6. X  B`( 6. / (!B@(7 "*"6-P:H:,$%,'}-6-P:H:,$%,7 B(? "*"6-P:H:,$,%-6-P:H:,$%,56-%? B(6-P:H:,$%,)*6-P:H:,$M:(}&,$$,*6-%P:H:,$,)16-P:H:,$M:&,$'M:,,16-%P:H:,$$%,)'  6-%P:H:,$$%,' B ") B)},); "6-P:H:,$%,)6-P:H:,$%,16-$; B6))6-P:H:,$$M:,,)6-P:H:,$$M:,,@)"B@J) 6*}-$T) "6-% B ^) "6-& B h) "6- B r) 6-6-6-|)8 -%$"(+} =.....? 068,-8,%4 8 )!B)"BP) Bp)1(Please try again#-$' 1 ,}B )5 "-%%$#( Correct!!+6-%5 B)=-%%$( Incorrect'6-%$/6-%=!B) -} BP)?(( You have used your three tries.?(The answer was )( -%((Score on this problem: )3'6-P:6$.}$++%@P,'+$,,%$,- 36-)3((  Total: (68,-8,%/(8,3 ) 6-   A+* !/} Al*I (}-&(Individual scores:)(I( Name Bonus Total* A ! A * 6--0}*6 -#(7+8,&,$%<8,$,+-$6(88,,* -$(88,,* 6-%! 6-*   * 1}y($E }(Ad&"y3 -%+ Do you want to try again? / 3,y7<,4Y(} 6y87<2},0N2(Please enter 'YES' or 'NO'.8 %@y0+0%0%'AR*(0-Jy%D:HELLO{y  |3}y 200%CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREORETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCTIMENAMESETEMPIPUTPLAYORDBONUSAGEtumCCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINTIMECIBNZZN5}ZBG 6}7} Program: MATHGAME Copyright 1981 - MECC ' #@ '" "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,8}7,8,9,10,20,256 5100,5150,9990,31000,10000( ;,2$E<+AR(0d;@,9};@, A `MJ6-?:C::h 8SUH GhdTͿT `,,M$A `:} %'JAR-%6 Pressto continue.DAd&J6-',B7t@&F:Ad,"&, % ';}F:Ad,"%*'  '0F:Ad,"%6-%*Ad&0 % ' Ad&$' -( MATH<} GAME'3 -$ /(Do you want instructions? 3'6.7<,4NB0'0YB'R (}-4( =}In this game, players compete inR(answering math problems.'//('You can choose, addition, sutraction,'''(multipl>}ication, division, or a'(mixture of problems.'N/('Your age and level will determine theJ(problems you receive?}.N 'Q/('}The faster you answer the problemsQ(the more points you receive.'N'(You will be given three tries.@}K(Bonus points are given at theN('))(!end. These points are determined'H+(#by your age, level, and the numberDA}(of correct answers.H '6 (}-((One moment please...6% D:MATHGM1y($E }(Ad&"y3B} -%+ Do you want to try again? / 3,y7<,4Y(} 6y87<,0N2(Please enter 'YES' or 'NO'.8C} %@y0+0%0%'AR*(0-Jy%D:HELLO{y  %ERETURENDINZLINTIMECIBNZZNX=CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCANSWERN!E}UMAINNUGUESAZZZTRIEZTRZTRYZTRYSIZPROFIRSSECONRANSWEZZBG!F} !G}@ !"#$!H}%&'()*+,-./ Program:ROUND Copyright 1981!I} - MECC ' #@ '" "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256995100,5150,5500,!J}9100,9150,9950,9970,9990,31000,10000(;%,;,2$E<" +AR@" d;,;,9!K},n! 6- +0!AR ,< -( rounds to ! %.6-A:,<"A6$@ -$(Rou!L}nd to the nearest @AA A0 (ten:$(hundred:$( thousand:$A `MJ6-?!M}:C::h 8SUH GhdTͿT `,,M$A ` %&6+0AR!-+!N}-%2(*6 & -(* -&K -(* "-%)(*- 5-%K(Number tried...!O}&Y@$(Number correct2@%H(First try......R *!Y( &<(@%+(Second try.!P}....5 *!<( & ( $'JAR-%6 Pressto continue.DAd&J6-',B7t@!Q}&F:Ad,"&, % 'F:Ad,"%*'  '0F:Ad,"%6-%*Ad&0 % ' Ad&!R}$'"B$') -)(A Drill on Rounding Numbers'+ -$+(Do you want instructions? '  6.7,) 6-H:, 'B ,)%6-P:$$,%"P:',$B )4 (!]}} A A46-P:+%$+',,',$*B *: -$%6-%:+$H:,%,BBB0&* (!^}Good! B :*( That's it! B N*(Great!! B *3 !)( Too large, try again.3 B @*+!_}+(# Too small. Try it once more.*  AB `*/ 6-%%( That is correct./ B *&&(!`} The best answer is .*   *@pE: +! 6-6-6-  ! y($E }!a}(Ad&"y3 -%+ Do you want to try again? / 3,y7<,4Y(} 6y87<,0N2(Please ente!b}r 'YES' or 'NO'.8 %@y0+0%0%'AR*(0-Jy%D:HELLO{y  %ZDOLZNCANSWERN j7CCCCCCCCCCC1IZZRZDDAZNTC1C10RETURC2C25ENDINZCLEAREOZETZIOCZBGZADDISKIZLZH%d}ZLEZCMZERCLEAREOJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCOREZLINZDOLCLEAEO%e} @@%f} !"#$%&%g}'()*+,-./0 Program:SPEED DRILL EDIT Copyright%s}oB$DOS SYSB(TENS B0?TENSP3 B1oCHANGE B6ESTIMAT B/MATHGM1 B/MATHGM B4MATHGAME BDROUND BcSPDRILLE B2SPDRILL B,HELLO BLOGO B LOGO FNTB CENTS FNTB TENS FNTB SPDRILL FNTBSPDRILL TXTb TENSCORETXTB"TENSEXT TXTB6(TENSP2 b!TENSCORETXT 1981 - MECC ' #@ '" "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256995100,5150,%t}5500,9100,9150,9950,9970,9990,31000,10000(;%,;,2$E<+0AR d;,;$,%u}9,n D:SPDRILL.TXTx - 68,-A:,  6- BA `M%v}J6-?:C::h 8SUH GhdTͿT `,,M$A ` %|5 6-$$6- %'A%w}6%5A7%9 6- %A@%+AA%9A4%-6-?:C:hhhLV,<,*6-F:%A5,-$%x}6-P:',6-P:&$,$'JAR-%6 Pressto continue.DAd&J6-',B7t@%y}&F:Ad,"&, % 'F:Ad,"%*'  '0F:Ad,"%6-%*Ad&0 % ' Ad&%z}$'1 (}-1( Speed Drill Teacher Option'3 -%+(Do you want instructions? / 3.'7<,4NB %{}8'7<,0YBB' B*R,($}This option allows you to changeR(!the range of the numbers used in+L+(%|}#SPEED DRILL and the time limit forL(for the student's response. +c)(!You can change the data for anyN( or all o%}}f the four arithmetical_( operations.c  +T+(#}After you change the numbers orT($the time limit, this information%~} is*+K (stored on the diskette.K(&These changes remain in effect until/+R*("this teacher option is used againN(%}to make further modifications.R 4+p,($}Five numbers are associated withK(each operation. They are:p(  MIN1, %}MAX1, MIN2, MAX2, SEC.>+//('MIN1 and MAX1 are the lower and upperH+S-(%limits for one number, and MIN2 MAX2S(!are l%}imits for the other number.R+b&(SEC is the number of secondsE(allowed for each problem.I b(}If, for example:%}\+''( MIN1 MAX1 MIN2 MAX2 SECf+&&( 9 9 0 9 10z+W.(&The student might get problems suchW%}($as 9 + 2, 9 + 4, or 9 + 0 and would+2.(&get 10 seconds to answer the problem.2 . (}#B.-P:+&,%}',%" .-$&B:,'(&/(%(MIN1 MAX1 MIN2 MAX2 SEC((0/ -%:/%%-+&,$%&B:=:8,,,F:@,%}D/ 8,N/ v/0 -((Do you want any changes? , 0/7<,4NB#/7<,0YB!P/ #B%}/ - /#@rE:#-%/"/( = //4 B:,"#-@F:@,&*(8,%}4 B"p/68,-A:,/' @pE:' B  0"$B00 6-% 0 B 2A (}-((%}One moment please...A D:SPDRILL.TXT2 -%26.=:8,,2 2 2y$E@y0+%}0%0%'AR*(0-Jy%D:HELLO{y  |y77MINIMUM1,MAXIMUM1,MINIMUM2,MAXIMUM2,SECONDS ,NUL%}Ly22Addition,Subtraction,Multiplication,Division%TC1C10RETURC2C25ENDINZCLEAREOZETZIOCZBGZADDISKIZLZH$:' CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREODISKISCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCNAMEIPUTWCHARCOPDLIMITTEMPFL)}AZIOCZCMZADZLELCXNUMQUESNUMTEMQPOHTATIMGUESOPTIOLZZZZZETZBGZLZHZERZZTRIEZTRYZTRYTRNOPROB)}TCONUM )}@)} !"#$%&'()*+,-)}./0123456789:;<)}=>?@ABCDE Program:SPEED DRILL Copyright 1982 - MECC )}' #@ '" "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256%%5100,5500,9950,9990,31000,10000()};%,;,2$Ed99;$,;,;,;@,;$,;%,9,;,n<A@Y+')}03AR6(<6-}J D:SPDRILL.FNT"6-(6-46-BS`@6-A$J AUbb6.X%&{(v)}   |[\]^_!@#$xz `((6.+=-> /QXZ:;q**@)} D:SPDRILL.TXT$-+768,-A:,; @ 8-B:,6-A:7<,,.(7$%<$%,2 5(8$, ")}* 6-@!$6 "6-@$@"* $6-A2$J "6-A#$T "* $$6-AC)} $^ "6-A4$h A% "* 6-@!$)"*+&P:',$,$ &6-@!)$ "6-)}@$""* $* 6-A2"$ *! A  "6-A4$#6-P:'+$,,#6-P:',&$$)}6-&$@&$$ $ *$ 6-A! $6-A#$X/ 6.6.=:,&!)$/6-\)}26-F:$,$&A(2B7t&A(]6-A:7<,,b* -%&$())*-%&$lAd&)}6-v4+F:&,$%F:,,'+$,! '* AP4 BAPF:Ad,"&A0K:)$"AU)}*!6.$ AP"%*"*' !"%*"6-%! A0' 6-"*"A&*!' A0])}"A&*!6-&$( 26-A:7<,,>-%&$S(7@<@,] A !'&6-&'' @H)})!@W)!' A767<,.>:,/(7+&$,$%<+&$,$%,76-% ( A )}A E 6-&6-A:7<,,%-%&$;(7@<@,E A $B7t$,-6%6-%$P)}:#+&,%',) ,$ ) -"6-%$P:#+&,%',& )$A `MJ6-?:C::h 8SUH Ghd)}TͿT `,,M$A ` %(*@@'@*$|=6-$@6-! AU )}/A6%=A7%= 6- AU !A@%/AA%=A4%-6-?:C:hhhLV,<,*6-F:%A)}5,-$*6-P:'AV,'6-P:&$AV,*$&6+AR0!-+-%2(*6 & -(*)} -&K -(* "-%)(*- 5-%K(Number tried...&Y@$(Number correct2@)}%H(First try......R *!Y( &<(@%+(Second try.....5 *!<( & ( $'J)}AR-%6 Pressto continue.DAd&J6-',B7t@&F:Ad,"&, % 'F:Ad)},"%*'  '0F:Ad,"%6-%*Ad&0 % ' Ad&$'5 +06-!6-')}6-5"By'& -" What is your name? &(11()}This is a timed drill on arithmetic.(d/('It will te)}st your skills in addition,U(!subtraction, multiplication, andd( division.(R-(%You can choose which operation, and)}N(how many problems you want.R ). (}-.(You may choose problems in).( 1. addition.( 2. subtrac)}tion )1( 3. multiplication1( 4. division )@rE ). -%&(What is your choice? * .)})9 6-A:, )!/(Enter a number 1-4.9 B ") (}$)A -%0(How many problems do you want? 4 8A6-)}A:,,)4 )!$*(Enter a number 1-30.4 B29)@pEh)6-+&,$%* -6-P:H:,$$,)}* 00+$$6-P:H:,$+8%,&8,%,,%8, +((6-P:H:,$+8%,&8%,%,,%8%,+6-8%,*+ !6-)}6-6-4+ "6-%>+ "6-&H+ "6-$M+"*"BR+ "6-6-$.% (}AV)}$%"B`.] 6.=:,6-@"&B:,$%-/ A86.=:,K-@"&B:,$U A]-&2?(7+&,$)}%<+&,$%,"-,-$3(<7 ?6-%2+6-B:=:,,6-"!6-+ B0U2''AA%AA)} 2;-%&$--(7@<@,1 ; A7/-B:,6+67B:,%F6-B:=:,,-$&$)(7%<$,7-B:=:,,?())C F(>N 6.=:,-)}$&$&B:,$) A5-%&$>6.=:,H AN6-> B0H N: 6- #B -#"' 6-$&B:)},':(4N. -%*( Time limit:  seconds. y4+0 $E& }4Ad&"y3 -%+ Do)} you want to try again? / 3,y7<,4Y(} 6y87<,0N2(Please enter 'YES' or 'NO'.8 %@y0+0)}%0%'AR*(0-Jy%D:HELLO{y  |y22FABULOUS,GOOD JOB,GREAT,SUPER,THAT'S IT,NULLy22Ad)}dition,Subtraction,Multiplication,Division%DISKISCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCNAMEIPUTWCHARCOPDLIMITTEMPFL(1g CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIRETURTEXTNUMBERYNDISKNAMEXNENDINNUMPROGMAXLECXMAXI-}PROZIOCZZLZHZADZLEZCMZERLXXCINFLAXZETZBGVTASELECINPUNUMOPTVER-} -} !"#-}$%&'()*+,-./0123-} Program: HELLO Copyright 1982 - MECC ' #@ '" "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9-},10,20,2565100,5150,5500,9990d&&;@7,;,;,;%,;,n-Bx% #B"6-%6-%+!,-}+ - A""B:,!+6-B:,3 @%@@93A$ B#Bp%$$-}$ -"4)4 A0.7B:,,4*$ 7:,6-%67,.>:-},) A "AE:6-@:7<,,'!@G* @Y06-A:,: AP 6-7AR"%A-}4B7tA7$A `MJ6-?:C::h 8SUH GhdTͿT `,,M$-}A ` %|5 6-$$6- %'A6%5A7%9 6- %A@%+AA%9A4%-}-6-?:C:hhhLV,<,*6-F:%A5,-$6-P:',6-P:&$,$'JAR-%6 Pressto continu-}e.DAd&J6-'.B7t@.F:Ad,"&A 'F:Ad,"%*'  '.F:Ad,"%6--}(Ad&. % '! Ad&-!$'D+0%0%'AR*(6@eDAd&'& -}#B""-&&B:,'& $'@-&'.',-@ A"% ,  3' .  B'-}     D'/" %. Program Descriptions( /  F'. %. 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