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F0Ξ05: [ BDEHI%} VY8 B V  @  /DE `E:D1:DUP.SYSERROR-SAVING USER MEMORY ON DISKTYPE Y TO &}STILL RUN DOS B;DE J V (` 9 V⪍ ઍ  -'}LLu DEHILV 9 .l 9 .l  `` s$B VBH(}I|DE V BLV nB,DE J V* \*` B V BLVDEHI BLVL)}1u H232435; 1 ;  hh@2 e1i1LHҍ 00) 08 109hh@ Ҡ2e*}1i1232435ޥ<<8z}D1:VER10 8 00`,0'D800H,ɛh`2L1NEED D1 THRU D4 uThe Bible says that "God knows who is really trusting Somewhere nearby is Cranston Manor. It is a huge deserteV}d mansion where you will find rich treasure, and meet strange creatures. It won't be easy though, you must solve many W} puzzles and find entrances to the secret rooms, and be careful, a wrong move can bring disaster. Since adventX}urers of your caliber are very hard to replace, we will send a droid in your place. Control its actions with commandsY} like 'NORTH' or 'NW' or 'LIGHT LANTERN'. To get a perfect score you'll need to get all the treasures out of the estatZ}e. Drawing a map will help. GOOD LUCK...... YOU WILL NEED IT! There is a tiny white pill here. [} I am standing at the west end of Main street in a small town The freeway is to the west, there are cornfields N \}and S. I am at the intersection of 1st street and Main. 1st street runs north/south. There are old houses on ]}each side. At this intersection, 2nd street runs N/S while Main cont- inues E/W. The roof of a huge house can be seen t^}o the NE. I am apparently east of the town here. Short street runs to the south here. I see a small junkyard _}to the south From here on Main street a huge house can be seen directly to the north through a woods. Cranston Blvd. r`}uns to the NW There are corn fields to the south. I am at the intersection of 2nd and Cranston Ba}lvd. which runs to the SE from here. There is a small store to the SW, and a huge house can be seen to the NE ovb}er some trees. 1st street curves around a corner going south and east from here. There are houses on each side and a woc}ods to the N. There is a small junkyard to the SE. Short street goes to the north while Pierce street goes to the wd}est. I am at the intersection of Pierce street going east/west and 2nd street running north/south. I cane} see what looks like a small junkyard to the east. This is the intersection of 1st street ruf}nning north/south and a wide treelined street going to the east. I am at the south end of 2nd street. Thg}ere are corn fields in all directions I am at the south end of 1st street. Th}here is nothing here but cornfields in every direction. I am standing in a corn field with 7 fi}eet tall stalks. I can't see anything but corn. Cranston Blvd. runs NW and SE from hej}re, with a tall stone wall following it to the NW. The wall also goes straight E. Set here in the stone wall next to tk}he road is a sign read- ing 'CRANSTON MANOR'. A huge iron gate is set in the wall. Through the gate I can see a windinl}g drive leading to a large house. The huge gate is securely locked. Cranston Blvd. runs NW and SE fromm} here. A tall stone wall goes SE and straight N. There is an enormous oak tree here. I scramble up a tall oak tree. Fn}rom its upper branches, I can clearly see the entire Cranston estate. There is the main house on the northeast corno}er, a small cottage to the south, and overgrown gardens everywhere. Also a fountain near the house with a large catp} statue. The fountain has a wide deep looking pool around it. The drive winds from the main entrance a short distanceq} southeast of here. There is a tall stone wall running north/south here. Part- ially hidden in the wall is ar} small iron gate. A 9 foot tall stone wall runs to the east and south from here. I am apparently at thes} NW corner of the estate. Are you sure I'm not wasting my time walking around this place. I'm at the northeast}t corner of the estate. I'm in a dense forest here. A tall stone wall goes to the north and west from here. u} There is a rusty crowbar here. I'm standing inside an olv}d dusty store, which is empty except for long bare counters. There is a dirty sign on one which reads: "FREE LANTEw}RNS FOR ADVENTURERS (or droids)." From here a gravel path leads straight east through tall hedges, another goes sox}uth, and directly to the west is a small gate set in a stone wall. The manor is to the east. There is a small bricky} gazebo here in the middle of the hedge maze. There are exits to the north and east. The driveway goes norz}th to the garage and south around a bend from here. A gravel path goes to the NW and SW around a fountain. To the {}east are steps up to the house. Here in the middle of overgrown rose gardens, the gravel path splits three w|}ays. To the south is the main gate, to the east is a fountain, and to the north more gardens. There is a small l}}antern here. OK, I'll just step off this branch here .... The crowbar prys ~}the gate open easily. Lying here are two splendid RED RUBIES. I'm immediately }to the south of a wide deep pool. In the center of the pool is a statue of a cat. A faded sign on an iron post} reads "DON'T FEED THE PIRANHA" There is a small bag full of PRECIOUS JEWELRY here. Lying here is }a large brass key. There are two elegant tall SILVER CANDLESTICKS here. Light glints }off some SILVER COINS. I'M AFRAID THE DROID HAS CEASED TRANSMITTING ! I paddled ac}ross the pond in the raft and, There are two BARS OF GOLD here. Lying here }is a steel dagger with a finely honed blade. I'm standing on the driveway where it curves to the N and W A brick pa}th leads SE to a small house some distance away, and an overgrown dirt path leads SW into a small woods. I'm stand}ing in a large dark garage. I can faintly see light through doors to the east, west and south. I can't }budge the gate! The light of the lantern shows a ladder leading up into the shadows}. I'm standing on a flagstone porch. Immediately to the E are tall o}ak doors. To the west are stairs down to the driveway. This is a large east/west hall. There are pictures on every wall.} There are large oak doors to the W, and exits in each direction. At one end of the room are stairs leading up. This} is a dark musty smelling room. There are empty pipe racks on two walls and a desk near a window overlooking the cat} fountain. There are exits to the north and east. I am unable to climb the steep slope. A }plastic subway pass is lying here. I'm standing at the south end of a long north/south hall. T}here are exits on each side. This is a dining room. There is a long table in the center }of the room and a fireplace at the north end. There are are exits to the north and west. }The soldier crumples to the ground. Instantly I hear a hissingsound and the soldier disintegrates leaving a dark stain! } I'm standing on a gravel path. To the west the path vanishes between tall hedges. The path also goes south around a } cat fountain. To the E a door is ajar in a windowless wall. The mouse leaps out from the cage to the floor. } This is another large room with a heavy looking chandelier. There is a huge organ against the west wall and a large } fireplace to the north. There are doors to the east and S. There is a beautiful carved JADE FIGURINE here. } The money in the opening is too far away to reach. A shiny card slips out another slot and falls to the gro}und. Forget it, I can't swim. There is a short pause, then a whirring sound. The heav}y door slides open. There is no reason to throw it, I'll just drop it. } The pump starts with a grinding sound and water jets into the cistern. The bottle floats to the top. } The bottle is resting on the bottom of the cistern. I cannot reach it. } The pump creaks and stops. Lying at the bottom of the cistern I can see a bott}le. There is a large iron pot sitting here. There is an iron pot full of water here. } Standing in one corner is a large black suit of armor. There is a bottle full of glittering cut DIAMONDS}. I think it needs some help starting. BONG! The dagger bounced off the stasis field. } I missed! I hit him! } Suddenly the figure at the computer console moves. The laser on the ceiling swings towards me. ZZZAAAPPP! } The water splashes across the computer panel. Suddenly white hot sparks fly as an explosion tears the comp}uter apart. The laser on the ceiling tilts crazily. The little tin soldiers slump to the floor as the hologram fades and} disappears. There is a small wooden cage lying nearby. There are a few cheese curds here. } There is some RARE TEA here. There is a dusty book here with the title }"LOOKOUT" The book is blank except for the first page which reads "Enter the lookout with 'EMASES' " } A section of bookcase slides open with a creaking sound. I hear a creaking sound from somewhere i}n the mansion. I am unable to open the gate. Thats the way we came. I'm not going ba}ck emptyhanded! I am unable to give any further description. To conserve your solar cells just use }the command OFF. There is no obvious passage in that direction. I can't walk through solid wall. } The light reveals stairs leading down into darkness. I'm not carrying the lantern. } A short tin soldier just marched around a corner. The tin soldier leveled a tiny gun }at me and fired. BANG! UHH.. He got me... My neuro synapses are shorting! He missed me! } There is nothing here to attack. As I approach the little soldier }he takes aim. BANG! HOLD EVERYTHNG!!! THIS WILL NEVER DO, OUR DROID GETTING CREAMED BY A PINK BULL. I HAVE P}UT THE BULL IN A TEMPORARY TIME STASIS FIELD. THE FIELD WILL BE RELEASED AFTER YOUR NEXT COMMAND. } The bull charges across the room at me. I can see the pinks of its beady little eyes. } WHAM! CRUNCH!.... STOMP STOMP STOMP... In the darkness I hear bellow}ing and stamping sounds. Gradually the stamping fades into the distance. There is a screwdriver lying} here. The door is locked. Having problems? Well, reme}mber that I normally expect a two word command consisting of a verb and noun. If you're stuck or nothing seems to be hap}pening, look around some more, you probably need something you haven't found yet. The commands 'QUIT' and 'RESTORE' may }be used to finish the game later. I'm inside the demolished computer vault. The computer console is burning. The }iron blast door is to the north. The mouse sniffs cautiously and then begins eating the curds There is a small cage w}ith a mouse scurrying around. Suddenly, the suit of armor clanks across the room and grabs from my hands. } The mouse seems timid and easily avoids me. There is a little mou}se sitting here looking at me. At the sight of the mouse, the armor runs out the door ! The door apparently }closed without my notice and won't open. I can't budge the door. In one dresser draw}er is a beautiful EMERALD NECKLACE. There is a beautiful EMERALD NECKLACE lying here. There is a heavy r}ing with a huge PEARL here. The wall is too smooth to get a foothold. A few squeeks and} wheezes come out but thats all. The dagger bounces off the armor without leaving a dent. There is a large} PLATINUM SPHERE here. This suit of armor must weigh a ton, I can't budge it. MUNCH... MUNCH}... GULP There is a wooden chair here. WHACK... BANG.}.. The armor is unaffected by my blows. I'm swinging on the rope. Each swing brings me near the wall With an incre}dible leap I clear the railing and... Lying here is a colorful, plastic, inflatable raft. The crystal }triangle slids smoothly in the slot. Instantly the heavy iron door swings open. I have no k}ey to fit the keyhole. The screwdriver easily pries out the glass eyes. WOW! The e}yes aren't really glass they're GIANT RUBIES. I don't have anything to pry them out with. There is }a stack of FIFTY DOLLAR BILLS here. I scramble up the thick rope and... There is} nothing here I know how to climb. Try just 'UP'. I am unable to do that without a direction. There i}s a straw nest here with some large GOLD EGGS. There is a long, heavy GOLD SPYGLASS lying here. It is }pitch black. I can't see anything. TRIP.... TUMBLE... CRASH!!! The r}ear wall of the fireplace slides back as I enter it. I caught the little rascal ! I do}n't have anything to carry a mouse in. The torch appears to be securely fastened to the wall. Lyi}ng here is a crystal triangle with runic inscriptions. There is nothing here. In} one of the desk drawers is a bronze key. The torch moves slightly and the panel in front of me s}wings open silently. Standing in the chair I can just reach the opening. }The opening is too far above my head. The message reads "The beast charged me.. smashed my lantern }too weak to go on..." I scramble up the thick rope and... } Suddenly an enormous pink bull charges around a stalagmite bellowing madly. He's coming right at me. } The lantern just went out. The lantern seems to be getting dim. } I crawled around some small crawlways and... There is a finely carved GOLD PENDANT here. } Nothing happens disappears. } There is a sudden brightening of the green light and There's a sudden incredible wrench and everything goes b}lack There is a large GOLD NUGGET rolling around on the floor. I'm standing in a short breezeway between the garage to} the west and a large house to the east. Another door leads north This is the west end of a long narrow east/west hall. }There are doors to the north, south and west. I'm standing in a large room with many windows. The w}alls have faded wallpaper with pictures of childrens toys. The only door is to the east. } I'm standing at the south end of a north/south hall. There are doors east and west and stairs leading down. } This room has walls of dark red velvet. Heavy curtains hang on either side of a huge heart shaped bed. A tall} red dresser stands in one corner. To the south, doors lead to a small balcony, there is another door to the wes}t. I'm standing on a small balcony with an iron railing. To the north are doors leading inside. A large oak }tree growing immediately to the south blocks my view from here. This is the middle of the upstairs north/south }hall. There are doors to each side. I'm at the north end of the north/south hall, }there is a door to the west. This is another large room with exits to the }east and south. A king size bed and matching dressers with HIS and HERS monograms indicate that it is the master bed}room. Mounted on the north wall is a carved wood torch. I'm standing in a small secret room. The o}nly light comes from a column of green light which rises from a hole in the floor. I hear the humming of machinery. A }freshly painted sign on one wall reads: "VOICE ACTUATED LIFT, read manual for operating instructions." There are ex}its E and S. This is the east end of the east/west hall. Doors lead to SE and SW, and there is a large hole thr}ough the north wall. I'm standing on a gravel path under a sagging grape arbor. The path runs east and west disappearin}g around the sides of the house. There is a door to the south. To the east from here, just off the gr}avel path is an over- grown dry well. To the west is a door into the house. The path continues north and south fr}om here. I'm standing on a north/south path just east of a tall tower on the SE corner of the house.} One of the windows at the top of the tower is broken. To the west is a tall tree which rises to within a few feet of} a small balcony on the second floor. Glass doors lead off the balcony. I'm at the base of a tall oak tree} which grows to within a few feet of a small balcony. A short distance to the west is the driveway, to the east I ca}n see a N/S gravel path. I'm hanging in the branches at the top of a tall oak tree. A short distance to the north is} a small balcony with glass doors leading into a dark red room. I'm in a small room with doors }to the N and E. There is a small bed and matching small dresser here, both painted light pink. } This is a large room with dark paneling on the walls. There are two overstuffed chairs an}d an empty bookcase against one wall. There is a door to the west and a closet door to the north. } This is a small empty closet. Fastened to the north wall above my head is a small bo}x. There is a door to the south. This is a large empty room. There are stairs leading up and doors to the west and nort}h. I'm hanging on the thick rope about 15 feet above the closet floor. Just a few feet a}bove my head, the rope is fastened to a iron hook. About 3 feet to the south is a small opening in the wall. } This is a long room with a row of moldy, shabby beds on each side. There is a door }to the west and stairs leading down. I'm standing in a large empty room. There is a gaping hole in the ceiling above m}e through which sunlight streams. Mounted above my head on one wall is a carved wooden torch. There is a door to th}e east. This is a medium sized room. To the north and west are doors and there are }stairs leading up. I'm standing at the bottom of a flight of stairs. Just west is a heavy iron doo}r with a triangular keyhole. From here paths lead to the north, west and south. The dirt floor is litt}ered with loose dirt and small rocks. There is a heavy iron door to the east, the door is open. IT WAS TOO DAMP A}ND COLD, THE DROID SHORT CIRCUITED! I'm standing in a small cul de sac. About 8 feet above the floor a large ho}le is visible. A low passage goes east. A cool breeze is blowing out of the hole. I'm standing on} a narrow path which hugs a rocky wall. Just west of the path a 100 foot drop opens into an enormous cavern. Cold m}ist rises from the cavern floor giving a fog like appearance. Glistening ice crystals cover the distant walls } and ceiling. The path continues north and south. I'm in a nar }row north/south passage. Sunlight is visible far above, filtering through a small hole through which I can see bra }nches waving. This is a low open room. A narrow passage goes to the south, while a wi }de walk slants up and NW. Another wide walkway goes to the east. Low on one wall I can see what appears to be some f }aint scratchings that look like letters. I can hear a faint bellowing sound from the east. This is }a large round room with holes in all directions. With a tremendous leap I sail through the air and... I'm sta }nding in a large open area. Huge green stalagmites of all sizes are growing up from the floor. The path contin }ues east and west here. I landed in the bottom of a large stone cistern. From }here a steep crawlway leads upwards. Another wide smooth passage leads west and an opening in the floor reve }als a lower passage going south. I'm standing in a large low room. A low crawlway leads to the } west and down. A sign on the wall here reads. "CARRY ME NEAR, CARRY ME FAR, YO }U WON'T GET ME OUT OF THEM THAR caverns." I }'m on a winding east/west walkway. The floor here is hard and smooth. }I'm standing in a large open dirt room. To the south light pours through a large hole in the ceiling. The hard smooth }floor slopes slightly. On the north wall a dark hole can be seen about 10 feet above the floor. } This is a small lighted chamber. I can hear the humming of far off machinery. Nearby a column of green light rises and } disappears through a hole in the ceiling. A sign on the wall reads "LIFT CHAMBER". There is a narrow passage leading eas }t The walls of this room are blue rock. High above me I can hear the sound of flapping wings. A narrow sloping passage } leads east and another leads south. A wide crawl leads west. I'm standing in an observatory with windows commanding a } panoramic view to the north. In the distance, snowcapped mountains rise above thick blue-green woods, while just }a short distance beyond a nearer woods, a wide river meanders. There is a door to the south. } I'm standing in a small booth inside a large room. Straw and broken wooden cages litter the floor and there is }a hole in the north wall. There is a door to the east. I'm standing in a long room with tall stained glass w }indows on the west wall. Hard looking wood pews line each side. There are exits to the north and east. } This room is strewn with a fine reddish dust and broken pieces of pottery. Ther are doors to the east and w }est. This is a narrow low room. There are doors to the north and west. Along the base of the north wall, about 3 fe }et from one corner is a small hole. Paneling is falling off the walls in this room. }Immediately to the north is a large hole in the floor. There are doors to the east and west and a large hole in the wal }l to the south. There are several large overstuffed chairs in t }his room, and a window looking to the north. There are doors to the east and west. } I'm inside a tower with a circular staircase. The stairs are drapped with cobwebs, and a slight breeze } is blowing down them. There is a door to the west. This is a tiny room with stairs winding down } one side. There are windows on all four sides. The one to the north has a large hole in it. !} I'm standing in a dusty room with bookshelves on the walls. Footprints visible in the dust lead to the "} E wall and stop. There is an exit to the north and one to the west. When I landed a rock fell from the wall! #}A stream of water pours into the cistern! HELP!!! I can't swim! This is a small room, empty except for a $} bed in the center. There is an exit to the west. This is a large low room. There is a do %}or to the south, and another to the east. Against one wall, stairs descend into darkness. There are huge old stoves a &}long one wall, and a door to the north. This is a long room with empty gun ca '}binets on the walls. There are exits to the west and north and a small closet door to the south. (} I'm standing at the intersection of long east/west and north/south halls. There are doors )} in all directions. This is a small room containing a low wooden table. There are doors to the north and south. *} I'm standing in a tiny room which stretches up 30 or more feet. Light enters the room throu +}gh a skylight. A thick rope attached to a hook in the ceiling hangs before me. I'm standing in a large room wit ,}h stone walls and floor. Stone stairs lead up and there is a stone arch to the south. There is a small pump next to a -} large deep cistern. The pump has a switch marked "START", and a wide pipe protrudes from the top of the pump housi .}ng. This is another stone room. There is a door to the north. The walls are made of large d /}ark stones which fit together so tightly the joints can barely be seen. I'm at the west end of a lar 0}ge east/west hall. Dust litters the floor. There are row upon row of footprints in the dust, all in parade formation. T 1}here are exits to the N and S. I'm at the east end of a large east/west hall. There are exits to the E and S. A ti 2}ght crawlway goes to the north. I am standing in the south chamber of the east/west hall. The walls are covered wit 3}h wood siding. There is a concrete archway leading south, and an exit to the north. This is a steep concrete 4} stairwell. A tight crawlway leads to the east. I can hear the sound of dripping water. I'm standing on narrow 5}concrete stairs which lead down into darkness. Above me the stairs are blocked by rubble. A tight crawlway leads west th 6}rough which I can see light. I'm standing on an old deserted subway platform. There are no tracks, and both e 7}nd of the platform are blocked by huge rocks and debris. Concrete stairs lead up from one side There is a subway pa 8}ss machine here. A sign above it reads: "INSERT COIN BELOW" I'm standing in a l 9}ow room. A wide walkway leads west. To one side there is a large opening with steep sides. It looks like I could get d :}own but probably not back up. This is a large cul-de-sac. An uphill corridor leads east, the ceiling overh ;}ead opens into a room above me. The walls look too steep to climb. I'm standing in <}a small open area. To the east a jumble of huge bolders blocks a passageway. A wide walk leads west and another leads d =}ownhill to the north. This is a large chamber with orange stalagmites everywhere. A low crawlway >} leads north and a wide passageway goes east. A small stream of water flows out of an opening far above me and splash ?}es into a small pool. Fine mist rises from the pool. I'm standing @} in a large room. A steep uphill path leads north, and a wide walkway goes west. Across the hard dirt floor are m A}any small holes, about the size a snake would use. Another passage leads south. An eastern B} narrow passage ends here at a small hole in the floor. An enormous stalagmite reaches to the ceiling. I'm at th C}e intersection of a wide E/W corridor and a walk going N. There are a few white mushrooms growing on the walls. T D}here are dark stains all around on the ground. I'm standing at the south end of a concrete hallway. Thick steel d E}oors are mounted in concrete bulkheads every few feet along the hall. All the doors are open. Just to the south F}of me is another blast door. A sign hanging over the door reads "INSERT ID CARD". To one side of the door mounted in a G}steel plate is a thin slot. The door is closed. I'm in a large concrete vault. To the north is a huge steel ?doo H}r. In the center of the vault on a chrome pedestal is a PLATINUM SPHERE which pulsates with an inner light. A sign rea I}ds * DANGER HIGH VOLTAGE *. Overhead a large wicked looking laser points directly at the platinum sphere. To one si J}de of the vault is a small computer. Standing in front of the computer is the transluscent figure of an old man. The f K}igure is apparently a hologram. The control panel of the computer looks very old, in fact, I can see small cracks in L}the housing. Through a thick glass wall on the south side of the room I can see small tin soldiers moving around. They M}walk into the room, stick the butt end of their rifles into a socket on the wall and freeze. After a short while, they N} leave. A thick armored cable runs from the chrome pedestal through the glass wall into the other room. O} MMM... I feel good. I'm standing on the south edge of the pedestal for the P} cat statue. A wide deep looking pool surrounds the pedestal. I'm standing in a small windowless room. Light from the Q} fireplace opening illuminates the room. I'm standing in the woods surrounded by overgrown bushes. R} A wide dirt path leads east and another leads NE. A faint trail leads further into the woods to the SW. S} I'm at the end of a trail which leads NE. The woods are so thick that the light is dimmed. I can see a small tu T}nnel leading down into darkness. I'm standing in front of a small white house. There is U} a door directly to the east. A gravel path leads NW. I'm standing in a dusty room. Light dimly filters thr V}ough dirty windows reveals doors to the east and west. Against one wall is a old desk with a moldy smelling bed nex W}t to it. I'm standing at the end of a gravel path which leads N. To the west is a door in a small white house. One o X}f the windows is broken. I'm standing in a dark closet. I can dimly see coa Y}t racks along one wall and light around a door to the east. This is the middle of the long north/south hall. Z}There are doors to the east, southwest and northwest. can see branches waving [} OH.... I just got a terrible stomach ache My cybrotendons are disintegrating... \} The Bible says that "God knows who is really trusting in Him".Are you trusting and praying or just playing a ]} game? ?It's just a dirty sooty fireplace. I'm getting out! The little tin soldier is wandering aimlessly ^} around! Strange, after a moment the mushroom melted! I'm standing in a large open area. Huge gree _}n stalagmites of all sizes are growing up from the floor. The path continues east and west here. `} a} From here a steep crawlway leads upward. Another wide smooth passage leads west. b} I'm standing in a large low room. A low crawlway leads to the west and down. A sign on the wall h c}ere reads. "CARRY ME NEAR, CARRY ME FAR, YOU WON'T GET ME OUT OF THEM THAR d} caverns." I'm on a winding east/west walkway. Th e}e floor here is hard and smooth. I'm standing in a large open dirt roo f}m. To the south light pours through a large hole in the ceiling. The hard smooth floor slopes slightly. On the north g}wall a dark hole can be seen about 10 feet above the floor. This is a small lighted chamber. I q}tB'DOS SYSB+VER1 BUDL D BWxDS D BDC D BDN D BDV D B DO D BADVEN *,DUP SYSBAUTORUN SYSJMW JJJ DCW MLK can hear the humming of far off machinery. Nearby a column of green light rises and disappears through a hole in the c r}eiling. A sign on the wall reads "LIFT CHAMBER". There is a narrow passage leading east The walls of this room are blue r s}ock. High above me I can hear the sound of flapping wings. A narrow sloping passage leads east and another leads sou t}th. A wide crawl leads west. I'm standing in an observatory with windows commanding a panoramic view to the north. In u} the distance, snowcapped mountains rise above thick blue-green woods, while just a short distance beyond a nearer v} woods, a wide river meanders. There is a door to the south. I'm standing in a small booth w} inside a large room. Straw and broken wooden cages litter the floor and there is a hole ises to within a few feet ofa135I am at the west end of Main street. 13ZThis is the intersection of 1st and Main str y}eets. 15Z I am at the intersection of 2nd and Main streets. 17Z I am at the int z}ersection of Main and Short streets. 19ZThis is the intersection of Cranston Blvd. and Main streets. 2 {}1ZThis is the intersection of Cranston Blvd. and 2nd streets. 24Z I am at the bend on 1st street. |} 27ZI am at the corner of Pierce and Short near the junkyard. 29Z] Here }}is the intersection of 2nd and Pierce streets. 31Z This is the intersection of Pierce and 1st street. ~} 34Z I am at the south end of 2nd street. 36Z  This is the south end of } 1st street. 38Z I'm standing at the N end of 2nd street in a thick woods. 000 }I am standing at the northwest corner of the Cranston estate. 59Z I am at the small iron gate. } 57ZThis is where the wall cuts north into the trees off Cranston 48ZI'm at the mai }n gate to Cranston Manor 44ZThis is where the wall cuts to the east off Cranston Blvd. }42ZThis is the southeast corner of Cranston Manor estate. 63ZI'm at the northeast corner again }. This is very tiresome. 61ZI'm in a cornfield 40Z I'm }in the top of the oak with a view of the entire estate. 50ZI'm in the middle of a cornfield. } 40ZI'm in a thick forest. 0Z0 I'm in the dusty store. } 66ZI'm just inside the stone wall, next to the small gate. 69Z }I'm surrounded by tall hedges, there are exits to the W,N,E. 0Z0I'm surrounded by tall hedges, there are e }xits to the N,W,S. 0Z0This is where the path splits three ways in the flower garden 77Z%#I'm surrounde }d by tall hedges, there are exits to the E,S,W. 0Z0! I'm surrounded by tall hedges, there are exits to the E,W,S. } 0Z0 I'm surrounded by tall hedges, there are exits to the N,W,S. 0Z0"I'm standing in the gazebo in th }e hedge maze. 72Z"I'm surrounded by tall hedges, there are exits to the N,W,S. 0Z0 &!I'm } on the driveway immediately to the east of the main gate. 0Z0'I'm standing in the driveway between the house and }the pond. 74Z()'%&I'm on the south side of the fountain. 84Z$$I'm on the gravel path } just to the north of the cat fountain. 120($"From here on the driveway, a path leads SE to a small house. 95Z$a },#I'm inside the dark garage. 98Z-$&I'm standing on the flagstone porch. } 103.$I'm standing in a very dusty attic littered with old clothes. 0Z0(I'm standing } on the pedestal in the middle of the fountain. 498%I'm standing in the woods, at the intersection of 3 paths. } 502'a_I'm between the house and garage in the breezeway. 256\A(This is the picture hall. } 00031/)SThis is the smoking room. 108.0I' }m in the library. 4061/I'm at the south end of the long hall. } 000420.I'm in the dining room. 11591This is the organ roo }m. 1244.I'm standing in the middle of the long north/south hall. 51887 }13:This is the large dark closet. 1294 } 0Z0I'm standing in the small room with a bed in the center. 4114I'm at the }intersection of the long N/S and E/W halls. 420>;E4@A?This is the kitchen. } 413<c2dI'm standing in the dim closet with the coatracks. 5164gThis is the east end of the na }rrow hall. 285DF<8I'm standing in the servants dining room. 422;F9I }'m standing in the tiny room with the rope. 424EI'm in the sitting room. } 397D8This is the bird atrium. 3828I'm standing in the }pottery room. 3888BI'm at the west end of the narrow E/W hall. 258C }8B-This is the chapel. 385A@I'm in the observatory. } 377AI'm in the room with the hole in the wall. 393h[;>hI'm standi }ng in the hunting room. 41788I'm standing in the empty room. } 325;<GThis is the long room with shabby beds. 319HFThis is the large empty room }with the hole in the ceiling. 321GI'm hanging in the branches at the top of the oak tree. 301W }I'm in the empty closet. 311OI'm hanging at the top of the rope. } 315=I'm in the narrow N/S passage in the sunlight. 342miThis is the north e }nd of the upstairs hall. 274PNI am standing in the master bedroom. 276 }MYThis is the upstairs den. 307JPI'm standing in the middle of the nort }h/south hall. 272MOSYI'm standing in the base of the watch tower. 4000RI'm stand }ing in the lookout. 403QI'm standing at the south end of the upstairs hall. } 263PUT.This is the children's playroom. 000SI'm in the bridal suite. } 265VThis is the balcony outside the bridal suite. 269U }I'm standing beneath the tall oak tree. 298X'I'm standing on the gravel path near the lookou }t tower. 293cbWI'm in the childrens bedroom. 304NPI'm in the upstair }s secret room. 280HNThis is the mouse room. 390 }\DI'm standing in the grape arbor. 287c[-I'm standing in the junkyard surround }ed by twisted metal. 0Z0I'm standing in the secret room. 5003I'm stan }ding in the woods next to the cave. 505,I'm standing inside the small house. } 510baI am just west of the small house on a gravel path. 508`'I'm standing at the door of } a small house near a stone wall. 513X`I'm standing next to the dry well. 290\X9 }This is the cistern room. 427e9I'm standing in the stone room. } 432d 0Z0I'm at the bottom } of the long flight of stairs. 327:I'm in the large, dark, open room. 366 }DI'm at the three way intersection just west of the iron door. 329LvjI'm in the cul-de-sac with a hole 3 }feet above my head. 333iI'm in the majestic ice caverns. 336nj } 0Z0I'm at the intersection with the scratching on the wall }. 345oLnI'm in a round room with holes going in all directions. 0Z0mkurI'm standing in the stalag }mite cavern. 352pmI'm at the base of the steep uphill slope. 356o }qThis is the nugget room. 359ppI'm in the winding east/west corridor. } 364snI'm at the end of a west corridor by a hole in the floor. 0Z0rI'm in the LIFT }chamber. 370uThis is the room with walls of blue rock. 37 }4ntI'm at the 3 way intersection where mushrooms are growing. 473iwThis is the west end of the large E }/W hall. 435xvThis is the east end of the large E/W hall. 438|ywI'm in } the south chamber of the E/W hall. 440xzI'm in the concrete corridor next to the heavy blast d }oor. 476yI'm inside the vault. 482zI'm in the low room with }a large opening leading down. 453x}I'm standing in the large cul-de-sac. 456 }|I'm in the room with the debris blocking one passage. 459I'm in a wide N/S passage. } 0Z0~I'm in the room with the enormous stalagmite. 471This is the roo }m with the snake holes. 467vThis is the large chamber with a pool. 4 }62~I'm in a sloping north/south crawlway. 0Z0uwthis is a steep up/down corridor. } 0Z0~}I'm on the concrete stairs by the tight crawlway. 443xI'm a }t the top of the concrete stairs. 445߅I'm on the deserted subway platform. } 448deserted subway platform. 448 } 0 0 } 0 } 0 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