% ** HELP ** % %* I hope I'm not giving you . %trouble. When my energy level gets e %low I become cranky. If you're havingng %trouble moving around type in a %command like "GO" followed by a --%compass point -- and don't forget %"UP" and "DOWN". %* Each object we find has a use andts %most have ramifications -- side le %effects which may be subtle. We may %not be able to do something if there %are other requirements which must be -- %fullfilled first. For example -- we re %can't open a lock until we are %holding a "key". Several different o %conditions may have to be fullfilled rds%to accomplish one action. I know manyan %words and objects. A lot of these %objects can be inspected by typing %"SCAN" and the name of the object. % ** HELP ** % %* I may not seem very helpful at s %times but I do what I can. My %vocabulary is pretty large %considering the state my chips are ke %in. The circuits used to make logicals %decisions and carry out orders are d %different circuits than those used tos %describe locations. I tell you this I %so you will understand that although n't%I may use a word in one sense that %doesn't mean I'll understand it in %all cases. It will help us both if ng %you are as specific as possible when %communicating with me. Avoid words ng %like "USE" or "CONTINUE". If you want. I%to do something I say we can't do, ms %try a similar verb. I do know quite aey %few and I know synonyms for most of %them. Finding out what they are is %half the fun. K8%:1:112?J0$(1)"0"4130 @K9%K9%1:K8%K8%1:3)J0$(1)13)J0$(2)23)J0$(3);%@40(J0$(4)):J0$(4)<@% % ** HELP ** % %* SCAN COMMANDS: % % AREA SCAN * BODY SCAN * FULL SCAN % SCAN * MEDICAL/BIO CAN% SCAN % %* SYSTEM COMMANDS: % % QUIT * SAVE * RESTORE * HELP % OPINION * OPINION ON % % %* hmmm... I cant think of anything %else you have to know. If you really get%stuck give your situation some t %thought and ask my opinion. % % %* I hope that helped. (3,5)40 BnA$(1)"#":A$(2)"ACCOUNT":A$(3)"ACCOUNT":A$(4)"AMOUNT":A$(5)"DESCRIPTION"BxBpNL49.BuD$"PR#"PS%:%**** CYBORG LOG: STARDATE 098-22 % LOCATION: orbiting Aurianta % STAR SECTOR: Tau Ceti % % While in a stable orbit around he %the planet "Aurianta," our life-ship %was struck by an alien vessel. As of%captain of this ship, my r. %responsibility was clear. Moments ake%before impact, I managed to make th-%secure the valuable cargo of this %Earth-based ship, the people it he %carries, in their suspended animatione %capsules. The sleepers should be safe %until I manage to repair and land thelan%ship. %I am making this log entry and plan n %to carry it with me to the rec level %where I hope to ride out the %collision in safety. % %**** END OF LOG ENTRY Cd19:20:J03:J0$H3$:F2%0:355:J7279000CnJ2$"END"5350DsDC%1:375:J1%ĺG$;:5220?Dx(J2$)2(J2$)1% THE SOFTWARE GUILD PRESENTS % % ** CYBORG ** % %* I can't locate the exact cause of ur %our malfunction. Our power units haven %been so badly drained, both our long-and%term and short-term memories have . %been damaged. My sensors won't be of l %much help until we start recharging. %* The only data available to either ur %our organic or silicon memories a %reside on a single chip: you and I y %are permanently linked. We are ing%separate entities sharing an organic ds %and metal shell -- A cyborg. %* We must find power or cease to t. %exist. Until we find answers, we musts a%work as a team. Tell me what to do by %typing full sentence commands. If you %need general information, type "HELP". %(c) Copyright 1982 SENTIENT SOFTWARE INCOPT3J0$"MODIFY AN AUTOMATIC ENTRY"7140:85:"REFERENCE NUMBER:":8"DEBIT ACCOUNT:":28"CREDIT ACC% ** CYBORG ** % %As a cyborg (22-D series) you have ne %done what was required of you -- ed %transported our human pioneers to the of%star system of Tau Ceti, and its As %world of Aurianta. As a reward, you %will be retired with full pension and %honors. %Be happy with the knowledge that ugh%through your efforts, the human race ive%can survive on this alien world, and %should some catastrophe befall the an %Earth, the human race will continue. %As a further reward NASA II is giving %you this ship. You may transport ou %yourself back to Earth or explore the %far reaches of our galaxy with it. hes%The choice is yours. Our %congratulations along with the entire %human race's thanks. Bye! % JOURNAL ENTRIES":140::175:F3%1:9 P: F3%1:21:1:958:J0$"CONTROL ACCOUNTS CANNOT BE USED":140::J0$"IN AUTFrom out of nowhere, a snake with twoheads and three arms appears. It spins before us and emits a powerful,sweet odor which mesmerizes us. It spits venom which lands on our face and burns.URNSThe snake moves with incredible speed. It bares two rows of razor- sharp fangs and goes for our ankles. We jump back but the snake appears undaunted. It circles to the left andcloses in...We scramble to the side as the rows of fangs eject an acid venom. Some ofthe venom lands on our legs and burnsThe snake glares at us with hunger and two sets of horrifyingly intelli-gent eyes.es.PThe snake's jaws close on our ankle and introduce a quick-acting poison into our system. Everything starts tospin, circuits start shutting down, nothfw......0:J81OT ON FILE":140::175:900:91The snake won't let us pass and blocks our only exit. It opens its jaws wide in a menacing way. I don't like the way this looks -- to get by this thing we're going to have to kill it.00:910:30703< J2$B$(2)ĺA smada, a rat with razor-sharp teeth, leaps from a duct behind the grill and slices a patch of skin fromour leg! The smada's glowing red eyesshow only hunger and true desperation.The smada leaps for our leg. Its matted fur and burning eyes show its desperate state. We move swiftly to the right to avoid the saliva dripping incisors. It turns and leaps. leaps.SWe scramble out of its way but bump into a wall and injure our organic shoulder. With instincts refined overeons, it leaps and sinks its teeth into our leg. We hit it until it letsgo... go......xThe smada runs up our legs, slashing on its way. Everyting starts to spin,circuits start shutting down, nothfw...TRY TO FREE OURSELF, THE MORE THE SMADA SLICES AND BITES UNTIL ... JUGULAR CITYThe smada may be small, but it isn't an easy creature to get around. As weget near it starts an insane gibbering and bares its teeth. Eitherwe stay where we are or we kill it.EDGER":J0:"10. REPRINT MONTHLY JOURNALA cleaning robot -- a servo-unit gonemad -- wheels up to us and mistakes us for a large trash heap. It smashesinto our shins and starts trying to dismantle us piece by piece.e.The robot whizzes close. With waldoesflailing, it tries to dispose of us as rubbish. We leap out of its way just as a set of pincer waldoes closeon the air our throat just occupied.. It wheels andWe leap to the other side as the pincer extensions from its steel bodygo "snip" in the air. A drill-waldo appears, aimed at our chest. It rollsforward and we're forced to leap overthe robot..botA corkescrew-waldo appears and the robot gone mad whizzes for our chest.We duck out of the way, but not in time -- It impails us on an extensionshaped like a knight's lance.NXwNH(1,1)0:H(1,[The robot extends all of its waldoes and blocks our path. There's no room to get around it.3)12:H(3,4)12OA$(1)"NUMBER":A$(2)"ACCOUNT NAME":A$(3)"BALANCE":A$(4)" TOTAL"OSO H(1,1)1:H(1,2)0:H(1,3)1:H(1,4)1The lizard grins and in a raspy voicesays, "you may ask me (1) who you are, (2) where you are, (3) what you are, or (4) all about myself."":21:1:958AOPT6Ģ23:175:5000AOPT55200You are something I have never seen before. Where I come from we are kinder to life forms than your superiors were to you. We don't try to modify them as if playing with toys.ith toys.You are in a place I do not fully understand. This place is not what itseems at first glance. Some trees arereal, but the forest, as I'm sure you've figured out, is purely illusion.7:47You are the responsible party -- I know no other way of stating that. You are responsible for everything which happens here. You and I are counter-parts from two different civilizations.I came to this place through a catastrophe that killed several of us. Some zoological specimens we carried escaped their cages and are free but the robot is the worst of all.f all.HE...5H(2,4):J1$"---------l"I am the togram. you may ask (1) whoor what I am, (2) where you are, (3) what you are, or (4) who you are.""J1%ĺG$;:5040@(J2$)1(J2$)(TE$(6))ĺG$;:5040@(J2$)1J2$"0"J2$AJ2$I come from a far-distant land. Thereare others like me in this odd place where nothing makes sense. I wish that I could find the others and go home..KC$Y$9120U#9140U'J6$"GL"::J0$"GENYou are in a strange place that reminds me of an amusement area we have at home. The only difference is that this place isn't amusing to me. It's frightening.EJ0$(2)H2$4000|>J1374>TFYou are a friendly creature. Others of your kind exist nearby though something is terribly wrong with them. I never had contact with these creatures or any like them in my homeland.J0$(9I don't really know who you are, but I do have some advice for you -- stayclear of the "smada". It is dangerousand very illogical. And when cornered, it attacks to kill.NLF26:130:J0J3:120JNF$"JOB":100:J3К"You're not exactly a reptile, but since you're here, you may ask me (1)who you are, (2) who I am, (3) what you are, or (4) the way back out of here."K1)):Y$(K1)"DR"J0J0(1)PJ0(J0$(26)You are the captain of this huge and amazing ship. I am sorry for the trouble my fellow crewmates and our specimens have caused you. Allow me to extend the greetings of my civilization.6YI am lonely for my crewmates. That's what I am more than anything else beside reptile."MONTH ":A$(4)" YR. (917)10000FRVCA%5000PR`9000R4!G$::J0$"MISCELLANEOUS CASH DISBURSEMENTS"Your quest is almost done. Be aware that all non-sentient creatures must be killed before landing. I know of asnake and smada that escaped our cages. These must be killed.. These must be killedThe way out is simpler than the way in. Just leave our ship by going west, then go west again into the rubble. All you need do then is go south.9120U#J2$"***"ĺG$;:9140U#CK$J2$yU#930:J2$Y$K8%2:K9%Well, take a look at that damage. I'mnot promising anything, but I might be able to get us back to a point where our damage is within acceptablelimits.J2$H2$""="H1$J2$:8:19:(J2$,2):900Let's see if we can work as a team and do a little better this time. Well, I tried, but I couldn't get us exactly back to where we were, but I did what I could. As a matter of fact..........Sorry. looks like it just didn't workout this time. Too much damage sustained over too short a period to effectively make repairs and reorientour interface. But please accept my condolences...am(j0$(k2))6111nJ0(J0$(K2))AM:20:J0$(K2)J0$:6120NJ0AM(J0$(K2)):20:AMJ0:J0$(K2)"0.00"NK2 OAMJ0(J0$(10))AM:20:J0$(10)J0$*O61201NRmLK7K71:J3K7:112:(J0$(1))4520lj0$(7)"0":df27:132:lcl$f$l26,0:m$p%p%1:J04:1280:LC0:J1$H1$:J012:1270:J0$H3$:1199:J0$H2$:1199:J0$D9$:1199:1198:ZMJ0$"":K31NC%:F1%H(1,K3):J5H(2,K3):J4H(3,K3):J1$A$((Scanning produces no additional data.F$"INV2":100:J3J01:LF34:130Q8J7Insufficient data to form intelligent opinion.:J0$(1)U$(K8):J0$(5)Z$*We can only go in one direction at a time.ME.1:LF34:130:J0J3:120RLK8!R)We'll have to drop something first.500US<#900:910_SF#5:9SP#F2%0:BWe really shouldn't interfere with life forms we don't understand.TAND.%1:J01!At least not with our bare hands.9030Sx#RM$J2$#T#10:1:J0$TX$:J039:F2%There aren't any matches left.X6160PF$"MDISB":100:J3J01:J0$(1)DAY$:J0$"* * * >>>> KABOOM <<<< * * * **ABOOM <<<< * * * *2*Too bad we were holding the liquid oxygen.YGEN.81K8%Q$U$(K8)""(X$(K8))"We'll have to light a match first.0$(1)"GL":J0 HWe blew a large hole in the rubble to the east. Scanning detects a ship.P.It's already empty.The beaker is now empty.02:F2%0:355:J7279000p<J2$"?"4100<:J0$It's too short.ON FILE":140::<D%2:F$"GL":TYPE0:V13:NL19:IA%0:RS%2=That was fun! (It didn't do much good, but I did enjoy it.)$)(TE$(6))ĺG$;:/I doubt we'll make it. You still want to try.7498997` J0$"PRESS "QU$"AIt's too dark to continue. If we goon I'm not sure we'll survive...:140:7j 8I couldn't see. Something snuck up on us and ... well......58:J0$"MODIFY SUBAC Let's get out of here! And fast!LN$((LN$)1):F9%0:2250:2240:900:920:5It's right here."GJ2":100:NRJ01:J3J0:OP$F$",L"J1:K11K8%:J3J31:J0$(1)We're carrying it.K1),1):J0$(3)Z$(K1):U$(K1)""J0$(1)J0$(1)"-"U$(K1)KfWe're wearing it.1:132::J0J3:120KpF$"GJKEXJ1$R1$:Y$(K8%)"CR"J1$R2We'd better take it off first.5770EvJ8:(PP$,10);:Z$(K8%)""5560EJ86Not a good idea. The flask was filled with oxygen.Y$(K8%)"CR"5810F(J2$)(R1$)İ2300:5700+FJ0(R1$)(J2$):20:R1$J0$:583;Our thirst has been quenched, and the beaker is now empty..0:1000GJ2$We did, but nothing much happened. It seems to be inoperative.E.,; F1%0:K10NR:J0$(K11)A$(K1)A$(K1)"........."F1%1:J0$(K11)A$(K1We threw the switch but nothing much happened."D"ĺG$;:5560DJ2$"C"R@Nothing happens. Perhaps we're not identifying ourself properly.ERLY.:J2$"D":The latch is delicate. It could be picked with some tools. with some tools.LS)E;If my memory serves me, we need to insert two things first.o things first..ÁK1BWe can't. We can't operate the stupid locking mechanism on it."YOU CANNOT PFirst things first.140::::" TO POST TO THE GENERAL LEDGER YOU MUST"OJ0$:Tough to get them off through the face plate of the suit.:"10. REPRINT MONTHLCWe shouldn't disturb them. They maygo off with the slightest touch...N TO "J0$"5Complete your mission and don't worry about score.6,1:S87,1:S88,0:S89 The reader is missing something.S92,0:S93,22"::J0$"COST ACCOUNT MAINTENAN>Not with the unaided eye. Even our special lenses won't do it.O IT.COST ACCOUNT@An invisible force scans us and stops us from going that way.ction.N.5. MODIFY A SUBACCOUNT":J0:"6. VIEW SUBACCOUNTS":BQJ0:"7. PRINT ?We try to reach up there, but we just can't stretch that far.$QU$"ADD A COS4We can't simply walk through a closed partition.000,8190,8190,8190,8190,819CImpossible. The detox station hasn't gone through its cycling. ARE RESERVEGUnable to comply. Scanning reveals we cannot go in that direction. Yet.T.S9113Bio levels unrecoverable. Permanentdamage incurred..RED.V8'OPTJ0VB'OPT25.Energy levels irrecoverable. Unableto recover...,10135,10139W`'7,OPT:6,43:/Walking through a glass panel isn'ta good idea..A.PLOYEE":D%2:100:L2J2:OP$FWe can't enter there for fear of contaminating the sleepers.PERS.URNAL ENTRIEGBlech! That stuff was -- oh oh! I think we shouldn't have done that...AT...U$'The string isn't tied to it.URSEMENTS":J0:" 7. PRINT CHECKS":J0:" 8. TRIAL Patch successfully applied.((R8$)29):R3$(PK(953)1):R4$((R3$)8)wX íIt's already full.A%R7%:CA%2500X(íCA%18000X2ë8100MThey all go up in smoke.*It ate it but it still looks hungry.FERENCE LIST"cQJ0:"8. RETURN TO !Some other time, maybe. Right nowQS91,1:S92,1:S93,0:S94,1:S95,1:S9*These babies won't work in a vacuum.DD$"":MAX%8:1350:GA%8100RJ01J08(C$(6))ė:12:" NO COST ACCOUNTS CKUPS.":140::J0$"SELECT MAIN MENU OPTION 7,":140::J0$QU$"QUIT FOR THE DAY."QU$:140::23:175:10000OÂOí(910)9000O ë11100M2)A$(K210)::J0(J0$(14))(A$(4)):20:J0$(14)J0$:DF27:132IJ2L2:F$"ART":J3K7:J0AM:20:J0$(2)J0$:132IK7(C$(2))4310IK1ICL$"JOB":CL$"ART"I(907)4500xJF$"YRPAY":D%1:NR(C$(1)):J0NR:J1114:J211:L1J2:27,1:120:)J0$(6)8LH+LR+CL$"AJE":F$"GJ2":D%1:100:J0M2:120:F$"GJ1":100:J0M1:120:27,1:1025:26,0:910,1 M\+:12:170:J81:J91:J8$"P4":J9$"G/L PROGRAM":1420:SW%0:J82:J90:J8$"DA":J9$"DATA ENTRY":1420:SW%11100M+6,49:470702M޷910,0::"-"R9$;14)"COST ACCOUNTS":R3$"-"R4$;14)"WITHHOLDING ACCOUNTS"yS-#(D9$,39)S/#J0$"RESERVED G/L ACCOUNTS":140:S2#D%2:RS%1:F$"GL":TYPE0:V18:NL14:1700:RS%0:2500 T'J6$"GL"::J0$"GENERAL LEDGER":30:5:J05T'J0:" 1. GENERAL LEDGER M:47070wW~'(235)J05:J0$"MISCELLANEOUS CASH DISBURSEMENTS":1605:10000W'6,3:47070W'7,OPT:6,48:47070W'6,52:47070W'6,47:47070W'(235)İ1600:10000W'7,0:6,1:47070W޷:12:170X߷597X² XV%0:D%2dXR8$(P,1:120:L2J2:OP$F$",L"J1:K11NR:J2L1:F$"JOB":J3K1:112:(J0$(1))4300HK7K71:AM0:K21014:A$(K29)J0$(K2):AMAM(J0$(K2)):K2H(904)4285-IJ0$(10)A$(1):J0$(11)"0.00":(A$(1))0J0$(10)"0.00":J0$(11)A$(1)IK21213:J0$(K,L"J1:112:AM$J0$(4):J0$(4)"0.00":132:J2$(PK(939)):1800:J3J0:112:J0(J0$(4))(AM$):20:J0$(4)J0$:DF27:132:CL$F$KDF$"GJ2":D%1:100:OP$F$",L"J1:J3J01:H1$(J3):J0$(1)(PK(939)):J0$(2)"C":J0((AM$)):20:H2$J0$:J0$(3)J0$:J0$AM$Ģ21:1:958:22:J0$"THIS ACCOUNT IS NOT ON FILE":140::175:3740N1374:J3PT:F$"GL":D%2:100:110:CL$F$N11:15:868:(J0$(2),24)NJ9$J2$N 900:920O13:11:F2%0:J0$AC$:J025:355:J727İ1300:3750-OAC$J2$:930:J2$Y$3(A$(3)):J0AM:20:AM$J0$:BMBM(A$(4)):J0BM:20:BM$J0$= LCNL3270= P%P%1:J04:1280:LC0:J1$H1$:J012:1270:J0$H3$:1199:J0$H2$:1199:J0$D9$:1199:1198= M> CL$F$:NA$"TOTAL EXPENSES":8910:8915:1198:J0T1AM:20:AM$J0$:J0T2BM15/0/SCANNING DETECTS A VENDING MACHINE AND LITTLE MORE DATA./31/0/NOTHING HAPPENS./21/0/THERE MAY BE A SOURCE OF FOOD FOR YOU INSIDE./47/0/IT'S A LITTLE CHARRED./(J0$(4))4060@F9%1:AM$J0$(415/0/THERE'S NOTHING MUCH WORTH NOTING./46/0/IMPOSSIBLE. THERE ARE TOO MANY OF THEM./0/0/W/0/0/W/"DISK":OP$F$",D2":RE$F$:K114:J0$(K1)::CL$F$:F$"H":J026(C$(2)):J0$(3)(J0):OP$F$:WR15/0/IT'S ACTUALLY A COMPLEX HOLOGRAM AND NOT REALLY A WINDOW./21/0/ITS EXISTENCE MAKES LITTLE SENSE EXCEPT AS A DECEPTION./0/0/W/0/0/W/C":J0((AM$)):20:J0$(3)J0$:J0$AM$J0$(2)"D"@15/0/THEY'RE WHAT THEY APPEAR TO BE: SIMPLE BLEACHERS./21/0/THIS AREA MUST HAVE HELD MANY PEOPLE OR THE BLEACHERS WOULDN'T BE HERE./0/0/W/0/0/W/L1:F$"GL":112:J00:J3J01:J0$(1)DAY$:J0TT:20:15/0/IT'S COVERED WITH MOLD, AND IT'S AS HARD AS A PIECE OF METAL./21/0/IT'S CERTAINLY NOT EASILY EDIBLE./47/1/TOASTED TO CINDERS./31/1/IT'S NOTHING MORE THAN CRUMBS NOW./K(937)):1800:J3J0C D%2:F$"GL":100:OP$F$"15/1/Scanning detects a vending machine and little more data./31/0/Nothing happens./21/1/There may be a source of food for you inside./47/1/It's a little charred././(J0$(4))4060@F9%1:AM$J0$(415/1/There's nothing much worth noting./46/0/Impossible. There are too many of them./0/0/w/0/0/w//0/W/"DISK":OP$F$",D2":RE$F$:K114:J0$(K1)::CL$F$:F$"H":J026(C$(2)):J0$(3)(J0):OP$F$:WR15/1/It's actually a complex hologram and not really a window./21/1/Its existence makes little sense except as a deception./0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/W/C":J0((AM$)):20:J0$(3)J0$:J0$AM$J0$(2)"D"@15/1/They're what they appear to be: simple bleachers./21/1/This area held many people or the bleachers wouldn't be here./0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/0/W/L1:F$"GL":112:J00:J3J01:J0$(1)DAY$:J0TT:20:15/1/It's covered with mold, and it's ashard as a piece of metal./21/1/It doesn't appear to be palatable./47/0/Nothing happens./31/0/Nothing happens.//NS./RE THAN CRUMBS NOW./K(937)):1800:J3J0C D%2:F$"GL":100:OP$F$"15/1/Scanning produces no additional data on the water./21/1/It can provide energy for our body./0/0/w/0/0/w//0/W/(J2$)(R3$)(J2$)(R4$)İ3650:3740M(J2$)(R8$)(J2$)(R9$)15/1/It sits there evaporating./21/1/It is very explosive./0/0/w/0/0/w//w/0/0/w//N$"H,STATUS"GF$"H":OP$F$",D2":WR$F$:"0":CL$F$:DE$"MFLAG":RN$"H,MFLAG"G914,((DY$,2)):915,((DY$,4,2)15/1/They are an inbred species./21/1/They seem to have been electrocutedby an extremely low voltage./0/0/w/0/0/w///KLES ITS TINY FACE, BUT DOES SWALLOW THEM./0/0/W/ DOES SWALLOW THEM./0/0/W/E15/1/Four tiny foot stirrups are on the top./21/1/It's the latest style./0/0/w/0/0/w/'s the latest style./0/0/w/0/0/w/w//(904)42008?AM0:BM0:TT0:F9%0?F$"J0$(2)"D"DDF29:132:J3J315/1/They're mine, for sure. They have infrared and other features./21/1/Just wear them so we can see./31/2/They're pulverized!/48/2/They're history. And so are we./ WE./4)"2":J0$(5)H1$:I$(3)((I$(3))1):J0$(6)I$(3):DF0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/868:170:F$"GL":100:DF27:LF0:130:CL$F$:26,0:3700 P@7,1:C$(6)TE$(6)ė:11:"THERE IS NO ROOM FOR ADDITIONAL COST ACCOUNTS. ONLY THIRTY MAY BE USED.":23:175:P15/1/It scans as edible./21/1/It's what it appears./0/0/w/0/0/w/O A CRISP./0/0/W/OOKS HUNGRY./47/3/BAKED TO A CRISP./IT STILL LOOKS HUNGRY./47/3/BAKED TO A CRISP./:(J0$)0J0$(2)"C":J0$(3)(J0$,(21/1/It was made in the hydroponics tanks./15/1/Looks edible, but then again, it's your body, too./48/3/Squish!/0/0/w//AKED TO A CRISP./RY./20:1:958:21:" TO MODIFY COST ACCOUNTS USE G/L MENU 15/1/It's an unbreakable pyrex beaker (2liters)./47/0./Nothing happens./48/0/Nothing happens./31/0/Nothing happens././PENS./ITY./31/0/NOTHING HAPPENS./M:"CURRENT NA0134240jF|J0$(J0):J0%2:115/1/This looks like my permanent power!/21/1/The robot probably stole it from us./47/3/Say bye-bye to power./48/3/So much for that!/Y$:1025fGF$"H":OP$F$",D1":WR$F$:26,1:29,1:K1904907:((K1))::DAY$:D15/1/They're regular matches, 15 to a pack./21/1/Let's use them wisely./0/0/w/0/0/w/CJ0$""R1$"0.00"ĺ"CR";:25:J0$"C"CJ0$""R2$"0.00"ĺ"DR";:25:J0$"D"C355:J7275650DJ815/1/It's a small laser attachment for my forefinger./21/1/This will come in very handy./31/0/Not a bright idea./48/3/The laser is just a fond memory././0$(2)"C":1322L>+F$"GJ1":J3M11:J2L1:J0$(15/1/It's a match. Natch./21/1/What else can I say?/0/0/w/0/0/w/6)((I$(3))1):DF29:132:M1M11:M2M22:I$(3IES":J0:" 4. AUTOMATIC JOURNAL ENTRIES":J0:" 5. MISC. CASH DISBURSEMENTS"G$'J0:"0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/RSEMENTS":J0:" 7. PRINT CHECKS":J0:" 8. TRIAL BALANCE":J0:" 9. POST GENERAL LEDGER":J0:"10. REPRINT MONTHLY JOURNALS":G&'J0:"11. RETU0hK F$"NXT":OP$F$:PO$F$",R30/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/(J0$)K F$"GL":K11(C$(0)):112:J0$J0$(1):E5ST((K11)3):1380:E52,J3:J3(J0$(6))::CL$F$:DLB20:1:958:21:" TO MODIFY WITHHOLDING ACCOUNTS,USE MAIN MENU OPTION 3, "QU$"PA15/1/It's skin tight and has an auto- oxygen valve for E.V.A./21/1/It could be a life saver./47/3/Nice going. The suit is worthless now./0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/J8$)PK(925)(J8$)PK(931)(J8$)PK(933)((J8$)(R8$)(J8$)(R9$))5400@5:(SP$,5);@J2$J0$İ900:920@5560@U$(K15/1/It's made of unbreakable plastic and has coded data strips imbedded init./21/1/Our ID can be worn or inserted intoslots./60/1/The partition slides open./0/0/w//0/0/W/0110,10120,49901,10130,101315/1/It's a pair of old Nike gym shoes./21/1/I prefer them in blue. But these will do nicely./48/0/Forget it./31/0/Afraid of sneakers? Come on!/DISBURSEMENTS":1605:5:J+:12:170J +D%2:F$"AJ0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/F$",L"J1:L0J2:F$"GJ1":D%1:100:L1J2:M1J0:OP$F$",L"J1:F$"GJ2":100:M2J0:L2J2:OP$F$",L"J1J+K71:K11NRK +J2L0:F$"AJE":J3K7:112:K21J2:A$(K2)J0$(K2)::K7K71*K*+A$(1)"0"1104015/1/It's got four tiny feet./21/1/I happen to think it's cute./48/3/Well... so much for that!/31/0/Ask for an opinion./.00"< J0(B$(4))SG:20:B$(4)J0$:J0(B$(5))SG:20:B$(5)J0$/= A$(1)B$(15/1/The print on it is microscopic./21/1/It stores an incredible amount of data./47/0/The plastic is too tough./0/0/w/0/W/700:16:1:958:2240:5410BJ2$""Ė5:" ";:U$(K8%)"":900:920:547/1/Consider it peeled./15/1/It's covered with prickly needles./48/3/Ugh! What a mess! Anyway, it's gone./31/3/Squish, and ouch!/10:NA$"GROSS PROFIT/LOSS":8915:8910:1198; J1$"MISC. INCOME16/0/It's rusted shut. Or it's beyond our strength./48/3/Great! That seemed to do it!/21/0/We should try to open it./31/0/Ow! That hurt!//. INCOME":8910:8915:1198:0:F3%2ĺG$;:5140?F3%Ģ2116/1/It creaks open like a rusty gate./48/0/Nothing doing./31/0/Broken bones aren't my idea of fun./0/0/w/":D%2:100:110:CL$F$:V$(K8%)J0$(2):U$(K8%)""@K9%:10:(SP$,13);:10:(V$(K8%),13);|@J8$X$(K8%):(45/1/Sizzle! Ouch! My fingers!/21/1/With all those dead insects there'sa good chance it's electrified./15/1/It's metal and it buzzes./48/0/Forget it.//./2:S96,0:S97,1:S98,1:S99,1:S910,0:S921/1/Force isn't going to work./48/0/Not even a dent./31/0/I'm not immune to pain./15/1/Seems like a metal partition to me./35)İ1600:10000I'7,0:6,1:47070I*(C$(5))Ĺ6,49:47070+J*:45/1/An antiseptic mist cleanses us and a doorway to the north appears./15/1/It's a UL approved touchplate./31/0/Okay. Nothing happens./48/3/Bye-bye touchplate./E./31/3/The glass panel smashes./48/3/So much for the panel./16/1/The glass panel slides open./15/1/It's a delicate, glass panel./33)F$"EMPLOYEE":TYPE1_A@J0$21/1/It must be a locking or unlocking mechanism./31/0/Nothing happens./47/0/Nothing happens./15/1/It's a thin, narrow slot about the size of a credit card./DIT CARD./1300:U$(K8%)""Ė5:K9%:" ""Bc900:920,Bh5145/1/A whine penetrates the airlock. Airis pumped out and the doors cycle./31/3/I think we just destroyed it./47/0/Nothing happens./48/3/Bye-bye button./n././K7):J0$(2)Y$(K7):J0$(3)"0":J0$(4)"0.00"0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/"GL":D%2:100:OP$F$",L"J1:NRJ00:J2$(13)9000RB8:J0$HD$:140:xBB6::J0$"** WARNING **":140::BLJ0$"***************************************":8:1:J0$:15:47/1/The bark seems unharmed./21/1/It should be climbable./45/1/The bark is extremely smooth./15/1/Seems like a regulation tree./%(3,26),J0$(30),B$(30)s7498997 :12:171:RM0:AM0:NL47:BM0:A0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/ D$"PR#"PS%:P9$7 P%07 57007 D%2:F$"GL"8 H1$"PROFIT AND LOSS STATEMENT "DAY$R8 LC1:K1111:1198::J1$JF$:1269:J1$H1$:UNTS.":140::gE6 J0$"YOU HAV16/1/Something dropped out./48/3/So much for that! It's now powder./47/1/I've sliced a neat little seam in it./15/1/It looks like it's solid black plastic but it may be hollow./TY MAY BE USED.":23:175'FS K8%K8%1^F16/1/A permanent power cell dropped out!/21/1/It does us little good as is./48/3/So much for that!/47/0/It sizzles, but nothing else happens./1))(X$(K7))(J0$(6))BX$NX$:NX$J0$(6):32400/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/)F1%1:J0$(6)(PT):132:33009:47070DJ0$(DAY$,2):J0$"03"J0$"06"J0$"09"J0$"12"Ĺ905,1:J0$"12"Ĺ907,1DOPT3Ĺ906,1D11000D(#:J6$"GL9":J0$" POST 15/1/It's a meter-high step ladder./21/1/It should provide us with a leg-up when needed./0/0/w/0/0/w//0/W/0:"4.b9N D%2:100:NRJ0:OP$F$",L"J19X J1$"INCOME":F1%0:J51:J47:J0$"":1200:1250:148/0/It's simply too tough for that to work on it./47/1/Consider it cut into several smaller pieces./21/1/It's extremely strong, and beyond our physical strength./0/0/w//0/W/W/VENDORS"A" 31/0/The lizard shakes its head in disgust and looks at us with hurt eyes./21/1/It's a sentient, alien creature./48/1/That's no way to treat a lizard./37/1/It smacks its lips and bows./ FOR THE NEXT YEAR."=B.2537/1/It gobbles it up./21/1/It's an injured, friendly creature./45/1/That seems to soothe her. Try asking her now./31/0/Hey! She's scared enough!/21/1/It seems friendly enough./15/1/It's just another one of those lovable alien cut-ups!/31/0/There's no cause for that./37/1/It says, "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM GOOD!"/" CA%Ĺ26,0:0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/OP$F$",L"J1:K11K8%:K2220:J0$(K2)""::J0$(1)"GENERAL",J* J3((X$(K1),2)):132X 15:1:958:930:J2$Y$İ2200:2250:2260:2690hFb 1374xFl K8%13222Fv K1147/0/Not even a singe mark./0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/))J0$X$(K1):J1$Y$(K1):X$(K1)X$(K2):Y$(K1)Y$(K2):X$(K2)J0$:Y$(K2)J1$G K2:K1QG LF0:BX$"0":F1%0:F$"NXT":OP":140::J0$" THIS WILL PERMANE15/1/It's an auto-repair manual used to fix or maintain the dial./21/1/We'll need to be holding this at the right time./47/3/So much for the manual./0/0/w/W/Y$90002D~5000:907,0:905,0:906,0:904,1:OPT1Ĺ904,0:6,415/1/It's a set of all-purpose tools./21/1/We could use it as a lock-pick, as a set of micro-tools, or anything./0/0/w/0/0/w//W/1:12008 1250:1199:H3$J0$8& NC%480 5100:H2$J0$9: J0$D9$15/1/It's just a circular dial./21/1/It seems to be missing some important parts./31/0/That didn't do any good./0/0/w/1%0:J0$"":1200:1250:1199:T1AM:T2BM:AM0:BM0:v (B$(1))4200I3315/1/This crystal pulsates with energy./21/1/Its shape indicates it could be used in the dial's mechanism./0/0/w/0/0/w//0/w//W/H J3(BX$):112:J0$(6)(PT):132:BX$J0$(6):3500:J0$(6)NX$:J3PT15/1/It's delicate, circuitry wire./21/1/It should help us repair some damage./47/3/Minced wire! Nothing much left, now./0/0/w/"I 132I K7I F$"GL":1 RETURN TO G/L MENU"hEF#GA%0:V15/1/It's just some wire solder. Thin and soft./21/1/Just what we need for the dial!/0/0/w/0/0/w//ER":30:5:J05wF'J0:" 1. GENERAL LEDGER MAINTENANCE":J0:" 2. COST ACCOUNT MAINTENANCE":J0:" 3. GENERAL JOURNAL ENTR21/1/A needed part for repairing the dial!/15/1/Just a small chip./47/3/Fried chips! What a smell!/48/3/Crunch!/Ha0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/ 0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/б21/1/Power for the 'borg!/15/1/Just get it and I'll take over fromthere!/48/3/Bummer. So much for that./0/0/w//0/W/ д е. д#15/1/More power for the 'borg!/21/1/All right! I love it!/48/3/So much for that!/0/0/w//!д  Ġд21/1/More and more power. Just what I need./15/1/Just pick it up and I'll do the rest./48/3/Bye-bye battery!/0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/ дд!д0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/% д д де#15/1/It's a large, metal locker./21/1/We need some tools to get it open./16/1/The locker's open, now./47/0/Nothing happens./15/1/It appears to have the same molecular structure as the fuselage./21/1/Don't leave home without one./48/0/Nothing happens. This material is incredibly resilient./0/0/w/15/1/They're mounted on the table./21/1/The dish is a pressure-sensitive pad connected to a triggering device./0/0/w/0/0/w/0/w//15/1/It's welded to the table./21/1/Try activating it with the card./0/0/w/0/0/w/ 15/1/It appears to be your standard deepspace welding torch./21/1/This will be necessary for major repairs./48/0/Better not. It's the last operational one on board./0/0/w//W/31/0/We did, but nothing happened./48/0/It's too sturdy./45/1/We're bathed in soothing radiation./21/1/There's probably an interlock sensor./45 /0/Nothing happens. Try throwing it./21/1/This is it -- our goal. Let's do it!/15/1/It's a simple toggle switch./0/0/w/ALANCE":BD%2:100:NRJ0:OP$F$",L"J1:LK71NR:J0K7:1510:J3J0:51216/1/The latch is unlocked./47/3/The latch is beyond using, now./31/3/We've utterly destroyed its usefulness./21/1/It's a delicate mechanism.//1")3340> O27(J0$(7))3340> F1%1:K8%K0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/SHES./48/1/SO MUCH FOR THE PANEL./16/0/THE GLASS PANEL OPENS./15/0/IT'S A DELICATE, GLASS PANEL./91:J8$"P1":J9$"SYSTEM PROGRAM":1420:SW%0:J82:J91:J8$"DA":J9$"DATA ENTR48/3/The grill has been destroyed./21/1/Scanners detect a life form behind it./31/0/It's not doing much good./47/0/The metal is far too strong./6,80:7,0:47070LU6140::175:900:920:2700< 36/3/The snake slithers off to die in peace./21/1/Forget it. We have to shoot it!/31/0/The snake giggles at our attempt./0/0/w//0/W/T OUR ATTEMPT./0/0/W/J2$ = 930:J2$Y$İ900:920:2810= 9= F1%0:J0$"AUTOMATIC36/3/It is wounded and decides to run off to die in seclusion./31/0/That isn't going to do much good./48/0/It dodged out of the way./0/0/w//36/1/The robot emits a sizzle or two andthen stops./15/1/Its chest cavity seems hollow./48/1/Something fell out of the chest./16/1/The mechanism that opens its chest is jammed.//mmed./ED/SM THAT OPENS0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/TIC DISBURSEMENTS FOUND":J0$"FOR THIS DUE DATE.":140::23:175:3700mA 23:1:868K#J0AM:20:J%5:R$"TOTAL":A$J0$:H1$(PK(959)):3000:J0AM(1):20:R$"TOTAL":A$0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/0/0/w/00KT$D%1:F$"SALE":100:J09500K^$OP$F$",L"J1:NRJ0:AM0:BM0:CM0:J31NR:112/Lh$AMAM(J0$(3)):BMBM(J0$(4)):CMCM(J0$(5)):::3000SM%D%1:F$"PDISB":100:31/0/It leaps to one side./47/0/It leaps out of the way./37/1/It gobbles it up./0/0/w/T GOBBLES IT UP./K1:J(10)J(10)(J0$(4)):J(11)J(11)(J0$(9)):J3:CL$F$)N2%F$"WH":OP$F$:RE$F$:K116:J0$:J(K13)(J0$)::CL$F$ bWe're in a dense grove of trees. A scan of the area reveals the path is still insight. The forest is endless.Stretching from horizon to horizon.!We're in a dense forest of trees.2Something off to the east seems oddto my scanners.grover treeland bWe're in a tangled mess of undergrowth in an endless forest thatsurrounds us on all sides. The foreststretches out as far as my scanners can register.We're in a tangled undergrowth.!We'd better get out of this mess. tingle tangle   bWe're in a dense grove of trees that extends in all directions. The leaveshang from the branches like so many green dewdrops in the still, cool air.We're in a grove of trees.4Scanners detect water near our present location. gimme a dewe a dewe a dew  bWe're in a mass of vegetation in a huge forest. A scan of the immediate area reveals the trees and vegetationhere are twice as dense as the surrounding areas.We're in a doubly-tangled mess.-This area proves out to be highly illogical.you're the dense onene   We're in a clearing in a forest. The trees surround us in all directions, but an overgrown path that leads to the south starts here."We're in a clearing in the forest.We should explore to the south.let's make camp camp  bYWe're in a grove of trees. The forestis massive, extending out of sight inall directions.4We're in a grove of trees in the massive forest.Do not rely on visual scanners.grove on the range  zWe're in a small clearing in the forest. The trees seem to continue onfor miles and miles in all directions.!We're in a small forest clearing.These trees make no sense. tree city We've entered a small room whose walls are lined with empty, dusty shelves. The doorway to the west leads to an endless, dirt path that dwindles out of sight at the western horizon. The walls are made of metal with welded seams. We're in a little, shelved room.*This place cannot exist in a forest. We're at a "T" on an east-west dirt path through a forest. A northern path leads through a grove of trees. A tiny lizard wearing a silver space-suit stands by the path, leaning on atinier crutch, and groans "Food. Foodfor the truth.",We're on the east-west path by the lizard.Stay on these pathsE.T. phone homee  bWe're standing by the bole of a twisted tree on a north-south path. The forest surrounding us is endless,going in all directions as far as we can see.2We're on a north-south path by a twisted tree.The tree may be climbable. woof bark We're at a junction on the east-west dirt path. The south path leads into a mass of tangled vegetation, while an open field lies to the north. The smells to the south are sweet and alluring./We're at the junction on an east-westdirt path.6There's something strange about thesmell to the south.sweet surrender surrender  We're on a north-south path through ahuge forest of trees. The path is smooth and level as if it had been here first and the forest had been planted around it. We cannot see an end to the forest in any direction.,We're on a north-south path through aforest.*There's something wrong with this forest. path bathath !We're at the end of an east-west paththrough a steel canyon. The sheer walls rise far overhead and are impossible to scale. Before us is a dimly-lit room, while a tunnel startsto the north.,We're at end of e-w path through canyon. high walls bWe're on a limb near the top of a tree. From here we can see what may be the cause of the strange "forest phenomenon.". The trees warp and seemto shimmer in this distance like a mirage, and appear to be holographic projections in the air.We're high in the tree.!It's a good thing we got up here. let's leafs leaf / We're on a north-south path through the trees. The forest is endless and yet directly to the north is a door- way. It's as if a mirror had been placed in our path -- a mirror reflecting not what lies behind us, but a huge, wooden-floored room.#We're at a "doorway" on a n-s path.through the looking glassss #We're on an east-west path at the bottom of a steel canyon. The walls to the north and south are sheer and unscalable polished metal. I can makeout a vast forest to the west, while the walls rise and the path narrows to the east.,We're on an east-west path through a canyon. westward hoho  We're standing in the middle of a little field. Before us is a pipe coming out of the ground, dripping water into a small, shallow puddle. The clearing is bordered by a dense forest to all sides but the south.$We're in little field by the puddle.The water may be drinkable.slurpo  2We're on an east-west dirt path through an endless forest. Directly before us is a doorway my logic circuits say cannot exist, rising from the path like a portal into another dimension. The woods surroundus.-We're on an east-west path by a doorway.An impossible situation.portal chortle We're in a small clearing in a maze of tangled vegetation. The n-s path ends here as further southern movement through this thicket is impossible..We're in a clearing by some thickets.sticky wickets thesethickets.  We're on an east-west dirt path through a forest of trees. The path stretches from horizon to horizon, asdoes the endless forest. The air is still, the sky cloudless and the forest silent. We're on an east-west dirt path.(Nothing abnormal but tree after tree. tree city  bWe're in a vast, endless forest whosescope tests my higher level logic circuits. The trees immediately around us form an unusually dense grove.We're at unusually dense grove.)I am at a loss to explain this place.endless  bWe're in a huge, endless forest of slim, identical trees. The conformityof the surrounding vegetation and trees is preternatural and illogical.,We're in an identical, endless forest. bWe're in an endless forest that goes on and on forever. All my scanning detects, no matter which direction I scan, is tree after tree after tree after tree.We're in forever forest."Trees trees treeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees.nothing lasts foreverr bWe're in a dense grove of trees in the endless forest. The trees immediately to the northwest are twice as dense as the surrounding trees.,We're in doubly-dense, endless forest.:Scanning and re-scanning is not giving additional data. bWe're in an endless forest. A scan shows no detectable abnormalities. Even so, this place seems to be an exact mirror image of the place directly to the north of us.,We're in an endless, mirror-image forest.3Scanning area to the north reveals bad visual data.  bWe're in a massive forest. Far off, to the north, we can't make out the horizon through the trees. The trees are motionless in the still air and appear to be exact carbon copies of one another -- true botanical clones. We're in a vast, endless forest.  bWe're in a forest that stretches out of sight in all directions. The treeshere are incredibly dense, twice as dense as in other treed areas.We're in doubly-dense forest.:Higher level logic circuits are at a loss for explanation.double troublele   We're on a narrow, east-west dirt path through a forest of trees. The path is endless, stretching out of sight to both horizons. We're on an east-west dirt path.Gather more data on this area.where is lizzy ++#[We're on a north-south overgrown paththat rises through the trees. Below the raised path is a small clearing. The path itself is enclosed by a low metal railing and, littering the path, are an incredible number of dead insects.We're on a rising, n-s path.2We might be able to get down there,but at a price.E. jWe've entered a small clearing in an endless forest. Trees surround us andwe seem to be a bit disoriented.!We're in a small forest clearing. rest a mo mo " "cWe've entered a dark, dank room. A sign on the wall say "MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL ONLY". A set of steps leadsup to the south. The other walls are lined with huge machinery cases.We're in a maintenance room.1The machinery in the cases is useless to us. upsy stairsy /-.We're in the east end of a wood- floored gymnasium. The stillness of the vast room is disquieting. Scanning detects a draft coming from the west, near the ceiling.!We're at the east end of the gym.+There must be something near the ceiling. play ball A We're in a rapidly darkening tunnel that narrows to the north. A light isvisible to the south, but scanning tothe north is impossible through the heavy darkness.We're in darkening, n-s tunnel.3We'd better have some light source before going on.scaredscaredd 'cWe're standing at the top of a flightof stairs on a small landing. The stairs descend to the north into a dimly-lit room. To the south is a little metal cubicle, almost the sizeof an ancient telephone booth.$We're on the landing by the cubicle. cube ick ll $$%%%&&We're in the middle of a clearing, with trees all around us. Overhead isa ramp that rises to the south, but the railing and ramp are out of reach. A narrow, paved path cuts through the trees to the east.#We're in a clearing below the ramp.5We'll never reach the railing without some help. upsy daisy $$$%%&&#bWe're lost in a forest.We're lost in a forest. We're lost.lost $%&$%$&&bWe're lost in a forest.We're lost in a forest. We're lost.lost &$&%$#$%bWe're lost in a forest.We're lost in a forest. We're lost.lost "(\_We're in the center of a cubicle. There is a doorway to the north and asliding metal partition to the south.The place is dimly lit, but scanning the southern doorframe reveals a thin, metal slot.We're in the small cubicle. slide clyde ')\_We're at the east end of a long, low-ceilinged room. A metal partition in the north wall has a slot in it: a message on the slot says "MAINTENANCEPERSONNEL ONLY". A bookcase lines theeast wall.*We're at the east end of the long hall.-There's something behind the metal partition.read me, doc memoryc memoryry (*We're in the middle of a long, east- west hall. Before us is an immense picture-window going from floor to ceiling, 25 meters in length. Throughit we can see a distant, verdant, valley, beyond which is a snow-cappedmountain range.$We're by the window in the e-w hall.)Scanning detects no depth to the south.outh.+)_We're in the west end of a tremendoushall. Before us is some kind of vending machine with a thin, narrow, horizontal slot in its face. A door- way to the north goes down a path, while the hall stretches out far to the east.*We're at the west end of a huge hall.vend me *We're at the top of a ramp that risesover the trees. The ramp descends into an endless forest to the north while an odd sight faces us to the south: a huge low-ceilinged room.$We're at the top of the rising ramp.!This entire place makes no sense.rrramp B/ZcWe're standing on top of a huge steamy cabinet emitting strange noises. The way into the cabinet is through a heavy, metal hatch.#We're on top of the steamy cabinet.We've got to get in there. free, at last . /01cWe're in the center of a huge, circular gymnasium. Hanging over our head, well within reach, are a set ofrings suspended from the ceiling by two long, stout ropes.We're in the center of the gym.The ropes should be climbable. swing ringss -0-We're standing on a set of bleachers in the north end of the gymnasium. A scan of the surrounding area and the air currents reveals a strong draft coming from the ceiling to the south."We're on the bleachers in the gym..This place makes more sense than the forest.rah, team, rah - 0,cWe're standing in the southern end ofa huge, circular gymnasium. A massivecabinet sits to one side, making somevery strange noises and leaking steam."We're in the south end of the gym.+Rungs lead up the side of the cabinet. jungle gym .-/6aWe're in the west end of the huge gymnasium. A doorway leads into a passageway to the west.!We're in the west end of the gym.m. D-cYWe're at the top of a dual set of ropes which support a set of rings, right near the ceiling of a gymnasium. There's a small trapdoor over our heads."We're near the ceiling in the gym.,Scanners detect a life form over our head.high-bye 34We've reached a "T" in a metal passage-way. To the east we can see an east-west dirt path strectching out to the eastern horizon. A hallwaygoes to the north, while a doorway leads into a little room to the west.0We're at the "T" in the metal passageway.T-4-2 C52We've reached a doorway in a n-s metal hallway. The doorway to the east enters a long, winding hallway, while the northern doorway has a signover it that says, "DETOX STATION 1. PROPER ID REQUIRED FOR PROCESSING." We're before the "DETOX STATION"2Detox should stand for detoxification.retox the detox 2We're in a small room with welded, metal walls. The floor, ceiling and wall seem to be made of the same material. There's a doorway in the east wall.We're in a bare room.retox 63We're in a long, narrow passageway. The passage to the west is clearly lit and straight, but the passage to the northeast bends to the east.0We're in a west-northeast passageway. 05|We're at the end of a passageway thatbends to the southwest. Before us, tothe east, is a huge, round, wooden- floored room.-We're at the end of a southwest passage.rite of passageage X8Before us is a long panel of controlsand dials, controls which operate theship we're in. A red light, flashing on and off over a switch says "AUTOMATIC LANDING SEQUENCE". A set of three view-screens are mounted over the light..We're by the bridge's central controls.Our path seems far clearer now..tght7Before us is a large circular dial which is mounted on a bank of controls. The left position above thedial says "SLEEP" while the right position says "WAKE". To the west is a view-wall which shows unfamiliar constellations.$We're on the west end of the bridge.The dial must be turned.wake up little Suzy~~~~~~~~~~"We're floating away from the ship."We're floating away from the ship. >We're to the right of the airlock, atthe south end of the catwalk, outsidethe ship. The stars above us are likedistant friends, calling to us through the haunting darkness."We're to the right of the airlock. 9>9999We're on the catwalk outside the cargo hold where the alien ship crashed through, destroying the integrity of our hull. The catwalk tothe north was also destroyed and we see pieces of it floating far from the ship. We're by the damaged cargo hold.*Let's apply the patch and get back inside. ?We've gone as far as we can go in theventilation ducts. The south end of the duct narrows down to a slit too small for us to fit through. Moving here in this cramped space is difficult. We're at narrow end of ductwork.Better turn around.end of the line ;R:uWe're on a maintenance catwalk outside the ship by the airlock. We can see the damaged hull to the northof us.*We're by the airlock, outside the ship. We should stay closeby the ship. @=We're in the middle of an "X" junction of ventilation ducts. The ducts to the east and west are too small for us to enter. The southern duct is small, too, but we should be able to go that way if we crawl.+We're at the "X" junction in the ducts.which way did we go F?We're in a long, narrow ventilation duct that leads to the south. The airhere smells fresh, full of life. An opening to the north leads out to a vertical, zero-gravity shaft."We're by the opening in the ducts.6This provides access to the ventilation system.this place scares mees me !We're in a little alcove, the end of the north-south tunnel. A little signon the wall says, "MAINTENANCE PERSONNELL ONLY". The air here is stale, making it hard to breathe.We're in maintenance alcove. ,We are inside the steamy cabinet. Thewalls are lined with little jets thatemit steam -- steam that's already done damage to my higher level logic circuits. The only way out is up, through the open hatch overhead.We're in a steamy cabinet.This is no place for us.where you been E3\]We're in the detox station. On the wall, a small sign reads "TO CYCLE DETOX PROCEDURE, PRESS THE TOUCHPLATE". A doorway to the south leads out of the chamber while a metal partition is in the north wall.We're in the detox chamber.!There must be a proper procedure. try the plate 1We're at the start of a narrow junction of tiny ventilation ducts, far too narrow to enter. Huddled in the corner, quaking with fear, is a thin, orange-haired female lizard, a "togram", wearing a suit like that ofthe other little lizard.!We're in the ducts by the togram. thin lizzyin lizzy CFcWe're standing in mid-air, suspended at the top of a circular tube or shaft that descends into darkness. Rungs are welded to the walls to provide handholds for easier descent.A doorway to the south leads to detoxstation #1.We're at the top of the shaft.A safe way to descend.familiar @EGcZWe're suspended in mid-air, about 25 meters beneath the top of the shaft. The shaft descends into darkness, butthere is a small hatch in the south wall of the shaft.+We're 25 meters below the top of the shaft.(It's probably some maintenance area.. HFIWe're at a resting spot in the vertical shaft, standing on a small platform. The shaft continues its descent into the darkness below. There's an opening in the northwest side of the shaft.#We're 50 meters below top of shaft.4This appears to be another structural level.let's check it out JKGLMWe're in a dimly-lit hallway junction. A colored stripe runs down the center of each floor. The nw stripe is red, the n one is yellow, the ne one is green, and the south one is blue. A vertical shaft lies tothe southeast..We're at the striped hallway junction.&Pick your favorite color and try it. cdeGcWe're standing in the bottom of the vertical shaft. There are three door-ways leading out: one north, one south, and one west. The shaft disappears to a tiny point far overhead.!We're at the bottom of the shaft.0Scanning detects movement -- life, to the south. no stripestripes YHYWe're in a yellow-striped corridor that is shaped like a long tube. To the north the corridor rises making it virtually impossible to scan in that direction."We're in the yellow, n-s corridor.5Scanning detects abnormalities in this general area.bar-b-q SHWe're at the end of a southwest tunnel that empties into a huge room.The room was at one time filled with hydroponic tanks, and the tanks were filled with food. Now, the tanks are all smashed -- they're just glass andmetal fragments.We're in the hydroponics room.*These tanks have been severly jarred. food, food HNcWe're at the southern end of the north-south blue-striped hallway. A vertical tube with rungs mounted intoits wall goes upward.-We're at the south end of the n-s hallway.-Everything seems calm enough in this area.up up and awayand away HTWe are in a nw-se narrow corridor that has a red strip imbedded in the center of the floor. The walls are welded metal that is warm to the touch, while the floor is a soft spongy material.!We're in the red, nw-se corridor.;The color red must signify something of importance. yipes stripes LOLWe're standing in the doorway in the north end of a huge, domed room. The center of the dome seems to be made from some black, translucent plastic.*We're in the north end of a domed room.This could be an observatory. NPQRWe're in the center of a huge domed room. Overhead we see stars through aclearing in the circular dome. A doorway lies to the north, while other exits are to the east and west.*We're in the center of the domed room.9This is an observatory and the stars aren't familiar.the final frontier OWe've entered a small, transparent shell that bubbles out into space. The shell is made of thick unbreakable plastic and shows us a magnificent scene: a huge planet, definitely not Earth, slowly rotatingon its axis.*We're in the transparent bubble room.The planet looks habitable.home sweet home OWe're in the south end of the domed room before a small opening in the wall. The opening is small -- too small for us to squeeze through. Scanning the opening reveals a small white room with rows of hooks on the walls.!We're at south end of domed room. No way we could squeeze through. O>`We've entered an airlock. A red button on the wall has the following inscribed on it: "PRESS BUTTON TO CYCLE AIRLOCK". We can see the darkness of space through the 5" thick glass.7We're in the airlock. "PRESS BUTTON TO CYCLE AIRLOCK."/This is no place to ask me. You hadbetter know. frontier city KWe're in the east end of the ruined hydroponics room. A quick scan reveals that none of the tanks are operational. There is a rent in the east wall that is exposing several wire harnesses and loose cables. The floor is a total mess.*We're in east end of hydroponics room. MUWe're midway down a northwest- southeast, red-striped corridor. Scanning to the northwest reveals theend of the corridor is bathed in infrared light.6We're midway down the nw-se, red- striped corridor.;The red must indicate some importance to this area. VTWXWe're standing in a north-south passage that has a tall unclimbable metal wall to the west. A southeast corridor cuts through the east wall. High overhead, to the west, an open area is visible.-We're by west wall in n-s red passage.,The area to the west should be explored. aUWe're at the end of the north-south red-striped passageway. Before us, tothe north, is a small room. The room is a mess and is cluttered with equipment and debris from what could only have been a small explosion.0We're at the north end of red-stripedpassageway. UbzWe're at the south end of a red- striped, north-south passageway. To the south is a doorway leading into asmall room."We're at south end of n-s hallway.-Scanning detects abnormalities to the south. U7UWe're in the east end of a huge square, low-ceilinged room. To the east is a sheer wall going down into a n-s passage with a ladder on the floor. The walls of the room are white and lined with dials, switches,controls, and viewscreens..We're on the east end of the "bridge".This is a ship's bridge. ZJZJWe're halfway up the sloping, yellow-striped, north-south corridor. Scanning detects a strange ray emanating from the top of the hall. The ray is non-destructive and seems to be probing our circuits for properidentification..We're halfway up yellow-striped n-s corridor. [\YYWe're at the top of the rising, north-south corridor. To the north is a room with light-yellow walls; lab benches and strange equipment fill the room. The corridor heads downwardto the south, and a small passageway starts off to the east.$We're at top of yellow, n-s hallway. ]ZWe've entered a laboratory. Workbenches and equipment are scattered around in disarray; glass pieces shattered. A doorway to the south leads out to a descending corridor while another one leads to the east.We're in a messy laboratory.7This area seems to have suffered from some explosion.ON. ^ZmTo the north, through a doorway, is alarge room filled with padded tables.The east-west passageway ends here.0We're at the end of an e-w passageway.6Entering the room to the north may be very productive.I don't like docs. [We've entered a small storage room off the laboratory. The shelves are empty; broken bottles and chemicals litter the floor as if an explosion occurred nearby. A ruptured pipe on the wall is leaking liquid oxygen that boils in a small puddle.$We're in a storage room off the lab.Just be careful here. ...kaboom.... \_Around us are what look like examination tables. Medical supplies and equipment are scattered about theroom. The room, most likely a small "sickbay," is "L" shaped and branchesoff to the west.!We in the south end of "sickbay".3We may be able to repair some of our damage here.let's play doctorplay doctoroctor ^`^We're in the west "L" in the sickbay.A tall and narrow glass cylinder stands before us. The room bends around to the east where examination tables and ruined medical equipment are scattered about.#We're in the west end of "sickbay". The cylinder can heal our flesh. _^Before us, at waist height, is a small lever mounted on a pedestal. A little sign over the lever says "PULLLEVER TO ACTIVATE PHYSICAL RESTORATION CYCLE". We're inside the glass cylinder.The glass panel looks fragile.inside VWe're in a small, red cabin that's ina tremendous state of disarray. A doorway to the south leads out into ahuge hallway. Before us, on a table, is what looks like an ultrafiche reader with two slots in it.We're in a messy red cabin.:Following the proper sequence should yield good data. bedtime story WWe're in a small room whose walls arebathed in red light. The room is barebut for a single, eerily-lit table. On the middle of the table is a "trip balance," a set of scales with a dish on each side of a needle fulcrum.!We're in an eerily-lit bare room.These scales can be dangerous.. . tI_We're outside the cargo hold, lookingthrough a thick, glass window. The doorway has a small, horizontal slot mounted in it, and a sign over the door says "AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL". A small alien ship can be seen to the east, past the debris.*We're standing outside the cargo hold. IfBefore us is a doorway that leads into a vast, southern chamber. The walls reach up to a high ceiling and are lined with row after row of clearglass capsules. To the north is the bottom of the verical drop shaft.-We're standing before "sleeper's" chamber. The sleepers -- I'm remembering.let's check it out it out IjWe're standing in a wide, west hallway. Behind us, to the east, is avertical drop shaft that leads up to the other levels. Even though the lighting here is dim, I can detect a large, enclosed area off to the west.We're in wide, west hallway."This area feels warm and friendly.west wide west dgWe're in the north end of the "sleepers" chamber, on a narrow north-south path through rows of capsules.Each capsule holds a human, frozen insuspended animation. A doorway lies to the north.8We're in the north end of the "sleepers" chamber.)I'm remembering when we put them tosleep. to sleep. SLEEP. fhWe're midway down a north-south path that leads through the rows of capsules filled with frozen people, passengers waiting for their chance to colonize the nearby planet.-We're midway down the "sleepers" chamber.'The robot may have something we canuse.bad 'bot'bot giWe're in the south end of the "sleepers" chamber. Capsules flank uson both sides and are filled with people. To the south is a doorway leading into what appears to be an equally large room.-We're in the south end of the chamber.)Scanning detects a life form to thesouth. hWe're in the north end of what must be the engineering section of the ship. To the north is a doorway. The walls are mostly pipes and tubes. A small iguana-like creature sits here,playing with something. It appears tobe bored.#We're by the iguana in engineering.We've got to get that manual.busy fingers playylay kelmWe're at a junction in the west hallway. Before us is a doorway into a large room while the hallway to theeast goes back to the shaft. The hallway continues to the north and the south.We're at the hallway junction.,Scanning detects nothing out of theordinary. thru door njWe're in a narrow, north-south hallway that is totally dark. The wall to the west, under a sonar scan,reveals a huge enclosed area behind it.-We're in a narrow, north-south hallway.(The large chamber may be a resting area.keep on jrWe're in the southern half of the north-south narrow hallway that continues to the south. The hallway narrows here, its walls painted a dark, warm blue.*We're in the southern half of the hall. ojqWe're in the center of a very long hall that looks like a dormitory. Beds and dressers are scattered about, no doubt through some nearby explosion. A doorway leads out to theeast./We're in the center of the dormitory. dorma cita kpWe've come to the end of the north- south hallway. Before us, to the west, is a large, open doorway leading into a huge room. Scanners detect remnants of human habitation.-We're at the north end of the hallway.to sleep perchance to dream. pmBefore us are beds, wrenched from their floor mountings. Beneath one ofthem, barely visible, is a storage locker that appears to be intact. Theentire area looks like it could use the services of a cleaning servo- unit, and badly.*We're in the northern end of the dorm.unlocker locker noWe're in the northernmost section of a dormitory. The place is in a horrible mess. Though the dormitory is large, it is a warm and cheery place with walls and ceiling a warm blue. A doorway leads out to the east.#We're in the north end of the dorm.(We should thoroughly explore the area. msBefore us are a series of tables and chairs that had to have been scattered about by an explosion. Bedsand personal belongings, all ruined, are scattered amongst the debris. A few scraps of half-eaten moldy bread lies about, rotting.-We're in the southern domitory section.ugh lsWe've reached the south end of a north-south hallway. Scanning the doorway to the west reveals a large room and the remnants of human habitation.,We're in the south end of the n-s hallwaylet's check it qrWe're in the southern end of a dormitory that stretches out to the north. There's a bulletin board made of cork hanging upon a nearby wall, though nothing is on it. A doorway leads out of the dormitory to the east.*We're in the southern end of the dorm."There's nothing here of use to us. uvwcxyzVWe're by rubble and debris in the hold. To the east we can see the little ship.1We're by rubble in the hold near a little ship.+Walking into this mess is a mistake. messy messyy messy |}vwtyz{,We're in a mess of debris and rubble.,We're in a mess of debris and rubble./My scanners are getting disoriented. lost city }{zywxu|,We're in a mess of rubble and debris.,We're in a mess of rubble and debris.4The longer we keep this up, the worse it becomes.I wanna go home vyx}|zxz$We're amongst the rubble and debris.$We're amongst the rubble and debris.I'm too disoriented. who's gonna clean this mess up. yvw}{vyz#We're in the mess of rubbly debris.#We're in the mess of rubbly debris.8Let's find our way back to the holdbefore it's too late.insanityityy z|uwxv|}#We're in a debris-littered passage.#We're in a debris-littered passage.debris to the knees {|uwyv}|!We're in a rubble-strewn passage.!We're in a rubble-strewn passage.!We may never make it out of here.panic wv|vz{{},We're in a passage filled with rubble.,We're in a passage filled with rubble."We're not really getting anywhere. xw}vzy{u8We're in a rubble-formed corridor with debris around.8We're in a rubble-formed corridor with debris around.(Scanning is not producing accurate data. co-ree-doaa x{zyvy|{,We're trapped in a mess of rubble anddebris.,We're trapped in a mess of rubble anddebris.(We must find our way back to the hold.trappedped ~~~~~~~~~~:We're adrift in space, too far from the ship to get back.:We're adrift in space, too far from the ship to get back.It's curtains for us, amigo. tWe're clear of the rubble, standing in the east end of the cargo hold. A piece of the hull is a different shade of grey where the repair patch was applied. To the east, directly before us, is a small ship, the ship the lizards came in.8We're in the cargo hold, to the west of the little ship. We're inside the tiny spaceship, hunched over and very cramped. A little reptile says "Hi! I'm lonely, and wouldn't mind if you asked me a few questions to while away some time." A small door leads out to the west.We're inside ship by reptile.lizzy SAVE ATARI3.2A