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Program: LOGO Cop)}yright 1982 - MECC ' #@ '" "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256 5500(;%,;,*}<AR d33;,;,;,;,;%,;%,;%,;,i 6-A F:,"Bn6.Elementary Biol+}ogyx 6. 6. 6. 6. B,) (<$@&P:+B:,%,',)(,}6 (< $|5 6-$$6- %'A6%5A7%9 6- %A@%+AA%9A4%-}M6-?:C:hhhLV,<,*6-F:%A5,J6-F:A@%,%F:AA%,$M$6-P:',6-P:&$,$' D:LOGO.}.FNT'56-BS`6-$6-#6-' 5AV$8'@   B'%%(}=>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>+/}L'(< <V'( <  <`'!!(<  !>:@4, <j' (<  %$  Minnesota<t'""(<  &  Educ0}ational<~' (<  [|  Computing<'!!(<  ]\  Consortium<'( <  _^ <'( <  `{ <'( < 1}<' (<<', 6. AB:,!"6., A'5 B:,!6. A%B:,!+6.5 A' (<<2}(%6.Version 67,.% A (""(;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>@(66. COPYRIGHT #67@,.667%,. - MECC3}(& B:,!67%,. #&67$,.((*-P:&+B:,%,',% $-*6-<('AY@4'AdAUA(864}-%@8 A*F:Ad,"AUBB(A$F(Ad&%D1:HELLO%LZHZLEZCMZZERTCg  ORGANRETUROPTIOCCCCCCLEAREOCENDINCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCOREZLINZDOL6}ZNZZETZIOCZBGZADZLZHZLEZCMZERNUMBER 7} 8} !"#$%& Program:9}FISH Copyright 1981 - MECC ' #@ '" "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256 5:}100,5150,9990,31000,10000( ;,2 A $Ed ;,xAd& BA `;}MJ6-?:C::h 8SUH GhdTͿT `,,M$A ` %'DAR-%6 Pr<}essto continue.DAd&'F:Ad,"&A 'F:Ad,"%'  '! Ad&-!=}$'@A$+#0/AR@F:,"BP( -$( Circulation(++(# Circulation is a tut>}orial on the(--(%circulatory system of animals which,(9/('like fish, have a two-chambered heart.3 96-((}W?}ould you like to:(..(&1) See a lesson on blood circulation)( in a fish.)..(&2) Answer some questions abou@}t blood)++(# circulation in a two-chambered")++(# system such as that of a fish.,)))(!3) See a demonstrationA} of blood6)++(# circulation in a two-chambered@)++(# system such as that of a fish.J)(4) End the program.B}O)@rE:T)2-@" .(Enter 1, 2, 3, OR 4 ?2W) 6-A:, )!BY)@pC}E:h)! "@!%D:FISH2i)! "@!%D:FISH2j) "%D:HELLOr)C@(}-C(#InD} this lesson you will learn about)**("the circulatory system in animals)))(!which have two-chambered hearts.)++(#E}Animals with two-chambered hearts)( include:) ( Salamanders Fish)""( Frogs Toads)00((F}We will use the fish as our example in)( this lesson. *--(%}You will see the outline of a fish&*++(#drawn oG}n your screen. One by one,:*//('symbols representing the vital organs,N*++(#muscles, head, fin and tail will beb*(H}drawn.*,,($You will then watch a single blood*''(cell travel through the fish's***("circulatory system to the I}various*?/('organs, muscles, and other body parts.3 ?%D:FISH1y4A $E& }4Ad&"yJ}3 -%+ Do you want to try again? / 3,y7<,4Y(} 6y87<,0N2(Please enter 'YES' or 'NO'.K}8 %@y0+0%0%'AR*(0-Jy$AA($%D:HELLO{y  %RESCOREZLINZDOLkJCCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREORETURZLINZNCDATBLOODORGANEXITANSWERQUESANPLOTDATDRAWORFRETUREND M}INLSXYYXZCOLVIECOLCELDIRECCOUNLASCOOPTIOXYBLOOSBEGIENFRETU@@@@@ N}@@@@ @ @ AV AQ ABAD8C O}ApA0A B @@ !"#$ P}%@&'()*+,-.@8/@90 Program:FISH1 C Q}opyright 1981 - MECC ' #@ '" "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,2565100,9990,21000 R}( ;,2 A $Ed**;@e,;@g,;,;,;,n #B" B  S}- $F ,/ A!,%),%3 A;,%C/%F$' -"#67%@,.>:,'  T} -6;6-@:7%,,6-@:7%,,-6-@:7%,,;6-@:7%,, 6-@:7&,, B6p"*"*"  U}B0P"*"*" B0P 6-@:7&,,$$WARAW'AX3AVI  Pre V}ss.WAd&F:Ad,"& %F:Ad,"%' ! Ad&-!$A ` W}MJ6-?:C::h 8SUH GhdTͿT `,,M$'DAR-%6 Pressto con X}tinue.DAd&'F:Ad,"& % 'F:Ad,"%'  '! Ad&-!$'BB6.8 Y}* B9***("This is the outline of a fish. We*--(%will now add s Z}ymbols representing the+C/(&organs, muscles, and other body parts.3 ;6-$C->+6/(} To see the 7+&, [}$%<+,$,6(,H+ R+KGBBBEBDBF BG0BH@BIPBP`K +--(%}These organs, m \}uscles and body parts+I9(0are all served by the circulatory system. = C6-I(}+Y 6- BQp BSP' ]} BU1 BVp; BX0E BYO BaPY Bc0+W Bd BfP! Bh+ Bp5 Bq? Bs@I  ^}BuS Bv`W t,F+AR0F(&In an animal which has a two-chambered~,..(&heart, the chamber which r _}eceives the,++(#blood is called the and the,--(%chamber which sends the blood through,,,($the circulatory sy `}stem is called the,( .,,,($ - Receives low oxygen blood,,,($ from the body and sends it a},##( to the ventricle.,))(!-Pushes the blood to the,))(! gills or lungs and then,))(! b} through the circulatory,( system.,**(" or -Gives oxygen to the-((( blood an c}d takes carbon -))(! dioxide from the blood.-//('From the gills or lungs the oxygenated(-H*("blood goes to d}the organs, musclesD(and other body parts.H n-5 6-$$ B9! BB+ BD5 BQp-[*("Press 'RETURN' e}to see a blood cellQ(!move from the heart to the gills.U [(}-% 6-6-$ BQp!6-% .B+AR f}0B("Blood moving from the ventricle.--(%section of the heart to the gills is,.--(%blue in color because it g}is carrying@...(&carbon dioxide. The gills remove theT.--(%carbon dioxide and provide the bloodh...(&cell with oxyg h}en. When this happens,|.#(the blood becomes red.# .//('}Once the blood has been oxygenated.,,($it travels i}to one of the other body...(&parts, such as the stomach. When the.++(#blood cell reaches the stomach, it.2(( pro j}vides oxygen to the stomach., 26-/] B9 BB! BD+ BG05 BQp? BSPI BUS BVp]  k}Bs@/ BfP Bh/_U(LTo see the blood flow from the heart to the gills and then to the stomach,Y _(} l}/1 6- BQp BSP' BU1 BVp/,,($ To see the blood cell go from the/--(%stomach to the auricle se m}ction of the0((( heart and then to the ventricle, 0   (} 0% Bs@ BfP! Bh% \0I+AR0 n}I() The blood always flows from the heartz0,,($to the gills, to one other body part0,,($and finally back to th o}e heart. The0--(%'other body part' can vary with each0!!(cycle of the blood cell.0 %D:FISH2f5 -z5 p} "0{5 "0|5 "05 "5 "6-&5 "6-%5 "6-%5 " q}6-&5 ," $5"*"$*"$B8p5 " 5 ! 6 ",%6 ",&6  r}",&$6 ",%.6 - 86   $L65 #B@P+@#AR'50@`6 -%"j6 s}! -",/! t6   $6gg1,14,20,1,13,19,2,12,18,39,39,3,10,11,17,19,38,39,4,8,9,20,23,36,37,39,39,4,7,7 t},24,26,35,35,39,396kk4,5,6,27,29,33,34,39,39,3,3,4,30,32,39,39,2,2,2,38,38,2,1,1,37,37,2,0,0,36,36,2,0,0,36,36,2,0,0,36,36 u}6__2,1,1,37,37,2,2,2,38,38,3,3,4,30,32,39,39,4,5,6,27,29,33,34,39,39,4,7,7,24,26,35,35,39,397++4,8,9,20,23,36,37,39,39, v}2,10,19,38,39706-%6-$6-$# -,$$0$@8 6-6-6-% 8 6-6-6-$ 9 6-% w}6-6- 9 6-%6-6-$ 9 6-$6-6-% : 6-$6-6-% f:!6-$6- x}6-$! : 6-$6-6-$ B;/ 6-$6-$#B%6-$+6-/ ;' 6-6-$6-$##B ' y} <% 6-6-6-%!#B0% 6=' 6-$6-6-%##B@' =% 6-6-6-%!#BP% v>' 6-% z}6-6-%##B`' >' 6-%6-6-%##B`' ?A 6-%6-#Bp#6-%/6-@356-=6 {}-%A ?) 6-%6-$6-%%#B) j@) 6-$6-$6-%%#B)  A% 6-6-%6-!#B% |} A8 6-%6-%6-%%#B+6-/ 56-8$hB= 6-6-6-@c%#BP+6-16-96-%= C' 6 }}-$6-6-%##Bp' C% 6-6-6-%!#B % \D56-@%6-@'6-@1#B05  ~}D' 6-%6-6-%##B@' R%D:FISHy! +0!ARy4A $E& }4 }Ad&"y3 -%+ Do you want to try again? / 3,y7<,4Y(} 6y87<,0N2(Please enter ' }YES' or 'NO'.8 %@y0+0%0%'AR*(0-Jy$AA($%D:HELLO{y  |y270,2 }30,990,30999y%%0,4,4,1,3,4,4,1,2,4,4,3,2,4,1,1y%%3,4,1,1,0,3,1,4,3,1,1,1,2,1,1,2y2,1,2,1,2,1,1,2,2,1,2,3y2,1, }2,3,2,1,3,1,2,1,2,3y2,1,2,3,2,1,3,2,2,1,2,2y2,1,2,4,2,1,3,1,2,1,2,2y==2,1,2,4,2,1,3,1,3,4,3,1,0,4,3,1,3,4,3,1,2, }4,3,2,2,4,4,4y2,4,4,1,2,4,3,1,2,4,4,3y2,4,4,2,2,4,3,2,2,4,4,3y2,4,4,3,2,4,1,4y--2,4,4,1,3,4,4,1,0,4,4,1,3,4 },3,1,0,4,3,1y--2,1,3,1,3,1,3,1,0,3,3,7,3,4,3,1,2,4,3,2y--2,1,3,1,3,1,3,1,0,3,3,3,3,4,3,1,2,4,3,2z--2,1,3,1,3,1,3,1,0 },3,3,1,3,4,3,1,2,4,3,2zEE2,1,4,3,2,1,3,2,2,1,4,3,2,1,3,1,3,1,3,1,0,3,3,1,3,4,3,1,2,4,3,2zEE2,4,2,2,2,4,3,1,2,4,2,2,2,4, }3,2,2,4,2,3,2,4,3,1,2,4,2,6,2,4,1,5&z552,1,3,1,3,1,3,1,0,3,3,3,3,4,2,1,2,4,2,2,2,4,3,4%ESANPLOTDATDRAWORFRETUREND _MCCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCORGANZ}ZETZIOCZBGZADZLZHZLEZCMZERDATBLOODEXITANSWERQUESANPLOTDATDRAWORLSXYYXTEMPORCOLVIECOLCELDIRECCOUNLA}SCOOPTIOXYCBLOOBEGIENTALLQUESTNS@@@@@@@@@ @} @ AV AQ AQPA B B}8C !"#A$A%&'(Ap})A0*@+,@)-@.@/@ 0@1@2@3@4@5@6@7@8@}9@:;@<@=>@8?@9@ABCDE Program:FIS}H2 Copyright 1982 - MECC ' #@ '" "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,2565100,5150}( ;,2 A $Ed%%9@d,;@g,;,;,n #B" B -} $F ,/ A!,%),%3 A;,%C/%F$ -"68,-  -6-} 6-8,6-8%,"6-8%,-6-8%, 6-8&@, B6p"*"*"*" B0P"*"*}"*" B0P 6-8&,$$ziARAW'AX3AV[("Pressto go on,}to end.iAd&| %WARAW'AX3AVI  Press.WAd&}F:Ad,"& %F:Ad,"% ! Ad&-!$A `MJ6-?:C::h 8SUH } GhdTͿT `,,M$A ` %'BB6.8}0(6-F:@,6-6-( B91 -1KGBBBEBDBF BG0BH@BIPB}P`K .1] BQp BSP! BU+ BVp5 BX0? BYI BaPS Bc0] Bd81I BfP Bh}! Bp+ Bq5 Bs@? BuI Bv`1)6-P:H:,$,%)!)")"B'2N 6-0("}To see a blood cell }flow from theN(heart to the gills to the(2<((7+&,$%<$, to the heart,<+",%Ad27 BQp6-6}-# B0P- BSP7 B0Pn2GG@B) @B)0B)@B)PB)`B)px2 Bp B0}25 BU B0P! Bq+ B0P5 B02? BU BVp! B0P+ Bs@5 B0P? B02I }BU BVp! BX0+ B0P5 Bu? B0PI B)2S BU BVp! BX0+ BY5 B0P? B}v`I B0PS B)25 BU BVp! BX0+ BY5 BaP2 Bc02 Bd2 BfP2# B}h"@# B0P2B'2= "6-%=B0`B0B0B1 B1`2$3NJ(A}Does e}ach blood cell have to travel tothe gills from the heart? N3 6.YES B1@3B*(!}What color is oxygenated blood}? .86.REDB B1@"3\\(=}Would the blood cell you are watching have to travel to the 7+&,$%<$,? ,3}6.NO B1@@3``(+}When a blood cell gives up oxygen to the 7+&,$%<$, notice it changes color.J38(W}hat color is it now? #.6.BLUE8 B1@T356.7<,47<,!6-%2( }Correct.5$^3_( }Incorrect,6}-$' AH(the correct answer is .R AX6-\ _$h3W "6-$$2(}Very positive responses.< A}H@L W%D:FISHr3i)(!}Since you did not answer all theP("questions correctly you should run_( lesson #}1.i6-$$|3. 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Ad&-!$'D+0%0%}'AR*(6@eDAd&'& #B""-&&B:,'& $'@-&'.',-@} A"% ,  3' .  B'     D'/" %. Program Descriptions( /  F'. %. E}nd@.6-F:@,%L'3 - Which number? # - A36-V'!* %B['G-@#=( }Please enter a number from 1 to %.G B``' %Be'"%BPt'( -(!*F:@, &B}v' ! x'; }#B"+@&B:,'/ ;@y'" Program Descriptions"-~'G( A}" "*@1  ; AG@'  (} B (2 (}-%.(Insert the new diske}tte.2 (*AA(*6-?:B,* +&0%0* 6- A"*-&B:,'@+}( "6.D:(67@,. +r @!ACA$3AD@(EA(A$WA)@(}[r D:INPUT.OBJ+p!@!AC@@3AD@)EA(@@WA)@)p }D:INPUTFP.OBJ + 6- A*+  %0u3 - #B"/-&&P:B:,',3(2uA "-%3 No t}eacher options available.7 A BR5u% - Your options are:" % :u@-UUuUW}uUoUUUU%UUUUj=Y7 =?}}`@UUUUSVOOW_??UUe%UUUW_3m~UV^">UUUUTWOUUUUUUUUUUUUx72'O}YSWKn9UUONTWSUUU_W畕eeUO?WUU~ ~ZVU?}_}UUUUU_UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU}9|_VUUuUUU55Us;_MV_?USO_UUSW]=dUUUUUSVOUO?OYYYYUILOOLGSS @} 5xWUUյeUUU%5UUUUM_?}U}UOSUUUM}]STUUOTWUUUUUo?OWU +-=}UVWTWRUUWUUUUeUeyM!_H~_O__UͶUUUSO[?UUUUUUUUUUUU7OUUUUUU_U}UUUUUUUUUU~UUUUUUSWVWUVU?UWu%UUU_0c~YeU__~UUxW=Mw𐄁dXWSw]UUUUUw]UUUUUUUUUUUUU}U]YYuee=0` s?3?U]Wu_UUUU幽&UUUUeUUUUUUUUUUUU}]uUW]uUWUWu]WuU[uWUUg]g33:L> ̤ & &e˥e̢̅%Ɂ˪ k. ~ krTlUm L}ɛb~Eo)  |Ԭa{8 0:      LkL|) LnLk }Li{ȱye8L"F G H` *+L4Lt}CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCACHOICE }LAKEFISH1RFISH1LFISH2RFISH2LFISHYVDSLSNMIEZADZLEZIOCZCMDLNUMMOVEFISHFLAZZETZBGZLZHZERC1C1C1C1 }FLAGSTR@@@@@@@@@ @ @ AV AQ AQPA }UAAPAPApABB  **I//x77 }//77 77!@0"A#BB$BR2%A&@'@(BA)@*@+@,@-@ }.Ah/@20A1A22@3A64@5@6@Q789:; Progr }am: ODELL Copyright 1981 - MECC ' #@ '" "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1 }0,20,256995100,5150,5500,9100,9150,9950,9970,9990,31000,10000(;%,;,2 A $EgSS;% },;,;@B,;@G,;@U,;@G,;@U,;@U,i;67,.|67@9,.|(67,.;67@@, }.|j996./||dteufv`paqbrcskAA6.7||FVEUDTCSBRAQ@P }l996./||$4%5'7 0!1(8)9mAA6.7||  }n #B"s_.F:A ,"*+F:A ,")F:A ,",=6-F:A ,IA UA _ Bxc A }PAY@46 D:ODELL.FNTB6-BS`N6-A$T6-Z6-^ cE D:FFS.BIN$6-BR2 }06-A66-<6-@ E B;AY(}16-F:A`,%F:Aa,$;%$O#F:,%A( }$+F:, A(,O%%F:%%,%A($+F:%%, A(,3&P:',$%P:',+@3%< -- }@ # , 4-8 <  22 ****:*******+::+****+ML****:****+gL***:**0BBrA- }AY@40$GA@Y+%@-050AARD(G$L3-@% 7<@#%$ },/-%3 V@!(7@$%$<@G%$,5-@@9 = @$A `MJ6-?:C::h 8SUH } GhdTͿT `,,M$A ` %|5 6-$$6- %'A6%5A7%9!} 6- %A@%+AA%9A4%M6-?:C:hhhLV,<,*6-F:%A5,J6-F:A@%,%F:AA%,!}$M$6-P:',6-P:&$,$'DAR-%6 Pressto continue.DAd&'F:Ad,"&!}A 'F:Ad,"%'  '! Ad&-!$'hAY@4?(%}You will become a fish in the O!}dellh($Lake food chain. After having been.'U-(%each fish, you should understand theR  the relationships between the!}m.U L')& The fish you may become are:) V'; #B!-@@%"7  . ; '4 -0(!Which !}fish would you like to be? 4 '-@rE-$E'I 6-A:, )!?(#Please enter a numbe!}r from 1 to 6.I B0'7 #B-@"# '-(}7 BP'Q A-%* This is what youB(!}will look like asQ(a .' -6-%'' 6.6- A#-$' '[@%-%%0 T!}his is what theG(fish you encounter[(will look like.'@(-@7') 6.6- A %-%! }) 'X- %In real life, the fish are not theX &same size. You are to discover the'S)(!relationships between ! }the fishS(%without knowing their actual size.(9 AY!$'(}9AY@4 (P -%$ On! }e moment please...0A BAA(P% D:ODELLP1* " *+ B N APy APy4A! } $E& }4Ad&"y3 -%+ Do you want to try again? / 3,y7<,4Y 6y87<,0! }N2(Please enter 'YES' or 'NO'.8 %@y0+0%0%'AR*(0-Jy$AA($%D:HEL!}LO{y  |yNNwhitefish,chub,blueback salmon,rainbow trout,mackinaw trout,dolly vardeny30,512,54286%ACHOICE tuv.RETURNEWEVENENDINA9CDC25ZADCC1CCVDSLSCCLCRESENMIEC5C8CNUMMOVEFISHYC2CFISHFLACCL%}EAREOALSC3LAKEGRDIRELSFISH1RFISH2RPAUSYIESCDEEEATDEEFIXFIXFIXLSZCLEAREOC4POEVENTEVENFISH2INESCSHAL%}LCHOWDOWCHASC10EATNOC4IGNOREAEATREATIMEXIFIRSTIKETWTWFGRMOVEMENTOGGLMOVEFISH2LGFISH1LXXFIXFISH2EAFIX%}CLFISH1EA %}%} !"#$%&'()*+,-%}./0123456789:;<%}=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKL%}MNOPQRSTUV Program: ODELLP1 Copyright 1981%} - MECC l;@,l9990,10035,31000,whitefish,chub,blueback salmon,rainbow trout,mackinaw trout,dolly varden T6-F:%}A ,"(-@,"0 B-@T@@p`N6-?:C:>h˥̠ȱˍɀ%}ȱˈȩ˩ J`,,` D:ODELLP1.TXT;AY(}16-F:A`,%F:Aa,$;%$A@%%}%A03&P:',$%P:',+@3%, --%  ( ,  22(****+KL++::**%}**+:++**:KL+:+***++*:M*****BBrA$?A%+%%0-09AR<(?$L%}/-@! 7<%%$,+-%/ V4(7%%$<&%$,)-@$- 1 4$P -$ %1 %}As a  you may:P 1. Escape deeper4. Eat itW% 2. Escape shallow5. Chase it1@B( 3. Ignore itL-%}%S _W  % _$$ --% ! $$0Ad&6-$K*-0  % }6- A!6- - >:, + -%AU!( + A *-% *%%%!}%%(Escape deeper.$(Escape shallow.$( Ignore it.$(Attack and eat it.$( Chase it%"}.$   A 4! 6-%!6--! CF:Ad,"& H8 )AU&.!A'*A%#}U86-&'K"%BM+*!$* @T!6-&$+ A!PR(*"AUA!P\J4(*+"AV)"%$}A&)"$)"&)"@,@6-A&J A!Pa 6-% f$//(7%$@#%$$<%%$$%$%$$,5 %%}6-(6-%"%!6-('6--6.56-&% "%6-"6.%6-%6-%$&$$$K6-A"6%&}-%6-%6-%/%%9 A9?6-E6-K6. 6- A $. --%")"%.  ||||%'} ,(7<%, !(7%<%,% ) ,$. 2 -%-!")")"2( ||||8 ,(7<%, !(7%<%%(},% ) ,$` ' --6"")")"'(j 5(7<$, *(7$<%,. 2 5$ G 6-%+(,$%)}6-"6-%*6-%06-@6. ||||D G$ #6-%+(,$6-%  #$  -- E(7<%,^_%*} =(7%<%,A E  (7<%,$  6-% $N '  6-% 6-%+(,$$ '$ %+}6-%+(,$& $ 3 -- 7<%,! +(7%,/ 3    $ C 6-&$-@4&%-%0(7%,}<%,8-%C(7<%, 6 -%(7%,"-%%+(7%,/ 3 6$<.6-F:%,+ What do you want to do?.$%-}&#(That was a waste of energy.&$)&(That fish just ate your lunch.)$(You are too little.$/,($You are %.}getting hungry...better eat!/$O,($You can not kill this fish. You usedL(a lot of energy needlessly.O$( You got%/} away.$'$(No. That was the wrong move.'$7$(Good. It does not occupy the4( same niche.7$$!(You have been %0}successful.$$   $c AP->(&You passed up too many chances at foodc( and used your energy wastefully.%1})(You starved to death!) B H:, ' $+  -( It got you!! + Bt 6-6-6-%2}$~ - $A `MJ6-?:C::h 8SUH GhdTͿT `,,M$A `%3} %'DAR-%6 Pressto continue.DAd&'F:Ad,"&A 'F:Ad,"%%4}B '! Ad&-!$'3@% '#A@3%%A0'( AAY%(6.%5}7<%,' -$'(6-P:H:,$,%(7<,0B .'67<,.=:, 3'Z 6-% AA"% AP--%%6}L(Preparing for a new day...Z% D:ODELLP24'A:7<,,"B55' -% 8'   - 7<%, -%B'??A:%7}7<,,BBBBBBt'!!(You are near a whitefish.y' {'77B0B B0%8}B0BB~' -%-'9")")" A@! %% /6-%%5 %9 ' " %9}% 6- ' 6-%%  '! -%%!-'' ")"  6-%# %' '' " %%:}' 6-%# %' ' 6-% % 'B '  - %  '%(Along comes a chub.% B%;}<(9'(You are near a blueback salmon.+ 9!B>(# -A@p#-@(3")")"  %%<} )6-%%/ %3 B( " %  D(   (* (You see a rainbow trout.* B)2(You see a dolly va%=}rden.26. dolly varden); ;BBBBBB)) -#ACA3)-%>} ) ")" %  ) A@`  Bh)H) !There is a mackinaw trout by you.>6.mackinaw troutH B%?}*c AP-3(Remember, in the Odell LakeQ(food chain, a  willc(eat a . +A  y%@}A %D:ODELL{yA  AP %CCVDSLSCCLCRESENMIEC5C8CNUMMOVEFISHYC2CFISHFLACCL$8FGCIARETURNEWEVENENDINCZADCC1CDC25CVDSLSCC8CLCFRESEC3NMIECCCLEAREOLSLAKEPLITIMEXIYI)B}FIRSTITWKETWFGRGRMOVEMENC2C4CMOVETOTMOVTOGGLDIRENUMOVEFISHY2FISHYLSFLAGFIXPAUSOTFFISH1RKILPOSISM)C}LSZCLEAREOC5POEVENTEVENZLINC1016TSESCDEECC1017ESCSHALLLA9TTTTTTOGGGL)D} )E} !"#)F}$%&'()*+,-./012)G}3456789:;<=>?@AB)H}CDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR)I} Program: ODELLP2 Copyright 1982 - MECC l;@,l9990,10035,31000,whitefish,chub,blueback salmon,rainb)J}ow trout,mackinaw trout,dolly varden H6-F:A ,"(-@,"0 6-H@@p`N6-?:C:>h)K}˥̠ȱˍɀȱˈȩ˩ J`,,` D:ODELLP2.TXTAY(}%$EA@)L}%%A0''5%@Y=%E%8 --%  ( .6-2 86- 22(******:*)M}****+****+::KL*****+M:**:**Df**** -%    BBrA$CA@Y+!%)N})010=AR@(C$P -$ %1 As a  you may:P 1. Escape deeper4. Eat itW% 2)O}. Escape shallow5. Chase it1@B( 3. Ignore itL-%S _W  % _$ --%)P} "  A` 6-%"6-& 7<,   $0Ad&6-$K*-0  6)Q}- 6- - >:, + -%AU!( + A *-% *%%%%)R}(Escape deeper.$(Escape shallow.$( Ignore it.$(Attack and eat it.$( Chase it.$4!)S} 6-%!6--! CF:Ad,"& H8 )AU&.!A'*AU86-&'K"%B)T}M$*!$* @T!6-&$$$R(*"AU$\C4(*+"AV)"A&)"$)"%)"@,@6-A&)U}C$a 6-% 4 6-%"6-(6-46-P:H:,$@,%<(  6-%"$*(  0-66-<)V}6-)  ; <= 6-) A"0  WGHXYI 6-%$!6-A"6-6-!6-T 6-6)W}-6-6-%%6-%+-G(What do you want to do?Q A T$4 6-%"6-(4@F:%,%$&+(,$)X}  "6-   (  6-F:%,$ & --!@:7<,,"&  ,  7<, $ 7%(&You passed up too many chances at foodc( and used your energy wastefully.)(You star)`}ved to death!) B ~ - $ -%$V'6.|||zZJK[\LM]S6.%|||{okjn)a}miglV$A `MJ6-?:C::h 8SUH GhdTͿT `,,M$A `)b} %'DAR-%6 Pressto continue.DAd&'F:Ad,"&A 'F:Ad,"%B)c} '! Ad&-!$';@@U A+A@;%%A0'( AAY%(6)d}.7<%,' -$'(6-P:H:,$,%(7<,0B .'67<,.=:, 3'# 6-% AA# B84'Q A)e}P-,(As a  , you haveQ( survived nine encounters in the5')(Odell Lake food chain!) B 6' -%)f} - ( 8'   - 7<%, -%B' %A:7<,,$$t'j$(You see water insects ahead.H6.|||,)g}---,|,|,j6.|--,||,-,|,|y'3 6-6-A#6-%#6-)6-3 A"`~' !) &)s}::B DOS SYSb$LOGO b5FISH b;LFISH1 b6FISH2 b$HELLO b ODELL FNTbINPUT OBJb"ODELL b2ODELLP1 b4AODELLP2 b=ODELLM b=ODELLF b<ODELLR b6ODELL2 b9FODELLW b LOGO FNTbFFS BINbODELLP1 TXTbODELLP2 TXT' 6-"6-+H:, ',' 6. 6-%%  ' " '# 6. 6-%#' !B)t}' " A@ ' " % ' 6-%" & ' & %'  AA ' " A@)u}p ' "  ' &'k%(You see some animal plankton.J6.,|/,-,.|-|||k6.|--,)v}||,-,|,|'? 6-6-A#6-%%%6-+6-5 A"`? B<(5+ #You see an osprey near the surface.5 )w}A"PA(A 6."'67%<%,.^_A67%,.F(I( "  A@  K( )x}-  BP(< ---4   WGHXYI8 < U(Z(   8( wxy)y}2|||||< V(|3>?YGHIZ Z(-)   h ;#= - _(W --0( h)z} >?Y GHI4 8 W(  h ;#= a(A      # %$' 76. an ospreyA B){}(# You see an otter.# AI(3 6-6-6-A##6-%)6-3 A"`(! 6-6-6-6-!6-( ")|}   %  (# 6-6.# A6(= 6-6-6-6-!6-'-36-A#= AI(  )}}  (+*"&,B( 6-%6.67%,.(O67%<%,.NO6-'6.96. ||||?I6.)~}O6-(6 6- A06- # %' 66.an otter*a AP-3(Remember, in the Odell LakeO( food c)}hain,  willa(eat a . +A yA %D:ODELL{yA  AP %LITIMEXIYI(p9?CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREORETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCTRIEDANIMALCHOICECHOICRANDOINJURZ-}C1C99ENERGQUESTIORALSELECLC99CHOIS@@@@@@@@@ @-} @ AV AQ AQPABBA H T-}A'@@FAA @!@"@#A $ Program: OdellM Copyrigh-}t 1982 - MECC ' #@ '" "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256 5100,5150,9990,3100-}0,10000( ;,2$A$@rEd9%,;%,;@,n+AR 0 B-}= -%,(What would you like to do? 0 4=6-A:,  )!  - -$,6-H:,$%%'$-}A `MJ6-?:C::h 8SUH GhdTͿT `,,M$A ` %'LAR-}-@#: Press to continue.LAdAU' F:Ad,"AUA '%F:Ad,"@('% -}B '% AdAU"-%$' #B"((&&(}As a mouse your options are:2(C#( 1. Ru-}n 3. Eat itC( 2. Ignore it 4. Chase itF(4 -4(&--------------------------------------Z( -d(.6-P:H-}:,$,%-&.8,"B@(d 68,-dB0B`B" B%B(B7B@BEBI-}BV0( Bb@ (K(}CONGRATULATIONS!K((You made it through Odell Woods alive.)?(I hope you had-} fun.7(Come back again!; ? ")G'(As you are going down the path,G(you come across a red fox.@)+ +B-}BBBT) Bh)BPr)j&(You were very smart to escape.N(#You are safe n-}ow, but your energyj(went down from running.|) 6-&$)\*("As you were running away, the fox Q("injured you wit-}h his sharp teeth.Y6-%\$)&&(The fox caught up and got you.) 6.fox Bd)  B`)b(You we-}re lucky, the foxC(didn't notice you there. You_(should be more careful.b$*-#(That wasn't a smart idea...- B-}*((You got killed trying.( B0*3)(!The fox found you and caught you.3 B+V(Walking down the trail-},D( you come to a hungry wolf pack.H V"B@+I.(&That wasn't a smart move on your part.I(The wolf pack ate -}you.+6. wolf pack Bd+Q!(That was a good choice to?(run from the wolf pack,C Q!B,-}B0,[!(They hardly noticed you.C(But you did lose some energy[(by running so fast.8, 6-&$B,d)(!But as-} you were running you lostS($energy and the wolf pack injured youY!d( more`, (.6-%6-&$,R(( But-} unfortunately, the wolf packH(caught you and killed you.R B /R*("There is a rabbit in front of you.. RB-}"PB"pB#B#0/8-(%Sure, but a rabbit wouldn't hurt you.56-&8$/(%(Good... It can't hurt you...($-} 0]+(#Why would you want to eat a rabbit?R("It ran away before you got close.Z6-&]$*0b (Chasing a rabbit wasn't-}9(a very good idea...b($It hopped away, and you lost energy.>0 6-&$$1G.(&There is a fallen tree with bark on it-}C(in front of you.G L1''B&0B&pB'B' V1h%(Why run from a tree? Being aM(#mouse you would ha-}ve liked to eath(bark from that tree...t1 6-&$~1d(( The bark of a tree is good food.J(being a mouse you coul-}d haved(built up you energy.1 6-&$1<)(!That tastes good. Lets move on..16-&96-%<$16+(#But you did-} get hungry from trying.36-&6$P2L+(#There is an owl sitting on a branchH(in the tree behind you.L x2''B)0-}B0`B1@B1@2 6-&B02\'(That was smart of you to escapeL( from the owl -- it had it'-}s eyeY(on you.\$24&(As you were escaping, the owl4B0@27,($swooped down and clawed you lightly.46-%-}7$2!!(swooped down and got you.2 6.owl Bd3 B13;#(You were lucky that the owl8(didn-}'t see you.;$63T+(#You shouldn't have ignored the owl.J(It flew down and got you.T B0PT3k'(No, no, no...a mous-}e can't fly.L( You were just killed by the owla(in the attempt.k B0P5b&(Going down the path, you come:(ac-}ross a snake.> bB7PB7B8 B8@5 B8p57,($You are safe. He didn't notice you.46-&-}7$5>$(Maybe you ignored it, but it>(didn't ignore you...56.snake Bd56,($No. You didn't eat it---i-}t ate you.6 B86C(The snake attacked you9(as you got too close,C B8.6--(%You weren't lucky enough this -}time---86( It got you. B87J*("As you go down the trail farther, F(you come up to a deer.J (7''BA0-}BApBABA27''(Why would a mouse escape from a<7G(( deer? A deer wouldn't eat you.<(Let's go on...-}D6-&G$Z7+(( Good---a deer wouldn't hurt you.+$n79 (What?--A mouse doesn't &"/(eat9 BB0x7(chase-}7D( a deer.9($You got it excited and it ran away.A6-&D$8(Now you see a root. 8''BFBEpB-}EBEP8F(( Why chase a root---be sensible., 2-6 <-F AQ8[-(%That's up to you. But being a mous-}e,X(&you should really enjoy eating roots.[$8\-(%Good, this is one of your favorites. L(Hope you are enjoying it.-}T6-%\6-&9$93(( Why run from a root? ...Think...06-&3$:U-(%There is a grassy field ahead of you.1 U-}BP BP`BPBQ@:P%(There is no reason for you toE(run from a field of grass.M6-&P$:[.(&Ignor-}ing the field is fine, but it hadP(food for you. You missed it.X6-&[$:])(!Good...a grassy field is good for7( -}a mouse.](!Now that you've had a full meal,:2(it is time to move on.'6-%/6-&2$$;J(Don't chase a field..-}.?(it makes mother nature mad.G6-&J$=H,($There is a hawk flying above, and itD(has an eye on you.H "=''-}BV`BWBXPBXP,= !BW@=F+(#You were lucky to have escaped into;( the woods.C6-&F$^=-}!BW`h=Z*("You were just caught by one of itsR(#claws and you were seriously hurt.Z6-&|= 6-%$=O$(-}You weren't lucky this time,O(&the hawk swooped down and caught you.=6.hawk Bd= A BW`-}=S,($You were very lucky, you didn't haveS("much of a chance against him, but=1.(&it seems as through you came throug-}h.1$=Y-(%There is no way you could have gottenY('to it. Remember you are a mouse. The=1'(hawk swooped down and -}got you.1 BWpp?Bbpz?@0Bc?  - -$?X 5()}You just ran out of energy-} and withoutX(any food you starved to death.?80((Visit Odell Woods again soon sometime.4 8 ?:(( Your injuries -}are too great and, :!Bcp?C-(%You fell prey to a flock of scavenger9(birds.C Bc?''(You bled to de-}ath in the woods.?>6(.Come back to odell woods again sometime soon.: > @  (}-$@X#( Although the  -}got youD(come back to Odell Woods andT( try again.X y (}%D:ODELL2{y  |y15,998,0,46,200,300%-}ot youD(come back to Odell Woods andT( try again.X y (}%D:ODELL2{y  |y15,998,0,46,200,300%,CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREORETURENDINZLINCTRIEDANIMALCHOICEC1CHOICQUESTIORANDOINJUR1}ZC99ENERGRACOUNLSELECLZN@@@@@@@@@ @ @ 1}AV AQ AQPABBA H T@AA1}A @FA@ @!@" Program: ODELLF Copyright 1982 - MECC ' #@ 1}'" "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256 5100,5150,9990,31000,10000( ;,2$A1}$@rEd9%,;%,;@,n+AR 0 ; -*(What would you li1}ke to do? . 2;6-A:,  )!  - $,6-H:,$%%'$7 -B7`%$$3B7a%1}$$$%7 , - -%B7`%) ,$A `MJ6-?:C::h 8SUH Ghd1}TͿT `,,M$A ` %'DAR-%6 Pressto continue.DAd&'F:A1}d,"& % 'F:Ad,"%'  '! Ad&-!$' #B"8'   1}}(($$(}As a fox your options are:2(C#( 1. Run 3. Eat itC( 2. Ignore it 4. Chase itF(< -4(&-------1}-------------------------------<-d(,6-P:H:,$%,-,8,"B@(d 68,-dB B0B#`1}B%B(B9B@BF0BQpBX( Bb@ (K(}CONGRATULATIONS!K((You made it t1}hrough Odell Woods alive.)?(I hope you had fun.7(Come back again!; ? D*Q)(!You see a rabbit in your trav1}els.- QB`B B 0B l*S(( There is no reason to try to runS(&from a rabbit. Remember...you are 1}a*P)(!fox, and you just got weaker fromE(running from a rabbit.M6-&P$*Y.(&Of course you are safe, but you sho1}uldN(have eaten for more energy.V6-&Y$*])(!You got it. That was a good moveO( because you'll have more energy1}]B p*-(-(!and your wounds will heal faster*Y (.6-%6-&C(%Now that you have finished your mea1}lY(you can move on.+$ +^$(Why would you chase a rabbit:(and not eat it?^(The rabbit ran into the bushes*1}+2 6-&/(and you lost energy chasing it.2$,N%(You strolled off the path and<(see a wolf pack @ N!B1},#(off to your left.# B,(off to your right., !Bp-S+(#That was a good idea, you must hav1}eS(#known that a wolf will eat a fox.-c,($As you ran from the wolves, you lostV(%energy and they began to catch up 1}toc(you. (- 6-& !B@F-!B P-<%(You are safe, because you ran9(long and hard.<$d-D1}'(You ran fast, but the wolf pack9( injured you.A6-%D$x-j(The wolf pack moved in,B(and you fell into some r1}ocks.j(#They caught up to you and ate you.-6. wolf pack Bd-4&(That was a bad idea to try to4"B 1}-"BP-b,($ignore the wolf pack, because it wasX('out looking for food, and you were it.b B`-U-(%E1}at a wolf pack? There is no way youK(could have eaten a wolf.U B`-^-(%chase a wolf pack. You let them knowT(1}"where you were, and they got you.^ B`H0N+(#As you look down the path, you seeJ(a mouse in front of you...N f1}0''B$B$0B% B$`p0Y'(Think about it...you are a fox.N("You can surely eat a small mouse.V6-&Y1}$0P,($You could have gotten a mouse if youE(would have tried...M6-&P$0R.(&The mouse hid under a rock. Where y1}ouR(couldn't get him. He sure was0A,($surprised when a fox tried to chase6(him.>6-&A$0 !B%`1}0Y)(!You got it! You must feel betterF(about eating something.N6-&V6-%Y$10-(%Oops he got away. He was ver1}y lucky.0$$1G.(&There is a fallen tree with bark on itC(in front of you.G 1''B'PB'B(B(@1X1}.(&Being a fox you don't need to run fromM(a tree. Save your energy.U6-&X$1L%(Good, the tree won't help youI(1}much anyway. Let's move on...L$ 2k.(&Eating bark from trees is not good forY(&you. You should be more careful about1}k( what you eat.2 6-%$(2b'(A fox doesn't usually go aroundN("chasing trees. Why chase a tree?b(Let's go o1}n...F2 6-&$P2L+(#There is an owl sitting on a branchH(in the tree behind you.L r3''B1B2B3 1}B3`|3L-(%You don't need to do that--- you justA(wasted energy.I6-&L$3!(O.K. Let's move on...!$4a(1}You were just injured8(by the owl as it flewV(past you on it's escape.^6-%a$04F(( As you ran up to the owl's t1}ree,;(it flew away.C6-&F$L6f'(As you go down the path, you goQ(%through a farmer's land. The farmerf(is o1}ut hunting.~6 !B@`6 B@6Y A- AB( Whew---that was close, he missedN(1}twice.V6-&Y$6e A A9(Missed once--just nicked youU(with the second bullet.]6-&e6-%6$1}6> A A'( He got you.46.farmer> Bd7J*("As you go further down the trail, F(you come up to a1} deer.J (7''BA0BApBABA27b+(#Why would a fox escape from a deer?W('A deer wouldn't eat you. L1}et's go on._6-&b$Z7+(( Good---a deer wouldn't hurt you.+$n77(What?--A fox doesn't $"-(eat7 BB0x71}(chase7D( a deer.9(#You got it excited and it ran away.A6-&D$&9F(Now you meet a gopher." FBFp1}BFBGBGPN91&(You don't have to run from it..6-&1$b9D*("You are ignoring the gopher and it9( ran aw1}ay.A6-&D$v9 !BIP9^)(!You got it even though it did putL(up a good fight, and slightly^( injured 1}you.9 6-%6-%$9.#(That was not a good choice.+6-&.$f:[.(&Well, you didn't get it, but keep yourX(%ho1}pes up, you'll have another chance.[$B;P(( There is a bush of berries near., PBRBR0BRBR`V;''1}BRBR0BRBR``;O-(%Please be sensible..you don't need toD(run from berries.L6-&O$~;F+(#Why ig1}nore the berries..a fox likes;( them alot.C6-&F$;1&(A fox would not chase berries..6-&1$;N%(Very good...1}you like berries.;(Let's move on...C6-%K6-&N$>T,($There is a big bear in front of you.0 TBYB``1}BaBa&>  B`:> BYpD>++(#You were slow and the bear got you.N>6.bear Bdb>1}?,($You were injured by the bear's claw.46-%<6-&?$>V+(#You were fast enough to get away inK(time before he c1}aught you.S6-&V$>7-(%You were killed by ignoring the bear.7 BYP>W,($That was brave of you, but it didn'tW(&1}work. The bear got you with a swing>&(of his powerful paw.& BYPp?Bbpz?@0Bc?  1}- -$?X 5()}You just ran out of energy and withoutX(any food you starved to death.?80((Visit Odel1}l Woods again soon sometime.4 8 ?L(( Your injuries are too great andL(you bled to death in the woods.?>6(.Come1} back to odell woods again sometime soon.: > @  (}-$@X#( Although the  got youD(come back to Odel1}l Woods andT( try again.X y (}%D:ODELL2{y  |y15,20,998,0,46,200,300%CHOICQUESTIORANDOINJUR0c)/CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREORETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCTRIEDANIMALCHOICECHOICRANDOINJURZ5}C1C99ENERGQUESTIORALSELECLC99@@@@@@@@@ @ @ 5} AV AQ AQPABB  A W c@A5}$@@6AA @!@"@#A Program: OdellR Copyright 1982 - MECC5} ' #@ '" "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256 5100,5150,9990,31000,10000(5};%,;,2$A$@rEd9%,;%,;@,n+AR 0 = -%6},(What would you like to do? 0 4=6-A:,  )!  - -$,6-H:,$%%'$A `6}MJ6-?:C::h 8SUH GhdTͿT `,,M$A ` %'LAR-@#6}: Press to continue.LAdAU' F:Ad,"AUA '%F:Ad,"@('% B '% 6}AdAU"-%$' #B"((''(}As a rabbit your options are:2(C#( 1. Run 3. 6}Eat itC( 2. Ignore it 4. Chase itF(< -4(&--------------------------------------<-d(,6-P:H:,$%,-6},8,"B@(d 68,-dB0B`B B%B(B4B@BCBIBU( 6}Bb@ (K(}CONGRATULATIONS!K((You made it through Odell Woods alive.)?(I hope you had fun.7(C6}ome back again!; ? ")G'(As you are going down the path,G(you come across a red fox.@)+ +BBB6}BT) Bh)BPr)h&(You were very smart to escape.N(#You are safe now, but your ener6 }gyh(is down from running.|) 6-&$)\*("As you were running away, the fox Q("injured you with his sharp teeth.6 }Y6-%\$)&&(The fox caught up and got you.) 6.fox Bd)  B`)b(You were lucky, the foxC6 }(didn't notice you there. You_(should be more careful.b$*-#(That wasn't a smart idea...- B*((You got6 } killed trying.( B0*3)(!The fox found you and caught you.3 B+V(Hopping down the trail,D( you come to 6 }a hungry wolf pack.H V"B@+I.(&That wasn't a smart move on your part.I(The wolf pack ate you.+6. wolf 6}pack Bd+W!(That was a good choice to?(run from the wolf pack,I AW!B,B0,[!(6}They hardly noticed you,C(but you did lose some energy[(by running so fast.8, 6-&$B,d)(!but as you were run6}ning you lostS($energy and the wolf pack injured youY!d( more`, (.6-%6-&$,N(( but unfortunatel6}y, the wolf packD(caught and killed you.N B 0/T,($Just off the path is a clover field.0 TB!B!0B6}!`B!N/.+(#You don't need to run from a field..$b/R*("You shouldn't have ignored such aG(beautiful field as 6}that.O6-&R$/f.(&Good idea...That sure is good clover.Q(Now that you are done eating,f(let's move on.../ 66}-%6-%$/T*("Clover can't run! But it is goodI(to eat if you're a rabbit.Q6-&T$$1G.(&There is a fallen 6}tree with bark on itC(in front of you.G L1''B&0B&pB'B' V1i%(Why run from a tree? Being aN(6}$rabbit you would have liked to eati(bark from that tree...t1 6-&$~1f(( The bark of a tree is good food.K(B6}eing a rabbit you could havef(built up your energy.1 6-&$1=*("That tastes good. Lets move on...26-&:6-6}%=$1M (A rabbit chase a tree?!!B(Well, it did make you hungry.J6-&M$P2L+(#There is an owl sitting on a branch6}H(in the tree behind you.L x2''B)0B0`B1@B1@2 6-&B02W,($That was smart o6}f you to escape fromT(#the owl -- it had it's eye on you.W$24&(As you were escaping, the owl4B0@27,($sw6}ooped down and clawed you lightly.46-%7$2!!(swooped down and got you.2 6.owl Bd3 B136};#(You were lucky that the owl8(didn't see you.;$63T+(#You shouldn't have ignored the owl.J(It flew down and got6} you.T B0PT3l(( No, no, no...a rabbit can't fly.M( You were just killed by the owlb(in the attempt.l B0Pb6}4c-(%As you are hopping down the path, youV($come up to an old farmer's hunting_(dog.c 4''B4PB5`B66}PB64 B54!B504E (You were safe this time.:(The dog was too old.B6-&E$45+(6 }#You got away, but the dog bit you.5 B!4<(It was right to run but<(the dog got you anyway.46. hunting d6!}og Bd4K)(!Remember...the dog is trained for9( hunting, = K!B60 5@"(but you were lucky because=(6"}it didn't notice you.@$>5="(and he sniffed you out and3( caught you.= B5PR5Q+(#What?? You're trying to eat a6#} dog?G(You got killed trying.Q B5Pp5J(( A rabbit can't chase a dog---you@(got killed trying.J B5P7I*("6$}As you go down the trail farther, E(you come upon a deer.I (7''BA0BApBABA27b.(&Why would a r6%}abbit escape from a deer?Z('A deer wouldn't eat you. Let's go on.b6-&<7$Z7+(( Good---a deer wouldn't hurt you.+6&}$n7:!(What?--A rabbit doesn't '"0(eat: BB0x7(chase7D( a deer.9($You got it excited and it ran 6'}away.A6-&D$,8>,($As you hop down the path, you notice:( a mouse.> J8''BD BD@BD`BDT8J.(&6(}Don't worry about a mouse--a rabbit is?( much larger.G6-&J$h81.(&Good idea. A mouse couldn't hurt you.1$|8%"(Yo6)}u would not eat a mouse.%$8F(( The mouse scurried into its holeC(before you got close.F$:U-(%There is a grassy fi6*}eld ahead of you.1 UBP BP`BPBQ@:P%(There is no reason for you toE(run from a field of grass6+}.M6-&P$:[.(&Ignoring the field is fine, but it hadP(food for you. You missed it.X6-&[$:](( Good..a grassy6,} field is good for7( a rabbit.](!Now that you've had a full meal,:2(it is time to move on.'6-%/6-&2$$;K6-}(Don't chase a field....@(it makes mother nature mad.H6-&K$6(.Come back to odell woods again sometime soon.: > @T  (}-3( Although the  got youT(come b65}ack to Odell Woods and$@( try again. y (}%D:ODELL2{y  |y15,998,0,46,200,300%RANDOINJURZ4nPQ X^CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREORETURENDINZLINZNCANIMALZC1C99ANIMA:7} :8} Program: Odell2 Copyright 1981 - MECC ' #@ '" ":9}!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,2565100,9990,31000,10160( ;,2 A $Ed ;,n,A::}$+!AR$ ,0 BA `MJ6-?:C::h 8SUH GhdTͿT :;} `,,M$'DAR-%6 Pressto continue.DAd&'F:Ad,"&A 'F:Ad:<},"%'  '! Ad&-!$' #B"' 6-F:,!*  B'Q&(} O D E L L W :=}O O D SQ(&This program is about the animals thatL'W.(&live around Odell Lake. You will roleW($play one of the animal:>}s on a journeyV'(through the woods.j'M)(!Several things determine whetherM(you make it through the woods.~'a((:?} 1. How well you survive attackC( 2. Your hunger level]( 3. Your injury levela '**("}The animals you can beco:@}me are:'[(  1. RABBIT&(  2. MOUSE8(  3. FOX orH(  4. WOLF[$%E'. -*(Which animal:A} would you like. '( to be? 6-A:,' "%D:ODELLR' "%D:ODELLM' "%:B}D:ODELLF ( "%D:ODELLW(?5(-Please be a RABBIT, MOUSE, FOX or WOLF.? By4A $:C}E& }4Ad&"y3 -%+ Do you want to try again? / 3,y7<,4Y(} 6y87<,0N2(:D}Please enter 'YES' or 'NO'.8 %@y0+0%0%'AR*(0-Jy$AA($%D:HELLO{y :E} |y 15,998%CCCC1C2C25CLEAREORETURENDINZLINZNCANIMALZC1C99ANIMA8qrZCCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREORETURENDINZLINCTRIEDCHOICEC1ENERGRAZCHOICRANDOINJURLI>G}N >H} Program:Od>I}ellW Copyright 1982 - MECC ' #@ '" "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256 5>J}100,5150,9990,31000,100002$A$@rEd;,;,n+AR 0x #B">K} -67<,.>:, )-66-P:H:,$%,)6.7<,"67<,.7<,67<,."  = -%>L},(What would you like to do? 0 4=6-A:,  )! $ - $,6-H:,$%%'$7 -B>M}7`%$$3B7a%$$$%7 , - -%B7`%) ,$A `MJ6-?:C::h 8SU>N}H GhdTͿT `,,M$A ` %'DAR-%6 Pressto continue.>O}DAd&'F:Ad,"&A 'F:Ad,"%'  '! Ad&-!$'e%(}As a wolf you>P}r options are:E( 1. Run 3. Eat ite( 2. Ignore it 4. Chase itF(< -4(&--------------------------------->Q}-----<-(+6-+@:7,,%,$$$ # $+ %$(6-+%,$$$  (K(}CONGRATULATIONS!K((You m>R}ade it through Odell Woods alive.)?(I hope you had fun.7(Come back again!; ? *,)(!You see a rabbit in y>S}our travels.,$+Q(( There is no reason to try to runQ($from a rabbit. Remember...you are+S,($a wolf, and you just >T}got weaker fromH(running from a rabbit.P6-&S$ +Y.(&Of course you are safe, but you shouldN(have eaten for more >U}energy.V6-&Y$+])(!You got it. That was a good moveO( because you'll have more energyU ] %$+-(-(!an>V}d your wounds will heal faster+\ (.6-%6-&C(%Now that you have finished your mealY(you can move on.\$ >W}+^$(Why would you chase a rabbit:(and not eat it?^(The rabbit ran into the bushesR+< 6-&/(and you lost ener>X}gy chasing it.3 9!<$\+N"(As you chased the rabbit,N('you stumbled into a trap. Even thoughf+7,($you escaped,>Y} you had major injuries.46-%7$.C-(%You are resting under a tree when you@(see a gopher.C$.e.(&That wasn't a g>Z}ood idea to escape fromY(&a gopher. All you did was use up youre(energy.. 6-&$.Z-(%Of course you can ignore >[}it, but thatW(%was energy that you could have used.Z$.M (That was a good choice.( %E(You needed that energy.>\}M %$/7"(It's always good to build7(up your energy./  ! %$%/G(He did put up a good4(stru>]}ggle, however.<6-%D6-&G$/L$(He burrowed into the groundA(and you're still hungry.I6-&L$/R)(!As you c>^}hased the gopher into theR($woods, you lost him. Boy, you mustN/5*("really feel tired after that run!26-&5$2M-(>_}%As you look down the path, you see aJ(mouse in front of you...M$2Z(( Think about it...you are a wolf.O("You can >`}surely eat a small mouse.W6-&Z$2P-(%You could have gotten a mouse if youE(would have tried...M6-&P$2  >a}! %$2Y)(!You got it! You must feel betterF(about eating something.N6-&V6-%Y$28-(%Oops he got away>b}. He was very lucky.56-&8$2P-(%The mouse hid under a rock where youP(couldn't get him. He sure was2B-(%surp>c}rised when a wolf tried to chase7(him.?6-&B$6F.(&There is a fallen tree with bark on itC(in front of you.F$>d}6Z*("Being a wolf you don't need to runO( from a tree. Save your energy.W6-&Z$6L*("Good, the tree won't help you>e} muchI(anyway. Let's move on...L$6k.(&Eating bark from trees is not good forY(&you. You should be more careful ab>f}outk( what you eat.6 6-%$6c(( A wolf doesn't usually go aroundO("chasing trees. Why chase a tree?c(Let's>g} go on...6 6-&$:K+(#There is an owl sitting on a branchH(in the tree behind you.K$:M-(%You don't need to d>h}o that--- you justB(wasted energy.J6-&M$: (O.K. Let's move on... $:   %$:X&(It was already>i} injured and youE(got it from a low branch.M6-%U6-&X$:Q+(#No. When you tried for the owl, itF(flew from >j}its branch.N6-&Q$:F(( As you ran up to the owl's tree,;(it flew away.C6-&F$>i'(As you go down the path, >k}you goQ(%through a farmer's land. The farmerf(is out hunting.i$>   %$> ! %%>Y A>l} A-B( Whew---that was close, he missedN(twice.V6-&Y$>U A A9(Missed once--just nicke>m}d youU(with the second bullet.> 6-&6-%$>>>1 A A'( He got you.1 BhBI*(">n}As you go down the trail farther, F(you come up to a deer.I$rBc,($Why would a wolf escape from a deer?X('A deer wou>o}ldn't eat you. Let's go on.`6-&c$|B].(&You should have tried to eat the deer.R(You had a chance of getting it.Z6>p}-&]$B    %$B@*("It was close, but the deer was too5(fast.=6-&@$BX'(What a big meal. You sho>q}uldn'tE(be hungry for a while...M6-%U6-&X$B Bp PFI,($You turn your head around and noticeF(a fox i>r}s behind you.I$ZFJ*("You're much larger than a fox. It?(won't hurt you.G6-&J$dF (Okay.$nF   %>s}$sF4!(Well,that's one less fox.)6-%16-&4$xF[+(#You chased it back into its den andP( you can't chase it any>t} farther.X6-&[$F[.(&Well, you didn't get it, but keep yourX(%hopes up, you'll have another chance.[$8J0-(%Now th>u}ere is a grassy field near you.0$BJg-(%I don't like the color green either..U(#but to run from green grass is notg( >v}a good move.GJ 6-&$LJ (Good...let's move on. $VJn.(&Even though grass is not on your diet,Y(&it did settle yo>w}ur stomach and it maden(you feel better.[J 6-%$`JR(( Are you trying to chase grass???G(It takes a lot of ener>x}gy.O6-&R$ N2/('There is a large hawk in front of you,2$*NG.(&You should have ignored it. You are a<( big wolf.>y}D6-&G$4N!(Good, let's move on...!$>NHNM'(As you ran towards the bird, itB(escaped into the air.J6-&M>z}$R ! %RX 5()}You just ran out of energy and withoutX(any food you starved to death.R80((Visit Odell>{} Woods again soon sometime.4 8 R  $ - $:R:(( Your injuries are too great and, 2!: %$DRA>|}-(%You fell prey to a flock of scavenger9(birds.A %$NR''(You bled to death in the woods.XR>6(.Come back to ode>}}ll woods again sometime soon.: > bR  (}-gRY$(Although the farmer got youE(come back to Odell Woods and>~}U( try again.Y y (}%D:ODELL2{y  |y15,20,46,300%RIEDCHOICEC1ENERGRAZCHOICRANDOINJURLI<Nﻻffffp88pf< 8``nf>ff~fff~~f<flxxlf`````~cwkccfv~~nfB}<B} 0`?  0`0`@@``````````0 ``````x`x`~<~~f>``|ff|<```<>ff>>ff>|``|fff8<<``lxlf8<fB}kc|ffffff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~B}8x8ffffp88pf<