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ATARI FRACTIONS (FRAC.MEN)Version 1.0(C) Copyr D}ight 1981All Rights Reserved Al@ AdAU:@@K:G)@R@ E}^!A(l6-&A('!@v* A#'6-&@2$N +'0@9AR F}@K@N$3;@@,$-@@8/67,.3 -@"#-*(6- G}@8=(A S-W(i-@m(-@"(r@@'-@@ H}@(頠Y(󠠠r(򠱮u@@'-@@B(<1> I}Fractions Pre-Test`(<2> Definitions and Partsu(<3> Denominatorsf!(<4> Addition of FractionsB(<5> Subtraction of J} Fractionsf(<6> Multiplication of Fractionsa!(<7> Division of fractionsI(#  ^(< K}0> End for now.a( H(7@<@",3(堨 H(7@<@",9 A6-&@H9  L})!@A@+-@"@(((++#-@" '6-@ @'6- M}@$S-@@%SA!A"A#A$A%A&A'. 6.D:FRAC. 67@,.3 N}Q@@ A<@@G@Q A8{-@@C(Please put in disk # O} and hit i(!or hit to return to the menu.{AdAU9;@6-F:Ad,;@(*@ P}A:#"@( A # A ; A  Au=%Kj-@@>($ Q} g($ j$4($ ( $ R}( $` ( $ # (#$( &#(& S}$ ( $0u!!PRE,DEF,DEN,ADD,SUB,MUL,DIV D2:FRAC.MEN '  V12:''BCIQQADNZZATRWANU} V}@ m6-@6-'6-@1 AW}>;@@,K;@@,X;@,m9@<@,Edu-Ware Services, Inc. Atari Fractions (FRAC.UTL)X}Ver 1.0 DA/MO/81(C) Copyright 1981All Rights Reserved -@@67,.  -@967,.Y}  D-@@+-@@<68<,-@ D   B Ad% D:FRAC.MEN0-@!Z}@,(堨 0"9 A6-&@H9 @)!@AqU(  A#6-[}@5-@!@K(Wrong. Answer is:U A6 A6-@+-@!@6(Right!"@\}6-@9-@!@%(668<,-8<,%@9$aAdAU/@@K:<)@]}G@S!A(a6-&A('!@* A#'6-&@2$H+0@-A ^}@9ARE@H$*A 'AA2*$%-%&-(7<," %$-A_} $-@  $>2@u@@--@`1 ;2>$"C-@6*2@P`}@8-@< @ C$.(7<@9,($1<-@#<('ӠŠҾϠŮ2a}! 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You have shown you do not need any of the teaching programs.6,($You may still choose or end for now.6 A{}  .-@'$@%@.( % A3$4( 9( |||||>( |}C( |||||H( (I( J( || | | |K( L( | ||}}| |M(  A Qw-@w(]The filled spaces in figure are what part of the total filled s~}paces shown in figure ?Ro@@"'-@"@4(@(M(Y(o(}ɠW Ap$6-6-@'6-@36-@= AI6-@U6-@a6-@}m6-@w A-@@-@(|-@(| y-@@ (L.C.D=* A }<@@"N-@"@Y(d(n(y((ɠ Ap}$6-6-@'6-@36-@= AI6-@U6-@_ APk6-@ w6-@6-}@ A6-@6-@ A0 A  m@@"'-@"@3(?(}K(W(m(ɠ Ap_ $` 6-6-@'6-@36-@= A}I6-@U6-@_ APk6-@ w6-@6-@ A6-@6-@ A0 A }e p@@"'-@"@4(@(M(Z(p(ɠo Ap} $ 6-6-@'6-@36-@= AI6-@U6-@_ A k6-@ w6-@}6-@ A6-@6-@ A0 A  p@@"'-@"@4(A(}N(Z(p(ɠ Ap' $( 6-6-@'6-@36-@= }AI6-@U6-@_ A k6-@ w6-@6-@6-@ A6-@6-@} A0 A - p@@"'-@"@4(A(M(Z(p(ɠ}7 Ap $ 6-6-@'6-@36-@= AI6-@U6-@_ A`k6-}@w6-@6-@6-@ A6-@6-@ A0 A  n@@"'-@"}@3(?(L(X(n(ɠ Ap $ 6-6-@}'6-@36-@= AI6-@U6-@_ A`k6-@w6-@6-@6-@ A}6-@6-@ A0 A  k@@"'-@"@3(?(I(U(}k(ɠ ApS $T 6-6-@'6-@36-@= AI6-@U6}-@_ A@k6-@ w6-@6-@ A6-@6-@ A0 A Y k@@"}'-@"@3(?(K(U(k(ɠc Ap $ 6-}6-@'6-@36-@= AI6-@U6-@_ A@k6-@ w6-@6-@6-@} A6-@6-@ A0 A  r@@"'-@"@3(A( O(} \(r(ɠ Ap $ 76-@ A-(͠7 A! UU(}MNow that you have finished with this Pre-Test, you have these two choices:& s(#(<1> Select a new programD( } Y(<0> End for now.\(s(堨 + 9 A6-&@H9 )!@A1}0 ("+  $ Nk 6-6-6-@'6-@%1 AP=6-@I6-@U6-@}a6-@&k AP!N)-@@)("NE-@@,(>-@@}E(#No-@@,(>-@@F(X-@@o(׮$N;-}@;('Version 1.0 09/01/81%NJ( (J(<Copyright 1981 Edu-Ware Services,Inc.All Rights Reserved.}&N A$R& A( & A Rl(נϠŠӠ (H(#<1> Ten different kinds of problem}sZ@@l-@@R((( which show your understanding ofRu)(!fractions will be given to you by;( th}e computer.M-@u(#<2> Each question has five possibleRY)(!answers. Pick the answer which isG(}.Y-@RR-(%<2> If you do not know the answer, doR( not try to guess. Instead select!R>>( an}swer #5  >:@4, I don't know>:@4,.&Rq-@@(&<4> An arrow will point to the correctc(answ}er as soon as you answer aq( question.+R AkR$0u--1,2,2,2,3,3,3,2,4,4,4,1,5,1,5,3,6,4,6,25u00Define,Denom.,A}dd,Subtract,Multiply,Divide D2:FRAC.PREZATRWAN/))NNBCZ } c6-@6-% A7AR@I@V;@@,}c;@@,Edu-Ware Services, Inc. Atari Fractions (FRAC.DEN)Ver 1.0 DA/MO/81(C) Copyright 1981}All Rights Reserved -@@67,.  -@967,.   B Ad% D:FRAC.M}ENaAdAU/@@K:<)@G@S!A(a6-&A($0+0@}!AR-@0$%-%&-(7<," %$%-%&-(7<," %$-A }$-A $>2@u@@--@`1 ;2>$"I-@6@02@P}@>-@B F I$.(7<@9,($1<-@#<('ӠŠҾϠŮ2! }A!@2A3  $4 A$6?-@@"-;( ? 7?-}@#<(' ?$' -@'( '-@#( | } |' ( @$' -@'( '-@#( | | |' }( @$' -@'( '-@#( | | | |' ( }@$' -@'( '-@#( | | |' ( }--@@)( | | |- ( @$' -@'( }'-@#( | | | | |' ( --@@)( | | | | |- ( }@$' -@'( 9-@#( | | | |' 9( 9-}@#( | | | |' 9( 9-@#( | | | |' 9( @$}Q -@( ,-@5( 9 B(N@Q$Q -@(  ,-@}5( 9 B( N@Q$Q -@( '( 0(9( B(N@Q$Q -}@( '( 0( 9( B(N@Q$Q -@( '( 0(9(} B( N@Q$&Q -@('( 0( 9( B(N@Q$0Q -@}( '( 0( 9( B(N@Q$:Q -@('( 0(  9( B}( N@Q$DQ -@( '( 0(9( B(N@Q$NQ -@}( '( 0(9( B(N@Q$X -($bOOAA A0A@AP}A`ApAAgu6-%@ A)6-%@uAA A0A@APA`}ApAAl$v' -(-%@'( {$: -%(-%!(1-%%@}7(:$=-@@%-@8+-2( 6 : =$" -(-%("$> A-@}>(ٯΩ? A?@*A!*@x*AA!!"@x)"A}A B! A Ap! A ! A! A"! A#! A$ A%! A&} A' A( A'(ԧӠΠο' AFC(;This program will help you to know j}ust what a fraction is.F(>;(3Just watch the screen, and follow the directions.>(XX(PAll directions and questions }are in green print on a light-green background.( Like this... A3$4((ŠӠƠ( A}9n,($Look at the rectangle on the screen.6 A`B6-@&N6-@X Ab A`n-@>e(Now w}atch what happens:) A`3 A= A`I-@e(󠠠?!!( C;} A6-&@H'@1 A; A!Hn (@ A#-@.(Right!1(R(The rectangle is} now dividedd( into 2 parts.n A$((ŠӠƠ( At$(Look at the rectangle again.. }Ap8 AJ-@a(Notice that it hast(only one part.^ A`(,(When it is divided intoD(}more than one part,^(each part is called a(( of the .( A$((ŠӠƠ( }A H(Look at the rectangle:( Ap2 A< ApH-@ g!(Now divide it into parts.+ Ap5 }A? ApQ-@g(  ; A6-&@H'@1 A; A# m (@}((Right!% A/ Ap9 AC ApU-@X(m(  ; A6-&@H}'@1 A; A#% / (@((Right!% A/ A_ $` -#(ӠĠ- }Ae t((There are some terms8(used with fractions.B ApE(_(Look at the rectanglej(again.t Apj} u A Ap#-@<(Notice that it is inK( two parts.U A`X(u(The number of parts intoo c(wh}ich the whole is4(divided is called theK( of theY( fraction.c A $ -#(ӠĠ}- A l(This rectangle is1(divided in 4 parts.; AE ApQ-@l(It's denominator is 4.} -@ Ap7(Watch what happens to theF( rectangle.P A`X6-%`6-%l6-@x6-@ AP} ` 6-6-@!6-@ -6-@%7 AUC-@V(So we can say:` A` 6-@ A}# Ap5-@@C( M ApY6-@c Am Ap-@@( | Ap}6-@# A@- Ap?-@@O( Y Ape-@|(Parts of the whole +( is fil}led in.6-% A+6- e 6-6-@!6-@-6-@%7 AUC6-@O6-@[6-@9e A}U -@#( -@)(Next, we say...3 A`?6-@3K6-@W6-@c6-@}m APw Ap}6-6-@ A  Ap -@@#( - Ap96-@C A}M Ap_-@@j(t Ap6-@ 9 A@ Ap)-@@9(  M A}p-@0(parts of the wholeC(are filled in.M A' $( G-@ A=(ǠӒ}G A2 6-P:H:,$@,%+6-@&76-@A0A1A2A3A4A5}A6A7A8A97 w 6-6-@ A+6-@wAA A0A@APA}`ApAA< ,-@,( A 5 A6-&@H!+ A5 A&%}C (F 6-@[AA A0A@APA`ApAAm-@@x(Rig}ht! 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A( <0> End for now. %( (%(}堨  3 A6-&@H3 )!@A(   "+ " % (@S} $ m A -%%@'-%7( |||G-%%@Q(|U a6-@m6-@ $ w }A0%-%@%@--%9(|O-%@%@[(|_ k6-@w6-@  $ O }A-%%@'-%3(|7 C6-@O6-@ $ m A-%%@'-%1(}A-%%@Q( |U a6-@m6-@G $H M A-%%@--%@7(}; A6-M6-@ $ K A-%%@--%@ 5(9 ?6-K6-@$O A0}-%%@'-%3(|7 C6-@O6-@ s$tG A-%%@'-%1(5 ;6}-G6-@$s A -%%@'-%7( | | |G-%%@W( || |[ g6-@s}6-@;$<G A-%%@'-%7( ; A6-G6-$X$(͠$ A}]f8(0At the end of this program you will be able to:;(c(#<1> Name the 2 parts of a fraction.f(b0-(%<2> Find th}e numerator of a fraction.0(g//('<3> Find the denominator of a fraction.l A$ Nk 6-6-6-@'6}-@%1 AP=6-@I6-@U6-@a6-@ k AP!N)-@@)("Ne-}@@(1-@@?( Q-@@e(#N%-@@%( }$N;-@;('Version 1.0 09/01/81%NJ( (J(<Copyright 1981 Edu-Ware Services,Inc.All Ri}ghts Reserved.&N AN$R& A( & A Re( (e(JThis program is the first o}f 6 designed to help you learn about fractions,R.+(#what they are, and how to use them..(R(ǠŠ(!RQ}Q(ITo use this program, just watch the screen and follow the directions.&RVV(NThe computer will not let you continue }until you have shown that you know the+R0&(right answer to each question.0 AkR$ D2:FRAC.DEF p!"BBBCIQQADNZ } X A}AR@1@>;@@,K;@@,X;@,Edu-Ware Services, Inc. Atari Fractio}ns (FRAC.DEN)Ver 1.0 DA/MO/81(C) Copyright 1981All Rights Reserved&-@@@"67,.& }&-@@9"67,. &  B Ad% D:FRAC.MENgAdAU5@@}K:B)@M@Y!A(g6-&A($N +'0@@9AR@K@}N$1-%&@-*(7@<,. 1$-@A $-@A $}b%2@u@@9-@`= _2b$"[ -@6@}<2@P@P-@T X [$.(7@<@9,($1B-@#B('}ӠŠҾϠŮ2! A!@2A3  $4 A$x@-'( };-@@M( | | |Q c( u@x$c@-'( };-@@M( | | |Q c( B-@@)( | | |- ?( }B$] -@(  2-@@;( ? H( Z@]$W -@(} '( 0(9( B(T@W$W -@( '( 0( 9( B(}T@W$W -@( '( 0(9( B( T@W$&W -@}('( 0( 9( B(T@W$0W -@( '( 0( 9( } B(T@W$:W -@('( 0(  9( B( T@W$DW - }@( '( 0(9( B(T@W$NW -@( '( 0( }9( B(T@W$X -($bOOAA A0A@APA`Ap }AAgu6-%@ A)6-%@uAA A0A@APA`ApA }Al$v' -(-%@'( {$L-%@(%-%@-(C-%@%@ }I(L$C-@@+-@81-8( < @ C$$( -(-%@%(($}1 6.6-P:'@, 16.>:%Av,66-&$@267B:,%@,.>:%Av,6($D A-}@D(ٯΩ+ A+@*@xA"@xA }B! A Ap! A ! A! A"! A#! A$ A%! A&! A' A(}! A)! A0 A1! A2 A3 A'(Ǡ' A-#(}Look at the fraction below.- A`6-6-@'6-@36-@= AG A`Y-@}y(It is the same as...  A`6-@6-@% A016-@ =6-@I6-@U6-@}_ Ai A`{-@(and the same as...  A`6-@6-@% A016-@}=6-@I6-@U6-@_ Ai A`{-@(and exactly the same as... A`i6-}@(6-@% A016-@2=6-@I6-@U6-@_ Ai A3$4'(Ǡ}' A95+(#So, what's so important about that?5 A`>e([(P堠}e A`Cm<(4Why, Because some smart aleck computer tells me to?F A`I(m(}宮Hg A`(6(!Well, go on, I'm waiting for your]("reasons... if you really have any!g }ApM A$'(Ǡ' AYY(P蠠}V0((宠: A`D A`V-@YY(PFi}rst, it's just as easy to work with smaller numbers, so denominators that 00((are smaller are easier to use. } YY(P堠蠠B0((󮠠}B-@m A` A`m(PThe second reason is that you make fewer mistakes when worki}ng with 00((smaller numbers. YY(P }堠00((󮠠) A` A`)-@YY(P!}Finally, and very, very importantly, teachers expect you to reduce these 00((denominators if you want good grades"}.  A$'(Ǡ' A <(4Here is a fraction with an denominator.H6#}-T6-@`6-@l6-@v A A` Ap N-@N(4To reduce the denominato$}r, follow these steps:  o A`@@$1-@$@A( Divide bothS( numerator andc( denominat%}oro(by two. } Ap6-@%6-@/ A@;6-@E A@Q6-@ ]6-@g A s6-@&}} A  Ap6-@%6-@/ A0;6-@E A0Q6-@]6-@i6-@u6-'}@ A A`@@$-@$@ U( Notice the!( following:+ Ap.(A(Both numerat(}orU(and denominator *(are divided by*($ @ A_ $` '(Ǡ)}' Ae d$(Now look at another problem:. Ap@-@d(Try to reduce this denominator:j v A`*}6-%6-@16-@=6-@ G AJ(v('o ##(+} t E A6-&@H1 )!@ ; AE A$ y O"!-@1( ,}Impossible!; AE ApO APz "A$ ~ u"@!-@I(#Sorry! Dividing by 1 do-}esn't changeW( anything.a Ak Apu AP "@A$  r"@)"@+-@W(.}'Only the numerator, not the denominatorr(is divisible by ! A"@)"@# A- Ap7 APA/} A$  n"@ !-@M('Only the denominator, not the numeratord(is divisible by 9!n A -0}"@  Ap# AP- A$  j@!-@C(Neither the numerator nor thej(denominator is 1}divisible by ! 7@ A# Ap- AP7 A$  y-@'@!(@) A;-2}@b("Right! Both 6 and 9 can be dividedy(evenly by 3. So... A` AP6-@%6-@/ A3}@;6-@E A@Q6-@ ]6-@g A0s6-@} A0 Ap6-@6-@ A04} g6-@ A0# Ap/6-@";6-@G6-@S6-@] Ag A $ -#(5}ǠΠ- A ,"(Look at the squares below:, A` s6-@6-@% A16-@!6}; AM-@@W(@i-@"@s(@ 2-@2(堣  ; A7}6-&@H'@1 A; A%  O (@ A#6-/6-@9 AE6-@O A 8} 2-@ 2(堣  ; A6-&@H'@1 A; A%5 O (@9} A#6-@5/6-@9 AE6-@O A@ 1-@@#-@-(1  1-@:}@ #-@(-(1  -@(( 0-@0(堣  ; A;}6-&@H'@1 A; A%` f (@ A#6-/6-@9 AK-@ <}f(堣  ; A6-&@H'@1 A; A%b z A6-@5%6-@/=} AA-@E(I([-@z(Now watch square #1  x Ap6-@%6-@/ A>}A-@@K(@_-@@k-t( x  2-@2(堣?}  ; A6-&@H'@1 A; A%f (@ A#6-/6-@9 AE6-@}@O A@c-@@ o-@y(-@%@ > ( #-@ >(A}堣  ; A6-&@H'@1 A; A%i p (@ A#6-/6-@9 B}A C A`U-@p(This happens this way: e-@@ #-@8(7@<@5,D!@C}P-e(7@<@, 3  A`6-@)6-@3 A0 Q A`6-@ %6-@D}16-@=6-@G AQ A' $( -#(ǠΠ- A- /('The numerator and the E}denominator... ;6-G6-@S6-@_6-@i Au6-@ A2 -@A('ArF}e multiplied by the same number... M6-@Y6-@c A`o6-@y A` A7 -@G}A('Which in this case is 2... M6-@Y6-@c A o6-@y A  A< -@H}A('Converting the original fraction to... K A`W6-@c6-@m A0y6-@6-@6-@I}6-@ AA 6- A $ -#(ǠΠ- A ++(#Rules to find aJ} common denominator: 6-6-@'6-@36-@= API6-@ U6-@a6-@k APK}w6-@6-@ AP -@'( =(O-@!@a( L}s-@!@(  -@!@'( 1 A`C-@X(M}j( ( E( '-@!@;(E A` -N}@*(B(L ApX6-@!d6-@n A z6-@& A@ O}A $ -#(ǠΠ- A -(%Now, complete fraction conversion by:96-E6-@P}Q6-@]6-@g APs6-@ 6-@ AP6-@6-@ AP p-@Q},(C(X(p( (-(R}?-@!@P( b-@!@s( -@"@ (  A`S} x-@*(A(T(f( x(  T} (-@!@(( /-@!@%( / AS $T -#(ǠΠU}- AY }-(%Now, complete fraction conversion by:96-E6-@Q6-@]6-@g APs6-@ V}} AP^ o-@+(A(X(o(c W};('( ;(h r@@ '-@ @8( I( X}Z( r(m N( %( 6( N(rY} N( %( 6( N( A $ A-7(Z}ҠŠA A TT(LTry each of the following problems to test your understanding of the ideas M"([}which were just presented.%(M(#Look at the problem on the left and KA(9select the correct answer from the box on\} the right.K A $ @-@@! A6(ԠҠ@ A! ""(Select the correct answer.]}& 6-@6-@'6-@ 36-@= APO-@!@d(7@<@,v-@!@(7@^}<@,+ =-@@#-@!9( = 0 c%6-P:H:,$@ ,%@16-@h}B'DOS SYSB>AUTORUN SYSB@EDUWARE BBFRAC MENBPTFRAC PREBTFRAC DEFBFRAC DENBFRAC ADDS6-P:H:,$@,%@[6-$c6-$5 u-@@$( *6-4 ApF-@@U( i}g-@@u( : % 6--@ @% Ap? >-@ @("6-4-@ @j}> ApD %%6-P:H:,$@,%@F '6-&%@' @A1@I O-@@+-@#k}@%;(<> 1/K(+&@,%O N :-@"@((蠨 :-@5@S 9 A6-&@l}H9 @)!@A1UU ("A1eX ` A!-@1@%*(<-@!@R(m}硠\ A`` Z A1] F A-@!@*(4 A`B6-%@F   An}$ @-@@! A6(ԠҠ@ A ""(Select the correct answer. 6-@6-@o}'6-@ 36-@= APO-@!@d(7@<@,v-@!@(7@<@, =-@p}@#-@!9( =  %6-P:H:,$@ ,%@K6-P:H:,$+&@,%@,q}q6-P:H:,$+&@,,%@6-P:H:,$+&@,,%@6-$ '"P:',A2  y-@@r}$( *6-4 ApF-@@U( g-@@y(  -@@s}6-% Ap7-@@=6-G ApY-@@e(w-@@}6- Ap %-@t}@6-% Ap %%6-P:H:,$@,%@ 6-&%@ K-@@+-@#@%u}9(<> G(&@%K  :-@"@((蠨 :-@5@ 9 A6-&@H9 @v})!@A2U ("A2e ` A!-@0@%*(<-@!@R(硠w}\ A``  A2 P A-@!@*(4 A`B6-%@F P A $ + Ax}!(͠+ A ^+(#There were 10 practice problems forQ(this unit. You had  of these^(correct.y} d()(Based on this score you should5@Z( go on to the next learning unit.d A3  //('repeat this unit tz}o improve your score. v((Choices:(2( <1> Repeat this unit5(S( <2> Go to another unitv( {}  :( <0> End for now.(:(堨  9 A6-&@H9 )!@A3|}0 "+ "@% (G $X$(͠$ A]f8(0At the end of this}} program you will be able to:;(f(&<1> Reduce any fraction to it's lowestbn( denominator.(n(N<2> Convert denom~}inators of two or more fractions to a common denominator.gT(T(I<3> Find the lowest common denominator of any tw}o or more fractions.l A$ Nw6-6-'6-@36-@%= API6-@U6-@}a6-@m6-@ w AP!N)-@@)("Ne-@@(1-@@?}( Q-@@e(#N&-@@&( $N;-@;('Version 1.0 } 09/01/81%NJ( (J(<Copyright 1981 Edu-Ware Services,Inc.All Rights Reserved.&N A$R& A}( & A Rh( (h(MThis is the second learning program for fractions. It is designed to help} youRR'(better understand conversion ofO(#fractions from one form to another.R(RTT(LLike unit #1 and the units whic}h come after it, you are tested so that youRcG(?know whether you have really learned what is in the program.J(`(}ǠŠc(!RUU(MTo use this program, simply follow all screen prompts as they appear. If you&RNN(Fhave any prob}lems, you may want to look at the documentation for help.+R AkR$ D2:FRAC.DEN `<=m8MKMBCIQQADNZZWDNRWWWWDNTS} } !"#$%}p6-@6-% A7AR@I@V;@@,c;@@,p;@,Edu-}Ware Services, Inc. Atari Fractions (FRAC.ADD)Ver 1.0 DA/MO/81(C) Copyright 1981All Rights Reserved} -@@67,.  -@967,.    B Ad% D:FRAC.MENn1-%&@}-*(7@<,. 1$xs -(7@<,2-%@%&@8-W(7@<&@,[ a-p}(7@<,s$5 A6-&@H!+ A5 Ap( A$v A%-@ @ };(箠E AO Apa-@ @ v(7@<@, -(  Ae-@ }@ '( 1 A; ApM-@ @ b(7@<@,e$G6-!AR1}1&@?-&@G(>:,  @(  A? - A!6-&@H? )!@ }A(6-%@$G-%@ A)6-&@HG )!@ A%AR@(}"6-%%$aAdAU/@@K:<)@G@S!A(a6-&A('!@}* A#'6-&@2$N+!0@@-AR9@K-N$%-%&}-(7<," %$-A $-AW} $>2@u@@--@`1 ;2}>$"C-@6*2@P@8-@< @ C$.(7<@9,($1<-@#<('Ӡ}ŠҾϠŮ2! A!@2A3!-@#(!$4 A$@V6-}6-@'6-@36-@= API6-@ S A V$JV6-6-@ '6-@36-@}= API6-@ S APV$G@-'( 5-@G( | | |@$}]@-'( 5-@G( | | |K ]( N-@#( | | } |' 9( K@N$Q -@(  ,-@5( 9 B( N@Q}$Q -@( '( 0(9( B(N@Q$Q -@( '( 0(} 9( B(N@Q$Q -@( '( 0(9( B( N@Q$&Q -}@('( 0( 9( B(N@Q$0Q -@( '( 0( 9}( B(N@Q$:Q -@('( 0(  9( B( N@Q$DQ -}@( '( 0(9( B(N@Q$NQ -@( '( 0(9( }B(N@Q$X -($bOOAA A0A@APA`ApAA}gu6-%@ A)6-%@uAA A0A@APA`ApAAl$v}' -(-%@'( {$ -%(-%(L-%@(|%-%@-(C-%@}%@I(|L$$" -(-%("$1 6.6-P:'@, 16.>:%Av,66-&$}@267B:,%@,.>:%Av,6($> A-@>(ٯΩ+ A+}@*@xA"@xA B A A ! A! A"! A#! }A$ A%! A&! A' A(! A) A0 A1 AK=6-@6-@}'6-@36-@(= A$(͠$ AC@(8After you complete this program, you } will be able to:C(|"(<1> Add any two fractions.%(O(%<2> Add a fraction to a whole number.R(|(%<3> Add a fracti}on to a mixed number./(%(<4> Add two mixed numbers./ A3$4&(ǠϠ& A9##(Watch} the rectangles below:>-@@%C-&@@0( 7@<@,D-@@R-&@}k( 7@<@,y-%@(  H-&@*( 7@<@,>-@@L-&@}S( a-%@h( v-%@}(  M*-&@*( 7@<@,R-@%@*(7}@<@,>-@@J-@%P(\-@1q(7@<@,u -@%(7@<@,W}v-@@#-@%)(5-@1;(G-@7M(Q ]-@%r(7@<@,v \e A}p-@#(&(?(Those two rectanglesX(were together.b Ape(a(Now watch, as two+( } are?( together.I A`U6-a6-@m6-@ y6-@  A6-@6-@6}-@f A6-@'%6-@/ A`9 ApE6-@Q6-@[ APe Apq6-@ }6}-@ A6-@36-@ A`k6-@6-@% A016-@=6-@I6-@}U6-@!_ Api Au6-@6-@ Ap Ap-@#@3(Things to note:= Ap}O-@#@a( s-@#@( ux-@@$@ +-@4(<}8 B A`T-@#@f( Denominators x-@#@zT( are the same.1-@@$@ =-}@F( J T A`-@#@'( 򠠠9-@#@K( ]-@@f(}>p A`-@#@p-@#@'( Numerator 9-@#@K( Gets larger. ]-@@}f( p A$,"(ӠΠΠ, A-@(Rule:1-@ @>(}Example:J6-V6-@b6-@n6-@x AP6-@ 6-@ AP6-@6-@} AP%6-@6-@% APu-@+(>(Q(}c@@!u-@!@R(îĮ*( 6(H@R A`p}-@+(;( M@@!_-@!@p( E(})( 3 A`E@u-@*(>(Q(}c@@!u-@!@(0(G(Y@}e6-@o A-@#(6-6-@'6-@1 AP=6-@ I6-@}S APe-@ @z(7@<@,6-@6-@ AP-@-(}?@@!Q-@!@b( s( ( w@ A`1-}@C( T( e( w@@!L-@!@ (+(}6(B6-}L A$9 A/(ΠŠ9 AH,($Now work through a }problem yourself.6 ApH-@%6-P:H:,$@,%@G6-P:H:,$@,%@m6-P:H:},$+&@,,%@6-P:H:,$+&@,,%@"A# ??(Rule:7@<@, Your try:}7@<@, Y A -@3(F(Y( -@"@},(  Ľ>-@"@K( +  ]-@"@k( s6-$6-@56-@ }q A A )-@?(O( a-@"@q(  }-@"}@'(  x  x ?9-@"@I( [-@&@a6-k Ap}-@4@ A (6}- Ap% Ap/ A A-@ {(,(?(Q-@!}@[(xm-@!@{(  =  $ q-@!@(x+6-@'76-@?6-$Q-@!@}g(q A) 6-@'6-@#6-$5-@ @M(W Ai}-@ @~(7@<@,-@@-@). 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A6(ԠҠ@ A_(Selec }t the correct answer. I6-'P:H:,$@,I6-P:H:,$@ ,%@ I6-'P:H:,$}@,I6-P:H:,$@ ,%@ U%6-P:H:,$@,%@G6-P:H:,$@,%@U"A0} O)6-P:H:,$+&@,,%@O6-P:H:,$+&@,,%@ > 6-%6-$6-$%$(P:',66}-%@>6-& I%6-P:H:,$@,%@56-&%@I @A0 6-@6-@'6-@}36-@= API6-@ S A e-@@t( z6- Ap-@@(} m-@@6-% Ap7-@@=6-G ApK]-@@ c6-m Ap J-@@} $( (:-@@ @6-J Ap G-@@6-% Ap7-@@=6-G A}p F-@@+-@!%@9(<> =F(- (%&@/  *-@!@*(}蠨  9 A6-&@H9 @)!@A0U f( -@ @5(箠}I-@2%@R(<\ Af A0p 8-@ @ (* A86-%@  A` } A $ !(͠! A! a+(#There were 10 practice problems forQ(this unit. You had  of }these^(correct.a(& h&(Based on this score you should2 @^('repeat this unit to improve your score.h A1 }+ ((( Go on to the next learning unit.0 f(,(!You now have these three choices:/(H(<1> Repeat this unitK(f(<2> G}o to another unit5 W%(  :(<0> End for now.=(W(堨 : 9 A6-&}@H9 )!@A10? ("+ D "@% $8-@ @ (}* A86-%@ A`  A Nk 6-6-6-@'6-@%1 AP=6-@I6-@U}6-@a6-@%k AP!N)-@@)("Ne-@@(1-@@?(} Q-@@e(#N/-@ @/($NA-@A('Ver}sion 1.0 09/01/81%NJ( (J(<Copyright 1981 Edu-Ware Services,Inc.All Rights Reserved.&N A }$R& A( & A Rh( (h(MThis program is designed to give you skills in the addit!}ion of any form ofRTT(Lfraction  from simple fractions with the same denominators, to those withRm+(#different denom"}inators, all the wayQ(!to the addition of mixed numbers.T(j(ǠŠm(RUU(MTo use this program, simply fol#}low the screen prompts as they appear. if you!RbX(Phave any further problem, you may wish to study the accompanying docum$}entation.b AkR$ D2:FRAC.ADDZZWDNRWWWWDNTS-