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ATARI FRACTIONS (FRAC.MEN)Version 1.0(C) Copyr D}ight 1981All Rights Reserved Al@ AdAU:@@K:G)@R@ E}^!A(l6-&A('!@v* A#'6-&@2$N +'0@9AR F}@K@N$3;@@,$-@@8/67,.3 -@"#-*(6- G}@8=(A S-W(i-@m(-@"(r@@'-@@ H}@(頠Y(󠠠r(򠱮u@@'-@@B(<1> I}Fractions Pre-Test`(<2> Definitions and Partsu(<3> Denominatorsf!(<4> Addition of FractionsB(<5> Subtraction of J} Fractionsf(<6> Multiplication of Fractionsa!(<7> Division of fractionsI(#  ^(< K}0> End for now.a( H(7@<@",3(堨 H(7@<@",9 A6-&@H9  L})!@A@+-@"@(((++#-@" '6-@ @'6- M}@$S-@@%SA!A"A#A$A%A&A'. 6.D:FRAC. 67@,.3 N}Q@@ A<@@G@Q A8{-@@C(Please put in disk # O} and hit i(!or hit to return to the menu.{AdAU9;@6-F:Ad,;@(*@ P}A:#"@( A # A ; A  Au=%Kj-@@>($ Q} g($ j$4($ ( $ R}( $` ( $ # (#$( &#(& S}$ ( $0u!!PRE,DEF,DEN,ADD,SUB,MUL,DIV D:FRAC.MEN  '  U:;[..BCIQQADNZZWWDNABSWNDTS((('(P@@@U}@@ V}@ !"#p6-@W}6-% A7AR@I@V;@@,c;@@,p;@,Edu-Ware Services, IncX}. Atari Fractions (FRAC.SUB)Ver 1.0 DA/MO/81(C) Copyright 1981 -@@67,.  -@9Y}67,.    B Ad% D:FRAC.MENn&-%&-(7<,# &$xh -((7@<&Z}@, B-%@%&@H-N(^-%&@d(h z( -((7@<&@,}$[}s -(7@<,2-%@%&@8-W(7@<&@,[ a-p(7@<,s$5 A\}6-&@H!+ A5 Ap( A$aAdAU/@@K:<)@G]}@S!A(a6-&A($H +'0@@9AR@E@H$G6-^}6-@'6-@1 AP=6-@ G AP%-%&-(7<," %$-A $-_}A $>2@u@@--@`1 ;2>$"C-@6*2@P@8-`}@< @ C$.(7<@9,($1<-@#<('ӠŠҾϠŮ2! A!@2a}A3  $4 A$]@-'( 5-@G( | | |K ]( b}@$]@-'( 5-@G( | | |K ]( <-c}@#( | | |' 9( <$Q -@(  ,-@5( 9 B( N@d}Q$Q -@( '( 0(9( B(N@Q$Q -@( '( e} 0( 9( B(N@Q$Q -@( '( 0(9( B( N@Qf}$&Q -@('( 0( 9( B(N@Q$0Q -@( '( 0(g} 9( B(N@Q$:Q -@('( 0(  9( B( N@Q$DQ -h}@( '( 0(9( B(N@Q$NQ -@( '( 0(9i}( B(N@Q$X -($bOOAA A0A@APA`ApAj}Agu6-%@ A)6-%@uAA A0A@APA`ApAAkk}$l -($v' -(-%@'( {$ -%(-%(=-@@%l}-@8+-2( 6 : =$$" -(-%("$1 6.6-P:'@, 16.>:%Av,m}66-&$@267B:,%@,.>:%Av,6($> A-@>(ٯΩ+n} A+@*@xA"@xA B A A ! A! A"! o}A#! A$ A%! A& AK$(͠$ AD,($After you completp}e this program, youA(will be able to:D(?,($<1> Subtract a fraction from another<( number.?(?,($<2> Subtracq}t a fraction from a whole<( number.?(?,($<3> Subtract a fraction from a mixed<( number.?(J+(#<4> Subtrar}ct two mixed numbers from@( one another.J A3$4* (ΠƠ* A9(( Look at the ns}umbers shown below.2 Ap>6-J6-@T A0`6-@l6-@v A 6-@ 6-@ t}A6-@;%6-@ A0%6-@>Q-@2(differenceQ(u} C6-@ ApH_6-@ A # Ap5-@_(%Supposing the numbers were numev}ratorsMM-@$@)(of fractions...3 A`E-@I(M(R-@@ +6-@w}5 AA6-@K APO [6-@g6-@s6-@6-@ AW-@(+-@x}$@@(7@<@,R-@s( 6-@ Ap-@@y}\ A -@O(Subtraction information:7@<@,k-@@#@ w-@(<z} as( (+(Common denominators required.76-@A AS-@W(i-@#@s(Finalf{}-@#@&( numerator is8-@#@E(smaller.W-@#@ _(<i Au6-6-@|}6-@!6-@9k A6-@%6-@16-@; AG6-@S6-@] Ai6-@}}u6-@6-@ A6-@!6-@ A0pK-@A('Subtrahend always smaller t~}han minuend.K A`u6-@6-@'6-@36-@= A O-@!@`(  Subtrahendr-@!}@( is smaller.6- A$W$(ǠΠ. 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A}6(ԠҠ@ A_(Select the correct answer. ** U6-6-3P:H:},$@,U6-P:H:,$@,%@ =P:H:,$@,=6-P:H:,$@,%@ ") A%} %6-P:H:,$@,%@K6-P:H:,$+&@,,%@m6-P:H:,$@,%@6-P:H:},$+&@,,%@ "A%  ** A 6-&6-$&$6-$+ 96-&@A6}-% I%6-P:H:,$@,%@56-&%@I @A% 6-@6-@'6-@36-@}= API6-@ S A0e-@@t( z6- Ap-@@(  G-@}@6-% Ap7-@@=6-G Ap )-@@ 6-) Ap 3-@@ }(#)6-3 Ap d-@@  (2-@@86-B ApT-@@Z6-d A}p V-@+-@!@%A(<%@> M!V(- (%  *-@!}@*(蠨  9 A6-&@H9 )!@A% ( b -@ @1(}箠E-@2@%N(X Ab A% 8-@ @ (* A86-%@#  } A`  A' $( !(͠! A- a+(#There were 10 practice problems forQ(this unit. You h}ad  of these^(correct.a(2 &&(Based on this score you should7 E @ ;('repeat this unit to improve your s}core.E A&%< ((( go on to the next learning unit.A f(,(!You now have these three choices:/(H(<1> Repeat this un}itK(f(<2> Go to another unitF L!(  6(<0> End for now.9(L( 蠨 K 9 A6}-&@H9 )!@A&5P ("+ U "@% $ Nk 6-6-6-@'}6-@%1 AP=6-@I6-@U6-@a6-@ k AP!N)-@@)("Ne-}@@(1-@@?( Q-@@e(#N%-@@%( }$NA-@A('Version 1.0 09/01/81%NJ( (J(<Copyright 1981 Edu-Ware Services,Inc}.All Rights Reserved.&N A$R& A( & A Rd( (?($This program is designe}d to give youd( skills in the subtraction of anyRS+(#fraction  from the simple fractionS(#with the same denominator, }to thoseRY,($with different denominators, all theY((way to the subtraction of mixed numbers.Rn(ǠŠ(}n(MTo use this program, simply follow the screen prompts as they appear. If you!RbX(Phave any further problem, you may w}ish to study the accompanying documentation.b AkR$ D:FRAC.SUB('(P@@@PKLl4~4BCIQQADNZZWWDNDWNRCCNCNCMMRPTS((('(P@}@@@@ }@ !"#}$%&'(A)R *@#+,}6-@6-% A7AR@}I@V;@@,c;@@,p;@,}9@ ,Edu-Ware Services, Inc. Atari Fractions }(FRAC.UTL)Ver 1.0 DA/MO/81(C) Copyright 1981All Rights Reserved -@@67,. E-@}967,.  4-@@ 8"A68,-E   B Ad% D:FRAC.MENn* -%-#(7@}<,' *$xs -(7@<,2-%@%&@8-W(7@<&@,[ a-p(7@<},s$5 A6-&@H!+ A5 Ap( A$v A%-@ @ ;(}E AO Apa-@ @ v(7@<@, -(  Ae-@ @ }'( 1 A; ApM-@ @ b(7@<@,e$G6-!AR11&@}?-&@G(>:,  @(  A? - A!6-&@H? )!@ A}(6-%@$G-%@ A)6-&@HG )!@ A%AR@("6}-%%$aAdAU/@@K:<)@G@S!A(a6-&A('!@* A}#'6-&@2$6+0@@'AR3@6$U6-6-3P:H:,$@},U6-P:H:,$@,%@=P:H:,$@,=6-P:H:,$@,%@K%6-P:H:,$@},%@K6-P:H:,$+&@,,%@K%6-P:H:,$@,%@K6-P:H:,$+&@,,%@}7 6-$6-+$%,$+$%,*6-P:',46-&$7$%-%&-(7<," %$-A $-}A $>2@u@@--@`1 ;2>$"C-@6*2@P@8-}@< @ C$.(7<@9,($1<-@#<('ӠŠҾϠŮ2! 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A& A}$(͠$ AC@(8After you complete this program, you will be able to:C(d*("<1> Multi}ply a fraction by a whole:( number.=(a(<2> Multiply any two fractions.d(k*("<3> Multiply a fraction by a mixed}:( number.=(a(<4> Multiply two mixed numbers.k A3$4V#(ΠƠ- AL(Look} at the numbers below:V A`96-6-@% A016-@=6-@G A`S6-@_6-@}k6-@w6-@ A6-@6-@ A06-@6-@ A6-@>/ A}p-@"@/(  C6-@ Ap%6-@16-@; A`E ApW-@}z(Which are exactly the same as:-@"@E(7@<@,H6-6-@% A16-@}; AG6-@S6-@] A`i6-@s A6-6-@6-@ 6-@9 A}M-@<("Supposing you had these fractions:H6-T6-@`6-@l6-@v A6-@}6-@ A`6-@6-@6-@R A6-@%6-@/ A0;6-@G6}-@Q Ac-@"@v(  6-@ Ap6-@6-@ A Wb-@"}@*( 66-@ @ ApL6-@X6-@b A\-@;(The rule is...}7@<@ ,E A`W-@}(!Numerators multiply numerators... 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U A  A096-P:H:,$@,%@A6-&U @ }A% S6-@6-@'6-@36-@= API6-@ S A  v-@@$(  }*6-4 ApF-@@T( f-@@l6-v Ap l-@ @6-% Ap7- }@@ F( J\-@@ b6-l Ap )-@@ 6-) Ap G-@@ }6-% Ap7-@ @=6-G Ap F-@@+-@!@%9(<> =F(- } (%/  *-@!@*(蠨  9 A6-&@H9 @)!@A%U e(} -@ @5(箠I-@3@%Q(<[ Ae A%p 8-@ @ (}.6-%@8 A  A`  A' $( !(͠! A- ^+(#There were 10 practice prob}lems forQ(this unit. You had  of these^(correct.2 k()(Based on this score you should5 @a('repeat t}his unit to improve your score.k A& 7 ((( go on to the next learning unit.< f(,(!You now have these three choices:}/(H(<1> Repeat this unitK(f(<2> Go to another unitA V$(  9(<0> End for now.<(V(}堨 F 9 A6-&@H9 )!@A&0K ("+ P "@}% $ Nk 6-6-6-@'6-@%1 AP=6-@I6-@U6-@a6-@ k AP!N)-@}@)("Ne-@@(1-@@?( Q-@@e(}#N(-@@(($NA-@A('Version 1.0 09/01/81%NJ( (J(<}Copyright 1981 Edu-Ware Services,Inc.All Rights Reserved.&N A$R& A( & A Rg( }(?($This program is designed to give youg(#skills in the multiplication of anyRb+(#fraction  from simple fr}actions toF(complex mixed numbers.I(_(ǠŠb(RVV(NTo use this program, simply follow the screen prom}pts as they appear. If youRbX(Phave any further problem, you may want to study the accompanying documentation.b A}kR$0uPRIME NUMBERS5u2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23 D:FRAC.MULCNCMMRPTS((('(P@G89a6/6BCIQQADNZZNDPANDTWS((('(P@@@}@@$ }@AR@G !"#$p6-}@6-% A7AR@I@V;@@,c;@@,p;@,Edu-Ware Service }s, Inc. Atari Fractions (FRAC.DIV)Ver 1.0 DA/MO/81(C) Copyright 1981All Rights Reserved -@@!}67,. R-@967,.  -9@,A-@@E"N68,-R   B Ad"}% D:FRAC.MENn) -%-"(7@<,& )$xs -(7@<,2-%@%&@8-W(7@#}<&@,[ a-p(7@<,s$5 A6-&@H!+ A5 Ap( A$v $}A%-@ @ ;(箠E AO Apa-@ @ v(7@<@, -%}(  Ae-@ @ '( 1 A; ApM-@ @ b(7@<@,e$G&}6-!AR11&@?-&@G(>:,  @(  A? - A!6-&'}@H? )!@ A(6-%@$G-%@ A)6-&@HG )!@ (}A%AR@("6-%%$aAdAU/@@K:<)@G@S!A()}a6-&A('!@* A#'6-&@2$6+0@@'AR3@6$%-*}%&-(7<," %$-A $-A $>2@u@@--@`1 ;+}2>$"C-@6*2@P@8-@< @ C$.(7<@9,($1<-@#<(',}ӠŠҾϠŮ2! 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A& A' A$(͠$ Ak;(3After you complete?} this lesson, you willbe able to:>(k((<1> Divide a fraction by a whole number.j(( <2> Divide a fraction by another:(@} fraction.=(j((<3> Divide a whole number by a fraction.f0((<4> Divide a mixed number by a fraction.\('<5> DivideA} one mixed number by another.f A3$4V#(ӠҠΠ- AL(Look at the numbers below:V B}A`96-6-@% A16-@=6-@G A@S6-@ _6-@i Au6-@C}6-@ A0>=-@$@'(  36-@= ApD6-@6-@% A7-@$D}@L(7@<@,V A`b6-n6-@z6-@6-@0 AH-@4(E}Now look at these numbers:> A`J6-V6-@b6-@n6-@x A6-@6-@ AF}`6-@6-@ Mg A6-@%6-@/ A0A-@#@Q(  ]6-@g G}ApW-@#@*(7@<@,66-@B6-@N6-@Z6-@d Ap6-@"|6-@H} A06-@&6-@  A6-@ A\6-6-@'6-@36-@9= I}AO-@h(So you can see that:t6-6-@6-@6-@ A 6-@%6-J}@ A a Ap-@@,(6 ApH-@@S(8 by 8] Apo-@@K}( is the samefj Ap-@1@&(:-@P> P-@&@ `( j ApL}kc-@3@(1--@)@7(8 x I-@3@O(8Y Apc Ap-@2(M}Here is another example:>6-J6-@V6-@` A l6-@%x6-@ A -@@(N}7@<@,u Ap-@@,(6 ApH-@@S(1 5e-@@p(O} by -@@(3 8z| Ap-@@/( is the same9 ApK-@1@R(f-P}@Pj |-@&@ {(  Ap/-@)@9(1 8K-@)@U( x g-@)Q}@q(3 5{ A`( (4(&These examples show an important rule.7(A ApL(Watch!X6-d6-R}@p6-@|6-@9 AP-@f*("invertM(the divisorS}\( f Ap6-6-@'6-@36-@9= AO-@f(Watch T}the example:p Ap6-@6-@'6-@1 A=6-@I6-@S A@_6-@k6-@U}w6-@6-@ A-@ @*(7@<@,>-@@ J-@ P(\-@V}b(f x-@ @!(7@<@,6-@6-@% A07-@@R(W}\ Apn-@@( Ap6-@%6-@16-@=6-@X}G AQ Ap]6-@g As6-@} A@ Ap6-@ A Ap-@@Y}+(5 ApA6-@M6-@Y6-@e6-@o Ay Ap A` ApZ}6-@6-@'6-@36-@!= AI6-@#U6-@_ Aq-@#@{(6[}-@(6-@6-@ A Ap-@A('As before, convert to mixed numbers andi(#re\}duce denominators when necessary.u6- A$I(Π A*(Rule:<-@ @I(]}Example: y6-@ A +-@<( I([@@!m-@!@y(^} ( 1 2 (  by  .( 3 5@@J A`V6-@` A r-@(h}=B'DOS SYSB>AUTORUN SYSB@EDUWARE BBFRAC MENB^TFRAC SUBBjFRAC MULBnFRAC DIV @@!'-@!@5( H( 2~ | [(  |  n( | i}2@ -@!@+(宮76-@A AS-@%@Y( k-@2@j}q( -@%@ U (-@2@#(5-@!@K(U A 6-k}6-@'6-@36-@9= AI6-@S A e-@}((l}( q@@"'-@"@6( 1 5 5F(  x  =  U( 3 2 6g@qm} A`$ 6-6-@'6-@36-@9= APO-@Z(](($n}) 5(+6-5 A_ $` X$(ŠӠ. A8(o}Rule:J-@ @X( Your try:e U%6-P:H:,$@ ,%@G6-P:H:,$@ ,%@U"A$p}j U%6-P:H:,$@ ,%@G6-P:H:,$@ ,%@U"A$o "*"A$t 6-@ Aq} +-@;( H(Z@@"l-@!@x(( y R(  r} by   ( 2@< A`H6-@R A ~ w-@-(?-@!s}@T(庠f-@"@w( |  E-@"@%(  | 7-@"@E(t} | w 6-6-6-6---@2@7 ApI-@2@Q(W6-a Apm6-@w Au} 6-6-@'6-@36-@9= AG A Y-@q((v}( i-@!@$( 6-@"@D( V-@"@i( x  w}=  -@"@#( /6-@4;6-@C6-$M AY6-@a6-$s-@!@( x} A A`6-%6-@16-@=6-@9G APY-@d(g(y}(& Z.(&嬠P(Zz} A = A -@@=(堨ٯΩ ) A)@:Y,*@:N,A$u ""@:Y,{} A" A$ 6- A $ ,"(ΠŠ, A TT(LTry each of the followi|}ng problems to test your understanding of the ideas t"(which were just presented.%(t(JLook at the problem on the lef}}t and select the correct answer from the #(box on the right.# A' $( _-@@! A6(~}ԠҠ@ A_(Select the correct answer.* K A0/6-P:H:,$@,%@76-&K @A}&- S6-@6-@'6-@36-@= API6-@ S A / R-@@$( }*6-4 ApF-@@R(2 j-@@6-% Ap7-@@=6-G ApY-@}@ j( 7 G-@@6-% Ap7-@@=6-G Ap< F-@@+-@}!@%9(<> =F(-A (%/ F *-@!@*(蠨 K 9 A6-&@}H9 @)!@A&5P e( -@ @5(箠I-@3@%Q(<[ A}e A&PU 8-@ @ (.6-%@8 AZ  A`  A $ !(͠!} A Q+(#There were 10 practice problems forQ(this unit. You had  of these (correct.( h@2}(Based on this score you should^('repeat this unit to improve your score.h A'  VJ(BCongratulations! You have comp}leted the Fractions learning series.V6-@ >((You now have these #4  two choices:> A'0 (three c}hoices: B(!(<1> Go to another unit&()(B(<2> Repeat this unit 9$(  9(<0> End for} now. 6-@6-@ (((( 蠨>:%Av,  3 A6-&@H3!) A'E} "@% "+ $ Nk 6-6-6-@'6-@%1 AP=6-@I6-@}U6-@a6-@$k AP!N)-@@)("Ne-@@(1-@@}?( Q-@@e(#N/-@ @/($NA-@A(}'Version 1.0 09/01/81%NJ( (J(<Copyright 1981 Edu-Ware Services,Inc.All Rights Reserved.&N A}$R& A( & A Rg( (g(LThis program is designed to give you skill in the di}vision of fractions RbF(>any fraction, from simple fractions to complex mixed numbers.I(_(ǠŠb(RUU(}MTo use this program, simply follow the screen prompts as they appear. If youRbX(Phave any further problem, you may wish} to study the accompanying documentation.b AkR$0u442,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,23,29,31,37,41,43,47 D:FRAC.}DIV89a6/6BCIQQADNZZNDPANDTWS((('(P@@@