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F0Ξ05: [ BDEHI4} VY8 B V  @  /DE `E:D1:DUP.SYSERROR-SAVING USER MEMORY ON DISKTYPE Y TO 5}STILL RUN DOS B;DE J V (` 9 V⪍ ઍ  -6}LLu DEHILV 9 .l 9 .l  `` s$B VBH7}I|DE V BLV nB,DE J V* \*` B V BLVDEHI BLVL8}1u H232435; 1 ;  hh@2 e1i1LHҍ 00) 08 109hh@ Ҡ2e9}1i1232435ޥ<<8?}EiͩkΩ͙kCopj`j {j`Hi͝Νh`;}L"SAB.OGOL:D"NURͩkΩ͙kCopj`j {j`Hi͝Νh`23 JL1JL2JR1JR2JL3JL4JR3JR4MLPM1PM2ML5 =} ++"In Search of The Most Amazing Thing"- ATARI VER >}SION FEB. 1983))- BY PAUL F. JOHNSON, MANCHESTER NHYA@)-A6AF-"37 K-AvA ?}O"UY 6-?:A6,**104,169,6,162,6,160,240,32,92,228,96 //165,16,41,127,133,16,141,14,210,76,95,22 @}8 +AR@90@@@S0@@@m0@@@@e A}@VF:A,A`*-@@S $SORRY - AT LEAST 40K MEMORY REQUIREDVAAD B}+1AR@K0@@@e0@@@0@@@(&-@@ C} &  In Search of*0-@@0 The Most Amazing Thing,(-@@( copyright 1983.2-@ D}@2 Spinnaker Software Corp.2BByAD'A#9B2HKB2I]B2P E}oB2QAY@X<KB2w@'A@9A@KA#cd%% F}*** DO COPY PROTECTION HERE ***' A'- LOAD ML SUBROUTINES -% D:DEMO.BAS&11;A, G};A,;A,;@p,&776.-hhhhhhh`&UU67B:,%@,.=?@` H}8 iLI 7&UU67B:,%@,.=i(Lm I}&&&67B:,%@,.L&.-@B:,*B %@:7<,,. &@@6.6hhhhh8hhhh J}hh8hhhh&UU67B:,%@,.=̩ˈ̑ˈ̭ЭХmˬ͑ˈ̱ϑ&!!67B: K},%@,. `&.-@B:,*B%@:7<,,. &nn6.dhhhhh8hhhhhhϩЅФ L}˩m̩ˈϥmː̬͑ˈ`&.-@B:,*B%@:7<,,. &OO6.EhhhXrY M}s ' ʍrsL_``&.-@B:,*B%@:7<,,. '$ D:LOGO.BAS |1624[U@$UP$U#U@"U@"UP"UP"!! !UR"TUQT!O}QU !U@! !~"5UA"U"T}UTU"T!~"P}!}!UQU"UT 8UQUTp 71o030c0 Q}c0 ` 3` 0 @`8 0`0 0`0 00 000 0R}0 0`0 0`0 00 00 00 p0 pS}4q4q5q335q5@33@Uq335T}PU33PUq5TUq335TUq5UUp5UUp5U}U@ U@ UP UP UT UTU*U UT U@ U@UR UP UTUJ TUV}U* UU@8T U@8UP8UPUQUTUQUTUTUTUTUTW}UTUTUT UAUT UUT UTUT UTUT UPUT UPUT UPX}UT UPUTUQ UPUTUQ UTUTUA UTUTUA UUT UUT UAUT UY}UT UUT UuUT UWc5UT UVoUT` ` c0Z}` c00 `0EDUCECc ?TTA@c@&&'c[}[U@$UP$U#U@"U@"UP"UP"!! !UR"TUQT!4268/''''''''''''''''''''  `   ]}h   G  G  G ^} G  G  G  _} G * G  * G `} * G  * G   a}G   G C G b}*C G * G * Gc} **   *  *   * d} S ** S ** S e}   S  S  f} S   S @ S g}"@ S U S @U@ Sh} U@ S U S Pi}T S  S     j}   DP TP TPk} TP TPTPTPl}TPTPTP|TPTPm}TP 0TP@TPm n}C<         o} @0 @    | t    {p} j j?p _ O G W^ S^q} Q^ T^ U~  Uz U{ r}U{ o{` +o{0 +oUs +oUs ? +oUss} +oU +o  k`  k`[H 0 t}0Dt  U8p  U    Uu}   U; 8       ev}     6W 8 W p Xw}  fb&  M  k0x  x}_ p U_-W  U_`5U  UXU_  UWUWy}U ?U}UWU8 UWUUp UuU@  Uz}@  UeU@  UmU@Uc@U`<@U@{}@U@UU@U?U@UU|}q ?(P  *}}" @/ `    ?:J~} ''''''''''''''''  `   5426D@     B "   @  }$$$$$$$$$$$$$$}$$$$$$$$$$$$}$$$$      }     0  @  @}(  ( @H@H@}@ @ 0@H 0}D 0G (@ H@ H}A H"H " ! @}  P    @! }  SD $D! }  P P S N }@ ?@ q.  J}H@L@xH HH`}?H L 0H0 ~} 0 }  0|@0 P00}|@ HP0|@ HP|G@ }HP |@@ HB |@@` HB }|@ `` 0H"  |@ ` 0DH"  | ` 0D}H  l P@ PG |0` P@ P ~}(`0P@ P @&P(  @?!P( ?}&o:* j?*j}*:jA*:j!}*:@jbQ*:j(QI*:*}  E     )   }"I  B !@ D8@@@ g@}@B ( (! b | :h}p @f|X9 @L=' ??}% ~H B|H B?|}xH BHD B$ , B}0" B~0 ?~UP!} >pUP    5` y  ? }`@  =` XA} UV4 ?UV! }<gU  /<U`    O<B}U @  @U @ g` MD}  MB > MC }> E@| >`E@(` }?b@(H`  _@0!| }  W}1!G   _!!$ | C$ }3@B$  A@@WB$@ A@@}W$ @@UVP$ #@@eUW'}  d@@UU@D  @@{U D ?*}****** B "   @  9My old trunk;is full of stuff;from my travels.The robots like;to steal your items;at the auction.Don't fly away;from Metall}ica;until you know;just where you are.After you buy;everything;for your balloon;go outside.Out there;are many huts;where th}e Traders live.There are 25;different cultures.;Each one is different.Traders will;sell you;Amazing Thing clues;for chips.}In some cultures;a red chip is worth;4 green chips.In some cultures;a yellow chip;could equal 2;red chips.The value of chip}s;is different;in every culture.Going to;the right cultures;you can collect;a lot of chips.Traders will not;talk to you;if }you ever;give a bad answer.If a Trader;won't talk;give him a Musix;to soothe him.If a clue;costs too much;trade chips;with }other cultures.Return to a culture;to buy a clue;when you have the chips.Lines on the mire;will help you;navigate;when driv}ing around.Look out for;those Bunchmarks;on the ground.;They're soft.Some cultures;love complex Musix.;Some hate complex Mu}six.Don't ever;waste a Musix;with a Trader.;You may need it.Most of those;rusty Metallicans;have never been outside.You'll} need food;out there.;Shake a Popberry tree;for food.Popberries that have popped;sink into the tar;very quickly.A good chip} trader;can travel around;collecting alot.The Software;in the Galactic Store;must be bought.The AutoP can;save your life.;B}ut it takes;a lot of time.Mire people use;3 kinds of chips.;RED, YELLOW and GREEN.Those Mire Crabs;may be the answer;to you}r problems.Mire people are;always very shy.;You'll never;really see one.Mire People;talk with;their antennae.;Learn their w}ords.You must tell;Mire People often;that you are;their friend.Bunchmarks are;the biggest mystery;on this planet.Tar aroun}d the Bunchmarks;is very soft.;Be careful.There are dangerous;Mire Crabs out there.;Look like rocks.The faster you go,;the }more you will attract;Mire Crabs.Storms are not worth;fooling around with.;Land.The B-Liner car;has a Solar Battery;for dri}ving.The B-Liner balloon;needs a lot of fuel.;Drill for it!The higher you fly;the faster the wind blows.I hope you'll;reme}mber exactly;how to get home;without AutoP.Take the B-Liner up;or down 'til;you find a good wind.Getting back;to me may be;}the most important goal.Those Mire Crabs;can never leave;their zone.;You'll see.Once a Mire Crab;finds you;it will send;for} many Mire Crabs.Some Mire Crabs;will steal your fuel;or put you to sleep. items;at the auction.Don't fly away;from MetallLw##MLJL1XCJL2YJL3JL4JR4JR3JR2JR1CCCCCC1C25CHFTMLMLSOFFLAHUNGRSLEEFUETTTXCOORYCOO }REQUICCWEIGHITEADVICBRANCTYALBURNEHIGVEVENVOLUMGIFTRADCLUECULCLUECHIPCLUECOLOFLAGPX2Y2C2FSCYXFOO }DIFBZZZZAZTXYXTOYXSSTR } @ } !"#$%&'( })*+,-./0123456@7@ }8@9@:@;<=>?@ABCDEFG }HIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW }XYZ - LOGO2.BAS - PAUL JOHNSON B` @  - PM MOVE SUBROUTINES - EB6-?: }:,;0Y* }0y*0N*0nA@%4n)4N% A  }  68,-68,-68,-6- BUPU B` >:A%,+-@ }U %ԠˠŠΠӠX ) A) D:FLY.BAS3 B`8=J >:A%,X% D }:FLY.BAS,009,9@ ,9@ ,9@ ,9, B@ A- GR.8 TEXT SUBROUTINE -6-F:@ },%$F:@,-*6-?:B!>B-LINER5 AA6 }-@2K6.>>>U A #A@ LAY@XL- DMA CONTROL: SINGLE LINE PLAYERS AND STD PLAYFIELD' }A@'A@++6,6,5,8,5,2,2,8,5,2,5,4,4,4,5,5,2,6,0-@ 68,-#68,-' 36-@0 }?6-@UE6-K6-Q6-W6-]6-d6-6k6-6w6-@P A`-'@@@@-6- }6-%%+"@ ,$6( 6-%6-%(P:', 'AA@"AA`.6.$ } 46-@6-@"J AV6-@#` Ac ADp(6.Welcome to Metallica46-@ @6-@#J A }T BUPc% D:ELEV.BAS "*!6-& AA@%"@* 6-%% AA@ "6-%!6- }"%"@6-& 6%6-6,% "6-&?  6%6-66# "6-%? !#6-@  6- }%?J !6-&?T''@@@@^ 6-%h! Ap6-%! AB@r6-A }p6-6-| "6- "6-  6-6-?!A6-6-%)B2H5B2I? A }I''@@@@-6-%@$+ ,%'6-%@ -6- !8,,8,8, }A@PW68,-H:,$%&@-68,-H:,$%%;18,8,B(+,N,8,8,W68,- A@P:2#!A0* } AP*!A5/6-@2$X$b&# @P)!A0) AU&$l 6-vK2@P@'-@ }/-9 AE= A K2{ 6-6- AE^-AGA'6*2@6,@D/@ }&P,A^/A&O!-%@AS@%1,@=/AAO,A&#/@ }&  #2$z (+,,@sA(0/@AB&B/AA(T,@yASh/@AB }%z/AASv,@sA()/@&AB;/@yASM,AA(a/@%ABs/A }ASv$y @,@xA`1/@rAEC/@rA'U/@xATg,@rA'y/A } A'K/AAT',A A'9/A AEK/AA`3-ATA`#,@x// }A3 ,@tA('/@tA69,@vA(K/@vAEg-@xA@s,A( }/AS o,AA('/AAG9,AA(K/AA@],AA(o/AA }3$$ "6 A`. " Aa AGp8$o--- DISPLAY TITLE ---p6-F:@,%$F:@, }z46. In Search of 6-*6-@4 A>"6. The Most Amazing Thing .6-@46-> A06. To }m Snyder6-&6-@0 A76.Productions, Inc.!6--6-@7 A46.(c) 19836-@*6 }-@"4 AD"6.Spinnaker Software Corp..6-@:6-@#D A$06. 6-&6-@ }0 A86. "6-.6-@8 A=6. Atari Version by'6-@36-@"= }AD"6. Paul Johnson .6-@:6-@#D A$'#!!- SET UP PM SHAPE STRINGS -(#]];@% },;@%,;@%,;@%,;@%,;@%,;@%,;@%,2###6.<###6. }@F###6.@@@@@@``P###6.Z###6.  }d###6.n###6.@@@@@x###6.#$HN^ > }:A%,*0@@D0@@@^0@@@MN_-@@%  Dear Kiddo, }7-@@_ #The Most Amazing Thing is out thereRNu-@@< "somewhere, but you'll need my helpN-@ }@u "to find it. Come to my undergroundWN;-@@; !room to prepare for your journey.\NO-@@ }&  Yours Truly,8-@@ O Uncle Smoke BaileyaN-A $b- LOAD PIC SUBROUTINE -bCA }A'AC6-F:@,%F:@,$b1@!@16-%Aw&bWA IP:' },-A H&$F:A I,>A SP:',WA R&$F:A S,bNA F@16-?:C:hhhLV,<A,B6-?: }B<,NA b@$c##--- SAVE COMMON VARIABLES ---c6-BcE %P:','%&$F:% },/%E%@@P:8,',cM%8,&$F:%@@,3%@AP:8,',M%8,&$F:%@A,ci%@B }P:8,',9%@8,&$F:%@B,L%@P:',i%@&$F:%@,c:%P:','%@ &$F:!}%,:%@P:',c^ %@&$F:%@,.%@A%@P:',^%@&$F:%@,c\%!}@%@-%@;%@I%@ \%@"P:',cf %@!&$F:%@",.%@#!}<%@$J%@%X%@&f%@'cO%@)P:',3%@(&$F:%@),A%@0!}O%@1cO%@3P:',3%@2&$F:%@3,A%@4O%@5c%@6%@7!}c$e- ERROR TRAP -e8F:A,"Ap$6-@. B`8 A e3B2HB2I'B2P3B!}2QeO+ GAME INTERNAL ERRORL (PLEASE REPORT THIS TO SPINNAKER SOFTWAREO D:LOGO2.BASUETTTXCOORYCOO jZ[G,GCCCCCCC1C25MLMLMLCHBOXXBOXYTABPFSFLQBLITEMCARTSOFITEFBBOXBRANCANGRMMTT%}INODLYXYXYOLDKXKIEQUIPRICEEQUIPGIFTRADNAXZADVICXVALUXPRICDIFXXQLLQHVSCSSTRHUN%}GRSLEEFUEXCOORYCOORCCXYWEIGHTYALBURNEHIGVEVENVOLUMCLUECULCLUECHIPCLUECOLOFLAGXXIOCCEL% } @ @ @ % } % }!"#$%&'()*+,-./0% }123456789:;<@=>?@% }ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO%}PQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_%}`abcdefghijklmn%}opq- ELEV.BAS - PFJ 12/82 B` W6-6-@#6-%+6-%36-%;6-%C6%}-%K6-%W6-AV'6-B!6-B'6-B9,9<,9<,b;@,;,;@,;@%},;@,;@,;@,;@@,;@D,j6. 67@@<@@,. 67,.7, 567<,.0)6%}7@D<@D,.0567,.7,#1;@0,16.   %#;@,#6. xxxxxxxxxx( %}BU2 B7 B <R6.D:SAVE.R67@<@,.>:@:1,%++&A($+A(,,@d,,Z A%}c- GR8 TEXTd::6-?: AQ* D:GROUND.BAS/4> B`$ 6- BUP$% D:GROUND.%"}BAS-!@I* @S# A- AP-!@i* @s# A- A@-!A4* A8# A%#}- A` A`--- CLEAR SOUNDS ---& 22#B2P&$&- STORE -=6.%$} D:STORE.CRN!6-@-6-A36-= BRl6-@6-*6.Galactic Store4 A@6-@F6-\%%}6.(See Catalogue)f Al6-'6-AY6-A!6-'6-? 6-6-56.Use joystick to move your ca%&}rt.? A$6-P:+&@,', $6- 6-6-6- AC0* 26-R:,*"@A@P%'}YY&A@PA@PA@hA@PA@PA@PA@vA@PA@xA@+ 6-% AA"% AC +%(}6- AA1 6-& AA!"@+ AC 16- AA96-@u6-%! AC+ AA9%)} AA  " AC 6-6- AA96-@6-&! AC+ AA9 AA  " %*}AC 6-6- AA. 2"6-P:+&@,',( .6- 6- AC0 A@P( 2 A%+}(- BACK TO ELEV^6 6- A )!A,6-6@6 ABPh&& +6%A,$@'AB0r''!+6&%,}@B,$6@'AB@| 6- $ ABp ABP ABp6-%@!AC@ 6- $ 6%-}-6-A 16-?$&@ '6-%1 AB$--- DRAW MOVING BOX ---"A`$=6-+%.}&,'+A`&,*6-6&A`$:6-P:+6&,',=$ 6-j6-&P:'@,)6-&P:'@,16-%96-%@(+,%/}N,&@\/&@j/&@"/&@/&@"$- AN AISLE - A`6-%!%0}A`6-&; 6- +0@#0/AR;@M -6-6-%$!-M ' %1} Q/ ' M  7<@0, Q - -)  %2} 7<@0, -  AE &>6.6-@ 6-,-@>  Aisle  (;!@6-%3}6-'6-@1 AE; AD@06-@16-@8'6-@1 AEC-@@#f Use button to sel%4}ect an item.l6-v BPp AD@:T:,"AD`D* 6-R:,*@*@ADI/"@6-&%5}/!@* ADPN5"@6-%5 @*"@2ADPP  6-R!@16-@1Xt 6%6}-6-@ !@5@%@;-G2$L X@j@@9t2])-@#%7} 7<@8,) ADbJ +@$6. D:STORE.CRN+6-@76-A=6-G BRJ$l@ -3 8<@%8},*%@!8<@,6'@ ADcnN -@#D % Put your cart under an item. N ADo96-%9}$%& @!6-+ AF9"ADgp7!@* @6-) AF7"ADgq!@ADg%:}rD-@#: % The B-Liner already has one. D ADs8,!8$%&,ADutD-@#: % Y%;}ou don't have enough chips. D AD{Q6-$@%&!-@#Q  Buy the 7$%<$%, ? (Y or N)|%<}K:}) )6.>:,)0Y*0NADw~64N-@#, 7<@8,6 AD}-8<%=}@,8<@,* A-8<@,@ ]-@PAP@y2@@} 7%2%>}7 7$%<$%,X68,-8,&8$%&,&-@#X  You now have 8, green chips to %?}spend.76-$@%&@' @76-%@#3 @*!@36-%@#+&@ , "6%@}-%A( AD+-B:,-&%&$ 7<,( +$- ITEMS ON SHELVESN -!6-$&P:$H:,%,%%A}36-$P:$H:,%,C6-$@%N68<,-568<,-6-$%& -1 7$%<$%,5 $- BIT TEST -4%B} @"-@%6*#46-&# @   #6- $--- SMOKE'S ROOM ---%C}C 6-6. D:SMOKE.CRN'6-@36-@96-C BR/ 6-6-6. A%6-/ An 6-6-%D}*6.Smoke Bailey's Place4 A:6-d6.#Move joystick to wake him...slowly.n AH 6-6-@#>6."P%E}ress button to return to elevatorH AAQE_ 6- BPp AX0U6.1Oh Kiddo;you are Amazing.;Now%F} hold on a minute..._ AX&@3@& A- SMOKE EYES TIMER -A6-AP%P:A$H:,,%G};6-P:@$H:,,%@A6-" 6-R:,6-%"!AQp T:,"A - LEAVE - "@AQP%%H}6-@6-@,6. Hey Smoke!6 AB6-@L BPpc6.7@<@,m A6-&P:A$H%I}:,%@,6-%@&e !6-[6.ENow you went too far;tryin' to wake me.;Next time;don't push so hard.e%J} AX'! "6-A%6-!6-( AQP1++- CHOOSE WHAT HE DOES WHEN HE WAKES -2! AX !ARPA%K}S- GENERAL ADVICE -{6-!@E=6-P:@E$H:,%@,g6.#Sorry to be;repeatin' myself%L};but...q AX{ AR6-%@6-- GET ADVICE FILE, EYESt 6-6-@`(6. D:ADVICE.TXT2 B%M}QP< AXF AX0R6-@^6-j6-At AQP!!- DECIDE ON GIFT (RANDOM) -[[6.E%N}Until you sell that;thing I gave you;I don't want to;do much talkin'.G AX%6-16-A%=6-@%O}G AQP%%6-P:@D$H:,%@,""7<,00)AS 9+#B%P:@$H:,%@%P},/"9 AXD 6-67<,.16-(6-@`:6. D:ITEMS.TXTD BQP>6.Go auction;this .67B:,%@%Q},.46.> AX16-6-A'6-@1 AQP??- SMOKE TALK - ONE WORD AT A TIME, ';'SEPARATES%R} PHRASES -A 6.6-!6-+ A76-@A A16-@ AX %6-@16-@%S}p-@B:,6.7<,'4;1 AX?-AuC Z6.7@<@1,f6-@p A= 0;2%T}@!6.+ A36-%=2S -Au %6-@<6.7@<@1,F AP AX0%U}S$- OPEN OR CLOSE EYESBH:, ?$6-@. AX08 BPpB AX $R  AX%%V}!@+ AX'=,Af@O,Av@R$N,Ae@'/Ag@9,Au@K/Aw%W}@N$,Ad@'/Ad@9,Ae@K/Af@],Ax@o/Ax@%X}/Aw@/Av@$- CLOSE SMOKE'S EYES -Z%6-P:@$H:,%@,/ BPp9C%Y} AX'M@W AX%Z$no--- AUCTION ---p?6. D:AUCTION.CRN#6-@/6-@56-? BRz7%Z} 6-6-%6-P:@$H:,%,7AdAUV BP@6-@ 6-%6./ AL6.The Metallican Aucti%[}onV A%-AP 6.% AA`@ 6-0-@@$H:,%@F6-%\}P:@$H:,%,\6-P:@@$H:,%,j6-&@v6-6.Nothing to sell! AV Ah6-@ #%]} BPp46.7<@,> AH AhL V A16-@`6-'6. D:ITEMS.TXT1 BQP 6-)7%^}<,0;6-%)B:,A`E} 6-6-@":6.For sale from Smoke's travels:D AJ6-T BPpZ6-f%_}6-@#s6.7<&,} A56-@  BPp6-%6-+6.5 A8~ 6-6-@"6.% A1%`}6-@#; Ah6.&1=Get crowd reaction 2=Set final pricet6-@"~ A:K:;K )6.>%a}:,6-@ +6-@#5 AK01*02Ab<42Ae=Q 6-6-@"6.% A16-@#%b}; AC-M AbPQ ?U6-@6-@"56.Fellow Metallicans!? AK6-@U BPp@^ 6%c}-6-@"A6.%How do you like this price: CHIPS?K AR6.^6-@)A Ab AdB4 )6%d}.>:,!10*/9'6.1 A4$D Abj>2@- )27-@; >$$ 6-A:,%e}6-&$6-P:$H:,%,&&6-P:+@%,'@P,%@-@ M/6-P:@$H:,%@,%&@%f}M @)!@Ad#B%"Y##- LOOP THRU CROWD RESPONSES -Z%6-P:@@$H:,%@,G6%g}-P:@$H:,%@,y6-P:@$H:,%@,$@&@6-&@6-6.7<%@%q}CBSTART PRGB'DOS SYSB:AUTORUN SYSB<LOGO BASBNCAREXT CRNB#\SMOKE CRNB,AUCTION CRNBADVICE TXTBGLOGO2 BASBELEV BASB$CARINT CRNBrDEMO BASB5FLYPIC CRNBQSONG B SITEMS TXTB ]ELEVPIC CRNB"jSTORE CRN,6. A\- Ah BP#6-@- BPp]H6.7@<@,$ A. Ah:6-@D B%r}PpH _ Abdw 6-6-6-@"!6.+ A76-@#A Am6.%My final selling price is: %s}CHIPS.w Af 6.6-@) AbnV 6-A:,%&6. Fizpa wizh?>-@P:$H:,%,H AeL %t}V AePsO6. Fizpa wizh?'-P:$H:,%,1 Ae5 E6. No deal..O Aexm16.' You lost that old objec%u}t... 76-C6-@#M AY6-@)c BPpm AZ6. I'll take it!%68,-8,%/ Ae56-%v}A6-@#Z6. You just made e67B:,%,.=:,667B:,%,. green chips. @ AL6-@%V BPp[%w}e AO6-P:@@$H:,%,/6-P:@$H:,%,O6-P:$H:,%,$@&@j 6-&6-6.! A%x}+ Ah5 BP;6-E BPpV6.7<@,` Aj Ah 6- BPp$- DRAW TALK BUBBLE LINES%y} 6-(+,,,$@&@@H/$@%@@d,$@%@@@/$@%@$%@%z}5$(#7+00+0@@7AR)#`(3((There is no doubt now that the ultimate `((Secret%{} of the Universe is YOU! Yes, YOU*#00((are The Most Amazing Thing. Your search+#..(&has taken a lot of skill and patien%|}ce.,#3(3((You've made many decisions and have come-#00((up with some creative solutions. You've.#00((had to think in%}} new ways and learn from /#..(&your mistakes. You've discovered that0#0(0(%YOU possess many amazing powers. And1#3(%~}3((the best part of all is that in time you2#..(&will discover many more amazing things3#((about yourself.4#%}-@B :-B:,:F7<,3@:2+@:7<,,&@$,'@@B-F :,7<,4 %}2(-@, : 2$N//- SIMULATE SMOKE$ ARRAY WITH DATA STMTS -N**I have a;little somethin';%}for you...N//You'll need;plenty of chips;at the store.N@@You're gonna;need more chips;to buy things;for the B-LinerN%}- DITTO FOR CROWD$ -NSSTerrible price.Too high! That's a lot! Way too much! Ridiculous! xNSSLooks average.%}.A fair deal.. I'm not sure.. Good enough.. Seems O.K. xNSSNot bad... Good stuff... Pretty good.. I like that%}.. That looks good xNSSTruly superb! Excellent!! What a deal! Great price! Fantastic! xN?9@(,#B%}!.-@(2";68,-? NQQ10,7,9,8,6,10,8,9,25,8,8,8,9,9,18,19,29,23,22,21,24,23,28,26,22,21,20,19,24%}O;AE,Oii6._DIR-?High?HOME1StormFueloAutoPRadarHut 1PosixMap-HCultsDictoMusixTrac4HovakEssexLIFT5WindgXXX-2 OJJ6%}7B:,%@,.2GasexNamexTurboABCDETakomZenerFazerYukalPlaxiNamekKO$aa##--- CLEAR LOCAL VARIABLES ---a* 6-%}6-6-6-!6-'6-*$a--- TIMER ---a-$@  $a4b*** GET A RANDOM FILE ***>b.%}-"& +.$QbRb--- PRINTER ROUTINE ---\b+-B:,&7<,4 %6-%+6-fb# !*!%}6-6-# BRpb( 67B:,%,.."6-B:,&(6-zbO 6-6-6.7<,$ A,6-%:6.7B:,&,@6%}-F"L6-O$b8' BQ8... IS THIS 'POP' REALLY NECESSARY???b- LOAD PIC SUBROUTINE -bOA @'%}A@3AO6-F:@,%F:@,$b1@!@16-%Aw&bWA IP:',%}-A H&$F:A I,>A SP:',WA R&$F:A S,bA F@16-?:C:hhhLV,<A,<@%}M6-?:B<,YA eAqAAY@Xb@w$ic--- SAVE GAME ---jc @%}@tcUU @,,,8@,,8@,,8@,,,ycFF @%},,,,,,,,,~c:: @,,,,,,,c(( @%},,,,c@$c""--- GET COMMON VARIABLES ---c6-BcH 6-F:, 6-F:%,%$F:%,+6%}-F:%,H68,-F:%,%$F:%@@,cC 68,-F:%,%$F:%@A,C68,-F:%@,%$F:%@B,c]#6-F:%@,%%}$F:%@,=6-F:%@ ,%$F:%,]6-F:%@,%$F:%@,cx6-F:%@,46-F:%@,%$F:%@,%}E6-F:%@,V6-F:%@,g6-F:%@,x6-F:%@,cg6-F:%@ ,46-F:%@!,%$F:%@",E6-F%}:%@#,V6-F:%@$,g6-F:%@%,cg6-F:%@&,%6-F:%@',E6-F:%@(,%$F:%@),V6-F:%@%}0,g6-F:%@1,c4#6-F:%@2,%$F:%@3,46-F:%@7,c$c##--- SAVE COMMON VARIABLES ---c6-%}BcE %P:','%&$F:%,/%E%@@P:8,',cM%8,&$F:%@@,3%@AP:8,'%},M%8,&$F:%@A,ci%@BP:8,',9%@8,&$F:%@B,L%@P:',i%@&$F:%%}@,c:%P:','%@ &$F:%,:%@P:',c^ %@&$F:%@,.%@A%@P%}:',^%@&$F:%@,c\%@%@-%@;%@I%@ \%@"P:'%},cf %@!&$F:%@",.%@#<%@$J%@%X%@&f%@'cO%@)P:',%}3%@(&$F:%@),A%@0O%@1c3%@3P:',3%@2&$F:%@3,c%@7%}c$eV @+) GAME INTERNAL ERRORV (PLEASE REPORT THIS TO SPINNAKER SOFTWAREe/,(F:A,/F:A,%%}$F:A,/y%%- INITIALIZE CIO CALL ROUTINE -"y!;@,6.hhhLV!$ D:ELEV.BASXBRANCANGRMMTT$g4478`  <x    x ~ <   )} 0 0  p 8 80 0p   )} 00 | )}   <z <; < )}<  < *< "< "<)}x  <z@  <  < > < )} <   < @  < @x@ )} < @ (< @F (< @8 (< @ )} < @ < @p < A < )}@<    @< ` @<  P< )}P<  P<   @<   < <)}  < @ < @?< UZ)}< <UZ UZ UZ)} UZ<  UZ  UZ)}UZ#UZ#UZCUZCUZC)}UZUZUZUZ)}UZUZUZ)}UZUZUZUZ)}UZAUZ@UZ)} UZAUZ@UZ )}UZ UZ VUZ )}VUZUZ@ VUZ@)}VUZ@V)}V @V V ])}p?   )} D`  @ 0p@ )}X ?L? @ )}   /  )}I    I  * )} *D  >$ } )}!@  A@ ?  )}     ?? )}  !  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Long//('ago Smoke found The Most Amazing Thing,-} -(-("a mysterious object that holds the3(3((secret of the universe, but then he lost 00((it somewhere out in th-}e Mire. Now Smoke*++(#wants you to take up the search and4/(/($bring The Most Amazing Thing back to>((him.-}H%-@A! @ % \6-@46- a**("Smoke has given you the B-Liner, af/(/($combination-} hot air balloon and dunep3(3((buggy, that will fly or drive you acrossz**("Darksome Mire. But before leaving3(-}3((Metallica, you must get some advice from00((Smoke and buy equipment for the B-Liner.--(%Then you will travel arou-}nd the Mire,3(3((learning to fly the B-Liner and visiting..(&the different cultures of Mire People.0(0(%You w-}ill trade with them to get chips3(3((and to collect important clues about the++(#location of The Most Amazing Thing-}.%-@A! @ % E6-@$@%@;6-@$@%@A6-E 3( (3(%But -}beware of fierce storms and those2(2('nasty Mire Crabs! And remember to take3(3((time out to get fuel for the B--}Liner and ))(!eat food from the Popberry Trees. 2( ( (2(!It won't be easy to find The Most 1(1(&Amazing Thing,-} but your Uncle Smoke is$ ((counting on you.. 1( (1(# Good luck and good flying!8 -A @ -} L  6-6-A6- Q 0 -0("The elevator will take you down toV 3(3((important places in the under-}ground city` (of Metallica...j -A @  ~ 36. D:ELEVPIC.CRN6-)6-@3 BR 6--}6-@ !6.Store+ A76-@!C6-@PO6.SmokeY Ae6-@ q6-@6.Auction A-} G6-@))-ACAI7,%@ ?/&C G %-@@P! @ %  i-@)-}@Q1-ACAI?,%@ C G]-ACAIe,&i  +,AF&'2%@P-}+  / 2!-@@P+ @ /  7  -7 %Your Uncle Smoke Bailey will give you ,(,(!lot-}s of advice and items from his ,(,(!travels to sell at the Metallican ((auction. %-@A! @ -}%  +6. D:SMOKE.CRN6-!6-+ BR %-@A! @ %  36. D:ELEVPIC.CRN6-)6-@-}3 BR 6-6-@ !6.Store+ A76-@!C6-@PO6.SmokeY Ae6-@ q6-@-}6.Auction A( g6-@Q)-ACAI7,%@ ?/&C GY,AF@)g/AF&-}< %-@@P! @ % F i-@QA61-ACAI?,%@ C G]-ACA-}Ie,&i K +,AF&'2%@P+ P / 2!-@@P+ @ / Z E6-@$-}@%@;6-@$@%@A6-E _ 6 -6((The Metallicans at the auction will gived --(%you green c-}hips in exchange for Unclen 2(2('Smoke's items--if they like your price.x %-@A! @ %  36. D:-}AUCTION.CRN6-)6-@3 BR %-@AP! @ %  36. D:ELEVPIC.CRN6-)6-@3 BR-} 6-6-@ !6.Store+ A76-@!C6-@PO6.SmokeY Ae6-@ q6-@6.Auc-}tion A g6-A6)-ACAI7,%@ ?/&C GY,AF@)g/AF& %--}@@P! @ %  r -A6@q6@$:-ACAIB,&F J`-ACAI-}n,%@ r  ),AF%2%@P)  / 2!-@@P+ @ /  7  -7(%Y-}ou will move your shopping cart down 2(2('the aisles of the Galactic Store to see 1(1(&all the gizmos for sale. Yo-}u will use 1(1(&your green chips here to buy equipment ((for the B-Liner. %-@AP! @ % -} 76. D:STORE.CRN!6-@-6-A7 BR %-@AP! @ % " 36. D:ELEVPIC.CRN6-)6--}@3 BR, 6-6-@ !6.Store+ A76-@!C6-@PO6.SmokeY Ae6-@ q6-@-}6.Auction A6 g6-@q)-ACAI7,%@ ?/&C GY,AF@)g/AF-}&J %-@@P! @ % T r -@q@)6@$:-ACAIB,&F J`-A-}CAIn,%@ r Y ),AF%2%@P) ^ / 2!-@@P+ @ / ) -}6-%6-@$@%@) \ -.( Your jet pack will fly you short1(\(&distances over the Mire. You will -}use0(0(%the round hatchway to enter and leave.(.(#the B-Liner. You will stand on the,(,(!drill platform to.} drill for fuel.%-@A! @ % 66. D:CAREXT.CRN6-"6-,+@$6 BRU6-@ 6.}-@+6. >>B-Liner5 AA6-@2K6.>>>U A #A@ 'A@'A@''.}0,0,6,0,0,0,4,0,0,8,0,0,0,0,0,0,0p-@ 68,-#68,-' 36-@?6-AE6-K6-Q6-W6-]6-.}d6-6p6-@P-'@0@1@2@3-6--@@6-%%+"@ ,$6" 6-%.}"&P:',$!AA@" "*!6-& AA@%"@* 6-%% AA@ "6-%!6.}-" "6-& 66-6,% "6-&?  6%6-66# "6-%? !#6-@  6-%?.}J !6-&?T''@0@1@2@3^ 6-%h! Ap6-%! AB@r6-Ap.}6-6-| "6- "6-  6-6-!A6- @6''@0@1@2.}@3-6-%@$+ ,%'6-%@ -6- !8,,8,8, A@PW68,-H:,$%&@. }-68,-H:,$%%;18,8,B(+,N,8,8,W68,-  -@P @   @6) 6-%6-. }@$@%@) <( ( ((<((As you drive the B-Liner on the surface --(%of Darksome Mire, you'll see Po. }pberry3(3((Trees and Night Rocks. Shake a Popberry++(#Tree to get food and drill beside a3(3((Night Rock to . }get fuel. But watch out--,,($a Night Rock may be a dangerous Mire((Crab in disguise!-A @ . } U +@$A%A1A CAY@XUA@8%6-A6-A% A.}%6-A6-@@% Az-@@ -2@%@l6-?::,X ],@B.}AH3 -&6-$%3/@:7,,%@@@:7%,,72@P%@:7%,,%-) 327 .}-A @  LE6-@$@%@;6-@$@%@A6-E Q<( ( ((<((The control .}panel has many switches and V++(#meters to help you fly the B-Liner.`-A @  j,6. D:FLYPIC.CRN.}6-"6-, BR~i6-@P6-@$% Av16-A2=6-@$G AvS6-A_6-@$i Av.}B6-@6-86. BURNER DROP WHERE B A Ao,%@%@+/%@3.}/%C/%@V%Y/%@V%@o/%@P%@g6-%@,%@-/%@"C/%@0.}%@"Y/%@0%@g/%@a 6-&6-%!,%@'/5/%@RK/%@R%@Q,. }a/%%@q,%@!/%%@/,%@PE/%@@%@[,%@P%@q/%@@%@.!}$@-A @  J 6-6- O''(A NOTE TO PARENTS AND EDUCATORST1( (1(#In Search of."} The Most Amazing Thing^.(.(#provides educational, creative, andh/(/($entertaining experiences for playersr/(/(.#}$from the ages of 10 years old on up.|/(/($The many facets of the game can be a0(0(%terrific opportunity for memb.$}ers of a-(-("family to work together as a team.-AP @   ( A player:6( (6((* expl.%}ores challenging areas of learning))(! within a risk-free environment.+(+( * constantly uses his or her own1(.&}1(& judgement to decide the best plan of1(1(& action under each new set of circum-(( stances.3(3((* .'}learns to take careful notes about the--(% different Mire Cultures in order to-(-(" negotiate effectively with th.(}em. ,(,(!* uses a map coordinate system to ,(,( navigate across Darksome Mire. -AP @  & .)}4 4((* deals with varying chip exchange rates0 ,,($ when trading with the Mire People.: 3(3((* writes song-picture.*}s to trade with theD ))(! Mire People for valuable clues.N 6( ( (6(%Once The Most Amazing Thing is found,X 1(1(&.+}its location changes and new clues areb 3(3((created; this allows a player to set outl &&(on the search again and agai.,}n. -A @  4! A'#!!- SET UP PM SHAPE STRINGS -(#hh;@%,;@%,;@%,;@%.-},;@%,;@%,;@%,;@%,;@,2###6.<###6.@..}F###6.@@@@@@``P###6.Z###6. d###6../}n###6.@@@@@x###6.#6. <<~~~~<<#$$G:6..0}0}|}{zxzzyyz{{||}}~D AG$$I<6.2~y~w~v}u}t~s~rqqrqsstuvwxxy~~F .1}AI$%C ,-B:,A SP:',WA R&$F:A .3}S,b{A F@16-?:C:hhhLV,<A,<@F+@$RA ^AjA{6-?:B.4}<,b*AY@X'@w*$ D:DEMO.BASCCCCCCC1C12C25FBBMLTBBLSCFSSTRBUFBUO,@3454˪ UUUUUUUUUUU26}UUUU_XXXXX27}XXXXXXX28}XXXXXXXX29}XXXXXXX_2:}UUU U_ U U\ U U\ U U\ U U\ U 2;}U\ U U\ U U\ U U\ U U\ U U\ U U\ U2<} U\ U U\ U U\ U U\ UUUUUUU2=}UUUUUU2>}x~|<~8lff`2?}f<<ff~ |fff|`f~fll`f`f2@}x~f`><2A}UUUUUUUUUUUU2B}UU2C}f`<|f>`f<f~<f~8f| f2D}fffff|f>f~ff`f<ff><`2E}|UU2F}UUUUUUUUUUUU2G}f2H}|f<f<8f<<|~fff>ff~|>2I}f>`fk`lf`f<c<~f>`2J}UUUUUUU2K}UUUUUUU2L}<f`~<|f2M}f~8<f~ff`ff`kf2N}<<`cf>~2O}UUUUUUUUUUU2P}UUUUUUU {CUUUU0U4,63/9q9b/XI4D540&9!*Hkp&p5f0a5f:p5u??::?DININDNDNuIpSz]X]S]S]S]glzlfgf+&0&!6R}/9q9b/XI4D540&9!*Hkp&p5f0a5f:p5u??::?DININDNDNuIpSz]X]S]S]S]glzlfgf+&0&!4 chunk of Night RockPopberry tree barkwicker basket;from the A-Linerglass fragment;from the glass mountainsGaxonfrax tail :T}featherwhite rubber snowsilver hair;from the Beingjar of red smoke;from the Being's firerare pink chip;found in the Otbra:U}kpiece of nylon;from the A-Liner balloonzirconium baby rattle;from ZyZyJave gerbil furpetrified tar beetle;from Fondefha:V}ilstorm photo;from Camawhyjar of Popberry rind;from Hogaancolored sand from OdaskLaska snakeskinPopberry branch basketru:W}g made by MuffijiansBeribey Trutix shellMire Crab photo;from LogretchNutrile chip braceletGaxonfrax eggdried Muhill mush:X}roomrare Bunchmark photobraided belt;made by a Fastak traderpetrified clamshell;from a Treliss bogbent fork;from a Kartof:Y}f familyant from Sloping mireancient Fongole booktape recording;of a Jave trading sessionumbrella;made in Paelaziaorigin:Z}al A-Liner Planearmuff;woven from Popberry barkbook bag;used by Thomizek childrencandle;made by Watersi tradersfossil;of :[}ancient Solvaque fishteacup;used by a Maxaze familyphoto of a nest;of a GaxonfraxOtbrak soil samplegravity fuel gauge;fro:\}m the A-Linertake-off photo;of A-Liner's first flightOdask diary;bought from head traderMire Crab crustnsGaxonfrax tail 8k1558 ''' &&&&& % ##U"T&T&T&T&T&T>^}&T&T&T&T&T&TTUTUTUTUTUTUTU>_}TUTU U U U U U U U UTUTUT>`}UUTTUUTTUUTTUUTTUUTTUUTTUUTT>a}UUTTUTTUTTUTUTUTUTUTUTUTUTTUT>b}TUTTUTTUTTUTTUTTUTTUTTUTTT&T&T&>c}T&T&T&T&T&T&T&T&T&T&T&T&T&T&T&T&T&T&T&T&T&>d}T&T&T&T&T&T&T&T&T&T&T&T&T&TTUOTUOTUO>e}TUOTUOTUOTUOTUOTUOTUO UO UO UO UO UO>f} UO UOTUOTUOTUOTUOTUOTUOTUOTUOTUO>g}TUOTT&T&T&T&T&T&T&T&T&T&T&T&T&T&T&T$UT$>h}UT$UT$U"UU_U_UWUW U UU UU UU_ U_U_ >i}U_UW UWUWUUUUU_ ##U"T&T&T&T&T&T<?4232ZUT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UTUTUTBk}UTUTUTUTUTUTUTUTUTU@UTUTU@UTBl}UTU@UTUTU@UTUTU@UTUTU@UTUTU@UTUTU@UTUTBm}UJ UTUTUJ UTUTUJ UTUTUJ UTUTUJBn} UTUTUJ UTUTUJ UTUTUJU UJUTUTUJU UJBo}UTUTUJU UJUTUTUJU UJUTUTUJU UJUTUTUJBp}U UJUTUTUJU*  UJUTUTUJU*  UJUTUTUJU*  Bq}UJUTUTUJU*  UJUTUTUJU*@JUJUTUTUJU*@Br}JUJUTUTUJU*@*JUJUTUTUJU*J*JUJUTUBs}TUJU*J((JUJUTUTUJU*J((JUJUTUTUJU*JBt}(y(JUJUTUTUJU*J(b1(JUJUTUTUJU*J(hl1Bu}2(JUJUTUTUJU*J(x80(JUJUTUTUJU*J(h80(JBv}UJUTUTUJU*J(b0(JUJUTUTUJU*J(x(JUJUTBw}UTUJU*J((JUJUTUTUJU*J((JUJUTUTUJU*Bx}J*JUJUTUTUJU*J*JUJUTUTUJU*JJUJBy}UTUTUJU*JJUJUTUTUJU*JJUJUTUTUJU*JBz}JUJUTUTUJU*JJUJUTUTUJU*JJUJUTUTB{}UJU*JJUJUTUTUJU*JJUJUTUTUJU*JJB|}UJUTUTUJU*JJUJUTUTUJU*JJUJUTUTUJB}}U*JJUJUTUTUJU*JJUJUTUTUJU*JJUJB~}UTUTUJU*JJUJUTUTUJU*JJUJUTUTUJU*JB}JUJUTUTUJU*JJUJUTUTUJU*JJUJUTUTB}UJU*_JUJUTUTUJU*_JUJUTUTUJU*_JUJUTB}UTUJU*_JUJUTUTUJU* UJUTUTUJU* UJUTB}UTUJU* UJUTUTUJU* UJUTUTUJU* UJUTUTB}UJU* UJUTUTUJU UJUTUTUJU UJUTUTUJUB} UJUTUTUJU UJUTUTUJU UJUTUTUJU UJUTB}UTUJU UJUTUTUJU UJUTUTUJUTUTUJB}UTUTUJUTUTUJUTUTUJUTUTUJUTUTUB}JUTUTUJUTUTUJUTUTUJUTUTU_UTB}UTU_UTUTU_UTUTU_UTUTU_UTUTU_UTUTU_UTUTB}U_UTUTU_UTUTU_UTUTU_UTUTU_UTUTUTUTB}UTUTUTUTUTUTUTUTUTUTB}UTUTU U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U UTUT@q