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P-")"BU- 6-}& Z-4 & The ship has been blocked.* 06-4 -"B-@2&2&% A+6-/ @}H:,!B -F @8  Passing through a vapor cloud...< F B`->6-P:H:,$,% :(You are lost} in a vapor cloud/> - --) A A)"*"BP-6 $ Your ship is still lost.( 6B}0-:   0 Your ship has been released.4 :6--! 22! B. - |."B} .  A"6-6. .B 6- -%!( % 16-AD86-6B A . -%  Y}OU MADE IT/.? -$ 0F:@ ,%;2P:H:,$,&&F:,%? . 0.6A &P:',$)A P:'},6%D:TENSP3y8 (}-%.(One moment please...8 B 0y !- B y($E }(}Ad&"y3 -%+ Do you want to try again? / 3,y7<,4Y%D:TENS6y87<,0N2(Please enter} 'YES' or 'NO'.8 %@y0+0%0%'AR*(0-Jy%D:HELLO{y B %Q60Q38LSQ9o?CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREODISKIENDINZLINZNCSCORESCORE2NAMESCORESSECTIONRANKNAME2STUDENZ }ZETZIOCZBGZADZLZHZLEZCMZERHORIPROBENTFLALPRESERETFLALLVATRYFLARETUR }  }@ !"# }$%&'()*+,-. Program: TENSP3 Copyright }1982 - MECC ' #@ '" "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,2565100,5500,310006-B } ;,2$EdRR;A,;A,;@,9@,;@,;@,;@,iA }R(6-AUn Ax -68,- .F:A ,"AU$AR. B 6- B }P67,. 67A,. (67,.367,. D67A,. 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Also, check that8K+ #the disk is inserted prop }erly withK the disk drive door closed.8RAR-@#: Press to continue.LAdAUR6- }8 A(}8 B@:W B6-C:,"6-A.6-@:6-@D AUIW!BE:!! }$D:TENSCORE.TXT: F:A , AUB:: (}-. The file has been cleared.:%D:HELLO> }B@>o,($The computer is having a problemS("recording your score. Check witho(your teacher for help.> 6- } BE0 NT (}-0 Would you like to clear theP file of names and scores? T*NB:,"B4N$6.7 }<,$0Y*0NB>N 4N(}%D:HELLOHN B@y($E }(Ad&"y3 -%+ D }o you want to try again? / 3'y7<,4Y*(+,B,yB7<,4Y(}-%7(One moment please...B%D: }TENS6y47<,0N.(Please enter YES or NO.4 %@y0+0%0%'AR*(0-Jy%D:HELLO{y } B|yooCommander,1st Officer,Pilot,Lieutenant,Engineer,Navigator,Crew member,Crew member,Crew member,Crew member }%?CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREODISKIENDINZLINZNCSCORESCORE2NAMESCORESSECTIONRANKNAME2STUDENZ V\CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCFADEOUF}ADEIWORDSCURSORTEMPWORDTEMPTEMP2LVERTLOHORIZLOWORDLOESCLONUMFPLACTIMELITIMDILENGTFLAGRIFLAZFADLINERFL}LTTZBG }} !"#$%&'()*+,-}./01234567 Program: WORDEDIT Copyright 1}982 - MECC ' #@ '" "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256995100,5150,55}00,9100,9150,9950,9970,9990,31000,10000(;%,;,2$Ed>6-A6-A>;$,;,;,;}@,;,n 6.  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( ,}76.7<,(H0Y*0N ((Please enter>('YES' or 'NO.'H B (0 4NAY#@&(0 }B(M-@& -@&-( Verifying>( the list...J@M((E 6--@6-' A/}(?-%@E6-(U+7$%<$%,47$%<$%,*+&,16-76-=6-I6-@U6-@(% (+},6- A%( (&  6- A&(+,BS(^ (@@&(+-@&/ ;-@&K } No word may^(be used twice(c( unless it#( is a direct/(match.;@>(D6-H Z@@&](}c6-(^ 6--@& %@((.6-8 A>( D6-N AT( ^ B(6-BS B@}(G/@@D:WORDFILE.TXTG @7<@,(u! @7@<A`,,@7@}k@5@D:WORDFILE.TXTu B(  @( B@6 B@(}6Q AY0#0Q()}Please make sure that the diskette6Q,($is inserted properly and that thereQ}( isn't a 'write-protect sticker'6)%(on the edge of the diskette.) 6 (}00 0u By(}$E }(Ad&"y3 -%+ Do you want to try again? / 3,y7<,4Y(} 6y87<,0}N2(Please enter 'YES' or 'NO'.8 %@y0+0%0%'AR*(0-Jy%D:HELLO{y  %}BCBHCCCCCCCCCC1ZLINCLEAREOENDINC25C2CZNZZZBGRETUR}  }Program: QUAKES Copyright 1982 - MECC - #@-" 221,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,10000,5}100,31000,256,202$E< ;, BA `MJ6-?:C::h 8SUH Ghd}TͿT `,,M$'JAR-%6 Pressto continue.DAd&J6-'0B7t@&F}:Ad,"&0 A 'F:Ad,"%*'  '2F:Ad,"%6-(Ad&2 A ' Ad&}$'/ 00/(} EARTHQUAKES'('('&&( The computer can be used by',,($small groups} of students to simulate'))(!events. In the program, students'##(have been introduced to the'( concepts:'(}-primary wave'(-secondary wave'( -lag time'( -epicenter'&&(-and the formula to calculate'&&( k}ilometers to an earthquake.'( '((( They know readings from three!'((( stations are necessary to locate"'''(th}e epicenter of an earthquake.#' A$'7 (}-%*(One moment please...7%D:QUAKE3y-$E: B}P-Ad&"y3 -%+ Do you want to try again? / 3,y7<,4Y 6y)7<,4N BP)%D:H}ELLO@y+%(Please enter 'YES' or 'NO'.+ %Jy9+AR( 0%*0%2-6 9${y  %zCCCCCCCCCC1CSTNSTNTLAGMSGMINMAXMINMAXNUMSTNSCALSEISTEMODEADRETURC55KEMOVCLEASCRNSC}RNSCRNPLYRC2C25DISKIRANGRANGCLIZADZCMZLEZIOCZZTHETRADIUZZJUNZETZBGZLZHZERZDIZSTICEPIEPIL} @ @ }} !"#$%&'()*+,-./}0123456789:;<= Pr}ogram:QUAKE3 Copyright 1982 - MECC # #@#" 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10'+0AR}'AYdYAAA`#AB$A9<,;%,9,;$%,K#AYK:iq@q80,2}04,14,91,14,.27,1.25,87,990,559,764,1024,1120,12704,13264,3680,53248,20,256,5500,13264,3120n"s"}x4 6-&6-& 6-%P:',$,040FD:QUAKEDSP.BIN)6-Ad/6-76-'=}6-A FB 6-$6-$-D:QUAKESUB.BIN1 <@B" B4#A%P:8<,',4-}8<,&P:8<,',$OOSeattle,108,18,Portland,106,27,Boise,129,31,Helena,145,22,Cheyenne,166,39SSBismarck,183,21,Pierr}e,186,30,Reno,114,47,Salt Lake City,138,43,Denver,168,46HHLos Angeles,111,64,San Diego,117,63,Sante Fe,167,58,Phoenix,137},67* "68<,-"#68<,-' *$,@-@(1+','K:,.6-8<,%E:,$@6-8<,%G:,$60(+ )!)} )!,,&,%0 A ; 6-%'@   $> -%0(Pressto continue.8&>6-5B}7t@6-F:,("$*+'5 B "$6-& % "& % &$|9 6-$$6-} AU +A6%9A7%= 6- AU !A@%/AA%=A4%-6-?:C:hhhLV,<,}*6-F:%A5,-$6-P:',6-P:&$,$#= 6-R:,6-P:',!6-&$/6-&+!,$=6-+!,$&#PB7t}@!AU06-F:Ad,>Ad&P"%*B#" "%6-Ad&"$# ) $#T)6-&$}$+!@c,&$$+!A',;6-&+",%+",Q6-%+"%,&+"%,T$'5 %'%'@A`5@$}'D6-?:<$<',#B&-*"4$%8 DA'6AR&6-?:<<<%$'&,696,144,144,96'4}BBy!B2w.6-?:<<,4-'>(Earthquake reported...'-:68<,-P:H:,$,> '778<,"8}<,)8<,"8<,)8<,"8<,B'CAY@F%6-P:H:,$,%56-P:H:,$,%=-C $$'O)68,-M:+&8}<,,#'%+&8<,,#,;8, )8,!$A6-E O B.'7 -- $7( Report from .8''-}@8  ' B'068,-8,$$ -8,&0,$%L'G3/$%@$%%P:H:,$'@&'@},G/$%@$%V'@ -<(Primary wave recorded for  seconds.@ `'77(Primary wave recorded for P}:8,, seconds.c', 6-8,$%$% ,&/,,e'1!-8,%8,%P:H:,$,%'1,$%j'88/$%%}%P:H:,$'%',$+6#++P:,"P:',$,%,,o'/$%%t'K -C(Secondary wave recorded for &8, seconds.}G K ~'76-?:<<, .D:QUAKEMAP.BIN2 7' -(1 unit = 200 km.'F --%$ $@(} lag time: P:8,, secondsF'9,8<,%8<,'/8<,&8<,9,8<,8<,&'G/8<,8<,%)/8<,& }8<,%=/8<,&8<,&CG 'Y -/(!Use the arrow keys or joystick toY(%position the circle at the epicen }ter.'(Press RETURN when done.'1 6-6-'%$!6-+ A16-'? 6-%$6-&$+6-$+,%$+  },?6-$+,%$+ ,'+6-$+,%$+!,+6-$+,%$+!,'B 6-&6-&6-&#6-&66-?:<<<&',B }'%$'" A"T:,*%B`'<6-?:<<A ,-6(Now let's locate it.<', -,-M:+&8< },,#%+&8<,,#,(/ A ,&&%/%%) /(9 ,/$6-?:<<&,*-9( You were  }(8'-P:M:+&,#'%+&,#,$$%',8 $ km off.(D@6-P:+$+$%,%+$@%,$+!$%,,'+%,,$%BaD#(}That's great!(That's not bad!( You did a fairly good job.(Try again.("-%&B:,'( yA }6-?:<<,"-A Do you want to try again?yG &AR,6-?:<%A'<,36.?$%%G(}"y^ )T+@:A,*@:Z,,%+"A&,$%+"AU,$B B0B@^ B,yB:,B1y&67B:},%,.>:, >:,& B6yB:, B;y$6.7 B-E6-P:A:,, )!;(Enter a number from 1 to 6.E B@-. (}-68,- .4YBu!,}- -  What was the-C(last day number?  "+6-A:,C )!@BP.J (}@sE!-}&-J(Assets for lemonade stand #".E"( after day  were ($) & 56-F:@,9E68,-A:,@./8, !.})8,!AU5%@/ BJ. ( (}T.S -'6-A %+&@,$%>68,-P:8,$A,S8!/},&P:8,',$^.%P:8,', c.0A A 0@pEd." -" One moment please...f.J6!0}-BS`6-$6-#6-; D:LEMONS.FNTE AUJr.%D:LEMON2y-$E: BP-Ad!1}&"y3 -%+ Do you want to try again? / 3,y7<,4Y 6y&7<,4N BP&%D:HELLO@y+%(Ple!2}ase enter 'YES' or 'NO'.+ %Jy9+AR@(60@9${y B%ZLEZCMZERZ oCCCCCCCCCC1C2C25C75C76CLEAREOCLEAREODISKISCORERETURENDINCNSAA1A2A3A4NNHNLNQNTTC%4}LEFZNLZTRIEVDSLSNMIEZADZLEZIOCZCMDLPPPLRRRLAPAAAZRIGHZZETZBGZLZHZERZL%5} %6}@ !%7}"#$%&'()*+,-./01%8}23456789:;<=>?@%9}ABC Program:RHYTHM2 (C)1982-MECC + #@ +" "%:}HH1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256,752,764,5100,5150,5500,9970,9990,310002$Ed119$,;,;,;,;,;%;},;,;$,f((;%,;,;@,;%,;,i=6.AHBQCEDF=6.$____________________________________nJ6. %<}<000>(6. 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Instructionalx6. Computing6. Demonstration 6. B,:( )g} <5@@ &P:+B:,%@,',:(6@@2(<$|=6-$@6-! AU /A6%)s}NB$DOS SYSB0(WORDS B3XTENSP2 B!TENSP3 B2WORDEDIT B QUAKES B)QUAKE3 BLEMONADE BLEMON1 B-3RHYTHM2 B`LOGO B*}HELLO B%SLOPE B LOGO FNTB MUSIC FNTB TENS FNTB LEMONS FNTBFFS BINBQUAKEDSPBINBQUAKESUBBINBQUAKEMAPBINbTENSCORETXTBTENSEXT TXTBWORDFILETXTBLEMONINITXTBTENS B5RHYTHM B3NLEMON2 =A7%= 6- AU !A@%/AA%=A4%-6-?:C:hhhLV,<,*6-F:%A5,-$*)t}6-P:'AV,'6-P:&$AV,*$'+ D:LOGO.FNT%6-@ +6-'96-BS`6-A$!6-'6-+ 9)u}AV$B'**("} =>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>+L'''( < <V'''( <   )v} <`'44( <  !>:@4,  <j'''( <  %$  Minnesota <t'''( <  &  E)w}ducational <~'''( <  [|  Computing <'''( <  ]\  Consortium <'''( <  _^  )x} <'''( <  `{  <'''( <  <'''( < <'2)y} 6. A"B:,!(6.2 A'% 6. A6. % A(+6.Version !67@ ,.+ A)z} (''( ;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>@(:6. COPYRIGHT #67@,.:67@,. - MECC(. B:,!67@",.){} #.67@%,.((4)-P:@ &+B:,%@,',@#. 4-<(3AY@4'AdAU36-B()|}A@dF(Ad&%D1:HELLO%INE1LINE2VOLUMEVERSIONCOPYNUMTEXTYEARCCZETZIOCZBGZADZLZH(7%CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREODISKIRETURENDINTEXTTEXT2NUMBERYNDISKNAMEPROGNAMENUMOPXMAXIXNCZ-~}IOCPROZZLZHZADZLEZCMZERVERXXCXZETZBGNUMPROGSELECL@@@@@@@-}@@ @ @ AV AQ AUAB ((68;I(@-}@q@A !"#@$@ %-}&AU'@()*@+@,- Program: HELLO Copyright 1982 - MECC ' #@ '"-} "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,2565100,5500,9990,10000dGG;@@,;@,;-}@,;@,;@,;@@,i 6-6-;,B7t$$$ B#Bp%$$$-}S }#B- "?@@ &B:,'@C G S@% Program Descriptions"6-%$@-}Ad&K:%6-1AR9 @6. )"AUA5!A'6-&A(8 -}"'AR (.Ad&8 B5"A&)"$)"AT'6-$5"A-"$*"6--}6.# ~- A/ "$6-&6.7<,% ~/ A"A!! @H)!@WA) (-}>:,6-%67,.>:,) A "AE:6-@:7<,,'!@G* @Y06-A:,: AP 6--}AR$A `MJ6-?:C::h 8SUH GhdTͿT `,,M$|5 6-$$6-}- %'A6%5A7%9 6- %A@%+AA%9A4%-6-?:C:hhhLV,<,*6-F-}:%A5,-$6-P:',6-P:&$,$'JAR-%6 Pressto continue.DAd&J6-',-}B7t@&F:Ad,"&, % 'F:Ad,"%*'  '.F:Ad,"%6-(Ad&. % ' -}Ad&$'\A$+0%)0%5AR8(J@e\AdAU'B7t$-}@$' #B-"'(-@ &B:,'@ $ ("' 6-'S@-$  Individual7 -}1. Music DrillP 2. Mathematics DrillS('Z@( Small Group9(3. Science SimulationW(4. Interdisciplinar-}y GameZ($'@@  Large Group@(5. Mathematics Demonstration.'*$ 6. Social Studies Simulation'(*(B': -}. Program Descriptions. %. End:@L'7-@@!) Which number? - 7 AM' 6-V'Y )!-}%-@#O( Please enter a number from 1 to %@.Y B``' %Be'"%BPj' 6-t-}' A~' 6-% A'C "@#  - 16-%@C@@': -"0*0-} (@, :6-%@' "B'' @6-%@' B'" A(}" B-}'V/('} A manual to aid in the use of thisV(" diskette is available from MECC.'3( Title:#B "/-&-}&B:,'3 '](Direct inquiries to:A( MECC Distribution Center]( 2520 Broadway Drive'h ( St. Pau-}l, MN 551137( (612) 638-0627; h((} If you have any problems using MECC'[-(% courseware with your microcomp-}uter,B( write or call:[( MECC Help Line'W( 2520 Broadway Drive<( St. Paul, MN 55113S( (612)-} 638-0638W ' B (#(; }-, Insert the new diskette.0 ;%D:LOGO((* (}* 6- A-}"*""-@ &B:,'@@+F &-@ &B:,'@@* 36.D:B67@,.F%0u4 #B-} }-",-&B:,'0(4 5uS #B-%)(Teacher Options5@;-S Your options are::u-}. - . -!"*B:,!. Du<  (  %. Return+@<6-F:@,%Nu+ - Which nu-}mber? ! + ASu )!%B0Xu"%B]u $$%Bbu( (}A AU(%D:TENSP3u-} (}% D:WORDEDITy BP{y BP|y--Instructional Computing,Demonstration,6yRHYTHM,RHYTHM,MUSIC DRI-}LLy((A drill on matching played musicaly((rhythm patterns with written ones.yy$$TENS,BASE 10,MATHEMATICS DRILL-}y++A space game involving multiplicationy##of numbers ending with zeros.yy++QUAKES,EARTHQUAKES,SCIENCE SIMULATIO-}Ny$$A simulation in which studentsy,,locate the epicenter of an earthquake.yy((WORDS,WORDS,INTERDISCIPLINARY GA-}MEz%%A concentration type game whichz&&familiarizes the user with wordszinput by the teacher.&z++SLOPE,SLOPE,MAT-}HEMATICS DEMONSTRATION0z''A program which graphs up to five:z''linear equations on a rectangularDzcoordinate system.-}Nz//LEMON1,LEMONADE,SOCIAL STUDIES SIMULATIONXz++A simulation in which students managebza lemonade stand.lz|>>B-}ASE 10 - Clear the list of, student names and scores.|AAWORDS - Change the list of words, used with the program.-}%E 10 - Clear the list of, student names and scores.|AAWORDS - Change the list of words, used with the program.,  ,CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZNCLSTASCANCHA1}RBCHC2MIDMIDMAXMAXLONUMPLOPLACNUMFOUNLSTSENSBOMSTARFINASTFINNUMVANUMSUTEMPCOUNLSLSSTPOZCOLUXEQU1}AFIRSMFLALOCELBXZBG 1} 1} !"#$%&'()*1}+,-./0123456789:1};<=>?@ABC Program: SLOPE Copyright 1982 - MECC 1}' #@ '" "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256995100,5150,5500,9100,9150,1}9950,9970,9990,31000,10000( ;,2$Ed&&;@,;%,;,;,;,x" B1}dAVAW)Ad&5ART Pressto continue.Z6-d A9&6-++&,$@,%%+P1}:',"',667<%B:,,.9$ 6 6-6--"7<,4*6-%0"66-   $< 6-6-6-6-#6.1}/- A03!96-<$'(6-6- AB$6-'$9 6-6-& AB!6-)6-%/6-9 AB1}(6-$ 6-'$h4 6--7<,0 &6-%467,.7<,r  (6-$| AC 6-A1}:, B$ 6- AB@05 6--B:,$7<,0 *(/6.7<,56-:   $A `MJ6-?1}:C::h 8SUH GhdTͿT `,,M$'JAR-%6 Pressto continue.D1}Ad&J6-',B7t@&F:Ad,"&, % 'F:Ad,"%*'  '.F:Ad,"%6-(Ad1}&. % ' Ad&$'+AR0'm$(}GRAPHING LINEAR EQUATIONSQ((This program will1} graph up to 5 linearm(equations on one axis.'\+(#Type in the equations in the form:B( Y=MX+B or X=B\(For e1}xample: Y=2X+4'J(  Y=2/3X+6&(  Y=-1/2X-4:( Y=3X=-3D AJ(}' #B'U67,. 67@1},. (67,.:-@w%>"I67%,.M U6.}' 6-#B '6+AR@($0,01}60%'% 6- ,/,%/'#-&,&/%# (#-&,&/%# ((! 61}-%!!+",$%-( !+",$%2(AAV+(What is the equation? /56-;6-A(}<(2 6-1}6-!6-2B:, BpA() 6- AD)0Y*0XBpF( 6-%4XBP( AD1}0=BpZ(: 6-%6-6-B:,"6.X, A0:!Bpd(Bn(( 6-6-B:, A@(Bp1}x( 6-6- B (' 6-&"6-6-' B((7<,4-6-%6-( B(' 6-6-& 1}A@'Bp( 6-%"B:,B (* 6-%6-B:, A@*Bp( 6- B ) AD1}0=Bp)* 6-%6-B:, A@*Bp) 6- B)N-(%}Please type the equation in the formD(1}Y=MX+B OR X=BN A)I6. ! A '(}/6-&I6.7<&&+P:',',,)( B)>1}%*6& A  (*,$%4/$%> B @) B ) "B:,6- B *$6.7%,7<,4+$61}.7,*#-B:,#7<,4/B*  6- B&*6-A:7%,,0* 6-A:,6-'D* "6-6N*H 6-1} A ( -6.6-&$&$66-%H!) Bv*' "-%,6-' B* /* *1}B @*. (}-%&B:,'%'&( * .(*],($This equation will not appear on theI(above coordinate syste1}m.S A] Br*"B p*RAV3(Do you want another equation? 7D7<,4YH(R B*1}(7<,0NB P* A+0y4+0 $E& }4Ad&"y3 -%+ Do1} you want to try again? / 3,y7<,4Y(} 6y87<,0N2(Please enter 'YES' or 'NO'.8 %@y0+01}%0%'AR*(0-Jy%D:HELLO{y  |y22,39,79,79,159y""Red:,White:,Blue:,Red:,Blue:1}%  ,CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZNCLSTASCANCHA0ﻻffffp88pf< 8<5}f 8``nf>ff~fff~~f<flxxlf`````~cwkccfv~~nf5}<5} 0`?  0`0`@@``````````0 ``````x`x`~<~~<5}0~0 ~ <>f>``|ff|<```<>ff>>ff>|``|fff8<<``lxlf8<f5}kc|ffffff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~5}8x8ffffp88pf< 8``nf>ff~fff~~f<flxxlf`````~cwkccfv~~nf=}f>``|ff|<```<>ff>>ff>|``|fff8<<``lxlf8<f=}kc|ffffff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~=}Z<~`<|fl0fF68of;p88pf< 80~~U@@@@@@ll> ``nf>ff~fff~~f<flxxlf`````~cwkccfv~~nfA}f>``|ff|<```<>ff>>ff>|``|fff8<<``lxlf8<fA}kc|ffffff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~<~~<A}8x8ffff>`<|fl0fF68of;p88pf<+"(least f/}number of moves." ,   (}.UA`@2'Aa@U9@@dK@@UU#B.Rf0}-@1")BA%- 5-%N(One moment please...R .%D:TENSP2y($E }(Af1}d&"y3 -%+ Do you want to try again? / 3,y7<,4Y%6y87<,0N2(Please enter 'YES' or 'f2}NO'.8 %@y0+0%0%'AR*(0-Jy%D:HELLO{y  |ySS112,112,112,66,64,55,2,2,2,2,2,2f3},2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,7,10,48,2,2,65,32,55yWWDATA 112,112,112,66,144,55,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,7,10,2,2,65f4},113,55%CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCFADEOUFdmnn CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREODISKIRETURENDINZLINZNCIL1P1ZZETZIOCZBGZADZLZHZLEZCMZERj6} j7}j8} Program: RHYTHM Copyright 1982 - MECC ' #@ '" "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7j9},8,9,10,20,256 5100,5500,9990,31000,10000( ;,2$Ed;,;,;, BA `j:}MJ6-?:C::h 8SUH GhdTͿT `,,M$|5 6-$$6- %'A6%5A7j;}%9 6- %A@%+AA%9A4%-6-?:C:hhhLV,<,*6-F:%A5,-$6-P:',6-j<}P:&$,$'JAR-%6 Pressto continue.DAd&J6-',B7t@&F:Ad,"&,j=} % 'F:Ad,"%*'  '.F:Ad,"%6-(Ad&. % '! Ad&-!$'@Aj>}@Y+%AR-05-%@(RHYTHM.'J -%+(Do you need instructions? 5 AQ9JB:,"B0j?}3'$6.7<,$0Y*0NB0B' (}L'4NB@V'/ -/(!This program is a drill on rhythm`'+(+( patj@}terns. One rhythm pattern isj'.(.(#shown and three rhythm patterns cant'/(/($be played. You must decide which of~'jA},(,(!the three patterns played matches'((the pattern you see.' A'4 (}-4( You may select from jB}one of three'(difficulty levels:'1 -1(#1. The exercises have 3 to 5 notes'))(! and consist of half, quartjC}er,'--(% dotted quarter, and eighth notes.'Y(/($2. The exercises have 5 or 6 notes,Y(% and use quarter and ejD}ighth notes.'V(.(#3. The exercises have 6 or 7 notesV(# and use quarter, eighth, dotted'2(( eighth, and sixjE}teenth notes.2 BA(# -$%#(Enter 1, 2, or 3.(Y -$5($What level of problems do you want? K@rjF}E:U AQY(B:,"B@ (01*02*03B@( (}(4NB0(` (} (5($You wijG}ll be asked which pattern you8(`(#would like to hear. Respond with a(X(.(#1, 2, or 3. You may listen to each1(X(jH}"pattern as many times as you wish.(^( (3(%Type 'A' when you know which pattern6(^(#is correct. Then type your ansjI}wer.( A( (}(< -.(How many problems do you want? 8 AQ<(B:,"B1(VA:, @)jJ}A:,!@ '-%L( Enter a number between 1 and 20.V B1(!A A:,!A A:,(= (}--(PleasjK}e adjust the volume.=2A(5 2-5(One moment please... (% D:RHYTHM2y$jL}E }"y3 -%+ Do you want to try again? / 3,y7<,4Y(} 6y87<,0N2(Please enter 'YES'jM} or 'NO'.8 %@y0+0%0%'AR*(0-Jy%D:HELLO{y  %GZADZLZHZLEZCMZERhc  RETURPOINT0ENDINCCC2CLEAREOWWCWIDTHEIGHCQ30CDISPLACQ50LCC1LCLCHARLINEQ3ZZFLAZDOLnO}ZDOZLEQ1Q75Q76C25CTEMPAPRESCOCCRGHDOLLAQ7XPOCQ8Q25PLSQ20Q3BASYQQ60FLALNQ84NPSCCCnP}CDOC2Q67RQ93Q9RZNZBG nQ} nR} !"#$%&'(@)*nS}+,-.@/@0123456@7@8@9:nT};<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJnU}KLMNOPQRSTU Program: LEMON2 CopyrnV}ight 1982 - MECC 4 "-#@@p49990,.01,31000 aN6-?:C:>h˥̠ȱˍɀȱnW}ˈȩ˩ J`,,aD:LEMONINI.TXT: -) You can not make that many.- 3-7 :$,? - - nX}# * 2-;(|? 6D (-%-$(|( / 7-=(A D$Q (}6-6-nY}6-$#6-' --QAA A0A@>(   [].-; 50\ rain>$nZ}S; 3 - - - - A-P  No trafficS$;# )-4 n[}Stormy8 ;$F   []-! Sunny'-3 and hot;0C0F$"-60%"0%4n\}-%6-,2&A&0 4 0 00-%2) - 0$X 6._b#67<,.67,n]}. 67,.#$A `MJ6-?:C::h 8SUH GhdTͿT `,,M$#$ 6-6.n^} 6.-$6-#<#6-P:+O:,%>P,$$,'+$,167%,.=:,<6-B:,%#% !* 67%,.7%,%6-&# "P:n_},67,..00$#$"P:$,67,.0#$'> -%0 Pressto continue.8&>6-'&B7tn`}@ F:,"&& % 'F:,"%*'  '"F:,"%6-&" % ' &$'$Ena}'l@@V$6-F:A ,36-F:A ,9"G-@P68,-T bAV$l B 0'/ -!6nb}-A %+&,$%/AV$'$ 68,-+F:,%F:%,$,'+$,$ *4AR(}6-%$*6-4 B* nc} 6- B* 6-* 6-$6-!B!W+ -68,-68,-\+E }6-8, 'nd}E:-6-3!= AE6-%z+# 6-$6-6-$6-# +R -+ Lemonade Stand  - Day .(4R  ne}Lemonade:  @ a glass.+< -$ Assets:#&B:,+ $88,!''< + - You are bankrupt.+468nf},-'68,- 68,-$ *(}4 Bp+: -   How many+  < glasses? :E+68,-P:A:,,ng},18, )8,!A!-%-  1 L,)8,$!8, 68,-6) BpV,D-@"  Lemonade:*6-6nh}$8,. 9&B:,D6-8,&`,2( 6- *-&B:,2 $t,@ -%(How many1  > signs at 'ni}@@  each? ~,68,-P:A:,,,48, )8,!$-%%*  4 B,28,&8,$&8,$  nj}(68,-62 B,< -$% Signs:%6-68,$) 4&B:,<6-&,J( 6- )-%%7(nk}Balance:B&B:,J($,; -%  What price;  (in cents) would you like,?( to charge?  .68,nl}-P:A:,,?8, B,H -/  Do you want to change anything? 3 H@pE-(6.7<,(0Y*nm}0NB -4YB2-$ 6-&(}$"B#`x-"B$@-? 00<("} Daily Financinn}al Report - Day ?(-. -@#")"$+6-%.(- "6. A- " -D  no}-(Stand&@%,"26-86->!D6-- !6--" -(  "(-L(Glassesnp}(made"-=-%$+&&,&B:=:8,,,E(8,I L(-L( Signs made-=@%$+&&,&B:=:8,,,E(8nq},I L(-J(Price-"6-$8,& A@%$+&&,&B:,F(J -5((Glasses(sold%-+nr}"16-5 - "6-8, - 8,"6-8, -?6-+$,$'+8,$8,,$8, ?6-++&8,,',$+',$%-ns}5(6-P:$+%$+&J:68,$,$,,$8,,18,5 - 6-8,@.!-%$+&&,&B:=:,,%!(C.;(Income6-$$8, nt} 7-%$+&&,&B:,%;(E.@( Expenses%6-8,$$%8,$) @-%$+&&,&B:,%G.(((Profit"6-$$8,nu}&(6-J.. -%$+&&,&B:,%"(.(AssetsT.?68,-8,%6-8, 3-%$+&&,&B:,7(; ? .+ nv}6-%6-%!6-%'-+ ., 6-6--,8,!''B P.H  (}-7(All of the stands are nw}bankrupt.:(> H B/&' 6-6-(}&B!0/9(((Your parents quit giving you9( free sugar.:/Gnx}(.(#Your cost is now 4 cents for eachC(glass you make.G N/  X/k(1(&Inflation causes your lemonade miny}x to[(%go up. Your cost is now 5 cents perg(glass.k v/ /? 6-?P:$H:,,%B"B"`B$B%Pnz}B&/ 6-6-' /g-(%The street department is working onV($your street today, so there will beg( no trn{}affic./( 6-6-H:,!' 6-(6-' 0   H0R(.(#The street crew comes to your standR(at lunchtime andn|} buys all the \0'(lemonade you had made.# ' p0 6- 0R-(%A severe thunderstorm hits your townR( just as n}}you set up your stands.0S,($Your lemonade and signs are ruined.26-:-C68,-G K O S 1 6-6-'n~} 81 6-6- y($E }(Ad&"y3 -%+ Do you want to try again? / 3,y#7<,4n}Y(}#%D:LEMON16y87<,0N2(Please enter 'YES' or 'NO'.8 %@y0+0%0%'AR*(0-n}Jy%D:HELLO{y B%AREOWWCWIDTHEIGHCQ30CDISPLACQ50LCC1LCLCHARLINEQ3ZZFLAZDOLl+