L#} 6CD l0C)HCC WhL/h `CmCDiD`  R@W1  Y0@R !L`R @  Y S S` D  C D     )16CS S)  C)D1 p p }0 C9DI pCDL~CiCDiD` DD˙` d J)L !}D L(( LL()  L| L( S LH 0p n  } CY?  q  L L  ` )} `A! d߰")-݆ "$G@LLLLV΍ }$˥%hhhh% & &eͥe΅ΠɁͪͭΦ. BHI. V0LmL@H@h  }`)8` d)L ݆  LGȘ ݆LL d  ! LL d)N>Q  HH) }  hyhyB q L> Lm JJ  Ln*` dB%' }8  H H` 1 { LL   !L     Hh SY?  q  1L }  !? S   q 1 L   Ll  Lg E`L   !L)  q 1L}) `L0AM݊L݉ ML  N݆LLLNLMLHҍ 00) }08 109hh@ Ҡ2e1i1232435ޥ<<8ИH232435; 1 ;  hh@2 e1}i1 !,0,0SGɛ L 1 !L EHEh W G gLLSROTCES EERF } G) *Gȩ GȽG GȌd q q G`  8   0G  `D}CEDC0X:Ȣ Y ȱC* ? 0.. , 0%n ?A[ 0 : L`L  `, 0`Y}`piH n0)բY? 08`0 }  0$L GGȽG L `8L`L}8`  05G)݁,G)ȱGȱGHh0})Hh` B! 8`8iiiLE`}E8FEh( l0`ɃLL L8^~jj8jHi hEEEiEȱEiE` dTE} H8EEȱEEȩEh J E8   . m  i`LI!)E1FR}1LJ舩9GIH`LJJ`HGHh l`H}*  * Lh`"F%GHIJK?P.` *+! LL`*+}  Lq` X٪`OS SYSIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIC`0 ߩ0}} }y |||DDOS DOSDOS TMP }}}$X""}CDOS TMP} 0`BDELV !B }`LV  q   R@э   Y S S0 w;j JA E˩ }̩ ˙#`#I $#`HjkD۩ͩΑ͈x!}X  h`GR.0:POKE559,0:POKE712,194:POKE710,194:POKE842,12:POKE752,1:?:RUN"D:LOGO"~ V"}0 @BJK͝DE V0\BHI. () . \ V*)L#}nLL'0LsоI0LɛL)~L) |'3:͍$}mfdc{WaS L0P:LB0:B,055 #I-  .,0 L%})M)M)  V0h  )0Jn8&}  VH`{ȱye8LnK:'}$L` ɚh@LHhLҥh@ .l8LnK:KO<BCCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNQAHAB)}CZKZFZNINDLCHBACZBGC10 *} +}@@ !"#$%&'(,})*+,-./012345 Program: BAGELS-} Copyright 1982 - MECC ) #@ )" "%%1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,25.}6,100995100,5150,5500,9100,9150,9950,9970,9990,31000,10000(;%,;,2$Ed ;, ;,;,9/},9,  $%~{6-?:C:kh]^](eTeUeX˅^eY̅_8SUˈ2UTeRː(e0}ː8SRˈ0`,,~$ $% %'JAR-%6 Pressto continue.DAd&J6-',1}B7t@&F:Ad,"&, % 'F:Ad,"%*'  '0F:Ad,"%6-%*Ad&0 % ' 2}Ad&$')+0AR)"B$' -$(BAGELS.'> -$ /(Do you want instructions3}? 3>6.7<,3'0Y*0NB08' 4N6- BpB'g (}ARg(MThe computer will think of 4}a number and you will try and guess what theL'CC(;number is. You will have 18 tries to attempt to guess it.V'P -$5} 0(How many digits do you wantP(in the number? (2-4 only) t'4$E:"6-A:,4 )!Bp~'6} ;,(}"BU'A (}AR-A(!After you type in your guess, you'((( will get clues about your7} guess.'(These clues are:'&#( BAGELS - no digits correct&('++(# PICO - one digit correct but in'%%( 8} the wrong place'++(# FERMI - one digit correct and in')%( the right place) ' (}A9}R-'/6-P:+H:,$,$#+&,,/B:=:,,B`'8 6.=:,-"6-A:7<,,*-8"B'#A::}7<,,"6-6-#6-'!  "6-! B`'> -6(The computer has a  digit number...>-'8;}(----- (--- -2( GUESS CLUE86-'$ - 68,-@:7<,,&$$ '> 6-%-%>(%(To see the a<}nswer, enter all zeroes)'* -% ()-%&(?*'@ B:,-% 6(Try a  digit number.@ =}B'A:,"B'& 6.-"68,-A:7<,,& '+ -&-+%,%8,"8,+6-(E  ">}6--%;(No digits are repeated.E B( 6-6- (- -&-+%,%8,"8,-6-%(   (?}) --&!8,"8,)6-%(   ( -8,"8,6-%#( (("B2( 7( -$%@}<("BF( - PICO  ("B( - FERMI  )+%,B) BAGELS)A} 6-6- $B)# - - -# )=)(The  digit number was .1-%5 9 = B}*2 -$%&(That's the number!!!.-%2 \+ f+D (}AR-/( It took you 5"@( guessD C}p+( guesses.z+ y($E }(Ad&"y3 -%+ Do you want to try again? / 3,y#7<D},4Y(}# @6y87<,0N2(Please enter 'YES' or 'NO'.8 %@y0+0%0%'AR*(0-E}Jy%D:HELLO{y  %25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNQAHAB'45jpCCCCCCCCCCC1ZNA1A2A3AYNN1BBEEBTTNNZZRZZZZZZTRIEZTRYZTRYCBBDDGNCG}2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZMEASFLALINELELNUMPROBTRYFLAESTESCHARLETH}RIEDYEFUDGEFACTODIVISOCOUNMEASCLEARLTRYTRYCHBACZBGC10ZRIGHI} J} !"#$%K}&'()*+,-./012345L}6789:;<=>?@ABCDM}EFGHI@JKLMNOPQRS N}Program: METEST Copyright 1982 - MECC ) #@ )" "%%1,2,3,4,5,6O},7,8,9,10,20,256,100995100,5150,5500,9100,9150,9950,9970,9990,31000,10000(;%,;,2$E<+P}AR d<<;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,9,i%6. CENTIMETER%6. MILLIMETER 6-6 AQ} B( 0-%((Metric Estimate1 -.( Estimate the length of each line1(,,($segment. TyR}pe your answer after the((word.(**("Don't forget to pressafter"("(entering your estimaS}te. C (}6--=(#C6-4 -4(&Use your ruler to measure this linT}e in3 -%3(#. Type this measurementC$E-%;(followed by a. ?? CU} 68,-A:, B:,"A"A:,A"33A:,!@'+%,*A:, A@'+%,AB"$E"V}A@E -%)(Are you sure your answerA(is in?E (6.7<,(0Y*0NA27 W}4N-(Please try another estimate.7 A""ADF 6- -'(+ 66-A:,'<6-X}F A(6-A:,'6-+&,'(6-&$+%,[ 6-%8,'@5!8,'@X6-8,'+$,%?x$+8,'@5&Y}8,'@,[$>;6-8,'@5%?x$O:+8,'@&8,'@5,,>$,06-P:$$H:,%$,-&(* -(0Z}$ $%~{6-?:C:kh]^](eTeUeX˅^eY̅_8SUˈ2UTeRː(e˅ː8SR[}ˈ0`,,~$ $% %(*@@'@*$&0 (}AR-%-%,(*0 \}& -(* -&K -(* "-%)(*- 5-%K(Number tried...&Y@$(]}Number correct2@%H(First try......R *!Y( &<(@%+(Second try.....5 *!<(^} & ( $'JAR-%6 Pressto continue.DAd&J6-',B7t@&F:Ad,"&_}, % 'F:Ad,"%*'  '0F:Ad,"%6-%*Ad&0 % ' Ad&$'. 6-6-`}6-0.$Et'  A(8 (}-4(How many problems do you want? 8(B:,"B2a}(A:, $*A:,!B@(D -$6(&Please type a number between 1 and 99.: D B2(b 6-A:,(}-7(b}Do you want to measure to::(_( 1) the nearest centimeter, orb((%%( 2) the nearest millimeter?(> -$ ((c}Enter 1 or 2) $ (>01*02BP(5 6-6-6-6.#42)6./6-56-) -(}6-)Kd} -((Estimate to the nearest .-;(# :A-K A); -( Estimate:  .$E2;6e}-A:,")"P:+$,',Bp,)O:&+$',,B6)-(6--#( Try again.- B @)6 -((Nearestf} : P:+$,',, 6 BJ)6 -(That's right!! $,6-%6 BO) 6-% BT)4 -0(Clog}se. Nearest : P:+$,',4 W)6-% BY) 6-%^)  6-   y($E }(h}Ad&"y3 -%+ Do you want to try again? / 3,y7<,4Y(} 6y87<,0N2(Please enter 'i}YES' or 'NO'.8 %@y0+0%0%'AR*(0-Jy%D:HELLO{y  %RYCBBDDGNCg CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCNZRET k}UZBGC10  l} m} Program: MET21 Copyright 1982 - MECC ) #@ )" "% n}%1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256,100995100,5150,5500,9100,9150,9950,9970,9990,31000,10000(;%,;,2$ o}E<+AR d ;, B $%~{6-?:C:kh]^](eTeUeX˅^eY̅_8SUˈ p}2UTeRː(e˅ː8SRˈ0`,,~$ $% %'JAR-%6 Pressto c q}ontinue.DAd&J6-',B7t@&F:Ad,"&, % 'F:Ad,"%*'  '0F:Ad,"%6 r}-%*Ad&0 % ' Ad&$'+AR0$' -%  .'P,($Use yo s}ur ruler to measure thisP(line in centimeters. Type thisL'W -%( measurement? " J@s@ t}E:NW6-A:,V'* $B`'%(Please be serious.% B`j'Y6-A')6-P:,%++&P:,,',5 u}A Y$@E:t'M (}-%0(Do you want instructions?4 8M7<,4NB~ v}'>7<,0Y0(Please answer YES or NO.4 > B'Z/('}This is a game of metric Blackjack.Z(&It is like t w}he card game of Blackjack'S)(!or 21. The object is to get theS(%lengths of your lines in millimeters'M'(to add u x}p to as close to 21 as*(I(possible, but not over 21.M 'a (}-8($Each player will be given 2 lengths.a($The y} computer will be the dealer and'R)(!take two lengths also. You willR($see only its first length until all'Y(pl z}ayers have finished.# )(}/-Y(%After you are given the two lengths'U.(&you may ask for another line or stop. {}U("Each player may take up to 4 more'h-(%lengths before stopping. The playerW(%closest to a total of 21 centimeters |}Z(d(wins.h '%D:MET21Ay($E }(Ad&"y3 -%+ Do you want to try again? / 3 }},y7<,4Y(} 6y87<,0N2(Please enter 'YES' or 'NO'.8 %@y0+0%0%'AR*(0 ~}-Jy%D:HELLO{y  D:MET21%ODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCNZRET 8CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCYBCYE}LLOWBLUEREDGEENZMULTXYZGDLINGLNNENDINGREAZBGC10@@@@@}@@@@ @ @ AV AQ AQPAUAAPAPApAB}Bu    & A0AZAA @!A"@f#@}$@%@&@'(@)@*@$+,-@.@$/01@!23}45@6@7@89:;@<=>?@AA Progra}m: MET21A Copyright 1982 - MECC ) #@ )" "%%1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9},10,20,256,100775100,5150,5500,9100,9150,9950,9970,9990,31000,200(;%,;,2$Ed22;,;,;},;,9,9,9,9,;,n3 -68,-68,-&68,-/68,-3  B% $%~{6-?:C}:kh]^](eTeUeX˅^eY̅_8SUˈ2UTeRː(e˅ː8SRˈ0`,,~$ $%} %'JAR-%6 Pressto continue.DAd&J6-',B7t@&F:Ad,"&, }% 'F:Ad,"%*'  '0F:Ad,"%6-%*Ad&0 % ' Ad&$'6-F:A ,'}'(}'7 0-3(How many players are there? 7 $'6$E %6-A:,6$E.'}")"B`8'7 -(Please enter only 1, 2, or 3.7 BB'6((}What is your first name?,6 BpL}'-)( }What is player #1's name?-V'5#(What is player #2's name?'5"Bp`''#(What is player #3's }name?'' 68,-68,-68,-'6-Bp'6( }$-+%&B:,,'((6"B'&-+%&B:,,}' &"B'-+%&B:,,' '0 -% COMPUTER6-$6-*6-06-'H -$' , here are yo}ur first8  two lengths.>6-H B0'? 68,-6- B0%68,--6-%1 ?"B'L -$ +(}, here are your first<  two lengths.B6-L B0( 68,-6- B0 (& 68,-6-% &"B(B} -$ + , here are your first<  two lengths.B6-(& B068,-6-& B0(( 68,-6-% }2(R -$ 8($Here is the computer's first length.D6-@N B0R <(* 68,-6-6-6-$6-*6-F}(8 - !( , do you want8(another length ? K("  6-"B:,"BM(7<,4NBP(7<,0}YBZ(= 6-%- 3(Here is your next length.= B0d(: 68,-6-%6- &-$:!@!B}pn("Bx( B( B("B0( B(A . "Five lengths under 21 wins .}=68,-@A ("B`( 6-(W -$ #( , do you want8(another length?<B6-W7<,4N}B@(7<,0YB0(= 6-%- 3(Here is your next length.= B0(: 68,-6-%6- &-}$:!@!B("B0( B0( B)"BP)!@!B0) B`")A} .("Five lengths under 21 wins .=68,-@A ,)"B`6) 6-$@)W -$ #( , do you want8}(another length?<B6-W7<,4NB`J)7<,0YB`T)= 6-%- 3(Here is your next length.}= B0^)2 68,-6-%6- 2!@!B h)"BPr) B`|) B)!!!@!*!@!}B0) B`)I -$ 6("Five lengths under 21 wins .E68,-@I )G -$ 9(%Here is }the computer's second length.A6-$G6-)[ B0-@!"68,-*6-%P(!The computer's lengths now total [}( cm.)%B)V  - ;(%The computer's total is more than 21,V(so the computer loses.)  }B) !$B`)"Bp)O -$ 9(%Here's another line for the computer.A6-%O"Bp}) B* 6- B*. - 68,-68,-(68,-.6-*X+(#The computer has five lengths und}erT($21. No one qualifies for 2 points.X &* 6-0*%B :* 6-D*8,"@BN* !@!}6-6 BX*6-N:&, B* 6-*"B0*8,@B * 6- B `* !@!}6-6 B `*6-N:&,*"B0*8,@B * 6- B0* !@!6-6 B0}*6-N:&,+6-6&& +6 -$ 6("Here are the results of this game.*++ 6--$-@%8,$+ 8},4+ 6-% >+"B0H++ 6--$-@%8,$+ 8,R+ 6-% \+"B0f++ 6--}$-@%8,$+ 8,p+ 6-% z+- 6-$-&-@%8,$- 8,+ 6-% +)AR-%}%Ad&) +M/('}PLAYER TOTAL LENGTH SCORE? M"B+%(%"}B+(+a ( COMPUTER(6-%06-%86-%@6-%a Here are the scores so far}:+ ("B0+("B0+(+( COMPUTER (}+ B$,O }-$ 7(#Your lengths total more than 21 cm,H( so you lose.L O$B,6-P:H:,$,%V, -$`, -$(} j, 6-%$y($E }(Ad&"y3 -%+ Do you want to try again? / 3,y7<,4Y}(} 6y87<,0N2(Please enter 'YES' or 'NO'.8 %@y0+0%0%'AR*(0-Jy%D}:HELLO{y  %CCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCYBCYEp v CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCBLANK1T}EMPZSTARLYXLENGTLPPZBGC10 } } !"#$%&'()}*+ Program: NUMBER Copyright 1982 - MECC ) #@ )" "}%%1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256,100995100,5150,5500,9100,9150,9950,9970,9990,31000,10000(;%,;,2}$E:<+AR(0d;$,;,x6.  B $%~{}6-?:C:kh]^](eTeUeX˅^eY̅_8SUˈ2UTeRː(e˅ː8SRˈ0`,,~$} $% %'JAR-%6 Pressto continue.DAd&J6-',B7t@&F:Ad,"}&, % 'F:Ad,"%*'  '0F:Ad,"%6-%*Ad&0 % ' Ad&$' -t' } ( A NUMBER GUESSING GAME'Q*(" The computer will think of aQ("number between 1 and a number you<(d*("give. Y}ou will then try to guessP(!the number that the computer has`( thought of.d 0* (}-*V'(What is the larges}t number that8( you want ? I$EMV6-A:,,!* BB,Q -$.(Please choose a number} betweenC( 2 and 99,999.G Q B, (}-6-P:$H:,,%".%BD6.6-&P:+&,',@. "6-}|.--(%OK, start trying to guess the number.D/ -/ -%(Guess #  p0  ( 0 (?81!6-F:@},!6-F:@,B1L16-A:,6-B:,%2!*B2d2 -%2/(/(!Your guess must be between 1} and ,3  B"3/  -%!( too small.% / B73- !-%(too big.# - B74% (}}-%%(YOU GUESSED IT! 5T -$4( The number was  and you got it7(B(in H!T( tries.R5 "(} try.k5   5 ( 6, (}-$(the number is ( , @8Draw number line8& --&( }&(9< -&-%+&,$ ($ 2-%+&,$8 <(l9 !(&$P:',1; 6-6-`;-@}; GUESS # (< -$<-@@<    T= ? =-@!@>6-A:,>}!*Bi>-@  H?++ !Your guess must be between 1 and t@  BXB-%+&,$hB !(}mB  (rBBC (*C -$\D-(YOU GOT IT IN !-( TRIES!!!D "( TRY!!!D}   D -$$E!(The number is  ! PF ZF BTy($E }(Ad&"y3 -%+} Do you want to try again? / 3,y7<,4Y(} 6y87<,0N2(Please enter 'YES' or 'NO'.8 %@y0}+0%0%'AR*(0-Jy%D:HELLO{y  %CORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCBLANK1TOCCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCRNKL}TZMLTLZBGC10@@@@@@@@@ @ @ AV AQ} AQPAUAAPAPApABB  A}3AL Ay@$ !@6"@P#@Q$A%Ad&@'(A Program: TAXMAN }Copyright 1982 - MECC ' #@ '" "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256}==5100,5150,5500,9100,9150,9950,9970,9990,31000,10000,100(;%,;,2$E<+AR d};,;,;,n9$,9, B $%~{6-?:C:kh]^](eTeUeX˅^eY̅_8SUˈ}2UTeRː(e˅ː8SRˈ0`,,~$ $% %'JAR-%6 Pressto cont}inue.DAd&J6-',B7t@&F:Ad,"&, % 'F:Ad,"%*'  '0F:Ad,"%6-}%*Ad&0 % ' Ad&$'H 0(}-$!(H I)-%H(I A M T H E T A X M A N'/} -%+(Do you want instructions? / ''7<,4YB '7<,4NBp',("(Please answer YE}S or NO, B '*$E 6-@$* B' BP' BP' B' B'"B}' B@( B` ((((6 -% ( "-%2( You take? 6 #(K$ IS NUMERIC INPUT((}6-A:,<( 6-P:,F(BPP(B`Z( ( (d(7 -% 7(! is not in the list -- try again.n( } Bpx(8,"B@(!B@( -% (++(There are no factors of  left.(,,($Are you try}ing to short-change the( -$%( T A X M A N ?( Bp( 6-( -'(8,"B($P:',}B( 6-%( 68,-) 68,-) )"B") 68,-,) -%$6) 6-%J) -( Your to}tal: ^)! -%( Taxman gets ! h) -r)(8, |)6-%8,) )" -$"(Taxman's total: )} )$) -)( New list: )() 6-) -) 8,"(  B)  ( * ( }*'"P:',(&*   6-0*$:*"B0D*"B N*-6X* -'b*8,"Bl* 6}-v*$* * ** -8,B*  ' B@ B`*5 -% 5(!Because no factors o}f any numbers+""(are left, I get the rest. + 6-+3 -$-(6-%$+8,,, 0 3$ + (}-*+}!B4+"B0>+E-( YOUR SCORE:  TAXMAN'S SCORE: 5-$B(YOU WIN!E$\+I-(TAXMAN'S SCORE: } YOUR SCORE: 5-$F( TAXMAN WINS!I$z+E-(TAXMAN'S SCORE:  YOUR SCORE: 5-$B(TIE GAMEE$+ }+ + Bp+ (}+ -+''(How many numbers do you want in+(( the list? +N$ IS NUMERIC INPUT}+  6-A:,+ 6-P:,+9 -% /(Please be reasonable.9 B+$B,00((Sorry, yo}u'll have to keep it under 50, B$, 6-8, 6-B,( -68,- (}( B,B,8 (}}-8($How very generous of you to forfeit ,(all to the taxman.," -$$"(TAXMAN 1 YOU 0, -$$( }TAXMAN WINS!, B`,$,$- (}-W*("In this game, you will try to beat-(W(%the Taxman. You start with a} list of(-[(0(%whole numbers in order. You may have3(U(up to 50 numbers in the list.X([(2-0-(%You will take a nu}mber from the given0(F-W'(list -- the Taxman gets all the*(T(%factors of your number that are left.W(n-N.(&Your num}ber and all of its factors areN(then deleted from the list.- -,,($}For example, suppose you want 10-..(&num}bers to be in the list. An example-(list would be-**(" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10-..(&If you took 8, t}he Taxman would get---(%1, 2 and 4 and the new list would be-**(" 3 5 6 7 9 10. .--(%}Th}e Taxman must get something every".Q+(#time, so you can choose only thoseQ(!numbers which have factors left.@.++(#W}hen the remaining numbers do notT.--(%have factors in the list, the Taxman^.( gets them.h...(&Your score is the s}um of the numbers|.++(#you take. If you want to give up,.(take 0.. . Bp. (}y($E} }(Ad&"y3 -%+ Do you want to try again? / 3,y7<,4Y(} 6y87<,0N2(Pleas}e enter 'YES' or 'NO'.8 %@y0+0%0%'AR*(0-Jy%D:HELLO{y  %ZNCRNKLp'-CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCIABC}DFGXZZZTRIEZTRYZTRYPWGI1RFLAZBGC10} } !"#$%&}'()*+,-./0123456}789 Program: METLEN Copyright 1982 - MECC ) #@ )" "}%%1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256,100995100,5150,5500,9100,9150,9950,9970,9990,31000,10000(;%,;},2$Ed44;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;%,n( +0 B $%~{}6-?:C:kh]^](eTeUeX˅^eY̅_8SUˈ2UTeRː(e˅ː8SRˈ0`,,~$} $% %&*AR--%&(** & -(* -&K -(* "-%)(}*- 5-%K(Number tried...&Y@$(Number correct2@%H(First try......R *!Y( }&<(@%+(Second try.....5 *!<( & ( $'JAR-%6 Pressto continue.}DAd&J6-',B7t@&F:Ad,"&, % 'F:Ad,"%*'  '0F:Ad,"%6-%*}Ad&0 % ' Ad&$'/AR(}-%/( Metric Length'1 -)(Do you want instructi}ons? - 18'7<,4NB`='7<,0YBt' (}-v'V+(#This is a drill in converting fromV(&}one unit of metric length to another.y'O(( The units used will include theO("millimeter (mm), centimeter (cm),~'T,($}meter (m), and kilometer (km). YouT(#will be given a length in one unit'h.(&and be asked to convert it to anotherV(}#unit. You will have two tries forh( each problem.' 'V/('}1000 millimeters(mm) = 1 meter(m)V(" 100 centi}meters(cm) = 1 meter(m)'..(& 1 kilometer (km) = 1000 meters(m)'C That means...C('10 millimeters(mm) = 1 cen}timeter(cm)'-- %25 kilometers (km) = 25000 meters(m)' ' }'N@sE-F("How many problems }would you like? J N'J 6-A:, )!$@(#Please enter a number from 1 - 30.J Be' -'! (}-%}!( PROBLEM #F(& -%-B:=:,,%"(-& P(6. mm Z(6. cm d( 6. m n(6. km x(6-P:H:,}$,%(''BB BPB( 6.(6-A( B( 6.( 6-$( B( 6.}( 6-( B( 6.(6->)6-P:H:,$,%)"B")BP,) 6-6)"*"B}@)"*"BJ)''BBB@BpT) 6.^)6->h) Br) 6.|)6-? }) B) 6.) 6-) B) 6.)6-A)6-P:H:,$$,%)!(!( = ) }6-B:=:,,%B:,%)-F:@,) 6-'')*, 6-A:, <*""-, B* <- B }*)) %>$*!&$>Bp*6-P:H:,$,%#B* -" *)( .")( .. }Try again!*(6-%&*"B0* B:*0( (0("Sorry, you have used your 2 tries.D*N&P:, ?*& }P:,!D(The correct answer is 0.00$$$N B@N*#(#(The correct answer is X* 6-%b* 6-l* B 0v}*96-P:H:,$%,%#B'-+"/ 2(5(9(* "6-%@* "6-%* 6-* * * 6}-&* (}   By($E }(Ad&"y3 -%+ Do you want to try again? / 3,y}/7<,4Y(}%6-@/ @6y87<,0N2(Please enter 'YES' or 'NO'.8 %@y0+0%0%}'AR*(0-Jy%D:HELLO{y  |y66That's not correct,No,Incorrect,That's not righty__Great!,Fantas}tic!,Good job!,You're doing great!,Right on!,Great...Keep it up!,Good going!yNNKeep it going!,Fantastic job!,Beautiful!,Te}rrific!,Wonderful!,All right!%2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCIABC$sCCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIRETURTEXTNUMBERYNDISKNAMEXNENDINNUMPROGMAXLECXMAXI!}PROZIOCZZLZHZADZLEZCMZERLXXCINFLAXZETZBGVTASELECINPUNUMOPTVERC10!} !} !"#!}$%&'()*+,-./012!}34 Program: HELLO Copyright 1982 - MECC ) #@ )" "%%1,2!},3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256,1005100,5150,5500,9990d&&;@7,;,;,;%,;,n-Bx% #B"!}6-%6-%+!,+ - A""B:,!+6-B:,% @%@@9 B#Bp%!}$$$, ))6 ))6-%$@7 ))6-%$&%%6-) 7"AJ$ -!}"4)4 A0.7B:,,4*$ 7:,6-%67,.>:,) A !"}"AE:6-@:7<,,'!@G* @Y06-A:,: AP 6-7AR"%A4B7t!#}A7$ $%~{6-?:C:kh]^](eTeUeX˅^eY̅_8SUˈ2UTeRː(e˅ː!$}8SRˈ0`,,~$ $% %|5 6-$$6- %'A6%5A7%9 6- %A@%!%}+AA%9A4%-6-?:C:hhhLV,<,*6-F:%A5,-$6-P:',6-P:&$,$'JAR-%!&}6 Pressto continue.DAd&J6-',B7t@&F:Ad,"&, % 'F:Ad,"%*' !'} '.F:Ad,"%6-(Ad&. % ' Ad&$'D+0%0%'AR*(6@e!(}DAd&'& #B""-&&B:,'& $'@-&'.',-@ A"% ,  3!)}' .  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End@.6-F:@!*},%L'3 - Which number? # - A36-V'!* %B['G-@#=( Please enter a number from 1!+} to %.G B``' %Be'"%BPt'( -(!*F:@, &Bv' ! x'; }!,}#B"+@&B:,'/ ;@y'" Program Descriptions"-~'E( A" "(@/ !-} 9 AE@'   'V/('} A manual to aid in the use of thisV(" diskette is available from MECC.!.}'3( Title:#B "/-&&B:,'3 '](Direct inquiries to:A( MECC Distribution Center]( 25!/}20 Broadway Drive'h ( St. Paul, MN 551137( (612) 638-0627; h((} If you have any problems using MECC'[!0}-(% courseware with your microcomputer,B( write or call:[( MECC Help Line'a( 2520 Broadway Drive<( !1} St. Paul, MN 55113S( (612) 638-0638W a B (2 (}-%.(Insert the new diskette.2 (%D:LOGO!2}* +&0%0* 6- A"*-&B:,'@+& "6.D:&67@,.*+  %0u3 !3}- #B"/-&&P:B:,',3(2uA "-%3 No teacher options available.7 A BR5u% - !4}Your options are:" % :u@-} and prime numbers.z|Teacher Options,0%EODISKIRETURTEXTNUMBERYNDISKNAMEXNENDINNUMPROGMAXLECXMAXI 7R` f CCCCCCCCCCC1ZNLINE1LINE2VOLUMEVERSIONCOPYNUMTEXTYEARZETZIOCZBGZADZLZHZLEZCMZZERTC%@}2LINE3LINE4C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLC1DISIC%A} %B} !"%C}#$%&'()*+,-./ Program: LOG%D}O Copyright 1982 - MECC ' #@ '" "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256 5500(;%E}%,;,<AR d33;,;,;,;,;%,;%,;%,;,fLA@Y++AA=%F}AAIARL(n6. Metric andx6.Problem Solving 6. 6. %G} 6. B,) (<$@&P:+B:,%,',)(6 (< $|5 6-$$6- %'A6%5A7%%H}9 6- %A@%+AA%9A4%M6-?:C:hhhLV,<,*6-F:%A5,J6-F:A@%,%F:AA%I}%,$M$6-P:',6-P:&$,$' D:LOGO.FNT'56-BS`6-$6-#6-' 5AV$8'%J}@   B'%%(}=>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>+L'(< <V'( <  <`'!!(<  !>:@4, %K}<j' (<  %$  Minnesota<t'""(<  &  Educational<~' (<  [|  Computing<'!!(<  ]\  Co%L}nsortium<'( <  _^ <'( <  `{ <'( < <' (<<', 6. AB:,!"6., A'5%M} B:,!6. A%B:,!+6.5 A' (<<(%6.Version 67,.% A (""(;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>%N}>>>>>@(66. COPYRIGHT #67@,.667%,. - MECC(& B:,!67%,. #&67$,.((*-P:&+B:,%,',%%O} $-*6-<('AY@4'AdAUA(86-%@8 A*F:Ad,"AUBB(A%P}$F(Ad&%D1:HELLO%LINE1LINE2VOLUMEVERSIONCOPYNUMTEXTYEARZETZIOCZBGZADZLZHZLEZCMZZERTC$'fffffff>`<|fl0fF68of;p88pf< 80 0 ~~`0 0`<)S}f ``nf>ff~fff~~f<flxxlf`````~cwkccfv~~nf)T}f>``|ff|<```<>ff>>ff>|``|fff8<<``lxlf8<f)X}kc|ffffff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~8)Y}8x8ffff>`<|fl0fF68of;p88pf< 8<-\}f 8``nf>ff~fff~~f<flxxlf`````~cwkccfv~~nf-]}<-_} 0`?  0`0`@@``````````0 ``````x`x`~<~~<-`}0~0 ~ <>f>``|ff|<```<>ff>>ff>|``|fff8<<``lxlf8<f-a}kc|ffffff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~-b}8x8ffffp88pf<B G!L"Q1g}A#UA$a%@"&AR'@1(@)@#*@+@,@-At.@2/@01BS`21s}+B$DOS SYSB(BAGELS B$FMETEST BjMET21 B0MET21A BNUMBER B'TAXMAN B$METLEN B+HELLO B?LOGO B QHURKLE FNTB ZLOGO FNTB6cHURKLE 3@`4A$5@6A67@8@9:;@<@=>?@@AAU1t}BA Program: HURKLE Copyright 1982 - MECC ) #@ )" "%%1u}1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256,100995100,5150,5500,9100,9150,9950,9970,9990,31000,10000(;%,;,2$1v}E<ARdEE;,;%,;,;,;%,;,;,;,;,;,9,9,f16.NORTH6.SOUTH&6.EAST11w}6.WESThE6. ~~~ !6.**GO 96.  E" BU -% 7(#You took too m1x}any turns. Hurkle wasG( hiding at M U(. !(,.   = -%%2P:H:,$A,901y}P:H:,$+%,,=  200A -%'(You found Hurkle in -"9( try. = A ( t1z}ries.   $* -%'(Enter 0-10 only please.*$,!6-F:@,!6-F:@,6? --(-$1{}# )--(7-$; ? @ - ($ $%~{6-?:C:kh]^](eTeUeX˅^eY̅_8SU1|}2UTeRː(e˅ː8SRˈ0`,,~$ $% %|5 6-$$6- %'A6%51}}A7%9 6- %A@%+AA%9A4%M6-?:C:hhhLV,<,*6-F:%A5,J6-F:A@%1~},%F:AA%,$M$6-P:',6-P:&$,$'JAR-%6 Pressto continue.DAd&J6-1}',B7t@&F:Ad,"&, % 'F:Ad,"%*'  '0F:Ad,"%6-%*Ad&0 % ' 1}Ad&$') 6-"%$) BG'NA$+!AR$(,0D D:HURKL1}E.FNTN6-$$': 6-$$6-6- "0-A4 :6-' %$'@-% '-( T1}his is a Hurkle."-%-(!'7 -(-%! )({3-%7 "'% (-%  %(1} &'% -%%(   0'H -%$(It is going to hide.<(You try to find it.H@1' -$1} -3'=6-P:H:,$+%%,,%)6-P:H:,$,%=2P:H:,$$,5' - ("B96'- -$ --(1}   7' 29'@ ?' (}-B'; 1) On a horizontal line;(2) On a vertical 1}lineL'9 3) On a 10 by 10 grid9(4) On a -5 by +5 gridV'+ -%+(Where should Hurkle hide? `' $1}E:j'% 6-A:,%"P:,*!* Bt'1 -%'(Enter 1-4 only, please.1 Bp~' (}' 6-'!B1}0'H()( Hurkle is hiding on a /">( horizontalH BP'(vertical'.(.(#line. Try to guess th1}e point where'U(*(it is hiding. You get 4 tries.-(U(#After each try, you will be told in',(,(!which direction 1}Hurkle is hiding.'-  (}6-P:H:,$+%,,-"B'? -( $( ,-5(9 ?(1}'! ( -( ! '8 -0(!Where do you think it is hiding? 4 8'B:,")B:,!6.-1'1 6-1}A:, )!)P:,' A1 B' -%'B@'+ - -$%! A+ A (+-$%1}%(`-%! +-$% ( 6-%!A(* ! (** * B($ ** $1} B<(+ (-!(% +(A(% -%-6!(% F( - (-%(g(B:,"1})B:,!6.-1i(8 -0(!Where do you think it is hiding? 4 8n(1 6-A:, )!)P:,' A1 BEs( 1} -$x(Buy(5-@" !-%%&$+ A5 A (-%&&$(`(! -%6-%!!1}A( !(**  BE( **  BE( }-(=(Hurkle is hiding on a %"3(10 1}by 10= BP((-5 by +5(2( grid.2(A point on the grid is given by(J' two numbers: one number for theJ(1}horizontal position, the other(c(( number for the vertical position:( of the point.c($You try to guess where it is 1}hiding(l,($You get five tries. After each try,T(#you will be told in which directionl(to look for Hurkle.)  (1}}"B$) -&)-6() ( ( *) ,) -%-) ( ..)  ( 1)" ( 1}-( " h)'6-P:H:,$+%,,'6-P:H:,$+%,,w)( -%((Where do you think it is|)M#((Type two numbers sep1}arated5( by a comma)?;6-A6-G6-M6-)Q 68,-668,-6 68,-)68,-5AR?-%%C I6-Q(1} ).B7t@"K)).) "$**F:@,"$ )*"$*F:@,"$ 6-* B%1})@ 6-*"*!@G* @X*8, 768,-&$@(&$)&"*"$*8,"68,-&(0):$"*!@G* @1}T*8, 168,-&$:(&$)&&"A&*F:@,"$B%)-"*"$*8, *8,"$(--68,-)1"1}@D*"*8,!(,'6-1 B%)A&BE)8,*8, 68,-)$68,-P:8,',&+8, ,$(~1}),&*F:@,"$%B:=:8,,,%8,,6-)AU)8, B%)AR() 8,68,-68,) 81},68,-68,)=6-$%$8,6-&8,#"06-%$8,=6-$&8,)18,"*8,"-&&' A1 A 1})* -(` A@!-%% *() ) 8, (* 8,!(* 8,!(* 8, ( * (*1}** 6-%!A* B0* -2*6. . . . . .4*-666*/ "%(-5-4-3-2-1 0 1 2 3 4 5/ B1}8* :* !( <* (>* D*56-P:H:,$+%,&,+6-P:H:,$+%,&,5 By($E 1}}(Ad&"y3 -%+ Do you want to try again? / 3,y7<,4Y(} 6y87<,0N2(Please e1}nter 'YES' or 'NO'.8 %@y0+0%0%'AR*(0-Jy%D:HELLO{y  |y22,9990,5100,31001}0,752%CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCBBLNKE0