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CHANGE COMPANY NAME AND ID9(<(Z(ame: 7@<@0,](~( ddress: 7@1}<@U,(Z$( i/S/Zi: 7@V<@,'(Q(ederal tax ID #: 7@<A,T(~(tate tax ID #: 7}A<A,(dk,($ Enter letter of item to change orS(" Π for no more changes_6-@k6-@0}n:F:Ad,"@c$6-@106-@U: As:F:Ad,"@$6-@V06-@: APx:F:}Ad,"@V$6-@06-A: A}:F:Ad,"@b$6-A06-A: AP F:Ad,"}@A5 F:Ad,@5ASAdAU>($ ______________________________I(Name S A}TAdAU<(" _________________________J(Address T ATAdAU<(" _}________________________J(Ci/S/Zi T A,PAdAU/( ____________F(Federal tax ID # P A}^BAdAU-( ____________B(State tax ID # 367<,.67<,.)6-@3 Ag } A3(;(& CHANGE EARNING USAGES AND MULTIPLIERS>(g($ Earning Usage Multiplierk6-@(&-@}@0 A3Rd(  7<, 7<%@,h k(+(( Usage: A=Active I=Inactive+(}a+(# Enter letter of earning to changeR(" or Π for no more changesU(a6-A` (F:Ad,"@@$6-}@( (F:Ad,"@$6-@( (F:Ad,"@X$6-@( (F:Ad,"@b$6-@}( (F:Ad,"@W$6-@( !(F:Ad,"@$6-@( $(F:Ad,"@!$6-@( }&(F:Ad,"@$6-@( + F:Ad,"@A5. 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CHANGE TAXABLE EARNINGS 1( (1(# EARNING TAXABLE/NONTAXABLEZ(-@@1}$ A3RM(  7@I%<@I%,Q T(W(Z(h+(# Enter letter of earning to changeR(" or Π2} for no more changes^6-A 0h A%GAbAU#6-%@I07<,4T=67<,.NG A P67<,3}.T6-A  AS A-@@I(%UI Federal Unemployment InsuranceS A > A34}(;(&CHANGE MISC TAX LIMITS AND PERCENTAGES>$P(.(#UI State Unemployment Insurance1(P(FCA Social Security5} Tax5(,(!SI State Disability Insurance/(2(5(_,($ Enter letter of item to change orS(" Π for 6}no more changes_6-@.F:Ad,"@b$6-@r. AP.F:Ad,"@$6-@. AP.7}F:Ad,"@X$6-A. AP F:Ad,"@A5 .F:Ad,"@V$6-@X. AP$ 8}AP\6-AP A(("(."@R( FICA Social Security\ AUB"@r8($ SUI 9} State Unemployment InsuranceB AUC"@X9(% FUI Federal Unemployment InsuranceC AU++(# SDI St:}ate Disability Insurancez( ( (3( imit: 7<%@,6(9(E @H(K(p( Enter L to chan;}ge limit orz Ab@@( ercentage of wage: 7%@ <%@,%2( (2($ Enter letter of item to<} change or))(! Π for no more changes F:Ad,"@AP F:Ad,"@A F:A=}d,AeYAdAU'-@(@5( _________U( New limit (0-99999.99) YI6-@(>}6-@ '6-@36-Ap?6-AI A@!! )!B A31'67<%@,.7@<@?},1 AXAdAU'-@1@1(_____T( New percentage (0-99.99) XI6-@16-@}@ '6-@ 36-A?6-AI A@++ )!@)!@A3#//67%@ <%@,.A}7@<@,6-A5 A856@@@ BM(@Z(@g(@t(B}@(@,(@(@(@, f A3-@@*(Change<-@@C}T(ingle or arriedf-@@L(federal tax tables(!($(L(# or Π for no more changes.FD}:Ad,"@b$6-@. A@ F:Ad,"@A5.F:Ad,"@7$6-@. AE AE}5#"@ A6# AU  A6U(1(&Line Tax Amt Plus Of Earnings Over=6-@I6-@rF}U6-A@3-@@%6-%@ 36-%@f"@f( - 7<%@, 7<%@G},% 7$@ &@<$@ ,f"@f( - 7<%@, 7<%@,% 7$@ &H}@<$@ ,5 "@6-@d+6-@q5 Ap 6-@r6-@y"U(.( One W/H allowaI}nce amount: 7<,1(U( Enter line # to change or'r*(" for W/H allowance amount orP(! Π for noJ} more changes\6-Ah6-A0r AB,!@AB1 @AP@[AdAU'-@1K}@ 4(________W( New W/H Amount (0-99999.99) [EI6-@16-@!'6-@36-A?6-AI L}A@J!! )!B A3T)67<,.7@<@,) Ara 6-AdAU'6-@36-M}@rA-@O6-%@ ]6-%@a t#"@ A6# ATu A6v%%( LiN}ne  editwH-@)@#( _________D(Tax Amount (0-999999.99) H|I6-@)6-@ '6-AUO}36-Ab?6-@ I A@~ A3="@367<%@,.7@<@,= Ae''67P}<%@,.7@<@,D-@)@(_____@(Plus Percentage (0-99.99) D16-@6-AeQ}'6-Au1 A@++ )!@)!@A3="@367<%@,.7@<@,= AR}''67<%@,.7@<@,H-@)@#( _________D(Earnings Over (0-999999.99)H16-@S}6-A'6-A1 A@ A3M"@C67$@ &@<$@ ,.7@<@T},M AA767$@ &@<$@ ,.7@<@,A Af A3(4( CHANGE PAY PERIOD U}TYPEN6-A:7@<@,,Z"@f6-@"@6-@"@3306-@"@!fffpV}6-@-@ A6 8-@@2(Current period type: 5(8(!5-@@! AW}6((, /(2(5(0hR(J Enter number of desired pay period or Π for no more changes^6-ABh AX}B2!@AB5Z 6- A6*67@<@,.D67@<@,.=:,P6-APZ A:J"Y}@6.STATE'6.state36-@@6-6@J A ?16.CITY6.city%6-@16-@` A7Z}Z( Does your 1 have any withholding tax ( or ) ?](`( F:Ad,"@CA 0 F[}:Ad,@5A UU( SINCE YOUR  DOES NOT HAVE ANY  W/H TAX, YOU MUST DECLARE YOURWT( F \}TAX DEDUCTION Š BY THE 'CHANGE DEDUCTIONS USAGE' COMMAND.W(3-(% Please see manual for instructions.0(3(]}II(A Press Π to exit this command and go to the?-(% 'CHANGE DEDUCTIONS USAGE' command.?Ad^}AU F:Ad,"@A F:Ad,@A g@ A7*-@@ M(Tax _}arital Status Codes setupP(g( Tax ables setup1( (1(# or Π for no more changes F:Ad,"@E`}A" F:Ad,"@A5 F:Ad,@7A 3 A7`-@@`(4How many maritaa}l status categories does your  have (1-4) C6-@46-@+6-@76-A EC6-A 7b}''B:,!@)B:,"A3%6-A P%21)34A3_ 6-A:,(_(K Please define these categoriesc} by declaring one-character definitionss+(# for each. Some suggestions are:.(A( S for SINGLEU( M for MARRd}IEDs( H for HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD _)(! J for JOINT OF HUSBAND AND WIFEC( A for ALL EMPLOYEESF(Q67<,._-@e}@-@@%<(Marital Status Category # @e6-A e6-A u)6-@%56-@1A6-f}@ eB:,@)B:,"A3,67%<%,. "6-A", A] A7](KYOU MUST TO ENTER 1 g}TAX TABLE FOR EACH OF YOUR MARITAL STATUS CATEGORIES.-(-(" Cat # Marital status category;6-A:7<,,-@h}7( 7%<%,; [( ([(M Enter M.S. category # of table to change or Π for no more changesi}g( (3(% Please see manual for instructions.EAdAUQ6-A5]6-A"g AB")!Aj}Bd6.D2:T 67@,.=:,* A7967@,.<(?(B(E(d( reate new table l'( ek}lete existing tableI( dit existing tablel( rint existing table H( (1(# or Π for no l}more changes=6-@H@ F:Ad,"@BA$ F:Ad,"@A' F:Ad,"@m}A" F:Ad,"@XA( F:Ad,@A# ;6- A8%"@16-A#; A8n}U @@) ^ A7([(F Enter table row by row. When finished, enter 'Eo}'.^(. 16-A$6-%@1-@@j c'(Enter for ROW  , COLUMN +5 A7P>6-A:,H Bp}U(@Y c A#Et @@(/( ٠ĠC-@AUe2@`@@q}i 2 A# # A8"# A8P t A7(8(" Enter ROW # to r}retype in or add <H6-A%R A7U^6-P:A:,,i@t@  @A%P f B(-@s}@R@@D2:WORKf"@A% #-@&@# A%P ?-@t}@$@1(@; B?   6-A% -@@ Y'(Enter for ROW  , COLu}UMN +5 A7U>6-A:,H BU(@Y  2 A%5!-@@.@2  '@v}(@' A%0 @@ ~(@3@76.D2:WORK,O67@ ,.7@,w}t@2@~ A# /@@%6-A#/ A8E @ A86-A## A8x}P@@@ C6-A'0 A7U# A'0C@@P: l BU(@y} TAX TABLE FOR '7@,' MARITAL STATUS CATEGORY:`(@l6-  A' 6-%@/(@z}- C-@@P@b(@ f u(@  A' #@@# A# m{}-@@3(ŠҠԠ١6([( Press Π when readymAdAU F:Ad,"@|}A' A'5 H A7-@@H($ǡӠĠ̠Š a:( ŠؠŠҠ}}7@,ͮӮ١=(@(a( Continue ( or ) ? -@@92A@@~}M-@@ Q s2-@@    F:Ad,"@5A# F}:Ad,@CA( R6-A# A8P>@3@H BR A8@ D AwF:A}5,%A8F:Av,F:Aw,DD:NOMOD  +AAS1A@CA@m6-@}%F:AB,$AV%F:AA,AdAU w%@@+%@@=AR@O-@}@t( company setup UPPER LEVELw$ %2A@@9-@@0= _2}e-s-@z( ~   c6-%@6-%@cA3UA3VA3WA3XA3Y}A3`A3aA3b 6. EGULAR $ 6. VERTIME $ 6. OUBLE TIME$ 6. ICK $ }6. OLIDAY $ 6. ACATION $! 6. ONUS $" 6. OMMISSION $ {6-A5 A85$@}/@9 BC A3b( Company dentificatione(x( ay period{( g+(# arnings usages and mul}tipliers.(G( axable earningsJ(d( eductions usagesg( d,($ ederal tax setup Min Menu/(G( }tate tax setupJ(a( ity tax setupd( n&( iscellaneous taxes setups)(O(! orker's compensation classesR(}h 9A@'@@d9B7t@dd +@@1A@HC-@}@W(This is not theZ(($MILES PAYROLL SYSTEM MASTER DISKETTEnq( ( ((((1(1. Remove this diskett}e4(q(82. Insert the MILES PAYROLL SYSTEM MASTER DISKETTEx-AR@(-(3. Reboot System A0 }N3F:A8,%AV$F:A9,%@>D:MENU B +@@1A@HC-@JY LQQQQQ20@?6-6-@}'6-@36-@?6-A -A!@@d-B7t +-AA"%) }5AIGA@HS@_-@(O)(! Ӡ̠}͠O(! ̠ԠΠԠŠO)(! ͠ǠŠO(! (s}-@(+(1. Turn off Computer.(s(@2. Insert the PROGRAM ENABLING MODULE into Controller Jack #42^((3. }Reboot System(,-@H2@P@@P-T ^2< -  dE AE8,72,165,2}0,41,16,74,74,74,141,243,2,104,40,76,62,233 N'F:A8,%AV$F:A9,%3D:NOMOD B-6-@lEiͩkΩ͙kCop j`j {j`Hi͝Νh` }L"UNEM:D"NURͩkΩ͙kCop j`j {j`Hi͝Νh`  D  C D     )16CS S)  C)D1 p p }0 C9DI pCDL~CiCDiD` DD˙` d J)L !}D L(( LL()  L| L( S LH 0p n  } CY?  q  L L  ` )} `A! d߰")-݆ "  $G@LLL&0") $G%}H0 3S8`G ȱG ȱG   Gȭ Gȭ GG}GHiH8(()) G$H% `(0})8` d)L ݆ & LGȘ ݆LL d  ! LL d)N>Q  HH)}  hyhyB q L> Lm JJ  Ln*` dB%'}8  H H` 1 { LL   !L     Hh SY?  q  1L}  !? 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F0Ξ05: [ BDEHI} VY8 B V  @  /DE `E:D1:DUP.SYSERROR-SAVING USER MEMORY ON DISKTYPE Y TO }STILL RUN DOS B;DE J V (` 9 V⪍ ઍ  -}LLu DEHILV 9 .l 9 .l  `` s$B VBH}I|DE V BLV nB,DE J V* \*` B V BLVDEHI BLVL}1u H232435; 1 ;  hh@2 e1i1LHҍ 00) 08 109hh@ Ҡ2e}1i1232435ޥ<<8 }n( Stadard deductions t6-A5 A856@@@ BM@Z@g@}t@ A@@*@5@A6-A5 F:Ad,"@cA` F:}Ad,"@@ F:Ad,"@BA$ F:Ad,"@XA) F:Ad,"@FA+ }F:Ad,"@EA - F:Ad,"@7A/ F:Ad,"@VA01 F:Ad,"@AP3}.F:Ad,"@b$6-@. AP5.F:Ad,"@$6-@. AP8 F:Ad,"@5ApB } A6LOOA6bA6cA6dA6eA6fA6gA6hA6iA6pN6.Federal W/H tax$O6.}State W/H tax $P6.City W/H tax $Q6.FICA W/H tax $R6.SDI W/H tax $S6.Group insura}nce$T6.Standard ded #1$U6.Standard ded #2$V6.Tax shel an ded$`QAdAU A3"(}K($ CHANGE Š FEDERAL TAX TABLEN(Q$aQAdAU A3"(K($ CHANGE Ġ FEDERAL TAX TABLEN(}Q$j''A6A6A6A6k6-@6.Weekly$l!6-@6.Biweekly!$m$6-@330!6.} Semimonthly$$n 6-@!fffp6.Monthly $t1 A3(((  TAX SETUP+(.(1$~M A36.7%<%,}(J(  TAX SETUP for M.S. Category M$4EA$ c%2A@@9-@@@}= _2c u6-@,@@9@i7@<@,0**}7@<@,0 u6-@$N A3-@@D( ˠԠ٠ġN A8}`N A3-@@D( ˠԠ٠ġN A8`? A3-@@5(Š}ġ? A8`N A3-@@D( ԠĠȠנϠšN A8` ? A3-@@}5(ϠȠš? A8`< A3-@@<(Š٠ӡ-(-(" Press } to acknowledge-@@92A@@M-@@ Q s2}-@@   F:Ad,"@   A8p< B:," 6-&@>$D6-}6-'6-06-B:,D"AAP? A3N:A:,,"@) B56-@? A@3 }A3N:A:,,") B3 AAP6-@0 -7<,4.&6-%@0 A@17<,20)}7<,39'6-@1 A@0!@6-@ "@A3+ 6-A:,+ 6B)!BA3}"" >P*!6>PAAP'6-%>P' A@p6-&>P2 6.=:,-@B:,2}7<,4.A@6 6-B:,#67%@,..667%@,.096-%@*-B:,%@@567,.}09  *-%@@&67<,. * J-@@&&67<,. * F67@&,.7@<,J 6}6. 0.00 !@A Afp%2@P@@/ A3A-@@L(}RemoveO(i(MILES PAYROLL SYSTEM( COMPANY SETUP DISKETTEzy( (( Insert(J(& MILES PAYROLL S}YSTEM MASTER DISKETTEM(P(S(y(! Press Π when readyO%2/ A80DF:Ad},"@O%D:MAIN A` Xm A3(*( STANDARD DEDUCTIONS-(0(3(m(" Standard deduction #1 type: }7@<@,bF(@(" Standard deduction #2 type: 7@<@,C(F(lSS(K A=Amount specified for eac}h employee deducted DIRECTLY from gross payve(e(Z P=Amount specified for each employee is a PERCENTAGE of gross} pay to be deductedU(U(JEnter # of standard deduction to change or Π for no more changes.F:Ad,"}@1$6-@. Ar.F:Ad,"@0$6-@. Ar F:Ad,"@A5 Aq '}7<,4A67<,.P' ArP*67<,.AR6-Ap A N3F:A8,%AV$F:A9,%@}?D:SETUP BA3-@@D( ԠĠȠנϠšN A8` ? A3-@@lCOMPNAMECOMPADDRCOMPCSZFEDTAXIDSTATAXIDEMPLNAMEEMPFNAMECOMPADDEMPMNAMEEMPADDEMPCITYEMPSTATEEMPZIPG}RPAYGRPAYTAXFEDTAXSTATETAXCITYTAXFICAWAGESFICAWITHSDIWAGESSDIWITHWAGENOTAXEMPSSNODEDNOTAXDEDFSWTAXSETMAS1MAS2}MAS3MAS4MAS5COMNAMEFEDTAXEDCOMPGEEKCOMGEEKCOGEEKPNAMECONAMECOADDCOCSZENDIRMAS6TIMEDEDFSCTAXLIMISET2PE}RCENGRPAYTAWAGETEMPDIDFSCTAXEMPMINITP \ hw   }             }(rr rrbrr !"#$%&'()7}*+,-./~r0 1234Fr5678 }9:++W-2 FORMS PRINTER BY MILES COMPUTEINGEETHE USER PLACES HIS OWN CODE USING LPRINTS IN LINES 700 TO 998}011TO ACCOMMODATE THE CURRENT W-2 FORMS FORMAT66FIRST, "RUN" THE PROGRAM AND FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS  }USER INSTRUCTIONS w@@'AR@w(K}This program inputs BASIC strings from your MILES} PAYROLL SYSTEM DATAjg(_DISKETTE, and permits the user to use simple BASIC to modify this program to print W-2 Forms.j}(uu(mThese strings contain the current year-to-date information. It is the same information which Report #14(y'(}in MILES PAYROLL SYSTEM prints.*(y(JIf your printer cannot handle the number of parts your state requires,2e8(0you} may wish to print your W-2's more than once.;(e(%To run this program, put your current<iA(9MILES PAYROLL SYSTEM DATA D}ISKETTE into Disk Drive #2.D(G(i(Press Π to continue...F F:Ad,@@pPdAdAUd}(J}Some of the strings vary in length. If you would like a hard copy of aZnn(Blist of each string, their lengths an}d values, use the command >:@4,G.30000>:@4,.nvv(nAll strings with year-to-date numeric data are 9 charac}ters long, with the decimal point in location 7 of thexd(string as shown:(J(string:>:@4, 98.76>:@4},d(location: 123456789(( (((Press Π to continue F:Ad,@A5wAdAU9}(}This program is outlined thus:<(R(Line NoActionU(w(10-380Instuctions for user0(0(300-350The stri}ngs are DIMensionedQ(0(400-640Data is obtained from disk-Q(ette and strings are set upd(-("30000-END Prin}ts out the names andM(meanings of each string tod(your line printer,-STRINGS ARE DIMENSIONED.6RR;}@0,;@%,;@%,;@,;@,;@,;@,@]];@,;@%,;@ ,;@,;}@ ,;@ ,;@ ,;@ ,J]];@,;@ ,;@ ,;@ ,;@ ,;@ ,;@ ,};@ ,T]];@ ,;A,;A,;A,;A,;A,;A,;A,^2&;A,;@ },;@,26.D2:M.hT(T(IThe DIMensions have now been made. Make a listing of this program, andm**("place }your code in lines 700-9980.rQQ(IThen position your W-2 Forms in the line printer. Print them using thew22(command }>:@4,G.400>:@4,.|AR??USE COMMAND "G.400" TO PRINT GET DATA FROM DISK AND PRI}NT)@@D2:COMP$6@C@N@e6.7@<@0,|6.7@1<}@U,6.7@V<@,16.7@<A,16.7A<A,\*("}Mount W-2's in your line printer-(}P(ll employees or ndividuals ?\6-.F:Ad,"@c$6-@. A F:Ad,@A`}dAdAU(=(Employee # to print (0 to end) G ApKU Ba"d!! @)!@P}ApM 6-P:,67@,.=:,* @;67@,.0M67@,.=:, AX-@@P)67}@,.=:,5 @F67@,.0X67@,.=:, B*@@4 BA@}N@[@h@u@@@WXEMPLOYEES' STRING SETUPYbv6.}7@<@,16.7@<@(,H6.7@)<@),_6.7@0<@T,v6.7@U<@t,lv6.7@u}<@v,16.7@w<@,H6.7@<A,_6.7@<@ ,v6.7@<@,vv6.7@<@'},16.7@(<@6,H6.7@7<@E,_6.7@F<@T,v6.7@U<@c,]6.7@<@,16}.7A<A,=6-@G BS6-A] BBBP U T Y O U R C O D E H E R E U S I N G "LPRI}NT"S.$$PRINT THE STRINGS USING BASIC,11SPACE BETWEEN W-2 FORMS BY USING "LPRINT"S.//YOU MAY USE UP TO} LINE 9980 FOR YOUR CODE443,HERE YOU ARE PRINTING AN EMPLOYEE'S W-2 FORM'H"ApHTHIS IS THE END O }F THE LOOP TO PRINT EMPLOYEES ' B''SUBROUTINE'OAdAU @,"/(E(NO SUCH  }EMPLOYEEO Ap$'    N!NCALCULATE FICA WAGES"NAND SDI WAGES SUBROUTINE#N*NJ-A:7@<@,,!A }:7<%@,,@6.7<%@,J B04N6.7@<@,>N"@6. BHN 6.N$0u1 }u==SUBROUTINE TO PRINT STRING DESCRIPTIONS TO LINE PRINTER2uUSE THE COMMAND "G.30000"3u:u==35STRINGS IN W-2 FORM P }RINTER FOR MILES PAYROLL SYSTEM:?u03-3NAME LENGTH DESCRIPTION03Du[.3CONAME$ 30Company's nam}e[3COADD$ 25Company's addressNu;;3COSCZ$ 25Company's state city and ZIPXuKK3FEDTAXID$ } 12+Company's federal tax identification numberbuII3STATAXID$ 12)Company's state tax identification num}berluf43EMPLNAME$ 15Employee's last namef3EMPFNAME$ 10Employee's first namevu`13 EMPMINIT$}1Employee's middle initial`3EMPADD$ 25Employee's addressuY43EMPCITY$ 20Employee's city }taxY3 EMPSTATE$2Employee's stateui*3EMPZIP$9Employee's zip codei3EMPSSNO$ 11!Employee's so}cial security numberuG3(3Employee year-to-date values:+3G3GRPAY$9 Gross payuV'3 GRPAYTAX$9Gross pay }taxedV3FEDTAX$9Federal income tax withheldu^13 STATETAX$9State income tax withheld^3CITYTAX$9Cit}y income tax withhelduE#3 FICAWAGES$9 FICA WagesE3 FICAWITH$9 FICA withhelduB!3 SDIWAGES$9 SDI WagesB}3SDIWITH$9 SDI withheldue.3 DEDNOTAX$9Wages not taxed at alle3 DEDFSCTAX$9!Wages not taxed for FWH, S}WH, CWH D:W24ECOMPADDRCOMPCSZFEDTAXIDSTATAXIDEMPLNAMEEMPFNAMECOMPADDEMPMNAMEEMPADDEMPCITYEMPSTATEEMPZIPGBSETUP BMENU BNOMOD BAUTORUN SYSB'DOS SYSB8W2PRINT