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There seems to be a cave at the base of the cliffIt hangs over the edgeYou found a small rockYou uncovered a mapCrumbling rocks are strewn across the cave floorIt is a small straw hutIt is much too heavyThe boat is obviously quite old. Its frame of rotten wood and rusted steel is all that remainsWhat do you want to think ofIt is closedIt is openInside is a bottle of rumVery tasty! HicYou blow till you're blue in the face, but nothing at all happensYou've started a fireThere's nothing unusual about the hammockThe ship offshore sees it and launches a rowboat. When the rowboat arrives, the captain, an old sea dog, says, "We don't take no passengers fer free, bud.The captain says, "Ahh...now that's the ticket, ehh mate?!? Come on aboard." The captain takes you to his shipIt is firmly attached to the boatIt looks badly damagedHowever, there is an old sheet of canvas insideThe anchor is controlled by the winch. Unfortunately the winch is locked by a chainYou've done it, swabbie! The winch spins, the anchor slips into the sea, the boat slows to a stopHe says, "That is a nasty gash on your head.Kicking the leader in the chest, you break four of his ribs. The crew slinks back in fear, cowed by your fighting prowess. Their quarters are your quartersThe man won't let you passYou can't leave the ship until it has stoppedYou leave the ship onto a waiting Royal Navy boat which takes you to the English shoreThere is some debris floating off of the pierIt is a diverse mixture of junkIt is too far away to reachIt looks too cold for swimmingYou managed to fish out an old newspaperHe says, "Can't you see you're scaring the fish?The fisherman won't let you take it"My pole is worth more than you got.He says, "Forged airline tickets are but a step away when one knows the byword...How muchHe says, "The byword is 'Chandralt'.You see a doctor lounging inside a small roomYou need an airline ticket to board the planeYou take an uneventful trip to LuxembourgHe says, "We have nothing to sell, mate. Merchandise is the byword of success.He says, "Welcome, I am Grevdan, master forger. Airline tickets are 200 pounds, mate."Might appreciated, mate."May I take your hat, sir?But you don't even have a keyA waitress walks up and says, "Your drink, sir." She leaves it on the tableIt tastes awful! Oh no! It's poisonAs you examine the drink, a tiny little man goes running byA tiny little man cringes nearbyThe candle has been securely fastened to the table, to prevent shady characters like you, from stealing itYou find a hat and 210 poundsYou take an uneventful trip to EnglandIt appears to be emptyThere is a dead man hereYou find an ID and a note"Leave before I call a policeman!The lady shows you a safety deposit boxThere is a gun insideThat is bank propertyUsing your shell to dig, you uncover a leafletIt's a driver's license for Bob MastersIt says, "Jared is in room 207. Good luck.It is a safety deposit box slip for account AN11649Something is written on itHe says, "We've put you in room 202.You hear a humming of machineryYou are on the first floorYou are on the second floorBut, you already have that itemHe says, "Scram before I call the manager.Suddenly you hear a quiet whirrFFTTHHWWTT!!! A poison dart has just plunged into your back! The poison works quickly. Your life flashes before your eyes. Ohh...yes, now you remember! Your name is..As you duck, a poison dart whizzes over your head and out the window. Whew! That was closeHe says, "Do you mind, buddy?The man pulls a pistol out from under the covers and shoots you. You're deadYou got him! He falls dead to the floorThere is a dead man hereYou already have oneIt says, "Jared-- beware. William was seen flying into Luxembourg.The bum slurs sardonically, "Gee, it seems I have forgotten, my memory isn't what it used to be.The doctor says proudly, "I'm an authority on brain injuries. You might have heard of me.The man is in no condition to carry on a conversationThe old fisherman calls a policeman and has you locked up for disturbing the peaceYou can't tie the vine to thatThey watch you silentlyThere is no one to talk to hereYou'll hardly get a response from theGot itAs you are climbing up the vine, you suddenly hear a snap?!? Ohh no...you are too heavy for the vine... you're fallllllllll...He says, "Don't bother me, the Royal Navy is near. I can't stop the boat to let you off.It is already doneThe captain grabs you by the hair and tosses you overboard. You hear the crew cheering as you hit the waterYou don't have enoughYou don't see a plane here"I am the hat check girl, if you had a hat, I would take it for you.You already areWhere"What is your account number, sir?The desk clerk says, "Good day sir. Your room is number 202.You find a pistol and a message under the coversAlright?! But, you'll look pretty silly. You double up the canvas and throw it across your shouldersThe table is firmly attached to the floor.Is..Uhhh..You're deadSome time passesYou see some machinery which forms a trap, behind the door. The room is in disarrayYou can't enter the ruined boatThere are some monkeys playing in the treesBoy! Those natives make it look easier than it is. How to climb these palm trees is a mysteryYou uncovered a mapHow? The cliff is too steep to climbIt is a colorful shellYou hear Lorne Greene narrating an ocean seriesYou tie one end of the vine to a large rock and throw the other over the edgeIt is a small rock with a very abrasive surfaceIt is a large, firmly planted rockAs you rip off a piece, it crumbles into sawdustIt would be very handy if you had a vineYou see nothing unusualIt is perfectly ordinaryOk. You throw it over the side of the cliff foreverTry 'TIE VINE TO XXXXThere is nothing to tie it to! Not hereYou gallantly hurl yourself over the cliff to your final destination...deathHowHey! This is great! Warm water, blue sea, mean sharks...sharks?!?The straw burns for a while then goes outThe captain sees you and grabs you. As he strangles the life out of you, he yells, "Why you limey land lubber!! You stopped my ship and now I will have to answer to the Royal Navy!". You are deadYou can't! The winch is lockedThe captain, disgusted, leaves you on the beach alone and sails offYou're not close enough yetYes, a rest would be nice...but there's work to be doneIt's not safe to sleep hereThey seem to be long, strong vinesThere's nothing unusual about the plantsIt is an unusually long, sturdy vineYou strip some straw off the hut wallYou manage to get a nice, long, strong vineYou strip a solid chunk of steel off the skeleton of the boatYou select a small rock from the rubbleAlthough slightly rusted, the steel is in pretty good shapeThe ruined boat is beyond repairThe middle of a jungle isn't exactly the high seasRead it for yourselfIt's already openThe lid is rusted openThe rock is much to heavy to moveYou uncover nothing unusualExposure to the sun has made it dry and brittleThe ocean stretches away as far as you can seeYou can't. It is tied to the rockYou see nothing unusualSparks fly as you scrape the steel and the rockTry 'BANG ROCK WITH XXXXTry 'BANG STEEL WITH XXXXThe label reads 'We will sell no rum before it's time.' The bottle is fullThe label reads 'We will sell no rum before it's time.' The bottle is emptyThere is a vine tied to the rockAfter ripping off another piece and watching it crumble before your eyes, you decide the wood is quite worthlessOnly Tarzan can swing through treesAre you drowningAaaaarrrrgggghhhDon't you mean vineAll you can see is the dark entranceA layer of rubble covers the loosely packed earth hidden underneathYou already have as much straw as you can carryYou already have some straw...somewhereYou see a tiny hut in the distanceConsidering that you are miles away from any land, jumping would not be very wiseThe porthole is sealed closedThe captain pulls a concealed hand musket from his vest and blows a large hole in youThe lifeboat is beyond repairThat is too much of a task for just one manTry 'CUT CHAIN WITH XXXX.You see a marvelous panoramic view of nothing but blue seas and blue skiesThe telescope is firmly attached to the boatThe man sits silently. Staring at you in defianceThe man growls, "Where do ya think yer going?You're no great chef, but you manage to prepare some fish stewAhh. A little tuna sashimiThe doctor, always prepared, whips out a hypodermic needle and sticks it in your armAngered by your unprovoked attack, the crew unite to dispose of youThe crew would not find that in the least bit funnyIt's not safe to sleep hereThe only way you're going to get that knife is if someone sticks it in youHe's a hearty, seafaring man. You shouldn't mess with himThe doctor looks quite intelligentThe blood-stained cleaver is razor sharpAlthough slightly weatherworn, the canvas is in good shapeThe man looks pretty tough...a definite trouble makerThe boat isn't seaworthy. It couldn't save lives in a bathtubYou don't need that hatYou can't cut an anchorThe captain yells, "I don't want that!Out of the corner of your eye, you see the boat heading back out to seaThe captain says, "Nobody rides fer free.You are buried in an ocean of angry sailorsThey just stare at you, waiting for something to happenYou get the feeling you're not wanted hereThe man stares at you defiantlyThe man clutches his chest in agonyOk. You turn the telescopeYou can't seem to catch anything elseBut you don't have a fishing rodThe fisherman laughs, "For five pounds you got a deal. The pole is yours.The bum says, "Five pounds buys you this: The byword is chandralt.The bum says, "My info is worth more than you got.The derelict is lying in the gutterPounding on this hapless victim isn't your idea of a good timeIt's a sturdy, little single-propGrand theft auto is not an acceptable hobby in EnglandIt's a spunky, little Morris MiniHe looks like a shifty characterHe says, "so ya wanna ticket or not?The clerk innocently asks, "What's that for?He hisses, "Get out of here before you're seen!The fisherman won't let you take itWith a gun hidden under the counter, the clerk blows a large hole in youHe's a grizzled old fishermanThe fisherman whacks you over the head with his pole, and yells, "Get out of here before I call the cops!It's a normal pole, hook, line, and sinkerIt's a fine hatIt's a perfect forgeryHe is wearing a black and white tuxedoHe says, "Welcome to Rick's.He is sound asleep-nothing could wake himWhy? He is already sleeping like a dead manHis only reply is a loud snoreIt's like trying to wake a rockYou can't enter that buildingBreaking and entering is not proper etiquetteTrash digging? Show some prideThe only thing that will accomplish is to get yourself arrestedThey're a seedy bunchAfter a string of highly explicit words, you get the impression that you're not wanted hereYou don't give money to robbers, they take itOne of them gives you a knife...blade firstShe is very prettyThe lady says, "Don't forget to pick it up on your way out.The lady says, "But sir, you have no hat.The lady says, "But sir, you never checked one in.The lady hands you your hat and says, "Thank you for eating at Rick's. Please come again.The lady, seeing your intent, leaps over the counter to the man's defense. She kicks you once where it counts. Thus subduing youThe lady, seeing your intent, leaps over the counter. She kicks you once where it counts. Thus subduing youYou see a tablet dissolving in the drink. PoisonYou find nothing on the little manThe little man is out coldThe little man says, "It wasn't me who betrayed you on the Tycoon," then faintsThe little man is already dying from frightA waitress arrives and deposits a drink on the tableBut you're not carrying a hatIt looks sharp on youHow civilized. You clean yourself upAhhhh. That's much betterYou must have an airline ticket to board the planeYou take an uneventful trip back to EnglandYou must say 'BOOTH XX', where XX is the numberThere is no booth zeroBut there are only 99 boothsOk. You enter the boothThe ground is much too hard for bare handsHe's dead alrightYou can't kill a dead manThe man listens intentlyYou find a note and an ID cardYou find nothingShe asks, "Everything is in order?She says, "But sir, you already have your box.The clerk politely reminds you that you can't leave with her safety deposit boxThe clerk says, "Thank you for banking at Luxembourg National.The box is emptyThe box contains a gunOk. You remove the gun from the box"Your account number please:The lady disappears into the back for a minute then returns with your safety deposit box. She hands it to youThe man is safe inside his boothHe says, "I hope you enjoyed your flight.The chubby man is selling picklesWith a policeman standing behind youHe says, "How about a delicious pickle?He's a brawny fellowThere are easier ways of ending this gameHe says, "I don't want no trouble on my beat.Munch, crunch. That was tastyThey are carrying on a heated discussionThey're inside a locked boothThey don't want to be botheredHic! That really warmed you upThey are talking about the recent developments in the Middle EastYou can't go up thereShe presses an alarm under the counter and an army of policemen rush in and cart you off to the slammerShe is counting a large wad of moneyYou flail around for a bit, but succeed only in soiling your clothesBreaking and entering is not an acceptable hobby in LuxembourgIt is clearly a handcrafted piece...very expensiveOk. You sit down at a tableYou see some debris floating in the waterYou can't take the gun on the airplaneYou can't cut the chain with thatIt would help if you had a cleaverThe derelict giggles when you search him, but you find nothingYou inadvertently light the hut on fire and torch yourselfYou hear some rustling in the next room, and a crazed management type comes running in and swings a huge axe at your headThe barrel is much too heavy. If only you had eaten your spinach like your mother saidThe monkeys are far too nimble to be caughtAfter hopelessly tangling yourself in the vine, you decide it isn't worth the effortBut you have no prescriptionBut you aren't sickThe doctor knows you're fakingThrough the telescope you see the Royal Navy just off the starboard bowThat is a completely different adventureYou see an exceedingly ugly individual staring backWhat would your mother thinkOk. But nothing happensWheeeeeBut you don't have a gunBeing stranded on a deserted isle really makes a person desperateYou hear nothing specialYou find nothing specialYou must say 'BOOTH XX', where XX is a numberPushing that does no goodYou can't shoot hereYou don't remember anything importantThe toilet backs up, drenching you with dirty waterThe candle is much too hot to touchOk. You duck, but nothing happensYou really should control your temperYou can't go carrying a drink aroundWheeeeePlease be more specificTry the local YMCABanging that does nothingSuddenly a dart plunges into your back! Fortunately the canvas protects you from the near fatal blowTry a directionYou can't go in that directionThe shark eyes you hungrilyA good idea, but it won't help hereThe clerk looks at you warily and says, "I have nothing to sell.Please be more specificThis time the lady whips out her perfume and sends a blast in your direction. The stench is overpoweringI'd be careful, lest it lighten it's burden upon Your headNothing special happensYech! That tastes awfulBurning that serves no purpose.Not hereYou don't have that objectHe seems to be a quiet, unimposing little manWith a whooping battle cry, the little clerk rapidly disposes of youHe says, "Too bad you don't have any luggage.He is just standing there looking boredWith a whooping battle cry, the little clerk leaps to the aid of his bellboy and rapidly disposes of youBut that's hotel propertyThe light floods into the room through the open curtainsThe man is obsessed with his bookIt's an old bookThe man hollers and the little clerk comes running in. With a whooping battle cry, the clerk rapidly disposes of youNothing unusual happensDingIt looks like it's either an original by Picasso or a finger-painting by Charlie the ChimpYou perverted nymphomaniacAs you attempt your impression of Norman Bates, the man, angered by your disturbance, clubs you to death with his backscratcherDo you do windows alsoThe man pulls the covers aside, revealing a small pistol. With an evil glint in his eye, the man squeezes the triggerYou whip your gun out and fire. As the man's body slumps to the ground, the covers slide aside revealing a pistol and a noteYou already have oneOkYou find nothingHe was a mean oneYou've already done thatHe ignores you completelyNot another oneThe monkeys seem to be enjoying themselvesBeing stranded on a deserted isle really makes a person desperateTrash digging? Show some dignityAs you walk across the land you get a sudden sinking feeling!?! QuicksandThe cook would not appreciate thatBut the anchor is overboardThe winch is no longer lockedYou can't raise the anchor by yourselfThe chain has been cutThe chain locks the winch in placeThe sailors watch you silentlyThe fisherman breaks his pole over your head and begins yelling at the top of his lungs. Within a few minutes a pair of policemen arrive and cart you off to the slammerThey're a motley bunchThey seem more interested in consuming their coffee and donutsYou can't kill the whole bunchThe host, apparently her husband, reaches over and decks you in the mouth. "Get out!", he yellsIt's a scruffy looking felineThe cat scampers out of your reachThe cat meows in replyThe cat scampers out of your reachIt's an ordinary vaseBut that's the property of the innSmells nicePoundsYou've been in Luxembourg before..A trusted friend..A low life you know well. You thought he died in a fiery auto accident..A private yacht you are familiar with..A wealthy industrialist..Sorry, Condor can't help you anymoreCondor says, "Think for yourself.There is something there..Save your gun until you really need itCould it be? Yes, a ship sailing along the horizonThe ship is too far away to see clearly  %_T&4  ! - +=  Sw#SxKSz  3@ W    Q W    R W    R W    R W    R W    R W    R W      S W   T W   T W   U W     V    W ^( ^ ^( 4 ^ ( ^ 3 ^   s3 ^   ta ^   a ^   @&a ^   Aa ^   & < &< &  ^ ^ & ^ ^ &  & &  & 0[ 0[   21$    1 &Cy1 &"`1 0X1  { 0 C 8  v8vv  9_9__  _W  6KlQ?Q$QDD$D 7? ?|  56 r       B  [ T%_d       9  ]-    W uWWW  ^-&& ^-^^ˈ^ˈ&^&^ &^   k  !`"#Z$%_STUV X _2 TS U!V%( TS U!V%4 TS U!V%M%M %F *-F 9T9V& ` &G&b &9S56   ]: ;O*R++,P ,'&/ &/ ߄&/- &/&/,/.?/.+/ ߄+/  /+/c&/ ߄&/  /&/c/ ߄/  //c;/a,. 019F&0&0 &0 qc .0 qc &0q .0q.0.0 e.00G.00 0 0 ބ0L1L1 L1&1&1 &11 #/1 W!/1 3/1 3/1 p  p4/1 &1  2&1g2 #52GU2S&2&2$&2 &2B2 U2 ?@A3 ;<=>?@A83 ;<=>?@A83 A @Af [\f [\Hf [\ [T&\ &\)&\&\$&\ ݅#$&\KGH PS kK BLKMNOPQRD BLKMNOPQRD BLKMNOPQR BLKMNOPQR3D BLKMNOPQRy^ /BLKMNOPQRXYv4BoB i&BE&Bj &BkF]Bu9 BXFY BXF BXF DFHE9DFHE EFGD8EFGD8FBYFBFBJ ڈ] KG \&LJ&Lq4Lr4Ls &LsP PP\OpFOpK CKq`KqKq/ KM GK   L"mno GK   #\K  KK KQ ] J ] &QQ]]#{ &Q =QQ]]#{)&QQ] ]#{)=QQ] ]#{)2QQ] ]#{<2QQ] ]#{Q ۅ QJ ڦB-z&RN&Rw &Rx_Rw_Rw2]|2]#}$&]~$=]~&]=] &] =]&]=]iC*9*:#*=#*>#*0#*6 ֦J*6pIJ H* *R4Z7]8^9^/I2J)K).Z&ZLZ"g[1\GLI #L/LL;L>LALDLL#LL&Ƒ]Ȏ:;L9:؍;) wQxR e:;hh:;`hQhRQR`;>;>ADAD&Iµzeeeeeeeeeeee]:T;UT)ЍTJJJJȱT)ЍTJJJJЩm::; fL4fȆ$26ʈ ]ȍ1ȍ2' ,,,U_` fP] fQ^ fQ # fP #Ħ]Q #Ĥ^P #LI fP fQ fR fS LzPRDžPDžR))5ȅX1ȅYPR RX%YX QQS`Q]ȅVȅWP_QV%XQVVR0_QV%YQVVP _VP` fP fQ f f #L©+L*©RŽS fR fS fQ Ii]P^ +åPQ$^ XP &X &Xi^e]]^eX^L¥P8QXX*X*Y eX^e]]^eY^QPLQ¥PHFPRePSeQ åRePS8Q åR8PSeQ åR8PS8Q hPQHFQReQSeP åReQS8P åR8QSeP åR8QS8P hQ`RePSeQ åRePS8Q åR8PSeQ åR8PS8Q åReQSeP åReQS8P åR8QSeP åR8QS8P]ȅVȅWDZVE_=QVV`,X fP fQ fɍDHQ Wh &W &WVWiWVEXH]ePĽih PP(PQQQPRQSPQ äQ8R Ii,,ZČĥQ8S Ii,,[ČĦPQXZ[$S`XeZ[X[X\ ä\L{R`Xe[ZXZX\ ä\L f ōˠ'ˈŠ'ˈ f f LĆPQ$ƄXǪ]ȅVȅWV%XXQJ؅T˅UPQ]ȅVȅWTIhTǽ1V`XV%XX;VQT%XQVVXX V TV0 VJ91VXB1TXVP࠰M))ƅXV%XX;VQT%XQVVFXFX V TV( V K1VXT1TXVQPQL+`UUUUUf3D"wݻZP _̙Dw3D33w3w"w"P _P_ _ 33""ݥ 3"UU3UU"UUݪ3"3" UUUU UU  UUت0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0   !!!!""""####$$$$%%%%&&&&''''?????(Px@h0X Hp8`(Px@h0X Hp8`(Px@h0X Hp8`(Px@h0X Hp8`(Px@h0X Hp8` !!!!!!"""""""######$$$$$$%%%%%%%&&&&&&'''''''(((((())))))*******++++++,,,,,,,------......//////0000001111111222222333333444444455555566666667777778888889PQTU[ZQ]ȅVȅWPTTQVXTITU%XQVVZQ[`Lxt !̩ [(8` [(`JRWjΩlέ k .l .l .lmk΍kΐl8*mk΍kΐl ̰. 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A young clerk is half-asleep behind the counterh&%XXjnn prt{~ ntt uy{|((UUV)U>>@@9>@95 5 66::BBFFI I&(uuttuggurrueeuXXceuJ|J|Wt=v=vJxW{Y{egr  it  ce   .DDc_4 3.H28 v _$mQa<=88 D 'rv@~}>b  Lm  L R=~yzmw_vS6}_ySuEl7Vn&{the lobby. There is a vintage elevator to the north&%XX((UU)U>>@@9>@95 5 66::BBFFI I&(  it  ce   .DDc_4 UXl]kjaackbmdcx ~zx xuv  vsz651|*z~*'.~Ez5x/u2s@z::G5%1y;}\uAtJsGtAuHsGp@rInNnPsNqUtNyQxYt]uGyO{NnOnMrIrHnPrNz z ||{{)#$$&+&!'*\AVVC  ( =VU8:  9/F3$^K//<>8 7F 8 j9l$ydRa7Vp&s>/}&4Z?P{B|EE m=uTqO+OQ &y*3#~<0%6V==F:GDW;^>^PlNPI6 y"m  <  ~ the hall. The elevator lies to your weste!L?L+L*S*|S*S@M@SAl!ZjjonYZX[\鋞l銝i++t|tmlm9i9>$@^E)EPE*H+HJJ.JDd\d`$`Td\d_ZJZ)X+XH      "" ! %"$##%%#%#&&&))"&"&&(& %"%&&)'&%%##$%& $(&$%($(%&$&$&&%$$%%"n n&pqq$<,<.=/=-b,b.:FmGaA8yP'[*&D s>oc7:U=C;'G@QEN :w,w% BP< J*H)D}mkTpn_)W5$Q9the hall. Room 202 is to the west and room 201 is to the eastel!ZjjonYZX[\鋞l銝i++t|tmlm9i9>$@^d\d`$`Td\d_  "" !&&n n&pqq$<,<.=/=-b,b.:FmGaA#F"Y"uH"FR!Y#YPHQXP`T`Zd_ddlmlqt{tu9h9j " %"&     ##&$'%#&&"))()&"($:u,p"A@_@Xkj$@^  "" !&&n n&pqq$<,<.=/=-:FmGaAlmlqt{t9h9j " %"&    ##&$'%#&&")&"($B\a\aa>@\@$>_A["b[@)bs   ()&(()()$(#:y,h>!j?@orgb{T$FS8&\!#)!);5>-=X:eskm9  o"[mthe hall. Room 206 is to the west and room 205 is to the eastel!ZjjonYZX[\鋞l銝i++  "" !&& " %"&  ##&$'%#--xx.-%y-&y~~&)))&'&&&(")#)$("!$!&(( &&)&(")#:r,(W|m$FJ]P]8']W)!!($b!Zlthe hall. Room 208 is to the west and room 207 is to the easthx{*>>? ADD@>$$=>J*?*x{    ! %$! ;7.!)*+230?+D<>#)##*5"9(45269%F%J{XulutwQn|Ba`vy~鞍#+L4M8GIHHX+jxp+jxq#I ?3,206)(-%6*))&, !# $&!! 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He smiles benevolently at youht z| z t k2q4y652 鍝 醏 ^l_{}}m_hNYOh`PW=Z2e*d*_-Z1R4O0P-[-O-V%&!&7&phs ~4.35)2d6fLd5e8f=e>f8h*g)j,]2P=J0c:eLd3c=ZhPpd}~~~} * '=,E0$9(6*d*j6C'R5U-f2c;fQ`cc8chZfQRKgII,/O1Qw#9q py   ?{xtwr|a$102(4#/7,;+@-:')--*8:|BpXR9Eroom 205hmmxx膀~}~~}}y{{z{|kj[jhlKETDnCsHsIxNwdvjxHmHTJUPwM'`&i)R(`)LQch!iPRjT#o#a(\5\3p#o#s3r5a4]5c"$s#"%$&r2s1133r6c6{8}5}5i*u)~(}(s*t#ok`!i$[">@FLc >>EKm$s6]6f5^3l"g!]4i4n3]5_38F939339(^#p N k qqny{ u r g d t y { j -pW eW=B8B5?6=9;>:A=A>@B>A;=; CI;=< CI0!4!"4--"***11 6 3!8+""7t=@0knkn{p{z |z{} wk`kjhj}lklk~adml &N dcnstx|vwqp j G nt~v{{ w 9t.%Q/'>?25#F CT4=X>u-"{ pyod?xTo G ]%#&")Z-ZhZhivMRGbJbLucSW(N) Z!h& "] Hi"k+gJ :>><8Qb\(#,&)(#,room 204. The room is emptyhx{*>>? ADD@>$$=>J*?*x{    ! %$! ;7.!)*+230?+D<>#)##*5"9(45269%8)+iyo{Lr)amejjmtkympYqiuptwvxvpv8~7zzyw7#$!NMHHu8v7>< >DH H D > A ABCC D EEEEEEEEEEEEEDEEEHHEDFHHFFDCDFHEDED@F@>D>E@E@JCJFK H K I >=AD@@D=@@DDFEFFCCF#JCHDDFHEEBB!DCDCCBIIHJAAB!D$CD%I$I I H I IH IM<:"69:<<(;=-D:692;0A2C5@8?4B6@8D9E9B:>;bFaJcRVf]n`or*j)U+D9J>NA BB#JJBCHIIFb@Z@dD_BeEhFk6g6j.z5545|8z6v.t0zEyC@}>DIJMPPMSUURMQRVXVRSVVRQX[aeda^edcb`^aa^`^[\D}EzFD|H|Fxf{uEwE}C{ExakcVakcP !#,454 6% !$="0&*&!=,E=E:H>L><.>0<0@15.476.49173727221=[KSDIJ>@BB!B=@8#9#"()*44++4437252439576,34394937<^@b-X1k@~CD}FFyd|IzHNRTRX,n+luqsrtvM$Q(L$Q)Q2P1R1N?JDFMFTFLHWPdRi[fXi^oekDF C E#D$H%E"C$E&I%I$H&MMwwHH:AA4`^\Z;,5nB}LTQNMTUS`c`cbRx9zjx$2{1v4H@K|ZWSTTi^2!='s)H7 I Ct4]IcB`Wl sQhdg=h1c,n*]>Z/T0S*YEPELGjkxk8 ),&{X*OKL )H.J&>=A-M6J@:4;"LLPRV =f%& 6*&3.+9(,( =: %# I   "&cbM$"%$rzu^y{xZrJaItJV]N:Heh%|rrz@$>8K"k!wne-).x$[5V:Q|MM8 1 ,-;.(95+70))U+C8Jroom 206. It is sunny, cheerful and comfortablehtstcdscsbbrbuct]A^BaJaO]R\ZZ`TbLcH`DXCT>QAEHAJ6Q0V2Z:Z@\@JBEGDMEPDRH]K`QaX`ZYZJ\GYDIdVc[f^\^}[dYb[\]_at]^[]HaD{C{E|DzFaHbFjHaIcMcHdHsJtIrJcIsbr@q@P@H8M9y9}@p@F8JJM8MQSR#U$s(# c#l}stn p je[]W!Y9}%|+U+k%b5bAEEGHIHHGE@=<=?>>;=?BFHJFEHGCHC>CF< 9<=     9;9=A?FGKPKVMYPZSZUYXVYSteY{Z|=e>|{ zxur"q$q#m$k'l*n+p*q'q#m%n&{}}}||{{yzz{vvuuvvxxv{|{!z"y x't$q(s+u*v's&t'n*r5s>q rpn!m+m:l+l?q)s.u1x4x8v;t;s9n+l-k'i*h-e2)@;+<8csRa@eerd@? w| aS#[[#q$ nps9]?*Bc%2;FOGQ1COGBDUFYG\L_MTrI8`8`bRm[a]k9GnU1TuG`t?-}Cs0GtFzguqi4n7i?v=)BA*As you barge brazenly into room 208, a man pokes his head out of the shower and glares at youhx{*>>? ADD@>$$=>J*?*x{    ! %$! ;7.!)*+23+D<>+iyo{Lr)ejjmtkympYqiuptwvxvpv8~7zzyw7NMHHu8v7EE+jvp*ktptvuvvpHAD;>F<=B3J=VB;?9<@.))*%*$*)+, ,#*),-1.,'-.!.(."1#3'3+2-$*"&&#*$#&,+ $ * %*&+)+(+ ,.3!89 ANU'N'M,@@, 13 20-, *,01.031.134668 9 01122N)S/Z3a/a,]-^)]'\+Z.\&Z%Y*X,U'H$>&9247:BJ>C@>C=EGHKJNLSLVJUJQIOHQESCRABA?C?BO@CAM=E3A2:83F>E@FFE@E?JEFCKFD>!4"100.3548X3T:`=hBr*p#i$]'CJNQ[T"KF]AeLeIiKiPfUc]cbab]b[_cM`V`EVK\L\HXL[J[L\I`M]X]UY\X_Z`eifTVJND\1a/545443440!1*"'!9-x:z6::8i4^5SC=DNN 2(F,O;WAcAaD:67=;C=8?3;< 5)!-2!0X26O_?RGVATITIGTKW[Vfam6;`Reecaiemcjqm&' 1+?)=6$42729-BEK":WG]BC7>?H=LALS5/*There is a dead man herehx{*>>? ADD@>$$=>J*?*x{    ! %$! ;7.!)*+0?+D<>#)##+iyo{Lr)6bPkRTQhamejjmtkympYqiuptwvxvpv8~7zzyw7NMHHu8v7q7n-T%K61 448(3:-E,_5f4I99=:5M5]2"+!)'(*($*)$-*%- (&*$.#*%-)0)-&1#2&-$,%1",&-00-.816090<38#"().4!!)q)e)D@=.@!D I$L*M2L6K=MESG[R\f^l`OZ2T#D@DI+ixp+kuq{pzJ,mspsuuwvqtw)}! "xzyz#($ & **042#4>KBKS$b*=*>*y*?}xy"&$ %%; B DD6!)*,!)(%&*)%0)-1-4! $J >L===HJIIHtu34<<MMwwHH^[AKw+nx*$ ":Q 90uGli4' !24z C8JMZ`\k5+=)] D u CUR9J9*?B5-;:9@5D3T:\5I6G7D8B]M^h r7m+o,W(^0c*`)ahjkxlOj+8%,#+%#%#' +. 8"!%-@g>fSkemrn`oTnImIkz9(+`6e5i 7room 207. A man is here, trying to sleep In a flood your memory comes pouringback. You are William Arcman, awealthy industrialist. Your evil twinbrother Jared has taken your identity.He faked the automobile accident inwhich he was supposedly killed. Hethen stowed away on your yacht, theTYCOON, and while far out at sea hityou over the head with a lead pipeand threw you overboard to drown. Hethen assumed your identity figuringyour body would never be found. Yourtrusted chauffeur, Bob Masters,discovered Jared's secret and tried tofind you. However, before he couldtalk to you, Jared caught up with him.You have succeeded in reclaiming youridentity!ef$m"wt#!#6:;YZ`{z~uvqtMEIA}xxtka[ =9;4,- #TPSXie:a>u;y8y5c8`1o0h+h3[)^,X&W-S%R*M#O+H$C)=">):+6!4+/$+,)*-)3!1+8)3/;/43<3:8>:5?>?:FBB@HDJ;OBS=WEY@[Cb;^Ah9_YYPS#Q(Y#X)P,T/R4Y/Z2R7Z8SB[?[DUH]HYR^M^SYX`Y]bd[l^iTrRjOsHiFq=f=m4d6b/j,c*i#c#ha c\`[Yd]innqtljUEgK^Jd^tbp^~]wHfDgIe\w]}T\V`[aUdP~QKH~N{ScM}S_RZU^M9!9(8;6I9A6HPUf'y..Kd^vId^y`q\s`s mil]kZf^9kB!$&-. 4=)=V[_b`ecy)|d2)$MC>9?B=CG`?aCl=fPgY][iT}d|c`]RZBY0W%U4g*k1}@Hrt=$ww4r*l1^ V&9PS]TaSiQrPxPO~K}TnUoVpWq^u^x^z_tIcHd:Rh!*%:YyMFs{[:0D6]1k:_A_?E&=4+5*%N(M+]QLPg jlnprs#u(u,t0r3p6t:w  %,3~9{>wCrHxM}TZ`fmqtvz:xsH]JrM \vnz4z  mx~/|?$) z2x8*You are on the plank, the Royal Navy is here. You can board the ship at the end of the plankZ 2 j5CHV[e%%&y'z((*x*xP+PQ,v+v,Q,)+Q+}Uj|4I5C((%%K|9k4]|Ik}g EXg3b5Vh6IT$9k ')}h*You are inside the hotel elevatorhThe bird dips and swoops and makesthe occasional aeronautic gesture overthe deserted island. Yes, featherlesscyborg, it is the Condor. Alreadyyou've come for clues? They're spreadaround here like soft brie. Keep looking.FFy ~}{v$r*q6o9b:f9j5i2k0j-e)ec(a-b,c)a!\YX!W"V,Y+Y.Z2V5W8X8^5c2gc&`5W4U5\2a0`2[3`1a2_2b1_2`3^3Z4e9c8c:_=]@^l;p-jow yxxtt zuo uvsrnuv6p5n:r4=6=<>>@:A@;8=7lLKQTY^ba`ZVVLU\ehsysjy}}zvjffadcURzMqEpD`I_NdRlVqi^fT[RRWP_V_^]j_b[[`Xh\kciandskrmrvvsrnrlwnzs|v}yzvsmhdcd`|Y{S}$%*--x}}{yywzsulrimhehj_qiXq`sao`kblajA3H7N@RFSJUTUUU`Sm#pbI)=5:9;HMKUJ_bpbrctlslwmzq}q|xrq}xYqYqT|LxEzJPLP)w.j.i4g9i9j;q!)3y6v45=DKJ3XS\^Vd^rfi4&03{35864B1j+v.tZtasM{PRm|uvs~oI#2>#hEQ9V8+4A0NMRfRfMCJEB6ZbVZ^Ucbcb\i\id]lkvuvxru{{4YFdFdSvSvDuKNxBHwJt=~3u:}=>;9BLJvEm;bC_EaEe>jA`DdCcBc@eAiCeAfCfDeAbAfEkIgFlMtKtIu3w+y$,6NpVl^lck`Y`NaJ[FVQVgVC\EYETPQaaLeOhGhFiShSkUiThEfDkEmLnPsUt_relgcfagcgnhshugqfmgrgbgsSqYmSmWrmymlshpeuhxn{y{}}rl|jyi}t}n|pt|uy}{ndeijnhfzz陔vsuy{y{}~up}q|t{u{vt{v|w|x{wvx~~{yjot{jpuz|{{hlrw|fhk鄓s`]V"*8*-z5y;~4x;=:@`Dc|qt{q|whpethzs|i}jtjzp}rzp{tymm{mylm{lzoy}x~z{{ EgR#Rrc KISUT866ectSC|OX=HkWrqs4idgkGXGPt}TUyxNSPPbRoAjLW.I, the Bird Brahman, rest on my chaiseperch inside a swank Michelin four-starhotel room. Jeebs swears he has heardgun shots. I assure him it must be thetelevision; terrorists aren't allowed infour stars. Nevertheless, I will keepJeebs nearby. His knowledge of martialarts calms me. You should find somedefense too, Tex. DO UNTO OTHERS BEFORETHEY DO UNTO YOU.ATUUPUG?EQEUU#U@QT??UOUG???"???? k&???sS<sS?s??!?sS??U?gLS?s??]>?\TS<s?s?P1p.Tl fKp CgS0gPafs1O Qfg<psQqG&peLGGpw4YqCDrwC'GM4G??X0pr4QcCAgG\??Tq6XDs4pg????H?????????????????????????????????????????????????????p&3???q]wtt7ww????w??7OssOsO||s||]??u45>>]]<>w4gWNwp_ Mss???qus??\ w77G85w#gt=??16# "????""????""??????7w????7w????7w????7w????0C????77??=??4G????7w????7w??????""????""????????K?pE]>>>>??????U_U_c"0?? 0<00 ?????0??<1?????????????=3??H_________O )f?????? ???? ????B3????<=%1< 3???<????<30? <30? <30= <30? <30? <30? <30? ????<p?<??<?<?????????D??333 330333????333????333????333????3033303330 ??33??UU ??333??UU ??033?? 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