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CAAI6.ARA  ,^6.CK2}AMAs56.:?6.[]$6.z]56. $4$4x #A%"}30,512,54286!A@Y+3}!0 B. -#A%"' A+ .$ 114,8 85,4 76,3 72,1 64,16( 4}2-$ %2($,D D:MUSIC2.FNT'6-BS`/6-$56-;6-? D64 D:FFS.B5}IN46-F:A`,%F:Aa,$@: 6-6-A6-16-@Y$%A(5 :J; %$"%F:%,%A(;6}%%F:%%,%A(T7AYBBr*&P:',$7%P:',^!A!AY@4# --7}( -#() -(%-%)(3 -$(-$(#-$'(/-$3(. -%8}(-$(#-%'(+ .$A `MJ6-?:C::h 8SUH GhdTͿT `,,M$9}|5 6-$$6- %'A6%5A7%9 6- %A@%+AA%9A4%M6-?:C:h:}hhLV,<,*6-F:%A5,J6-F:A@%,%F:AA%,$M$6-P:',6-P:&$,$'JAR-%6 Press;}to continue.DAd&J6-',B7t@&F:Ad,"&, % '#F:Ad,"%*'# B0 '0<}F:Ad,"%6-%*Ad&0 % ' Ad&$'U (}3(%Music I: Terms and Notations is theU(=} 'k,($first of three diskettes of programsV(%which provide practice for the musick(the>}ory student.$'U-(%What follows is an introduction toU(#capabilities of the ATARI Computer.'O/('which are used in s?}ome of the programsK(on the three diskettes.O t'Y (}-%"( THE COMPUTER/( CANK( DISPLAY TEXT RAPIDL@}YU-$Y ~'T,($However, you will still be able toT(#read at your own pace and learn to'..(&recognize musicalA} terms like these...'B -%"(Allegro Al Segno*-%B(Adagio Cantabile'C -%#(Dolore Crescendo+-B}%?(Piano ForteC 'P (}-%"( THE COMPUTER/( CANH( GENERATE SOUNDP-%'V -.( A sC}ound is being played. PleaseV(# adjust the volume on the TV set.'52A !2'-+ 1(5 'D}S -%5(%In some of the programs you will hearS(short passages of music.( -$  A <(T (}-%E}"( THE COMPUTER/( CANL( DISPLAY MUSIC NOTATIONT-%P(p,($In some of the programs you will seeR(!notesF}, key signatures, and otherf(music symbols.p AZ(: 2+0%%0%1AR4(:-d(%G}D:HELLO%CCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNNLNMTCLECCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCALJJ1I}VCDZADZCMZLEZIOCNLNMNNNRTCLEFZZETZBGZLZHZERZZTRIEZTRYZTRYRLZRIGHLLXYJ} K}@ !L}"#$%&'()*+,-./01M}23456789:;<= Program: NOTTYP2 N}Copyright 1982 - MECC ' #@ '" "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,25699O}5100,5150,5500,9100,9150,9950,9970,9990,31000,10000(;%,;,2$Ed ;,;,;,;,9<,nRP}A@Y+!0-AR3(}9-R(One moment please...s6-F:A`,%F:Aa,$xH D:Q}MUSICC.FNT'6-BS`-6-96-A$?6-C H] D:FFS.BIN6-*6-A@6-@Y$%A(F6-R}J O]BB$00;@6,;%,;@V,;%,;%,d.6.$____________________________________B6. <S}000>d6._>>6.4 AA  CAAARA  CKAMA''6.'2!T}$41#3%&567 (}%F:%,%A(7%%F:%%,%A(OAYBBr0A&P:',$U}AAP:',O%A$1BBA%$1AY@4 B6-P:H:,$%,$A `V}MJ6-?:C::h 8SUH GhdTͿT `,,M$A ` %|5 6-$$6- W}%'A6%5A7%9 6- %A@%+AA%9A4%M6-?:C:hhhLV,<,*6-F:%AX}5,J6-F:A@%,%F:AA%,$M$6-P:',6-P:&$,$&0 (}AR-%-%,(*0 & Y}-(* -&K -(* "-%)(*- 5-%K(Number tried...&Y@$(NumbeZ}r correct2@%H(First part.....R *!Y( &<(@%+(Second part....5 *!<( &[} ( $'JAR-%6 Pressto continue.DAd&J6-',B7t@&F:Ad,"&, %\} 'F:Ad,"%*'  '0F:Ad,"%6-%*Ad&0 % ' Ad&$'M6-F:A ,!6]}-F:A ,*6.=:,2-:-E68<,-I M <(6 (}--$68<,-( , 6 AA(9 6-6-^}6--#(}+-1-5(9 F(= - ('"P:',"-*-568<,-9 = K( 6-%!6-_}&N(6 #B-" &A:,"66-P:H:,$%,P(8<,"BU( "#B0 B5Z( #B_(>`}-P:+%,'," $-*"4(7<,> BEd( (7<,i("BUn('P:',(/s(K -%0a}(Enter the abbreviation for this6"A( rest.K Bpx( "( note. Bp}(:$(That is not a valid answb}er.:(Please try again.(P -$*((DW,W,DH,H,DQ,Q,DE,E,S)? H$E:L P(06-@:7<,,0c}B:,BBBe(&6-@:7<,,&7<,0DBe(77@*$*$*@i*@Be(d}( #B (: -" 4(( Correct!!!06-%: B(_( No, it is _BB B%Be}0B5B@BEBPBU(%(DW, a DOTTED WHOLE% B`(( W, a WHOLE B`($(DH, a Df}OTTED HALF$ B`(( H, a HALF B`('(DQ, a DOTTED QUARTER' B`(( Q, a QUARTER B`(&(g}DE, a DOTTED EIGHTH& B`(( E, an EIGHTH B`((S, a SIXTEENTH( "( note. B( "h}( rest.)7 -% 7(How many beats does it receive?)5 -$-((.25,.5,.75,1,1.5,2,3,4,6)? 1 5)JJi}4.25)4.5)4.75)41)41.5)42)43)44)46B@")D$(That is not a valid answer.:(Please try againj}.D B,)1( 4( Correct!!!'6-%1 B`6)9(No, it receives #01/( beats.9 B`;)(k} beat.@): 68<,- $%A$26-$@6 : y6%A$"$E( }6Ad&"y3 -l}%+ Do you want to try again? / 3,y67<,4Y+ AR(06% D:NOTETYP6y87<,0N2(Pleam}se enter 'YES' or 'NO'.8 %@y0+0%0%'AR*(0-Jy%D:HELLO{y  |y6,4,3,2,1.5,1n},.75,.5,.25y 1,4,5,14,16,26,27,38,39,52yDW,W,DH,H,DQ,Q,DE,E,Sy1,5,5,7,8,14,15,19,20,29%ZDOLZNCALJJ1k CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCIPSZA p}DZLEZIOCZCMZZETZBGZLZHZERZTRIE q}  r} !"#$%&' Program s}: NAMENOT Copyright 1982 - MECC ' #@ '" "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1 t}0,20,256995100,5150,5500,9100,9150,9950,9970,9990,31000,10000(;%,;,2$Ed;,;,;,n u}JA@Y+%AR((00JD:MUSICTXT.FNTx,6-BS`6-$6-#6-' , B v}A `MJ6-?:C::h 8SUH GhdTͿT `,,M$A ` %|5 6- w}$$6- %'A6%5A7%9 6- %A@%+AA%9A4%M6-?:C:hhhLV,< x},*6-F:%A5,J6-F:A@%,%F:AA%,$M$6-P:',6-P:&$,$'JAR-%6 Presst y}o continue.DAd&J6-',B7t@&F:Ad,"&, % 'F:Ad,"%*'  '0F:Ad,"% z}6-%*Ad&0 % ' Ad&$'1 (}AV$-$1( Name the Note'1 -)(Do you {}want instructions? - 1$'##7<,0Y*7<,0NBt'4 (}-4( There are five sets of problems:~'BB(:1 |}. All treble clef, no sharps, flats, or ledger lines.'BB(:2. All bass clef, no sharps, flats, or ledger lines.' }}SS(K3. Mixture of treble and bass clefs, no sharps, flats or ledger lines.'^^(V4. Mixture of treble and bass clefs, ~} some ledger lines, no sharps or flats.'bb(Z5. Mixture of treble and bass clefs, some ledger lines and some } sharps and flats.'B -$((Which set do you want? :$E:> B'L 6-A:, )!-%B(En }ter a number between 1 and 5.L B`' (}'9 -1("How many problems would you like? 5 9'8 6-A:,8B }0B0B@BPBP'? )!%5(!Enter a number between 1 and 11.? B(? )!%5(!Enter } a number between 1 and 22.? B (? )!$5(!Enter a number between 1 and 30.? B<(7<,4NB }F(4 (}4(&A note will be drawn on the screen.P(L-(%Enter the name of the note by typing>( the letter.L Be }Z(>( Examples$( ________>( A-Flat is A%.d(8( G is G.4( F-Sharp is F#.8 n(X }(}- ( Sharps (#)1( __________X(" Use the pound sign (Shift 3).x(Z(Flats (%)(( _________P }(# Use the percent sign (Shift 5).Z Bp}(H,($For example, if the note given isH(G, enter the letter G.( } (NA A !(}'-@(One moment please...N% D:NAMNOT2y($E }(Ad&"y3 }-%+ Do you want to try again? / 3,y7<,4Y(} 6y87<,0N2(Please enter 'YES' or 'NO'.8 }%@y0+0%0%'AR*(0-Jy%D:HELLO{y  %RERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCIPSZA W3CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCANAMA2}A3B2B3C1C2C3IP1T1RRRTZZZTRIEZRIGHLZBG} } !"#$%&'}()*+,-./0 Program: TERMS Copyright 1982 - MECC }' #@ '" "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256995100,5150,5500,9100,9150},9950,9970,9990,31000,10000(;%,;,2$E<+AR dkk;,;,;@8,;@8,};@8,;@8,;@8,;@8,;@8,;,;,;,n 0 B 6-%!%6-&&!} A06-!"A A56.6.% A06-%")"A A56.6. 6-} A5$6-P:H:,$+%,,$A@AEAP#A% AU#A % AU#}A@% "$6-P:H:,$%,$,00A Cappella,Singing without accompaniment.,-//Allegro,Quick but not as fa}st as presto.,.''A Tempo,Resume the normal tempo.,/::Coda,A final passage closing a,composition or piece.0Dolce,Sw}eet.,1&&Crescendo,Gradually get louder.,2Fine,The end.,3Forte,Loud.,4Largo,Slow and stately.,5Legato,S}mooth.,6Mezzo,Medium or fairly.,7Piano,Soft.,8Presto,Very fast.,9&&Ritard,Become gradually slower.,:==St}accato,With distinct breaks between,successive tones.;,,Diminuendo,Becoming gradually softer.,<##Adagio,Slowly and leis}urely.,= Andante,At walking speed.,>HHArpeggio,Playing the notes of a chord,quickly - one after another.@Canon,A }round.,APoco,Little.,BSforzando,With emphasis.,C++Tutti,For all instruments or voices.,D!!Vivace,Lively or sp}irited.,E((Agitato,Fast and with excitement.,FLento,Slowly.,G88Rubato,Intentionally deviating from,strict rhythm.}HGrave,With gravity.,I77Sostenuto,Held for the full indicated time,value.JAl Fine,To the end.,K""Cantabile,In }singing style.,LDolore,Sad.,M##Grazioso,Smooth and elegant.,NMeno,Less.,OPiu,More.,PPizzicato,Plucked.},QSempre,Always.,RCon,With.,TMoto,Movement.,U$$Poco A Poco,Little by little.,VSubito,Suddenly.,W!!M}arcato,Strongly accented.,XAl Segno,To the sign.,YCapo,Head or beginning.,ZMaestoso,Majestically.,[Molto,}Very much.,\Segue,Continue.,]88Stringendo,Accelerating the tempo toward a,climax.^Pesante,Heavily.,_Brio,Br}ight.,`Fuoco,Fire.,a&&Ma Non Troppo,But not too much.,b""Tenuto,Held for full value.,cComodo,Comfortable.,d}Calore,Warm.,eNNDa Capo Al Fine,Return to the beginning and,conclude with the word fine.f%%Rallentando,Slowing gradu}ally.,A `MJ6-?:C::h 8SUH GhdTͿT `,,M$A ` %& -}-%(* &3 -(* -&-/(*3 &B -%(* -6(Number tried...}..B@&,(Number correct...% *!,( & ( $'JAR-%6 Pressto continue.}DAd&J6-',B7t@&F:Ad,"&, % 'F:Ad,"%*'  '0F:Ad,"%6-%*A}d&0 % ' Ad&$' (}-$(Terms'[0((A term will be printed on the screen.[(&Be}low the term will be three possible$'W,($definitions. Select the definitionS("which most closely fits the term.W t'}M (}-%#( Sets of Terms&()(M( 1. Most commonly used terms.~'L(%( 2. Commonly used terms.((L( 3. }Less commonly used terms.'N -$4(#Which set of terms would you like? F$E:J N'7 6-A:, )!}-(Enter 1, 2, or 3.7 B ' (}'9 -1("How many problems would you like? 5 9'H 6-A:, )!%>}(!Enter a number between 1 and 19.H B(; 6- A06-# A`)6-1-; A(% (}-+@9}&B:,,'"(%(() A`)BPBBP(!((A. 0!( (!((B. 0!( }(!((C. 0!( ( 6.A B)!((A. 0!( )!((B. 0!( )!(}(C. 0!( ") 6.B B6)!((A. 0!( @)!((B. 0!( J)!((}C. 0!( T) 6.Ch)G -$-(What is the correct answer? ?$E:C Gr)80A*0B*0}C.(Enter A, B, or C.8 B|)4 - 4"( Correct!!!*6-%4 B@)**(No. The correct answer was }.)  (}   y($E }(Ad&"y3 -%+ Do you want to try again? / 3},y7<,4Y(} 6y87<,0N2(Please enter 'YES' or 'NO'.8 %@y0+0%0%'AR*(0}-Jy%D:HELLO{y  %5CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCANAMA2(0CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCA1A2I}P1S1ZADZLEZIOCZCMSZZETZBGZLZHZERZZTRIEZRIGHL} } !"#$%&}'()*+,-./ Program: ENHARM Copyright 1982 - MECC '} #@ '" "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256995100,5150,5500,9100,9150,9}950,9970,9990,31000,10000(;%,;,2$Ed;,;,;,;,;,nJA@Y+%AR}((00JD:MUSICTXT.FNTx,6-BS`6-$6-#6-' , B C#,D% D%,C# }D#,E% E%,D# E#,F F%,E F#,G% G%,F# G#,A% A%,G# A#,B% B%,A# B#,C C%,B} C<>,D D<>,E F<>,G G<>,A A<>,B D%%,C E%%,D G%%,F A%%,G B%%,A,"A }66-P:H:,$$,$@6-P:H:,$,$A `MJ6-?:C::h 8SUH GhdTͿT } `,,M$A ` %|5 6-$$6- %'A6%5A7%9 6- %A@%+AA%}9A4%M6-?:C:hhhLV,<,*6-F:%A5,J6-F:A@%,%F:AA%,$M$6-P:',6-P:&$,$&}6+0AR!-+-%2(*6 &3 -(* -&-/(*3 &B -%(* }-6(Number tried.....B@&,(Number correct...% *!,( & ( $'JAR-%6 }Pressto continue.DAd&J6-',B7t@&F:Ad,"&, % 'F:Ad,"%*'  '0}F:Ad,"%6-%*Ad&0 % ' Ad&$'/ (}AV$-%/( Enharmonics'1 -})(Do you need instructions? - 1'7<,4NB$'7<,0YB.'V (}-2(This program prov}ides drill inV(recognizing notes which are8'6(( enharmonically equivalent. For6( example,B'_( A# - (A}-Sharp)B( is enharmonically equivalent to[( B% - (B-Flat)._ t'Y (}/(!There are two sets of enharmonic2(Y}("spelling drills from which you may~'P((choose.-@(# 1. Spellings with only sharps andP( flats.'J( }(/(! 2. Spellings with double sharpsJ( and double flats.'@ -&(Which set do you want? 8$E:< }@'3 6-A:, )!)(Enter 1 or 2.3 B0' (}7<,4NB'2 -2($The name of a note is pri}nted on the'\(1(&screen. Enter the simplest enharmonicN(spelling of that note.\"B@'V-(%For example, i}f the note given is G<>V($(G double sharp), then the simplest'6"(enharmonic spelling is A.& ,(}6 B(d-(}%For example, if the note given is G%,X(&then the simplest enharmonic spellingd(is F#. (\  (}-$( Sharps} (#)5( __________\(" Use the pound sign (Shift 3).(Z(Flats (%)(( _________P(# Use the percent }sign (Shift 5).T Z(}<(9 -1("How many problems would you like? 5 9F( 6-A:,"B0P(=  )!3(}!Enter a number between 1 and 10.= BZ(? )!$5(!Enter a number between 1 and 14.? B(N (}+( } Sharps (#) - (Shift 3)N( Flats (%) - (Shift 5)(,,($____________________________________() A6-}-)"B0( 6-%!%6-&&(#A% B@( 6-%!6-&(#A%(3 "}-3(What is the simplest enharmonic(H -%$( spelling of ? 6$E:: >H BU(F&(Th}at is not a valid answer.<(Please try again.F BE(""B:,BpBeB`(##7<,0%*7<,0#BP}(##7<,0%*7<,0#BP(/6-@:7<,,/ @e)!@qBP) -$ 4B )+!(No. }The answer is .+ B0)( Correct !!!6-%")!  -    ! y($E }(Ad}&"y3 -%+ Do you want to try again? / 3,y7<,4Y(} 6y87<,0N2(Please enter 'YES' o}r 'NO'.8 %@y0+0%0%'AR*(0-Jy%D:HELLO{y  %NDINZLINZDOLZNCA1A2IaCCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCA1A2I}P1S1BCLEFTCLEFBFLATTFLATBSHARPTSHARPSTAFFZADZLEZIOCZCMLRRAZZETZBGZLZHZERZZTRIEZTRYZTRYSLFLAR} }} !"#$%&'()*+,-.}/0123456789:; Program: KEYSI}G Copyright 1982 - MECC ' #@ '" "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256}995100,5150,5500,9100,9150,9950,9970,9990,31000,10000(;%,;,2$Ed;,;,;,;,;,}n66;$,;$,;$,;$,;$,;$,;$,xe.6.$  {     e6.0=+*[][]}=+*=+*[][]e.6.$        e6.0=+*[][]=+*=+[]}[`X6. A6._X6.________________JA@Y+%AR}((00JD:MUSICTXT.FNT,6-BS`6-$6-#6-' , B C,A,0 G,E,4 } D,B,8 A,F#,15 E,C#,20 B,G#,24F#,D#,31C#,A#,36C%,A%,48G%,E%,43D%,B%,36 A%,}F,29 E%,C,19 B%,G,14 F,D,7,# --%( #-$6 "*"( Ap@ "*"( A}pJ0!* *"(-$&(7<,0 ApT0!* *"(-$&(7<,0 Ap^2!* $*"(}-$((7<,2 Aph2!* $*"(-$((7<,2 Apr$|6-P:H:,$$,$6-P:H:,$%,}$A `MJ6-?:C::h 8SUH GhdTͿT `,,M$A ` %|5 6-$}$6- %'A6%5A7%9 6- %A@%+AA%9A4%M6-?:C:hhhLV,<,}*6-F:%A5,J6-F:A@%,%F:AA%,$M$6-P:',6-P:&$,$&6+0AR!-+-%}2(*6 & -(* -&K -(* "-%)(*- 5-%K(Number tried...&Y@}$(Number correct2@%H(First try......R *!Y( &<(@%+(Second try.....5} *!<( & ( $'JAR-%6 Pressto continue.DAd&J6-',B7t@&F:}Ad,"&, % 'F:Ad,"%*'  '0F:Ad,"%6-%*Ad&0 % ' Ad&$'2} (}AV$-$2(Key Signatures'1 -)(Do you need instructions? - 1$' 7<,4N(} B}.'7<,0YBt'T (}-:(&This program is a drill in identifying@-T(key signatures.~'X -(D}rill choices:("(=( 1. Only major keys.X( 2. Only minor keys.'((( 3. Both major and minor keys.'A -%}'(Which would you like? 9$E:= A'7 6-A:, )!-(Enter 1, 2, or 3.7 B0' (}'9 -}1("How many problems would you like? 5 9' 6-A:,"B@'!* $BP'3)(!Enter a number bet}ween 1 and 15.3 B(? )!$5(!Enter a number between 1 and 30.? B (7<,4NB<(c (}-}8($A key signature will be drawn on thec(&screen. The key signature, sharps orF(W+(#flats next to the clef, identif}iesW('the key in which the music is written.P(P+(#Type the name of the key but do notP( enter the words major or mino}r.Z(=( Examples#( ________=( A-Flat is A%.d(8( G is G.4( F-Sharp is F#.8 n(X (}}- ( Sharps (#)1( __________X(" Use the pound sign (Shift 3).x(T(Flats (%)(( _________P(}# Use the percent sign (Shift 5).T (I (}-*(Sharps (#) - (Shift 3)I( Flats (%) - (Shift 5)(U6-}6-% A-6-%7 A?-E-I U6-( 6-%!$6-&&() A6-}")6-P:H:,$%,(!#A%"! A)G -$3(#This is the key signature for whichGBB })( key? B@)( key? B@")+ - +(That is not a valid name.,). -%%( &$}E:* .1)B:, )B:,!B06)B:,BpB`@)##7<,0#*7<,0%B0J)11@:7<,, }@e)@:7<,,!@qB0h)! - !BBPr)4B|)T4G#)4A#)4D#;( is a}key signature.J( Try again.T B@)Q0*"2(No.  is not correct.A( Try again.G6-Q B@)}9 0/(No. The correct answer is .9 B0)4B)T4G%)4C%)4D%;( is akey signa}ture.J( Try again.T B@)Q0*"2(No.  is not correct.A( Try again.G6-Q B@)9 0/(}No. The correct answer is .9 B0) - ( Correct!!!) "6-% B0) "6-%)   })   y($E }(Ad&"y3 -%+ Do you want to try again? / 3,y7<,4Y}(} 6y87<,0N2(Please enter 'YES' or 'NO'.8 %@y0+0%0%'AR*(0-Jy%D:}HELLO{y  %CCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCA1A2I{|| CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCIANZ }RZTRIEZBG  } } Program: NOTETYP Copyright 1982 - MECC ' #@ '" " }!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256995100,5150,5500,9100,9150,9950,9970,9990,31000,10000(;%,;,2$ }Ed;,;,;,n+ (}0 BA `MJ6-?:C::h 8SUH Ghd}TͿT `,,M$A ` %'JAR-%6 Pressto continue.DAd&J6-}',B7t@&F:Ad,"&, % 'F:Ad,"%*'  '0F:Ad,"%6-%*Ad&0 % '} Ad&$' (}-% ( Note Types'- -)(Do you want instructions? -'7<,4NB}'7<,0YB$'X-(%} This program provides drill onX(&recognizing different notes and rests.)'I.(&The p}rogram will print a note or restI(and you will be asked:.'h,($1. to identify the type of note orS(" rest - e.g. wh}ole, half, dottedh( quarter, etc.3'n+(#2. how many beats the note or restU(% should be held when a QUARTER NOTEn}( is held ONE beat.8'P*(" To enter a part of a beat, useP(! decimals. For example, when aB'[,($ QUARTER NOT}E is held ONE beat, anW(& eighth note would receive .5 beats.[ t'\ (}-4( You may be drilled on any of theF(} following:\( 1. Notes only.y'A( 2. Rests only.A(# 3. A mixture of notes and rests.~'A -$'(Which wo}uld you like? 9$E:= A'> 6-A:, )!4(Please enter 1, 2, or 3.> B'7<,4NB}'N (}-(When identifying notes, use theN(abbreviations given below:'R*("AbbreviationNote or rest typeR(}#_____________________________'j( WWhole ( HHalf1( QQuarterA( EEighthT(SSixteenthj(}DWDotted Whole'J(DHDotted Half0(DQDotted QuarterJ(DEDotted Eighth'^/('The abbreviations are dis}played on theZ(&screen while you answer the questions.^ ' (}'6 -.(How many problems do you want? 2 6}' 6-A:,"B@'<  )!2( Enter a number between 1 and 9.< B(? )!$5(!Enter a number betw}een 1 and 18.? B (NA A !(}'-@(One moment please...N% D:NOTTYP2y($E }}(Ad&"y3 -%+ Do you want to try again? / 3,y7<,4Y(} 6y87<,0N2(Please en}ter 'YES' or 'NO'.8 %@y0+0%0%'AR*(0-Jy%D:HELLO{y  %DOLZNCIANZlffofff|fflxpxpfl0fF68of;``|fflxp``````8````|fl888!!}0pxx 80`<ffo~o88xp~!"}ffpp8!#}p8p8p8p88s8fo~fo~f!$}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!%}p 00a`0 `````x`x`~<~~`<|````~cnx68of;p88pxp````|fl0~ 0)3}`@ 80``88`p88<)4}f ``nf>ff~fff~~f<flxxlf`````~cwkccfv~~nf)5}f>``|ff|<```<>ff>>ff>|``|fff8<<``lxlf8<f)9}kc|ffffff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~ffo):}8x8foof>`<|````~cnx68of;p88pxp````|fl0~ 0(ffffoof>`<|````~cnx68of;~~xp````|fl0-<} 8``88`p88<-=}f ``nf>ff~fff~~f<flxxlf`````~cwkccfv~~nf->}f>~<```<>ff>~``|fff8<~8<f-B}kc|ffff`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6~ffo-C}8x8foof>`<|````~cnx68of;~~xp````|fl0,H࢔ ԍ ԎЌi3ih@H ԎЌ83h@f 0jﻻffffp88pf< 8<5G}f 8``nf>ff~fff~~f<flxxlf`````~cwkccfv~~nf5H}<5J} 0`?  0`0`@@``````````0 ``````x`x`~<~~<5K}0~0 ~ <>f>``|ff|<```<>ff>>ff>|``|fff8<<``lxlf8<f5L}kc|ffffff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~5M}8x8ffffp88pf<>>>>>9X}>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>+L'(< <V'( <  <`'!!(<  !>:@4, <j' (<  %$  Minnesota<t'""9Y}(<  &  Educational<~' (<  [|  Computing<'!!(<  ]\  Consortium<'( <  _^ <'( <  `9Z}{ <'( < <' (<<', 6. AB:,!"6., A'5 B:,!6. A%B:,!+6.59[} A' (<<(%6.Version 67,.% A (""(;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>@(66. COPYRIGHT #67@,.9\}667%,. - MECC(& B:,!67%,. #&67$,.(($-P:&+B:,%,',% $-<(-AY@4'Ad9]}AU-6-A(86-%@8 A*F:Ad,"AUBB(A$F(Ad&%D1:HELLO%ZL8{L~CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIRETURTEXTNUMBERYNDISKNAMEXNENDINNUMPROGMAXLECXMAXI=_}PROZIOCZZLZHZADZLEZCMZERLXXCINFLAXZETZBGVTASELECINPUNUMOPTVER=`} =a} !"#$=b}%&'()*+,-./0 Program: HELLO =c}Copyright 1982 - MECC ' #@ '" "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,2565100,5150,5=d}500,9990d&&;@7,;,;,;%,;,n-Bx% #B"6-%6-%+!,+ - A""=e}B:,!+6-B:,% @%@@9 B#Bp%$$$, ))6 ))6=f}-%$@7 ))6-%$&%%6-) 7"AJ$ -"4)4 A0.7B:,,4*=g}$ 7:,6-%67,.>:,) A "AE:6-@:7<,,'!@G* =w}@Y06-A:,: AP 6-7AR"%A4B7tA7$A `MJ6-?:C::h =x}8SUH GhdTͿT `,,M$A ` %|5 6-$$6- %'A6%5A7=y}%9 6- %A@%+AA%9A4%-6-?:C:hhhLV,<,*6-F:%A5,-$6-P:',6=z}-P:&$,$'JAR-%6 Pressto continue.DAd&J6-',B7t@&F:Ad,"&={}, % 'F:Ad,"%*'  '.F:Ad,"%6-(Ad&. % ' Ad&$'D+0%=|}0%'AR*(6@eDAd&'& #B""-&&B:,'& $'@-&'.',-@=}} A"% ,  3' .  B'     D'/" %. Program Descriptions( /  F'. %=~}. End@.6-F:@,%L'3 - Which number? # - A36-V'!* %B['G-@#=}=( Please enter a number from 1 to %.G B``' %Be'"%BPt'( -(!*F:@, =}&Bv' ! x'; }#B"+@&B:,'/ ;@y'" Program Descriptions"-~'E(=} A" "(@/  9 AE@'   'V/('} A manual to aid in the use of thisV("=} diskette is available from MECC.'3( Title:#B "/-&&B:,'3 '](Direct inquiries to:A( =}MECC Distribution Center]( 2520 Broadway Drive'h ( St. Paul, MN 551137( (612) 638-0627; h((} If y=}ou have any problems using MECC'[-(% courseware with your microcomputer,B( write or call:[( MECC Help Line'=}a( 2520 Broadway Drive<( St. Paul, MN 55113S( (612) 638-0638W a B (2 (}-%.(Insert th=}e new diskette.2 (%D:LOGO* +&0%0* 6- A"*-&B:,'@+& "6.=}D:&67@,.*+%0u3 - #B"/-&&P:B:,',3(2uA "-%3 No teacher options availabl=}e.7 A BR5u% - Your options are:" % :u@-?@AA} Program: NAMNOT2 Copyright 1982 - MECC ' #@ '" "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7A},8,9,10,20,256**5100,5150,5500,9970,9990,31000,10000(;%,;,2$Ed99;,;,;,;,;,A};,;@,;@,i66;$,;$,;$,;$,;$,;$,;$,ne.6.$  {     A}e6.0=+*[][]=+*=+*[][]se.6.$        e6.0=+*[][A}]=+*=+[][`xA6. 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AP!B0B5i(! AP!BPBUn((#A% A}B`s((#A0%x(+ "!AA+ B(""(That is not a valid name.(J -$0(What isA} the name of this note? B$E:F J(B:,B@B0(##7<,0#*7<,0%B(11@:7