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LL`*+}  Lq` X٪`OS SYSIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIC`0 ߩ0}} }y |||DDOS DOSDOS TMP }}}$H""}CDOS TMP} 0`BDELV !B }`LV  q   R@э   Y S S0 w;j JA E˩ }̩ ˙#`#I $#`HjkD۩ͩΑ͈x!}X  h`GR.0:POKE559,0:POKE712,194:POKE710,194:POKE842,12:POKE752,1:?:RUN"D:LOGO"~ V"}0 @BJKDE V0\BHI ()$ . \ V*)L#}^L{L'0LcоI0L~ɛL!~L) |}'3:͍$}e^\[{OaK D0H:D:0::,- #I-  .,0 L)%}M)M)  V0`  )0Jn8 &}  VH`{ȱye8L^K:'}$L` ɚh@LHhLҥh@9e8L^K:2CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCIM1M2)}P1P2MINMAJB2CLVVLPPZZZTRIEZRIGHPPLARRRRBLMAJZBG*} +} !"#$,}%&'()*+,-./01234-}56789 Program: AURINT Copyright 1982 - MECC ' #@ '".} "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256995100,5150,5500,9100,9150,9950,9970,9990,31000,10000(/};%,;,2$Ed--;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,n++0AR(+KxV -0}/(! A sound is being played. PleaseV(" adjust the volume on the TV set.!2A !2 XX1}182,173,162,153,144,136,128,121,114,108,102,96,91,85,81,76,72,68,64,60,57,53,50,47MI2 -Minor 2nd,1MI3 -Minor 3rd2},3P4 -Perfect 4th,5D5 -Diminished 5th,6MI6 -Minor 6th,8MI7 -Minor 7th,10OC -Octave,12M3}A2 -Major 2nd,2MA3 -Major 3rd,4A4 -Augmented 4th,6P5 -Perfect 5th,7MA6 -Major 6th,9MA7 -Major4} 7th,11,,% -$2 % A 6( -$2 % A ($@ -2 $N 65}--B:,"6-A:7<,,.#A%2":4YD A`N A  6- AP/#A%"4Y% A`6}/ A@ 6-% AP6-%   $ - ($ - (6-%$7<,4M6-7<7},0M6-$A `MJ6-?:C::h 8SUH GhdTͿT `,,M$A ` 8}%& --%(* &3 -(* -&-/(*3 &B -%(* -6(Number 9}tried.....B@&,(Number correct...% *!,( & ( $'JAR-%6 Pressto con:}tinue.DAd&J6-',B7t@&F:Ad,"&, % 'F:Ad,"%*'  '.F:Ad,"%6-;}(Ad&. % ' Ad&$'% (}-$%(Aural Intervals'< -)(Do you want instructions? <}- 1<6.7<,$'4NB.'0YBt'a (}-:(&This program will provide ear traininga("exer=}cises on interval recognition.~'T,($You may specify the intervals to beT(#drilled; whether the tones will be'P,($pr>}esented going from low to high orP(high to low; and the number of'&"(problems to be presented.& '] (}3(%Ente?}r the number of each interval you](%want (one per line) and press'Q(after each entry.C(%When you are finish@}ed, pressQ( to go on.'( -(( 1. Seconds. 5. Sixths.'D$( 2. Thirds. 6. Sevenths.D( 3. Fourths.A} 7. Octaves.'--(% 4. Fifths. 8. All the intervals.'8)(!Which interval would you like? 16-%86.'# -B}$E: #'!!4*+B:,!)48,B'4B%( B:,"6-% B%(B:,!B%C} (" 6-@:," $)!$B%(# 486.6-%# B(&67B:,%,.>:,6-%& B%<(g (},(TD}he intervals can be played:U($1. Going from the low note to theg( high note.F(^(-("2. Going from the high note E}to the>( low note.A(^(3. A mixture of 1 and 2.P(H -%/(Which pattern would you like? @$ED HF}Z(7 6-A:, )!-(Enter 1, 2, or 3.7 B d(0 (}6-B:,-B:,*7<,4806-n(  "6.G}1234567x(9 -1("How many problems would you like? 5 9(H 6-A:, )!$>(!Enter a number between 1 and 12H}.H B`(%6-P:H:,$$%,%4NB(\ (}-6("Two notes will be played. You are\(!to determine the iI}nterval between(`+(#the notes. When answering, use theH(following abbreviations:N6-X A`-&(b(( The abJ}breviations will be on theO("screen while you are answering the^( exercises.b )3 6-6-- B:,")6-A:,K}3 B )$6-P:H:,$B:,%,$6-A:7<,,)'6-P:H:,$%,'BB#)4#A%" A*6.7<L},4 B0)"B)*#A%" A*6.7<,")6-P:H:,$%, 6-') 6-%!%6M}-&&,)! #A!BEBP1)- -" -"# - B6)# -" -"# h)Y (N}}-,(4-<-%Y(| |l)H -%,(O}2-H(Press 'P' to hearm)7 -#(the interval played.1Ad&76-r)2B7t@")@2"P}&Bw) "%*' y)) "%6-Ad&) B|)= 6-"$)"A% A/-$3 = Q}B0) B) (}6.N A)? -%5(%Press 'P' to play the interval again.? BE)$$(That iR}s not a valid answer.)A -%'(What is the interval? 9$E:= A) 4P A BE)B:S}, )B:,!B@)> 6--%#A%#"- A847<,>6-) "B@) -% )* 4T}( Correct!!! 6-%* B0)F%+4A4*4D5,)+4D5*4A4,4( Correct!!!<6-%F B0)(((No. The correU}ct answer is .)(-@8%(,!-%%((or)JAR-%6 Pressto continue.DAdV}&J6-)3B7t@")@,"%*/'3 *) "%6-Ad&) BP*)"$)"A W}A) B@* (} (}  y2 2$E$ }2Ad&"y3 -%+ Do you want to tX}ry again? / 3,y7<,4Y(} 6y87<,0N2(Please enter 'YES' or 'NO'.8 %@y0+0%0%Y}'AR*(0-Jy%D:HELLO{y  %SKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCIM1M2<5;CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCIM1M2[}P1MINLLPZKPZTRIEZBG \} ]} !"#$%& Program: VISINT Copyri^}ght 1982 - MECC ' #@ '" "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256995100,51_}50,5500,9100,9150,9950,9970,9990,31000,10000(;%,;,2$Ed ;,;,;,;,;$,n0A`}@`+!0-AR0( MI2 -Minor 2ndMI3 -Minor 3rdP4 -Perfect 4thD5 -Diminishea}d 5thMI6 -Minor 6thMI7 -Minor 7thMA2 -Major 2ndMA3 -Major 3rdA4 -Augmented 4thP5 -Perfeb}ct 5thMA6 -Major 6thMA7 -Major 7th6-B:,6-A:7<,,(#A%,"6 A0$#A%" Ac}0! $$ - (6-%$A `MJ6-?:C::h 8SUH GhdTͿT `,,d}M$A ` %'JAR-%6 Pressto continue.DAd&J6-',B7t@&F:Ae}d,"&, % 'F:Ad,"%*'  '.F:Ad,"%6-(Ad&. % ' Ad&$'- (f}}-%&(Visual Intervals-6.'L -)(Do you want instructions? - 1<6.7<,L4NB$'0Yg}Bt'Z (}-2(This program gives practice in5(Z( recognizing intervals in written~'U(-("music. You may h}select the maximum0(U( number of sharps or flats in the'^(-("key signature, the intervals to be0(Z(%drilled, and ti}he number of exercises.^ 'Y (}-1(What is the maximum number of4(Y( sharps or flats you would like'@ -j}%'(in the key signature? 8$E< @'L 6-A:, )!-$B(Enter a number between 0 and 7.L k}B<(\ (}3(%Enter the number of each interval you\($want (one per line) and press A(R(after each entry.l}(D(#When you are finished, press R( to go on.F(+ -+( 1. Seconds 5. SixthsK(F'( 2. Thirds m} 6. SeventhsF( 3. Fourths 7. AllP(D( 4. Fifths <(!Which interval would you like? D6-$U("$n}E- "Z(4*B:,!B_(4B%d( B:,"6-% B%i(B:,!B%n(& 6-@:,o}& $)!@UB%s(# 476.6-%# Bx(&67B:,%,.>:,6-%& B%(A$E(}p}#6-B:,.-B:,;7<,47A6-(  "6.123456(? -.(How many problems do you want? 2 6?6-Aq}:,(D )!$:(Enter a number between 1 and $.D B (4NB)\ (}-6("Two notes will r}be displayed on the\(!screen. You are to determine the)m)(!interval between the notes. WhenJ(answering, use the fols}lowing](abbreviations:c6-m A)e(+( The abbreviations will be on theN(screen while you are answeringa(tt}he exercises.e h)OA A *A B:,5-B:,KA &A:7<,,O r)6 (}-((One momenu}t please...6% D:VISINT2y($E }(Ad&"y3 -%+ Do you want to try again? / 3,y7v}<,4Y(} 6y87<,0N2(Please enter 'YES' or 'NO'.8 %@y0+0%0%'AR*(0-Jyw}%D:HELLO{y  %C1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCIM1M2 lrCCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCII1PF y}SZZETZIOCZBGZADZLZHZLEZCMZERZRIGHZTRIE z}  {} !"#$%&' |}()*+,- Program: MISSNT Copyright 1982 - MECC ' #@ '" }} "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256995100,5150,5500,9100,9150,9950,9970,9990,31000,100 ~}00(;%,;,2$Ed;,;,;,n*+0*F:A ,%A xX -0(" A sound }is being played. PleaseX(# adjust the volume on the TV set.!2A !2 A `MJ6 }-?:C::h 8SUH GhdTͿT `,,M$A ` %&,(Number correct...% }*!,( 'JAR-%6 Pressto continue.DAd&J6-',B7t@&F:Ad,"&, } % 'F:Ad,"%*'  '.F:Ad,"%6-(Ad&. % ' Ad&$'" (}-%" }( Missing Note'1 -)(Do you want instructions? - 1$'6.7<,4NB.'0YBt'V (}1( }#In this drill, you will see a fiveV( note phrase of music printed on~'R+(#the screen. Four of the notes areR("no }rmal notes. The 'missing note''T,($is indicated by a space. Study theT(#phrase. When you are ready, press'R'(t }he 'P' key to hear the phraseR(&played. Based on hearing the phrase,'.*("try to identify the missing note.. 'c ( }}-8($You may select the maximum number ofc(&flats or sharps in the key signature,'P+(#the maximum size of the }intervals,L(and the number of problems.P '8 (}-8($What is the greatest number of flats'G -.(you want } in the key signature? ?$EC G'E 6-A:, )!;( Enter a number between 0 and 7.E B<(9 ( }}-9(%What is the greatest number of sharpsF(6 -.(you want in the key signature? 2 6P(E 6-A:, )! };( Enter a number between 0 and 7.E B(9 (}-9(%What is the largest interval you want(& -(in the } phrase? " &( 6-A:,!* B(].(&That interval value is not allowed.S( Enter a number between 2 }and 7.] B) (})9 -1("How many problems would you like? 5 9)H 6-A:, )!$>(!Enter a numbe }r between 1 and 30.H B")4NBh)Y (}2($In the exercises that follow, youY("are to identify the m }issing note.r)S+(#All notes are within the scale (noS(#accidentals). You need enter only|)g,($the note name. For e }xample, if theS("missing note is E-flat you simplyc( enter 'E'.g )3A A 'A 3A  })5 (}-((One moment please...5%D:MNMAINy>A 2*$E0 }>Ad&"y3 -% }+ Do you want to try again? / 3,y7<,4Y(} 6y87<,0N2(Please enter 'YES' or 'NO'.8 %@y }0+0%0%'AR*(0-Jy%D:HELLO{y  %RESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCII1PF Q  CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25C76C75C99C5CLEAREOCLEAREODISKISCORESCORERETURENDINZDOLZNCN1M1MNST}KIFKISKIFFINPFSFNFCLSKFKKCK1NNVDSLSNMIEPPLFSIZTRIENKELKEYINLZADZLEZIOCZCMDZZETZBGZLZH}ZERZZRIGHLNNXSYIN } } @!"@#@$@%&'()*}+@,-./0123456789:};<=>?@ABCDEFGHI}JKLMNOPQRS Program:MNMAIN (C)1982-MECC / #@ }/" "TT1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256,764,752,999,59,5100,5150,5500,9950},9970,9990,31000(;%,;,2$EdHH;%,;$%,;A,;$%,;%,;%,;%,9,;,}iLL9,9,9,;$,;$,;$%,;$%,;%,;$,9,;,n4A $"K,#A4"}oSS512,54286,065)-=074+*086+*094)-=106)-=115+*127+*":pd%6._d}6.8064:?075[]083z]095:?106[]114[]126:?qY/6.%_____________________________________D6.0401050206}0307Y6.07030602050104rB 6-6-$%-"*67<,.26-%>6-%$%B |nn07A\ ^ 12812111406C}AA11410810206AA  10209609105CAA09609108505AA~nn  08508107604CAA07607206806 }EJ06806406006EEH06406005705 EI0nn5705305005EEI05004704504 EI04704504204}EEG04204003706IE\ ^0370350335 6-F:,6-F:&,"6-F:&,-6-F:&,5& (} $ B}7+0-4(One moment please...7$, "6. A06)6.7<$,"@)6.7<$,@}"A@J#-$%$67<,.99# T3 -68,-8,#-$36-A:7<%,,^-!++8,",)+8,&",,}*+",-68,-8,h-!++8,",)+8,&",,*+",-68,-8,r   |" -2"28," -$ } 2"$D D:MUSICC.FNT'6-BS`/6-$56-;6-? D4 D:FFS.BIN46-F:A`,%}F:Aa,$2 6-6-A6-)6-$%+',- 27 %$ %F:%,%+',7%%F:%%,%+',OA}YBBr#'+%=BAA0OBA'A0*A!AY@4'(}*$A `}MJ6-?:C::h 8SUH GhdTͿT `,,M$|5 6-$$6- %'A6%5A}7%9 6- %A@%+AA%9A4%M6-?:C:hhhLV,<,*6-F:%A5,J6-F:A@%,%}F:AA%,$M$6-P:',6-P:&$,$&0 (}AR-%-%,(*0 &3 -(* -}&-/(*3 &B -%(* -6(Number tried.....B@&,(Number correct...% *!},( & ( $'JAR-%6 Pressto continue.DAd&J6-',B7t@&F:Ad,"}&, % 'F:Ad,"%*'  '.F:Ad,"%6-(Ad&. % ' Ad&$': -(}}--#(&(* 0-4(:6-'H:,!'6-' 6-"6-'#6-P:H:,$+%,,#B' }6- B`' 6."6.' 6-6--'6.7<,4B0' 6-% B 'V6.7<&,}6-A:7<,,,6-A:7<,,:6.72H -%4(Press 'P' to hear the melody.B}Ad&H6-22B7t@")@2"&B02) "$6-Ad&) B0 2 6-!'}6-&+',2)"$)"A A) B62 B0 53 -%3(#Press 'P' to hear the melody again.*5W -}%7(&What is the name of the missing note? ;C4PM AW B6>52A)3GB6h5. 6-@:,6-&}@f& @.6-%o5 8,!68,-8,&p58,"B705 -% "B7 5. 6--%$(No}, try again.. B65G 6--%0(No, the missing note was 98,!G68,-8,&5(>:8,%%,. B75}5, -% ( Correct!!!$,6-%5- - (!8,"*7<,4'--(A5I -%( -%I(% } Press 'P' to hear the melody again,5B -%4(or pressto continue. <&B6-50B7t@"})@,"$*0 5) "$6-Ad&) B7T5 6-!'6-&+',5)"$)"A A}) B7R5F=C0:GOTO 13730PF $  y( 2 $&(%D:MISSNT{y  %N1M1MNSTq"7=CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCII1PF}SZZETZIOCZBGZADZLZHZLEZCMZERZRIGHZTRIED} } !"#$%&'}()*+,-. Program: WRONGNT Copyright 1982 - MECC ' #@ '"} "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256995100,5150,5500,9100,9150,9950,9970,9990},31000,10000(;%,;,2$Ed;,;,;,n0A@Y+!0-AR0(xX -}0(" A sound is being played. PleaseX(# adjust the volume on the TV set.!2A !2 }A `MJ6-?:C::h 8SUH GhdTͿT `,,M$A ` %|5 6-$$6}- %'A6%5A7%9 6- %A@%+AA%9A4%M6-?:C:hhhLV,<,*6-F:}%A5,J6-F:A@%,%F:AA%,$M$6-P:',6-P:&$,$&,(Number correct...% *!,( 'J}AR-%6 Pressto continue.DAd&J6-',B7t@&F:Ad,"&, % 'F:Ad},"%*'  '.F:Ad,"%6-(Ad&. % ' Ad&$' (}-% ( Wrong Note'1} -)(Do you want instructions? - 1$'6.7<,4NB.'0YBt'7 (}-7(#In this dri}ll you will see a phrase~'X*("of music and then hear it played.-(U(#When it is played, one of the notesX('\*("will }be wrong. You must determine-(X(&which of the notes (2-5) is incorrect.\ 'c (}-8($You may select the maximum} number ofc(&flats or sharps in the key signature,'P+(#The maximum size of the intervals,L(and the number of probl}ems.P '8 (}-8($What is the greatest number of flats'G -.(you want in the key signature? ?$}EC G'E 6-A:, )!;( Enter a number between 0 and 7.E B<(9 (}-9(%What is the greatest numbe}r of sharpsF(6 -.(you want in the key signature? 2 6P(E 6-A:, )!;( Enter a number between 0 and 7.}E B(9 (}-9(%What is the largest interval you want(& -(in the phrase? " &( 6-A:,!* }B(].(&That interval value is not allowed.S( Enter a number between 2 and 7.] B) (})9 -1("}How many problems would you like? 5 9)H 6-A:, )!$>(!Enter a number between 1 and 30.H B")4}NBh)] (}/(!In the exercises that follow, youZ(&will see a five-note phrase of music.](r)P'(Study the phras}e. When you areP($familiar with it, press the 'P' key|)Q.(&and the computer will play the phraseQ(with one incorre}ct note. The)W-(%incorrect note will not be the firstW(%note. You will be asked to identify)3/('which of the not}es (2-5) is incorrect.3 )3A A 'A 3A )5 (}-((One moment please...5%D:W}NMAINy>A 2*$E0 }>Ad&"y3 -%+ Do you want to try again? / 3,y}7<,4Y(} 6y87<,0N2(Please enter 'YES' or 'NO'.8 %@y0+0%0%'AR*(0-J}y%D:HELLO{y  %C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCII1PF"9&,CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25C6C10C75C76C23C99VDSLSNMIECLEAREOCLEAREODISKIRETURENDINZLINZDOLZNC}ACKFSNMIABCDFSIZTRIEZADZLEZIOCZCMDLTARLAWWZZETZBGZLZHZERZRIGHLWWC99} } }!"#$@%@&@'@()*+,-./0}123456789:;<=>?}@ABCDEFGHIJ Program:WNMAIN (C)1982-MEC}C 7 #@ 7" "]]1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256,60,100,752,764,230,9}99,512,54286,5100,5150,5500,31000,10000(;%,;,2$Ed__;$,;$,;$,;$,;$,;@U},;&,;,9,9,9@,9@,ip.6.$____________________________________p6.;&:?6[]z5)-}=%7+*'2!13$4#nc%6._c6.7CAA AA  HEEG }EIse:6.0)-=+*+*)-=)-=+*+*e6.$:?[]z]:?[][]:?x- 6-F:,6-}F:&,"6-F:&,-6-F:&,> %&+0-%>(One moment please...E D:MUSICC1.FNT(6-B}S`06-$66-<6-@ E^ D:FFS.BIN46-F:A`,%F:Aa,$:6-B6-%H6-^6-@Y$%@e}9 %"%F:%,%+',9%%F:%%,%+',7AYBBr*&P:',$7%P:',6A}!AY@4((}6K: ""3,5,6,8,10,12,13,15,17,18,20DD114,108,102,96,91,85,81,76,72,68,6}4,60,57,53,50,47,45,42,40,372,3,5,7,8,10,11::10,19,3,7,7,14,11,21,4,9,8,16,1,4,5,11,9,18,2,6,6,131,3,4,6,8,9,}11996,11,9,16,2,4,5,9,8,14,1,2,11,19,4,7,7,12,10,18,3,57,14,19,29,36,43,484,8,15,20,24,31,36&&1,12,8,8,11},15,33,36,15,50,53,15&&16,27,8,1,4,15,18,22,15,43,46,15''6,15,4,11,14,13,36,39,13,53,56,13&&21,30,4,4,7,13,22,28,}12,46,49,13''6,15,3,11,14,12,36,39,12,53,56,12&&21,30,3,4,7,12,22,28,11,46,49,12((31,42,8,11,14,11,36,39,11,53,56},11&&46,55,4,4,7,11,22,28,10,46,49,11((36,45,4,11,14,10,36,39,10,53,56,10&&46,55,3,4,7,10,25,32,10,46,49,10((}36,45,3,14,17,10,39,42,10,56,59,10,2 -%-( #-%'(/6-%2$@"ApJ+N:,%,'"AP}T; #A-O:," +6.7<,16-; A`^1 #A -O:," +6.7<,16-h - (r}6-%O:,%$6-P:H:,$%,$+ -" -&((7<,+$-O:," $! -"}68,- !$* -#A"-8,&&"* , 2-$ %2) ,$X< - 6-6-} $'6-%6+N:,%,'"<6-b " Ap$l A`$5 6-6--%%8,"8,+6-5 A }  A0<#%+$&,"-%((7<,06-%6"< $ AP $) -%8,"8,}6-) AP  A` 6- A # -%#8,&8,"A  6-%+ ,6-%+ ,6}- A   " $*C 6--%"#%+8,$&,*"2-%;(7<,C6-%4$$O:8,&,*8,)"AP}>56-? "!6-%+ ,+ AP5 APH 6- APR   $$$N:,%A A 0A 5} #A Ap!#A+ A5 A 0+ #A Ap!#A+ A$A `MJ6-?:C:}:h 8SUH GhdTͿT `,,M$A ` %|5 6-$$6- %'A6%}5A7%9 6- %A@%+AA%9A4%M6-?:C:hhhLV,<,*6-F:%A5,J6-F:A@}%,%F:AA%,$M$6-P:',6-P:&$,$'= 6--(}6-#6-) $/#$9-%="'T 68,-}68,- #6-%%) $36-&&= A E6-%K $T68,-t'G#%+8,$&," -)(7<,/6-76-}%?-G6-%~'G 6-% $68,-G+O:8,&8&,,!&,)+8,"8&,,B'&&%O:8,&8&,,!&+&,B}'B6-%O:8,&8&,,'#%+8,$&,/"5->(7<,B '$ $- 68,-88,,$ ': 6- $6-}%6-# $)6-:6-H:,&?P'))+8, * ,)+8,!%*!,B'68,-8,%N:,$<(< -%.(Press 'P}' to hear the melody.6&<6-F(*B7t@)&"$** K() "$6-Ad&) BP( 6}-!'6-&+',Z(%"$)"A $% Bd( B(= -%3(#Press 'P' to hear the melody again.}= B () -)(That is not a valid answer.(7 -%3("Which note was wrong-2,3,4, or 5? 7( 4P A} B (@:, $)@:,!&B(5 - A:,"#(Correct!+6-%5 B(%%(No, the wrong note was } .)B -%4(#Presssee what was played. <&B6- )B7t@)) "$* ))  }"$6-Ad&) B)I 6- $-&(#%+8,$&,0"8-%A(7<,I6-%")   $,)\  }-&1(!Press '1' to hear the first line,\(&press '2' to hear the second line, or6)9 -%+(press to conti }nue.3&96-;)B7t@)@) "$* E)) "$6-Ad&) BUJ) 6-"AU }BT) "$ $ BP^); "$68,-8,&N:,$( A;68,-8,%N:,$c) BPh)$  (}}&$%D:WSy" 2+0"%D:WS{y  %NMIECLEAREOCLEAREODISKIRETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCGstd CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCILPZ}ZBG } }Program: RHYTHM Copyright 1982 - MECC ' #@ '" "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7},8,9,10,20,256995100,5150,5500,9100,9150,9950,9970,9990,31000,10000(;%,;,2$Ed;,;,};,n+0AR(xV -/(! A sound is being played. PleaseV(" adjust the volume on the TV set.!2}A !2 BA `MJ6-?:C::h 8SUH GhdTͿT }`,,M$'JAR-%6 Pressto continue.DAd&J6-',B7t@&F:Ad,"&, %} 'F:Ad,"%*'  '.F:Ad,"%6-(Ad&. % ' Ad&$' (}-%(R}hythm'1 -)(Do you want instructions? - 1$'7<,4NB.'7<,0YBt'[ (}-5(!Thi}s program is a drill on rhythm[(!patterns. One rhythm pattern is~'V,($shown and three rhythm patterns canV(%be play}ed. You must decide which of'H*("the three patterns played matchesD(the pattern you see.H 'E (}3(%You may se}lect from one of three setsE( of exercises:'V -0("1. The measures have 3 to 5 notesV(! and consist of half, qu}arter,'V-(% dotted quarter, and eighth notes.V($2. The measures have 5 or 6 notes,'U-(% and use quarter and e}ighth notes.U(#3. The measures have 6 or 7 notes(P+(# and use quarter, eighth, dottedP( eighth, and sixteenth} notes. (N -&5($Which set of exercises do you want? F$EJ N(4A:, )A:,!*(Enter 1, 2, or }3.4 BP(4NB<(^ (}5('You will be asked which pattern you^($would like to hear. Respond with a }F(T,($1, 2, or 3. You may listen to eachT(#pattern as many times as you wish.P(Z-(%Type 'A' when you know which pat!}ternV($is correct. Then type your answer.Z ( (}(6 -.(How many problems do you want? 2 6(CA:, )"}A:,!9(!Enter a number between 1 and 20.C B)TA A:,!A A:,'(}--F(One moment please...#}T% D:RHYTHM2y2 2$E$ }2Ad&"y3 -%+ Do you want to try again? / 3,y7<$},4Y(} 6y87<,0N2(Please enter 'YES' or 'NO'.8 %@y0+0%0%'AR*(0-Jy%}%D:HELLO{y  %CC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCILPZ1CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25C6C20C37C41C60C75C76CLEAREOCLEAREODISKISCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCN!'}SAA1A2A3A4NNHNLNQNTTCLEFLZTRIEVDSLSNMIEZADZLEZIOCZCMDLPPPLRLAPAAAZRIGHZZETZBGZLZHZER!(}ZL !)}@!*} !"#$%&'()*+,-.!+}/0123456789:;<=!,}>?@ABCDEFG Program:RHYTHM2 (C)1982-MECC 5 #!-}@ 5" "<<1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256,60,200,370,410,600,752,76!.}4**5100,5150,5500,9970,9990,31000,10000(;%,;,2$Ed119$,;,;,;,;,;,;,;!/}$,f##;%,;,;@,;%,i=6.AHBQCEDF=6.$____________________________________nJ6. <000>(!0}6. CAAJ6._sgg6.]AA  ,AA  ,ARA  ,APQA_A _  _ APPV!1}A__A ,_  __ x16-F:A ,!6-F:A ,+#A%1"}512,54286BA&+#0!2})-B(One moment please...C D:MUSIC.FNT&6-BS`.6-$46-:6-> C4 D:FFS.BIN4!3}6-F:A`,%F:Aa,$3 6-6-$%6-/6-@W$%@e3  %$-%F:%,%+',-%%F:%!4}%,%+',7AYBBr*&P:',$7%P:',!A!AY@4 }K:!5} ( A0-&! A@% ($( A0-&! A@% ($( A0-&! A@% ($!6}, -2A% AP) ,$2$/-$$8,  2(-, /$, 6-%!%!7}6-&6  6-"A@  6-")"A J #%%-" T #%%-" ^! #!8}%%-" ! &h6-P:H:,$,$r%%%|$ !%6- &!6-%%$$~ 6- &!!9}6-%$ 6- &!6-%$ -  6.6- %  % 6.6- %!:}  % 6.6-.-B:,-.7<,07<,A`7<,0DAE3 #% "68,-!6!;}8%,-)6-%3 Ae7<,0FAU= #% "68,-#% "+68%,-36-%= Ae #% "!<}68,-6-%    # --( -#()-%-( %-%)(6 6-%!=}-B:,-67<,07<,A  #%"   -(7<,7<,0FA@ 6-% Ae!>}7<,0DAP! 6-% Ae&##7<,0H*7<,0QA`+ 6-% Ae0 6-%5  A!?}Y 12,1,12Z 8,1,10[ 6,13,24\ 4,13,22] 3,25,38^ 2,25,36_ 2,39,62` 1,63,93bHQQ,EQEQQ,Q!@}DFQcQHQ,QEQEQ,QFDQdQQH,QQEQE,QQFDeDA,EQQQE,QQDFfAD,DBEQ,FDQQgBEH,QBED,DFQQhHBE,BEQD,FQDQiH!A}EB,DQBE,DQFQjHDQ,QDBE,QDQFkQDH,BEDQ,QFQDlDQH,DQDQ,QDFDmDHQ,DDQQ,QFDDnQHD,QDQD,QDDFoQQBE,DQQD,QF!B}DFpQBEQ,QQDD,DQFDqBEQQ,QDDQ,FQFDrQDQQ,EQEDQ,FEQEDsQQDQ,QDEQE,EQEFDtQQQD,DEQEQ,DFEQEuDQQQ,DQEQE,!C}FDEQE36-P:H:,$%,-%3((Enter 1, 2, or 3.)0 -0("Type 'A' when you know the answer.M -%4(#Which!D} pattern do you want to hear? 8 I$EMB:,"A %%01*02*03*0AA  4A!E} $ 6-A:," %% "%%  "%% A   -% %D -%+(!F}Which pattern is correct? / @$ED*B:,"A /30*24A%4+!(Please enter 1, 2!G}, or 3.+ A9G -% A:,=(No, the correct answer is .G A5>( Correct!!!6-%C6 -$!H}6(&Press 'P' to hear the correct pattern.H4 -%*(Pressto continue.. 46-MEAd&#B7t@!I}0)@B"AU)"$E$N "$*' O "$6- AER# 6-!A(#6-&A(W!J}"$)"A A\ A@A `MJ6-?:C::h 8SUH GhdTͿT !K}`,,M$A ` %|5 6-$$6- %'A6%5A7%9 6- %A@%+AA%!L}9A4%M6-?:C:hhhLV,<,*6-F:%A5,J6-F:A@%,%F:AA%,$M$6-P:',6-P:&$,$&0!M}+0-%-%,(*0 &3 -(* -&-/(*3 &B -%(* -!N}6(Number tried.....B@&,(Number correct...% *!,( & ( $'> -%0 Presst!O}o continue.8&>6-'&B7t@ F:,"&& % 'F:,"%*'  '"F:,"%6-&" % '!P} &$'0 -68,- 6-* Ap&06-') 6--(} '! % ) y 2+!Q}0y"$E }"&"y3 -%+ Do you want to try again? / 3,y#7<,4Y(}#%D:RHYTH!R}M6y87<,0N2(Please enter 'YES' or 'NO'.8 %@y*+0%0%!$(*-Jy%D:HELLO{y !S} %CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25C6C20C37C41C60C75C76CLEAREOCLEAREODISKISCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCN std CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCILPZ%U}ZBG %V} %W}Program: RPLAY Copyright 1982 - MECC ' #@ '" "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,%X}8,9,10,20,256995100,5150,5500,9100,9150,9950,9970,9990,31000,10000(;%,;,2$Ed;,;,;%Y},n/+0AR(/F:,"BxV -/(! A sound is being played. PleaseV(" adjust the volume on t%Z}he TV set.!2A !2 BA `MJ6-?:C::h 8SUH GhdT%[}T `,,M$'JAR-%6 Pressto continue.DAd&J6-',B7t@&F:A%\}d,"&, % 'F:Ad,"%*'  '.F:Ad,"%6-(Ad&. % ' Ad&$'! (%]}}-%!( Rhythm Play'X -0(" This program is a drill on rhythmX(# patterns. You will see a pattern$'?+(# a%^}nd be asked to tap it out on the;(  keyboard.? t'E (}3(%You may select from one of three setsE( of exercises:~'V%_} -0("1. The measures have 3 to 5 notesV(! and consist of half, quarter,'V-(% dotted quarter, and eighth note%`}s.V($2. The measures have 5 or 6 notes,'U-(% and use quarter and eighth notes.U(#3. The measures have 6 or 7 no%a}tes'P+(# and use quarter, eighth, dottedP( eighth, and sixteenth notes.'N -&5($Which set of exercises do %b}you want? F$EJ N'4A:, )A:,!*(Enter 1, 2, or 3.4 BP' (}'6 -.(How many probl%c}ems do you want? 2 6'CA:, )A:,!9(!Enter a number between 1 and 20.C B<(SA A:,!A A:%d},'(}--F(One moment please...S%D:RPLAY2y2 2$E$ }2Ad&"y3 -%+ Do you w%e}ant to try again? / 3,y7<,4Y(} 6y87<,0N2(Please enter 'YES' or 'NO'.8 %@y0+0%%f}0%'AR*(0-Jy%D:HELLO{y  %TICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCILPZ$DCCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKISCORERETURENDINCNSAA4NNHNLNQNTTCLEFZNTIMELZTR)s})B$DOS SYSB2(AURINT BZVISINT BxMISSNT B-MNMAIN BWRONGNT B0WNMAIN BRHYTHM B.&RHYTHM2 BTRPLAY B2gRPLAY2 B WS B)VISINT2 BLOGO B)HELLO B MUSICB FNTB MUSIC FNTB $LOGO FNTB -MUSICC FNTB 6MUSICC1 FNTB ?MUSIC2 FNTBHINTRO BgFFS BINB2hCOUNT BCOUNTDELLSTB COUNTOL LSTIEVDSLSNMIEZADZLEZIOCZCMDLNTLCHATIMQRTIMRIGHALVTAPAABEAZRIGHZZETZBGZLZHZERZL)t} )u}@@ )v}!"#$%&'()*+,-./0)w}123456789:;<=>?)x}@A Program: RPLAY2 Copyright 1982 - MECC ' #@ '" "!!1)y},2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256$$5100,5150,5500,9970,9990,310002$Ed 9,;,;,;,;$,f--;%)z},;,;A1,;%,;,9,i?6. AHBQCEDFSG?6.$____________________________________nJ6. <000>(6.){} CAAJ6._sqq6.gAA  ,AA  ,ARA  ,APQA_A _  _ APPV)|}A__A ,_  __ ASATt9967@,.&ASAT  AUVA_A _  _ x36-F:A ,!6-F:A ,)}}+#A%3"}30,512,54286LA@Y+%AR-03-L(One moment please...C)~} D:MUSIC.FNT&6-BS`.6-$46-:6-> C4 D:FFS.BIN46-F:A`,%F:Aa,$; 6-6-A)}6-76-@Y$AV%@e;  %$)F:,%A()%F:%,%A(7AYBBr*)}&P:',$7%P:',!A!AY@4 }K: B( A0-%! 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(}$  ! y4$E @d1}& }4Ad&"y3 -%+ Do you want to try again? / 3,y#7<,4Y(}#%D:VISINT6y87<,0N21}(Please enter 'YES' or 'NO'.8 %@y0+0%0%'AR*(0-Jy%D:HELLO{y  %AJ0zCCCCCCCCCC1C2C25DISKIZDOLZNLINE1LINE2LINE3LINE4VERSIONCOPYNUMTEXTYEARTZETZIOCZBGZAD5}ZLZHZLEZCMZZERCC 5} 5} !"# Program: LOGO Copyright 1982 - MECC ' #@ '"5} "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256 5500(;%,;,<AR d33;,;,;5},;,;%,;%,;%,;,fLA@Y++AA=AAIARL(n6. Music 5}II:x 6.6.Rhythm and Pitch 6. 6. B,) (<$@&P:+5}B:,%,',)(6 (< $|5 6-$$6- %'A6%5A7%9 6- %A@%+AA%5}9A4%M6-?:C:hhhLV,<,*6-F:%A5,J6-F:A@%,%F:AA%,$M$6-P:',6-P:&$,$'5} D:LOGO.FNT'56-BS`6-$6-#6-' 5AV$8'@   B'%%(}=>>>>>>>>>>5}>>>>>>>>>>>>>>+L'(< <V'( <  <`'!!(<  !>:@4, <j' (<  %$  Minnesota<t'""(<5}  &  Educational<~' (<  [|  Computing<'!!(<  ]\  Consortium<'( <  _^ <'( <  `{ 5}<'( < <' (<<', 6. AB:,!"6., A'5 B:,!6. A%B:,!+6.5 A5}' (<<(%6.Version 67,.% A (""(;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>@(66. COPYRIGHT #67@,.665}7%,. - MECC(& B:,!67%,. #&67$,.((*-P:&+B:,%,',% $-*6-<('AY@4'Ad5}AUA(86-%@8 A*F:Ad,"AUBB(A$F(Ad&%D1:HELLO%GZAD4wLCCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIRETURTEXTNUMBERYNDISKNAMEXNENDINNUMPROGMAXLECXMAXI9}PROZIOCZZLZHZADZLEZCMZERLXXCINFLAXZETZBGVTASELECINPUNUMOPTVER9} 9} !"#$9}%&'()*+,-./0 Program: HELLO 9}Copyright 1982 - MECC ' #@ '" "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,2565100,5150,59}500,9990d&&;@7,;,;,;%,;,n-Bx% #B"6-%6-%+!,+ - A""9}B:,!+6-B:,3 @%@@93A$ B#Bp%$$$ -"49})4 A0.7B:,,4*$ 7:,6-%67,.>:,) A "AE9}:6-@:7<,,'!@G* @Y06-A:,: AP 6-7AR"%A4B7tA7$9}A `MJ6-?:C::h 8SUH GhdTͿT `,,M$A ` %|5 6-$$9}6- %'A6%5A7%9 6- %A@%+AA%9A4%-6-?:C:hhhLV,<,*69}-F:%A5,-$6-P:',6-P:&$,$'JAR-%6 Pressto continue.DAd&J6-',9}B7t@&F:Ad,"&, % 'F:Ad,"%*'  '.F:Ad,"%6-(Ad&. % ' 9}Ad&$'D+0%0%'AR*(6@eDAd&'& #B""-&&B:,'& $9}'@-&'.',-@ A"% ,  3' .  B'     D'/" %. Program9} Descriptions( /  F'. %. End@.6-F:@,%L'3 - Which number? # - A36-V9}'!* %B['G-@#=( Please enter a number from 1 to %.G B``' %Be'"%B9}Pt'( -(!*F:@, &Bv' ! x'; }#B"+@&B:,'/ ;@y'" :}Program Descriptions"-~'E( A" "(@/  9 AE@'   'V/('} A manu:}al to aid in the use of thisV(" diskette is available from MECC.'3( Title:#B "/-&&B:,'3 '](:}Direct inquiries to:A( MECC Distribution Center]( 2520 Broadway Drive'h ( St. Paul, MN 551137( :} (612) 638-0627; h((} If you have any problems using MECC'[-(% courseware with your microcomputer,B( write or:} call:[( MECC Help Line'a( 2520 Broadway Drive<( St. Paul, MN 55113S( (612) 638-0638W a B:} (2 (}-%.(Insert the new diskette.2 (%D:LOGO* +&0%0* 6- A"*-&:}B:,'@+& "6.D:&67@,.*+  %0u3 - #B"/-&&P:B:,',3(2uA ":}-%3 No teacher options available.7 A BR5u% - Your options are:" % :u@-}~``|   ```|ffo~o88xp~>}ff||pp8>}p8p8p8p88s8fo~fo~f>}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>}p 00a`0 `````x`x`~<~~<>}0~0 ~ <~~<88p8p8p8p>}8pp888888ffo| 0>}8x8 8   8``nf>ff~fff~~f<flxxlf`````~cwkccfv~~nfF'}<F)} 0`?  0`0`@@``````````0 ``````x`x`~<~~f>``|ff|<```<>ff>>ff>|``|fff8<<``lxlf8<fF+}kc|ffffff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~F,}8x8ffffp88pf<}L}8x8````````~ff````````````|fflxp``````8````|fl888Lxfff 8  d6._VQ}n^6. #6.AA\ ^ 46. 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PleasVc}eV(# adjust the volume on the TV set.'52A !2'-+ 1(5 'S -%5(%In some of the Vd}programs you will hearS(short passages of music.( -$  A <(T (}-%"( THE COMPUTER/( Ve} CANL( DISPLAY MUSIC NOTATIONT-%P(p,($In some of the programs you will seeR(!notes, key signatures, and otherVf}f(music symbols.p AZ(: 2+0%%0%1AR4(:-d(%D:HELLO%ZNNLNMTCLETpH࢔ ԍ ԎЌi3ih@H ԎЌ83h@f D:INTROTCLEXjmZNCC2CCCLEAREOICI1CLEAREOA2ZRIGHPNCMUSNOTEAARETURLSCOREENDINCC1CCNMIEC25ZLINCZCC^i}76C75DISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCOREZDOLA1M1M2P1KSMNCSTTCVDSLSZADZLEZIOCZCMDLAAAAPRRKLZETZBGZLZHZE^j}RZZTRIECPPRRI2 ^k} ^l} !"#$%&'()*+^m},-./0123456789:;^n}<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJ^o}KL Program: COUNT Copyright 1982 - MECC + #@ +" "^p}))1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256,764,752995100,5150,5500,9100,9150,9950,9970,9990,31000,10000(;@,;,^q}cLA@Y+%-03-L(One moment please...d--;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,i//^r};$,;%,;$%,;,;$,;$,nXD6.: ,AA  ,AA  ,ARA  ,ASAT  X6. <00^s}0>sT26.(!1{2#3$4%3&8@8(95'67T6._x=-6.#__________________________^t}_________=6. AWBHCQDES #AU"512,54286& $ A`&D:COUNTDEL.LST  1,6 1,4^u} 7,18 7,16 19,30 19,28 31,44 31,42 45,586,9,14,1710,13,14,1714,17,14,17^v}18,21,14,1722,25,14,1710,13,26,2922,25,26,2930,33,26,291,9,34,40,,,QQ,QQQ,BQ,QQQQQ,QQQQQQ,^w}EEE,CC,CCC,CCCC-''CE,HQ,QQQQ,BH,HQB,QE,QEQE,CQEC,BB.&&CSS,QH,HQQ,HB,BB,EQ,CQE,QECC,BCC/11EQE,HEE,QHQ,QQQQEE,QQQQQEE,^x}QSS,QEC,CCQE,CCB044EEQ,QQEE,QQH,BQEE,DSEEQB,ESSSS,DSEC,CDSEC,BCQE166QEE,CEQ,QQEEQ,QQB,QEEQHQ,DSE,DSEDSE,CEEEC,QECQEC2^y}66EEEE,QCE,QDSQQ,BQQ,CEQB,EDS,QEDSE,DSECC,DSEDSECC399QDS,EEQQ,QQEQE,QEEQH,QQQCEQ,EESS,DSEQE,CCDSE,CDSECC477DSQ,EQQE,HQ^z}EE,CEQH,QQDSQQQ,SSEE,EEEC,CCEEE,CEEECC544ESSQ,EEDS,QDSH,HCEQ,BQQQ,ESSE,CEEE,EEECC,CCQEC6,,EC,EEH,QB,QBQ,EEHB,SQS,CDSE,C^{}EESSC,CBCD D:MUSICB.FNT'6-BS`/6-$56-;6-? D4 D:FFS.BIN46-F:A`,%F:Aa^|},$8 6-6-A6-/6-@Y$%+',3 8: %$ %F:%,%+',7%%F:%%,%+',:$7^}}AYBBr*&P:',$7%P:',$A!AY@4$$# --( -#(! -^~}(7<,-!(7<, 6-"6-%6-P:H:,$B:,%%,.-B:,-.7<,07<,A0 ^}#A%" A5 0 "6.7<,6- 6-&6-0 AE -(7<,! 6-%&/  -^}(-&%,(  /$X 4A6.DW A@b 4B6.DH A@l 4C6.DQ A@v^} 4D6.DE$A `MJ6-?:C::h 8SUH GhdTͿT `,,M$A `^} %|5 6-$$6- %'A6%5A7%9 6- %A@%+AA%9A4%M^}6-?:C:hhhLV,<,*6-F:%A5,J6-F:A@%,%F:AA%,$M$6-P:',6-P:&$,$pQN6-?:C:>h˥^}̠ȱˍɀȱˈȩ˩ J`,,Q$&2 (}$-'-%.(*2 &3 -(^}* -&-/(*3 &B -%(* -6(Number tried.....B@&,(Number correct.^}..% *!,( & ( $'> -%0 Pressto continue.8&>6-'&B7t@ F:,"&^}& % 'F:,"%*'  '"F:,"%6-&" % ' &$' (}-$(Counting'1 -)(^}Do you want instructions? - 1$'6.7<,4NB.'7<,0YBt'e (}-9(%In this drill,^} incomplete measures ofe('music are displayed. Each measure can~'I+(#be completed by deciding which typeI(of note s^}hould be added.'Y+(#You may choose the number of timeU(%signatures to be used in this drill.Y '^ (}6.-^}8(Enter the letter of each time^(!signature you want (one per line)'b*("and pressafter each entry.T(%When^} you are finished, pressb( to go on.'] -(A. 2/4!(B. 3/4-(C. 4/49(D. 5/4E(E. 6/4Q(F. 3^}/8](G. 6/8'5(H. 9/8(I. 12/85(J. All of the above';-(%Which time signature would you like?36-;6-&^}'" -$E "'4*B:,!B'4B%(" B:,"6-6-" B%(B:,!^}B% (* 6-@:,* @e)!@tB%() 4J6.6-%@) B(67B:,%,.>:&+$,,(0B:^},!*B:, 6-&6-B:,%%0 B%(0B:,!*B:, 6-&6-B:,%%0 B%#( B:,!6-6-B:,%%(( ^}B%<(A$E(}#6-B:,.-B:,;7<,4JA6-F(  "6. 123456789P(9 -1("How many pr^}oblems would you like? 5 9Z(M 6-A:, )!$C(Enter a number between 1 and $.M B d(7<,4N^}B(X (}1(#In each exercise, decide which noteX("would complete the measure. Enter(E+(#your answers using th^}e codes below.E(Code Note type(( (W( DW Dotted whole.( W WholeF( DH ^} Dotted halfW( H Half(_( DQ Dotted quarter2( Q QuarterL( DE Dotted eighth_( E Eigh^}th(F( S SixteenthF((The abbreviations are displayed on the(8 -4(&screen while you answer the questions.^}8 )B (}$E$ AP*6-:6-P:H:,$%,B-) 6-%!6-&)!6-P:H:,$%,!6-A:7<^},,")?#A%-" +#A%5"? Ah)P --(DW - Dotted Whole W - WholeP(DH - Dotte^}d Half H - Half%LEAREOICI1CLEAREOA2ZRIGHPNCMUSNOTEAARETURLSCOREENDINCC1CCNMIEC25ZLINCZCC\10111213202140509910010511011512015516040042043044055005505551055206000ENTER"D:COUNTOL.LSTNCZCC`t170 XIO C7*C10,#C5,C0,C0,"E":INPUT ZN$10610 ? "DQ - Dotted Quarter Q - Quarter ":? "DE - Dotted Eighth E - Eighth"1062f}0 ? " S - Sixteenth":GOTO 1064010630 POSITION C2,C20:? "That is not a valid answer."10640 POSITION C2,f}C8+C9:? "Which note type would complete this":? "measure? ";:GOSUB CLEAREOL:INPUT I$10650 IF LEN(I$)C2 THEN 1f}064010660 I1$=I$:ON LEN(I$) GOTO 10680,1067010670 I1$=I$(C2,C2):IF I$(C1,C1)<>"D" THEN 1063010680 IF I1$<>"W" AND I1$<>"H"f} AND I1$<>"Q" AND I1$<>"E" AND I1$<>"S" THEN 1063010690 POSITION C2,C20:GOSUB CLEAREOS:GOSUB 600:IF I$=A2$ THEN 1071010700 f}? "No. The correct answer is ";A2$;".":GOTO 1072010710 ? "Correct!!!":ZRIGHT=ZRIGHT+C110720 POSITION PN2,C7:? MUSNOTE$(A5,f}A6):GOSUB RETURN10730 ? "}":NEXT L1:GOSUB SCORE1:GOSUB RETURN:GOTO ENDING31000 XIO C7*C10,#C5,C0,C0,"E":POKE NMIEN,64:PRINTf} "}":POKE 764,C256-C131010 POSITION C2,C10+C1:PRINT "Do you want to try again? ";:GOSUB CLEAREOL:INPUT ZN$31020 IF ZN$(C1,Cf}1)="Y" THEN ? "}":GOTO ZLINE31030 IF ZN$(C1,C1)<>"N" THEN ? "Please enter 'YES' or 'NO'.":GOTO ENDING+C1031040 GRAPHICS Cf}0:SETCOLOR C2,C10+C2,C2:SETCOLOR C4,C10+C2,C2:POKE 752,C1:? :POSITION C2,C031050 CLR :RUN "D:HELLO"31099 INPUT ZN$:GOTO ENDf}INGZE=USR(ADR("h#˥̠ȱˈɀȩ˩ J`")):G.170CLM- Quarter ":? "DE - Dotted Eighth E - Eighth"1062dH