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CAAI6.ARA  ,^6.CK.}AMAs56.:?6.[]$6.z]56. $4$4x #A%"}30,512,54286!A@Y+/}!0 B. -#A%"' A+ .$ 114,8 85,4 76,3 72,1 64,16( 0}2-$ %2($,D D:MUSIC2.FNT'6-BS`/6-$56-;6-? D64 D:FFS.B1}IN46-F:A`,%F:Aa,$@: 6-6-A6-16-@Y$%A(5 :J; %$"%F:%,%A(;2}%%F:%%,%A(T&P:',$%P:',^9AYBBr'A9AY@4# --3}( -#() -(%-%)(3 -$(-$(#-$'(/-$3(. -%4}(-$(#-%'(+ .$A `MJ6-?:C::h 8SUH GhdTͿT `,,M$5}|5 6-$$6- %'A6%5A7%9 6- %A@%+AA%9A4%M6-?:C:h6}hhLV,<,*6-F:%A5,J6-F:A@%,%F:AA%,$M$6-P:',6-P:&$,$'DAR-%6 Press7}to continue.DAd&'F:Ad,"&A '!F:Ad,"%'! B0 '! Ad&-8}!$'U (}3(%Music III: Scales and Chords is theU( 'k,($third of three diskettes of 9}programsV(%which provide practice for the musick(theory student.$'U-(%What follows is an introduction toU(#cap:}abilities of the ATARI Computer.'O/('which are used in some of the programsK(on the three diskettes.O t'Y (}-%;}"( THE COMPUTER/( CANK( DISPLAY TEXT RAPIDLYU-$Y ~'T,($However, you will still be able toT(#r<}ead at your own pace and learn to'..(&recognize musical terms like these...'B -%"(Allegro Al Segno*-%B(=}Adagio Cantabile'C -%#(Dolore Crescendo+-%?(Piano ForteC 'P (}-%"( THE COMPUTER/(>} CANH( GENERATE SOUNDP-%'V -.( A sound is being played. PleaseV(# adjust the volume on the TV s?}et.'52A !2'-+ 1(5 'S -%5(%In some of the programs you will hearS(short pass@}ages of music.( -$  A <(T (}-%"( THE COMPUTER/( CANL( DISPLAY MUSIC NOTATIONT-A}%P(p,($In some of the programs you will seeR(!notes, key signatures, and otherf(music symbols.p AZ(: 2B}+0%%0%1AR4(:-d($AA($%D:HELLO%TURENDINZLINZDOLZNNLNMTCLE\CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCABILD}XXZZZTRIEZRIGHFCRL@@@@@@@@@ @ @ AE}V AQ AQPAUAAPAPApABB  F}@q@@vAr !"@#@$$@%@&'@"(@)@'*@G} Program: WHOLHAF Copyright 1982 - MECC ' #@ '" "!!1,2,H}3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256995100,5150,5500,9100,9150,9950,9970,9990,31000,10000(;%,;,2 A $I}Ed;,;,;,n+0K: B?-@p2 --@ 1 ?-@pJ} 2 2$A `MJ6-?:C::h 8SUH GhdTͿT `,,MK}$A ` %&6+0AR!-+-%2(*6 &3 -(* -&-/(*3L} &B -%(* -6(Number tried.....B@&,(Number correct...% *!,( & ( $'M}DAR-%6 Pressto continue.DAd&'F:Ad,"&A 'F:Ad,"%'  '! N} Ad&-!$' (}-% ( Whole-Half'[1()You will hear two tones which will be[(%either a wO}hole or a half step apart.$'R)(!If the interval is a whole step,R($answer by entering the letter, 'W'..'[(( If the iP}nterval is a half step,Q($answer by entering the letter, 'H'.U [(}t'6 -.(How many problems do you want? 2 Q}6~'H 6-A:, )!%>(!Enter a number between 1 and 24.H B'\ (}-4( A sound is being played. PleaR}se\(# adjust the volume on the TV set.'!2A !2<(I6-P:H:,$$%,6-!6-'6-/-76S}-%?!$I6-&$A(/ !$6-#B%6-&$/ BF( 6-#BK( -" "P(% (}-T}%(Press 'P' to hearQ(< -#(the interval played.' 5Ad&<)U("&B%V( "%' Z(7U}"$)"A A)-$- 7 B@_( B!d(C (}-9(%Press 'P' to play the interval again.C V}BPi([ -%6(&Enter W for whole, H for half, or P to>-%[(play the interval again.n(F -5(&Is the intervaW}l a whole or half step? F$Es('  4P A' BPx(0W*0HBE}(% - -X}-%! % ~( -%BpB( 4W B(0&(No, the correct answer is 'W'.0 B( Y}4H B(0&(No, the correct answer is 'H'.0 B(( Correct!!!6-%(F -%5(%Press 'P' to play theZ} interval again,?-%%F(or(OAR-%6 Pressto continue.: HAd&O)("&[}B ( "%' ()"$)"A A) B( (} 6-  e,( Correct !!!6-%y> 2\}A*$E0 }>Ad&"y3 -%+ Do you want to try again? / 3,y7<,4Y]}(} 6y87<,0N2(Please enter 'YES' or 'NO'.8 %@y5 +0% 0%,AR/(5-Jy$A^}A($%D:HELLO{y  |y11173,153,136,121,108,96,85,76,68,60,53,47,42}y00121,114,108,102,96,91,85,81,76,_}72,68,64,60%CCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCABILCCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCBCIN a}LLRZZZTRIEZRIGHFB b}  c}@ !"#$%&'()* d}+ Program: FINDHAF Copyright 1982 - MECC ' #@ '" " e}!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256995100,5150,5500,9100,9150,9950,9970,9990,31000,10000(;%,;,2 A $ f}Ed;,;,;,9,n+0K:x -68,-  G -$28,@ g}@2-AP6 : D2G$,!!&AA A066-P:H:,$,$@6-P:H:,$,$J6-P: h}H:,$,$) 6-%)&AAA% !6-&'6-P:H:,$%,'A5A@ !6-& i}/6-P:H:,$%,/A5A@AE !6-&76-P:H:,$%,7A5A@AEAP( 6 j}-6.st#B%( AU( 6-6.nd#B%( AU( 6-6.rd#B!%( AU( 6-6 k}.th#B1%( AU -"68,- $A `MJ6-?:C::h 8SUH Ghd l}TͿT `,,M$A ` %&0 (}AR-%-%,(*0 &3 -(* - m}&-/(*3 &B -%(* -6(Number tried.....B@&,(Number correct...% *! n},( & ( $'DAR-%6 Pressto continue.DAd&'F:Ad,"&A 'F:Ad o},"%'  '! Ad&-!$'# (}-$#( Find The Half'1 -)(Do you want instructions? - p} 1$'7<,4NB.'7<,0YBt'U/('}The computer will play a series ofU(!notes which are pa q}rt of a scale.~'R,($Every interval between the notes inR(!the series will be a whole step,'o(( except one. You mus r}t determineQ($between which two notes you hear ano(interval of a half step.'e  (}<(*You may choose to w s}ork with a seriese($of three notes, four notes, or five'V.(&notes in a set of problems. Usually,V(#more notes in t t}he series makes the'-)(!interval more difficult to find.- ' (}'E -+(How many notes in a series? =$ u}E:A E'> 6-A:, )!4(Please enter 3, 4, or 5.> B<( (}F(6 -.(How many problems do yo v}u want? 2 6P(H 6-A:, )!%>(!Enter a number between 1 and 12.H BZ(7<,4NB(^ (}7( w})Type the number of the note which is^("played just before the half step.(S-(%For example, if you hear a half st x}epS(!between notes 2 and 3, answer by("(typing the number, 2." )\ (}-4( A sound is being played. Pleas y}e\(# adjust the volume on the TV set.)!2A !2h)C A6-6-6-1$E:9 z}-C Ar)% (}-%(Press 'P' to hear|): -!(the series played.% 3Ad&:))"&B {}0) "%' )7"$)"A A)-$- 7 B) B )A (}-7(#Press 'P' to p |}lay the series again.A B@)F<(4Enter 1, 2, or enter P to play the series again.F B@)F<(4Enter 1, 2, 3, }}or enter P to play the series again.F B@)@@(8Enter 1, 2, 3, 4, or enter P to play the series again.)1 -1(#A ~}fter which note in the series does). -%&(the half-step occur? * .* 4P A BP*!!&B }BB*!@:, $)@:,!$! B!*%@:, $)@:,!@Q% B &*%@:, $)@:,!@R% B0 }0*" - -% "6-A:,:*"B0D*E;(&No, the half step occurred after the  note.E B@N* }( Correct !!!6-%X*D -%3(#Press 'P' to play the series again,=-%%D(orb*OAR-%6 Press }to continue.: HAd&O)l*"&B`v* "%' *)"$)"A A) BP }* (}   y> 2A*$E0 }>Ad&"y3 -%+ Do you want to try again?  }/ 3,y7<,4Y(} 6y87<,0N2(Please enter 'YES' or 'NO'.8 %@y5 +0% 0%, }AR/(5-Jy$AA($%D:HELLO{y  }y96,91,81,72,64~y64,60,53,47,42y85,81,72,64,57 }y72,68,60,53,47y114,108,96,85,76y102,96,85,76,68y108,96,91,81,72y72,64,60,53,47y96,85,81,72,64 }y81,72,68,60,53y128,114,108,96,85y114,102,96,85,76y81,72,64,60,53y53,47,42,40,35y72,64,57,53,47 }y60,53,47,45,40y91,81,72,64,60y60,53,47,42,40y81,72,64,57,53%CORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCBCIN UCCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCIBCE}NLLRDZZZTRIEZRIGHF } }@ !"#$%&'()*}+,- Program: SEVENTH Copyright 1982 ' #@ '" "}!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256995100,5150,5500,9100,9150,9950,9970,9990,31000,10000(;%,;,2 A} $Ed"";,;,;,;,9$%,n>A@d+!0-AR0(>K:x }-68,-  B; -28,&-A0* 428 ;$,6-P:H:,$,$ 6-%}!6-&AA 6-P:H:,$%,A0A5A@6-P:H:,$%,//A0A5}A@AEAP 6-#B% AU 6-#B% AU 6-#B!% AU 6-}#B1% AU 6-#BA%= -"68,-)68%&+$,,-- 1":68,-=$A `MJ}6-?:C::h 8SUH GhdTͿT `,,M$A ` %& --%(* }&3 -(* -&-/(*3 &B -%(* -6(Number tried.....B@&,(N}umber correct...% *!,( & ( $'DAR-%6 Pressto continue.DAd&'F:Ad},"&A 'F:Ad,"%'  '! Ad&-!$' (}-$(Sevenths'1 -)(Do you} want instructions? - 1$'7<,4NB.'7<,0YBt'\ (}-5(!In each exercise, you will h}ear a\("chord played as a series of seven~'X-(%notes - root, third, fifth, seventh,X(&fifth, third, and root. You m}ust try'#(to identify the chord.# '^ (}-5(!The exercises cover major, minor,^($dominant, half diminishe}d, and full'S+(#diminished chords. You may decideS(#whether or not to include the half'Q(( and full diminished ch}ords. InQ($addition, you may choose to use the'S-(%same root note for all exercises, orO(to use different root no}tes.S 'Z (}-#(Sets of chords:A( 1. Major, minor, andZ( dominant 7ths.'e&( 2. Major, minor}, dominant,E( half diminished, ande( full diminished 7ths.'B -$((Which set do you want? :$}E:> B'3 6-A:, )!)(Enter 1 or 2.3 B <(P (}-&(Type of root note:P(%1. Fixed root }note for every chord.F(//('2. Different root note for each chord.P(1 -$)(Which type do you want? - 1Z(3 6-}A:, )!)(Enter 1 or 2.3 B ( (}(6 -.(How many problems do you want? 2 6(H 6-A:, )}!%>(!Enter a number between 1 and 12.H B)\ (}-4( A sound is being played. Please\(# adjust the v}olume on the TV set.)!2A !2h)? A6-6-!-+"*!5 A? Bm) A}r)% (}-%(Press 'P' to hear|)9 - (the chord played.$ 2Ad&9))"&B0) "}%' )7"$)"A A)-$- 7 B) B ) 6-%"6-)R (}-;('Ente}r your answers using these numbers:A-R( 1. Major 7th)B -( 2. Minor 7th -4(3. Dominant 7thB"B@})E -$(4. Half diminished 7th*-E(5. Full diminished 7th)7<,4N)!B)V*("For example, if you} hear a minorR(#seventh chord, enter the number 2.V 0*6 - 6($Press 'P' to hear the chord again.:*K -$5(}$What type of seventh did your hear? G$E:K D*E* 4P A BN*B@BPX*}S21)33I(3Enter 1, 2, 3, or enter P to play the chord again.S Bb*\21)35R(<Enter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, o}r enter P to play the chord again.\ B*, -% -$ ,A:,"B *2((No, the correct answer is }.2 B 0*( Correct!!!6-%*C -%2("Press 'P' to play the chord again,<-%%C(or*OAR}-%6 Pressto continue.: HAd&O)*"&B P* "%' *)"$)"A }A) B @*  (}  y> 2A*$E0 }>Ad&"y3 -%+ Do you wan}t to try again? / 3,y7<,4Y(} 6y87<,0N2(Please enter 'YES' or 'NO'.8 %@y5 +0}% 0%,AR/(5-Jy$AA($%D:HELLO{y  }y121,96,81,64~y81,64,53,42y10}8,85,72,57y91,72,60,47y121,102,81,68y81,68,53,45y108,91,72,60y91,76,60,50y121,96,81,68y81,}64,53,45y108,85,72,60y91,72,60,50y121,102,85,68y81,68,57,45y108,91,76,60y91,76,64,50y121,1}02,85,72y81,68,57,47y108,91,76,64y91,76,64,53%STICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCIBCECxfff 8  :,6-%67},.>:,) A "AE:6-@:7<,,'!@G* @Y06-A:,: AP 6-7AR"}%A4B7tA7$A `MJ6-?:C::h 8SUH GhdTͿT `,,M$}A ` %|5 6-$$6- %'A6%5A7%9 6- %A@%+AA%9A4}%-6-?:C:hhhLV,<,*6-F:%A5,-$6-P:',6-P:&$,$'DAR-%6 Pressto co}ntinue.DAd&'F:Ad,"&A 'F:Ad,"%'  '! Ad&-!$'D+0%}0%'AR*(6@eDAd&'& #B""-&&B:,'& $'@-&'.',-}@ A"% ,  3' .  B'     D'/" %. Program Descriptions( /  F'. }%. End@.6-F:@,%L'3 - Which number? # - A36-V'!* %B['G-@#}=( Please enter a number from 1 to %.G B``' %Be'"%BPt'( -(!*F:@}, &Bv' ! x'; }#B"+@&B:,'/ ;@y'" Program Descriptions"-~'G(} A" "*@1  ; AG@'  (} B (2 (}-%.(Insert the }new diskette.2 (*AA(*6-?:B,* +&0%0* 6- A"*-&B:,'@}+( "6.D:(67@,. +r @!ACA$3AD@(EA(A$WA)}@([r D:INPUT.OBJ+p!@!AC@@3AD@)EA(@@WA)@)p} D:INPUTFP.OBJ + 6- A*+  %0u3 - #B"/-&&P:B:,',3(2uA "-%}3 No teacher options available.7 A BR5u% - Your options are:" % :u@-pp8}p8p8p8p88s8fo~fo~f}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~}p 00a`0 `````x`x`~<~~<}0~0 ~ ~88p8p8p8p}8pp888888~ 0~<~~<}8x8|fflxpxpfl0fF68of;``|fflxp``````8````|fl888H. 4 CCCCCCCCCCC1ZNLINE1LINE2VOLUMEVERSIONCOPYNUMTEXTYEARZETZIOCZBGZADZLZHZLEZCMZZERTC }2LINE3LINE4C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLC1DISI }  } !" }#$%&'()*+,-. Program: LOGO Cop }yright 1982 - MECC ' #@ '" "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256 5500(;%,;, }<AR d33;,;,;,;,;%,;%,;%,;,i 6-A F:,"Bn6. Music III:x }6. 6.Scales and Chords 6. 6. B,) (<$@&P:+B:,% },',)(6 (< $|5 6-$$6- %'A6%5A7%9 6- %A@%+AA%9A }4%M6-?:C:hhhLV,<,*6-F:%A5,J6-F:A@%,%F:AA%,$M$6-P:',6-P:&$,$' } D:LOGO.FNT'56-BS`6-$6-#6-' 5AV$8'@   B'%%(}=>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }>>>>>>>>>+L'(< <V'( <  <`'!!(<  !>:@4, <j' (<  %$  Minnesota<t'""(<  & }  Educational<~' (<  [|  Computing<'!!(<  ]\  Consortium<'( <  _^ <'( <  `{ <' }( < <' (<<', 6. AB:,!"6., A'5 B:,!6. A%B:,!+6.5 A }' (<<(%6.Version 67,.% A (""(;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>@(66. COPYRIGHT #67@,.667%, }. - MECC(& B:,!67%,. #&67$,.((*-P:&+B:,%,',% $-*6-<('AY@4'AdA }UA(86-%@8 A*F:Ad,"AUBB(A$F(Ad&%D1:HELLO%MZZERTC r CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCIABN$}LLZZZTRIEZRIGHAF@@@@@@@@@ @ @ AV%} AQ AQPAUAAPAPApABB  %}A@@A @!A&"#@$@%@&A!'@R(@!) Prog%}ram: SCALES Copyright 1982 - MECC ' #@ '" "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9%},10,20,256995100,5150,5500,9100,9150,9950,9970,9990,31000,10000(;%,;,2 A $Ed;%},;,;,9%,n5A@d+!0'(}5K:x -%68,-  = -%28%},(-A%, 62: =$, 6-%!6-&6 !#B%$@#B%$^ 6-%!%}6-&h !#B%$r#B%$A `MJ6-?:C::h 8SUH GhdTͿT %} `,,M$A ` %&0 (}AR-%-%,(*0 &3 -(* -&-/%}(*3 &B -%(* -6(Number tried.....B@&,(Number correct...% *!,( & % }( $'DAR-%6 Pressto continue.DAd&'F:Ad,"&A 'F:Ad,"%'% }  '! Ad&-!$' -$(Scales'T/('You will hear a scale or mode and beP(asked to iden% }tify its type.T t'H (} (Sets of scales:H(#1. Major and minor scales only.~'@(( 2. Major and minor scales% }, and@( the four modes.'B -$((Which set do you want? :$E:> B': 6-A:, )!0(Pl% }ease enter 1 or 2.: B ' (}'J -.(How many problems do you want? 2 6JB B0'E 6-A:,%} )!;( Enter a number between 1 and 8.E B'H 6-A:, )!%>(!Enter a number between 1 and 16.H B%}<(\ (}-4( A sound is being played. Please\(# adjust the volume on the TV set.F(!2A !2%}n(B`Bpx(6-P:H:,$, B(6-P:H:,$,(7 6-$E:#-7AAP%}(. "-%" 68,-$ . B0(9 -"68,-+68%%&+$,,-/ 9 B0(% (}-%(Pre%}ss 'P' to hear(9 - (the scale played.$ 2Ad&9)("&BP( "%' (7"$)"A%} A)-$- 7 B( B@)M (}-;('Enter your answers using these numbers:A6-G"M6%}- )2 -(1. Major-2(2. Harmonic minor)G -(3. Natural minor$-9(4. Melodic minorG"B%%})? 6-$-$(5. Dorian mode*-?(6. Phrygian mode)9 -(7. Lydian mode"-9(8. Mixolydian mode)D -%}0("Press 'P' to play the scale again.DB@BP')J+(#Enter a number between 1 and 4 orJ(P to play the s%}cale again.,)3 -%)(Which scale was played? 3 B1)J+(#Enter a number between 1 and 8 orJ(P to play the s%}cale again.6)1 -%1( Which scale or mode was played? h)   m) 4P A B%r)BB %}w)##@:, $)@:,!@RB5|)@:, $)@:,!$BE), - -% ,0=:%,B5)%( Correct%} !!!6-%% B@)++(No, the correct number was %.)C -%2("Press 'P' to play the scale again,<-%%%}C(or)OAR-%6 Pressto continue.: HAd&O))"&BP) "%' %}))"$)"A A) BE) (} 6-  y> 2A*$E0 }>Ad%}&"y3 -%+ Do you want to try again? / 3,y7<,4Y(} 6y87<,0N2(Please enter 'YES' or %}'NO'.8 %@y5 +0% 0%,AR/(5-Jy$AA($%D:HELLO{y  }y121,108,%}96,91,81,72,64,60~y 121,108,102,91,81,76,64,60y 121,108,102,91,81,76,68,60y;;121,108,102,91,81,72,64,60,60,68,76,81% },91,102,108,121y 121,108,102,91,81,72,68,60y 121,114,102,91,81,76,68,60y121,108,96,85,81,72,64,60y121,108,9%!}6,91,81,72,68,60y81,72,64,60,53,47,42,40y81,72,68,60,53,50,42,40y81,72,68,60,53,50,45,40y5581,72,68,60,53,4%"}7,42,40,40,45,47,53,60,68,72,81y81,72,68,60,53,47,45,40y81,76,69,60,53,47,45,40y81,72,64,57,53,47,42,40y8%#}1,72,64,60,53,47,45,40%CC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCIABN$H࢔ ԍ ԎЌi3ih@H ԎЌ83h@f 0~<~~<(jﻻffffp88pf< 8<-'}f 8``nf>ff~fff~~f<flxxlf`````~cwkccfv~~nf-(}<-*} 0`?  0`0`@@``````````0 ``````x`x`~<~~<-+}0~0 ~ <>f>``|ff|<```<>ff>>ff>|``|fff8<<``lxlf8<f-,}kc|ffffff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~--}8x8ffffp88pf<}7<,0YBt'` (}-7(#In each exercise, a triad is played`($as a series of notes - root, third,~'G*("f1?}ifth, third, and root. You mustC(identify the triad.G 'W (}-5(!The exercises cover these triads:W(major1@}, minor, augmented, and'**("diminished. In addition, you may'S+(#choose to have the root of all theS(#triads be t1A}he same note (fixed) or'A,($have a different root note used for=( each triad.A 'M (}-#(Sets of triads:M1B}(% 1. Major and minor triads only.'H+(# 2. Major, minor, augmented, andH( diminished triads.'= -$51C}($Which choice of triads do you want? 9 ='3 6-A:, )!)(Enter 1 or 2.3 B <(c (}-((Types 1D}of root notes:Q($ 1. Fixed root note for all thec( triads.F(@.(& 2. Different root note for all the@( 1E} triads.P(? -$.(Which root note do you want? 2 6?6-A:,Z(3 6-A:, )!)(Enter 1 or 2.3 B 1F}( (}(H -.(How many problems do you want? @$E:D H(H 6-A:, )!$>(!Enter a numbe1G}r between 1 and 12.H B)\ (}-4( A sound is being played. Please\(# adjust the volume on the TV set.)!1H}2A !2h) 6--r) "#A B0|)6-P:H:,$$,#A%)A "6-P:H1I}:,$$%,ABB@BPB`)" B) " B) ")% (}-%(Press 'P' to1J} hear)9 - (the triad played.$ 2Ad&9))"&B ) "%' )7"$)"A A1K})-$- 7 B`) B*; (}-;('Enter your answers using these numbers:*; -%(1. Major1L} -%-(2. Minor;"B*6 -$( 3. Augmented$-$6( 4. Diminished&*7<,4N)!B+*S/('1M}For example, if the triad you hear isO(minor, enter the number 2.S 0* - :*0 -0("Press 'P' to play the t1N}riad again.X*L -%2(!What type of triad did you hear? D$E:H Lb* 4P A B@l*1O}BpBv*Y@:, $)@:,!$O(3Enter 1, 2, or enter P to play the triad again.Y B@*a@:, $)@:,!1P}@RW(7Enter 1, 2, 3, 4, or enter P to play the triad again.a B@** - -% *A:,"B *2((1Q}No, the correct answer is .2 B 0*( Correct!!!6-%*B -%1(!Press 'P' to play the triad again;-%1R}%B(or*OAR-%6 Pressto continue.: HAd&O)*"&B P* "%'1S} *)"$)"A A) B @* (}   y> 2A*$E0 }>Ad&1T}"y3 -%+ Do you want to try again? / 3,y7<,4Y(} 6y87<,0N2(Please enter 'YES' or 'N1U}O'.8 %@y5 +0% 0%,AR/(5-Jy$AA($%D:HELLO{y  %IPT1T0t33:L> ̤ & &e˥e̢̅%Ɂ˪ k. ~ krTlUm L5W}ɛb~Eo)  |Ԭa{8 0:      LkL|) LnLk 5X}Li{ȱye8L"F G H` *+L4L4tkB DOS SYSb$INTRO bCWHOLHAF b)`FINDHAF B+SEVENTH b MUSIC2 FNTb'HELLO b MUSIC FNTbLOGO b&SCALES b$FFS BINb %LOGO FNTb(.TRIADS bVINPUT OBJ