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INTERFACE ADDENDUM (for version2)P.S. INTERFACE Pressing ESCAPE from the menu ofany of the three converter pr}ogramswill cause the program selection menuto be reloaded so you can enter one ofthe other converter programs withoutrebo}oting. When loading graphic screens,P.S. INTERFACE will now distinguishbetween normal uncompressed picturesand compre}ssed Micro Illustratorpictures and will properly load eitherone.GRAPHIC CONVERTER The "SHOW GRAPHIC" option allows}you to view a graphic from a printshop format disk. when the graphic isdisplayed on the screen press any keyto return to} the menu. DOS II DELETE and RENAMEfunctions have been added. Afterselecting the rename function, you areprompted to} enter a filename. Enterthe old name followed by a comma (,)followed by the new name and thenpress RETURN. When a fu}ll screen is convertedto print shop format (for use withScreen Magic) or back to DOS IIformat, the picture is now displaye}d.There is also an option, whereby youcan reverse the picture (white becomesblack and vice versa) during theconversion. } When converting screens orTypesetter icons to print shopgrahics, a preview of the graphic isdisplayed before saving. }Press anykey to continue or press ESCAPE toabort.FONT CREATOR The "DISK DIRECTORY" option nowchecks the format (P}rint Shop or DOSII) of the disk in drive 1 and thendisplays the appropriate directory. The "SAVE FORT TO PRINT SHOPDI}SK" now gives you the option ofsaving a font to another disk. If youselect to save the font to anotherdisk, which MUST be} print shop format,you will be asked to enter the name ofthe font. The program willautomatically precede your filenamewi}th "FO." and save it to disk. Thename is preceded with "FO." in orderfor the file to be recognized as a } page 2usable font by the Print ShopCompanion and a Print Shop that hasbeen modified by the Print ShopComp}anion to allow for loading fontsoff another disk. A "LOAD FONT" option has beenadded so you may load a print shopfont} or a font from another disk (ie.a Print Shop Companion font) in orderto alter it. As with saving "OTHER"fonts, you do no}t enter the "FO." partof the font name, the program will doit for you. Because of a peculiarityin the set up of Print Sho}p's normaleight fonts, avoid altering thefollowing characters in those fonts:period, comma, apostrophe, semi-colon,and co}lon. The "CONVERT GRAPHIC TOCHARACTER" option allows you toquickly and easily encorporate a printshop graphic into a }font. Afterselecting this option you will beasked to enter the filename of thegraphic and the character that it willtake} the place of in your font. Forexample, you might want to have agraphic name "SHOE" take the place ofa seldom used charac}ter, such as ">".To do this you would select thisoption, type in "SHOE" when asked fora filename and press RETURN. Whena}sked to enter a character, press the">" key. The graphic will then beloaded (provided you have the properdisk in the driv}e) and included intothe font in memory. Now, if you usethis font in print shop, wherever youplace the ">" character in yo}urmessage, the "SHOE" graphic will beprinted during printout. Using thisoption, you can have as many printshop graphics }per page as you desire.You can also use the OUTLINE and 3-Deffects on these graphics because theyare part of a font. }Another new feature is the "SHOWCHARACTERS IN FONT" option. Thepurpose of this option is two-fold.Using this option you c}an display thevarious characters in the font inmemory, therefore you can preview thefont before saving. You can also load}a graphics screen (using "LOAD FONTSCREEN") and add characters from printshop's fonts or print shop graphics(use the "CON}VERT GRAPHIC TOCHARACTER" option first) to thescreen. when you are finished you canthen use the "SAVE FONT SCREEN" option}to save the screen back to the disk. After selecting the "SHOWCHARACTERS IN FONT" option, the hi-resgraphic screen is} displayed. Thisscreen may be blank or containwhatever screen was loaded with the page 3}"LOAD FONT SCREEN" option. On thescreen will also appear a smallcursor. Use the joystick to move thecursor. Pressing a} key on thekeyboard will cause the correspondingcharacter (if one is available) of thefont in memory to appear at the curs}or(the cursor marks the top left cornerof the character). Pressing ESCAPEwill return to the main menu. ER}RATA SHEETCORRECTED BUGS Certain bugs dealing with the"ADD CHARACTER TO FONT" window havebeen fixed as well as a b}ug thatcaused a lock-up when trying to re-enter a character that already existedin the font.TYPO A mistake in the }program as wellas the manual in revision 1, had printshop fonts 3 and 4 being TECH andNEWS, respectively. They are actual}lyNEW and TECH, respectively. Theprogram has been corrected, the manualmay still be mistaken.NOTE Getting a disk }directory in theFont Creator program causes thecontents of the font screen to erased.Therefore, remember to avoid getting}directories when working with the fontscreen.NTERFACE Pressing ESCAPE from the menu ofany of the three converter pr0Ǎ 㛭 h L \ Ӎ 8Ǎ 8 h Lک@۩J ڰ!` *I}ɨ`Li`ڥi`ک@۩_ ڰ!_ *ɨ`L\ 0~H 0 h 0I}L 7 {L a ДϔLީ@߭0  L˜0 0P I}Li`ޥi` L) LP ? / [ɀ۩ީ@ߩ ʏ ` I}  LD1:D1:*.*Y%$#"!  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