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(! $ZA p!A uA/A v%=B7%Z6}-?:B2<<BQg%$,JB7AE#A p%5A uAGGA vAJ$&556-+"*"*",%+"}*"%*",%+"*"*"%,06-%+"*"%*"%,$: AP" D$X 6- A]6-A$+!},bE-6-%B@%+!,$A %+")",$$86-P:',B6-&$E$F6-+!,$@+6-+")",$@76-+!,$}C6-+!,$F$ #B-"  $ I 6- $%%.6-?:B9,:AeFAfI$R& }6-6-6-6-#6-%&$'$6-?:C:hhhhh \`,<<,'$'$6-?:C:hhhhh \`,<<,'$ 6- } 6- A pF:%,"&A U+F:%,"Ap'!%&+ BPF:%,%A U %&$}C -/( Press RETURN to continue.9%&C A U-B9%#BCA- A#B9}A#BC%+(6-?:B"<<$$%$<$$%&,+$L 6-O%%F:Ae,%%F:Af,QF %(}A+&+!,,$+(+,,%4A@6-BwF $S " ABVF:A,A`(AeF:%,%}AfF:%,($=AqAr'As36-Bxt= A F:As,A$* -"} 6-?:By),* A 6-?:Byh,(- 2   $?6-P:H:,$,%16-P:H:,$+%+!,$+&,,,%96}-%?6- !6-&56-P:H:,$,%%6-%+",&+",56-P:H:,$,% "*"6-6 "*!6-&} "6-6 ")"6-66-6 &6-+H:,!',!6-6&6-6""N:,"N:,)N:,"6N:,A u76-+P:H:},$,%,$N:,76-+%P:H:,$,$+",,$N:,""N:,"N:,)N:,"6N:,A  " 6-+P:H:,$,%,$N:, " 6-+P:}H:,$,%,$N:,  6-A!*0 AP-O:, $" 0"A"4"A!0>0 AP-O:,} $" 0"A"H"A R6-+")", A \A!pf0 AP-O:, $" 0}"A"p"A z0 AP-O:, $" 0"A""A!P A $ 6-6-6-}%! A$$ =:6-?:C:*hH 2j jX jY j jϊH thh`,,=$ 3  + $AY#6--%&36}- ^AR(6-$BQ(0BQ)66-B6-?EJ6-%^6-P:H:,$,$+, F,($} the pond } 8A#FA `% %AY% $%A0  A 6-$ 6--' Ap+ 16}-5 ;6-A $ S"( Programming by Mike Fish*-%>(1. The PracticeS(2. The Game -(3. Instru}ctions-( 4. End Y -%)(Find the number you want.1%Q(Press  or  to move theY% 6(box to} your number.#%6(Press RETURN. 9 6-% %6-?:<,#6-6) %9"&A0  6-6-%6-+",} "A1 "A5 AR-   6-6- D -( Two Step:--( Three Step:5-}%D( Four Step: @ #B---%%+!,$%+!,$1"<(. @  ; 6-% %6-?:<%,%6-6+ }%;"&A0 6-P:H:,$,"6- ' 6- AP6.'"A0 A - -3(How many player}s are there?;6-%A % /6-?:<,6-6 AP/"&A0 "A0 Q - -)(What is the} first=(player's name?E6-%K6-Q6- + 6-%6- A9% A@+6. Z -%"(What is the second6}(player's name?>6-%F6-%P A9Z A@ ? 6.6-66-66-#6-)6-/6-56-? A@P $} & -  AC&% D:INSTRUCT % -  AC%% D:ALLDONE<K:Ad&A( -AR}-$(_( F -6.6-K" )"'" A0M''A&*$*@CA95P(+,}A9U# (_6-&#(+,A9Z6.7<, A9_AUA9Pd(+,A9i -&}(   $n )!A9s"A9x) (>:,6-%67,.>:,) A9 B:,"$3-B:,,6}7<,.>:@:7<,,%@2,0 3$' 6-(+,"6-6-$6.'$ 6-6-6.$ 6- A!}-66-&!-6 52%2 ! +252N6-+H:,!',$6-%%$A%>6-B}D%$$%&%$DJ6-N J %6- %6-%$A5-%36-7 =G A PJ$h. "-}62*2%. |5 "-A&%212&5 7 "-%%@P'232}%7 2 "-%6'"2.2%2  22$N6-F:AU,%F:AV,$) A }E6-F:A,%F:A,$K $N$X+#B%+&,$"%6-+6- 6- $6- D 6-%}6-.6-F:B!%%%+%,$$,4":6-D Au=+")",*%"*%"! $'6-- %36-= Aq@I)}% )%!@)% )%!@/ $9 AP?6-I Aq@+%+%!%+",*% $%+",*!,+6-)#+%!%+}",*% %+",* ,)6-(+,)(+,Au1 6- A6-%+",%!16-%+", 6-%6-% A} 6- $$LA $ AB6-%'6-%/6-%76-%A Aq@`<" $26-! ' $}- $<(+,Au0a46-O:+&&+!,$,$,*6-&+!,4 Ab> 6-O:+&&+")",$$,$,$46-&+")",}> Ad116-+ *",%++")",*,$%++")",*,$e/#B%$-"! 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"Bu)!BtUB46-?:<,Bu)&BtU4 BqC}"&BPC"BrC; 6-&-%$%Bh %7$%BgY%; C(+,BpC BqP0C}G(}Your pattern is:$-%=BR%F:Bh %,A G6-DCC-(%Press to watch your frog jump.36-96-}C%&IC(F:%,"&*"%&( BsJC&F:%,"&*%&& BPNCF:B2y,Br%SC - } %&XC7 $ 6-F:BR %$,&$76-F:BR%$,&&bCF:%,"&Br%cC' Ap) A P' B}rudC"BrUeCG A P (}Your pattern:*-%CBQh%F:Bh %,G fC8(is too long to repeat.(} A P.6-8 BrugC"*"BlC 6-&BrPvC# $6-%!6-#6-yC Br@{C}BtC:6-?:<,BtU "* Ap0 $: BPEC!6-P:H:,$,!"&BPC  + $-C;"}(Do you want to try another;-%&++B:,&',',%C2(one of 6-!&(the ,!26-C(7,?6-%}CG AP6-?:<,6-6) AP/"=6-P:H:,$,G BPC  BPCA (}6-+&,$+!,#-}A(OOPS! You didn't make it.C"BtPCBt D%(Try it again...% A P D  $ BPE*D@} ( You're out of moves.* A P0"66-@ B\D! 6-%%"6-%!6-aD "6-%6-fD"}BpD A@P B PF' "(} WHOOPIE!!!' BUFBZF2 (} -%(( You made it!}2 B[FB 6-"-%(( You made it!.6-8 AAB B\F B ]F< 6.You 6-6-$6-}*6-0 66-<6-^F BdF8 -%#(You made it through0-&B:,'8(!nF= 6-% AP6-&,-}&&B:,'=( are next.F AAF "BtU BsF!  6-P:H:,$,! BPF"B}F; 6-6-%6-%# AP16-P:H:,$,; BPG, (}-%"( You made it!, AA"GB0,G 6-}%"B01G " A@P2G6-P:H:,$, BP6G 6-6-% B%@G"BJG+ 6-6-}%6-%#")"+6-%TG ")"6-%^GG AP(}"-&&B:,'3( are next.= A PG B%DH }"66-6-IH "66-6-H  A@P6-H*+ $-*( Starting at :H!6-$%%6-}$%%!6. IC %(((%( made it +6-5 APC B0I?(through(all of 2(with  m}ove8?(s I( left. BP*I(to  of(.>I/ 6-6.6-6-%6-/ BpI0 6-%}"%(& A p0 BPsI"BuI,( ( (""( It's a tie!, BzI !( B0}I(I( is the winner!I %( A p8J  ACA9JG %&%%%+AR}1(}5+; $GAY:JSARA`%+Aa%=AA"KA%S%;JSA`}Ah#Aa&-%%5%AASA#A)}JW6-P:H:@,$@,*-6'MA%+%,'&O:,%$@Q W6-?JYBBA'AY@X}*>-ApApG&O:,P6-E:,Y6-G:,BJQ,$%%%$@//%%@9$%$Q6-?:C:h}`,,LJ 6-%'!6-QJ.F:%,"Ap 6-Ap$ . B0VJ  6-6-KI%6-?:C:h}`,,--1 96-%I $B K< ",( !%&00 12561@ AB PBQAaQ`&6%&<6-K##F:%,%*F:%},&BK#AY%&# Bt%&taAUF:AF,-AVF:AG,96-BrQE}ARSAS&aAT$t;AF:AH,-AF:AI,;A `% t5A$ A ) }BBy%5B2wt*F:AX,"6-%$ A p*6-tAX BPy0,-1,2,0,14,15,14,16,0"y }0,1,0,1,8,9,14,10,2,y-1,0,3,2,17,18,7,19,16y1,0,1,3,11,12,8,13,3|yllFarmer Jane's Ponds,Billy Bob's Ponds,The Puzzl }e Ponds,The Lost Ponds,The Maze Ponds,The Twister PondsD:PONDGGLERERDELTAGDELTAXGDELTAGDELTAYNUMPLAINFXY K75KKKK2KKKENDINK1KK25RETURCLEAREOCLEAREOSCORESHEEYESNCIZSTARKKKZ } }INSTRUCT&&(C) 1982 Sunburst Communications Bd - $': &}-%2 Press RETURN to continue.:%'F:%,%B$' %&-$t'A p~'h (}e6-?:C:MhTUY̥X i(ˬȑS0]`Rˢ,,h$'A p %:}A `% A:**("Try to help the frog jump along a:))(!maze of lily pads. The lily pads:''(are arranged i}n a pattern. You:%"(must discover the pattern.%(:))(!Move the frog through the pond by:..(&pressing the arrow key}s (,,,).:((( When you know the pattern, press:(START.(:((( Follow the instructions to enter:++(#the }whole pattern. Move the box to;++(#GO! and watch the frog jump through;(the lily pads. >' A'(You ha}ve 6 levels of>%"(difficulty to choose from:%(>,,($ Levels 1 & 2 are two-step patterns>&#( (for example, 2} 3)&(>..(& Levels 3 & 4 are three-step patterns>+(( (for example, 2 3 1)+(>--(% Levels 5 & 6 are f}our-step patterns>.+(# (for example, 2 3 1 2).(>++(#If you can't see the pattern, press>$ (the OPTION }key for help.$ hB A(rB( The Game|B( B**("To win the game, you mu}st get theB**("frog through The Twister Ponds. IfB''(there are two players, you willB(alternate turns.(B (}Choose a starting level.B''(You must get the frog through aB%%(series of three ponds in thatB(level in 20 move}s. 8J0 A-(In the game, you will use:0(BJ&&(  1 move for exploring theLJ,)(! pond with the arr}ow keys.,(VJ&&(  15 moves for pressing the`J( OPTION key.(jJ&&(  5 moves for an incorrecttJ(} pattern.(~J,,($If you make it through your startingJ**("level, you move to the next level;J=&(20 additiona}l moves are added.2AX=%D:PONDB7t$LAY%O$<6-F:%,%F:%,$%$(%P:',9%&F:!%}%,$<$1AQ&6-?:$,.AQA31$F:%,"&A U+F:%,"Ap'!%&+ A@!&}F:%,%A U %&$C -/( Press RETURN to continue.9%&C A U  %  +!'} $0%AR C -#(Would you like to use--%%C(another diskette? 9 6-% %6-?:<,#6-6!(}) %9"&A@$U "(}-%4(Insert the new diskette.<6-%F A pU6-?:B,to (}-@!)}@9(To turn the computer off:K-@@o(1) Remove the diskette from the~;@@;(!drive!*} and put it in a safe place.i-@@5(2) Turn the disk drive off.G-@@i(3) Turn the computer !+}off. The\@@0(power switch is on theB@@\(side of the computer.G-@@5(!,}4) Turn the television off.GAdAU F:Ad,ApA7P@ }-@@5 One moment, ple!-}ase...@%D:PONDt'A p~'h (e6-?:C:MhTUY̥X i(ˬȑS0]`!.}Rˢ,,h$'A p %: A5