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() . \ V*)L#}nLL'0LsоI0LɛL)~L) |'3:͍$}mfdc{WaS L0P:LB0:B,055 #I-  .,0 L%})M)M)  V0h  )0Jn8&}  VH`{ȱye8LnK:'}$L` ɚh@LHhLҥh@ .l8LnK:K0KQCCCCCCCCCC1C2C25DISKIRETURC6NMIEOOFCCSCORQUEUEWORDLCZIOCZCMZLEZADZBGZLZHDZTRI)}EDRIGHTTRIEDRIGHTZETZERLTRHPOC10@@@@@@@@@ @*} @ AV AU A @`BBA@dAp +}@@ABR)A%@Y BF!BB"@#@$%&@2'A6(@,})@a*@+@,@P-@./01 Program: UN Copyright 1982 - MECC ' #@-} '" "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,2565500,990d&"&60,54286,192,64,1970.}n;%,;%,;,x5A&+0%0-050<D:UN.FNT6-#6-+6-$36-/}$7 <9 D:FFS.BIN$6-BR)( -36-9 %7 $$%16-F:A`,%F:Aa,$70}U%A5%%@A51@?AV%G%U%AH B $%~{6-?:C:kh1}]^](eTeUeX˅^eY̅_8SUˈ2UTeRː(e˅ː8SRˈ0`,,~$ $%2} %eARAW'AX3AVQ ressto go on`_Ad&e6-,B7t@3}&F:Ad,"&, %PF:Ad,"%*'%F:A`,8%F:Aa,D@eP%D:HELLO0F:Ad,"%4}6-%*Ad&0 %Ad&(}$Q (}AVA$'0=( LESSON 1: UNB(5}Q( ACTI-U4(( VITY NUMBER RIGHT ---- ------ -----U( 1 & >$( 2 &6} >( -- --5#( TOTALS %& +% 5(  (% A$|5 6-$7}$6- %'A6%5A7%9 6- %A@%+AA%9A4%M6-?:C:hhhLV,<,8}*6-F:%A5,J6-F:A@%,%F:AA%,$M$6-P:',6-P:&$,$'fARAW'AX3A9}VR Pressto continue.`Ad&f6-'0B7t@&F:Ad,"&0 A 'PF:Ad,"%:}*'%F:A`,8%F:Aa,D@eP%D:HELLO '4F:Ad,"%6-%*Ad&4 A 'Ad;}&(}$'S("(  prefix is found;( at the beginningN( of a word`S('O( t almost alw<}aysF(" changes the meaning of that word`J O($'_( is a prefix`!(&(A(  means as in[(=} the word happy`_ .'X(( ometimes 9( makes a word meanS( `X(8'>((>} pack is :( pack`> B'd3((un  not or opposite8(_( kind mea?}ns kind`d(L'a(( am is an person`, \((un  not or oppositea(V'`@}( ntie is 3( tie`8(\( can my shoes`` `'?AY?((un  not oA}r oppositee'3!6-?:C:h)@ `,,3AY@4j'Y( ary is"( happy`'(4(B} A( G-U-AY t';(usan is-)(unhappy`1-%;(~'I -%(C} I((un  not or opposite'N,(! e can the truck`2-@(loadedH-D}N-'I( DEF!-%( STUV2+-9( RBRBA-E I 'N -(@#$%&.( 3456E}3(B( J-N 'Q -(>%( LMNO6( [\]E( YZM-Q '@ -(F},-.$( S4( IJK<-@ 'B -( %( )*+6( S4>-B 'E -G}( G(( STUV2-%:-%E( G!'B -( STUV2-%,( RBRB4-8 < B-H}'W( loaded $(=( means orW( `'>( (#(  I}:(    > <(\( (#( refix :( ctivity one?(X(     \ F(S(J} ( hen a word is9( shown press theS(  key` his willP(Q( draw a line under1( a letter`K}6(Q( raw a line underZ(K/($ all the letters in the prefix`9-%G67,.>:&,K d(*-B:,!6L}-P:H:,$B:,%,*6.7,n(867<,.7,67<,. $ *6-2-86-x((#B%$@:7,,"(6-&B:,'(J3M}((nderline the prefix9-@(E(J((b( ress the  key`6( ress space barHN}( if done`VAd&\6-b6-(4B7t@$6-F:Ad,4"&B(?&+")"@q)"A5,O}* B:,.-%66-%?((8+")"$)"A4,*!'6-&/-%8( (G "%*%F:A`,/%P}F:Aa,;@eG%D:HELLO() "%6-Ad&) B(9 6-!+%*@3,)"/Ad&9 Q}B(4 "6-%-4( hats right~ (J "(( 7, means @( not 7,`JR} B(B`(a -$( o{ try again` *6-F( a( (S}  Bp(0 -#( o{ the answer is0( un`(=( 7, means $-=( not 7,` T}( -(  )O( (((( refix -(E( ctivity twoO-%)367,.>:&, U} -B:,36-P:H:,$B:,%,)- 6.7,67<,.7,%67<,.) - ")U -O(< nter  or  to finish theV} sentence U6-,)B#B%$@:7,,-#")-0(4 <"B6-6)4B7t@$6W}-F:Ad,4"&BP;)!"@c)"%!6-%+ ,@)" "-"(  J)" "-"( X} O)G "%*%F:A`,/%F:Aa,;@eG%D:HELLOQ)) "%6-Ad&) BPT)) 6-Y})+%*@3,)"BP^)4 "@:,"( hats right~*6-%4 Bh)%%( o{ the answer is 7<,r)8Z} -(7,.7<,0un*7<,0n8( |)   %D:HELLO|y untruey unkindy unsafey unwi[}sey unabley uncuty unlikey unfairy unsurey unfedy unhappyDzBBhe  child,hit the dog`,,, \}unkind  kind,unkind,5,3NzAAlaying with fire,is `,,, unsafe  safe,unsafe,4,4XzQQhe teacher is, to lif]}t a,school bus`,, able  unable,unable,1,4bzDDrass is long when,it is `,,, cut  uncut,uncut,7,4lzKKhe ^}lion is hungry,because it is,`,, fed  unfed,unfed,1,5vzNNhe girl smiled,because she was,`,, happy  _}unhappy,happy,1,5zHH car gets ,in a carwash`,,, clean  unclean,clean,12,3zAA deer is ,to run fast``},,, unable  able,able,11,3zUU t is  to,look before you,cross the street`,, wise  unwise,wise,7,3zAA t ia}s  that,ice is cold`,,, untrue  true,true,7,3zLL your shoes,before you take,them off`,, ntie  ie,ntb}ie,1,3%CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25DISKIRETURC6NMIEOOFCCSCORQUEUEWORDLCZIOCZCMZLEZADZBGZLZHDZTRI ijCCCCCCCCCC1C2C25DISKIRETURC6NMIEOOFCCCZIOCZCMZLEZADZBGZLZHDZZETZERLC10@d}@@@@@@@@ @ @ AV AU A @`BBe}A@d@@ABR)A%@YBFA@2A6f} AW!" Program: RE Copyright 1982 - MECC ' #@ '" "!!1,2g},3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,2565500,990d "60,54286,192,64n5A&+0%0-050xh}<D:UN.FNT6-#6-+6-$36-$7 <9 D:FFS.BIN$6-BR)( -36-9 %Y $i}$%16-F:A`,%F:Aa,$7E%A5Y%@A53@AV%%%3%Aj}H BeARAW'AX3AVQ ressto go on`_Ad&e6-,k}B7t@&F:Ad,"&, %AF:Ad,"%*+&A2AR5(A%D:HELLO0F:Ad,"%6l}-%*Ad&0 %!Ad&(}-!$|5 6-$$6- %'A6%5A7%9 6- %m}A@%+AA%9A4%M6-?:C:hhhLV,<,*6-F:%A5,J6-F:A@%,%F:AA%,$M$n}6-P:',6-P:&$,$'S("(  prefix is found;( at the beginningN( of a word`S('S( t alo}most alwaysF(" changes the meaning of that word`J S(}$'V( is a prefix`!(&(>(  means p}R( or `V .'b4()} re  back or again ](! place means place `b(q}8'C - (*( play means?( play `C B'^ (} ead this sentence ;( ue thr}e^( money she owed ary`L'9 "( his means (-9( V'V - -.( s}can mean `3(V( means ``'V $(} ead this sentence >( he corn must beR( t} `V j'F( his means $-:( `B-F t'W(!( means `&(=u}( meansS( plant `W ~'AAYA()} re  back or again '3!6-?:C:v}h)@ `,,3AY@4'K)( he truck is `/-=(loadedE-K-'I( w} DEF!-%( STUV2+-9( RBRBA-E I ': -(@#$%&.( 34566-: 'Q -x}(>%( LMNO6( [\]E( YZM-Q '@ -(,-.$( S4( Iy}JK<-@ 'B -( %( )*+6( S4>-B 'E -( G(( STUV2-z}%:-%E( G!'< -( STUV2-%,( RBRB4-8 < '0 -( -# 0-{}%6'? -%(G! -*(STUV2 2-%?(RBRB '0 -  - %-0( '/ -|}(IJ- %-/( (> -(IJK- &-2( IJK:->  (> -( IJK}}-! '-2( IJ:-> (6 -(DEF- &-6(reloaded(J -(loaded means~}7( loaded `; D(}J((<(2(" means or `7(<(2(@(  }0(    4 @%D:REACT%RETURC6NMIEOOFCCCZIOCZCMZLEZADZBGZLZHDZZETZERLC10@0CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25DISKISCORRETURC6CCQUEUEWORDANSSENTCZIOCZCMZLEZADZTRIEDRIGHTTRIED }RIGHTZETZBGZLZHZERTRC10@@@@@@@@@ @ @ } AV AU ApA @`# 7@@A$BS` }A@@ @2!"#@$@%@&@'@(@)@* } Program: REACT Copyright 1982 - MECC ' #@ '" "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, }10,20,2565500,1970,990d$";%,;,;,;,$60n5A&+0%0-050xJ }D:UN.FNT6-#6-+6-$36-$7 <JAV% BeARAW'AX3AV }Q ressto go on`_Ad&e6-,B7t@&F:Ad,"&, %AF:Ad,"%*+ }&A2AR5(A%D:HELLO.F:Ad,"%6-(Ad&. %Ad&(}$Q ( }}AVA$'0=( LESSON 2: REB(Q( ACTI-U4(( VITY NUMBER RIGHT ---- ------ -----U }( 1 & >$( 2 & >( -- --5#( TOTALS %& } +% 5(  (% A$|5 6-$$6- %'A6%5A7%9 6- %A@% }+AA%9A4%M6-?:C:hhhLV,<,*6-F:%A5,J6-F:A@%,%F:AA%,$M$6-P:',6 }-P:&$,$'fARAW'AX3AVR Pressto continue.`Ad&f6-'.B7 }t@.F:Ad,"&A 'AF:Ad,"%*+&A2AR5(A%D:HELLO '2F:Ad,"%6 }-(Ad&2 A ' (}Ad&$'`( (()( refix A( ctivity oneF( }`(     'W  ($( hen a word is=( shown press theW(  key` his will$'Q( } draw a line under1( a letter`6(Q( raw a line under.'Q/($ all the letters in the prefix`56-? }-%M67,.>:&,Q 8'8-B:,!6-P:H:,$B:,%,*6.7,867<,.7,B'267<,.  -2#B%$ }@:7,,L' "6-P:&B:,',6-V'P 6-9((nderline the prefix?-F(K(P(`'\( } ress the  key`6( ress space barH( if done`VAd&\6-j'4B7t@$6-F:Ad,4 }"&Bt'8 "%*+A)AR,(8%D:HELLOy') "%6-Ad&) B~'E 6-,+" })"@q)"A5,* B:,4-%<6-%E('8+")"$)"A4,*!'6-&/-%8( '3+%* }@3,)")Ad&3 B'9 -"*( hats right~ /(9 Bp'B`'a -$( } o{ try again` *6-F( a( '  Bp'( he answer is }re`'4'( 7:&, '7 -% 6-P:H:,$B:,%,)6.7,767<,.7,'267<,.  -2#B% }$@:7,,(? "6.?('}    (.-P:&B:,',((Ad&.6-(4 }B7t@$6-F:Ad,4"&B`(&"@C6.yes-&((()"@56.no-)(  }2(8 "%*+A)AR,(8%D:HELLO7() "%6-Ad&) B`<(: 6-"+%*@3, })40Ad&: B`F(* 4("( ight~*6-%P(" 0("( orry~Z(% 4yes%( } es{ you can`d(% 4no%( o{ you cannot`n(   %D:HELLO|yrecross, cross again`yrebuild, }build again`yredress, dress again`yredo, do again`yreplay, play back`yreturn, turn back`yreread, } read again`yreplace, place back`yrepay, pay back`yretell, tell again`yrefit, fit again`yrefill }, fill again`yreopen, open again`yrepaint, paint again`zremake, make again`Dzrecross a street|,yesNz }replant a tree|,yesXzrefill a glass|,yesbzrepay your brother|,yeslzretake a picture|,yesvzremake a bed|,yes }zrepaint a house|,yeszreread the book|,yeszreplant a chair|,nozrepaint the wind|,nozreopen a telepho }ne|,nozreplace a dish|,yeszrebuild the sky|,nozreheat a desk|,no%CZIOCZCMZLEZADZTRIEDRIGHTTRIED VCCCCCCCCCC1C2C25DISKIDRAGONANSWERPREFIXSENTENCEWORDLINEQUEUENUMSENCOLCRNMIECHBASC55C6}C10OOFRETURC52SCORCZIOCZCMZLEZADFFSLOZBGZLZHDZRIGHTZLVOZSENTENCBLANKPOZTRIEDZETZER} } }!"#$%&'()*+,-./0}12345 Program: DRAGFIRE Copyright 1982 - MECC ' #@ '"} "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256 5500d3*;%,;,;,;,;,;,;,36.n' #A'"}s4415,85,54286,756,559,60,100,192,64,990,520,1970x3 %&+0#0%+030}@ D:DRAGON.FNT!6-'6-/6-$76-$; @5 D:FFS.BIN$6-BR)( -56-%/ %}6- %%$/$%96-F:%,%F:%,$$F:,%'9%%F:%%,%' %-!6-?:C:}h)@ `,,-@4 B< (}-#$%$-("<67B:,%,. NN. "#$,.012345},.@A CDEF,. RSTUVW,. *+7-./,. :;<=>?,. JKLMNO,. Z[\]^' -&(@7<%,# '  -6 $,A -}%!2A%$12A A2A@6"-M:,  -" @D-%6$2A%$}42A D2A@J -  $$ -$(@ #B%$, -"}-%$ ($ ," -(-("-&$P:',%$P:',"( - $- 6-F:,}K!&-B7t' 6.( !'6-8 )A$.+AU,*+!',86-&' 8 "}%*+A)AR,(8%D:HELLO ) "%6-Ad&) A  q 6-q %+++@e,*+@},,%++@,*+A",,$%+"A&,$%++"AU,)+"@2,,$,$6-%+@:a,&@:A,, 6-%'B:,} !#67B:,%,.>:,(>:,# & B:,  &+46.7:@:7<,,&',1 6 &B7t$X %$  $fARAW}'AX3AVR Pressto continue.`Ad&f6-,B7t@&F:Ad,"&, %}AF:Ad,"%*+&A2AR5(A%D:HELLO.F:Ad,"%6-(Ad&. % (}Ad}&- $ (}(((!( ry again to see!(( the dragon return`   $Q (}}AVA$'0=( DRAGON FIREB(Q( ACTI-P4(( VITY NUMBER RIGHT ---- ------ -----}P( 1    ( ) (()( -- --/( TOTALS  % }/(  ( A$|5 6-$$6- %'A6%5A7%9 6- %A@%+AA%}9A4%M6-?:C:hhhLV,<,*6-F:%A5,J6-F:A@%,%F:AA%,$M$6-P:',6-P:&$,$}'fARAW'AX3AVR Pressto continue.`Ad&f6-'.B7t@.}F:Ad,"&A 'AF:Ad,"%*+&A2AR5(A%D:HELLO '2F:Ad,"%6-(Ad}&2 A 'Ad&$'! -( ragon ire!('3( nce upon a time3( in the land of$'8(} { there lived8( a dragon` he king.'8( ordered the dragon8( away` he dragon8'6( was unhapp}y` e6( wanted to return`='- (}--(elp the dragonB'9( return by getting9( the proble}ms right`j' * -67,.>:&, +D-66-P:H:,$%,'6.7,567<,.7,@67<,.D  +: -}6-%6-@:7,,((}. $4 $: $+"-&P:',$P:',$%"(+5 0-'( o{ it is `+ 5} BP%+B -!(hat is correct`% -6-%6(}< $B $*+6-+"), .!  % $! B0}. -( ǡ.( .( /( / - A /( }&/( 0/( :/( D/ -N/( ǡX/( b/( ٩ l/(} v/ A -/( ǡ/( /( ¡ /( / A} -/( ߡɦ/( / A 2  %D:HELLO|y))he fed dragon,was sad`,,}un,fed,5y,,e will cross,the river`,,re,cross,9y33his story was, told many times`,,re,told,21y--ho will name,}the dragon|,,re,name,10y))he prince will, turn`,,re,turn,21yAAhe princess will, tie the rope to,free herself`,un,ti}e,21y..he was the, happy dragon`,,un,happy,21y))e can tell the,story`,,re,tell,8y++e will call,this story`,,}re,call,9y;;he old woman will, fill the water,glass`,re,fill,21y**he princess was, fair`,,un,fair,21y,,he princ}ess was, happy`,,un,happy,21y44he prince will, name the castle`,,re,name,21yCCer ideas were, like those of,any oth}er princess`,un,like,21z22he prince was, like other men`,,un,like,21%RDLINEQUEUENUMSENCOLCRNMIECHBASC55C6P8>CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25DISKIRETURANSWERRABBITCOLCRNMIECHBASC55C6C10ZLINOOFC52CZIOCZCMZLE}ZADFFSLOZBGZLZHDZZZZETZER } } !"#$%&'( Progr}am: DIS Copyright 1982 - MECC ' #@ '" "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,2565500},990d;,;,n# #A#"s,,85,54286,756,559,60,100,999,192,64,520x1 %&+0!}0)010= D:DIS.FNT6-$6-,6-$46-$8 =5 D:FFS.BIN$6-BR)( -}56-%' 6- %$'$%%F:$%,%$=6-F:%,%F:%,$(%F:%,%'=%%}F:%%,%' %%-!6-?:C:h)@ `,,-@4 B - 3 -}-%",(7, 0 3$- 6-F:,K!&-B7t( 6.( "(6-}8 )A$.+AU,*+!',86-&' 8 "%*+A)AR,(8%D:HELLO ) "%6}-Ad&) A  q 6-q %+++@e,*+@,,%++@,*+A",,$%+"A&,$%++"AU,)+"}@2,,$,$6-%+@:a,&@:A,, 6-%'B:, !#67B:,%,.>:,(>:,# & B:,  &+46}.7:@:7<,,&',1 6 &}B7t$D &B7t$hARAW'AX3AVT ressto continue`b}Ad&h6-,B7t@&F:Ad,"&, %AF:Ad,"%*+&A2AR5(A%D:HEL}LO.F:Ad,"%6-(Ad&. %Ad&(}$|5 6-$$6- %'A6%5A7%}9 6- %A@%+AA%9A4%M6-?:C:hhhLV,<,*6-F:%A5,J6-F:A@%,%F:A}A%,$M$6-P:',6-P:&$,$'W (}&(  prefix is found?( at the beginningR( of a word`}W('J( t almost alwaysF(" changes the meaning of that word`J $'U(} is is a prefix`#(<( is} means not orU( the opposite of`.'9( ( ishonest means4( not honest`9(8'/(  cheater is+(} dishonest`/ B'D (}$( islike is the?( opposite of like`D(L'4( ill dislikes0( eati}ng peas`4 V'Q(} ype the prefix in;( the word disappear`A(G $L(Q(`'/ 0dis%( o{ it is} `/ Bj'( es{ is right`t' ~'" (}#B" $'> -#( he magician made>(} the rabbit appear`' $ 'J -#( he magician madeJ( the rabbit disappear`' #B} $ ' (}'<("( is means not or<( the opposite of`'D(3(#   }    7 D%D:DISACT|y55. ,. ,.,.,. ,. ,.͛yAA. ,. ,. ,. ,. } ,. ,.͛%CC1C2C25DISKIRETURANSWERRABBITCOLCRNMIECHBASC55C6C10ZLINOOFC52CZIOCZCMZLECCCCCCCCCC1C2C25DISKISCORRETURANSWERCORRECTPREFIXWORDQUEUELCOLCRCHBASC6C10OOFC52NUM}WORDCZIOCZCMZLEZADWORTRIEDRIGHTZCOZZZTRIEDRIGHTZETZBGZLZHZERNMIERETHR} } !"}#$%&'()*+,-./012}345 Program: DISACT Copyright 1982 - MECC ' #@ '" "}!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,2565500,1970,990d##;,;,;,;,;,;,n #A"s!!8}5,756,60,100,192,64,520,11x1 %&+0!0)0107D:UN.FNT6-#6-+6-$36-$}7 % B#B%$"" -"( ype the prefix( }-&+B:,%,'(( -( %(($,$ -$( ype the root word60 -(-}'(--0$( 6-%(46-%( AP -( ry gain` > -(  -}2( 8-> $(4AP0 -( o{ it is !-,(`0 = --"(} & ,-3(= A` -( `    $- 6-F:,K!&-B7t( }6.( "(6-8 )A$.+AU,*+!',86-&' 8 "%*+A)A}R,(8%D:HELLO ) "%6-Ad&) A  q 6-q %+++@e,*+@,,%++@,*+A"},,$%+"A&,$%++"AU,)+"@2,,$,$6-%+@:a,&@:A,, 6-%'B:, !#67B:,%,.>:,(}>:,# & B:,  &+46.7:@:7<,,&',1 6 &B7t$hARAW'AX3AVT ressto c}ontinue`bAd&h6-,B7t@&F:Ad,"&, %AF:Ad,"%*+&A2AR5}(A%D:HELLO.F:Ad,"%6-(Ad&. % (}Ad&$R (}AVA$'0}>( LESSON 4: DISC(R( ACTI-P4(( VITY NUMBER RIGHT ---- ------ -----P( 1  }  ( E (+( 2 & E( -- --5#( TOTALS %& +}% 5(  (% A$|5 6-$$6- %'A6%5A7%9 6- %A@%+}AA%9A4%M6-?:C:hhhLV,<,*6-F:%A5,J6-F:A@%,%F:AA%,$M$6-P:',6-P:&}$,$'fARAW'AX3AVR Pressto continue.`Ad&f6-'.B7t@ }.F:Ad,"&A 'AF:Ad,"%*+&A2AR5(A%D:HELLO '2F:Ad,"%6-(A }d&2 A ' (}Ad&$'A - ( refix  %(=( ctivity neA ' - }67<,.>:&, $')-66-P:H:,$%,)6.7<,.'"67<,.7<,67<,." 8' -(}B'6-@ }:7<,, $ $L' 6-6. $V'% 6-6. $ $! $% t'R (}((-( refix  2 }(J( ctivity twoR-~'367,.>:&,  -B:,36-P:H:,$B:,%,'- 6.7,67<,.7,%67<,.)} - '@ -#B%$@:7,,%6-@(} hoose the best'@( meaning`!-%"+-2(6 }:"@6-'"6-F:Ad,""&BP'!"@c)"%!6-%+ ,'# "-( #( '# "-}( #( '8 "%*+A)AR,(8%D:HELLO') "%6-Ad&) BP'##+}%*@3,)"BP'@ -Ad& "@:,8( hats right~@6-%'* @:,*( he answer }is `'   2  %D:HELLO|ydis,agreeydis,mountydis,obeyydis,appearydis,pleasey}dis,placeydis,likeydis,honestydis,approveydis,connectydis,loyalDz66he man was,`,,, } glad, unhappy,Nz??o not ,traffic lights`,,, ignore, observe,Xz55 with,you`,,, believe, } differ,bz99 et us ,the work`,,, stop, go on,lz@@e was to,his school`,,, untrue, fait}hful,vzEEhe magician made,the rabbit,`,, go away, stay,zKKhe class, of, arys idea`,, l}iked, did not accept,z<<he salesperson,was `,,, untrue, nice,zCChy did the cat, the,child}ren|,, enjoy, doubt,z66ogs loud,noise`,,, notice, hate,%EUELCOLCRCHBASC6C10OOFC52NUMX}~ CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25DISKIRETURJNMIECHBASC55C6C10OOFC52CZIOCZCMZLEZADFFSLOZBGZLZHDZ}ETZZERL }} !"#$%&' Program: PRE Copyright 1982 - }MECC ' #@ '" "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,2565500,990d ;,"}n%%54286,756,559,60,100,192,64,520x1 %&+0!0)010A D:PRE.FNT6-$6-},6-$86-BS`< A5 D:FFS.BIN$6-BR)( -56-%7%A$6-% %-$ }7$%%F:A ,=6-F:%,%F:%,$(%F:%,%'=%%F:%%,%' %%-!6-!}?:C:h)@ `,,-@4 BhARAW'AX3AVT ressto c"}ontinue`bAd&h6-,B7t@&F:Ad,"&, %AF:Ad,"%*+&A2AR5#}(A%D:HELLO.F:Ad,"%6-(Ad&. % (}Ad&$|5 6-$$6- %'A6%$}5A7%9 6- %A@%+AA%9A4%M6-?:C:hhhLV,<,*6-F:%A5,J6-F:A%}@%,%F:AA%,$M$6-P:',6-P:&$,$'S("(  prefix is found;( at the beginningN( o&}f a word`S('O( t almost alwaysF(" changes the meaning of that word`J O($''("( is a prefi'}x`'(.'D1(& means to happen some other@( event`D 8'U((  test of a8( lesson is (}a testU( you take youB'7( study the lesson`"(7( am took hisL'!( spelling test`! V)}'L( game drills are,( done1(L( ` before the game`'h( ` during the game8( ` after the*} game=(T( nter {{or bAd&h6-j'4B7t@$6-F:Ad,4"&Bo'-"@c)"%+})"%-6-%+ ,%+ ,t' !-%(>:%',y'8 "%*+A)AR,(8%D:HELLO{') "%,}6-Ad&) B~') 6-)+%*@3,)"B'' "-(ight~' BP'Q (}#(-} o{ pre means4( before`9(Q( game drills'/( are done /( the game`'> (.} ere is oe8( in pregame drills`>'% ---"%(''-F:@,%!'"P:','-/}'Q #B -5(game drills areQ( done a game`'A  ()( means toA(0} happen 'Q( another event`!(&(Q(#      ' %D:PREACT|y1}=>,MN,]^y=>,L<,]^y=>,K;,J:%KIRETURJNMIECHBASC55C6C10OOFC52CZIOCZCMZLEZADFFSLOZBGZLZHDZ-(.CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25DISKIANSWERQUEUEWORDL1L2L3MATCHWORDCOLCRNMIECHBASC55C6C10OOFRETURC!3}52NUMSENSCORCZIOCZCMZLEZADZZZTRIEDRIGHTTRIEDRIGHTZETZBGZLZHZERTRHEADERLWORDLELELNGT!4} !5}@ !6}!"#$%&'()*+,-./!7}0123456789:;< Program: PREACT!8} Copyright 1982 - MECC ' #@ '" "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256 5500d11;%!9},;,;,;$,;,;,;,9,n"s4485,54286,756,559,60,100,192,64,990,520,13,1970x1 !:}%&+0!0)010<D:UN.FNT6-#6-+6-$36-$7 < % B!;}- 6-F:,K!&-B7t( 6.( "(6-8 )A$.+AU!<},*+!',86-&' 8 "%*+A)AR,(8%D:HELLO ) "%6-Ad&) A  q 6-!=}q %+++@e,*+@,,%++@,*+A",,$%+"A&,$%++"AU,)+"@2,,$,$6-%+@:a,&@:!>}A,, 6-%'B:,"B:,% !#67B:,%,.>:,(>:,# & B:,  &+46.7:@:7<,,&',1 6 &B7t$hAR!@}AW'AX3AVT ressto continue`bAd&h6-0B7t@&F:Ad,"&0!A} A &F:Ad,"%*+&%D:HELLO2F:Ad,"%6-(Ad&2 A  (}Ad&!B}$R (}AVA$'0>( LESSON 5: PREC(R( ACTI-U4(( VITY NUMBER RIGHT ---- ---!C}--- -----U( 1 & >$( 2 & >( -- --5#( TOTALS !D} %& +% 5(  (% A$|5 6-$$6- %'A6%5A7%9 6- %!E}A@%+AA%9A4%M6-?:C:hhhLV,<,*6-F:%A5,J6-F:A@%,%F:AA%,$M$!F}6-P:',6-P:&$,$'fARAW'AX3AVR Pressto continue.`Ad&f6!G}-'.B7t@.F:Ad,"&A '&F:Ad,"%*+&%D:HELLO '2F:Ad,"%6-(Ad&!H}2 A ' (}Ad&$'O 6-((((3( refix 8(O( ctivity ne' !I}-67<,.>:&, $'*-B:,!6-P:H:,$B:,%,*6.7,.'$67<,.7,67<,. $ 8'/ -#B!J}%$@:7,,)"/6-B'R(} :( E( K-R(L'& -(!K}- $!(&(V'* 4 ( hats right~* B`'7 "-( he answer is `7 B j'; 6!L}-7<,4pre-( ry again`1 ; BPt'-( se the prefix pre`# - BP~' "6-%'   !M}'Q 6-(((.( refix 3(J( ctivity woQ6.'= -%67<,.>:, *-B:,=!N}6-P:H:,$B:,%,'? 6.7,67<,.7,%67<,.) 467,. ?67,. '9 67,.-68,-! )-96!O}-P:H:,$%,(7 6-8,68,-8,!68,-% --7#B (3-@:78,,," /67$+&,%<,.3 (5 !P}-##B%$@:7,,/"56-(C(} )( /-6(<-C(((6 -(!Q}- #B.-@:7,,2"6 2( $-<(:7<,4pre*7,40( hats right~: B@F(? "!R}#( o{ the answer is5( pre`? B@P(=7<,0pre)( rong prefix`/6-3 = BpZ(7 7,0!S}#( o{ try again`)6-- 7 Bpd(  "6-%n(" -8, " Bpx(6-B:,.67$+&,!T}%<,.>:@:7,,%',2 6 (  %D:HELLO|y??o paint before, means `, ,prepainty77o pa!U}y before, means `, ,prepayy??o judge before, means `, ,prejudgey;;o view befo!V}re, means `, ,previewy;;o cook before, means `, ,precooky;;o test before, mea!W}ns `, ,pretesty;;o heat before, means `, ,preheatyGGo arrange before, means !X} `, ,prearrangey<<efore the game, means `, ,pregameyFFefore being mature,!Y} means `, ,prematurey@@efore being a teen, means `, ,preteeny;;o soak bef!Z}ore, means `, ,presoaky77o set before, means `, ,presetDzIIview,cook,historic,pai![}d,soak,heat,test,teen,game,war,arrange,schoolNz**eachers should, films`,,1,6Xz00lease the, food in the !\}oven`,,8,5bz""inosaurs are,, animals`,1,6lz'' oe the, water bill`,,5,5vz77efore washing{, your dirty,!]} clothes`,1,6z$$lease the, oven`,,8,5z(( ary took a, reading `,,9,6z00` students, pay less at,!^} movies`,1,5z&&hey saw the, show`,,1,6z++heir car was from, days`,,1,6z** will , the mee!_}ting`,,8,5z22hildren under five, are age`,,5,6%1L2L3MATCHWORDCOLCRNMIECHBASC55C6C10OOFRETURC C2 8 CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25DISKIQUEUEBIRDCOLCRNMIECHBASC55C6C10OOFRETURCZIOCZCMZLEZADFFSLOZB%a}GZLZHDZZLZETZZER %b} %c} !"#$%&'( Program: IN %d}Copyright 1982 - MECC ' #@ '" "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256 5500d;,%e};,n"s((85,54286,756,559,60,100,192,64,990x1 %&+0!0)010<%f}D:IN.FNT6-#6-+6-$36-$7 <5 D:FFS.BIN$6-BR)( -56-%1 %$6%g}- %'$1$%%F:$%,=6-F:%,%F:%,$(%F:%,%'=%%F:%%,%' %%s}sB$DOS SYSB;(UN BcRE B'REACT B-DRAGFIRE BDIS B)DISACT BPRE B.2PREACT B`IN B+INACT B/CHIP6502 BFFS BINB LOGO FNTB UN FNTB DRAGON FNTB DIS FNTB PRE FNTB IN FNTB CHIP FNTBLOGO B+1HELLO %-!6-?:C:h)@ `,,-@4 B , - #A%&P:',$(-," %t},՛ ,ٛ !&67&%,. ) -&%(  %-6)   (}%$, %u}6( #A-"!-%((9  (}%$;,,қ 6-"6-F:Ad,""&%v}A#"@c)"%#6-%+ $, "-$( "-$( 8 "%*+A)%w}AR,(8%D:HELLO) "%6-Ad&) A!+%*@3,)"! $$hARA%x}W'AX3AVT ressto continue`bAd&h6-,B7t@&F:Ad,"&, %y}%AF:Ad,"%*+&A2AR5(A%D:HELLO.F:Ad,"%6-(Ad&. % (}%z}Ad&$|5 6-$$6- %'A6%5A7%9 6- %A@%+AA%9A4%%{}M6-?:C:hhhLV,<,*6-F:%A5,J6-F:A@%,%F:AA%,$M$6-P:',6-P:&$,$'S("(%|}  prefix is found;( at the beginningN( of a word`S('O( t almost alwaysF(" changes the meaning %}}of that word`J O($'&( is a prefix`!(&(.';( n means not{2( as in human`6 ;(8'0(%~} ometimes in0( means within{B'#( like doors` #(L'<( ncorrect means2( not correc%}t`7(<(V'( he answer is`'!( correct` !(j'8( nside means3( within the side`8%}(~'(( lease come side`# (('2( n active person-( would2('B( ` run&( %}` rest<( nter  or B $'%("( es% B`'( o'3( { inactive/( means not%} active`3 '$( his bird is free`$ $'9( his bird is3( side a cage`9 $';( me%}ans not1( or within`6(;('B.(#      2 6+BA'AR(%}%D:INACT%CCCCCCCC1C2C25DISKIQUEUEBIRDCOLCRNMIECHBASC55C6C10OOFRETURCZIOCZCMZLEZADFFSLOZB$}CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25DISKISCORRETURC6CCWORDMEANQUEUELCZIOCZCMZLEZADZTRIEDRIGHTTRIEDRI)}GHTZETZBGZLZHZERTR )} )} !"#$%&'()*)}+ Program: INACT Copyright 1982 - MECC ' #@ '" "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,)}8,9,10,20,2565500,1970,990d$";,;,;%,;,$60n5A&+0%0-050xJ)}D:UN.FNT6-#6-+6-$36-$7 <JAV% BeARAW'AX3)}AVQ ressto go on`_Ad&e6-,B7t@&F:Ad,"&, %AF:Ad,"%*)}+&A2AR5(A%D:HELLO.F:Ad,"%6-(Ad&. %Ad&(}$Q ()}}AVA$'0=( LESSON 6: INB(Q( ACTI-U4(( VITY NUMBER RIGHT ---- ------ ----)}-U( 1 & >$( 2 & >( -- --5#( TOTALS %&)} +% 5(  (% A$|5 6-$$6- %'A6%5A7%9 6- %A@)}%+AA%9A4%M6-?:C:hhhLV,<,*6-F:%A5,J6-F:A@%,%F:AA%,$M$6-P:')},6-P:&$,$'fARAW'AX3AVR Pressto continue.`Ad&f6-'.)}B7t@.F:Ad,"&A 'AF:Ad,"%*+&A2AR5(A%D:HELLO '2F:Ad,"%)}6-(Ad&2 A ' (}Ad&$'`( (()( refix A( ctivity one)}F(`(     'W  ($( hen a word is=( shown press theW(  key` his will$'Q()} draw a line under1( a letter`6(Q( raw a line under.'Q/($ all the letters in the prefix`9)}-%G67,.>:&,K Q6-8'7 -% 6-P:H:,$B:,%,)6.7,767<,.7,B'267<,.  -2#B)}%$@:7,,L' "6-P:&B:,',6-V'P 6-9((nderline the prefix?-F(K(P(`'\)}( ress the  key`6( ress space barH( if done`VAd&\6-j'4B7t@$6-F:Ad,)}4"&Bt'<#+")"@q)"A5,* +-%36-%<(~'8+")"$)"A4,*!'6-&/-%8()} '8 "%*+A)AR,(8%D:HELLO') "%6-Ad&) B'9 6-!+%*)}@3,)"/Ad&9 B'9 -"*( hats right~ /(9 B`'BP'a -$()} o{ try again` *6-F( a( '  Bp'( he answer is )}in`'= ( 7, means &--(3-=('   'N( (()( refix .(F()} ctivity twoN-'367,.>:&,  -B:,36-P:H:,$B:,%,'- 6.7,67<,.7,%67<,.) - )}' -#B%$@:7,,(OG(< nter  or  to finish the sentence O- (," -()}  "&6-,6-(4B7t@$6-F:Ad,4"&B`(!"@c)"$!6-%+ ,(# "-)}(#( ((# "-( #( -(8 "%*+A)AR,(8%D:HELLO/() "%)}6-Ad&) B`2() 6-)+%*@3,)"B`<(:Ad&"@:,2( hats right~:6)}-%F(/ @:,/( he answer is 7<,`P(: -(7,B:, %,-&B:,6( : Z(   ()} %D:HELLO|yincapable, not capable`yinformal, not formal`y incomplete, not complete`y##inbounds, with)}in boundaries`yinactive, not active`yinvisible, not visible`yindirect, not direct`y!!infield, within th)}e field`y indefinite, not definite`yincorrect, not correct`yindoors, within doors`yinsecure, not secur)}e`DzNN person who runs,is `,,,  active,  inactive,active,4,4Nz]] cow is ,of flying to,the mo)}on`,,  capable,  incapable,incapable,10,3XzRRlue jeans are,,clothing`,,  formal,  informal,informa)}l,1,4bzVVtars are, during,the day`,,  visible,  invisible,invisible,1,4lzXXhe quickest,route is the,)} route`,,  direct,  indirect,direct,1,5vzVV n the winter we,eat ,the house`,,  outside,  ins)}ide,inside,5,4zXXhe pitcher plays, in,baseball`,,  outfield,  infield,infield,1,4zYYhe best answer )}is,the ,answer`,,  correct,  incorrect,correct,5,4zPPeing ,made him shake`,,,  secure,  )}insecure,insecure,7,3zZZhe teacher was,angry because,the work was,`,  complete,  incompletezincomp)}lete,1,6%CCCCCCCCC1C2C25DISKISCORRETURC6CCWORDMEANQUEUELCZIOCZCMZLEZADZTRIEDRIGHTTRIEDRI(CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25DISKISCORRETURROBOTANSWERPREFIXSENTENCEWORDLINEQUEUENUMSENCOLCRNMIECHB-}ASC55C6C10ZLINOOFC52CZIOCZCMZLEZADFFSLOZBGZLZHDZRIGHTZLZSENTENCBLANKPOZTRIEDZETZERZRIGHZTRIE-} -}-} !"#$%&'()*+,-.-}/01234567 Program: CHIP6502 Copyright 1982 - MECC '-} #@ '" "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,2565500,1970,990d6,;%,;,;,;,-};,;,;%,66.n"s3322,85,54286,756,559,60,100,999,192,64,990,520x3 %&+-}0#0%+030> D:CHIP.FNT6-%6--6-$56-$9 >5 D:FFS.BIN$6--}BR)( -56-%8%F:A, 6-& %.$8$%96-F:%,%F:%,$$F:,%'9%%F-}:%%,%' %-!6-?:C:h)@ `,,-@4 B9 -#A%-#"96-}7B:,%,.  -&(7,  * NO,,,,,,** NO]^_,,,,,,** XY]^_,* LI,,,,,** XYZ[\,* L-}IJM,,,,,,*22* XYZ[\,* HIJK,* > :?,* QRST,* FBCG,* %66&,*22* XYZ[\,* HIJK,* > :?,*'QRST,*@ABCG,* %66&,*44* XYZ[\,*-} HIJK,* > :?,*'QRST+,*@ABCDE,* %66&,*44* XYZ[\,* HIJK,*78 :?,*PQRST+,*@ABCDE,* %66&,*55* XYZ[\,* HIJK,*78 :;<,*PQRSTU-},*@ABCDE,* %66&,*::* XYZ[\,* HIJK,*78 :;<,*PQRSTU,*@ABCDE,* 1234,* !0#$ -6 $% -%( -}#B%$, -"-%$ ($ ," -(-($-&$P:',&%$P:',-}$( - $- 6-F:,K!&-B7t( 6.( "(6-8 )A-}$.+AU,*+!',86-&' 8 "%*+A)AR,(8%D:HELLO ) "%6-Ad&) -}A  q 6-q %+++@e,*+@,,%++@,*+A",,$%+"A&,$%++"AU,)+"@2,,$,$-}6-%+@:a,&@:A,, 6-%'B:, !#67B:,%,.>:,(>:,# & B:,  &+46.7:@:7<,,&',1 6 &B7t$D -}&B7t$X %$  $fARAW'AX3AVR Pressto continu-}e.`Ad&f6-,B7t@&F:Ad,"&, %AF:Ad,"%*+&A2AR5(A%-}D:HELLO.F:Ad,"%6-(Ad&. % (}Ad&$O (}AVA$'0;(-} CHIP 6502@(O( ACTI-P4(( VITY NUMBER RIGHT ---- ------ -----P( 1    -}( ) (()( -- --/( TOTALS  % /(  ( A$|-}5 6-$$6- %'A6%5A7%9 6- %A@%+AA%9A4%M6-?:C:hhh-}LV,<,*6-F:%A5,J6-F:A@%,%F:AA%,$M$6-P:',6-P:&$,$'fARAW'AX-}3AVR Pressto continue.`Ad&f6-'.B7t@.F:Ad,"&A 'AF:Ad-},"%*+&A2AR5(A%D:HELLO '2F:Ad,"%6-(Ad&2 A 'Ad&$'-} -( hip (' ( ong{ long ago in a$'( galaxy far beyond.'( the ilky ay{8'(-} lived a robotB'!( called `! G' (}-L'( uild hip byV'6( by making a word6(-} using the right`'( prefix` *) -67,.>:&, #6-)6-+D-66-P:H:,$%,'6.7,-}567<,.7,@67<,.D  +: -6-%6-@:7,,((}. $4 $: $+$-&P:',$&P:',$%$(-}+5 0-'( o{ it is `+ 5 BP%+B -!(hat is correct`% -6-%6(}< $B $*+6--}+"%), .  % B0.2 --(-.22P:H:,$,%%.& -(0# "2-}& 2  %D:HELLO|y<<he space ship, turned to earth,safely`,re,turned,21y22hip was happy,when he fel-}l`,,un,happy,10y??he rocket ship, appeared out of,sight`,dis,appeared,21y66hip said the trip,might be safe`,,un,-}safe,30y>> t would be wise,to attack the enemy,ship`,un,wise,13y66e will locate,the city on ars`,,re,locate,9-}y;;e will build,hip when he breaks,down`,re,build,9y==hipzs arm was, placed when it,fell off`,re,placed,21y00-}he captain told,the story`,,re,told,13yAAhen worn down{ the,laser must be, charged`,re,charged,41y==pace ships m-}ust,slow down before, entry`,re,entry,41yEEefore entering,school{ robots must,take a test`,pre,test,48y((hat rob-}ot is, kind`,,un,kind,21yIIhe shipzs crew must, fill the fuel,tank after flight`,re,fill,21z77hip led the team in-}, game drills`,,pre,game,21z<<e will continue,all trips to ars`,,dis,continue,9z44hip agreed with,the captai-}n`,,dis,agreed,6&z99he honest,officer robbed the,ship`,dis,honest,50z00hip trusts other,robots`,,dis,trusts,6:z=-}=he planet was, visible during,the day`,in,visible,21Dz::hip was correct,about the flight`,,in,correct,10NzCChip-} will be, pleased if you,get this wrong`,dis,pleased,21%ANSWERPREFIXSENTENCEWORDLINEQUEUENUMSENCOLCRNMIECHB,@H࢔ ԍ ԎЌi3ih@H ԎЌ83h@f MSENCOLCRNMIECHB0jﻻffffp88pf< 8<5}f 8``nf>ff~fff~~f<flxxlf`````~cwkccfv~~nf5}<5} 0`?  0`0`@@``````````0 ``````x`x`~<~~<5}0~0 ~ <>f>``|ff|<```<>ff>>ff>|``|fff8<<``lxlf8<f5}kc|ffffff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~5}8x8ffffp88pf<``nf>ff~fff~~f<flxxlf`````~cwkcc9}fv~~nff>``|ff|<```<>ff>>ff>|``|fff8<<``lxlf8<f9}kc|ffffff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~0f>Offff>|ffff<```<``lxlf>`<|?@@ =} ;{?fkc|f```0?>??? =} #?|``|ff| 8< >0?;=} @@>`<|~00|{|?o|@@|ff|``ff>|``nf>ff~fff~~f<flxxlf`````~cwkcc=}fv~~nff>``|ff|<```<>ff>>ff>|``|fff8<<``lxlf8<f=}kc|ffffff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~0|ffff<```<``lxlf>`<|?@@ <B¡!B¡!A}x r``!!""BB!!A} 0Pc)*s8!!AA@ B DA} rQPP ' ?AADJ9%  @&C` b  A}p``nf>ff~fff~~f<flxxlf`````~cwkccB}fv~~nff>``|ff|<```<>ff>>ff>|``|fff8<<``lxlf8<fB}kc|ffffff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~0``nf>ff~fff~~f<flxxlf`````~cwkccF }fv~~nff>``|ff|<```<>ff>>ff>|``|fff8<<``lxlf8<fF }kc|ffffff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~0UUUUUWOUUU_UUUUUUuJ}I97 =?}_}UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUJ}``nf>ff~fff~~f<flxxlf`````~cwkccJ}fv~~nff>``|ff|<```<>ff>>ff>|``|fff8<<``lxlf8<fJ}kc|ffffff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~08|  0@<dpxp`@P0e PPF.?>8|N}?><@@ ppR%"  @@@@@@@@@ N}C@@@JJ0JLH @@ @@@0  8  ?@@N}dpxpdB @pW$ PP@@@@@@@@F..&J F.?@@ @N}``nf>ff~fff~~f<flxxlf`````~cwkccN}fv~~nff>``|ff|<```<>ff>>ff>|``|fff8<<``lxlf8<fN}kc|ffffff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x08|LRO U CCCCCCCCCCC1ZNLINE1LINE2VOLUMEVERSIONCOPYNUMTEXTYEARZETZIOCZBGZADZLZHZLEZCMZZERTCR }2LINE3LINE4C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLC1DISICR!} R"} !"R#}#$%&'()*+,-./ Program: LOGR$}O Copyright 1982 - MECC ' #@ '" "!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256 5500(;R%}%,;,<AR d33;,;,;,;,;%,;%,;%,;,fLA@Y++AA=R&}AAIARL(n6.Prefixesx 6. 6. 6. 6. 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