NčIR.   S0)ii  Iݩ. `8`S RZ[LTU VKˍ RTUDXY V R V` NOW LOADING: .... scott adamsP?@     Y09  Y0)  D E C$bgdej VL.L0R2: NčIR.   S0)ii  Iݩ. `8`S R{Z[LTU VjL\L\LeLeLeLeLeLeLeL@LyWLCLALsWLkLjLjLjLjLjLjLjLjLjLjLTcLKcLlcLkLkL3cL6cLWcLNcLZcLQcL9cLIn this Adventure there's NO score. Either you make it or ... 'Tell me with what? Example: "WITH FIST"Be sure I'm carrying it!QRecorder goes flying thru the glass landing in the control room.Boy what a MESS! ^Click! Room lights dim and a screen drops from the ceiling. You hear a hidden projector start.1The screen illuminates for awhile, but no movie!?=The projector stops, the screen rises, and the lights return.A movie runs telling about the reactor and its construction interesting highlights: 1) Plastic DEFORMS strangely in radiation 2) Even short exposure to HIGH radiation is LETHAL, so suit up 'The radiation did something to my pail!Holding a Radiation Suit^doesn't provide much protection for me as I fall down retching I hear/FEEL THE BOMB explode! _Welcome to Adventure number 3 by Scott Adams, Dedicated to Maegen Adams. A business suit#I'm WEARING an anti-radiation suit.It won't budge!"Something won't fit thru the door.I turn the knob and pushgently on the doorhard on the doorit opens slightly its closed the water spills on the bomb andBthe control panel which immediately shorts out triggering the bomb;defuses it! FANTASTIC, You completed an IMPOSSIBLE mission!the water soaks into the floorsay again & use a color!UI'm looking into the control room. I notice that the door is blocked by some debris.UIn the distance you hear a dull thud; as if someone fell or dropped something heavy.Something fell to the floor.its unreadableits still connected#Oh Boy...I think I did something...It made an odd sound."TV deactivated" I don't know where to look Tell me how?Try starting it.Maybe I should FRISK him?6Its a seamless box with 1 small hole for the red wire.+TV camera is slow scanning the window area.TV camera is powered down. It seems safe. Shall I sit down?>Only help I can think of is to: "Examine everything closely!" I see nothing special.HUH?WA minute ago someone ran out of this room! By the way I seem to be carrying something! 0Someone came in the room, he saw me and ran out!I see no one here. "Owner of badge is not present!"tHi! Look for Adventure number 4: "VOODOO CASTLE" at your favorite computer store! (Now back to our current program.)Final countdown starts inturns!Some time passes... There is something written thereOW! That HURT! Anyway "ACCEPTED"Torn up map/MAP/%Picture of me stamped -security-/PIC/1Bomb detector flashing yellow (bomb is now armed)Large tape recorder/TAP/$Box with apparatus pointing at chairChair bolted to floor(Row of 4 buttons -red white blue yellow-%Picture of me stamped: -visitor-/PIC/(Picture of me stamped -maintenance-/PIC/>Surgically implanted bomb detector glows green (bomb's -safe-)2Bomb detector glowing red (final countdown active) Blue key/KEY/ Yellow key/KEY/ 0Closed white door with tv camera mounted over it)Plate glass window with embeded red wiresPanel of buttons -white green-Old fashioned yarn mop/MOP/Empty window frameTv camera mounted over windowBroken glass/WIN/Empty movie projector#Movie projector with film cartridgeMovie film cartridge/FIL/Empty plastic pail/PAI/Water filled plastic pail/PAI/Vat of heavy waterWire cutters/CUT/Anti-radiation suit/SUI/Very large time bomb"Red wire going from bomb into wall$Strange lump of glowing plastic/PAI/+Sign "No beverages, Please use Break Room.""Yellow door with tv camera over it>Metal door jammed partially open by remains of a tape recorder Blue door with tv camera over it)Plain metal door with sign -control room-The door is partially openEmpty pill case/CAS/% 6 inch windowEmpty manila envelope/ENV/'Piece of yarn/YAR/(3Picture of saboteur stamped -window maintance-/PIC/)Dead saboteur/SAB/*Loose red wire going into wall(Steps leading down into the reactor core Yellow button Blue buttonKeyholes under buttons#Exposed dials and gauges everywhereA leaflet/LEA/1     mBBBBBC-CVC}CCCD(D9DjDDDDDEE*ENEiEEEEEEEF@FlFFFFG4GJGXGtGGGGGH'H3HJHnH~HHHH     "6+ (%9 (12(9%% %-  -""""""""" - (3$+-%"(((( 4 ++*!"%65 #5556"&-9((((dd ddP(ddddPPPd4* *    '..//  **!* !!00033'54%%;;;MB{">>>wpq<<H #;F5:>>>6uhi:0>0>646FFmG tF::FFF;66FH4<4xi,,HH5FFFhI<FF:5:%6:31%%6'')'F+*55fk:}LY|:/YYyI Y@@$ $F@@FF;ghYZF5:FH@<j@((*)@553J?O<<??6@6@@h5??@666666:<%%5%I5RH/VVVV00C3CDCzYEzzzzh?h)*?K..?zz)*VVD03221FAACfC KTT3*KJXVWC  ))Tzd(zz"P<P  Rj ?(d1, <  (<pHHH(7PPP.)P<@0033\@@,T| MP<((X dddYE@3D?<7 ((4@3A3B3P3k3u333333 44(4B4R4`44444455  '5(5555666*6A6F6M666777708E8b888A9999:r:::;;;B<<<<< ="=5=F=X=c===>">;>>>??'?K?a?s??????)@E@f@@@@AJA]A~AA BB(BIB_BjBkBlBLg\L|WLWLg\XMXtXXXYYXYYYZTZZ[\ \\0\cXXX4X1\TZXXYY-Y]YvYYYYYfXWWP .0H0 $.h0^0 T.[ 6.3/L9. W.o0 .&/ Q. Q. Z.` .u08 hh T.Z 6.L. . E.0^0` .]0 E.0 .`L . T.` .0^00` . E. ]. . E. x.Hh0^00^0` . E.0^0`0`00^0` .0 N.00` .0 H. L0. .00`0000`0 0 . $.` . . . . T.0 .0H0hȱH0h0` . . .0 .00` .80000` T.0 6.` T.0 6. 3.` .0` .0H00h0` .0` T.Y 6.s00^0LY I'm DEAD! .]0 E. ]. . x.H0 .h0^0` T.UZ\0 . $. . 6. W3/\0I\0 .L/Z .L/ZYL-.` This ADVENTURE is over. Hit for Text/Picture mode Hit Y to Replay I'm carrying too much. try: "TAKE INVENTORY" Ho0 . .&/ ]. . .(/ Q. Q. l.* ~0 . . . T.[ 6.H H. T.[ 6. T.[ 6. T.d . . . .y0 !. H. 3.hy0h` T.[ 6.LZ Ԡξ I stored treasures. on a scale of 0-100 thats: áէŠŠԡ ^0H .h [0[0\0 T.[ 6. W $.`LYLY{01|01 .&/0 . $.` .]0 E. ]. . E. `.0 .H0h00^0` W. o.00000.0&.0.0 ].80000800 `.й0000 r. Z.`L]Li_L\0 .&/0`00000 0 a` . `. N. {.m0#0 _ T.y_0 6. T._0 6.` . r. ./ .0 ./ .000ӭ000O0п0000 a0.,L)]0;0}0 T._ 6. . `. H. 0.000 /ȱ ]. . `. . . r. . T. !. ]. u. . `. . . . . .ȱHȱh . r.^ȱ^ .&/ . .H T.0 -00h . .0L)]L^}0 T._ 6. . `. H. 0.g0h0 T./ ]. .ȱ . r. .\g040f0,82 .$/ . .Hȱh B. 0.L]_84 .+.Hȱh . .[_ȱ\_ . .L^0L)]0L@] I must be stupid, but I just don't understand what you mean I can't do that... YET! DID: PSBL: 0 `00 T.ga 6.L&a0 H .u0= T.!` 6.L&a I'm carrying too much! try: "TAKE INVENTORY" \ .1 . .(/Hh Q. c.0L,a/ Q. c.L,a . l.0 i00/и o. ].]0 .&/ . . . `. r.0 \Ls`0 .La0ܩ^0 T.na 6.0`\ T.ta 6. T.a 6. T.a 6.ϭ0 T.a 6.L&a HUH? O.K. I'M NOT CARRYING IT! I DON'T SEE IT HERE! I ALREADY HAVE IT ITS BEYOND MY POWER TO DO THAT. m ԅd8di`\0 .&/0 \ T.b K.08 T.b 6.Lb . . . T./ .ȱ .0 .0)\ T.b 6.Lb T.b 6.0s00^0Lb0^0 T.na 6.` I fell and broke my neck! I'm dead! Its dangerous to move in the dark! I also need a direction. I can't go in that direction. LcLdL#dL dLdL+dL3dLddLdLdLdLdLdLdLdLeLeLYeLHeLmeLeLeLCdL;dLSdLKdL[d W. cȥ Z.`ȱii`hhhHH dH(lhhhhh dH(l dЯ d dП dл dЏ dЫ d d d de(`chchchccHc( W. ]. o. u. . .cclchchc . . x. r. `. Z.cclc(`LdLd8hh(`HHHHHH֥hh(`HHHH Z.8  h8(`h W. cL"e W. cȱL"eHeeh(` W. cȱ Z.` W. cLeLgLfLbiLiLeL1jLfLVgff&f3fAfXflffffeef-f`<|fl0fF68of;p88pf< 80 0 ~~`0 0`7ggo;3s~s3``p?cccccs6<gn||lopp``cccwkc|vvvvw6cc633>006cco><66>333`>?ll 3333c>ccc6<cckwccf<6ccc6 ?f 3~@`0 xx6c6>8pp8?** TTwwT*TUU]x`x`~<~~<0~0 ~ <~~<6vv``|ffff6680>{2rއ<```|f~6<3|fffff~`~ff3c ? s333c66cck3~n۱6f[ۃ><~~<8x8LI}L=}LC}LU}2BpppNpBHA|HH<}>|0Э|1ѩ|)ЭY00i| L}}0}1ԭ|ɠ "}Щ }Щ|#}ѠЙhhl| ||HEO%N ԍЩEO%Nh@<}`<}`/ U}L} T. . T.8 T.` T.0|1| T.|01| "|#| T.|"# T.$}"/`L#~()QRSTU Ԡξ 0}`0~0\0 .} .&/ . . 00ͭ0H}0 $.h0^0 T.~ 6.3/ 9.`L~LL~L0 h~~~~ ~ ~~JJ ~~8頍~~~0 ~ͨ~͗~֭~i~~i~ *~J~͠~~͡~LK~͓~~͔~~~~~~~~~ [~ ~ͨ~͗~ ~~~~LL~~ͻ~ͼ~㭓~˭~ͭ~i~~i~~i~L ~ͨ~8͗~1 L~~Q=~Qˑ˭~Q=~Q͑` ~ɠL~~~i~~i~~~~~~~~~ ~_> * ~ͨ~Le͗~ ~Šͯ~ ~ͨ~L͗~`)~ ~~ ~`~J̅έ~j˅͐FFf(f͐ꎺ~m~˥m~̥m~ͥm~Π`H8~h0JJL)` ~ ~`~~~~~~8~頍~~~ꭩ~i~`ά~δ~~ε~κ~~˥ͥ`~~~~~~`h~~͞~~~͟~ `~͞~d~~͟~)~Ͷ~~~~Lʂ~~~~L‚~8~Ͷ~~~~L~~~~L~8~~͝~)~Ͷ~~~~Lʂ~~~~L‚~8~Ͷ~~~~L~~~~LL҂LL҂L ο ο80N 0' 8κmiLWmi Ƅ춁ж ` 0, 8mmLmm Ƅ춁а ` ο ο80N 0' 8κmiL=mi ӄ췁ж ` 0, 8mmLmm ӄ췁а `~~~~m~~~i~ ` [` ` ` `~i(˥i̥i(ͥi`Ϋ~8(˥̥8(ͥ`H h`LLh4356\ :3˭4̠)?JJJJJ@56`ȱˍ=ȱˍ>@=7>8LjLz: aJ JJ JHh~h~=~>~7~8~\]͔~)^͓~!_~`~ * ~ 5=7>8i˥iL?:=;>?Lj?O\?9 tDϭEЭFͭGέQϭPΥHI\С\9 tP]Q^R_S`\L>XYX.Y Xm>XYiYXm=XYiYX~Y~; aLbM< aNbO9 SL L L L #P~Q~R~S~`VVUUUUT T W V U`LTUVW +RPMTUVW +QS`LTVNUW +PMTVOUW +QNTVLUW +ROTVMUW +S` SNTUVW +ROTUVW +S` RPSQ` S `ˍZ̍[`[̭Z`LOLiL^0 . .PLMN W0a T. . T.0 Q. c.J K  S]0\0 . . T. 6.3/ 9. .` K T. 6. T. 6. . ˉL_WHITE BROWN ORANGE YELLOW BLUE GREEN Adjust TV to match above colors. Use Contrast, Picture, Bright, & Color controls to remove any flickering! Ԡξ HLJMK+MK LJ R S0NNNLMLhMh` Flip this disk over or if 2 disks in your SAGA insert 2nd disk{ȱL)MJJ eN`\0a .0΋^0 .΋΋ P .΋I Lċ T.0 . A . D '. | Ջ . .`^0`[0Ho0 o. `. E.0 ]0 . .h[0`[0\0^0к . .#]0idi& T.0 . A D '. .` T.{' ) ȑiiLS`΋PI T. . T.L T. . T. ]. T. . `.8` . T.OQ Q. ~.`D`ID`D`D`D`D-d`IIȩ`&D`D`.LjL\L\LeLeLeLeLe```LeL@LyWLCLALsWLkLjLjLjLjLjLjLjLjLjLjLTcLKcLlcLkLkL3cL6cLWcLNcLZcLQcL9cLIn this Adventure there's NO score. Either you make it or ... 'Tell me with what? Example: "WITH FIST"Be sure I}'m carrying it!QRecorder goes flying thru the glass landing in the control room.Boy what a MESS! ^Click! Room lights dim and  }a screen drops from the ceiling. You hear a hidden projector start.1The screen illuminates for awhile, but no movie!?=The pro }jector stops, the screen rises, and the lights return.A movie runs telling about the reactor and its construction interestin }g highlights: 1) Plastic DEFORMS strangely in radiation 2) Even short exposure to HIGH radiation is LETHAL, so suit up 'The } radiation did something to my pail!Holding a Radiation Suit^doesn't provide much protection for me as I fall down retching } I hear/FEEL THE BOMB explode! _Welcome to Adventure number 3 "MISSION IMPOSSIBLE" by Scott Adams, Dedicated to Maegen Adams}. A business suit#I'm WEARING an anti-radiation suit.It won't budge!"Something won't fit thru the door.I turn the knob and} pushgently on the doorhard on the doorit opens slightly its closed the water spills on the bomb andBthe control panel whi}ch immediately shorts out triggering the bomb;defuses it! FANTASTIC, You completed an IMPOSSIBLE mission!the water soaks int}o the floorsay again & use a color!UI'm looking into the control room. I notice that the door is blocked by some debris.UIn} the distance you hear a dull thud; as if someone fell or dropped something heavy.Something fell to the floor.its unreadab}leits still connected#Oh Boy...I think I did something...It made an odd sound."TV deactivated" I don't know where to look} Tell me how?Try starting it.Maybe I should FRISK him?6Its a seamless box with 1 small hole for the red wire.+TV camera is }slow scanning the window area.TV camera is powered down. It seems safe. Shall I sit down?>Only help I can think of is to: "}Examine everything closely!" I see nothing special.HUH?WA minute ago someone ran out of this room! By the way I seem to be }carrying something! 0Someone came in the room, he saw me and ran out!I see no one here. "Owner of badge is not present!"tHi!} Look for Adventure number 4: "VOODOO CASTLE" at your favorite computer store! (Now back to our current program.)Final count}down starts inturns!Some time passes... There is something written thereOW! That HURT! Anyway "ACCEPTED"Torn up map/MA}P/%Picture of me stamped -security-/PIC/1Bomb detector flashing yellow (bomb is now armed)Large tape recorder/TAP/$Box wi}th apparatus pointing at chairChair bolted to floor(Row of 4 buttons -red white blue yellow-%Picture of me stamped: -visitor}-/PIC/(Picture of me stamped -maintenance-/PIC/>Surgically implanted bomb detector glows green (bomb's -safe-)2Bomb detecto}r glowing red (final countdown active) Blue key/KEY/ Yellow key/KEY/ 0Closed white door with tv camera mounted over it)Plate} glass window with embeded red wiresPanel of buttons -white green-Old fashioned yarn mop/MOP/Empty window frameTv camera} mounted over windowBroken glass/WIN/Empty movie projector#Movie projector with film cartridgeMovie film cartridge/FIL/ }Empty plastic pail/PAI/Water filled plastic pail/PAI/Vat of heavy waterWire cutters/CUT/Anti-radiation suit/SUI/Very!} large time bomb"Red wire going from bomb into wall$Strange lump of glowing plastic/PAI/+Sign "No beverages, Please use Brea"}k Room.""Yellow door with tv camera over it>Metal door jammed partially open by remains of a tape recorder Blue door with tv #}camera over it)Plain metal door with sign -control room-The door is partially openEmpty pill case/CAS/% 6 inch windowEmpty$} manila envelope/ENV/'Piece of yarn/YAR/(3Picture of saboteur stamped -window maintance-/PIC/)Dead saboteur/SAB/*Loose red%} wire going into wall(Steps leading down into the reactor core Yellow button Blue buttonKeyholes under buttons#Exposed dials&} and gauges everywhereA leaflet/LEA/1     '}mBBBBBC-CVC}CCCD(D9DjDDDDDEE*ENEiEEEEEEEF@FlFFFFG4GJGXGtGGGGGH'H3HJHn(}H~HHHH     )}"6+ (%9 (12(9%% %-  -""""""""" - (3$+-%"(((( 4 ++*!"%6*}5 #5556"&-9((((dd ddP(ddddPPPd4* *    '..//  **+}!* !!00033'54%%;;;MB{">>>wpq<<H #;F5:>>>6uhi:0>0>646FFmG t,}F::FFF;66FH4<4xi,,HH5FFFhI<FF:5:%6:31%%6'')'F+*55.}fk:}LY|:/YYyI Y@@$ $F@@FF;ghYZF5:FH@<j/}@((*)@553J?O<<??6@6@@0} 00 hhVHkhB121}ggVj~~VYwBPBZmoh gD"I"I6>?2}hh,G,..1KbmV|R?3?3}V(4(vNxE1>4dD22ED@jj4}ZG=xThHH4XYYX<Xh,5}(<Hw<d0??6}4P4>$$?=?ml7}/=ExPPt(8}(,.$$T(P9},Y@dh:}Y<HP;},,L<}0|X=}xU>}L333333.4M4[4b4n44444445 5z5555!646^6|6?}     @}  A} 666}7777708=8~88888889%939O9_999999::3:I:]:::B}:;b;r;;; < <4<<=)=8=A=K=^=u===== >>7>L>[>x>>>>>>`<|fl0fF6}8of;p88pf< 80 0 ~~`0 0`7ggo;3s~s3``p?cccccs6<gn||lopp``cccwkc|vvvvw6cc633>006cco><66>333`>?ll }3333c>ccc6<cckwccf<6ccc6 ?f 3~@`0 xx6c6>}8pp8?** TTww}T*TUU]x`x`~<~~<0~0 ~ <~~<6vv``|ffff6680>{2rއ<```|f~6<3|fffff~`~ff3}c ? s333c66cck3~n۱6f[ۃ><~~<8x8LI}L=}LC}LU}2BpppN}pBHA|HH}<}>|0Э|1ѩ|)ЭY00i| L}}0}1ԭ|ɠ "}Щ }Щ|#}ѠЙ}hhl| ||HEO%N ԍЩEO%Nh@<}`<}`/ U}L} T. . T.8 T.` T.}0|1| T.|01| "|#| T.|"# T.$}"/`L#~2 -QRSTUVW" B&5'} Ԡξ 0}`0~0\0 .} .&/ . . 00ͭ0H}0 $.h0^0 T.~ 6. 9.`}L~LL~L0 h~~~~ ~ ~~JJ ~~8頍~~~0 ~ͨ~}͗~֭~i~~i~ *~J~͠~~͡~LK~͓~~͔~~~~~~~~~ [~ ~ͨ~͗~ }~~~~LL~~ͻ~ͼ~㭓~˭~ͭ~i~~i~~i~L ~ͨ~8͗~1 L~}~Q=~Qˑ˭~Q=~Q͑` ~ɠL~~~i~~i~~~~~~~~~ ~_> * ~ͨ~Le͗~ }~Šͯ~ ~ͨ~L͗~`)~ ~~ ~`~J̅έ~j˅͐FFf(f͐ꎺ~m~˥m~̥m~ͥm~}`H8~h0JJL)` ~ ~`~~~~~~8~頍~~~ꭩ~i~`ά~δ~~ε~κ~~˥}ͥ`~~~~~~`h~~͞~~~͟~ `~͞~d~~͟~)}~Ͷ~~~~Lʂ~~~~L‚~8~Ͷ~~~~L~~~~L~8~~͝~)~Ͷ~~~~}Lʂ~~~~L‚~8~Ͷ~~~~L~~~~LL҂LL҂L ο} ο80N 0' 8κmiLWmi Ƅ춁ж ` 0, }8mmLmm Ƅ춁а ` ο ο8}0N 0' 8κmiL=mi ӄ췁ж ` 0, 8}mmLmm ӄ췁а `~~~~m~~~i~ ` [` ` ` `~}i(˥i̥i(ͥi`Ϋ~8(˥̥8(ͥ`H h`LL}h4356\ :3˭4̠)?JJJJJ@56`ȱˍ=ȱˍ>@}=7>8LjLz: aJ JJ JHh~h~=~>~7~8~\]͔~)^͓~!_~`~ * ~} 5=7>8i˥iL?:=;>?Lj?O\?9 tDϭEЭFͭGέQϭPΥHI\С\9 t}P]Q^R_S`\L>XYX.Y Xm>XYiYXm=XYiYX~Y~; aLbM}< aNbO9 SL L L L #P~Q~R~S~`VVUUUUT T W V} U`LTUVW +RPMTUVW +QS`LTVNUW +PMTVOUW +QNTVLUW +R}OTVMUW +S` SNTUVW +ROTUVW +S` RPSQ` S `ˍZ̍[`[̭Z````}}}}}}}}`}}}}}}..L6cLWcLNcLZcLQcL9cLQ  HH)}  hyhyB q L> Lm JJ  Ln*` dB%'}8  H H` 1 { LL   !L     Hh SY?  q  1L}  !? 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F0Ξ05: [ BDEHI} VY8 B V  @  /DE `E:D1:DUP.SYSERROR-SAVING USER MEMORY ON DISKTYPE Y TO }STILL RUN DOS B;DE J V (` 9 V⪍ ઍ  -}LLu DEHILV 9 .l 9 .l  `` s$B VBH}I|DE V BLV nB,DE J V* \*` B V BLVDEHI BLVL}1u H232435; 1 ;  hh@2 e1i1LHҍ 00) 08 109hh@ Ҡ2e}1i1232435ޥ<<8e?}.LjL\L\LeLeLeLeLe```LeL@LyWLCLALsWLkLjLjLjLjLjLjLjLjLjLjLTcLKcLlcLkLkL3cL6cLWcLNcLZcLQcL9cLIn this Adventure there's NO score. Either you make it or ... 'Tell me with what? Example: "WITH FIST"Be sure I }'m carrying it!QRecorder goes flying thru the glass landing in the control room.Boy what a MESS! ^Click! Room lights dim and }a screen drops from the ceiling. You hear a hidden projector start.1The screen illuminates for awhile, but no movie!?=The pro }jector stops, the screen rises, and the lights return.A movie runs telling about the reactor and its construction interestin }g highlights: 1) Plastic DEFORMS strangely in radiation 2) Even short exposure to HIGH radiation is LETHAL, so suit up 'The } radiation did something to my pail!Holding a Radiation Suit^doesn't provide much protection for me as I fall down retching } I hear/FEEL THE BOMB explode! _Welcome to Adventure number 3 "MISSION IMPOSSIBLE" by Scott Adams, Dedicated to Maegen Adams }. A business suit#I'm WEARING an anti-radiation suit.It won't budge!"Something won't fit thru the door.I turn the knob and } pushgently on the doorhard on the doorit opens slightly its closed the water spills on the bomb andBthe control panel whi }ch immediately shorts out triggering the bomb;defuses it! FANTASTIC, You completed an IMPOSSIBLE mission!the water soaks int }o the floorsay again & use a color!UI'm looking into the control room. I notice that the door is blocked by some debris.UIn } the distance you hear a dull thud; as if someone fell or dropped something heavy.Something fell to the floor.its unreadab }leits still connected#Oh Boy...I think I did something...It made an odd sound."TV deactivated" I don't know where to look } Tell me how?Try starting it.Maybe I should FRISK him?6Its a seamless box with 1 small hole for the red wire.+TV camera is }slow scanning the window area.TV camera is powered down. It seems safe. Shall I sit down?>Only help I can think of is to: " }Examine everything closely!" I see nothing special.HUH?WA minute ago someone ran out of this room! By the way I seem to be }carrying something! 0Someone came in the room, he saw me and ran out!I see no one here. "Owner of badge is not present!"tHi! } Look for Adventure number 4: "VOODOO CASTLE" at your favorite computer store! (Now back to our current program.)Final count }down starts inturns!Some time passes... There is something written thereOW! That HURT! Anyway "ACCEPTED"Torn up map/MA }P/%Picture of me stamped -security-/PIC/1Bomb detector flashing yellow (bomb is now armed)Large tape recorder/TAP/$Box wi }th apparatus pointing at chairChair bolted to floor(Row of 4 buttons -red white blue yellow-%Picture of me stamped: -visitor }-/PIC/(Picture of me stamped -maintenance-/PIC/>Surgically implanted bomb detector glows green (bomb's -safe-)2Bomb detecto }r glowing red (final countdown active) Blue key/KEY/ Yellow key/KEY/ 0Closed white door with tv camera mounted over it)Plate } glass window with embeded red wiresPanel of buttons -white green-Old fashioned yarn mop/MOP/Empty window frameTv camera } mounted over windowBroken glass/WIN/Empty movie projector#Movie projector with film cartridgeMovie film cartridge/FIL/ }Empty plastic pail/PAI/Water filled plastic pail/PAI/Vat of heavy waterWire cutters/CUT/Anti-radiation suit/SUI/Very } large time bomb"Red wire going from bomb into wall$Strange lump of glowing plastic/PAI/+Sign "No beverages, Please use Brea }k Room.""Yellow door with tv camera over it>Metal door jammed partially open by remains of a tape recorder Blue door with tv }camera over it)Plain metal door with sign -control room-The door is partially openEmpty pill case/CAS/% 6 inch windowEmpty } manila envelope/ENV/'Piece of yarn/YAR/(3Picture of saboteur stamped -window maintance-/PIC/)Dead saboteur/SAB/*Loose red } wire going into wall(Steps leading down into the reactor core Yellow button Blue buttonKeyholes under buttons#Exposed dials } and gauges everywhereA leaflet/LEA/1      }mBBBBBC-CVC}CCCD(D9DjDDDDDEE*ENEiEEEEEEEF@FlFFFFG4GJGXGtGGGGGH'H3HJHn !}H~HHHH      "}"6+ (%9 (12(9%% %-  -""""""""" - (3$+-%"(((( 4 ++*!"%6 #}5 #5556"&-9((((dd ddP(ddddPPPd4* *    '..//  ** $}!* !!00033'54%%;;;MB{">>>wpq<<H #;F5:>>>6uhi:0>0>646FFmG t %}F::FFF;66FH4<4xi,,HH5FFFhI<FF:5:%6:31%%6'')'F+*55 '}fk:}LY|:/YYyI Y@@$ $F@@FF;ghYZF5:FH@<j (}@((*)@553J?O<<??6@6@@ )}h5??@666666:<%%5%I5RH/VVVV0 *}0C3CDCzYEzzzzh?h)*?K..?zz)*VVD03221 +}FAACfC KTT3*KJ ,}XVWC  ))Tzd(zz -}"P<P  Rj ?(d .}1, <  (<p /}HHH(7PPP.)P<@ 0}0033\@@,T| 1} MP<((X  2}dddYE@3D 3}?<7  4}( 5}( 6}4@3A3B3P3k3u333333 44(4B4R4`4444 7}4455  8}  9}'5(5555666*6A6F6M666777708E8b888A9999:r:::;;;B<<<<< = :}"=5=F=X=c===>">;>>>??'?K?a?s??????)@E@f@@@@AJA]A~AA BB(BIB_BjBkBlB ;} <} =}Ld\L|WLWLd >}\XIXqXXXYYXYYYZRZZ[\\ \-\_XXX0X.\RZXXX Y+Y[YtYYYYYcXWWP .0H0 $.h0^0 T.[ 6. 9.` W.o0 ?} .&/ Q. Q. Z.` .u08 hh T.Z 6.L. . E.0^0` .]0 E.0 .` .` T.` . @}0^00` . E. ]. . E. x.Hh0^00^0` . E.0^0`0`00^0` .0 N.00` A}.0 H. 0.` .00`0000`0 0 . $.` . . . . T.0 .0H0hȱH0h0` . . .0 .0 B}0` .80000` T.0 6.` T.0 6. 3.` .0` .0H00h0` .0` T.Y 6.s00^0LY I'm DEAD! . C}]0 E. ]. . x.H0 .h0^0` T.SZ\0 . $. . 6. 9.3/\0I\0 .L-Z .L-ZYL-.` This ADVENTURE is ov D}er. Hit for Text/Picture mode Hit Y to Replay I'm carrying yoo much. try: "TAKE INVENTORY" Ho0 . .&/ ]. E} . .(/ Q. Q. l.* ~0 . . . T.[ 6.H H. T.[ 6. T.[ 6. T.d . . . .y0 F} !. H. 3.hy0h` T.[ 6.LZ Ԡξ I stored treasures. on a scale of 0-100 thats: áէŠŠԡ G}^0H .h [0[0\0 T.[ 6. 9. $.`LYLY{01|01 .&/0 . $.` .]0 E. ]. . E. `.0 .H0h0 H}0^0` W. o.00000.0&.0.0 ].80000800 `.й0000 r. Z I}.`L]Li_L\0 .&/0`00000 0 a` . `. N. {.m0#0 _ T.y_0 6. T J}._0 6.` . r. ./ .0 ./ .000ӭ000O0п0000 a0.,L)]0;0}0 K} T._ 6. . `. H. 0.000 /ȱ ]. . `. . . r. . T. !. ]. u. . `. . . . . .ȱ L}Hȱh . r.^ȱ^ .&/ . .H T.0 f-00h . .0L)]L^}0 T._ 6. . `. H. 0.g0h0 T M}./ ]. .ȱ . r. .\g040f0,82 .$/ . .Hȱh B. 0.L]_84 .+.Hȱh . N}.[_ȱ\_ Y . .L^0L)]0L@] I must be stupid, but I just don't understand what you mean I can't do tha O}t... YET! DID: PSBL: 0 `00 T.ga 6.L&a0 H .u0= T.!` 6.L&a I'm carrying too much! try: "TAKE P} INVENTORY" \ .1 . .(/Hh Q. c.0L,a/ Q. c.L,a . l.0 i00/и o. ]. Q}]0 .&/ . . . `. r.0 \Ls`0 .La0ܩ^0 T.na 6.0`\ T.ra 6. R} T.a 6. T.a 6.ϭ0 T.a 6.L&a HUH? OK I'M NOT CARRYING IT! I DON'T SEE IT HERE! I ALREADY HAVE IT ITS S} BEYOND MY POWER TO DO THAT. m ԅd8di`\0 .&/0 \ T.b K.08 T.b 6.Lb . . . T}T./ .ȱ .0 .0)\ T.b 6.Lb T.b 6.0s00^0Lb0^0 T.na 6.` I FELL & BROKE MY NECK! I'M DEAD! U} ITS DANGEROUS TO MOVE IN THE DARK! I also need a direction. I can't go in that direction. Lc V}LdL#dL dLdL+dL3dLddLdLdLdLdLdLdLdLeLeLYeLHeLmeLeLeLCdL;dLSdLKdL[dhg W. cȥ Z.`ȱ W}ii`hhhHH dH(lhhhhh dH(l dЯ d dП dл X} dЏ dЫ d d d de(`chchchccHc( W. ]. o. u. . .cclchchc . . x. Y} r. `. Z.cclc(`LdLd8hh(`HHHHHH֥hh(`HHHH Z. Z}8  h8(`h W. cL"e W. cȱL"eHeeh(` W. cȱ Z.` W. cL [}eLgLfLbiLiLeLLjLfLVgff&f3fAfXflffffeef-f`<|fl0fF6 }8of;p88pf< 80 0 ~~`0 0`7ggo;3s~s3``p?cccccs6<gn||lopp``cccwkc|vvvvw6cc633>006cco><66>333`>?ll  }3333c>ccc6<cckwccf<6ccc6 ?f 3~@`0 xx6c6> }8pp8?** TTww }T*TUU]x`x`~<~~<0~0 ~ <~~<6vv``|ffff6680>{2rއ<```|f~6<3|fffff~`~ff3 }c ? s333c66cck3~n۱6f[ۃ><~~<8x8LI}L=}LC}LU}2BpppN }pBHA|HH }<}>|0Э|1ѩ|)ЭY00i| L}}0}1ԭ|ɠ "}Щ }Щ|#}ѠЙ }hhl| ||HEO%N ԍЩEO%Nh@<}`<}`/ U}L} T. . 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