NčIR.   S0)ii  Iݩ. `8`S RZ[LTU VKˍ RTUDXY V R V` NOW LOADING: .... scott adamsP?@     Y09  Y0)  D E C$bgdej VL.L0R2: NčIR.   S0)ii  Iݩ. `8`S R{Z[LTU V kL\L\LeLeLeLeLeLeLeLLyWLLLsWLGkL#kL&kL/kL5kL8kL,kL)kL>kL;kL2kLTcLKcLlcLAkLDkL3cL6cLWcLNcLZcLQcL9cL 38 33"This grAve reserved for you!There's a CLAP OF THUNDER!RJu-Ju man says:"My bag is now yours! Its magic will help you -CRACK- the curse!". HURRAH! Look who is in the room!I'm now 4 feet tall!It's much to heavy to LIFT! I'm too big"You startled medium & she vanishedOn what?XMaid chased me with broom for tracking soot through the Ball- room. I wonder where I am?CSweep pops out, thanks me, hands me a piece of paper then vanishes!(As I dust of the Idol it begins to glow!He's wearing a rabbit's foot.HELP ME, I'm stuck!Luck wasn't with me!2Doll looks like Count Cristo. There're pins in it!.pBird says: "ask for ADVENTURE 5, -THE COUNT- at your favorite computer dealer. It will be LOVE AT FIRST BYTE!" There's some soup here.I see a hole under it!%Nails were rusted but I got them out..It's hArd work but it seems to be coming loose2I hear strange sounds, as if someone were moaning. I've got it!.Heavy duty exhaust fan comes on & sucks me up!.6says: "SAY ZAP to restore someone changed to stone!"Statue is made of stoneI hear nothing. won't budge!+I'll need something to pry it off the wall!It's a book on removing curses. Says: "With knife in hand you take a stand. Circle coffin and..." The rest of the page is missing!!!/Its very dark, the only light is from the idol.That's illegal!@Double bubble toil & trouble the encAntAtions Are About to peAk!There's an antique hammer hereThere's a Clap of Thunder & then suddenly the stone statue begins to crack. I may be in trouble now, there's someone in the room with me!"Looks almost like lemonade. Yummy!@You've been turned into a broomstick & a witch rides off on you!There's witch's brew thereCell door slams shutYou've been sprungw...wave the stick and hold the lamp and don't forget to yell "CHANT"! Oh yes, to help it succeed, a doll you'll need...OWelcome to ADVENTURE:4, "VOODOO CASTLE" by Alexis ADAMS. Dedicated to all MOMS!how?It appears stuck to the floor! There's no room in there for me!My idol acted strangeI've no container.,Some dust fell off it and it glowed briefly.Its very faint.Its much louder up here.There's a book there.There's a stick there.Boy it looks dusty. Its glowing.Strange hobby you haveCheck out the fireplace. Its empty.I hear someone mumbling.. Saw grating!I haven't got a knife!$Inscription on ring says: "WAVE ME!"Medium appears, says: "Keep a good luck charm on you & your friend. I also see a -moving- bag helping you through a tight squeeze!"6It will take some strong magic to get me through that! Use a number!Knife made no impression on it!Bloody Knife/KNI/Ledge Plaque/WRI/Animal heads/HEA/Broken glass/GLA/ Big kettle Dark hole Shield/SHI/StairsBrightly glowing idol/IDO/ Open Window Dark Chimney Closed Flue Open FlueFour leaf clover/CLO/GrAvesCast iron pot/POT/ Closed Coffin Crystal Ball Closed WindowLarge fireplace Soot/SOO/Tiny open door Spirit Medium.Massive stone door with a SAPPHIRE set into itSapphire ring/RIN/Ju-Ju bag/BAG/ Open CoffinSlick chute leading downward Ju-Ju manSlippery chute leading upWide crack in the wallRabbit's foot/FOO/ Dull & broken sword/SWO/! Open SAfeStuck Chimney SweepChem tubes/TUB/$ Closed SAfeLabeled chemicals/CHE/&Pocket Shovel/SHO/'Mixed Chemicals/CHE/(Wide open door Nails/NAI/*Dusty Idol/IDO/+ Doll/DOL/,Wooden boards/BOA/-"Wood boards nailed to chimney wallAntique hammer/HAM//GrAtingRusting SAW/SAW/1Button in the wall Paper/PAP/3Voodoo book/BOO/4Ju-Ju man statue/STA/5 Stick/STI/6 Open wallOpen jail cellKnight's Suit of ArmorClosed cell doorBroken grating/GRA/;Advertising leaflet/LEA/<Crack in the wallHole in the wallPieces of rock/ROC/?Page torn from a book/PAG/@Smiling Count Cristo       CC C-C@CSC^ChCuC|CCCCCCCCCDD"D2D=DLDZDDDDDDDDE%E?EIE]EnEzEEEEEEEEF*F?FGFYFlFxFFFFFFFFGG/G@GUGqG        &*  * ***&'**& 0&' & #*-* &* ((*#@#0@" ,  #**@ ** *'02/*8 #6#&* #88 *EE* <**28&>8?@  3H*E8 I 2#& ((((#&HH(((Kdd-d2dd##dd#4,CC  +## #W"  ,,*((%',?*A1 (/5-437@KB*B// =;M+99Y,C,F ,??== QKJ88*4 B!WM+STUV  E'%7 H69(9hhh.}o FB54 4F5HH68 6H4 HH=46I:w44:Hq6 ;;vGBo')l/+I5y446*;oIXg5j?m!44|~ 1hh644446{16-f544H~Ln4s6<<<sH4 44(4;4B4U4v444444444455-575>5H5X5k5~5     5556'6M6]6n6{6666 7J7g77777777.8Q8V8h8{88888891999999::g:::::;;O;Q;;;;>U>t>>!?b?}???@m@r@@@@@AA1AGA^ArAAAAAAAAABBBBLh\L|WLWLh\XMXwXXXYYXYYYZYZZ[\ \\1\cXXX4X2\YZXXYY/Y_YxYYYYYfXWWP .0H0 $.h0^0 T.[ 6.3/L9. 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